The Furnace Company
Contents. 3
Company history
Pyrolysis-urnaces or ethylene production
EDC-cracking urnaces
Steam reormer
Refnery heaters
Furnaces or direct-reduction plants
Other urnaces
Environmental technology
Thermal oxidation
Submerged combustion vaporiser system
The main advantages o the submerged combustion Sub-X® vaporiser system
Sub-X® is a registered trademark o The Linde Group Cover photo: ethylene urnaces
Introduction. SELAS-LINDE GmbH – a wholly-owned subsidiary o The Linde Group, Engineering Division – is one o the world‘s leading suppliers o process plants in the ields o: Process urnaces or the chemical and petrochemical industry: – Pyrolysis urnaces or ethylene production – EDC cracking urnaces – Cracking urnaces or special chemicals, such as acetic acid and reon Reormer – Steam reormers or hydrogen and synthesis gas production Fired heater units or reineries: – Crude oil heaters – Vacuum oil heaters – Visbreaker – Platormer – HDS heaters – Reboilers – Superheaters Special-purpose urnace equipment: – Furnaces or iron direct reduction processes – Steam superheaters – Waste recovery units or gas turbines
Environmental technology In addition to these ields, SELAS-LINDE is also a leader in the design and construction o plants or oxidizing gaseous and liquid wastes, including waste heat recovery, lue gas treatment, byproduct recovery or: – Halogenated hydrocarbons – PCBs – Pesticides – Dioxines – Pharmaceutical wastes – Aqueous salt laden wastes – Nitrogen-bound organics Vaporisation o cryogenic luids Submerged combustion vaporiser system (Sub X®) or: – LNG – LPG – Nitrogen – Ethylene Range o Services SELAS-LINDE GmbH oers a wide range o services, tailored to customer speciications: – Studies – Project management – Basic and detail engineering – Procurement o services and materials – Construction, revamp and comissioning – Supervision o abrication and construction – Start-up supervision – Ater-sales service – Project inancing
SELAS-LINDE GmbH. SELAS-LINDE has extensive experience in the conceptual and detailed design and construction o turn-key plants, but also oers its customers all these services individually. The world-wide cooperation and exchange o inormation with Linde, the connection with the SELAS-LINDE Fired Heaters Division within Linde Impianti, Italia (LII), Rome and the sister company, Selas Fluid Processing Corporation (SFPC), Blue Bell, PA, USA, ensure state o the art technology and project execution. Eicient engineering work by experienced specialists and the use o the most modern 3D CAD systems (PDS) result in optimal design and reliable long-term operation o all SELAS-LINDE plants.
Materials and equipment are procured world-wide in close cooperation with competent suppliers and business associates.
Ater a contract has been completed, SELAS-LINDE remains a reliable partner or its customers, with its lexible and eicient ater-sales service.
SELAS-LINDE has decades o experience as a general contractor managing the complex logistics o plant procurement and construction. Proven project management and control systems guarantee strict adherence to cost, schedule and quality requirements.
Proo o SELAS-LINDE‘s capability and know-how is the successul completion and commissioning o more than 2000 plants since the oundation o this company.
Contracts are executed in compliance with all relevant international standards and rules, accompanied by continuous quality-assurance activities. SELAS-LINDE is certiied under ISO 9001 since February 2000.
Ethylene cracking urnace, Jilin Petrochemical Company, Jilin/China
Linde AG Engineering Division Munich, Germany
Selas Fluid Processing Corp. and T-Thermal Division
SELAS-LINDE GmbH and T-Thermal Division
Bertrams Heatec AG
Fired Heater Division within Linde Impianti (License o SL)
Philadelphia, USA
Munich, Germany
Pratteln, Switzerland
Rome, Italy
SELAS LINDE GmbH T-Thermal Division within Linde Cryogenics Aldershot, UK
Company history. SELAS-LINDE has a long tradition in urnace design, which dates back to the early thirties in the USA. The original company, Selas Corporation o America (in Pennsylvania), was involved in the technology o „ired process urnaces“ rom an early date and developed this technology continuously. Starting in 1948, the company o Ernst Kirchner in Hamburg was developing its product line or „ired industrial urnaces“. Ater the death o the company‘s ounder in 1970, the „ired industrial urnaces“ section was separated and sold to Selas Corporation o America. This acquisition was then renamed to Selas-Kirchner GmbH.
