1 INTRODUCTION TO CPP O&M........................... .......................................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................................. .............................. 4 1.1 CPP functional structure......................................... ......................................................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ..................................... ..................... 4 1.2 CPP O&M Interfaces...................................... ..................................................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... .............................................. .............................. 6 1.3 MO interface (MI!......................................... ......................................................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................................. .............................. " 1.4 PM Interface............... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ................. 1# 1.$ %O Interface............... .............................. ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............... 12 1.6 CO%I Interface (O' s)ell!................................. ................................................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ....................................... ........................ 12 2 MO'*%%+,M MO'*%%+,MO' O'............... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................................................. .............................................. 13 2.1 *el-............... .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... .............................. ............... 14 2.2 Coan/ line.............. .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... .............................................. ............................... 10 2.3 'ession %oin............... .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ........................... ........... 21 2.4 Pattern atc)in.............. ............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... .......................................... ........................... 21 3 MO COMM,ND'............... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................................... ............................... 23 3.1 T)e MOM.............. .............................. ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ..................................................... ..................................... 23 3.2 MOM coan/................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ........................... ........... 26 3.3 lt an/ -r coan/.............................. .............................................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ........................ ........ 43 3.4 MO a//ressin................ ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ........................................... ........................... 46 3.4.1 -ro i/(s!.............. .............................. ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... .............................. ............... 46 3.4.2 ofilter............... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ................................................ ................................ 45 3.$ et coan/s.............. ............................. ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............... $4 3.6 st coan/.............. .............................. ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... .................................. ................... 64 3." set coan/............... .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ................................ ................ 60 3.5 rset coan/............... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ .............................. .............. "0 3.0 l+/e coan/............... .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ........................... ........... 51 3.1# cr coan/............... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................ 54 3.11 acl+acc coan/............... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ...................................................... ...................................... 5$ 3.11.1 %ist actions.............. .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... .......................................................... .......................................... 5$ 3.11.2 ecute an action7 .............. .............................. ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... .............................................. ............................... 5" 3.12 /el+r/el coan/............... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ...................................... ...................... 03 3.13 run coan/............... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................................ ............................. 00 3.14 trun coan/.............. .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................................ ............................. 00 3.1$ un/o coan/s.............. ............................. ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ....................................... ........................ 1 1# #1 3.16 al coan/............... .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... .............................. .............. 11 1 11 3.1" Offline o/e.............. .............................. ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................................. ............................. 11 1 13 4 %O COMM,ND'.............. ............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................................ ............................. 11 1 10 4.1 ,lar an/ 8ent )istor........................ ........................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... .................................................. ................................... 12 1 22 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
4.2 Restart an/ u-ra/e )istor....................... ....................................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................................. ............................. 4.3 Coan/ )istor.............. ............................. ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ....................................................... ....................................... 4.4 9orat o-tions............... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... .......................................................... .......................................... 4.$ Offline o/e............... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... .............................. ............... $ NOD IN:NTOR; COMM,ND'..................................... ..................................................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................ ............. $.1 CPP *< arc)itecture................................. ................................................. ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................................. ............................. $.1.1 'urac= structure............... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... .............................................. ............................... $.1.2 oar/ t-es.............. .............................. ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ........................................................ ......................................... $.1.3 Internal a//ressin of t)e -rocessors............... .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................. ................. $.2 in8 coan/............... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................................. ............................. $.3 st/ coan/............... .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... .............................. .............. $.4 o coan/.............. ............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ................................ ................ 6 CO%I COMM,ND'............... .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................ ............ 6.1 CO%I )el-.............. ............................. ............................... 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" '< M,N,MN M,N,MNT T COMM,ND'........................................ ........................................................ ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ......................... .......... ".1 Confiuration :ersion *an/lin........................................ ........................................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ....................................... ....................... ".1.1 C: files an/ fol/ers.......................... .......................................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ................................................ ................................ ".1.2 C: )an/lin................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ....................................... ........................ ".1.3 C: Rollac=.............. ............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ .......................... .......... ".2 Restart Coan/s.............. .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ..................... ...... ".2.1 Printin all -ossile restart actions................ ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ................................................... ................................... ".2.2 Perforin a no/e restart ................ ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... .................................. .................. ".2.3 Perforin a oar/ restart ............... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................. .................. ".2.4 Perforin a -rora restart .............. .............................. ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... .............................. ............... 5 TR,N'PORT NT
COMM,ND'.................................... ................................................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... .................................... ..................... 5.1 P)sical laer.............. ............................. ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................................. .............................. 5.2 Net?or= 'nc)ronisation.............. .............................. ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................ ............ 5.3 ,TM laer............... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ .................................. .................. 5.4 ''"................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... .......................................................... ........................................... 0 OT*R.............. ............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................................................. .............................................. 0.1 Moatc)............... .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... .................................................... ..................................... 0.2 TR+C'R /ata collection.................................... .................................................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ....................................... ........................ 0.3 Confiuration settins an/ en8ironent 8ariales................ ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................................... ................................... 0.3.1 Confiuration settins................ ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ........................................ ........................ 0.3.2 User8ariales for connectin to secure no/es.............. ............................. ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ .................................... .................... 0.3.3 n8ironent 8ariales............... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ....................................... ........................ 0.4 I-/ataase.............. .............................. ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................... ... 0.$ O&M connecti8it -roles......................................... ......................................................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................ ............. 0.$.1 Case 17 os)ell )ans at @Trin fileA....B.............. ............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... .......................................................... .......................................... 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
126 12 13 1 32 13 1 35 14 1 4# 14 1 42 14 1 42 14 1 42 14 1 43 14 1 44 14 1 46 1$ 1 $5 16 1 6$ 16 1 66 16 1 66 1" 1 "3 1" 1 "0 15 1 5$ 15 1 5$ 15 1 56 10 1 0# 2# 2 #4 2# 2 #6 2# 2 #6 2# 2 #" 21 2 1# 21 2 12 21 2 14 21 2 14 21 2 15 22 2 22 23 2 3# 24 2 45 24 2 45 2$ 2 $$ 2$ 2 $6 2$ 2 $6 26 2 62 26 2 63 26 2 64 26 2 66 26 2 66
0.$.2 Case 27 COR,.NOT COR,.NOTI'T I'T.............. .............................. ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................. .............. 2 2" "1 0.$.3 Case 37 O' s)ell an/+or file transfer not accessile............... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ....................................... ........................ 2 2" "" 0.$.4 Case 47 *TTP not accessile............... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................................ ............................ 2 2" "5 0.$.$ Case $7 9ile not foun/ on *TTP ser8er............... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................................................ ............................................. 2 25 5# 1# 'CRIPTIN................ ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ .................... .... 25 2 5# 1#.1 Usin MO rou-s.................................... ................................................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ .............................................................. .............................................. 2 25 5# 1#.1.1 Met)o/ 1 7 ase/ on t)e /istinuis)e/ nae of t)e MO............... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ................................. .................. 2 25 5# 1#.1.2 Met)o/ 2a7 ase/ on t)e attriute 8alue of t)e MOE usin @aB coan/............... .............................. ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ..................................... ..................... 2 25 53 1#.1.3 Met)o/ 27 ase/ on t)e attriute 8alue of t)e MOE usin @)etB coan/.............. .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... .................................... .................... 2 25 56 1#.1.4 Met)o/ 2c7 ase/ on t)e attriute 8alue of t)e MOE usin @stB coan/............... .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ....................................... ....................... 2 25 5" 1#.1.$ Met)o/ 37 a//in a reference/ MO............... .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................................. .................................. 2 25 55 1#.1.6 Met)o/ 47 fro l= coan/.............. .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................................. .............................. 2 20 0# 1#.1." Met)o/ $7 fro -/iff coan/.................. .................................. ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ..................................... ..................... 2 20 02 1#.1.5 T?oste- ea-les7 ............... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... .......................... .......... 2 20 02 1#.2 'cri-tin 8ariales............... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................................... ................................... 3 3# ## 1#.3 Preset 8ariales............... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ....................... ........ 3# 3 ## 1#.4 :ariale assinent .............. ............................. ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................. .................. 3 3# #" 1#.$ If+lse constructs................ ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... .................................... ..................... 32 3 2# 1#.6 9or constructs............... .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ........................... ........... 32 3 22 1#." User/efine/ functions................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................ ............. 3 32 24 1#.5 a-les................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ................. .. 32 3 26 11 M< '-ecific................ ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................................... ................................ 32 3 25
9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
1 INTROD INTRODUCT UCTION ION TO TO CPP CPP O&M 1.1 CPP function functional al t!uctu!" t!uctu!" The following picture shows the different system modules in CPP.
9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
CDM,2000 'C+R'
%T R'
'iulators7 cor6e cor6enE nE 31si 1si erncsiE1?si
SS7 #MTP #M TP7 ( MTP MTP7 ( M7 UA UA(( SCC SCCP( P( SC SCTP TP(( ... ...,,
ATM T!an%o!t
IP T!an%o!t
#Et-"!n"t( IP( UDP( RLP( ...,
Int"!nal T!an%o!t #N"to! *nc-( At itc-( Et-"!n"t itc-,
Cont!ol #E$ui%"nt 't( SW loa)in'( S*t" u%'!a)"( O&M( T!acin'( R"ta!t( +il" *t"( O%"!atin' S*t"( ...,
9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
1.0 CPP O&M Int"!fac" Int"!fac" The following O&M services can be accessed in the node: - OS shell !a.".a CO#$%: provides a set of commands on each individual board. Mainly geared towards troubleshooting' not intended for configuration. - (ile service: for transfer of files between to)from the node !S* files' logfiles' +OP files' etc% - M$, !Managed $nformation ,ase%: the database containing all the MOs !Managed Ob-ects% of the node. MOs are used for configuration and troubleshooting of the resources in the node. - Scanners: the database containing all the Performance Management Scanners of the node. Scanners are used for defining the contents of the Performance Measurements Measurements !i.e. to specify which counters)events shall be logged in the +OP files%. The following protocols are used for accessing these services: - http - unsecure protocols !unencrypted%: telnet' ftp' iiop - secure protocols !encrypted%: ssh' sftp' ssliop *hether to use the secure or unsecure protcols will depend on the security level of the node !refer to CPP core presentation%. http is used on all security levels even though it is unsecure. The number in brac"ets is the TCP port used for each protocol.
9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
*3-er Terinal
O' s)ell (CO%I! T%NT (23 ! + ''* (22 !
*TTP (80 ! MoS-"ll/ AMOS
t)ernet or IPo8er,TM
9TP (21 ! + '9TP (22 !
9ile s3ste
CM (Confi1uration M1t! IIOP ( 56834! + ''% IOP ( 56836!
MI 9M (9ault M1t! PM (Perforance M1t! 'canners
1. MO int"!f int"!fac" ac" #MI2, #MI2, The Managed Ob-ects !MO% are used to modelie resources in the node so they can be easily accessed by the O&M engineer for configuration' trouble shooting and performance management purposes. ach MO instance belongs to an /MO Class0' eg: Plug$n1nit' Program' 2tmPort' etc. 2n MO Class is used to modelie all resources of the same type. MOs have attributes that store values used for: administrativestate' e3ternal4ci' etc.% . Stored permanently in the database copy on the harddis". - configuration management !eg: administrativestate' - fault management !eg: availabilityStatus' operationalState' etc.% . 5ot stored permantenly. - performance management !eg: pm+eceived2tmCells' pmTransmitted2tmCells' etc.%. 5ot stored permanently. The attribute values can be of the following types: integer' string' boolean' float' mo+ef' enum' struct' se6uence of integer' se6uence of string' se6uence of boolean' se6uence of mo+ef' se6uence of struct' see 7.8. 7.8. MO operations 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
+elated moshell command!s%
9etChildren 9et2ttribute Call2ction Set2ttribute
To list the #5s of the MOs currently present in the M$, To read the value of one or more attribute!s% To call an action on an MO To change the value of an attribute !provided it is not restricted or readonly% To create an MO To delete an MO To subscribe to notifications about changes in the M$, #ist active alarms 2c"nowledge)unac"nowledge an alarm
lt' lc get' hget' pget' st' prod' inv' etc. acc !acl% set' bl' deb
corba !CM%
cr del' rdel c al al
corba !(M%
To subscribe to notifications about alarms and events. ;a
CreateMO eleteMO Subscribe 9et2larms 2c"nowledge)unac"nowledg e Subscribe
9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
9T attribute
ST attribute (only supported by non-restricted con#ig attributes)
administrativeState • piuType • userLabel
"on#iguration attributes (read $ write)
operationalState availabilityStatus • hwTestStatus
State attributes (read!nly)
• •
pmProcessorLoad pmProcessorLoad
C2## action
! identity attribute
2ctions • manualRestart()
%ttribute types& - string - boolean - long - longlong - #loat - enumeration - structure - moRe# - se'uence
%ttribute #lags& - mandatory - restricted - readonly - nonpersistent - nonoti#ication
Per#ormance onitoring attributes (read!nly)
2ttribute types: - string: a string of characters' e.g. user#abel - boolean: true or false' e.g. continuityChec" - long: 78bit integer !from ;8 7> to 87>%' e.g. e3ternal4ci - longlong: ?@bit integer !from ;8 ?7 to 8?7%' e.g. node1tcTime - float: a number with a decimal point - enumeration: a set of discrete integer values' e.g. o perationalState - struct: an attribute consisting of a number of attributes of any of the above types' e.g. productata atmTrafficescriptor$d - mo+ef: a pointer to another MO' e.g. atmTrafficescriptor$d - se6uence: an array of attributes of any of the above types 2ttribute flags: attribute value has to be given when creating creating the MO - mandatory: the attribute 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
restricted: the attribute value can only be changed by deleting the MO and recreating it readonly: the attribute value is set by the system nonpersistent: the attribute value is not stored persistently on dis" !eg. operationalState' availabilityStatus' etc% nonotification: changes in the attribute value will not be sent to the client via the notification service
More info in the CP$ document /MOM 1ser 9uide0
1.3 PM Int"! Int"!fac fac" " The CPP PM s ervice supports counterbased measurements !all nodes% and eventbased measurements !+5C)+,S only% The following access methods are supported: instantaneous counter values for CPP' +,S and M9* MOs can be read via the CM Service /9et2ttribute0 operation !moshell command /pget0%. $t is not possible to read instantaneous counters for +5C MOs via the CM Service. counter values for a given +OP !+esult Output Period% can be read from the AM# +OP files' provided there is an active statistics scanner containing these values. events that occurred in a given +OP can be read from the binary +OP files' provided there is an active event scanner containing these events. 2 +OP can be defined to be B minutes' >B minutes' or ? minutes.
