5S / Visual Workplace Handbook Building the foundation for continuous improvement
5S WORKPLACE ORGANIZATION 5S is one o the most widely adopted techniques rom the lean manuacturing toolbox. Along with Standard Work and Total Productive Maintenance, 5S is considered a “oundational” lean concept, as it establishes the operational stability required or making and sustaining continuous improvements. The primary objective o 5S is to create a clean, orderly environment- an environment where there is a place or everything and everything is in its place. Beyond this, many companies begin their lean transormation transormation with 5S because it exposes some o the most visible examples o waste it also helps establish the ramework and discipline required to successully pursue other continuous improvement initiatives.
Target Outcomes and Benets • • • • • • • • • •
Reduce Reducenon non-va -value luead adding dingac activ tivity ity Reduce Reducemis mistak takes esfro frome memplo mployee yeesan sandsu dsuppli ppliers ers Reducetimef Reducetimeforem oremployee ployeeorien orientation tationandtr andtraining aining Reducesearc Reducesearchtime htimeinnav innavigating igatingthefa thefacility cilityandloc andlocatingt atingtools, ools,parts partsandsup andsupplies plies Reduceparts Reducepartsstored storedininv ininventory entory,and ,andassocia associatedinv tedinventory entorycarry carryingcos ingcosts ts Reduceunnece Reduceunnecessary ssaryhuman humanmotion motionandtr andtranspor ansportation tationofgoo ofgoods ds Improve Improveo oor orspac spaceu eutili tilizat zation ion Improve Improvee emplo mployee yeesaf safety etyan andm dmora orale le Impr Improv ove epr prod oduct uctq qua ualit lityy Extendequipme Extendequipmentlife ntlifethroug throughmore hmorefreque frequentclea ntcleaninga ningandinspe ndinspection ction
5S produces measurable benefts. One o the surest ways to identiy these benefts is to establish and track specifc metrics. For example, measure the time required t o locate items in the workplace beore 5S and then measure the time required ater the workspace has been improved. Longer term benefts can also be measured by monitoring the amount o workplace injuries reported ater 5S has been implemented. Not only may workplace injuries decrease, but trainingcostsmay,too.Itiseasierandfastertotrainemployeesinaworkareathatisorderlyandwellmarked. Another way to measure 5S benefts in the workplace is to take pictures. Pictures are very eective at visually highlighting the improved appearance and order in the workplace. Concrete measurements are a complement to the pictures, ueling the momentum needed to sustain 5S.
WHAT IS VISUAL WORKPLACE? Visual Workplace-alsoknownasVisualFactoryorVisualManagement–isaleanconceptthatemphasizesputting critical inormation at the point o use. Visual systems and devices play a critical role in many o the most popular lean tools, including 5S, Standard Work, Total Productive Maintenance, Quick Changeover, and Kanban (Pull Production). Infact,VisualWorkplaceservesasthekeysustainingforcefortheseinitiatives,becauseitensuresthatleanandsix sigmaimprovementsremainclearlyvisible,readilyunderstood,andconsistentlyadheredtolongaftertheKaizenor rapid improvement event is over.
A visual workplace is a work environment that is self-ordering, self-explaining, self-regulating and self-improving – where what is supposed to happen does happen, on time, every time, because of visual solutions. From “Visual Workplace, Visual Thinking” by Dr. Gwendolyn Galsworth, www.visualworkplace.com
Companies are oten surprised to learn that only a raction o their activitiesactuallyaddvaluefortheircustomers.It’snotuncommonthat 50%ormoreofafacility’sactivitiesareconsideredwaste! A primary cause o waste is inormation defcits – employees simply lack the knowledge they need to do their jobs efciently and eectively. This leads employees to waste valuable time and motion searching, waiting,retrieving,reworkingorjustplaingivingup!Avisualworkplace eliminates questions, generating signifcant improvements in productivity, quality, customer satisaction, saety, and more. Visuals Critical To Lean Success Successfulleaninitiativesstartbyestablishingabaseofoperationalstability.Afterall,youcan’tmakelastingimprovements on a base o chaos. By reinorcing standards and highlighting abnormalities at a glance, visuals support the oundational conceptsof5S,StandardWork,andTotalProductiveMaintenance,whichareusedtostabilizetheworkenvironment,work methods, and equipment perormance. e rov em Once a stable operating base has been I m p n t Visual Workplace C y c established, the next step is to implement a Sustains lean l e P l a n kaizen-styleimprovementprogramthatcontinues improvements! D o to raise the bar in operational excellence. At this A c t C h e stage, creating a visual workplace becomes even ck more critical, since a continuously improving work VW environment is also a constantly changing one. Experiencedleanpractitionersknowthatkeeping employees inormed o evolving best practices Time and preventing the natural tendency to revert back to old habits is a major hurdle. The use o visuals helps to ensure that the new standards remain clearly visible, readily understood, and consistently adheredtobyallemployeeslongaftertheleanblitzorrapidimprovementeventisover.
S1 – SORT Sort reers to the practice o going through all the tools, materials, etc., in the work area and keeping only essential items.Everythingelseiseitherstoredoffsiteordiscarded.Thisleadstofewerhazardsandlessclutter.
Red tags help identify unused items
Items to be discarded are placed in a “local red tag area” for removal.
