What does E.D.T.A. stand for?
What (ro(ert+ did Dunsk+ sa+ $akes #u(ivicaine @ Etidocaine lon" actin" anesthetics?
Pekruhn in 1986 showed what % of successful one visit !Ts? Accordin" to #au$"artner 198&' what % of sinus tracts have e(itheliu$ fro$ the oral $ucosa to the PA)?
Accordin" to :adison @ Wilco 1988'3 u(on evaluation of coronal $icroleaka"e on avera"e3 how far did all "rou(s leak after 1 week e(osure to saliva? !vek 1983 C
*n the earl+ 19,,-s "olf alls contained what dental $aterial in their cores?
*n 19683 who descried the ter$s elow and /i( in canal (re(aration3 and who later coined these ter$s?
What theor+ sa+s that (ain is a sensation resultin" fro$ activation of s(eciali/ed sensor+ neurons nocice(tors'?
What is the ter$ used to descrie laorator+ ani$als with $icroflora that are s(ecificall+ known?
0elin" 1999' discredited the use of what as a direct (ul(
Who was the 1 st to de$onstrate & different t+(es of a(ical
ca((in" a"ent?
closures durin" a(eification (rocedures?
Who introduced the (erforated irri"atin" needle in 1981?
Who clai$s 1,,% success at "ainin" (ul(al anesthesia when an *A># is followed + taident?
Accordin" to )i(ton-s 199 surve+ of &23411 5 households3 77% re(orted at least one t+(e of what in the last 6 $onths?
Accordin" to Torainead 199,'3 over 2,% of the teeth were entirel+ conta$inated with . e(ider$idis after how lon" of a coronal e(osure? Who rena$ed i$on-s B#a+ !+st- a BPocket !+st-?
Accordin" to Torainead 1988' intera((oint$ent e$er"encies are associated $ost co$$onl+ with what teeth? The classic stud+ + who$3 showed that actere$ias onl+ develo( if instru$entation etends e+ond the a(e and even then onl+ lasts for ten $inutes? :atusow still elieves that what $icroor"anis$s are (redo$inant in endodontic flare;u(s 19883 <<<'?
*s the rake an"le of uantec files (ositive3 neutral3 or ne"ative accordin" to +ron-s clai$s'? hovelton showed that $ost $icroor"anis$s live in what (art of the root canal coronal or a(ical halves?
The statistical $easure of central tendenc+ which is descried + the $ost fre=uent sa$(le value is called what?
>a$e two classic authors who have shown that (eriodontal d/ can have detri$ental effects on the (ul(.
>aidorf su""ests the use of what $edication to treat so$e flare;u(s?
What is the $aor disadvanta"e of a PD) inection accordin" to Walton?
Accordin" to eldow @ *n"le 196'3 what % of nonvital teeth with cultures efore oturation were re(orted successful?
What classification did Weine "ive a root canal s+ste$ that has two se(arate canals fro$ cha$er to a(e?
Who coined the ter$ B#a+ !+st-?
#au$"artner su""ests doin" what to a sinus tract that does not heal?
:a"ura rec the re;t of oturated root canals e(osed to the oral cavit+ for at least how lon"?
Who 1968' rec the :AF si/e to e si/es "reater than the first file to ind?
tashenko 1993 C
Who (ro(osed the "ate control theor+ of (ain?
*n the 196,-s who (o(ulari/ed the techni=ue usin" !a<0 in a(eification (rocedures?
Who was credited with the introduction of for$ocresol in 19,6?
*n his 1941 stud+3 who showed the li$itations of >a
(an"er" su""ests tr+in" what test to evaluate (ul(al anesthesia after si"ns of li( anesthesia are a((arent fro$ an *A>#? Pitts @ >atkin descrie the Bhalo;like- radiolucenc+ around the root ti( in re"ards to what likel+ dia"nosis?
Accordin" to wanson @ :adison-s 1984 article3 after how $an+ da+s did teeth show coronal $icroleaka"e over 49; 82% of the root? elt/er @ #ender sa+ that overinstru$entation can do what to a c+st?
0arrin"ton @ >atkin 19973 D!>A' su""est that the etiolo"+ of a flare;u( in vital cases is $ost likel+ what?
Who re(eated elt/er @ #ender-s classic stud+3 and confir$ed that actere$ias are onl+ (roduced in overinstru$entation 19443 C
Who said 1946' that white dentin shavin"s is not an indication of a clean canal (re(aration?
Accordin" to 0au"en 19423 C
0ow do acterial cells re(licate?
>a$e two classic authors who showed that (eriodontal d/ does not affect the status of the (ul(.
Whose 1941 classic article su""ests a((ro(riate se=uential t for endo;(erio lesions?
Who said3 in 19943 that it is the volu$e of anesthetic (resent and not the concentration of e(i that increases the anesthesia in *A locks? The atner one cavit+ is fre=uentl+ associated with what two non;odonto"enic facial (ain s+ndro$es?
What is added to A$oicillin to for$ Au"$entin?
Accordin" to i$on 198,'3 what is the incidence of #a+ !+sts?
Who is est known for (ulishin" one of the first articles that differentiated etween internal @ eternal resor(tion?
0euer-s 196 article descries what t+(e of instru$entation?
The first article re"ardin" >iTi instru$ents for root canal instru$entation was written + who$ and in what +ear?
>a$e 7 authors that have re(orted on a correlation of (ain @ s$ell to the (resence of #. $elano"enicus in root canals.
*n 196&3 who su""ested that culturin" is unnecessar+ ecause re(air occurs even when fillin" with $icroor"anis$s (resent? )e$on rec 1 $onth staili/ation for ever+ JJJ $$ $oved.
*n the 197,-s who showed that !a<0 could sti$ulate a
Accordin" to lowe+3 what is the $ost i$(ortant ;ra+ for deter$inin" $issed canals?
dentin rid"e followin" a direct (ul( ca((in" (rocedure?
*n 199 C
Accordin" to a stud+ + Walker 1996'3 which antiiotic shows the least acterial resistance?
Accordin" to Tro(e *EC 1992'3 what $a+ e even $ore i$(ortant than a "ood !T to achieve a successful (ro"nosis? An acute eaceration of chronic (eria(ical (athosis is ter$ed what?
Who introduced the ter$ Kstressed (ul(L?
What classic author invented ! Pre(?
*n 19443 who introduced the conce(t of inectin" IP?
Who were the coauthors of Hakehashi-s classic "er$ free rat stud+?
Whose classic stud+ on "er$ free rats showed that $icroor"anis$s are the $aor deter$inant in da$a"e to the
*n what +ear was the first endodontic oard ea$ ad$inistered?
(ul(? Who clai$ed that endodonticall+ treated teeth could e $oved orthodonticall+ without increased risk of resor(tion?
What antioiotic is reco$$ended in conunction with (enicillin to increase the anaeroic s(ectru$?
What (ro(ert+ of !linda$+cin $akes it a "ood antiiotic choice for endodontic infections?
Hvist C
Accordin" to Hulild3 what (ercenta"e of $esio;uccal roots of $aillar+ $olars (ossess a $esio;(alatal canal $icrosco(icall+? #haskar-s 1966 stud+ showed what % of PA)s are "ranulo$as?
Acute osteo$+elitis of the aws results $ost fre=uentl+ fro$ what?
eferred (ain was etensivel+ studied + who$ in the 196,-s?
childer in 194& said what canal (re(aration sha(e is ideal?
*n a 198, article CADA' Aou;ass3 Ilick @ Frank descried what t+(e of filin" $ethod?
Whose stud+ in 1941 su""ested that acterial conta$ination (la+s $ore of a role than an intracanal $aterial at for$in" a arrier in a(eification (rocedures? What +ear was the AAE for$ed?
*n 194&3 who used a strict anaeroic nitro"en s(ra+ MP* techni=ue' to find that anaeroes are the $ost (ro$inent t+(e of $icroor"anis$s in the root canal? 0u su""ests the use of what $aterial as a direct (ul( ca((in" a"ent?
*s (enicillin reco$$ended to e taken with o r without food?
What is the $ai$u$ dail+ adult d ose of *u(rofen?
*n re"ards to (ul(alG(eriodontal interactions3 who showed that co$(lete (ul(al necrosis onl+ develo(s if the a(ical lood su((l+ is co$(ro$ised? )alonde @ )euke elieve that what % of PA lesions are c+sts?
Ilick su""ested that location @ (revious histor+ of acute s+$(to$s is hel(ful in dia"nosin" cases of what t+(e?
Ther$afil uses what for$ of "utta (ercha?
Accordin" to 0arve+ C
What t+(e of d+e was the u sed in Iold$an @ Pearson-s classic stud+ that discredited hollow tue theor+?
What is elieved to e the $ost often =uoted stud+ in endodontic literature? ander su""ests that !a<0 releases what in direct (ul( ca((in"?
Who first descried a root etrusion?
What is the ter$ used to descrie canal oliteration caused + trau$a?
What is the intestinal concern of (atients takin" etended doses of clinda$+cin or so$eti$es other antiiotics'?
What is the $ai$u$ dail+ adult d ose of aceta$ino(hen?
What is the ter$ used to descrie (ul(s suected to re(eated da$a"e with a di$inished res(onse to (ul(al tests? Accordin" to Trowrid"e3 what are the four /ones of a carious lesion?
What follow;u( (eriod do #ender @ elt/er reco$$end on teeth without PA)s to e valuate success?
What is the sha(e of the lank used to $ake H;fle files?
Pisano C
oinson @ #olin" CADA 19&1 Fe' su""ested what as a (ossile wa+ for acteria to enter the (ul( Iier @ :itchell a"ree'? True or False. :or @ !o showed that a necrotic tissue
Who rena$ed the #acteroides "rou( Prevotella @ Por(h+$onas C
la+er for$s under !a<0 as a direct (ul( ca((in" a"ent.
$edication for (ul(oto$ies?
Which of the isofor$s of c+cloo+"enase is induced + infla$$ator+ $ediators?
Na$ada showed that a final rinse with what two irri"ants (roduced the cleanest canal walls?
*n 194&3 whose classic stud+ su""ested that radio"ra(hs are valuale in deter$inin" etra roots or stran"e canal confi"urations? What is a lesion adacent to a tooth with (ul(al (athosis that is characteri/ed + infla$$ator+ cells?
Which nerve fiers in the (ul( are $ost likel+ to res(ond to the EPT test?
Who introduced alanced;force techni=ue3 and in what +ear?
What s(ecific t+(e of acteria did und=vist sa+ were associated with acute infla$$ation 1946'?
What is the difference etween a (ocket c+st @ a true c+st?
Ta""er3 Ta""er3 @ We$es su((ort the use of what
What is a $ied3 eni"n reactive firo;osseous lesion of unknown etiolo"+ which a((ears as three different (hases radio"ra(hicall+? H+tridou @ Iut$ann *EC >ov 1999' showed that oth Ther$afil @ +ste$ # de$onstrated acce(tale root canal fills ut have a tendenc+ to do what? 0unter3 osenow3 @ #illin"s are all known for (o(ulari/in" what theor+?
Accordin" to tanle+3 at what rate does dentin for$ after a direct (ul( ca(?
Who was the first to descrie a !a<0 (ul(oto$+ in 1966?
What rioso$al suunit do clinda$+cin and er+thro$+cin ind to3 to cause their acteriostatic (ro(erties?
What is the duration of (ul(al anesthesia fro$ an infiltration of 7% lidocaine without e(ine(hrine?
Accordin" to elt/er @ #ender3 (ercussion is an i$(ortant dia"nostic test for what (ul(al condition?
)i$ @ Hirk su""est that what % of direct (ul( ca(s are successful?
What is an odonto"enic c+st assd. with a tooth wG necrotic (ul( that develo(s wGin a (eriradicular infla$$ator+ lesion @ derives its e(itheliu$ fro$ the cell rests of :alasse/? *n what for$ is $ost co$$ercial IP?
What is an infla$$ator+ reaction to (ul( infection @ necrosis characteri/ed + "radual onset3 little or no disco$fort3 @ inter$ittent dischar"e of (us? *n what for$ is IP found in nature?
Whose classic article CADA 196&' de$onstrated the factors that influence the s(read of infection includin" virulence of or"anis$3 host resistance3 $usc @ fascial arran"e$ents? chroeder su""ests that what initiall+ for$s eneath !a<0 after a direct (ul( ca(?
What are Fish-s four /ones3 startin" wG the one that contains acteria?
What is the $ai$u$ adult dail+ d ose of as(irin?
What antiiotic does 0utter C
Accordin" to Torainead 199'3 on avera"e3 how lon" did co$(lete canal conta$ination take in oturated canals e(osed to saliva? What is another na$e for a #a+ !+st?
Huttler-s 1922 stud+ first descried what two anato$ic land$arks?
The rake an"le of 5;ha(ed files is what?
Wolcott C
Whocanals showed that teethan wGinc lr"rinPA tend of to acteria e assd.vs. wG root containin" thelesions dif s(ecies those wG s$aller lesions fewer s(ecies (resent'? Accordin" to tanle+3 what are the 7 $ain (ul(al concerns re"ardin" direct (ul( ca((in"?
*nh+(oder$ic 19213 who cultured a needle?PA lesions + (assin" a wire throu"h
*n 19473 who used !a<0 to induce a(eo"enesis in inco$(letel+ for$ed a(ices?
!linicall+3 what is the difference twn chronic @ acute (eriradicular (eriodontitis?
What is the ter$ used to descrie (er$ incisors which $a+ e characteristic of con"enital s+(hilis?
What antiiotic do 0arrin"ton and >atkin reco$$end for the (enicillin aller"ic (atient? *n Pineda @ Huttler-s 1947 stud+ of root canal anato$+3 what % of the canals were strai"ht?
Walton @ Fouad3 or !hia(inelli showed that what (re; o(erative treat$ent does not reduce (ost;o( (ain or flare; u(s followin" treat$ent of necrotic (ul(s? True or False. Hi$ showed that a PD) inection is effective at anestheti/in" onl+ one tooth for dia"nostic (ur(oses.
Who stated that necrotic teeth would e $ore likel+ to have flare;u(s 1997'?
:oos 1996' stated that tre(hination was not ustified. Wh+?
Accordin" to )ee @ Man !ura C
Cohnson C
What is the $aor IAI (resent in hu$an dentin?
What is the first ste( in he$ostasis?
Which clottin" factor is activated eventuall+ in the etrinsic3 intrinsic3 @ co$$on (athwa+s?
What two authors are credited for showin" that (ressure (roduces anesthesia in intra(ul(al inections? Who concluded that all t+(es of crown $ar"ins leak he also dis(roved the B0ollow tue theor+-'?
Accordin" to a 199, surve+ + Iatewood3 what % of Di(lo$ates of the A#E (rescrie A-s to (ts with swellin" where draina"e is not otained? What did Herekes @ Tronstad 1949' sa+ the effects of a flare;u( would e on the overall (ro"nosis for success?
*n 19883 Torainead listed 6 (redictors for a hi"her incidence of flare;u(s. >a$e of the$.
>a$e 7 authors who clai$ed that the a$ount of (ost;o( (ain is directl+ related to (re;o( (ain.
Who invented Ther$afil in 1948?
Who introduced war$ vertical oturation in 192?
Accordin" to Aver+3 what are the first ele$ents to develo( in the hu$an (ul(?
Accordin" to
Where do er+throc+tes (ri$aril+ develo( in adults?
What test can e used instead of the PT @ PTT tests to evaluate anticoa"ulated (atients?
What $edicine should not e used in children ecause of the risk of e+e-s disease? What is the t+(ical (atient (rofile for (eria(ical ce$ental d+s(lasia?
Accordin" to a 199, surve+ + Iatewood3 what % of Di(lo$ates of the A#E (rescrie A-s to (atients with vital (ul(s and AAP? *n his 196, stud+3 D. Ireen found which teeth had the hi"hest % of accessor+ fora$ina?
>a$e authors who stated that it was etter to close a tooth after treat$ent versus leavin" it o(en'.
What % of flare;u(s did Walton @ Fouad find in their 1997 stud+?
What is the te$(erature ran"e and for what duration' for heatin" one3 that can cause inur+ @ decrease re"eneration ailit+? Who first develo(ed the h+drod+na$ic theor+ of (ain that was later (o(ulari/ed + #rannstro$?
What t+(e of sealer is said to e acce(tale wG a sin"le cone "utta (ercha techni=ue?
Which clottin" factor is deficient in he$o(hilia A @ Mon Willerand-s disease?
!lot staili/ation is $ediated + which activated clottin" factor?
Who is est known for su""estin" the use of (ro(h+lactic antiiotics in teeth with necrotic (ul(s to (revent flare;u(s and (ain? What is another na$e for a KPul( Pol+(L?
What is the co$$on na$e for is;de=ualiniu$ acetate?
Who stated that leavin" a tooth o(en after treat$ent was etter than closin" it?
What is an Kacute eaceration of a (eriradicular (athosis after the initiation or continuation of an !TL?
Who (o(ulari/ed the war$ vertical oturation techni=ue in 1964?
Who is credited for develo(in" cold lateral condensation for the oturation of the root canal s(ace in 191&?
What are the & $ain t+(es of IAIs in the hu$an dental (ul(?
Accordin" to Man A$eron"en3 what % of (ul(al colla"en is t+(e ?
What is the last event i n he$ostasis?
0ow $an+ AD e=uals one "re+?
What cells s+nthesi/e IAIs in the hu$an dental (ul(?
Who first used d+e;(enetration to evaluate leaka"e in 199?
Whitten CADA 1996' showed that what % of dentists As to (atients wG drainin" sinus tracts?
An+ dru" indin" to JJJJJ can dis(lace cou$adin @ should e avoided.
Who conducted and in what +ear' the first stud+ aout the incidence of :P canals in $aillar+ $olars?
tein @ !orcoran 199,' found the a(ical fora$en to e how far short of the a(e?
