I# OB%E OB%E&! &!I3 I3E E S
School: Pablo Lorenzo National High School
Grade Leel: 11 Learning Area: &reatie 'riting
!eacher: "ELANIO R# $LORINO %R !eaching Date( and !i)e: Noe)ber *1+*,- *.1/
0arter: 2
A# &ontent &ontent Standard(:
The learners have an understanding of imagery, diction, figures of speech, and variations on language
B#Per5or)ance Standard(: Learning &o)6etencie (7Ob8ectie(: Write the LC Code for each
The learners shall be able toproduce short paragraphs or vignettes using imagery, diction, figures of speech, and specific experiences HUMSS_CW/MP11/12-Ia-b-1
differentiate imaginative writing from among other forms of writing
cull creative ideas from experiences
utilize language to evoke emotional and intellectual responses from readers
Critiquing an essay to expand learning on making a paragraph.
Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
1# !eacher9( Gide Page( *# Learner9( "aterial( Page(
1. Creative Writing .. !maginative "riting vs. technical # academic # other forms of "riting$ .%. &ensory experience$ .'. (anguage) a. !magery b. *igures of speech c. +iction $.. &le "orks of "ell-kno"n local and foreign "riters Lists the materials to be used in dierent days. Varied sources of materials sustain childrens interest in the lesson and in learnin!. "nsure that there is a mi# of concrete and manipulati$e m aterials as well as paper%based paper%based materials. &ands%on learnin! promotes concept de$elopment.
.https)##"""."ritingfor" eative-"riting#types-of-creative"riting %. https) https)"riting#
https)##"""."ritingfor" "riting-prompts#creative-"ritingprompts#%-creative-"ritingprompts
.http)##the" https)##"""."ritingfor" evoke-emotions# "riting-prompts#creative-"riting%.http) prompts#%-creative-"riting#"ant-to-evoke-emotions-inprompts readers-guest-marcykennedy# +ep1d has not issued any books for Creative Writing, thus all the resources. (earner2s materials, textbook materials and other materials for educational sites in the !nternet.
https)##"""."ritingfor" "riting-prompts#creative-"ritingprompts#%-creative-"ritingprompts
learning are based from
+ep1d has not issued any books for Creative Writing, thus all the resources. (earner2s materials, textbook materials and other materials for learning are based from educational sites in the !nternet.
2# !etboo; Page(
+ep1d has not issued any books for Creative Writing, thus all the resources. (earner2s materials, textbook materials and other materials for learning are based from educational sites in the !nternet.
<# Additional "aterial( 5ro) Learning Re(orce =LR> 6ortal B#Other Learning Re(orce(
+ep1d has not issued any books for Creative Writing, thus all the resources. (earner2s materials, textbook materials and other materials for learning are based from educational sites in the !nternet.
+ep1d has not issued any books for Creative Writing, thus all the resources. (earner2s materials, textbook materials and other materials for learning are based from educational sites in the !nternet.
School: Pablo Lorenzo National High School !eacher: "ELANIO R# $LORINO %R !eaching Date( and !i)e: Noe)ber *1+*,- *.1/
Grade Leel: 11 Learning Area: &reatie 'riting 0arter: 2
'hese steps should be done across the week. (pread out the acti$ities appropriately so that students will learn well. )lways be !uided by demonstration of learnin! by the students which you can infer from formati$e assessment acti$ities. (ustain learnin! systematically by pro$idin! students with multiple ways to learn new thin!s, practice their learnin!, *uestion their learnin! processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life e#periences and pre$ious knowled!e. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A#Reie?ing Preio( Le((on or Pre(enting the Ne? Le((on
3ame reading materials and references.
3ame reading materials and references
4evie" the types of creative "riting.
4evie" on ho" to expand a paragraph, ho" to add another paragraph.
4ecap on ho" to expand paragraphs.
B#E(tabli(hing a Pr6o(e 5or the Le((on
&haring observation of the types of reading materials and references.
&tate the relevance of studying creative "riting in real life.
&tate the possible obs for those "ho have talents#skills in "riting.
Tell the importance on adding and the importance of 53!T6 in creating a paragraph.
Tell the necessity of binding the paragraphs to make them agree "ith the title.
Pre(enting Ea)6le(7In(tance( o5 the Le((on
&ho" examples of the different forms of "riting
7resentation of the chosen assigned "riting activity.
&tate the steps in creating a paragraph.
8roup the students. 7resent an essay to the students. 5sing the steps given in the
5sing the % paragraph essay they had created choose .
previous, challenge the students to critic the paragraphs included in the essay.
