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Sa taon taongg 2008 2008,, naka nakatitititiya yakk ____ ______ samb sambaya ayana nang ng Filipi Filipino no na mapaunlad ang ekonomiya ng bansa. a. Si c. ang b. Sina d. ang mga Kung Kung _____ _____ bawat bawat isa sa atin atin ay matut matutut uton ongg mags magsik ikap ap at magpahalaga sa ating mga ginagawa, ang ating sarili ay patuloy na uunlad. a. ang c. si b. ang mga d. s i na !ay pulon pulongg na gaganap gaganapin in at isinul isinulat at na ang ang lugar lugar, petsa petsa at oras. oras. "sinulat din ang # agenda.$ %no ang maaaring salin nito& a. 'agk 'agkak akai aisa saha hann c. 'agu 'aguus usap apan an b. 'agh 'aghah ahan anda daan an d. 'agt 'agtat atal alun unan an %lin sa sa mga sumusuno sumusunodd ang hindi maituturing maituturing na pangu pangungusa ngusap& p& a. !ayroo !ayroonn bang bang dadalo dadalo&& c. )maar )maaraw aw ngayon ngayon b. Kung Kung aali aaliss ka d. !ara !arami ming ng sala salama matt %ng kasa kasaluk lukuya uyang ng bilan bilangg ng atin atingg alpabe alpabeto to ay a. 20 b. 28 c. 1 d. 0 inag inagaw awaa niya niya ang pagdar pagdaras asal al araw-ar araw-araw aw.. %lin ang paksa paksa sa sumusunod na pangungusap& a. araw araw-a -ara raw w c. gina ginaga gawa wa b . niy a d. pagdarasal #!alalim #!alalim ang ang bulsa$ bulsa$ ng kanyang kanyang tatay. tatay. %no ang ang ibig sabihin sabihin nito& nito& a. mape mapera ra c. mapa mapagb gbig igay ay b. kuripot d. walang pera %no ang ang karaniw karaniwang ang iisah iisahing ing panti pantigg lamang lamang at walang walang katutu katuturan rangg maibibigay kung nagiisa& a. 'arira 'arirala la b. Salita Salita c. Kataga Kataga d. Sugnay Sugnay # uman umanig ig ang ang gusali gusali sa sa mga yaba yabag$. g$. "to "toyy isang isang a. meta metapo porr c. hype hyperb rbol olee b. sinekdoke d. personiikasyon "to "to ang ang mga mga opisy opisyal al na wika wika mula sa pana panaho honn ng 3epub 3epublilika ka hanggang sa kasalukuyan. a. Filipin Filipinoo at Kastil Kastilaa c. "ngles "ngles at 4agalog agalog b. "ngles "ngles at Kastil Kastilaa d. "ngles "ngles at Filipi Filipino no "to "to ay kurouro-ku kuro ro ng patn patnug ugot ot hingg inggilil sa mahal ahalag agaa at napapanahong isyu sa araw na iyon. %no ito& a. 5ath 5athal alia iann c. 6ali 6alita ta b. 7dit 7ditoorya ryal d. 'ita 'itakk Kailan natin natin ipinadi ipinadiriwan riwangg ang 5ingo 5ingo ng ika& ika& a. 9uny 9unyoo 1-1 1-1// c. %gos %gosto to 1-1 1-1 b. %gos %gosto to 1-1 1-1// d. !arso !arso 1-1 1-1// 'iliin sa mga mga sumusunod sumusunod ang ang tiyak na hakban hakbangg sa pagtuturo pagtuturo.. a. "str "strat ateh ehiya iya c. 'ama 'amara raan an b. 4ekni eknikk d. 'agk 'agkat atut utuu 9uwag 9uwag # pagbuh pagbuhata atann ng kamay$ kamay$ ang batang batang walang walang kalabankalabanlaban. %no ang ibig sabihin& a. 'agb 'agbuh uhat atin in ng mabi mabiga gatt c. Sakt Saktan an b. "tal "talii ang ang kama kamayy d. 'agt 'agtra raba bahu huin in Sa pangung pangungusa usapp na, 'anaho 'anahonn na upang upang # magdi magdilat lat ng mata at makisangkot sa mga usapin$ ay nagpapahiwatig na a. Kalimu Kalimutan tangg isyu c. "dilat "dilat ang mga mga mata mata b. )miwa )miwass sa usapin usapin d. !agisi !agising ng sa katoto katotohan hanan an !ahusa !ahusayy # maglu maglubid bid ng buhang buhangin$ in$ ang taong taong gipit. gipit. %no ang ibig sabihin& a. !agh !aghuk ukay ay c. !ags !agsin inun unga galiling ng b. !agy !agyab aban angg d. !agp !agpaik aikot ot-ik -ikot ot # %ng %ng pisn pisngi gi ni !ary ay kasin kasingg pula ng makop makopa. a. # "t ay isang isang halimbawa ng anong uri ng pananalita& a. !eto !etono nomi miya ya c. 'atu 'atula ladd b. 'and 'andiw iwan anta taoo d. 'awa 'awang ngis is Sino ang nagsabi nagsabi ng sumusuno sumusunod, d, # %ng hindi hindi magmahal magmahal sa sariling wika ay higit pa ang amoy sa sa malansang isda$& a. %polina %polinario rio !abini !abini c. !arcel !arceloo 9, del 'ilar 'ilar
