Primitivo Santos vs Judge Arturo Cruz 9.De ra!ia vs "arden o# $a%ati 10. 'uenasada vs ()avier ,aneo 12. Peo+)e vs ,aneo 13. Urina vs $are!an 14. Castaneda vs Ago 15. Austria vs $asa/ue) 16. $arte)ino vs. A)eandro
vs Cavez 12. Peo+)e vs Daeng 11. 11. Ledesma vs C)ima!o 11. 11. Ledesma vs C)ima!o 14. O+are) vs. Aria 10. Orit ,rans+ortation vs "CC 3. Daro vs Legas+i 1. Rega)a vs Sandiganaan "agner gner 9. overnment vs. "a 3. Daro vs Legas+i 8. Surigao $inera) Reservation 'oard vs C)orie) 4. 5i)ado vs David 5. Stone vs 'an% o# Commer!e 6. uerrero vs 5ernando 7. U vs. onza)es ,e)e!omuni!ations Pi). 8. Ri))oraza6 et a) vs. Eastern ,e)e!omuni!ations 7n!.
ama)inda vs A)!anter 4. Coa vs Ciongson 1. Santiago vs. (oas 2. Canti))er vs Poten!iano 6. ama)inda vs A)!anter 6. ama)inda vs A)!anter 3. $i))are vs. $ontero "or%ers Union vs Lo 'u 5. Cosmos (oundr So+ "or%ers 6.
COURT 8. Surigao
$inera) Reservation 'oard vs C)orie)
RULE 14.0&
RULE 11.02
ra!ia vs "arden o# $a%ati
10. 'uenasada
vs ()avier
RULE 11.0&
Primitivo Santos vs Judge Arturo Cruz
12. Peo+)e
vs ,aneo
RULE 11.0*
13. Urina
vs $are!an
RULE 11.0-
A )a:er sou)d use is est e##orts to restrain and to +revent is !)ients #rom doing tose tings :i! te )a:er imse)# ougt not to do6 +arti!u)ar) :it re#eren!e to teir !ondu!t to:ards !ourts6 udi!ia) o##i!ers6 urors6 :itnesses and suitors. 7# a !)ient +ersists in su! :rongdoing te )a:er sou)d terminate teir re)ation. A )a:er sou)d e +un!tua). 7ne;!usa)e asen!e #rom6 or re+eated tardiness in6 attending a +re
14. Castaneda
vs Ago
RULE 12.02
RULE 12.02
15. Austria
vs $asa/ue)
$arte)ino vs. A)eandro
RULE 1&. 01
RULE 1&.02
use o# disres+e!t#u) )anguage and o##ensive +ersona)ities so as not to undu) urden te !ourt in te dis!arge o# its #un!tions. A )a:er sa)) not #i)e mu)ti+)e a!tions. 5e sou)d not misuse )ega) remedies and +rostitute te udi!ia) +ro!ess to t:art or de)a te satis#a!tion o# a #ina) udgment6 to te e;tended +reudi!e o# te +etitioners. 7t is te dut o# a )a:er to resist te :ims and !a+ri!es o# is !)ient and to tem+er is !)ient=s +ro+ensit to )itigate. "i)e a !)ient ma :ito)d #rom is !ounse) !ertain #a!ts or give im #a)se in#ormation to attain is un)a:#u) ends6 a )a:er !an easi) see troug te !)ient=s a!tion eiter e#ore or at te ear) stage o# te )itigation. "en te +ur+ose e!omes evident6 te )a:er sou)d not a))o: imse)# to e a +art to its rea)ization. A )a:er sa)) not e;tend os+ita)it to a udge. 5e sou)d not see im in !amer and ta)% to im aout a !ase +ending in is !ourt> and a udge sou)d not a))o: it to a++en6 :itout !ommitting a mis!ondu!t6 e;!e+t :ere te )a:ers o# ot +arties are +resent or u+on re/uest o# te udge #or ot )a:ers to see im in !amer. A )a:er sa)) not +u)i!) dis!uss +ending !ases. (or ne:s+a+er +u)i!ations a )a:er !on!erning a +ending )itigation ma inter#ere :it a #air tria) in !ourt and oter:ise +reudi!e te im+artia) administration o# usti!e. DOCTRINE
vs Sandiganaan
RULE 1-.02
enera) ru)e? a )a:er ma not invo%e te +rivi)ege and re#use to divu)ge te name or identit o# is !)ient. E;!e+tion? 1. !)ient identit is +rivi)eged :ere a strong +roai)it e;ists tat revea)ing te !)ient=s name :ou)d im+)i!ate tat !)ient in te ver a!tivit :i! e sougt te )a:er=s advi!e. 2. te !ontent o# an !)ient !ommuni!ation to a )a:er )ies :itin te +rivi)ege i# it is re)evant to te sue!t matter o# te )ega) +ro)em on :i! te !)ient see%s )ega) assistan!e. &. :ere te nature o# te att
2. 7n.