9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
NOD "!R%-" (pget* pdi##) MI
"!R%-P (pst*pgets*pcr*etc)
'tatistics 'canner
Mo')ell+ ,MO'
+TP,S+TP (pmr*pm*pme)
8ents 'canner
M% ROP file inar3 ROP file
2vailable PM commands in moshell
+elated moshell command!s%
#ist Scanners and vent (ilters Create Statistics Scanner Stop Scanner +esume Scanner elete Scanner Set vent (ilter 4iew Scanner contents +ead instantaneous counter value (etch and parse Statistics +OP files !3ml% (etch (etch and parse parse vent vent +OP files files !binar !binary% y%
pst pcr pbl pdeb pdel pset pgets pget)pdiff pmr)pm3 pme
corba !PM%
corba !CM% ftp)sftp 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
PM related commands can be printed from the /p0 menu. OFFLINE> p **************************************************************************************************** Command Name Purpose (type "h " for detailed help on a command **************************************************************************************************** pmom!ac#lmom!c Print description of P$ counters (pmom or lo% attri&utes (lmom' C$) only p%et#lp%et +ead P$ attri&ute(s from $O(s hp%et!c#lhp%et!c +ead P$ attri&ute(s from $O(s' print hori,ontally one line per $O (instead of one line per attri&ute pdiff#lpdiff Print incrementation of P$ attri&utes pm-!hfdn isplay counter .alues' e-tracted from the statistics +OP files pmr!a% Produce P$ /PI reports' &ased on counter .alues in statistics +OP files and formulas in CPI documentation pme!fd!c%u Fetch#decode e.ent +OP files (+NC#+01 only pst List all P$ scanners and their state p%ets!n Print scanner contents pcr!cfd#lpcr!cfd Create a statistics scanner p&l 1uspend a scanner pde& +esume a scanner pdel elete a scanner emom isplay list of e.ents a.aila&le for each 2ind of e.ent3&ased scanner pset!d 1et the contents of an e.ent3&ased scanner (+NC#+01 only
1.4 LO5 Int"! Int"!fac fac" " 2 number of logs on store on the )c volume of the node: - alarm and event history - restart history: node restarts' board restarts' program restarts' processor crashes% - O&M history: MO commands' CO#$ commands' 2MOS commands' O&M connection attempts - upgrade history
1.6 COLI Int"!fac Int"!fac" " #OSE -"ll, -"ll, Commands for troubleshooting and tracing can be run in the different boards of the node
9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
!ther board asicDos (!S/ shell)
"entral .P
Lin01andler asicDos (!S/ shell)
inetDlm (T"P,IP)
sshDlm (telnet,ssh)
!ther board asicDos (!S/ shell)
Lin01andler !ther board asicDos (!S/ shell)
0 MOSH MOSHEL ELL/ L/AM AMOS OS 2MOS !2dvanced MO Scripting% is the name of the moshell customer version which is sold as an optional feature in OSS. $t is installed on the OSS master server under )opt)ericsson)amos)moshell but this folder is then mounted on the 1ni3 2pplication Server !12S% so moshell should always be run from the 12S. The logs are stored under )var)opt)ericsson)amos)moshellDlogfiles *hen connecting to a node' it is possible to use any of the following addresses: an ipaddress: moshell 45446748 a 5S name: moshell rnc4utranericssonse a node name defined in the ipdatabase file: moshell rnc4 the MeConte3t of the node !gets translated from the O+5MDCS database of OSS+C%: moshell +NC54 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
atrcus966:cdiuser; = moshell +NC44 #? @ ?# @# ? # @ # ? @ ? # @ @ @ @ ( # #? ? @ @?#@ @ @ @ @? ? # ?@ @ @ @ @@ @ @ ## ??@ @@?#@# O11 FrameAor2 for $o1hell384p Bamosr&pid 8D8 Chec2in% ip contactO/ ELP $ENG 0)1IC $O CO$$)N1 OHE+ $O CO$$)N1 OHE+ CO$$)N1 P$ CO$$)N1 GIH
= = = = = =
h m n o p J
0.1 0.1 H"l% H"l% -
The 2MOS 19' available from OSS+C CP$ The document )opt)ericsson)amos)moshell)1ser9uide.pdf in OSS+C Online help:
atrcus966:cdiuser; = moshell +NC44 #? @ ?# @# ? # @ # ? @ ? # @ @ @ @ ( # #? ? @ @?#@ @ @ @ @? ? # ?@ @ @ @ @@ @ @ ## ??@ @@?#@# O11 FrameAor2 for $o1hell384p 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Bamosr&pid 8D8 Chec2in% ip contactO/ ELP $ENG 0)1IC $O CO$$)N1 OHE+ $O CO$$)N1 OHE+ CO$$)N1 P$ CO$$)N1 GIH
= = = = = =
h m n o p J
Print moshell command list with /h0 command +NC44> h 333333333333333333333333 33333333333 0)1IC $O CO$$)N1 3333333333333333333333333333 33333333333333333333333333333333333 3333333333333333333333333333333333 333333 mom!tcd Print description of $O classes' C$#F$ attri&utes' actions' enums and structs lt#ltc!43K Load $O tree (full or partial and &uild pro-y ta&le lc!43K#lcc Load $O tree (full or partial and &uild pro-y ta&le lu#llu Gnload $Os from $O tree pr#lpr Print $O LNs and pro-y ids for all or part of the $O tree currently loaded in moshell ma#lma )dd $O(s to an $O %roup mr#lmr +emo.e an $O %roup or remo.e $Os from an $O %roup ($Os Aill NOH &e deleted' only the %roup mp Print all defined $O %roups %et#l%et +ead C$#F$ attri&ute(s from $O(s h%et!c#lh%et!c +ead C$#F$ attri&ute(s from $O(s' print hori,ontally one line per $O (instead of one line per attri&ute 2%et#l2%et isplay C$#F$ attri&utes in e-porta&le printout format fro#lfro!m +ead $)O data of an $O and#or froid of the $O ata read from 1L ta&les motyper4 and modatar6 st#lst Print state of $Os (operational1tate and administrati.e1tate Ahen applica&le prod Print productata of $O(s l2#ll2 ieA all $OMs lin2ed to an $O' and their states (adm1tate and op1tate l2o#ll2o Hhe old l2 $essier than l2 &ut supports a Aider ran%e of $O classes set!m#lset!m 1et an attri&ute .alue on one or se.eral $OMs rset#lrset 1et attri&ute .alue on a restricted attri&ute or chan%e the $Oid of an $O &l!s#l&l!s Loc2 or soft3loc2 $O(s delde& Gnloc2 $O(s acl#lacl Lists a.aila&le $O actions acc#lacc E-ecute an $O action cr Create an $O del#ldel elete $O(s rdel#lrdel elete $O(s to%ether Aith children and $Os 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
u!s#u3#u#u andlin% of undo mode (for undo of del#rdel#set commands Can &e used for %eneration of $O scripts as Aell run +un a command file in moshell format trun!i +un a command file in E$)1#$oHester format ctrl3, )&ort an $O command or a "for" loop Hype "touch #tmp#Qf%" to resume the moshell session pol!s!h!c!u Poll the node until the $O is up or until an operation has completed re!i isconnect and reconnect to the C$ (mo&roAser and#or the P$ (pmtester %etmom Chec2 the $O$ .ersion currently stored on the node parsemom Parse an -ml $O$ file flt#fltc Load pro-ys for an $O type that is not defined in the $O$ ("Force" lt#ltc ld Load one $O from the tree and add to the pro-y ta&le f%et#lf%et +ead attri&utes that are not descri&ed in the $O$ ("Force" %et s%et#ls%et +ead C$#F$ attri&utes from $O(s' one &y one ("1loA" %et fset#lfset 1et an attri&ute that is not descri&ed in the $O$ ("Force" set facc#lfacc Perform actions that are not defined in the $O$ ("Force" action 33333333333333333333333333333333333 333333333333333333333333 33333333333 OHE+ $O CO$$)N1 3333333333333333333333333333333333 33333333333333333333333333 33333333 cu#c.%et#c.ls4 C &ac2up handlin%= list' ma2e local' ma2e remote' remo.e' setstarta&le in.!hr Complete R#1R in.entory Includes information a&out +PGs' licensin%' S$' de.ices' TPs' I1L' etc ca&!sl-rad%tm isplay of miscellaneous COLI printouts relatin% to hA' sA' restarts' leds' cpu load' errors' dis2#ram usa%e stc!p!r isplay state and confi%uration of )tmCrossConnections std isplay state and confi%uration of de.ices (+NC and $UR only st.!&!r isplay state' user' and &andAidth usa%e for )H$ ports and channels stt!r isplay state and user of Physical Ports and s50undles hc +un a %eneral healthchec2 on the node dc%!msie Fetch data for C1+s' accordin% to the ata Collection Uuidelines diff#ldiff Parameter auditin% or $O dump comparisons str!46ft Print status of the Iu&Lin2s#)&isLin2s and their associated Cells and Channels (+NC#01C only l2i +esource usa%e and confi%uration of Iu&Lin2s (+NC only remod!u!6 +emodule an Iu&Lin2 (+NC only t%!r!c!d Print +esource O&Vect information for all $Os in LmCell (+NC only uer!d!t Print GE conte-t data ( or driftin% for all acti.e calls (+NC only ced!h!r Print dynamic cell data or capacity usa%e (+NC only al!at2c Print the list of acti.e alarms )c2noAled%e#Gnac2noAled%e an alarm l%!ae.syuoldhmircf Fetchin% and#or processin% of node lo%s (alarm' e.ent' a.aila&ility' system' etc 33333333333333333333333333333333333 333333333333333333333333 33333333333 OHE+ CO$$)N1 3333333333333333333333333333333333 3333333333333333333333333333 333333 u. Print or chan%e moshell confi%uration settin%s (also called "user .aria&les" p. Print scriptin% .aria&les #l E-ecute a uni- command on the PC#Aor2station l!m!m!s!o#l3#l Open#close moshell lo%files ose#coli command 1end a COLI command to the nodeMs O1E shell Hype "h ose" for synta- help and "" to .ieA a.aila&le commands &o!r#&a!sAdp#&r!Ad#&e!53D5#&p &o!r#&a!sAdp#&r!Ad#&e!53 D5#&p $ana%e &oard %roups that can &e used for runnin% COLI commands on multiple &oards lh +un COLI commands on all &oards of a &oard %roup mon#mon#mon3#mon 1tart#stop#chec2 the tar%et monitor on the node and#or start the monitor client for one or more &oard Uroup(s sJl#sJl3#sJl 1tart#stop#chec2 the 1L client on the node (CTC46DW57 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
p%u!c!f!r Pro%ram Gp%rade For 1HP use only' e%' to load &lac2 L$s ftree!f +ecursi.e listin% of a directory on the file system of the node or the Aor2station ft%et!c#ftput!c Hransfer files or directories to#from the node' usin% ftp or sftp ht%et Hransfer files from the node usin% http edit Edit a file on the node fclean!f@ff@d@e of o&solete loadmodules O+ recursi.e of a directory on the node hi Print history of moshell commands entered durin% the current session lmid!c Print translation of loadmodule product num&er or HXE error codes p#A#pA#& Chan%e moshell prompt and#or AindoA title proHo%%le display of pro-y identities in printout of %et command col Ho%%le display of colors ul Ho%%le display of userla&el in st#lst and p%et#lp%et printout conf!&ld Ho%%le confirmation on .arious $O commands %s#%s% Ho%%le display of old#neA attri&ute .alue in set#&l#de& commands ip6d#d6ip Con.ert an IP address into the format used in the f+O (sJl data&ase or .ice3.ersa h6d#d6h Con.ert an inte%er to he-adecimal or .ice.ersa h6&6h Con.ert a &inary to he-adecimal or .ice.ersa Aait 1pecify a delay in hrs' mins' secs' or rops 1imilar to the uni- "sleep" command (scriptin% return E-it from a command file Aithout e-itin% from moshell (scriptin% print Print a line or .aria&le (scriptin% alias#unalias Print or define command aliases J#&y#e-it#Juit E-it moshell 33333333333333333333333333333333333 333333333333333333333333 33333333333 P$ CO$$)N1 3333333333333333333333333333333333 3333333333333333333333333333 333333 pmom!acd#lmom!c Print description of P$ counters (pmom or lo% attri&utes (lmom' C$) only p%et#lp%et +ead P$ attri&ute(s from $O(s sp%et#lsp%et +ead P$ attri&ute(s one &y one ("sloA p%et" hp%et!c#lhp%et!c +ead P$ attri&ute(s from $O(s' print hori,ontally one line per $O (instead of one line per attri&ute pdiff#lpdiff Print incrementation of P$ attri&utes pm-!hfdn isplay counter .alues' e-tracted from the statistics +OP files pmr!a% Produce P$ /PI reports' &ased on counter .alues in statistics +OP files and formulas in CPI documentation pme!fd!c%u Fetch#decode e.ent +OP files (+NC#+01 only pst List all P$ scanners and their state p%ets!n Print scanner contents pcr!cfd#lpcr!cfd Create a statistics scanner p&l 1uspend a scanner pde& +esume a scanner pdel elete a scanner emom isplay list of e.ents a.aila&le for each 2ind of e.ent3&ased scanner pset!d 1et the contents of an e.ent3&ased scanner (+NC#+01 only 33333333333333333333333333333333333 333333333333333333333333 33333333333 ELP C)PHE+1 3333333333333333333333333333333333 3333333333333333333333333333 333333 5 Installation' security' and user settin%s 4 +e.ision istory 6 Hutorial Command synta-' re%ular e-pressions 9 Command descriptions 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
D W 8 7 K
La,y 1criptin% Gtilities $aintenance Offline $ode Hype= 3 h to .ieA command description' e%= h p%et 3 h to .ieA commands Ahose description match a strin%' e%= h chan%e*prompt 3 h to .ieA a chapter' e%= h
Chec" command synta3 and command description with /h h stt ******************************************************* stt!r ! ! ******************************************************* isplay state and user of Physical Ports and s50undles Options= 3 r= to refresh the data (ie re3read from node )r%uments= 3 the first ar%ument matches on the Ahole line 3 the second ar%ument matches only the state field ("PGI" E-amples= >> stt ms36W34 33> print all ports and their users matchin% ms36W34 >> stt 5@L 33> print all ports and their users Aho ha.e state disa&led or loc2ed Printout format= 3 PGI= the first di%it represents the state of the PhysicalPort#s50undle Hhe second di%it (if present represents the state of the Gser Hhe third di%it (if present represents the state of the ImaUroup Lloc2ed' 4ena&led' 5disa&led 3 CU#/L$= circuit %roup and /L$ (for channelised 1H$34 E-ample printout +TI= Port CU#/L$ PGI G1E+ 1u&rac2$1'1lot8'*'Os4DD1piHtppp4'c9Htp4 1u&rac2$1'1lot8'*'Os4DD1 piHtppp4'c9Htp4 44 )tmPort$13834 1u&rac2$1'1lot69'*'Os4DD1piHtppp4'1ts41peHtp4't4D 1u&rac2$1'1lot69'*'Os4DD1 piHtppp4'1ts41peHtp4't4DHtp4'H4Htp4 Htp4'H4Htp4 4#444 44 )tmPort$1369343434 1u&rac2$1'1lot69'*'Os4DD1piHtppp4'1ts41peHtp4't4D 1u&rac2$1'1lot69'*'Os4DD1 piHtppp4'1ts41peHtp4't4DHtp6'H4Htp4 Htp6'H4Htp4 4#446 444 )tmPort$13693ima4 1u&rac2$1'1lot69'*'Os4DD1piHtppp4'1ts41peHtp4't4D 1u&rac2$1'1lot69'*'Os4DD1 piHtppp4'1ts41peHtp4't4DHtp'H4Htp4 Htp'H4Htp4 4#44 444 )tmPort$13693ima4 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
E-ample printout $UR= Port CU#/L$ PGI G1E+ 1u&rac26'1lot64'*'Os4DD1piHtp6644'c9Htp4'c46Htp 1u&rac26'1lot64'*'Os4DD1p iHtp6644'c9Htp4'c46Htp6'E4Htp4's50undle4 6'E4Htp4's50undle4 4#446 44 HdmHermUrpW 1u&rac26'1lot6D'*'E4PhysPathHerm66D4's50undle4 1u&rac26'1lot6D'*'E4PhysP athHerm66D4's50undle4 44 $tp6HpItu4
$f the command is not found' it prints a list of commands that contain the word in the command description OFFLINE> h counter FolloAin% commands match that Aord in the command description (type "h " for more info on each command= trun!i stc!p!r pmom!ac#lmom!c hp%et!c#lhp%et!c pdiff#lpdiff pm-!hfdn pmr!a% p%ets!n pcr!cfd#lpcr!cfd p&l
+un a command file in E$)1#$oHester format isplay state and confi%uration of )tmCrossConnections Print description of P$ counters (pmom or lo% attri&utes (lmom' C$) only +ead P$ attri&ute(s from $O(s' print hori,ontally one line per $O (instead of one line per attri&ute Print incrementation of P$ attri&utes isplay counter .alues' e-tracted from the statistics +OP files Produce P$ /PI reports' &ased on counter .alues in statistics +OP files and formulas in CPI documentation Print scanner contents Create a statistics scanner 1uspend a scanner
0.0 Coan Coan) ) lin" lin" The prompt shows the node name 2 header is printed before each command is e3ecuted:
9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
No/e i- a//ress
No/e nae
MOM 8ersion Mos)ell 8ersion
Date+Tie ?)en coan/ ?as run
+NC11 > pr 3 = = 1 37 *58 *1 9 4 *1 47 7 *1 u +N C NO( E$ O (EL S 3 45 CO $PLEH E stopfile#tmp#26112 Pro-y $O $ana%edElement 1 0 Hotal= 1 $Os 0 9 0 9 1 4 1 5 5 6 44
+elation between the MOM version and the S* release: RNC SW P4 P$ P6+P6.1 P"+P".1 <1#
MOM 9 *+F > %
R2S CPP 4 $.1 6+6.1 " 5
SW P4 P$ P6 P" <1#
MOM * F > % M
M5W CPP 4 $.1 6 " 5
SW R3 R4. R$ R6
MOM R3 R4. R$
CPP 4 $. 6 "
The command line uses the +eadline library from bash. Eere are some o f the supported function "eys: • • • • • • • •
up)down arrow right)left arrow 2ltf)2ltb Ctrla)Ctrle bac"space)Ctrld Ctrlu)Ctrl" select or select F ctrl
previous)ne3t command in history buffer move forward)bac"ward forward)bac"ward one character at a time move forward)bac"ward one word at a time go to beginning)end of line delete one character bac"ward)forward erase all characters bac"ward)forward copy to clipboard paste from clipboard 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
1seful: by typing the beginning of a command and then use the up)down arrow "ey' the command completion will only match the commands from history that start with this string
0. S"ion S"ion Lo''in' Lo''in' +NC44> l Lo%%in% to file= #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#sessionlo%#585W4349748+NC44lo% +NC44> l3 Lo% close= #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#sessionlo%#585W4349748+NC44lo%
lF appends to the file. To overwrite the file' use /lFo0 lFm for mute $UR4> h l ******************************************************* l!m!m!s!o#l3#l ! ******************************************************* Open#close moshell lo%files
Or, to log the whole moshell session: moshell @ tee
0.3 Patt"!n Patt"!n atc-in' atc-in' 1ni3 regular e3pressions are used fre6uently in the moshell command synta3' therefore we give a short description here' for those not already familiar with them. 1ni3 regular e3pressions allow to perform pattern matching on te3t strings. 2 regular e3pression is li"e a te3t string but some characters have a special meaning. These characters are called metacharacters. 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
More info on google /+egular e3pressions0 Some of the most used metacharacters metacharacters are: ot' star' and plus si%ns 33> matches any sin%le character * 33> matches 5 or more occurences of the pre.ious character 33> matches 4 or more occurences of the pre.ious character E%= a* matches nothin%' or a or aa or aaa' etc a matches a' or aa' or aaa' etc * matches 5 or more occurrences of any character matches 4 or more occurrences of any character E-ample= Rords to match port445 port465 port65
+e%ular e-pression port5 or port*5
1Juare &rac2ets ! 33> matches a character or ran%e of characters inside the &rac2ets !Y 33> NOH matchin% a character or ran%e of characters inside the &rac2ets E%= !a3, matches all letters from a to , !53K matches all num&ers from 5 to K !a&e matches letters a'&' and e !Y matches any character &ut not E-ample= Rords to match port445 port465 port65
+e%ular e-pression port!46!435
Or si%n @ 33> O+ E%= @D@W matches or D or W utrancell@iu&lin2 E-ample= Rords to match
+e%ular e-pression 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
port44 por t445 5 port4 port465 65 port port65 65 line44 line445 5 line4 line465 65 lin line65 e65
port!46 por t!46!43 !435 5@li @line!4 ne!46!4 6!435 35
)nchor characters Y 33> mar2s the &e%innin% of the te-t strin% B 33> mar2s the end of the strin% E%= Yutrancell matches utrancell &ut not e-ternalutrancell slot7'plu%inunit4B Ya*9B matches a strin% &e%innin% Aith a and finishin% Aith 9' Aith any character in the middle E-ample= Rords to match port445 port465 port65
+e%ular e-pression ^port!46!435 $
+ound &rac2ets' for %roupin% E%= cell(44@6@9D matches cell44 or cell6 or cell9D (same as= cell44@cell6@cell9D !Y(utrancell matches any strin% e-cept a strin% matchin% Zutrancell[ E-ample= Rords to match port445 port44 5 port465 port465 port65 line445 line465 line 65
+e%ular e-pression Y(port@line!46 Y(port@line!46!435B !435B
Ne%ation 33> ne%ation (not a real meta3character &ut treated as a meta3character in moshell E%= utrancell@loadmodule matches any strin% e-cept a strin% matchin% Zutrancell[ or Zloadmodule[
MO COMM COMMAN ANDS DS .1 .1 T-" T-" MOM MOM The Managed Ob-ect Model !MOM%' also called Managed $nformation Model !M$M%' is a document describing for each particular node S* version: - all the different types of MOs !MO classes% 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
the attributes contained in each MO class the containment relationships !parents)children% between the MO classes. the actions supported by each MO class
The MOM can be browsed from moshell in te3t format !command /mom)pmom0% or from CP$ in html format.
