JURUS – JURUS TOEFL TOEFL merupakan singkatan dari Test Of English as a Foreign Language. TOEFL adalah standardisasi kemampuan bahasa inggris seseorang secara tertulis (de (de jure) jure) yang meliputi tiga aspek penguasaan: Listening, riting dan !eading. "istem penilaian TOEFL menggunakan kon#ersi dari setiap $a%aban yang benar. &ilai TOEFL tertinggi yang bisa dicapai seseorang adalah '. Tujuan Test TOEFL TOEFL memiliki dua tu$uan umum yaitu: *cademik dan +eneral. alam bentuk yang sama, sertifikasi rekomendasi TOEFL bisa gunakan untuk kedua hal tadi. *cademic adalah menggunakan menggunakan test untuk tu$uan pendidikan, penelitian atau yang berhubungan berhubungan dengan kegiatan akademis di luar negeri, ataupun di -ndonesia. -ndonesia. ntuk paska sar$ana, biasanya nilai minimal adalah /. sedangkan untuk "0 adalah // +eneral pada umumnya digunakan untuk tu$uan peker$aan, kenaikan pangkat atau tugas ker$a. 1anyak perusahaan yang memasang standar bahasa inggris karya%annya dengan melihat nilai TOEFL 2 nya. mumnya, nilai TOEFL minimal adalah // untuk kenaikan pangkat standar. "epan$ang yang saya temui, kisaran nilai TOEFL rata 2 rata orang indonesia dengan $en$ang pendidikan minimal "0 sangat fluktuatif. 1ahkan ada beberapa yang tidak mengetahui apa dan untuk apa itu TOEFL. Tidak demikian dengan para pengambil $urusan bahasa inggris semasa kuliah. 3inimal mereka tahu, apa itu TOEFL. 3eski demikian, nilai TOEFL seorang mahasis%a atau lulusan $urusan bahasa inggris sekalipun tidak men$amin tinggi. "ecara umum, fluktuasi nilai TOEFL rata 2 ratanya berkisar antara 4// sampai '//. "etelah saya melakukan obser#asi kepada teman5teman yang melakukan tes TOEFL ternyata mereka mempunyai permasalahan yang rata5rata sama yaitu ti dak adanya panduan dalam menger$akan soal5soal TOEFL tersebut. 6enger$aan soal TOEFL sebenarnya tidak terlalu sulit kalau sa$a kita mengetahui $urus5$urus untuk memecahkan soal tersebut.
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1erdasarkan obser#asi tersebut, maka saya tergerak untuk membuatkan $urus5$urus yang mudah dipahami dan dipela$ari dalam menyelesaikan soal TOEFL tersebut. "etelah mencari dan membaca beberapa referensi yang berkaitan dengan TOEFL baik dari penulis dalam negeri maupun luar negeri akhirnya saya dapat mempersembahkan EBOOK CARA JAWAB TOEFL. TOEFL. "umber5sumber dalam pembuatan $urus ini didapat dari beberapa buku5buku terbitan dalam negeri dan luar negeri yang harganya bisa *nda lihat di toko buku atau toko buku online. EBOOK CARA JAWAB TOEF terdapat '0 7urus yang perlu anda pela$ari secara bertahap. Ebook ini terdiri dari materi dan latihan setiap $urusnya yang akan membuat *nda mengerti dalam menger$akan soal TOEFL. EBOOK CARA JAWAB TOEF TOEF terdiri dari 4 bagian yaitu Listening 8omprehension, (6emahaman dalam mendengarkan), "tructure and ritten E99pression ("truktur dan ngkapan secara tertulis berkaitan dengan English +rammar atau Tata 1ahasa -nggris), !eading 8omprehension (6emahaman 1acaan). EBOOK CARA JAWAB TOEF $uga dilengkapi transkrip dialog dan $a%aban dari masing5 masing latihan soal yang ada. Latihan5latihan soal diambil dari beberapa referensi buku5buku luar negeri antara lain karangan 1arron, *rco dan eborah 6hilips serta beberapa literatur yang penulis beli langsung dari sumbernya. Akhir kata…… kata…… .:Berusahalah en!an keras karena "eru#ahan tiak atan! se$ara ti#a%ti#a:. %%%%%%%Se&'!a kesuksesan &en!ha&"iri ana%%%%%%%% Sala&.
An!!iearanii"ta An!!iearanii"ta Su&a (. S.) )e&ilik an )en!el'la ***.$araja*a#.$'&
www.carajawab.com Cara Baru Menjawab TOEFL rev.1 - Reading
READING Reading merupakan suatu kumpulan cerita yang mempunyai tema. Sesi ini biasanya terdiri dari 50 pertanyaan dengan waktu menjawab 55 menit. Strategi umum dalam mengerjakan soal membaca. 1. Jangan terlalu lama membaca soal. Anda jangan terlalu untuk mengerti dari cerita dalam soal tersebut. Ini dimungkinkan untuk menjawab pertanyaan. 2. Jangan panik bila tidak mengetahui topik dari cerita. Seluruh informasi untuk menjawab TELAH tersedia dalam cerita tersebut. Tidak dibutuhkan latarbelakang pengetahuan untuk menjawab setiap cerita. 3. Jangan menggunakan waktu lama dalam menganalisa jawaban. Jika tidak yakin….tebaklah….. atau kembali ke pertanyaan setelah seluruh pertanyaan selesai. Berikut jurus-jurus yang harus Anda lakukan : JURUS 1 : PERTANYAAN IDE UTAMA Hampir seluruh pertanyaan dalam soal cerita menanyakan ide utama dari cerita tersebut. Bentuk pertanyaan antara lain topic, subject, title , primary idea atau main idea .
Jenis pertanyaan
• • • • • •
PERTANYAAN IDE UTAMA What is the topic of topic of the passage ? What is the subject of subject of the passage ? What is the main idea of idea of the passage ? Whait is the author’s main point in point in the passage ? With what is the author primarily concerned concerned ? ? Which of the following would be the best title ? title ?
Lokasi kemungkinan jawaban
Terletak di awal kalimat setiap paragraf
Bagaimana menjawab pertanyaan
1. Baca baris pertama setiap paragraf 2. Mencari tema atau ide pada baris pertama 3. Membaca dengan cepat seluruh cerita untuk mengecek ide atau tema yang telah Anda temukan 4. Buang jawaban yang Anda perkirakan salah.
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Contoh soal : Basketball was invented in 1891 by a physical education instructor in Springfield, Massachusetts by the name of James Naismith. Because of the terrible weather in winter, his physical education students were indoors rather than outdoors. They really did not like the idea of boring, repetitive exercises and preferred the excitement and challenge of a game. Naismith figured out a team sport that could be played indoors on a gymnasium floor; that involved a lot of running,that kept all team members involved, and that did not allow the tackling and physical contact of American style football Pertanyaan : What is the topic of topic of this passage ? (A). The life of James Naismith (B). The history of sports (C). Physical education and exercise (D). The origin of basketball Cara menjawab : 1. Baris pertama tertulis Basketball was invented 2. Kata invented kemungkinan topik dari cerita tersebut 3. Membaca dengan cepat secara keseluruhan cerita 4. Memilih jawaban yang benar yaitu (D)
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Latihan Jurus 1 : In the !r"t ha# o the n!neteenth centur$% a &ew 'or( new")a)er% the New York Sun% Sun% "ucce""u##$ carr!e* out a hoa+ on the ,mer!can )ub#!c. Becau"e o th!" tr!c(% rea*er"h!) o the )a)er ro"e "ub"tant!a##$. Line
On ,uu"t 25% 135% the Sun )ub#!"he* re)ort" that "ome won*eru# new *!"cover!e" ha* been ma*e on the moon. The art!c#e *e"cr!be* "trane% never-beore-"een an!ma#" an* tem)#e"
covere* !n "h!n!n jewe#". Man$ member" o the ,mer!can )ub#!c were oo#e* b$ the "tor$% even "ome )rom!nent member" o the "c!ent!!c commun!t$. The eect o the a#"e "tor$ on "a#e o the )a)er wa" *ramat!c. /a)er "a#e" !ncrea"e* con"!*erab#$ a" )eo)#e eaer#$ "earche* out *eta!#" o the new *!"cover!e".
(10) Later% the new")a)er com)an$ announce* that !t ha* not been tr$!n to tr!c( the )ub#!c0 !n"tea*% the com)an$ e+)#a!ne* the moon "tor!e" a" a t$)e o #!terar$ "at!re.
h!ch o the o##ow!n be"t "tate" the to)!c o the )a""ae , , n!neteenth-centur$ *!"cover$ on the moon B The New York Sun C , hoa+ an* !t" eect The "ucce"" o a new")a)er
Choo"e the )arara)h the *e"cr!be" what ha))ene* on a ")ec!!c *ate.
