Deped Order No. 42 , s. 2016
G%#DS 1 &o 12 D#$L* LSSON LOG
School Teacher
Tinongan Natonal High School !reca L. "erio
Grade Level Learning #rea
Grade 12 H#$%D%SS$NG
Teaching Da&es and Ti'e
()L* 10+14,201
$. O"(T$3S
Objectves mus be me over he week and conneced o he curriculum sandards. To To mee he objectves, necessary procedures mus be followed and if needed, additonal lessons, exercises and remedial actvites may be done for developing c onen knowledge and compeencies. These are assessed using Formatve ssessmen sraegies. !aluing !aluing objectves suppor he learning of conen and compeencies and enable children o "nd signi"cance and joy in learning he lessons. #eekly objectves shall be derived from he curriculum guide
. $onen %andard
The learner demonstrates an understanding in creative hairstyling.
&. 'erformance %andards
The learner independently demonstrates the core competencies in creative hairstyling.
$. (earning $ompeencies)Objectves #rie he ($ code for each
LO 1. Prepare client for the hairstyling. 1.1 Assess shape of the client’s face and head. And determine proportion, personality, and lifestyle. Recognize the different facial shape and profile
The learner demonstrates an understanding in creative hairstyling.
The learner demonstrates an understanding in creative hairstyling.
The learner demonstrates an understanding in creative hairstyling.
The learner demonstrates an understanding in creative hairstyling.
The learner independently demonstrates the core competencies in creative hairstyling.
The learner independently demonstrates the core competencies in creative hairstyling.
The learner independently demonstrates the core competencies in creative hairstyling.
The learner independently demonstrates the core competencies in creative hairstyling.
1.2 Check teture and volume of client’s hair !y touching and visual analysis. 1." #resent creative hairstyle options to the client. 1.$ %etermine desired hairstyle according to client’s profile and preference.
1.& Advise client to remove all personal accessories for safety and comfort. %etermine the safety measures and comforts during draping and shampooing.
1.' (elect and prepare tools and e)uipment supplies materials, and implements according to style or hair design.
*dentfy he ools and e+uipmen
1.* %rape and shampoo client according to salon procedures. #erform proper draping and shampooing
supplies maerials for hair draping and shampooing.
$onen is wha he lesson is all abou. * perains o he subjec maer ha he eacher aims o each. *n he $-, he conen can be ackled in a week or wo.
#reparation of client
#reparation of client
#reparation of client
#reparation of client
+ acial shapes and profiles + -air and scalp analysis + Clients’ consultation + %raping and shampooing + Tools, e)uipment, materials and supplies + -airstyle products and implements + ccupational safety and health rules and regulations + (afety procedures and practices
$$$. L#%N$NG %SO)%S
+ acial shapes and profiles + -air and scalp analysis + Clients’ consultation + %raping and shampooing + Tools, e)uipment, materials and supplies + -airstyle products and implements + ccupational safety and health rules and regulations + (afety procedures and practices
+ acial shapes and profiles + -air and scalp analysis + Clients’ consultation + %raping and shampooing + Tools, e)uipment, materials and supplies + -airstyle products and implements + ccupational safety and health rules and regulations + (afety procedures and practices
+ acial shapes and profiles + -air and scalp analysis + Clients’ consultation + %raping and shampooing + Tools, e)uipment, materials and supplies + -airstyle products and implements + ccupational safety and health rules and regulations + (afety procedures and practices
(is he maerials o be used in dieren days. !aried sources of maerials susain children/s ineres in he lesson and in learning. 0nsure ha here is a mix of concree and manipulatve maerials as well as paper1based maerials. 2ands1on learning promoes concep developmen.
. 3eferences 4. Teacher/s -uide pages 5. (earner/s 6aerial pages 7. Texbook pages 8. dditonal 6aerial from (earning 3esource 9(3: 'oral &. Oher (earning 3esources
$3. %OD)%S
These seps should be done across he week. %pread ou he actvites appropriaely so ha sudens will learn well. lways be guided by demonsraton of learning by he sudens which you can infer from formatve assessmen actvites. %usain learning sysematcally by providing sudens wih multple ways o learn new hings, practce heir learning, +ueston heir learning processes, and draw conclusions abou wha hey learned in relaton o heir life experiences and previous knowledge. *ndicae he tme allomen for each sep.
. 3eviewing previous lesson or presentng he new lesson.
#ha are he ways o provide a relaxed and caring environmen for our clien;
#ha are he dieren facial shape and pro"le;
&. 0sablishing a purpose for he lesson
*dentfy he dieren facial shapes shown in he
'resentng lesson objectves
2ow would you analy
#ha are he occupatonal safey and healh rules and regulatons in performing draping and shampooing;
#ha are he occupatonal safey and healh rules and regulatons in performing draping and shampooing;
'resentng lesson objectves
%udens prepare all he ools and e+uipmen
healh rules and regulatons ha you mus observed during he draping and shampooing; (is down he dieren occupatonal safey and healh rules and regulatons while performing draping and shampooing.
supplies and maerials for hair draping and shampooing.
$. 'resentng examples) insances of he new lesson
Today we will be learning abou he dieren facial shapes and pro"le.
3eading he mechanics for he group actviy.
=. =iscussing new conceps and practcing new skills >4
're1es on he facial shapes and pro"les.
ssessing sudens and giving additonal informaton abou he hair and scalp analysis and wha ype of hairsyle is suiable for he hair analy
ssessing sudens repor
ssessing sudens repor
Oral +uestoning
Oral +uestoning
Oral ?uestoning
*n your own undersanding, why do we need o observe safey healh measures and follow he rules and regulatons in performing proper draping and shampooing.
*dentfy he ools, e+uipmen, supplies and maerials for hair draping and shampooing as shown in he picure.
0. =iscussing new conceps and practcing new skills >5
-roup actviy
F. =eveloping masery 9(eads o Formatve ssessmen 7:
-. Finding practcal applicatons of conceps and skills in daily living
2. 6aking generali
*dentfy he facial shape and pro"le of your seamae.
'resenaton of ools, e+uipmen and maerial
Teacher performing draping and shampooing.
3eurned demo
absractons abou he lesson
*. 0valuatng learning
@. dditonal actvites for applicaton or remediaton
*dent"caton of facial shape and pro"les.
*dentfy he facial shape and pro"le shown in he picures. #ha are he ways in analy
#ha are he occupatonal safey healh rules and regulatons in performing hair draping and shampooing.
(is down ways on how o ake good care of your hair and scalp.
#ha are he ools and e+uipmen, supplies maerials for draping and shampooing;
3. %/#%5S 3$. %LT$ON . Bo. of learners who earned CDE on he formatve assessmen &. Bo. of learners who re+uire additonal actvites for remediaton. $. =id he remedial lessons work; Bo. of learners who have caugh up wih he lesson. =. Bo. of learners who contnue o re+uire remediaton 0. #hich of my eaching sraegies worked well; #hy did hese work; F. #ha dicultes did * encouner which my principal or supervisor can help me solve; -. #ha innovaton or locali
3eAec on your eaching and assess yourself as a eacher. Think abou your sudens/ progress his week. #ha works; #ha else needs o be done o help he sudens learn; *dentfy wha help your insructonal supervisors can provide for you so when you mee hem, you can ask hem relevan +uestons.
maerials did * use)discover which * wish o share wih oher eachers;