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© 2003 Julian Pottage All rights rights reserve reserved. d. It is illegal illegal to repr reproduc oducee any any portion portion of this matematerial, excep exceptt by special special arrangem arrangement ent with the the publishe publisherr. Repro Reproducti duction on of this material material without without authoriz authorization ation,, by an anyy duplic duplicatio ation n proc process ess whatsoeve whatsoeverr, is a violation violation of copyright. copyright. Master Point Pres s 331 Douglas Ave. Toronto, oronto, Ontario Canada M5M 1H2 (416) 781-0351 Fax (416) 781-1831 Internet: Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data Pottage Julian Play or defend?/ Julian Pottage.
ISBN 978-1-55494-090-5 1. Con ontr trac actt brid ridge — Dumm Dummyy play lay. 2. Contra ntract ct brid bridge ge — Defensi Defensive ve play play. I. Title. Title. GV1282.3.P673 2003 2002
Ray Lee Editor Olena Olena S. Sullivan Sullivan Cover and interior design Interior format and cop yediting Deanna Bourassa Printed and bound in Canada by Webcom Canada Ltd. 1234567
06 05 04 03
Fairly Easy
More Testing
Tougher Still
Solutions for Fairly Easy
Solutions for More Testing
Solutions for Tougher Still
Optimum Strategy
Slippery Spades
Broken Hearts
INTRODUCTION Some seven or eight years ago, Andrew Diosy and the Lees came up with a novel novel and effectiv effectivee way to to present present interes interesting ting bridge bridge problem problems. s. This was to display display the four players’ players’ hands at the outset and to break break the answer answer into halves halves.. This not not only means means that more more people can enjoy enjoy the problems problems,, because because exposing all four four hands makes makes both declaring declaring and defending easier, easier, but it also gives readers readers a second chance to find the solution. solution. Having Having observed observed that that this this format would would suit suit many many of my best deals, deals, Ray and I discuss discussed ed the possib possibility ility of a new book book – and here here you you can see the result: ‘Play or Defend?’. The book comes comes in three sections, sections, arranged in increasing increasing level of diff diffic icul ulty ty.. Withi ithin n each each secti section on,, I hav havee bro broad adly ly foll follow owed ed the the same same principle, principle, although with minor minor variations variations to avoid avoid similar themes appearing appearing in cluste clusters. rs. In the ‘Fairly ‘Fairly Easy’ Easy’ batch, batch, you you need not spend overly overly long sear searchi ching ng for pretty pretty squeez squeezee endings. endings. Similar Similarly ly,, with the the ‘Tough ‘Tougher er Still’ Still’ grou group p, if you you think think that that a simp simple le hold hold-u -up p at Tric Trick k 1 sol solve vess the the problem, problem, you have have almost certainly overlooked overlooked something. On more or less less every hand, I have have included a Standard Standard American American bidding bidding sequenc sequence, e, with conv conventi entional onal bids bids explai explained. ned. This provides provides the option, option, should should you you wish wish to challen challenge ge your yourself self,, of initiall initiallyy studyi studying ng only only two playe players rs’’ hands. hands. Fo Forr someon someonee with the the right right combi combinatio nation n of technic technical al and analytical analytical skills, every hand is soluble soluble with the the sight of of only two two hands (plus, (plus, in some some cases, cases, knowing knowing what what happens happens on the first first few few tricks). tricks). As the the declarer declarer can succeed succeed in over over 70% 70% of the contracts, contracts, I suggest suggest that you you start looking looking at the the NorthNorth-Sout South h cards. cards. If you quickly quickly decid decidee that you you would would rather defend, I recommend recommend taking the West West seat on any odd-numbered odd-numbered deal and the East seat on the even even numbers. numbers. Whilst Whilst defeating defeating a contract contract tends to inv involv olvee partnership partnership cooperation, cooperation, normally one of of the defenders defenders has a greate greaterr role role than than the other other.. I have have arrang arranged ed for the defea defeatabl tablee contracts to match match this order order. I have not stated stated the vulnerability on any deal. deal. If you you think think that that the biddi bidding ng is only only reaso reasonabl nablee under under the the right conditi conditions ons,, ass assume ume they they exist. exist. The scorin scoringg is alway alwayss teams teams or rubber rubber,, so forget about overtricks.
Several people have commented on how original they find my material. Without Without giving giving away away too too many many trade secrets, I am happy happy to to give give a brief insight into into how how it is done. You will find that I have have based roughly half the deals in this book book on ideas that have have come come to me or on hands hands that I have have played played.. Of the remaind remainder er,, a third third derive derive from from themes themes that I have have bumped into by accident, accident, often by checking checking other ideas using Bill Bailey’s Bailey’s Deep Finesse program. program. I make make a point point of only using using subj subject ect matter matter from from source if I believe that that I can genuinely genuinely improve improve the the original an external source settin setting. g. Typical ypically ly,, I may may adjus adjustt a few of of the car cards ds to to make make the the biddi bidding, ng, contr contract act,, lead lead or early early pla playy more more reas reasona onabl ble. e. I might might als also o edit edit out out an alternative solution or make the winning one both more logical and less dependent on an apparentl apparentlyy contrived contrived lie of the cards. cards. Although I prepared prepared all the hands and text text myself, myself, others have have contributed contributed along the the way. way. As well as those mentioned mentioned above, above, I would like like to thank thank Graham Graham Allan, Allan, Hugh Darwen Darwen and and Maur Maureen een Dennison Dennison,, who helped helped greatly greatly in check checking ing the proo proofs. fs. If I may may, perhaps perhaps I can finis finish h with with a word word of of advic advice. e. Try not not to read read too too man manyy hands hands at a tim time. e. Afte Afterr all, all, you you would hardly down a whole bottle bottle of vintage bourbon bourbon in one one sitting. sitting. Besides, it may take take me a while to collect collect enough material material for a sequel! Julian Julian Pottage Pottage September 2002
Fairly Easy ♣ N
To Solution Part 1
HAND 1 DIRECT ACTION A 5 ♥ A K 8 5 ♦ J 10 8 5 4 ♣ J 8 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
1♠ dbl1 pass 3NT
KJ874 10 6 A Q 6 Q 10 3
pass all pass
10 6 ♥ J 9 4 2 ♦ 3 2 ♣ 9 7 6 5 4 ♠
Q932 ♥ Q 7 3 ♦ K 9 7 ♣ A K 2 ♠
1♣ 1NT
1. Negative.
3NT Contract: Opening Lead: ♠7
To Solution Part 1
HAND 2 ACHILLES’ HEEL A 9 8 5 ♥ Q J 5 3 ♦ Q J 10 ♣ K 4 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
pass 1♥ pass 2♦1 pass 3NT
pass pass all pass
K 10 7 2 872 A 8 9652
1♣ 1NT 2NT
1. Checkback asking for 3♥/4♠.
S ♣
Q3 K 10 6 4 K652 10 7 3
J 6 4 ♥ A 9 ♦ 9 7 4 3 ♣ A Q J 8 ♠
Contract: 3NT Opening Lead: ♠2
Fairly Easy -
To Hand Solution Part 1
Suppose Suppose you you win the ten of of spades with with the queen, queen, go across across to dummy dummy with a heart, and run the ♦J. West wins with the the queen and plays plays a spade spade to dummy’ dummy’ss bare ace. You will then go down, losing three three spades and two diamonds. Ducking the first first trick works no better. better. East returns a spade and West, West, with both diamond diamond entries, can still get the suit suit going. Since the the defensive defensive strength strength lies mainly mainly in one one hand, perhaps you you might might think think of an endpla endplayy or squeez squeeze. e. The proble problem m is this: this: with the the hearts hearts not breakin breakingg kindl kindlyy, you have have only only seven seven top tricks. tricks. Therefor Therefore, e, a single single extra winner generated generated using one of these methods will scarcely scarcely help. help. Can you find a way way to make the contract? See page 86 for the second part of the solutio solution. n.
To Hand Solution Part 1
Going up with dummy’ dummy’ss ace of spades will not work because because the resulting blocka blockage ge will be be merely merely temporary temporary.. East can can win the first diamon diamond d and cash the the spade queen. queen. The defenders defenders will score score three three spades spades and two diamonds. Playing Playing low low at Trick Trick 1 seems seems more more obvious obvious and the the queen queen wins. If East retur returns ns a spade, spade, the contra contract ct makes. makes. North North’’s nine will tak takee care care of the fourth round round of spades and declarer declarer can can take the the winning heart finesse finesse after setting up the diamonds. Is the contract always always cold, cold, or can the right switch at Trick Trick 2 kill it? See page 86 for the the second second part of the solution. solution.
10 -
Play or Defend?
To Solution Part 1
HAND 3 TENS AND NINES A 10 2 ♥ J 9 5 ♦ 10 9 6 4 ♣ A 10 9 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
Q J 9 7 K83 K J 8 7 65
S ♣
84 Q 10 7 2 Q3 87432
K653 ♥ A 6 4 ♦ A 5 2 ♣ K Q J ♠
1NT pass 3NT
all pass
3NT Contract: Opening Lead: ♠Q
To Solution Part 1
10 6 ♥ 9 8 4 ♦ J 8 6 5 2 ♣ 10 9 3 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
2♥ pass all pass
83 QJ62 10 9 7 3 852
1♥ pass
dbl 4♠
52 N ♥ A 10 7 5 3 W E ♦ A Q S ♣ K Q 7 4 ♠ A K Q J 9 7 4 ♥ K ♦ K 4 ♣ A J 6 ♠
4♠ Contract: Opening Lead: ♥Q
Fairly Easy -
To Hand Solution Part 1
It looks right to win the opening lead with the king, saving the ace-ten ace-ten as a tenace tenace over over the jack. jack. Unless Unless spades spades break break 3-3, you will will need two two diamond mond tricks tricks,, so perhap perhapss you you duck duck a diamon diamond d at Trick Trick 2. If you you do that, that, East wins with the the queen queen and switches switches to a low low heart. West’s est’s king wins this and, when the ten ten covers covers the nine on the the next round, round, you hold hold up the ace of of hearts once once more. more. East now now abandons abandons hearts hearts and sends back back a diamond. mond. This This destro destroys ys any any chanc chancee of a squeez squeezee and, and, when neithe neitherr pointe pointed d suit divides evenly, evenly, you go go one down. You might think think of finessing the the ten of spades at Trick Trick 2 to start start diamonds monds from from dummy dummy.. Unfortunat nfortunately ely that that does not not work eith either er.. This time time the defen defender derss have have a choic choicee of winning winning actions actions.. The most most obvious obvious one is probably probably for West West to win the diamond, switch to a heart now and then revert revert to spades spades after after the second second round round of of hearts. hearts. You lose lose two hearts, hearts, two diamonds and a spade. Can you see a better way to play the hand? See page 87 for the second part of the solution solution..
To Hand Solution Part 1
East goes goes up up with the ace ace of of hearts and and returns returns the suit, suit, South ruffing. Success here depends on making a diamond trick as well as two clubs. The opening opening bid and West’ West’ss weak raise mark mark East with most of the missing strength, which means that the cards should lie well for declarer declarer.. Even Even so, so, entries present present a problem. problem. There There is no way way to lead clubs clubs twice and diamonds once from dummy when it contains only one obvious entry entry,, the the ♠10. Nor Nor can you arrange for the the defender defenderss to make make helpful helpful leads. leads. They possess possess an an ample ample supp supply ly of of exit exit cards cards in hearts hearts.. Maybe you could create one extra entry by ruffing the heart return high and finessing the ♠6. When hen you you do get to dumm dummyy, which which finess finessee should you take? See page 87 for the the second second part of the solution. solution.
12 -
Play or Defend?
To Solution Part 1
64 ♥ J 9 ♦ K Q 10 9 7 2 ♣ A K 6 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
1♦ pass 2♦ pass 3NT
K Q 10 8 2 Q 10 7 4 J 4 J 4
973 ♥ K 5 3 ♦ A 6 5 ♣ 7 5 3 2 ♠
A J 5 ♥ A 8 6 2 ♦ 8 3 ♣ Q 10 9 8 ♠
pass 1♥ pass 2NT all pass
Contract 3NT Opening Lead: ♠K
To Solution Part 1
HAND 6 PASS THE PARCEL K643 ♥ Q 8 2 ♦ 10 9 ♣ A J 10 3 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
pass 2♣ pass 3NT
Q875 10 6 4 3 K65 92
pass 1NT d bl 2♦ all pass
J 2 ♥ 9 7 5 ♦ A 7 3 ♣ K Q 8 7 5 ♠
A 10 9 ♥ A K J ♦ Q J 8 4 2 ♣ 6 4 ♠
3NT Contract: Opening Lead: ♣9
Fairly Easy -
To Hand Solution Part 1
Clearly, Clearly, declarer ducks ducks the opening lead since a spade through the the jack later will mean losing four spades and the ♦A. West est sho shoul uld d rea read d the the spade position position from from East’s East’s signal and needs to switch. switch. With With the ace-king ace-king of clubs clubs on view in dummy dummy,, the ♥4 loo looks ks the the nat natura urall choi choice ce.. If the the ♥K wins, a heart continu continuation ation is is no good: good: declarer declarer ducks ducks and and loses merely merely two two hearts, hearts, a spade spade and and a diamon diamond. d. Howev However er,, East can reve revert rt to spade spades. s. South can ill afford to go up with the ace, so West West scores the ♠Q and then goes goes back to to hearts, hearts, leading leading the the queen queen to squash squash dumm dummy’ y’ss jack. jack. In this this case the defenders score score the five tricks they require: require: two in each major plus the ♦A. To succeed declarer declarer must must capture the the king of hearts with the ace at Trick 2. 2. Yes, East will will get in with with the ♦A and can play play back a heart, heart, but the the eight eight stops stops the fourth fourth round round of the suit suit and the the contrac contractt makes. makes. Does the the story end here or can the defenders do better? See page 88 for the second part of the solution solution..
To Hand Solution Part 1
In kit kitch chen en-b -brid ridge ge style style,, Trick rick 1 would would go nin nine, e, ten, ten, queen queen,, sm small all.. Se Seei eing ng no immediate future in clubs (indeed leading up to the ace-jack would concede concede an overtric overtrick), k), East shifts shifts to to a heart. heart. West can do no better better than to take the first first diamon diamond d and lead anothe anotherr club. club. In this this case, case, playing either the ace or low from dummy leaves East with no way to get the clubs going and leaves leaves declarer declarer plenty of time to set up the diamonds and make make the contract. Foreseeing Foreseeing the above, above, perhaps East allows allows the the ♣10 to ho hold. ld. Now if if declarer goes goes after diamonds, West wins the first round with the king and contin continues ues clubs, clubs, this time time with dumm dummy’ y’ss A-J-x A-J-x totall totallyy exposed. exposed. Nothin Nothingg can prevent prevent East from clearing the clubs and, upon getting in with the ♦A, running the the suit. Does this mean mean 3NT should should fail or or can declarer declarer produce produce an effective counter? See page 88 for the the second second part of the soluti solution. on.
14 -
Play or Defend?
To Solution Part 1
10 2 ♥ Q J ♦ A K J 10 9 3 ♣ 10 8 2 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
pass 2♦ pass 3♦ pass 4♠
pass pass all pass
9653 A 6 64 Q9753
J 4 ♥ K 10 8 7 5 2 ♦ 8 5 2 ♣ J 6 ♠
A K Q 8 7 ♥ 9 4 3 ♦ Q 7 ♣ A K 4
1♠ 3♣ 4♦
4♠ Contract: Opening Lead: ♣5
To Solution Part 1
HAND 8 ACHIEVING ACCESS Q86 ♥ J 8 7 ♦ 7 5 4 3 ♣ K Q 10 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
pass 2♥ all pass
1♣ pass
1♥ 4♥
10 7 4 2 53 Q J 10 9732
K93 ♥ A Q 4 ♦ K 8 ♣ J 8 6 5 4 ♠
A J 5 ♥ K 10 9 6 2 ♦ A 9 6 2 ♣ A ♠
4♥ Contract: Opening Lead: ♦Q
Fairly Easy -
To Hand Solution Part 1
East covers dummy’s ♣8 with the jack and you surely want to win the first first trick trick.. Having Having done done so, so, you you coul could d cash cash thre threee round roundss of trumps trumps and and then turn to to diamonds. diamonds. This would would work either either if trumps break break 3-3 or if the defe defende nderr with four four trumps trumps holds holds three three diamo diamonds. nds. Neither either wish wish comes comes true and West West ruffs the third round round of diamonds, diamonds, leaving leaving you with three further losers in hand. Since dummy dummy contains contains a doubleton heart, perhaps you think about about a heart heart ruff. ruff. The defe defende nders rs may may choo choose se how how to to count counter er hear heartt plays. plays. Eas Eastt can win and return a club (leaving you with three top losers and a slow trump loser), loser), or West West can shift shift to a diamond, diamond, threatening threatening to cut you you off from the table. Your options seem to to be running out. Is there something something else you can do? See page 89 for the second second part of the solutio solution. n.
To Hand Solution Part 1
If East fails fails to ove overtak rtakee with the king, king, life life become becomess simple. simple. For For exampl example, e, you win with the ♦A, cash cash the the ♣A and and exit exit with a diamo diamond. nd. Proba Probably bly you will get a club return and then you could discard two diamonds and play on trumps. trumps. East can hop hop up with the ace ace but cannot cannot exit safely safely.. Suppose now that the ♦K appe appear ars. s. If you win win thi this, s, cash cash the the ♣A and exit with a diamond, diamond, West scores scores two tricks and gets gets off play with a spade. Unless Unless East does something daft, daft, you are bound bound to lose another trick as well as the ♥A. Therefor Thereforee again again you hope that East has a double doubleton ton diamond, diamond, and duck duck.. You win the second diamond and it seems natural to unblock the ♣A straight straight away away.. If you conced concedee a diamon diamond, d, that would would transpos transposee to the the loslosing line line in in the previou previouss paragraph paragraph.. You will will have have to to broach broach one of of the majors majors and and neither neither looks looks appeali appealing. ng. Can you you make make the the contract contract from from here? See page 89 for the the second second part of the solution. solution.
16 -
Play or Defend?
To Solution Part 1
HAND 9 DELICATE DIAMONDS A 10 9 6 ♥ K J 10 8 ♦ J 7 6 ♣ 9 7 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
pass 2♣1 pass 3NT 1.
J 3 97642 Q 10 2 863
KQ52 ♥ 3 ♦ A 9 5 4 3 ♣ A 5 2 ♠
874 ♥ A Q 5 ♦ K 8 ♣ K Q J 10 4 ♠
1♦ 1NT pass 2♦ all pass
3NT Contract: Opening Lead: ♦2
To Solution Part 1
10 2 ♥ A K J 9 5 4 3 ♦ K ♣ Q 8 6 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
1♥ all pass
7 82 87652 K 10 7 5 4
K5 ♥ Q 10 7 6 ♦ A Q 9 3 ♣ A J 3 ♠
A Q J 9 8 6 4 3 ♥ — ♦ J 10 4 ♣ 9 2 ♠
4♠ Contract: Opening Lead: ♣5
Fairly Easy -
To Hand Solution Part 1
Suppose Suppose that that East, who appears appears to to possess possess several several possible possible entries, entries, puts up the the ace of of diamon diamonds ds and retu returns rns the the suit. suit. The king king tak takes es the the second second round and declarer knocks out the ♣A. West scores scores the ♦Q but there the matte mat terr rests: rests: 3NT mak makes es with with an ove overtric rtrick. k. East could could switc switch h to a low low spade at Trick Trick 2, but that that hardly hardly helps. The ace capture capturess W West’ est’ss jack and again declar declarer er sets up the clubs. clubs. At least least this this way way the defende defenders rs collect collect four tricks: two spades, a diamond diamond and a club. club. East could could duck the the initial diamond, diamond, in which case case the eight wins. Again Again,, a b bloc lockag kagee resu results lts.. The ace ace wins wins tthe he sec second ond round round of diamo diamonds nds and the queen the third. Can either side do any better? See page 90 for the the second second part part of the solution.
To Hand Solution Part 1
Knowing that West would lead the ten from a suit with 10-9-7-5 at the top, top, East confiden confidently tly plays plays the jack jack when dummy dummy plays plays low. low. It looks looks normal to continue by laying down the ♣A. The ♣5 could be from a fourcard suit, in which case three three quick club tricks and the ♦A would save any defens defensiv ivee headach headaches. es. In practic practice, e, West drops drops the the dreaded dreaded ♣4 for under the ace. ace. This not only only signifies signifies a five-car five-card d suit, but it surely surely denies denies a heart heart void void,, the the ♣10 being the card to signal such a holding. East could still cash the ♦A and play a spade, spade, hoping that that West West has something useful in trumps. trumps. A bare bare queen will do, do, as would would J-x-x J-x-x (impos(impossibl siblee on the the bid biddi ding ng,, of cour course se). ). J-x J-x comb combin ined ed with with a sin singl glet eton on hea heart rt would also also suffice. suffice. Declarer Declarer would be unable to cash two hearts hearts to get rid of diamo diamonds nds and and would would run run into into a trump trump prom promoti otion. on. Howev However er,, a jump jump to 4♠ on ace-queen to seven and little else sounds rather frisky. Can you you defeat the contract as the cards cards lie? See page 90 for the second second part part of the solut solution. ion.
18 -
Play or Defend?
To Solution Part 1
HAND 11 USEFUL CONCESSION A K 8 6 5 ♥ J 8 5 4 ♦ J ♣ A 6 2 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
pass 1♠ pass 2♦1 pass 3NT
pass pass all pass
J 9 7 2 A Q 7 10 8 6 5 4 8
S ♣
10 4 3 K92 Q92 Q 10 9 3
Q ♥ 10 6 3 ♦ A K 7 3 ♣ K J 7 5 4
1♣ 1NT 2NT
1. Check heckba back ck aski askinng for for 3♠/4♥.
3NT Contract: Opening Lead: ♦5
To Solution Part 1
HAND 12 ANGLE OF ATTACK K65 ♥ Q 8 6 4 ♦ J ♣ A J 9 6 4 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
pass 1NT pass 2NT pass 4♠
3 J 9 7 5 3 642 K875
1♣ 1♦ pass 2♠ pass 3♠ all pass
A Q 7 4 ♥ A 10 2 ♦ 8 7 5 ♣ Q 10 2 ♠
J 10 9 8 2 ♥ K ♦ A K Q 10 9 3 ♣ 3 ♠
4♠ Contract: Opening Lead: ♥5
Fairly Easy -
To Hand Solution Part 1
You should should start by by winning winning the the first first trick. trick. If you need to to lose lose a trick trick in in one of the black black suits suits and the defenders defenders can cash cash three three hearts, you can can ill afford afford to give give up a diamond. To unblock unblock the spades it looks looks right to cash the ♠Q and suppose suppose you then cross to the ♣A to take two round spades. The miracle miracle layout layout of J-10-9 tripleton tripleton fails fails to occur occur and you must must try your luck in clubs. The finesse works, but the suit splits 4-1. You now conce concede de a club club and, and, if a diamo diamond nd come comess bac back, k, you make make the the contra contract. ct. Alas, by this stage, stage, West has had several several chances chances to signal signal for hearts hearts and in practice East should find the heart switch to put you down one. Clearing the the spades before before playing playing a second second round round of clubs serves serves little purpose since dummy contains no further entry once the ♣A has For the same reaso reason, n, neither neither would would it help help to keep keep one one or both both of gone. For the top top spades spades in dummy dummy. Can you you find a way way to nine tricks? tricks? See page 91 for the the second second part of the solution. solution.
To Hand Solution Part 1
East naturally puts up the ♥A, whic which h fel fells ls the the kin king. g. The The ♥10 seems a normal return return and the the queen queen wins. Declarer Declarer might might now now come come to hand with a diamond diamond in order order to run the the jack jack of spades. East can can count counter er this this by winning winning with the queen queen and persisting persisting with the the heart attack. attack. It is now a simple matter to wait until the third round round of trumps before taking the the ace and returnin returningg a club. club. This leaves leaves the the lead stranded stranded in dummy dummy. The bidding and early play makes it almost certain East holds the ♠A to justify justify an openin openingg bid. bid. Therefor Therefore, e, after after winnin winningg the the heart heart return return at Trick 2, declarer declarer should play a trump from dummy dummy — probably low to cater cater for for a bare bare ace. ace. East can go go in with the the queen, queen, contin continue ue hearts hearts and hold up the ♠A. Howev However er,, this time time South South has a diamon diamond d entry and the contract rolls home. home. Does the story story end here here or can can you find an effectiv effectivee way to play a forcing game? See page 91 for for the the seco second nd part part of of the the solution.
20 -
Play or Defend?
To Solution Part 1
HAND 13 SAFE FINESSING A 8 ♥ A K 9 8 2 ♦ 10 9 4 ♣ A K J ♠
K96 10 7 4 K J 7 8542
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
1♥ pass 3NT
J 10 7 4 3 ♥ Q J 6 3 ♦ 5 ♣ Q 10 6 ♠
Q52 ♥ 5 ♦ A Q 8 6 3 2 ♣ 9 7 3 ♠
pass 1NT all pass
3NT Contract: Opening Lead: ♠6
To Solution Part 1
HAND 14 CONQUERING QUEENS 5 ♥ 10 6 5 4 2 ♦ J 8 7 4 ♣ Q 4 2 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
1♥ 1♠ pass 2♠ pass 4♦ pass all pass
K 10 8 4 2 83 Q3 J 8 6 3
dbl 3♦ 5♦
Q76 ♥ A K J 9 7 ♦ 2 ♣ K 10 7 5 ♠
A J 9 3 ♥ Q ♦ A K 10 9 6 5 ♣ A 9 ♠
5♦ Contract: Opening Lead: ♥8
Fairly Easy -
To Hand Solution Part 1
The obvi obvious ous play play to Trick 1 goes goes six, six, eight, eight, ten, ten, queen. queen. Then cross cross to to the the ♣A to to tak takee a diamon diamond d fines finesse. se. If West wins and plays plays a small small spade spade (allowing for the ♠Q to be a falsecard falsecard from Q-J-x), Q-J-x), the contract contract makes makes with an overtrick. overtrick. With the spades spades blocked, blocked, the defenders defenders collect collect just just two diamon diamonds ds and a spade. spade. Leading Leading the ♠K to the bare ace works much better. ter. Now Now the suit will run once once West West regains regains the lead in diamonds. diamonds. Suppose South South ducks ducks the opening opening lead in both both hands. East can return return a spade and West West must must decide decide whether whether to sacrific sacrificee the king. It matter matterss little as dummy’ dummy’ss pair of ace-kings ace-kings stop the rounded rounded suits suits and East can never win the third round of spades. Perhaps East works out that the ♠6 cannot cannot be fourth fourth best and, and, placplacing South with ♠K-x-x, K-x-x, switches switches to to the ♥Q at at Tri Trick ck 2. No, that that fail failss as as well. well. The king king wins and, when West West contin continues ues with a low low heart after after winning the first diamond, diamond, declarer declarer can afford to to put up dummy’ dummy’ss ♥A to block block the suit. Does this mean the contract should make? See page 92 for the second second part of the solutio solution. n.
To Hand Solution Part 1
Having Having won the first first heart with the king, king, East can read the the ♥Q as a singleton. gleton. South South’’s advance advance to to 5♦(and takeout double) would seem dubious with two losing losing hearts. hearts. Since Since the weak weak dummy dummy and and its singleton singleton actions with spade spade telegrap telegraphs hs the thre threat at of spade spade ruffs, ruffs, East may may switc switch h to the ♦2, South’s ace winning. Declarer may go on to take the ♠A, ruff ruff a spad spade, e, retu return rn to to the the ♣A, ruff ruff a spad spade, e, ruff ruff a heart heart an and d ruff ruff an anot othe herr spad spade. e. Nobod obodyy ove overru rruff ffs, s, bu butt East East can win the next club and a nd play a heart he art to promote West’s West’s ♦Q. Ra Rath ther er than than aim for three three spade ruffs, perhaps one could could hope to find the ♣K onside, in which case a lead up to the ♣Q produ produce cess a tric trick. k. As the the car cards ds lie, lie, this this orks no better better.. The queen queen falls falls victim victim to to the king and once once more more a w orks trump promotion promotion seals the contract’ contract’ss fate. Can either side impro improve ve on the above? See page 92 for the the second second part of the soluti solution. on.
22 -
Play or Defend?
To Solution Part 1
HAND 15 SURPRISE RUN A Q ♥ A J 3 ♦ A 10 9 5 3 ♣ A 4 3 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
pass 6♣
J 10 8 4 3 K962 J 7 72
S ♣
9652 Q84 KQ642 5
K 7 ♥ 10 7 5 ♦ 8 ♣ K Q J 10 9 8 6 ♠
pass 3♣ all pass
6♣ Contract: Opening Lead: ♠ J
To Solution Part 1
HAND 16 PLAIN SQUASH Q J 10 4 ♥ J 2 ♦ Q J ♣ A 5 4 3 2 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
96 Q874 A K 9 8 3 K8
1♦ pass pass 1NT pass 2♣ pass 3♥1 pass 3NT all pass 1.
87532 ♥ 10 9 5 ♦ 5 4 ♣ J 10 7 ♠
A K ♥ A K 6 3 ♦ 10 7 6 2 ♣ Q 9 6 ♠
15-16 with 4 hearts.
3NT Contract: Opening Lead: ♦ A
Fairly Easy -
To Hand Solution Part 1
Entries to the the table may come come in handy, handy, so the ♠K wins the first trick. Declarer might now cash the ♦A, ruff ruff a diamo diamond, nd, draw draw trump trumpss endin endingg in dummy dummy and trump another another diamond. diamond. West shows shows out at this this point, point, which is bad news. The heart suit offers various options: options: small to the jack would succeed succeed against against king-q king-queen ueen to to any numbe numberr, K-x or Q-x Q-x with West; West; low to to (or leading) leading) the the ten deals deals with with K-x or Q-x Q-x on the the other other side. side. All the the same, same, nothing nothing works works as the cards cards lie. In second second seat, West can cove coverr the ♥10 or otherwise otherwise play play low. low. Likewise, Likewise, East follo follows ws low low if the first first heart heart lead lead comes comes from from the the Nort North h hand. hand. Nor does does an anyy sort sort of of squeez squeezee or endpla endplayy bite bite.. Discarding Discarding after dummy dummy, East can easily defend the position. Could another another way of tackling the the diamond suit suit alter the outco outcome? me? See page 93 for the the second second part of the soluti solution. on.