Thegoalistoeliminatenonessentialitemsfromtheworkplace.Itemsare“redtagged”andstoredinalocalredtag areaforaspecicperiodoftime,typicallyvedays.Ifnotreclaimedbytheworkgroup,itemsarethenmovedtoone ofthecompany’scentralredtagareas.Hereeveryonecansiftthroughtheitemstoseeifthereisanythingtheyneed. When items have been in the central area or a specifc period o time, the company disposes o them through resale, donation, recycling, or trash. Establishingredtagcriteriapreventsconfusionamongworkersandreduceswastedeffort.Theteamshoulddiscuss and create guidelines on how to decide what stays and what goes. Frequency o use is the undamental red tag criteria. To that end, a team may ask the ollowing questions: • Whatisthis? • Whendidyoulastuseit? • Isitcriticaloruniqueforthedepartment? • Ifitsinventory,isthistheminimalamountneededtokeepupwiththeproductionschedule? In order to implement S1-Sort, there are action steps that need to be taken in order to guarantee success. • Selecta5Sapplicationareaandtake“before”pictures. • Reviewsortingcriteria–recommendedcriteriaarefrequencyofuse,criticality,andquantityneededfor production. • Createaredtagarea–markoffacornerorspacetoidentifyitasthelocalredtagarea. • Tag,record,andmoveitemstotheredtagarea–keeprecordssothatthecompanycantrackassets. • Take“after”picturesoftheunclutteredworkareaandredtagarea. • Itemsnotreclaimedbytheworkgroupwithinasetamountofdaysaremovedtothecompany’scentralredtag area.
JOB AID - SORT Denition - Sort
Target Outcome
An uncluttered workplace.
Action Steps
1.Identifya5S-projectareaandtake“before”pictures 2.Reviewsortingcriteria 3. Create a local red tag area 4. Tag, record, and move red tagged items 5. Take “ater” pictures 6. Ater target time, move unclaimed items to the central red tag area
1.RedTags 2.RedTagRecordForms 3. Camera or “beore” and “ater” pictu res Some companies create a central storage area or 5S supplies and designate a 5S coordinator to manage supply stock.
Progress Check ___ Team clear on workplace boundaries ___Redtagnalapprovalauthorityidentied(e.g.itemcan/cannotberedtagged) ___ Sorting criteria established (e.g., requency o use; actual quantity needed-no buer) ___ Time allocated or Sorting is clearly defned (e.g., one hour) ___Localredtagareadesignatedwithredoormarkingtapeorcomparableboundary ___Redtagsandredtaglogformavailable ___ “Beore” pictures taken (remember camera angles so that pictures are consistent) ___ Nonessential items identifed and red tagged ___Everynook,cranny,cabinet,desk,drawer,andclosetinvestigated ___Redtaggeditemsmovedtolocalredtagarea ___Redtaglogformupdated ___ Plans in place or items to be moved to central red tag area ater target number o days ___ “Ater” pictures taken
Tips •Go overboard on communication. Make sure management and employees in the target area are notifed, when the red tagging will occur, and so orth. •Remove anythingfromthecoreworkareathat’snot used at least weekly. •Eliminate wastebyminimizingthefollowing: -Inventory:rawmaterials,parts,in-processinventory,andproducts. -Equipment:machines,jigs,tools,carts,desks,chairs,dies,vehicles,xtures,etc. -Space:oorareainthecoreworkarea,storageracks,totes,bins,shelving,etc. •Don’t remove anything without the local work group’s approval.Zealous5S’erscanunderminesupportby bargingaheadinsensitively.It’sbettertocompromiseonsomethingsthantojeopardizethe5Smission.However, be persuasive when appropriate, when something is clearly a source o waste or is used inrequently.
S2 – SHINE The S2-Shine step includes three primary activities which include getting the workplace clean, maintaining its appearance, and using preventative measures to keep it clean. Shinetheworkplacebyeliminatingdirt,dust,uids,andotherdebris.Eachteammembershouldbeequippedwith adequate cleaning supplies that have been tested to make sure the solution will not harm any equipment or work areas.Teamscancleanthingssuchasequipment,tools,worksurfaces,desks,storageareas,oors,lighting,and anythingelsethataffectsoverallcleanliness.Ateammayalsopaintorcoatworksurfaces,equipment,oors,and walls. Treat cleaning as an inspection process. Use it to identiy even tiny abnormal and pre-ailure conditions. Working in a clean environment enables workers to notice malunctions in equipment such as leaks, vibrations, breakages, and misalignments.TheShineprocessshouldnotbeleftforaspecialjanitorialcrew.Inordertomakesureeveryone participates and works together, each team should establish a regular schedule or routine cleaning as well as deep cleaning. Once the work area, tools, and equipment are clean, they need to be kept that way. Continued housekeeping is one way to keep the work area clean, but the better method is to prevent things rom getting dirty in the frst place. Find waystokeeptheworkplacecleanbyeliminatingsourcesofcontamination.Rootcauseanalysis,mistake-proong,and the use o preventative measures are important to keep the workplace clean and orderly. Equipmentthatiskeptcleanperformsmoreefciently,haslessunscheduleddowntime,andreducescoststothe company.Manyorganizationsndthatsafetyandproductivityimproveasregularmaintenanceandhousekeeping become the norm.
