WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO: 1. Perhat Perhatika ikan n pembaha pembahasan san dibawa dibawah h ini! 2. erakan erakan "atihan "atihan berik#t berik#t dan kirimkan kirimkan ke a"amat a"amat emai" $s. $s. %&a. 'riskaariestha()mai".&*m riskaariestha()mai".&*m++ ,. Den)an Den)an -*rmat -*rmat : ama ama / e"as e"as / ama ama $ateri $ateri 0*nt*h : and / 11T32 11T32 / Pr*&ed#re Te4t Te4t $ATE5% $ATE5% 1 P5O0EDU5E TE6T Adalah sebuah sebuah teks yang memaparkan memaparkan kiat-kiat kiat-kiat / tips, cara – cara dan atau atau langkah – langkah dalam membuat sesuatu. transitional signals”. Cirri – cirri teks prosedur adalah terdapat kata – kata “ transitional Transiti*na" si)na"s Firstly, Then, Finally, Secondly, Next, Thirdly, After that, First of all, Later, %mperati7e 8*rm 'kalimat 'kalimat perintah+ perintah + Study these sentences. ? First of all, you "*) in to Yahoo! home page. ?
Then, you &"i&k the Sign p No" lin#.
$n the imperati%e form, you remo%e the su&'ect of the sentence so that those sentences "ill &e( ? 9*) in to Yahoo home page. ?
0"i&k the Sign p No" lin#.
The other examples of imperati%e sentences( 1. 2. ,. . <. =. >. ?. @.
* "itt "itter erin in) ) her here! e! * sm*k sm*kin in) ) here here!! * park parkin in) ) here here!! D*n;t D*n;t "itte "itterr in in this this s&h** s&h**"! "! D*n; D*n;tt sm* sm*ke ke here here!! D*n; D*n;tt park ark here here!! Open Open *#r *#r b** b**k k p"e p"eas ase! e! end end *#r *#r task task p"ea p"ease se!! 9isten t* t* me me!
Berikut ini adalah contoh P5O0EDU5 TE6T HOW TO UE THE -A0%$%9E $A0H%E Firstly, chec# the fax machine plug. After you chec# the fax machine po"er supply, chec# to ma#e sure that its telephone cord is plugged into a phone 'ac#. Then, insert the document that you "ant to fax into the )outgoing) fax tray. Although the machine differs, there "ill usually &e an icon or picture directing the user "here to place the outgoing document. *ost fax machines re+uire the user to insert the documents face do"n, &ut chec# your specific machine. Next, dial the phone num&er to "hich you "ish to send the document. $n some offices, you may need to dial a num&er such as )) for an outside line. You may also need to include the area or country code. After that, "ait for the
recei%ing fax machine to )ans"er.) You "ill hear a sound li#e a computer modem( a series of highpitched s+ueals and static-li#e noises. epending on your fax machine, you may ha%e to press the )Start) &utton to send your fax, or your model may automatically automatically start sending the fax &y itself. Later Later,, loo# loo# at the fax machine machine displa display y consol console. e. $t sho"s sho"s if pages pages ha%e ha%e gone gone throu through gh successfully or if you need to resend a fax due to an error. /enerally, "hen a fax has gone through successfully the machine "ill &eep or display a )success) message. Then, stoc# your fax machine "ith plenty of paper in the )incoming) fax tray. $f you recei%e a fax, it instantly prints on the paper pro%ided. pro%ided. 0%en if it is out of paper, your fax machine machine "ill #eep recei%ed faxes in its memory, and and it "ill print them "hen you finally stoc# the machine "ith paper. Finally, note "hether your fax machine has its o"n dedicated phone line. $f so, it should recei%e faxes automatically. $f you use one phone line for &oth your fax machine and a regular telephone, telephone, you may need to press )Start) to t o process an incoming fax. You can recogni1e an incoming fax easily2 if you pic# up the phone, you "ill hear the same modem sounds as "hen you are sending a fax. Source: www.ehow.com www.ehow.com
V*&ab#"ar automatically automatically 3kk 4 ( secara otomatis console 3kb 3kb44 ( panel cord 3kb 3kb44 ( #a&el include 3kkt 3kkt 4 ( menca#up 'ac# 3kb 3kb44 ( stop #onta#