*n 19823 >aidorf listed 1, thin"s that are likel+ to cause flare; u(s. >a$e & of the$.
What is the Pasteur Effect?
)ares @ El Dee C
*arola @ !ha($an C
*n what +ear was endodontics declared a s(ecialt+?
Dra"oo3 #ruce @ udall rec the use of what root end fillin"
What are dentinal tuules called that are no lon"er filled with livin" odontolastic (rocesses?
Na"iela showed that what vasoconstrictor esides e(ine(hrine also increases #P?
Accordin" to the A0A does the (lace$ent of the ruer da$ re=uire (ro(h+lactic As?
Ta+lor3 Ceansonne3 @ )e$on C
Who clai$ed that KThe cha$er is in the center of the crownL?
childer <<< 194&' showed that IP "oes throu"h what three (hases u(on heatin" in order'? What nerve fiers found in the (ul( are $ost likel+ to res(ond to li"ht touch?
What condition of dentin for$ation is characteri/ed + nor$al ena$el3 at+(ical dentin3 (ul(al oliteration3 defective root for$ation3 and $ulti(le PA)s? Which endodontic techni=ue includes the use of a (arafor$aldeh+de (aste3 no ruer da$3 @ no workin" radio"ra(hs? *n 19423 who authored the C
#rand+wine shell teeth are characteristic of which t+(e of dentino"enesis i$(erfecta?
What t+(e of colla"en is (resent in the asal la$ina?
Wh+ did Hi$ 1986' state that PD) inections should onl+ e used for endo thera(+ @ etractions3 and not on vital teeth?
Accordin" to en"3 what sustances used as (reservatives in )A are $ost likel+ to cause aller"ic reactions?
Who su""ested in their C
Who ea$ined the a(ices of teeth @ concluded that the av" distance of !DC to a(e was .2$$ in +oun"er (eo(le and . 62$$ in older (eo(le? 0ow lon" is it rec to soak an avulsed (er$ tooth in fluoride if the etraoral dr+ ti$e is "reater than one hour?
!o$$ercial IP is (redo$inantl+ what $aterial?
What is the s+$ol used for ar"enti (aste?
What is the earliest res(onse of dentin to caries accordin" to tanle+?
:ader @ #au$"artner showed that the s$ear la+er is h ow thick and can e (acked into the dentinal tuules how far?
The cranial co$(onent which is analo"ous to the sustancia "elatinosa of the (eri(heral "ate control $echanis$ is what?
What is the acce(tale tolerance dose for those who work with radiation?
Accordin" to *n"le 1928'3 what (ro(ert+ is $ost i$(ortant in irri"atin" solutions?
What t+(e of anesthetic inection can cause actere$ia?
Who develo(ed the li=uid (ressure techni=ue for testin" dentinal (er$eailit+ @ oturation leaka"e assess$ent?
Which teeth have the hi"hest nu$er of lateral canals?
*n which aw is osteoradionecrosis $ore co$$on3 the $andile or the $ailla?
e(lantation in an atte$(t to revitali/e the (ul( is su""ested under what s(ecific conditions in the treat$ent of an avulsed tooth? Who first discredited the ar"enti techni=ue in 194?
childer <<< 194& Cun' dis(utes )uks ori"inal clai$ that IP is what? Durin" conditions of anoia3 (ul( tissue will $etaoli/e via what (rocess?
0ar"reaves showed that (las$a levels of what enkal(hin are inversel+ (ro(ortional to acute (ost;o(erative (ain?
What are the & asic tissue t+(es in the hu$an od+?
What is the $ost co$$on unctional co$(le found twn cells in the stratified s=ua$os e(itheliu$?
After what ti$e (eriod does heated >a
Who showed that diluted solutions of >a
#ur"er @ 0utter C
What is the $ost ovious roent"eno"ra(hic findin" in (atients with scleroder$a?
0ow does the new "eneration of a(e locators work?
Who develo(ed the first a(e locator?
*n 19623 what two authors discredited the hollow tue theor+?
What two authors introduced the hollow tue theor+?
The neural s+ndro$e which is characteri/ed + (aro+s$al unilateral (ain in the soft (alate @ is (reci(itated + difficult swallowin" is what?
What t+(e of lood vessels are found in the lacunae of woven one?
What is the na$e of the he$ostatic a"ent introduced + 0orsle+ in 1987?
)e$on @ Ceansonne evaluated what non;colla"en he$ostatic a"ent?
What did Iartner rec takin" to deter$ine the difference twn eternal @ internal resor(tion?
Accordin" to Frank3 will a tooth under"oin" eternal;internal (ro"ressive resor(tion res(ond vital or non;vital to EPT?
Accordin" to the AAE "uidelines3 avulsed (er$ teeth re=uire a F5 evaluation for a $in of how $an+ +ears to deter$ine the outco$e of thera(+? What is the constant electrical resistance of the PD) @ oral $ucosa re(orted + u/uki in 19&7?
As rec + the AAE "uidelines3 what four adunctive dru" thera(+ considerations are there in the treat$ent of the avulsed (er$ tooth? Who (erfor$ed the classic $onke+ stud+ that concluded that overfillin" e=ualed (ersistent infla$$ation?
What t+(es of cells are (resent i n acute infla$$ation?
What t+(e of tissue covers a h+(er(lastic (ul(itis?
What t+(e of colla"en $akes u( h+aline cartila"e?
What is the avera"e si/e of a red lood cell?
What is s+ner"is$?
Who showed that (enicillins can decrease oral contrace(tive effectiveness?
What was the % ran"e that Mertucci 198&' found in teeth with lateral canals?
*n (erfor$in" evaluations of $esio;uccal canals in u((er $olars3 whose % of second $esio;uccals s(lit the difference twn the conclusions of Weine @ Hulild? What t+(e of resor(tion did ainowitch e(lain the ori"in of?
Accordin" to Tro(e3 what two entities eist in t+(e three eternal root resor(tion? Which classic stud+ concluded it was est to full+ instru$ent the teeth3 ut to oturate the$ sli"htl+ short? Fro$ which (art of the tooth ud does the PD) arise?
What is the su""ested s(lintin" ti$e in the treat$ent of the avulsed (er$anent tooth if there is an alveolar fracture?
o"ren 199,' concluded the est (ercenta"e 9&%' success when the oturation ended where WT the radio"ra(hic a(e? 0ar"reaves showed nerve fiers etendin" how far into the dentinal tuules?
What two hor$ones re"ulate lood calciu$ levels?
*n nor$al adult $ale3 what is the nu$er of (latelets (er $$ of lood?
(an"er"3 Ellerach3 @ :ur(h+ rec the use of what intracanal $edica$ent?
Who su""ested that s$all a$ounts of eu"enol $a+ e eneficial to vital tissue3 ut lar"e a$ounts toic?
Who clai$ed that +ou should alwa+s assu$e a curve on the (alatal root?
Whose stud+ 1949' found K!;sha(edL canals in lower 7 nd @ rd $olars 8% of the ti$e? What % of trau$ati/ed teeth under"o calcific $eta$or(hosis Andreasen 1966 @ 194,'3 and what % suse=uentl+ under"o necrosis?
Who was the 1 st to alert (eo(le of eternal cervical resor(tion after leachin" with su(erool3 sodiu$ (erorate3 @ heat? Whose classic d+e leaka"e stud+ 196,-s' showed that sealer is necessar+ with IP?
Whose classic do" stud+ in 1941 showed that the ce$ento; dentinal n is where instru$entation @ oturation should ter$inate?
#;delta fiers found in the (ul( are what t+(es of nerves?
!oncentric la+ers of calcified $ass found in the (ul( are called what?
What s(ecific cells lie ust elow the e(itheliu$ in skin which are co$(onents of the i$$une s+ste$?
#aso(hils contain "ranules that are rich in what?
What co$ination of dru"s $akes u( Micodin E?
What has lon" een the dru" of choice in the treat$ent of tri"e$inal neural"ia?
Accordin" to kid$ore @ #orndal 1941' what % of lower 1st $olar $esial roots will e Weine t+(e 7?
Accordin" to kid$ore @ #orndal 1941' when the distal root of a lower 1 st $olar contains two canals3 what % will e Weine t+(e 7? Accordin" to :attison3 orthodontic $ove$ent al$ost alwa+s causes what?
What 7 characteristics of an avulsed tooth "ive the worst (ro"nosis accordin" to the AAE 7,, treat$ent "uidelines? Whose classic radioisoto(e leaka"e stud+ showed that sealer is necessar+ when IP is used as the oturation $aterial? #isho( de$onstrated fiers that Bstick- ena$el @ dentin to"ether. What are the+ called?
!hoha+e C
Hi$3 Huttler3 @ Ireen rec a $$ root end resection Gc of the canal ra$ifications nor$all+ (resent. What % is nor$all+ there?
Who said that the de(th of a root end (re(aration should e $$ for stailit+ of $aterial?
Wh+ does 0ar"reaves rec Bon the clock- dosin" re"i$ens instead of BP>- for anal"esic dosa"es?
Who found laeled for$ocresol travelin" throu"hout the od+ after its use as a $edica$ent?
Which techni=ue did Waha clai$ to e the $ost accurate $ethod for usin" EPT?
Accordin" to Tronstad 199&' how accurate is laser Do((ler su((osed to e?
Who coined the ter$ Btransient a(ical reakdown-?
Who first warned of cervical root resor(tion?
*n Davis- classic stud+ 1941' which "rou( showed the worst (ro"nosis?
tro(ko C
Who clai$ed that althou"h there $a+ e no visile canal3
0istioc+tes can transfor$ into what t+(e of infla$$ator+
there is alwa+s one histolo"icall+?
Who warned aout the (otentiall+ detri$ental effect of !a<0 on the PD) in recentl+ re(lanted teeth less then 1 week'?
Who su""ests cuttin" a (er(endicular root end resection to decrease the nu$er of o(en tuules?
Who su""ested that the cresol content of for$ocresol $a+ e $ore toic than the for$aldeh+de?
Pashle+ sa+s that a PD) inection is what t+(e of inection?
Hrasnow @ ankow 7,,&' develo(ed 6 laws that B"overnwhere canals will e lo cated. >a$e of the$.
What did #ender sa+ is the $ini$u$ % $ineral one loss for a lesion to e seen radio"ra(hicall+?
After how $an+ $inutes etraorall+ is it usuall+ a"reed u(on that the PD) cells are dead? What is the e"innin" of (lastic defor$ation called in endodontic instru$ents?
Whose 1994 (a(er Endo @ Dent Trau$a' showed that sockets (la+ an i$(ortant role in the healin" of re(lanted teeth? Accordin" to :achian3 what is the $ost efficient t+(e of instru$ent to use in a filin" $otion?
What is the ter$ used for (ro"ra$$ed cell death?
Who first dis(roved the (ul(al stran"ulation theor+?
What is the turnover rate for nonkeratini/ed e(itheliu$?
Which has a $ore ra(id turnover rate3 keratini/ed or nonkeratini/ed e(itheliu$?
Walton was a (art of three different studies done in the 9,-s which showed what? #oth Mertucci 198&' @ kid$ore 1941' found what % of distal roots in lower 1 st $olars to have 7 canals?
Whose candinavian stud+ 1988' showed that neither short ter$ nor lon" ter$ treat$ent with PenMk had an+ effect on healin" of (eria(ical lesions? What is the % of T+(e lower incisors3 accordin" to #elli//i 198' @ Mertucci 198&'?
Accordin" to e$eikis3 which is the etter stora"e $edia for avulsed teeth oo$ te$( or cold $ilk?
What t+(e of odonto"enic c+st is alwa+s associated with the crown of an unerru(ted tooth?
Who was the 1 st to (ulish an article descriin" the crown down techni=ue?
Who was the 1 st to rec standardi/in" instru$ents in the CADA Fe 1929'?
What t+(e of IAI is incor(orated into dentin3 and $a+ e involved in the for$ation @ re(air of dentin?
What structures in the (ul(-s "round sustance are res(onsile for its resilience @ for the flow of $olecules?
What are the & t+(es of (a(illa (resent on the ton"ue?
What is the $ost co$$on e(ithelial odonto"enic tu$or?
Accordin" to Man A$eron"en3 the content of what in the hu$an (ul( is inde(endent of a"e?
What three thin"s in 199&3 did Torainead show were e=ual in their effects on (ost oturation (ain?
What is the dru" o f choice for treatin" her(etic lesions?
Pineda @ Hutler found that 82% of JJJJJ are located in the a(ical rd of the root.
Accordin" to Mertucci 198&' @ #elli//i 1982' what is the avera"e % of two canals in u((er 1 st (re$olars?
What is the na$e of the condition that involves infection of the su$andiular3 su$ental3 @ sulin"ual s(aces?
What is the $ost co$$on fissural develo($ental' c+st?
Accordin" to :i+ashita 1994' @ :au"er3 chindler3 @ Walker 1998' what si/e should lower i ncisors e enlar"ed to? Accordin" to Hi$3 what structures (la+ an i$(ortant role at $aintainin" the vitalit+ of the a(ical (ul( tissue while the coronal (ul( is under acterial a ttack? What is the develo($ental union of two or $ore teeth in
Who do $ost feel develo(ed the crown down techni=ue?
which the dentin and one other dental tissue are united?
triad of s+$(to$s?
What is the dru" o f choice for treatin" !andidiasis?
What s+ste$ic antiiotic is thou"ht to have antiresor(tive (ro(erties @ should e considered after an avulsion inur+?
Who clai$ed nearl+ 6,% of u((er 7nd (re$olars have 7 canals?
*n 199& @ 1992 two authors concluded that +ou could have a vital case with a(ical (eriodontitis. >a$e the$.
Whose $onke+ stud+ 1982' concluded that a se$i;ri"id s(lint should e used for re(lanted teeth?
Who was the first to re(ort a case of healed hori/ontal root fracture in 1948?
*n his 1946 stud+3 who su""ested usin" oth rotar+ and filin" $otions in the root canals to etter clean the walls?
*n the earl+ 199,-s who showed the variailit+ of the si/e of instru$ents files' used in endodontics?
What is the na$e of the (ul(al cell t+(e that can convert to a $acro(ha"e3 firolast3 odontolast3 or dentinoclast?
)an"eland showed that the width of irritation dentin is not necessaril+ directl+ related to what?
What is the condition in which onl+ the ce$entu$ of two or $ore teeth eco$es united?
ialadenitis3 o"ren-s s+ndro$e3 anticholiner"ic dru"s3 and anti(s+chotic dru"s $a+ all cause what intraoral condition?
Who su""ested the ad$inistration of s+ste$ic tetrac+cline after re(lantation of an avulsed tooth with "reater than one hour of dr+ ti$e? Piekoff showed that while 41% of $aillar+ 1 st $olar :# roots had :P canals3 onl+ what % were Weine T+(e ?
What is the % of /inc oide in sE#A?
What t+(e of s+ste$ic infection did olo$on su""est could cause internal resor(tion?
0ow would +ou descrie an Ellis Trau$a classification t+(e ?
Accordin" to :or"an @ :ont"o$er+ C
The filin" techni=ue that was rec + Weine to (revent B/i((in"- in curved canals is referred to as what?
What is the $ore co$$on na$e used to descrie eni"n $i"rator+ "lossitis?
Patients with A*D are (rone to what t+(e of cancer?
Hi$-s first choice of he$ostatic a"ent is what?
What irri"ant did Ceansonne su""est was ust as antiacterial as 2.72% >a
Accordin" to Weine3 what % of $esio;uccal roots of $a $olars have two canals that can e instru$ented to the a(e? What Elllis Trau$a classification would a luated tooth e?
#r+nholf3 in 194,3 concluded that JJJJJJJ increases with added fil$s.
Who rec alwa+s (re;curvin" files @ re$ovin" the flutes on the outer cuttin" ed"e durin" instru$entation?
What two co$(onents @ in what %-s' $ake u( the $aorit+ of oth-s 811 elite sealer (owder?
*n what two wa+s can fluid e trans(orted fro$ the infla$ed (ul(?
Accordin" toetend? Cohnson3 how far into the dentinal tuules do nerve fiers
What dental radio"ra(hic findin" is characteristic of scleroder$a?
What fatal one disease is characteri/ed + elevated #ence; Cones (rotein levels?
Which causes $ore (ul(al tissue da$a"e3 acteria the$selves or the infla$$ator+ res(onse to acteria? o"ren-s s+ndro$e is a disease state consistin" of what
Who found a 92% incidence of :P canals $icrosco(icall+ in $a $olars?
T+(e colla"en $akes u( what % of colla"en found in dentin?
Who stated that >!T should not e done efore re(lantation?
Who showed EDTA-s effects are self;li$itin" which conflicts with Patterson-s findin"s'? Which techni=ue did Foser" 1984' conclude was the est for takin" radio"ra(hs? True or False. )uated teeth can develo( PA)s @ still recover re$ain vital' over ti$e.
Who showed that all concentrations of >a
Whose in vivo e(eri$ent found the oot O to e accurate at locatin" the constriction "reater than 9,% of the ti$e to within G; .2$$'? Are arterio;venous shunts $ore (revalent in the a(ical or coronal re"ions of the (ul(?
*f a tooth is left out of the $outh "reater than 6, $in3 @ receives >!T within weeks3 what t+(e of resor(tion is likel+ to occur? Who-s classic do" stud+ 1941' showed that oturatin" short of the !DC is etter than overetension of the $aterial3 as lon" as instru$entation etends to the !DC? Fro$ which "an"lion are autono$ic nerve fiers sent to the (ul(?
What is the autoi$$une disease characteri/ed + the
What do ud @ Andreasen sa+ is the $ain cause of sur"ical
continuous de(osition of colla"en onto lood vessels @ connective tissue of $aor or"ans?
All concentrations of >a
Accordin" to the A0A what is the rec $ini$u$ of da+s twn a((ts for (atients re=uirin" (ro(h+lactic A covera"e?