Choo"e the )arara)h that e+)#a!n" what ha))ene* a" a re"u#t o the act!on" o the New York Sun
The ma!n )o!nt o the )a""ae !" that t hat , The &ew 'or( 6un wa" one o the ear#!e"t ,mer!can new")a)er" B The Sun !ncrea"e* "a#e" when !t tr!c(e* the )ub#!c w!th a a#"e "tor$ C , new")a)er ach!eve* "ucce"" b$ wr!t!n about the moon In 135 "ome ama7!n new *!"cover!e" were ma*e about the moon
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JURUS 2 : PERTANYAAN PER TANYAAN “STATED” DETAIL Pertanyaan detail yaitu suatu informasi yang terdapat dalam paragraf. Jawaban dari jenis pertanyaan pertanyaan ini secara umum telah tersedia di dalam cerita tersebut. Jawaban merupakan pengulangan dari kalimat dengan tema atau ide yang sama tetapi tidak sama dalam kata-kata.
Jenis pertanyaan
• • • •
PERTANYAAN DETAIL According to According to the passage …. It is stated in stated in the passage … The passage indicates that indicates that … Which of the following is true …? true …?
Lokasi kemungkinan jawaban
Ditemukan secara berurutan dalam bagian cerita
Bagaimana menjawab pertanyaan
1. Cari kata kunci dari dari pertanyaan tersebut 2. Baca cepat kemungkinan bagian dari cerita tersebut yang sesuai dengan kata kunci atau ide 3. Baca kalimat yang mengandung kata kunci atau ide secara hati-hati 4. Buang jawaban yang Anda perkirakan salah.
Contoh soal : Flutes have been around for quite some time, in all sorts of shapes and sizes and made from avariety of materials. The oldest known flutes are about 20.000 years old; they were made from hollowed-out bones with holes cut in them. In addition to bone, older flutes were often constructed from bamboo or hollowed-out wood. Today’s flutes are generally made of metal, and in addition to the holes they have a complicated system of keys, levels, and pads. The instrument belonging to wellknown flautist James Galway is not just made of any metal, it is made of gold. Pertanyaan: According to the passage , the oldest flutes (A) had holes cut in them (B) were made of metal (C) were made 200.000 years ago (D) had a complicated set of levers and pads Jawaban : 1. Kata kunci the oldest flutes 2. Berdasarkan cerita terdapat dalam kalimat ke dua. 3. Kalimat menyatakan the oldest known were were bones with holes cut in them . www.carajawab.com Cara Baru Menjawab TOEFL rev.1 - Reading
4. Jawaban yang tepat yaitu A. - Jawaban B dan D benar bila diceritakan today’s flute - Jawaban C salah karena oldest flutes are 20.000 years old , bukan 200.000 years old
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Latihan Jurus 2 : Man$ )art" o the "outhwe"tern :n!te* 6tate" wou#* become *e"ert" aa!n w!thout the water" the Co#ora*o ;!ver. , "$"tem o thou"an*" o m!#e" o cana#"% hun*re*" o m!#e" o tunne#" an* a
Im)er!a# =a##e$ !n "outhern Ca#!orn!a !" an e+am)#e o "uch a )#ace0 !t !" a va"t v a"t an* )ro*uct!ve
ar!cu#tura# area that wa" once a *e"ert. To*a$% 2%>>> m!#e" o cana#" !rr!ate the ert!#e #an* an* (ee) !t )ro*uct!ve. 1.
h!ch the o##ow!n !" ment!one* !n the )a""ae a" a wa$ that Co#ora*o ;!ver water et" to the 6outhwe"t , B$ truc( B In bott#e" C In we##" Trouh cana#"
,ccor*!n to the )a""ae% the Im)er!a# =a##e$ , I" a *e"ert to*a$ B I" #ocate* !n Co#ora*o C /ro*uce" a #ot o ar!cu#tura# oo*" oe" not re
The ance"tor" o human" ha* a #ot more ha!r than the human" o to*a$0 !n act% the$ ha* th!c( ha!r a## over the!r bo*!e". Th!" th!c( ha!r wa" nece""ar$ or )rotect!on aa!n"t the co#* o the Ice ,e". Line
," Earth ot warmer% the ha!r bean to th!n out% e+ce)t or on the hea*. The hea* ha!r ha"
rema!ne* trouh the evo#ut!onar$ ev o#ut!onar$ )roce""% both a" a "ort o )!##ow to cu"h!on the "en"!t!ve hea* when !t et" bane* aroun* an* a" a "ort o that to (ee) the hea* warm an* )revent "o much heat rom e"ca)!n throuh the "ca#). 3.
Choo"e the *raw!n that "how" the human ance"tor" that are *e"cr!be* !n the !r"t )arara)h
,ccor*!n to the )a""ae% what ha))ene* a" the tem)erature on Earth !ncrea"e* , The ha!r on the hea* bean to th!n out. B The ha!r on the bo*$ rema!ne* the t he "ame. C The ha!r on the bo*$ ot th!c(er. The ha!r on the bo*$ bean to th!n out.
The author !n*!cate" that one o the )ur)o"e o ha!r on the hea* !" to , F!## u) )!##ow" B ?e#) heat e"ca)e throuh the "ca#) C En"ure that the hea* !" warm Ma(e !t ea"!er to th!n(
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/,66,AE T?;EE ue"t!on" 8-1> The )#ane w!th the #are"t w!n")an ever bu!#t wa" n!c(name* the Spruce Goose. The Goose. The w!n")an o the Spruce Goose wa" 32> eet a#mo"t 1>> mater" % an* the )#anet we!he* 2>> ton". It wa" "o b! that !t nee*e* e!ht en!ne" to )ower !t. Line
The )#ane wa" *e"!ne* b$ ?owar* ?uhe" !n re")on"e to a :.6. overnment re
that wa" ab#e to carr$ a #are caro or the war eort. It wa" ma*e ma*e o woo* becau"e woo* !" a #e"" cr!t!ca# mater!a# !n wart!me than meta#. The )#ane wa" "o *!!cu#t to bu!#* that !t never rea##$ ot u"e*. It wa" #own one t!me on#$% b$ ?uhe" h!m"e#% on &ovember 2% 1@490 *ur!n that #!ht !t trave#e* a *!"tance o #e"" than one m!#e over the Lo" ,ne#e" ?arbor% but I *!* #$. To*a$% the Spruce Goose !" on e+h!b!t or the
(10) 8.
)ub#!c to "ee !n Lon Beach% Beac h% Ca#!orn!a. Choo"e the *raw!n that re"emb#e" the Spruce Goose.
The )a""ae !n*!cate" that the )#ane wa" *e"!ne* , ," a caro )#ane B ," a rac!n )#ane C To carr$ woo* For e+h!b!t!on
,ccor*!n to the )a""ae% the Spruce Goose !" Goose !" con"tructe* rom , oo* B L!htwe!ht meta# C /#a"t!c 6tee#
,ccor*!n to the )a""ae% when the Spruce Goose #ew% Goose #ew% , It went on#$ a "hort *!"tance B It e## !nto the Lo" ,ne#e" ?arbor C It #ew 1>> m!#e" It carr!e* a #are caro
1>. The )a""ae !n*!cate" that the Spruce Goose to*a$ Goose to*a$ , F#!e" reu#ar#$ or the :.6. overnment B I" !n the Lo" ,ne#e" ?arbor ? arbor C I" !n "torae Can be "een b$ the )ub#!c
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Latihan Jurus 1 – 2 : The center )art o a hurr!cane !" ca##e* the e$e o the "torm. In the e$e o a hurr!cane% w!n*" are ca#m an* no ra!n a##". There can even be b#ue "($ an* "un"h!ne !n the e$e e $e o "torm. Line
Th!" *r$ an* ca#m ")ot !" cau"e* a" the a!r ")!n" aroun* the center cente r o the hurr!cane. The ")!nn!n
a!r r!"e" an* )u##" mo!"ture w!th !t. hat rema!n" !n the center !" *r$% c#ear a!r. 1.
The to)!c o the )a""ae !" , The *e"truct!on hurr!cane" B The har"h weather *ur!n a hurr!cane C The ca#m !n the center o a hurr!cane The beaut!u# weather that o##ow" a hurr!cane 2.
The )a""ae !n*!cate" that !n the e$e o a hurr!cane , It !" w!n*$ B There !" a #ot o ra!n C There !" c#ou*$% ra$ "($ It can be "unn$
3. ,ccor*!n to the )a""ae% what cau"e" the ca#m ")ot , The a!r c!rc#!n aroun* the center B The b#ue "($ an* "un"h!ne C The h!h tem)erature" The heav$ ra!na##
4. hat )arara)h that e+)#a!n" how the e$e o a hurr!cane !" orme*.
/,66,AE TO ue"t!on" 5-1>
The !nvent!on o the )honora)h ha))ene*
In that #aborator$ a $ear #ater% E*!"on !nvente* the )honora)h wh!#e he wa" tr$!n to !m)rove a te#era)h re)eater. ?e attache* a te#e)hone *!a)hram to nee*#e !n the te#era)h re)eater0 !n th!" wa$% he wa" ab#e to re)ro*uce a recor*!n that cou#* be )#a$e* bac(. ,ter he ma*e "ome !m)rovement" to the mach!ne% he te"te* !t. ?e rec!te* DMar$ ?a* a L!tt#e Lamb !nto
the mach!ne an* )#a$e* h!" vo!ce bac( to a ver$ "ur)r!"e* au*!ence. 5.
hat !" the be"t t!t#e or the )a""ae , Thoma" E*!"on" Man$ Invent!on" B Im)rovement" !n the Te#e)hone an* Te#era)h C The ?!"tor$ o Men#o /ar( ,n ,cc!*enta# Invent!on
. hat wa" E*!"on wor(!n on when he create* the )honora)h , , te#era)h re)eater B , te#era)h *!a)hram C , te#e)hone re)eater , te#e)hone *!a)hram
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8. Choo"e the *raw!n that "how" what wa" !nvente* b$ acc!*ent.