9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
.0 MOM coan coan) ) 4iew the MO description: +NC44> h mom ******************************************************* mom!tcd !@all !@all !@all !@all ! ******************************************************* +NC44> mom plu% $O Class )ttri&utes#)ctions Plu%InGnit Plu%InGnitId'administrati.e1tate'alloAed1eJ+estarts'a.aila&ility1tatus'%reenLed'hAHest+esult' hAHest1tatus'operational1tate'piuUroupNum&er'piuHype'productHype'redLed'reser.ed0y'userLa&el'yelloALed manual+estart'restart Hhis $O represents a plu%3in3unit' that is a &oard inserted in a slot in a su&rac2 0efore deletin% the Plu%InGnit $O' administrati.e1tate must &e set to LOC/E 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
4iew the attributes and actions description: +NC44> mom plu% piutype $O Class )ttri&ute Hype Fla%s Plu%InGnit piuHype mo+ef=PiuHype restricted'noNotification'mandatory restricted'noNotification'manda tory 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 +eference to an instance of PiuHype **************************************************************************************** +NC44> mom piutype $O Class )ttri&ute Hype Fla%s Fan piuHype mo+ef=PiuHype mandatory 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 +eference to an instance of PiuHype *********************************************************************************************** PiuHype PiuHypeId strin% restricted'noNotification'mandatory restricted'noNotification'man datory 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 Hhe .alue component of the +N It is set automatically durin% system up%rade *********************************************************************************************** Plu%InGnit piuHype mo+ef=PiuHype restricted'noNotification'mandatory restricted'noNotification'man datory 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 +eference to an instance of PiuHype *********************************************************************************************** +epertoire piuHypeList seJuence=mo+ef3PiuHype readOnly'noNotification 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 ) list containin% all PiuHype references that has &een added to this repertoire *********************************************************************************************** +NC44> mom plu% $O Class )ttri&ute Hype Fla%s Plu%InGnit Plu%InGnitId strin% restricted'noNotification'mandatory restricted'noNotification'm andatory 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 Namin% attri&ute .alue 1et &y the operator at create of the $O ******************************************************************************************************** Plu%InGnit administrati.e1tate enum+ef=)dm1tate 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 Hhe administrati.e state of the Plu%InGnit Hhe possi&ility to roll&ac2 the settin% of this attri&ute is limited efaultLOC/E ******************************************************************************************************** Plu%InGnit alloAed1eJ+estarts enum+ef=1eJ+estarts 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 Hhe num&er of automatic (do not reJuire inter.ention from a human operator seJuential restarts that are alloAed for a PIG Rhen this num&er of automatic restarts has &een e-ceeded' the automatic restartin% halts and the PIG is faulty mar2ed Hhe time limit &etAeen tAo restarts is D minutes Hhis means that if the time &etAeen tAo restarts is less then D minutes the restarts are counted' otherAise the restart counter is reset For e-ample' +E1H)+H1RIHR)+$ means restarts Aith time limit < D minutes are accepted &ut Ahen the 9=th occurs Aithin D minutes the &oard is considered faulty and an alarm is %enerated Hhe attri&ute specifies the automatic (spontanenous restart escalation ladder for the &oard E-ample= if the attri&ute it set to +E1H)+H1RIHCOL the first restart Aill &e of type cold' the second (Aithin fi.e minutes Aill &e coldtest Hhe third restart (Aithin fi.e minutes Aill fault mar2 the &oard 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Note If no .alue is supplied at creation' a default .alue' fetched from referred PiuHypeMs attri&ute Mdef)lloAed1eJ+estartsM Aill &e used efault+E1H)+H1RIHR)+$ ******************************************************************************************************** Plu%InGnit a.aila&ility1tatus enum+ef=).aila&ility1tatus readOnly'nonPersistent'noNotification readOnly'nonPersistent'noNo tification 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 Hhe a.aila&ility status is used to Jualify the operational state It indicates Ahy the operational state has chan%ed its .alue to disa&led It is a &it mapped CO+0) lon%' Ahere one or more of the &its may &e set If none of the &its are set then the a.aila&ility status is considered to &e undefined ******************************************************************************************************** Plu%InGnit hAHest+esult strin% readOnly'noNotification 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 Hhis attri&ute contains te-t information from latest performed R3tests efault"" ******************************************************************************************************** Plu%InGnit hAHest1tatus enum+ef=Hest1tatus readOnly'noNotification 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 Indicates the status of R tests efaultNOHE1H+E1GLH1 ******************************************************************************************************** Plu%InGnit operational1tate enum+ef=Oper1tate readOnly'nonPersistent 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 Hhe operational state is set to Mena&ledM Ahen the plu%3in3unit has loaded and started its M0asicM load module ******************************************************************************************************** Plu%InGnit piuUroupNum&er lon% 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 Indicates Ahich restart %roup the plu%3in unit &elon%s to 1uch a %roup consists of a num&er of plu%3in units Ahere at least one must &e ena&led (Aor2in% or performin% reco.ery Rhen all plu%3in units in a %roup are out of function' the node is restarted $ust ha.e a positi.e .alue \ero indicates no %roup +an%e= 5 to WDDW' efault5 ******************************************************************************************************** Plu%InGnit piuHype mo+ef=PiuHype restricted'noNotification'mandatory restricted'noNotification'm andatory 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 ) reference to an a.aila&le PiuHype at create of a PIG ******************************************************************************************************** Plu%InGnit productHype strin% readOnly'noNotification 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 Hhis attri&ute descri&es the product type and is alAays set to the .alue "R" efault"R" ******************************************************************************************************** Plu%InGnit reser.ed0y seJuence=mo+ef3$ana%edO&Vect readOnly'noNotification 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
List of mana%ed o&Vects dependin% on Plu%InGnit ******************************************************************************************************** Plu%InGnit userLa&el strin% 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 La&el for free use +an%e= 5 to 467' efault"" ******************************************************************************************************** $O Class )ction +eturnHype Parameters Plu%InGnit manual+estart .oid =restart+an2=restart+eason=restartInfo=enum+ef3+estart+an2=enum+ef3+estart+eason=strin% 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 escription of the parameters= restart+eason= Hhis parameter is mandatory restartInfo= ) free te-t field Ahere e-tra information can &e added Hhis parameter is optional Hhe len%th of this te-t field is 575 Hransaction reJuired ]es +eturnHype= .oid Parameter 4= restart+an2 (enum+ef3+estart+an2 Parameter 6= restart+eason (enum+ef3+estart+eason Hhis parameter is mandatory Parameter = restartInfo (strin% ) free te-t field Ahere e-tra information can &e added Hhis parameter is optional Hhe len%th of this te-t field is 575 ********************************************************************************************************* Plu%InGnit restart .oid 6=restart+an2=restartCause=enum+ef3 6=restart+an2=restartCause=e num+ef3 +estart+an2=enum+ef3+estartCause 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 eprecated= Hhis action should not &e used Gse $anual+estart instead Hhe restartCause can ha.e the folloAin% .alues= 4 restart error 6 restart up%rade Hhe restartCause piu+estartGp%rade o.errides the restart+an2 .alue and mainly restart+an2Aarm (or restart+an2refresh in some up%rade situations Hransaction reJuired ]es +eturnHype= .oid Parameter 4= restart+an2 (enum+ef3+estart+an2 Parameter 6= restartCause (enum+ef3+estartCause *********************************************************************************************************
4iew the attributes and action list' without description: +NC44> momd piuty 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
$O Class )ttri&ute Hype Fla%s Fan piuHype mo+ef=PiuHype mandatory PiuHype PiuHypeId strin% restricted'noNotification'mandatory restricted'noNotification'ma ndatory Plu%InGnit piuHype mo+ef=PiuHype restricted'noNotification'mandatory restricted'noNotification'ma ndatory +epertoire piuHypeList seJuence=mo+ef3PiuHype readOnly'noNotification +NC44> momd restart $O Class )ttri&ute Hype Fla%s $tp&1pChina restartHype enum+ef=+estartHype PiuHype def)lloAed1eJ+estarts enum+ef=1eJ+estarts restricted'noNotification'mandatory Plu%InGnit alloAed1eJ+estarts enum+ef=1eJ+estarts Pro%ram restartCounterLimit lon% Pro%ram restartHimer lon% $O Class )ction Parameters Fan restartFan 4=restartCause=enum+ef3+estartCause 4=restartCause=enum+ef3+estartCa use S.m restart 5 $ana%edElement manual+estart =restart+an2=restart+eason=restartInfo=enum+ef3+estart+an2=enum+ef3+estart+eason=strin% $ana%edElement restart 4=restart+an2=enum+ef3+estart+an2 4=restart+an2=enum+ef3+estart+an 2 Plu%InGnit manual+estart =restart+an2=restart+eason=restartInfo=enum+ef3+estart+ =restart+an2=restart+eason=rest artInfo=enum+ef3+estart+an2=enum+ef3+estart+eason=st an2=enum+ef3+estart+eason=strin% rin% Plu%InGnit restart 6=restart+an2=restartCause=enum+ef3+estart+an2=enum+ef3 6=restart+an2=restartCause=enum+ ef3+estart+an2=enum+ef3+estartCause +estartCause Pro%ram restart 5 1pm restart 5 1pu restart 5 +NC44> momd plu% $O Class )ttri&ute Hype Fla%s Plu%InGnit Plu%InGnitId strin% restricted'noNotification'mandatory restricted'noNotification'ma ndatory Plu%InGnit administrati.e1tate enum+ef=)dm1tate Plu%InGnit alloAed1eJ+estarts enum+ef=1eJ+estarts Plu%InGnit a.aila&ility1tatus enum+ef=).aila&ility1tatus readOnly'nonPersistent'noNotification readOnly'nonPersistent'noNot ification Plu%InGnit hAHest+esult strin% readOnly'noNotification 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Plu%InGnit Plu%InGnit Plu%InGnit Plu%InGnit Plu%InGnit Plu%InGnit Plu%InGnit
hAHest1tatus operational1tate piuUroupNum&er piuHype productHype reser.ed0y userLa&el
enum+ef=Hest1tatus enum+ef=Oper1tate lon% mo+ef=PiuHype strin% seJuence=mo+ef3$ana%edO&Vect strin%
readOnly'noNotification readOnly'nonPersistent restricted'noNotification'ma ndatory restricted'noNotification'mandatory readOnly'noNotification readOnly'noNotification
$O Class )ction +eturnHype Parameters Plu%InGnit manual+estart .oid =restart+an2=restart+eason=restartInfo=enum+ef3+est =restart+an2=restart+eason= restartInfo=enum+ef3+estart+an2=enum+ef3 art+an2=enum+ef3 +estart+eason=strin% Plu%InGnit restart .oid 6=restart+an2=restartCause=enum+ 6=re start+an2=restartCause=enum+ef3+estart+an2=enum+ef3+ ef3+estart+an2=enum+ef3+estartCause estartCause
Search the MOM by using regular e3pressions: +NC44> h mom ******************************************************* mom!tcd !@all !@all !@all !@all ! *******************************************************
Example: all attributes related to license handling: OFFLINE> momd licens 45546835W=6=D is 75 $URNOE$OEL+W5+D)56 stopfile#tmp#488W $O Class )ttri&utes Ucp)ssociation Ucp)ssociationId'a.aila&ility1tatus'%cpLocalEndpoint$o+ef'ma-NoOfOut%oin%1treams'operational1tate'remoteIp)ddress4'remoteIp)ddress6'remotePortNu m&er'reser.ed0y'userLa&el Licensin% Licensin%Id'emer%ency1tateInfo'licenseFileGrl'userLa&el Pcm1er.iceId'reser.ed0y $O Class )ctions 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Licensin% setEmer%ency1tate'updateLicense/eyFile $O Class )ttri&ute Hype Fla%s )ccess1i%nallin% &usyGnitsPra lon% readOnly'nonPersistent'noNotification )ccess1i%nallin% licenseCapacityPra lon% readOnly'nonPersistent'noNotification )ccess1i%nallin% license1tatePra enum+ef=1tateals readOnly'nonPersistent'noNotification )mrR& licenseCapacity)mrR& lon% readOnly'nonPersistent'noNotification )mrR& license1tate)mrR& enum+ef=1tateals readOnly'nonPersistent'noNotification pstnelay lon% noNotification radioelay lon% noNotification Ec+outeParameter1et fi-edLe.elControl lon% Ec+outeParameter1et netAor2Pro&e$ode enum+ef=NetAor2Pro&e$ode licenseCapacityU86K lon% readOnly'nonPersistent'noNotification license1tateU86K enum+ef=1tateals readOnly'nonPersistent'noNotification Licensin% licenseFileGrl strin% readOnly'noNotification $ mo&ileCrossHal2Control$ode enum+ef=$o&ileCrossHal2Control$ode $%A)pplication amrR&i%herHhreshold)larm &oolean noNotification $%A)pplication amrR&LoAerHhreshold)larm &oolean noNotification $%A)pplication %86Ki%herHhreshold)larm &oolean noNotification $%A)pplication %86KLoAerHhreshold)larm &oolean noNotification $%A)pplication license1tateUcpO.er1ctp enum+ef=1tateals readOnly'nonPersistent'noNotification $%A)pplication license1tateIuO.erIp enum+ef=1tateals readOnly'nonPersistent'noNotification $%A)pplication license1tateoIpUA enum+ef=1tateals readOnly'nonPersistent'noNotification $%A)pplication ma-NrOfLic$edia1treamChannels lon% readOnly'nonPersistent'noNotification $%A)pplication m&acCon%estionscp$ode enum+ef=$&acCon%scp$ode noNotification $%A)pplication m&acCon%estionscpalue lon% $%A)pplication m&acLicensin%1tatus enum+ef=Licensin%1tatus readOnly'nonPersistent $%A)pplication m&acLostPac2etsCalculation$ode enum+ef=$&acLostPac2$ode noNotification $%A)pplication m&ac$ lon% $%A)pplication m&ac$ode enum+ef=$&ac$ode $%A)pplication m&acHhreshold enum+ef=$&acHhresholdLe.el $%A)pplication mccLicensin%1tatus enum+ef=Licensin%1tatus readOnly'nonPersistent $%A)pplication nrLicensin%1tatus enum+ef=Licensin%1tatus readOnly'nonPersistent $%A)pplication scci%herHhreshold)larm &oolean noNotification $%A)pplication sccLoAerHhreshold)larm &oolean noNotification 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
32+334! HdmHermUrp HdmHermUrp m%A
noise+eductionConfi%uration mcc$ode nr$ode acti.eUcpHransportLayer
enum+ef=Noise+eductionConf$ode enum+ef=$cc$ode enum+ef=Nr$ode enum+ef=UcpHransportHype
$O Class )ction +eturnHype Parameters Licensin% setEmer%ency1tate .oid 5 Licensin% updateLicense/eyFile .oid 9=userId=passAord=ip)ddress=sFile=strin%=strin%=strin%=strin%
1truct 1truct$em&er Hype Ec+outeParameter1etata netAor2Pro&e$ode enum+ef=NetAor2Pro&e$ode Ec+outeParameter1etata fi-edLe.elControl lon% Emer%encyInfo state enum+ef=Emer%ency1tatus Enum alues Emer%ency1tatus 5=NEE+G1E' 4=)CHIE' 6=G1EEU+)E' =)CHIE)U)IN' 9=G1EI1)0LE Licensin%1tatus 5=I1)0LE' 4=EN)0LE Nr$ode 5=N+OFF' 4=N+ON
4iew the MOM tree structure: +NC44> h mom ******************************************************* mom!tcd !@all !@all !@all !@all ! ******************************************************* +NC44> momt 33333333333333333333333333333333 $O classes under $ana%edElement 33333333333333333333333333333333 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
EJuipment!4 (systemCreated S.m!4 (systemCreated 1pe.icePool! (systemCreated!538D!5355!5348 IpEthPac2etata+outer!536 Pac2etata+outer!537 1u&rac2!53K Fan!534 Pro%ram!53!534 1lot!4367 (systemCreated Plu%InGnit!534 C&u!534 E-chan%eHerminal!4 E4PhysPathHerm!537 s50undle!534 EPhysPathHerm!536 S4PhysPathHerm!537 s50undle!5369 Os4DD1piHtp!539 1ts41peHtp!53 (systemCreated t4DHtp!67 (systemCreated H4Htp!4 (systemCreated s50undle!5369 1tsCspeHtp!534 (systemCreated cHtp!53 (systemCreated c44Htp!67 (systemCreated %Htp!9 (systemCreated s50undle!53W c9Htp!534 (systemCreated c46Htp!W (systemCreated E4Htp!4 (systemCreated s50undle!534 Pro%ram!53 H4PhysPathHerm!537 s50undle!5369 HPhysPathHerm!536 UeneralProcessorGnit!534 FastEthernet!534 LoadControl!534 $edium)ccessGnit!534 Himin%Gnit!534 Pro%ram!53 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Hu1ync+ef!536 Et$f%!534 Ui%a0itEthernet!534 IpInterface!537 Pro%ram!53 E-chan%eHerminal!534 E4PhysPathHerm!537 s50undle!534 EPhysPathHerm!536 S4PhysPathHerm!537 s50undle!5369 Os4DD1piHtp!539 1ts41peHtp!53 (systemCreated t4DHtp!67 (systemCreated H4Htp!4 (systemCreated s50undle!5369 1tsCspeHtp!534 (systemCreated cHtp!53 (systemCreated c44Htp!67 (systemCreated %Htp!9 (systemCreated s50undle!53W c9Htp!534 (systemCreated c46Htp!W (systemCreated E4Htp!4 (systemCreated s50undle!534 Pro%ram!53 H4PhysPathHerm!537 s50undle!5369 HPhysPathHerm!536 E-chan%eHerminalIp!534 Ethernet1Aitch!534 Ethernet1AitchPort!538 1AitchPort1tp!4 (systemCreated 1Aitch1tp!4 (systemCreated InternalEthernetPort!534 IpInterface!537 Pro%ram!53 UeneralProcessorGnit!534 FastEthernet!534 LoadControl!534 $edium)ccessGnit!534 Pro%ram!53 1pu!534 Pro%ram!53 1pm!53D 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Pro%ram!53 1AitchCoreGnit!534 1AitchE-tensionGnit!534!534 Himin%Gnit!534 Pro%ram!53 Hu1ync+ef!536 IpOam!4 (systemCreated hcp!4 (systemCreated Ip!534 EthernetLin2!534 Ip)tmLin2!53745 Ip+outin%Ha&le!4 (systemCreated Ospf!534 Ospf)rea!439 OspfInterface!536 Ip1ystem!4 (systemCreated Ip)ccess)utoConfi%!536 Ip)ccessostEt!53W9 Ip1ync+ef!537 Ip)ccessostUp&!53W9 Ip)ccessostPool!534W Ip)ccessost1p&!53W9 $ana%edElementata!4 (systemCreated +nceployment!4 (systemCreated +ncFunction!4 (systemCreated CchFrame1ynch!4 (systemCreated CellGpdate!4 (systemCreated Channel1Aitchin%!4 (systemCreated CnOperator!539 IuLin2!536 +anap!534 CpmHransUapPatt1eJ!9 (systemCreated chFrame1ynch!53D E-ternalUsmNetAor2!53W9 E-ternalUsmCell!538W75!4 (systemCreated Iu0cLin2!534 Iu&Lin2!538W7 Iu&Edch!534 N&apCommon!534 N&apedicated!534 Node1ynch!4 (systemCreated IurLin2!53W9 E-ternalGtranCell!53659 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