*n $an+ of the di"ital vs. conventional co$(arison studies3 no si"nificant differences were found3 ut one stud+ found an 8,;9,% reduction in radiation. Which one? 0ow lon" should !a<0 e left in the tooth in order to o(ti$all+ reduce infla$$ator+ resor(tion @ ank+losis Tro(e @ :oshonov 1992'? >a$e 7 authors who showed that ter$inatin" the a(ical (re(aration .2;1$$ fro$ the radio"ra(hic a(e is est.
*n 19483 !vek concluded that vital (ul( thera(+ was 92% successfulQ this was co$(ared to Tronstad-s results. What % did he find? What $edica$ent used as in intracanal a((lication did )indsko" @ #lo$lof 1998 EDT' show to si"nificantl+ decrease infla$$ator+ resor(tion? H;t+(e files are $anufactures usin" lank wires of what two cross sectional desi"ns?
What is the function of a dendritic cell?
Which nerve fiers enter the (ul( first A delta3 A al(ha3 or ! fiers?
What $aterial does Hi$ rec as a he$ostatic a"ent for lar"e cr+(ts?
Who showed curettin" the cr+(t after usin" ferric sulfate for he$ostasis (roduces an e=uivalent infla$$ator+ res(onse to usin" no ferric sulfate?
>a$e an author that rec war$in" >a
:c)ean @ eader C
Whose recent 7,,,' stud+ concluded that over 2,% of teeth receivin" a carious (ul( ca(3 failed? What was the si"nificance of the >ishioka stud+ in 1998?
What $ediu$ did Tro(e su""est for trans(ortin" avulsed teeth 19913 1999'?
What instru$entation techni=ue did Fava introduce C
What is an alternative IP solvent?
What are the $ain anti"en (resentin" cells in the (ul(?
What t+(e of hista$ine releasin" cell did :iller not find in the uninfla$ed (ul(?
A (latelet count elow what is considered a disorder?
What is #arodontal"ia?
Who showed that (retreatin" canals with !a<0 increases the solvent effect of >a
What co$(onents $ake u( For$ocresol?
0ow accurate did Peterson conclude cold tests are?
What fiers does the EPT activate?
Du$sha 1987' clai$ed etrusive inuries had (ul(al necrosis in 98% of cases3 co$(ared to 76% found + who$? Who de$onstrated that chlorofor$ softened dentin + 79% after 12 $inutes?
Accordin" to Andreasen 1982' what % of intruded teeth eco$e necrotic?
What histolo"ic incre$ental lines re(resent the dail+ (attern of dentin for$ation?
Who concluded that +ou need to re$ove the lood clot for vital (ul( thera(+ to work?
*n oane @ aala-s K#alanced Force T echni=ueL to what si/e do the+ rec enlar"in" curved canals the $ai$u$'?
What deleterious effect of PD) inections on do"s3 did oahen @ :arshall find?
What dru"3 when "iven as an intra$uscular inection3 si"nificantl+ reduced (ost;o( (ain :arshall @ Walton'?
Who stated that i$$ature develo(in" teeth have an unreliale res(onse to EPT3 and therefore3 +ou should use cold test instead? Accordin" to Andreasen3 which has a etter (ro"nosis for (ul( vitalit+ after luation3 o(en or closed a(e teeth?
Who clai$ed that trau$a cases are unreliale to EPT3 cold @ heat test3 due to nerve da$a"e?
What two (roducts for the sealin" of a leak+ ruer da$ did #ra$well @ 0icks descrie in 1986?
*n 1946 Walton concluded that ta(erin" the canal is i$(ortant for three $aor reasons. )ist the$.
Fo @ enia su""ested that the odontolastic (rocess etends how far into the tuules?
Does irritation dentin contain $ore or less or"anic $aterial then (ri$ar+ dentin?
Whose classic stud+ 196&' concluded that there was ><
Who concluded that when all the $ain a(ical fora$ina are
relationshi( etween (ul(al @ (eriodontal disease?
covered with acterial (la=ue3 a connection twn (ul(al @ (erio disease occurs?
Who showed that irri"ation should e (erfor$ed with the s$allest needle (ossile to allow "reater (enetration due to lack of flow e+ond the ti(? What did ko"lund sa+ the sur"ical success rate was on teeth showin" total uccal one loss?
Who showed that vital tissue can dela+ irri"ation fro$ $ovin" laterall+ or a(icall+?
Who clai$ed that the (ul( is not necessar+ for root re(air?
What four wa+s did Andreasen show that hori/ontal root fractures could heal <<< 1964 e('?
Who showed that retreat$ent (rior to sur"er+ "ave a 4,% success rate3 whereas sur"er+ alone "ave onl+ a 2% success rate? Accordin" to Andreasen which t+(e of luation inur+ is $ost likel+ to cause necrosis of the (ul(?
Which instru$ents cut $ore efficientl+3 those $ade fro$ trian"ular or s=uare lanks?
Who concluded that si$(le deride$ent with saline is insufficient to re$ove all acteria?
What % of teeth did Hu+k @ Walton de$onstrate had no evidence of a canal radio"ra(hicall+3 ut still showed a canal
i"al @ Tencate su""ested that the odontolastic (rocess etends how far into the dentinal tuules?
histolo"icall+ 199, duo >ov'? Which fa$ousC
Who develo(ed the s+ste$ for classif+in" (erio;endo lesions?
*n a classic stud+ + Hlot/3 Ierstein @ #ahn3 the use of what dru" was discoura"ed in treatin" necrotic cases due to a reduction in the ca(acit+ to locali/e $icroor"anis$s? #ender states that EPT can e unreliale after a trau$atic incident for u( to what (eriod of ti$e?
Iordon showed that what t+(e of tissue dissolves faster in >a
What (rocedure did Elliot @ 0olco$ su""est 1988' to relieve (ain in teeth with (eria(ical (eriodontitis?
What cells do lavkin3 #lo$lof3 @ 0a$$erstro$ elieve can (revent re(lace$ent resor(tion?
What are the two (hases of >ickel Titaniu$?
Who stated 199' that a(e locators are oka+ to use in (atients with (ace$akers?
The s$ear la+er not includin" tuule (enetration' is how thick?
Weer @ aki su""ested that the odontolastic (rocess etends how far into the dentinal tuules?
>a$e the 2 classifications of (erio;endo lesions.
Who defined iolo"ic width?
When "ivin" PD) inections as a su((le$ental techni=ue3 what % success of (ul(al anesthesia did Walton @ Aott find? Who su""ested that cracked tooth could e an etiolo"+ of Bidio(athic- internal root resor(tion?
What t+(e of tissue dissolves faster in >aecrotic or vital?
A hori/ontal root fracture in which third of the root has the est (ro"nosis?
>a$e two of the four t+(es of healin" that can occur with hori/ontal root fractures.
Accordin" to oane @ aala 198&' rotatin" a file in which direction !W or !!W' has a "reater chance of se(aration?
Who first descried >ickel Titaniu$ files?
#ulk fluid $ove$ent a dentinal (ower of the radius ofinthe tuule? tuule varies to what
An increaseofinthe which t+(e tuules? of dentin3 due to a"in"3 causes oliteration dentinal
0ow do +ou define iolo"ic width?
What four t+(es of radio"ra(hic healin" did ud @ Andreasen descrie?
Who showed that !T @ retrofillin" via root end sur"er+ has a "reater chance of success then root end fillin" alone?
Which t+(e of resor(tion re$ains centered in the root even durin" shifts of radio"ra(hs?
What (ro(ert+ does clavulinic acid add to Au"$entin to $ake it $ore desirale than a$oicillin alone?
What (role$ did #rannstro$ @ Fuks sa+ could occur if a PD) inection is "iven in (atients with (erio disease?
Iross$an showed a 9,% success rate in teeth with vital (ul(s where an instru$ent was se(arated3 ut what was the success rate in teeth with PA lesions C #rit Endo 1968'? *n which third of the tooth do the $ost hori/ontal fractures occur?
Fo @ :oodnik >N tate Dent C 1947' showed what kind of success rate when se(arated instru$ents were unale to e re$oved in ,& cases? Does the location of the fracture deter$ine the success?
0ow $uch lar"er should the a(ical (re(aration e fro$ its ori"inal si/e?
What is the avera"e width at the !DC?
What is the (reci(itation of $ineral salts within the dentinal tuules called?
What acteria $ost often causes osteo$+elitis?
Who showed that colla"en fiers actuall+ "rew into
Accordin" to Ericson *nt C
u(erE#A when used as a root end fillin" $aterial?
tooth $ost often co$$unicates with the $aillar+ sinus durin" endodontic sur"er+?
What is the % of eu"enol in su(er E#A li=uid?
What (arts of the rain do o(ioids act on?
What was the success rate shown + !ru$( @ >atkin CADA 194, Cun' in cases where se(arated instru$ents were unale to e re$oved? What is the i""est factor in the ailit+ of a tooth to re(air itself after a hori/ontal fracture?
>a$e 7 non;endodontic causes of (aresthesia.
Who descried the use of a(e locators to locate (erforations?
0ow do the old st+le a(e locators work?
Accordin" to >a"aoka3 dentinal tuules are $ore (er$eale in which t+(e of teeth necrotic or vital?
Accordin" to Tho$as3 nerve fiers (enetrate aout how far into the dentinal tuules?
Who su""ested usin" $eth+lene lue d+e to outline roots @ isth$uses durin" endodontic sur"er+ C
What infection is considered to e the $ost o((ortunistic in the world?
Accordin" to 0ar"reaves3 what is the $ini$u$ effective dosa"e of codeine for anal"esia?
Patterson rec the use of a short ter$3 hi"h dose of what antiiotic for endodontic infections #r Dent C 199'?
Who de$onstrated successful silver (oint cases with corrosion (roducts (resent?
What is the corrosion (roduct of silver (oints?
>a$e three factors of infla$$ator+ resor(tion.
#urke 1946' su""ested treatin" avulsed teeth with what to $ini$i/e infla$$ator+ resor(tion?
Iive two reasons for usin" sealer.
What are the two $ain (arts @ the $ain in"redient in each' of eala(e?
Accordin" to Man A$eron"en3 which (art of the (ul(3 coronal or radicular3 contains the $ost colla"en?
Which t+(e of nerve fiers in the (ul( res(ond to (ressure3 heat @ che$icals?
tevens;Cohnson s+ndro$e is a severe ullous for$ of what disease?
What is the co$$on $ali"nant (ri$ar+' tu$or of the one?
Pseudo$e$raneous colitis is an over"rowth of what acterial s(ecies?
Whose classic stud+ showed that (lacin" intracanal antiacterial $edication can cause s+ste$ic sensiti/ation?
Who concluded 1947' that corrosion on silver (oints is increased with endin"3 crackin"3 or defor$in" the cones at oturation? Who clai$ed in 1987 that trau$a to (ri$ar+ teeth $a+ alter the develo($ent of (er$ teeth?
Accordin" to Fullin" @ Andreasen 1946' which dia"nostic test is the least reliale for i$$ature teeth? The $ost reliale? Which classic author 1962' clai$ed that i$$ature teeth can have (ul( survival @ re"eneration of nerve function after re(lantation3 es( with wide a(ical fora$en? *n 1992 o"ren clai$ed that s$all (ieces of what are ver+ infla$$ator+?
*n 1969 who clai$ed that IP has a low tissue toicit+?
What is ter$ that descries the accu$ulation u"s after *Mthe inection' eneath a !a<0 (ul( ca( in anofinfla$ed (ul( or after trau$a'? chroder 1941' clai$ed that +ou needed to d o what efore closin" a tooth after a (artial (ul(oto$+?
)oe-s classic 1961 stud+ showed that JJJJJJ was the $ost i$(ortant factor in the (revention of ank+losis.
Whose classic discover+ found acteria in trau$ati/ed teeth with intact crowns @ necrotic (ul(s? *n !vek-s (artial (ul(oto$+ 1948'3 how $uch of the (ul( was rec to e re$oved?
Who (erfor$ed a $onke+ stud+ that concluded do+c+cline hel(ed lower the rate of infla$$ator+ resor(tion @ ank+losis in avulsed teeth? #haskar @ a((a(ort defined vitalit+ + what?
DeMries @ Francis are stron" (ro(onents of what antiiotic due to its hi"h one affinit+?
>a$e two of four different t+(es of root resor(tions after luation inuries.
What is another na$e for re(lace$ent resor(tion?
>a$e the $inor co$(onents in IP.
<+nick3 Dorn @ Iartner su""ested the use of what root end
>a$e the author of the classic 1948 stud+ that used dentin chi(s to (revent overfillsQ de$onstratin" ce$entu$ de(osition @ ver+ little a(ical infla$$ation. :or showed that de$inerali/ation of dentin caused + caries affects which t+(e of dentin $ore (erituular or intertuular? What was the success rate that Dorn @ Iartner showed
fillin" $aterial?
when sE#A was used as a root end fillin" $aterial?
Ii"lio3 et al. CADA 1997 Au"' su""ested (ro(h+lactic antiiotic covera"e for what see$in"l+ non;invasive (rocedure due to a (otential for actere$ia? What was the sur"ical success rate shown + Fried$an?
>a$e one or $ore author esides :orse who rec (ro(h+lactic antiiotic covera"e to dec flare;u(s3 (ain3 @ swellin". What was the sur"ical success rate shown + Altonen?
What is the na$e of the owl sha(ed defects (resent in infla$$ator+ resor(tion?
5nder what conditions is re(lantation >
What is the (ur(ose of #ora in Iross$an-s sealer?
What is the $ain in"redient i n Iross$an-s sealer?
What are the $ain or"anelles in non;secretor+ odontolasts?
What are the two $ain t+(es of sensor+ nerve fiers found in the hu$an (ul(?
What is the wearin" awa+ of tooth structure + $echanical $eans called?
What is the rec re"i$en for >a
Who discovered @ in what +ear' that Articaine @ Prilocaine can cause (aresthesia when used in locks es( $andiular'? What was the sur"ical success rate shown + :ikkonen?
*n 1963 who showed that intact teeth in (eriodontall+ involved $ouths showed atro(hic chan"es histolo"icall+?
What was the sur"ical success rate shown + Irun" @ :olven?
0ow lon" do ud @ Andreasen sa+ is necessar+ to evaluate inco$(lete or uncertain healin" radio"ra(hicall+?
>a$e s+$(to$s of vertical root fracture.
Cacosen su""ested that what % of teeth showin" calcific $eta$or(hosis due to trau$a eco$e necrotic?
What is the $ain advanta"e stated + Iross$an 1946' for usin" oth-s 8,1 sealer?
Wh+ do we down (ack @ verticall+ co$(act the IP in war$ vertical techni=ues?
0ow wide did
Who was the first to de$onstrate l+$(hatics in the (ul(?
What is the $ost severe for$ of (ol+ostotic firous d+s(lasia called?
*n 19893 what did eeh @ :esser discover that could cause (er$anent (aresthesia?
What is the active in"redient in Peride?
Who in 1999 (ulished a n article su""estin" that sur"ical endodontics has a 94% success rate usin" $icrosur"ical techni=ues @ sE#A? 0uan" @ e$eikis showed that a((roi$atel+ what % of PD) cells re$ained vital after 47 hours of stora"e in 0ank-s #alanced alt olution? What is the colorin" a"ent in co$$ercial IP?
Who showed that the sur"ical success rate of a 7 nd s (erfor$ed on the sa$e tooth is 2,%?
What ;' is the $ost da$a"in" endotoin that is released fro$ "ra$ acteria?
Iriffee showed a si"nificant relationshi( @ s+$(to$s3 and what s(ecific acteria?etween a foul odor
What condition is alwa+s (resent in ( atients with t+(e 1 dentino"enesis i$(erfecta?
Warthin-s tu$or is eclusivel+ seen in what "land?
0uan" @ e$eikis discoura"e the use of what co$$on household ite$ as a stora"e $ediu$ for avulsed teeth? Ta$se in 1986 concluded that which solvent worked est as a IP solvent?
What is the $ai$u$ dosa"e of e(i as su""ested + the >N heart association for a health+ (atient? *n 7,,&3 Pashle+ descried what 7 $ethods for identif+in" cracks?
Iear+3 Culsrud3 @ *arrola all showed one s(ecific he$ostatic a"ent to cause dela+ed healin" @ a forei"n od+ res(onse. Which one was it? >a$e 2 differential dia"nosis for non;odonto"enic (ain.
#orvant su""ests the a((lication of what after fluoride to an avulsed tooth with "reater than &2 $in dr+ ti$e?
Who said that As do not have a si"nificant effect on the healin" of avulsed teeth that are i$$ediatel+ re(lanted?
*n the earl+ 8,-s3 which sealer was found to cause (aresthesia after overfills?
*n the late 8,-s3 which sealer was found to cause (aresthesia after overfills?
Who was the 1 st to de$onstrate $ast cells in the infla$ed hu$an (ul(?
What is the conduction s(eed of A;delta fiers?
What disease state3 $ost co$$onl+ found on the hard
An inc seru$ alkaline (hos(hate level aids in the dia"nosis
(alate3 (resents with a K"round "lassL radio"ra(hic a((earance?
of what disease?
What is the (heno$enon called where lood flow increases in a (reviousl+ anestheti/ed area?
A co$ination of :etranida/ole @ )ithiu$ will cause what?
>a$e 2 differential dia"noses for a (eria(ical radiolucenc+.
>a$e 2 differential dia"nosis for a (eria(ical radioo(acit+.
:attison @ >e 1981' descried a on+3 hard swellin" of the $andile adacent to a non;vital (str tooth3 usuall+ in +oun" adultsGchildren. What does this descrie? What is the (ur(ose of the staelite resin in Iross$an-s ealer?
Who coined the ter$ K!racked Tooth +ndro$eL?
What is the na$e of the (art of the tooth ud fro$ which the dental (ul( arises?
Fro$ which (art of the tooth ud does the dentin arise?