@. ,ccor*!n to the )a""ae% how wa" the )honora)h ma*e , !th a te#e)hone nee*#e an* a recor*er B From a recor*!n o a te#era)h C !th on#$ a te#era)h re)eater From a comb!nat!on o te#e)hone an* te#era)h )art" 1>. ,ccor*!n to the )a""ae% how *!* E*!"on te"t h!" new !nvent!on , ?e ma*e !m)rovement" to the mach!ne. B ?e u"e* a carbon tran"m!tter. C ?e rea* a ch!#*ren" c h!#*ren" rh$me. ?e re)ro*uce* the au*!ence" vo!ce.
9. In what $ear *!* the !nvent!on o the )honora)h occur , 198 B 199 C 19 The art!c#e *oe" not "a$.
JURUS 3 : CARI “UNSTATED” DETAIL Jurus ini untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis pertanyaan antara lain not stated atau not mentioned atau atau not true dalam dalam cerita tersebut. Jawaban untuk jenis soal ini merupakan bukan bagian dari cerita dalam soal tersebut.
Jenis pertanyaan
PERTANYAAN “UNSTATED” DETAIL Which of the following is not stated ….? stated ….? Which of the following is not mentioned…? mentioned …? Which of the following is not discussed..? discussed ..? All of the following are true except…. except…. • • • •
Lokasi kemungkinan jawaban Bagaimana menjawab pertanyaan
Ditemukan secara berurutan dalam bagian cerita 1. Cari kata kunci dari dari pertanyaan tersebut 2. Baca cepat kemungkinan bagian dari cerita tersebut yang sesuai dengan kata kunci atau ide yang terkait 3. Baca kalimat yang mengandung kata kunci atau ide secara hati-hati www.carajawab.com Cara Baru Menjawab TOEFL rev.1 - Reading
4. Buang jawaban yang Anda perkirakan salah 5. Pilih jawaban yang tidak dibicarakan dalam cerita.
Latihan Jurus 3 : /,66,AE O&E ue"t!on" 1-2 B#oo* )re""ure mea"urement ha" two tw o com)onent"G "$"to#!c an* *!a"to#!c. 6$"to#!c )re""ure !" ta(en when the heart !" contract!n to )um) b#oo*0 *!a"to#!c )re""ure !" ta(en when the heart !" re"t!n between beat". In the u"ua# b#oo* )re""ure rea*!n% the "$"to#!c mea"urement !" !ven Line (5)
!r"t an* !" the h!her o the two. &orma# b#oo* )re""ure !" a "$"to#!c mea"urement o 14>% an* when the "$"to#!c )re""ure !" 18> or h!her% then h$)erten"!on e+!"t". 6$"to#!c )re""ure between 14> an* 18> !n*!cate" bor*er#!ne h$)erten"!on. 1. h!ch the o##ow!n !" &OT true about "$"to#!c b#oo* )re""ure , It !" ta(en *ur!n the contract!on o the heart. B It !" u"ua##$ !ven !r"t !n a b#oo* )re""ure rea*!n. C , norma# "$"to#!c mea"urement !" 14>. ?$)erten"!on e+!"t" when the "$"to#!c )re""ure !" be#ow 14>.
h!ch o the o##ow!n !" &OT "tate* about *!a"to#!c )re""ure , It !" one o the two com)onent" o b#oo* )re""ure mea"urement. B It !" ta(en when the heart !" re"t!n C It !" #ower than "$"to#!c )re""ure. , *!a"to#!c mea"urement o 14> !" norma#.
/,66,AE TO ue"t!on" 3-4 In the 1@8>"% a" ")ace trave# wa" becom!n a "ubje ct o much *!"cu""!on% /an ,mer!can ,!r#!ne" bean rece!v!n "ome a!r#$ unu"ua# re
On a wh!m% /an ,m "tarte* a wa!t!n #!"t or the !r"t #!ht to the Moon. 6!m!#ar re%>>> name" or !t" !r"t #unar #!ht.
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,## o the o##ow!n are ment!one* about /an ,mer!can ,!r#!ne"% EHCE/T that , It "tarte* bu"!ne"" !n the 1@8>" B It rece!ve* re
h!ch o the o##ow!n !" &OT true about /an ,m" Moon #!ht" ,/eo)#e a"(e* /an ,m about !t" #!ht" to the Moon. B/an B /an ,m (e)t a wa!t!n #!"t or !t" Moon #!ht". C/an C /an ,m never rea##$ ma*e an$ Moon #!ht". /an ,m" wa!t!n #!"t ha* on#$ a ew name" on !t.
/,66,AE T?;EE ue"t!on" 5- The tunne# tree" !n 'o"em!te =a##e$ are an ama7!n attract!on to )eo)#e who v!"!t there. The tunne# tree" are hue tree"% !ant re*woo*"% wh!ch have ha* tunne#" carve* !n them% an* car" can actua##$ *r!ve throuh them "hou#* !ve $ou "ome !n*!cat!on o ju"t how b! the tree" Lines (5)
are. There are current#$ two e+!"t!n tunne# tree" !n 'o"em!te =a##e$. One o them !" ca##e* the ea* A!ant. Th!" !" ju"t the "tum)% or bottom )art% o a much #arer tree. The ho#e wa" cut throuh the ba"e o the tree !n 19% an* "taecoache" u"e* to *r!ve throuh !t. To*a$ the ea* A!ant "t!## e+!"t"% but the "taecoache" *o not. /a""ener c ar" can an* *o *r!ve throuh the 1>-oot-w!*e o)en!n !n the tre e "tum).
The other e+!"t!n tunne# tree !" the 23>-oot h!h Ca#!orn!a Tree% wh!ch ha* a ho#e carve* throuh !t !n 1@5. Th!" tree !" no #oner o)en to )ub#!c% "o !t !" not )o""!b#e to ta(e a car throuh !t. :nortunate#$% a th!r* tunne# tree no #oner e+!"t". The awoma Tunne# Tree wa" 2%1>>-$earo#* tree wh!ch wa" carve* !n 11. , terr!b#e "now"torm" !n 1@8@cau"e* th!" anc!ent !ant o a
tree to a##. 5. h!ch o the o##ow!n !" &OT true about the tunne# tree" !n 'o"em!te =a##e$ ,The$ , The$ are tree" w!th ho#e" cut !n them. B The$ are !ant re*woo*". C Three tunne# tree" current#$ e+!"t. Car" Car" have *r!ven throuh "ome o them.
,## o the o##ow!n are "tate* about the ea* A!ant% EHCE/T that , It !" "t!## a tunne# tree to*a$ to*a$ B It !" ju"t the "tum) o a tree C It wa" cut #e"" than a centur$ ao It ha" a 1>-oot o)en!n
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h!ch o the o##ow!n !" &OT true about the Ca#!orn!a Tree , It" tunne# "t!## e+!"t". B It" tunne# !" 23> eet h!h. C It" tunne# wa" cut !n 1@5. E Car" are not a##owe* to o throuh !t.
. ,## o the o##ow!n are true about the awoma Tunne# Tree% EHCE/T that , It *oe" not e+!"t an$more B The tree #!ve* or more than 2%>>> $ear" C The tunne# tree wa" *e"tro$e* !n a "now"torm The tunne# wa" *e"tro$e* !n 11
Latihan Jurus 1 – 3: /,66,AE O&E ue"t!on" 1-5 hen the t$)ewr!ter wa" !r"t !nvente*% !t" (e$" were arrane* a#)habet!ca##$. Th!" ma*e the (e$" ea"$ to !n*. ?owever% th!" arranement a#"o cau"e* the bar" o the mach!ne to jam% or et "tuc(. Line (5)
To "o#ve th!" )rob#em% a new #etter arranement wa" !ntro*uce* b$ Chr!"to)her Latham 6cho#e" !n 192. ?!" "$"tem% the "tan*ar* (e$boar* "$"tem% !" "t!## u"e* on (e$boar*" to*a$. ?e arrane* the #etter" !n "uch a wa$ that the bar" h!t the #!n(e* r!bbon rom o))o"!te *!rect!on" a" much a" )o""!b#e. Th!" re"u#te* !n ar #e"" jamm!n than ha* occurre* w!th the a#)habet!ca# mo*e#".
