7Preview Activity 01, Integrated Practice Which expressions are positive reactions to a product? Which are negative? Choose Positive or Negative.
5/5 100% 1 Now that's soething !'d "i#e to get $ hands on. Positive Negative
2 ounds "i#e a waste o& one$ to e. Positive Negative
3 ! thin# it cou"d rea""$ coe in hand$. Positive
Negative •
4 ou've got to (e #idding. Positive Negative
5 What on earth &or? Positive Negative
7)esson 1 Activity 01, Reading *ead the advice on shopping in +o#$o. +hen drag the words to cop"ete the stateents. 5/5 100%
100,en 100, en shop shops s
-rienta" aaar #iha(ara Na#aise hopping rcade +he ina
1 100-Yen shops are the (est p"aces to 2nd inexpensive souvenirs in +o#$o. 2 argaining is genera""$ not a part o& 3apanese shopping cu"ture4 (ut one p"ace
where it's accepta("e is Akihaara . 3 t !rienta" #a$aar 4 $ou ight 2nd a p"astic saurai sword that's a stea" in the
(aseent and a traditiona" #iono that's a good dea" on the top oor.
4 Prices are a (it steep here. !& $ou're "oo#ing &or a (argain4 %he &in$a is pro(a("$
not the p"ace to shop. 5 +o pic# up a &ew souvenirs4 tr$ soe "oca" snac#s4 and do a "itt"e sightseeing at
the sae tie4 Naka'ise (hopping Arcade is a good (et.
7)esson 1 Activity 02, Integrated Practice *ead each stateent and then cop"ete the suggestions &or the (est p"ace to shop &or each person. 6/6 100%
1 +he open,air ar#et on i&th treet wou"d (e a good et 4 i& $ou don't
ind hagg"ing . 2 ou ought to )indo)-shop in *ittenhouse 8uare. +he (oo#store on the corner o& 17th and Wa"nut has great co9ee.
3 +he e"ectronics stores on Coerce treet are good p"aces
toco'parison shop . 4 +he a"" wou"d (e a good et . !t's per&ect &or ro)sing .
7)esson : Activity 01, &ra''ar Cop"ete each sentence with the passive &or o& a gerund or an in2nitive. ;se ver(s &ro the "ist. ;se each ver( on"$ once. 7/7 100% •
as#ca""entertain&orceignorein&ortreat •
1Pa doesn't want to e in*or'ed a(out new products.
2"ex can't stand eing ca""ed ($ te"ear#eters.
3! en
4We hate eing *orced to watch ads (e&ore ovies.
5! appreciate eing asked to
+cott hates eing ignored .
=$ daughter dis"i#es eing treated "i#e a (a($.
7)esson : Activity 02, &ra''ar Write sentences with passive &ors o& gerunds or in2nitives. ;se the ver(s in parentheses.
>/> 100% 1 ! dont appreciate eing sent not / appreciate / send @ e,ai" ads that !
don't want. 2 ! resent eing *orced resent / force @ to watch ads (e&ore a ovie that !
have paid to see. 3 ! dis"ike eing interr.pted dislike / interrupt @ ($ pop,up ads when !'
using the !nternet. 4 ! cant stand eing *orced can't stand / force @ to "oo# through so an$
ads to 2nd $ ai". 5 ! dont "ike to e ca""ed not / like / call @ ($ te"ear#eters4 especia""$ at
dinner tie. + ! dont 'ind eing sho)n not / mind / show @ new &ashions and (eaut$
• •
products in againe ads. ! "ove eing given love / give @ &ree product sap"es. / ! pre*er to e eposed prefer / expose @ to advertising through product p"aceent in ovies4 rather than to e *orced be / force @ to sit through ads (e&ore ovies.
7)esson : Activity 03, &ra''ar Cop"ete each sentence with either the passive gerund or passive in2nitive &or o& the ver( in parentheses. >/> 100% 1 ! tr$ to e in*or'ed inform @ (e&ore a#ing such serious decisions. 2 he en
• •
wor#. •
3 Chris didn't need to e re'inded remind @ that it was his sister's
(irthda$. Ae had a"read$ gotten her a present. 4 ! resent eing sent send @ so uch
• •
product. !t &e"" apart a&ter
/ =$ (rother wants to e given give @ another chance.
! don't reca"" eing to"d tell @ a(out an$ additiona" &ees.
7)esson B Activity 01, Integrated Practice rag the correct word into each sentence. D/D 100% •
ip"$ prove endorse proote
1 =$ #ids are rea""$ going to want to get their hands on those snea#ers now that
their &avorite (ase(a"" p"a$er has agreed to endorse the. 2 ! wou"d (u$ the ore expensive (rand o& toothpaste i& the copan$
cou"d prove that it's ore e9ective at 2ghting cavities. 3 ! heard irst Choice Pia is giving awa$ &ree s"ices tonight to pro'ote its chain
o& restaurants. 4 +he ads i'p"y that their copetitor's cars are unsa&e.