In 1973, Selas Corporation o America and Linde AG, Process Engineering and Contracting Division signed a license agreement or the planning, manuacturing, and erection o pyrolysis urnaces or producing oleins. This also meant that the Selas, Kirchner, and Linde technologies in the ield o „ired process-urnace plants or the chemical and reinery industries“ were combined. Over the ollowing years, step by step Linde´s Process Engineering and Contracting Division acquired ever larger shares o Selas-Kirchner and o the „ired process-urnace plant“ division o Selas Corporation o America. In 1985, Linde AG became the sole owner o Selas-Kirchner, Germany, and o the „Process Furnaces“ division o Selas Corporation. This division now operates under the name S elas Fluid Processing Corporation (SFPC) in Blue Bell, USA.
On January 1st, 1999, Selas-Kirchner GmbH was renamed to SELAS-LINDE GmbH. SELAS-LINDE GmbH and Selas Fluid Processing Corporation now market the entire know-how o the Selas, Kirchner and Linde urnace technologies exclusively throughout the world under the trademark „Selas“. Since its acquisition o T-Thermal in 1992, SELASLINDE possesses the extensive know-how and leading technology or thermal oxidation o gaseous and liquid wastes, in addition to its already available technology in the ield o environmental engineering. Furthermore SELAS-LINDE designs, supplies and constructs plants or the vaporisation o cryogenic liquids. Today SELAS-LINDE is one o the leading global contractors in all above mentioned ields.
Pyrolysis-urnaces or ethylene production. In ethylene plants, the pyrolysis or ethylene cracking urnaces are the key elements or production o the basic chemicals ethylene, propylene, butadiene, etc. or the plastics industry. In designing such cracking urnaces based upon Linde´s PYROCRACK® technology, SELAS-LINDE can draw rom its experience o more than 450 cracking urnaces built.
Furnace group in Goer, Germany
Depending on available eedstocks and desired product distribution the appropriate PYROCRACK® cracking coil system will be chosen. The design eatures vertically arranged coils, or high product output, long urnace runtime and robust mechanical design. Firing is by a pure bottom-/sidewall, or combined sidewall and bottom burner arrangement. Integrated luegas heat recovery allows urnace eiciencies o over 92 %.
Ethylene cracking urnace, Elenac, Wesseling/Germany
EDC cracking urnace DOW-BSL, Schkopau
EDC-cracking urnaces. Vinyl chloride (VCM) is one o the most important monomers or manuacturing a wide range o polymers today. The vinyl chloride monomer is produced by thermal cracking o ethylene dichloride (EDC) in a tubular urnace at temperatures o about 500°C and pressures o up to 30 bar. SELAS-LINDE has designed and built EDC cracking urnaces or the various processes, such as Goodrich, Stauer, DOW, EVC, PPG, Hoechst, and Atochem throughout the world.
The coils and the ire box are designed by means o a special computer model or the reaction kinetics. This allows the urnace design to be optimized with respect to the temperature/heat lux proile, residence time and pressure loss, taking both main and secondary reactions into account. The EDC urnaces are ired by natural-drat or orced-drat sidewall burners. The residual heat o the lue gases is utili zed or generating steam or preheating the air, so that eiciencies o over 90 % can be achieved.
EDC cracking urnace, ire box
Steam reormer. Many processes in the chemical industry are based on the use o hydrogen or synthesis gas. The most important industrial method o generating hydrogen and synthesis gas is steam reorming rom hydrocarbons. This is carried out in top-ired primary reormers.
The design o the waste-heat recovery system or the lue and process gases takes into account the customers‘s speciic requirements, and allows urnace eiciencies o over 92 %.
The SELAS-LINDE experience in designing and building reorming urnaces dates back to 1957. SELAS-LINDE has developed a special reaction model o the reorming process or designing reormers. This computer program enables the composition o the reormed gas to be calculated, and the irebox to be dimensioned or a wide range o eedstock.
Steam reormer, Linde AG, Leuna/Germany
Steam reormer, AGIP, Milazzo/Italy
Reinery heaters.
All major processes in reineries require the heating and sometimes vaporisation o the hydrocarbons in direct ired heaters. SELAS-LINDE has more than sixty years o experience in designing and building reinery urnaces, and has constructed more than 450 urnaces around the world. Reinery heaters are designed according to the requirements o the process, or pressures ranging rom 0.05 to 150 bar, and temperatures rom 200°C to 900°C. The urnaces o SELASLINDE range in ired duties rom 3 MW to more than 100 MW. The urnaces are single-cell and double-cell box and cylindrical types. They are ired by naturaldrat or orced-drat bottom or sidewall burners. Eiciencies o over 90 % are achieved by means o preheating o the air and/or hot oil, or by steam generation.
