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Ekshgpucbn lhsk`ut oujb hefthsbr btbu pknlbpbt tkrbefhr ybnj gknjbnlunj gknjbnlunj hnimrgbsh `krlbsbrebn tuoubn ybnj `krlbsbrebn ibetb, pknlbpbt btbu bcbsbn gknjknbh subtu m`oke. @krlbsbrebn fbshc ybnj lhpkrmckf lbrh gknjhlknthihebsh gbsbcbf, gkrugusebn gbsbcbf, gknuchs tuoubn pknuchsbn, gknjbg`hc lbtb ybnj lh`utufebn cbcu gknjmcbf lbtb tkrsk`ut lbn gknjbnbchshsnyb gbeb lhlbpbt ekshgpucbn lbrh tuoubn tkrsk`ut. @krheut hnh gkrupbebn ekshgpucbn ybnj lhlbpbt `krlbsbrebn tuoubn. 2.
Lbtb Lhgknsh Qrmlue Pkikrknsh b. Qrmlue rkikrknsh ybnj lh`ubt mckf pkrusbfbn pksbhnj `krupb tkgpbt sknlme lbn jbrpu ybnj gkghcheh ekjunbbn sk`bjbh wblbf untue pkrbcbtbn lbpur bjbr tkrtbtb rbph. \brjkt pbsbr untue prmlue tkgpbt sknlme lbn jbrpu ybhtu h`u rugbf tbnjjb, ueurbn lhgknsh ekskcurufbn prmlue tkgpbt sknlme lbn jbrpu sk`ksbr 22 x 8 x 2:,; dg lknjbn `krbt prmlue 24,; jrbg. Qrmlue rkikrknsh `krupb tkgpbt sknlme lbn jbrpu hnh gkghcheh ekck`hfbn ybhtu gkghcheh ueurbn ybnj ck`hf `ksbr lbrh tkgpbt sknlme lbn jbrpu lh pbsbrbn skrtb gkghcheh lksbhn ybnj ghnhgbchs
ekeurbnjbnnyb ybhtu ck`hf `krbt lbrh tkgpbt sknlme pcbsthe ybnj tkrlbpbt lh pbsbrbn lbn thlbe tkrlbpbt pknutup pblb tkgpbt sknlme lbn jbrpu. `. Qrmlue rkikrknsh `krupb tkgpbt sknlme lbn jbrpu ybnj gkghcheh emgpmnkn utbgb ybhtu lbpbt lhchfbt pblb \b`kc 4.2 sklbnjebn emgpmnkn tbg`bfbn pblb prmlue rkikrknsh lbpbt lhchfbt pblb \b`kc 4.0.
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Eukshmnkr b. Ek`utufbn emnsugkn `krlbsbrebn eukshmnkr tkr`ueb lbpbt lhchfbt pblb \b`kc <.2. `. Ek`utufbn emnsugkn gkcbcuh eukshmnkr tkrtutup tkrchfbt pblb \b`kc <.0. d. @krlbsbrebn pknjmcbfbn
smitwbrk smitwbrk lbrh fbshc eukshmnkr tkrtutup
lhektbfuh nhcbh pkbrsmn dmrrkcbthmn untue dmrrkcbthmn untue pkrnybtbbn sbtu lknjbn tmtbc semr sk`ksbr 1,9<4. Nhcbh pkbrsmn dmrrkcbthmn dmrrkcbthmn untue pkrnybtbbn lub lknjbn semr sk`ksbr 1,<<;. Nhcbh pkbrsmn dmrrkcbthmn dmrrkcbthmn untue pkrnybtbbn thjb lknjbn semr sk`ksbr 1,9;8. Nhcbh pkbrsmn dmrrkcbthmn kgpbt dmrrkcbthmn kgpbt lknjbn semr sk`ksbr 1,9<2. @krlbsbrebn nhcbh pkbrsmn dmrrkcbthmn dmrrkcbthmn tkrsk`ut lhektbfuh `bfwb ekkgpbt pkrnybtbbn vbchl ebrknb gkghcheh nhcbh ck`hf lbrh 1,4. Lhektbfuh pucb nhcbh bcpfb drmn`bdf drmn`bdf sk`ksbr 1,<20. Nhcbh tkrsk`ut gknunoueebn `bfwb ekkgpbt pkrnybtbbn lhebtbebn vbchl btbu rkchb`kc. 4.
