SESIÓN DEL MINEDU: La ciencia y el derecho a la vidaDescripción completa
Tiger Team test 5Descripción completa
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Sst Manual u3 OkDescripción completa
portafolio de evidencias u3Descripción completa
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Unit 3 test Vocabulary 1 Choose the correct option. (7 ar!s" 1 Farmer mers gr grow crops / #reenhouse #ases in #ases in these fields. 2 You feel very hot. You’ve got a stoach ache / teperature. teperature . 3 The The Eart Earth h will will run run out out of of #lobal $arin# / %ossil %uels. %uels. 4 I hurt my toe / $rist $rist that’s why I !an’t write. " #lan #lants ts hel$ hel$ to &ecrease / pro&uce the pro&uce the amount of !ar%on dio&ide in the atmos$here. ' (y %a!) hurt / hurts. hurts. * The The ave avera rage ge huma human n brain / heart %eat heart %eat is +, $er minute. 2 Coplete the sentences sentences $ith the the $or&s. There is one $or& you &o not nee&. nee&. (7 ar!s" ar!s" %a!) %lood %ones !old mus!les s)in toe tootha!he 1 2 3 4 " ' *
The ---------- moves moves o&ygen o&ygen around around the the %ody %ody.. The --------- !overs !overs and $rote!ts $rote!ts the the whole whole %ody %ody.. There There are usuall usually y 2,' ------------ in the the human human %ody. %ody. I’ve got got a %ad %ad ----------- I need need some some tissue tissues s for my nose. nose. ulia ulia is holding holding her mouth mouth.. I thin) thin) she’s she’s got ------------ . The --------- !onne !onne!ts !ts the the ne!) ne!) to the legs. legs. e use use 2' ----------- in the fa!e fa!e when when we we smile. smile.
3 Use the clues clues to coplet coplete e the the $or&s. $or&s. (' ar!s" 1 you you hav have e ten ten on on ea! ea!h h foot foot - - e 2 you you use use it to thin thin) ) % r - i - 3 it’s %etween %etween your arm and your ne!) - - o - - d - - 4 you have have one one on on ea!h ea!h hand hand - - u- % " it’s it’s %etwe %etween en your your leg leg and and your your foot foot - - ) - - ' it’s on the the other other side side of your %ody to your your %a!) %a!) ! - - s -
raar 1 )rite )rite sent sentenc ences es usin# usin# will or won’t . *&& e+tra $or&s as necessary. (1, ar!s" 1 $eo$ $eo$le le / not not use use / !ars !ars / futur future e ------------ ----------------------------------------------------- --- 2 Earth Earth / run run out out / water water / %y 221 221" " ------------ ----------------------------------------------------- --- 3 $eo$le $eo$le / only sho$ / online online / in ", year years0 s0 ------------ ----------------------------------------------------- --- 4 !hildr !hildren en / lea learn rn / home home / futur future0 e0 ------------ ----------------------------------------------------- ---
Unit 3 test " future / %uses / not need / drivers ------------------------------------ 2 Coplete the sentences $ith the %irst con&itional %or o% the -erbs in brac!ets. (1, ar!s" 1 2 3 4 "
If you ------------ %rea)fast now you ----------- hungry later. not have / feel The Earth ------------ of water unless we ------ wasting it. run out / sto$ If the $o$ulation ------------ to in!rease it ------------ %illion %y 2,",. !ontinue / %e 5nless we ------------ how we %uild houses we ------------ environmentally friendly. !hange / not %e I ------------ that dress if it ------------ too e&$ensive. not %uy / %e
3 Coplete the sentences $ith the %irst con&itional %or o% the -erbs. (1, ar!s" %e !oo) do get go miss not finish not leave not wear say 1 2 3 4 "
e ------ to the %ea!h tomorrow if it ----- sunny. (a& and 6am ------ a !old if they ------ their !oats. 7ere’s an idea8 if you ----- dinner I ----- the washing u$. 9:0 ;ome on< e ------ the train if we ------ now. hat ---- you ---- to (rs 6mith if you ---- your homewor) on time0
1 7------------ do you feel0 I feel terri%le< hat’s the 2 m------------ 0 I’ve got a sore throat and a !ough. I =oes it h------------ when you Yes it does. / >------------ me ta)e your
thin) I’ve got the 3 f--------- . !ough0 tem$erature.
Unit 3 test Rea&in# 1, Rea& the te+t. o$ any countries are in the *aon Rain%orest (3 ar!s" ------------------------------------
The Amazing Amazon The Amazon Rainforest is the largest rainforest in the world. It covers parts of Brazil, Peru, Colombia, uriname, !cuador, Bolivia and "rench #uinea. $ver half of the planet%s rainforest is in the Amazon. The plants in the rainforest ta&e in the greenhouse gas carbon dio'ide and produce o'(gen. In this wa( the( clean the atmosphere. cientists are ver( interested in the Amazon because di)erent plants can cure di)erent illnesses. The Amazon people who &now about these plants are called *medicine men%. +hen the( get old, the( pass on their &nowledge to their *apprentices%. These are (ounger men who will eventuall( become medicine men. $ne researcher, rauzio -arella, from Brazil, is loo&ing for a cure for cancer in the Amazon. The wor& is dicult because there are lots of di)erent plants in the rainforest. /e and his team test each one to 0nd out if it has medicinal properties. This ta&es a long time. Another problem is that the rainforest is getting smaller. This means fewer trees and plants, but also animals lose their habitats. If people continue to destro( the rainforest, we will lose our chance to discover valuable new medicines. 11 Rea& the te+t a#ain. *ns$er the 4uestions. (12 ar!s" 1 2 3 4 "
The ?ma@on is the ------ rainforest in the world and !ontri%utes to over ------ of the world’s rainforests. The rainforest !leans the atmos$here %y ta)ing in -------- and releasing ------- . -------- study the $lants in the rainforest %e!ause they !an ----- different illnesses. ----- are young men who are learning to %e!ome -------- men. =rau@io Aarella is sear!hing for a !ure for ------ %ut one of his %iggest !hallenges is the large num%er of ------ that he needs to test. ' ;utting down trees in the ?ma@on rainforest means fewer $lants and ------------- .