MULTIPLE MULTIPLE CHOICE: 1. Nurse Felix Felix recalls recalls that that organizi organizing ng is necessary necessary because because people people accomplishe accomplished d work that could be done individually. The number of people reporting to him as a nurse supervisor represents his: a. nit nity y of of com comm mand and c. !pan !pan of cont contrrol b. !cope of responsibility d. "egr "egree ee of of auth author orit ity y #. !taffing !taffing is one of the ma$or ma$or function functionss of a nurse manager manager.. .. factors factors affect affecting ing staffing include the following %&'%(T: a. )dmi )dmini nist stra rati tive ve pol polic icie iess c. )vaila ailabi bili lity ty of sui suita tabl blee b. Type Type of work to be people performed d. *n+s *n+ser ervi vice ce educa educati tion on ,. *t is the the purpose purpose of the organiz organizationation- the the reason reason for its its being that that is why organization exists: a. iss issio ion n sta state teme ment nt c. 0oal b. /ision /ision statement d. b$ectives 2. ) broad3 broad3 clear clear and concise concise statemen statementt summarizi summarizing ng what organizat organization ion does: a. iss issio ion n sta state teme ment nt c. 0oal b. /ision /ision statement d. b$ectives 4. 5y virtue virtue of organizat organizational ional positio position3 n3 Nurse Felix Felix has the the recognized recognized authority authority over the other. The type of power he has is called: a. 6eward power c. 6efe 6eferrent ent powe power r b. %xpert power d. 7egi 7egiti tima mate te powe power r 8. 9hen the subordi subordinate nate recognize recognizess their superio superiors rs advanced advanced skill skillss or knowledge knowledge and follows their superiors orders because of their belief that their superior knows best. That superior is said to have: a. 7egi 7egiti tim mate ate power power c. 6efe 6eferrent ent powe power r b. 6eward power d. %xper pert pow poweer ;. Nurse 'ris 'ris will will see the relations relationship hip in the organizat organizational ional structure structure of the the hospital hospital in the form of a document called: a. Flow chart c. ont onthl hly y char chartt b. 0antt chart d. rga rgani nizat zatio ional nal chart chart <. "uring "uring the orientati orientation3 on3 scheduling scheduling was also discuss discussed ed which is is being done done by the 'hief Nurse that usually does the assignment of nursing personnel to the various hospital areas including shifts of duties and off duties. This represents which type of scheduling: a. 'entralized c. 'yclical b. "ecentralized d. %ither a or b =. The vertical vertical solid solid lines between between individual individualss in the organizatio organizational nal chart that that best describes the concept of one person>one boss indicates: a. 'hai 'hain n of of com comma mand nd c. ni nity of com command mand b. !pan of control d. !cal !calar ar chai chain n
1?. 9hich of the following measures of control refers to the actual nursing procedure or those activities engaged in by the nurse to administer care@ a. utcome standard c. Auality assurance b. (rocess standard d. (erformance appraisal 11. onitoring the compliance with the established standards refers to: a. utcome standard c. (erformance appraisal b. Auality assurance d. (rocess standard 1#. ) nurse supervisors communication with her staff in an organization is called: a. "ownward c. 7ateral b. pward d. "iagonal 1,. ) group of employees walks in the room of the edical "irector to complain about the treatment made by doctors on the nurses and attendants. This is a form of: a. "ownward c. 7ateral communication communication d. 0rapevine b. pward communication communication 12. %mployees may interact with many different employees in the performance of their duties. They should be responsible to only on e supervisor. This is to avoid confusion3 overlapping of duties and misunderstanding. This is an example of organizational principle: a. !calar principle c. !pan of control b. "epartmentation d. nity of command 14. The number of supervisor that a supervisor can effectively manage should be limited3 depending upon the pace and pattern of the working area. a. !pan of managerial c. 'hain of command responsibility d. "ecentralization b. Bomogenous assignment 18. (rocess of determining and providing the acceptable number and mix of personnel to produce a desired level of care to meet the patients demand. a. "elegation c. 9ork force b. !taffing d. 'lassification 1;. Negligence is the commission and omission of an act. There are things that must be prove in order to sue the nurse for negligence: i. The existence of a duty on the part of the nurse to the patient ii. Failure to meet the standard of due care iii. Foreseeability of harm resulting from failure to meet the standard iv. The fact that breach of this standard resulted in an in$ury to the plaintiff a. i3 ii3 iii c. i3 iii3 iv b. ii3 iii3 iv d. i3 ii3 iii3 iv