*n which t+(e of leuke$ia are +ou $ost likel+ to oserve oral lesions? A. :+elo"enous #. )+$(hoc+tic !. :onoc+tic D. Aleuke$ic
>a$e the life;threatenin" condition caused + (artial or co$(lete failure of the adrenocortical function.
Er+thro$+cin @ T etrac+clines $ied with Di"oin cause what reaction?
Er+thro$+cin3 !larithro$+cin3 or :etranida/ole with Warfarin cause what reaction?
What %-s did a+GTro(e find in their coronal seal vs. =ualit+ of !T?
#er"enholt/ @ icucci found that teeth with coronal leaka"e resisted a(ical leaka"e for how lon"?
ivera classified lon"itudinal tooth fractures into 2 cate"ories. >a$e the$.
Pitts identified a root fracture as havin" what t+(e of lesion?
Wh+ would oth-s sealer have etter anti$icroial activit+ than eala(e or !!?
Which sealer has een shown halhav 1994' to ehiit 4 da+s of anti$icroial activit+ a"ainst E. faecalis?
What do +ou call Kdiffuse foci of calcification fre=uentl+ found in the a"in" (ul(L usuall+ descried as (erivascular or (erineural? What is the na$e for the unusual (heno$enon that arises as a result of da$a"e to the auriculote$(oral nerve?
Fro$ which (art of the tooth ud does ce$entu$ arise?
Masconstrictors are contraindicated in (atients usin" what t+(es of $eds?
:iin" anti(s+chotics chlor(ro$a/ine'3 adrener"ic neuronal locker "uanadrel'3 th+roid hor$one3 or :A<*-s (henel/ine' with JJJJJJJJJ can have $inor reactions. *n 1996 #asten found what % of resected $olars had survived an avera"e of 17 +ears?
What did :adison 1984' conclude should e used for evaluation in leaka"e studies?
!urson @ Hirk <<< 1968' found which sealer was well tolerated + the PA tissues?
What t+(ical lesions are seen on (atients with er+the$a $ultifor$e?
>a$e the & theories of c+st for$ation.
What %-s did >air find in his 1998 histolo"ic sa$(les !+sts3 Iranulo$as3 Ascesses3 etc.'?
Who showed 198&' that if +ou cut IP with scissors it leaves a flan"e3 and that +ou should use a ra/or lade instead?
When usin" cold lateral3 Allison @ Walton 1981' showed that the s(reader $ust reach within how far of the a(e to effectivel+ seal the tooth?
Who-s fa$ous $onke+ 1981' confir$ed the findin"s of Hakehashi-s rat stud+stud+ 1962'?
Who-s hu$an stud+ 1946' confir$ed Hakehashi-s findin"s 1962'?
What is the lifes(an of a (latelet?
The ter$ dens in dente is s+non+$ous with what dental anor$alit+?
What is the co$$on cause of colitis?
0ow do +ou treat colitis?
Descrie the $ost co$$on location of the $ental fora$en.
Accordin" to Torainead <<< 1997'3 what % of a(ices (rotrude into the sinus?
Who develo(ed the i$$unolo"ical theor+ of c+st for$ation?
What is the #reakdown Theor+ of !+st For$ation?
Who stated that Ktu" ackL is n ot a "ood (redictor of the ailit+ of a cone to seal off a canal?
*n 19993 haahan" @ Torainead infected i$$ature do" teeth @ used $aterials to (roduce a(ical arriers. What were the three $aterials3 and which one worked est? >a$e 2 acteria involved in initial necrotic cases.
Which & host i$$unolo"ical $echanis$s $ediate tissue destruction @ one resor(tion in res(onse to acterial infection? >a$e t+(es of hu$an one.
What disease state is often dia"nosed + the (atient havin" lue sclera?
What t+(e of acteria is !linda$+cin $ost effective in treatin"?
Er+thro$+cin is least effective a"ainst what t+(es of acteria?
Which root is closest 1.94$$ avera"e' to the sinus?
Which root is furthest fro$ the sinus 4.,2$$ avera"e'?
E(lain the !avitational #reakdown Theor+ of !+st For$ation.
Who develo(ed the E(ithelial Proliferation Theor+ of !+st For$ation?
#roth$an 1981' de$onstrated which st+le of oturation showed twice the nu$er of lateral @ accessor+ canals @ a denser fill? Who used odds ratios to show that acterial co$$ensialis$
Iive two authors who de$onstrated IP seals etter than silver (oints.
wasn-t rando$3 ut worked so acteria continued to re(roduceGsurvive? What is the ter$ used to descrie (aral+sis of the facial nerve?
treated cases?
A$(icillin is $ost effective a"ainst what t+(e of acteria?
!linda$+cin @ PenMH are least effective a"ainst what t+(e of acteria?
Who discussed anato$ic considerations of odonto"enic infections3 like Koundaries of s(acesL3 K(aths of least resistanceL @ Kfascial (lanesL? Are there $ast cells (resent in PA "ranulo$as?
Are root canal treated teeth $ore rittle than vital teeth?
What $akes u( 42% of the li=uid in Wach-s (aste?
Who showed that 5 instru$entation re$oves deris etter than hand instru$entation at 13 3 @ 2$$ fro$ the a(e?
What co$$on infectious a"ents are (resent in a retreat cases? What is the $ost fre=uentl+ encountered eni"n neo(las$ of !T ori"in found in the $outh?
0aa(asolo concluded that unsealed cases durin" treat$ent or $ulti(le a((ts revealed hi"her fre=uencies of what acteria? A"ranuloc+tosis is an acute condition with a "reat reduction in the of what cells?
)ael each of the followin" as #acteriostatic or #acteriocidal Tetrac+cline3 Er+thro$+cin3 !linda$+cin
What is the $ode of action for Tetrac+cline3 Er+thro$+cin3 and !linda$+cin?
Who did a $eta;anal+sis on successGfailure rates3 which concluded that with a PA) success rates were aout 1,;72% lower? *n c+sts3 which *" is increased dra$aticall+3 accordin" to Pulver?
Accordin" to trinder" 1926' how lon" does healin" take @ therefore how lon" should we e doin" follow;u(s for'?
Who was the first to (ulish an article on true crown;down instru$entation?
What classic author su""ests overinstru$entation with s$all files on all teeth with PA)s?
>a$e 7 authors that clai$ed anachoresis occurs.
Which fa$ous stud+ on $onke+s led to the conclusion that anachoresis doesn-t occur? What is the na$e of the develo($ental anor$alit+ characteri/ed + the total asence of teeth?
What is the nor$al W#! count in a health+ adult $ale?
What t+(e of acteria is (ri$aril+ involved in (reviousl+
Which dental ano$al+ has teeth with a characteristic translucent or o(alescent hue3 usuall+ "re+ to luish rown?
What % of c+sts to "ranulo$as did #haskar find?
What is the $ost aundant cell in PA "ranulo$as?
What $ode of action does (enicillin have?
*s (enicillin toic to $a$$alian cells?
#er"enholt/ stated aut$ent teeth under"o necrosis JJJJ% of the ti$eQ $ore than crowned non;aut$ent teeth JJJJ%'
Who (erfor$ed the first >!T3 with what oturation $aterial @ when?
*nfla$$ator+ cells $ake u( what % of all cells in a (eria(ical "ranulo$a tern 1987'?
Are oth T cells @ # cells (resent in oth c+sts @ "ranulo$as? Which is in "reater =uantit+?
>ewton rec retreat$ent after e(osure to the oral cavit+ of how lon"?
Weer3 et al <<< 1 948' showed the $ini$u$ thickness of !avit re=uired for an a de=uate te$(orar+ seal to e what?
0ow do the levels of )P in non;vital teeth co$(are to the levels of )P in vital teeth childer'?
Who stated that 1,,% of sinus tracts are lined wG e(itheliu$ to the level of the rete rid"e @ % the entire wa+?
Who coined the ter$ Bfocal infection-?
E(lain the Kfocal infectionL theor+.
What effect do >A*Ds have on (atients takin" lithiu$ dru"s?
Which A has een shown to have an effect on oral contrace(tives 0ersch 1999'?
Who o(ened the 1 st endodontic (ractice?
Who first discussed the use of radio"ra(hs in >!T @ in evaluatin" success;failure?
>a$e & t+(es of cells (resent in a PA "ranulo$as.
i$on3 in 19873 descried a forei"n od+ reaction3 known as an Koral (ulse "ranulo$asL due to what?
!lark @ El Dee C
*n 194,3 who rec cuttin" 1 $$ fro$ the ti(s of files to $ake Kin etweenL si/es?
True or False.
tate the & $ain (oints of #rannstro$-s 1947' 0+drod+na$ic Theor+ of dentinal sensitivit+.
Who attriuted a $ultitude of diseases to Kfocal infectionL?
:etastases of tu$ors to the aws $ost co$$onl+ ori"inate fro$ where?
Accordin" to eader 1999'3 what is the avera"e inc in heart rate in 64% of (atients wG 7% lido wG 11,,k e(i "iven intraosseous? What is K0all-s to((in"L?
)ist the a((roi$ate %-s of A effectiveness accordin" to #au$"artner 7,,'.
*n 1994 !aliskan showed si"nificantl+ different success rates %-s' for (erforatin" @ non;(erforatin" internal resor(tion. What were the+ @ how did he rec treat$ent? Who first advocated the confine$ent of instru$entation to the inside of the canal3 insistin" that re(air histolo"ical' was (ossile at the root a(e? )ist & actions of he$ostasis with colla"en Iut$ann *EC 1996'.
Who found 1989' 0*M D>A in a dental (ul( firolasts?
What t+(e of radio"ra(hic a((earance does osteosarco$a (roduce?
Who first discussed the use of A" (oints?
What are the co$(onents of :TA :ineral Trioide A""re"ate'? Who did several e(eri$ents 1994' with ani$als to show that ena$el $atri (roteins are involved in for$ation of acellular ce$entu$? What is the $ost co$$on $ali"nanc+ affectin" skeletal ones?
Wh+ shouldn-t !a<0 e left lon"er than , da+s?
*n 1998 0eine concluded that which intracanal irri"ant was effective in dentin infected with E. faecalis?
*s there an+ si"nificance in short ter$ h ealin" in 0*M (atients vs. non;0*M (atients in >!T cases?
A((roi$atel+ what % of oral health care workers have a late aller"+?
Who clai$ed >< difference in root resor(tion twn endo treated teeth @ vital teeth when suected to orthodontic forces? 0ow i" does the a(ical (re( have to e to have efficient deliver+ of irri"ants?
*s it oka+ to do ortho on teeth that have een avulsed @ re(lanted?
*n 7,,2 Hauf$an3 et al.!Ts did a with P!@stud+ to deter$ine which acteria were in failin" without lesions. What si"nificant thin" did he find? What is the loss of tooth structure + che$ical $eans?
tashenko didwhat? an e(eri$ent with PGE electin knockout $ice @ found
*n 7,,23 0u"h3 et al. evaluated intracanal sealer distriution with 2 different oturation techni=ues. What did he find?
Where does a $ucocele $ost fre=uentl+ occur?
Which co$ination of irri"ants led to the "reatest ond stren"th etween E(i(han+ @ dentin Water alone3 7% !0O alone3 6% >aaa
*n a recent stud+ (ulished in Fe 7,,4 + Ihoddusi3 et al. what routine clinical (rocedure si"nificantl+ dela+ed acterial re;(enetration of the canals? *n 19843 !o ea$ined the effects of $aterials (laced a"ainst the (ul( in direct (ul( ca(s. What one thin" did he find to e $ore i$(ortant than which $aterial was used? 0ow could a+naud-s (heno$enon affect the (ul(s of an affected individual?
What is the (0 of :TA when it is $ied @ set?
0ow lon" does a(eification take?
0ow lon" does it take for outer dentin (0 to (eak at R9;1,(0' after !a<0 dressin" is added?
Which outer dentin (eaks first cervical or a(ical?
)ist reasons wh+ +ou would use a(ical deco$(ression.
Deco$(ression is an alternative to what?
0ow do vasoconstrictors affect vessels @ skeletal $uscle @ how does this effect #P?
0ow do vasoconstrictors affect heart rate?
*n !ru$(-s 1949 (ulication3 he uses the ter$ KP<< PATL to descrie what 8 reasons for (ossile failures?
When is the est ti$e of da+ to see late aller"+ (atients?
Accordin" to Andreasen3 does the location of the fracture deter$ine success?
Who clai$ed that routine tre(hination wasn-t necessar+?
Who first descried a(eification of non;vital teeth?
Descrie & different t+(es of arriers for$ed fro$ t of non; vital i$$ature teeth with !a<0.
Does the fora$en width increase with a"e?
Which cells are likel+ res(onsile for (reventin" the s(read of PA ascess?
What are the & ste(s in $uco(eriosteu$ healin"?
What t+(e of techni=ue should e used to reflect the fla( in a sur"er+?
>a$e 2 dru" co$inations with >A*Ds that should e avoided. Who uilt the first dental a((aratus ;ra+ $achine?
)in @ )an"eland C)N if acute sinusitis develo(s. *n (lace of A wG sinus (erforation' the+ rec what? When were ;ra+s discovered @ + who$?
*n order to (revent eternal cervical root resor(tion wG internal leachin"3 what needs to e done?
Accordin" to Del/an"les 1988'3 what (attern does intra; canal resor(tion usuall+ take?
What is the for$al na$e for Kussian edL?
To avoid air e$(h+se$a Elea/er @ Elea/er 1998' rec usin" what in (lace of the standard air s+rin"e?
True or False. >either # nor T cells are critical for the develo($ent of PA)s.
Who is known for the 0+drod+na$ic Fluid Flow Theor+?
Accordin" to )an"eland 1996'3 do +ou need to co$(letel+ curette out all of the infla$ed (eriradicular tissues durin" s?
Does the (eriosteu$ survive fla( reflection in a dissectional wound?
:cDonald 1997' concluded that levels of what3 $ade chlorofor$ safe for dentists @ staff3 due to the a $ount detected ein" elow <0A $andated levels? Who concluded that endo treated teeth wGo crowns were lost at 6 "reater rate than crowned endo treated teeth after oturation? >a$e 7 thin"s found in c+sts that aren-t found in "ranulo$as.
What are the two toic co$(onents in esorcinol; For$aldeh+de esin?
Who stated that Bre"ardless of how $uch (urulence has drained a tooth can e dried @ safel+ closed if etiolo"ic factors have een eli$inated-?
*n 199,3 Ha(lowit/ tested 2 solvents on the re$oval of IP. Which one did he find to e $ost effective the onl+ one which co$(letel+ dissolved IP'?
0owsite3 soon after wound occurs do $acro(ha"es arrive at the what is a their (ur(ose?
0ow soon after a wound occurs do P:>-s arrive at the site?
Who is known for the K(a(illa ased incisionL?
hould +ou use resorale colla"en $e$ranes to re(air sinus (erforations?
True or False. There is little difference in teeth with cus(al covera"e for survival rates of !T teeth vs. v ital teeth. What tissue is (ri$aril+ involved in the healin" of a hori/ontal root fracture?
o"ers @ Cohnson 1999' rec a((lication of what intracanal $edica$ent as a etter anal"esic than oral *u(rofen or a (laceo? Ioeri" 198' stated that (osts should e RJJJJ the len"th of the root S RJJJJJ$$'3 leavin" at least JJJJJ$$ of IP.
What one (roduct did 0artwell find to e su(erior in the softenin" of ussian ed after a 2 $in ti$e (eriod'?
*s adustin" the occlusion (roven to hel( in flare;u(s?
Accordin" to elt/er @ #ender 196' a (revious h of (ain indicates what 8,% of the ti$e?
*n 19843 Hrell tested oth-s @ A076 for their ease of re$ovailit+. Which one did he find easiest to re$ove?
Who stated that re;treatin" one-s own failures was unlikel+ to deride new areas Gc instru$entation would onl+ enlar"e in the sa$e directions as the first (re(aration? Descrie the t+(e @ densit+ of fiers in the PD) as +ou "o a(icall+.
Who concluded that a PA (la=ue was (resent on the eternal surface of the a(e3 @ thus PA tissues weren-t sterile? What ran"e of %-s did #ernhart 1994' @ ud 1998' find
Who first stated that at least & $$ of a(ical IP should re$ain followin" (ost s(ace (re(?
Descrie ste(s to $ini$i/e the risks of da$a"e to the
WT the a$ount of sinus (erforations in $olar sur"eries?
neurovascular undle eitin" the $ental fora$en.
Wh+ should +ou avoid AA in h+(o"l+ce$ics?
Accordin" to Ehrich3 Dionne @ 0utter 1994' which anti; aniet+ dru" works etter in endo (atients Tria/ola$ ,.72$" or Dia/e(a$ 72$"? Accordin" to Ioeri" 198' what t+(e of (osts should e used?
hould a (ost e (laced i$$ediatel+ followin" !T?
>a$e & t+(es of eternal infla$$ator+ cervicalGsulcular resor(tion. *n 1989 :et/ler @ :ont"o$er+ showed which $ethod 53 !a<03 0and' of !@ (roduced the cleanest canal at 1$$ fro$ the a(e'? What did Tho$as sa+ lined the dentinal tuules3 which was co$$onl+ $istaken for odontolastic (rocesses @ the elief
Accordin" to #attru$ @ Iut$ann 1996' what % of the (o(ulation under"oin" etir(ation is reall+ e(eriencin" (hanto$ tooth (ain? 0oshino3 in 19983 showed that usin" what with 2.72% >a
that the wa+ the DEC?as havin" an effect Whothe+ wasetended the first toallnotate roottoanato$+ dentin thickness @ iconcave $or(holo"+' on the retro"rade cavit+ (re(?
(ul(al;vascular Which stud+ on network'? ultrasonics was the first to not find cracks in the root end3 when root end resection was done?
*n what +ear was novocaine introduced3 and + who$?
Who introduced cocaine?
What techni=ue is est for $akin" (ost s(ace?
*s there a (ost on the $arket 7,,' which doesn-t leak?