7)esson B Activity 02, Integrated Practice =atch each advertising techni8ue with the exap"e that i""ustrates it. Choose the correct answers.
5/5 100% 1 +he anu&acturer states how an$ songs its =PB p"a$er ho"ds4 how "itt"e it weighs4 and how an$ hours it can p"a$. Provide *acts and g.res
2 car copan$ advertises its new ode" ($ showing a rich4 we"",dressed
an driving the car. Provide sno appea" 3 co9ee anu&acturer shows a $oung an returning hoe &ro co""ege. Ais sister opens the door4 gives hi a (ig hug4 and sa$s she issed hi. +hen the$
sit at a ta("e and drin# co9ee together. anip."ate peop"es e'otions 4 anu&acturer o& a &acia" crea shows woen o& di9erent ages ta"#ing
a(out their positive experiences using the crea. +he$ are shown sitting down4 usua""$ in their "iving roos. Provide testi'onia"s 5 shapoo ad shows a $oung an and woan on a date. +he woan notices white a#es on the an's suit. +he woan is put o9 ($ the an's dandru9 and (rea#s up the date. +he an is ver$ e(arrassed. P"ay on peop"es hidden *ears
7)esson D Activity 01, Reading *ead a(out the shopping ha(its o& North erican en. +hen c"ic# on a"" the stateents that are true4 (ased on the in&oration in the artic"e. B/B 100%
!n the past4 en wou"d (u$ their own c"othes. No)adays, 'ore and 'ore 'en are )i""ing to go shopping a"one
+oda$4 en don't shop as o&ten as the$ used to. (iteen percent o* the 'en s.rveyed sti"" pre*er the )o'en to .y their c"othes Ao.t ha"* o* the 'en s.rveyed ret.rn to the sa'e store at "east once a 'onth ragrances are the nu(er one product en (u$ &or these"ves.
7)esson D Activity 02, Reading *ead a(out !nternet shopping ha(its. +hen ar# each stateent +rue4 a"se4 or No in&oration.
6/6 100%
1 -ne out o& ten peop"e in the wor"d has (ought soething on"ine. %r.e
a"se No in&oration •
2 oo#s are the "east popu"ar ite to se"" on"ine. +rue a"se
No in&oration •
3 )atin erican shoppers don't "i#e to shop on"ine (ecause the$ are
nervous a(out using their credit cards. +rue a"se No in*or'ation •
4 -n average4 ;.. on"ine shoppers a#e six purchases a onth. +rue a"se
No in&oration •
5 !n eran$4 a"" stores c"ose at 7 p.. +rue
a"se No in*or'ation •
+ oe peop"e surve$ed don't shop on"ine (ecause the$ don't want
copanies to gather in&oration a(out their shopping ha(its.
a"se No in&oration
7)esson D Activity 03, Reading *ead the artic"e. +hen choose the correct answers (ased on in&oration in the artic"e. E/E 100%
1 hopping &or an$ in the "ast centur$ eant .ying necessities .
2 +oda$ peop"e shop to ind."ge the'se"ves .
3 +hrough their ac8uisitions4 an$ peop"e epress a sense o* identity .
4 oe negative conse8uences o& o(sessive ipu"se (u$ing
are considera"e nancia" det and psycho"ogica" distress . 5 Fxtree ipu"se (u$ing a9ects an esti'ated 5 to 10 percent o* the
adu"t popu"ation in an$ countries. + or an$ peop"e4 ipu"se (u$ing is a wa$ o& avoiding or hiding *ee"ings o* aniety and "one"iness .
6o'p."sive shoppers tend to experience ore anxiet$ and depression
as we"" as a "ower "eve" o& we""(eing than those )ho do not prioriti$e shopping .
7Writing Activity 01, Integrated Practice *ead the interviews. Choose the (est suar$ o& each interview. :/: 100% •
Intervie) 17 Intervie)er7 What's the ost touching ad $ou've ever seen? 8ric ichae"s, teacher7 +here's a (i""(oard &or a sart phone that ! see ever$ da$
on $ wa$ to wor#. !t shows this e"der"$ woan cr$ing as she sees her grand#ids on her phone. !' not an eotiona" gu$4 (ut that ad cho#es e up. !t a#es e thin# a(out $ o (ac# in )os nge"es. -nce in a whi"e we a"" need to (e reinded a(out the iportant things in "i&e. •
=ichae"s states that he gets cho#ed up when he thin#s a(out his other4 who "ives in )os nge"es. ichae"s reports that an advertise'ent sho)ing an e"der"y )o'an
"ooking at her grandkids re'inds hi' o* the i'portance o* his *a'i"y Intervie) 27 Intervie)er7 What's the &unniest ad $ou've ever seen? ark Ne)co', engineer7 +here's this one rea""$ &unn$ +G coercia" &or a
"anguage schoo". +his cat puts his head into a (ow" with a go"d2sh swiing in it4 (ut the 2sh (ar#s "i#e a dog and scares the cat awa$. +hen the words H)earn another "anguageH appear on the screen. !t a"wa$s crac#s e up when ! see it. ! en
Ne)co' says that he "ikes a *.nny co''ercia" *or a "ang.age schoo" *eat.ring a cat and a arking go"dsh eca.se "a.ghter rightens his day Newco( points out that he en
7-n,the,treet,!nterviewsI I think there's too much of it . . . Activity 01, 9istening =atch the person with his/her stateent. D/D 100%
• • • •
F""i =att Aer( "anche
F""i,Ho ! dou(t that the$'re ver$ e9ective in $ case4 as a consuer4 even though ! ight "ove the and thin# the$'re (ri""iant.H
=attH,... i& ! see soething on +G and it's &unn$4 !'"" chuc#"e.H
Aer(H!t's ,not as in&orative as it used to (e. !t's ore h$pnotic.H
"anche,H... ! thin# there's too uch o& it. nd ! don't pa$ too uch attention to it.H
7-n,the,treet,!nterviewsI I think there's too much of it . . . Activity 02, 9istening =ar# each stateent +rue or a"se.