+nsap!534 RcdmaCarrier!537 Location)rea!5398 +outin%)rea!534D9!53659 $&ms!534 $&!538W7 $tchFrame1ynch!4 (systemCreated $ocnCellProfile!535 Pa%in%!4 (systemCreated PlmnIdentityUroup!536 PoAerControl!4 (systemCreated +a&andlin%!4 (systemCreated )rposClassProfile!4 (systemCreated HrafficClass!7 (systemCreated )rp$ap!4 (systemCreated ch$ap!534D Hc$ap!534D HrafficClassPsInt!9 (systemCreated )rp$ap!4 (systemCreated +nlosClassProfile!6 (systemCreated 1piosClass!4D (systemCreated HrafficClass! (systemCreated )rp$ap!4 (systemCreated ch$ap!534D Hc$ap!534D HrafficClassPsInt!9 (systemCreated )rp$ap!4 (systemCreated HnlchosClassProfile!4 (systemCreated HnlosClass!534W HrafficClass!W (systemCreated )rp$ap!4 (systemCreated ch$ap!534D Hc$ap!534D HnlspaosClassProfile!4 (systemCreated HnlosClass!4W HnlIuosClassProfile!4 (systemCreated HnlosClass!534W HrafficClass!9 (systemCreated )rp$ap!4 (systemCreated ch$ap!534D Hc$ap!534D HrafficClassPsInt!9 (systemCreated )rp$ap!4 (systemCreated +cs!4 (systemCreated 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
+es$easControl!4 (systemCreated +nc$odule!53 +nc1ystemParameters!4 (systemCreated +rc!4 (systemCreated 1asPositionin%!4 (systemCreated Pcap!534 1ecurityandlin%!4 (systemCreated 1id!4 (systemCreated HnlCchosClassProfile!4 (systemCreated HnlosClass!4 Ge$easControl!4 (systemCreated GePositionin%!4 (systemCreated )%psPositionin%!4 (systemCreated Positionin%1er.iceClass! (systemCreated +ttPositionin%!4 (systemCreated Ge+a&Hype!53W 1u&floA!53 1duFormat!53D Ge+c!53KW Ge+cEdchFloA!539 Ge+csdsch!53 Ge+cPhyChl!534 Ge+cPhyChEdch!536 Ge+cEdchUainFactors!53W Ge+cPhyChHfc!53695 Ge+cPhyChGl!534 Ge+c+a&!538 Ge+c+&!5345 Ge+c+rc!536 Ge+cHrCh!538 Ge+rcHype!534 Gra!53659 GtranCell!53659 Co.era%e+elation!534 Fach!534 Usm+elation!53W9 sdsch!534 Eul!534 $&msCch!534 Pch!534 +ach!534 Gtran+elation!53W GtranNetAor2!53W9 RcdmaCarrier!537 1A$ana%ement!4 (systemCreated
9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Confi%urationersion!4 (systemCreated Load$odule!53 PiuHype!53 +elia&lePro%ramGniter!53 +epertoire!53 1A)llocation!53 Gp%radePac2a%e!53 Gp%radeHrace!4 (systemCreated 1AitchFa&ric!4 (systemCreated InternalLin2Uroup!534 1AitchInternalLin2!537 1Aitch$odule!536 1ystemFunctions!4 (systemCreated Licensin%! (systemCreated +ncCapacity!53 (systemCreated +ncFeature!53 (systemCreated!4 (systemCreated Lo%!53 Ncli!4 (systemCreated!4 (systemCreated 1ecurity!4 (systemCreated Re&!4 (systemCreated HransportNetAor2!4 (systemCreated )al5HpccHp!536655 )al4HpccHp!534555 )al6PathccHp!536555 )al6osCodePointProfile!5365 )al6osProfile!5365 )al6+outin%Case!53K55 )al61p!534 )al6)p!537D5 )al6Pathistri&utionGnit!5367 )alDHpccHp!53W555 )!534 )tmCrossConnection!53D555 )tmPort!534555 plHp!53 pcHp!534 clHp!53D555 )tmHrafficescriptor!534555 ImaUroup!53755 ImaLin2!7 (systemCreated $sp%!53 $sp%E-tended!53 $tp6sl!534
9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
$tp6slProfileChina!534D $tp6slProfileItu!534D $tp6slHpChina!535 $tp6slHpItu!535 $tp6Profile)nsi!536DW $tp6ProfileChina!536DW $tp6ProfileItu!536DW $tp6ProfileHtc!536DW $tp6Hp)nsi!53D46 $tp6HpChina!53D46 $tp6HpItu!53D46 $tp6HpHtc!53D46 $tp&1p)nsi!5369 $u)ssociation!53D46 $tp&)p!53D45 $tp&1ls!536DD $tp&1l)nsi!534W $tp&1lChina!534W $tp&1lItu!534W $tp&1lHtc!534W $tp&1rs!536DD $tp&1r!53D 1%A$%mt$appin%!53D5 $tp&1pChina!5369 $u)ssociation!53D46 $tp&)p!53D45 $tp&1ls!536DD $tp&1l)nsi!534W $tp&1lChina!534W $tp&1lItu!534W $tp&1lHtc!534W $tp&1rs!536DD $tp&1r!53D 1%A$%mt$appin%!53D5 $tp&1pItu!5369 $u)ssociation!53D46 $tp&)p!53D45 $tp&1ls!536DD $tp&1l)nsi!534W $tp&1lChina!534W $tp&1lItu!534W $tp&1lHtc!534W $tp&1rs!536DD $tp&1r!53D 1%A$%mt$appin%!53D5 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
$tp&1pHtc!5369 $u)ssociation!53D46 $tp&)p!53D45 $tp&1ls!536DD $tp&1l)nsi!534W $tp&1lChina!534W $tp&1lItu!534W $tp&1lHtc!534W $tp&1rs!536DD $tp&1r!53D 1%A$%mt$appin%!53D5 Nni1aalProfile!53D5 Nni1aalHp!53W55 1ccp1p!5369 1ccp1crc!4 1ccp)ccountin%Criteria!53455 1ccp)pLocal!538 1ccp)p+emote!53655 1ccpEntity1et!536597 1ccpUlo&alHitle!536597 1ccpPolicin%!534569 1ctp!539 1ynchroni,ation!4 (systemCreated HdmCrossConnection!534D55 Gni1aalProfile!5355 Gni1aalHp!539755
Printing attribute default values and ranges: +NC44> momr aal6path $O Class )ttri&ute +an%e )al6Pathistri&utionGnit userLa&el 5 to 467 )al6PathccHp aal6PathId 4 to 649897W98 )al6PathccHp timerCu 4 to 455 )al6PathccHp userLa&el 5 to 467 +NC44> mom& aal6path 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
$O Class )ttri&ute efault )al6PathccHp aal6o1).aila&leProfiles 4D (CL)11)0C )al6PathccHp administrati.e1tate 4 (GNLOC/E )al6PathccHp alarm+eport 6 ()L)+$LOC )al6PathccHp continuityChec2 false )al6PathccHp counter)cti.ation false )al6PathccHp counter$ode W (P$$OEFP$0+ )al6PathccHp nomPm0loc2si,e 4569 (NO$P$0L/1I\E645 )al6PathccHp remote0loc2in%1tate 5 (GNEFINE )al6PathccHp timerCu 45
Printing length of attributes of type se6uence: +NC44> moml $O Class )ttri&ute Len%th )al6+outin%Case routeList D )al6+outin%Case routePriorityList D )rp$ap e-ternal)rp$appin% 49 CnOperator eJui.alentPlmnIdentities W9 CnOperator eJui.alentPlmnIdentityUroup+ef eJui.alentPlmnIdentityUroup+e f 6 CnOperator iphoNetAor2+efsUsm W9 CnOperator iphoNetAor2+efsGtran W9 ch$ap internal)rp 4D Ethernet1Aitch p&itueue$ap 7 Ethernet1AitchPort p&itueue$ap 7 E-ternalUsmNetAor2 aliasPlmnIdentities 5 E-ternalUsmNetAor2 reser.ed0y 9 Fan connectedHo1cu 6 Ip)ccessostPool ip)ccessost+ef 4W Ip)ccessostPool reser.ed0y 7W9 IpEthPac2etata+outer reser.ed0y 4W IuLin2 pac2etata+outer+ef 45 Iu&Lin2 reser.ed0y 46 IurLin2 aliasPlmnIdentities 5 Location)rea reser.ed0y 659 $ana%edElement healthChec21chedule 49 $&msCch nonPl$&ms1a+ef 8 $&msCch pl$&ms1a+ef 8 $& reser.ed0y 659 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Pac2etata+outer PlmnIdentityUroup Positionin%1er.iceClass +anap +ncFunction +nc$odule +nc$odule +outin%)rea 1piosClass 1ynchroni,ation 1ynchroni,ation 1ynchroni,ation 1ynchroni,ation Ge+cPhyChHfc Ge+cHrCh Gra GtranCell GtranCell GtranCell GtranCell GtranCell GtranNetAor2 GtranNetAor2
reser.ed0y reser.ed0y plmn first)ttemptCandidate netAor2+esourceIdentifier aliasPlmnIdentities reser.ed0y rpu+efs reser.ed0y reser.ed0y reser.ed0y sync+ef)cti.ity sync+efPriority sync+ef1tatus sync+eference rcHfi ma-Hf1u&set reser.ed0y accessClassN0arred accessClasses0arredCs accessClasses0arredPs ura+ef utranCellPosition aliasPlmnIdentities reser.ed0y
4W 45 W9 7 5 86 45 659 659 6 7 7 7 7 8 9 659 4W 4W 4W 9 9D W9 W7
. lt an) an) %! coan) coan) To connect to the MO interface' we must run the command /lt all0. The command /lt all0 reads the list of all MOs currently e3isting in the M$, and their #5 !#ocal istinguished 5ame%. Moshell builds a table containing the list of all MO #5s and assigns each of them an arbitrary pro3y number. This list can be printed with the /pr0 command. Chec2in% ip contactO/ ELP $ENG 0)1IC $O CO$$)N1 OHE+ $O CO$$)N1 OHE+ CO$$)N1
= = = =
h m n o 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
P$ CO$$)N1 GIH
= p = J
+NC44> +NC44> lt all Chec2in% $O$ .ersion+NCNOE$OELU49 Gsin% $O$ .ersion= +NCNOE$OELU49CO$PLEHE Parsin% $O$ (cached= #home#ean,ma%n#moshell#Var-ml#+NCNOE$OELU49CO$PLEHE-mlcache one Fetchin% IO+ fileone **** Relcome to the 1imple $o 0roAser (.ersion 5 Hryin% file#home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#tempfiles#655W5858364D6847D#ior847D **** Hest Construction O/ **** Connected to 48D74K977 ($ana%edElement4 Connected to 48D74K977 ($ana%edElement4 Last $O= D65 Loaded D65 $Os Hotal= D659 $Os +NC44> pr Pro-y $O 5 $ana%edElement4 4 $ana%edElementata4 6 1ystemFunctions4 1ystemFunctions4'Licensin%4 9 1ystemFunctions4'Licensin%4' 1ystemFunctions4'Licensin%4'+ncFeaturesdpa$o&ilityP +ncFeaturesdpa$o&ilityPhase6 hase6 D 1ystemFunctions4'Licensin%4' 1ystemFunctions4'Licensin%4'+ncFeaturesdpa$o&ilityP +ncFeaturesdpa$o&ilityPhase4 hase4 W EJuipment4 etc
The MOs are organised in a hierarchical tree.
9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Mana'")El""nt77 E$ui%"nt77 Su8!ac7MS
Slot77 Slot77
MO $dentity
RDN: Slot77 Mana'")El""nt7 "nt7 (E$ui%"nt7 7 (Su8!ac7MS(Sl MS(Slo o LDN: Mana'")El" 7 (E$ui%"nt 7 (Su8!ac7
Su8 !ac7E !ac 7ES S97 Slot77 Slot77
T!an%o!tN"to!77 AtPo At Po!t7 !t7MS MS97 97
istinguished names are used for addressing of MOs in the M$,. There are three ways to address an MO. 1sing: - +5' +elative istinguished 5ame. 1ni6ue name in relation to the nearest parent. g: SlotG8. On the left of the 0G0 sign is the MO class' on the right is the MO identity. The MO identity is stored in an attribute called /
#5' #ocal istinguished 5ame. 1ni6ue name in the node. g: ManagedlementG>'6uipme ManagedlementG>'6uipmentG>'Subrac"GMS'SlotG8 ntG>'Subrac"GMS'SlotG8
.3 MO a))!" a))!"in in' ' MO commands allow to perform Configuration Service operations !get' set' action' delete' create%. The MOs on which the operation shall be performed are specified in the first field of the MO command. There are several synta3es possible. 1se the /pr0 command to try out the different synta3es and see which MOs will be affected. The /pr0 does not perform any operation on the node' it -ust prints the MO #5s from the internal pro3y table in moshell.
.3.1 .3.1 %!o;* %!o;* i)#, i)#, GG= MO!s% with the given pro3y id!s% will be affected. To specify several MO pro3ies' there are two ways: Specify each pro3y id with a space in between 3ample: pr 8 B = print MO pro3ies ' 8' and B 9ive a range 3ample: pr @> = print MO pro3ies from @ to > pr >@ = print MO pro3ies from > to @ !reverse order' useful for deleting MOs% acc >8 restart = restart MOs with pro3y > to 8 $UR4> pr WD7 Pro-y $O WD7 Interacti.e$essa%in%4'Im$essa Interacti.e$essa%in%4'Im$essa%eComposition4755 %eComposition4755 Hotal= 4 $Os $UR4> lpr WD7 Pro-y $O WD7 Interacti.e$essa%in%4'Im$essa Interacti.e$essa%in%4'Im$essa%eComposition4755 %eComposition4755 Hotal= 4 $Os 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
+NC44> pr DWK3D88 Pro-y $O DWK EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4 D85 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC4666D5+D4LT59 D84 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC4664WW#+D4LT56 D86 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC464958+D4LT56 D8 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC46495K+D4LT56 D89 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4'1AitchCoreGnit4 D8D EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC464465+D456 D8W EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC464464+D4U54 D88 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC4664WD#46+D4LT56 Hotal= K $Os +NC44> pr D883DWK Pro-y $O D88 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC4664WD#46+D4LT56 D8W EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC464464+D4U54 D8D EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC464465+D456 D89 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4'1AitchCoreGnit4 D8 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC46495K+D4LT56 D86 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC464958+D4LT56 D84 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC4664WW#+D4LT56 D85 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC4666D5+D4LT59 DWK EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4 Hotal= K $Os $UR4> pr WD5 WD6 WD Pro-y $O WD5 Interacti.e$essa%in%4'Im$essa Interacti.e$essa%in%4'Im$essa%eComposition6458 %eComposition6458 WD6 Interacti.e$essa%in%4'Im$essa Interacti.e$essa%in%4'Im$essa%eComposition645D %eComposition645D WD Interacti.e$essa%in%4'Im$essa Interacti.e$essa%in%4'Im$essa%eComposition6459 %eComposition6459 Hotal= $Os 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
.3.0 .3.0 o9fi o9filt" lt"!! GG= MO!s% whose #5)+5 match the pattern will be operated upon. $f the command starts with HlH then the pattern will match agains the #5. $f the command doesnIt start with HlH' then the pattern will match against the +5. 3ample: +NC44> pr ms36W36 Pro-y $O 4646 HransportNetAor24')tmPort MS-26-2 Hotal= 4 $Os +NC44> lpr ms36W36 Pro-y $O 4646 HransportNetAor24')tmPort MS-26-2 464 HransportNetAor24')tmPort MS-26-2 'plHp95 4649 HransportNetAor24')tmPort MS-26-2 'plHp95'pcHp4 464D HransportNetAor24')tmPort MS-26-2 'plHp95'pcHp4'clHp.c9D 464W HransportNetAor24')tmPort MS-26-2 'plHp95'pcHp4'clHp.c99 4648 HransportNetAor24')tmPort MS-26-2 'plHp95'pcHp4'clHp.c9 4647 HransportNetAor24')tmPort MS-26-2 'plHp95'pcHp4'clHp.c95 464K HransportNetAor24')tmPort MS-26-2 'plHp95'pcHp4'clHp.cK 4665 HransportNetAor24')tmPort MS-26-2 'plHp95'pcHp4'clHp.c7 4664 HransportNetAor24')tmPort MS-26-2 'plHp95'pcHp4'clHp.c8 4666 HransportNetAor24')tmPort MS-26-2 'plHp95'pcHp4'clHp.cW 466 HransportNetAor24')tmPort MS-26-2 'plHp95'pcHp4'clHp.cD 4669 HransportNetAor24')tmPort MS-26-2 'plHp95'pcHp4'clHp.c9 466D HransportNetAor24')tmPort MS-26-2 'plHpK Hotal= 49 $Os
1sing regular e3pressions: +NC44> pr .cltp.c9D 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Pro-y $O 4648 HransportNetAor24')tmPort$13 6W36'plHp95'pcHp4'clHp.c 6W36'plHp95'pcHp4'clHp.c9D 9D 466K HransportNetAor24')tmPort$13 6W36'plHpK'pcHp4'clHp.c 6W36'plHpK'pcHp4'clHp.c9D 9D 4694 HransportNetAor24')tmPort$13 6W36'plHp7'pcHp4'clHp.c 6W36'plHp7'pcHp4'clHp.c9D 9D 46D HransportNetAor24')tmPort$13 6W36'plHp8'pcHp4'clHp.c 6W36'plHp8'pcHp4'clHp.c9D 9D 46WD HransportNetAor24')tmPort$13 6W36'plHpW'pcHp4'clHp.c 6W36'plHpW'pcHp4'clHp.c9D 9D 4688 HransportNetAor24')tmPort$13 6W36'plHpD'pcHp4'clHp.c 6W36'plHpD'pcHp4'clHp.c9D 9D 467K HransportNetAor24')tmPort$13 6W36'plHp9'pcHp4'clHp.c 6W36'plHp9'pcHp4'clHp.c9D 9D +NC44> lpr )tmPort$136W36'plHp95'.pctp4'.cltp.c9D Pro-y $O 464D HransportNetAor24')tmPort$13 6W36'plHp95'pcHp4'clHp.c 6W36'plHp95'pcHp4'clHp.c9D 9D Hotal= 4 $Os +NC44> lpr ms36W36*95*.c9D Pro-y $O 464D HransportNetAor24')tmPort MS-26-2 'plHp !"'pcHp4'clHp #c! Hotal= 4 $Os +NC44> pr plu% Pro-y $O 44 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4 'Plu%InGnit4 66 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot68 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot68'Plu%InGnit4 'Plu%InGnit4 D EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6W EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6W'Plu%InGnit4 'Plu%InGnit4 D5 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6'Plu%InGnit4 'Plu%InGnit4 8K EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot66 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot66'Plu%InGnit4 'Plu%InGnit4 45K EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot65'Plu%InGnit4 47 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4K'Plu%InGnit4 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
4W8 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot47'Plu%InGnit4 474 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot48'Plu%InGnit4 4KD EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4W'Plu%InGnit4 64D EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4D'Plu%InGnit4 6D EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot49'Plu%InGnit4 6DD EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4 68D EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot46'Plu%InGnit4 6KD EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot44'Plu%InGnit4 97 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot45'Plu%InGnit4 954 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lotK'Plu%InGnit4 94W EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot7'Plu%InGnit4 94 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu%InGnit4 999 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lotW'Plu%InGnit4 9D8 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lotD'Plu%InGnit4 984 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot9'Plu%InGnit4 978 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4 Hotal= 6 $Os +NC44> pr 1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4 Pro-y $O Hotal= 5 $Os +NC44> lpr 1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4 Pro-y $O 978 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4 977 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC4649D4+D5T5W 97K EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC46656D+D5T54 9K5 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramnsssycimp&p 9K4 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC4664WD#46+D5T54 9K6 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4'1AitchCoreGnit4 9K EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramnsssc&&p 9K9 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC4664WW#6+D5T54 9KD EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC464958+D5T54 9KW EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC46495K+D5T54 Hotal= 45 $Os 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