b. reg regor orio io del del 'ila 'ilarr d. :ose :ose 3i;a 3i;all 1/. 1/. Kaila Kailann gina ginaga gami mitt and and mga mga gitli gitling ng na # maka maka$& $& %lin %lin sa mga sumusunod na halimbawa ang tama& a. !aka !aka-k -kur ursi silis lista ta pala pala siya siya b. Si ate ate ay ay tunay tunay na maka maka < =ora =ora %unor %unor.. c. !aka-i !aka-ibay bayong ong dagat dagat and and gami gaming ng panauh panauhin in d. !aka-i !aka-iban bangg bansa bansa and tutun tutunguh guhan an niya niya 20. Kailan ginagam ginagamitit ang isang isang pananalit pananalitang ang patulad& patulad& a. Sa pagh paghaha ahambi mbing ng ng ng magka magkatul tulad ad na na bagay bagay b. Sa pagh paghaha ahalin lintul tulad ad ng ng dalaw dalawang ang kaisipa kaisipann c. Sa paghah paghahalin alintul tulad ad ng dalawa dalawang ng diwa diwa d. Sa pagha paghaham hambin bingg ng dalaw dalawang ang magk magkaib aibang ang baga bagayy
II. SOCIAL STUDIES 21. ho is the presiden presidentt who is known known or his, #Filipi #Filipino no First 'olicy$ 'olicy$ and %usterity 'rogram& a. >iosda >iosdado do !acapa !acapagal gal c. ?alos ?alos '. arcia arcia b. 3amon !agsaysay d. !anuel 3o@as 22. hich ?ity suered suered rom rom the irst atomic atomic bomb bomb on %ugust %ugust +, 1/(*& 1/(*& a. ?her ?herno noby byll c. =aga =agasa saki ki b. !osc !oscow ow d. 9iro 9irosh shim imaa 2. hat hat is the orm orm o goAern goAernme ment nt whose whose identi identiyi ying ng eature eature is the separation o power& a. !ona !onarc rchi hial al c. %rist %ristoc ocra racy cy b. 'res 'resid iden entitial al d. Soci Sociali alist st 2(. %lin ang pahayag pahayag intinat intinatag ag ni !arcelo !arcelo 9. del 'ilar upang upang ilathala ilathala ang pagbatikos sa maling pamamahala ng mga kastila& a. 7l 'orAe 'orAeni nirr c. >iar >iario iong ng 4agal agalog og b. 7l 3esu 3esume menn d. 5a Soli Solida dari rida dadd 2*. hich is the type type o cooperatiAe, cooperatiAe, which which promotes promotes thrit thrit among the members and create unds in order to grant loans& a. SerAice SerAice ?ooper ?ooperati atiAe Ae c. ?onsu ?onsumer merss ?ooper ?ooperati atiAe Ae b. ?redit ?redit ?ooper ?ooperati atiAe Ae d. 'roduc 'roducers ers ?oope ?ooperat ratiAe iAe 2+. Foreig Foreignn inAesto inAestors rs are discou discourag raged ed in doing doing business business with our country. hat condition is being blamed or this& a. 'oor 'oor sta standar ndards ds b. 'oor 'oor tec technol hnolog ogyy c. >ete >eteri rior orat atin ingg peac peacee and and ord order er d. 9igh ta taris 2. )nder )nder trade relations relations which could could acilitate acilitate the entry entry and e@change e@change to products with other countries& a. )=7S? )=7S?B B polic policie iess on trad tradee b. )= agre agreem emen entt on 4rade rade c. enera enerall %gree %greemen mentt o 4ari 4ari and and 4rad 4radee d. >umber to ton %c %ct 28. hich hich Aolcano Aolcano erupted erupted in :une 1//1, 1//1, which which made 3egion 3egion """ a lahar region& a. !ayon b. 4aal c. !t. Kanlaon d. !t. 'inatubo 2/. Siya ang unang unang bumuo bumuo ng titik ng ating ating pambansa pambansang ng awit na may may pamagat na 9imno =acional Filipino& a. racia raciano no 5ope; 5ope; :aena :aena c. :ose :ose 'alma 'alma b. %ndres %ndres 6onia 6oniacio cio d. !arcelo !arcelo 9. del 'ilar 'ilar 0. 