1<. *t is a promise or a set of promises which the law recognizes as a duty and when that duty is not performed3 the law provides a remedy. a. Cob description c. 'ontract b. 'onsent d. 9ills 1=. This consent is applicable in an emergency situation giving the full authority to the health team in order to save the patients life. The law generally agrees that this consent is assumed: a. Formal consent c. %xpressed consent b. *nformal consent d. *mplied consent #?. This is a written document that states the prioritized nursing diagnosis3 the goals or expected outcomes of care and the nursing interventions necessary to meet them: a. Nursing care plan c. Nursing process b. Nursing interventions d. Nurses notes #1. This is an ongoing process occurring throughout the management process that opens improvements and compares performances against set standards: a. (lanning c. "irecting b. 'ontrolling d. rganizing ##. ) process in which employees performances is evaluated against the standards. This is the most valuable tool in controlling human resources and productivity. a. (erformance appraisal c. Auality assurance b. (erformance evaluation d. 'ontrol process #,. (rinciples of evaluation must be: i. 5ased on the behavioral standards of performance ii. (erformance appraisal should only include satisfactory results iii. There should be enough time to observe employees behavior iv. %valuation conference should be done immediately whenever there are problems noted. v. %valuation reports and conference should be structured a. i3 ii3 iii3 iv3 v c. iii3 iv3 iv b. i3 iii3 iv d. ii3 iii3 iv3 #2. 9hen the nurse triage patients care accordingly3 you are using the principle of: a. Custice b. /eracity c. Fidelity d. 5eneficence #4. This process assures a smooth functioning of nursing unit to attain their goal of Duality care through the $udicious use of available human and material resources within specified periods. a. Nursing care process c. !taffing process b. anagement process d. Nursing care plan
#8. (rinciple of effective communication includes: i. Feedback is essential to effective communication ii. 'omplex3 exact and concise messages ensure understanding of the message iii. 'lear lines of communication serve as the linking process by which parts of the organization are unified toward goal achievement iv. )deDuate and timely communication of the work+related issues v. !uccessful managers uses one mode of communication a. i3 ii3 iii3 iv3 v c. i3 iii3 iv b. ii3 iii3 v d. i3 ii3 iv3 v #;. There are many approaches to manage conflict but this approach is commonly used by groups who do not want to do something that may conflict with their relationship. a. 'ollaborative c. )ccommodation b. )voidance d. 'ompromise #<. This is a line of communication where in the communication floes between peers3 personnel or departments on the same level. a. 7ateral communication c. pward communication b. "ownward communication d. utward communication #=. To guide3 to go before and to show the way: a. anaging b. "irecting
c. 7eading d. !upervising
,?. 7uisa noted that a physician had ordered "igoxin in a large dose than the usual therapeutic one. 9hen she called the supervisor and explained the situation3 the supervisor told her to give the medication as ordered. !he gave the drug and the patient suffered a toxic reaction. *s the nurse liable even though she was following the physicians order@ a. Ees. )fter speaking to the supervisor3 she should have checked with the physician. b. Ees. n her own3 she should have reduces the dosage to the usual amount. c. No. The supervisors order absolved the nurse. d. No. nurse has the responsibility to Duestion a physicians order. ,1. "isciplinary action includes: a. ral warning3 written warning3 dismissal3 suspension b. 9ritten warning3 oral warning3 suspension3 dismissal c. 'ounseling3 written warning3 suspension3 dismissal d. 'ounseling3 dismissal3 suspension ,#. This is defamation by written words3 cartoons3 or such representation that cause a person to be avoided3 ridiculed or held in contempt or tend to in$ure him in his work. a. !lander c. Felony b. 7ibel d. Fraud
,,. ) legal wrong committed against a person or property independent of a contract which renders the person who commits its liable for damages in a civil action. a. "efamation c. Torts b. )rson d. 6eckless imprudence Situation : !olita is two months pregnant. Ber parents do not know this. !olita informed her friend *rene about the problem. *rene referred !olita to 0ina+7yn3 an abortionist. !olita had an abortion.