Follow these action steps to guarantee success. • Dene“clean”–youmayfaceconictingdenitionsforcleanwithinyourworkarea. Find a defnition that everyone supports. • Getcleaningsupplies–besuretoidentifyappropriatecleaningsuppliesforyourworkarea.Somecleaning solutions may harm equipment while other cleaning instruments may harm metals, photo cells, or tooling. Consult sanitation specialists or guidance. • Take“before”pictures–arecordofyourcurrentstateoftengeneratesthemotivationtokeepthingsclean. • Cleantheworkarea–sharetheworkloadamongthegroup. • Eliminatesmallimperfectionsthroughcleaningandinspectingactivity. • Take“after”pictures–usephotographstodemonstrateyourresults.
JOB AID - SHINE Denition - Shine
Target Outcome
Removedirtanddebris,inspectequipmentandeliminate Acleanworkplace-onethatshines,andthatminimizes sources o contamination sources o contamination
Action Steps 1.Dene“clean” 2.Getcleaningsupplies 3. Take “beore” pictures 4. Clean the work area 5. Fix small imperections 6.Identifycontaminationsources 7. Take “ater” pictures
Resources 1. Cleaning supplies such as brooms, dust pans, rags, degreasers,andoorcleaner. 2. Personal protective equipment such as gloves and eye protection.Donotwearjewelrythatcangetcaughtin the equipment.
Progress Check ___ Team has established their defnition or “clean” in the target workplace ___ Cleaning supplies collected ___Housekeepingstaffconsultedaboutcleaningagents ___PersonalProtectiveEquipment(e.g.,gloves,safetyglasses)distributed ___Equipmentshutdownorlockedouttopreventsafetyrisks ___ Potential saety risks (e.g., metal shavings, sharp edges) identifed beore cleaning ___ “Beore” pictures taken (remember camera angles so that pictures are consistent) ___ Cleaning tasks completed ___ “Ater” pictures taken ___ Observations shared among team members about inspection activity
Tips •Identify target areas or cleaning. •ConsiderdoingtheinitialShineprocessin waves.Doarstpassthataddressesthebiggestchallenges.Use additional passes to get successively better. •Rememberthatanimportantpartofcleaning is inspection. As you get the work area clean, look or sources o potential problems and contamination. •Oncedirt,dust,grimeanddebrishavebeeneliminated,consider painting suraces or sealing them with a protectivecoating.You’llbeamazedbythevisibledifference. •Howwillcleanliness be sustainedwhentheinitial5Sprojectiscomplete?Recordkeycleaningpoints andrecommendationsasyou’rewrappinguptheShineprocess.Theinformationwillcomein handyinS4-Standardize. •Athoroughcleaningprocessincludestheobviousequipmentandworksurfaces,butalsoincludesparts, storageracks,tools,instruments,transportationvehicles,desks,chairs,walls,windows,closetsandlighting.In short, clean everything and everywhere in the workplace.
S3 – SET IN ORDER Planning Phase InS3SetInOrder,teammemberscometogetherandsharetheinsightstheyhavegainedduringS1andS2.They analyzetheworkareaforadditionalimprovementopportunitiesandlookforwaystoreducesourcesofwasteand error as well as to make the workplace more visually instructive. The team brainstorms potential solutions, with special emphasis on using visual resources to achieve improvement. Be sure to get eedback and approval rom stakeholders (production, maintenance, saety, management, etc) beore making changes. Use the ocus points below to guide eorts to redesign the workplace or improved perormance. Facilities/equipment/tools:Focusisonorganizingandlabelingfacilitiesandequipment. • Makesureutilitypipes,conduits,compressedairhoses,gascylindersandelectrical systems are clearly named and labeled to simpliy line tracing. • Operatortoolsshouldbekeptnearthepointofuse,organizedandlabeled. • Gaugesandindicatorsshouldbemarkedsoabnormalitiescanbedetectedataglance.
Saety:Focusisonalertingpeopletopotentiallyhazardoussituationsandcontrollingactionsto prevent an unsae condition. • Providehazardwarningsandsafeworkinstructionsatthepointofneed. • Makesurethatlocationsforlockout/tagoutdevices,eyewashstations,rstaidstations,and saety showers, etc., are clearly marked. • Ensurethattheproperpersonalprotectionequipmentiseasytoaccessandreadyforuse.
Procedures:Focusisonemployee’sabilitytoexecutejobresponsibilitieswithinagivenworkplace. • Makecertainthatthelatestversionofworkinstructionsandjobaidsareposted. • Employvisualorauditorysignalsthatalertoperatorstoabnormalconditions. • Usemistake-proongdevicestopreventhumanandmachineerrors.
Quality: Focus is on graphically or physically representing quality standards. • Qualitystandardsshouldbevisuallydesignedandproperlydisplayed. • Postexamplesofacceptableandunacceptableoutputsinacommonarea. • Visuallydisplayqualityperformancetrends.
Inventory/Material Handling:FocusisoneffectiveidenticationofproductionandMROmaterials, storeroomorganization,andmaterialmovement.Clearlymark: • Linesideinventories(inventorytype,max/minquantity,location,etc.). • Storerooms(shelf,rackandbinlabels,restockingindicators,barcoding,etc.). • Inventorydeliveryroutesandreplenishmentprocedures.
Target Outcome
Evaluatetheworkplaceandaddsmartworkplace eatures.
A workplace that is visually instructive and is the source o minimal waste and human errors.
