A Lesson Plan in English (Grade 7)
Objectives: At the end of the 3!"in#te disc#ssion$ %ith &' roficienc$ the st#dents sho#ld be able to: *. +no% the the roer #se of adjectives adjectives and and deter"ine deter"ine so"e so"e of articl articles es or deter"iners that are #sed as adfjectives ,. val#e val#e o#rs o#rself elf and res resect ect othe otherr eole eole 3. narrate narrate an incident incident in o#r life life %hich %hich is si"il si"ilar ar to the the one fo#nd fo#nd in the the selection.
-#bject atter: a. /oc#s: Adjective Adjectives: s: 0he 0he 1entiede 1entiede b 2on . 4ia5 b. 2eference: co of the stor c. ateri aterials als:: cartol cartolina ina$$ board$ board$ entel entel en$ en$ chal+ chal+
Proced#re: a. 1o" 1o""on 2o#t 2o#tiine *. Praer ,. Attenda ndance 3. 1las 1lassr sroo" oo" anag anage" e"ent ent b. 2evie% of the revio#s toic c. otivati ation: 0as+ *. 6o% I ie% self On a half!sheet of aer$ co"lete the vis#al organi5er belo% b %riting at five traits %hich o# believe o# have. 0as+ ,. 6o% Others ie% e /or this activit$ o# %ill need a iece of aer$ and so"e tae. rite o#r na"e at the center of this aer. aer. It is advisable to encircle o#r na"e. Once o#r teacher has finished giving o# instr#ctions$ o# are to "ove aro#nd the classroo"$ loo+ for o#r 6A0 I 06I89 O/ -EL/Grade 7 English Learning Pac+age , class"ates$ and %rite onl one %ord on each of their resective aers. 0hat %ord "#st be an adjective %hich o# thin+ best
describes that class"ate. After five "in#tes$ ta+e the iece of aer fro" o#r bac+ and loo+ at ho% o#r class"ates described o#. 8o% co"are the descritions that o#r class"ates %rote for o# %ith those o# %rote for o#rself. 6o% si"ilar are the; 6o% different are the;
d. Lesson Proer: 2eading the stor selection: 0he 1entiede <: 2on . 4ia5 6E8 I sa% " sister$ 4elia$ beating " dog %ith a stic+$ I felt hate heave li+e a caged$ angr beast in " chest. O#t in the s#n$ the hair of " sister glinted li+e "etal and$ in her bro%n dress$ she loo+ed li+e a sheathed dagger.
I A- thirteen %hen " father first too+ "e h#nting. All thro#gh the s#""er of that ear$ I had tra"ed alone and #nar"ed the fields and forest aro#nd o#r far". 0hen one afternoon in late =#l " father told "e I co#ld #se his shotg#n. the grass sc#ffed against " bare legs. father stoed again. 6e +nelt do%n and held " hand. ?ait for the birds to rise and then fire$@ he %hisered. I #shed the safet lever of the rifle off and sighted along the barrel. 0he saddle of the stoc+ felt greas on " chee+. 0he g#n %as heav and " ar" "#scles t%itched. "o#th %as dr> I felt vag#el sic+. I %anted to sit do%n. ?o# forgot to sit$@ " father said. /ather had told "e that h#nters al%as sat for l#c+ before firing. I sat and I sa% the bree5e bend the ragged$ glass threads of sittle to%ard the birds. ?0hats good$@ /ather said. ?1ant %e thro% a stone$@ I %hisered fiercel. ?Its ta+ing the" a long ti"e.@
?8o$ o#ve to %ait.@ -#ddenl$ a s"all dog eling shrill ca"e tearing across the brooding lain of grass and s"all trees. It raced across the lain in long sle% s%oos$ on o#traged shan+s that disaeared and flashed alternatel in the light of the clo#d!ban+ed s#n. One of the birds %histled and the cove disersed li+e seeds thro%n in the %ind. I fired an d " bod shoo+ %ith the fierce "o"entar life of the rifle. I sa% three igeons fl#tter in a last co nv#lsive effort to sta afloat$ then fall to the gro#nd. 0he shot did not scare the dog. 6e ca"e to #s$ sniffing ca#tio#sl. 6e circled aro#nd #s #ntil I snaed " fingers and then he ca"e "e. ?8ot bad$@ " father said grinning. ?0hree birds %ith one t#be.@ I %ent to the br#sh to get the birds. 0he dog a"bled after "e. 6e fo#nd the birds for "e. 0he breast of one of the birds %as torn. 0he bird had fallen on a sot %here the earth %as %orn bare$ and its blood %as sread li+e a tin$ red rag. 0he dog scraed the blood %ith his tong#e. I ic+ed # the birds and its %ar"$ "angled flesh cl#ng to the al" of " hand. ?o#re +een$@ I said to the dog. ?6ere. 1o"e here.@ I offered hi" " blood al". 6e ca"e to "e and lic+ed " al" clean. I gave the birds to " father. ?a I +ee hi"$ / ather;@ I said ointing to the dog. 6e #t the birds in a leather bag %hich he carried straed aro#nd his %aist. /ather loo+ed at "e a "in#te and then said: ?ell$ I" not s#re. 0hat dog belongs to so"ebod.@ ?a I +ee hi" #ntil his o%ner co"es for hi";@ I #rs#ed. ?6ed "a+e a good ointer$@ /ather re"ar+ed. ?<#t I %o#ld not li+e " son to be acc#sed of dog!stealing.@ ?Oh$ noB@ I said C#ic+l. ?I shall ret#rn hi" %hen the o%ner co"es to clai" hi".@ ?All right$@ he said$ ?I hoe that dog "a+es a h#nter o#t of o#.@