To Hand Solution Part 1
West cashes cashes the ace ace of of diamonds diamonds and, and, delighted delighted to to see the double doubleton ton queen-jack queen-jack on the table, continues continues with the the king and nine. nine. You can can easily spare a club from dummy dummy and, as it looks like an exit card might prove prove usef us eful ul,, you you win the the thi third rd rou round nd of of diam diamon onds ds with with the the ten ten.. You kno know w from the opening bid on your left that a lead up to the ♣Q stands little bringing joy and duly duly consider consider other options. options. chance of of bringing As an inspection inspection of the hand diagram diagram reveals, reveals, West happens to to hold a doubleton doubleton spade. spade. It appears you you can take advantage of this by by cashing cashing two two rounds rounds of of spades spades and and then then playin playingg a diam diamond. ond. West can can ta take ke two diamond tricks, on which you can throw throw two more clubs from dummy and a heart or or a club from from your your hand, hand, but then then West West seems seems to be in troub trouble. le. A lead away away from from either either the queen queen of hearts or the the king of clubs will give you your ninth trick. Does West have have any any way way to to escape escape from the endplay? If so, can you still make the contract? See page 93 for the second second part of the solutio solution. n.
24 -
Play or Defend?
To Solution Part 1
HAND 17 WRONG GAME A Q 2 ♥ J 9 4 ♦ K 10 7 2 ♣ 8 7 5 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
pass pass pass dbl redbl pass 2♣ 2♠ pass all pass
7 A K 8 5 854 Q J 10 9 3
S ♣
964 7632 QJ63 K4
K J 10 8 5 3 ♥ Q 10 ♦ A 9 ♣ A 6 2 ♠
1♠ pass 4♠
4♠ Contract: Opening Lead: ♥ A
HAND 18 DELIGHTFUL DILEMMA 9832 ♥ A Q 4 ♦ A K 7 ♣ 8 7 3 A Q J 10 5 4 N 52 W E 10 8 2 S 92
To Solution Part 1
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
2♠ 3♠1 all pass
1♥ 4♥
6 ♥ J 10 3 ♦ Q 9 6 5 3 ♣ K Q 10 6 ♠
K 7 ♥ K 9 8 7 6 ♦ J 4 ♣ A J 5 4 ♠
1. Value alue rais raisee in hear hearts ts..
4♥ Contract: Opening Lead: ♣9 Fairly Easy -
To Hand Solution Part 1
The contract contract coasts coasts home home if West continu continues es hearts, a club going on the practice, e, East East’’s signal signal at Tric Trick k 1 warns again against st playing playing a second second ♥J. In practic heart. The ♣Q switch switch come comess and East East must must overta overtake ke with with the the king. king. If not, not, declar declarer er can win, knock knock out the ♥K and again throw a club on a heart. heart. It seems seems natural natural to allow allow the the ♣K to hold and to win the second club; club; we take take it from from there. there. If Ea East st has has the the ♥K, you can afford afford to play play on hearts (no doubt after after drawing trumps), but why would would anyone lead the ace with no king behind it rather than a nice club sequence? Might West West alone guard diamonds, with queen queen or jack to five or Q-J Q-J to to any any number? number? If so, running trumps would produc producee a squeeze. West’s est’s initial pass suggests suggests this next next question: Would pass West as dealer with ♥A-K-x-x, ♣Q-J-10-x-x and useful diamonds? Do you think perhaps you could find a way to develop a diamond trick? See page 94 for the second second part of the solutio solution. n.
To Hand Solution Part 1
Suppose Suppo se the the first first trick trick goes goes nine, nine, sma small, ll, queen, queen, ace. ace. What What can can declar declarer er do from here? Cashing only the ♥A before leading a club allows East to hop up with the king and give West a ruff (there are other ways ways to defeat the contract). contract). Howev However er,, taking a second second round round with the ♥Q works little better. ter. Then East East gets gets in on on the second second (or third third)) round round of clubs clubs and plays a thir third d rou round nd of of trump trumps. s. Decl Declar arer er wins wins in in hand hand and and has has jus justt losi losing ng options left. If West holds holds the ♠A, as the bidding indicates, crossing crossing to the ♦A and leading up to the ♠K will prov provee fruitles fruitless. s. Leading Leading a low spade spade fro from m the king king is a much much bette betterr play play. If West grabs grabs two two spades spades and shift shiftss to a diadiamond, mond, declar declarer er can can ruff ruff a spade spade and and lead lead the last trump trump for for a doub double le squeeze: West protects protects spades and East clubs, leaving neither neither able able to deal with the ♦7. West can, of course, course, prevent prevent this by leading leading diamonds diamonds twice. twice. Can you you improv improvee on the above above sequence sequence of plays? See page 94 for the second second part part of the solut solution. ion.
26 -
Play or Defend?
To Solution Part 1
J ♥ Q 6 ♦ K Q 10 8 7 5 2 ♣ A 5 2 ♠ 9 7 6 4 3 N ♥ K J 10 7 2 W E ♦ J S ♣ 8 4 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
K 10 2 853 A 6 3 K973
A Q 8 5 ♥ A 9 4 ♦ 9 4 ♣ Q J 10 6
1♦ pass 1♠ pass 2♦ pass 3NT all pass
3NT Contract: Opening Lead: ♥5
To Solution Part 1
HAND 20 ACE APPEASEMENT ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
all pass
J 6 J 8 7 2 94 A 9 6 5 4
3 10 6 5 3 Q8653 K 10 7 A 10 ♥ K Q 9 4 ♦ A 10 7 2 ♣ Q 8 2 ♠
KQ987542 ♥ A ♦ K J ♣ J 3 ♠
4♠ Contract: Opening Lead: ♦9
Fairly Easy -
To Hand Solution Part 1
A lead away from from the king must be more likely than one away from from the jack-ten, so up goes the ♥Q, bu butt the the king king cov covers ers this. this. A 4-4 4-4 heart heart brea break k seems unlikely and so South witholds the ♥A. East could could clear clear the hearts but, but, with no entry, this would would serve serve little purpo purpose. se. Declar Declarer er can can take take the ♥A on the third third round round and drive drive out out the Returning ng a heart and, when this this holds, holds, trying a spade, spade, does not help. help. ♦A. Returni At the the point East East switches to a spade, spade, the ace goes up; the defenders defenders score score two hearts, hearts, a spade spade and a diamo diamond. nd. A club club shift shift at Trick Trick 3 looks looks bette betterr. South plays high and it is vital the ace stays stays in in dummy dummy. Fortunately Fortunately,, conceding a trick to the king leaves West West on lead, who cannot gainfully attack spades. spades. Declare Declarerr loses a club club and two two hearts but but no spades. spades. East could could try a spade at Trick Trick 2, hoping hoping for some some tricks tricks there there.. In essence, essence, this needs needs West, who can can have have at most three three spades, spades, to turn turn up with A-K or A-Q. A-Q. Can you you beat the contract contract as the cards cards lie? See page 95 for the the second second part of the solution. solution.
To Hand Solution Part 1
In case case the the ♦9 is a singl singleto eton, n, East ma mayy go up with with the the ♦A an and d ret retur urn na diamon diamond. d. If the play play starts starts like like this, this, declar declarer er should should drop drop the king king and and then overta overtake ke the the jack with with the queen. queen. East may may hop up up with the ♠A on a trump lead lead from from dumm dummyy and try a diamo diamond. nd. Declar Declarer er shoul should d ruff ruff high high,, dra draw the the miss missin ingg tru trump mps, s, an and d pla playy a lo low clu club b. Una nawa warre of of the the guess, guess, and to ensure ensure suc succes cesss if South South has has an an 8-2-28-2-2-1 1 shape, shape, West will almost certainly grab the ♣A and the hand is over over.. East does better to duck duck the first trick: South’ South’s known spade length makes makes it much much more more likely likely that that the the lead is is a doublet doubleton. on. Then if if declare declarerr leads out a high spade spade from hand, the defenders defenders can easily easily arrange a trump trump promo promotion tion.. They do do not even even need to cash cash their their club club winner winner before playing two rounds of diamonds. Might playing a club at Trick 2 (in order to start trumps from dummy) succeed? See page 95 for the the second second part of the soluti solution. on.
28 - Play or Defend?
More Testing ♣ N
2 N
With With this combined combined diamond diamond holding, holding, the declarer declarer,, South, South, needs to make make four tricks from the suit in a notrump contract before the defenders get their their long long suit suit going. going. Fortun Fortunate ately ly,, he has one entry to dummy dummy,, just just enough stoppers in their suit, and adequate entries to the closed hand. What layouts layouts of the diamond suit would would enable declarer declarer to succeed in this objective? objective? How would would the situation change change if the defenders fail to follow their their optimum optimum strategy? strategy? See pa pagge 66 for the solution.
A K 8 6 N
10 3 2
Here Here you you can can see see the spade spade holdin holdings gs of South, South, declar declarer er and and North North,, dummy dummy. Spades are not trumps. trumps. Under what circumstances might it be possible for declarer to score four spade tricks? You may assume that there are ample entries to each hand and you can ignore the possibility that someone has been forced to discard from from the suit. This time you may also assume that East-West East-West will defend correctly. See page 96 for the solution.
To Solution Part 1
HAND 21 EXTRA VALUE J 10 6 ♥ K J 5 2 ♦ A K ♣ A K 10 3 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
pass d bl 1♠ pass pass
K9732 A 10 9 6 84 Q4
1♣ redbl pass 2♥ 3NT
pass 1♦ pass pass pass 2♦ pass 2NT all pass
Q84 ♥ 8 7 3 ♦ 6 5 3 ♣ J 8 6 5 ♠
A 5 ♥ Q 4 ♦ Q J 10 9 7 2 ♣ 9 7 2 ♠
Contract: 3NT Opening Lead: ♠3
To Solution Part 1
HAND 22 JAILBREAK 7 ♥ Q 7 6 3 2 ♦ 9 2 ♣ A K 9 8 3 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
pass 2♦1 pass 3♣ all pass 1.
J 10 9 3 A 10 4 A 8 7 3 74
pass pass
1NT 2♥ 3NT
S ♣
8654 K95 K 10 5 10 6 2
A K Q 2 ♥ J 8 ♦ Q J 6 4 ♣ Q J 5 ♠
Contract: 3NT Opening Lead: ♠ J More Testing Testing -
To Hand Solution Part 1
Dummy Dummy plays the ten ten of spades and East faces faces a decision decision about whether whether to play play the the queen queen.. Whilst hilst duck ducking ing would would work work well well if you you had had ♠K-x, going up with the the queen caters caters better better for for your your actual holding. holding. It looks looks a close call, call, but for for the sake sake of argument argument we assume assume East puts puts up the queen queen — else you hav havee ten easy tricks tricks and time to develop develop two more. more. When When the queen appears, you must must win or lose your your second spade stopper. stopper. You can unblock dummy’ dummy’ss ace-king ace-king of diamonds, but how how do you you enjoy enjoy the rest of the suit? suit? West will will win if if you lead a small small heart heart to the queen queen,, and duck duck if if you you try try the the king king off off dumm dummyy. Of cour course, se, either either way way you you can proceed to drive out the ♥A, but West West can continue with a low spade. Then when you give give up a club club,, the spade spadess run. run. Attack Attacking ing clubs clubs befor beforee hearts produces produces the the same result: result: you lose lose three spades, spades, a club and and a heart. Can you overcome the communication communication difficulties? See page 98 for the second second part of of the answer answer..
To Hand Solution Part 1
You clearly clearly win the first first trick. Shall we see see what happens happens if you run five five rounds of clubs? You can readily readily spare a diamond and a spade but both defenders defenders retain retain three three diamonds. diamonds. A diamond diamond now goes goes to the queen queen and ace, at which which point West switches switches to to hearts. The defender defenderss cash their their ace ace and king king of of those before before throwing throwing you in with a spade. spade. East’s East’s ♦K-10 take the last two tricks. It cannot help help to play play off your top top spades before before cashing the clubs. clubs. Then you you must lose a spade spade as well well as the two ace-kings. ace-kings. Nor Nor will it help to attac attack k hearts. hearts. With the the ace ace and king divided, divided, you will crea create te a third third heart heart loser loser if if you you do. do. If the ace ace and and king king of of diamo diamonds nds sit sit onsi onside de,, you you coul could d lead the queen from from hand and later later play towards towards the jack. jack. As the cards cards lie, this plan fails too. To succeed you will w ill surely need n eed to play diamonds twice tw ice from dummy. dummy. Can you find a safe way to achieve this goal? goal? See page 98 for the second part of the answer answer..
32 -
Play or Defend?
To Solution Part 1
HAND 23 TERRIFIC TIMING A K ♥ K J 8 7 5 ♦ A 6 5 4 ♣ K 7 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
1♥ pass 2NT all pass
762 A 10 3 Q98 Q 10 9 4
pass pass
1♠ 4♠
83 ♥ Q 9 6 4 2 ♦ J 3 ♣ A J 3 2 ♠
Q J 10 9 5 4 ♥ — ♦ K 10 7 2 ♣ 8 6 5 ♠
4♠ Contract: Opening Lead: ♣10
To Solution Part 1
HAND 24 PROTECTING PARTNER 532 ♥ K Q 6 2 ♦ A 8 ♣ A 6 5 3 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
dbl 2NT1 pass pass 4♥ all pass
A Q 9 4 4 Q93 K Q 10 8 2
1♥ 3♥
J 8 7 ♥ 9 7 3 ♦ J 7 6 5 4 ♣ 9 4 ♠
K 10 6 ♥ A J 10 8 5 ♦ K 10 2 ♣ J 7 ♠
1. Value alue rais raisee to to at at lea least st 3♥.
4♥ Contract: Opening Lead: ♣K
More Testing Testing -
To Hand Solution Part 1
As North North has shown a good good hand, West might have have underled the ♣A. Howeve Howeverr, as the cards cards lie, you cannot cannot get a club club trick and and whoever whoever wins Trick rick 1 will switc switch h to a trum trump. p. With the the ♣K gone, gone, you cannot control control who win winss the the secon second d club club,, whic which h rules rules out out a clu club b ruff ruff.. Even ven if the the ♣K remains remains in dummy dummy,, you could could only only take take a club club ruff if someone someone (East most most likely) holds the ♣A and and a singl singlet eton on trum trump p. In tha thatt si situ tuati ation on,, neith neither er defend defender er can pla playy a second second round round of of trumps. trumps. This This sounds sounds someth something ing of of a long shot, shot, and hardl hardlyy worth worth giving giving up the chanc chancee of findin findingg the ♣A onside. If the diamonds diamonds play play without loss, you can can afford afford to lose lose three three clubs, clubs, but that would require someone to hold ♦Q-J doub doublet leton on.. Might Might you you do something with dummy’ dummy’ss hearts to take take care care of of the third third club? club? See page 99 for the second part of the answer answer.
To Hand Solution Part 1
This hand revolves around declarer’s plan to force a helpful return to set up the ♠K and the the defen defender ders’ s’ efforts efforts to th thwart this this ambi ambitio tion. n. Su Suppos pposee the ♣A captur captures es the the king king and then then come comess two round roundss of trumps. trumps. If West parts parts with a club, club, the cont contract ract mak makes. es. Declar Declarer er can can elimin eliminate ate the diadiamonds monds and and exit exit with a club club.. The next next club club is ruffed ruffed,, but then then dummy dummy wins the third round round of trumps and the fourth club puts West West back on play. To survive, West should first release the ♠4 and, nd, if the the thi third trump comes comes before before the the diamon diamond d ruff, ruff, a diamond diamond next. next. Then it it is safe safe to thro throw w the ♣2 after after that. that. On the the fourth fourth round round of of trumps, trumps, West disca discards rds a spade, spade, retaining a club with which to to get off play (or cash). Ducking Trick 1 looks better and West has to continue with the ♣Q or face an impossible discard after declarer ruffs out the diamonds and leads leads four four round roundss of trumps trumps.. After After taki taking ng the the ♣A, it must must be right right to ruff ruff a club. club. Indeed this this would pave pave the way way to ensuring ensuring the contract contract on a 2-2 trump break. break. Does it succee succeed d on on the the actual actual layout layout?? See page 99 for the second second part of the answer answer..
34 -
Play or Defend?
To Solution Part 1
A 10 8 5 ♥ 9 ♦ K 10 6 5 4 2 ♣ 10 5 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
pass 1♦ 2♥ 3♣
1♠ all pass
4 J 10 6 5 3 2 A J 8 983
KQJ63 ♥ A 8 4 ♦ Q 7 3 ♣ J 2 ♠
972 ♥ K Q 7 ♦ 9 ♣ A K Q 7 6 4
1♣ 2♣
3♣ Contract: Opening Lead: ♠4
To Solution Part 1
HAND 26 SENSITIVE STRIP A Q 6 3 ♥ A 5 3 ♦ 10 8 6 ♣ J 7 2 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
1♠ 4♦
all pass
— Q 7 KQJ9754 10 9 4 3
S ♣
10 8 4 K J 10 6 2 2 KQ85
KJ9752 ♥ 9 8 4 ♦ A 3 ♣ A 6 ♠
4♠ Contract: Opening Lead: ♦K
More Testing Testing -
To Hand Solution Part 1
Declarer hops up with the ♠A in dummy dummy to avoid avoid losing losing a pair of spade ruffs. ruffs. With the the side side entry to the the ♦K gone, drawing drawing trumps will surely surely fail, so at Trick Trick 2 declarer declarer plays plays a heart towards towards the king-qu king-queen. een. East steps in with the ace and cashed two spades. West knows from the overcall overcall that South will run out of spades after three rounds (it appears impossible to defeat defeat the contract contract if only one spade will cash). cash). This gives gives two defensive defensive tricks tricks and West hopes the red aces are two two more, which means the the trump suit must furnish furnish the setting trick. It seems seems likely likely that East has a doubleton doubleton club, club, including including one picture picture card card,, which which is is prob probabl ablyy not the the ace. ace. If so, so, it will will take take a trum trump p prom promoti otion on to generate the vital winner. Suppose West discards two hearts and East continues with a fourth on an overruf overruff, f, declare declarerr round ound of spad spades es.. To sto stop p the the ♣8 from scoring scoring on may ruff ruff high, high, but two two top trumps trumps cannot cannot pull pull the five five still outsta outstanding nding and the the contra contract ct goes goes down. down. Is it it possib possible le to to do better? better? See page 100 for the second second part of of the soluti solution. on.
To Hand Solution Part 1
Looking at just the North-South North-South cards one can spot nine easy tricks, but finding the tenth tenth taxes taxes the imaginati imagination. on. You have have threats threats of sorts against against East in hearts hearts and clubs clubs but a squeeze squeeze is still still a long shot. shot. By the time time you have lost enough tricks to tighten the position your entries will surely have have gone gone.. For exam exampl ple, e, if you you giv givee up up a diam diamon ond, d, rece receiv ivee a diam diamon ond d return to to ruff, duck a heart heart to East, East, and get a friendly friendly trump trump back, you are are okay. okay. You can run the trumps for a criss-cross squeeze without the count. count. However However,, each defender gets the opportunity to break break this up. Elimination play looks like a better prospect even though tenaces appear to to be scarce. scarce. West possesses exit cards cards in in both minors and you you must surely surely choose East as your your victim. This player player cannot cannot afford to lead clubs twice, but that that would would be hard to to arrange. Do you think declarer declarer can find a way way to obtain a ruff ruff and discard? See page 101 for the second part of the solut solution ion..
36 -
Play or Defend?
To Solution Part 1
HAND 27 RED HERRING A K 7 ♥ A Q ♦ K Q 7 4 ♣ A 9 7 3 ♠
62 10 8 7 4 9832 K86
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
2NT1 pass 4♣3 pass 4♥3 pass 5♦3 all pass
pass pass pass pass
3♥2 4♦3 4♠ 6♠
10 5 4 ♥ K J 5 2 ♦ J 6 5 ♣ J 10 4 ♠
QJ983 ♥ 9 6 3 ♦ A 10 ♣ Q 5 2
Contract: 6♠ Opening Lead: ♥4
1. 20-22 HCP. HCP. 2. Transfer. 3. Cuebid.
To Solution Part 1
HAND 28 OMAR’S DISCARD 853 ♥ 9 6 ♦ A K 6 4 2 ♣ 8 6 4 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
— J 10 7 4 Q J 10 8 A K 7 3 2
1♣ pass 1♥ dbl 3♥1 pass pass 3♠ pass 4♠ all pass 1.
S ♣
K 10 9 7 Q8532 75 10 5
A Q J 6 4 2 ♥ A K ♦ 9 3 ♣ Q J 9 ♠
Weake eakerr tha thann rai raisi sing ng via via 2NT 2NT..
4♠ Contract: Opening Lead: ♣ A
More Testing Testing -
To Hand Solution Part 1
Since Since nobody nobody doubled doubled North North’’s cuebid cuebid of 4♥, it ssee eems ms n nat atur ural al to to try dummy’s ♥Q at Trick Trick 1 but it loses loses to the king. On a passive passive heart return, return, you can make the contract with consummate ease e ase if you could see that the ♦J sits onside onside and the trumps trumps break 3-2. 3-2. You can draw draw one round round of trumps, trumps, finesse finesse the ♦10 and and ruff ruff a heart heart high. high. You can can then then pull pull the rest rest of the trumps, trumps, unbloc unblock k the the ♦A and go across with the ♣A to discard your pair of club losers losers on the good good diamonds. diamonds. East does better to switch to the ♣J. You could could cover cover with the queen, queen, knowing that the the ace stands on guard if West produces produces the king. king. Assuming this happens, you continue continue by by cashing the ♥A, playing playing a diadiamond to to the ten, ten, taking taking the ♦A and and ruffin ruffingg a heart heart.. With ith the the ♣A gone, you have have to win the second round of trumps in in dummy dummy, hoping that whowhoever holds the the missing missing trump must follow to four four rounds rounds of of diamonds. As the cards cards lie, lie, East ruffs ruffs the the fourth fourth diamond diamond and and the slam slam fails. fails. Might Might you improve on this line? See page 102 for the the second second part of the solutio solution. n.
To Hand Solution Part 1
This deal (or one very very like it) arose in one of the big French French tournaments, tournaments, at Deauville Deauville or Juan-L Juan-Les-Pin es-Pins. s. At most most tables, tables, South declared declared 4♠ and the play proceed proceeded ed in much the same way way. Almost all the Wests cashed two two top clubs clubs and, on noticing noticing their partner’s partner’s echo with the ten and five, five, continued with a third third round. round. The East players players ruffed ruffed this this and returned returned a heart, feeling a little aggrieved aggrieved when it transpired that their partners partners had jump raised hearts on a jack-high suit. The declarers had little trouble using dumm dummy’ y’ss two diamond diamond entries to finesse finesse trumps trumps twice. twice. They lost the first three tricks but nothing else. At one table, table, the famous famous Egyptian Egyptian movie movie and and bridge bridge star, star, Omar Sharif Sharif,, sat East East.. He and his his partne partnerr reco record rded ed one one of of the few plus plus scor scores es defending 4♠. Would you like to guess what happened? See page 103 for the second second part of of the soluti solution. on.
38 -
Play or Defend?
To Solution Part 1
HAND 29 ENLIST THE ENEMY A K ♥ 7 4 2 ♦ Q 9 3 ♣ A 7 6 4 2 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
73 K Q J 10 9 8 10 5 4 J 8
864 ♥ 6 ♦ A K J 8 2 ♣ Q 10 9 3 ♠
Q J 10 9 5 2 ♥ A 5 3 ♦ 7 6 ♣ K 5 ♠
2♥ pass pass 2♠ pass 4♠ all pass
Contract: 4♠ Opening Lead: ♥K
To Solution Part 1
A 6 3 ♥ A Q 6 5 3 ♦ Q 8 ♣ J 10 9 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
pass 1♥ pass 2♣1 pass 3NT
pass pass all pass
J 10 9 7 4 82 9742 A 7
1♦ 1NT 2NT
S ♣
K5 K J 9 7 10 5 3 K643
Q82 ♥ 10 4 ♦ A K J 6 ♣ Q 8 5 2 ♠
1. Check heckba back ck aski askinng for for 3♥/4♠.
3NT Contract: Opening Lead: ♠ J More Testing Testing -
To Hand Solution Part 1
For For fear fear of of a heart heart ruff ruff (and of a diamo diamond nd swit switch) ch),, you you waste waste little little time time before taking the ♥K with with the the ace. ace. On the the bid biddi ding ng,, the the chan chance ce of finding West with a doubleton doubleton heart and the ace-king ace-king of of diamonds diamonds is zero, zero, which dictates looking for another way to develop develop a trick. Once you you think about it, it, a 3-3 club split will not do you you much good good because the only route to dummy outside the club suit lies in trumps. With those those 3-2, you can ruff ruff the club clubss good and draw draw two two rounds rounds of of trump trumpss bu butt some someone one must must be be ab able le to to ruff ruff the fourt fourth h rou round nd of of club clubs. s. If instead East holds holds four trumps, trumps, you can set up up the clubs clubs via a ruff, cross to dummy dummy with a trump and lead a club, club, knowing you can overruff. overruff. However However,, having done done that and gone gone back to to the table, table, East still retains retains a trump to stop the clubs. It looks like you need to find both top diamonds on your right since if West ever ever gains gains the lead lead you you will lose two two tricks tricks in in each each red suit. suit. Can you squeeze East down to three clubs and then exit with w ith the third round of clubs to secure a diamond return? See page 103 for the second part of the solution.
To Hand Solution Part 1
If the players’ players’ lead methods methods preclude preclude West West from having having the the ♠K, decl declar arer er may put put up dummy’ dummy’ss ace at Trick Trick 1, 1, trying to block block the the suit. suit. If East hangs hangs on to to the the king, king, this this strategy strategy suc succee ceeds. ds. Playing Playing on on clubs clubs then then lands lands the contra contract. ct. East ma mayy win and cash the ♠K, but there there is no no way from from here here to establish establish and run the spades. spades. In fact, fact, West does does better better to win the first first club and shift to a heart, but any heart from from dummy except except the ♥Q deals with this. this. Low is correct correct as West might might still possess possess the ♣K as an entry. Once the ♠A goes goes up, up, Eas Eastt shou should ld unbl unblock ock the king. king. After After this, this, the defender defenderss should should prevail. prevail. East take takess the first first club club and clears clears the spades spades whilst West still has the ♣A entry. entry. Declare Declarerr certainly certainly cannot cannot impr improv ovee on this by by attacking attacking hearts. hearts. Do you think think that that letting letting the opening opening lead lead run round to the ♠Q might provide a path to nine tricks? See page 104 for the second second part part of the solut solution. ion.
40 -
Play or Defend?
To Solution Part 1
K 10 9 8 5 2 ♥ A 7 ♦ 6 2 ♣ J 10 5 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
3 KQJ8 A Q 7 5 K862
A Q J 7 4 ♥ 9 ♦ K 9 4 3 ♣ A 7 4
1♠ d bl
6 ♥ 10 6 5 4 3 2 ♦ J 10 8 ♣ Q 9 3 ♠
all pass
4♠ Contract: Opening Lead: ♥K
To Solution Part 1
HAND 32 CANNED HEAT 5 ♥ 6 5 2 ♦ A K 8 5 4 2 ♣ 8 4 2 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
pass 1♦ pass 3NT
2♠ all pass
82 Q 10 7 3 Q J 7 QJ73
1♣ 2NT
K Q J 10 7 4 ♥ J 8 ♦ 10 9 ♣ 9 6 5 ♠
A 9 6 3 ♥ A K 9 4 ♦ 6 3 ♣ A K 10 ♠
3NT Contract: Opening Lead: ♠8
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To Hand Solution Part 1
It takes no effort to put up the ♥A, ruff ruff a heart heart and and the then n draw draw trump trumpss ending in dummy dummy. To land the contract contract declarer requires requires two tricks from from the minors. minors. Does that that sound sound too too much much to to ask? ask? Suppose you try the ♣J at Trick Trick 4. East correctly correctly declines declines to cover cover and the king wins. A club comes comes back and you should play play low from from dummy dummy to cater for ♣Q-x with with East. East. If West holds holds K-Q K-Q of of club clubs, s, you you can can exit exit with with a club after taking taking the ace; then you get a diamond round round to your king or a ruff ruff and discar discard. d. Alas, Alas, Eas Eastt wins wins the the thir third d rou round nd of of club clubss an and d switc switches hes to the ♦J. You put up the king, king, but West West scores scores two diamonds diamonds to beat you. you. You might decide to to play a diamond to the the king instead of attacking clubs. clubs. The ace ace captures captures your your king king and the the defender defenderss again succ succeed eed if they play a low diamond across to the ten and continue with a third round of diamonds. You will have have to play play clubs clubs and, assuming East ducks ducks the first lead off off dummy dummy,, you lose two two club club trick trickss and the the contract contract.. Can you you think think of a better better approach approach?? See page 105 for the the second second part of the soluti solution. on.
To Hand Solution Part 1
Holding up the ♠A to exhaust West’s spades is the obvious start to the play play. East wins with with the the ten ten and and cont continu inues es with with the the king. king. Declar Declarer er may may take the ace ace next round, or perhaps waits until the third round to make make sure sure of the posi positio tion. n. The long diamond suit suit seems the place to look for for tricks, but the lack of outside outside entries entries on the table table present presentss a proble problem. m. All will will be well if West puts puts up the the queen queen or jack jack:: one one can can duck duck.. This This prese preserve rvess the the link link to to dummy dummy whilst whilst keepi keeping ng East East off play play. Of course, course, a compe competen tentt defend defender er will will play play low, low, meaning meaning this this line line works works only only if you find West with with exactly exactly ♦Q-J-10 — hardly likely. ther chan ancces ap appear pear equ equall ally sli slim. m. For exa exam mple, ple, if West est has has Other Q-J-10 alone, alone, and East the ♣Q-J, it will be possible to make make three three hearts ♥Q-J-10 and three clubs without without letting letting in the spades. spades. What else is there? there? See page 106 for the the second second part of the solution. solution.
42 -
Play or Defend?
