Lesson Plan in English 10 QUARTER 2 Date Date:: Sep Septe temb mber er 1, 2015 2015 Tuesda uesday y I. Objective/s
II. Sbject !atte"
III. Lea"ning Tas%s Teachers T eachers Tas!s !otivation 1* 6or! ith a partner* 7bserve the picture and list don in your noteboo! the thin"s you see* 2* Anser 8our (nitial Tas!s Tas! 1 )* 9resent your observation and discuss the picture in class* '. 9rocess students ansers*
Day Day 2 Assess the efectiveness o the ideas presented in the material vieed, ta!in" into account its purpose #$%10&' ((a'1)*+ Sitch rom one listenin" strate"y to another to e-tract meanin" rom the listenin" te-t #$%10./ ((a'11 To#ics$ Assessin" the efectiveness o the ideas presented in the material vieed Sitchin" rom one listenin" strate"y to another to e-tract meanin" rom the listenin" te-t S%ill$ &iein" and .istenin" !ate"ials$ /opy o the activities, pictures pa"es 11'11+ T3 pa"es 114'121 Re&e"ence$ . pa"es
Students Tas!s )o" Initial Tas%s )o" Tas%s Task 1 WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET! *Pai" +o"%, 7bserve the picture belo and identiy details that symboli?e the thin"s to consider in resolvin" con@icts* Do you thin! the persons in the picture are tryin" to ma!e amends to resolve a con@ict Discuss ith a partner* partner*
1st 9resentation 1* 9resent the photo o odaline to the class lass** Tell ell the the class lass tha that odaline is an (rish ;and and that they theyr re e "oin "oin" " to list listen en to thei theirr popular son" hich is included in (reland Sin"les Top 100* Task 2 PREDICT AND EXPECT 2*6rit rite the title o the son" A. You You will listen to to a song entitled “Common “Common Ground” Ground” by * .et them e-plain their ideas or noteboo". concepts o /ommon 3round* 5* 9rocess students ansers* 2n( P"esentation 1* ;rin" 9) or /D o the son"
* 9rocess students ansers*
Tas% 2-. *+hole lass, #. $isten to the song% then chec" the words or phrases you listed. COMMON GROUND
Discussion: 1* 6hat is the son" all about 2* Bo did you eel hile listenin" to the son" )* 6hat advice is "iven in the son" Do you a"ree ith it 6hyC6hy not >* 6ould you ollo the advice "iven 6hy or hy not 5* $-plain hat is emphasi?ed in the son"* Application: Tas% 2. Pencil In 1* Bave the students listen to the son" or the second time* 2* Bave students orm small
by odaline (ts easy to in, (ts harder to lose To To admit that youre youre ron" 6hen youve "ot somethin" to prove* 8ou 8ou said it as easy ( tell you they are ron"* So "et busy learnin", are you already "one 9eople ill tell you 6hat you ant to hear ;ut the people ho !no you ell /an ma!e it all clear* .ie isnt easy, 8ou 8ou "ot to be stron"* So "et busy learnin", Are you already "one And all ill be or"otten And e all all apart, 8eah 8eah all ill be or"otten or"otten ;ut the common "round, (ts a "ood place to start* Sure all ill be or"otten, 8eah 8eah e ill all be be or"otten, all apart* 6e ill all be or"otten, ;ut common "round, (s a "ood place to start* /ommon "round is a "ood place to start* . Pencil Pencil In *Sall "o#, 6hile listenin" to the son" or the second time, s!etch in the bo- an obEect you visuali?e in the son"* $-plain and discuss ith a partner aterards*
"roups* 2* (nstruct them to s!etch in the bo- an obEect that they have visuali?ed in the son"* )* Bave them e-plain and discuss their "roup or! in class* >* 9rocess students ansers*
9repared by: OSEIA P. OSTATIO SST' (
Date: September 2, 2015 6ednesday I. Objective/s II. Sbject !atte"
%oted: UA P. A-RERA 9rincipal
Day ) Transcode inormation rom linear to non'linear te-ts and vice' versa #$%10F/'((a'11 To#ic$ Transcodin" inormation rom linear to non'linear te-ts and vice versa #$%10F/'((a'11 S%ill$ Feadin" !ate"ials$ /opy o the activities, pictures Re&e"ence$ . pa"es 11+' 121 T3 pa"e 122
III. Lea"ning Tas%s Teachers Tas!s Fevie: Guestions 1* 6hat is the son" all about 2* Bo did you eel hile listenin" to the son" )* 6hat advice is "iven in the son" Do you a"ree ith it 6hyC6hy not >* 6ould you ollo the advice "iven 6hy or hy not 5* $-plain hat is emphasi?ed in the son"* 9re'Feadin" Activities !otivation As! the students to anser the Huestion in the introduction o the selection* /all a volunteer to
Students Tas!s
' ases o& 3ail4 on5ict by * .ee ;an!s Task 3A READ ME (Individa Task" a sense o belon"in" Iamily harmony provides &he family is the smallest unit of'unli!e societymany and it is e(erything. and a eelin" o security other types Yet o there is no such thing as a “perfect family.” relationships* 6hen con@ict arises, it threatens that
