School Teacher Teaching Dates and Time MONDAY
A% (ontent Standards
&% *er+ormance Standards
(% Learning (om,etencies/O-.ectives Write the LC Code for each II. CONTENT
III% LEA#NING #ESO#(ES A% #e+e #e+ere renc nces es % Teacher0 eacher0ss Guid Guidee ,age ,agess 1% Learne Learner0s r0s Materi Material al ,ages ,ages 2% Te3t-o e3t-oo4 o4 ,age ,agess 5% Additi Additiona onall Materia Materials ls +rom +rom Learning #esource 6L#7 ,ortal &% Other Other Learni Learning ng #esour #esources ces I)% *#O(ED#ES A% #evie8ing ,revious lesson or ,resenting the ne8 lesson &% Esta-lishing a ,ur,ose +or the lesson
Grade Level Learning Area Quarter/Semester TESDAY
(% *resenting e3am,les/instances o+ the ne8 lesson D% Discussing ne8 conce,ts and ,racticing ne8 s4ills 9 E% Discussing ne8 conce,ts and ,racticing ne8 s4ills 91 $% Develo,ing Master: (Leads to Formative Assessment)
G% $inding ,ractical a,,lications o+ conce,ts and s4ills in dail: living "% Ma4ing generali;ations and a-stractions a-out the lesson I% Evaluating learning '% Additional activities +or a,,lication or remediation )% #EMA#
No. of learners who earned 80% on the formative assessment
No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation
Did the remedial lessons work No. of learners who have cau!ht u" with the lesson
No. of students who continue to require remediation
Which of m$ teachin! strate!ies worked well Wh$ did these work What difficulties did & encounter which m$ "rinci"al or su"ervisor can hel" me solve
'. What innovation or locali(ed materials did & use)discover which & wish to share with other teachers
*ang>ara8 ara8 na Tala ng *ag4atuto7
*aaralan Guro *etsa/Oras LNES
A% *amanta:ang *angnilalaman
&% *amanta:an sa *aggana,
(% Mga
Mag>aaral 2% Mga ,ahina sa te4s-u4 5%
&aitang/Antas Asignatura Marh4ahan MA#TES
(% I-a ,ang aral sa na4araang aralin at/o ,agsisimula ng -agong aralin &% *aghaha-i sa la:unin ng aralin (% *ag>uugna: ng mga halim-a8a sa -agong aralin D% *agtala4a: ng -agong 4onse,to at ,aglalahad ng -agong 4asana:an 9 E% *agtala4a: ng -agong 4onse,to at ,aglalahad ng -agong 4asana:an 91 $% *aglinang ng ara ? ara8 na -uha: "% *aglalahat ng Aralin I% *agtata:a ng Aralin '%
. Anon! suliranin an! akin! naranasan na nasolus$unan sa tulon! n! akin! "unon!!uro at su"er+isor '. Anon! ka!amitan! "anturo an! akin! nadi+uho na nasi kon! i+aha!i sa m!a ka"wa ko !uro