1. The ma!n to)!c o th!" )a""ae !" ,The , The !nvent!on o the t$)ewr!ter B , )rob#em an* "o#ut!on concern!n the ear#$ t$)ewr!ter C ?ow to wr!te a #etter on the t$)ewr!ter h$ h$ the (e$" "t!c( on to*a$" t$)ewr!ter 2. ,ccor*!n to the )a""ae% on the !r"t t$)ewr!ter" ,The , The (e$" were !n a#)habet!ca# or*er B The (e$" were har* to !n* C The bar" on the mach!ne never jamme* 6cho#e"" 6cho#e"" "$"tem wor(e*
3. h!ch o the o##ow!n !" &OT true about the "$"tem !nvente* b$ 6cho#e" 6c ho#e" , It wa" !ntro*uce* !n 192. B It !" "t!## u"e* to*a$ C It became the "tan*ar*" "$"tem. It wa" a#)habet!ca#. 4. The )a""ae !n*!cate" that% un*er 6cho#e"" "$"tem% the bar" h!t the r!bbon , In a#)habet!ca# or*er B From o))o"!te *!rect!on" C ,n* cau"e* the (e$" to jam In the "ame wa$ a" the$ ha* on the or!!na# t$)ewr!ter 5. hat )arara)h that e+)#a!n" an ear#$ )rob#em w!th the t$)ewr!ter.
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/,66,AE TO ue"t!on" 8-12 e"ert tun*ra% or co#* *e"ert% occur" on the ,rct!c e*e" o &orth ,mer!ca% Euro)e% an* ,"!a. In the"e area"% the tem)erature" are a#mo"t a#wa$" ree7!n% an* the$ cau"e an env!ronment !n wh!ch )#ant #!e !" v!rtua##$ !m)o""!b#e. /#ant #!e !" ma*e !m)o""!b#e b$ two Line
*!erent an* e+treme con*!t!on"% e!ther a #ac( or an overabun*ance o water.
ur!n at #ea"t three
the ro7en "ub"o!# ma(e !t *!!cu#t or )#ant" to row. 8.
h!ch o the o##ow!n !" the be"t t!t#e or the )a""ae , here e"ert Tun*ra I" Foun* B The eather !n the ,rct!c C The Eect o e"ert Tun*ra on /#ant L!e The =ar!et$ o /#ant L!e !n e"ert Tun*ra
,ccor*!n to the )a""ae% *e"ert tun*ra !" oun* , Throuhout &orth ,mer!ca% Euro)e% an* ,"!a B In ,ntarct!ca C On the ,rct!c bor*er" o the northern cont!nent" ,t the &orth /o#e
Choo"e the chart that "#ow" the re#at!ve amount o t!me each $ear that water !" ava!#ab#e to )#ant" !n the ,rct!c.
1>. h!ch o the o##ow!n *oe" &OT ha))en when the weather heat" u) , /#ant" row we##. B The !ce me#t". C There !" not enouh *ra!nae. There !" too much water
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,ccor*!n to the )a""ae% what ma(e" )#ant #!e a#mo"t !m)o""!b#e !n area" o *e"ert tun*ra *ur!n mo"t o the $ear , E+ce""!ve water on the )#ant" B The ro7en "tate o the water C The !ncrea"e !n tem)erature The #ac( o !ce.
11. ,ccor*!n to the )a""ae% wh$ !" !t !m)o""!b#e or the water to *ra!n ater !t me#t" , The #an* beneath the "urace !" "t!## ro7en. B The tem)erature !" too h!h C The )er!o* o t!me !" too t oo "hort The veetat!on !" #our!"h!n. 12. Choo"e the )arara)h that *e"cr!be" the "!tuat!on !n the ,rct!c or the major!t$ o the $ear.
/,66,AE T?;EE ue"t!on" 13-1 ha#e" are mamma#" rather than !"h% $et the$ #!ve !n the wor#*" ocean" rather than on #an*. Becau"e o the act that the$ are mamma#"% "c!ent!"t" have be#!eve* or
6ome !ntere"t!n ev!*ence to "u))ort th!" theor$ ha" recent#$ rece nt#$ been oun*. In E$)t% o""!#" have been oun* o the o""!# ev!*ence that the bone" were not ver$ "tron an* not ver$ #are !n com)ar!"on to the "!7e o the wha#e. Ba"e* on th!" o""!# ev!*ence% the o##ow!n evo#ut!onar$ )ath ha" been h$)othe"!7e*. ," the wha#e bean !t" evo#ut!on towar* the water% !t" #e" wea(ene* an* *ecrea"e* !n "!7e. Then% *ur!n !t" m!##!on" o $ear" !n the wate r% the #e" "#ow#$ *!"a))eare*% #eav!n on#$ the ront
#!))er" to*a$. 13. The ma!n !*ea o th!" )a""ae !" that , &umerou" wha#e o""!#" have been oun* !n the wor#*" ocean" B There !" ev!*ence that wha#e" ma$ have *e"cen*e* rom #an* mamma#" C ha#e" are mamma#" an* not !"h ha#e" have not evo#ve* ver$ much over the #a"t m!##!on" o $ear"
18. h!ch o the o##ow!n wa" &OT ment!one* !n the #!"t o wha#e o""!#" oun* !n E$)t , a wha#e" (neeca)
14. ,## o the o##ow!n are true about wha#e"% EHCE/T that , The$ are mamma#" B The$ #!ve !n the ocean C The$ are !"h The$ ma$ have come rom the #an*
19. ,ccor*!n to the h$)othe"!" !n the )a""ae% what ha))ene* to wha#e" #e" , the$ ot "troner over t!me.
B a wha#e" an(#e C a wha#e" ootbone" a wha#e" !ner"
B the$ ot #arer over t!me. C the$ *!"a))eare*
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15. h!ch o the o##ow!n !" &OT ment!one* about the wha#e o""!#" !n the )a""ae , The$ were oun* !n E$)t. B The$ "u))ort the theor$ that wha#e" came rom #an*. C The$ are ort$ m!##!on $ear" o#*. The$ "howe* that anc!ent wha#e" ha* #!))er".
1. hat )arara)h that e+)#a!n" how the wha#e )o""!b#$ evo#ve*.
JURUS 4 : PERTANYAAN TERSIRAT Jurus ini merupakan sekumpulan dari petunjuk dalam cerita yang harus dapat Anda ambil kesimpulan dari cerita tersebut. Jenis pertanyaan ini tidak secara langsung jawabannya jawabannya dapat dapat dicari dalam dalam cerita tersebut. tersebut. PERTANYAAN TERSIRAT It is implied in implied in the passage that …. It can be inferred from inferred from the passage that …… It is most likely that likely that ….. What probably happened….? probably happened….?
Jenis pertanyaan
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Lokasi kemungkinan jawaban Bagaimana menjawab pertanyaan
Ditemukan secara berurutan dalam bagian cerita 1. Cari kata kunci dari dari pertanyaan tersebut 2. Baca cepat kemungkinan bagian dari cerita tersebut yang sesuai dengan kata kunci atau ide 3. Baca kalimat yang mengandung kata kunci atau ide secara hati-hati 4. Buang jawaban yang Anda perkirakan salah.
Latihan Jurus 4 : /,66,AE O&E ue"t!on" 1-3 :nt!# 1@@8% the 6ear" Tower wa" the ta##e"t bu!#*!n !n the wor#*% w!th more than a hun*re* "tor!e". It !" #ocate* !n Ch!cao% who"e n!c(name !" the !n*$ C!t$. The comb!nat!on o a ver$ ta## bu!#*!n !n a c!t$ w!th w!t h "uch weather con*!t!on" #ea*" to a #ot o "wa$!n !n the bree7e. On a w!n*$ *a$% the to) o the bu!#*!n can move bac( an* orth a" much a" three eet ever$ ew "econ*". The !n"!*e *oor" at the to) o the bu!#*!n o)en an* c#o"e% an* water !n "!n(" "#o"he" bac( an* orth.
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1. The 6ear" Tower !" )robab#$ , ," ta## a" the Em)!re 6tate 6 tate Bu!#*!n B &o #oner the ta##e"t bu!#*!n !n the wor#* C Ta##er than an$ other bu!#*!n 6t!## the h!he"t bu!#*!n !n the wor#*
It !" !m)#!e* !n the )a""ae that the u))er-#eve# *oor" !n the 6ear" Tower o)en an* c#o"e becau"e , The bu!#*!n wa" )oor#$ con"tructe* B /eo)#e o !n an* out "o oten C The bu!#*!n move" !n the w!n* There There !" water !n the "!n("
2. It can be !nerre* rom the )a""ae that Ch!cao , ?a" mo*erate weather B I" enera##$ warm C ?a" hum!* weather :"ua##$ ha" a #ot o w!n* /,66,AE TO ue"t!on" 4-8 The mo"t common #a"t name !n the t he En#!"h-")ea(!n wor#* !" 6m!th% wh!ch wa" ta(en rom the job o wor(!n w!th meta#". , "!#ver"m!th% or e+am)#e% !" "omeone who wor(" w!th the meta# "!#ver. ?!"tor!ca# recor*" !n*!cate that the u"e o th!" #a"t name !" ! " at #ea"t 9>> $ear " o#*. Line
To*a$% there are more than 3.3 m!##!on 6m!th" #!v!n !n the :n!te* 6tate" an* )erha)" another
m!##!on 6m!th" #!v!n !n other En#!"h-")ea(!n countr!e" wor#*w!*e. 4. It can be !nerre* rom the )a""ae that am!#$ name" , ere a#wa$" ta(en rom the area where a am!#$ #!ve* B ere "hort name" C ?a* #!tt#e or no mean!n Cou#* be ta(en rom job"
In En#an* there are )robab#$ , More 6m!th" than there are !n the :n!te* 6tate" B More than a m!##!on 6m!th" C Fewer than a m!##!on 6m!th" &o &o am!#!e" w!th the name o 6m!th
5. h!ch o the o##ow!n !" !m)#!e* about the 6m!th am!#$ name , It !" *e!n!te#$ not more than 9>> $ear" o#*. B It e+!"te* 8>> $ear" ao. C It *!* not e+!"t 5>> $ear" ao. It *e!n!te#$ wa" not !n u"e 1%>>> $ear" ao.