security* 6hether the disharmony initiates rom ithin
Can you recall one unforgettable misunderstanding that happened in the amily unit or rom e-ternal sources, individual your family) *ow did your family cope with the tension it caused)
amily members and the amily as a hole can e-perience a the ran"e ne"ative emotions and +ead the text about causesoof conflicts in a family. conseHuences* Jnresolved con@ict may irreparably dama"e a marria"e and the entire amily, i amily members do not see! help*
7ne maEor source o amily con@ict is ithin the area o Knances'speciKcally, the lac! o enou"h money to pay bills, maintain the mort"a"e or rent, buy suLcient ood and other necessities and have any remainin" money or recreation, Eob or career may contribute to con@ict ithin a amily* ( a parents Eob !eeps himCher aay rom home most o the time, the spouse at home ith the children oten eels ne"lected or overhelmed* /onversely, i the parent becomes unemployed, this causes its on orm o
share his or her e-perience about misunderstandin" in the amily*
6ocabla"4 7evelo#ent The olloin" ords ere ta!en rom the selection that you are about to read* 3ive the meanin" o the underlined ords* /hoose your anser rom the list o ords belo*
1* on5ict arises 2* %e"ative emotions and conse8ences )* i""e#a"abl4 dama"e a marria"e as Knances >* inevitable rivalry
Fesult 9roblems too bad to be corrected or repaired decrease unavoidable
Durin" Feadin": 7ral Feadin"
Ater Feadin" 9rocess the readin" te-t by as!in" students the olloin" Huestions: a* 6hat is the maEor source o amily con@ict
Another cause o amily con@ict is the inevitable rivalry that occurs beteen siblin"s* /hildren typically see! their parents attention and approval, even i this reHuires tattlin" on, or sometimes causin" harm to a siblin"* 6hether a child e-presses Eealousy o a siblin", competes ith himCher or teases himCher non'stop, it is destined to cause con@ict* $ach child deserves an eHual amount o parental love and acceptance, yet sometimes a parent may avor one child over another* This merely intensiKes the con@ict* 6hile mutual a"reement on the subEect o child discipline is crucial, the lac! o consensus opens up another potential area or amily con@ict* ( one parent acts as the
b* 6hat causes amily con@ict c* Describe the causes o amily con@ict Discuss ith the students the diferent types o non'linear te-ts such as line "raph, pie "raph, chart "raph, and "raphic or"ani?er* Discuss hen and ho these non' linear te-ts are used* ene"ali9ation$
A##lication$ .et students Kll in the "raph Transcode e ound in the . Ansers Knances, siblin"s rivalry, avoritism, in'las
Bo does your !noled"e in transcodin" linear to non'linear te-t help you understand the selection
E:ten(e( Lea"ning Activit4
Bave the students read another article and transcode this linear te-t to non'linear*
Answer the ,uestions below. -. rom the gi(en conflicts% which of these ha(e you experienced with your family) hy)
////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 0. hat did you do to resol(e the said conflict in your family) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+hat;s the P"oble< The 3o" lassic on5ict T4#es
/on@ict is vital to any story, but it isnt alays beteen people* Some stories pit the hero a"ainst society, or a natural disaster* 7thers have the traditional hero vs villain setup* .ets loo! at the our classic story con@ict types and ho they deKne the basic con@ict structure* This is probably the most common type* (ts a character a"ainst another character, people vs people, even i those people are non'human* Theyre still a PcharacterP li!e any other* A i?ard ants to !ill the hero and enslave the orld* A scientist needs to Knd the cure and stop the madman ith the virus* An orphan "irl needs to save her sister rom bad men* The person standin" in the ay o your prota"onist is another person* This is here the character is at odds ith themselves and K"htin" somethin" personal and internal* 7vercomin" a dru" problem, dealin" ith betrayal, etc* The person standin" in the ay o your prota"onist is them* This is where a character has a problem with something that is status quo in the world. It's not any one person who is causing trouble, it's how things are being done. A man tries to change an unfair law. A girl rebels against a tyrannical society that forces kids to fight to the