Re. S!i+
Daro vs Legas+i
RULE 13.01
4. 5i)ado
5. Stone
vs David
vs 'an% o# Commer!e
RULE 20.01
RULE 20.01
"ere a !)ient tin%s e migt ave +revious) !ommitted someting i))ega) and !onsu)ts att aout it <@ #a))s :itin te e;!e+tion. 'ut :ere !)ient see%s servi!es o# an att #or i))i!it +ur+oses6 see%ing advi!e aout o: to go around te )a: to !ommit i))ega) a!tivities <@ not !overed +rivi)ege.Pur+ose o# +rivi)ege? to avoid #ising e;+edition te +rose!ution. ,ere are a)ternative sour!es o# in#ormation avai)a)e to +rose!utor :! do not de+end on uti)izing de#endant=s !ounse) as sour!e.Duration o# +rivi)ege? e;ists not on) during re)ationsi+ ut e;tends even a#ter termination. ,e attorne neiter is it materia) tat te attorne !onsu)ted did not a#ter:ard unde rta%e te !ase aout :i! te !onsu)tation :as ad. 7# a +erson6 in res+e!t to is usiness a##airs or trou)es o# an %ind6 !onsu)ts :it is attorne in is +ro#essiona) !a+a!it :it te vie: to otaining +ro#essiona) advi!e or assistan!e6 and te attorne vo)untari) +ermits or a!/uies!es in su! !onsu)tation6 ten te +ro#essiona) em+)oment must e regarded as esta)ised. ,e re)ation o# attorne and !)ient egins #rom te time an attorne is retained. ,e autorit o# an attorne !ommen!es :it is retainer. 5e !annot6 :i)e a!ting genera)) as an attorne #or an estate or a !or+oration6 a!!e+t servi!e o# +ro!ess :i! !ommen!es te a!tion6 :itout an autorit so to do #rom is +rin!i+a). "en an attorne as een retained6 e as !ertain im+)ied +o:ers to a! t #or is
6. uerrero
vs 5ernando
U vs. onza)es
RULE 20.01
RULE 20.01
Ri))oraza6 et a) vs. Eastern ,e)e!omuni!ations Pi). 7n!. 8.