Rainery-heater,ERM , Mannheim/Germany
Furnaces or direct-reduction plants. The demand or sponge iron (DRI = direct reduced iron) as the eedstock or steel production in electric melting urnaces is growing. SELAS-LINDE supplies reducing-gas heaters tailored to the speciic process or the newly developed methods o direct reduction (Finmet, Circored, Midrex plant using COREX gas, Danarex, Hylsamex).
Circored DRI is made in a circulating and a stationary luidized bed, using almost pure hydrogen. SELAS-LINDE supplied the three reducing-gas heaters or the irst industrial-scale plant using this technology. Finmet DRI is made in our stationary luidized-bed reactors, using a mixture o hydrogen and carbon monoxide. The reducing gas is heated rom a minimum o 50°C to a maximum o 935°C .
Reduction gas heater and reormer plant, Abu Dhabi/V.A.E.
Midrex plant using COREX gas DRI is made in a conventional Midrex shat, but using puriied COREX gas as the reducing gas, which is a mixture o hydrogen and carbon monoxide. A tail gas rom another part o the plant with an extremely low heat value, that would otherwise have to be lared o, can be used to preheat the reducing gas. This provides a considerable increase in the overall eiciency o the process. HYL/Danieli The DR iron will be produced in a reactor. The reduction gas consists o a mixture between H2 and CO and will be heated up to 930°C in a reduction process gas heater. For generating the reduction gas a syngas reormer including the waste heat recovery section will be used; the complete reormer and waste heat recovery unit will be also supplied by SELAS-LINDE.
Reduction gas heater, Abu Dhabi/V.A.E.
Other urnaces. Steam superheater urnaces or styrene plants When dehydrogenating ethylbenzene to styrene, process steam is superheated to about 800°C in a urnace beore being ed i nto the dehydrogenation reactor together with the ethylbenzene. The urnace is o double-cell construction with a common convection zone to utilize the waste heat. The tube system is gas ired rom both sides by means o natural-drat or orced-drat loor burners.
Gas-turbine waste-heat units This method combines gas-turbine operation with that o a conventional reinery urnace. This combination provides an alternative use or the exhaust rom the gas turbine. Depending on process requirements, this type o plant can also be built with auxiliary iring equipment. The exhaust gases rom a gas turbine are used in the horizontal waste-heat train to heat and partially vaporize crude oil in several tube bundles connected in series, and also to heat process water.
Steam superheater, Hüls AG, Marl/Germany
Environmental technology. The SELAS-LINDE/T-Thermal environmental technology serves to dispose o almost all kinds o gaseous and liquid pollutants, particularly halogenated hydrocarbons and salt laden aqueous wastes.
SELAS-LINDE/T-Thermal has many years o experience in designing and building incinerators or treating waste materials rom the ollowing industries: – Pharmaceutical industry – Chemical industry – Reineries – Pesticides industry – Plastics industry
Typical plants consist o vertically or horizontally arranged combustion chambers with T-Thermal LV vortex burners and Sub-X quench systems, plus sections or heat recovery, luegas treatment, or by-product recovery, depending on the application. SELAS-LINDE/T-Thermal can call on more than orty years experience in building more than 500 plants.
Thermal oxidation unit or aqueous wastes, pharmaceutical industry/Portugal
Thermal oxidation. A pollution ree environment SELAS-LINDE has commited as a company, to provide the equipment, service and technical support to resolve complex disposal problems. By tailor-made combustion technology, SELASLINDE can saely destroy nearly any kind o liquid and gaseous euent encountered in industry. Since building our frst thermal waste oxidation system in 1952, we have supplied over 500 installations world-wide to many o the leading process and manuacturing companies. In a technology where experience and expertise are critical, SELAS-LINDE is an acknowledged world leader.
Guaranteed destruction efciencies Thermal oxidation is the most direct, efcient, complete and fnal method or the disposal o especially hazardous liquid and gaseous industrial euent. For some wastes it is the only practicable solution. Destruction efciencies o SELAS-LINDE waste oxidation systems are guaranteed to meet European legislation or exceed the most demanding requirements anywhere in the world. We have successully dealt with virtually every kind o hazardous and toxic waste. One example among many, a specially designed thermal system was selected or the US Army program to destroy the nation’s stockpile o obsolete chemical weapons, including nerve agents. A destruction efciency o 99.999999 % was achieved. Test burns acility SELAS-LINDE can oer a test burn acility using a ully equipped and unctional pilot test plant at our sister company’s site at SELAS FLUID Corporation, in Conshohocken, USA. The test enables SELAS-LINDE and their clients to pin down all the clean, complete chemical waste disposal through thermal oxidation variables o a proposed system and eliminates any potential problems. The documented test results are an essential big help in subsequent regulatory permitting. The test acility is one o the very ew approved by the US EPA or hazardous waste testing.