+NC44> lpr 1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4B Pro-y $O 978 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4 Hotal= 4 $Os +NC44> lpr 1u&rac2$1'1lot!438'Plu%InGnit4B Pro-y $O 94 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu%InGnit4 999 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lotW'Plu%InGnit4 9D8 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lotD'Plu%InGnit4 984 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot9'Plu%InGnit4 978 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4 Hotal= D $Os +NC44> lpr 1u&rac2$1'1lot!498'Plu%InGnit4B Pro-y $O 94 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu%InGnit4 984 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot9'Plu%InGnit4 978 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4 Hotal= $Os +NC44> lpr 1u&rac2$1'1lot!Y4'Plu%InGnit4B Pro-y $O 44 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4 'Plu%InGnit4 66 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot68 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot68'Plu%InGnit4 'Plu%InGnit4 D EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6W EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6W'Plu%InGnit4 'Plu%InGnit4 D5 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6'Plu%InGnit4 'Plu%InGnit4 8K EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot66 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot66'Plu%InGnit4 'Plu%InGnit4 45K EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot65'Plu%InGnit4 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Hotal= W $Os +NC44> pr iu&lin24 Pro-y $O 9WK4 +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24 976D +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24K 974 +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin247 978 +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin248 979 +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24W 979K +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24D 97DD +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin249 97W4 +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24 97W8 +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin246 978 +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin244 978K +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin245 Hotal= 44 $Os +NC44> pr iu&lin24B Pro-y $O 9WK4 +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24 Hotal= 4 $Os +NC44> lpr iu&lin24' Pro-y $O 9WK6 +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'N&ape +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'N&apedicated4 dicated4 9WK +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'N&apCo +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'N&apCommon4 mmon4 9WK9 +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'Node1y +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'Node1ynch4 nch4 9WKD +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'Node1y +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'Node1ynchHp6 nchHp6 9WKW +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'Node1y +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'Node1ynchHp4 nchHp4 Hotal= D $Os +NC44> lpr iu&lin24(B@' 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Pro-y $O 9WK4 +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24 9WK6 +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'N&ape +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'N&apedicated4 dicated4 9WK +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'N&apCo +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'N&apCommon4 mmon4 9WK9 +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'Node1y +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'Node1ynch4 nch4 9WKD +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'Node1y +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'Node1ynchHp6 nchHp6 9WKW +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'Node1y +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'Node1ynchHp4 nchHp4 Hotal= W $Os +NC44> lst iu&lin24('@B Pro-y )dm 1tate Op 1tate $O 9WK4 4 (EN)0LE +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24 9WK6 5 (LOC/E 5 (I1)0LE +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'N&apedi +n cFunction4'Iu&Lin24'N&apedicated4 cated4 9WK 5 (LOC/E 5 (I1)0LE +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'N&apComm +n cFunction4'Iu&Lin24'N&apCommon4 on4 9WKD 5 (LOC/E 4 (EN)0LE +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'Node1ynchHp6 +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'Nod e1ynchHp6 9WKW 5 (LOC/E 5 (I1)0LE +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'Node1ync +n cFunction4'Iu&Lin24'Node1ynchHp4 hHp4 Hotal= D $Os +NC44> l&l iu&lin24' Id $O )dministrati.e1tate +esult 9WK6 Iu&Lin24'N&apedicated4 5 >>> 1et 9WK Iu&Lin24'N&apCommon4 5 >>> 1et 9WKD Iu&Lin24'Node1ynchHp6 5 >>> 1et 9WKW Iu&Lin24'Node1ynchHp4 5 >>> 1et Hotal= 9 $Os attempted' 9 $Os set
The /J0 sign used at the beginning of the string is an additional moshell /metacharacter0 which can be used to specify the MOs in reverse order of their pro3y number. This is useful when deleting MOs since the children have to be deleted before the parent. +NC44> lpr 1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Pro-y $O 44 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4 'Plu%InGnit4 46 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC 'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC4664WD#46+D5T54 4664WD#46+D5T54 4 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC 'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC464958+D5T54 464958+D5T54 49 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC 'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC46495K+D5T54 46495K+D5T54 4D EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4'1AitchCoreG 'Plu%InGnit4'1AitchCoreGnit4 nit4 4W EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC 'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC4649D4+D5T5W 4649D4+D5T5W 48 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC 'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC46656D+D5T54 46656D+D5T54 47 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC 'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC4664WW#6+D5T54 4664WW#6+D5T54 4K EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramnss 'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramnsssycimp&p sycimp&p 65 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramnss 'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramnsssc&&p sc&&p Hotal= 45 $Os +NC44> lpr ^1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4 Pro-y $O 65 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramnss 'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramnsssc&&p sc&&p 4K EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramnss 'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramnsssycimp&p sycimp&p 47 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC 'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC4664WW#6+D5T54 4664WW#6+D5T54 48 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC 'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC46656D+D5T54 46656D+D5T54 4W EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC 'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC4649D4+D5T5W 4649D4+D5T5W 4D EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4'1AitchCoreG 'Plu%InGnit4'1AitchCoreGnit4 nit4 49 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC 'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC46495K+D5T54 46495K+D5T54 4 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC 'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC464958+D5T54 464958+D5T54 46 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC 'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC4664WD#46+D5T54 4664WD#46+D5T54 44 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4 'Plu%InGnit4 Hotal= 45 $Os
%egati#e &ilter: +NC44> lpr loadmodule@pro%ram GG= all MOs e3cept those matching HloadmoduleH or HprogramH will be printed.
.4 '"t co coan) an) +NC44> h %et 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
******************************************************* %et#l%et !@@@@@all (s>@all !@all !<.alue3filter> ******************************************************* Hhis command fetches one of se.eral attri&utes from one or se.eral $OMs oesnMt fetch pm attri&utesQ to .ieA pm attri&utes' use p%et#lp%et
'' (E) O%*+ E.S /O%01()1O% %. 0*) M%(EME%) ))13)ES4 5&or M attributes use pget, see below7 +NC44> %et atmportms36W34 495D HransportNetAor24')tmPort$136W34 )tmPortId $136W34 a.aila&ility1tatus 5 (NO1H)HG1 hecCorrection$ode true operational1tate 4 (EN)0LE userLa&el $136W34 uses 1u&rac2$1'1lot6W'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp4'c9Htp4 .alueOfLastCellRithGne-p 1truct:; >>> 4.pi 6 >>> 9D >>> pti 5 Hotal= 4 $Os +NC44> pr plu% Pro-y $O 44 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4 'Plu%InGnit4 66 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot68 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot68'Plu%InGnit4 'Plu%InGnit4 D EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6W EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6W'Plu%InGnit4 'Plu%InGnit4 D5 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6'Plu%InGnit4 'Plu%InGnit4 8K EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot66 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot66'Plu%InGnit4 'Plu%InGnit4 45K EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot65'Plu%InGnit4 47 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4K'Plu%InGnit4 4W8 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot47'Plu%InGnit4 474 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot48'Plu%InGnit4 4KD EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4W'Plu%InGnit4 64D EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4D'Plu%InGnit4 6D EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot49'Plu%InGnit4 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
6DD EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4 68D EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot46'Plu%InGnit4 6KD EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot44'Plu%InGnit4 97 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot45'Plu%InGnit4 954 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lotK'Plu%InGnit4 94W EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot7'Plu%InGnit4 94 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu%InGnit4 999 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lotW'Plu%InGnit4 9D8 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lotD'Plu%InGnit4 984 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot9'Plu%InGnit4 978 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4 Hotal= 6 $Os +NC44> %et 978 978 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4'Plu%InGnit4 Plu%InGnitId 4 administrati.e1tate 4 (GNLOC/E alloAed1eJ+estarts (+E1H)+H1RIHR)+$ a.aila&ility1tatus 5 (NO1H)HG1 hAHest+esult 655W358358 65==47 Others No Hest +esults hAHest1tatus 5 (NOHE1H+E1GLH1 operational1tate 4 (EN)0LE piuUroupNum&er 7 piuHype PiuHype+OS44K6457#6+W productHype R reser.ed0y !5 userLa&el Hotal= 4 $Os +NC44> %et plu% piutype $O )ttri&ute alue 1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4 1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGni t4 piuHype PiuHype+OS44K6457#6+W 1u&rac2$1'1lot68'Plu%InGnit4 1u&rac2$1'1lot68'Plu%InGni t4 piuHype PiuHype+OS44K6456#4+ 1u&rac2$1'1lot6W'Plu%InGnit4 1u&rac2$1'1lot6W'Plu%InGni t4 piuHype PiuHype+OS44K6456#4+ 1u&rac2$1'1lot6'Plu%InGnit4 1u&rac2$1'1lot6'Plu%InGni t4 piuHype PiuHype+OS44K645#6+W 1u&rac2$1'1lot66'Plu%InGnit4 1u&rac2$1'1lot66'Plu%InGni t4 piuHype PiuHype+OS44K645#6+W 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
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Showing the user#abel ne3t to the state $UR4> u. shoAuserla&el4 shoAuserla&el4 (or use the command Zul[ to to%%le the user.aria&le shoAuserla&el $UR4> st tdm Pro-y )dm 1tate Op 1tate GserLa&el $O D7 4 (GNLOC/E 4 (EN)0LE E4$1C1lot6DPortH1436K4 E4$1C1lot6DPortH143 6K4 HdmHermUrpE4$1C1lot6DP HdmHermUrpE4$1C1lot6DPortH1436K4 ortH1436K4 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
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1sing the state filter $UR54> h st ******************************************************* st#lst !@@@@@all >@all ! ******************************************************* Print state of $Os (operational1tate and administrati.e1tate Ahen applica&le $UR54> st tdm Pro-y )dm 1tate Op 1tate $O 678 4 (GNLOC/E 4 (EN)0LE $%A)pplication4'HdmHermUrp66 $%A)pplication4'HdmHermUrp 66 677 4 (GNLOC/E 4 (EN)0LE $%A)pplication4'HdmHermUrp64 $%A)pplication4'HdmHermUrp 64 67K 4 (GNLOC/E 4 (EN)0LE $%A)pplication4'HdmHermUrp65 $%A)pplication4'HdmHermUrp 65 6K5 4 (GNLOC/E 4 (EN)0LE $%A)pplication4'HdmHermUrp4K $%A)pplication4'HdmHermUrp 4K 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
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Pro-y )dm 1tate Op 1tate $O 6944 5 (LOC/E 5 (I1)0LE $%A)pplication4'HdmHermUrp $%A)pplication4'HdmHermUrp6 6 694 4 (GNLOC/E 5 (I1)0LE $%A)pplication4'HdmHermUrp $%A)pplication4'HdmHermUrp48 48 Hotal= 6 $Os $UR54> st tdm 4*5 Pro-y )dm 1tate Op 1tate $O 694 4 (GNLOC/E 5 (I1)0LE $%A)pplication4'HdmHermUrp $%A)pplication4'HdmHermUrp48 48 Hotal= 4 $Os +NC44> lst rncfunc 4*5
(or unloc2ed*disa&led
Pro-y )dm 1tate Op 1tate $O 9W 4 (GNLOC/E 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerm 8'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp4 inal4'Os4DD1piHtp4 9W9 4 (GNLOC/E 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lotD'Plu%InGnit4'Himin%Gnit4 D'Plu%InGnit4'Himin%Gnit4'Hu1ync+ef4 'Hu1ync+ef4 98 4 (GNLOC/E 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot9'Plu%InGnit4'Himin%Gnit4 9'Plu%InGnit4'Himin%Gnit4'Hu1ync+ef4 'Hu1ync+ef4 Hotal= 9 $Os +NC44> st Y5 Pro-y )dm 1tate Op 1tate $O 99 5 (LOC/E 4 (EN)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu %InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp6 4'Os4DD1piHtp6 Hotal= 4 $Os
.< "t coan coan) ) 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Onl8 supported &or con&iguration attributes that are not restricted4 +NC44> h set ******************************************************* set!m#lset!m @@@@ (s> ******************************************************* 1ets an attri&ute on one or se.eral $OMs
Setting an attribute of type #ong !$nteger% +NC44> set 99 4 Id $O administrati.e1tate +esult 99 1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu%InGnit4 1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD 'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp6 1piHtp6 4 >>> 1et Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os set +NC44> lset 1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu%InGnit4 1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD 'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp6B 1piHtp6B
administrati.e1tate 5
Id $O administrati.e1tate +esult 99 1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu%InGnit4 1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD 'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp6 1piHtp6 5 >>> 1et Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os set
Setting an attribute of type String +NC44> set 5 userla&el +NC 45 Id $O userLa&el +esult 5 $ana%edElement4 +NC 45 >>> 1et Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os set +NC44> %et 5 userla&el $O )ttri&ute alue 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
$ana%edElement4 userLa&el +NC 45 Hotal= 4 $Os
Setting an attribute of type Struct +NC44> %et sid4 si&4B $O )ttri&ute alue 1id4 si&4 1truct:6; >>> 4si&4+epPeriod 6 >>> 6si&41tartPos 6 Hotal= 4 $Os +NC44> set sid4 si&4 si&4repperiod4W Id $O si&4 +esult 98W9 1id4 si&41tartPos=i6'si&4+epPeriod=i4W si&41tartPos=i6'si&4+epPeri od=i4W >>> 1et Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os set +NC44> set sid4 si&4 si&4repperiod65'si&4startpos9 Id $O si&4 +esult 98W9 1id4 si&41tartPos=i9'si&4+epPeriod=i65 si&41tartPos=i9'si&4+epPeri od=i65 >>> 1et Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os set +NC44> %et sid4 si&4B $O )ttri&ute alue 1id4 si&4 1truct:6; >>> 4si&4+epPeriod 65 >>> 6si&41tartPos 9 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Hotal= 4 $Os
Setting an attribute of type Mo+ef +NC44> l%et atmportms3W34'.pltp!Y'B atmtraff $O )ttri&ute alue )tmPort$13W34'plHp4 atmHrafficescriptor )tmHrafficescriptorC4PD555 Hotal= 4 $Os +NC44> pr atmtraff Pro-y $O 465K HransportNetAor24')tmHraffic HransportNetAor24')tmHrafficescriptorC4P9D67 escriptorC4P9D67 4WK9 HransportNetAor24')tmHraffic HransportNetAor24')tmHrafficescriptorGP9D55$555 escriptorGP9D55$555 4WKD HransportNetAor24')tmHraffic HransportNetAor24')tmHrafficescriptorC6P9555 escriptorC6P9555 4WKW HransportNetAor24')tmHraffic HransportNetAor24')tmHrafficescriptorG9PD55$D55 escriptorG9PD55$D55 4WK8 HransportNetAor24')tmHraffic HransportNetAor24')tmHrafficescriptorC4PKDW5 escriptorC4PKDW5 4846 HransportNetAor24')tmHraffic HransportNetAor24')tmHrafficescriptorC6PK5D5 escriptorC6PK5D5 486D HransportNetAor24')tmHraffic HransportNetAor24')tmHrafficescriptorGP4555$W55 escriptorGP4555$W55 489D HransportNetAor24')tmHraffic HransportNetAor24')tmHrafficescriptorC6PW755 escriptorC6PW755 4KW7 HransportNetAor24')tmHraffic HransportNetAor24')tmHrafficescriptorC4PD escriptorC4PD 4KWK HransportNetAor24')tmHraffic HransportNetAor24')tmHrafficescriptorC6P46555 escriptorC6P46555 4K89 HransportNetAor24')tmHraffic HransportNetAor24')tmHrafficescriptorC6PWWD8 escriptorC6PWWD8 65W4 HransportNetAor24')tmHraffic HransportNetAor24')tmHrafficescriptorC4P66W6 escriptorC4P66W6 65KK HransportNetAor24')tmHraffic HransportNetAor24')tmHrafficescriptorC4PD555 escriptorC4PD555 6455 HransportNetAor24')tmHraffic HransportNetAor24')tmHrafficescriptorC6P449 escriptorC6P449 64W5 HransportNetAor24')tmHraffic HransportNetAor24')tmHrafficescriptorG9P5555$D55 escriptorG9P5555$D55 64W HransportNetAor24')tmHraffic HransportNetAor24')tmHrafficescriptorC4P49WD5 escriptorC4P49WD5 64W9 HransportNetAor24')tmHraffic HransportNetAor24')tmHrafficescriptorC4P48WK escriptorC4P48WK 64W7 HransportNetAor24')tmHraffic HransportNetAor24')tmHrafficescriptorC4PD7 escriptorC4PD7 64WK HransportNetAor24')tmHraffic HransportNetAor24')tmHrafficescriptorG9PD555$D55 escriptorG9PD555$D55 6656 HransportNetAor24')tmHraffic HransportNetAor24')tmHrafficescriptorC6P555 escriptorC6P555 6665 HransportNetAor24')tmHraffic HransportNetAor24')tmHrafficescriptorC6P997 escriptorC6P997 65 HransportNetAor24')tmHraffic HransportNetAor24')tmHrafficescriptorGPWWW55$D555 escriptorGPWWW55$D555 67W HransportNetAor24')tmHraffic HransportNetAor24')tmHrafficescriptorGP4555$75 escriptorGP4555$75 6946 HransportNetAor24')tmHraffic HransportNetAor24')tmHrafficescriptorGP4555$W8 escriptorGP4555$W8 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
696 HransportNetAor24')tmHraffic HransportNetAor24')tmHrafficescriptorC4PDD555 escriptorC4PDD555 696 Hran Hranspo sportN rtNetAo etAor2 r24')t 4')tmHr mHraffi affices cescri criptor ptorC4P C4PWD55 WD55 696 HransportNetAor24')tmHraffic HransportNetAor24')tmHrafficescriptorC4PWD55 escriptorC4PWD55 69 HransportNetAor HransportNetAor24')tm 24')tmHraffic Hrafficescripto escriptorC4PD5 rC4PD5555 555 Hotal= 6W $Os +NC44> lset atmportms3W34'.pltp!Y'B
atmHrafficescriptor )tmHrafficescriptorC4PD55 )tmHrafficescriptorC4PD5555 55
Id $O atmHrafficescriptor +esult 666W )tmPort$13W34'plHp4 69 >>> 1et Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os set
