Latihan Soal Akuntansi Manajemen Lanjutan Customer Profitability Analysis dan Customer Lifetime Value
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Financial Ratios for Business Management
G ross Profit Profit Margin Margin Ratio Ratio
Gross Gross Pro Pro f it Margi Margin n Ratio Ratio
Gross Profit Net Sales
11034 =
Gross Gross Profit Profit Margin Margin Ratio
25 313 313
¿ 0.4359 ≈ 43.59
2472 25313
Rateof Returnon Returnon Assets Assets
Rateof Rate of Return Return on Assets =
¿ 0.4477 ≈ 44.77
Net Profit Net Profit Profit Margin Margin Ratio Ratio= Net Sales
Net Profit Profit Margin Margin Ratio=
12446 =
2472 17545
Rateof Rate of Returnon Equity
Rateof Rate of Return Return on Equity =
= 0.0977 ≈ 9.7
2693 =
27 799 799
0.0969 ≈ 9.69
Net Income Total Assets
=0.1409 ≈ 14
Net Profit Profit Margin Margin Ratio Ratio
Rateof Returnon Returnon Assets Assets
2693 =
0.1482 ≈ 14.82
Net Income '
Average Average Shareholder Shareholder s Equity
= 0.2231 ≈ 22 11 081
Rate Rate of Retur Return n on Equity Equity
2693 =
0.2488 ≈ 24.88
The The Nike Nike Inc. Inc. gain gain prof profit it but but that that does doesn’ n’tt mean mean that that they they are are prof profit itab able le.. Profitability is simply the capacity to make a profit, and a profit is what is left over from income earned after you have deducted all costs and expenses related to earning the income. y using the profitability ratio, we can measure the company’s performance.
Gross Profit Margin Ratio
It measures how profitable the goods and services of Nike Inc. The larger the ratio, the more it is preferable. The gross profit margin in !"#$ is %$.&'(. It increases by #.#)( in !"#%. It means that every dollar sales in !"#%, %%.**( of it is the gross profit. It is most important when the gross profit will be higher because without an ade+uate gross margin, a company will be unable to pay its operating and other expenses and build for the future. To make the gross profit margin ratio higher the company should assess its -/ and take analy0e first on the overhead since it’s the easiest to ad1ust rather than the labor and material because the +uality of the product might be affected. Net Profit Margin Ratio
The net profit margin shows how much of each sales dollar shows up as net income after all expenses are paid. The higher the margin is, the more effective the company is in converting revenue into actual profit. The net profit margin in !"#$ is '.**(. It decreases by ".")( in !"#%. 2 low profit margin indicates a low margin of safety3 higher risk that a decline in sales will erase profits and result in a net loss. To make the net profit margin ratio the Nike Inc. should minimi0e their expenses. 4xpenses3 #. /elling and 2dministrative 4xpense !. 5emand reation 4xpense $. -perating overhead 4xpense
It increases for what reason6 The sales didn’t increase that much so the increase in these expenses are not reasonable enough. If these expenses
Rate of Retrn on Assets
It measures the efficiency with which the company is managing its investment in assets and using them to generate profit. The return on assets in !"#$ is #%."'(. It increases by ".*$( in !"#%. The higher the percentage, the better it is because the company is doing a good 1ob using its assets to generate sales. 4very investment of Nike Inc. there is #%.)!( of net income. To make the return on assets higher, the company should analy0e its assets first. /ince in the balance sheet, the total assets increases but the cash decreases because new e+uipment is bought. 7aybe the company needs to increase its capacity due to large demand but the sales didn’t increase that much. /o, there are assets in the company that are idle and maybe some doesn’t have any salvage value. The company should make a move about it to generate more sales using its assets. Rate of Retrn on !"it#
It is perhaps the most important of all the financial ratios to investors in the company. It measures the return on the money the investors have put into the company. The return on e+uity in !"#$ is !!.$#(. It increases by !.&*( in !"#%. This increase means that the Nike Inc. did a great 1ob in using investors’ money during the year. Nike Inc. is generating !%.))( in profit for every dollar that is invested by the investors.