t the end o the the lesson lesson studen students ts shoul should d be be able able to3 to3 1. &dent &dentiy iy the meani meanin"s n"s o 405 o o the ords ords in the oabulary that is listed (17814). 2. ns nser er the tas9 based based :uesti :uestions ons ith ith inreasi inreasin" n" auray. . $roi $roide de aurate aurate anse ansers rs to :uestion :uestions s that are are based based on the poem.
tiity 1
Teaher rites don three ords on the board and as9s Teaher as9 s students to "uess the title o the poem. 1. #ipsti ti 9 2. ;ale lent ntin ine e hear heartt . 'ose
tiity 2
Teaher Teaher as9s students to "et into "roups o our or ie
1. Students use ord ards to play the ord memory "ame. Students play three rounds o the "ame ith eah round onsistin" o 6 o the 14 ords or 10 minutes eah round. !ah round the students ma9e a note o ho many ords many ords they hae learnt. 1. Teaher Teaher hands out tas9 sheet. Teaher Teaher e=plains the tas9 sheet. 2. Studen Students ts do tas9 tas9 1 indiid indiidual ually ly.. . Students Students to disuss disuss ansers ansers ith ith their their riends riends <. Teaher disusses disusses ansers ansers ith ith the students. students. Students note their sores on the tas9 sheet. 7. Students Students do tas9 tas9 2/ / >< in in a similar similar manner. manner. 6. Students Students identiy identiy all all the ords ords that they they hae hae used and learnt rom the tas9 sheet. Teaher as9s students to loo9 at their :uestion on %?T &S '!D &n their e=erise boo9 as orretions. 2.
tiity <
$lus 3 inus 3 &nterestin" 3
@ill in the blan9s ith the best !n"lish #an"ua"e ords. Aou may reer to the Bahasa alaysia translations as lues to help you. The irst one has been done or you. TS 1 0. The is red. (Matahari yang terbenam itu berwarna merah) 1. Aou ill eel ith all your mi"ht. (kamu bersikap berani dengan sepenuh jiwa dan raga) 2. %hen you hae a red spot on your nose that is alled . (bila hidung kamu kemerahan akibat panas terik itu dipanggil pengelupasan kulit) 3. Blood hen you ut your hand. (Darah terpecik keluar bila tangan kamu luka)
TS 2 4. Aou are hidin" hen you are . ( kamu bersembunyi bila kamu berasa malu) . These three ords are related to ire. ! ". ####################### and . ($iga perkataan ini berkaitan dengan api. Mercun! %ereta &'mba! dan kerlipan)
TS . y mother li9es to put on a red beore she "oes or shoppin". (ibu saya suka mengenakan gincu berwarna merah sebelum dia pergi membeli belah) . %ath out is a that someone says to you hen you are in dan"er. (&erhati*hati adalah isyarat yang sese'rang berikan kepada kamu semasa kamu didalam bahaya) +. minah ants to her beautiul red dress on h Chai+s birthday party this saturday ni"ht. (,minah mahu menunjuk*nunjukkan gaun merahnya yang cantik di -ari adi ,h /hai malam sabtu ini)