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/,66,AE T?;EE ue"t!on" 9-@ On the har*ne"" "ca#e% corun*um c orun*um !mme*!ate#$ o##ow" *!amon*% wh!ch !" the har*e"t m!nera# !n the wor#*. Corun*um !" )erha)" better (nown b$ the name" o !t" em"tone"% em"tone"% rub$ an* "a))h!re. Ba"!ca##$% em corun*um !" *!v!*e* !nto two rou)"G corun*um that !" re* !n Line
co#or !" ca##e* rub$% an* corun*um that !" an$ other co#or !" ca##e* "a))h!re.
/ure corun*um !" c#ear% but )ure corun*um !" rare#$ oun* !n nature. I "ma## amount" o the chem!ca# "ub"tance chrom!c o+!*e Cr2O3 ot !nto the cr$"ta# "tructure when !t orme* m!##!on" o $ear" ao% then the corun*um c orun*um turne* a *ee)% r!ch re* r e* an* became rub$. ;e* !" not the on#$ co#or that corun*um can ta(e on. Other chem!ca# "ub"tance" enter !nto the cr$"ta# "tructure o corun*um% an* !t can ta(e on a var!et$ o other co#or". Mo"t )eo)#e
a""oc!ate b#ue w!th "a))h!re"% an* certa!n#$ when c orun*um conta!n" !m)ur!t!e" turn !t b#ue% !t !" ca##e* "a))h!re. ?owever% corun*um can have a var!et$ o the other co#or"-e..% reen or )ur)#e-an* "t!## be ca##e* "a))h!re. 9.
It can be !nerre* rom the )a""ae that corun*um !" , The har*e"t m!nera# !n the wor#* B &ot a" har* a" "a))h!re C The "econ* har*e"t m!nera# , rather "ot m!nera#
Chrom!c o+!*e !" )robab#$ what co#or , C#ear B B#ue C ;e* reen
'e##ow corun*um !" mo"t #!(e#$ ca##e* , Ao#* B Chrom!c o+!*e C ;ub$ 6a))h!re
Latihan Jurus 1 – 4 : /,66,AE O&E ue"t!on" 1-5 Beore ba##)o!nt )en" or ounta!n )en"% )en" w ere ma*e rom oo"e eather". The"e oo"e eather"% ca##e*
*!))!n wa" nece""ar$. The"e
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1. h!ch o the o##ow!n !" the be"t t!t#e or th!" )a""ae , Ear#$ Ba##)o!nt an* Founta!n /en" B u!## /en" or Let!e" an* ;!ht!e" C here u!## /en" Came From =ar!ou" :"e" or Aoo"e Feather"
3. The )a""ae !n*!cate" that
2. Choo"e the *raw!n that "how" a
4. h!ch o the o##ow!n !" &OT true about
5. It can be !nerre* rom the )a""ae that The En#!"h name" o the #a"t our month" o the Areor!an ca#en*ar 6e)tember% October% &ovember% ecember have rather !ntere"t!n h!"tor!e". The Areor!an ca#en*ar !" a twe#veLine (5)
month ca#en*ar% "o the"e month" *o not re#ect the!r )o"!t!on!n !n the ca#e n*ar. The name 6e)tember come" rom the Lat!n wor* septum, wh!ch mean" "even. Th!" month wa" or!!na##$ the name o the "eventh rather than the n!nth month. 6!m!#ar#$% the name October comer rom the Lat!n octo @e!ht0 octo @e!ht0 the name &ovember come" rom the Lat!n novem n!ne0 the name ecember come" rom the Lat!n decem ten. decem ten. 8. The ma!n to)!c o th!" )a""ae !" ,The , The or!!n o certa!n month name" B The Areor!an ca#en*ar C The number" !n Lat!n Ten-an* Ten-an* twe#ve-month ca#en*ar"
9. The !r"t month on the Areor!an ca#en*ar !" )robab#$ , March B Ma$ C anuar$ ecember
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. The )a""ae "tate" that !n the or!!na# ver"!on o the ca#en*ar% 6e)tember wa" the name o ,The , The "!+th month B The "eventh month C The e!ht month The The n!nth month
1>. h!ch o the o##ow!n !" &OT ment!one* !n the )a""ae about ecember , It !" twe#th month on the Areor!an ca#en*ar. B It" name !" *er!ve* rom a Lat!n wor*. C It" mean!n come" rom the number ten. It ha" th!rt$-one *a$".
@. It can be !nerre* rom the )a""ae that &ovember , :"e* to be the n!nth month o the $ear B I" no #oner )art o the Areor!an ca#en*ar C ?a" a#wa$" been the e#eventh month m onth a" not )art o the or!!na# Areor!an ca#en*ar
JURUS 5 : PERBENDAHARAAN KATA (VOCABULARY) Jurus ini memerlukan perbendaharaan kata yang mempunyai arti sama dengan katakata dalam cerita soal. Jenis pertanyaan
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Lokasi kemungkinan jawaban Bagaimana menjawab pertanyaan
PERBENDAHARAAN KATA What is the meaning of meaning of “X” in line Y? The word “X” in line Y could best be replaced by….
Informasi untuk membantu mengerti kata dalam soal yaitu pada konteks dari kalimat sekitar kata tersebut. 1. Cari kata dari pertanyaan tersebut 2. Baca secara hati-hati kalimat yang yang mengandung kata dari pertanyaan 3. Cari petunjuk penjelasan untuk mengetahui arti dari kata tersebut 4. Buang jawaban yang Anda perkirakan salah.
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Latihan Jurus 5 : /,66,AE O&E ue"t!on" 1-5 hen bab!e" are born% the$ t he$ a#wa$" have b#ue e$e". Th!" !" becau"e t he me#an!n% the )!ment that co#or" the e$e"% !" not on the surface o surface o the !r!". In"tea*% !t !" w!th!n the crea"e" o the !r!". Becau"e there !" #!tt#e me#an!n on the "urace o the !r!"% the e$e" a))ear b#ue. Line (5)
,ter a ew month"% the me#an!n move" to the "urace o the !r!". It !" the amount o me#an!n on the "urace that *eterm!ne" a )er"on" )ermanent e$e co#or% "o !t !" at th!" )o!nt that a bab$" e$e" *eve#o) the co#or the$ w!## have or a #!et!me. 1.
The wor* D)!ment !n #!ne 1 !" c#o"et !n mean!n to , 6(!n B Mu"c#e C T!""ue Co#or
Choo"e the wor* !n )arara)h 1 that !" c#o"e"t !n mean!n to Do#*".
The wor* D)ermanent !n #!ne 5 cou#* be"t be re)#ace* b$ , Chaneab#e B La"t!n C ar( )o""!b#e
Loo( at the wor* "urace !n )arara)h 1. Th!" wor* c#o"e"t !n mean!n to , To)
5. Loo( at the point !n )arara)h 2. Th!" wor* cou#* be"t be re)#ace* b$ , ot
B In"!*e
B Era
C Bac(
C T!me
/,66,AE TO ue"t!on" 8-1> The ch!#! )e))er !" nat!ve to the ,mer!ca"% but nowa*a$" !t !" oun* a## over the wor#*. It !" an e+treme#$ )o)u#ar ")!ce !n man$ cu#ture" an* !"% !n act% the wor#*" "econ* avor!te ")!ce% ater "a#t. There are more than a hun*re* ")ec!e" o ch!#! )e))er"% "ome o wh!ch are
m!#* an* other" o wh!ch are !ncre *!b#$ hot and spicy. To*a$ ch!#! )e))er" are u"e* to ")!ce a var!et$ o oo*"% e..% "a#"a% meat an* r!ce *!"he"% an* even jam even jam an* an* je##$. In the )a"t% ch!#! )e))er" ha* "ome other% more m ore unu"ua#% u"e". In anc!ent Me+!co% or e+am)#e% ch!#!e" cou#* be u"e* to )a$ ta+e". In a **!t!on% !n /anama% the"e )e))er" were u"e* to )rotect aa!n"t "har(".
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8. The wor* Davor!te !n #!ne 2 !" c#o"e"t !n mean!n to ,Mo"t , Mo"t )o)u#ar B Mo"t *e#!c!ou" C Be"t (nown Mo"t Mo"t recon!7e*
@. Loo( at the wor* jam !n )arara)h 2. am !" )robab#$ , , t$)e o ch!#! c h!#! B 6ometh!n to eat C 6ometh!n to wear , conta!ner or c h!#!e"
Choo"e the wor* !n )arara)h 1 that !" c#o"e"t !n mean!n to (!n*".
Loo( at the e+)re""!on hot and spicy in paragraph 1. Choo"e the wor* !n )arara)h 1 that !" o))o"!te !n mean!n to hot to hot and spicy.