Torainead 1988' stated thin"s that had no effect on inter;a((t e$er"encies. )ist the$.
>a$e 2 causes for (ersistent etraradicular infection.
What & thin"s do +ou need to do to (rotect the PD) cells in an intentional e(lantation case?
What is the avera"e success rate for intentional re(lantation?
Who concluded that self;stran"ulation didn-t occur in the (ul(? Wh+?
What is the difference twn (ul( stones @ dentricles?
Cavelet @ Torainead 1982' concluded that JJJJJJ was an effective alternative to suturin"Q Kit doesn-t cause that $uch $ore infla$$ationL.
:artin @ >ind 1984' used what irri"atin" $aterial in a(icoecto$+ sites to reduce flora 9&% i$$ediatel+?
Who introduced >a
Who introduced EDTA to endodontics?
Do clinicians need to alter their e(ectations healin" of PA)s ased solel+ on the 0*M status of their (atients?
Accordin" to olano C
>a$e 2 thin"s that are associated with intera((t e$er"encies with necrotic (ul(s. Who clai$ed that Kever+thin"L out the a(e causes infla$$ation 1999'?
Who stated 1997' that it didn-t $atter if +ou underfilled or overfilled3 the onl+ thin" that $attered to the o verall success rates' was the ( re;eistin" condition?
Aout ahow lon"direct does (ul( it take for coa"ulation necrosis to occur under !a<0 ca(?
Aout under how lon" doesdirect it take(ul( for hard occur a !a<0 ca(?tissue for$ation to
What sur"ical success rate did :addalone @ Ia"liani find in 7,, usin" $icrosco(es3 53 @ sE#A3 with a +r F5?
*f +ou have to do a (ul(ecto$+ on a (ri$ar+ tooth3 what is the est $aterial to oturate with @ wh+?
>a$e 7 reasons wh+ :TA is elieved to e ioco$(atile.
Which A has the stron"est distriution to one R,%'?
#ender 198' rec takin" how $an+ radio"ra(hs with dif vertical an"ulations to view hori/ontal root fractures.
What was the overall incidence of (ost;oturation (ain in #au$"artner-s 198 sealer etrusion stud+?
Accordin" to 0olco$ C
Which direction to vertical root fractures usuall+ occur?
*n 1998 a $odel of (ost;oturation (aresthesia was (erfor$ed with rats @ their sciatic nerves3 + who$? Accordin" to ach <<< 1962' at what te$(erature will &,% of the (ul(s recover?
:orse 1994' re(orted two cases of (aresthesia due to oturatin"G$edica$ent $aterials. What were the $aterials used in these 7 cases? 0ow $an+ de"rees inc in te$(erature will da$a"e PD) cells?
What retrofillin" $aterials did Dorn @ Iartner co$(are in
Wh+ did Fried$an 1991' find such low success rates with
their retros(ective 7 office stud+?
his sur"eries?
*f +ou wanted to (re;$edicate a (atient who was severel+ aller"ic to late3 what would +ou ?
0ow does intra(ul(al )A cause its effect?
!an +ou differentiate a c+st fro$ a "ranulo$a via ;ra+s? !T scans?
Does eu"enol in sealers affect the retention of (osts?
What t+(e of leachin" causes the $ost resor(tion?
Wh+ is ,% 07<7 likel+ to cause resor(tion?
hould e$do"ain re(lace !a<0 in (ul( ca(s? Wh+ or wh+ not? Which (ain fiers would e nu$ed if +ou had (ul(al anesthesia?
*n a 1998 $odel of (ost oturation (aresthesia3 which oturatin" $aterial was found to cause (aresthesia the fastest3 and recover the slowest? Which (ain fiers would e nu$ed if +ou had li( anesthesia?
What is the a((ro(riate screenin" radio"ra(h for (atholo"+ of the aws?
What is the $ost co$$on site of head @ neck s=ua$os cell carcino$a?
What is another na$e for the Akinosi #lock?
>a$e three other )A techni=ues that could e used in (lace of the *A>#?
Accordin" to !han 1987' what t+(e of (ost is est for reducin" forces on the tooth efore fracture'?
Accordin" to Ceansonne 1998' which (ost $aterial is est at reducin" root fractures?
A((roi$atel+ what % of teeth have defects at the !EC as re(orted + :or or otstein'?
Which t+(e of !EC dentin;ena$el side + side3 overla((in"3 or "a((in"' showed the "reatest leaka"e of 07<7 fro$ the cha$er? Accordin" to Pearson *EC 7,,' which sealer A0 Plus3 Tuliseal EWT3 A(eit3 Endion3 or oth-s 8,1' showed the est stailit+ in solution? Which cells are res(onsile for sti$ulatin" the differentiation of odontolast;like cells?
Which s(reader is est for lateral co$(action?
What is the role of odontolast;like cells in the (ul(?
*n what disease do (atients lack "lucocererosides3 have lots of foa$ cells3 @ have slowl+ resorin" roots?
What t+(e of he(atitis is also known as Bseru$ he(atitis-?
When /inc @ eu"enol $i @ are h+drol+/ed + saliva @ other li=uids3 what for$s?
*s !linda$+cin s+ner"istic3 anta"onistic3 or indifferent to Er+thro$+cin?
Which (o(ulation is $ainl+ affected + dens inva"inatus?
0ow is a dens inva"inatus for$ed?
What two $ain thin"s deter$ine the (ro"nosis of incisors wG ena$el;dentin fractures avn 1981'?
Accordin" to avn 1981' when do $ost chan"es in vitalit+ occur in incisors with ena$el;dentin fractures?
>a$e 2 internal $atrices that can e used when re(airin" a (erforation.
*n 7,,13 0olland did a do" stud+ of lateral root (erforations3 what did he find when usin" :TA as the re(air $aterial?
:acro(ha"es contriuteone which c+tokine3 as an i$(ortant activator of osteoclastic resor(tion?
Which cells (roduce of PIE73 which $a+ contriute to the osteol+tic resor(tion PA lesions? Which $etaolic d/ is associated with inc seru$ !a3 osteo(orosis3 stones3 va"ue aw (ain3 1,% lackin" la$ina duras3 @ a "round "lass a((earance?
Which area of the $outh has the hi"hest (redilection for $etastases?
What are 7 indications for usin" the Akinosi lock instead of the *A>#?
Who first clai$ed !linda$+cin was effective a"ainst or"anis$s isolated fro$ root canal s+ste$s?
#esides occlusal interferences3 wh+ would a talon cus( e dan"erous to the health of a tooth?
There are 7 cate"ories for case selection of dens inva"inatus teeth. What are the+?
What success %-s did Andreasen 1982' find for the necrosis of trau$ati/ed teeth?
Who stated that K(rolon"ed @ ri"id i$$oili/ation inc the risks of eternal root resor(tionL?
0ow far should s(readers e (laced when laterall+ co$(actin"?
Who stated that sealer was necessar+ to seal the a(e3 re"ardless of what oturation techni=ue was used?
Define a c+tokine.
*n 19973 Torainead found hi"h concentrations of which $ediator in s+$(to$atic hu$an PA lesions?
0ow does vita$in D resistant icket-s (resent
*s >!T healin" affected + Pa"et-s disease?
radio"ra(hicall+ WT the teeth?
>a$e 2 e$er"enc+ dru"s for t of )A overdose.
>a$e 2 vasoconstrictor reactions that occur wG )A overdose.
*f an aerration or ano$al+ is (resent3 how often will +ou find it on the contralateral tooth as well? aala3 et al. 199&'
What is the incidence of Dens *nva"inatus?
Which $etaolic d/ a((ears diffuse on an ;ra+ like "round "lass'3 feels like +ou are cuttin" t+rofoa$ when it-s io(sied3 and causes a slow e(ansion of one in all wa+s? What did Au"sur"er C
Wh+ did Du$sha have 98% necrosis in etruded teeth3 when Andreasen onl+ found 76% necrosis in his cases?
>a$e roles of c+tokines.
What is the $aor c+tokine involved in dentin resor(tion activit+?
Wh+ would a hori/ontal incision durin" or *>D' leed $ore than a vertical releasin" incision?
!an $etastases cause necrosis of (ul(al tissues?
>a$e 2 aller"+ s+$(to$s to sulfite;antioidants.
!an walkin" leach 07<7' inhiit co$(osite (ol+$eri/ation @ dentin ondin"?
What is a dens eva"inatus3 @ on what teeth does it usuall+ occur?
>a$e authors who found acterial leaka"e or endotoin leaka"e' likel+ to occur within weeks @ therefore rec re;t leakin" >!T cases if o(en weeks. What is one wa+ to treat l" c+sts which (revents ;induced devitali/ation of adacent teeth?
Which (roduces $ore resor(tion "ranulo$as or c+sts?
0ow can +ou reuvenate old IP?
>a$e 2 dif $ethods of re$ovin" a se(arated instru$ent or silver (oint.
Where should IP e stored?
0ow does the % o f s(irochetes var+ twn endo @ (erio lesions?
What is the % of the total surface area $ade u( + tuules at the DEC?
>a$e 7 authors who clai$ for$ocresol is dan"erous.
*n 7,,23 Harlovic co$(ared the Eriu$ NAI laser @ 5 for use in root end (re(s. What did he find?
Accordin" to Do+on3 Du$sha3 @ von Fraunhofer C
Accordin" to Tro(e 7,,2'3 hi"her (0 values at root surface @ 1$$ into the dentin were est otained + (a(er (oints3 lentulos(irals3 or s+rin"eale !a<0? Who clai$ed 7,,&' that increased PD) width does no necessaril+ indicate failure of the !T?
Which of the followin" would e est for an avulsed tooth wG 1 hr dr+ ti$e? A. e$ove PD) @ re(lant #. E$do"ainQ leavin" PD) @ re(lant !. ) eave PD) @ re(lant Which direction would +ou need to turn the 0edstro$ in the needle sleeve techni=ue' to en"a"e a se(arated instru$ent?
True or False. PA)s with sinus tracts can e c+sts3 "ranulo$as3 or ascesses.
T>F;β co$es fro$ what cells?
Who 7,,&' resected rootshowed dentin?that firolasts attach to freshl+
Who 7,,&' showed >D in hard tissue rid"in" or infla$$ation when usin" Prooot3 An"elus3 re"ular or white Portland ce$ents to (ul( ca( direct e(osures on do"s?
Which has less recession Pa(illa #ased *ncision P#*' or full (a(illa elevation?
#au$"artner 1994' tested 5 @ the Ionan s+ste$ on (ost re$ovals. Which did he find $ore effective?
Accordin" to cel/a 7,,&3 which would leave $ore o(en tuules 3 1, or 12 $in EDTA?
Who 1st descried the walkin" leach techni=ue?
What effect does a s(ace of 7$$ twn (ost @ IP have on (ost treat$ent d/? *n 1998 Torainead @ Frank descried a resor(tion in which the ;ra+ a((earance is si$ilar to et resor(tion3 the tooth is vital3 @ (ercussion is W>). The dia"nostic findin" is an irre"ular resor(tion area se(arate fro$ the canal. What is it? Torainead 1996' co$(ared :TA @ !a<0 as (ul( ca((in" a"ents. This was also done + Withers(oon 7,,' @ Aeinahehi3et al. Wh+ do the+ all clai$ :TA is etter? What is the $echanis$ of action of :TA in for$in" a hard tissueGdentin rid"e for$ation with a (ul( ca(?
*n 1999 #radford defined success as & thin"s. )ist the$.
Wh+ do vertical releasin" incisions leed less?
*n 7,,&3 0oshino descried a $ethod for Klesion sterili/ation
What classic article Ca$e & factors affectin" successful healin" of a (erforation.
E(lain the $echanis$ of E;electin su((ression Darveau 1992'.
@ tissue re(airL in (ri$ar+ teeth. What did he use to clean the teeth3 what did he use to oturate the$?
Masoncontriction fro$ E(i works via which rece(tor?
Accordin" to a recent stud+ + Fouad @ (an"er"-s "rou( in :a+ 7,,2 C
Did Mickers3 et al. 7,,7' find an+ chan"e in #PGP while evaluatin" acellets or 7,% ferric sulfate for their efficac+ @ cardiovascular effects? *n 1996 Fuss stated that one thin" was $ore accurate than radio"ra(hs for locatin" root (erforations. What was it? 0ow is internal resor(tion $aintained?
Does to(ical thro$in i$(ede healin"?
*n 7,,&3 Nared did a cou(le of studies on tor=ue control @ found the sa$e thin" oth ti$es. W hat was his si"nificant clinical findin"? What is the :
What is Avitene?
What is the est wa+ to a((l+ Avitene?
Accordin" to Withers(oon @ Iut$ann 1996 *EC'3 what are the (hases of he$ostasis?
Who found 1994' that in the soft tissue anesthesia occurred with either .6$l or 1.8$l of 7% lido wG 11,,k3 12,k3 or 18,k e(i3 ut in the (ul( the volu$e $attered? Whose "rou( showed "eristore to e n on;c+totoic to "in"ival firolasts?
Iolder" 7,,2' did a co$(arison stud+ in teeth wG (osts that had either no s(ace3 ,;7$$3 or 7$$ twn the IP @ the (osts. What success rates were found? >a$e authors who don-t think (ro(h+lactic As decrease flare;u(s.
Accordin" to >aidorf 1982' how do flare;u(s occur?
What is the $eltin" (oint of (lastic Ther$afil carriers?
Who (ro(osed 1997' the internal $atri conce(ts for internal re(air of (erforations?
Which $atri $etallo(roteinase is u(re"ulated in infla$ed hu$an dental (ul(s?
What effect does cavit+ (re(aration have on sustance P levels in the (ul(?
Are (atients on cou$adin safe for oral sur"er+?
Wh+ is one wa >
*n a stud+ + #oessler3 Peters @ ehnder 7,,4' a=ueous @ "el t+(e canal luricants were used @ the tor=ue3 torsional loads @ $a force values of rotar+ instru$ents were co$(ared. Which t+(e of luricant was $ore efficient? What is the % of isth$uses in : roots of $d $olars von Ar 7,,2'? What are 7 other na$es for a B(ulse "ranulo$a-?
Which is etter li=uid or (aste luricants Peters 7,,2'?
Whose 1998 stud+ concluded that it didn-t $atter if +ou used a wet or dr+ cotton (ellet in (erforation re(airs wG :TA?
Malois3 ilva @ A/evedo C
What are the ke+ in"redients for tissue en"ineerin"?
0ow does sustance P (la+ a role in nitric oide (roduction?
>a$e 7 authors who concluded that IT was not needed @ caused infla$$ation or >D in rates of healin"'.
0ow do IT arriers work?
What is the % of isth$uses in :# roots of $ $olars von Ar 7,,2'? What t+(es of $aterials are the cul(rits in cellulose "ranulo$as?
>a$e 7 authors who are (ro(onents of the use of s+ste$ic steroids to aid in (ost;o( (ain relief. *n 7,,& Elea/er did a success rate co$(arison stud+ twn IP-s and Endodontists3 what did he find? PA c+sts co$(ro$ise what % of all c+sts affectin" the hu$an aws?
Accordin" to */u 7,,&' do we need to worr+ aout conta$ination of the PA tissues fro$ (atenc+ files if we have >a
Whose 7,,2 article co$(ared esilon with IP @ found esilon to e ust as (oor if not worse than IP' for resistin" leaka"e? 0ow does "eo"ra(h+ (la+ a role in endo ascesses?
Ta+ @ Pashle+ C
uda 7,,7' @ Pecora 1994' oth did studies on do"s @ rats res(ectivel+' on what t+(e of IT arrier? The+
*n 1994 Pecora listed several indications for IT in .
concluded it was Beffective- @ it Becluded the !T3 allowin" one to re"enerate-'
>a$e of the$.
*n 7,,&3 who soaked teeth in 7% !0O for 1, $in @ then stored the$ for var+in" (eriods u( to 17 wks to deter$ine the sustantivit+ of !0O? Who 7,,2' discovered that firolasts attach to Ieristore3 ut not Hetac Fil or *:?
*n 7,,& Io$es showed that var+in" concentrations of what intracanal irri"ant were effective a"ainst E. faecalis3 !. alicans3 @ Por(h+ro$onas3 within , secs? Which roots of $G$d $olars have een shown >
>a$e 7 authors who elieve (ro(h+lactic As dec flare;u(s?
What is a Bchronic infla$$ator+ lesion at the (eria(e that contains an e(itheliu$;lined3 closed (atholo"ical cavit+-?
Willia$son C
Whose stud+ showed a neofor$ation of ce$ental covera"e over :TA as a root;end fillin" $aterial?
What is e$do"ain?
*n 7,,13 who (ulished a do" stud+ statin" that Iuidor a IT ioresorale $e$rane' was eneficial?
Accordin" to Iulaivala 7,,&' how does the effectiveness of electroche$icall+ activated water as an irri"ant co$(are to >a
Who 7,,2' used iolu$inescent acteria to show that the de(th of the (enetration was a si"nificant factor in the reduction of acterial counts? *n the Delta Dental tud+3 (ulish in 7,,&3 what % of the teeth were $aintained at 8+rs?
>a$e 2 in"redients of cavit.
0ow $i"ht E. faecalis affect P:>-s recruitin" activit+ in a(ical (eriodontitis?
Who showed that cotton fiers tra((ed twn the wall of the tooth @ the cavit can dra$aticall+ affect the sealin" ailit+ of the te$(orar+ restoration? Durin" which (hase of cell "rowth is E. faecalis $ost susce(tile to intracanal $edica$ents?
What factors in the lood clottin" cascade' does cou$adin attack?
What do +ou need to worr+ aout in (atients with von Willerand-s d/?
Which oral (ain $ed has een shown to dec resor(tion in ortho cases Milla 7,,2'?
*n 7,,&3 Erde$ir showed which intracanal irri"ants to have a ne" effect on ond stren"ths of restorative $aterials?