Action Steps
1. Create a current state workplace diagram. 1. Flip charts or creating current and uture state diagrams 2. Team shares insights gained during S1 & S2 3.Evaluatecurrentworkplace 2.CADsystem(optional)todrawworkplacetoscale 4. Create a uture state workplace diagram 3. Camera 5.Getapprovalforchangefromstakeholders 4. Stakeholders (i.e. production, maintenance, saety) to consider proposed changes
Progress Check ___InsightsgainedduringS1andS2sharedamongteammembers ___Improvementopportunitieslisted,discussed,andprioritized __ Waste reduction ideas (e.g., excess motion, material handling, etc.) __Errorreductionideas(e.g.,checklists,visualinstructions,orcolorcoding) __Ideasformakingtheworkplacemorevisuallyinstructive __Ideastoovercomechallengesandproblemsidentiedbystakeholders ___ Target benefts o proposed changes clearly defned ___ Future state workplace diagram drawn ___ “Beore” pictures taken ___ Approval rom stakeholders obtained
Tips •Sketch ideasonipchartorpapertobuildunderstandingandevaluatethem. •Cellular workfow hasmanybenets.Consideritiftheworkplaceisnotcurrentlyorganizedthatway. •Revisit the workplace to evaluate the viability o proposed changes. •Involvestakeholders (immediate work area and others) in thinking through changes. •Besensitivetotheconcerns and reservations o stakeholders; they know the area best. •Quantiy the impact o the changes.
S3 – SET IN ORDER Implementation Phase S3’sImplementationPhaseincludesestablishingfeaturesintheworkplacethatmakeitclearthatthere’saplace foreverythingandthatprovidevisualsignalstohelppeoplesucceed.Itfocusesontheneedforarrangingtoolsand equipmentinanorderthatpromotesoptimumworkow. Havingdesignatedlocationsforallitemsintheworkareaenablesemployeestotakecontrolovertheiroperations. Employeeswillbeabletoimmediatelyseeifthingsareoutofplaceandifmorematerials,supplies,ortoolsneedto be ordered.
Clearly identify a location for each item
Indicate max/min stocking levels
In order to successully implement S3, there are common actions that need to be perormed. • Placebordersaroundequipmentandobjectsthatrestontheoor.Thisclearlyidentiesthelocationof equipment and also warns people passing by not to get too close. • Useanaddresssystemtoidentifyplantlocations,storageareas,andshelflocations. • Labeltools,xtures,jigs,etc.,foreasycross-identicationwithstoragelocationmarkings. • Wherepossible,usepicturesandgraphicstofacilitaterecognition.EmployeescanimplementthisaspectofS3by placing parts or images o parts above storage locations or creating shadow profles on tool boards (see above image). The steps in S3 – Set In Order: Implementation Phase include: • Take“before”pictures.Thisisyourlastchancetocapturethepastbeforeyoumovetowardsthefuture. • Implementworkplacechanges.Plantodo…dotheplan.Nowisthetimetoimplementyourchanges.Besureto involve necessary company personnel, such as skilled trades, plant maintenance, engineering, quality, etc. • Setlocationsbycreatingaddressesandapplyinglabels,markings,andcolorcoding.Verifyorcreatestandardsfor colorsandcharactersizebeforesettinginorder.Seethepersoninchargeoffacilitiesormaintenanceforinput. • Take“after”pictures.Takelotsofpictures–theymemorializeyoursuccessandserveasavaluablecompany record.
Target Outcome
Create a well-ordered, visually instructive workplace.
A workplace that is visually instructive and is the source o minimal waste and human errors.
Action Steps
1. Take “beore” pictures 2.Implementworkplacechanges 3. Mark locations by creating addresses and applying labeling, marking, and color-coding 4. Take “ater” pictures
1.Existingplantstandardsforlabeling,marking,and color-coding 2. Labeling supplies 3.Tapeforcreatingbordersonworksurfacesandoors 4. Paint and painting supplies
Progress Check ___ “Beore” pictures taken ___ Plant Marking standards determined (see acility, maintenance, or operations manager) ___5Steamclearonplan(e.g.,goals/tasks/assignmentsonaipchart) ___Reorganizationtaskscompleted(e.g.,equipmentmoved,inventoryrelocated) ___SetInOrder/PlantMarkingandIdenticationsuppliescollected ___MarkingandIdenticationtaskscompleted,forexample: __ Floor borders or walkways, workways, and storage locations __ Work surace borders __Equipmentandtoolslabeled __Inventoryandnishedgoodslocationsmarkedand/orcolorcoded __ Tanks, pipes, valves, motors, electrical panels labeled or tagged ___ “Ater” pictures taken
Tips •Createawork area map beore setting locations. Consider alternatives and draw them on the map to veriy eectiveness. Consider them thoughtully beore setting locations. •Considerengagingpeopleoutside the work team in setting locations. Consult mechanics, electricians, and specialists in sanitation, saety, quality, production scheduling, and accounting in order to tap their ideas and resources. •Rememberthatmechanics,electricians,andtechnicalcontractorsarestakeholdersforyourresetinitiative.Make sure their interests are addressed. •YourBrady representativeisalsoagreatsourceforSetInOrderideasandsupplies.
S4 – STANDARDIZE Duringthisphaseofimplementation,theteamidentieswaystoestablishtheimprovedworkplacepracticesasa standard.Thegoalofstandardizationistocreatebestpracticesandtogeteachteammembertousetheestablished best practices the same way. Activity
Sweep the entire area at the end o the shit
Put away any material that was removed rom its assigned storage location
Take empty pallets out o the area and store in an appropriate location.
