[email protected] INSTRUCTOR/DIRECTOR: WEBSITE: www.msvallefreedomms.weebly.com
COURSE DESCRIPTION Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is an innovative instructional program that prepares students to effectively use technology in learning, communication, communication, and life. ICT 1 is a complete study in interpersonal and self-directional skills; basic technology operation and technology concepts; concepts; social, ethical, and human issues in technology; technology communication communication tools; technology resource tools; multimedia presentation applications; word processing applications; and spreadsheet applications. applications. Course curriculum curriculum is built upon 21st Century Skills and the Florida Department of Education benchmarks. Please note: This course has a required end of course of exam.
OFFICE CONCEPT ELITE Inc. (E ( Empowering Leaders Into Today’s Excellence) is a lab that simulates a computerized computerized electronic office. Employees (students) have the opportunity opportunity to experience what it is like to work in a real business office and be treated as employees. The employees’ work is self -directed -directed (within parameters) parameters) and the goal is to successfully complete each competency/skill. competency/skill.
PHILOSOPHY ELITE Inc. is preparing employees for employment. It is our desire to e nhance and develop the skills needed to enter today’s work force. New concept and skills will be presented and daily training is needed, especially where high technical computer c omputer equipment is involved. Employee accountability is a requirement, and consistent attendance attendance and dedicated effort are necessary to master these skills and concepts. Employees will also learn leadership skills/traits and apply those skills in ELITE Inc. ELITE Inc. vision of success is to follow the 5 P’s
Valle-ICT I
ELITE INCORPORATED INCORPORATED Empowering Leaders Into Today’s Excellence
The contents of this syllabus may be changed at any any tim e at at the discretion of the instructo r.
SUPPLIES NEEDED You will need the following supplies: Binder/Folder with paper Blue/black pens Pencils Earphones/earbuds Donation is greatly appreciated. It helps the school to purchase consumable materials/activities. materials/activities. Please make a donation on-line at schoolpay.ocps.net. schoolpay.ocps.net. Donation is tax deductible.
We will be using Remind and Edmodo throughout the year. Parents and students should check progress book https://parentaccess.ocps.net) on a regular basis. www.msvallefreedomms.weebly.com GOALS OF ELITE, INC.
Create opportunities opportunities for employees to choose the direction of their business training through integrated curriculum training. Employees are expected to assist fellow employees that need assistance to learn the required concepts. Before you are allowed to leave the office, your station must be in proper order.
No food or drink will be allowed at your computer at any time.
Cheating is not tolerated! The student will earn a grade of zero and parent/guardian will be
Absolutely no tampering with with any of the equipment or changing of software, desktop, background, etc. (appropriate disciplinary action will be taken).
Cell phones are not allowed in the classroom.
Valle-ICT I
ELITE INCORPORATED INCORPORATED Empowering Leaders Into Today’s Excellence
The contents of this syllabus may be changed at any any tim e at at the discretion of the instructo r.
Department Modules/Projects Modules/Projects
Department Tests
$100 X 2
Professional Development (PD) Modules
Students will work toward the attainment of employability competencies competencies in their chosen specialization area (course). You determine what you will achieve. Students will work at their their own pace (within (within parameters)meaning that they decide what they they accomplish on any particular day. There will be little (if any) homework for this course. Work must be completed in the the ELITE Inc. Office. Please note: Class time is given to complete all assignments in class. It’s imp erative to use class time wisely and diligently. Department Department modules are usually completed within one week. The module directions directions and reviews will be excused absences. available as needed. Exceptions will only be made for extended excused absences. You must turn in QUALITY work! Therefore, modules module s not completed correctly may be returned to you for a “redo” with $$$ $$$ deducted. Turn in your best work every week! All modules build upon each other, so you must successfully complete each module and test.
Modules: Modules will be comprised of learning and application. Tests: Most units will have corresponding test(s). Employees may take a quiz/test up to three times; however, you must score above 80% to receive credit for the test or the highest score will be taken. Development Modules are designed to help you be a Professional Development (PD): Professional Development better business professional.
Remember, being successful is not only completing your modules – It is also about becoming a successful business professional. Thus, this is a Business Course and students are expected to perform and behave accordingly! Your success is everyone's goal!
Valle-ICT I
ELITE INCORPORATED INCORPORATED Empowering Leaders Into Today’s Excellence
The contents of this syllabus may be changed at any any tim e at at the discretion of the instructo r.