To Solution Part 1
HAND 33 DOUBLETON KING A Q 5 2 ♥ A ♦ K Q 9 6 ♣ A 9 7 3 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
pass dbl pass 3♠ all pass
J 9 4 97532 743 10 6
1♣ pass pass
pass 1♠ 4♠
S ♣
K 10 K 10 8 6 852 KQJ2
8763 ♥ Q J 4 ♦ A J 10 ♣ 8 5 4 ♠
4♠ Contract: Opening Lead: ♣10
To Solution Part 1
HAND 34 DIVIDE AND RULE A K Q 10 ♥ 8 2 ♦ K 8 4 3 ♣ 9 6 4 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
2 ♥ dbl all pass
82 A J 10 5 4 3 10 2 K 10 7
J ♥ Q 7 6 ♦ A 9 7 5 ♣ J 8 5 3 2 ♠
976543 ♥ K 9 ♦ Q J 6 ♣ A Q ♠
4♠ Contract: Opening Lead: ♠2
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To Hand Solution Part 1
On a non-clu non-club b lead, lead, the play play woul would d be straightf straightforwa orward. rd. Declar Declarer er could could afford afford to take take the spade finesse, finesse, draw one one more more round round of trumps and get get rid of a club club on the the fourth fourth diamond. diamond. The ♣10 lead lead makes makes life life more more compl complicat icated. ed. The presenc presencee of of the ♣9 in dummy dummy marks this as a doubleton (or possibly a singleton) and East’s opening bid places the ♠K offside. offside. This means means that declarer declarer must lose two two spades spades and two two clubs clubs if if the ♠K is is doub doubly ly guarded. guarded. Consequ Consequentl entlyy, for the contract contract to to stand stand a chance chance,, it needs needs a doublet doubleton on spade spade king. king. Despite Despite this this layout layout existing, simply playing playing ace and another trump results results in failure. failure. East cashes two two clubs clubs and continues continues with a fourth fourth round of the suit, which allows West to overruff. overruff. Can declarer declarer overcome overcome this hurdle? hurdle? See page 107 for the the second second part of the soluti solution. on.
To Hand Solution Part 1
Suppose you draw trumps in two rounds and lead a diamond from dummy dummy. Nobody Nobody wants wants to play the the ace on a small small card card and the queen wins. You can can go back to the the table table and and play play another another diamon diamond, d, but East ducks ducks again. again. You try a third third roun round d of the suit suit,, the ace ace wins this this time time and you find out about the 4-2 4 -2 break. If East returns returns a heart and you you put put up up the king, king, you go down. down. The ace ace wins the first heart, the queen the the second and a club switch switch leaves leaves you reliant on the club finesse. You do better to play play the the ♥9, conc concedi eding ng two heart tricks and reckoning reckoning that a club club round to the the ace-queen ace-queen or a ruff and discard discard will come come next. next. You can also also succeed succeed if East plays plays a fourth roun round d of diamonds diamonds,, but you would would need need the the inspir inspired ed view view of reading reading the ♣K as offside. You would would cross to dummy dummy with a trump and either either play ace ace and another club or a heart to the nine depending on West’s discard. East should switch to a club after getting in with the ♦A. You will finesse the ♣Q, but the king king wins and a club return return leaves leaves you one last chance, chance, to find find the ♥A onsid onside, e, bu butt it is not. not. Ca Can n you you make make 4♠? See page 107 for the the second second part of the solution. solution.
44 -
Play or Defend?
To Solution Part 1
HAND 35 HIDDEN ENTRY A K ♥ 9 5 4 ♦ 4 3 2 ♣ K J 8 6 3 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
1♥ 2♣ pass 3NT
pass all pass
962 A J 8 6 2 J 8 5 A 2
S ♣
Q743 10 3 K 7 10 9 7 5 4
J 10 8 5 ♥ K Q 7 ♦ A Q 10 9 6 ♣ Q ♠
1♦ 2NT
Contract: 3NT Opening Lead: ♥6
To Solution Part 1
HAND 36 FATAL CHOICE A 8 2 ♥ 10 7 ♦ Q 10 4 ♣ A 10 9 6 5 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
pass pass pass pass 1.
2♣ 3♠ 4♠ 6♠
3♦ pass pass all pass
10 5 4 98652 3 QJ84
1♠ 3♥ 4♦1 5♥1
S ♣
96 43 KJ98762 K3
KQJ73 ♥ A K Q J ♦ A 5 ♣ 7 2 ♠
6♠ Contract: Opening Lead: ♦3 More Testing Testing -
To Hand Solution Part 1
East puts up the ♥10 and it looks right for South to take this as the bidding places places the leader leader with an entry. entry. The obvious obvious next move move is is to attack attack clubs and West must win the first round to prevent declarer from overtaking in dummy and switching to diamonds. With With the missing high high heart marked marked with South, West might try a spade spade shif shift, t, bu butt this this is is no good good.. Afte Afterr dumm dummyy wins wins the the spade, spade, two two club club tricks follow follow, on with declarer declarer throws throws two spades, and West West a spade and a heart. Then a diamond diamond to the ten sets up the the suit whilst whilst keeping keeping the danger hand off lead: lead: two spades, spades, one heart, heart, four four diamond diamondss and two two club clubss are nine tricks. to gain gain the lead, lead, but East may elect to put up the ♦K in an attempt attempt to declarer can take that with the ace and return the ♦10. Sinc Sincee West holds holds the ♦J, this conserves conserves an entry to the long diamonds whilst protecting protecting the vulnerable heart holding. Might West do better to clear the hearts after scoring the ♣A? See page 108 for the the second second part of the solution. solution.
To Hand Solution Part 1
With the diamonds sitting wrong (as one would expect from the bidding), declarer cannot guess right at Trick Trick 1, which means that the twelfth trick must must come from from elsewhere. elsewhere. Dummy Dummy contains contains a five-card five-card club club suit, suit, but entries entries both to establish establish and run the suit suit present present a problem. problem. With With the opening lead being a singleton, you could could safely set them up by ducking the first round and ruffing the third if West has ♣K-Q-J precisely or plays high on the the first first round round fro from m K-Q-x K-Q-x.. Even ven on that that layou layout, t, you would would require a 3-2 trump split so that you could draw trumps ending on the table. tab le. This This all sounds sounds rather rather unlik unlikely ely.. A better bet bet is to play play East, who has many many diamonds, for a shortage shortage in both both ma majo jors rs.. In that that cas case, e, you migh mightt ttak akee ttwo wo roun rounds ds of of trum trumps ps,, four four round roundss of hearts hearts,, and ruff ruff a diamo diamond nd in dum dummy my.. Are Are there there any any pitf pitfall allss in this plan? If so, can you overcom overcomee them? See page 109 for the second part of the solut solution ion..
46 -
Play or Defend?
To Solution Part 1
HAND 37 EITHER WAY Q4 ♥ A 4 2 ♦ A 5 4 3 ♣ Q J 10 5 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
pass 2♣ pass 3♥ all pass
A 9 2 Q J 7 9862 974
pass pass pass
1♥ 2NT 4♥
S ♣
K 10 8 7 10 9 K Q 7 8632
J 6 5 3 ♥ K 8 6 5 3 ♦ J 10 ♣ A K ♠
4♥ Contract: Opening Lead: ♦8
To Solution Part 1
HAND 38 SEVENTH HEAVEN Q94 ♥ A Q 3 ♦ Q J 10 6 ♣ K J 4 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
1NT pass 2♦ all pass 1.
KJ52 K4 A 9 5 10 9 8 2
pass pass
2♣ 2♥1
10 7 ♥ 8 7 5 ♦ K 8 7 2 ♣ A Q 6 3 ♠
A 8 6 3 ♥ J 10 9 6 2 ♦ 4 3 ♣ 7 5 ♠
Weak, eak, Nort Northh may may corr correc ectt to to 2♠ with longer spades.
2♥ Contract: Opening Lead: ♣10 More Testing Testing -
To Hand Solution Part 1
Declarer faces two sure spade losers and a trump loser (and that depends on a 3-2 break break), ), so cannot cannot afford afford to lose lose a diamond diamond trick. trick. Dummy’ Dummy’ss club winners winners will permi permitt two disca discards rds,, which which solv solves es part of the probl problem, em, but one must also contend with the spade suit. The opening opening lead, lead, coupled coupled with with East’ East’s initial initial pass, pass, makes makes it almost almost certain that the ace and king of spades are in in opposite opposite hands: West would hardly lead a diamond from from a collection collection of of low cards cards with an ace-king ace-king combination; combination; East would surely surely open the bidding bidding with ♠A-K and ♦K-Q. West might might hold hold A-x A-x or K-x K-x in spades, spades, but even even then, then, entries entries will be a problem problem.. Declare Declarerr really really needs a spade spade ruff ruff in dumm dummyy. Going up with the ♦A, cashing two two clubs clubs and the the top hearts before before playing two more clubs clubs works fine fine — if someone ruffs the the fourth club. club. However, However, a smart defender will wil l wait for the chance to draw two trumps for one. Can declare declarerr find a way round round this hurdle? hurdle? See page 110 for the second second part of of the solut solution. ion.
To Hand Solution Part 1
The jack may as well cover cover the club ten, giving East the first trick with the queen. One option option is to to return return a diamond diamond so that West can continue continue club clubs. s. Of cour course se,, as the the bid biddi ding ng indi indica cate ted, d, Sout South h has has only only fou fourr mino minorrsuit cards. cards. The defenders defenders pick pick up the first first four tricks, but then then dummy’ dummy’ss diamonds will deal with declarer’s slow spade loser and the defense make just one further trick: tr ick: the ♠K. The ♠A guarantees guarantees an entry for the trump trump finesse, which means means the ♥K cannot score. score. To have have any hope hope the defenders defenders will need a spade spade ruff, leastt to threat threaten en one. one. If Eas Eastt leads leads the the ♠10 at Trick Trick 2, going up with or at leas the ace to draw draw trumps results in down down one. The defenders defenders can later play play a club through the king and knock out dummy’s ♠Q entry entry.. Declar Declarer er can avoid avoid this by ducking ducking the first spade, spade, but if the nine wins the next next spade, it leaves leaves the the lead lead in the the wrong wrong hand. hand. Can either either side impr improv ovee on this this sequence? See page 110 for the the second second part of the soluti solution. on.
48 -
Play or Defend?
To Solution Part 1
HAND 39 POWERFUL POSITION J 8 6 3 ♥ K 10 9 3 ♦ K Q J 8 ♣ 6 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
1♣ pass 1♥ 2♥1 3♥2 pass all pass
A Q 2 Q762 54 K J 10 5
5 ♥ A J 8 5 ♦ 9 7 6 3 2 ♣ Q 9 7 ♠
K 10 9 7 4 ♥ 4 ♦ A 10 ♣ A 8 4 3 2
1♠ 4♠
1. 4-ca 4-card rd heart eart supp suppor ort. t. 2. Value alue spade pade rais raise. e.
4♠ Contract: Opening Lead: ♥2
To Solution Part 1
HAND 40 ENCHANTING ENDPLAYS KJ92 ♥ K 9 ♦ 10 5 4 ♣ A 5 3 2 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
pass 3♠ all pass
pass pass
1♠ 4♠
6 Q732 9872 K 10 9 6
753 ♥ 10 8 6 5 4 ♦ A K Q 6 ♣ 8 ♠
A Q 10 8 4 ♥ A J ♦ J 3 ♣ Q J 7 4 ♠
Contract: 4♠ Opening Lead: ♦8
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To Hand Solution Part 1
The bidding and opening lead tell East how to defend the first two tricks: capture the ♥9 with the jack but do not attempt to cash the ace. Although Although West West called clubs, clubs, a switch to that suit serves little little purpose. Declarer can go up with the ace and take two diamonds ending in hand before before embarki embarking ng on a crossruff crossruff.. East cannot overruff overruff the fourth round round of clubs clubs an and d West West has has no effe effecti ctive ve play play on on the fift fifth. h. In fact, fact, winning winning the the second diamond in dummy and ruffing hearts before clubs also succeeds. This reduces everyone to to three cards and poor West West has to ruff the third round round of diamon diamonds ds and and then then lead lead from from the the ace-q ace-quee ueen n of trumps. trumps. A diadiamond mond switch switch in the the vague vague hope of of a defensi defensive ve ruff ruff produ produces ces the the same same result. result. Again, Again, declarer declarer can can choose choose how to time the crossru crossruff. ff. Dummy’ Dummy’s singleton singleton club surely marks a trump shift shift at Trick Trick 2. Can the contract contract survive survive if the defender defenderss play play three three rounds rounds of trumps? trumps? See page 111 for the the second second part of the soluti solution. on.
To Hand Solution Part 1
East may try three high diamonds, diamonds, but the third third round fails to to stand up. After ruffing, declarer can draw draw trumps and consider consider how best to tackle the club club suit suit.. With no no inform informatio ation n about about the the opposi opposing ng hands, hands, normal normal play is to cross to the the ace, preparing to lead twice towards the queen-jack. This strategy succeeds succeeds on any any 3-2 break, break, whenever whenever East holds four four or more clubs, clubs, and if East has has the bare king. Today it would would prov provee a mistak mistakee to tackle tackle the clubs clubs that way way. A player player who passes passes as dealer and turns turns up with the three top diamonds scarcely has room for the ♣K. You could strip the hearts before lead the ♣Q fo for a fine finessse. se. If West fails fails to to cov cover er,, you duck duck the the seco second nd club club and are home. home. Of course, course, a good good defender will put the king king on the queen queen (or jack). Now, Now, whether you give give up the first or second club, club, West can exit with the ♣10. 10. Is ther theree a be bett tter er way to tackle the clubs? See page 112 for the the second second part of the soluti solution. on.
50 -
Play or Defend?
To Solution Part 1
HAND 41 SAVAGE SWITCH 7 ♥ A J 9 2 ♦ K 4 ♣ A K J 6 5 2 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
1 ♠ d bl 4♠ 5♣ all pass
K Q 10 8 2 KQ73 A 6 94
3♠ db l
4♦ 5♦
A J 9 3 ♥ 10 8 5 4 ♦ 7 3 ♣ Q 10 3 ♠
654 ♥ 6 ♦ Q J 10 9 8 5 2 ♣ 8 7 ♠
5♦ Contract: Opening Lead: ♠K
To Solution Part 1
A J 10 9 8 7 ♥ 8 ♦ 9 5 4 ♣ A K Q ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
pass 2♥1 pass 4NT pass 6♠
pass pass all pass
4 J 9 7 5 K 10 7 2 8765
1NT 3♠ 5♠2
65 ♥ A 10 6 4 2 ♦ J 8 3 ♣ 9 4 2 ♠
KQ32 ♥ K Q 3 ♦ A Q 6 ♣ J 10 3 ♠
1. Transfer. 2. Two key key car cards ds plus plus the the ♠Q.
6♠ Contract: Opening Lead: ♣7 More Testing Testing -
To Hand Solution Part 1
If you do do not much much care care for the bidding, bidding, I am afraid afraid that is how how it went went at the table. table. This deal deal occurred occurred in a charity charity pairs played played at many many clubs clubs acro across ss the the UK. UK. If I reca recall ll right rightly ly,, Marc Marc Smi Smith th,, who wrot wrotee the the comm commen en-tary, tary, thought thought that that a couple couple of us b bid id too too much! much! East might elect to overtake the ♠K with the ace, ace, but for the sake sake of argument argument,, we will assum assumee the king king holds. holds. West could could switch switch to to the king king of hearts, hearts, trying to to knock knock out the entry to to the the long long diamo diamonds. nds. This would would succeed succeed if, if, for examp example, le, South South turns turns up with with a 2-2-72-2-7-2 2 shape. shape. As the the cards cards lie, it permits permits decla declarer rer to to get home home via via a crossruf crossruff, f, using using heart ruffs ruffs as entries to trump spades on the table. A club shift appears appears less attractive attractive than than a heart. South may may well have have just three three cards in in the rounded rounded suits suits and, even if these comprise comprise two clubs and one heart, heart, dummy’ dummy’ss ♣A-K and ♥A will will tak take car care of them them.. Again gain,, a pair of spade spade ruffs ruffs would would land land the the contrac contract. t. The obvio obvious us way way to cut cut out out spade ruffs is to to lead ace and another trump. trump. Indeed this this provides provides the only route route to to a plus plus if South South’s hand is a 2-2-82-2-8-1 1 shape. shape. On the the actual actual layou layout, t, declarer can counter by setting up the clubs and going back to dummy with the ♥A. Might West find a more more damaging damaging lead at Trick Trick 2? See page 112 for the the second second part of the soluti solution. on.
To Hand Solution Part 1
Declarer could could draw trumps and then take take the diamond finesse, but this is poor play. play. It is much much more sensible to play a heart from dummy dummy before before touching touching diamonds. diamonds. If East has has the ace and and goes goes up with it it — likely likely with the singleton singleton visible on the table table — the king-queen king-queen of hearts will provide provide two discards, removing any need to find the ♦K onsi onside de.. If the the ace ace fail failss to appear appear on the the first first roun round d of hearts, hearts, it never never scor scores, es, which which shoul should d leave leave declarer declarer nicely nicely placed. placed. Can you you picture picture how how the subsequent subsequent play might might develop? See page 113 for the the second second part of of the solution solution..
52 -
Play or Defend?
To Solution Part 1
HAND 43 HEARTLESS RETORT 953 ♥ A 9 3 ♦ A K 9 ♣ 9 7 3 2 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
74 KJ87652 Q63 4
86 ♥ 10 4 ♦ J 8 7 5 4 ♣ A K J 10 ♠
A K Q J 10 2 ♥ Q ♦ 10 2 ♣ Q 8 6 5
3♥ pass pass 3♠ pass 4♠ all pass
Contract: 4♠ Opening Lead: ♣4
To Solution Part 1
HAND 44 BAD BREAK J 6 4 ♥ 9 5 3 ♦ Q 2 ♣ A 10 8 6 2 ♠
Q82 — K J 10 8 7 4 3 974
♠ ♥ ♦
3♦ pass 4♦ all pass
K 9 7 ♥ Q J 10 8 ♦ A 9 6 5 ♣ 5 3 ♠
A 10 5 3 ♥ A K 7 6 4 2 ♦ — ♣ K Q J 4♥ Contract: Opening Lead: ♦ J
More Testing Testing -
To Hand
Solution Part 1 Suppose the play starts like this: ♣K, ♣A, ♣10 cover covered ed and ruffed, low diamond diamond exit. exit. Declarer Declarer could could try the double double diamond diamond finesse, but there there is a much much bette betterr play play. Put Put up the the ♦A, pull pull trum trumps ps,, take take the the ♥A and ruff a hea heart, rt, freez freezin ingg East East out out of of the the hea heart rt su suit it.. Then Then fin finish ish the the trum trumps, ps, to reach this end position: ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
— J Q6 —
— 9 K9 — — ♥ — ♦ J 8 ♣ J ♠
J ♥ — ♦ 10 ♣ 8 ♠
Now comes the ♠J. To keep keep the the ♥J West West discards dis cards the ♦6; the the ♥9 goes from from dummy dummy and and East surr surrende enders. rs. Can someo someone ne break break up up the double double squeeze? See page 113 for the the second second part of the soluti solution. on.
To Hand Solution Part 1
It seems natural natural to ruff the diamond diamond and lay down down the ♥A. West est pit pitch ch-es a diamo diamond nd and and you you may may try running running the club clubs. s. Howev However er,, even even if Eas Eastt had three three club clubs, s, you you woul would d go down down with with the the spade spadess as they are. are. If you tackle spades early enough, you might pick up up K-x or Q-x on your your left or king-queen king-queen to any any number number on your your right, but unfortunat unfortunately ely none of these helpful helpful layout layoutss exist. exist. Is there there a way to ten tricks? See page 114 for the second second part of the solutio solution. n.
54 -
Play or Defend?
To Solution Part 1
HAND 45 HELPFUL SPLIT? K862 ♥ A Q ♦ 9 7 4 ♣ J 9 8 4 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
2NT pass 3♣ pass 4♥ all pass
Q 9 QJ862 A K 10 7 5 2
A J 10 9 5 3 ♥ 10 3 2 ♦ 10 ♣ Q 6 3 ♠
74 ♥ K J 8 7 6 5 4 ♦ A K 5 3 ♣ — ♠
1♥ 3♥
4♥ Contract: Opening Lead: ♣ A
To Solution Part 1
HAND 46 TIMELY LOSS 654 ♥ Q 8 ♦ 3 2 ♣ A K 8 6 4 2 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
972 J 7 4 A Q J 4 QJ5
2♥ 2♠ all pass
Q ♥ A K 9 6 5 3 ♦ 10 8 7 5 ♣ 9 7 ♠
A K J 10 8 3 ♥ 10 2 ♦ K 9 6 ♣ 10 3 ♠
3♠ Contract: Opening Lead: ♥4
More Testing Testing -
To Hand Solution Part 1
Declarer ruffs the opening lead and must think how to reduce four losers (two in in diamonds diamonds and two two in spades) spades) to three. three. The bidding bidding rules rules out a 3-3 diamond split and makes finding the ♠A onsid onsidee unlik unlikely ely.. Ruffi Ruffing ng a diamond in dummy dummy sounds like a nice idea, but doing that means cashing the the ace-k ace-king ing of of diamon diamonds ds first. first. Simply Simply leadi leading ng them them out out will fail fail as East can surely ruff. To protect the top diamonds it is necessary to lay down the ace first, cross to the ♥A and and lead lead a diamond. diamond. This way, way, East cannot cannot ruff ruff a winning winning diamond and, after safely scoring scoring the the ♦K, declarer declarer can give give up the third third round round of diamonds diamonds.. West can win but but has no trumps trumps left and is unable unable to to prevent prevent the ruff. Does the story story end here or or can the defenders defenders thwart thwart this plan? If they can, might declarer declarer counter counter by adopting a different different line? See page 115 for the the second second part of the solution. solution.
To Hand Solution Part 1
The defenders can score the first four tricks with two tricks in each red suit su it.. Howev owever er,, if they they do so, so, they they can can pac pack k up up and and go home home.. Reme Rememb mber er the contract is 3♠. Declar Declarer er ruffs ruffs a diamond diamond in dumm dummyy and, with the the ♠Q bare, claims claims the balanc balance. e. East needs to trust t rust West West for either a doubleton club and a trump trick, or a club stopper stopper,, and spot that the ♠6 can hardly constitute a re-entry to the clubs. clubs. This make makess a prompt prompt switch switch to to the ♠Q, to launch launch an an attack on dummy’ dummy’ss ruffing potential, a shrewd move. move. On the bidding East cannot have the ♦A and the the ace-ki ace-king ng of hearts. hearts. This makes going across to play a diamond to the king rather pointless. When the first diamond diamond comes from from hand, West goes in with the jack to continu continuee the assault assault on on trumps. trumps. Declare Declarerr may try try a second second diamond diamond at this point, point, but West wins to to play play a third third round of trumps, leaving none in dumm dummyy. Thre Threee mor moree rou round nd of of trum trumps ps ma may foll follo ow. Ca Can n the the defe defend nder erss hold the end position? If they can, should declarer declarer have have done something different earlier? See page 116 for the the second second part of the soluti solution. on.
56 -
Play or Defend?
To Solution Part 1
HAND 47 ELUSIVE EXIT J 9 7 6 2 ♥ Q J 9 7 ♦ 5 ♣ A K 10 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
1 ♦ dbl all pass
Q A K 6 KJ943 9752
A K 10 8 4 ♥ 4 2 ♦ 10 7 6 ♣ 8 6 4 ♠
53 ♥ 10 8 5 3 ♦ A Q 8 2 ♣ Q J 3 ♠
2♥ Contract: Opening Lead: ♠Q
To Solution Part 1
HAND 48 RIGHTFUL RUFFING A 3 ♥ J 5 2 ♦ K 9 6 3 2 ♣ 7 4 2 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
1♣ pass 1♥ dbl1 rdbl2 2♥ all pass 1. 2.
KJ5 A 8 6 QJ5 Q J 10 6
1♠ 2♠
S ♣
10 4 K 10 9 7 3 10 8 7 K93
Q98762 ♥ Q 4 ♦ A 4 ♣ A 8 5 ♠
3-card heart support. A-x or K-x of spades.
2♠ Contract: Opening Lead: ♣Q More Testing Testing -
To Hand Solution Part 1
East cannot gain by overtaking the spade to cash two tricks as doing so sets up up dummy dummy’’s jack. jack. After After the the ♠Q holds, West could safely switch to a club club.. This This pre prese sent ntss litt little le chall challen enge ge.. The ♦A and the ♣Q serve as entries to ruff two diamonds diamonds in dummy dummy. West should should instead instead play play ace, ace, king and a third third trump. trump. Eas Eastt does does best best to discar discard d a club; club; after after a spade spade pitc pitch, h, North North’’s fifth spade would would end up a winner. winner. With With the spades likely likely to be 5-1 and the ♦K marked offside, offside, declarer declarer appears a trick short. South’ South’s tenace position in diamonds suggests suggests an endplay endplay of of some descripti description. on. Cashing Cashing three three round roundss of of clubs clubs looks looks like like the the obviou obviouss next next move move to prepare prepare for that. Can declarer declarer oblige West to lead diamonds, diamonds, allowing the queen (or maybe the eight to score)? See page 117 for the second second part part of the soluti solution. on.
To Hand Solution Part 1
Another two-level two-level contract, and this one may may prove prove almost as much much fun as the previous previous example. example. Declarer Declarer allows allows the ♣Q to win and captures the ♣K with the the ace ace at Tric Trick k 2. Unless nless West West holds holds both both top top hearts, hearts, which which seems unlikely unlikely,, the ♠K must sit over over the queen. queen. Moreo Moreover ver,, having having the top top hearts hearts divide divided d rules rules out any any prospec prospectt of a heart trick trick.. Findin Findingg a doubledoubleton king of spades sounds sounds like one way way to avoid avoid a second trump loser loser, but more more often the king will lie in the three-car three-card d holding. East East’’s encouraging encouraging Trick 1 (and failure to overtake) overtake) suggests a 4-3 club club division, per♣9 at Trick haps giving West West a 3-3-3-4 pattern. To avoid avoid losing two tricks in each of the other other three three suits, suits, dummy’ dummy’ss diamonds diamonds must come come into play play.. Declarer Declarer plays plays three three rounds rounds of the suit, suit, noting the 3-3 3-3 break break with with pleasure. pleasure. Having Having ruffed the third diamond, what is the best way to continue? Crossing to the ♠A and playing a long diamond will bear little fruit. East Ea st,, the the short short trum trump p hand hand,, will will ruff ruff the the four fourth th dia diamo mond nd,, stil stilll leav leavin ingg declare declarerr with with six six losers losers.. Can you think think of of a possib possible le impr improv oveme ement? nt? If you can, will it it suffice to land the contract? See page 117 for the second part of the the soluti solution. on.
58 -
Play or Defend?
To Solution Part 1
HAND 49 GUESS AVOIDED A Q 3 ♥ 9 6 3 2 ♦ A K 7 ♣ 7 5 3 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
J 6 5 A K 5 642 A Q J 9
K9872 ♥ Q ♦ Q J 10 9 ♣ K 6 4 ♠
1NT pass 2♦1 2♠ pass 4♠ all pass 1.
10 4 ♥ J 10 8 7 4 ♦ 8 5 3 ♣ 10 8 2 ♠
4♠ Contract: Opening Lead: ♥ A
To Solution Part 1
HAND 50 EASTERN ESCAPE A Q 8 4 ♥ K 5 ♦ J 10 7 3 2 ♣ K 6 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
— Q 10 9 3 2 A K Q 8 6 975
1♥ dbl 2NT1 4♠ 5♦ dbl 5♥ 5♠ pass pass dbl all pass 1. Rai Raise to at le least 3 .
K6 ♥ J 8 7 4 ♦ 9 5 4 ♣ A Q 10 2 ♠
J 10 9 7 5 3 2 ♥ A 6 ♦ — ♣ J 8 4 3 ♠
5♠ doubled Contract: Opening Lead: ♦ A
More Testing Testing -
To Hand Solution Part 1
Perhaps you should have waited to bid 2♠ in the the passout passout seat, seat, and then then North North would would not have have put put you to to game. How How can you you make make ten tricks tricks when the bidding marks West with the ♣A? One option is to play for ♥A-K-J tripleton (or for West to neglect to unblock with ♥A-K-x -K-x). ). In that that case case,, you you migh mightt dra draw w thre threee roun rounds ds of of trumps, trumps, ruff a heart (if you have have not already already done done so) so) and and take take the third third roun round d of of diamo diamonds nds in dumm dummyy. Final Finally ly,, you you pit pitch ch a clu club b on on the the thir third d heart, heart, hoping hoping West must must win and open up the the club clubs. s. Another Another slender slender chance may come from finding West with ♣A-Q-J A-Q-J alone. alone. To handle handle this this you draw draw trumps, ruff two hearts and cash four four diamonds diamonds before before ducking ducking a club. Although you you have have more minor-su minor-suit it cards than dummy dummy,, you can hard hardly ly ruff ruff an anythi ything ng ove overr there there.. Even Even if you you could could tak takee two two trump trumpss and play four four rounds rounds of diamonds without without running into a ruff, ruff, West will gain the lead twice in clubs, giving two chances to remove dummy’s dummy’s last trump; if it is East East who holds holds the third trump, trump, you will run into an overruff, overruff, which hardly hardly helps. helps. Can you you find find a line line to mak makee 4♠ as the cards lie? Better still, can you find one that does not depend on finding West with exactly a 3-3-3-4 shape? See page 118 for the second second part of the solutio solution. n.
To Hand Solution Part 1
Declarer ruffs the opening lead and plays a trump, trump, West pitching a heart. Dummy’s Dummy’s ace wins and a diamond diamond ruff brings the lead back to to the South hand. If the ♣A sits onside, playing a club to the king king lands the contract, contract, butt East did bu did promi promise se values values both both with with 2NT and and the final final doub double. le. It makes makes more more sense to to cash the ace ace and king king of hearts and and ruff a diamond. diamond. If, as seems seems quite quite likely likely,, the suit suit splits splits 5-3, East has has no more. more. After stripping the the diamonds, declarer declarer exits with the second round of trumps, West throwing throwing a club club this time. After winning this this with the king, king, East has a choice choice.. Could Could the the right right one one defeat defeat the the contr contract? act? See page 119 for the the second second part of the soluti solution. on.
60 -
Play or Defend?