1>. The e+)re""!on D)rotect aa!n"t !n #!ne cou#* be"t be re)#ace* b$ , Learn aa!n"t B ?unt or C F#!rt w!th een* aa!n"t
/,66,AE T?;EE ue"t!on" 11-19 ,t the en* o the ;evo#ut!onar$ ar% ,mer!ca wa" no #oner a co#on$0 !n"tea*% ,mer!ca wa" a new% $oun countr$ that nee*e* to set up !t" own overnment. There wa" a #ot o *!"areement a" to the t$)e o overnment that wa" be"t. One o the major !""ue" wa" Line
whether there "hou#* be a strong e*era# overnment w!th #!tt#e )ower !n t he han*" o the
!n*!v!*ua# "tate" or a wea( centra# overnment an* )oweru# "tate". It !" !ntere"t!n to note that !t wa" man$ o the ;evo#ut!onar$ ar veteran" who were !n avor o a "tron centra# overnment. Becau"e o the!r eort" !n w!nn!n the war over were e+treme#$ nat!ona#!"t!c.
There were a#"o financial rea"on" wh$ veteran" "u))orte* a "tr on nat!ona# overnment. The revo#ut!onar$ conre"" ha* en*e* the war w!th a #are amount o *ebt% an* #are )ort!on o th!" *ebt wa" !n bac( )a$ an* )en"!on" to "o#*!er". Man$ "o#*!er" be#!eve* that w!th a "tr on e*era# overnment the$ ha* a better chance o co##ect!n the mone$ owe* to them. 11. Dco#on$ !n #!ne 1 !"
12. Loo(
set up
,,n , ,n !n*e)en*ent countr$
)arara)h 1. Th!" e+)re""!on cou#* be"t
B , t$)e o overnment
be re)#ace* b$ wh!ch o the o##ow!n
C , *e)en*ent area
, een*
, , cont!nent
B Oran!7e C ,rue about /rotect
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13. The wor* De*era# !n #!ne 4 !" c#o"e"t !n
18. Loo( at the wor* !nanc!a# !n )arara)h 3.
mean!n to
Th!" wor* !" c#o"e"t !n mean!n to
,6tate , 6tate
, Monetar$
Bea( B ea(
B Im)ortant
CCentra# C Centra#
C M!#!tar$
14. Loo( at the wor* strong !n strong !n )arara)h 1. Choo"e the wor* !n )arara)h 1 that !" o))o"!te !n mean!n to "tron. 15. In #!ne 8% veteran" reer" to ,Aovernment , Aovernment o!c!a#"
19. The wor* Dbac( !n #!ne 12 cou#* be"t be re)#ace* b$ wh!ch o the o##ow!n
B Former "o#*!er"
, ;ever"e
C =oter"
B Low-!ncome
Current Current member" o the arme* orce"
C ;eturnab#e ,#rea*$ earne*
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Latihan Jurus 1 – 5 : /,66,AE O&E ue"t!on" 1-@ Aeora)h!ca##$% Ca#!orn!a" *!ver"!t$ !" breathta(!n% an* the "t ate" coa"t#!ne rom north to "outh !" no e+ce)t!on. Mea"ur!n 4> m!#e" !n #enth% the c oa"t con"!"t" o the rue* c#!" o the Coa"t ;ane" !n the north an* w!*e "an*$ beache" !n the "outh. ,#on the coa"t#!ne Line
there are two major harbor"% one !n the north at 6an Franc!"co an* the other !n the "outh at
6an !eo. &ear ?umbo#*t an* Montere$ are "ma##er natura# )ort". 1. The to)!c o th!" )a""ae !" ,?ow , ?ow the "tate o Ca#!orn!a !" *!v!*e* !nto north an* "outh B The var!at!on" !n Ca#!orn!a" coa"ta# eora)h$ C The breathta(!n beaut$ o Ca#!orn!a The The e+ce)t!on" !n coa"ta# eora)h$ 2. The wor* Dbreathta(!n )robab#$ mean" ,Breath!n , Breath!n B ,ma7!n C 6to#en :"ua# :"ua#
8. It !" !m)#!e* !n the )a""ae that northern Ca#!orn!a , ?a" more beache" than "outhern Ca#!orn!a B ?a" the "ame t$)e o coa"t#!ne a" "outhern Ca#!orn!a C ?a" ewer major harbor" than "outhern Ca#!orn!a ?a" a *!erent coa"t#!ne rom "outhern Ca#!orn!a
3. ,ccor*!n to the )a""ae% what mea"ure" 4> m!#e" !n #enth ,The , The Ca#!orn!a coa"t#!ne B The Coa"t ;ane" C The rue* c#!" The The e+ce)t!ona# )art o northern Ca#!orn!a
9. ,ccor*!n to the )a""ae% where are the major harbor" #ocate* !n Ca#!orn!a , In 6an !eo B On#$ !n northern Ca#!orn!a C &ear ?umbo#*t an* Montere$ In the north an* !n the "outh
4. The Coa"t ;ane" are )robab#$ ,F#at% , F#at% "an*$ area" on the coa"t o Ca#!orn!a B Foun* !n "outhern Ca#!orn!a C , "er!e" o mounta!n" ?un*re*" ?un*re*" o m!#e" north o the c#!"
. In #!ne 5% Dnatura# )ort" are , &ot human-ma*e B ,#wa$" "ma## !n "!7e C Even#$ "ha)e* Con"tructe* o natura# mater!a#"
@. 5. Loo( at the wor* harbors !n harbors !n the )a""ae. Choo"e another wor* !n the )a""ae that !" c#o"e !n mean!n to harbors. harbors.
h!ch o the o##ow!n eora)h!ca# eature" !" &OT ment!one* !n the )a""ae , C#!" B Can$on" C Beache" ?arbor" www.carajawab.com Cara Baru Menjawab TOEFL rev.1 - Reading
/,66,AE TO ue"t!on" 1>-1@ ,mon "ome rou)" o )eo)#e% cat" have a re)utat!on a" rather "!##$ an!ma#" that are a#wa$" ett!n them"e#ve" "tuc( !n tree". Cat" have oten been (nown to become r!htene* o "ometh!n% to run u) a tree% an* to cr$ "a*#$ unt!# the$ are re"cue*. Line (5)
There !"% !n rea#!t$% re a#!t$% a rea"onab#e e+)#anat!on or th!" t$)e o be hav!or% an* !t ha" to *o w!th the "ha)e o the cat" c#aw". , cat" c#aw" are hoo(e* !n a *!rect!on that ma(e" c#!mb!n u) a tree a rather ea"$ ta"(. ?owever% when !t come" to c#!mb!n bac( *own the tree% the"e c#aw" are not ver$ he#)u#. Thu"% ! $ou ha))en to "ee a meow!n cat "tuc( !n a tree% have "ome "$m)ath$ or the cat. The cat manae* to et u) !n the tree
!m)o""!b#e or the cat to c#!mb *own w!th the "ame ea"e. 1>. The ma!n !*ea o the )a""ae !" that ,Cat" , Cat" rea##$ are "!##$ an!ma#" B Cat" have oo* rea"on or the!r behav!or C Cat" enjo$ c#!mb!n tree" Cat" Cat" "har) c#aw" are unnece""ar$ or "urv!va#
15. ,ccor*!n to the )a""ae% a cat C,&&OT , C#!mb u) a tree B Aet "tuc( !n a tree C Cr$ ea"!#' C#!mb *own ea"!#$
11. The )a""ae !n*!cate" that "ome )eo)#e 18. Choo"e the *raw!n that "how" what a cat th!n( that cat" are "!##$ becau"e the cat" !n*" !t *!!cu#t to *o. ,?ave , ?ave unn$-#oo(!n c#aw" B Fr!hten other cat" C C#!mb tree" an* cannot et *own ,re ,re unab#e to re"cue other cat" 12. hat wor* !n )arara)h 1 that !" c#o"e"t !n mean!n to D"ave*. 13. The e+)re""!on D!n rea#!t$ !n #!ne 4 cou#* be"t be re)#ace* b$ ,In , In contra"t B In act C In areement In In a## )robab!#!t$ 14. Loo( at the wor* hoo(e* In )arara)h 2. Th!" wor* !" c#o"e"t !n mean!n to , Curve* B 6tra!htene* C 6har)ene* 6hortene*
19. It !" !m)#!e* !n the )a""ae that% ! a cat tr!e" to c#!mb *own a tree% !t w!## , Be ab#e to *o !t ea"!#$ B Move ver$
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1. The wor* Dhe#)u# !n #!ne 9 cou#* be"t be re)#ace* b$ , Fr!en*#$ B :"eu# C &!ce 6!ncere
1@. hat )arara)h that *e"cr!be" behav!or that "ome !n* oo#!"h.