,2. *f those involved will be charged legally3 who is considered principal@ a. !olita c. *rene b. 0ina+7yn d. !olita and 0ina+7yn ,4. 9ho is considered as an accomplice@ a. *rene b. !olita
c. 0ina+7yn d. *rene and !olita
,8. *f during the investigation3 the pieces of evidence were not found because /ivian3 the maid of 0ina+7yn burned it. /ivian is considered as: a. )ccomplice c. (rincipal b. )ccessory d. 'o+accomplice ,;. ) nurse is liable as an accomplice in an abortion if she: a. )ssist in the escape of the offender b. 'onceals the evidence of the crime c. !he did the abortion d. 6efers the pregnant mother to the abortionist. ,<. 6ight to be alone3 right to be free from unwarranted publicity and exposure to public view as well as the right to live ones life without having anyones name3 picture or private affairs made public against ones will. a. 'onfidentiality c. 6ight to privacy b. Freedom d. 6ight to live ,=. !uppose a mans foot is gangrenous3 amputation is advised. !ince amputation will save his life and he can still walk through the aid of crutches or artificial limbs3 he can consent to an amputation. The nurse can help the patient understand this. This situation is an example of moral principle called: a. %pika c. Totality principle b. The end does not $ustify d. The greatest good for the the means greatest number 2?. The test for liability under the doctrine of respondent superior is the: a. (ower of master over servant b. *n$ury itself c. %xtent of damage caused d. 'ircumstances surrounding the act
21. )n act stating that the policy of the !tate is to promote a high standard of ethics in public service. (ublic officials and employees must lead modest lives and uphold public interest over personal interest. a. 6) ;18? c. 6) ;,?4 b. 6) 8;1, d. 6) 1?<# 2#. )n act that provides the babies born in private and in public institution should be roomed+in with their mothers to promote breastfeeding and ensure safe an d adeDuate nutrition to children. a. 6) ;8?? c. 6) 4=?1 b. 6) #,<# d. 6) ;2,# 2,. )n act declaring that all communicable diseases shall be reported to the nearest health station and that any person may inoculated3 administered or in$ected with prophylactic preparation. a. 6) ,4;, c. 6) 1?<# b. 6) 1? d. 6) 18,8 22. This decree strengthens family planning programs through full participation o private organization and individual in the formulation and implementation of the program planning policies. a. (" 2= c. (" 12< b. (" 8= d. (" 188 24. This reDuires that couples intending to get married must first undergo a family planning and responsible parenthood instruction prior ro the inssuance of a marriage license. a. (" 8?, c. (" =84 b. (" 48< d. (" 22# 28. 9hile working in an acute care environment3 the nurse can best reduce the risk of malpractice litigation by doing which of the following: a. Not discussing the errors with the client and family b. eeping incident reports c. aintaining expertise in practice d. (roviding value $udgments when appropriate 2;. )ccording to the deontological approach to bioethics: a. The ethics of the act is separated from the outcome b. The end $ustifies the means c. (eople automatically know what is good or bad d. 9hat the person want is always the best action 2<. 9hich of the following categories of law deals with libel and slander@ a. !tatutory c. 'ontracts b. 'riminal d. Torts 2=. 'harting must be done promptly and accurately. 7egally3 nursing care that is not documented is:
a. b. c. d.