To Solution Part 1
HAND 51 CANNON FODDER 84 ♥ A 7 2 ♦ J 3 2 ♣ K 9 6 4 2 ♠
96 KQJ964 10 9 5 10 8
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
752 ♥ 5 ♦ A K Q 8 6 ♣ J 7 5 3 ♠
A K Q J 10 3 ♥ 10 8 3 ♦ 7 4 ♣ A Q ♠
2♥ pass pass 3♠ pass 4♠ all pass
4♠ Contract: Opening Lead: ♥K
To Solution Part 1
HAND 52 BRILLIANT BATTLE QJ ♥ A 3 ♦ Q 4 2 ♣ A K 7 6 4 3 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
1♣ 2♥ 3♣ pass 4♠
72 K87642 95 J 9 8
d bl 1♠ pass 3♠ all pass
654 ♥ Q J 10 5 ♦ A K J 10 ♣ Q 5 ♠
A K 10 9 8 3 ♥ 9 ♦ 8 7 6 3 ♣ 10 2 ♠
4♠ Contract: Opening Lead: ♦9
More Testing Testing -
To Hand Solution Part 1
Do you think North should have bid 3NT rather than put you to 4 ♠? East would have known what to lead against 3NT! In a sense you you can see ten ten tricks: six trumps, one heart and three three clubs. clubs. Alas, with the heart heart lead attacking attacking dummy’ dummy’ss entry and the the club suit bloc block ked, ed, you you cann cannot ot rea readi dily ly cas cash h them them.. If you you duc duck k the the firs firstt tric trick k in attempt to conserve the ♥A, West can can contin continue ue hearts, hearts, allowing allowing East East to to ruff ruff the the ace ace.. Find Findin ingg som someo eone ne with with the the ♣J-10 doubleton would enable you to to draw trumps trumps and overtak overtakee the second second round round of clubs. This sounds like too much much of long shot shot to consider consider if you can find a sensible sensible alternaalternative. Somehow, Somehow, you need to exploit exploit the 6-1 heart division and the stack stack of diamond pictures pictures in the East East hand, which combine combine to to wreck defensive defensive commu communica nication tions. s. Can you spot the way to do so? See page 120 for the second second part part of the soluti solution. on.
To Hand Solution Part 1
If East cashes cashes three three diamonds, diamonds, then ruffing ruffing the the fourth round round in dummy dummy is an easy route route to to the contract. contract. A spade shift shift at Trick Trick 2 preven prevents ts this, but fails to save save the day day. Declarer Declarer pulls pulls trumps, trumps, ruffs out out the the clubs clubs and and goes goes back to the table with the ♥A. Killin Killingg the the entry to to the clubs clubs must must tak takee priority; East should should lead lead the the ♥Q at Trick 2. After winning the heart switch with dummy’ dummy’ss ace, declarer declarer might go all out out to set up a diamond diamond ruff, ruff, but this prov proves es a lost lost cause. cause. East wins wins both diamond diamond tricks and and can lead a trump each time. With With dummy’ dummy’ss ♥A entry and trumps gone, declarer declarer has little choice choice but to run the remaining remaining trumps. trumps. Howev However er,, the defender defenderss can can withstand withstand the pressur pressure. e. West keeps keeps clubs guarded guarded until until the end whilst whilst East protects protects the red red suits. Is there there any way to come to ten tricks? See page 121 for for the the seco second nd part part of the solution.
62 -
Play or Defend?
To Full Solution
BIG PENALTY 1 ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
W 1♠ 3♣ pass
N pass 4♥ pass
E 2♦ 6♣ dbl
A Q 10 7 5 — KQ6 A 9 8 7 4
S 2♥ 6♥ all pass
— Q6432 10 7 4 3 Q652 K ♥ 9 8 7 ♦ A J 9 8 2 ♣ K J 10 3 ♠
J 9 8 6 4 3 2 ♥ A K J 10 5 ♦ 5 ♣ —
Contract: 6♥ doubled Opening Lead: ♦K
To Solution Part 1
BIG PENALTY 2 J 10 8 ♥ 10 7 5 ♦ J 9 5 ♣ J 10 9 4 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
dbl1 all pass 1.
A 7 6 A K Q 8 6 3 A 6 3 2
♦ ♣
Q543 2 Q742 8763
K92 ♥ J 9 4 ♦ K 10 8 ♣ A K Q 5 ♠
1NT dbled Contract: Opening Lead: ♥ A
More Testing Testing - 63
To Hand Full Solution
Seven tricks are easy, easy, but at equal vulnerability an eighth trick would keep keep the penalt penaltyy below below the value value of of a sma small ll slam. slam. North North’’s poor trum trump p spots, spots, the 3-0 trump trump break, break, and the presumed presumed 5-1 5-1 spade split split make it it hard work. Clearly, Clearly, East overtakes overtakes the diamond diamond with ace to to return return a trump trump and West thro throws ws a club. club. Declare Declarerr can can win in hand, hand, ruff one spade spade in dummy dummy and ruff ruff a minor minor-su -suit it card card.. The obvio obvious us conti continua nuation tion of ruffing ruffing a second second spade spade low low fails. fails. East can can overr overruff uff and retur return n a trump trump (indeed (indeed the trump trump return return is not not strictly strictly neces necessary). sary). Nor Nor would would it help help to ruff the spade spade high high since since East will simply simply overruf overrufff next time. time. The solutio solution n is rather rather beautifu beautiful. l. After one ruff, ruff, keep playing loser on on loser in spades! spades! West cannot cannot continue continue spades or you you would be be able to set them them up. Therefore Therefore each time time West leads leads a mino minorr, which which you you ruff ruff in hand hand.. You get get to to make make all five five trumps in hand hand and three three on table – the spade ruff ruff and then two two tricks from from Q-6-4 Q-6-4 agai against nst E East ast’’s 9-8. 9-8. If after after the the third third spad spadee exit, exit, i.e. i.e. the the fourth fourth roun round d of the the suit suit,, West does does retu return rn a spad spade, e, you you must must ruff ruff high high on on the the table, come to hand hand with your last trump and play a master master spade.
To Hand Solution Part 1
Many Many tournament tournament players players use a conv convention entional al double double of a strong strong notrump to compete for the partscore rather than secure a penalty. Those who play for big money keep the double as natural — just for hands hands lik likee this. this. Here, Here, if you you are are playi playing ng for for 10¢ 10¢ a point point and and can can find find an ninth defensi defensive ve trick, trick, you could could earn earn an extra $30 if they are are vulnerable. vulnerable. It looks obvious for West to run the entire heart suit and we assume that this this happens. happens. East makes makes five five discards discards and with these should surely manage to communicate no preference between spades and diamonds. This will deter West from laying down an ace to look for encouragement. Therefor Therefore, e, West will exit exit passivel passivelyy with a club at Trick Trick 7. Declare Declarerr starts with four club winners and the bidding makes it clear to play East for a queen rather rather than an ace. Does this provide provide a route route to a fifth fifth trick or are discards a problem? See page 122 for the the second second part of the solution. solution.
64 -
Play or Defend?
Tougher Still ♣ N
MINIATURE 1 OPTIMUM STRATEGY Solution (from (from page 30) 30) Clearly Clearly declarer declarer can make make four tricks tricks if the suit breaks breaks 3-3. 3-3. It is also easy easy enough to to do so if West has J-10, J-10, J-9 or 10-9 10-9 as the best play play after after small to the king king fells the the nine, ten or jack is to lead the queen queen next. Declare Declarerr might might also also succ succeed eed if if West has J-10J-10-9-x 9-x becau because se if if both defenders follow low on the first round it costs nothing to duck the second to flush out a bare ace. However, However, West can thwart this by dropping the nine, ten or jack on the first first round. Then it will look as though West West holds the doubleton, doubleton, in which case it is vital to continue continue by leading high. high. Another Another possib possibility ility is that that East has has J-10, J-9 or 10-9. 10-9. If West takes takes the king with with the ace, ace, declare declarerr cannot cannot go wrong, wrong, but a duck duck creates creates doubt doubt.. Now Now declare declarerr will lead lead low low, playing playing East East for A-J, A-J, A-10 A-10 or A-9, A-9, which which is more likely unless West West always ducks from A-J-x-x, A-10-x-x and A-9-x-x .
K 10 8 W
Q 7
♥ A
6 5432
South is declarer declarer in a contract contract of six hearts hearts and this, this, unfortunately unfortunately,, is the trump suit. Maybe somebody somebody forgot Roman Roman Keycard Keycard Blackwood! Blackwood! Under what circumstances is it possible to make the slam? You may assume that that any any necessary entries are available, available, that the the rest of of the hand is solid, and that the the defenders defenders will not err. err. You may also wish to consider whether the same goal can be achieved when the opposin opposingg cards cards lie differen differently tly.. See page 96 for the solution.
66 -
Play Play or Defend? Defend?
To Solution Part 1
HAND 53 SURPRISE SOLUTION A K Q ♥ Q 9 5 ♦ 8 5 3 ♣ A K Q 8 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
pass 5♠1 all pass
J 7 6 2 10 3 Q 10 7 9742
3♥ pass
3♠ 6♠
— ♥ K J 8 7 6 4 2 ♦ J 6 ♣ J 10 5 3 ♠
10 9 8 5 4 3 ♥ A ♦ A K 9 4 2 ♣ 6 ♠
1. Bid Bid on on wit withh a hear heartt con contr trol ol..
6♠ Contract: Opening Lead: ♥10
To Solution Part 1
HAND 54 SAFETY SUCCESS A Q 7 6 2 ♥ K 7 2 ♦ 3 ♣ A 10 7 3 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
1♠ pass 3♣ all pass
J 9 8 4 3 J 10 8 3 QJ4 Q
pass pass
2♣ 3NT
S ♣
10 964 K 10 9 7 5 2 KJ5
K5 ♥ A Q 5 ♦ A 8 6 ♣ 9 8 6 4 2 ♠
3NT Contract: Opening Lead: ♥ J
Tougher Still -
To Hand Solution Part 1
When When dummy first first appears, twelve twelve tricks look routine, routine, with just the third third round round of diamon diamonds ds belongin belongingg to to the the defend defenders ers.. The need to reasses reassesss comes quickly when East shows out on the trump lead at Trick 2. Suddenly Suddenly one loser has has become become two. Finding Finding someone someone (East most likely) likely) with ♣J-10-9 alone would solve solve the problem, problem, but this sounds a long shot. Squeeze queeze chanc chances es seem seem slim slim too. too. If West holds holds three three diamonds diamonds and threats for a simple squeeze in the minors, but ♣J-10-9-x, there are the threats what about about entries? After declarer declarer unblocks unblocks the high spades, spades, ruffs a heart heart to hand and gives up a spade, West will surely find the killing club switch. Likewise, giving East three diamonds diamonds creates the threats threats needed for a simple squeeze squeeze in the red suits, suits, but again again West West upsets the the timing by shifting shifting to a club club after after getting getting in with with the the fourth fourth trump. trump. Can you visualize any way to make 6♠? See page 124 for the second second part part of of the solution.
To Hand Solution Part 1
As a matter matter of of routi routine, ne, declar declarer er wins the the first first heart with with the ace, ace, leaving leaving a possible possible heart heart entry in each hand. Until you you peek at the East-West East-West card cards, s, the the contr contrac actt seems seems almo almost st as assu sure red. d. Havin Havingg esca escaped ped an an initi initial al diamond diamond lead, there there is time to to test both both black black suits. suits. Declarer Declarer could could attack attack clubs clubs first, first, ideall ideallyy by by duck ducking ing a roun round. d. Whoev Whoever er wins the club club will will surely surely switch switch to diamonds. diamonds. It will then be be possible possible to to hold hold up the the ♦A until the third third round round and make the contract contract in three situatio situations: ns: firstly firstly, if clubs clubs break break 2-2; 2-2; second secondly ly,, if spades spades divide divide 3-3; 3-3; and thir thirdly dly if West’ est’s shape shape looks something like 4-5-3-1 (when you can afford to give up a spade). Further analysis suggests that attacking spades offers better prospects. If they split split 4-2, 4-2, declare declarerr can safely safely give give up a spade spade no matte matterr how the the minors minors lie. lie. If they are 5-1, somebod somebodyy will show show out out on the second second round round,, allowing allowing time time to turn turn to clubs clubs.. Is there there even even a way to to make make nine tricks tricks when neither black suit breaks kindly? See page 125 for the second part of the the soluti solution. on.
68 -
Play or Defend?
To Solution Part 1
HAND 55 STYLISH SEESAW KQJ62 ♥ 10 4 ♦ 5 4 ♣ A Q 7 3 ♠
984 872 Q 10 8 2 965
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
pass 1♠ pass 3NT 1.
A 10 7 3 ♥ A J 9 3 ♦ K J 7 ♣ 8 4 ♠
5 ♥ K Q 6 5 ♦ A 9 6 3 ♣ K J 10 2 ♠
1♦1 pass pass 2NT all pass
4+ diam diamon onds ds or prec precis isel elyy 44-4-34-3-2. 2.
3NT Contract: Opening Lead: ♦2
To Solution Part 1
HAND 56 DOUBLE TAKE A K Q ♥ Q 9 5 ♦ K 7 3 ♣ A J 8 6 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
pass 5♠1 all pass
J 9 6 2 10 3 J 9 Q9542
3♥ pass
3♠ 6♠
S ♣
— KJ87642 Q86 10 7 3
10 8 7 5 4 3 ♥ A ♦ A 10 5 4 2 ♣ K ♠
1. Bid Bid on on wit withh a hear heartt con contr trol ol..
Contract: 6♠ Opening Lead: ♥10 Tougher Still -
To Hand Solution Part 1
Assumi Assuming ng the the contract contract stan stands ds a chance chance of of succee succeedin ding, g, declar declarer er has a comp complet letee cou count nt of the the hand hand at Trick rick 1. 1. Sinc Sincee the the maj major or-s -sui uitt ace acess represent certain losers, the only hope lies in restricting the defenders defenders to two diamond diamond tricks. This means you must must place West West with the four-car four-card d holding, holding, giving East East a 4-4-3-2 4-4-3-2 shape. shape. After ducking ducking the first first two diamonds, diamonds, declarer declarer takes the the ♦A on the pitchi hing ng a spade spade fro from m dumm dummyy, and pla plays ys a spade spade to to the the king. king. If the third, third, pitc ace ace appea appears, rs, life life bec becom omes es a littl littlee easie easierr. At this this point, point, a retu return rn of of eithe eitherr major in effect concedes concedes an entry, entry, and both the king king and queen of hearts will scor score. e. A club club return, return, which which gives gives nothing nothing away away,, proves proves more more testi testing. ng. Declarer can choose choose where to win this, but the obvious obvious line is to run it to dummy dummy and play play a heart to the king. It would would lose now to to overtake overtake the next club. club. Can you see why? why? Can you also work out whether nine tricks tricks are on if East ducks ducks the first first spade spade?? See page 126 for the second part of the solution.
To Hand Solution Part 1
This hand looks quite quite similar to hand 53, which means that it comes as no surpri surprise se when when East East shows shows out out on the the first first roun round d of trumps. trumps. On this this spade layou layout, t, you definitely definitely must must lose lose a trick. trick. Therefor Therefore, e, you have have to find a way to escape escape a diamond diamond loser loser. Catching Catching someone someone with ♦Q-J bare is nce, e, albe albeit it a rem remot otee one. one. Ot Othe herwi rwise, se, you you may may need need to com comee up one cha chanc with something special. Since East holds three diamonds, diamonds, you could could easily arrange for West West to give you you a free finesse in clubs. You could cash the North-South North-South top top cards bar the ♣A, ruff ruff a heart heart and and exit exit with with a trum trump p. With nothin nothingg but but club clubss left, West would would have have to lead lead the suit, suit, allowing dummy’ dummy’ss jack to to score. score. Alas, this third third club winner leaves leaves you you a trick short. short. Yes, an endplay endplay would would suffice if you could could make make three fast diamond diamond tricks (West (West might have have a bare queen queen or jack), but not not today today.. Can you you bring home the the slam in spite spite this? See page 127 for the the second second part of the solution. solution.
70 -
Play or Defend?
To Solution Part 1
HAND 57 SECOND NATURE A Q 8 ♥ J 10 5 3 ♦ A J ♣ A Q J 7 ♠
93 K9864 — K 10 8 6 5 2
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
2NT1 dbl pass 6♦ 1.
3♥ all pass
S ♣
KJ62 Q72 8642 93
10 7 5 4 ♥ A ♦ K Q 10 9 7 5 3 ♣ 4 ♠
1♦ 4♦
5/5 5/5 or or bet bette terr in in hea hearts rts and and clu clubs bs..
6♦ Contract: Opening Lead: ♠9
To Solution Part 1
HAND 58 MOMENTARY MADNESS ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
pass 2♣ pass 3NT
pass all pass
8 10 9 5 2 J 10 9 8 6 A 8 2
1NT 2♥
KQ65 Q8 K Q97543 J 10 9 4 2 ♥ J 6 3 ♦ Q 4 3 2 ♣ K ♠
A 7 3 ♥ A K 7 4 ♦ A 7 5 ♣ J 10 6 ♠
3NT Contract: Opening Lead: ♦ J
Tougher Still -
To Hand Solution Part 1
Counting the clubs clubs for two tricks, declarer appears a winner short for the slam. slam. The biddin biddingg plus plus openin openingg lead lead mark mark E East ast with the ♠K and, although the club finesse figures to work, West will have the king well guar guarde ded. d. A squee squeeze ze of of some some sort sort loo looks ks the the best best chanc chancee and and it see seems ms second second nature nature to duck duck the the opening opening lead lead to rectify rectify the the count. count. East wins with the jack and, seeing too few spades to to place West with a singleton, may switch switch to a heart up to to the weakness weakness in dummy dummy. Declarer Declarer takes takes this with the the ace, ace, crosses crosses to to the ♦A, cash cashes es the the ♠A and ruff s a heart — it is vital to to ruff the hearts hearts to take the ♥Q out out of the the gam game. e. Afte Afterr thi thiss com comes es a trump to the the jack, jack, a second second heart ruff, removing removing East’ East’s last card card in the suit, suit, and the the rest of of South South’’s trumps. trumps. At Trick 10 West must discard first from ♣K-x-x and the ♥K whilst the ♥J and ♣A-Q-J A-Q-J remain remain on on the table. table. Throwin Throwingg a heart allows allows the the ♣J to go from from dumm dummy; y; a club club finesse finesse then then leave leavess it high. high. Pitchi Pitching ng a club club works works no bette better; r; in this this ccase ase,, the ♥J goes away and the ♣A-Q-J can all score. score. Clearly Clearly West West can can do nothing nothing abou aboutt the situat situation ion at this this point. point. Could the defenders have broken up this simple squeeze in the rounded suits earlier earlier in the hand? If so, can you find another another route route to to twelve twelve tricks? tricks? See page 128 for the the second second part of the soluti solution. on.
To Hand Solution Part 1
The king of of diamonds diamonds wins the first first trick and East East encourages encourages with with the four. four. A club club lead goes to to the king and the the ♦2 seems the obvious return. Declarer holds up the ace, throwing away away clubs from dummy dummy on both this trick and the next. next. To leave leave the diamonds diamonds ready ready to run, East plays plays the ♦Q on the the tthi hird rd roun round d of of the the ssui uit. t. Now if a sec secon ond d rou round nd of club clubss ccom omes es along, West can go straight in with the ace and cash enough diamond diamond tricks to beat the contract. contract. Has declarer declarer a way round round this this probl problem? em? If you say yes, might the defenders find some other route to five five tricks? See page 129 for the the second second part part of the solutio solution. n.
72 -
Play or Defend?
To Solution Part 1
HAND 59 SOUTHERLY WIND A K Q ♥ J 7 6 3 ♦ Q J 7 ♣ A Q 10 ♠
8632 K Q 10 4 10 9 8 4 7
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
S ♣
10 7 4 92 632 98542
J 9 5 ♥ A 8 5 ♦ A K 5 ♣ K J 6 3 ♠
1NT pass 6NT
all pass
6NT Contract: Opening Lead: ♦10
To Solution Part 1
HAND 60 KNOCKOUT MOVE 10 8 6 2 ♥ J 10 8 ♦ A K 5 ♣ Q 7 3 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
1♠ 2♦1 all pass 1.
KJ9743 5 94 J 9 5 2
1♦ pass
1♥ 4♥
Q5 ♥ 7 6 3 ♦ Q J 10 6 3 ♣ A K 8 ♠
A ♥ A K Q 9 4 2 ♦ 8 7 2 ♣ 10 6 4 ♠
Value raise.
4♥ Contract: Opening Lead: ♦9
Tougher Still -
To Hand Solution Part 1
Quite correctly, correctly, West has preferred a safe diamond lead to an aggressive heart. heart. The North-So orth-South uth hands hands fit badly badly and, and, despite despite the presen presence ce of 35 high-card high-card points, points, 6NT is a poor slam. slam. Ways that spring to mind for avoiding a heart loser include a bare king or or queen with with East and kingking-quee queen n doubleto doubleton n either either side. Of course course,, both layou layouts ts sound sound unlikely unlikely.. Placing Placing West West with the king-q king-queen ueen of hearts hearts and aiming aiming for for an endplay endplay sounds sounds more more attracti attractive. ve. If this defen defender der has has no more more than thre threee spades, spades, three three diamond diamondss and four four clubs, clubs, stripping stripping the the hand will pro prove ve simple simple.. Declare Declarerr cashes cashes winners winners from these these three three suits suits ending in hand and leads leads a low low heart towards towards the the jack. In practice practice West West turns up with a singleton singleton club, club, so probably probably holds a long long card in one one or both of of the pointe pointed d suits. suits. Unless this this play player er discar discards ds down down to three-c three-card ard holdings, twelve twelve tricks tricks are not so easy. easy. Can declarer declarer succeed? succeed? See page 130 for the the second second part of the soluti solution. on.
To Hand Solution Part 1
The bidding more or less rules out finding the ace-king of clubs in West’ West’ss hand, which gives gives declarer declarer three three potentia potentiall club losers. losers. Since Since the odds odds are strongly against a doubleton ♣A-K, A-K, throwi throwing ng East in in with the the third third roun round d of diam diamon onds ds see seems ms the the best best hope. hope. Lik Like on the the pre previo vious us dea deal, l, removing removing all possible possible exit cards cards will be straightfo straightforward rward if key suits suits lie well. well. Here Here this this mean meanss a 2-2 trump trump split, split, as then then a diam diamond ond retu return rn will allow declarer to ruff in dummy dummy and throw throw a club from hand. The pointed-suit pointed-suit aces win the first two tricks, and then comes comes a heart to dummy dummy, a spade spade ruff and a second second round round of of trumps. trumps. At this point, point, West shows shows out out,, making making thing thingss awkw awkwar ard. d. Declar Declarer er can can pro proce ceed ed to to win in dummy dummy and trump a second spade, but playing playing a diamond to the ace ace and exiting exiting a diamo diamond nd will will fail. fail. East can escape escape by by playing playing a trump. trump. Perhaps erhaps leaving ♦K-x on the table and running the trumps solves the problem. What do you think? See page 131 for the the second second part of the solution. solution.
74 -
Play or Defend?
To Solution Part 1
HAND 61 DIG DEEP A K ♥ A 6 5 3 ♦ 9 7 3 ♣ A J 7 3 ♠
72 10 8 7 2 Q J 10 2 985
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
pass 4♠
865 ♥ K J 9 4 ♦ A K ♣ Q 10 4 2 ♠
Q J 10 9 4 3 ♥ Q ♦ 8 6 5 4 ♣ K 6 ♠
1♣ 2♠ all pass
4♠ Contract: Opening Lead: ♦Q
To Solution Part 1
HAND 62 MAGIC FORCE A K 7 4 ♥ 10 9 2 ♦ A K Q ♣ A Q 4 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
pass dbl pass 5♦
Q 10 9 6 3 K3 3 J 9 8 7 5
3♥ pass pass 4♦ all pass
8 ♥ A J 8 7 6 5 4 ♦ 9 7 4 2 ♣ 6 ♠
J 5 2 ♥ Q ♦ J 10 8 6 5 ♣ K 10 3 2 ♠
5♦ Contract: Opening Lead: ♥K
Tougher Still -
To Hand Solution Part 1
Keen to avoid avoid having the lead too often, East overtakes the ♦Q with the ace, ace, cashes cashes the the king king and exit exitss with a trump. trump. Even Even withou withoutt this this revers reversee order order of of play play, declar declarer er woul would d deduc deducee the diam diamond ond posi positio tion. n. Good Good playplayers rarely rarely lead from from Q-J-x in prefe preferenc rencee to to their their partner’ partner’ss suit. suit. This means South South’s fourth diamond diamond will not become a winner. winner. Moreov Moreover er,, any attemp att emptt tto o ruff ruff it in dummy dummy will prov provee futi futile. le. If West held a ssingl ingleto eton n trump, trump, East could could ruff ruff the third third roun round d of diamon diamonds ds in order order to pla playy a second trump. With only sixteen points missing and three already marked in the West hand hand,, the club club fine finesse sse seem seemss doom doomed. ed. Initi Initiall allyy there there is is a slight slight chance chance of finding finding East East with a 4-4-2-3 4-4-2-3 shape, shape, in which which case ruffing ruffing a club club woul would d set up up the the jack. jack. Alas, Alas, that that idea idea dies dies when when West West foll follow owss to two two round roundss of trump trumps. s. Now an endp endpla layy appea appears rs the the best best chanc chancee and and East East could hold ♣Q-10-9-8 Q-10-9-8-x -x in a 3-3-2-5 3-3-2-5 shape. shape. Then declar declarer er could could simply simply take two heart ruffs and draw trumps before playing the ♣K and a club to the seven. seven. The actual actual layout layout is is not so friendly friendly.. Can you you make make ten ten tricks tricks as the cards lie? See page 132 for the the second second part of the soluti solution. on.
To Hand Solution Part 1
West leads the ♥K and continues with the three, which forces forces declarer to ruff. ruff. A coup couple le of round roundss of of diamon diamonds ds then then rev reveal eal the rather rather surprisi surprising ng split split:: the the hand hand lon longg in hear hearts ts hol holds ds trum trump p leng length th as as well. well. Pros Prospec pects ts appear appear somewh somewhat at bleak bleak at this this point. point. If Eas Eastt turns turns up with the the ♠Q or the ♣J, it will come come down down in one or two two rounds, rounds, and you will have have a choice choice of ways to succ succeed. eed. In that that case case you you can surely surely afford afford to hav havee a top top card card ruffed since a squeeze on West in the black suits will recover the winner lost. lost. Howev owever er,, you you hard hardly ly want want to to coun countt on thi thiss possib possibil ility ity.. Giv Given the the absence absence of a lead-directi lead-directing ng double, double, East most likely likely has a small small singleton singleton in both both clubs clubs and and spades. spades. Can you you find find a way way aroun around d that? that? See page 133 for the the second second part of the solutio solution. n.
76 -
Play or Defend?
To Solution Part 1
K 10 3 ♥ J ♦ Q 5 ♣ Q J 10 9 8 7 4 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
QJ76 K 10 8 6 2 KJ2 5
South opens a strong artificial 2♣. East-West pass throughout.
S ♣
854 3 987643 632
A 9 2 ♥ A Q 9 7 5 4 ♦ A 10 ♣ A K ♠
Contract: 7 ♣ Opening Lead: ♣5
To Solution Part 1
HAND 64 CLASH OF WILLS A K 6 3 ♥ A K Q 10 ♦ 9 3 ♣ J 10 2 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
pass 2♣ pass 6NT
pass all pass
10 8 5 2 7 874 A 8 7 4 3
1NT 2♦
Q94 ♥ J 6 5 4 3 ♦ J 10 5 2 ♣ 6 ♠
J 7 ♥ 9 8 2 ♦ A K Q 6 ♣ K Q 9 5 ♠
6NT Contract: Opening Lead: ♦7
Tougher Still -
To Hand Solution Part 1
With With just the North-So North-South uth hands in view, view, 7♣ appears to be a very good contra contract. ct. On a normal normal 4-2 4-2 heart heart break break,, it will will be possib possible le to to ruff ruff out the hearts and throw dummy’s two pointed-suit losers on the long hearts. Howeve Howeverr, when declarer declarer wins the opening opening club, club, cashes the ♥A, and ruffs ruffs a heart high, high, East discard discardss a diamond. diamond. Suddenly Suddenly prospects prospects seem seem nowher nowheree near near as ros rosyy. Even if if you you had had enou enough gh entr entrie iess to set set up up the the heart hearts, s, they they would provide provide only only one discard. discard. I suppose there there is a slight chance chance of finding West West with w ith ♠Q-J doublet doubleton. on. In this this case, case, the ♠9 would be both a winner and the the vital extra extra entry. entry. As a glimpse glimpse at the the full deal deal reveals, reveals, this long long shot shot would would fail. fail. Playing Playing in in a grand grand slam slam allow allowss you to dism dismiss iss any any thoughts thoughts of an endplay endplay.. Could Could a squeeze squeeze really really bring bring the the two extra tricks tricks required? If I said that this hand arose in a Scottish Cup Cup match match and that that Hugh Kelsey Kelsey was South, would you like to upgrade declarer’s declarer’s chances? See page 134 for the the second second part part of the solutio solution. n.
To Hand Solution Part 1
You might play low from dummy, dummy, hoping that East misreads the position and puts puts up the the ten. ten. In practice practice we assume assume this this would would not not happen happen and that that the nine, nine, ten and ace ace cov cover er the the seven. seven. It must must be be right right to play play on clubs clubs to knock knock out the the ace and set up up three tricks tricks in the the suit. The ♣J wins the first first round round of the suit suit and East discards discards the ♥3 on the second — int interes eresti ting ng.. If West est tak takes the the ♣A on the second round and continues with the ♦8, life life is easy easy.. You coul could d start start by winni winning ng the the diamon diamond d and cashing two hearts to discover the bad break. break. You can work out from the way the diamonds have gone that either East began with four or the ♦J is dropping. dropping. In the the former former case, you have have threats threats in in each each red red suit, suit, so taking taking dummy’s two top spades and finishing the clubs will produce a simple squeez squeeze. e. Either Either way way one one red red suit suit will run. Can you you still still succee succeed d if West holds up the ♣A more more than once? once? See page 135 for the second second part of the solution.
78 -
Play or Defend?