4he :apanese :apanese successu successull inAasion was was clima@ed clima@ed by the surrender surrender o the Coin Filipino-%merican Forces on !ay +, 1/(2. here did it happen& a. !anila !anila b. ?apas ?apas c. ?orreg ?orregido idorr d. 6ataan 6ataan 1. ho was the the power to declar declaree the e@istence e@istence o a state state o war& war& a. Sena Senate te 'res 'resid iden entt c. 'res 'resid iden entt b. ?hie ?hie :ust :ustice ice d. ?ong ?ongre ress ss 2. here was was 3i;al buried buried ater ater his e@ecution e@ecution at at 6agumbayan 6agumbayan&& a. 5ibing 5ibingan an ng mga 6ayani 6ayani c. 'aco 'aco cemete cemetery ry b. Sout Southh ceme cemete tery ry d. =ort =orthh ceme cemete tery ry . hich law states states that that the price price o commodity commodity is determin determined ed when when the Duantity that buyers are willing to buy is the same as the Duantity that the sellers want to sell& a. Supp Supply ly c. >imi >imini nish shin ingg 3etu 3eturn rnss b. Supp Supply ly and and dema demand nd d. >ema >emand nd (. "n 1*+* 5egasp 5egaspii conclude concludedd a blood blood compact compact with with the chie o 6ohol. =ame him a. 5aka 5akand ndul ulaa c. Sika Sikatu tuna na b. 3aCa 3aCahh Sulay Sulayma mann d. 3aCa 3aCahh 4upa 4upass *. hat is the e@act e@act date date o o 3i;als 3i;als birth& birth& a. :une :une 1/, 1/, 18+2 18+2 c. :une :une 1/, 1/, 18+1 18+1
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b. :une 1/, 18*8 d. :une 1/, 18+0 +. %mong the deAeloping %sian nations, one o the ollowing is widely promoted to be one o the better solutions to poAerty and unemployment. ?hoose which one a. "mportation c. 'riAati;ation b. "ndustriali;ation d. )rbani;ation . hat do we call the sum o money collected or our use o a road, bridge and highway& a. 'enalty c. 4a@ b. %ssessment d. 4oll 8. ho said, # 4he Filipino is worth dying or& a. ?arlos '. arcia c. 6enigno %Duino b. %ndres 6oniacio d. :ose 3i;al /. =o person may be elected a 'resident o the 'hilippines unless sheEhe is a_______ a. 3esident or at least 1 year c. =atural born citi;en b. %t least 21 years old d. 'roessional (0. ho was the general who said # " shall return$ ater training troops in %ustralia& a. en. ?laAeria c. ?arlos . 3omulo b. en. >ela 4orre d. >ouglas !ac%rthur
III. SCIENCE (1. hy is the )ranium classiied as radioactiAe element& a. "t is artiicially produced in the laboratory b. "t emits alpha particles c. "t is a useul radio component d. "t is obserAed to be hyperactiAe (2. hich o the ollowing organisms transmit the malarial parasite& a. %nts c. ?ule@ mosDuito b. Flies d. %nopheles mosDuito (. >uring inAestigation, we ollow seAeral steps. 3e-arrange the ollowing in the most logical manner. 1. Formulate a hypothesis 2. 'erorm the e@periment . State the problem clearly (. >raw a generali;ation a. (,1,2, b. 1,2,,( c. ,1,2,( d. 2,,1,( ((. hy do we haAe the sun rise in the east& a. 4he earth rotates clockwise b. 4he earth rotates counterclockwise c. 4he sun is located in the east d. 4he earth reAolAes towards the east (*. 4o which type o rock does granite belong& a. !etamorphic c. "gneous b. >eposits d. Sedimentary (+. ?hoose the abiotic component o an ecosystem. a. Sulur c. 4emperature b. ?arbon d. Brganisms (. hat instrument is used to measure the intensity o earthDuakes& a. 6arograph c. Seismograph b. 4hermograph d. 9ygrograph (8. hen we think, study and react consciously which part o the brain is unctioning& a. ?orte@ c. ?erebrum b. ?erebellum d. 4halamus (/. hat type o thermal nuclear reaction occurs in the sun which generates a tremendous amount o heat energy& a. Fission b. 3adiation c. ?onAection d. Fusion *0. hich animal is classiied as herbiAore& a. Frog b. >og c. ?arabao d. 4iger *1. %rchimedes shouted # 7ureka$ hat did we take this to mean& a. onderul b. 7nCoyment c. !ystery d. >iscoAery *2. 