Move ull pallets to designated areas away rom shipping dock
Sweeping DayShift Night Shit Monday Diego Luis Tuesday Lando Norbert Wednesday Edwin Curtis Thursday Rick Luis Friday Ron Norbert Rotation Schedule
Garbage Removal DayShift Night Shit Rudy Norbert Kevin Luis Rick Curtis Diego Norbert Lando Luis
Inordertostandardize,rolesandresponsibilitiesmustbeclearlyandconsistentlyapplied.Thiscanbeaccomplished throughvisualcontrolssuchascolor-coding,owcharts,checklists,andlabelingtohelpreinforceauniformed approach. Managers and supervisors need to commit to the initiative in order to provide guidance, as well as to provide general support to the team. Team members in return must embrace 5S principles and practices in order to help implement these changes into their work area. As 5S standards are adopted into each individual work area, each locale will develop unique approaches and methods to accomplishing the specifed tasks and goals. Any team member working in a specifc area must receive training in thatspeciedapproachandmethodofwork.Wherepossible,thetoolsusedtostandardizeandsustainthe5Seffort should be unifed across all areas o the plant. Action steps or implementing S4 – Standardize include: • Brainstormideasformakingthe5Schangesstandardoperatingprocedure.Thatmaymeanupdatingworkplace procedures, checklists, job aids, diagrams and the like. • Updatedocumentationtoreectthechanges.IfyourcompanyhasanISOCoordinator,getthepersoninvolvedto assurecompliancewithISOrequirements. • Makesureallstakeholdersareawareofthenewstandard–informandeducate.
JOB AID - STANDARDIZE Denition - Standardize
Target Outcome
Action Steps
Developprocedures,checklists,andothermechanisms established to maintain a work environment that is visually instructive, has minimal waste and human error, and is clean,uncluttered,andorganized.
1. Brainstorm ideas or making the 5S changes standard 1. Support rom those who can create documentation, job operating procedure aids, and visual aids 2.Updatedocumentationtoreectchanges 2.Informationandapprovalfromthoseresponsiblefor 3. Make sure all stakeholders are aware o the new maintaining company procedures standards - inorm and educate 3. Poster-making supplies or posting new standards in work areas
Progress Check ___Ideasgeneratedforestablishingchangesasstandardoperatingprocedure ___Inputsolicitedfromthosewhocreateandmaintainplantdocumentation ___Documentationcreatedorupdated,forexample: __ Workplace diagrams __ Flowcharts __ Procedures __ Work instructions __ Job aids __ Miscellaneous visual aids ___Informationand/ortrainingprovidedtostakeholderstoassureunderstanding
Tips •Network with others engaged in the same activity. Collaborate to establish common approaches or creating documentation, visual aids, etc. •Tapyourcompany’sgraphics sta or people with strong computer skills to help with visual aids. Provide them with a rough sketch or an example rom a technical manual or catalog. •Ifyourcompanyisan ISOcompany,besuretoinvolveyourISOcoordinatortoassurecompliancewithISO requirements or postings and documentation. Havinganorganized acility marking program (standards or markings, color coding, etc.) is integral to 5S success.Otherwise,each5Steamdoesitsownthingandthevisibleeffectisahaphazardapproachthat could cause problems or everyone. Consult your Brady representativeforguidanceaboutanorganizedfacility marking program.
S5 – SUSTAIN The purpose o S5-Sustain is to maintain the momentum generated during the initial event or project. A management auditing process should be put into practice to ensure that employees understand that maintaining the level o workplaceorganizationisatoppriority.Managementauditsshouldfocusonensuringthattheroutinesandschedules speciedinS4Standardizearebeingproperlymaintained.Theauditalsoprovidesanexcellentopportunityforasking questions and providing suggestions that stimulate urther improvements. 5S Housekeeping Score Sheet Site Location Audited: TechSupport-GoodHopeFacility Date:___________Auditor:____________________________ NA Sort 1 2 3 Set In Order 4 5 6 7 Shine 8 9 10 11 Standard 12 13 14 Sub 0 Total
DescriptionofArea No old or unnecessary materials in area. Empty/unusedribbons/materiasareoutofthearea. Free o unnecessary equipment, urnitre and personal items. Printers, batteries and adapters are properly identifed and stoerd in designated area. Portableandbenchtopprintercabinetsarecleanandorganized. Movable pritner carts are in proper location. Inventoryneat,organizedandidentied. Tops o machines, cabinets ree o dust and debris. Floors are clean around the work area. Benchtopislandsareorgaizedandfreeofunnecessaryitems. Workstationneat,cleanandorganized. Damagedornon-functionalprinters/equipmentisremovedfromtheareaormarkedforreplacement. ElectricalPanelareaunobstructed. Furniture/chairs/desksareingoodconditionandclean.