*n 7,,& :c!lanahan did a co$(arative stud+ of white @ "re+ :TA3 7 @ 2 $$3 @ one ste( vs. two ste(. Which did he find was est? What kind of e(itheliu$ nor$all+ lines c+sts?
*n 7,,&3 Cohnson tested ice3 !<7 snow @ Endo*ce TFE' on etracted (re$olars. 0e tested un(re((ed teeth3 FI!3 PF:3 @ all cera$ic crowns @ found what? Will trau$a or PA (atholo"+ in (ri$ar+ teeth cause da$a"e to underl+in" develo(in" (er$ teeth?
osins do thin"s as active in"redients in IP. )ist these thin"s. Who e(osed $ouse (eritoneal $acro(ha"es to IP
What is it that causes IP to e toic?
(articles @ found that the $acro(ha"es factors which have a one resorin" activit+ duereleased to enhanced (roduction of *);1 α? What is the U life of cou$adin?
>a$e studies dis(rovin" the 0ollow T ue Theor+.
0ow does endotoin (la+ a role in PA disease?
What is PTT?
Does citric acid dec $icrohardness $ore than 14% EDTA Erde$ir 7,,2'?
What did :ar"elos 1994' clai$ to e the est a"ent to re$ove !a<0 fro$ the root canal?
*n 7,,4 *=al (ulished a re(ort on 199 =uestionnaires filled out + (ts under"oin" (eriradicular $icrsco(ic . Which se @ a"e e(erienced the $ost (ain @ swellin"? What $aor factor is likel+ to e indicative of a flare;u(?
*n 7,,4 *=al (ulished a re(ort on 199 =uestionnaires filled out + (ts under"oin" (eriradicular $icrsco(ic . At what ti$e was the $a (ain @ swellin" re(orted? Accordin" to Tronstad 1949' what effect does a flare;u( have on the success rates of !T?
0ow do 5 hel( clean the canal etter !unnin"ha$ 1987'?
Does !avi;Endo work via acoustic strea$in" or via cavitation?
What thin"s are necessar+ for anachoresis to occur?
Accordin" to Al(tekin3 et al. C
What do +ou want the PTT to e at?
What is in the new for$ulation of ! Pre(?
What was in the old for$ulations of ! (re( that caused it to re$ain in the canals after instru$entation?
*n 7,,4 *=al (ulished a re(ort on 199 =uestionnaires filled out + (ts under"oin" (eriradicular $icrsco(ic . Which area of the $outh was related to $ore (ain @ swellin"? What % of (atients usuall+ have flare;u(s?
What % of $a 1st $olars have innervation fro$ oth the PA @ :A?
*n 7,,23 a "rou( fro$ 5 of :ichi"an concluded that :TA did >
>a$e 7 authors who clai$ 5 clean canals etter then without 5?
what on the endotheliu$? Whateffect is an avera"e (latelet count @ what is the $in +ou would want for sur"er+?
*f a (atient has liver disease3 what would +ou e(ect to see in the PTT values?
Who introduced ! Pre(?
What is EDTA?
Accordin" to Fro$$er 1947'3 what % of the (o(ulation has se(arate canals for the $+loh+oid nerve?
Accordin" to Anderson 1998'3 is the taident $ore effective in the $andile or the $ailla?
Accordin" to 0eithersa+ 199&'3 there is a stron" association twn invasive cervical resor(tion @ ortho t3 trau$a3 @Gor intracoronal leachin". What does he rec for treat$ent? *n 7,,23 who showed 5 i rri"ation (roduced si"nificantl+ cleaner canals then re"ular irri"ation?
What do +ou usuall+ find when +ou enter a (ul( with invasive cervical resor(tion?
*n invasive cervical resor(tion3 what t+(es of infla$$ator+ cells are (resent?
0ow does ! of the co$(le$ent cascade' (la+ a role in infla$$ation?
0ow does !6 of the co$(le$ent cascade' (la+ a role in infla$$ation?
Accordin" to Do$ici3 et al. Elea/er C
Which factors in the clottin" cascade are vit H de(endant?
What does #T leedin" ti$e' $easure?
*n :arch of 7,,23 Ari @ Erde$ir did a stud+ on the $ineral content of root dentin @ found that of the irri"atin" solutions tested3 onl+ one didn-t cause a dec in !a @ P. Which one? Who did the ori"inal research for the technolo"+ we now use in a(e locators?
*n A(ril 7,,4'3 osener"3 et al. (ulished a stud+ statin" which 7 t+(es of anesthetic were S in (ain relief when used as a su((le$ental anesthesia infiltrations'? What is the electrical resistance twn the (eriodontiu$ @ $ucous $e$rane?
Wh+ shouldn-t +ou use citric acid to clean off avulsed teeth?
Andersson @ #odin 199,' clai$ed that teeth re(lanted within what ti$e have a favorale (ro"nosis?
:TA can induce one for$ation + sti$ulatin" hu$an "in"ival firolasts to (roduce what 7 "rowth factors?
What thin"s are in "re+ :TA that are >
0ow does !9 of the co$(le$ent cascade' (la+ a role in infla$$ation?
What is er+si(elas?
Which test should e used in (ts takin" cou$adin?
PT $easures what?
>a$e 7 authors su((ortin" the use of intracanal steroids for (ain relief.
Do intracanal $edica$ents decrease (ain?
Accordin" to Wei"er 7,,1'3 if +ou are ,;7$$ short of the radio"ra(hic a(e3 how often are +ou actuall+ overinstru$entin" in (re$olars @ $olars? After how lon" of dr+ stora"e does Andreasen clai$ that resor(tion will occur Gc PD) cells start d +in"?
Who develo(ed the ratio $ethod of electronicall+ deter$inin" W)?
Which "rou( 7,,4' showed sin"le cone techni=ue resin ased' did not seal as ade=uatel+ as war$ vertical co$(action? What is the $ost co$$on #P# isolated?
*n 199& a cadaver stud+ was done that concluded that 5
*n 199, !vek did a $onke+ stud+ which "ave us the rational ehind soakin" avulsedGo(en teeth in Do+c+cline for 2 $inutes. What did he find? Whose stud+ in 7,,4 A(r' showed that co$(lete deris re$oval fro$ files is near i$(ossile @ advocated sin"le use of files? >a$e & wa+s a rain ascess could e caused + odonto"enic infections. Who was the first to re(ort 5 @ cracks?
(roduced dee(er (re(s with s$aller evels @ were etter centered'. Who did this stud+?
What is the (ur(ose of Tween 8, in :TAD?
What does EDTA work on?
An etra root located lin"uall+ on a $andiular $olar is called what?
0ow accurate is the root O?
Accordin" to a recent 7,,4' stud+ done in #ra/ilEsteves3 et al.' is there a difference in orthodontic root resor(tion of vital vs. non;vital teeth? Accordin" to a recent stud+ Hitchens3 et al. C
0ow does the si/e of the a(e relate to the ailit+ of a tooth to revasculari/e?
(rion (roteins? 0ow does vita$in D resistant rickets affect the (ul(?
*n 19923 Torainead @ Aedi stated that crack for$ation + 5 was a function of & thin"s. >a$e the$.
*n teeth internall+ leached with cara$ide (eroide 12%' the $aorit+ of color chan"e co$es fro$ chan"es in which dentin or ena$el? An etra root located uccall+ on a $andiular $olar is called what? *n a stud+ + #akland-s "rou( fro$ 5 of P3 de$onstratin" vertical root fractures3 which se @ a"e "rou( a((eared to e(erience the $ost MF-s? 0ow does the short ter$ c+totoicit+ of e(i(han+Gresilon co$(are with A0GIP?
Accordin" to Elea/er-s "rou( C#s for teeth with irreversile (ul(itis? Accordin" to a recent 7,,4' $eta;anal+sis on s$ear la+er re$oval hahraven3 et al.' fro$ *ran3 what role does s$ear la+er (la+ on the a(ical seal of the canal? *n a stud+ + #akland-s "rou( fro$ 5 of P3 de$onstratin" vertical root fractures3 which two teeth had the $ost of MFs? What can e used to safel+ disinfect resilon (ellets @ cones o+al3 et al. C
What does MEIF do?
Are !o;7 @ MEIF (resent in nor$al (ul( tissues?
What causes secondar+ h+(er(arath+roidis$?
0ow do +ou treat (ri$ar+ or secondar+ h+(er(arath+roidis$?
0ow does the cleanin" efficienc+ of AEW stron" acid electrol+te water' @ >aa
Does addin" :e(erdine to a lidocaine solution increase the efficienc+ of the *A>#?
!an +ou have lesion on a vital tooth tashenko 1992'?
Which is $ore accurate )aser Do((ler or EPT?
*n a stud+ + #akland-s "rou( fro$ 5 of P3 de$onstratin" vertical root fractures3 MFs see$ to e associated with what (re;o( si"ns @ s+$(to$s? Which showed the least a$ount of leaka"e Ilass *ono$er !e$ent3 Pol+caro+late !e$ent3 esin :odified I* !e$ent3 or Flowale co$(osite !elik Cov'?
*n a stud+ + #akland-s "rou( fro$ 5 of P3 de$onstratin" vertical root fractures3 MFs see$ed >ov'?
What is the dosa"e of $eth+lene when used in (hotod+na$ic thera(+' needed tolue kill $ost acteria?
0ow are MEIF @ !o;7 connected?
0ow does esilonGE(i(han+ co$(are to :TA @ sE#A for leaka"e' as a root end fillin" $aterial?
Which t+(e of 5 ti( shows the "reatest cuttin" efficienc+ 3 /irconiu$ nitride coated3 or dia$ond coated ti(s?
What t+(e of fillin" $aterial is KIutta;FlowL?
Which laser has een $arketed as Kale to re$ove the s$ear la+erL?
*n Canuar+ 7,,43 #au$"artner3 et al. did a co$(arison stud+ of 2.72% >aa
Wh+ don-t +ou want to use !a<0 as a fillin" $aterial in (ri$ar+ teeth?
Wh+ would Tro(e rec usin" E$do"ain in avulsion cases?
What does B>.*.!.<.- stand for?
What t+(e of sealer is IuttaFlow?
0ow does addin" 1,% !alciu$ !hloride to :TA affect its (h+sicoche$ical (ro(erties?
#acteroides acteria were reclassified into what 7 "rou(s?
What was the reclassification of #acteroides ased on?
What are the classic si"ns of h+(er(arath+roidis$?
What causes (ri$ar+ h+(er(arath+roidis$?
What was the avera"e heart rate increase in (atients receivin" an intraosseous inection eader-s "rou( Cov'? Accordin" to #aldissara3 et al. C
What % anesthetic success did eader-s "rou( find Cov' with &% art as an intraosseous?
What is another na$e for atner-s one c+st?
Descrie the avera"e (o(ulation that would e(erience a ce$ental tears.
*n a recentl+ (ulished stud+ on the new B>avi;Ti(-3 which (ortion of the canals was the cleanest?
*n a stud+ + Ed"ar3 :arshall @ #au$"artner Cs3 T !ells3 :acro(ha"es.
IP activates which co$(le$ent when overetended?
What is the $ost co$$onl+ cracked tooth?
Which was found to e weaker #aldissara3 et al. C
Wh+ is sickle cells ane$ia likel+ to cause (ul( necrosis without identifiale etiolo"+?
What s+ste$ic disease3 that is >
Accordin" to a recent stud+ + >andini3 et al Cov' which was $ore easil+ re$oved + 14% EDTA (owdered !a<0 in distilled water' or :eta(e? Which $edia showed the hi"hest volta"e conductance :ickel3 et al. C
0ow does surface tension of 2.72% >a
What is the histor+ on a >.*.!.<. lesion?
What are the co$$on s+$(to$s in a >.*.!.<. lesion?
*s "reater or less wettailit+ etter for a root canal sealer?
Which has een shown to have "reater wettailit+ characteristics !onventional oot !anal ealers or ilicone #ased ealers? Do acteria have to e vital to (roduce (ul(al or PA infla$$ation?
0ow does the of acteria in an infected tooth (la+ a role in (ain?
Who is $ore likel+ to e(erience facial (ain wo$en or $en?
Who found >D in (ushout resistance if :TA was covered + a wetGdr+ (ellet in furcal re(airs?
Who clai$ed that +ou shouldn-t do sur"er+ a(ical curetta"e' wGo resection @ retrofill3 Gc +ou aren-t re$ovin" the infected root or sealin" off (otential root canal $icroor"anis$s?
What difference is there twn 11,,k e(i @ 12,k e(i in lood loss in (erio fla(s?
What difference is there twn 11,,k e(i @ 12,k e(i in anesthesia in (erio fla(s?
0as EA) een shown to have an effect on (ace$aker function?
What is the % of isth$uses in D roots of $andiular $olars von Ar 7,,2'?
0ow do +ou treat a >.*.!.<. lesion?
Do >.*.!.<. lesions recur?
What wavelen"th does the diode laser work est at?
trafill3 oekoeal3 E(i(han+3 Endoe/?
Who was the first to descrie the s$ear la+er?
Accordin" to #au$"artner 198&' the s$ear la+er consists of 7 (arts. Descrie these 7 (arts.
Dorn @ Iartner199,' co$(ared the success rates of sE#A3 *: @ a$al"a$ WT a(ical s alone3 or re;t @ a(ical s. What %-s did the+ find?
Who was the first author to s(ell out the contraindications @ indications of sur"er+?
What is the $ost co$$on side effect of a $aillar+ nerve lock? Does h+ridi/ation of intraradicular dentin reall+ i$(rove fier (ost retention in endo treated teeth? >a$e 2 differential dia"nosis for (artial loss of la$ina dura.
When )A enters the (ter+"o$andiular s(ace @ then the lateral retro(har+n"eal s(aces @ then into the dan"er /ones3 causin" a s+$(athetic cervical lock3 what is it called? *n Dec 7,,2 C.*.!.<. lesions?
0ow soon after :TA (lace$ent can "lass iono$er e (laced directl+ over :TA @ not affect the seal accordin" to a 7,,4 stud+ + >andini3 et al.'? What is the s$ear la+er co$(osed of?
*n a recent stud+ + l+3 et al. C
What is another na$e for the li$ited $uco(eriosteal
Accordin" to Hi$ D!>A 1994'3 how lon" does it take for
su$ar"inal rectan"ular fla( desi"n?
!alciu$ ulfate to resor?
hould antihista$ines e (rescried to reduce (ain?
Which aniol+tic thera(+ is $ost reco$$ended?
*n what decade @ in what se is the (revalence of PA c+sts hi"hest?
Accordin" to #ernick 1929'3 how accurate are EPTGcold tests with (ri$ar+ teeth?
0ow do +ou treat a lateral luation or etrusion?
0ow do +ou treat an intruded o(enGclosed a(e tooth?
0ow lon" did Wesselink 7,,&' 5 canals for in his co$(arison stud+ of irri"ated s+rin"ed 2, $l >aaa$e authors who are (ro(onents for re$oval of the s$ear la+er.
Accordin" to Wesselink 7,,&' how i$(ortant is the dia$eter @ ta(er of the instru$ented canal on the effectiveness of 5 irri"ation? 0ow is the flow of infla$$ator+ cells into the (ul( affected + denervation of the (ul(?
0ow lon" does it take (lain "ut sutures to resor?
0arrison @ Iut$ann rec suture re$oval after which ti$e (eriod?
0ow useful is !:!P as an intracanal $edica$ent?
What is the active a"ent in !:!P?
o"ren in 1991 stated that the est results for canal disinfection occur when JJJJ is done 1 visit endo3 7 visit wG !a<0 for at least one week3 7 visit wGo !a<0 intra;a((t. Which authors found R12% c+sts @ 82% "ranulo$as or PA ascesses?
Who first stated that we should consider healin" + scar when reviewin" (ost endo t @ s work;u(s?
*n 7,,& who found ce$entu$ for$ation adacent to :TA?
*n 7,,& who found h ard tissue for$ation adacent to :TA?
What is the $ode of action of tranee$ic acid a (otent antifirinol+tic a"ent'?
What is the (0 of ferric sulfate?
What t+(e of diaetes is insulin de(endant diaetes $ellitus?
When is onset of insulin de(endant diaetes $ellitus @ how does it affect the od+?
0ow does !a<0 inhiit resor(tion?
Who showed that inter;a((t >a
What are the est radio"ra(hic (redictors of (ul(al disease Haffe @ Iratt 1988'?
Accordin" to !T should +ou see radio"ra(hic si"ns of healin" in teeth with !AP? >a$e 2 differential dia"noses of PA)s in the $a incisorG(re;$olar areas.
*n 19473 :orse stated that the location of the ascess de(ends on the location of the root a(e relative to what?
0ol/3 Ta+lor @ Ceansonne 1994' stated that the re$oval of the s$ear la+er does what to the a(ical seal?
Which authors found &2;2,% "ranulo$as @ &2;2,% c+sts?
*n 7,,& Dorn showed Endocal1, to e detri$ental in what wa+?
*n 7,,&3 who found firolasts ti"htl+ attached to :TA?
Which interleukin *)' is ca(ale of inducin" one resor(tion?
>a$e interleukins *)' contained in a hu$an radicular c+st.
What % of all diaetes is t+(e 1 insulin de(endant' diaetes $ellitus?
What t+(e of diaetes is non;insulin de(endant diaetes $ellitus?
What effect does !a<0 have on )P in vitro' afavi @ >ichols 199'?
*s the <0; $oiet+ of !a<0 acteriocidal or acteriostatic?
Which root of which tooth is likel+ to e covered + the /+"o$atic arch in radio"ra(hs &8% of the ti$e Ta$se @ Hafne 198,'? >a$e 2 differential dia"noses of PA)s in the $andiular incisorsG(re;$olar areas.
What is a Ktransient radiolucenc+L
What is the $ode of action of ioactive "lass #AI'?
aunders 7,,&' used . san"uis in solution to de$onstrate what?