To Solution Part 1
HAND 65 DELAYING TACTICS Q642 ♥ 6 5 3 2 ♦ J 5 ♣ 8 7 4 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
3♦ 4♦ pass pass all pass
KJ85 10 4 10 8 4 A K J 6
S ♣
9 7 8 K Q 9 7 63 2 10 5 2
A 10 3 ♥ A K Q J 9 7 ♦ A ♣ Q 9 3 ♠
dbl 4♥
4♥ Contract: Opening Lead: ♣ A
To Solution Part 1
HAND 66 DRAWING TRUMPS! Q942 ♥ 8 7 3 2 ♦ K ♣ A Q 10 2 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
pass 6♣
10 3 K J 10 5 J 8 6 5 4 3 9
3♠ 5♣ all pass
A K J 8 7 6 5 ♥ 9 6 ♦ 10 9 7 2 ♣ — ♠
— ♥ A Q 4 ♦ A Q ♣ K J 8 7 6 5 4 3 ♠
6♣ Contract: Opening Lead: ♠10
Tougher Still -
To Hand Solution Part 1
East’s East’s signal on the first round of clubs warns West West to switch at Trick Trick 2. Diamo Diamond ndss seems seems the the obv obvio ious us sui suitt to try try.. If Eas Eastt prod produc uces es the the ace ace,, the the defenders defenders can probably probably cash cash out. out. Although Although South South has the ♦A, attac attacki king ng diamonds creates an exit card for West — a key factor as the cards lie. Having got in, declarer draws trumps in two two rounds and must think how to avoi avoid d losing three clubs clubs as well as a spade. spade. A chance, chance, albeit a slim one, one, is to play East for a bare ♠K. Then running running the trumps will extract extract West’ West’ss diamonds and giving up the third spade will result in a lead away from the ♣K. Clearly, learly, there is little hope if East holds holds a guarded guarded ♠K as that card will provide an entry for leading through the ♣Q. Lucki uckily ly,, as it looks looks like like Eas Eastt has ten cards in the minors, West figures to hold the ♠K. In the the unli unlik kely ely event that spades split 3-3 and West hops up with the king on a low card, you can make three spade tricks and the contract. Can you spot a more realistic chance? See page 136 for the the second second part of the soluti solution. on.
To Hand Solution Part 1
The chance that the heart finesse will work for declarer appears very slim: ace-king-jack to seven spades and a king (and a void) on the side sounds far too good for a weak 3♠ openi opening, ng, even even when when vulne vulnerab rable le.. Nor does does a doubleton ♥K seem seem likely: likely: for one one thing thing many people would would not preempt with four four cards in the other major; major; for another there there is simply far more more room for for hearts in the hand with fewer fewer spades. spades. Until Until West West follows to a round round of trumps, finding East with with a 7-1-4-1 7-1-4-1 shape shape probabl probablyy represents represents declarer’ declarer’ss best best hope. hope. There is even even a choice choice of endplays: endplays: either strip the pointed pointed suits and duck duck a heart, or cash the ♥A and the two diamonds before before giving giving East East the fourth round round of spades. The former former option option also caters for precisely ♥K-J-10 or ♥K-J-10-9 with West, West, so it remains as someth something ing to to consid consider er.. Still, Still, it would would not not work work today today.. Can any any line bring bring home the slam? See page 137 for the the second second part part of the solutio solution. n.
80 -
Play or Defend?
To Solution Part 1
HAND 67 GUARDED PROGNOSIS ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
pass 2NT1 pass 4♥ all pass
J 6 J 10 8 5 3 K Q J 10 5 6
K83 972 643 8743 Q9742 ♥ A Q 6 4 ♦ 8 7 2 ♣ Q ♠
A 10 5 ♥ K ♦ A 9 ♣ A K J 10 9 5 2
1♣ 5♣
1. At leas leastt 5-5 5-5 in the the reds reds..
5♣ Contract: Opening Lead: ♦K
To Solution Part 1
K J 10 6 ♥ A J 2 ♦ Q 7 5 ♣ A Q 10 ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
pass 4♠
1♣ 3♠ all pass
2 Q9754 10 8 6 3 873
4 ♥ K 10 6 ♦ A K J 2 ♣ K J 9 5 4 ♠
A Q 9 8 7 5 3 ♥ 8 3 ♦ 9 4 ♣ 6 2 ♠
4♠ Contract: Opening Lead: ♣7
Tougher Still -
To Hand
Solution Part 1 From From declarer declarer’’s viewpoint, it seems right right to duck duck the first first trick. trick. This cuts cuts the defensive defensive commu communicati nications ons whilst tightening tightening the end position. position. Doing so invo involv lves es negligi negligible ble risk risk becau because se if the diam diamond ondss were were 7-1, 7-1, surely surely continu inues es diamo diamonds, nds, the somebody would have gone on to 5♥. If West cont ace wins and cashing the ♣A draw drawss trump trumps. s. The probl problem em remain remainss of of how to avoid losing a spade. West might hold ♠Q-J doubleton doubleton or maybe maybe one of these cards cards as a singleto singleton, n, but neithe neitherr situatio situation n seems very very likely likely.. A practical practical shot shot would would be to play East for the ♥A and ♠Q-J and and aim for for a thro throw w in. Runnin Runningg the trumps will reduce everyone everyone to four cards, cards, and you can expect to exit with a heart to East’s East’s bare ace. To get a better better count count of the hand you you might use dummy’s ♣8 as an entry to to ruff a diamond, diamond, but it would blow the contract contract as the the card cardss lie. lie. Observe Observe the the effect effect of simply simply runni running ng trump trumps: s:
K83 9 7 6 —
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
J 6 J 10 Q 10 —
Q 9 7 ♥ A Q ♦ 8 ♣ — ♠
A 10 5 ♥ K ♦ — ♣ 10 9 ♠
On the penultimate trump, trump, West can spare a diamond and North a low spade, spade, but East feels the pitch. pitch. A spade spade discar discard d is out out for for sure, sure, which which just leaves the red suits. If East releases the ♥Q, West must throw throw a diamond on the next club; club; letting a spade go would create create a finesse position whilst parting with a heart would enable declarer to set up a heart trick. Once West has no diamonds, a heart goes from dumm dummyy and East surrende surrenders. rs. Any Any discard discard would would cost cost a trick. trick.
82 -
Play or Defend?
In practice, East will probably probably throw throw a diamond on the next next to last trump, trump, trusting trusting West to look after after the the suit. suit. In this this case, case, again again the the guard guard menace menace in spades spades dictat dictates es West West’’s final disca discard: rd: it has to to be a heart. heart. Now Now dummy’s ♦6 becomes redundant whilst poor East comes under further pressur pressure. e. A spade discar discard d is instantl instantlyy fatal whilst whilst a heart heart pitch pitch enable enabless declarer to set up a heart. If Eas Eastt start started ed with with the the quee queen n and and jack jack of of spade spades, s, would would the the same same basic strategy strategy work? Then West would would be able able to keep a diamond, diamond, two hearts hearts and a spade spade in the four four-car -card d ending. ending. At Trick Trick 10, 10, declare declarerr would would exit with a heart to the now bare ace and East would need to lead high to create create a guess guess.. Howev However er,, many many a defender defender would would play play for for the the legitimat legitimatee chance of ♠ -9-x with with South South and lead lead a low low spade spade.. In an anyy event event,, if you you ♠ A-9-x find out out who holds holds the the queen queen and jack jack of hearts, hearts, East East’’s initial initial pass pass may provide provide a clue clue about the spade position: a fair number number of of players players open on on hands with 5-4 in the majors at the slightest excuse. Returning Returning to the deal as it stands, stands, can the defenders defenders do any any better? See page 138 for the the second second part of the soluti solution. on.
To Hand Solution Part 1
It seems clear for declarer to finesse dummy’s dummy’s ♣10 at Trick Trick 1 and the jack wins. Since Since the title has probabl probablyy given away away that there there is a way to defeat defeat the contra contract, ct, let us us consi consider der the positio position n from from East East’’s point point of view. view. To jump to 3♠ South very very probably probably holds a seven-car seven-card d spade suit, suit, almost certainly certainly headed by by the ace. These winners winners plus the two two aces on the table table add add up to nine. nine. This This mea means ns tha thatt if if an anyy of the the ♣Q, ♦Q or ♥J takes a trick, the cont contract ract will will succee succeed. d. For For the prese present, nt, you you face an awkw awkward ard choi choice ce abou ab outt what what to to retu return. rn. If you you cash cash the the ace ace and and kin kingg of diam diamon onds, ds, you you set set up dummy’ dummy’ss queen, but if you fail fail to do so you you surely surely risk being being thrown thrown in later. later. Although Although you could could have have an opening bid bid without the club club king, you cannot seriously expect declarer to finesse in clubs. Whilst the lead of the ♣7 could have have come come from K-9-7 K-9-7 or K-8-7, K-8-7, the truth is that this this card card merely increases the chance that you hold the ♣K. Suppose Suppose you you decide decide on on a passive passive trump trump retur return. n. Shall Shall we see what what happens? Placing you with most most of the missing values, declarer declarer produc produces es
Tougher Still -
an avalanc avalanche he of trumps. trumps. You find find two club club discar discards ds painless painless enough enough and you can easily spare one small heart. You can also afford to part with the your options open for for later) and, once a heart has gone from from ♦J (keeping your dummy dummy,, a second second heart. heart. This brings brings us us to here here with with South South on lead: lead:
— ♥ A J ♦ Q 7 ♣ A Q ♠
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
— Q 9 7 10 8 8
— ♥ K ♦ A K 2 ♣ K 9 ♠
E S ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
9 83 94 6
On the ♠9, West discards discards a low low heart and and dummy dummy the jack. jack. What can you do? If you throw throw another club, club, a club lead to the ace can fell your king. king. If, If, as sho shown wn in the the dia diagram gram,, West has has tthr hrown own the the ♣3 and hung on to the ♣8, baring baring the the ♣K probabl probablyy offers offers your your best chanc chance: e: after after all, you could could have have started started with a 1-3-31-3-3-6 6 shape. shape. In practice practice,, partner partner may may well have discarded the ♣8, trying to help you, in which which case declarer declarer will guess right. If you part with the ♦2 on the last spade, spade, a heart to the ace ace and a diamond exit follows. follows. You make make two diamonds diamonds but must must then lead into into the club tenace. tenace. You could could avoid avoid that happening happening by throwing throwing the ♦A, but a different different fate lies in in store. store. Declarer takes dummy’ dummy’ss rounded rounded suit aces aces and puts puts you in in with a club club;; the ♦Q then then sco score ress at the end. end. Finall Finallyy, you you can can postpone the evil moment by throwing the ♥K. In that that case case cro crossi ssing ng to the ♥A squeez squeezes es you you out out of of a diamo diamond, nd, with with the the same same optio options ns as if if you you had thrown thrown one on on the round round before. before. How can you you prevent prevent this? this? See page 139 for the the second second part of the solutio solution. n.
84 -
Play or Defend?
for ‘Fairly Easy’ ♣ N
To Hand
You can make make 3NT. 3NT. Assuming Assuming that few few players players would would lead low from from a spade suit suit headed by by the K-J-10, K-J-10, the solution solution is really really quite quite simple, using a little-known blocking play. Put up the ace ace of spades at Trick Trick 1. Since West alone can can gain the lead in diamo diamonds, nds, if East dro drops ps the the ten, ten, your your queen queen and and nine guarant guarantee ee you you a second second stop stopper per.. In practi practice, ce, East follows follows low. low. You run the jack of diamonds to the queen and West West may continue continue with with a low low spade spade.. If that that happe happens, ns, you you allo allow w the the ten ten to hold. hold. You win win the the likely club switch and continue continue diamonds, knocking out the the ace. ace. The suit suit is now set up and you still have have spades stopped. stopped. You only score score one spade trick, trick, but you can live live with with that. that. Three Three diamo diamonds, nds, one spade, spade, three three hearts hearts and two clubs add up to nine. If West prefers prefers to cash the king of of spades at Trick Trick 3, this fells East’ East’s ten. Again, your queen and nine provide provide a double stopper and the contract contract is safe.
To Hand
East can defeat 3NT by switching to exactly the right card. A low heart heart does does not work work becaus becausee the nine nine scores. scores. The defende defenders rs lack the the time to to make make both a heart and a second second spade trick. trick. A switch to the king of of hearts fares even even worse as this this slows slows the potential potential defensive defensive heart winner and gives declarer three tricks with no effort. The ten ten of hearts hearts is is the the kille killerr. If declar declarer er wins wins this this in dumm dummy, West plays the seven or eight and East wins the first diamond to continue with the ♥4. A further further unblock unblock in in hearts leav leaves es the kingking-six six as a tenace tenace over over dummy dummy, which then yields two tricks after West West gets in with the diamond ace. ace. These, These, togethe togetherr with two two diamo diamonds nds and and a spade spade are enough. enough. If declarer declarer goes up with ace ace at Trick Trick 2, East still wins the first diamond and this time time has the luxury luxury of deciding whether or not to cash cash the ♥K before before revertin revertingg to spades. spades. The defender defenderss make two two spades, spades, one heart and two diamonds.
86 -
Play or Defend?
To Hand
You can make the notrump game and to do so you indeed need to start diamonds diamonds from from dummy dummy. You should should cross cross over over with a club, club, ideally at Trick 2 (cashing (cashing the king king first first could could cost if East, who has the the long clubs, clubs, held held a late diamo diamond nd entry). entry). Then Then lead the the ♦10, intend intending ing to run it. West can do no no better better than to to win and shift shift to a heart. After After the nine nine falls to to the the ten, ten, you you hold hold up up your your ace ace unti untill the the thir third d roun round. d. Whate hateve verr the the defenders defenders do now, now, you can easily easily cash the ace ace of diamonds diamonds to drop the queen and lead towards dummy’s two pointed-suit tens. If East cover coverss the the ten ten of diamonds diamonds with the queen, queen, you win with with the the ace and play play twice towards towards the nine of diamonds — it all comes comes to the same thing. With the the ten of spades spades and the ten-n ten-nine ine of diamonds diamonds playin playingg such such a crucial role, role, North North’’s raise to 3NT on a 3-3-4-3 nine count now appears fully justified.
To Hand
West can prevent the ♠6 from becoming an entry by flying in with the eight eight on on the the first first round round of spades. spades. Someho Somehow w, you you will will need to manage manage with a singl singlee entry. entry. Theref Therefor ore, e, whatev whatever er you you do first first must must open open up up the possibility possibility of leading from dumm dummyy again. It is is no good good playin playingg Ea East st for for K-x K-x or or Q-x Q-x of club clubs. s. If you you lead lead small small to the the jack, jack, West simpl simplyy ducks. ducks. No, No, you requir requiree both both the king king and and queen queen of clubs on your your right — quite possible given given the the bidding. bidding. In order order to take advantage advantage of this situation situation you need to attack clubs from hand. After perhaps first cashing the ♠A, you you shou should ld pla playy the the jack jack of club clubs. s. Eas Eastt can can win and exit with a spade (or a heart), but on reaching reaching dummy dummy you lead the ♣10. If East covers, the ♣9 pro provide videss a re-en e-entry try.. If the the ♣10 hold holds, s, you you remain on the table to play diamonds at once.
Solutions for ‘Fairly Easy’ -
To Hand
If Eas Eastt had had the the ace ace of of hearts, hearts, a shift shift to the ♥4 would succeed, succeed, but we have have established established that that this fails fails as the the cards cards lie. Precisely Precisely one one card will will do the trick trick here: here: the queen queen of hearts. hearts. If the ace captur captures es the queen, queen, the defende defenders rs can later later run three three heart trick tricks. s. Eas Eastt will will get get in with with the the ♦A, cash cash the the king king of of hearts hearts and and then then the the ten-sev ten-seven en form form a tenace tenace over over the the eight. eight. Three Three hearts, hearts, a diamon diamond d and a spade are enough for a set. If the queen queen of hearts hearts wins, wins, West continu continues es with with the the thre threee to East East’’s king. Playing the the ace at this point point produces produces the same same result as taking taking it on the previous previous trick, trick, so declare declarerr ducks. ducks. Once Once this this happens, happens, East aban abandons dons hearts and reverts reverts to to spades. Now Now declarer declarer has to to play the jack to escape escape for one off.
To Hand
East’s double coupled with West’s lead confirm the 2-5 club break (you have have no problem problem if they split split 1-6 as anyone anyone with six decent clubs, clubs, who passed as dealer dealer,, cannot hold hold two diamond diamond entries). entries). You will need to to try something different in clubs, but putting up up the ace in dummy does not provide provide the answer answer.. This leaves leaves West with a second second club club to lead lead after after getting in with the ♦K. To make 3NT you you need to duck the the opening lead completel completelyy. West continues continues clubs and you must cover cover this with dummy’ dummy’ss ten, retaining retaining a double double stopp stopper er.. Seeing Seeing no future future in in clubs, clubs, East may may shift to to a spade after after taking the the second trick. trick. You can deal with this by by playing the the ace on the the jack or letting a low low spade spade run run round round to dummy dummy. Either way you avoid avoid losing a spade spade trick, trick, which which will also be be the case case if East switch switches es to a passiv passivee heart. Although you score score only only one club club,, you make make game game with two two spades spades (at least), least), three three hearts, hearts, three three diamonds diamonds and a club. club. Yes, another time time you might go down down this way when a near novice would would ma make ke the the con contrac tract. t. If Eas Eastt has cunni cunningl nglyy led led the the jac jack k of spades spades from Q-J-x and West West holds both diamond entries, you will lose two clubs, two two diamo diamonds nds and and a spade spade.. If this this does does happe happen, n, you you can can count count yours yourself elf unlucky and congratulate your right-hand opponent.
88 -
Play or Defend?
To Hand
If you can draw draw trumps, trumps, you can enjoy enjoy the diamonds diamonds and discard discard any remaining remaining losers losers on them. A 3-3 break break is against against the the odds and you you can cater for for a 4-2 split if you tackle tackle the trump trump suit in the right right way. way. Howeve Howeverr, if you you lead lead sma small ll to to the the ten, ten, you you go down. down. Eas Eastt wins wins with with the the jack jack and and switches switches to a small heart. After the defender defenderss cash the the ace ace and king king of hearts, hearts, they play play a thir third d roun round d for for West West to ruff. ruff. Dummy Dummy’’s lowly lowly ♠2 proves useless. With that that line line you you were were almos almostt there. there. Run Run the seve seven n on the the first first roun round d of of trum trumps ps.. Now the the ♠10 stands ready to deal with the third round of hearts hearts.. Yes, you you risk risk going going down down if West has has jack jack to to four four trumps trumps (and (and no nine), but anyone anyone who ducks ducks smoothly with that that deserves to beat the the contract. This line line would would also backfire backfire if someone (probably (probably East) East) has five spades and four four diamonds diamonds (when you miss miss taking quick discards). discards). There is also a vague chance that East might turn up with ♠J-9-x and ♥A-x or ♥K-x and score an overruff. overruff. These dangers seem even more unlikely unlikely..
To Hand
Tackling hearts carries an attraction because dummy’s pips are good enough for you you to force force an entry. entry. You can then pitch some losers on the king-q king-quee ueen n of clubs clubs and tak takee the spade spade fines finesse. se. The snag snag is you you need need to use both good clubs to to shed diamonds, which quite likely likely leaves you you with a third-round spade loser. Perhaps erhaps you you try a low spade to the the queen queen at at Trick Trick 4. No, No, East wins wins with the king king and has various various ways to exit safely. safely. Instead you you should lead the the jack jack of spades spades,, trying trying to to lure lure the the king king.. If the move move works works,, you you take take the the spade return return in hand, cross to the ♠Q and play a trump (or you can take two diamond diamond disca discards rds first first). ). East can can rise with the the ♥A but cannot help either putting you back on on the table or or exiting exiting with a friendly trump. It comes comes to much much the the same thing thing if the ♠J holds at at Trick Trick 4 (or (or if you prepreceded the ♠J with the ♠A, which which prov proves es equall equallyy effecti effective ve). ). After After the the ♠J wins, you conti continue nue with with ace and another another spade. spade. East wins with with the king king and must play a rounded rounded suit, thereby thereby giving you the entries required required to finesse trumps twice. Solutions for ‘Fairly Easy’ -
To Hand
After a low diamond comes from from dummy, dummy, East should stick in the nine. The king must take take this, this, or declarer declarer has no stopper stopper in in the suit suit at all. Then East gets in with ♣A as before, before, but this this time the queen queen takes the second second diamon diamond d and the the suit suit will will run. run. Does this this mean mean shou should ld the the contra contract ct always go down? Norwegia Norwegian n star, star, Geir Helge Helgemo mo,, knew exactl exactlyy what to to do with this this combination. combination. When When he saw saw it, it, he put put up the jack jack from from dummy dummy,, leaving his opponents with no way way to to unscramble unscramble the diamonds. Whether Whether East wins or ducks, ducks, West’s est’s queen and ten combine combine to to block the suit. Neither Neither would would taking the ace and switching switching to a spade help. help. The ace captures captures West’ West’ss jack and the defenders defenders make only only two spades plus plus a couple couple of aces. would break the the contract, as would the ♠3. Yes, the ♦10 opening opening lead would Both actions seem rather far-fetched.
To Hand
Like it or not, you really really need to place South with an eight-card spade suit su it.. This This see seems ms to ma mak ke life life rath rather er diff diffic icul ult. t. Inde Indeed ed,, you cann cannot ot do much much about about an 8-1-2-2 8-1-2-2 shape. shape. Declarer Declarer has nine certain certain tricks tricks and you you cannot cannot coun counter ter the the threa threats ts of a diamond diamond ruff ruff and of a second second heart heart trick. trick. Therefor Therefore, e, you mentally mentally assume assume an 8-0-3-2 8-0-3-2 pattern pattern for for South, South, although although at firs firstt sight sight the the pro proble blems ms seem seem to rema remain in the the same same.. If you you switc switch h to to trumps, North North’’s ten provides provides an an entry for cashing cashing two heart winners. winners. If you fail to do so, a diamond ruff provides access to dummy. dummy. To succeed succeed you have have to go back one trick. trick. West knows just just as well as East whethe whetherr a third third club club will will stand stand up. up. At Trick Trick 2, 2, you shoul should d return return a low club club.. A trump attack attack from from the left left side of of the table table proves proves rather rather more more effectiv effective. e. If the ten goes up, up, the king cove covers rs it, it, forcing forcing declare declarerr to to win the trick trick in hand. hand. Otherwise, Otherwise, you can duck duck to prod produce uce the same same resul result. t. Either Either way, way, declarer declarer can do no better than to try a diamond to the king and ace. A second trump lead then leaves dummy not taking a single trick. Note that the club underlead also defeats the 7-1-2-3 hand without the ♠J we discu discusse ssed d earli earlier er.. Then Then W West est,, looki looking ng at at J-x J-x of trumps trumps and a heart at Trick Trick 3. singleton singleton heart, switches to a heart
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Play or Defend?
To Hand
With the hearts dividing evenly evenly,, you can establish a long heart without creating creating extra extra losers losers along the the way. way. Howeve Howeverr, barring an an unusual unusual layou layoutt of the red red suits, suits, the defenders defenders will have have time to to get the the diamonds diamonds going going before you can enjoy the good heart. You need to develop the club suit, and you must concede concede a club at a point when when a spade stopper remains remains in dummy dummy.. After cashing the ♠Q at Trick 2, you simply simply duck duck a club. club. You can win the likely likely diamond diamond return return (nothing else else causes trouble) trouble) and play play a club to to the ace. West shows out, out, which enables enables you to follow follow the ace-king of of spades with the marked marked club finesse. Since the the odds are against against scoring scoring five club tricks tricks when you would would require require a 3-2 break break and a successfu successfull finesse, ducking the first round round of the suit would probably still be right at pairs scoring.
To Hand
Suppose Suppose East shifts shifts to the the two of of clubs clubs at Trick Trick 2. Dummy’ Dummy’ss ace capture capturess the king and now declarer can even afford to come over with a diamond to start start trump trumpss from from hand. hand. If East wins with the queen queen and and pla plays ys the the queen queen of of clubs, clubs, this this sets sets up dummy dummy’’s su suit. it. Playing Playing the ten of clubs clubs work workss no better better.. Once the weak weak hand hand turns turns up with the the club club king, king, the opening opening bidder bidder surely surely has the queen. queen. South discar discards ds on the present present trick and and can only only be made made to ruff ruff once. once. To defeat the the contract you you must switch switch to the queen of of clubs. You can go in with the ♠Q on the first first roun round d of trumps trumps and conti continue nue club clubs. s. Assuming Assuming South ruffs, West hangs on to the king, which means means that you you can play a second club with deadly effect when you get in with ♠A. Declarer cannot counter even by taking the inspired view to abandon trumps. The spade seven seven proves proves just just good enough enough to frustrate an attempt attempt to cash three three diamonds, pitch one one on the ♥Q, and ruff ruff two two in dumm dummyy.
Solutions for ‘Fairly Easy’ -
To Hand
If East can tak takee the firs firstt round round of of spades spades with with the ten, ten, a switch switch to to a low low heart proves proves a killer. killer. You cannot let the ♥10 win, or West West can play a spade to the the ace. ace. Having Having tak taken en it, an anyy subsequ subsequent ent heart heart lead lead will presen presentt you with only losing losing options: options: win in dummy dummy and lose two two hearts, or duck and see East go back back to to spades. spades. In either either case, three losers in the the majors majors and and two in diamonds spell defeat. You can make this contract. contr act. To do so you must call for the ♠A straight way. Then tak takee one diamo diamond nd finesse, finesse, win the club club or or heart shift shift on the the away. table and take a second diamond finesse (even though East shows out). West makes another diamond trick, but you still have all suits stopped. Note that you risk nothing in putting up dummy’s ♠A. Since both the diamond finesses go into the hand on your your left, you still have have a double stopper stopper,, which which would would be important important if the lead was was from king king to four four. You are surely surely going down down if West started with king to five five or six spades and the king-jack king-jack of diamonds — with no side side entry, entry, you can can hardly play play your your round of diamonds whether whether East follows follows or not. ♦A on the second round
To Hand
You can make 5♦ on a trump trump switch. switch. Follo Follow w the black black aces aces with with spade spade ruffs and exit from dummy with the ♣Q. East wins and and can can neithe neitherr draw draw dummy’ dummy’ss last trump trump nor play play a heart to much much effect. Declarer Declarer ruffs the the heart, heart, takes takes a third third spade spade ruff, ruff, and ruffs ruffs a club club.. The ♦A drops the queen, leaving South’s South’s remaining cards high. A slight change to the above above timing proves proves equally effective: effective: lead the duck after after taking taking just one spade ruff. Even Even so, so, the contract contract should should ♣Q and duck fail. East needs to foresee foresee this this avoidance avoidance play play in clubs clubs and concentrat concentratee on promoting promot ing West’s West’s ♦Q. What can you do on a heart heart return at Trick 2? You ruff a spade spade and try a clu club b tow towar ards ds the the nine nine.. Howev However er,, can tak e the ♠A, ruff the the ten com comes es up, up, forc forcing ing the the ace. ace. You ruff ruff anoth another er spade spade,, bu butt East East hops hops up with the ♣K to play a third round of hearts to promote promote West’ West’ss ♦Q. If instead you you draw draw trumps and ruff a spade in dummy dummy, East discards discards a club club and then unblocks the ♠Q on the second spade to avoid being thrown in with it on the third. third. Again you you finish a trick short. short.
92 -
Play or Defend?
To Hand
After winning the first trick in hand, declarer could draw draw trumps with the king king and quee queen n and then then run the the diamon diamond d eight. eight. East wins wins with with the queen and and safely safely exits with a spade. spade. Now Now taking taking the ♦A and then ruffing a diamond diamond sees West West show show out. Therefor Therefore, e, declarer declarer goes over over to dumm dummy y with an ace ace and takes takes the marke marked d ruffing ruffing finesse finesse in diamonds. diamonds. One ace ace remains remains to provide provide access access to the good diamond, diamond, which generate generatess the twelfth twelfth trick. trick. Can you you see a way way to do anything anything about about this? West needs needs to stay more more alert. alert. This defend defender er has to reco recogniz gnizee that declarer may intend to run the ♦8 and cove coverr it, it, forc forcing ing out out the the ace. ace. This This brings us back to the failing lines we discussed earlier.
To Hand
After After thr three ee roun rounds ds of of diamon diamonds, ds, two two roun rounds ds of of spades spades and and a diamon diamond d exit, West can can beat you by leading leading the queen queen of of hearts. Although Although this this sets sets up the jack, you lack the entries to score score three heart tricks and you will lose a club club at the end. end. You will hav havee to find find a better better plan plan if you want to to make this contract. If West had a doubleton doubleton in each each major major, you could secure a helpful helpful return by cashing cashing both both your your ace-kings ace-kings before before getting getting off off play. play. In addition, addition, without the spade spade blockage, you would would be able to run four four spade tricks and stand stand a much much better better chanc chancee of stripping stripping the hand. hand. Can you you succ succeed eed on the actual layout? You need need to to play play East East for the jack and ten ten of of clubs. clubs. This does not seem so unlikely unlikely given given what else you know know about about the hand. Moreove Moreoverr, you can forget forget about endplays and the like. A simple avoidance avoidance play will do the the job job. Unb nblo lock ck the the ace ace-k -kin ingg of spad spades es aand nd lea lead d the the nine nine of of club clubs. s. Ea East st wins with the ten ten and returns returns a heart to to your ace. You lead a low low club, club, planning to to duck if if the missing low club club appears (to (to cater for for jack-ten jack-ten doublet doubleton on on your your right). right). In practic practicee the king king pops up, up, which which simplifie simplifiess matt ma tter ers. s. The The ♣Q can now score your game-going trick.
Solutions for ‘Fairly Easy’ -
To Hand
To succeed succee d in 4♠ you really require require both the queen and jack of diamonds on your your right right.. Take ake two two roun rounds ds of trump trumpss — with with the the jack jack the then n the ace ace — and and lead lead a low low diamon diamond d off dummy dummy.. East must must play play high high to to prevent prevent you from from winning with the nine, and you can capture capture the jack with the ace. ace. Continue Continue with the the nine to to the king king to arrive arrive at a decisio decision n point. If East sstart tarted ed with thre threee diamonds, diamonds, you want to to lead low low.. To cater cater to to the actual lie, you need to play play the ten, ten, pinning West’s est’s eight and picking picking up the queen via a ruffing finesse. The a priori priori odds make the four-ca four-card rd holdi holding ng mor moree prob probab able, le, in bro broad ad term termss by a facto factorr of eight eight to to six. six. The bidding bidding provid provides es another another reason reason to to try the ten. Giving Giving West West a 1-3-4-5 1-3-4-5 places five five hearts with East, who had the chance chance to bid 2♥ yet yet failed to do so. A 1-4-4-4 1-4-4-4 shape shape seems equally unlikely: unlikely: firstly, firstly, West might might have have pulled the redouble redouble to 1NT; 1NT; secondly, secondly, East would hardly hardly overtake overtake the club club.. Yes, es, 3NT 3NT rol rolls ls in in with with nin ninee top top tri trick cks, s, bu butt st staaying ying out out of of your our nine-card major-suit fit takes some doing.