4o what biome do the 'hilippines belong& a. 4undra c. rassland b. 4ropical rainorest d. >ipterocarp orest *. hy are mammals described as warm-blooded animals& a. 6ody temperature changes with the enAironment b. 6lood raises temperature with that o the enAironment c. 6ody remains warm through the day d. 6ody temperature does not change with the enAironment *(. Brganisms that eat plants only are called
a. BAipores c. BminoAores b. 9erbiAores d. ?arniAores %ccording to 9B, where did S%3S originate& a. 9ongkong c. ?anada b. 4aiwan d. ?hina % new @-ray techniDue is now being used to detect tumors and other minute abnormalities. =ame it a. 6eam scanner c. 5aser b. 3adiation scanner d. !icro-detector hich organism receiAes the least amount o energy in the energy pyramid& a. Snake b. 9awk c. ?hicks d. ?orn plant 9ow can you help minimi;e the heaAy pollution that is caused by e@cessiAe carbon dio@ide emissions in the surroundings& a. 6urn garbage in your own backyard b. >ispose garbage through incineration c. 5eaAe the garbage to rot in open space d. 6urry garbage rather than burn it 4he temperature in late autumn went 1+ deg ? to <8 deg ?. 6y how much do these tow temperatures dier& a. <8degrees c. 8 degrees b. 2( degrees d. <2( degrees hy does the greenhouse eect result temperature near the earths surace& a. B;one traps ultraAiolet radiation b. ?arbon >io@ide traps inrared radiation c. ?louds trap inrared radiation d. Soil absorbs incoming radiation
IV. MATEMATICS +1. % ream o onion skin paper is 2.* inches thick. " there are *00 sheets to each ream, how thick i s one sheet o paper& a. .002 in b. .02 in c. .00* in d. .0012* in +2. G10HG8H o G@H I 2*0 a. .*0 c. 200 b. 20,0000 d. .12* +. 7Aaluate G12HGE*HG.(*H I & a. (2.* b. / c. *.( d. 2.( +(. % dinner menu oers choices o appeti;ers, 12 main dishes, and + desserts. 9ow many ways can you choose one o each course& a. 2 b. *0( c. 2* d. 8( +*. hat are the two missing numbers in this seDuence& 1,2,(,,11,1+, ___, 2/, ________, (+ a. 22, * b. 2, + c. 2, 8 d. 22, ++. 4he host at a party has only 8 gallons o ice cream to serAe. She serAed gallons to the early guests. 9ow many gallons o ice cream are let or the late comers a. ( b. ( 1E8 c. ( J d. * +. %ling 3osa spent ' /1.80 or ingredients and uel to cook guinatan, She was able to sell what she cooked to 2 customers who paid ' (.*0 each. 9ow much did she gain rom her enterprise& a. 1(.(0 b. (2.20 c. 28.(0 d. *2.20 +8. % dress marked ' 2(0.0 was put on sale at a 2* discount. 6ecause no one bought it, it sale price was reduced urther by 10. hat is the combined percent discount giAen& a. 2 b. 2.* c. 1+.2 d. * +/. 4he Aolume o bo@ is (80cm . "t is the length is 2( cm and height is * cm. hat is the width& a. * cm b. ( cm c. + cm d. 8 cm 0. 9ow much greater is J o /+ than (E* o 80& a. 18 b. 12 c. + d. 8 1. % sDuare has an area o (00 . hat is its perimeter& a. 20 cm b. 80 cm c. 100 cm d. (0 cm 2. 4hree GH caAans o rice will last a amily o + members * weeks. %t this rate, how many weeks will 2 caAans o rice last a amily o ( members& a. ( b. + c. * d. . "n one senior class 1E o the students are honor students. B these honor students 2E are Aarsity athletes. " they are our athletes in the class, how many students are there in the class& a. 8( b. (2 c. *2 d. +0