9repared by: OSEIA P. OSTATIO SST' (
Date: September ), 2015 Thursday I. Objective/s
II. Sbject !atte"
III. Lea"ning Tas%s Teachers Tas!s
%oted: UA P. A-RERA 9rincipal
Day > Transcodin" inormation rom linear to non'linear te-ts and vice versa #$%10F/'((a'11 To#ic$ Transcodin" inormation rom linear to non'linear te-ts and vice versa S%ill$ Feadin" !ate"ials$ /opy o the activities, pictures Re&e"ence$ . pa"es 11+' 121 T3 pa"e 122
Students Tas!s
/hec!in" Q 9rocessin" o Students Assi"nment* Bave the students present their assi"nment* 9rocess students responses* As!: Bo does your !noled"e in transcodin" linear to non'linear te-t help you understand the selection Application #/ont* Tas! >* I8( A* A Survey to /onvey 1* Bave the class orm a "roup consistin" o ten members* 2* (nstruct them to do the activity ound in the .* )* (norm them that they may use diferent "raphs such as line "raph, bar "raph or pie "raph* >* As! a representative rom each "roup to present their output ith the rest o the class by e-plainin" the interpretation o the survey conducted*
8our (nitial Tas!s Task # $YI (Pai% W&%k" A' S%v) *& C&nv) Conflict situations arise among teenagers on a daily basis. 1any times% minor conflict and disagreements can result in (iolence. #elow are common conflict situations among teenagers2
orm a group consisting of -3 members. 4 Conduct a sur(ey about the common conflict situations in your group. 4 As" each member in the group who experienced the conflict. rom the responses% ran" the conflict from the most number of persons to the least who experienced it. 4 Graph the results of the sur(ey you conducted in your group.
rite your interpretation of the graph in the box.
Evalation Bo can e prevent con@ict /omplete the or"ani?er on ays to prevent con@ict* Analy?e each situation careully*
+' C&n,i-* P%vn*i&n
7ne must consider ho to avoid con@icts* /omplete the table belo by ritin" ays to prevent each common con@ict situation*
Femar!s: %o* o learners ithin mastery level OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO %o* o learners needin" reinorcementCremediationOOOOOOOOO
Assignent 9repared by: OSEIA P. OSTATIO SST' (
Date: September R, 2015 onday
Rsa%-. &n *. /a-k0%&nd &, Dan* Ai0.i%i'
%oted: UA P. A-RERA 9rincipal
Day 5
I. Objective/s
$-plain ho the elements speciKc to a selection build its theme #$%10.T'((a'1>*2
II. Sbject !atte"
To#ic$ $-plainin" ho the elements speciKc to a selection build its theme Selection$ (%I$F%7 by Dante Ali"hieri translated by Mohn /iardi S%ill$ .iterature !ate"ials$ /opy o the activities, pictures Re&e"ence$ . pa"es 12)'12+ T3 pa"es 12)'12>
III. Lea"ning Tas%s Teachers Tas!s
Students Tas!s
Fevie: Fecall the diferent types o non'linear te-ts and their uses* )o" Te:t *+ith a Pa"tne", Tas! 5* Thin% Th"ogh P"e ="ea(ing A* (n the bo- is a pool o ords you ill come across in Int"o(ction$ the te-t* Fead each deKnition and then choose the Discuss ith the class that they are deKned ord rom the pool* 6rite your anser in your "oin" to read and study a part o noteboo!* one o the masterpieces o Dante Ali"hieri orsa!en omnipotence Divine /omedy hich is /anto ((( o vestibule The (nerno*
6ocabla"4 7evelo#ent Tas% >. Thin% Th"ogh 1* (norm the students that they ould come across some unamiliar ords in the selection* .et them loo! or a partner and as! them to anser Tas! 5* Ansers 1* primordial 2* orsa!en )* omnipotence >* vestibule 5* summon * torment
Bave students use the ord in a sentence or better understandin"* ;ac!"round o the Author /all voluntary to read his or assi"nment on the bac!"round o Dante Ali"hieri*
1* e-istin" rom the be"innin" 2* abandoned or deserted* )* an a"ency or orce o unlimited poer >* typically reers to a small room ne-t to the outer door and connectin" it ith the interior o the buildin"* 5* authoritatively or ur"ently call on * somethin" that causes e-treme physical or mental pain ;* /hoose ) ords and use in meanin"ul sentences* #6hole /lass
Fead ith the students the Background of Divine Comedy and Inferno The Divine /omedy as the poetic Eourney o a man stru""lin" to reconcile himsel to a bitter political e-ile throu"h the triumph o love* The (nerno is the Krst part o Dante Ali"hieris poem, the Divine /omedy, hich chronicles Dantes Eourney to 3od, and is made up o the (nerno #Bell, 9ur"atorio #9ur"atory, and 9aradiso #9aradise* Task READ AND IMAGINE *9air 6or!