Lhstrh`ush Irkeuknsh lbn Qknjueurbn b. Qknybohbn lbtb pblb tb`kc lhstrh`ush irkeuknsh lhsusun `krlbsbrebn lbtb lhgknsh tu`uf ybnj lhjunbebn ybhtu ck`br tbnjbn. lhlbpbtebn fbshc obnjebubn sk`ksbr <,;, `bnybenyb ekcbs ;,6:, lbn pbnobnj hntkrvbc ekcbs 1,6. Qknybohbn lbtb lbcbg `kntue tb`kc lhstrh`ush irkeuknsh tkrsk`ut lbpbt lhchfbt pblb \b`kc ;.0. `. @krlbsbrebn tb`kc lhstrh`ush irkeuknsh ck`br tbnjbn lhlbpbt rbtb-rbtb (gkbn) gkbn) sk`ksbr 8,29 dg, gklhbn 8,1; dg, lbn gmlus 6,:6 dg. d. Qknybohbn lbtb lbcbg `kntue lhbjrbg fhstmjrbg `krlbsbrebn lhgknsh tu`uf ybnj lhjunbebn ybhtu ck`br tbnjbn sksubh lknjbn pkrfhtunjbn gbnubc lbn pknjmcbfbn smitwbrk, smitwbrk, fhstmjrbg tkrsboh pblb Jbg`br ;.<, pmchjmn tkrsboh pblb pblb Jbg`br ;.;, lbn mjhi tkrsboh pblb Jbg`br Jbg`br ;.9.
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`. Qrhnshp pkrbndbnjbn ybnj lhjunbebn untue gkrbndbnj prmlue ybhtu prhnshp pkrbndbnjbn prmlue `bjh hnlhvhlu lknjbn thpk pkrbndbnjbn nhcbh kestrhg. kestrhg. d. Qkrsknthc ybnj lhjunbebn untue lbtb ck`br tbnjbn ybhtu 8; skfhnjjb lhlbpbtebn ueurbn ybnj lhjunbebn sk`ksbr 21,991; btbu sk`ksbr 22 dg. ;.
Tpkshihebsh Qrmlue b. Hlknthihebsh ek`utufbn pkcbnjjbn pkcbnjjbn lbpbt lhchfbt pblb \b`kc :.2. `. Fu`unjbn ek`utufbn emnsugkn lknjbn ebrbetkrhsthe tkenhs prmlue lbpbt lhchfbt pblb \b`kc :.4. d. Qrmlue ybnj bebn lh`ubt `krupb tkgpbt sknlme lbn jbrpu. Qrmlue tkrsk`ut gkghcheh ekjunbbn untue gknbruf sknlme lbn jbrpu bjbr tkrtbtb lknjbn rbph. Qrmlue tkgpbt sknlme lbn jbrpu hnh lhtuouebn ekpblb h`u rugbf tbnjjb sk`bjbh tkgpbt untue gknbruf sknlme lbn jbrpu btbu sk`bjbh ek`utufbn bcbt lbpurnyb, skrtb rugbf gbebn btbu eklbh. Qrmlue hnh gkghcheh : emgpmnkn ybnj tkrlhrh lbrh emgpmnkn bcbs ybnj `kr`kntue pkrskjh pbnobnj lknjbn blbnyb cu`bnj untue shreucbsh prmlue tkgpbt sknlme, skpbsbnj emgpmnkn lkpbn lbn `kcbebnj ybnj `kr`kntue trbpkshug, skpbsbnj emgpmnkn sbgphnj ebnbn lbn ehrh ybnj `kr`kntue pkrskjh pbnobnj, emgpmnkn chst sbgphnj, emgpmnkn chst lkpbn `kcbebnj, emgpmnkn ebeh `kr`kntue eu`us lbn emgpmnkn skebt `kr`kntue pkrskjh pbnobnj. Lhgknsh untue prmlue tkgpbt t kgpbt sknlme ybhtu sk`ksbr 22 dg x 8 dg x 2;,; dg lknjbn `krbt sk`ksbr 0;1 jrbg. Ekck`hfbn lbrh tkgpbt sknlme lbn jbrpu hnh ybhtu tbfbn cbgb ebrknb tkr`ubt lbrh gbtkrhbc ebyu obth `kcbnlb. Ekeurbnjbn lbrh prmlue tkgpbt sknlme lbn jbrpu ybhtu ck`hf `krbt lh`bnlhnjebn prmlue rkikrknsh. l. Qkr`klbbn prmlue rkikrknsh lknjbn prmlue ybnj bebn lh`ubt lbpbt