A Professional Atmosphere is Accomplished Through Professional Employees
This is what your day will look like in Company:
1. Sign in at in at the designated area for your attendance attendance each day. You may only sign si gn in for yourself, and you must do so before the bell rings. You are also not permitted to clock in and leave the office and then return after the bell and expect to be on time.
Be prepared for deadlines and have all materials ready that you may need. This includes your passes, notebook, and writing utensil. Be prepared for any kind of work day at company, which can be very unpredictable. unpredictable. You may have a lastminute guest speaker, a pop quiz, special event, special assignment, or a visitor. Be sure to deal with whatever may come your way professionally and maturely.
2. You will keep all of your important information about Company in your notebook. notebook. You will need it every day.
Time is of the essence. You should not leave work unless it is an absolute emergency. Employees are only permitted to leave the office if they have a signed planner from the director.
3. Log on to on to your computer and check your workstation to make sure nothing is missing or damaged. Report any problems to your Director immediately. Prepare your workstation for a productive day and place all book bag and purses IN THE DESIGNATED AREA.
Be sure to bring your planner to the office each day. Without it you cannot leave Company.
Remember: The director does not have to be present to tell you to begin working.
4. Start to Work! Work ! Be at your assigned workstation as soon as possible and begin working on your modules or projects.
Valle-ICT I
ELITE INCORPORATED INCORPORATED Empowering Leaders Into Today’s Excellence
The contents of this syllabus may be changed at any any tim e at at the discretion of the instructo r.
Respect employees and the director;
Plagiarism is taking someone else’s ideas, i deas, words,
therefore, neither profanity nor abusive language will be tolerated.
or images and submitting them as your own work. Plagiarism is cheating.
Employees are not permitted to use the
If you turn in any assignment that is not your own
office phone unless approved by a director.
work, by either copying/pasting information from the Internet or actually turning in i n someone else’s
It is not appropriate to play computer or
work, you will be held to the school’s discipline
on-line games during working hours. Any employee abusing this policy will be
policy on cheating.
required to sit in the conference area rather than at the computer station and parental contact.
ATTENDANCE POLICY An employee should always be at work (in class) unless he/she has an extreme illness or a family emergency. emergency. ELITE Inc. is a company, and each employee has daily responsibilities responsibilities which make attendance important. Appointments and personal commitments should not be scheduled during “company” time. Employees will be expected to be at work daily in order to keep up with assignments.
It is up to you to use your time each day to the fullest.
It is very unprofessional to wander around the office and to sit on your workstation.
This is an office, you are expected to give your company and director 110% productivity your productivity your
Employees are encouraged to spend alternative time in the lab to make up for absences and to keep up with the work if they fall behind. The employee must make arrangements with the director, Ms. Valle.
entire shift! If you finish the required work for your department, you are encouraged to continue on to the next module as some modules may take more than one week to complete.
Attendance Attendance will be taken from the sign-in book. If you do not sign in, you WILL be counted as absent!
The The Director’s office/area and the items in them are off limits to all Company employees. Do not enter these areas unless asked to by the director.
TARDY POLICY Punctuality Punctuality as well as attendance attendance is important. important. It
is imperati i mperative, ve, therefore, that employees develop the habit of arriving to work on time and being prepared to start work immediatel i mmediately. y.
No food or drink is allowed.
If you are not in the office and signed si gned in before the tardy bell rings, you will be considered tardy and appropriate measures will be taken according to school policy. You can NOT clock in, leave the office, and return after the bell rings and expect to be on time. 5
Valle-ICT I
ELITE INCORPORATED INCORPORATED Empowering Leaders Into Today’s Excellence
The contents of this syllabus may be changed at any any tim e at at the discretion of the instructo r.
1. Backpacks/Book bags are not allowed near the workstation w orkstation 2. Do not destroy or vandalize computer equipment, furniture, furniture, or any parts of the room. If it has been vandalized or destroyed, student will immediately notify the teacher. 3. Do not bring food or drinks 4. Do not use the computer resources for outside class work 5. Do not check your e-mail 6. Do not use inappropriate language, offensive, or inflammatory speech 7. Do not use the computer/network computer/network for illegal activities 8. Do not tamper with the system (i.e. screensaver, wallpaper, etc.) 9. Do not attempt to gain authorized access to the OCPS network or to any other computer system through the Internet Internet or go beyond authorized authorized access. This includes attempting to log in through another person’s files. files. These act ions are illegal, even if only for the purposes of “browsing”. 10. Under NO conditions should a student student provide passwords to another another person. Student will immediately notify the teacher if a possible security problem has been identified. 11. Any attempt to look or scan for security problems will be construed as illegal attempt to gain access 12. Obey copyright laws 13. Do not play games 14. Keep your workstation clean (i.e. (i.e. push your chair in, throw away any trash) 15. Also refer to Computer and Internet Policy
Valle-ICT I
ELITE INCORPORATED INCORPORATED Empowering Leaders Into Today’s Excellence
The contents of this syllabus may be changed at any any tim e at at the discretion of the instructo r.