RULE 20.01
overnment vs. "agner
Orit ,rans+ortation vs "CC
11. Ledesma
vs C)ima!o
RULE 1*.02 RULE 1*.0*
!)ient6 in a suit a!tua)) !ommen!ed6 in te due and order) !ondu!t o# te !ase troug te !ourts. ,ere must e a !ontra!t o# em+)oment6 e;+ress or im+)ied6 et:een im and te +art e +ur+orts to re+resent or te )atter=s autorized agent. 7# e !orru+t) or :i))#u)) a++ears as an attorne #or a +art to a !ase :itout autorit6 e ma e dis!i+)ined. An attorne 2 :en a)toug tere is a #orma) !ontra!t #or attorneBs #ees6 te #ees sti+u)ated are #ound un!ons!iona)e or unreasona)e te !ourt> and & :en te !ontra!t #or attorneBs #eeBs is void d ue to +ure) #orma) de#e!ts o# e;e!ution> * :en te !ounse)6 #or usti#ia)e !ause6 :as n ot a)e to #inis te !ase to its !on!)usion> - :en )a:er and !)ient disregard te !ontra!t #or attorneBs #ees6 An agent !)oted is +rin!i+a) :it te +o:er to dea) :it te )atter=s +ro+ert or interest as te autorit to engage te servi!es o# an attorne as !ounse) #or te +rin!i+a) to +rote!t or +reserve su! +ro+ert or interest. 7# a )a:er :ere to ta%e a ad !ivi) suit against a de#endant6 it :i)) eiter e to e;ert is est e##orts to:ard a !om+romise or6 i# unsu!!ess#u)6 to advi!e is !)ient to !on#ess udgement. ,e re)ation o# attorne and !)ient ma e !reated not on) te vo)untar agreement et:een tem
12. Peo+)e
vs Daeng
13. onza)es
14. O+are)
vs Cavez
vs. Aria
RULE 1*.02
RULE 1*.0*
ut a)so te a++ointment o# an attorne as !ounse) de o#i!io #or a +oor or indigent )itigant6 and te attorne so a++ointed as as ig a dut to te indigent as to is +aing !)ient. "e :ou)d6 neverte)ess6 !aution a)) !ourts against te #re/uent a++ointment o# te same attorne as !ounse) de o#i!io6 #or t:o asi! reasons? #irst6 it is un#air to te attorne !on!erned6 !onsidering te urden o# is regu)ar +ra!ti!e tat e sou)d e sadd)ed :it too man de o##i!io !ases> and6 se!ond6 te !om+ensation +rovided #or se!tion &2 o# Ru)e 1&9 o# te Ru)es o# Court a #i;ed #ee o# P-00 in !a+ita) o##ense migt e !onsidered some )a:ers as a regu)ar sour!e o# in!ome6 someting :i! te Ru)e does not envision. 7n ever !ase6 te a!!used stands to su##er e!ause te overurdened !ounse) :ou)d ave too )itt)e time to s+are #or is de o##i!io !ases6 and a)so :ou)d e inordinate) eager to #inis su! !ases in order to !o))e!t is #ees :itin te ear)iest +ossi)e time. ,e so)i!itor enera) is te +rin!i+a) )a: o##i!er and )ega) de#ender o# te government. 7t is in!ument u+on im to +resent to te !ourt :at e !onsiders :ou)d )ega)) u+o)d te est interest o# te government. 5e !annot sim+) re#use to do is dut nor !an e :itdra: #rom a !ase on #)ims ground6 oter:ise6 mandamus :i)) )ie to !om+e) im to +er#orm is duties and res+onsii)ities. A )a:er sa)) oserve te same standard #or a)) !)ients. ,e +ur+ose o# )ega) +ro#ession is to render +u)i! servi!e and se!ure usti!e #or tose :o see% its aid. ,e gaining o# a )ive)ood is on) a se!ondar !onsideration. Conse/uent)6 neiter te amount o# attorne=s #ees nor te !)ient=s #inan!ia) ai)it to +a su! #ees sou)d serve as te test to determine te e;tent o# te )a:er=s devotion to is !)ient=s !ause. DOCTRINE
vs. (oas
2. Canti))er
vs Poten!iano