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(. 4he school caeteria raised the price o a plate o rice orm '8 o '10. " the same rate o increase was applied to a regular order o Aiand which used to cost '20, how much does an order o Aiand& a. '2+ b. '2* c. '2( d. '22 *. hich o these ractions lies between 1E* and *E/& a. 2E b. E* c. 1E+ d. L +. % man started painting a wall o /M00 a.m. an was able to inish painting E* o it at 10M0 a.m. continuing at this rate at what time will he inish painting the wall& a. 10M(* a.m. c. 11M(* a.m. b. 11M0 a.m. d. 12M1* p.m. . "n a math class o 1( students, / students has an aAerage o +, while the other * students had an aAerage o /0. hat is the aAerage o the whole class& a. / b. 88 c. 81 d. 8* 8. hich o these weights is heaAiest& a. * pounds b. 2.* kg c. (200 mg d. 22*0 gm /. hich o these numbers does =B4 belong to the group& a. 8 b. /1 c. 1 d. / 80. 4he product o two whole numbers is +, and their ratio is 1M(. hich o these is the smaller number& a. / b. 12 c. 2 d.
V. ENGLIS 81. 9"9-!"=>7> person wouldnt lie. a. )nprincipled c. ?orrupt b. !ean d. 9onorable 82. 5ack o appetite and less o sleep gaAe her a __________ appearance. a. lanky c. easy going b. haggard d. superstitious 8. 4he 3i;al >ay celebration reminds us about heroes worth ______. a. %ppreciating c. 7mulating b. 3eading about d. Studying 8(. 4he test was hard or 'aul and ____ a. !ysel b. " c. !e d. 9imsel 8*. Space age ____ on Bctober 21, 1/* when sputnik was launched by the SoAiet )nion. a. 7nded c. lourished b. ?ommenced d. cited 8+. 9is apocalyptic Aiews seemed to doom the human race. 9is Aiew is taken as_________. a. apathetic c. spiritless b. lethargic d. prophetic 8. Stop skill-sallying and make up your mind. 4his serAes as a warning not to ________ a. continue c. decide b. go ahead d. hesitate 88. 9er childhood aith in airy tales is partly to blame or her _____________ nature, which now makes her an easy Aictim o all sorts o tricks. a. superstitious c. easy-going b. gullible d. trustworthy 8/. # She is a Aision o eminine pulchritude.$ 4his Duote stand or________ a. 9omeliness c. 5oAeliness b. 'lain d. Simple /0. She described her classmates statement as too SB'9B!B3"?. 4his means a. ise b. "mmature c. rown-up d. !ature /1. 4he armys retreat was "=B!"="B)S. 4his means a. 3eputable c. Shameul b. 9onorable d. !ysterious /2. 4he statement, # She is a rose$ is an e@ample o a a. Simile b. !etaphor c. 9yperbole d. "diom /. $ !inds are like parachutesN they unction only when they open.$ 4his statement reers to ones a. )nthinking c. 5ack o priAacy b. ide spread d. ?ritical thinking /(. 9istory is the witness that_____ passing o time a. 4estiies c. 4estiies the b. 4estiies or d. ill testiy
/*. orkers in the serAice sector should be trained to act as __________as possible a. coAertly c. rudely b. curtly d. courteously /+. hich is the best way to write and underlined portion o this sentence& 9oweAer, their O?3 kept them rom missing their aAorite prime shows. a. Keeps c. 9ad kept b. Keep d. Keeped /. "_________ walked two kilometers by the time you catch up with me a. haAe c. had b. will haAe d. would haAe /8. # >o not leaAe or tomorrow what you can do today. Such is a good or those who a. prolierate c. proess b. predict d. procrastinate //. #" die Cust when the dawn breaks to herald the day.$ 4his is the amous Duote rom a. 6enigno %Duino c. :ose . 3i;al b. !anuel 5. Pue;on d. %ndres 6oniacio 100. Successul sales person ___________ and understands the needs o the market a. thoroughly know their products b. their products are known thoroughly c. products are thoroughly known d. know their products thoroughly
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