Not provided 'onsidered provided even if not recorded For recording when attention is called by the nurse manager For immediate recording as soon as the nurse remembers
4?. 9hich of the following behaviors of the nurse constitutes negligence@ a. Failure to diagnose the cause of uterine atony b. Failure to response to a home delivery because the professional fee has not been agreed upon c. The nurse stimulated the mother to void when she observed that the uterus is not in the m midline after placental separation d. The nurse advised the mother to come for *" insertion preferably during the menstrual period 41. ode of acDuisition by the virtue of which the property3 rights and obligations of a persona are transmitted through his death to another by his will or by operation of law a. 9ill c. !uccession b. 7ast will and testament d. *nheritanc 4#. Term used referring to the transmission of property to the next generation with or without a will a. !uccession c. Beir b. "ecendent d. !uccessesor 4,. )ngelo uses only sharp needle for intramuscular in$ection3 he is practicing his principle of@ a. 5eneficence b. 6espect c. Non+maleficence d. Custice 42. *f 'arl provides optimum care for patients admitted by their relatives and family members3 such principle is based on: a. )utonomy b. 5eneficence c. Custice d. !tewardship 44. Camillah emphasizes the following statement to her subordinate: G!an 0abriel Bospital aims to be the leader in primary health care services after 4 years.H This is an example of: a. (hilosophy b. 0oal c. /ision d. b$ective and goal 48. Nurse Custine was inDuiring from you about the composition of the 5oard of Nursing under 6) ;182. Eour correct response would be:
a. GThere were Three embers: the 'hairman who must be a doctor of medicine and two registered nurses who must have 4 years of experience in the nursing professionH b. G There were Five members of the 5oard of Nursing under that )ctH c. G There are ; members: ) chairman and six members who must be asters "egree holder in NursingH d. G There were four members in that 6) ;182H 4;. Nurse !tephanie asked you about the nursing areas covered by the new nursing law. Eou know that all of the following except one are the nursing areas covered by the new Nursing 7aw: a. Nursing 6esearch b. Nursing %ducation c. Nursing !ervice d. 'ommunity Bealth Nursing 4<. )ll of the following are basic human rights with regard to human experimentaion except: a. b. c. d.
6ight to informed consent 6ight to refuse and>or withdrawal from participation 6ight to privacy 6ight to earn money from the experiment
4=. The Nurse would be correct if she describes that the term of office of the members of the 5oard of Nursing is that: a. The 'hairperson and embers of the 5oard shall hold office for a term of three years and until their successors shall have been appointed3 provided that they shall no longer be reappointed for another term. b. The 'hairperson and embers of the 5oard shall hold office for a term of three years and until their successors shall have been appointed3 provided that they shall be eligible for reappointment for an other two terms. c. The 'hairperson and embers of the 5oard shall hold office for a term of six years and until their successors shall have been appointed3 provided that they shall no longer be reappointed for another term. d. The 'hairperson and embers of the 5oard shall hold office for a term of three years and until their successors shall have been appointed provided that they may be reappointed for another term. 8?. ) training and development program intended to develop>enhance the skills3 to which a registered nurse devotes himself>herself whether as a vocation or profession to enable him>her to provide nursing service in specific areas in accordance with the ethics of the profession and applicable law is a: a. !eminar b. 'onvention c. Nursing service education d. Nursing !pecialty program