No #ear o# udi!ia) dis#avor or +u)i! un+o+u)arit sou)d restrain im #rom te #u)) dis!arge o# is dut. 7n te udi!ia) #orum te !)ient is entit)ed to te ene#it o# an and ever remed and de#ense tat is autorized )a:6 and e ma e;+e!t is )a:er to assert ever su! remed or dde#ense. “His actuation is definitely inconsistent with his duty to protect with utmost dedication the interest of his client and of the fidelity, trust and confidence which he owes his client.” Pu)i! interest re/uires tat an attorne e;ert is est e##orts and ai)it in te +rose!ution or de#ense
$i))are vs. $ontero
4. Coa
vs Ciongson
5. Cosmos
(oundr So+ "or%ers Union vs Lo 'u
RULE 1-.0-
RULE 14.0&
o# is !)ientBs !ause. A )a:er :o +er#orms tat dut :it di)igen!e and !andor not on) +rote!ts te interests o# is !)ient> e a)so serves te ends o# usti!e6 does onor to te ar and e)+s maintain te res+e!t o# te !ommunit to te )ega) +ro#ession. ,is is so e!ause te entrusted +rivi)ege to +ra!ti!e )a: !arries :it it te !orre)ative duties not on) to te !)ient ut a)so to te !ourt6 to te ar or to te +u)i!. ,at !ir!umstan!e e;+)ains te +u)i! !on!ern #or te maintenan!e o# an untarnised standard o# !ondu!t ever attorne to:ards is !)ient. A )a:er is re/uired to re+resent is !)ient :itin te ounds o# te )a:. ,e Code enoins a )a:er to em+)o on) #air and onest means to attain te )a:#u) oe!tives o# is !)ient Ru)e 14.01 and :arns im not to a))o: is !)ient to di!tate te +ro!edure in and)ing te !ase Ru)e 14.0&. 7n sort6 a )a:er is not a gun #or ire. Advo!a!6 :itin te ounds o# te )a:6 +ermits te attorne to use an argua)e !onstru!tion o# te )a: or ru)es :i! is #avora)e to is !)ient. 'ut te )a:er is not a))o:ed to %no:ing) advan!e a !)aim or de#ense tat is un:arranted under e;isting )a:. 5e !annot +rose!ute +atent) #rivo)ous and merit)ess a++ea)s or institute !)ear) ground)ess a!tions. Pro#essiona) ru)es im+ose )imits on a )a:erBs zea) and edge it :it ne!essar restri!tions and /ua)i#i!ations. As a $emer o# te Pi)i++ine 'ar e is ound? 1 is oat6 not to6 :itting) or :i))ing)6 +romote or sue an ground)ess6 #a)se6 or un)a:#u) suit nor give aid nor !onsent to te same> 2 Se!tion 20!6 Ru)e 1&9 o# te Ru)es o# Court6 to !ounse) or maintain su! a!tion or +ro!eedings on) as a++ear to im to e ust> and & to u+o)d te Code o# Pro#essiona) Res+onsii)it. 7t :as in!ument u+on im to give a !andid and onest o+inion on te merits and +roa)e resu)ts o# te !om+)ainants !ase :it te end in vie: o# +romoting res+e!t #or te )a: and )ega) +ro!esses. 5e sou)d6 tere#ore6 e re/uired to so: !ause : no dis!i+)inar a!tion sou)d e ta%en against im #or is a++arent #ai)ure to oserve te #oregoing duties and res+onsii)ities. ,e )a:er=s dut to te !ourt6 no )ess tan te dignit o# te )ega) +ro#ession6 re/uires tat e sou)d not a!t )i%e an errand o at te a!% and
ama)inda vs A)!anter
!a)) o# is !)ient6 read and eager to do is idding. A )a:er o:es #ide)it to te !ause o# is !)ient and must e mind#u) o# te trust and !on#iden!e re+osed in im.
5e sa)) serve is !)ient :it !om+eten!e and di)igen!e6 and is dut o# entire devotion to is !)ientBs !ause not on) re/uires6 ut entit)es im to em+)o ever onora)e means to se!ure #or te !)ient :at is ust) due im or to +resent ever de#ense +rovided )a: to ena)e te )atterBs !ause to su!!eed. An attorneBs dut to sa#eguard te !)ientBs interests !ommen!es #rom is retainer unti) te e##e!tive re)ease #rom te !ase or te #ina) dis+osition o# te :o)e sue!t matter o# te )itigation. During tat +eriod6 e is e;+e!ted to ta%e su! reasona)e ste+s and su! ordinar !are as is !)ientBs interests ma re/uire.