TURNING IN MODULES Every student will receive individualize instruction with instruction with realistic goals. goals. It is important important to keep up with your work and not fall behind! Each module has a checklist and a module handout (for guided notes) that you will need to open and complete each day you complete a task. This handout should be left open on your desktop as you work through the module. It is important that you carefully read re ad each checklist, as the directions may change from each module. The checklist is like a GPS, it will tell you what you need to do, what you need to turn i n and what needs to be printed, if applicable. applicable . Answer questions on the module handout as you are completing the assignments on-line. Please note: ALWAYS turn in the checklist and the module handout before or on the due date. Once you have completed each step of the module. Double check everything for completeness completeness – – points points will be deducted for resubmission! Be sure that you have the checklist completely filled completely filled out; including signing your name to verify it is your work! Turn your checklist and module handout into your department’s inbox. Any modules that are not correct will be returned to you for correction. Make sure you always turn in your y our best work as time that is needed to correct modules is time lost on your current week’s work! THUS, USE CLASS TIME WISELY.
CLOSING OF THE OFFICE We may have visitors at any time, and we want the office to be presentable at all times. This is your office; take pride in how it looks. Always leave your work area cleaner than the way you found it. Clean up your work area at the end of your shift by removing all papers and scraps from your station station and the floor around aro und you. Put all materials in their proper place. Log out of your computer and push your chair completely under the station.
Employees must stay at their workstation until the teacher/director dismisses the class. ADDITIONAL COMPUTER TIME If you feel you are falling behind or do not understand any new material, speak with your director immediately. immediately. Your Director (Ms. Valle) will wi ll arrange after school tutoring for anyone needing additional help.
PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOR Professional behavior will be expected from all employees at all times. Since a company’s success depends on the ethical behavior of its employees, any unprofessional/unethical unprofessional/unethical behavior cannot and will not be tolerated. tolerated. Examples of unwarranted behavior include: include: Cheating/Plagiarism Cheating/Plagiarism
Stealing Disrespect toward director and other employees
Inappropriate language Sexual harassment Misuse of technology Misuse of company resources Wasting company time Any breech of ethical behavior behavior in this company will result in an employee conference with the director, parental contact, and/or administrative referral. 7
Valle-ICT I
ELITE INCORPORATED INCORPORATED Empowering Leaders Into Today’s Excellence
The contents of this syllabus may be changed at any any tim e at at the discretion of the instructo r.
Acknowledgement Acknowledgemen t Information &Communications Technol ogy Essenti Essen ti als 1 (ICT 1) Ms. Valle We acknowledge that we have read and support Ms. Valle and her ICT 1 course syllabus, Ms. Valle’s welcome letter, the OCPS Code of Conduct, and the student information and tardy policy. We will also agree with our responsibility as a student and as parent(s) with respect to: classroom procedure & expectations; subject area practice & mastery; and fostering a positive learning environment at school and at home.
Student’s name:___________________ name:_____ _________________ ___
Period:_______ Period:_ ______ Student’s signature _________ ________________ _______ ____ ____
Parent’s/guardian’s name:_________________________________________________________ Parent’s/guardian’s signature _____________________________________________________
Father’s name/Guardian:__________________________________
Work phone #________________________ #________________________________ ________________ ________ Can I call call you at work? ____yes
Cell phone #_________________________________________
Mother’s name/Guardian:__________________________________
Work phone #________________________ #________________________________ ________________ ________ Can I call call you at work? ____yes
Cell phone #_________________________________________
Home phone #:________ #:____________________________ ____________________________What ________What is the best time time to call you? __________ ___________ _
Friday, September 30, 2016 8
Valle-ICT I
ELITE INCORPORATED INCORPORATED Empowering Leaders Into Today’s Excellence
The contents of this syllabus may be changed at any any tim e at at the discretion of the instructo r.