81. !tudent Nurse aria took the National 7icensure %xamination for Nurses last "ecember #??4. !he obtained a rating of
d. odel 84. *t is a group of related concepts and it can also be viewed as an umbrella under which many theories can exist: a. Theory b. 'onceptual framework c. 'onceptual model d. odel 88. !alome graduated from high school but she does not belong in the upper 2?I of their batch that had $ust graduated. !alomes sister is a nurse in )merica and she was told to enroll in the college of nursing this semester. Ber sister was doubtful however because she knows that there are some academic Dualifications for one to be accepted in the college of nursing. 9hich of the following statements is correct from the situation@ a. !alome may take other course then may shift to nursing in the second year if her grade improves because she is not yet eligible to enroll in the college of nursing. b. The law reDuires that all incoming freshmen in the college of nursing must belong to the top 2?I of the graduating class. c. !alome may directly enroll in the college of nursing of her choice as long as she pass the entrance examination even if she does not belong to the top 2?I d. The Nursing law now reDuires that all incoming freshmen must belong to the top #?I of the graduating class 8;. Nurse Canna ae hurdled the 7ocal licensure examination and the '0FN! in less than a year after graduating from the ( college of nursing and she is now due to leave for abroad but she is hesitant to leave yet because of the reDuirement of the law to render mandatory service before leaving to work as a nurse abroad. 9hich of the following statement is true@ a. Canna ae must render a mandatory # years nursing service in the (hilippines before leaving to work abroad because she is a graduate of !tate niversity. b. Canna ae must render a mandatory , years service in the (hilippines before leaving to work abroad because she is a graduate of !tate niversity. c. Canna ae must render a one+year mandatory service in the (hilippines before leaving to work abroad as reDuired by the Nursing 7aw. d. Canna ae may $ust leave as soon as she wants even without rendering the local service in the (hilippines. 8<. )ll of the following are purpose of nursing theory except: a. )ssist nurses to describe3 explain and predict everyday experiences b. (rovide general focus fro curriculum design c. 0uide curricular decision making d. To encroach in the performance of the other field of discipline
8=. These are abstract ideas or mental images of phenomena or reality. *t can be concrete ideas or it can be abstract ideas: a. odels b. Theory c. 'onceptual framework d. 'oncepts ;?. Nurse "emi is aspiring to become a member of the 5oard of Nursing. !he asked you about the Dualifications of the 5oard. Eour correct response would be all o f the following except: a. 5e natural born citizen and resident of the (hilippines b. Not have been convicted of any offense involving per$ury or falsification of public documents c. Bave at least ten years of continuous practice of the profession prior to appointment d. ust be a masters degree holder ;1. Nurse "emi asked you if her nursing practice for seven years in the Netherlands be deemed included as a nursing practice to Dualify as a member of the 5oard of Nursing@ 9hich of the following statement is true@ a. nder 6) =1;,3 a continuous ten years of nursing practice must have been in the (hilippines b. The 6) =1;, abolished already the reDuired ten years nursing service c. )t least ten years nursing service is reDuired either practiced in the (hilippines or abroad. d. )t least ten years of nursing practice provided that the last 4 years must have been practiced in the (hilippines ;#. )ll of the following are powers and duties of the 5oard of Nursing3 which one is not@ a. b. c. d.