Next,the5Seffortneedstobeexpandedtootherworkareas.Usethe5S’edworkareaasamodelforemulation, and invite the original 5S team to share their ideas and experiences with employees rom other work areas. Be sure topublicizesuccessstoriesandprovideappropriaterecognitiontoteammembers.5Snewsletters,displays,and awards are excellent ways to build employee morale and motivation. Finally, it should be reinorced that 5S is an on-going journey. Workers should be encouraged to continue to make improvements to their workplace on a regular basis. The same work area might even be scheduled or a ollow-up 5S event six months or a year later. Continuous improvement must become part o the routine expectations and activitiesoftheworkday.Whenimprovementstops,thelikelihoodisthatworkplaceorganizationwillnotjust stagnate, but will actually deteriorate. To avoid that, keep everyone continually looking or ways to improve their work conditions. Action steps or implementing S5 - Sustain • AudittoensurethatprocessesestablishedduringS4–Standardizationcontinuetobemaintained. • Usethephase1workareaasamodelforotherareastomatch,andhavetheoriginal5Steamsharetheir insights and experiences with employees in other work areas. • Usenewsletters,displaysandothercommunicationtoolstopublicizesuccessesandrewardstrongeffortswith recognition. • Evaluate5Seffectivenessandcontinuetoimprove.Conductregularreviewmeetingstoidentifyadditional5S opportunities.
JOB AID - SUSTAIN Denition - Sustain
Target Outcome
Monitor, expand & refne 5S results
A workplace that automatically restores order, regulates activity, and continuously imporves
Action Steps
1. Monitor processes established during S4 Standardize 2.Expand5Seffortstootherworkareas 3.Evaluate5Seffectivenessandcontinuouslyimprove 4.Recognizeandrewardstrongefforts
1. Management audit orms 2.Resourcesforcommunicationandrecognizing successes (newsletters, displays, awards) 3. Presentation tools or sharing best practices with other work areas 4. Managment commitment and ocus on maintaining the new standards
Progress Check ___ Sustain methods clearly defned, with responsibilities and target dates identifed ___Sustainactionsimplemented,forexample: __ 5S teams benchmark with each other and share ideas __ 5S teams present projected results within the company and to others __ 5S team results published in company communications __ 5S teams visit other companies to get new ideas __ Company leaders conduct 5S audits to see accomplishments and opportunities __ Miscellaneous visual aids ___Ideasgeneratedforcontinuouslyimprovingthecompany’s5Sapproach
Tips •Establishacalendarforsustainingactivitiesandsticktoit.Makeitpartofthecompany’soperating discipline. •Involve employeesinsustaining5Simprovements.Engagetheminevaluatingareasoutsidetheirworkplace, providing support or other workplaces, and in visiting other companies that excel. •Establisha5S resource center to provide 5S supplies or teams so that they can readily sustain and continuously improve their 5S results. •Anactivemanagementchampionandthesupportofallmanagersisvitalto5Ssuccess.
AREA: Number/Name
DATE: Name
Sort 1 2 3 4
1 or 0
1 or 0
1 or 0
1 or 0
Set in Order 1 2 3 4 5 6
Out of 4
Isthelocationforallmoveableequipment(includingtoolsand gages)marked?(FloorTaped) Isthelocationforallmoveableequipmentlabeled? Isallmoveableequipmentlabeled? Are all parts and part containers labeld, in their designated place,andlocationsclearlylabelled? Areallmachinesclearlylabeled? Are the interior content o all lockers, cabinets, and drawers labeledandneatlyarranged?
1 or 0 1 or 0 1 or 0 1 or 0 1 or 0 1 or 0
Shine 1 2 3 4
Out of 6
1 or 0
Areallmachines&supportequipmentclean&freeofdebris? Are the SPC benches, gage tables, & desks clean and neat (including items belonging to these locations) Arecabinetscleanandfreeofdamage?
1 or 0 1 or 0 1 or 0
Standardize 1 2 3 4 5
Out of 4
1 or 0
1 or 0
ContinuousImprovementActivitiesareevidentandongoing? Areallcribstockitemslabeledwithpart#’sandmin/max quantities? Are the standard responses or missing tools, lower than minimumquantitiesorcleaningactivitiesnotfollowed?
1 or 0 1 or 0 1 or 0
Sustain 1 2 3 4 5 6
Out of 5
1 or 0
1 or 0
1 or 0
1 or 0
Are gages within the allotted calibration date (check at least 5)
1 or 0
1 or 0
Out of 6
Out of 25
VISUAL WORKPLACE PHOTO GALLERY The examples on these pages are designed to help you think about how visual devices can beneft dierent aspects o your lean initiative, improving productivity, proftability, customer satisaction and employee morale.
Visual Organization
Visual Standards
Visual Equipment
VISUAL WORKPLACE PHOTO GALLERY Brady Visual Workplace Solutions Brady oers products and services that can help you implement these ideas and more. For urther inormation, reviewthecatalogandourwebsite(www.bradyid.com/visualworkplace),orcallusat888-250-3089. Brady has trained representatives locally available and ready to support you with expert advice and assistance.
Visual Production / Process Control
Visual Metrics / Displays
Visual Safety
BRADY LABELING SOLUTIONS FOR 5S / VISUAL WORKPLACE The right printing system can be an essential tool or creating an orderly and visually instructive workplace, allowing you to make signs, labels, tags, and more on demand. Some o the benets include: • • • • •
Simple and Fast:Visualdevicesarequicklyandeasilydesignedonscreen,thenprintedandautomaticallycuttosize. Print on Demand:Printwhatyouwantwhenyouneedit.Nowaiting! Economical:Createvisualsforsignicantlylessthancustomgraphicsproducedatoutsidevendors. Proessional:Createprofessional-qualityvisualsthatareeasytoreadataglance. Durable:Ourstandardvinyltapeemploysanadhesivethatsticksandstaysstucktoevencurvedandtexturedsurfaces likepipes,walls,oors,etc.Thethermal-transferprintedimageswithstandmoisture,sun,cleansersandchemicals. • Standardized:Predenedtemplateshelppromoteconsistencyandensurethatvisualdevicesusedacross differentcellsandsitesemploythesamestandardizedlook.
