determines the objectives and structures of various kinds of reports Academic: READING and WRITING for SHS by Jessie S. Barrot, Ph. D, pg. 207- 208 Let the students work in groups of three. You are given 15 mins. to conduct a simple survey inside the classroom using the questions listed on the board. With what you have gathered regarding those questions given to you, make a research report using the guidelines posted on the board. (20 mins.)
Learning Competency:
FEBRUARY 26 – MARCH MARCH 2, 2018 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Writing the Report Survey Writing the Report Survey Identifying Kinds and Parts of Guidelines in Designing a Survey Research Report Questionnaires determines the objectives and designs, tests and revises survey structures of various kinds of questionnaires reports
Academic: READING and WRITING for SHS by Jessie S. Barrot, Ph. D, pg. 209 Let the students devise a title of their preferred research. Let make their own objectives based on their goals as a researcher.
Ask the students on how they are going to achieve such objectives and goals of their research.
FRIDAY Writing the Report Survey Test and Revise a Survey Questionnaires
English for Academic and Professional Purposes by Grace M. Saqueton and Marikit Tara A. Uychoco; pg. 162 – 164 164 Let the students read the given text to them. Let them determine what kind of research report was given. Let them also rewrite the research report identifying the parts of the research report. Which of the paragraph is the introduction? the methodology? the resuts? the abstract?
determines the structure of a specific academic text Academic: READING and WRITING for SHS by Jessie S. Barrot, Ph. D, pg. 209 Let each group to exchange their designed survey questionnaire as well as their title and objectives of their research. Let the students check the survey instrument of their classmates. classmates. Let the students make critic/comments of the survey instruments they checked. They have to provide an explanation of why they say so.
Presentation of Works; let them read their work in front. Based on what you did, define research report. What are its parts? The teacher will further discuss and elucidates the topic on research report. What is research report? What are the parts of research report?
Let them explain present their works in front then ask them what are their basis in doing so.
The teacher will further discuss on how to determine and identify the kinds and parts of a research paper. Ask the students of their difficulties in determining and identifying the kinds and parts of a research paper.
Presentation on the guidelines on how to make a survey instrument and its parts.
Based on their objectives and following the guidelines presented, let the students prepare their survey instrument. What are the guidelines in making a survey instruments?
The teacher will ask the students to present their comments and suggestions in front. The teacher will facilitate and give suggestions to their designed survey instrument. From the comments and suggestion given by their classmates and the teacher, they will revise their survey instrument. What should you bare in mind when doing a survey instruments?
A Reflection for the Teacher: On The Teaching Learning Episodes