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Sample Team building proposal
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Do not view if you are under 18 years of age, or may be offended by sexually explicit material. A study of the Ancient Roman Games, including fictional accounts of events in the arena. Includes rea...
Descrição: The explosive growth of social media has led to an entirely new style of play. “Social games” serve millions of players every day on Facebook and elsewhere, taking full advantage of their platforms...
mmFull description
Sample: Team Building Proposal
Station No. 1: BLOW ME Materials: styrocup, yarn, two chairs Number of members reuire!: ten players "ime #llotment: #llotment: $%e minutes &roce!ure: 1. "he members of each 'roup 'roup will fall in line behin! behin! the $rst $rst chair. chair. (. # yarn is connecte! connecte! from from the $rst chair to the secon! chair. chair. ). "here "here is a styro styrocup cup insert inserte! e! to the the yarn. yarn. *. "he $rst member will blow the the styrocup styrocup from the $rst $rst chair to the the secon! chair chair an! bac+, followe! by the net member of the 'roup, until all members of the 'roup ha%e been able to !o the tas+. Note: Upon completion of task, tie again the rope to all the members of the group. Once done, be sure to get your colored aglet from the facilitator and wait for his or her go signal.
Station No. (: O-"O&S W#L/ Materials: rubber ban!, yarn Number of members reuire!: minimum of 10, may %ary from each 'roup "ime #llotment: #llotment: $%e minutes &roce!ure: 1. Each member member of the the 'roup 'roup shoul! shoul! tie a yarn to hisher hisher waist waistline. line. (. 2rom the the startin' startin' position, position, each 'roup will tra%el tra%el to pic+ ONE styrocup an! place it to the startin' point. 3epeat the process until three styrocups ha%e been collecte!. Note: Upon completion of task, tie again the rope to all the members of the group. Once done, be sure to get your colored aglet from the facilitator and wait for his or her go signal.
Station No. ): 4OO& "4E LOO& Materials: rope Numbers of members reuire!: reuire!: all members of the team "ime #llotment: #llotment: $%e minutes &roce!ure: 1. "he members of the team will form form one line hol!in' each each other. other. . Each 'roup will be 'i%en a circular rope. "he rope shoul! pass the whole bo!y of each member of the 'roup !"#$OU# %&E'("N) #$E *"NE , until the last player $nishes the tas+. Note: Upon completion of task, tie again the rope to all the members of the group. Once done, be sure to get your colored aglet from the facilitator and wait for his or her go
Station No. *: 4L#54OO& Materials: 4ula5hoop Numbers of members reuire!: all members of the team "ime #llotment: three minutes &roce!ure: 1. 2orm a circle an! imitate the picture !emonstration at the si!e. (. One hula5hoop will be place! in the mi!!le of the 'roup such that the tip of the two in!e $n'ers touches the hula5hoop. ). "he challen'e is to show to the facilitator the liftin' up an! lowerin' !own of the hula5 hoop without mo%in' your arms by any means. #he hula+hoop should be in a *EE* -O"#"ON. Note: /ou should remain standing straight without tiptoeing.
Upon completion of task, tie again the rope to all the members of the group. Once done, be sure to get your colored aglet from the facilitator and wait for his or her go signal.
Station No. 0: 26N7 "4E -O6NS Materials: -oins Number of members reuire!: all team members "ime #llotment: &roce!ure: 2in! 8 !i9erent peso coins with your team color. Note: Upon completion of task, tie again the rope to all the members of the group. Once done, be sure to get your colored aglet from the facilitator and wait for his or her go signal.
!hat strategy or techni0ue did you used to accomplish the dierent tasks in the game2 !hat was the most important thing that you ha3e learned from the acti3ity2
"f gi3en a chance to replay the game, what necessary inter3entions your group should ha3e done2 "nterpret: 4!e are an orchestra at stage. !e play dierent tunes at dierent timbre. #he harmony of the whole orchestra depends on the conductor and the role each musician play.5