The poems are Huite short: they ould ta!e about as lon" to read the hole (nerno as it ould to read the detailed canto summaries and analysis, althou"h they mi"ht be helpul or understandin" Dantes diLcult lan"ua"e* !otive Qestion 1* Allo the students to anser the motive Huestion beore the te-t* *a(e you e(er been to a house of horrors) *a(e you seen a horror mo(ie) hat are the things that shoc"ed or frightened you) 2* $ncoura"e them to share their e-periences on this*
Durin" Feadin" 1* 7ral Feadin" 2* Bi"hli"ht important points and ta!e note o the diferent senses you discovered hile readin" the te-t* A&te" Rea(ing
*a(e you e(er been to a house of horrors) *a(e you seen a horror mo(ie) hat are the things that shoc"ed or frightened you)
+ead the excerpt below from the !i(ine Comedy56nferno. 7ote the frightening things !ante wrote to illustrate hell. 8hole Class9 8:ee attached :ummary of Canto 666 &he ;estibule of *ell9
/omprehension /hec! up T.inkin0 a/&* *. T* (Individa" -. hat is ;irgil
* *ow does ;irgil silence Charon)
Tas! READ AND IMAGINE 1* Tell the class to anser Thin!in" about the te-t ound in the .* 2* Discuss the ansers to the class
Tas% ? A. 7i@e"entiate( Tas%s #. Us )&% Snss (Sa G%&4" orm > groups. Perform the tas" assigned in your group. -. ?ye Group @ 1a"e a poster of what hell loo"s li"e based on the text 0. ?ar Group @ +ecord sounds of hell based on the details from the text or use your (oice and other materials a(ailable in producing the sounds. =. *and Group @ :how an interpretati(e dance to reflect the mo(ements of tormented souls. >. ?ye and hand group5 ma"e a collage that depicts what hell loo"s li"e.
3ive the theme o /anto (((* $-plain ho the elements speciKc to a selection build its theme* /haracter #&ir"ils Advice and $-planation o the inscriptions
/haracter #/harons statement
/haracter: Dantes Feaction
Settin": &estibule o Bell
E:ten(e( Lea"ning Activit4 3ive the theme o /anto (((* $-plain ho the elements speciKc to a selection build its theme*
Fubrics 5 $-planations are properly presented and are related to the theme*
Task 5 / SENSE CHART (Individa" 6n Canto 666% !ante begins his description of *ell% which becomes an assault on the senses of the readers. As we read his harrowing descriptions of the sounds% sights% and e(en smells of *ell% we come to share in !ante
$-planations are properly presented and are partially related to the theme*
9repared by:
UA P. A-RERA 9rincipal
(ndicators 9reparation
1 Did not prepare or the presentation
2 Some preparations ere done*
) A "ood amount o preparation as done*
Spea!in" and Audience /ontact
Did not loo! at the audience and did not spea! clearly*
.oo!ed at the audience some o the timeN spo!e clearly once in a
.oo!ed at the audience and spo!e clearly*
> Student prepared beyond level o assessment 3ave attention to the audience and spo!e very e-pressively*
7verall understandi n" o the topic
3roup didnt sho suLcient understandin" o the messa"e and con@ict o the story*
hile* 3roup shoed understandin" o the messa"e o the story and its con@ict*
3roup sho "ood understandin" o the entire story and its con@ict*
3roup shoed complete understandin" o hole story and its con@ict*
Date: September +, 2015 6ednesday I. Objective/s
Day R
II. Sbject !atte"
To#ics$ $-plainin" ho the elements speciKc to a selection build its theme Selection$ (%I$F%7 by Dante Ali"hieri translated by Mohn /iardi S%ill$ .iterature !ate"ials$ /opy o the activities, pictures Re&e"ence$ . pa"es 12+'1)0 T3 pa"es 12)'12>
III. Lea"ning Tas%s Teachers Tas!s Fevie: 1* 6hat is the name o the river hich circles the rim o Bell 2* 6hat as the name o the erryman )* 6ho ere the cowards in /anto ((( hom Dante describes >* The uncommitted had saved their blood all their lives* 6hat as the ultimate result o this act 5* 6hat is Dantes initial reaction to the many souls he sees in the &estibule o Bell * 6hat is Dantes reaction to the si"hts and sounds o Bell at the end
$-plain ho the elements speciKc to a selection build its theme #$%10.T'((a'1>*2
Students Tas!s Task 5 A SENSE CHART