Setting an attribute of type se6uence of #ong Ar&s58D> %et feeder atten $O )ttri&ute alue )ntFeederCa&le6) dl)ttenuation i!4D 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 34 34 34 )ntFeederCa&le6) ul)ttenuation i!4D 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 34 34 34 )ntFeederCa&le4) dl)ttenuation i!4D 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 34 34 34 )ntFeederCa&le4) ul)ttenuation i!4D 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 34 34 34 )ntFeederCa&le) dl)ttenuation i!4D 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 34 34 34 )ntFeederCa&le) ul)ttenuation i!4D 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 34 34 34 )ntFeederCa&le40 dl)ttenuation i!4D 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 34 34 34 )ntFeederCa&le40 ul)ttenuation i!4D 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 34 34 34 )ntFeederCa&le0 dl)ttenuation i!4D 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 34 34 34 )ntFeederCa&le0 ul)ttenuation i!4D 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 34 34 34 )ntFeederCa&le60 dl)ttenuation i!4D 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 34 34 34 )ntFeederCa&le60 ul)ttenuation i!4D 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 34 34 34 Hotal= W $Os Ar&s58D> set antfeeder dlattenuation 45 65 5 95 D5 W5 85 75 K5 455 445 465 45 495 4D5 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Id $O dl)ttenuation +esult 4W4 )ntFeederCa&le6) 45 65 5 95 D5 W5 85 75 K5 455 445 465 484 )ntFeederCa&le4) 45 65 5 95 D5 W5 85 75 K5 455 445 465 48 )ntFeederCa&le) 45 65 5 95 D5 W5 85 75 K5 455 445 465 47D )ntFeederCa&le40 45 65 5 95 D5 W5 85 75 K5 455 445 465 47W )ntFeederCa&le0 45 65 5 95 D5 W5 85 75 K5 455 445 465 4K )ntFeederCa&le60 45 65 5 95 D5 W5 85 75 K5 455 445 465 Hotal= W $Os attempted' W $Os set
45 45 45 45 45 45
495 495 495 495 495 495
4D5 4D5 4D5 4D5 4D5 4D5
>>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>
1et 1et 1et 1et 1et 1et
Ar&s58D> %et feeder atten $O )ttri&ute alue )ntFeederCa&le6) dl)ttenuation i!4D 45 65 5 95 D5 W5 85 75 K5 455 445 )ntFeederCa&le6) ul)ttenuation i!4D 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 34 34 34 )ntFeederCa&le4) dl)ttenuation i!4D 45 65 5 95 D5 W5 85 75 K5 455 445 )ntFeederCa&le4) ul)ttenuation i!4D 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 34 34 34 )ntFeederCa&le) dl)ttenuation i!4D 45 65 5 95 D5 W5 85 75 K5 455 445 )ntFeederCa&le) ul)ttenuation i!4D 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 34 34 34 )ntFeederCa&le40 dl)ttenuation i!4D 45 65 5 95 D5 W5 85 75 K5 455 445 )ntFeederCa&le40 ul)ttenuation i!4D 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 34 34 34 )ntFeederCa&le0 dl)ttenuation i!4D 45 65 5 95 D5 W5 85 75 K5 455 445 )ntFeederCa&le0 ul)ttenuation i!4D 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 34 34 34 )ntFeederCa&le60 dl)ttenuation i!4D 45 65 5 95 D5 W5 85 75 K5 455 445 )ntFeederCa&le60 ul)ttenuation i!4D 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 34 34 34 Hotal= W $Os
465 45 495 4D5 465 45 495 4D5 465 45 495 4D5 465 45 495 4D5 465 45 495 4D5 465 45 495 4D5
Setting an attribute of type se6uence of Mo+ef +NC44> mom seJuence=moref YB $O Class )ttri&ute Hype Fla%s )al6Pathistri&utionGnit aal6PathccHpList seJuence=mo+ef3)al6PathccHp 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 List of references to )al6PathccHp $O=s Note that settin% of this attri&ute the current list of )al6PathccHpMs Each reference must &e uniJue amon% all paths Aithin all )al6Pathistri&utionGnitMs &elon%in% to the same )al6)p ************************************************************************************************** 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
+anap pac2etata+outer+ef seJuence=mo+ef3$ana%edO&Vect 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 List of references to instances of Pac2etata+outer $O or IpEthPac2etata+outer $O Ho &e used for Iu Fle- Gnit= N#) +esolution= N#) ************************************************************************************************** S.m admClasspath seJuence=mo+ef3Load$odule 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 NeA classpath that Aill &e acti.ated at ne-t restart of S$ Hhe classpath has a directory' Ahich contains the load module' ie the classpath references the load module ************************************************************************************************** +NC44> %et ranap pac2et $O )ttri&ute alue +anapIuc655 pac2etata+outer+ef !5 +anapIup6745 pac2etata+outer+ef !45 >>> pac2etata+outer+ef +ncFunction4'+nc$odule4'Pac2etata+outerPdr4Utpu4 >>> pac2etata+outer+ef +ncFunction4'+nc$odule4'Pac2etata+outerPdr4Utpu6 >>> pac2etata+outer+ef +ncFunction4'+nc$odule4'Pac2etata+outerPdr6Utpu4 >>> pac2etata+outer+ef +ncFunction4'+nc$odule4'Pac2etata+outerPdr6Utpu6 >>> pac2etata+outer+ef +ncFunction4'+nc$odule7'Pac2etata+outerPdrUtpu4 >>> pac2etata+outer+ef +ncFunction4'+nc$odule7'Pac2etata+outerPdrUtpu6 >>> pac2etata+outer+ef +ncFunction4'+nc$odule7'Pac2etata+outerPdr9Utpu4 >>> pac2etata+outer+ef +ncFunction4'+nc$odule7'Pac2etata+outerPdr9Utpu6 >>> pac2etata+outer+ef +ncFunction4'+nc$odule4'Pac2etata+outerPdrDUtpu4 >>> pac2etata+outer+ef +ncFunction4'+nc$odule4'Pac2etata+outerPdrDUtpu6 Hotal= 6 $Os +NC44> set ranapiup pac2etata+outer+ef +nc$odule4'Pac2etata+outerPdr4Utpu4 +nc$odule4'Pac2etata+outerPdr4Utpu6 Id $O pac2etata+outer+ef +esult 9K46 +anapIup6745 49'4 >>> 1et Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os set or= set ranapiup pac2etata+outer+ef +nc$odule4'Pac2etata+outerPdr4Utpu4 <+nc$odule4'Pac2etata+outerPdr4Utpu6 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
+NC44> %et ranap pac2et $O )ttri&ute alue +anapIuc655 pac2etata+outer+ef !5 +anapIup6745 pac2etata+outer+ef !6 >>> pac2etata+outer+ef +ncFunction4'+nc$odule4'Pac2etata+outerPdr4Utpu4 >>> pac2etata+outer+ef +ncFunction4'+nc$odule4'Pac2etata+outerPdr4Utpu6 Hotal= 6 $Os
5ote: $f the command is very long' type /b0 to disable the prompt highlighting so that the command will not wrap around itself on the commandline 3ample: trying to run the command /set ranapGiup pac"etata+outer+ef +ncModuleG>'Pac"etata+outerGP +ncModuleG>'Pac"etata+outerGPdr>9tpu> dr>9tpu> +ncModuleG>'Pac"etata+outerGPdr>9tpu +ncModuleG>'Pac"et ata+outerGPdr>9tpu8 8 +ncModuleG>'Pac"et +ncModuleG>'Pac"etata+outerGPdr>9tpu70 ata+outerGPdr>9tpu70 shows this: etata+outerPdr4Utpuac2etata+outer+ef +nc$odule4'Pac2etata+outerPdr4Utpu4 +nc$odule4'Pac2etata+outerPdr4Utpu6
Type /b0 at the prompt to disable prompt highlight' then run the command: %/== > & +NC44> set ranapiup pac2etata+outer+ef +nc$odule4'Pac2etata+outerPdr4Utpu4 +nc$odule4'Pac2etata+outerPdr4Utpu6 +nc$odule4'Pac2etata+outerPdr4Utpu
To restore prompt highlight' type /b0 again: +NC44> &
%/== >
Setting an attribute of type se6uence of String Eere we must use comma to separate the array elements since there could be spaces within each element +NC44> %et V.m admopt 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
$O )ttri&ute alue S.m4 admOptions s!6 Tms9W4$ httproot#c#pu&lichtml Hotal= 4 $Os +NC44> set V.m4 admoptions TmsD55$'httproot#c#pu&lichtml Id $O admOptions +esult 9 S.m4 TmsD55$'httproot#c#pu&lichtml TmsD55$'httproot#c#pu&lic html >>> 1et Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os set +NC44> %et V.m admop $O )ttri&ute alue S.m4 admOptions s!6 TmsD55$ httproot#c#pu&lichtml Hotal= 4 $Os
3ception handling' e3ample of set failures $n this case it failed because the value was out of range +NC44> set 8K4 primary1cram&lin%Code W5 Id $O primary1cram&lin%Code +esult 8K4 GtranCellIu&3634 W5 Processin% failure =seericssoncellomoframeAor2alueOutOf+an%eE-ception =seericssoncellomoframeAo r2alueOutOf+an%eE-ception H)U ="alueOutOf+an%e" )+I)0LE1 ="BmoHypeName" "GtranCell"' "BattrName" "primary1cram&lin%Code" Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 5 $Os set +NC44> momr utrancell primaryscra 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
$O Class )ttri&ute +an%e E-ternalGtranCell primary1cram&lin%Code 5 to D44 GtranCell primary1cram&lin%Code 5 to D44
$n this case it failed because there was not enough free bandwidth +NC44> lset atmportms3W34'.pltp!Y'B
atmHrafficescriptor )tmHrafficescriptorC4PDD55 )tmHrafficescriptorC4PDD555 5
Id $O atmHrafficescriptor +esult 666W )tmPort$13W34'plHp4 696 Processin% failure =seericssoncellomoframeAor2Fro+eJuestFailedE-ceptio =seericssoncellomoframeAo r2Fro+eJuestFailedE-ception n H)U ="Fro+eJuestFailed" )+I)0LE1 ="B$O typename" "plHp"' "BF+O typename" "pCp"' "B+eJuest type" "1et)ttr+eJ= )EHPCP$I+1P+E1E+E0RF)IL"' "Bresult" "45" Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 5 $Os set
%O)E: in earlier releases the exception code is not translated4 Some exception codes translation can be &ound on http:''utran"=4epa4ericsson4se'utranwi>i'/ello1n&ormation'0roExceptions Some exception codes translation ma8 also appear in the ?te log read@ o& the M handling the 0O la8er &or that MO4
$n this case it failed because the attribute was restricted +NC44> mom .cltp traff $O Class )ttri&ute Hype Fla%s clHp atmHrafficescriptorId mo+ef=)tmHrafficescriptor restricted'noNotification'mandatory restricted'noNotification'm andatory 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 +eference to the )tmHrafficescriptor profile ************************************************************************************************** +NC44> set 6D5K atmHrafficescriptorId )tmHrafficescriptorG9PD555$D55 Id $O atmHrafficescriptorId +esult 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
6D5K )tmPort$136834'plHp4'pcHp )tmPort$136834'plHp4'pcHp4'clHp.c455 4'clHp.c455 6484 Processin% failure =seericssoncellomoframeAo r2No1uch)ttri&uteE-ception H)U ="No1uch)ttri&ute" )+I)0LE1 ="BattrName" "atmHrafficescriptorId"' =seericssoncellomoframeAor2No1uch)ttri&uteE-ception "BmoHypeName" "clHp" Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 5 $Os set
%O)E: Acl)p:tm)ra&&ic.escriptor is not restricted an8more &rom /4=
More help on setting attributes: +NC44> h set +NC44> h synta-
.= !"t !"t coan coan) ) Purpsose: to set an attribute that is restricted !use the / mom0 command to see if a n attribute is restricted% *or"s by deleting the MO and recreating it with the new value. $s e6uivalent to doing the following B steps: uF' del)rdel' u' editing the undo file' run the undofile +NC44> l%et )tmPort$136834'plHp4'pcHp4'clHp.c455 traff $O )ttri&ute alue )tmPort$136834'plHp4'pcHp4'clHp.c455 )tmPort$136834'plHp4'pcH p4'clHp.c455 atmHrafficescriptorId )tmHrafficescriptorG9PD555 )tmHrafficescriptorG9PD555$D55 $D55 Hotal= 4 $Os +NC44> lset )tmPort$136834'plHp4'pcHp4'clHp.c455 atmHrafficescriptorId )tmHrafficescriptorGP9D55$555 Id $O atmHrafficescriptorId +esult 99W )tmPort$136834'plHp4'pcHp )tmPort$136834'plHp4'pcHp4'clHp.c455 4'clHp.c455 997 Processin% failure =seericssoncellomoframeAor2No1uch)ttri&uteE-ception =seericssoncellomoframeAo r2No1uch)ttri&uteE-ception H)U ="No1uch)ttri&ute" )+I)0LE1 ="BattrName" "atmHrafficescriptorId"' "BmoHypeName" "clHp" 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 5 $Os set +NC44> mom .cltp atmtraff $O Class )ttri&ute Hype Fla%s Acl)p atm)ra&&ic.escriptor1d moe&:tm)ra&&ic.escriptor restricted,no%oti&ication,m andator8 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 +eference to the )tmHrafficescriptor profile ************************************************************************************************** +NC44> lrset )tmPort$136834'plHp4'pcHp4'clHp.c455 atmHrafficescriptorId )tmHrafficescriptorGP9D55$555 1et restricted attri&ute atmtrafficdescriptorid on folloAin% $Os 99W HransportNetAor24')tmPort$136834'plHp4'pcHp4'clHp.c455 )re you 1ure !y#n y etc eletin% DKD HransportNetAor24')al61p4')a HransportNetAor24')al61p4')al6)pIu&4')al6Pathistri& l6)pIu&4')al6Pathistri&utionGnitIu&4 utionGnitIu&4 >>> $o deleted D45 HransportNetAor24')al6Pathcc HransportNetAor24')al6PathccHpIu&43 HpIu&43 >>> $o deleted 99W HransportNetAor24')tmPort$13 HransportNetAor24')tmPort$136834'plHp4'pcHp4'clH 6834'plHp4'pcHp4'clHp.c455 p.c455 >>> $o deleted Hotal= $Os attempted' $Os deleted etc Gndo Commands summary for script file= #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#rset#rset5W585K369994+NC44clHp.c455mos cr HransportNetAor24')tmPort$ HransportNetAor24')tmPort$136834'plHp4'pcHp4'clHp 136834'plHp4'pcHp4'clHp.c455 .c455 >>> !Pro-y I W86 lset HransportNetAor24')tmPort HransportNetAor24')tmPort$136834'plHp4'pcHp4'cl $136834'plHp4'pcHp4'clHp.c455B Hp.c455B userLa&el 3No Chan%e3 cr HransportNetAor24')al6Path HransportNetAor24')al6PathccHpIu&43 ccHpIu&43 >>> !Pro-y I W8W lset HransportNetAor24')al6Pat HransportNetAor24')al6PathccHpIu&43B hccHpIu&43B timerCu 45 3No Chan%e3 lset HransportNetAor24')al6Pat HransportNetAor24')al6PathccHpIu&43B hccHpIu&43B nomPm0loc2si,e 4569 3No Chan%e3 lset HransportNetAor24')al6Pat HransportNetAor24')al6PathccHpIu&43B hccHpIu&43B continuityChec2 false 3No Chan%e3 lset HransportNetAor24')al6Pat HransportNetAor24')al6PathccHpIu&43B hccHpIu&43B counter$ode 5 3No Chan%e3 lset HransportNetAor24')al6Pat HransportNetAor24')al6PathccHpIu&43B hccHpIu&43B administrati.e1tate 4 3No Chan%e3 lset HransportNetAor24')al6Pat HransportNetAor24')al6PathccHpIu&43B hccHpIu&43B userLa&el 3No Chan%e3 lset HransportNetAor24')al6Pat HransportNetAor24')al6PathccHpIu&43B hccHpIu&43B alarm+eport 6 3No Chan%e3 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
lset HransportNetAor24')al6Pat HransportNetAor24')al6PathccHpIu&43B hccHpIu&43B aal6o1).aila&leProfiles 9 >>> 1et cr HransportNetAor24')al61p4' HransportNetAor24')al61p4')al6)pIu&4')al6Pathistri&u )al6)pIu&4')al6Pathistri&utionGnitIu&4 tionGnitIu&4 >>> !Pro-y I 87W lset HransportNetAor24')al61p HransportNetAor24')al61p4')al6)pIu&4')al6Pathistri 4')al6)pIu&4')al6Pathistri&utionGnitIu&4B &utionGnitIu&4B userLa&el userLa&el >>> 1et lset HransportNetAor24')al61p4')al6)pIu&4')al6Pathistri&utionGnitIu&4B aal6PathccHpList HransportNetAor24')al6PathccHpIu&434 HransportNetAor24')al6Path ccHpIu&434 HransportNetAor24')al6Path HransportNetAor24')al6PathccHpIu&436 ccHpIu&436 HransportNetAor24')al6Path HransportNetAor24')al6PathccHpIu&43 ccHpIu&43
>>> 1et
5ote: from cppB.>' the restriction has been removed on certain attributes such as 4clTp::atmTrafficescriptor$d 4clTp::atmTrafficescriptor$d so it is then possible to use /set0 instead of /rset0 To change the name of an MO: +NC44> rset utrancellcell46 utrancellid cellnorth46 $UR4> rset atmportE1363W34 atmportid 65W4
.> 8l/)"8 8l/)"8 coan coan) ) Purpose: a shortcut for setting the administrativeState #oc" !bloc"% +NC44> l&l 1u&rac2$1'1lotD'Plu%InGnit4B Id $O )dministrati.e1tate +esult 9D8 1u&rac2$1'1lotD'Plu%InGnit4 5 >>> 1et Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os set
1nloc" !debloc"% +NC44> de& 9D8 Id $O )dministrati.e1tate +esult 9D8 1u&rac2$1'1lotD'Plu%InGnit4 4 >>> 1et 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os set
Soft #oc" 9ives the resource some time to shutdown graciously' handing over traffic to other resources. +NC44> &ls 9D8 Id $O )dministrati.e1tate +esult 9D8 1u&rac2$1'1lotD'Plu%InGnit4 6 >>> 1et Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os set +NC44> st 9D8 Pro-y )dm 1tate Op 1tate $O 9D8 6 (1GHHINUORN 4 (EN)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lotD'Plu%InGnit4 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot D'Plu%InGnit4 Hotal= 4 $Os +NC44> st 9D8 Pro-y )dm 1tate Op 1tate $O 9D8 5 (LOC/E 4 (EN)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lotD'Plu%InGnit4 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot D'Plu%InGnit4 Hotal= 4 $Os
Chec"ing which MOs support softloc" +NC44> mom plu%inunit admin $O Class )ttri&ute Hype Fla%s Plu%InGnit administrati.e1tate enum+ef=)dm1tate 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 Hhe administrati.e state of the Plu%InGnit 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Hhe possi&ility to roll&ac2 the settin% of this attri&ute is limited efaultloc2ed ************************************************************************************************** +NC44> mom admstate Enum alues )dm1tate 5=loc2ed' 4=unloc2ed' 6=shuttin%oAn 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 3 loc2ed= 3 unloc2ed= 3 shuttin%oAn= ********************************************************************************** +NC44> mom utrancell admin $O Class )ttri&ute Hype Fla%s GtranCell administrati.e1tate enum+ef=1upported)dmin1tates 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 Hhe administrati.e state of the cell efaultLOC/E ************************************************************************************************** +NC44> mom adminstate Enum alues 1upported)dmin1tates 5=LOC/E' 4=GNLOC/E 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 3 LOC/E= 3 GNLOC/E= **********************************************************************************
%ote: so&t-loc> is supported on tran/ell &rom )% 6
9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
.1? c! coan) c oan) +NC44> cr rncfunction4'iu&lin2KK )ttri&ute 4 of 6' r&sId (lon%= KK )ttri&ute 6 of 6' rnc$odule+ef (mo+ef=+nc$odule= Enter mo LN= rncmodule4 >>>
!Pro-y I D659 $O name =$ana%edElement4'+ncFunctio =$ana%edElement4'+ncFunction4'Iu&Lin2KK n4'Iu&Lin2KK
+NC44> cr sAmana%ement4'up%radepac2a%eCTPK546549+9U5D )ttri&ute 4 of 6' ftp1er.erIp)ddress (strin%= 48D74K9489 )ttri&ute 6 of 6' (strin%= #HC$#GP#REN]#CTPK546549+9U59#CTPK546549+9U5D-ml FolloAin% attri&utes are optional Enter attri&ute .alue or "d" for default Once the $O is created' these attri&utes cannot &e chan%ed (they are restricted )ttri&ute 4 of 6' user (strin%= d )ttri&ute 6 of 6' passAord (strin%= d Processin% failure =seericssoncelloup%radepac2a%emaine-ceptionFtp1er.erNot)ccessi&leE-ception H)U ="Ftp1er.erNot)ccessi&le" )+I)0LE1 ="Bms%" "In.alid user I' passAord or IP address for FHP" +NC44> cr sAmana%ement4'up%radepac2a%eCTPK546549+9U5D )ttri&ute 4 of 6' ftp1er.erIp)ddress (strin%= 48D74K9489 )ttri&ute 6 of 6' (strin%= #HC$#GP#REN]#CTPK546549+9U59#CTPK546549+9U5D-ml FolloAin% attri&utes are optional Enter attri&ute .alue or "d" for default Once the $O is created' these attri&utes cannot &e chan%ed (they are restricted )ttri&ute 4 of 6' user (strin%= ftp )ttri&ute 6 of 6' passAord (strin%= ftp >>>
!Pro-y I D65D $O name =$ana%edElement4'1A$ana%eme =$ana%edElement4'1A$ana%ement4'Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK54 nt4'Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+9U5D 6549+9U5D
To e3it from a create statement' -ust type /enter0 at one of the prompts 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
+NC44> cr sAmana%ement4'up%radepac2a%eCTPK546549+45S54 )ttri&ute 4 of 6' ftp1er.erIp)ddress (strin%= Empt8 #alueB borting444
To input an empty value' type /d0 or /null0.