/,66,AE T?;EE ue"t!on" 2>-2@ In the 1@>"% b!c$c#e" became
a##!n over. On the new D"aet$ b!c$c#e"% both whee#" were e
much ea"!er to contro#. Man$ women a#"o enjo$e* the"e new D"aet$ b!c$c#e% but the$ ha* to ta(e mea"ure" to *ea# w!th the!r c#oth!n wh!#e r!*!n the b!c$c#e". The a"h!on at the t!me wa" or #on% u## "(!rt" that *!* not o we## w!th b!c$c#e". 6ome women chane* rom #on "(!rt" to b#oomer"% wh!ch were #on% u##% w!*e )ant"% but "ome )eo)#e e#t that b#oomer" *a$ cr!t!c!7e* the new
b!c$c#e a"h!on a" a *aner to #a*!e" mora#". 2>. The )a""ae !" ma!n#$ about , The )o)u#ar!t$ o "aet$ b!c$c#e"% even amon women B The *!erence between "aet$ an* )enn$-arth!n b!c$c#e" C omen" a"h!on" !n the n!neteenth centur$ The #ac( o "tab!#!t$ o the )enn$arth!n b!c$c#e"
22. The wor* D"tab#e !n #!ne 3 !" c#o"e"t !n mean!n to , anerou" B E+)en"!ve C B! 6tea*$
21. Choo"e on the *raw!n that "how" a )enn$-arth!n b!c$c#e.
23. h!ch o the o##ow!n !" &OT true about the "aet$ b!c$c#e , It ha* e". 1@> ". 24. Choo"e the wor* !n )arara)h 1 that cou#* be"t be re)#ace* b$ Dhan*#e.
, www.carajawab.com Cara Baru Menjawab TOEFL rev.1 - Reading
25. Loo( at the wor* measures I measures I )arara)h 2. Th!" wor* cou#* be"t be re)#ace* b$ , Count" B&umber" B &umber" C6te)" C 6te)" )rob#em" 28. The )a""ae !n*!cate" that !t wa" a"h!onab#e !n the1@>" or women to wear , Lon "(!rt" B 6hort )ant" C 6ma## hat" Men" c#oth!n
2. In #!ne @% Db#oomer" are , 6h!rt" B 6(!rt" C ?at" /ant" 2@. It !" !m)#!e* !n the )a""ae that new")a)er" e+)re""e* the o)!n!on that women wome n , 6hou#* wear b#oomer" B 6hou#* not r!*e b!c$c#e" C 6hou#* not wear #on% u## "(!rt" 6hou#* a#wa$" o##ow the a"h!on
29. It !" !m)#!e* !n the )a""ae that #ea* !" , ?eav$ B 6ot C e#!cate L!ht
JURUS 6 : PERTANYAAN “WHERE” Pertanyaan ini biasanya untuk menunjukkan terletak dimana kata atau kalimat berdasarkan soal. Kata atau kalimat tersebut ditunjukkan melalui informasi yang terdapat dalam cerita. Jenis pertanyaan Lokasi kemungkinan jawaban Bagaimana menjawab pertanyaan
PERTANYAAN “WHERE” Where in Where in the passage …..? Jawaban dapat ditemukan disetiap baris dari cerita 1. Cari kata kunci dari dari pertanyaan tersebut 2. Baca cepat kemungkinan bagian dari cerita tersebut yang sesuai dengan kata kunci atau ide 3. Pilih jawaban yang mengandung kata kunci atau ide
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Latihan Jurus 6 : /,66,AE O&E ue"t!on" 1-3
, e$"er when ra!nwater "ee)" !nto the roun* an* vo#can!c mama beneath the "urace heat" !t. The ra!nwater then turn" !nto "team. The )re""ur!7e* "team r!"e" to the "urace an* bur"t" out a" a e$"er. Line (5)
'e##ow"tone &at!ona# /ar( ha" more e$"er" than a## o the re"t o the wor#* toether. The mo"t amou" o the"e e$"er" !" O#* Fa!thu#% wh!ch eru)t" !n a h!h arc o "team about once an hour. There have not been an$ vo#can!c eru)t!on" !n the 'e##ow"tone area or 9>%>>> $ear". ?owever% the e+!"tence o the e$"er" !" )roo that the area !" vo#can!ca##$ act!ve. 1.
here !n the )a""ae *oe" the author ment!on what heat" the water !n a e$"er , L!ne" 1-2 B L!ne 4 C L!ne" 5-8 L!ne 9
hat "entence !n the )a""ae that !n*!cate" how oten O#* Fa!thu# eru)t".
here !n the )a""ae *oe" the author "tate" how #on !t ha" been "!nce a vo#cano eru)te* at 'e##ow"tone , L!ne 2 B L!ne 4 C L!ne" 5-8 L!ne" 9-
/,66,AE TO ue"t!on" 4-9 B$ 1@83 the one-man ")ace #!ht" o /roject Mercur$ ha* "ucce""u##$ ta(en )#ace% an* &,6, the &at!ona# ,eronaut!c" an* 6)ace ,*m!n!"trat!on wa" rea*$ or a new cha##ene. That new cha##ene wa" to "en* two men !nto ")ace at the "ame t!me% rather than one% "o that !t Line (5)
wou#* be )o""!b#e con*uct a w!*e var!et$ o new maneuver" an* te"t". ,n a))ro)r!ate name wa" oun* or that new )rojectG the new )roject wa" ca##e* /roject Aem!n!. The name DAem!n! m!ht "eem a))ro)r!ate becau"e !t !" the name o one o the con"te##at!on" o "tar" !n the "($% but that !" not the rea# rea"on or the cho!ce o the name. DAem!n! come" rom the Lat!n wor* geminus% geminus% wh!ch mean" Dtw!n. The con"te##at!on Aem!n!
rece!ve* !t" name becau"e !t con"!"t" o two ver$ br!ht "tar" w!th no other br!ht "tar" c#o"e b$% an* tho"e "tar" "eem #!(e tw!n". The &,6, )roject rece!ve* !t" name becau"e o the number o men who wou#* be toether !n the ")ace ca)"u#e orb!t!n the Earth.
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4. Choo"e the "entence !n )a""ae that "tate" what !n!t!a#" &,6, "tan* or.
the the
Choo"e the "entence !n the )a""ae that e+)#a!n" the *er!vat!on o the wor* DAem!n!.
5. here !n the )a""ae *oe" the author *e"cr!be &,6," new cha##ene ater /roject Mercur$ ,L!ne" , L!ne" 3-4 B L!ne" 5-8 C L!ne @ L!ne" L!ne" 1>-12
here !n the )a""ae *oe" the author *e"cr!be the com)o"!t!on o the Aem!n! con"te##at!on , L!ne" 3-4 B L!ne" 8- C L!ne" -1> L!ne" 1>-12
/,66,AE T?;EE ue"t!on" -12 One o the be"t-(nown "tor!e" !n ,mer!can h!"tor$ J that Bet"$ ;o"" create* the !r"t #a o the :n!te* 6tate" J !" be#!eve* b$ a number number o "cho#ar" to be "omewhat
to the wor("ho) !n /h!#a*e#)h!a where Bet"$ ;o"" wor(e* a" a "eam"tre""0 the$ brouht a
*raw!n o a #a w!th "tar" "tar " an* "tr!)e" on !t an* a"(e* ! Bet"$ cou#* ma(e !t. The #a w!th the "tar" an* "tr!)e" wa" *e!n!te#$ a*o)te* b$ Conre"" on une 14% 1999. In the m!nute" on that *a$ there !" a re"o#ut!on acce)t!n a #a w!th th!rteen "tar" an* th!rteen "tr!)e" a" the o!c!a# #a o the nat!on. ?owever% there !" no ment!on o Bet"$ ;o"" a" the one who ha* ma*e the #a.
The !r"t t!me that there !" a *ocumente* reerence to Bet"$ ;o"" a" the one who ma*e the #a came more than centur$ #ater% when her ran*"on ave a ")eech to the /h!#a*e#)h!a ?!"tor!ca# 6oc!et$ !n*!cat!n that the am!#$ ha* )a""e* *own the "tor$ or a hun*re* $ear" that ran*mother Bet"$ ha* ma* the !r"t #a. /h!#a*e#)!an" enthu"!a"t!ca##$ "u))orte* the "tor$ Betr$ ;o""" hou"e wa" re"tore* an* rename* F#a ?ou"e% an* !t wa" o)ene* to the )ub#!c a" a
memor!a# to Bet"$ ;o"". Man$ h!"tor!an" *!")ute th!" "tor$% an* certa!n#$ no one ha" been ab#e to come u) w!th !n*!")utab#e )roo that !t wa" Bet"$ who ma*e the !r"t #a. Th!" much !" (nown about Bet"$ ;o"". 6he *!* e+!"t% an* "he wa" a "eam"tre""% an* "he *!* "omet!me" ma(e #a" or the "h!)" o the /enn"#van!a 6tate &av$. I the "tor$ about the !r"t #a !" not com)#ete#$ true Jan* who !" to (now at th!" )o!nt-at #ea"t !t ma(e" a oo* "tor$. .