(n /anto (((, Dante be"ins his description o Bell, hich becomes an assault on the senses o the readers* As e read his harroin" descriptions o the sounds, si"hts, and even smells o Bell, e come to share in Dantes repu"nance o the horrible e-perience the poet encounters*
o /anto ((( R* 6hat messa"e the does story ant to convey to us reader Anse"s 1* The river as the Acheron* 2* The erryman as named /haron* )* The cowards are those ho ere araid to ma!e a decision or choices* The coards that Dante describes are the people ho ere not brave enou"h to ma!e a decision one ay or the other* >* They no Knd their blood spilled by asps and hornets and drun! by orms* 5* Dante is surprised at their numbersN he had no idea so many had died or that so many had died uncommitted* * Dante is ri"htened and alls into a soon*
#. Us )&% Snss (Sa G%&4" orm > groups. Perform the tas" assigned in your group. =. ?ye Group @ 1a"e a poster of what hell loo"s li"e based on the text >. ?ar Group @ +ecord sounds of hell based on the details from the text or use your (oice and other materials a(ailable in producing the sounds. =. *and Group @ :how an interpretati(e dance to reflect the mo(ements of tormented souls. >. ?ye and hand group5 ma"e a collage that depicts what hell loo"s li"e.
9rocess students e-tended learnin" activity* Bo does ima"ery help you better understand the selection
Tas% B. A##l4ing hat 4o "ea( 1* .et the class read aloud the hi"hli"hted Huestion ound in this activity* 2* (nstruct them to e-plain their anser on the space provided ater the Huestion* )* Allo the students to share their e-planation ith the rest o the class*
Task 6 APP7YING WHAT YOU READ (Individa" 6n “Canto 666” of “6nferno” by !ante% Charon tells the souls to “#ury here and fore(er all hope of Paradise.”
?xplain your answer2 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
$valuation: 3ive the theme o /anto (((* $-plain ho the elements speciKc to a selection build its theme*
3ive the theme o /anto (((* $-plain ho the elements speciKc to a selection build its theme* /haracter #&ir"ils Advice and $-planation o the inscriptions
Fubrics 5 $-planations are properly presented and are related to the theme*
$-planations are properly presented and are partially /haracter related to the theme*
#/harons statement
/haracter: Dantes Feaction
Femar!s: %o* o learners ithin mastery level OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Settin": &estibule o Bell
%o* o learners needin" reinorcementCremediationOOOOOOOOO
9repared by: OSEIA P. OSTATIO SST' (
Date: September 10, 2015 Thursday I. Objective/s II. Sbject !atte"
III. Lea"ning Tas%s Teachers Tas!s
%oted: UA P. A-RERA 9rincipal
Day + 3ive technical deKnitions #$%10&'((a'1)*+ DeKne technical and operational deKnitions To#ic$ 3ivin" technical deKnitions S%ill$ &ocabulary !ate"ials$ /opy o the activities, pictures Re&e"ence$ . pa"es 1)0'1)1 T3 pa"es 12>'125
Students Tas!s Tas% C !ADI 7E3IITIOS *+hole lass,
Int"o(ction$ As! the students ho they deKne terms* #Bo do you usually deKne terms or unamiliar ords
DeKnitions are a core part o any dictionary* 6ritin" basic deKnitions reHuires s!ill, practice, and sometimes help*
7iscssion$ 1* Discuss ith the students the to ays o deKnin" ords: technical and operational deKnitions*
2* /lariy the diference beteen technical deKnition and operational deKnition* A technical deKnition is a deKnition in technical communication describin" or e-plainin" technical terminolo"y* Technical deKnitions are used to introduce the vocabulary hich ma!es communication in a particular Keld concise and clear' cut* #Ior e-ample, the illiac crest rom medical terminolo"y is the top rid"e o the hip bone* There are three main types o 7ene !e *Sall "o#, technical deKnitions: Alphabeti?e the ords* 6ith your "roup, "o over the other unamiliar ords in your 1 9arenthetical deKnitionsN main te-t* 2 Sentence deKnitionsN a!e deKnitions o these unamiliar ords by olloin" the ) $-tended deKnitions "uidelines* An operational deKnition is a demonstration o a process such as a variable, term, or obEect in terms o the speciKc process or set o validation tests used to determine its presence and Huantity* )* Discuss the "uidelines ritin" a technical deKnition* 3enerali?ation Application Bave the students do Tas! +*
$-tended .earnin" Tas!