GlobalMark®2 Industrial Labeler
BBP®31 Sign & Label Printer
PowerMark™ Sign & Labeler
MiniMark™ Industrial Labeler
BMP®71 Label Printer
Printer Specifcations Part Number
Tape Width
½” - 4”
½” - 4¼”
4” - 10”
½” - 4”
¼” - 2”
3/8” - ¾”
Yes Yes (Color & cut only)
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
No No
Multiple Spot and Process Colors
Single Spot Color
Multiple Spot Color
Single Spot Color
Single Spot Color
Single Spot Color
Indoor/outdoor vinyl, Repositionable vinyl, Poly tag stock, Magnetic, Refective, Phosphorescent, Tamper Resistant, Metalized polyester, and more.
Indoor/outdoor Vinyl, Tag Stock, Refective, Phosphorescent, Repositionable Vinyl, Raised Equipment Labels & more.
Indoor/outdoor vinyl,Poly tag stock, Refective, Phosphorescent, Polyester, and more.
Indoor/outdoor vinyl, Tamper resistant, and more.
Indoor/outdoor vinyl, Repositionable vinyl, Economy polyester, Refective, Tamper resistant, Raised panel, Wire & cable marking.
Vinyl, Sel-laminating, Sleeves, Polyester, Wire & cable marking
Built-in Display with keyboard PC Connectivity Plotter Color Media Types
MarkWare™ Lean Tools Sotware MarkWare Lean Tools sotware makes it even easier to create custom visuals such as signs, labels, and tags on your computer. Whether you are implementing 5S, Total Productive Maintenance, Standard Work, or other lean concepts, MarkWare sotware helps you post critical inormation right at the point o use. This gives your employees the knowledge they need to work eectively and efciently, while supporting and sustaining your continuous improvement initiatives. Implementinganautonomous,preventativeorpredictivemaintenanceprogram?CheckoutMarkWare’snew featuresthatallowyoutocreategaugelabels,oillevelindicatorsandothervisualequipmentcontrolsinseconds!
BMP®21 Label Printer
VISUAL-LEAN eLEARNING COURSES Brady’sVisualWorkplaceeLearningcoursestakethetimeandhassleoutoftrainingemployeesinleanconceptssuch asVisualWorkplace,5SWorkplaceOrganizationandTotalProductiveMaintenance. Nomoretimewastedpreparingtrainingmaterialsorrepeatingthesametrainingpresentationsoverandoveragain! Employeescantakethecourseswhentheywantandattheirownpace,fromanyinternet-enabledcomputer. Eachcourseemphasizestheproperuseofvisualstoreinforcestandards, identifyabnormalitiesandsustainimprovements.Hundredsofphoto examples are included to help stimulate ideas and sel-initiative on theshopoor. •24-hourcourseaccessviainternet •Eachcoursetakesapprox.30minutestocomplete •Real-lifeapplicationscenarioskeeplearnersengaged •Learningchecksandquizzesensurepropercomprehension •Progressandperformancereportingavailableformanagers
3 Courses Available 1. Introduction To Visual Workplace Shows how visuals support lean initiatives by eliminating waste, establishing operational stability and sustaining continuous improvement. The second hal o the course provides detailed best practices or creating and maintaining visuals. 2. Visual 5S – Optimizing Workplace Organization Providesageneraloverviewof5Sandshowshow5Svisualscanbeusedtomaintainorder&optimizeefciency. 3. Visual TPM – Enhancing Equipment Reliability & Maintenance Eciency Provides a general overview o TPM and shows how TPM visuals can be used to simpliy maintenance and detect equipment problems beore they result in breakdowns. How to Order eLearning Courses Logontowww.BradyID.com/eLearningandsimplyaddthecourse toyourshoppingcart!Afterpurchasing,youwillreceiveanemail with a link to access your online course. Volume Pricing Available Besuretoaskaboutdiscountpricingfor10ormoretrainingseats! Part No. 142256 142257 142258 142259
Description Introduction to Visual Workplace Visual 5S: Optimizing Workplace Visual TPM: Enhancing Equip. 3-course Bundle
Learn more at: www.BradyID.com/elearning
Price $29.95 $29.95 $29.95 $49.95
TOUGHJET™ DURABLE ADHESIVE SHEETS FOR INKJET PRINTERS ToughJet™DurableAdhesiveSheetscombinethehigh-qualitycolorandphoto capabilitiesofinkjetprintingwiththedurabilityofBrady’sindustrialgradelabelmaterials. WithToughJetDurableAdhesiveSheets,youcanprintprofessional-lookinglabelsright fromyourofceinkjetprinter!