here !n the )a""ae *oe" the author ment!on a rou) that came to v!"!t Bet"$ ;o"" , L!ne" 1-2 B L!ne" 4-8 C L!ne" 8-9 L!ne" 18-19
Choo"e the "entence !n the )a""ae that "tate" when the #a wa" a*o)te* b$ Conre""
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1>. The author *e"cr!be" the !r"t h!"tor!ca# reerence to Bet"$ ;o"" a" the creator o the !r"t :.6. #a !n , L!ne" 4-5 B L!ne" 8-9 C L!ne" -1> L!ne" 11-13
12. here !n the )a""ae *oe" the author *!"cu"" how h!"tor!an" a" have reacte* to the Bet"$ ;o"" "tor$ , L!ne" -@ B L!ne" 1>-11 C L!ne" 13-15 L!ne" 18-19
11. Choo"e the "entence !n the )a""ae that e+)#a!n" how /h!#a*e#)h!an" re")on*e* to the Bet"$ ;o"" "tor$.
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Latihan Jurus 1-6 : /,66,AE O&E ue"t!on" 1-1> The *eer !" a *!"t!nct!ve an!ma# ea"!#$ recon!7e* b$ the ant#er" that a*orn mo"t ")ec!e" o ma#e *eer. The"e ant#er" are u"e* b$ the ma#e" )r!mar!#$ to !ht% e!ther or mate" or or #ea*er"h!) o the her*. eer enera##$ #o"e the!r ant#er" each w!nter an* be!n row!n new Line
one" !n #ate ")r!n. The new ant#er" are "ot (nob" covere* w!th ve#vet$ ha!r". Later !n the $ear
a" the "ea"on" )rore""% the ant#er" row an* har*en !nto "o#!* branche". In the m!**#e o w!nter% the u##-rown ant#er" a## o an* *eca$ on the roun*. The o##ow!n ")r!n t he )roce"" be!n" aa!n. 1. Th!" )a""ae ma!n#$ *!"cu""e" ,The , The #!e"t$#e o the *eer B The "ea"on" o the $ear C The ant#er" o the *eer ?ow ?ow ant#er" are u"e*
Choo"e the *raw!n that "how" a *eer" ant#er" !n #ate ")r!n.
3. The wor* Da*orn !n #!ne 1 !" c#o"e"t !n mean!n to wh!ch o the o##ow!n , Cover B ecorate C Bother ?!*e
In wh!ch month wou#* a *eer )robab#$ have "hort% ve#vet$ ant#er" , Ma$ B ecember C October anuar$
4. Choo"e the wor* !n the )a""ae that !" c#o"e"t !n mean!n to Dma!n#$.
The wor* D"o#!* !n #!ne 8 cou#* be"t be re)#ace* b$ wh!ch o the o##ow!n , F!rm B Th!n C Lea$ t!n$
here !n the )a""ae *oe" the author e+)#a!n how a *eer u"e" !t" ant#er" , L!ne" 2-3 B L!ne" 4-5 C L!ne 8 L!ne 9
2. The *eer !" ca##e* a *!"t!nct!ve an!ma# becau"e !t ,:"e" , :"e" !t" ant#er" to recon!7e other" B ?a" man$ ")ec!e" C ?a" ant#er" ?a" ?a" to !ht or !t" mate"
5. It !" &OT ment!one* !n the )a""ae that the *eer u"e" !t" ant#er" , To batt#e other *eer B To et a mate C To become a #ea*er To c#!mb branche"
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1>. Choo"e the "entence !n the )a""ae that *e"cr!be" what ha))en" to a *eer" ant#er" ha#wa$ throuh w!nter.
/,66,AE TO ue"t!on" 11-21 ;EM ra)!* e$e movement "#ee) !" a t$)e o "#ee) that !" !m)ortant to t o human". Th!" t$)e o "#ee) enera##$ occur" our or !ve t!me" *ur!n one n!ht o "#ee). The *urat!on o each o the"e occurrence raner" rom !ve m!nute" to ort$ m!nute". The )er!o*" o ;EM Line (5)
"#ee) become #oner an* #oner a" the n!ht )rore""e". /h$"!ca# chane" occur !n the bo*$ to "how that a )er"on ha" tr an"!t!one* rom &;EM non-ra)!* e$e movement "#ee) to ;EM "#ee). Breath!n become" a"ter% the heart rate !ncrea"e"% an*% a" the name !m)#!e"% the e$e" be!n to move
14. The wor* D)rore""e" !n #!ne 4 !" c#o"e"t !n mean!n to , Cont!nue" B ar(en" C Fa##" 6#ee)"
12. ,ccor*!n to the )a""ae% how oten *oe" ;EM "#ee) occur !n one n!ht , Once B Tw!ce C Four or !ve t!me" Fort$ t!me"
15. Loo( at the wor* tran"!t!one* !n )arara)h 2. Th!" wor* cou#* be"t be re)#ace* b$ , Breathe* B Increa"e* C Fa##en Move* Move*
13. , ;EM "#ee) )er!o* o ort$ m!nute" wou#* mo"t #!(e#$ be wh!ch )er!o* o ;EM "#ee) , The !r"t )er!o* B The "econ* )er!o* C The th!r* )er!o* The ourth )er!o*
18. The D& !n &;EM )robab#$ "tan*" or wh!ch o the o##ow!n wor*" , &!ne B &on C &ame &!ht &!ht
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19. ,ccor*!n to the )a""ae% a## o the o##ow!n occur *ur!n ;EM "#ee) EHCE/T that , The rate o breath!n !ncrea"e" B The heart rate ")ee*" u) C The e$e rema!n "tea*$ ream" ta(e )#ace 1. The wor* D,ccom)an$!n !n #!ne cou#* be"t be re)#ace* b$ wh!ch o the o##ow!n , ,#on w!th B In ")!te o C In contra"t to Becau"e o
1@. Choo"e the "entence !n the )a""ae where the author ment!on" the number o occurrence" )er n!ht o ;EM "#ee). 2>. here !n the )a""ae *oe" the author *!"cu"" the #enth o )er!o*" o ;EM "#ee) , L!ne 1 B L!ne 3 C L!ne" 8-9 L!ne" L!ne" -@ 21. Choo"e the )arara)h where the author *!"cu""e" a non)h$"!ca# occurrence *ur!n ;EM "#ee).
/,66,AE T?;EE ue"t!on" 22-31 In the 1@3>"% Che"ter F. Car#"on wa" wor(!n !n the )atent" *e)artment o a #are e#ectron!c" !rm !n &ew 'or( C!t $. One o the major )rob#em" !n h!" w or( wa" the #enth o t!me an* e+)en"e !nvo#ve* !n ett!n )atent" co)!e*0 )atent" were #enht$ #ea# *ocument"% Line
an* the on#$ wa$" to et them co)!e* were to ta(e them to a t$)!"t or to ta(e them to a
)hotora)her. E!ther wa$ o co)$!n )atent" too( a #ot o t!me an* co"t a #ot o mone$. ?e came u) w!th the !*ea or a mach!ne that wou#* co)$ *ocument"
+erora)h!c co)$ on October 22. 1@3. ?e name* the )roce"" DHero+% wh!ch mean" D*r$ wr!t!n Car#"on e#t that he ha* a oo* !*ea% one that wou#* be e+treme#$ he#)u# !n the bu"!ne"" wor#*. ?e tr!e* to "e## h!" !*ea to a number o #are cor)orat!on"% but the$ were not terr!b#$ !ntere"te* !n h!" mach!ne. , ew $ear" #ater he "o#* the )roce"" to a "ma## am!#$-
owne* com)an$. Th!" "ma## com)an$ rew !nto the !ant Hero+ Cor)orat!on% an* both Car#"on an* Hero+ became rather wea#th$ !n the )roce"". 22. Th!" )a""ae !" ma!n#$ about , Car#"on" job !n a )atent o!ce B ?ow the Hero+ mach!ne wor(" C Car#"on" "ucce"" !n bu"!ne"" The The *eve#o)ment o the Hero+ mach!ne
23. h!ch o the o##ow!n !" &OT ment!one* a" a )rob#em that Car#"on encountere* !n ett!n )atent" co)!e* , The t!me nee*e* or co)$!n B The e+)en"e o the co)$!n C The #enth o the )atent" e)en*ab!#!t$ e)en*ab!#!t$ o )hotora)her"
www.carajawab.com Cara Baru Menjawab TOEFL rev.1 - Reading
24. The wor* De+)en"e !n #!ne 3 !" c#o"e"t !n mean!n to , Co"t B !!cu#t$ C Lea#!t$ /a$ment /a$ment
2. The )a""ae !n*!cate" that the #are cor)orat!on" that Car#"on tr!e* to "e## h!" )roce"" to , ere am!#$ owne* B ere non)ro!t !n"t!tut!on" C ?e#)e* to *eve#o) the )roce"" !* !* not want to bu$ h!" mach!ne m ach!ne
25. Choo"e the wor* !n )arara)h 2 that !" c#o"e"t !n mean!n to D#oo(e* or !normat!on about.
2@. The wor* D!ant !n #!ne 15 cou#* be"t be re)#ace* b$ , Mon"ter B T!n$ C Fam!#!ar ?ue ?ue
28. The o##ow!n are com)onent" o Car#"on" mach!ne EHCE/T , , #!ht B , chare* )#ate C /ow*er , , t$)ewr!ter 29. Car#"on mo"t #!(e#$ bean wor( on the mach!ne !n , 1@3> B 1@35 C 1@3 1@41 1@41
3>. here !n the )a""ae *oe" the author !n*!cate what a )atent !" , L!ne" 1-2 B L!ne 3 C L!ne" 8-9 L!ne" L!ne" @-1> 31. Choo"e the "entence !n )arara)h 3 that *e"cr!be" what ha))ene* to the com)an$ that eventua##$ bouht Car#"on" )roce"".
www.carajawab.com Cara Baru Menjawab TOEFL rev.1 - Reading