A* 3ive the deKnitions o the olloin" ords #either parenthetical or sentence deKnition 1. %ovice 2. /oardice F. 9andemonium '. Despicable >. Fetro"rade Jse in your on meanin"ul sentences* ;* Fesearch on ar"umentative essay*
9repared by: OSEIA P. OSTATIO SST' (
Date: September 1>, 2015
%oted: UA P. A-RERA 9rincipal
Day 10
onday I. Objective/s II. Sbject !atte"
III. Lea"ning Tas%s Teachers Tas!s /hec!in" o assi"nment Fevie P"e="ea(ing (ntroduction: As! the class to "ive their idea on ar"umentative essay* #6hat is an ar"umentative essay otive Guestion: Bave them anser the motive Huestion: Bave you ever ta!en a ride in a public transportation ith an a""ressive driver Bo did you eel 6hat did you do Did you ar"ue ith the driver /all a student to share hisCher anser to the motive Huestion ith the rest o the class* &ocabulary Development ;elo are some ords ta!en rom the ar"umentative essay * A""ressive drivin" also causes atalities* a* practice o drivin" on a road too close to a rontard vehicle b* an occurrence o death by accident c* ready or li!ely to attac! or conront d* a act or situation that is observed to e-ist or happen,
(dentiy parts and eatures o ar"umentative essays #$%10.T' ((a'1>*2 To#ic$ (dentiyin" parts and eatures o ar"umentative essays Selection$ A""ressive Drivin" Should ;e Avoided S%ill$ 6ritin" and /omposition !ate"ials$ /opy o the activities, pictures Re&e"ence$ . pa"es 1)2'1)> T3 pa"es 125'12
Students Tas!s )OUR 7ISO6ER) TASD Tas% 10 REA7 TO +RITE Fead an e-ample o an ar"umentative essay belo* Bave you ever ta!en a ride in a public transportation ith an a""ressive driver Bo did you eel 6hat did you do Did you ar"ue ith the driver Agg"essive 7"iving Shol( -e Avoi(e(
A""ressive drivin" is a phenomenon, hich has only recently "ot the public orried* The %ational Bi"hay TraLc Saety /ouncil #%BTS/ deKnes a""ressive drivin" as the
7"ing Rea(ing Fead the model ar"umentative essay*
Tas! 10 A A' Ras&n O*! (Pai% 8&%k" 6nside the box pro(ided below% gi(e three reasons why aggressi(e dri(ing should be a(oided. rite your explanation opposite the box.
9ost Feadin" Tas! 10 A A* Reason Ot Iind a partner and or! on the activity ound 8our Discovery Tas! 10 A* Ansers: 1* (t causes crashes* 2* (t causes inEuries* )* (t causes atalities* An a%0n*a*iv ssa) tries to change the reader
Tas! 10 ;* An argumentati(e essay has the following characteristics2 Discuss ith class hat an - presents and explains the issue or case ar"umentative essay is and its 0 gi(es reasons and supports these reasons to pro(e its point characteristics* = refutes 8pro(es wrong9 opposing arguments. Pa%*s -. In*%&d-*i&n irst is the introductory paragraph. 6t introduces the problem and gi(es the bac"ground information needed for the argument and the thesis statement. -. +&d) &he body of the essay contains the reasons. ?ach paragraph tal"s about one reason. &he reason is included in the topic sentence and is supported by details or materials. &hese supporting materials can be examples% statistics% personal experiences% or ,uotations. -. C&n-si&n &he conclusion restates the main claim and gi(es one or two general
statements which exactly summariBe the arguments and support the main premise.