Just print, peel and stick! •Createletter-sizedsafetysigns,proceduresandplacards •Water,chemicalandabrasionresistant •Notearing,fadingoryellowingwhenusedindoors •Permanentorremovableadhesives •Printmulti-colorandcrispphotographs ToughJet™sheetsareavailableintwomaterialsandavarietyofletteranddie-cutsizes. For less harsh environments, laser printers can be also be used. •B-141:Highperformance,durablepolyestermaterialwithpermanentacrylicadhesive. •B-146:Highperformance,durablepolyestermaterialswitharemovableacrylic adhesive. Catalog No. JET-35-141-25-SH JET-36-141-25-SH JET-27-141-25-SH JET-39-141-25-SH JET-38-141-25-SH JET-40-141-25-SH JET-26-141-25-SH JET-35-146-25-SH JET-36-146-25-SH JET-37-146-25-SH JET-39-146-25-SH JET-38-146-25-SH JET-40-146-25-SH JET-26-146-25-SH
Size Quantity 5 8 1" x 2 / " 25 sheets/pack 1" x 4" 25 sheets/pack 2" x 4" 25 sheets/pack 1 3 3 / " x 4" 25 sheets/pack 3 ½" x 5" 25 sheets/pack 7" x 10" 25 sheets/pack 8 ½" x 11" 25 sheets/pack 1" x 2 5 / 8" 25 sheets/pack 1" x 4" 25 sheets/pack 2" x 4" 25 sheets/pack 1 3 3 / " x 4" 25 sheets/pack 3 ½" x 5" 25 sheets/pack 7" x 10" 25 sheets/pack 8 ½" x 11" 25 sheets/pack
Description Permanent Label Sheet Permanent Label Sheet Permanent Label Sheet Permanent Label Sheet Permanent Label Sheet Permanent Label Sheet Permanent Label Sheet Removable Label Sheet Removable Label Sheet Removable Label Sheet Removable Label Sheet Removable Label Sheet Removable Label Sheet Removable Label Sheet
*For best results use pigmented inks.
For more inormation, visit www.BradyID.com/ToughJet
Easy Application
Spend less time replacing damaged or worn lines or a better-looking, more ecient acility.
Quickly lay down smooth, straight lines – without the help o coworkers.
•Withstandsforklifttrafcwithouttearingorlifting •Low-proledesignminimizestearsandscratches rom skids, pallet jacks, etc. •Ruggedpolyesterwithultra-aggressiveadhesive
•Canbeeasilyappliedbyone person working alone •Stiffpolyesterwithliner prevents tape stretching and reduces wrinkles and wavy, uneven lines •Nospecialoorpreparation required – just clean with common cleansers
High Visibility
Diecut Shapes
Get the same visibility o painted foor markings – and pay less.
Utilize dierent shapes, colors and sizes or more eective, durable foor markings.
•High-glosssurfaceshineslikenewpaint •Lowproleminimizesdebrisbuildupalongtheedges thatoccurswiththicker(extruded)oortapes •Surfaceresists marks and smudges and cleans up like new • Availableinavariety o high-impact colors
•Dashes,dots,arrows,footprints,andcornermarks (L, T and + shapes) •Longerlastingmarkings–Minimizestheriskofdamage and acilitates ast repair •Selectdashes,dotsandarrowsarepre-spacedon transer tape, making it incredibly easy to lay down straight, evenly spaced lines
Painless Removal Easily remove foor markings without damaging the foor or leaving adhesive residue. •Doesnotchipandakewhenbeingremoved– comes o in one piece •Cleanremovalwithoutanyunsightlyadhesive residueordamagetotheoor ToughStripe ® material also runs through Brady GlobalMark ® 2 & BMP ® 71 printers, allowing you to create durable foor labels onsite and on demand!
ALL-IN-ONE 5S MARKING KITS Everything you need to 5S your acility in one kit! Brady’s5SMarkingKitsprovideeverythingyouneedtogetstarted5S’ingand color-codingyourfacility.Eachkitcontainsanassortmentofourmostpopular oorandworkbenchmarkingsupplies.KitsthatincludeaBradyportablelabel printer are also available.
KITS CONTAIN: Floor marking (1 roll each o yellow, red, blue, green)
Kit with IDXPERT™ “Continuous Only” label printer:
•2”oormarkingtape(4rolls) •2”L-shapedcornermarks(4rolls)
•IDXPERT™ label printer •Hardcarryingcase •ACpoweradaptor •5tapecartridgesofvariouswidthsandcolors
Toolboard / workbench marking (1 roll each o black, red, blue, green)
Kit with BMP®71label printer:
•12”shadowvinyl(4rolls) •½”bordertape(4rolls) •½”L-shapedcornermarks(4rolls)
•BMP®71label printer •Hardcarryingcase •Charger/ACpoweradaptor •2”blackandredribbons(1rolleach) •5rollsoftapeofvariouswidthsandcolors
TOOLBOARD & WORKBENCH MARKING SUPPLIES •Self-adhesivevinylsheetsandtapesdesignedforuse on tool boards, work benches, storage shelves and other non-oorsurfaces. •Sticksecurelytoawiderangeofsurfacetypes •Won’tpeel,crackorfadewhenexposedtocommon cleansers, solvents or sunlight
• Quickly create tool shadows to exact size and shape using Brady’s shadow vinyl • Create durable rectangular borders using Brady marking tape and corner marks
FormoreinformationonvisualworkplaceandBrady’sidenticationsolutions,call 1-888-250-3089 or visit our website. The Brady visual workplace website is a great source or visual workplace ideas, best practices and solutions, providing easy one-stop access to wide range o example photographs, articles, online demos, plus inormation on upcoming and past webcasts. © 2012 Brady Worldwide Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
USA 1-888-272-3946 www.BradyID.com Canada 1-800-263-6179 www.BradyCanada.ca Mexico 1-800-262-7777 www.BradyLatinAmerica.com