'onduct inspection of Nursing schools in the country 'lose down the operation of Nursing schools with substandard Dualities 'onduct investigation and hearing regarding the conduct of nurses 6ecommends the opening of new nursing schools to 'B%"
;,. The following statements distinguishes a profession from other occupation except: a. The reDuirement of prolonged3 specialized training to acDuire a body of knowledge pertinent to the role to be performed usually entrusted to higher education. b. The techniDues or skills applied are the product of scientifically proven and long experience c. The ability to continue its research to expand constantly its body of knowledge. d. The non+reDuirement to exercise discretion and $udgment as to the time and manner of the performance of duty
;2. Bildegard (eplau described the nurse+patient relationship in the following phases except: a. rientation b. *dentification c. Termination d. %xploitation ;4. Nursing theories addresses the following ma$or concepts except: a. 'ommunity b. (erson or client c. %nvironment d. Nursing ;8. This order en$oins all citizens of the (hilippines3 universities3 colleges3 schools3 government offices3 mass media3 voluntary and religious organizations of all creeds3 business and industrial enterprises to promote the concept of family welfare3 responsible parenthood and family planning. a. 7etter of *nstruction No. 2; b. "epartment of 7abor rder no. ; c. 0eneral rder No. 1< d. 0eneral rder No. <1 ;;. ) nurse knows that this part of philosophy which deals with systematic approaches to Duestions of morality is: a. nursing morals b. nursing ethics c. morals d. ethics ;<. The fourfold fundamental responsibility of the nurse as promoted by the 'ode of %thics in nursing includes all of the following except: a. prevent illness b. restore health c. alleviate terminal illness d. promote health ;=. The amended 'ode of %thics for nurses describes the conduct of the nurses as: a. something that must bring fortune to the nurse b. something that would bring money for the country c. something that would bring heroism d. something that would bring credit to the profession . *nformation obtained during the course of the care of the patient must be treated confidential. The nurse knows that all of the following are exceptions to the right of the patient to confidentiality3 which one is not: a. The patient agrees and consents by writing that such information can be divulged b. The information needed is relevant to his care and needs to be utilized by other health team
c. The information is material to a criminal investigation d. The information is needed in a civil proceeding in the court. <1. ) patient was admitted unconscious in the emergency room. The patient was among the many victims rushed to the hospital as a result of vehicular accident and the patient was bleeding profusely. pon initial assessment the nurse knows that the patient will soon progress to shock as evidenced by the unstable vital signs. The physician ordered immediate blood transfusion and massive fluid replacement for the patient. 5T was then initially hooked without any consent from the patient or anybody. The doctor $ust based the information on the wallet obtained from the pocket of the patient pertaining to his blood type. They failed to notice that the patient belonged to a religious sect that does not approve at all times blood transfusion. 9hich statement is true about the situation@ a. the doctor and the nurse maybe held liable for negligence b. the nurse should stop the infusion immediately c. the nurse should report the vehicular incident to the police d. the initial action taken by the doctor and the nurse maybe $ustified but must stop the transfusion once the patient regain c onsciousness and reDuests it to stop or if any immediate family member arrives and reDuests it to be stopped. <#. ) nurse was being investigated by the %thics 'ommittee of the 5oard of Nursing and she was summoned by service of subpoena ad testificandum. Bowever3 the nurse through an advice of a friend Duestioned the power of the 5oard to issue such subpoena. )ccording to her3 only competent courts can issue subpoena. 9hich of the following statement is true about the situation: a. The nurse cannot be compelled to appear before the 5oard because only competent courts can issue subpoena b. !he may $ust ignore the order since the 5oard cannot punish her c. The 5oard of Nursing is not clothed with the power to issue subpoena d. The 5oard of Nursing is mandated by law to issue subpoena duces tecum and subpoena ad testificandum <,. ) nurse would be correct if he or she identifies that one of the following is a characteristic of the principle of Nonmaleficence: a. ) nurse must always prevent evil or harm for his patient b. ) nurse must always remove evil or harm for his client c. ) nurse must not allow to give a wrong medication for the client d. ) nurse must always promote good for his client <2. !he viewed the client as an open system consisting of a basic structure or central core of energy resources through her nursing theory. 9ho is the author of this nursing theory@ a. *mogene ing b. Florence Nightangle c. 5etty Neuman d. "orothy Cohnson
<4. The (resident of the 6epublic of the (hilippines declared on ctober 1;3 1=4< that the last week of ctober as the GNurses 9eekH. 9hat proclamation was this@ a. b. c. d.