Tas% 11 I7ETI3) A7 LASSI3)G *+hole lass, Irom the model ar"umentative essay, identiy its parts by reritin" the essential statements in the bo-*
A""ressive Drivin" Should ;e Avoided
Tas% 11. I(enti&4 an( lassi&4 1* (norm the class to "o over on the model ar"umentative essay* 2* .et them do the tas!*
$valuation #See attached rubrics
Fead the ar"umentative essay belo* I(enti&4 its #a"ts. *1> #oints,
Femar!s: %o* o learners ithin mastery level OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO %o* o learners needin" reinorcementCremediationOOOOOOO OO
$-tended .earnin" Tas!s
A* 6rite an ar"umentative essay on any o the olloin" topics* ;e sure to observeCconsider the eatures o the
A* As! the students to rite an ar"umentative essay* -. Have the so Tas% 11 -. I Sa the Sign
an ar"umentative essay* ;e "uided by its parts also* 1* (s "lobal climate chan"e man'made 2 (s our election process air )* Do cures !eep teens out o trouble >* (s cheatin" out o control 5* Are e too dependent on computers * Are parents clueless about child predators on the (nternet R* Should ci"arette smo!in" be banned 4* Are cell phones dan"erous +* (s child behavior better or orse than it as years a"o 10* 6hen should parents let teens ma!e their on decisions 11* Does boredom lead to trouble 12* Does participation in sports !eep teens out o trouble
;* Tas! 11 ;* ( Sa the Si"n 6rite common si"na"e you see alon" the road* 6rite it on a clean bond paper* Advance Assi"nment . Fesearch on Ar"umentative speech about resolvin" con@ict* The olloin" topics may "uide in ma!in" your research* 3et ready or your Knal perormance. 1* Fesolvin" /on@icts 2* Jnity in Diversity )* Barmoni?in" Felationship ith 7thers >* ;rid"in" the 3ap >. Feco"ni?in" (nterpersonal /over"ence %oted:
9repared by: OSEIA P. OSTATIO SST' (
UA P. A-RERA 9rincipal
Fubrics or the Assessment o the Ar"umentative $ssay
A. Int"o(ction
5 6ell'developed introductory para"raph contains detailed bac!"round , a clear e-planation or deKnition o the problem
) 1 (ntroductory (ntroduction para"raph states the contains thesis but some does not bac!"round adeHuately inormation e-plain the and states bac!"round o the the problem* problem, The but does problem is not e-plain stated, but usin" lac!s detail*
0 problem is va"ue or unclear* ;ac!"round details are a seemin"ly random collection o inormation, unclear, or not related to the topic*
-. !ain Points -o(4 Pa"ag"a#hs Re&tation
details* Three or more main Three or Three or more points are ell more main main points, developed ith points are but all lac! supportin" details* present development* Feutation but may Feutation para"raph#s lac! detail para"raph#s ac!noled"es the and missin" andCor opposin" vie and developmen va"ue summari?es their main t in one or points to* Feutation para"raph#s ac!noled" es the opposin" vie but doesnt summari?e points*
.ess than three main points, ith poor development o ideas* Feutation missin" or va"ue*
. onclsion
/onclusion summari?es the main topics ithout repeatin" previous sentencesN riters opinions and su""estions or chan"e are lo"ical and ell thou"ht out*
/onclusion summari?es main topics* Some su""estions or chan"e are evident*
/onclusion summari?es main topics, but is repetitive* %o su""estions or chan"e andCor opinions are included*
7. O"gani9ation
.o"ical, compellin" pro"ression o ideas in essayNclear structure hich enhances and shocases the central idea or theme and moves the reader throu"h the te-t* 7r"ani?ation @os so smoothly the reader
7verall, the paper is lo"ically developed* 9ro"ression o ideas in essay ma!es sense and moves the reader easily
9ro"ression o Arran"ement ideas in essay o essay is is a!ard, unclear yet moves the and illo"ical* reader The ritin" throu"h the lac!s a te-t ithout clear sense o too much direction* conusion* The (deas, riter details or sometimes events seem lun"es ahead strun"
/onclusion does not adeHuately summari?e the main points* %o su""estions or chan"e or opinions are included*