To Hand
If East puts puts up the ♣Q at Trick Trick 1, declar declarer er shoul should d duck. duck. This This makes makes it a simple matter to to finesse the jack of clubs and draw draw precisely two two rounds of trumps, the ideal number number for removing removing West’ West’ss but leaving leaving one on the tabl table. e. The fourt fourth h rou round nd of club clubss ruffe ruffed d with with the the ♥4 provides a tenth trick. To defeat defeat the contract, East should should duck duck the opening lead, allowing the jack to win! This gives declarer a similar dilemma to the one that arose after after taking taking the queen queen with the the ace. ace. Now Now one round round of trumps trumps follo followed wed by two rounds rounds of clubs allows allows East to play play a fourth club; club; West’s est’s uppercut uppercut with the ♥5 then then promo promotes tes a trump trick. trick. Taking aking both both the queen queen of trumps as well as the ace before giving up a club lets East play a third round round of of trumps; trumps; after after that, that, provided provided West ensures ensures dummy’ dummy’ss diamo diamond nd entries do not remain remain intact (remember (remember the danger danger of a double squeeze), squeeze), declarer will have to lose a trick at the end.
94 -
Play or Defend?
To Hand
We have looked looked at the outcome if East plays a second heart or shifts to a spade, spade, bu butt neithe neitherr move move seem seemss to work work.. What happ happens ens after after a club club at Trick 2? The strong desire to conserve the ♣A as an entry to the diamonds obliges declarer to play a high card card from hand and, when the king appears, appears, to duck duck in dummy dummy. West could persevere persevere with clubs, but declarer declarer can win the club in hand and drive out the ♦A. Clearly Clearly,, a spade spade switch switch by by West West will will bring bring no joy, joy, since this would go round to the ace-queen. ace-queen. Instead, West should revert to hearts. Declarer Declarer must hold up on the second round round of hearts or go two down, losing four four hearts and a trick in each each minor. minor. Now Now the spotlight returns to to East.. A club East club fails fails as the closed closed hand hand wins and a thir third d round round of hearts hearts does not work work either: either: with the long hearts hearts and the the ♦A in differ different ent hands, hands, the contract contract makes. makes. To succeed succeed East has has to switch switch once once again, again, this this time to spades. spades. Two heart heart winners, winners, and one one in each each of of the other other suits suits provide provide the the five that the defenders require.
To Hand
After the ♦K wins the opening lead and a low club appears at Trick 2, West should rise with the ♣A to cont continu inuee diamon diamonds. ds. East takes takes the the ace and play playss a third third diamo diamond, nd, forcin forcingg South South to ruff ruff high. high. It is is now poss possibl iblee to go over to to dummy dummy with a club and play a trump, trump, but what happens then? East can go up with the ♠A and persevere with a fourth round of diamonds. This proves proves a real real killer. killer. To make 4♠ you need to cover cover the ♦9 with with the the quee queen. n. If Ea East st hold holdss back the ace, dummy dummy gains the lead and you can lead trumps towards towards your king-qu king-queen. een. If the ace ace capture capturess the queen queen,, you win the next next diamo diamond nd and, and, despite the strong strong 1NT opening, play a club to the king — the trump propromotion would would defeat you anyway anyway if West had the ♣Q rather than the ace. Now Now you can safely lead a trump trump and, if East flies in with the the ace to concontinue tinue diam diamon onds, ds, affor afford d to ruff ruff high. high. In prac practic tice, e, West may may well well tak take the the ♣A on the first round round (lest you you hold a singleton), singleton), removing removing any doubt doubt about the club position. Solutions for ‘Fairly Easy’ -
Solution (from (from page 30) 30)
10 3 2
If the cards cards lie as shown, shown, declarer declarer can pick pick up the the spades by by running the ten ten and taki taking ng two two further further finess finesses. es. If North North or Sout South h leads leads the suit suit first, no other winning winning layout layout exists. exists. Howeve Howeverr, if declarer declarer can strip the the hand and and arrange arrange not to to lead the the suit, suit, the situ situati ation on bright brightens ens.. Neith Neither er defen defender der can can lead lead safely safely play play it if West has has Q-J-7 Q-J-7-x. -x. Succes Successs is also also possib possible le if East has 9-7, 9-7, Q-9 or or J-9 and is the one to to attack the the suit. suit. You will notice notice that in all four four potentially potentially succes successful sful layo layouts uts East East holds holds the nine. nine. It follo follows ws that that if this this player player does does lead the suit, suit, this is the the card card to choose, choose, leaving leaving declarer declarer a guess. guess.
Solution (from (from page 66) 66)
Six hearts hearts might be made made if declarer declarer can take take four four ruffs ruffs whilst whilst the defenders defenders follow follow suit suit and then has has the lead in in hand at Trick Trick 11. At this this point, the trump suit must must look something something like this: this: ♥ J
K 10 8 W
Q 7
♥ A
South’s other remaining card must be in the same suit as East’s but in a different different suit to North North’’s. Declarer Declarer leads this plain-suit plain-suit card; card; West has to ruff high to stop dummy’ dummy’ss jack from scoring scoring but is then endplayed. endplayed. Clear Clearly ly,, the the same same circ circum umsta stanc nces es bring bring succe success ss if if West has has K-10 K-10-7 -7,, Q-10 Q-10--8 or or QQ-1010-7. You could ould also also su succceed eed if if Wes estt has has K-Q-10, K-Q-10, 10-8-7 10-8-7 or K-Q. K-Q. A final final scenari scenario o is is that that West has K-Q-8 K-Q-8 or K-Q-7. K-Q-7. In this this case, case, West would would again again ruff high and exit exit low low.. By playing playing dummy’ dummy’ss jack, you could could make make the contract, contract, but this this would have have to be losing policy in the long run.
for ‘More Testing’ ♣ N
To Hand
You can make make 3NT 3NT by putting putting East in in a dilemma. dilemma. After taking the the ♠A, and before touching touching the diamonds, lead a low club. If West puts puts up up the queen, queen, you win in dummy dummy,, cash two diamonds diamonds and return the ♣10 (you could defer cashing the diamonds or lead a high heart heart off off dumm dummyy befo before re going going ba back ck to club clubs). s). If Eas Eastt take takess the the ♣J, your ♣9 become becomess an entry to to the the diamo diamonds. nds. If not, you only requir requiree two two heart heart tricks tricks to go with with two two spades, spades, three three clubs clubs and and two two diamond diamonds, s, and can can switch to hearts. West cannot prevent prevent you from making making that second spade trick trick.. If need need be, be, you you exit exit with with the the fourt fourth h rou round nd of of hearts hearts (or (or clu clubs bs). ). West probably probably ducks ducks at Trick 2 and and you insert dummy’ dummy’ss ten. This brings brings us to much much the the same same position position as as in the previou previouss paragraph. paragraph. If East wins the the ten with with the jack, jack, your your ♣9 serves serves as an entry to the diamonds once once you you have have unblo unblock cked ed the the ace and king. king. If not, the ♣10 scores and you can develop the two heart tricks you require at leisure.
To Hand
Suppose you cash the ♣Q at Trick Trick 2 and, on seeing West West follow to the second second roun round d of clubs clubs,, overta overtake ke the the jack jack with with the the king. king. You then then play play a diam diamon ond d to the the que queen en,, whic which h loses loses to the the ace ace.. You are are fin finee if a spade spade comes comes back as you can win, finish the clubs, clubs, and later later make make the ♦J and your final spade winner. Alas, West catches you by surprise: a diamond goes to East’s East’s king and a club exit locks you you in dummy. dummy. You can cash the rest rest of the club clubs, s, but both both defend defenders ers hang hang on on to thr three ee hearts. hearts. You must must attack hearts and are bound to lose three tricks in the suit. To succeed you you need to take the slight risk of four clubs clubs on your right (you (you will have have a marke marked d finesse finesse if they are are on your your left). left). Overtak Overtakee the first first round of of clubs (low (low to the ace also also works given given the 3-2 split) and lead lead a diam diamon ond d off off dumm dummyy. This This rend render erss the the defe defend nder erss help helple less ss.. If they they tak take their diamonds diamonds and return a club, club, you can win it in hand to enjoy enjoy your spade spade winners winners.. You have have a certain certain heart stopper stopper and, if West contin continues ues spades, you pitch pitch a heart from dummy and wait to score score your third third spade trick until after you have led a diamond towards the jack.
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Play or Defend?
To Hand
Once the ♣K loses loses to the the ace ace and a trump comes comes back, back, you ruff a heart to hand. As entries entries to dummy dummy look look scarce scarce,, you could could lead lead the the ♦7 to the ace and and ruff ruff a second second heart heart.. You go back back to to the table table with with a trump trump and ruff ruff a thir third d hear heart. t. Alth Althou ough gh the the ♥A falls, you have have reached reached a hopeless hopeless position. position. You would would have have to exit with a club club to escape for one one down. You need to set up a third diamond trick whilst you retain control over over proce proceedin edings. gs. After After your your initial initial heart heart ruff, ruff, lead the the ♦7 and and duc duck. k. You win the the trump trump retu return rn in dumm dummyy, ruff ruff anoth another er heart heart,, draw draw the miss missing ing trump and cash the ♦K. Then Then lead lead the the ♦10 to to the the ace, ace, ruff ruff a thir third d heart heart and cross back by playing the carefully preserved ♦2 to to the the six. six. You can now enjoy the ♥K.
To Hand
What What happens happens if the play play commences commences with three three rounds rounds of clubs clubs and East discards a diamond? Declarer strips the diamonds diamonds and wins the first roun round d of trump trumpss in dum dumm my. It appea appears rs tem tempti pting ng now now to ruff ruff anoth another er club club and and lead lead a low low heart, heart, playing playing for a 2-2 2-2 heart heart brea break. k. Howev However er,, the 5-2 club split and West’s takeout double make a 3-1 division much more proba probable ble.. There Therefor fore, e, declar declarer er plays plays a fourth fourth roun round d of clubs clubs but but throw throwss a spade, forcing forcing West West either to return return a spade or concede concede a ruff and discard. discard. East might might fore foresee see the the loser on on loser play play and and ruff the fourth fourth club club.. In this case, case, declare declarerr overruf overruffs, fs, wins the seco second nd round round of trumps trumps in dumm dummy y (drawing the outstanding outstanding one in the the process) and leads leads a spade, planning to cove coverr the jack jack or otherwise otherwise insert the the ten. West wins but but is well and truly stuck. We rewind to Trick Trick 3 and this time East discards discards a spade. Still hoping for a 2-2 2-2 trump trump break, break, declar declarer er takes takes the ace ace and and king king of hearts, hearts, ruffs the the thir third d diam diamond ond and tries tries a ffou ourth rth round round of club clubs. s. If Eas Eastt tthr hrow owss a diadiamond, mond, South South sheds sheds a spade spade and and West West is is fixed. fixed. Ruffin Ruffingg also fails: fails: it would would allow allow declar declarer er to ove overruff rruff and lead lead the ♠K! Then the doubleton jack blocks the spades, which prevents prevents the defenders from from making three three tricks in the the suit. suit. To beat the contra contract ct East East must must throw throw a seco second nd spade. spade. Now Now West could escape by cashing the ♠A and giving East a spade ruff. Solutions for ‘More Testing’ -
To Hand
After a spade to the ace, ace, a heart to the ace and three three further rounds of spades, declarer declarer should should throw throw a diamond. diamond. East may may persevere persevere with with a fifth roun round d of of spade spades, s, in whic which h case case the the powe powerr of of the the ♣10 comes into play. West can ruff but dummy dummy overruffs and there is no trump promotion. To beat the contract West must throw the ♦8 and ♦J on the second and third third roun rounds ds of of spades. spades. East carries carries on on with with a fourth fourth round round of spades spades and it does declarer declarer no good good to pitch pitch a diamond diamond now. now. West can also get rid of a diamond diamond — the ace! ace! On a diamond switch now, now, South ruffs low, low, but West West can overruff for a one-trick set and applause from the kibitzers. kibitzers. Note Note that if declarer declarer draws trumps at Tricks Tricks 2 to 4 before trying a diamond, West grabs the ace and leads the the ♥J. East ducks and always has an exit exit card card in spades. spades. Again Again it is is one down. down. If you thought thought that that was was spectacul spectacular ar,, see what what you you make make of this: this:
10 7 6 5 2
10 6 5
10 9
♦ A
♣ A
J75 42 N
A 5 3
J 8 3
KQJ87 6
♥ A
KQ 9
South plays in 6♠ and West leads the ♣10. Declare Declarerr goes goes up with dummy’ dummy’ss ace and throws throws the club queen on the second second diamond. Then come come four round roundss of hearts, hearts, the last last ruffed with with the ♠10. Overruf Overruffing fing fails fails and East fares fares no better better by discard discarding ing from from one of the minors minors.. Declare Declarerr can enter hand by ruffing that minor and again the defenders have no way to promote West’s ♠9. To beat the the slam East must underruff, underruff, take the the first spade and then lead the minor suit that South ruffed at Trick 8.
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Play or Defend?
To Hand
To make 4♠ you need to restrict restrict your losses to two hearts and a club; you avoid the diamond loser by forcing East to give give you a ruff and discard. Moreover Moreover,, you must take care that West West never gets in lead to cash a diamond and that East does not win a second heart until you are ready. You can afford to to draw three rounds rounds of trumps and then play ace ace of clubs followed followed by a club to the jack. Your finger-crossi finger-crossing ng or whatever you you do in these these situatio situations ns works. works. East wins the the trick and and probabl probablyy returns returns a club. club. You ruff and then advance advance the ♥9, inte intend ndin ingg to to run run it. it. If West est cov cov-ers, ers, dumm dummy’ y’ss ac acee wins wins an and d you you giv givee up two two heart heart tric tricks. ks. If not, not, you you lose lose the the first first heart heart trick trick,, win the the sec secon ond, d, and lose lose the the thir third. d. Ei Eith ther er way way you you achiev achievee your your goal. goal. East has has only only rounded rounded-sui -suitt cards cards left, left, allowing allowing you you to ruff the next trick in in dummy dummy whilst shedding a diamond diamond from from hand. A similar position position results results if East leads a heart after after taking the second second round round of of clubs. clubs. You put put in in the nine and play play dummy dummy’’s ace ace if and only only if if West contributes contributes the queen. Whether Whether it takes the first or second second round of the the suit, suit, the the ♥A serves serves as an entry entry for you you to to ruff a club club in hand. hand. You can can then exit exit with with a heart as aabov bove. e. Note Note that playing playing two rounds rounds of clubs clubs before pulling trumps trumps also works. works. It takes takes an initial heart lead to beat you. you. Here Here is another example example of spot cards in a vital vital role in an endplay: endplay: ♠ A ♥
8 76 2
♦ A ♣
J 10 N
Q J 10 9 8 6 3
K 10 2 6♥ ♦Q
Contract: Lead:
95 3 KQ953
J 8 7 6
♥ A ♦
Q 10 7 6 5 4 3
♣ A
Declarer takes the ♦A, the the ♥A and the ♠A and calls for the ♠2. If East plays plays high, high, there there is is a doubl doublee ruffing ruffing finess finesse; e; if not, South South thro throws ws the the ♣4 to fix West. Solutions for ‘More Testing’ -
To Hand
Knowing that a heart return offers complete safety, safety, you should deduce from East’s ♣J shift shift that that tthe he king king lies lies ove overr your your quee queen. n. In this this case, case, if you you give up on trying to score a trick with the ♦10 (because you need the ♦J onside and a helpful helpful trump trump layou layout), t), the only only hope hope left left is a squeeze. squeeze. The diamond threat sits in dummy, dummy, which means that you should select West West as your your victim. victim. This This make makess cov coverin eringg the the ♣J unwise wise.. Indee ndeed, d, it would ould only prove prove right if West has ♣K-4 doubleton and East the long diamonds, in which case your ♣5 would would becom becomee the club threat. threat. Howeve Howeverr, then the the ♣J shift would be a mistake — it gives you the chance to transfer the club guard from West to East, a play for which you would lack the entry on a passive heart return. After letting letting the club run round round to dummy’ dummy’ss ace, you call for the the major-suit major-suit aces aces next and then use the final ace, ace, diamonds, as an entry for ruffing ruffing a heart. heart. You must must ruff ruff high in dumm dummyy, not for for fear fear of of an ove overruff rruff,, but because you want to run the trumps and cannot afford to block them at this stage. You are pleased to find three trumps on your right since this clearly increases increases the chanc chancee of long diamonds diamonds on your your left. left. As you you lead lead the last trump, this is the the position: position:
98 3
K Q 7
9 ♠
West has no answer.
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Play or Defend?
J 6
To Hand
Omar observ Omar observed ed West West’’s play play of the two two of clubs. clubs. He knew knew his his partner partner had a choice of of clubs to play play and interpreted this tiny tiny spot card as a suit-prefsuit-preferenc erencee signa signal, l, denying denying heart heart values values.. There Therefor fore, e, he decide decided d to to focus focus on winning two two trump tricks tricks and pitched pitched a diamond diamond at Trick Trick 3. His oppoopponent gratefully gratefully won with the queen, queen, crossed crossed to dummy dummy with a diamond and took took the spade spade finesse. finesse. Howeve Howeverr, Omar ruffed ruffed the next diamond diamond and and exited with a heart, leaving declarer unable to pick up the ♠K. throwing a diamond on the third third club club guaranteed the the At the table, throwing contract’ contract’s defeat, but I have changed changed the hand slightly to give declarer declarer a count counter er.. Befor Beforee playin playingg a secon second d diamo diamond, nd, cash cash the ace ace-k -king ing of of hearts hearts.. East can ruff ruff the second second diamo diamond nd and and return return a heart. heart. Yes, you must must ruff ruff this in hand, hand, but you can overruff overruff in dummy! dummy! This allows you to repeat the spade finesse and make ten tricks.
To Hand
You cannot make 4♠ by running running the trumps. trumps. You have have to to use the ♣K as a re-entry to get back to hand and East can simply keep two diamonds and three three clubs. clubs. Whether Whether you keep three clubs clubs and two two diamond diamondss in dummy or the other way round you will lose two tricks in each minor. Before admitting admitting defeat, you should consider consider another way to arrive arrive at ten tricks. tricks. If you can get get a long long club club and the the ♦Q, you only only need five five trump trump tricks. tricks. Have Have you you spotted spotted the the answer answer now? now? Draw Draw one round round of of trumps trumps by leading leading the the five five to the the ace, then then play thre threee roun rounds ds of club clubs, s, ruffin ruffingg high. high. Next, ext, still still savin savingg the the ♠2, cross back to dumm dummyy with a trum trump, p, and ruff ruff anothe anotherr club club high high.. If West has has shown shown out out on the the second second trump trump,, you could could be sure sure of the positi position. on. You would would play play your last big trump and exit with w ith the ♠2, know knowin ingg Eas Eastt will will win. win. On the the actual layout you need to hope that the missing trump lies on your right and lead the ♠2 at Trick Trick 8, risking two two down down if it turns up on your your left. left. Note that you also make the contract on the above line with clubs 3-3. 3-3. In this this case case,, Ea East st will will hav havee to to ruf rufff the the fou fourt rth h clu club b. If an anot othe herr trum trump p is still still out, out, you overruf overrufff and exit exit with with the the ♠2. Otherwi Otherwise se you you disc discar ard d (or (or even underruff) to leave the defender on play. Solutions for ‘More Testing’ -
To Hand
Assuming standard leads, declarer will surely surely let the spade run round round to the closed closed hand. hand. In practice practice East East takes takes the king king in third third seat and and must must decide decide what what to do. do. A spade spade return return will be be too slow: slow: East canno cannott contin contin-ue spades and West West holds only one possible entry, the ♣A. Migh Mightt a hear heartt switch do the trick? Clearly a low heart lead brings little joy — at least not to the player who makes makes it. An alert declarer declarer hops hops up with the ten and probably probably plays plays on clubs. clubs. West may win the the first club club and try a second heart, heart, but dummy’ dummy’ss ace (or a low card) deals with that. What happens if East prefers prefers the the heart king king at Trick 2? This renders renders the ♥10 useless. However However,, declarer declarer can allow the ♥K to hold and the defenders make just two kings and two clubs. To defeat 3NT East must shift to the ♥J. If the the que queen en tak takes this this,, West est wins the first club club and continues continues the heart heart attack, setting up two two heart tricks. If the ♥J holds, East exits passively passively and again West West grabs the first roun round d of club clubss to to play play a heart heart.. Ei Eith ther er way way two two heart hearts, s, a spade spade and two two clubs are enough. Could it ever be right to switch to your top card? Take a look at this: ♠ A ♥
Q J 10 9 7 5
♣ A
9 73
8 4 ♠
72 ♠ J
J 10 2
♥ A
♦ A
♣ J
K 10 8 5
10 5
South plays plays in 3NT 3NT having shown 15-17 and and five five hearts. East wins the club lead with the queen and must switch to the ♠K. If the the aacce is is pl played first first or second second time, time, the defender defenderss make make three three spades, spades, a club club aand nd a diamond; diamond; if not, West reverts reverts to clubs clubs and holds holds up the ♦K to kill dummy. The ♠10 fails as all cover and dummy’s 9-7-3 will provide a stopper.
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Play or Defend?
To Hand
With tenace holdings in both minors, common sense suggests suggests a winning thro throw w in lies lies out out the there re some somewh wher ere. e. Of the the opti option onss that that we we did did not not discuss discuss earlier earlier,, playing ace and and another another club clearly clearly fails. fails. East will will get in with the ♣Q and make the deadly diamond shift. To succeed you need to attack diamonds, and to use the spot cards to their their full full pot potent entia ial. l. If Eas Eastt play playss low low on the the first first round round of of diamo diamonds nds,, you you insert the nine, thrusting the lead on to West. On the likely likely low club club shift, shift, you go up with the jack from from dummy dummy and later lead towards towards the ten. You can cater for for a diamond exit exit or a ruff and discard equally equally well. East does does better better to play play high high on the first first round round of diamonds diamonds.. It seems seems tempting to cover cover with the king, but West West can capture it with the ace and escape by by returning returning a low diamond. diamond. Instead you should duck duck and and cover cover the next diamond. diamond. Now Now when West West takes the ace and tries a low diamond, diamond, you pitch a club from dummy, dummy, letting the lead come round to your nine. Of course, neither defender could gain by by playing a heart or or club instead. The diamond combination above has a first cousin as we now see:
10 7
♦ ♣
Q4 2
K9 652
85 2 ♠
J 9 4 3
K Q J 10 7 6 ♠ A ♥
♦ ♣
A Q J 8 3 10 7 6 5 2 A
K J 10 8 7 5
♦ A ♣
94 3
West, who opened opened 3♣, lead leadss the the ♣K against 4♠. Ea East st ove overt rtak akes es wit with h the ace and switches to the ♦5. West’ est’s high club clubss and dummy dummy’’s lack of of entries dictate dictate the best line. line. Declarer Declarer cashes two two ace-kings ace-kings and tries to play a heart to dummy’ dummy’ss nine. West does best best to rise rise with the ten, but the the king covers this and East is stuck after being allowed two heart tricks.
Solutions for ‘More Testing’ -
To Hand
You can can mak makee 3NT — by means means of a progr progressi essive ve sque squeeze eze.. You hav havee threats against West West in three suits and, once the defender unguards unguards one of these these,, you you ssho houl uld d gai gain n a new new squ squeez eezee car card. d. Howe Howeve verr, to brin bringg it it all all together you must take great care. You want to to reduce reduce the loser loser count as much as possible. Therefore, Therefore, you hold up the ♠A until until the fourth fourth round round.. At this point, point, provided provided you have kept all the hearts and at least five diamonds in dummy, West already finds the pressure too much: ♠
65 2
♦ A ♣ ♠
Q 10 7 3
Q J 7
Q J 7
K8 54 2
8 ♠
Q7 4
♥ J
10 9
96 5
S ♠ A ♥ A ♦
K9 4
♣ A
K 10
West can ill afford to discard a diamond — doing this would concede several several tricks tricks.. We next consi consider der the the impact impact of a heart disca discard. rd. Dummy can can spare any low low red card, and you can simply simply play ace, king and a third third heart. heart. North North’’s ♦A deals with a switch to the ♦Q and you come back back to hand hand with with a club club.. The long long heart heart then then squeezes squeezes West in the the minors. A club club discard discard from from West prove provess more more testing. testing. Indeed, Indeed, since since Ea East st could easily hold hold the ten ten of clubs rather rather than the nine, you should should expect expect a good defend defender er to try this. this. Three Three rounds rounds of clubs clubs squeeze squeeze West West down down to three hearts and now you understand the need to preserve dummy’s hearts. hearts. You go ove overr to the ♦A and play play a heart, heart, sticking sticking in the the nine if if East ollows low low or covering covering the jack. Either way way you you safely duck duck a heart into into f ollows the hand hand on on your your left. left. In the the latter latter case, case, West may may drop drop the ten, ten, and you you can then continue with the ♥9 (or succeed with an endplay).
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Play or Defend?
To Hand
By itself, itself, holding holding up the ♣A will not preve prevent nt the the trum trump p promo promotio tion. n. Eas Eastt is the one with with the trump king and long long clubs. clubs. Indeed, the way way the cards cards lie, the defenders defenders will come come to a second second trump trump trick trick in one form form or anothe anotherr. Howev However er,, it gets gets decl declar arer er off to a start start.. After winning winning the second second club, club, you can cash cash the ♠A bu butt mus mustt then then hope for for a 3-3 diamon diamond d break. break. You play play four round roundss of the suit, suit, throwin throwingg a club. club. West can can ruff but has no way way to to get East East in to to obtain obtain a secon second d ruff. ruff. Equally East may may elect to trump the diamond diamond and play a club, club, enabling West to overruff, but again you can get in to pull the last trump
To Hand
Once you have drawn drawn trumps and played a diamond diamond to the queen, queen, you could lead the ♦J from from hand hand next. next. The bidd bidding ing makes makes it rath rather er unli unlike kely ly that that East starte started d with a double doubleto ton n ace of diamon diamonds. ds. Alas, Alas, the extra extra trump trump retained retained in dummy dummy brings brings no real real benefit. benefit. East can win the the diamond diamond and play play a club club thr throug ough. h. Holdi Holding ng thr three ee club clubs, s, the hand hand on on your your left left can can always escape an endplay and you go down whether or not you finesse. To succeed succeed you you must must lead a low diamond diamond off off dummy dummy at Trick Trick 2. This carries little risk. risk. West might have have preferred preferred a singleton singleton diamond diamond lead to to es West a ruff, a trum trump p. In an anyy cas case, e, if Ea East st hops hops up with with the the ♦A and giv giv es you are well placed with w ith the trumps 2-1. A lead into your rounded-suit rounded-suit tenaces will cover one potential loser and the ♦K the the other other.. East ducks ducks the diamond diamond and your queen wins. You draw the the missing trump and play a diamond to your your jack. At this point you you resist playing playing a third third diamond. diamond. Instead, Instead, you must must play play a trump trump,, follow followed ed by by a heart heart to the nine (or you cover cover the queen). West scores scores two heart tricks but but then has to surren surrender der.. It would would not not matter matter if if West could could exit exit with with a diamond diamond to to East’’s ace: East ace: then then the long long diamo diamond nd would would tak takee care care of your your club club loser loser.. If the worst comes to the worst and East turns up with something like Q-10-x of hearts, hearts, you can can still still fall back back on the the club club finesse. finesse. This line line only only backfir backfires es if East can can win the second second heart, heart, the club club finesse finesse fails, fails, and diamon diamonds ds were were 3-3 all along. Solutions for ‘More Testing’ - 1 0 7
To Hand
After a heart to the ten ten and king, and a club to the ace, suppose West West plays ace and anoth another er heart. heart. East canno cannott spare spare a club club,, though though a spad spadee looks looks safe. safe. With the hearts hearts ready ready to to run, run, West is is now now the danger danger hand hand and and declarer declarer needs to tread carefully carefully.. Cashing Cashing two top clubs clubs after winning winning the spade switch proves fatal as this sets up two club winners for East. To succeed from here declarer leaves a high club in dummy and leads a diam diamond ond towar towards ds hand hand.. If Eas Eastt goes goes in up with with the the king, king, the the natu natural ral avoida avoidance nce play play of of ducking ducking lands the contract contract without without further further ado. ado. If the defender prefers prefers to to play low low, declarer declarer can finesse the queen, queen, cross back back to dummy dummy with a spade and repeat the the process. process. As well as three three diamonds, diamonds, two spades, spades, two hearts hearts and a club club,, another trick will come come in the wash. heart.. It looks looks lik likee To beat 3NT East has to throw the ♦K on the third third heart declarer can collect nine tricks by knocking out the ♠Q, bu butt the the act of cashing dummy’ dummy’ss clubs lets the defenders defenders score score five five first: first: three clubs, clubs, the ♠Q and the ♥A. Leaving a club winner on the table table works no better better. A more flamboyan flamboyantt illustration of of the same theme theme arises on this deal: deal:
♠ J
8 64 3
♥ J
9 85 4
Q 10 6
10 2
K 10 9 6 5 4 N
♣ A
K 10 2
♥ A
87 2
♣ J
♠ A
♦ A
K9 76 53
Cont Contra ract ct 3NT 3NT ♦4 Lead East opens 3♦ and South’ South’s 3NT overcall overcall buys the contract. contract. East wins Trick 1 with the ♦K and continues continues with the the ace and three. three. Both the bidbidding and East’ Ea st’ss lowly ♦3 mark South with both major-suit major-suit ace-kings. West must take take the only chance chance and discard discard the queen and ace ace of clubs.
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Play or Defend?