plug 3kb4 kb4 ( ste#er plug 3kkt 4 ( mencoco##an ste#er re+uire 3 kkt 4 ( memerlu#an s+ueal 3kb4 kb4 ( leng#ingan tray 3kb4 kb4 ( "adah
TUA 1 $enawab pertanaan berdasarkan &*nt*h teks pr*sed#r di atas. B#esti*ns 5. 6hat do you ha%e to do first "hen you "ant to use a fax machine7 8. 6here do you insert the document you "ant to fax7 9. 6hat do you do after you insert the document7 :. Should you al"ays press the STA;T &utton to send your fax7 <. 6hich part of the machine sho"s you "hether the fax is successfully sent or not7 =. 6hat does the machine do "hen the document has &een sent7 >. 6hy do you ha%e to stoc# paper in the incoming fax tray7 ?. 6ill you lose your recei%ed fax if the machine is out of paper7 . 6hich #ind of machine recei%es faxes automatically7 5@. o" do you recogni1e an incoming fax7 TUGAS 2 MENJAWAB PERTANYAAN SESUA TE!S BER!UT "AN MENENTU!AN !A#MAT BENAR $ SA#A% &TRUE$'A#SE(
HOW TO 05EATE YOU5 C9O TH5OUH WO5DP5E.0O$ Firstly, choose a name for your &log. $t "ill define your &log, and can get pic#ed up &y the search engines easily. After that, log onto 6ordBress.com, clic# on the )Sign p) lin# at the top-right corner, and choose your login name. This "ill &e your username to set up your account. Youll need to enter your email address, and re%ie" the terms and conditions &efore proceeding. proceeding. Clic# )/imme a &log!) to accept. Then, enter the title for your &log and select the primary language your &log "ill &e "ritten in. ecide if you "ant the &log to sho" up on search engine listings and chec# the &ox accordingly. accordingly. Clic# )Signup) "hen finished. Next, chec# your email in&ox for a confirmation. This "ill include an acti%ation lin# that "ill authori1e your account and ma#e your &log acti%e. Youll need to clic# on this lin# to confirm your account. Finally, update your profile. You can access this page after confirming your account through the email lin#. You can also change your pass"ord here if you need to. To "rite your
first post, use the na%igation &ar at the top of the page to learn "hich areas of the &log you can "or# on and control. You can "rite your first post &y clic#ing on the )6rite) ta& in top leftof the screen. D0ST$EN( 5. 6hat does the &logs name function7 8. 6hat must you do &efore proceeding7 9. 6hat does the acti%ation lin# function7 :. 6hy do you need to confirm your account7 <. o" do you "rite your first post7
TUGAS ) MENYUSUSN !A#MAT * !A#MAT A+A! BER!UT MENJA" PR,SE"UR YANG TEPATToda./ 0lo1al armin0 i33ue3 are 4er. popular- E4er.one ant3 to do 3omethin0 to 3a4e the en4ironment- Rec.clin0 paper i3 a 0ood 3tart to make a 1etter condition- %ere are 3entence3 that ill e5plain a1out rec.clin0 paper- Arran0e them into a 0ood ordera. Then, soa# paper pieces in enough "ater for at least < minutes. &. Glend until the paper and "ater &ecomes a thic# paste. c. First of all, cut or tear paper into small pieces. d. Ta#e the paste from the &lender and strain most of the "ater from the paper. e. After that, &oil the "ater and paper pieces on a sto%e for at least 5< minutes. f. 6hile &oiling the "ater and paper, stir e%ery 5 or 8 minutes to ma#e sure all the paper is e%enly softened. g. Add glue to the paste to ma#e a structure. h. After the &oiling process, put the paper and "ater in a strainer and strain all the hot "ater out. i. Then, spread the pulp on a coo#ie sheet and flatten "ith a rolling pin to desired thic#ness and use a sponge to soa# up excess "ater. '. Next, scoop the the paper into into a &lender &lender and add add 'ust enough enough "ater to co%er the paper. paper. #. Finally, lea%e dry for at least one day. Source: www.wikihow.com www.wikihow.com