hardly thin!s about it* $fective, mature, "raceul transitions e-ist throu"hout the essay*
throu"h the te-t* Stron" transitions e-ist throu"hout and add to the essays coherence
too Huic!ly or spends too much time on details that do not matter* Transitions appear irre"ularly, but not eHually throu"hout the essay*
to"ether in a loose or random ashionN there is no identiKable internal structure and readers have trouble olloin" the riters line o thou"ht* Ie, orced transitions in the essay or no transitions are present*
Thro out the bottles and bo-es o dru"s in your house* A ne theory su""ests that medicine could be bad or your health, hich should at least come as "ood nes to people ho cannot aford to buy e-pensive medicine* Boever, it is a blo to the medicine industry, and an even bi""er blo to our conKdence in the pro"ress o science* This ne theory ar"ues that healin" is at our Kn"ertips: e can be healthy by doin" Fei!i on a re"ular basis*
Supporters o medical treatment ar"ue that medicine should be trusted since it is efective and scientiKcally proven* They say that there is no need or spiritual methods such as Fei!i, 8o"a, Tai /hi* These aste our time, somethin" hich is Huite precious in our material orld* There is medicine that can !ill our pain, -'rays that sho us our ractured bones or F( that scans our brain or tumors* 6e must admit that these methods are very efective in the e-amples that they provide* Boever, there are some
Date: September 15, 2015 Tuesday I. Objective/s II. Sbject !atte"
Day 11 $mploy appropriate pitch, stress, Euncture, intonation, etc* #$%107.'((a5 To#ic$ Selection$ S%ill$ 7ral .an"ua"e and Iluency
!ate"ials$ /opy o the activities, pictures Re&e"ence$ . pa"es 1)'1)4 T3 pa"es 1)0
III. Lea"ning Tas%s Teachers Tas!s /hec!in" o assi"nment otivation: 6hat are the Hualities o a "ood spea!er Do you !no that intonation afects the meanin" o a sentence 9resentation: (ntonation afects the meanin" o a sentence* Listen to the tele#hone conve"sation. Analysis: 6hat do you notice ith the conversations Bo does the intonation afect the conversation Discussion: In*&na*i&n @ the sound changes produced by the rise and fall of the (oice when spea"ing% especially when this has an effect on the meaning of what is said. 9n-*% @ the manner in which words come together and a connection is made. S*%ss @ accent% the relati(e prominence of a syllable or musical note Pi*-. @ the property of sound with (ariation in fre,uency of (ibration
%ote: $-amples are provided throu"h video presentation*
Application Tas% 1F E:#"ess )o"sel&G
Students Tas!s Tas% 1F. E:#"ess )o"sel&G *Sall "o#, ;elo are the commonly used e-pressions* These are necessary ords to be respected and accepted*
A* Iorm a "roup and perorm the intonation activities or oral @uency* "o# 1 Say
1 2 ) > 5
to a riend to a riend you havent seen or a year to your teacher to a si-'month old baby to someone you ound doin" somethin" they shouldnt to someone youre not sure is still on the other end o the phone
"o# 2 Say
1 2 ) >
to someone you meet or the Krst time to someone you havent seen or ) years to someone ho Eust recovered rom sic!ness to someone ho has recently lost a member o the amily
"o# F Say
1 2 ) >
someone ho helped you carry your ba" someone ho "ave you a present someone ho opened the door or you your boss or alloin" you to ta!e a leave
"o# ' Say <9lease= in the olloin" situations:
1 2 ) >
hen youre reHuestin" or somethin" hen you ma!e an order hen you are oferin" somethin" hen you "ive a command
"o# > Say <$-cuse me= in the olloin" situations:
1 2 ) > 5
Pe"&o"ance Evalation$
hen you ant to interrupt in a conversation hen you ant to clariy somethin" hen you are correctin" someone hen you ant to "et a persons name hen youre as!in" or directions
I*:s )&% *%n! &his time say the following statements correctly and determine if you are going to use a rising or a falling intonation.
-. 6t. You must be "idding %o* o learners ithin mastery E. +eally) &hat
9repared by: OSEIA P. OSTATIO SST' (
%oted: UA P. A-RERA 9rincipal