Thermal oxidation unit or organic and aqueous waste liquid, Böhlen/Germany
Submerged combustion vaporiser system. Since the invention, patent and installation o the irst submerged combustion vaporiser system (Sub-X®) design unit by T-Thermal at Alabama Gas in 1965, and ater acquisition o T-Thermal in 1992, SELAS-LINDE has continued to develop and supply a range o specialised units or heating and vaporisation o cryogenic luids such as LNG, LPG, liquid nitrogen, oxygen ammonia and ethylene. The technology has been applied in LNG terminals world-wide, or both base-load and peak-shaving duties. SELAS-LINDE is the global market leader in the supply o submerged combustion vaporiser system.
The Sub-X® vaporiser is an assembly o the ollowing major components: – Vaporiser tank constructed in epoxy-coated carbon steel, stainless steel or concrete – Sub-X® burner complete with distribution duct and tubes – Process tube coil – Weir assembly – Combustion air an, motor, inlet and outlet silencer and accustic housing as required – Control panel and instrumentation package or hazardous area classiication – Optional cogeneration hot water distribution system
LNG vaporisers, Belgium
LNG vaporiser or base-load plant/USA
Main advantages o the submerged combustion Sub-X® vaporiser system. Operational saety The process tubes are submerged in a water bath and hence the tube wall temperature be maximum 55°C. No possible lame imingement with LNG contact.
Fast response Rapid start-up and shut-down without process upset. It is possible, i required, to have the unit standing by on pilot only, prior to the introduction o the process luid.
High thermal eiciency With high heat lux and narrow temperature approach, high gross thermal eiencies, approaching 100 %, can be achieved.
Heat transer rate The bubble ormation by direct contact heating and use o a patented weir arrangement provides a high level o turbulence and excellent recirculation over tubes containing the cryogenic luid, thus maintaining temperature uniormity. Observations o units operations have indicated no ice build-up, even when operating with low bath temperatures.
High operational reliability This can only be measured by the cumulative experience gained in the operation o these units. With the exception o acilities that have closed, all Sub-X LNG vaporisers installed since 1965 are still in operation. Environmental impact These units are designed to meet the new regulatory pressure with very low NOx emission values.
SELAS-LINDE GmbH – Range o activities. Process urnaces or the chemical and petrochemical industry – Pyrolysis urnaces or ethylene production – EDC cracking urnaces – Cracking urnaces or special chemicals, such as acetic acid and reon Reormer – Steam reormers or hydrogen and synthesis gas production Fired heater units or reineries – Crude oil heaters – Vacuum oil heaters – Visbreaker – Platormer – HDS heaters – Reboilers – Superheaters
Environmental Technology Plants or oxidizing gaseous and liquid wastes, including waste heat recovery, lue gas treatment, byproduct recovery or: – Halogenated hydrocarbons – PCBs – Pesticides – Dioxines – Pharmaceutical wastes – Aqueous salt laden wastes – Nitrogen-bound organics Vaporisation o cryogenic luids Submerged combustion vaporiser system (Sub X ®) or: – LNG – LPG – Nitrogen – Ethylene
Special-purpose urnace equipment – Furnaces or iron direct reduction processes – Steam superheaters – Waste recovery units or gas turbines
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Oices/Subsidiaries T-Thermal & Process Heater Technology c/o Linde CryoPlants Ltd. 1 Blackwater Park, Holder Road Aldershot, Hants GU12 4PQ Great Britain Phone: +44.1252.321-811 Fax: +44.1252.321-355
SELAS-LINDE Fired Heaters Divsion c/o Linde Impianti Italia S.p.A. Via Corona Boreale, 86 00054 Fiumicino, Roma Italy Phone: +39.06656.13-1 Fax: +39.06656.13-200
SELAS-LINDE GmbH Wolratshauser Str. 138, 82049 Pullach, Germany Phone +49.89.7447.47-0, Fax +49.89.7447.47-17 E-Mail:
[email protected],
Selas Fluid Processing Corporation T-Thermal Company/Thermatrix Five Sentry Parkway East, Suite 204 Blue Bell, Philadelphia 19422 United States o America Phone: +1.610.8340-300 Fax: +1.610.8340-473