.11 acl/acc coan) c oan) .11.1 Lit action +NC44> h acl ******************************************************* acl#lacl @@@@@all s>@all ! ******************************************************* Lists a.aila&le $O actions
The number of parameters that will be re6uired for performing the action appears on the righthand side +NC44> acl up%radepac2a%eCTPK546549+9U59 Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params D4W Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+9U5 Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+9U59 9 cancelInstall 5 D4W Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+9U5 Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+9U59 9 cancelGp%rade 5 D4W Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+9U5 Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+9U59 9 clearGp%radeLo%File 5 D4W Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+9U5 Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+9U59 9 confirmGp%rade 5 D4W Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+9U5 Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+9U59 9 forcedInstall 5 D4W Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+9U5 Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+9U59 9 install 5 D4W Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+9U5 Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+9U59 9 non0loc2in%ForcedInstall 5 D4W Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+9U5 Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+9U59 9 non0loc2in%Install 5 D4W Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+9U5 Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+9U59 9 non0loc2in%1electi.eForcedInstall non0loc2in%1electi.eForcedI nstall 5 D4W Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+9U5 Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+9U59 9 non0loc2in%1electi.eInstall 5 D4W Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+9U5 Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+9U59 9 re&ootNodeGp%rade 5 D4W Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+9U Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+9U59 59 up%rade 5 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
D4W Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+9U5 Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+9U59 9 .erifyGp%rade 5 +NC44> acl 5 Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params 5 $ana%edElement4 manual+estart 5 $ana%edElement4 restart 4 +NC44> lacl $tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&1lsIup36367453'$tp&1lItu4 Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params 4866 $tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&1lsIup3 $tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&1lsIup36367453'$tp&1lItu4 6367453'$tp&1lItu4 acti.ate 5 4866 $tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&1lsIup3 $tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&1lsIup36367453'$tp&1lItu4 6367453'$tp&1lItu4 deacti.ate 5 4866 $tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&1lsIup3 $tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&1lsIup36367453'$tp&1lItu4 6367453'$tp&1lItu4 emer%ency)cti.ate 5 4866 $tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&1lsIup3 $tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&1lsIup36367453'$tp&1lItu4 6367453'$tp&1lItu4 localInhi&it 5 4866 $tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&1lsIup3 $tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&1lsIup36367453'$tp&1lItu4 6367453'$tp&1lItu4 localGninhi&it 5 +NC44> acl iproutin% Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params 6D76 Ip4'Ip+outin%Ha&le4 add1tatic+oute D 6D76 Ip4'Ip+outin%Ha&le4 delete1tatic+oute 4 6D76 Ip4'Ip+outin%Ha&le4 %et+outin%Ha&leEntry 4 6D76 Ip4'Ip+outin%Ha&le4 list+outes 5 6D76 Ip4'Ip+outin%Ha&le4 num&erOf+outes 5
1se the mom command to see more details about an action and the parameters and return value +NC44> mom man manualrestart $O Class )ction +eturnHype Parameters 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
$ana%edElement manual+estart .oid =restart+an2=restart+eason=restartInfo=enum+e f3 =restart+an2=restart+eason=restartInfo=enum+ef3 +estart+an2=enum+ef3+estart+eason=strin% 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 $anual restarts of the node Hransaction reJuired= No +eturnHype= .oid Parameter 4= restart+an2 (enum+ef3+estart+an2 Hhe restart type Parameter 6= restart+eason (enum+ef3+estart+eason Hhis parameter is mandatory Parameter = restartInfo (strin% ) free te-t field Ahere e-tra information can &e added Hhis parameter is optional Hhe len%th of this te-t field is 575 **********************************************************************************************************************************
.11.0 E;"cut" an action: +NC44> h acc ******************************************************* acc#lacc @@@@@all s>@all ******************************************************* E-ecute an $O action
Some actions re6uire no parameters' some re6uire parameters The return value of the action can be empty !null% or contain a value. +NC44> lacc $tp&1pItuIu'$tp&1lsIup36D436745'$tp&1lItuIup36D436745 acti.ate Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params 46WW $tp&1pItuIu'$tp&1lsIup3 $tp&1pItuIu'$tp&1lsIup36D436745'$tp&1lItuIup3 6D436745'$tp&1lItuIup36D436745 6D436745 acti.ate 5 >>> +eturn .alue null Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os actioned +NC44> acc 4D66 eteloop&ac2 Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
4D66 )tmPort$13683634'plHp4'pcH )tmPort$13683634'plHp4'pcHp4'clHpIu&339 p4'clHpIu&339 >>> +eturn .alue true
Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os actioned +NC44> acc iproutin% listroutes Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params 6D76 Ip4'Ip+outin%Ha&le4 list+outes 5 >>> +eturn .alue destinationIp)ddr destinationNet$as2 ne-topIp)ddr route$etric routeHype interface redistri&ute acti.e 5555 5555 48D74K94 455 6 le5 F)L1E acti.e 468554 6DD6DD6DD6DD 5555 4 6 lo5 F)L1E acti.e 48D74K95 6DD6DD6D95 5554 4 6 le5 F)L1E acti.e Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os actioned +NC44> acc 5 manualrestart Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params 5 $ana%edElement4 manual+estart Parameter 4 of ' restart+an2 (enum+ef3+estart+an2= Enter one of the folloAin% inte%ers= 5=+E1H)+HR)+$' 4=+E1H)+H+EF+E1' 6=+E1H)+HCOL' =+E1H)+HCOLRHE1H= 5 Parameter 6 of ' restart+eason (enum+ef3+estart+eason= Enter one of the folloAin% inte%ers= 5=PL)NNE+ECONFIUG+)HION' 4=GNPL)NNENOEETHE+N)LP+O0LE$1' 6=GNPL)NNENOEGPU+)EP+O0LE$1' =GNPL)NNEO)N$I11GE' 9=GNPL)NNEC]CLIC+ECOE+]' D=GNPL)NNELOC/E+E1OG+CE1' W=GNPL)NNECOLRIHRHE1H' 8=GNPL)NNEC)LLP+OCE11INUEU+))HION' 7=GNPL)NNELORCOE+)UE= 5 Parameter of ' restartInfo (strin%= ean,ma%n >>> +eturn .alue null Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os actioned +NC44> acc iproutin% addstaticroute 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params 6D76 Ip4'Ip+outin%Ha&le4 add1tatic+oute D Parameter 4 of D' ip)ddress (strin%= 46645445 Parameter 6 of D' su&net$as2 (strin%= 6DD6DD6DD6DD Parameter of D' hopIp)ddress (strin%= 46645445 Parameter 9 of D' route$etric (lon%= 4 Parameter D of D' redistri&ute (&oolean= false >>> +eturn .alue null Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os actioned +NC44> acc ipr num&erofroutes Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params 6D76 Ip4'Ip+outin%Ha&le4 num&erOf+outes 5 >>> +eturn .alue 9 Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os actioned +NC44> acc ipr %etroutin%ta&leentry Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params 6D76 Ip4'Ip+outin%Ha&le4 %et+outin%Ha&leEntry 4 Parameter 4 of 4' inde- (lon%= >>> 1truct +eturn .alue has 7 mem&ers= >>> 4destinationIp)ddr 46645445 >>> 6destinationNetAor2$as2 6DD6DD6DD6DD >>> ne-topIp)ddr 46645445 >>> 9route$etric 4 >>> DrouteHype 6 >>> WinterfaceName ``````` 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
>>> 8redistri&ute false >>> 7acti.e false Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os actioned +NC44> acc ipr deletestaticroute Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params 6D76 Ip4'Ip+outin%Ha&le4 delete1tatic+oute 4 Parameter 4 of 4' routin%Ha&leEntry (struct+ef3+outin%Ha&leEntry= destinationIp)ddr46645445'destinationNetAor2$as26DD6DD6DD6DD'ne-topIp)ddr46645445 Processin% failure =seericssoncellomoframeAor2 =seericssoncellomoframeAor2No1uchFieldE-ception No1uchFieldE-ception H)U ="No1uchField" )+I)0LE1 ="BfieldName" "route$etric" Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 5 $Os actioned +NC44> acc ipr deletestaticroute Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params 6D76 Ip4'Ip+outin%Ha&le4 delete1tatic+oute 4 Parameter 4 of 4' routin%Ha&leEntry (struct+ef3+outin%Ha&leEntry= destinationIp)ddr46645445'destinationNetAor2$as26DD6DD6DD6DD'ne-topIp)ddr46645445'routemetric4 >>> +eturn .alue null Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os actioned +NC44> acc ipr listroutes Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params 6D76 Ip4'Ip+outin%Ha&le4 list+outes 5 >>> +eturn .alue 5555 5555 48D74K94 455 6 le5 F)L1E acti.e 468554 6DD6DD6DD6DD 5555 4 6 lo5 F)L1E acti.e 48D74K95 6DD6DD6D95 5554 4 6 le5 F)L1E acti.e 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os actioned +NC44> %et 8K 8K HransportNetAor24'1ynchroni,ation4 1ynchroni,ationId 4 de%radationIsFault 5 (de%rNotFault sync+ef)cti.ity i!7 4 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 sync+efPriority i!7 4 6 5 5 5 5 5 sync+ef1tatus i!7 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 sync+eference !7 >>> sync+eference EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot9'Plu%InGnit4'Himin%Gnit4'Hu1ync+ef4 >>> sync+eference EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lotW'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp4 >>> sync+eference EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp4 >>> sync+eference >>> sync+eference >>> sync+eference >>> sync+eference >>> sync+eference systemCloc2) 6 (loc2ed$ode systemCloc20 6 (loc2ed$ode userLa&el Hotal= 4 $Os +NC44> acl 8K Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params 8K 1ynchroni,ation4 add1ync+ef+esource 6 8K 1ynchroni,ation4 chan%e1ync+efPriority 6 8K 1ynchroni,ation4 remo.e1ync+ef+esource 4 8K 1ynchroni,ation4 resetLossOfHrac2in% 4 +NC44> acc 8K remo.e1ync+ef+esource Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Parameter 4 of 4' sync+eference (mo+ef3$ana%edO&Vect= Enter mo LN= EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp4 Last $O= 754 Loaded 7 $Os Hotal= 8KK $Os $O Class= Os4DD1piHtp >>> +eturn .alue null Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os actioned +NC44> acc 8K add1ync+ef+esource Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params 8K 1ynchroni,ation4 add1ync+ef+esource 6 Parameter 4 of 6' sync+eference (mo+ef3$ana%edO&Vect= Enter mo LN= EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp4 Parameter 6 of 6' syncPriority (lon%= >>> +eturn .alue null Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os actioned
To cancel an action' -ust type /enter0 at one of the prompts. +NC44> acc 5 restart Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params 5 $ana%edElement4 restart 4 Parameter 4 of 4' restart+an2 (enum+ef3+estart+an2= Enter one of the folloAin% inte%ers= 5=+E1H)+HR)+$' 4=+E1H)+H+EF+E1' 6=+E1H)+HCOL' =+E1H)+HCOLRHE1H= Empt8 #alueB borting444 Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 5 $Os actioned
9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
.10 )"l/!)"l )"l/!)" l coan) +NC44> h del ******************************************************* del#ldel @@ ******************************************************* elete $O(s )n $O can only &e deleted Ahen its reser.ed0y list is empty and Ahen it does not ha.e any children If the $O does ha.e children and#or a non3empty reser.ed0y attri&ute' it is possi&le to use the rdel#lrdel command instead +NC44> h rdel ******************************************************* rdel#lrdel @@ ******************************************************* elete $O(s to%ether Aith children and $Os +NC44> del D659 elete folloAin% $Os D659 +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin2KK Rarnin%= Gndo $ode is currently inacti.e )re you 1ure !y#n y eletin% D659 +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin2KK Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os deleted
>>> $o deleted
+NC44> del iu&lin24B elete folloAin% $Os 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
9WK4 +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24 Rarnin%= Gndo $ode is currently inacti.e )re you 1ure !y#n y eletin% 9WK4 +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24 Processin% failure =seericssonAcdmarncroammaocommonmoProcessin%Fail =seericssonAcdmarncroam maocommonmoProcessin%FailureE-ception ureE-ception H)U ="Processin%FailureE-ception" )+I)0LE1 ="B$essa%e" "Iu&Lin2 could not &e deleted' there are still references to cell(s" Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 5 $Os deleted +NC44> rdel iu&lin24B +ecursi.e elete folloAin% $Os 9WK4 +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24 )re you 1ure !y#n y elete folloAin% $Os 88W +ncFunction4'GtranCell5454' +ncFunction4'GtranCell5454'Gtran+elation5454545 Gtran+elation5454545softerAo softerAo 8W9 +ncFunction4'GtranCell5456' +ncFunction4'GtranCell5456'Gtran+elation5456545 Gtran+elation5456545softerAo softerAo 8DD +ncFunction4'GtranCell545' +ncFunction4'GtranCell545'Gtran+elation5455456 Gtran+elation5455456softerAo softerAo 8DW +ncFunction4'GtranCell545' +ncFunction4'GtranCell545'Gtran+elation5455445 Gtran+elation54554458softAo 8softAo 8W5 +ncFunction4'GtranCell545' +ncFunction4'GtranCell545'Gtran+elation54554WD Gtran+elation54554WDsoftAo softAo 8W4 +ncFunction4'GtranCell545' +ncFunction4'GtranCell545'Gtran+elation54554WW Gtran+elation54554WWsoftAo softAo 8D8 +ncFunction4'GtranCell545' +ncFunction4'GtranCell545'Gtran+elation545547D Gtran+elation545547DsoftAo softAo 8D7 +ncFunction4'GtranCell545' +ncFunction4'GtranCell545'Gtran+elation545547W Gtran+elation545547WsoftAo softAo 8DK +ncFunction4'GtranCell545' +ncFunction4'GtranCell545'Gtran+elation5455478 Gtran+elation5455478softAo softAo 994K +ncFunction4'GtranCell54458 +ncFunction4'GtranCell54458'Gtran+elation5445854 'Gtran+elation54458545softAo 5softAo 554 +ncFunction4'GtranCell54WD' +ncFunction4'GtranCell54WD'Gtran+elation54WD545 Gtran+elation54WD545softAo softAo 6KK6 +ncFunction4'GtranCell54WW' +ncFunction4'GtranCell54WW'Gtran+elation54WW545 Gtran+elation54WW545softAo softAo 68WW +ncFunction4'GtranCell547D' +ncFunction4'GtranCell547D'Gtran+elation547D545 Gtran+elation547D545softAo softAo 6895 +ncFunction4'GtranCell5478' +ncFunction4'GtranCell5478'Gtran+elation5478545 Gtran+elation5478545softAo softAo 8D6 +ncFunction4'GtranCell545' +ncFunction4'GtranCell545'Fach5455 Fach5455 8D +ncFunction4'GtranCell545' +ncFunction4'GtranCell545'sdsch5459 sdsch5459 8D9 +ncFunction4'GtranCell545' +ncFunction4'GtranCell545'Pch545 Pch545 8W6 +ncFunction4'GtranCell545' +ncFunction4'GtranCell545'+ach5456 +ach5456 8D4 +ncFunction4'GtranCell545 9W8 +ncFunction4'Location)rea54 +ncFunction4'Location)rea54D'+outin%)rea44 D'+outin%)rea44 9W9 +ncFunction4'Location)rea54 +ncFunction4'Location)rea54D' D' 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
8WW 889 886 88 8WK 885 999 D4K 6D 6DW 6W 559 6KK5 884 8W8 8WD 8W7 8W 9WD 874 888 887 88K 87W 879 99 D6 D47 D58 6W5 549 87 87D 875 876 88D 9WW 9WK 9WK6 9WKW 9WKD 9WK9 9WK4 4K4W 4KK