?I dont %ant to see that dog again in the ho#se$@ she said coldl. ?0hat dog destroed " sliers again. Ill tell
sister %as the "eanest creat#re I +ne%. -he %as eight %hen I %as born$ the da " "other died. Altho#gh %e contin#ed to live in the sa"e ho#se$ she had gone$ it see"ed$ to another co#ntr fro" %here she loo+ed at "e %ith increasing annoance and conte"t. One of " first solid "e"ories %as of standing before a grass h# t. Its dirt floor %as covered %ith %hite banana stal+s$ and there %as a s"all bo filled %ith cr#shed and dis"e"bered flo%ers in one corner. A doll %as cradled in the bo. It %as " sisters laho#se and I re"e"bered she told "e to +ee o#t of it. -he %as not aro#nd so I %ent in. 0he fresh banana hides %ere cold #nder " feet. 0he interior of the h#t %as rife %ith the so#r s"ell of da" dead grass. Against the flo%ers$ the doll loo+ed incredibl heav . I ic+ed it #. It %as slight b#t it had hard$ #nfleing li"bs. I tried to bend one of the legs and it snaed. I stared %ith horror at the hollo% t#be that %as the leg of the doll. 0hen I sa% " sister co"ing. I hid the leg #nder one of the banana elts. -he %as r#nning and I +ne% she %as f#rio#s. 0he %alls of the h#t s#ddenl constricted "e. I felt sic+ %ith a na"eless ain. sister snatched the doll fro" "e and %hen she sa% the torn leg she gased. -he #shed "e hard and I crashed against the %all of the h#t. 0he fli"s %all collased over "e. I heard " sister screa"ing> she deno#nced "e in a high$ %ild voice and " bod ached %ith fear. -he sei5ed one of the salings that held # the h#t and hit "e again and again #ntil the flesh of " bac+ and thighs sang %ith ain. 0hen s#ddenl " sister "oaned> she stiffened$ the saling fell fro" her hand and C#ietl$ as tho#gh a sling %ere lo%ering her$ she san+ to the gro#nd. 6er ees %ere %ild as sc#d and on the edges of her lis$. dra%n tight over her teeth$ C#ivered a %ide lace of froth. I ran to the ho#se elling for /ather. -he ca"e bac+ fro" the hosital in the cit$ ale and C#iet and "ean$ drained$ it see"ed$ of all e"otions$ she "oved and acted %ith the +een$ erversit and decetive d#llness of a sheathed +nife$ concealing in her bod that a%f#l o%er for insiring fear and ain and hate$ not al%as %ith its dra%n blade b#t onl %ith its fearf#l shae$ defined b the sheath as her "eanness %as defined b her bod. 8othing I did ever leased her. -he destroed %illf#ll anthing I li+ed. At first$ I too+ it as a rocess of adatation$ a ste of adj#st"ent> I snatched and cr#shed ever seed of anger she lanted in "e$ b#t later on I reali5ed that it had beco"e a habit %ith her. I did not sa anthing %hen she told
+indling %ood. I learned ho% to hold "self beca#se I +ne% %e had to #t # %ith her %hi"s to +ee her cal" and C#iet. <#t %hen she d#"ed " b#tterflies into a %aste can and b#rned the" in the bac+ard$ I reali5ed that she %as siting "e. b#tterflies never snic+ered at her and the did not s"ell. I +et the" in an #n#sed cabinet in the living roo" and #nless she oened the dra%ers$ the %ere o#t of her sight. And she +ne% too that " b#tterfl collection had gro%n %ith "e. <#t %hen I arrived ho"e$ one afternoon$ fro" school$ I fo#nd " b#tterflies in a can$ b#rned in their cotton beds li+e dec+le. I %et and /ather had to call " sister for an elanation. -he stood straight and cal" before /ath er b#t " tear! logged ees sa% onl her harsh and arrogant silho#ette. -he loo+ed at "e c#rio#sl b#t she did not sa anthing and /ather began gentl to C#estion her. -he listened olitel and %hen /ather had stoed tal+ing$ she said %itho#t r#sh$ heat or concern: ?0he %ere attracting ants.@
I 2A8 after its a%s d#g hard into the floor of its cage> it b#nched "#scles tensed> it held itself for a "in#te and then it srang and the door of the cage crashed oen and hate cla%ed %ildl " brain. I screa"ed.