What do +ou call a $etaolic PA) in which the lesion is infiltrated with eosino(hils @ the roots a((ear to e floatin" in air?
Which i$$unolo"ical $ediators cause a(ical (eriodontitis?
When is the t+(ical onset of t+(e 7 >*DD:3 @ how does it affect the od+?
What % of all diaetes is t+(e 7 >*DD:'?
What is the $ost effective $ethod of carr+in" !a<0 to len"th?
Which should e the final irri"ant when usin" a self;etchin" adhesive to ond to the (ul( cha$er >a
*n a$e 2 differential dia"noses for a PA) in the $andiular (re;$olarG$olar areas.
Does a roken instru$ent $atter to the success of a tooth? (ili3 Parashos3 @ :esser 7,,2'
Accordin" to a 7,,6 (ulished stud+ on (ost;re$oval 0uttula3 et al. Cov'3 what i s needed to si"nificantl+ reduce the te$( on the eterior root surface? What was the si"nificance of KFish-s onesL?
0i"her concentrations of which t+(e of :TA "re+ or white' are needed to kill off E. faecalis or . san"uis?
>a$e 2 differential dia"noses of PA)s in the $aillar+ $olarG(re;$olar areas.
*f +ou have a co$(licated crown fracture @ a necrotic (ul( or uncontrolled he$orrha"in"3 what is the treat$ent of choice?
Who clai$ed #. $elano"enicus is associated wG (ain3 sinus tracts3 @ odor?
*n 1994 Fuks co$(ared for$ocresol @ ferric sulfate for use in (ul(oto$ies of (ri$ar+ teeth. What did h e find?
Who first descried a for$ocresol (ul(oto$+ 19,6'?
*n 1999 Estrella de$onstrated that !a<0 had >< anti$icroial effect at 733 @ 4 da+s a "ainst E. faecalis or . san"uis in infected dentin tuules. What did he conclude? Who was the lead i nvesti"ator in the Toronto stud+?
Accordin" to 0ar"reaves Endo To(ics Mol 7' there are 4 reasons wh+ anesthetic fails. >a$e 2 of the$.
Which of the followin" can (resent as tooth (ain :i"raine3 !luster 0eadache3 Paro+s$al 0e$icrania3 0e$icrania !ontinua Cov'? Does the incidence of instru$ent se(aration inc with non; tor=ue controlled $otors?
Accordin" to Andreasen 194,' @ Hahner"Gidell 1949' what factor (la+s the i""est role in whether teeth recover fro$ alveolar fractureG$and fracture? Does the incidence of instru$ent se(aration inc with 1 st +ear vs. 7nd +ear residents?
>a$e authors who clai$ that acteria are associated with s+$(to$s.
0ahn 199' clai$ed what 7 t+(es of acteria increase cold sensitivit+?
*n 19923 Waterhouse reviewed the success rates of $edica$ents as use in (ul(oto$ies of (ri$ar+ teeth. What were the @ what were the results?
0ow would sickle cell ane$ia ( resent radio"ra(hicall+?
*n 7,,6 stud+ Ca
Wh+ does irri"atin" with >a
*n 7,,, #arthel @ oulet (ulished a retros(ective stud+ which reviewed success rates of !a<0 (ul( ca(s on carious e(osures. What sur(risin" result did the+ find? *n 7,,63 Ta+-s "rou( studied the c+totoicit+ of sealers unset in Teflon tues'. The+ found $ost (osed =uite a risk
What t+(e of $ilk is est for stora"e of avulsed teeth?
@ that risk inc with ti$e. Which sealers did the+ test? *n PDTthat what wavelen"th of red li"ht&in co$o with $eth+lene lue d+e' is needed to kill 94% of E. faecalis accordin" to oukos3 et al. C
7,,6 !analetealer3 A0 3concluded Endoe/3that eala(e? *n
*n (hase 1 of the Toronto stud+ what were the two $ain conclusions aout >!T?
*n (hase 1 of the Toronto stud+3 for ortho"rade retreat$ent3 what was the overall healed rate?
What (ro(ert+ of !0O $akes it a useful adunct in necrotic cases?
#+ how $uch did the success rate "o down3 in (hase 1 of the Toronto stud+3 for ortho"rade retreat$ent in teeth with APs3 ut with or without (erforations? Aout how lon" can saliva kee( PD) cells vital?
*f a tooth was initiall+ filled short @ retreated3 was it likel+ to e $ore or less successful then those initiall+ filled to len"th Toronto tud+ 7,,'? Aout how lon" can $ilk kee( PD) cells vital?
0as ioreactive "lass #AI' een shown to e effective without dentin?
*n usin" ProTa(ers which hel(s the files to have a lon"er use (eriod low tor=ue or hi"h tor=ue?
Accordin" to 0aa(onen 1986' PA actino$+cosis is rare3 ut if found3 should e treated how?
Who clai$ed >< likel+ relationshi( twn acteria s(ecificall+ #P#' @ s+$(to$s?
>a$e 2 of the 8 inherent factors of diaetics #ender 7,,'.
Who stated that diaetics have a lower rate of healin"?
*n 1998 )indsko" @ #lo$lof scra(ed ce$entu$ off etracted teeth @ then re(lanted the$ in $onke+s. The+ used an intracanal !0O 1,%' for & weeks. W hat did the+ find? What was the overall healin" rate for (hase 1 sur"3 retreat' in the Toronto stud+?
Does s$ear la+er $ake a difference in leaka"e?
Put the followin" in order fro$ the est stora"e $ediu$ for an avulsed tooth' to the worst :ilk3 aline3 Water3 Mias(an3 aliva3 0#
Accordin" to the results of the Toronto stud+ Phase 1'3 what are the 7 si"nificant (redictors of outco$es of a (ical sur"er+? Wh+ is water not a "ood stora"e $ediu$ for an avulsed tooth? What t+(e of sealer is eal eal? 0ow fast does reattach$ent of e(itheliu$ @ !T occur in an incisional wound? Eldeni/3 et al. C
#+ what $ode of action does a acellet work?
tests' the followin" roota$al"a$3 end fillin"Prooot $aterial:TA3 for their antiacterial activities *:3 u(er#ond !@#3 Ieristore3 D+ract3 !learFil APO co$( wG E #ond3 @ Protect #ond. Which were $ost antiacterial?
*n 199 what che$ical did !rai" @ 0arrison (ro(ose for the treat$ent of resected root ends to re$ove the s$ear la+er3 e(ose colla"en3 @ enhance ce$ento"enesis? *n (hase 1of the Toronto stud+3 it was found that & $ain thin"s affect the treat$ent outco$es on ortho"rade ret cases. >a$e all & @ which was least detri$ental. #arnett @ Tronstad ori"inall+ rec s(lintin" a hori/ root fracture for 7;& $o3 wh+ are the "uidelines now 7;& weeks i.e. which stud+ chan"ed this reco$$endation'? What for$s when :TA @ s+nthetic tissue fluids co$ine?
What is the $ode of action for a PD) inection?
0ow does outward (rotective flow of dentinal fluid occur when the (ul( res(onds to trau$a?
What is the % of the total surface $ade u( + tuules at the PDC?
Accordin" to Iut$ann @ 0arrison3 what is the ti$e for e(ithelial arrier for$ation in oral $uco(eriosteal tissues under ideal conditions?
What is the advanta"e of addin" chro$iu$ trioide to (lain "ut suturin" $aterial?
What is the avera"e (ul(al anesthesia with PD) inections?
Which )A is rec for use with PD) inection?
Elea/er @ Elea/er 1998' co$(ared 1 ste( vs. $ulti ste( WT flare;u(s. Which led to less flare;u(s?
Did the+ find a statistical difference in ret wG s or s alone in the Toronto outco$es stud+ (hase 1?
Accordin" to Tro(e 1998'3 wh+ is Tetrac+cline rec in avulsion cases?
Do +ou want to ad$inister As after re(lace$ent of an avulsed tooth?
What is the difference twn white @ "re+ :TA Parirokh 7,,2'?
Accordin" to hostad 7,,2' what is the $ini$u$ thickness of :TA to (revent leaka"e?
What is the nor$al tissue h+drostatic (ressure of the (ul(?
Who first (ointed out that the (ul( has l+$(h vessels?
What does tea contain that $akes it an effective he$ostatic a"ent for $inor leedin" after sur"er+?
What t+(e of colla"en is first for$ed in healin" tissues?
What was the (re;o(erative si/e of the lesion + which the Toronto stud+ deter$ined etter or worse healin" rates? 0ow does soakin" the root in fluoride efore re(lantation hel(? *s :TA inert or ioactive?
:ene/es 7,,&' tested the effectiveness of intracanal irri"ants @ $edica$ents on E. faecalis @ !. alicans. W hich did he find was the $ost effective? *n 1981 Pekruhn co$(ared (ost;o( (ain in 1 visit vs 7 visits3 what did he find?
Who stated that re$oval of all !a<0 was i$(ossile3 even with files @ irri"ants 7,,&'?
Whose classic article discussed usin" the uccal oect rule to identif+ eternal fro$ internal resor(tion?
>a$e reasons wh+ roots aren-t usuall+ resored.
Accordin" to Peters 7,,2' which see$s to e safer constant ta(erGvar+in" ti(s3 or var+in" ta(ersGvar+in" ti(s? 0ow do !A:s !ell Adhesion :olecules' (la+ a (art in (ul( tissue infla$$ation?
Accordin" to 0arrison @ Iut$ann3 how soon after PA
Dionne3 !oo(er @ )okken all rec (resur"ical thera(+ with
sur"er+ does one for$ation e"in?
what to dela+ onset @ su((ress the intensit+ of (ost sur"ical (ain?
*s Articaine3 $ore3 less or e=uall+ effective in causin" anesthesia when used as a lock eader 7,,&'? There were & $aor studies d one on the success rates of >!T in teeth wG @ wGo lesions :olven @ 0alse 1998 91% vs 68% >S7,4Q Akerlo$ @ 0assel"ren 1988 98% vs 67% >S6&Q o"ren 199, 96% vs 86% >S&41Q Fried$an 1992 9% vs 69% >S1&7. What did the+ all find? What are Tro(e-s 7 re=uire$ents for root resor(tion?
When :ene/es 7,,&' tested intracanal irri"ants @ $edica$ents a"ainst E. faecalis @ !. alicans3 what did he find was $ost i$(ortant? Accordin" to Philli(s @ Weller 1997'3 how far is on avera"e' the $ental fora$en in $$-s' fro$ the a(e of the 7nd (re;$olar? Descrie Tronstad-s classification for root resor(tion.
What effect do 7% !0O @ 2.72% >a
What are two (ri$ar+ co$(onents that $ake u( 0a(set?
what effect $i"ht the+ on ondin"Ga(ical :or"an @ :arshall rechave the use of which ur to seal? create the s$oothest surface of resected root end?
*n 7,,& Hvist did a !T on one visit vs two W T cultivale acteria still (resent after $edication wG *H* soak 1 visit' or !a<0 7 visit'. What did he find WT % of acteria? Which of the followin" is a non;dentin ondin" ce$ent !@# $etaond3 Panavia 713 Fui I*?
Which (roduces etter anesthetic3 fast inected *A>#3 or slow?
Aout how lon" can 0# or Mias(an kee( PD) cells on an avulsed tooth3 vital?
Who confir$ed the correlation of acteria @ infla$ resor(tion3 ut deter$ined that ank+losis can occur wGo acterial reaction? What is Kthe ratio of the dislod"in" force to the :TA;dentine contact surfaceL?
0ow does hu$idit+ affect the (ushout stren"th of :TA?
*n 1986 Pekruhn evaluated failure with 1 ste(s vs. $ultiste( retreat$ents. What did he find?
Accordin" to a recent stud+ + Ta+ @ Pashle+ C
Who 1st rec that (osts are no lon"er $andator+ for restorin" endo treated teeth 1998'?
0ow lon" does it take for "ranulation tissue to re(lace the firin clot in a dissectional wound?
0ow do u$ar"inal @ intrasulcular fla(s co$(are for healin"?
0ow lon" does calciu$ sulfate take to resor?
>a$e asorale he$ostatic a"ents.
Tro(e 1994' clai$ed that not onl+ did !a<0 hel( to eli$inate acteria3 ut it also did what?
*s sodiu$ h+(oro$ite $ore or less toic to hu$an osteolast cells than >a
As far as interfacial stren"ths are concerned3 is it etter to (lace a fier (ost i$$ediatel+ after oturation or to wait a week or so? *f a root shows resor(tion occurrin"3 how lon" should the !a<0 e left in for?
Which have hi"her risks for failure Te eth with (osts used as a PD aut$ents or teeth with (osts as FPD aut$ents?
Accordin" to #au$"artner @ Walton how $uch of a chan"e in W) is found when usin" rotar+ files when (re;flarin" is done first?
Nared3 7,,&3 found what factor was $ost si"nificant in file reaka"e?
*s there osteoclastic activit+ in the healin" of an osseous wound?
0ow do c+tokines T>F; α3 *);1 β3 *);63 TIF; β1' affect (ul( destruction?
0ow does colla"en cause he$ostasis durin" a(ical sur"er+?
0ow does Ielfoa$ work?
>a$e the 6 levels of Ellis !lassification of Trau$as.
Accordin" to i=uiera3 in what 7 wa+s does !a<0 work to destro+ acteria?
What effect does doin" a final rinse wG 92% eth+l alcohol have on a(ical leaka"e?
Accordin" to eeh 1989' + what %-s do a >!T3 a class 1 (re(3 and an :
0ow $uch tooth structure su(racrestal is needed for ade=uate iolo"ic width? Who showed 1987' that 4 da+s of s(lintin" didn-t cause an+ da$a"e on teeth3 ut that etended (eriods , da+s' induced root resor(tion @ ank+losis? Which of the followin" if an+' ne"ativel+ affected the ond stren"ths of :TA;dentin in vitro Nan3 et al. Ca
*n a 7,,6 E//ie3 et al. C
*s ur"icel safe for a(ical sur"er+?
Which is $ore effective as an antiacterial intracanal $edica$ent a thin or thick $i of !a<0?
For$ocresol is #uckle+-s for$ula in what dilution?
Who found 82% co$(lete healin" wGsE#A @ 5 at 2 +r F5 on 181 sur"er+ treated teeth?
Which candinavian stud+ on retreat success rates showed a 6% failure rate des(ite (ure (rostho indications; i.e. no PA)s' to e"in with? Does orthodontic $ove$ent (revent the (eria(ical healin" (rocess deou/a3 et al. C
What relativel+ rare infection in non;i$$unoco$(ri$ised individuals' can occur on the sinuses fro$ an overetension of sealer or other root canal fillin" $aterials? *n 7,,23 Peters concluded what kind of ta(er was the safest?
Peters 7,,' concluded that doin" what first3 (revented instru$ent fractures?
0ow lon" does it take to oserve osteolastic activit+ in an ecisional wound site?
What is the connection etween dentinal h+(ersensitivit+ @ the @ densit+ of tuules?
>a$e t+(es of (ossile wounds in sur"er+ as descried + 0arrison @ Curosk+ 1991 C
Who stated K#evelin" o(ens u( tuules @ therefore should e $ini$alL?
>a$e 7 authors who sa+ for$ocresol is safe.
Accordin" to Willerhausen3 et al C
Do rotar+ instru$ents re$ove $ore acteria?
0ow do onded co$(osites affect dentin h+(ersensitivit+?
At the a(ical ;2$$ what % of isth$uses did Hi$ 1992' @ Io$es 7,,' find?
P&M Who was the first to advocate the use of >a
SAD Allen 1989' showed sur"er+ with retreat to e etter than sur"er+ alone. What %-s did he find?
Who showed >a
*n 19993 Tro(e did a 1 vs 7 visit wG 1 week !a<0 intera((t' do" stud+3 what did he conclude?
What $ode of action does >a
*n 1999
Who stated a tissue reaction caused + >aa
!T 198'3 what did the+ find?
Who concluded that heat increased the tissue dissolvin" ca(ailities of >a
What rates have een seen wG intentional 199,3 success Iross$an 19873 #ender @ oss$an 199'?re(lantation Hoeni"
Iilhean+ 199&' studied the relationshi( twn evel an"le of root resection @ the re=uired de(th of the retro(re( to $ini$i/e leaka"e. At ,V3 ,V3 @ &2V evels3 what would the re=uired $ini$al retro(re( de(ths e? >a$e t+(es of resorale $e$ranes for IT.
Accordin" to )avstedt 1948'3 which teeth have the "reatest (revalence for AP?
>a$e 7 t+(es of non;resorale $e$ranes for IT.
Who (ro(osed the use of the PA* (eria(ical inde' scale for evaluatin" radio"ra(hic success?
Who did work in hesus $onke+s to deter$ine how the healin" of incisional fla(s3 dissectional wounds @ osseous ecisional wound occurs?
0ow $an+ different -s are there on the PA* scale? Which is the worst?
Descrie the healin" (rocess of dissectional wounds at da+s 13733&31&3 @ 78.
>a$e the 2 oectives of a >!T accordin" to the AAE =ualit+ assurance "uidelines.
Descrie the healin" (rocess of osseous ecisional wounds at da+s 1;3 &3 1&3 @ 78.
True or False. Prevalence of AP increases with a"e.
S&M What (ur(ose does citric acid serve in root end (re(s?
Who reco$$ended the use of the $ulti;(ur(ose ur to reduce shatterin" @ crackin" in root end (re(s? >a$e 2 advanta"es of :TA over sE#A or other root end fillin" $aterials'. Torainead 199 What is the reduction (ercenta"e in lood loss + usin" 12,k e(i vs 11,,k e(i? What is the i""est factor influencin" lood loss durin" sur"er+?
Accordin" to :esser 1984'3 what is the avera"e lood loss durin" sur"er+ @ what is it co$(arale to?
S&M For what reason did :orse 199,' su""est io(s+in" ever+thin" +ou take out durin" sur"er+?