To Hand
To have any any real hope of ruffing a diamond in dummy you must draw two roun rounds ds of trumps trumps using using South South’’s top card cards. s. With the the ace gone gone,, West could ould ruff ruff in wit with h the the ♠10 on on the the sec secon ond d diam diamon ond. d. This This cr crea eate tess another problem. Suppose you take the ♦A, the kingking-qu queen een of spades spades,, four four top top hearts hearts and ruff ruff a diamon diamond d with the ♠A. You now now want to to return return to to the South South hand to extract West’ West’ss remaining trump, trump, but you are are in danger of running into into a trump trump promoti promotion. on. Sure, Sure, if East holds holds a singlet singleton on club club or West the the K-QK-Q-JJ, you you surviv survivee playin playingg ace ace and anot another her clu club b. Normall ormallyy, and as as the cards lie, lie, East can get in and and play a deadly third third round round of diamonds. Although you you cannot always guarantee guarantee to keep East out, you can prevail on the the present present lay layout out.. Whilst Whilst you still have have a re-en re-entry try in one one of the majo ma jors, rs, lead lead a club club to the the ace ace.. If Eas Eastt reta retain inss the the ♣K, you run the the hearts hearts and conc concede ede a club club befor beforee taking taking the the diamond diamond ruff. ruff. If East unblo unblocks cks the the ♣K, only only West West can win win a club exit exit and you you can safely safely ruff ruff a diamond diamond first. first. Careful timing also circumvents a trump promotion on this example: ♠
♥ A
10 7 2
♦ A
K 10 9
♣ ♠
10 7 6 5 2
10 7 4
Q652 N
Q9 3
A K J 9
S ♠ A
Contract: Lead:
J8 2
♥ J
5 43
East, who opened East, opened 4♣, wins Trick Trick 1 with the ♣J and continues with the ace and king. king. Declarer Declarer ruffs and, knowing West would would lead the ten from from ♣10-9-7-4 10-9-7-4,, has to to hope West has has three three hearts. hearts. The winning winning line line is to to unblock the ♠A, come over over with a diamond, diamond, throw throw dummy’ dummy’ss club on the East to win and play the fourth club club ♠A and advance the ♥J. Best is for East anyway, anyway, but declarer ruffs in hand and West West cannot take a trick.
Solutions for ‘More Testing’ -
To Hand
Having decided that each each defender has a top spade, you can never score a spade ruff by cashing cashing two big big trumps trumps before before losing two two rounds rounds of spade spades. s. The reaso reason n is tha thatt the the ♥A provides the only entry to dummy’s clubs, clubs, which which means means you you must must play play one one roun round d of trumps trumps your yourself self.. For For a start, you have have to hope hope that whoever holds the doubleton doubleton trump will follow low to four four roun rounds ds of clubs. clubs. Moreov oreover er,, as you you are boun bound d to get get a trump trump switch to knock out the ♥K after you you concede concede the first spade, you should aim to stop the defender with the third trump winning the second spade. Put up dummy’s ♦A, unblo unblock ck the the clu clubs, bs, cross cross to the the ♥A, sa sayy you yourr prayer prayers, s, and play play two two more more rounds rounds of of clubs. clubs. West discar discards ds a diamo diamond nd on the fourth fourth club, club, which tells you you the the longer longer trump holding is also there. In this this case case,, you you bro broac ach h spade spadess with with a low low car card d off off dumm dummyy. If Eas Eastt puts puts up up the king king to prot protect ect West West’’s entry, entry, you no no longer longer need a spade spade ruff. ruff. If it was East who showed out on the fourth club, club, you would play play spades the other way, way, ruffing a diamond to enter the South hand and then leading up to the queen. queen. Either Either way way you scor scoree a spade trick trick or a spade ruff. ruff.
To Hand
If the play starts with with a club to the jack jack and queen, queen, the ♠10 to the king and a spade spade back, back, overta overtakin kingg with the the ace work works. s. Declar Declarer er pulls pulls trumps trumps and atta attacks cks diamon diamonds. ds. West gets gets in in only only once once and, and, assumin assumingg dumm dummy y covers covers the second club lead, cannot both play a club through the king and dislodge the ♠Q. Have Have you seen another another (and superio superior) r) route route to eight eight tricks? Unblock Unblock the ♠9 at Trick Trick 2 and then it matters not if West turns up with with both both big diam diamond onds. s. Does this this mean mean 2♥ should always make? The bidding marks South with four spades because without them a transfer transfer (or (or weak tak take-ou e-out) t) would would be more more appr appropri opriate ate.. Therefor Therefore, e, East has no need to return return a high high spade to to signal a doubleton. doubleton. A switch to the the club through through the king and ♠7 allows the defenders to take the ♠K, lead a club play play a seco second nd spade. spade. If declare declarerr wins wins this this in in dumm dummyy and ruffs a club club,, the defenders defenders will later take take the first diamond, diamond, cash a second and and exit with a club. If the ♠A captures the second second spade, West will win the first round of diamonds and play a third spade to remove remove dummy’ dummy’ss entry.
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Play or Defend?
To Hand
After After a heart goes goes to the nine nine and jack, jack, East shifts shifts to a trump, trump, allowing allowing West to to play play queen, queen, ace and and another another.. Declar Declarer er could could now now discar discard d two clubs clubs on the diamonds diamonds and and ruff one in dummy dummy,, but this this still leaves leaves one one club club loser loser.. Trying to to set up up a heart heart trick trick seems seems a forlo forlorn rn hope. hope. East will will cover the king or follow small on a low card. With With the three three tricks tricks already already lost, only a squeeze squeeze can save save the day day. The heart position offers great potential as both defenders must protect the suit. su it. Still, Still, you you need need to get get the the timing timing right right to to bring bring off off a doub double le ruffi ruffing ng squeeze. If you win the the third third spade and run four diamonds straight straight away away, nobody nobody feels feels much much pressur pressure. e. Somebody Somebody keeps keeps three three clubs clubs and and you go go down. down. You sho should uld tak takee Tric Trick k 4 in dum dummy my and ruff ruff the ♥3. Now this position results results as you play the fourth fourth round of diamonds: ♠
K 10
♦ J ♣ ♠
Q 7
6 ♠
♥ A
♣ A
Q 9 7
K J 10
8 43
East could could pitch pitch a heart, heart, which which would would allow allow you to ruff ruff out the the ace, but is more more likely likely to release release a club. club. A club goes goes from the South South hand and West feels the pinch. pinch. Throwing Throwing a heart would would permit you you to play the ♥K next for a ruffing finesse, while coming coming down to two clubs enables you you to ruff ruff out out the the clu clubs. bs. Indee Indeed, d, whatev whatever er the defend defenders ers do at this this point, point, the contract makes.
Solutions for ‘More Testing’ -
To Hand
After After ruffing the third third round round of diamonds, diamonds, drawing trumps and and cashing cashing two heart hearts, s, you you should should play play a low club club from from each each hand. hand. If the suit suit break breakss 3-2, 3-2, you you can take take the the marked marked finesse finesse on on the next next round round.. If East wins wins with a singleton singleton and conced concedes es a ruff and discard, discard, you trump trump in hand and can then then finess finessee tthe he club clubs. s. If West goes goes in with the nine nine of clubs, clubs, a retu return rn of of the ten ten no longer longer provides provides a means means of escape. The queen queen and seven have have suddenly become equals and you can pick up the king. Can you still the make make the contract if East switches to a club club after the second diamond? You play high from hand and a nd West West has to cover or you will just just duck duck a club club later later. After After the ace ace wins, wins, you draw draw trump trumps, s, cash a secsecond club (not essential essential as the cards lie) and take take the ace and king of hearts. ng a club club.. East has only only red red cards cards left left You now play dummy’s ♦10, 10, pitchi itching and must must lead one one of them, them, allowing allowing you you to thro throw w a second second club club from from hand and ruff in dumm dummyy. It is equa equally lly simpl simplee if the club club switch switch comes comes at at Trick 2. Then you you can win the second second heart in either either hand and give give up two diamond diamond tricks, tricks, your your ♦J keeping West off play. play.
To Hand
West wants to reduce the the threat of spade ruffs without losing control over over the subsequent subsequent play play. It is possible possible to achieve achieve this this by switching switching to the ♦6, a move move Marc Marc Smith Smith spotted. spotted. Declarer Declarer can can ruff ruff one spade spade on on the table, but then West will be able to cash a spade after getting in with the ♦A. Setting up the the clubs clubs seems seems little little better better.. If you draw trumps after ruffing the thir third d club, club, the defen defender derss will scor scoree two spade spade tricks tricks.. If you you leave leave two two trumps out, out, somebody somebody will definitel definitelyy be in a position position to ruff ruff a good club club with a low low trump. trump. Can you you envisage envisage the the solution solution?? You can win the trump switch in either hand and play three rounds of club clubs, s, ruff ruffin ingg high high.. If West est overru erruff ffss an and d trie triess a spad spade, e, you ruff ruff in dummy dummy and and play a winning winning club club,, collecti collecting ng East’ East’s last trump. trump. Assuming Assuming West discards, discards, you cross cross to the ♥A and play play a master master club club anywa anywayy. You overruf overrufff (if East ruffs) ruffs) or else else discard discard a spade. spade. Whatev Whatever er the the defende defenders rs do, do, you get to throw throw one spade on a club and ruff the other in dummy. dummy. Yes, you need friendly breaks, but remember remember nobody doubled you you in 5♦.
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Play or Defend?
To Hand
East should should duck duck the heart heart lead off dummy dummy, and as smoothly smoothly as possibl possiblee — declar declarer er might might have have the the king-ja king-jack ck of hearts hearts and a view view to tak take. e. As it happens, happens, there there is no guess and, provided provided South South did not carelessly carelessly use the the to draw draw trumps, trumps, it prove provess a simple simple matter matter to to ruff both hearts on ♠K-Q to the table. table. Clearly Clearly, making making a loser loser on on loser play on the the third third heart heart serves serves litt little le pur purpo pose se.. The The ♥A must reside reside with East, East, who can lead lead diamonds diamonds safely safely.. Declar Declarer er does does best best to take take thre threee rounds rounds of clubs clubs and and then then play play a diam diamon ond d off off dum dummy. The The ♦9 is the correct card in the hope that West holds the the jack-ten. jack-ten. Howeve Howeverr, East can cover cover the the nine with the jack jack or put put the eight on a low low card. This thwarts thwarts the throw throw in and places places the contract contract at the mercy mercy of the diamond diamond finesse. finesse. It all goes goes to show how much bridge is a partnership partnership game: East takes takes one trick and and the slam makes, makes, none and it goes one down.
To Hand
Knowing Knowing the lead is a singleton, singleton, East should return return the ♣10 at Trick rick 2. 2. If West misreads this as a signal for hearts and tries the ♥K after ruffing the ♣Q, it will be allowed allowed win. Again Again this this corrects corrects the loser loser count count for the the double double squee squeeze. ze. Declar Declarer er just just has to to rememb remember er to cash cash the the ♥A while there is still a route route back to to hand in trumps, and we get to to an identical end position position to the one we saw saw earlier. earlier. Instead Instead West West should switch switch to a small diamon diamond d after after ruffing ruffing the the club, club, which dummy’ dummy’ss ace takes. takes. On the simple simple run of the trumps trumps from from her here, e, nobody nobody comes comes under under pressu pressure. re. If declarer ducks a heart at some point, West can play a second diamond, killi killing ng dumm dummy’ y’ss last last entry entry and, and, with with it, an anyy squeez squeezee chanc chances. es. Alas, Alas, even even all this fails to to defeat defeat the contract. contract. Can you you spot the the reason reason why? why? Dummy’s ace takes the diamond shift and declarer can afford to draw one round round of trumps with the ace. ace. After that comes comes a diamond to the the king and a diamond diamond ruffed high, the ♥Q to the king and ace followed by a heart ruffed ruffed high. high. Finally Finally,, a trump trump to the the nine (henc (hencee the high high ruffing ruffing earlier) earlier) puts the lead in dummy dummy for for the master stroke: stroke: the ♥9 from dummy for a lub pit pitch ch.. West has has tto o win win aand nd must must conc concede ede a ruf rufff and discar discard. d. club Declarer’s final club goes away whilst dummy ruffs. Solutions for ‘More Testing’ -
To Hand
You cannot cannot make make the the contract contract if if you ruff the diamond diamond and cash a top top trump. trump. If you you contin continue ue with king king and and another another heart, heart, East for forces ces you you with with a diamond diamond and and you you will go two two down. down. As we we sa saw w previousl previouslyy, turning to clubs clubs after after one one round round of of trumps trumps also also resul results ts in fail failur ure. e. East can can alwa always ys stop the clubs clubs by ruffing and then can exit with a trump or, or, when they have have gone, with a diamond. diamond. To make game you must must foresee the danger danger of a 4-0 trump split and lead a low low heart at Trick Trick 2. Just about the the only time this could could backfire backfire comes comes if if both defender defenderss hold hold a black black-sui -suitt void void — very very unlik unlikely ely.. As the the cards lie, East perforce perforce wins the first trump and plays a second second round of diamonds diamonds,, which which forces forces you to ruff. ruff. You might might guess what what to do next. Yes, you duck a second trump as well. Dummy’ Dummy’ss third trump protects protects you against further diamond leads and you will be able to run the clubs in peace. Would you like like to see an example of ducking ducking with one fewer trump?
J 10 9 4
J 10 8 2
96 2
♠ A
6 3
♥ A
K Q J 10 8 6 N
♦ A
S ♣ ♠
♣ A
Q 10 5 4
54 2
Contract: Opening Lead:
6♥ ♠ J
To cater for a 4-1 trump break and a doubleton club in the hand with four four trumps, trumps, you should should duck duck a heart heart at Trick Trick 2. Barring Barring awful awful breaks, breaks, you can use the ♣A and a spade spade ruff ruff as entries entries to ruff ruff one diamo diamond nd in dumm dummy y and get get ba back ck to to hand hand to finish finish drawing drawing trump trumps. s. As the the cards cards lie, lie, if you do anything an ything else, else, you go go down. down. Try it and see.
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Play or Defend?
To Hand
If declar declarer er ruffs ruffs the the club, club, cashes cashes the the ♦A, crosse crossess to the the ♥A and returns a diamond, diamond, East can ruff the second second or third third round round and play a trump trump to cut out any any ruffs ruffs in dumm dummyy. The contr contract act must must fail fail from from here: here: even even if West had no spades spades above above the eight, eight, East still has has an exit card card in clubs, clubs, which prevents an effective endplay. endplay. To succeed you forget all about diamond ruffs and strip the hand inste instead. ad. Ruff Ruff the the first first club club,, cross cross to the ♥A, ruff ruff an anot othe herr club club,, go bac back k to the ♥Q and ruff ruff a thir third d club club.. With an anyy luck luck,, this this seque sequenc ncee will will exha exhaust ust East’’s supply East supply of clubs. clubs. Can you you spot spot the key key move move after after you have have drawn drawn the missing trump and cashed the ♦A? ♠
♣ J ♠
K 10
S ♠
A J 10 9 5 3
♥ J ♦
K5 3
Rarely do you open up the suit with which you intend to throw in an oppo opponen nent, t, yet yet you you need need to to do do pre precis cisely ely that that her here. e. Duck Duck a spade spade!! If Eas Eastt wins cheaply (not that this this can happen as the cards lie), you should should get a kind spade return to to set up dummy’ dummy’ss king. In practice, practice, West wins and can do no better better than to to try a diamond. Thanks to your having having kept kept one top top diamond, you can win this and play play a spade to the eight (or you you might play the last trump trump to give East the the chance to to pitch a club). club). You throw throw a diamond on the ♠A return and the ♠K scores the game-going trick.
Solutions for ‘More Testing’ -
To Hand
We recap recap the proposed proposed play play to date: date: a heart to to the king, a trump back, a diamond to West, a second trump, another diamond to West and a third trump, trump, followed followed by by three three more more trumps. trumps. Even Even though though only one defende defenderr can guard the minors, minors, defending defending the end position prove provess comfortable. comfortable. After After declarer’ declarer’ss trumps are gone, gone, everyone everyone will still hold four cards. cards. Therefore, West can keep three clubs and the ♦A. Ea East st mer merel elyy need needss to to retain the ♥A. From From declarer’ declarer’ss point of of view, view, there is is clearly no mileage in in trying to ruff ruff out out the the club clubs. s. The The ♠6 will only provide provide a late late entry if the trumps split split 2-2, in which which case ruffing ruffing a diamon diamond d also also works works.. No, No, only a squeez squeezee can save save the day. day. You just need to to get the timing timing right. Once East shows out out on the the second round of of trumps (i.e. at Trick Trick 4), you have to abandon the idea of ruffing diamonds. You can foresee that West will remove dummy’ dummy’ss last trump if you play a second diamond diamond and must instead instead take take the opportunity opportunity to to lose a heart. East wins and probably probably plays a diamond (you could cope with a club either by guessing the club position or or by taking taking it in in dummy dummy and playing a diamond yourself yourself ). You hold back the king, which allows allows West West to win cheaply and play a third round round of of trumps. trumps. Now when you run the trumps, trumps, this this positio position n resul results: ts: ♠
♣ A ♠
K8 6 N
9 7
QJ5 ♠
10 3
This time, West has no safe discard on the last spade.
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Play or Defend?
To Hand
You will recall that after the ♠Q held, held, three three roun rounds ds of of trumps trumps foll follow owed ed and then three three rounds rounds of clubs, clubs, leaving leaving the lead lead in dummy dummy to play play a diamond mond.. If Ea East st follo follows ws low low, Sout South h shou should ld stick stick in the the eight eight,, savin savingg the the queen for use use later later.. A diamond diamond return return now now looks looks fatal, but might might West escape by conced conceding ing a ruff and discard discard?? Indeed, Indeed, whether whether North North or or South South ruffs the the contract contract fails. fails. Spotting Spotting this, this, declarer declarer discard discardss a spade from from both hands! Now the poor defender has to play play a diamond into the A-Q. East ought to rise with the ten ten on the first diamond diamond lead. Once more, more, the play play of the queen queen result resultss in failure failure.. West could could win with with the king king and exit with either a club or a high high diamond. diamond. To get home, declarer declarer needs to to capture the ♦10 with the ace ace and then try the ♦8, pitchi pitching ng a spade spade from from dummy dummy.. Lucki Luckily ly,, East was was dealt dealt only only one diamon diamond d above above the the eight eight and cannot take take the trick. trick. West wins and can only delay delay the evil moment moment by playing the the thirteenth thirteenth club. club. Declarer counters counters by by throwing throwing a spade from both hands and waiting for a diamond lead to set up the queen.
To Hand
After winning the second club and ruffing the diamonds diamonds good, declarer can can adva advanc ncee the the queen queen of of spade spades. s. The The king king has has tto o cove coverr this this,, an and d then then comes comes a fourth fourth round round of diamonds. diamonds. It might might look right for for the defende defenderr with fewer fewer trumps to to ruff, just as was was the case if if a low trump trump went to the ace, ace, but not not he here. If Ea East st ruff ruffs, s, one of the the def defen ensi sivve ttru rum mp winn winner erss disappears. Of cours course, e, West will have have to ruff ruff the diamo diamond nd if if Eas Eastt elect electss not not to, to, leaving them with only only one trump apiece. apiece. These would would tumble tumble together together if declare declarerr could could play play a second second round round of trumps; trumps; luckil luckilyy for the them, them, West has the lead. To tak takee advant advantage, age, East must must dispo dispose se of of a cclub lub on the diamond mond.. Now if if Sout South h thr thro ows a hea heart, rt, West est cas cashe hess tthe he ♥A and the ♣J efore playing playing a fourth fourth round round of of clubs clubs for East East to ruff. ruff. A club club discard discard on on before the diamond tests tests the defenders defenders a little more. more. West needs to underlead the the ♥A and win the heart return return with the king king before before continuing continuing clubs. clubs. Either underruffs and goes one down. wa y declarer helplessly underruffs Solutions for ‘More Testing’ -
To Hand
The flat North hand and the singleton in the South hand suggest a dummy dummy reve reversal rsal.. The snag snag is that that the bidd bidding ing warns warns of a 3-5 heart heart split, split, which which makes makes ruff ruffing ing the fourth fourth roun round d of of hearts hearts rath rather er awkwar awkward. d. If you you play East for three trumps, a diamond switch at Trick Trick 2 will leave you an entry short for getting back to draw the last trump. You would need West to have have bid 1NT on a 2-3-2-6 shape, in which case you you could afford afford to leave the last trump out. In fact trumping trumping three hearts hearts does provide provide the solution, solution, or at least part of of it. With any luck, luck, it is West who who holds holds thre threee trumps trumps and and you you can can arrange for the loss loss of a trump trick to result result in an endplay endplay. You shou should ld win win the the diamo diamond nd switc switch h in dummy dummy,, ruff a heart, heart, cross cross ther er heart heart.. Next ext cash cash the ♠K, play play the the ♦Q over with the ♠Q and ruff ano ruff anoth and a diamon diamond d to to the the ace. ace. If West could could ruff, ruff, you do not not mind: mind: you must must get a club club return return.. As the the cards cards lie, lie, all follo follow w and ruffin ruffingg the fourth fourth heart presents the defender with a sad choice: ♠ A
75 3
J 10
10 8 2
A Q J 9
♦ J ♣
K6 4
West can ove overruff rruff and lead lead a club, club, allowing allowing both both the ♣K and the ♦J to scor score. e. If West discar discards, ds, the ♠9 is a trick and you continue with the ♦J throwing throwing a club from from dummy; dummy; then either the the ♦J or the ♣K will score. You could also make the contract by using the ♠K to to ruff ruff the the fourt fourth h round round of hearts, hearts, winning winning the third third diamon diamond d in dummy dummy and exiting exiting with a trump trump.. The trap to avoid avoid is using using the diamond diamond entry first first.. This would would then force you to guess whether West West is 3-3-3-4 or 3-3-2-5; play the wrong number number of diamonds diamonds and you you go down. down.
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Play or Defend?
To Hand
If East leads leads a club club after after winni winning ng the the seco second nd roun round d of trumps, trumps, the ♣K will will take take a trick trick.. Afte Afterr that that,, ruff ruffin ingg two two club clubss in dumm dummyy deals deals with with South’s remaining losers — 5♠ doubled made. Exiting with a heart works far far better and and the normal tactic tactic of ruffing in the short short trump hand hand will fail; fail; with the ♣A offside, offside, there there are still still two club club lose losers. rs. There Therefo fore re,, declar declarer er may may ruff ruff the the heart heart in hand hand and and thro throw wa club from from dummy dummy. Now Now a club to the the king and ace puts puts East back in the the hot seat. seat. A club club exit exit at this this point point will allow allow the the ♣J to score and two club ruffs will see the the contract home. To succeed succeed East needs to persevere persevere with a fourth fourth round round of of hearts. hearts. The NorthNorth-Sout South h trumps trumps make make separat separately ely,, but one of the defenders defenders scores scores the the last trick. trick. On that that deal, deal, East twice twice gave gave decla declarer rer a ruff ruff and disca discard. rd. We can go one better:
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
♦ A
Q8 73 2
♣ A
10 6 3 N
J 10 7 3 K9
A K 8 4 2
10 4
Q 10 6 2 ♠ J ♥
♦ J ♣
9 87 42 6 5
After East overcalls in hearts and East-West compete to 3♥, South arrives in 3♠. With With the defenders unable unable to score either either tricks or ruffs in the minors, minors, their only only winning strategy is to lead lead hearts and play play a heart every time they they get the chance. This promotes promotes the ♠10. They They shou should ld be be able to find this because West, West, having led the ♥J, will drop drop the neutral neutral ♥7 on the second round. This should help East to work out that a third trump trick offers offers the best hope hope of defeating the contract. contract.
Solutions for ‘More Testing’ -
To Hand
With With little else to to try, you put put up the ♥A and and rattl rattlee off off the the tru trump mps. s. You must keep three three diamonds in dummy dummy as well as three clubs; clubs; all the hearts can go. go. East can spare spare one one card in in each minor minor and, as the final final trump hits hits the deck, deck, you picture picture this this ending: ♠
♦ J ♣ ♠
10 9 5
10 8
3 2
K964 N
A K Q 8
J 7 5
S ♠
10 8
♣ A
West does best to continue continue saving three three diamonds, diamonds, and parts with either a club or the ♥J. As planne planned, d, you discard discard a club club from from dummy dummy and now the squeeze really bites. If East throws throws a small small diamon diamond, d, you cash the ace and queen queen of clubs clubs before before exiti exiting ng with a diamond. diamond. The poor poor defende defenderr can reel reel off off three three diadiamond winners but then must surrender the last trick to dummy’s ♣K. stepping-stone, ne, East may prefer prefer to get rid of To avoid avoid being used as a stepping-sto a big diamo diamond nd on the the last trump trump.. Two round roundss of clubs clubs no longer longer works works because West West can gain the lead in diamonds. To succeed you you cash the ace of clubs only only (indeed you you could could have have played played the ♣A earlier) and proceed to overtake the ♣Q with the the king. Then you you conce concede de the thir third d round round of clubs clubs to East. You lose two diamonds diamonds,, but dummy’ dummy’ss ♦J scores the last trick. Note that this line works whenever East holds ♦A-K-Q and either at our clubs or ♣J-10-x. J-10-x. You should should alway alwayss be able able to read read the end end least f our position.
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Play or Defend?
To Hand
To make 4♠ you must go back to Trick 3. After taking the heart switch with dummy dummy’’s ace, ruff a heart to to hand (or you you may may cash one top top club club first). first). Then go go across across to to the the clubs clubs and and ruff ruff the third third round, round, on which which East East sheds sheds a heart. heart. Are Are you getting getting warm now? now? With With five trumps trumps missing, you cannot possibly possibly draw trumps trumps ending in dummy dummy to run the clubs. clubs. Nor can can you score score a long diamond diamond (since (since the opening lead lead marks East with A-K-J-10) A-K-J-10) or or, as we established established earlier earlier,, ruff a diamond diamond in dumm dummyy. Even Even so, so, you should should play play a diamond diamond to to sever sever the the link between between the opposing opposing hands. hands. East must must return a trump and you win this in dummy dummy to to play a club. club. What can the defenders defenders do? do?
76 4 ♠
S ♠ A
K 10
8 7
If Ea East st ruff ruffs, s, you overru erruff ff high high an and d pla playy a tru trump mp to dum dumm my; this this draws draws the the missing missing trumps trumps and you you can can run the the clubs clubs.. If East disca discards rds,, you pitch a diamond; then West West ruffs and the enforced heart return allows you to cro crossr ssruff uff the the rest rest of the the trick tricks. s. Note Note that you could could also get home home from this this position if you placed placed West with three three trumps trumps (e.g. (e.g. if East had had overc overcalled alled 1♥ and again turned up with 4-2 4-2 in the minors). In this case, having overruffed overruffed high you you would would concede concede a diamond. diamond. West could could only only prevent prevent the diamond ruff by ruffing ruffing in, but then you you would win the second trump in dummy dummy and cash a club. club.
Solutions for ‘More Testing’ -
To Hand
Solution Part 2 One discarding strategy for declarer is to throw throw a spade, a diamond and the ♣A from from hand and two two diamonds diamonds and and a spade spade from from dummy dummy.. This would would be the position position before the the fourth round round of clubs: clubs: ♠ J ♥
♦ J ♣ J ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
A 7 N
— A 7
— ♠
K 10
On the ♣J, East must throw throw a diamond (the suit in which dummy dummy is short) and we have have a suicide suicide squeeze. Whichever Whichever suit suit South discards, discards, West discards the opposite and the defenders take the last three tricks. Could declarer do better by abandoning the long club and running the ♠J instead? instead? In this this case, East ducks, ducks, letting West win with the ace and and exit exit with with a spade spade.. Declar Declarer er must must then then play play diam diamond ondss from from hand. hand. It is clearly no better to lead the ♦J at Trick Trick 10; East can even afford to cover cover.. You will notice that in this diagram both defenders have kept a pair of doublet doubletons ons and this this represent representss their optim optimum um strategy strategy.. If either either reduce reduced d to a singleton, declarer declarer could play play on that suit and make an extra trick. Finally, Finally, suppose declarer declarer keeps keeps a 3-3 fit for the ending ending (spades for prefer preferenc ence) e) and gives gives up up on clubs clubs a round round earlie earlierr. In this this case, it is vital vital that that Eas Eastt has has kept kept three three spades spades and two two dia diamo monds nds.. Then, Then, after after this this defender ducks the ♠J and South unblocks the ♠9, West must must win with with the ace and exit exit in diamonds. diamonds. There is then then no way to to reach dummy dummy either either to cash any further further club winners or to repeat repeat the spade spade finesse. All roads lead to a penalty of 800 (or 500 non-vulnerable). non-vulnerable).
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Play or Defend?
for ‘Tougher Still’ ♣ N
To Hand
You can succeed in 6 ♠ but to do so you have to make West’s seemingly certain trump trick disappear. disappear. You need to strip the hand and arrange for East to lead a suit (hearts no doubt) in which you have a void in both hands. This will give give you you the the option option to to overru overruff ff West’s est’s ♠J in dummy. To achiev achievee the desire desired d ending, ending, you you ruff a heart at Trick Trick 3, 3, go across across with a club club and play play four rounds rounds of that suit. suit. Both the defen defender derss follow follow to all the the clubs clubs and you you ruff the fourth fourth round round in hand. hand. You next next cash the the ace-kin ace-kingg of diamonds diamonds and cros crosss to dummy dummy with a trump trump.. At this this poin point, t, you pause to count the hand. Indeed, assuming assuming nobody leads the ♥10 from from 10 10-x-x-x, x, you you know know the exact exact distribu distribution tion:: West must must have have started started with a 4-2-34-2-3-4 4 shape. shape. This This means you you would would incur incur an overruff overruff if you you were were to ruff ruff another another heart. heart. Thankful Thankfully ly,, you you can can cater cater for for the actual actual layo layout: ut: ♠ A
J 7
— N
— ♠
10 9
K 8 7
♦ J ♣
You play p lay the th e ♥Q, discard discarding ing a diamond diamond from from hand. hand. West cannot cannot gain gain by ruffing ruffing and, with East obliged to return return a heart, your ‘sure’ ‘sure’ trump loser loser vanishes — a classic smother play. Note Note that if you had had reason reason to place place West West with a 4-3-3-3 4-3-3-3 shape, you would ruff ruff a heart instead instead at the point you you ruffed a club; you would then then exit with a club at Trick 11 and still smother the ♠J. If you thou though ghtt West est was 4-34-3-2-4 2-4,, you you would would ruff ruff a heart in in the diagram diagrammed med positi position, on, leaving leaving West’s trump winner and East’s good diamond to fall on the same trick.