6/6 100% 1 *ita on"$ "istens to coercia"s a(out products she uses. +rue a"se
2 "anche never "oo#s &or things she sees in ads. %r.e
a"se •
3 =att pa$s attention to coercia"s that reind hi o& soething he has
a"se •
4 F""i is ore "i#e"$ to (u$ products that are advertised creative"$ than ones
that are not. +rue a"se •
5 tephan dis"i#es the (usiness aspect o& advertising. %r.e
a"se •
+ Aer( thin#s advertising in the past was (etter than advertising toda$. %r.e
7raar ooster J )esson : Activity 01, &ra''ar ;se the past gerund or in2nitive &or o& the ver(s in the (ox to cop"ete the sentences. ;se the passive voice where necessar$. 6/6 100% •
&oo"givehaveeetse""stea" •
1 he was excited a(out having 'et her &avorite actor.
2 Ae was thri""ed to have een given the award.
3 ! dis"i#ed having een *oo"ed ($ that ad.
4 Ae aditted having sto"en one$ &ro the copan$.
5 he was p"eased to have had the extra tie to shop.
+ +he store c"aied to have so"d over 104000 (oo#s that $ear.
7raar ooster J )esson : Activity 02, &ra''ar Co(ine each pair o& sentences. Write one sentence4 using a past &or o& a gerund or in2nitive. >/> 100%
1 he was o9ered the position. he was p"eased. (he )as p"eased to have een o:ered the position . 2 Ae went to a con&erence "ast wee#. Ae entioned it. •
;e 'entioned having gone to a con*erence "ast )eek . 3 ! wasn't to"d a(out the eeting. ! resent it.
I resent not having een to"d ao.t the 'eeting . 4 he issed the appointent. he ade an excuse.
(he 'ade an ec.se *or having 'issed the appoint'ent . 5 +he anager gave the c"ient the wrong in&oration. +he anager
apo"ogied. %he 'anager apo"ogi$ed *or having given the c"ient the )rong in*or'ation . + he's 2nished her degree a"read$. ! didn't expect it.
I didnt epect her to have nished her degree a"ready . Ae received a prootion. Ae was proud.
;e )as pro.d to have received a pro'otion . / We issed the train. We had a good reason.
ashaed. (he )as asha'ed to have .sed her corporate credit card *or persona" epenses . 10 ! was o9ended ($ her rear#s. ! pretended not to (e. I pretended not to have een o:ended y her re'arks .
7raar ooster J )esson : Activity 03, &ra''ar ;se a past gerund or in2nitive &or o& each ver( to cop"ete the stateents. ;se the passive voice where necessar$.
E/E 100% 1 !t was c"ear that an$ passengers were shoc#ed a(out having een
.'ped bump @ &ro the ight without warning. 2 +he inisters were &ound gui"t$ o& having accepted accept @ persona"
gi&ts &ro &oreign copanies. 3 t the news con&erence4 the president entioned having
spoken speak @ with his advisers a(out the pro("e. 4 +he a$or apo"ogied toda$ &or not having responded not / respond @
iediate"$ to the disaster. 5 =ost o& the seniors expressed their happiness at having een
chosen choose @ as participants in the event. + +he$ were accused o& having taken take @ one$ &ro the cash register.
+he newspaper reporter appeared to have een contacted contact @ ($
a governent wor#er who c"aied she #new what had rea""$ happened. / We want $ou to #now how uch we regret having 'ade make @ such a serious ista#e.
7Pronunciation ooster Activity 01, Integrated Practice )isten to each pair o& words. =ar# i& the$ are the sae or di9erent. E/E 100% •
7Pronunciation ooster Activity 02, Integrated Practice )isten and c"ic# on the sound $ou hear. 8a'p"es7
1 /i//!/2/i//!/ • • • • • • • • • • • •
3 /i/ >I> 4 >i> /!/ 5 /i/ >I> + >i> /!/ /i/ >I> / /i/ >I> /i/ >I> 10 >i> /!/ 11 >i> /!/ 12 /i/ >I> 13 >i> /!/ 14 >i> /!/