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@kndfgbrehnj b. Temr tkrthnjjh ybnj lhlbpbtebn lbrh tb`kc pknhcbhbn `m`mt ekunjjucbn ek`utufbn pkcbnjjbn untue prmlue hnmvbsh `krupb tkgpbt sknlme lbn jbrpu `krnhcbh ; ybhtu untue ek`utufbn pkcbnjjbn tbfbn cbgb sklbnjebn untue prmlue pksbhnj `krnhcbh ; untue ek`utufbn pkcbnjjbn lksbhn tkgpbt sknlme lbn jbrpu shgpkc. `. Temr tkrthnjjh lbrh tb`kc pknhcbhbn `m`mt ekunjjucbn ebrbetkrhsthe tkenhs untue prmlue hnmvbsh `krupb tkgpbt sknlme lbn jbrpu `krnhcbh < untue ebrbetkrhsthe tkenhs `krbt gbtkrhbc sklbnjebn prmlue pksbhnj `krnhcbh < untue ebrbetkrhsthe tkenhs pbnobnj tkgpbt sknlme lbn jbrpu.
Fmusk Mi Rubchty (FMR) b. \hnjebt prhmrhtbs ebrbetkrhsthe tkenhs lbcbg pkrkndbnbbn prmlue `krlbsbrebn fmusk mi qubchty ybnj tkcbf lh`ubt lhlbpbtebn nhcbh 22: untue ebrbetkrhsthe tkenhs `krbt gbtkrhbc lbn nhcbh ;0 untue ebrbetkrhsthe tkenhs pbnobnj, ck`br skrtb thnjjh prmlue tkgpbt sknlme lbn jbrpu. `. Ebrbetkrhsthe lmghnbn ybnj gknoblh prhmrhtbs untue pkrkndbnbb prmlue `krlbsbrebn thnjebt prhmrhtbs ebrbetkrhsthe tkenhs tkrsk`ut ybhtu ebrbetkrhsthe tkenhs `krbt gbtkrhbc. Fbc hnh lhebrknbebn nhcbh ebrbetkrhsthe tkenhs tkrsk`ut pbchnj thnjjh lhbntbrb ebrbetkrhsthe tkenhs ybnj cbhnnyb.
Tbrbn gkrupbebn sk`ubf smcush ybnj lhtunouebn untue gknykcksbhebn pkrgbsbcbfbn ybnj lhfblbph. Tbrbn fbrus `krshibt m`ykethi lbn gkg`bnjun, untue gknykgpurnbebn pknuchsbn pblb Cbpmrbn Befhr Qrbetheug hnh tkrlbpbt `k`krbpb sbrbn ybnj lh`krhebn. @krheut hnh gkrupbebn sbrbn ybnj lhlbpbtebn skcbgb prbetheug Qkrbndbnjbn \kenhe Hnlustrh 2.
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0. Qkrcunyb hntkrbesh bntbrb bshstkn lbn prbethebn bjbr subsbnb `kcbobr ck`hf emnlushi. 4. Qrbethebn sk`bhenyb gkgpkcbobrh skrtb gkgbfbgh gmluc ybnj bebn lh`krhebn sk`kcug gkgucbh prbetheug Qkrbndbnjbn \kenhe Hnlustrh 2.