D#Di(c((ing Ne? &once6t( and Practicing Ne? S;ill( @1
;ear samples of "riting in an audio format, and identify the types of "riting.
&ay something on the presentation 9Critiquing comes from the students:
&ho" ho" the steps in making a paragraph, &olicit "ords from the students.
School: Pablo Lorenzo National High School !eacher: "ELANIO R# $LORINO %R !eaching Date( and !i)e: Noe)ber *1+*,- *.1/
"ONDAY I3#PRO&ED4RES E# Di(c((ing Ne? &once6t( and Practicing Ne? S;ill( @*
(ist the students2 opinion# critic on the essay they are assigned. +iscussion.
Challenge them to critic the paragraph 9do not divulge "ho "rite essay.:
Talk more on ho" develop paragraph using) <) part of speech)
Grade Leel: 11 Learning Area: &reatie 'riting 0arter: 2
'hese steps should be done across the week. (pread out the acti$ities appropriately so that students will learn well. )lways be !uided by demonstration of learnin! by the students which you can infer from formati$e assessment acti$ities. (ustain learnin! systematically by pro$idin! students with multiple ways to learn new thin!s, practice their learnin!, *uestion their learnin! processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life e#periences and pre$ious knowled!e. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
&ho"ing examples of creative "riting, and in recitation the student identifies the types of "riting. !dentification of a "riting material if it is from imagination or factual events.
(ist ideas on ho" authors#"riters made their "ay to creating a "riting form.
7ost the question guides in forming a paragraph. Challenge the students to supply the ans"er to question as guide in forming a paragraph.
;o" "as the paragraph developed in the assigned essay= 9
$# Deelo6ing "a(ter +Leads to ormati$e )ssessment -
!dentify the type of creative "riting.
;o" to develop a genre of "riting=
7ost a "ord 9Challenge the students to supply the remaining ans"er:
>pen forum. 1xchanging of ideas from each group.
G#$inding Practical A66lication( o5 &once6t( and S;ill( in Dail Liing
H#"a;ing Generalization( and Ab(traction( abot the Le((on
>bserving ho" the author develops the essay presented.
School: Pablo Lorenzo National High School !eacher: "ELANIO R# $LORINO %R !eaching Date( and !i)e: Noe)ber *1+*,- *.1/
?ap ideas on "hat "rite using concept map.
Grade Leel: 11 Learning Area: &reatie 'riting 0arter: 2
'hese steps should be done across the week. (pread out the acti$ities appropriately so that students will learn well. )lways be !uided by demonstration of learnin! by the students which you can infer from formati$e assessment acti$ities. (ustain learnin! systematically by pro$idin! students with multiple ways to learn new thin!s, practice their learnin!, *uestion their learnin! processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life e#periences and pre$ious knowled!e. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
&olicit the importance of the different types of "riting.
;o" "riting change the "orld "e live in.
+iscuss ho" mapping the ideas lead to better
I# Ealating Learning
%# Additional Actiitie( 5or A66lication or Re)ediation
Create 9a sample of a chosen type of "riting:
5sing the concept map, "rite a poem or any form of "riting.
&earch for specific example on ho" "ritings change one2s country
!n a @ sheet of paper, &upply the What#Who$ !s doing What$ Where$ When$ When$ and Why=
Write a %-paragraph essay on Why I chose to stay at Pablo Lorenzo NHS
Choose any type of "riting. Critic the chosen type of "riting follo"ing the given steps in expanding a paragraph.
School: Pablo Lorenzo National High School !eacher: "ELANIO R# $LORINO %R !eaching Date( and !i)e: Noe)ber *1+*,- *.1/
Grade Leel: 11 Learning Area: &reatie 'riting 0arter:
ReCect on or teaching and a((e(( or(el5 a( a teacher# !hin; abot or (tdent9( 6rogre(( thi( ?ee;# 'hat ?or;( 'hat el(e need( to be done to hel6 the (tdent( learn
Identi5 ?hat hel6 or in(trctional (6eri(or( can 6roide 5or o (o ?hen o )eet the)- o can a(; the) releant e(tion(#
A# /o. of learners who earned 012 in the e$aluation B# /o. of learners who re*uire additional acti$ities for remediation 3id the remedial lessons work4 /o. of learners who ha$e cau!ht up with the lesson
D# /o. of learners who continue to re*uire remediation E# Which of my teachin! strate!ies work well4 Why did these work4
$# What di5culties did I encounter which my principal or super$isor can help me sol$e4
G# What inno$ations or locali6ed materials did I used7disco$er which I wish to share with other teachers4