?I fo#nd hi" #nder the stac+ I choed.@ he loo+ed at "e %ith his "#dd ees. ?o# +no%$@ he said. ?0hat son of a devil nearl frightened "e to death@ I stiffened. ?4id it$ reall;@ I said tring to control " rising voice. a %hitish liC#id oo5ed o#t. 0hen I "ade s#re it %as dead b br#shing its antennae. 0he centiede did not "ove. I %raed it in a hand+erchief. sister %as enthroned in a large chair in the orch of the ho#se. 6er bac+ %as t#rned a%a fro" the door> she sat facing the %indo% -he %as e"broidering a stri of %hite cloth. I %ent near$ I stood behind her chair. -he %as not a%are of " resence. I #n%raed the centiede. I thre% it on her la. sister shrie+ed and the stri of %hite sheet fle% off li+e an #nh anded ha%+. -he shot # fro" her chair$ t#rned aro#nd and she sa% "e b#t she collased again to her chair cl#tching her breast$ do#bled # %ith ain 0he centiede had fallen to the floor. ?o# did it$@ she gased. ?o# tried to +ill "e. o#ve healthF lifeF o# triedF@ 6er voice dragged off into a ain!stric+en "oan. I %as eng#lfed b a s#dden feeling of it and g#ilt.
?<#t its deadB@ I cried +neeling before her. ?Its deadB Loo+B Loo+B@ I snatched # the centiede and cr#shed its head bet%een " fingers. ?Its deadB@ sister did not "ove. I held the centiede before her li+e a h#nter dislaing the tail of a deer$ save that the centiede felt thorn in " hand.
After reading the selection$ be reared to share o#r ans%ers %ith the rest of the class. *. 4o o# thin+ Eddies actions at the end of the stor %ere j#stified; h or %h not; ,. 6ad o# been in the sa"e sit#ation$ %o#ld o# have done %hat Eddie did; h or %h not; 3. h is the stor entitled as s#ch; hat is the titles significance to the develo"ents in the stor;
e. Generali5ation Adjectives are %ords that describe or "odif another erson or thing in the sentence. 0he Articles H a$ an$ and the H are adjectives . 0he Articles H a, an$ and the H are adjectives.
Alication: Locate, Refect, Evaluate! Locate inormation in the selection to complete the table below. Make sure you can deend your answers. How Eddie Viewed His Sister
How Eddie Viewed Himself
How Eddie’s Sister Viewed Him
A. tudy the ollowin sentences. "hoose the determiner that will best complete each sentence. #. $$$$ stolen cart was returned to the armer the ollowin day by the policemen.%an, the, their&
How Eddi Sister Vie Hersel
'. (oseph inored $$$$$$$$ warnin that nobody should leave the buildin. %Luke)s, his, he)s& *. Lily manaed to round up $$$$$ bystanders to serve as the audience or her seminar. %much, a little, a ew& +. Lia tried to retrieve $$$$$ cap, but she was araid to climb the tree. %this, her, their& -. Mr. Reyes told the restless crowd that everyone had to wait or $$$$ hour or the uest speaker. %a, an, the& . My ather ave me $$$$ watch beore / let or Manila. %these, this, an& 0. 1he branch manaer told his sta2 to make sure that $$$$$ important documents should be sent to the main o3ce by the end o the day. %a, an, the& 4. 1he company lost $$$$$$$ bo5es o its products when its delivery truck ell o2 a cli2. %three hundred, these, theirs& 6. 1he lawyers ave the complainants $$$$$ days to respond to the motion. %7teen, the, those& #8. 1he teacher ave the students an e5am ater a ew o them challened her lecture. $$$$ a behavior was unacceptable to the teacher. %what, such, theirs&
9. :etermine whether the sentences are usin the underlined determiners correctly. / the underlined determiner is wron, encircle it, then provide the determiner that will make the sentence correct. / the sentence already makes proper use o the underlined determiner, write " in ront o the number. #. A history o the ;hilippines was at 7rst written by Americans. '. A new president is oten iven a hundred days by the media beore they bein criticiin his or her policies. *. As punishment or their o2ense, the students were told to make sure that a school was always clean. +. 9ecause Mario couldn)t 7nd his wallet, he borrowed money rom his colleaue.
-. :ue to a ;resident)s motorcade, we were stuck in tra3c or two hours. . (onathan)s record, which has remained unbroken until this day, remains the leend. 0. Many water was needed in order to
Assign"ent: A tory rom my ;ast 1hink o a story rom your childhood when you played a prank on a siblin, riend, or parent. / you are still in ood terms with that person, interview him or her so that you can et a more complete view o that episode. "omplete the statement that ollows the rid. I played a prank on…
The Result was…
I learned that…
;repared by> Macaculop, Emmanuel ?. 9E:E@ *': ;ro. Manolito an (ose