*n 19983 Wei"er3 et al. did a $eta;anal+sis @ showed healin" rates in 1 vs 7 ste( wG !a<0. What did the+ find?
SAD Accordin" to a recentl+ (ulished stud+ + #au$"artner-s "rou( in !Ts was done + Do+le3 et al. & cate"ories were co$(ared uccess3 urvival wG no intervention'3 urvival wG intervention'3 @ Failure. What were the overall results? Accordin" to an stud+ + Cin3 )ee @ oh in Can 7,,6 C
*n 19473 Andreasen io(sied (reviousl+ sur"eri/ed teeth. 0e found different $odes of healin". What were the+?
SAD *n a stud+ on "er$an she(herd do"s fro$ 5! C
What su((osed (ur(ose would citric acid (la+ in a root end (re( durin" sur"er+?
*n 1997 Torainead did !T scans of 8 (atients @ found JJJJJ% had roots into the sinus.
*n 19973 who showed that after several +ears of success3 a$al"a$ retrofills could fail?
Which $aillar+ tooth is closest to the sinus?
What advanta"e of sE#A over a$al"a$' did <+nick @ <+nick 1948' de$onstrate? )ist 2 reasons for the use of sE#A.
S&M )ist & indications for root end resection Iut$ann *EC 199'
I&O What is a Ks$all fleile file that (assivel+ $oves throu"h the a(ical constriction without widenin" itL?
>a$e & reasons wh+ 5 are etter than rotar+ root end (re(arations.
>a$e & enefits of the alanced force techni=ue.
What are the $aor re=uire$ents for an ideal retro(re(?
Which ti( desi"n leads to the least trans(ortation @ led"in"?
Who was the 1 st to do an in vivo stud+ wG PM i$(ression $aterial on ultrasonicated root end (re(s?
Which contriutes $ore to cuttin" @ efficienc+ ti( desi"n or flute desi"n?
What level of water s(ra+ should e used for root end (re(s to $ini$i/e infractions?
Whose fa$ous =uote 1942' reiterated the i$(ortance of closin" a tooth K*f +ou file don-t close3 if +ou close don-t fileL?
Accordin" to Peters 7,,1'3towhich t+(e of ur dia$ond coated or stainless steel3 is etter with res(ect $icrocracks?
>a$e reasons stated + Walton 1946' for ta(erin" a canal.
Wh+ has oth-s 8,1 sealer een shown to have etter anti$icroial activit+ over other sealers?
Who stated that serial (re(arations were $ore effective than nonserial (re(arations in re$oval of tissue all levels?
Whose 7,,1 stud+ showed that after 8 weeks no oth-s 8,1 sealer sa$(les were co$(letel+ set?
*s there a difference in EA) readin"s for @ >iTi?
Which $ethod of sealer (lace$ent is $ost efficient file3 lentulos(iral3 5 files3 or $aster cone Wilco 1991'?
Who concluded it was oka+ to EA)s with (ace$aker (atients?
*n 19973 Tro(e found that teeth which were $ore difficult to retreat showed etter adhesion of the sealer. Which sealer did he find easiest to re$ove?
Accordin" to chindler3 which irri"ant causes a difference in len"th deter$ination with the EA)?
What is the difference etween A0 @ A0;76?
Does a(ical resor(tion affect the oot O?
*s there an+ difference in wed"in" forces + WM @!) :achtou 1998'?
)udlow 1999' @ *arola 1999 C
I&O 0ow far down should +ou down(ack to "et ada(tation of the IP at the a(e Weller 7,,,'? Accordin" to 0oen 1993 eader 1993 @ #roth$an 198,3 which techni=ue !) or WM' filled $ore lateral canals? What is the $a te$(erature chan"e on the eternal root surface fro$ (lace$ent of IP with <tura Iut$ann 1984'? 0a$ad3 et al. C
I&O >a$e advanta"es of >iTi files. *n 7,,73 Iulaivala co$(ared lar"e ta(erGs$all :AF files3 with s$all ta(erGlar"e :AF files @ found what? Accordin" to Peters3 how $uch of the tooth do we effectivel+ clean no $atter what techni=ue is used'? >a$e the 7 (hases of >iTi. *n a acterial leaka"e stud+ :ontellano3 et al. Ca$e 7 (ro(erties of >iTi instru$ents.
A direct contact test was used to evaluate the antiacterial (ro(erties of & te$(orar+ fillin" $aterials evoltek )!3 Te$(it3 +ste$( *nla+3 @ *:. Which was the $ost effective a"ainst E. faecalis?
Accordin" to a :a+ 7,,6 C
Which is $ore c+totoic esilon or E(i(han+?
When are >iTi files the weakest?
*n 7,,6 C
*n the :a+ 7,,6 CdNAI laser was successfull+ used for what co$$on endodontic (rocedure $eanin" statisticall+ etter success rates were achieved'?
oth? Which is anti$icroial esilon or IP? *n a co$(arison stud+ *sla$3 et al. C
When does (hase transition occur in >iTi instru$ents? aiTi i nstru$ents?
I&O 0ow do the $eltin" (oints of IP @ esilon co$(are?
What is the K:odulus of Elasticit+L?
P&M Accordin" to Henee3 et al. Caa
Accordin" to Ta+ @ Pashle+-s "rou( C!T?
*s the oidi/in" (ro(ert+ of >a
Does !a<0 adversel+ affect the sealin" ailit+ of esilon Wan"3 et al. C
What dru" is an e(i sustitute 12;2,% as effective' @ found in 17,k concentrations?
Accordin" to a (enetration stud+ in Canof7,,6 Cielsen @ #au$"artner3 which allows "reater the s(reader or esilon?
What is the $ai$u$ dose of e(i that can e used in cardiac (atients?
What is K!ohesive tren"thL?
I&O Tro(e-s "rou( C
P&M Where are the a$ides $etaoli/ed?
When the (0 decreases3 the a$ount of > for$ of anesthetic does what? What s(eed should ProFiles @ ProTa(ers e used at? Accordin" to a recent stud+ *=al3 et al. C
When the (Ha is decreased the a$ount of > for$ availale decreases or increases?
Who concluded that there are $anufacturer defects in A)) instru$ents?
Which for$ > or >0' of anesthetic diffuses across the $e$rane @ which one inds to the rece(tor site'?
What is the $ost si"nificant factor in d eter$inin" fati"ue resistance in files?
0ow @ where do )A work?
Wh+ would there e less da$a"e when rotatin" a file counter clock;wise?
What effect do >A*Ds have on )A failures?
Do 2.72% or .2% >a
Wh+ should outdated tetrac+clines e thrown awa+?
Wh+ does (retreatin" with lon" actin" anesthetic u(ivicaine' hel( to decrease (ost;o( dental (ain?
What can ha((en with adverse reactions to tetrac+clines?
Who concluded 1$l of 14% EDTA for 1 $in followed + $l of 2.72% >a
0ow is do+c+cline taken in?
Accordin" to eader C#' was $ost successful on all teeth ece(t 1 st $olars?
>a$e $acrolide As.
What is the avera"e duration of anesthetic for u(ivicaine wG 17,,k e(i?
Wh+ would a/ithro$+cin @ dirithro$+cin e safe in (atients takin" theo(h+illine3 di"oin3 Warfarin3 Tria/ola$3 Terfenadine3 or c+clos(orine3 ut er+thro$+cin wouldn-t e?
What is the avera"e duration of anesthetic for lidocaine wG 17,,k e(i?
>a$e situations in which vasoconstrictors are contraindicated.
P&M What As does Tro(e rec for his Ktri(le antiiotic (asteL?
P&M >a$e dru"s which $a+ have $inor interactions with vasoconstrictors.
*n Fe 7,,6 Ca
Which is $ore efficient at otainin" (ul(al anesthesia3 a $and uccal infiltration wG 7% lido or one with &% articaine Hanaa3 et al. C
Gc it-s (resence enhances the adherence of E. faecalis to the dentin. What intracanal irri"ant is effective in reducin" the adherence of $icroor"anis$s? a
i"urdsson @ Tro(e found which wa+ of !a<0 (lace$ent to e est )entulos(iral3 H;File3 or *nection?
What a$ount of chlorofor$ did Ha$inski C
When !a<0 $ies with sealer what for$s?
Who concluded in 1999 <<<' that chlorofor$ can cause si"nificant softenin" of oth dentin @ ena$el3 even after 2 $inutes?
#+ what $ethod does !a<0 assist >a
Ceansonne 199&' found no difference in anti$icroial activit+ twn 7% !0O @ 2.72% >aa
Does !a<0 diffuse throu"h the PD) @ ce$entu$?
Does .17% !0O as an irri"ant affect the a(ical seal of oth-s ce$ent?
What is the (eak of (0 in the outer root dentin after 7 weeks !a<0'?
Which )A should e u sed in (atients with heart conditions for *< inections?
Who found !a<0 (owder alone took &9 da+s for (eak (0 chan"e vs 1& for a=ueous solution'?
What is the $ean increase in heart rate with *< inections?
Pacios $ied !a<0 wG !0O3 (ro(+lene "l+col3 anesthetic3 !:!P3 @ !:!P;PI @ found what?
What As are known to cause :ethe$o"loine$ia?
>a$e 7 authors who conclude !a<0 can effectivel+ e re$oved fro$ the canal?
What t+(es of (atients are at increased risk for :ethe$o"loine$ia?
*f a (atient can-t o(en wide enou"h to "ive an intraoral *A>#3 can +ou safel+ "ive an etraorall+?
When do s+$(to$s of :ethe$o"loine$ia usuall+ occur?
Accordin" to )oetsher @ :elton 1988'3 PA locks are how effective on $aillar+ 1st $olars?
>a$e & s+$(to$s of :ethe$o"loine$ia.
Who 1949' discussed reound effect on lood flow after inection with vasocontrictors?
Where does iotransfor$ation of a$ide )A occur?
What is another na$e for reound effect?
What does reduced he(atic function $ean for (atients receivin" )A?
>a$e & reasons for "ivin" A wG a flare;u(.
With what t+(e of anesthetic does $ali"nant h+(erther$ia occur?
Descrie effects of "lucocorticoids on infla$$ation.
What is the $ai$u$ lidocaine dose?
0ow $uch @ for how lon" do "lucocorticoids need to e ad$inistered efore seein" wides(read effects on $an+ or"an s+ste$s?
Which 7 )A are (re"nanc+ cate"or+ #?
*f "ivin" steroids via *: inection or *<3 what doses are a((ro(riate?
Wh+ do need to re(lace EDTA after short (eriods of ti$e for it to e effective?
*f "ivin" steroids orall+3 what doses are a((ro(riate?
What one $aor concern should +ou have with >a
0ow lon" does !0O-s sustantivit+ last?
What treat$ent is reco$$ended for >a
P&M What is >a
0ow does !:!P work? Which $edica$ent is effective as a va(or?
Accordin" to Na$ada 1983 what is the $ost effective $ethod for re$ovin" the s$ear la+er3 tissue3 @ (redentin3 @ increasin" anti;$icroial activit+?
0ow lon" is the anti$icroial action of !:!P?
What ha((ens to oth-s sealer if !a<0 is left in the canals when oth-s is used?
eader reco$$ends 7,,,' what $ethod of steroid deliver+ De(o;:edrol'
What is the est (roduct + which to re$ove !a<0?
for te$(orar+ relief of irreversile (ul(itis? Hauf$an 199&' su""ested usin" a PD) inection of what3 for (ain relief?
Wh+ do we use 2.72% >a
What is the (er$issile dose of chlorofor$?
>a$e sta"es of )A co$(lications.
Which t+(e of sensitivit+ reaction involves *"I co$(lees with co$(le$ent? P&M eview (rocedures for treatin" )A toicit+.
M&P Which t+(e of sensitivit+ reaction is dela+ed @ often a((ears aout &8 hours after infection?
Which )A is >
An autoi$$une reaction is what t+(e of sensitivit+ reaction?
0ow do vasoconstrictors work?
What *"-s are involved in a c+totoic sensitivit+ reaction?
Wh+ do vasoconstrictors interact with T !As?
What is the rate of re(arative dentin for$ation?
What t+(e of a$ine is e(i?
0ow soon after a restorative (rocedure does tertiar+ dentin for$ation e"in?
*s e(i (otentiated + :A<*-s? Wh+ or wh+ not?
Accordin" to #rannstro$ (ul(al chan"es occur earl+ in caries; even in inci(ient lesions. >a$e 7 chan"es that occur.
M&P What kind of acterial flora is found in acute ascesses?
M&P Torneck3 in stud+in" (ul( e(osures3 concluded which (art of the (ul( was the last affected?
Accordin" to #au$"artner 1946' how often does actere$ia occur?
Whose (a(er descried caries (ro"ression to the (ul(?
Accordin" to Tronstad3 how often does actere$ia occur?
Are $ast cells (resent in the (ul(?
Are antiodies co$$onl+ (resent in the (ul(? *n the infla$ed (ul(? Which one is $ost co$$on?
*n Torainead-s 199, stud+ on coronal leaka"e with acteria3 which t+(e of acteria $otile or non$otile' reconta$inated the oturated root canal s+ste$ faster?
What roles $i"ht neuro(e(tides (la+ in the (ul(? Neast likeWalti$o !. alicans' are $ore 1994'? likel+ to e found in what kinds of infections @ 0aa(asalo Accordin" to Hi$3 what are the 7 co$(onents in (ul(al infla$$ation?
*n 1982 #+stro$ concluded that E. faecalis was resistant to what intracanal $edica$ent?
M&P Who is known as the (eria(ical (la=ue researcher?
>a$e 7 authors who elieve acteria eist in PA lesions.
>a$e 7 authors who elieve >< acteria are in PA lesions.
Who clai$ed E. faecalis could survive 1, da+s in the tuules without nutrients? 0ow far are acteria into the tuules?
Are acteria (resent in trau$ati/ed teeth with intact crowns?
M&P What cells (roduce β;endor(hins @ so$atostatins? 0ow do (ul(al levels of β;endor(hins @ so$atostatins in e(osed (ul(s co$(are with levels in une(osed (ul(s? The for$ation of "ranulation tissue @ the activation of e(ithelial cell rests in chronic a(ical lesions $i"ht e associated with a local rise in the tissue level of what "rowth factor?
M&P What is the $aor difference in the survival factor of E. faecalis co$(ared to other or"anis$s? Who used P! of 16 rioso$es to identif+ Actino$+ces3 F. nucleatu$3 @ for the first ti$e #acteroides fors+thes in the infected hu$an (ul(? Descrie $ain thin"s that will allow anaeroic infection to occur.
Which acterial t+(e are $ost often associated with (urulent dischar"e fro$ the root canal s+ste$ or sinus tract? *f +ou instru$ent (ast the a(e3 what is the likel+ chance %' of causin" a actere$ia? Prevotella $elano"enicus @ Pe(tostre(tococcus are s(ecificall+ associated with what s+$(to$?
M&P P. ni"rescens is site s(ecific to where? Whose stud+ concluded that there were indeed acteria in PA lesions3 ut used a cotton roll to culture acteria3 which $a+ have caused conta$ination? Accordin" to Pisanti 196&'3 what is the source of calciu$ in a newl+ for$ed secondar+ dentin rid"e under a !a<0 ase?
What is the ori"in of i$$uno"loulins in dentin eneath caries 0ahn3 et al. C
Accordin" to Iolder" 198&3 what is the (h+sical a((earance of the dentin rid"e under !a<0 (ul( ca(s?
What t+(e of sensitivit+ reaction is ana(h+lais?
What is the (ri$ar+ one resorin" c+tokine in hu$an PA lesions?
Which *"-s are found in the "reatest =uantit+ in hu$an PA lesions? M&P Accordin" to Takehashi 1994' are there (roliferatin" (las$a cells in a PA lesion? Whose fa$ous PGE electin knockout $ice stud+ showed that (ha"oc+tic leukoc+tes P:>s or $acro(ha"es' (rotect a"ainst acterial induced one destruction? Wh+ would a (a(er (oint cause !AP when (ieces are left in the a(ical re"ion?
After which (rocedure do )ucke+3 et al C
Accordin" to #au$"artner 1991' are there (roliferatin" (las$a cells in PA lesions?
Eikenella corrodens @ Meillonella (arvula are nor$al inhaitants of the oral cavit+3 ut the+ are the+ found in endodontic infections ocas3 et al. C
Who (laced anti"ens in root canal s+ste$s of (reviousl+ sensiti/ed cats3
causin" a PA) to for$? Do (atients wG (ul(al or (eriradicular disease have increased circulatin" *"I-s or *":-s?
enhanced alkaline (0S4.8' conditioned $edias. What thin"s did the+ find that ledinthe$ to this conclusion?
M&P )ove3 in 7,,13 (ro(osed what $echanis$ of (atholo"+ for E. faecalis?
0aa(asalo 199' concluded that which 7 acteria were $ost related to acute s+$(to$s? What are the & $ost co$$on "ra$ ;' acteria found in !T related infections? What are the 7 $ost co$$on "ra$ ' acteria found in !T related infections? 0ow lon" should !a<0 e left in the canal to e effective a"ainst E. faecalis
M&P ite 7 authors who clai$ 0*M can e found in PA lesions or in the canal.
True or False. The si/e of the lesion correlates to the levels of 0M3 E#M3 or hu$an c+to$e"alovirus found in the lesions. 0oria descried situations which (roduce hi"her )P levels. >a$e the$.
What is the $ost i$(ortant ste( in the co$(li$ent cascade?
0ow is the classical (athwa+ activated?
0ow is the alternative (athwa+ activated?
M&P >a$e roles of the co$(li$ent cascade. What is the $ost fre=uentl+ found *" in a PA "ranulo$a? What is the order of $ost *"-s to least in a !AP lesion? *s there difference in the hu$oral res(onse i.e. *"-s (resent' in the PA lesion efore or after >!T? *n a acterial co$(arison count on ea$ination "loves3 did it $atter if it was "loves tested fro$ the e"innin" or end of the o?