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Play or Defend?
To Hand
By paying close attention to to the spade spots, yes you can can make 3NT as the cards cards lie. lie. After After winnin winningg the the initial initial heart, heart, you you cash cash the the ♠K and note the fall of of the ten on your your right. You contin continue ue with with the the five, five, planning planning to to run run it if you get the the chance. chance. West correctly correctly covers covers and you you hav havee to expend dummy’ dummy’ss ace. When When East shows shows out, perhaps throwing throwing a heart, heart, you know know to abandon abandon spades spades for for the moment. moment. It would would be a mistak mistakee at this point point to play ace and another club as that could reduce your options for the endgam endgame. e. Instea Instead, d, you you duck duck a club club and, no matte matterr which which defe defende nderr wins this, you hold up the the ♦A until the third round, discarding two clubs clubs from dummy dummy.. Having Having regaine regained d the lead, lead, you you check check for for a 2-2 2-2 club club break break by by playing playing a club club to the ace. ace. You do not not get this, but this this second second round round of of clubs brings a bonus: ♠
Q7 6
K 7
♣ A
J 9 4
10 8 3
— ♠
K 9 7
J 5
Since a spade spade discard would would enable you you to set up a long spade, spade, we assume West throws throws a heart on this trick. However However,, this allows allows you to cash cash the ♥Q, cross cross back back to the the ♥K, and lead lead the the six six (or (or seven) seven) of of spade spadess off off dummy dummy. West wins with the the nine but must then then surrender surrender the last last two tricks by leading from the ♠J. You manage manage to mak makee a fourth spade spade trick trick after all! Note Note that double dummy there there are other winning lines. For example, example, you could duck a diamond at the point you gave up a club. In that case, you would would lose a heart more and a club less. less.
Solutions for ‘Tougher Still’ -
To Hand
After knocking out the spade ace , winning the club return in dummy dummy and playing playing a heart heart to the the king, you must win the second second round round of clubs clubs in hand. If you decided decided to overtak overtake, e, you would face an impossi impossible ble choic choicee of whether whether to cash two spade spade winners, winners, setting setting up the ten for East, East, or leaving leaving one of them them stran stranded ded,, never never to make. make. Instea Instead, d, you you shou should ld win the third third round of clubs on the table and watch your your opponent’ opponent’s discard expectantly tantly.. If a heart heart appea appears, rs, you you cash cash one spade spade and and then then play play a heart heart off off dummy dummy. If East prefers prefers to to release release a spade, spade, you simply simply cash your your black-s black-suit uit winners. As you may have have guessed, East does better to duck the first spade lead. You dare not play a second to drive out the ace, as then you will get a third one back. back. Therefor Therefore, e, you you play play a heart heart to the king king and and must must now now tackle tackle club clubs. s. Moreo oreove verr, you you need need to do do so in in such such a way way as as to giv givee your yoursel selff a choice choice of where to win the fourth round round depending upon which which suit East discards on the third. You can cash the king, then play the jack to the queen (you know they have have to break 3-2 3-2 anyway), anyway), and call for the ace: ♠
♣ A ♠
8 7
7 N
A 10 7
A J 9
S ♠
Q6 5
10 2
If East pitches pitches a spade, you drop the ten ten and knock out the the ♠A; then hen the ♣7 serves serves as an entry back back to to the table table.. If the defen defender der choos chooses es to to let go a heart, you follow with the ♣2 and lead lead a heart off dummy dummy to to set up two tricks tricks in your your hand. hand. Bravo! Bravo!
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Play or Defend?
To Hand
After After counting counting your winners carefully carefully — five five trumps, two diamonds, diamonds, one heart and two clubs — you conclude that you need an endplay and a squeez squeeze. e. Okay Okay, this this will depend depend on on a bit of of luck, luck, but corr correct ect play play dese deserves rves some. If three diamonds diamonds (other (other than precisely precisely 9-8-6) 9-8-6) lie on your your left, you are are never never going going to succ succeed. eed. Fo Forr one thing, thing, West will have have a safe safe exit card card in diamonds diamonds no matte matterr how how many many rounds rounds of them you you cash. cash. Fo Forr another another,, with the clubs 4-4, 4-4, the defenders defenders will be able to share share responsibility responsibility for protecting the suit. You must must play West for a doubleton doubleton diamond. diamond. In addition, addition, you need to hope these are not both small cards because the twin entry position in diamonds has has to stay intact intact for the second second part of the plan — to squeeze squeeze East in in the red suits suits.. Correct Correct timing, timing, to cater cater for a possib possible le ♣Q-x Q-x o off clubs, clubs, runs as follows: follows: unblock the ♣K, cash two two more more spades spades,, then then play play the ♣A and ruff a heart before before exiting exiting with a trump: ♠
K 7
♣ J ♠
J 9
8 N
Q8 6
Q95 ♠
♦ A ♣
10 5 4
West should lead the ♦J here, here, hoping hoping East East has ♦Q-10-x (or that you misguess), misguess), but you can call for dummy dummy’’s king and finesse finesse the the ten next. If instead West West tries a low club, club, up goes the jack and East has no answer as you ruff a club to hand. The ♣Q exit exit comes comes to to much much the the same same thing. thing. In that case, you ruff, cross to the ♦K and this time the ♣J serves as the squeeze card.
Solutions for ‘Tougher Still’ -
To Hand
Having won the first trick with the ♠J, East should have have taken taken more care over the return. Would any decent player player duck a spade with a heart loser off the top? In any case, South really really needs the ♥A to justify an opening bid. A club club switch, switch, attacking attacking dumm dummy’ y’ss entry in the the suit, suit, seems called for. for. West withholds withholds the king king and, from then then on, the contract contract stands stands no real chance. Sometimes it can work to your your disadvantage disadvantage to to see all four four hands. At the table, table, you would surely want to take the first first trick for for fear of a spade ruff. ruff. Besides, Besides, winning winning the the first first trick trick denies denies East the opportuni opportunity ty to kill dummy’ dummy’ss club entry. entry. At Trick Trick 2 you you must unblock unblock the ♥A, then then use use the ace and jack of trumps trumps as as entrie entriess to to ruff ruff hearts: hearts: you you want want to to isolat isolatee the the heart guard with West. Now Now running the trumps trumps produces produces this this position: position: ♠
♥ J ♦
♣ A ♠
K 10 8
S ♠
10 7 5
On the ♦10, West must release a heart to prevent you from taking the club club finesse finesse to to wrap up three three tricks tricks in the the suit. suit. Once Once the defende defenderr has trimmed down down to one heart, you throw throw the the ♠Q from dummy and finesse the club. club. Finally, Finally, you concede concede a heart heart and await await a club lead to enable you you to repeat the club finesse. By the way way, you could could still make the the slam on an an initial club club lead. You would take the finesse and have a choice of whether to throw West West in with a heart or endplay East in spades.
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Play or Defend?
To Hand
After the seemingly obvious start to the hand — ♦K, ♣K, diamond ducked, ducked, diamond diamond to the queen queen and ace — declar declarer er can succe succeed. ed. East’ East’s ♦2 return at Trick Trick 2 strongly suggests suggests a 5-4 diamond break, break, which means losing losing the lead lead will prov provee fatal. Therefor Therefore, e, the correct correct play is to test for for a 3-3 spade spade bre break ak befor beforee touchi touching ng a second second roun round d of clubs. clubs. This This fails fails to turn up, but the actual actual split appears appears reveal revealing. ing. Holding Holding just one spade, West surely surely has heart heart lengt length. h. If the ♣A lies there there as well, a third round round of spades will exert intolerable pressure:
10 9 5 2
Q 9 7 N
J 10 4
J 6 3
A ♠
♥ A ♦
K7 4
♣ J
Assuming the first spade went to the king and the second came back to the the ace, ace, South South will lead lead here, here, but it does does not actual actually ly matte matterr. West, who could could spar sparee a club club on the the seco second nd spade, spade, faces faces an an imposs impossible ible choice choice.. A heart discard costs a trick directly and throwing the ♣A would be even worse. worse. However However,, letting a diamond diamond go fails to save save the day day. Now Now that West has only one one winning diamond left, left, declarer declarer can knock out out the ♣A; East can never get in to to make any spade tricks. To beat 3NT East must must do something very very odd: hang on to the ♦Q. Now the non-material squeeze falls flat because this defender will win the fourth fourth round round of diamonds diamonds and and cash cash two good good spades. spades. Nor Nor does playi playing ng a second round of clubs work: West grabs the ace whilst whilst East East discards discards the blocking ♦Q!
Solutions for ‘Tougher Still’ -
To Hand
Suppose the ♦K wins the firs firstt trick, trick, and that that on on four four round roundss of clubs clubs West throws two spades and a heart whilst one heart goes from dummy. Declarer then proceeds proceeds to cash three rounds of spades and West West comes under pressu pressure. re. In order order to prevent prevent declarer declarer from setting setting up a heart trick simply by ducking ducking one round, West has to keep keep three hearts, which means releasing releasing a diamond. diamond. After that declar declarer er cashes cashes the the queen queen and ace ace of diamond mo nds, s, leav leavin ingg the the lead lead in in the the Sout South h hand hand as as plann planned. ed. Fina Finally lly,, a low low heart lead at Trick 11 obliges West to play high and then return a heart into the split tenace. If West abandons abandons diamonds diamonds earlier earlier,, will this break break the slam? slam? If the play follows similar lines to to the previous paragraph, it will. After finishing the clubs, clubs, declarer declarer needs to play play two two rounds of diamonds to elicit a spade discard discard from from West. West. This succ succeeds eeds,, but a logistic logistical al problem problem arises arises.. The aceaceking-queen king-queen of spades take take the the next three three tricks, tricks, meaning the the lead stays stays in dummy for Trick 11. To cater for the chance that West West has kept four spades, declarer should throw throw a spade from dummy dummy on the fourth club club.. This makes makes it possible possible to reach this position: ♠
♥ J
7 63
♦ J ♣ ♠
K Q 10
— N
— ♠ J ♥ A
8 5
♦ A ♣
A diamond played to the ace now brings West down to one spade. Just as importa importantly ntly,, it puts puts the the lead in the the South South hand. hand. The ♠J followed by the ♥5 now lands the contract.
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Play or Defend?
To Hand
If you recall, recall, the early early play play ran as follows: follows: ♦A, ♠A, heart heart to to the the ten, ten, spade spade ruff, ruff, heart heart to the the jack, jack, spade spade ruff. ruff. Now what what happe happens ns if declar declarer er plays plays two two trumps, trumps, throwing throwing a spade from dummy? dummy? East can spare spare a low club club on the last trump. trump. Declarer Declarer can duck a club, club, aiming to set up dummy’s ♣Q, but the the defender defender lies lies one one step ahead ahead.. Having Having won the first first club, club, East returns the the ♦Q to knock knock out out the ace, ace, and can claim the last three tricks. To bring off the endplay you need to find a way to reduce East’s East’s diamond length to the same length as yours and dummy’s or make the cost of not doing so prohibiti prohibitive. ve. You can achieve achieve this this goal by by an unusual unusual techtechnique, nique, known known as a ‘kno ‘knock ckou out’ t’ sq squee ueeze ze.. Afte Afterr the seco second nd round round of of spade spades, s, effect of ruffing ruffing a third third spade: spade: go back over with the ♦K and observe observe the effect
Q7 3 N
J 9 5
♣ ♠
A K 8
♥ A
10 6 4
Can you see why club discard on the th e ♠10 will clearly prove prove fatal? This time you have the tempo to establish a club because you can discard a diamond on on this trick and and oblige West to attack attack the suit. suit. Ruffing Ruffing works works no better; better; you overruff overruff and it is is now just like having a 2-2 trump break: break: you exit with a diamond and East must break the clubs clubs or concede a ruff and discar discard. d. Lastly Lastly,, if the defende defenderr disc discard ardss a diamond, diamond, you you ruff, ruff, draw draw tthe he outstanding outstanding trump and play a diamond. There is little little guesswork guesswork involved involved here because the bidding and opening lead rather mark East with five diamonds.
Solutions for ‘T ‘ Tougher Still’ -
To Hand
The fact that dummy contains the ♥A, Eas East’ t’ss potenti potential al exit exit suit, suit, means means you can eliminate hearts without ruffing — running trumps should do it. This is just just as well since since you lack the entries entries to to ruff hearts three three times. You should unblock the spades and cross to hand with the ♣K, no noti ting ng that both defende defenders rs follow follow low. low. Next, Next, you draw the last last trump, trump, and West doubtless discards a heart. If Ea East st has has ♣Q-10-9 left, you can run all but one trump, trump, cross to the the ♥A, ruff a heart heart and duck duck a club club.. A similar similar strategy strategy deals deals with with an original original Q-10-9-x-x. Whether Whether East keeps keeps three three high clubs clubs or two high and one ♣Q-10-9-x-x. low, low, you you will have have a throw-in throw-in positi position. on. Now Now watch watch what happens happens on the the actual layout: ♠
♥ A ♦
6 5
♣ A ♠
10 8
J 10
J 7 N
Q 10 4
S ♠
10 9
On the ♠10, West cannot spare spare a diamond, diamond, as you could could set up your your last last one. one. Perhaps erhaps that that defe defende nderr prefer preferss to pitc pitch h a heart. heart. In that that case case,, you you might do best to throw a heart from dummy, dummy, forcing East to do do likewise; then you cross to the ♥A and lead a heart, planning to to throw throw a diamond. Lastly Lastly,, if West discar discards ds the the ♣8, a heart goes from from dummy dummy and again East East must maintain parity with the table’s club length to stop you ruffing out the suit. suit. This time time you you should should cross cross to the the ♥A, ruff a heart heart and lead a club club.. When When the nine nine appears, appears, dummy’ dummy’ss jack cov covers ers and East East has no answe answerr. If you go with the odds and play for hearts 4-4 rather than 5-3, there is no defensive strategy to thwart you.
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Play or Defend?
To Hand
Once West West shows shows out on the second round round of trumps, two issues issues present present themselve themselves. s. Firstly Firstly,, you need need to find a safe route route to the South hand to pull pull the last trump. trump. Secondly Secondly,, you must must leave leave open the the chance to to restrict your your losses losses in the black black suits to to one by means means of an endplay endplay or squeeze squeeze on West. You can play a third round round of trumps, come to to hand with the ♣K and draw the the outstanding outstanding trump. trump. The snag is that West can afford afford to come come down to three clubs because you lack a way to get back to the long club. You can throw a heart from dummy dummy and cash the ace-queen of clubs to eliminate eliminate the suit, but where do you you go go from from there? If West started started with with ♠Q-10-9-8-6 or has pitched pitched the three from ♠Q-10-9-8-3, Q-10-9-8-3, you could could duck a spade. spade. Howev However er,, that does does not not work work today today and and nor would would cashi cashing ng the the spade cheaply and returns returns the ♠Q. The ♠A first: West wins the second spade solution for Trick 5 is to overtake the ♣Q with the king! The trick soon comes comes back. back. Here Here is the the position position as you you lead the the ♦J: ♠ A ♥
♣ A ♠
Q 10 9 6
K7 4
4 ♠
♠ J ♥
A 8 7 6 5
J 9 8
5 2
♦ J ♣
10 3 2
You discard discard a heart from dummy dummy and, if West has thrown thrown a club, club, play a spade spade to the the ace (in (in case of of a bare bare ♠Q) an and d tw two rou round ndss of of club clubs. s. The The defender must must lead a spade into into the split tenace, tenace, allowing both both your ♠J and long long club club to ssco core. re. A spade spade discar discard d produ produces ces a similar similar result. result. Three Three rounds of of the suit set up the fourth spade spade and force West West to concede concede a trick to your ♣10.
Solutions for ‘Tougher Still’ -
To Hand
Running Running all the the trumps trumps will hardly hardly work. work. If you decide to keep keep two two diadiamonds, monds, tw two o spades spades and and a heart heart in your your hand, hand, West does does the the same. same. You can cash three three rounds rounds of spades but, but, whether whether or not you you take the the ♦A first, there there is no no second second sque squeeze eze.. If you you prefe preferr to keep keep three three spade spadess and one one card in each red suit, either a spade or diamond discard protects protects West West from further pressure. To succeed you you need to play the hand as a trump squeeze, leaving a trump in dummy dummy. Against very good players players you you may have have to to guess the the ending because because you lack lack a count on the the pointed suits, suits, but for practical practical purposes you can normally get here: ♠
K 10 3
♣ J ♠
Q J 7
K 10
10 N
85 4
S ♠ A ♥
♦ A ♣
9 2 10
On the ♣J, you must throw throw the ♦10 from from hand, hand, even though though it now blocks blocks the the suit. suit. West face facess a three three-wa -wayy choic choicee of poisons poisons.. A diamond diamond disdiscard is the easiest easiest to cope cope with. You come to to the ♦A, ruff ruff a heart heart and cash cash the ♦Q, throwi throwing ng a spad spadee to squ squeez eezee West West in the the majo majors rs.. If inste instead ad the the ♥10 appears at at Trick Trick 7, you use use two aces aces as entries to to ruff a heart and then cash the the queen. queen. This catc catches hes West West in a position positional al simple simple squeeze squeeze.. Finally Finally,, you deal with the awkward awkward spade spade discard discard by taking three rounds of spades, ensuring ensuring the the nine wins wins the thir third. d. West can can then either either thr throw ow a heart, heart, allowing you to set up the ♥Q with a ruff, ruff, or pitc pitch h a diam diamond, ond, enabling enabling ou to cash the ♦A to leave dummy high. y ou
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Play or Defend?
To Hand
Sometimes a defender can break up a squeeze by holding a winner back and so preventing preventing declarer declarer from from rectifying rectifying the count. count. West’s est’s fifth club club certainly certainly limits limits how many many rounds rounds of clubs clubs you can safely safely play play. Howeve Howeverr, ducking both the second and third round of clubs gives gives you a choice of winning lines. lines. After After testing testing the the hearts, it becomes becomes clear clear that that East has had to come down down to a doubleton spade; spade; so you cash two spades and exit with the fourth fourth diamond diamond for a heart heart return return into the the tenace. tenace. Alternativ Alternatively ely,, you can play play four four round roundss of hearts; hearts; then, then, when when you cash cash two two more more diamond diamond winners, West will be squeezed in the black suits. suits. Winning Winning the third third round round of clubs and and exiting with with the ♦8 presents the greatest greatest challenge to to declarer declarer. Even Even if you already already cashed two two hearts to discover discover their layout layout,, you cannot cannot now get dummy’ dummy’s spades out of the way. way. Whilst Whilst this this prec preclud ludes es a simple simple squeez squeeze, e, look what what happens happens if you you cash your last last club: ♠ A
10 8 5
8 7
K6 3
Q 10
— ♠
J 6
J 5
S ♠ J ♥
♦ A ♣
East has been able to come down to a doubleton spade since West guards the suit, suit, but a further spade pitch pitch would prove prove fatal. fatal. For example, you can can simply cross cross to to the ace, felling the queen queen as you you do so, so, come back back to the ♠J and cash the ♦A to leav leavee the tabl tablee high. high. Clearly Clearly East East fare faress no bette betterr by by dis discar cardin dingg fro from m one one of of the red red sui suits ts.. In each each cas case, e, doing doing so would would set up a fourth-r fourth-round ound winner winner.. This is is a clash squee squeeze, ze, no less. less.
Solutions for ‘Tougher Still’ -
To Hand
West has three three suits to to protect, protect, but rattling rattling off all your your trumps does does not work. work. Yes, to keep keep a diamond diamond the the defender defender will trim down to to two spades spades or a lone ♣K, but you you cannot cannot deri derive ve much much adva advantag ntagee from from it. That That exit exit card in diamonds proves your undoing. You might think to try a spade towards the queen after you finish drawin drawingg trum trumps ps.. If West est flies flies in the the king, king, an anyy retu return rn sho should uld aid your your cause cause.. If not, not, dumm dummy’ y’ss queen queen wins and you you can can ruff ruff a diam diamond ond to hand hand.. Alas, Alas, runnin runningg a string string of hearts hearts will will still still fail fail.. West est throw throwss a club club on the the third third round round of trumps, trumps, a spade spade on the fourth fourth and a club club on on the fifth. fifth. You can set up a club by leading low, but the wretch still has a diamond to play to East’s winners. To succeed succeed you need to delay the diamond ruff. West can spare a club on the third trump and is then forced to discard a spade on the fourth. Now play the fifth: ♠
♦ J ♣ ♠
10 8
8 7 N
9 7
KJ ♠ A
10 3
9 7
West cannot afford to release release another spade, as then you could could play ace and another another to set up both the queen queen and a long spade. A club discard discard prove provess equally equally fatal, fatal, although although you you must must take take care. care. Either Either keep keep two clubs clubs in dummy dummy or play play spades spades next. next. In practic practice, e, West throws throws the the ♦8. You get get rid of a club from dummy dummy, cross with the ♠10 to the ♠Q as West West holds ho lds up, u p, and ruff ruff a diam diamond ond.. Final Finally ly,, you you ach achiev ievee the the throw throw in with with the the thir third d roun round d of spade spades. s.
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Play or Defend?
To Hand
With the heart position as it stands, you cannot easily arrange a throw in. If you try to run run the the eight eight,, Ea East st will will cov cover er with with the the nine nine.. If you you kno know w about abo ut the the oneone-su suit it sque squeeze eze,, this this heart heart layo layout ut may may ring a bell. bell. If you you can can reduce everyone to three three hearts, West will surely have to choose whether to retain the K-J-10 K-J-10 or the K-J K-J and a low heart. heart. You might be able to to cope with eith either: er: you you duck duck to smok smokee out the the K-J-1 K-J-10, 0, and run run the eight eight if the jack or ten has gone. The snag is that you can only run the eight at Trick Trick 11 iiff you you won won Tric Trick k 10 in in dummy dummy.. There Therein in lies lies the the crux crux of the hand hand.. You can never win the second se cond diamond in dummy, dummy, and asking to take the last trump trump over over there there sounds a tall order order.. Even Even so, so, it can be done done after the the initi initial al spad spadee lead. lead. Use the the ♦K and middle trumps trumps as entries to ruff three more spades and you get this: ♠
♣ A ♠
K J 10 5
J 8
2 N
A 8
10 9
S ♠
♥ A
♦ A ♣
To avoid undoing the hard work, cash the ♦A before playing another trum trump p. If West est thr throws the the ♥J, overtake overtake with dummy’ dummy’ss ace and lead the ♥8, planning planning to to let it ride. ride. Whethe Whetherr or not East East cov covers ers,, West will will have have to lead into into a heart heart tenac tenacee or conced concedee a ruff ruff and discard discard.. If West prefer preferss to to throw throw a diamond, you win this club club in hand and the next one in dummy dummy to effect effect the endplay endplay.. Finally Finally,, you you can deal with the the ♥5 discard by winning Trick 10 10 in either hand and ducking a heart. The hand hand was reasonably reasonably simple after after all: you just just had to draw trumps ending ending in dummy! dummy!
Solutions for ‘Tougher Still’ -
To Hand
West ought to work out from the play to Trick 1 that South has the ♦A, otherwise otherwise East would surely surely overtake overtake.. This makes makes the diamond continu continu-ation ation futile futile.. Of cours course, e, West cannot cannot attack attack the spade spade threat threat:: leading leading the jack would set up a finesse position whilst leading low would leave the jack bare. bare. East’s East’s jump jump to 4 ♥ should make finding the heart shift painless. Now Now the spotlight spotlight moves moves acros acrosss the table. table. East may may play a second second heart or reve revert rt to diamon diamonds, ds, but but neithe neitherr move move beats beats the the contra contract. ct. Declar Declarer er scores the ♦A and runs trumps to reach this position:
J 6
♦ ♣
K8 3
— N
Q 9 7
— ♠ A
10 5
10 9
West can spare a diamond and dummy a spade but East is forced to abandon abandon one one of the red red suits. suits. The last last trump trump then then gives gives both both defender defenderss a prob proble lem. m. If Eas Eastt has has kept kept a heart heart,, West est mus mustt tthr hrow ow on onee now now,, expos exposing ing East to a simple squeeze in the majors after dummy’s diamond goes away. It comes comes to much much the the same same thing thing if East keeps keeps a diamo diamond. nd. Still forc forced ed to save ♠J-x to prevent prevent a finesse, finesse, West discards discards a diamond diamond at Trick Trick 10. 10. This time dummy releases a heart and East is squeezed in the pointed suits. As we have discover discovered, ed, the guard squeeze squeeze works equally well with one loser loser or two two.. There There is is o only nly one safe way to break break it up. up. After After getti getting ng in in with the ♥A, East switche switchess to the ♠9, taking a backward backward finesse against South outh’’s ten ten.. 5♣ must then fail.
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Play or Defend?
To Hand
After the passive trump return at Trick 2 you were unable to evade the subsequent endplay because you lacked the means to give partner the lead. lead. Someho Somehow w, you you need to to create create an an exit exit card card for your yoursel self. f. As you you have have seen, the final position position is tricky tricky enough to to defend on the the layout layout as it stands stands.. Surel Surelyy if if you you put put declar declarer er with the ♥Q, making making dummy’ dummy’ss hearts into into a sec secon ond d tena tenace ce,, it wo woul uld d bec becom omee imp impos ossi sibl ble. e. It will n o t wo r k if South holds three three hearts, but a switch to the the ♥ K surely offers offers the best best hope. With four four potential potential top top losers, losers, your your opponent opponent has has to take take this with with dummy’ dummy’ss ace. Now Now see if you can survive survive repeated repeated trump leads. leads. As before, before, you can can throw throw one small heart, heart, two clubs clubs and the the ♦J (actually even the ♦A) without without reference to what dummy does. Here is the ending with two trump tricks left: ♠
♥ J ♦
Q 7
♣ A ♠
10 8 6
S ♣ ♠
A K 2 K9
West can spare the ♦6 (or a club), and let us first suppose suppose that a heart goes fro from m dummy dummy. In this this case, case, you you can now now pitch pitch any of of your your diamond diamonds. s. On the final trump, West needs to keep two winning hearts hearts and ideally throws throws awa awayy a club club.. Declare Declarerr does best to pitch pitch the ♥J from dummy, whereupon whereupon you you throw throw another diamond. Your side then has two hearts hearts and a diamond to cash. If declare declarerr prefer preferss to to get get rid rid of dummy dummy’’s ♦7 at Trick Trick 8, you adopt adopt a erent strategy strategy.. You throw throw the ♥10 and a big diamond on the last two diff erent trumps in either either order order.. Can you you see the result? result?
Solutions for ‘Tougher Still’ -
With dummy’s ♦Q either bare bare or gone altogether altogether,, your side side makes makes two diamonds diamonds and one heart heart at the end. This is just just as good good as taking two two hearts and a diamond. At the table, table, there is a danger danger you might might spot the ♥K switch a trick too to o lat late. e. If you you cas cash h a high high diam diamon ond d fir first, st, the the cont contrac ractt roll rollss in. in. Shall Shall we double check? ♠
♥ J ♦
Q 7
♣ A ♠
10 8
A 2
3 ♠
On declarer’s last two trumps it is easy to see that you will wil l have to part with your your two potential potential exit exit cards: cards: the ♥10 and the ♦2. You will will the then n be be thrown thrown in with a diamond. diamond. Whilst Whilst many many players players would find it hard to to foresee foresee the precise precise ending ending back at Trick 2, a general rule rule helps: in a three three suit situation, situation, declarer declarer can achieve achieve a strip via a squeeze either if the main main defen defende derr has has no means means of of exit exit or if just just ttwo wo losers losers remai remain. n. Befor Beforee you you cashed cashed the diamon diamond, d, declare declarerr had three three losers; losers; after after it, only only two. two. You may have noticed that an initial diamond lead would have beaten the contract more easily. easily. You could then have play played ed three rounds of the the sui suitt stra straig ight ht awa wayy. Mind Mind you, ou, if on onee tur turns ns ba back ck the the clo clock ck,, North orth might might call 3NT 3NT inste instead ad of 4♠! Finally Finally,, in case case you are are interes interested ted,, 4♠ could alwa ys be made if South held a 7-1-2-3 7-1-2-3 or 7-2-1-3 7-2-1-3 shape. shape. It could could also be made after after the initial club club lead if South South were were 7-17-1-3-2 3-2 or 7-37-3-1-2 1-2.. In both both cases, cases, it would would take take a lead lead in declarer’ declarer’ss red-suit red-suit fragment to defeat defeat it. It may relieve relieve you you to hear that that a shortage shortage of space space prevents prevents a full full analysi analysiss of these these points! points!
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Play or Defend?
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How good an analyst are you? HAND 2 - ACHILLES HEEL A 9 8 5 ♥ Q J 5 3 ♦ QJ10 ♣ K 4 ♠
K 10 7 2 ♥ 8 7 2 ♦ A 8 ♣ 9 6 5 2 ♠
pass pass pass 1
1♥ 2♦1 3NT
pass pass all pass
1♣ 1NT 2NT
Checkback asking for 3 ♥/4♠
Q3 ♥ K 10 6 4 ♦ K 6 5 2 ♣ 10 7 3 ♠
J 6 4 ♥ A 9 ♦ 9 7 4 3 ♣ A Q J 8 ♠
3NT Contract: Opening Lead: ♠2
Going up with dummy’ dummy’s ace of spades will not work work because the resulting resulting blocka blockage ge will be merely merely temporary temporary.. East can can win the first diamond diamond and cash cash the spade queen. queen. The defenders defenders will score score three spades and two diamonds. Playing low at at Trick Trick 1 seems more more obvious, and the queen wins wins.. If Ea East st ret retur urns ns a spa spade de,, the the cont contra ract ct mak makes es.. North orth’’s ni nine ne will take take care of of the fourth fourth round round of spades spades and declare declarerr can take take the winning heart heart finesse finesse after setting setting up the diamonds. diamonds. Is the contract always always cold, or can the right switch at Trick Trick 3 kill it? See page 86 for the second second part of the answer answer..
JULIAN POTTAGE POTTAGE is well-known for his books of bridge problems, which include Bridge Problems for a New Millenn Millennium ium and More Hocus Pocus . He
contributes a regular problem column to BRIDGE magazine. He lives in the UK.