(roclamation #4 (roclamation 41<1 (" ##, (roclamation 4,=
PROBLEM SOLVING : Show your solution Find the number of nursing personnel needed for 300 patients in a tertiary hospital. a. 'ategorized the patients according to levels of care needed. i. 7%/%7 * ii. 7%/%7 ** iii. 7%/%7 *** iv. 7%/%7 */
b. Find the number of nursing care hours JN'BK needed by patients at each level of care per day. i. 7%/%7 * ii. 7%/%7 ** iii. 7%/%7 *** iv. 7%/%7 */ c. Find the N'B needed by ,?? patients per year. d. Find the actual working hours rendered by each nursing personnel per year e. Find the total number of nursing personnel needed i. Nursing personnel needed ii. Number of relievers iii. Total number of nursing personnel including the relievers f. 'ategorized to professional and non+professional personnel. 6atio to professionals in a tertiary hospital is 84:,4. i. (rofessional personnel ii. Non+professional personnel g. "istribution by shifts of professional and non+professional personnel. i. (rofessional personnel 1. ) shift #. ( shift ,. N*0BT shift ii. Non+professional personnel
1. ) shift #. ( shift ,. N*0BT shift
MATCHING TYPE: rit! th! C"#it"l l!tt!r o$ th! %orr!%t "nsw!r &!$or! th! nu'&!r( A. Laws affecting Nursing Practice LLLLLL1. 'ompulsory membership to !!! of self+ employed persons. LLLLLL#. 'hild and Eouth 9elfare 'ode LLLLLL,. %mployee 'ompensation and !tate *nsurance fund. LLLLLL2. four children for tax exemption LLLLLL4. (rofessional 6egulation 'ommission J(6'K LLLLLL8. Family (lanning and 6esponsible (arenthood
LLLLLL;. (ractice of profession in the (hilippines by former professionals LLLLLL<. Four children for maternity privilege LLLLLL=. !anitation 'ode LLLLLL1?. (enalty for *mproper garbage disposal LLLLLL11. ilk 'ode LLLLLL1#. Family 'ode LLLLLL1,. National "rug (olicy Javailability3 affordability or safe3 effective3 Duality drugsK LLLLLL12. (hilippine Nursing )ct of 1==1 LLLLLL14. !alary !tandardization 7aw LLLLLL18. rgan "onation 7aw LLLLLL1;. 7egalized use of Buman organs for scientific purposes LLLLLL1<. 6eporting of 'ommunicable diseases LLLLLL1=. (hilippine Nursing )ct of #??# LLLLLL#?. 'ivil !ervice %ligibility for those who passed board and bar exams . !heories of "anagement
). 5. '. ". %. F. 0. B. *. C. . 7. . N. . (. A. 6. !. T. . /.
6) ;1;? (" 8?, (" 8#8 % 1 (" 18,8 % <4; 6) 1? 6) ,2= (" ##, (" 421 (" 2< (" 8= 6) =1;, (" =84 6) ,4;, % 41 6) 8;4< %? #?= 6) ;182 % 1;2 (" <#4 (" <48
LLLL1. (roposed the Bawthorne !tudies LLLL#. "eveloped !ociometry to analyze group behavior LLLL,. otivation hygiene theory LLLL2. Father of rganizational Theory LLLL4. Father of anagement (rocess LLLL8. %numerated the Four niversal (rinciples of rganization LLLL;. %numerated the anagers 6esponsibility LLLL<. Theory & and E LLLL=. Theory of employee participation LLLL1?. 7inking (in 'oncept LLLL11. )dvocated Grefined previous work rather than introduce new conceptH LLLL1#. Bierarchy of Need Theory LLLL1,. *ntroduced anagement by ob$ective LLLL12. (ioneered the *nstallation of a anagement by b$ective !ystem LLLL14. (ioneers in time and motion studies
). 5. '. ". %. F. 0. B. *. C. . 7. . N. .
Benry Fayol 7yndall rwick )braham aslow Benry 0antt 'hris )rgyis 'hester 5arnard Cames ooney ax 9eber Frederick Buzberg Frank and 7ilian 0ilbert %lton ayo "ouglas c 0regory 6ensis 7inkert (eter "rucker 9illiam uchi3 6ichard (ascale and )nthony )thos (. 0eorge diome A. Cacob oreno 6. Frederick Taylor