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875 +ncFunction4'GtranCell5454' +ncFunction4'GtranCell5454'Pch5454 Pch5454 >>> $o deleted 876 +ncFunction4'GtranCell5454' +ncFunction4'GtranCell5454'+ach54546 +ach54546 >>> $o deleted 88D +ncFunction4'GtranCell5454 >>> $o deleted 9WW +ncFunction4'Location)rea54 +ncFunction4'Location)rea54D' D' >>> $o deleted 9WK +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'N&apCo +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'N&apCommon4 mmon4 >>> $o deleted 9WK6 +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'N&ape +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'N&apedicated4 dicated4 >>> $o deleted 9WKW +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'Node1y +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'Node1ynchHp4 nchHp4 >>> $o deleted 9WKD +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'Node1y +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'Node1ynchHp6 nchHp6 >>> $o deleted 9WK9 +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'Node1y +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24'Node1ynch4 nch4 >>> $o deleted 9WK4 +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24 >>> $o deleted 4K4W HransportNetAor24')al6+outin% HransportNetAor24')al6+outin%CaseIu&4 CaseIu&4 >>> $o deleted 4KK HransportNetAor24')al61p4')a HransportNetAor24')al61p4')al6)pIu&4')al6Pathistri& l6)pIu&4')al6Pathistri&utionGnitIu&4 utionGnitIu&4 >>> $o deleted 4KK6 HransportNetAor24')al61p4')a HransportNetAor24')al61p4')al6)pIu&4 l6)pIu&4 >>> $o deleted 47W8 HransportNetAor24')al6Pathcc HransportNetAor24')al6PathccHpIu&434 HpIu&434 >>> $o deleted 47W9 HransportNetAor24')al6Pathcc HransportNetAor24')al6PathccHpIu&436 HpIu&436 >>> $o deleted 47W4 HransportNetAor24')al6Pathcc HransportNetAor24')al6PathccHpIu&43 HpIu&43 >>> $o deleted 474W HransportNetAor24'Gni1aalHp4 >>> $o deleted 474D HransportNetAor24'Gni1aalHp6 >>> $o deleted 4749 HransportNetAor24'Gni1aalHp >>> $o deleted 474 HransportNetAor24'Gni1aalHp9 >>> $o deleted 4746 HransportNetAor24'Gni1aalHpD >>> $o deleted 4744 HransportNetAor24'Gni1aalHpW >>> $o deleted 64DW HransportNetAor24')al5HpccHp HransportNetAor24')al5HpccHp4 4 >>> $o deleted 64DD HransportNetAor24')al5HpccHp HransportNetAor24')al5HpccHp6 6 >>> $o deleted 4KWW HransportNetAor24')alDHpccHp HransportNetAor24')alDHpccHp4 4 >>> $o deleted 4KWD HransportNetAor24')alDHpccHp HransportNetAor24')alDHpccHp6 6 >>> $o deleted 4KW9 HransportNetAor24')alDHpccHp HransportNetAor24')alDHpccHp >>> $o deleted 4KW HransportNetAor24')alDHpccHp HransportNetAor24')alDHpccHp9 9 >>> $o deleted 4KW6 HransportNetAor24')alDHpccHp HransportNetAor24')alDHpccHpD D >>> $o deleted 4KW4 HransportNetAor24')alDHpccHp HransportNetAor24')alDHpccHpW W >>> $o deleted 4WK HransportNetAor24')tmPort$13 HransportNetAor24')tmPort$136W34'plHp4'pcHp4'clH 6W34'plHp4'pcHp4'clHp.c9 p.c9 >>> $o deleted 4WK6 HransportNetAor24')tmPort$13 HransportNetAor24')tmPort$136W34'plHp4'pcHp4'clH 6W34'plHp4'pcHp4'clHp.cD p.cD >>> $o deleted 4WK4 HransportNetAor24')tmPort$13 HransportNetAor24')tmPort$136W34'plHp4'pcHp4'clH 6W34'plHp4'pcHp4'clHp.cW p.cW >>> $o deleted 4WK5 HransportNetAor24')tmPort$13 HransportNetAor24')tmPort$136W34'plHp4'pcHp4'clH 6W34'plHp4'pcHp4'clHp.c8 p.c8 >>> $o deleted 4W7K HransportNetAor24')tmPort$13 HransportNetAor24')tmPort$136W34'plHp4'pcHp4'clH 6W34'plHp4'pcHp4'clHp.c7 p.c7 >>> $o deleted 4W77 HransportNetAor24')tmPort$13 HransportNetAor24')tmPort$136W34'plHp4'pcHp4'clH 6W34'plHp4'pcHp4'clHp.cK p.cK >>> $o deleted 4W78 HransportNetAor24')tmPort$13 HransportNetAor24')tmPort$136W34'plHp4'pcHp4'clH 6W34'plHp4'pcHp4'clHp.c95 p.c95 >>> $o deleted 4W7W HransportNetAor24')tmPort$13 HransportNetAor24')tmPort$136W34'plHp4'pcHp4'clH 6W34'plHp4'pcHp4'clHp.c9 p.c9 >>> $o deleted 4W7D HransportNetAor24')tmPort$13 HransportNetAor24')tmPort$136W34'plHp4'pcHp4'clH 6W34'plHp4'pcHp4'clHp.c99 p.c99 >>> $o deleted 4W79 HransportNetAor24')tmPort$13 HransportNetAor24')tmPort$136W34'plHp4'pcHp4'clH 6W34'plHp4'pcHp4'clHp.c9D p.c9D >>> $o deleted Hotal= K9 $Os attempted' K $Os deleted
9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
.1 !un coan) co an) Purpose: To run a command file that contains moshell commands. 5o confirmations are needed in the command file. +NC44> h run ******************************************************* run !<.ar4> !<.ar6> ******************************************************* Hhe command file layout is the same as for monode and mo&atch 1ee e-amples in moshell#e-ample#mo&atchcmdfiles It shall contain all lines to &e sent to the moshell prompt' includin% passAord (for ose commands' &ut NOH confirmations ("y" Hhis applies to commands such as "lt#ltc"' "lc#lcc"' "del"' "&l"' "set"' Ahere confirmation is automatically entered Ahen runnin% a command file Comments can &e put in the command file usin% the si%n 0y typin% ' the uni- file system is displayed' ma2in% it easier to find the location of the command file If some ar%uments are %i.en after the command file' the scriptin% .aria&les B4' B6' B' etc Aill &e set to the correspondin% .alues Hype "h scriptin%" for info ET)$PLE= cr +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin245 45 r&sId 1u&rac2$1 preferred1u&rac2+ef lset +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin245B ulA)dm 455 neAiu& acc 5 restart 5 pol E-ample= run #home#ean,ma%n#cmdfiles#setcellsmos
.13 t!un coan) Purpose: to run a command file written in M2S)MoTester format +NC44> h trun ******************************************************* trun!is4 @ ******************************************************* 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
+un a command file in E$)1#$oHester format E-ecute a command file in E$)1#$oHester format 0y typin% ' the uni- file system is displayed' ma2in% it easier to find the location of the command file It is also possi&le to specify a file located on a Ae& (e% Ahen the script is located on the CPP node Hhe folloAin% commands are supported= ECO' C+E)HE' 1EH' ELEHE' )CHION' CEC/' C)LL' R)IH Lines can &e commented out &y addin% ## at the &e%innin% of each line 1ee e-amples &eloA For more info' refer to $oHester documentation on http=##utran54auaoericssonse#moshell#trainin%#references#cpp#run$oHesterhtml 0y default' the command file halts Ahen a command fails Options= 3 i= i%nore e-ceptions' the e-ecution does not halt Ahen a command fails 3 s= simulated run' the command file e-ecution is simulated' no commands are actually e-ecuted on the node Can &e used to .erify the synta- of a script prior to runnin% it for real Hhe simulated mode is alAays used in "offline mode" or "simulated undo mode"' re%ardless of the "trun" options 3 4= e-ecute the Ahole script in one transaction Hhis option should &e used Aith %reat care and only Ahen a&solutely necessary (e% Ahen chan%in% IP address of the node' see e-ample script in moshell#e-amples#misc#ipchan%emo In re%ular usa%e' it is recommended to not use this option as it has &een o&ser.ed to cause data&ase corruptions in certain cases 1cript e-ample= ECO "1tart Hest" C+E)HE ( parent "$ana%edElement4'1A$ana%emen "$ana%edElement4'1A$ana%ement4" t4" identity "+OS44K6459+9" moHype PiuHype e-ception none nrOf)ttri&utes productata 1truct nrOfElements D productNum&er 1trin% "+OS44K6459#" product+e.ision 1trin% "+9" productName 1trin% "HG0" productInfo 1trin% "HG" productionate 1trin% "655544W" &oardRidth Inte%er role Inte%er 6 ELEHE ( mo "$ana%edElement4'1A$ana%eme "$ana%edElement4'1A$ana%ement4'PiuHype+OS44K6459 nt4'PiuHype+OS44K6459+9" +9" e-ception none 1EH 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
mo "$ana%edElement4'EJuipment "$ana%edElement4'EJuipment4'S.m4" 4'S.m4" e-ception none admClasspath )rray +eference 9 "$ana%edElement4'1A$ana%ement4'Load$oduleOms" "$ana%edElement4'1A$ana%ement4'Load$odule)sms" "$ana%edElement4'1A$ana%ement4'Load$odule&VOr&" "$ana%edElement4'1A$ana%ement4'Load$oduleCma" )CHION ( actionName add+epertoire mo "$ana%edElement4'1A$ana%eme "$ana%edElement4'1A$ana%ement4'1A)llocationH0LLP" nt4'1A)llocationH0LLP" e-ception none nrOfParameters 4 +ef "$ana%edElement4'1A$ana%emen "$ana%edElement4'1A$ana%ement4'+epertoireCelloComm t4'+epertoireCelloCommon$P" on$P" returnalue i%nore ##Aait 6 seconds (time %i.en in milliseconds R)IH 6555 ##run another $O script C)LL("#home#eric#scripts#neAfilemo"
.14 un)o coan) co an) *hen undo mode is active !activate with /uF0%' all MO commands which affect the configuration data !del)rdel)set)bl)deb)cr)acc% !del)rdel)set)bl)deb)cr)acc% are logged and a MO script will be generated to undo the operations if necessary. +NC44> rdel iu&lin24B +ecursi.e elete folloAin% $Os 9WK4 +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24 Carning: ndo Mode is currentl8 inacti#e BBBB )re you 1ure !y#n n +NC44> u Lo%%in% cr#del#rdel#set#&l#deacc commands to file= #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#undo#undo+NC445W585K3 554897lo% 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
+NC44> rdel iu&lin24B +ecursi.e elete folloAin% $Os 9WK4 +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin24 )re you 1ure !y#n y elete folloAin% $Os 88W +ncFunction4'GtranCell5454' +ncFunction4'GtranCell5454'Gtran+elation5454545 Gtran+elation5454545softerAo softerAo 8W9 +ncFunction4'GtranCell5456' +ncFunction4'GtranCell5456'Gtran+elation5456545 Gtran+elation5456545softerAo softerAo 8DD +ncFunction4'GtranCell545' +ncFunction4'GtranCell545'Gtran+elation5455456 Gtran+elation5455456softerAo softerAo 8DW +ncFunction4'GtranCell545' +ncFunction4'GtranCell545'Gtran+elation5455445 Gtran+elation54554458softAo 8softAo 8W5 +ncFunction4'GtranCell545' +ncFunction4'GtranCell545'Gtran+elation54554WD Gtran+elation54554WDsoftAo softAo 8W4 +ncFunction4'GtranCell545' +ncFunction4'GtranCell545'Gtran+elation54554WW Gtran+elation54554WWsoftAo softAo 8D8 +ncFunction4'GtranCell545' +ncFunction4'GtranCell545'Gtran+elation545547D Gtran+elation545547DsoftAo softAo 8D7 +ncFunction4'GtranCell545' +ncFunction4'GtranCell545'Gtran+elation545547W Gtran+elation545547WsoftAo softAo 8DK +ncFunction4'GtranCell545' +ncFunction4'GtranCell545'Gtran+elation5455478 Gtran+elation5455478softAo softAo 994K +ncFunction4'GtranCell54458 +ncFunction4'GtranCell54458'Gtran+elation5445854 'Gtran+elation54458545softAo 5softAo 554 +ncFunction4'GtranCell54WD' +ncFunction4'GtranCell54WD'Gtran+elation54WD545 Gtran+elation54WD545softAo softAo 6KK6 +ncFunction4'GtranCell54WW' +ncFunction4'GtranCell54WW'Gtran+elation54WW545 Gtran+elation54WW545softAo softAo 68WW +ncFunction4'GtranCell547D' +ncFunction4'GtranCell547D'Gtran+elation547D545 Gtran+elation547D545softAo softAo 6895 +ncFunction4'GtranCell5478' +ncFunction4'GtranCell5478'Gtran+elation5478545 Gtran+elation5478545softAo softAo 8D6 +ncFunction4'GtranCell545' +ncFunction4'GtranCell545'Fach5455 Fach5455 8D +ncFunction4'GtranCell545' +ncFunction4'GtranCell545'sdsch5459 sdsch5459 8D9 +ncFunction4'GtranCell545' +ncFunction4'GtranCell545'Pch545 Pch545 8W6 +ncFunction4'GtranCell545' +ncFunction4'GtranCell545'+ach5456 +ach5456 8D4 +ncFunction4'GtranCell545 9W8 +ncFunction4'Location)rea54 +ncFunction4'Location)rea54D'+outin%)rea44 D'+outin%)rea44 9W9 +ncFunction4'Location)rea54 +ncFunction4'Location)rea54D' D' 8WW +ncFunction4'GtranCell5456' +ncFunction4'GtranCell5456'Gtran+elation54565445 Gtran+elation54565445WsoftAo WsoftAo 889 +ncFunction4'GtranCell5456' +ncFunction4'GtranCell5456'Gtran+elation5456546 Gtran+elation5456546softAo softAo 886 +ncFunction4'GtranCell5456' +ncFunction4'GtranCell5456'Gtran+elation54565499 Gtran+elation54565499softAo softAo 88 +ncFunction4'GtranCell5456' +ncFunction4'GtranCell5456'Gtran+elation5456549D Gtran+elation5456549DsoftAo softAo 8WK +ncFunction4'GtranCell5456' +ncFunction4'GtranCell5456'Gtran+elation545654WD Gtran+elation545654WDsoftAo softAo 885 +ncFunction4'GtranCell5456' +ncFunction4'GtranCell5456'Gtran+elation545654WW Gtran+elation545654WWsoftAo softAo 999 +ncFunction4'GtranCell5445W +ncFunction4'GtranCell5445W'Gtran+elation5445W54 'Gtran+elation5445W5456softAo 56softAo D4K +ncFunction4'GtranCell546' +ncFunction4'GtranCell546'Gtran+elation5465456 Gtran+elation5465456softAo softAo 6D +ncFunction4'GtranCell5499' +ncFunction4'GtranCell5499'Co.era%e+elation54995 Co.era%e+elation54995456 456 6DW +ncFunction4'GtranCell5499' +ncFunction4'GtranCell5499'Gtran+elation54995456 Gtran+elation54995456softAo softAo 6W +ncFunction4'GtranCell549D' +ncFunction4'GtranCell549D'Gtran+elation549D5456 Gtran+elation549D5456softAo softAo 559 +ncFunction4'GtranCell54WD' +ncFunction4'GtranCell54WD'Gtran+elation54WD5456 Gtran+elation54WD5456softAo softAo 6KK5 +ncFunction4'GtranCell54WW' +ncFunction4'GtranCell54WW'Gtran+elation54WW5456 Gtran+elation54WW5456softAo softAo 884 +ncFunction4'GtranCell5456' +ncFunction4'GtranCell5456'Fach54565 Fach54565 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
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+NC44> rdel 6D58 +ecursi.e elete folloAin% $Os 6D58 HransportNetAor24')tmPort$13 HransportNetAor24')tmPort$136834'plHp4'pcHp4'clH 6834'plHp4'pcHp4'clHp.c455 p.c455 Note= +unnin% in 1imulated Gndo mode No actual deletion Aill &e performed )re you 1ure !y#n y elete folloAin% $Os 4KK4 HransportNetAor24')al61p4')a HransportNetAor24')al61p4')al6)pIu&4')al6Pathistri& l6)pIu&4')al6Pathistri&utionGnitIu&4 utionGnitIu&4 47DK HransportNetAor24')al6Pathcc HransportNetAor24')al6PathccHpIu&43 HpIu&43 6D58 HransportNetAor24')tmPort$13 HransportNetAor24')tmPort$136834'plHp4'pcHp4'clH 6834'plHp4'pcHp4'clHp.c455 p.c455 Note= +unnin% in 1imulated Gndo mode No actual deletion Aill &e performed )re you 1ure !y#n y Uettin% )ttri&utes eletin% 4KK4 HransportNetAor24')al61p4')a HransportNetAor24')al61p4')al6)pIu&4')al6Pathistri& l6)pIu&4')al6Pathistri&utionGnitIu&4 utionGnitIu&4 >>> 1imulated $O deletion 47DK HransportNetAor24')al6Pathcc HransportNetAor24')al6PathccHpIu&43 HpIu&43 >>> 1imulated $O deletion 6D58 HransportNetAor24')tmPort$13 HransportNetAor24')tmPort$136834'plHp4'pcHp4'clH 6834'plHp4'pcHp4'clHp.c455 p.c455 >>> 1imulated $O deletion Hotal= $Os attempted' $Os deleted +NC44> u3 elete file= #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#undo#undo+NC445W4553446869delmos (Bundodelcommandfile Ho undo' e-ecute command= run #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#undo#undo+NC445W4553446869mos (Bundocommandfile
To generate the command file in M2S)MoTester format: +NC44> u
3ample: 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
+NC44> us Lo%%in% cr#del#rdel#set#&l#deacc commands to file= #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#undo#undo+NC44585W593 449595lo% +NC44> del 44 elete folloAin% $Os 44 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4 'Plu%InGnit4 Note= +unnin% in 1imulated Gndo mode No actual deletion Aill &e performed )re you 1ure !y#n y Uettin% )ttri&utes $O )ttri&ute alue EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot 67'Plu%InGnit4 Plu%InGnitId 4 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot 67'Plu%InGnit4 administrati.e1tate 4 (GNLOC/E EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot 67'Plu%InGnit4 alloAed1eJ+estarts (+E1H)+H1RIHR)+$ EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot 67'Plu%InGnit4 a.aila&ility1tatus 5 (NO1H)HG1 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot 67'Plu%InGnit4 hAHest+esult 655835D366 57=47=94 Others Hest +esults EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot 67'Plu%InGnit4 hAHest1tatus 5 (NOHE1H+E1GLH1 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot 67'Plu%InGnit4 operational1tate 4 (EN)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot 67'Plu%InGnit4 piuUroupNum&er 7 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot 67'Plu%InGnit4 piuHype PiuHype+OS44K6457#6+W EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot 67'Plu%InGnit4 productHype R EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot 67'Plu%InGnit4 reser.ed0y !5 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4 userLa&el Hotal= 4 $Os
eletin% 44 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67 EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4 'Plu%InGnit4 >>> 1imulated $O deletion Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os deleted +NC44> u3 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
elete file= #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#undo#undo+NC44585W593449595delmos (Bundodelcommandfile Ho undo' e-ecute command= run #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#undo#undo+NC44585W593449595mos (Bundocommandfile Note= to con.ert command files from moshell format to trun#emas format' e-ecute the command= u +NC44> l cat #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#undo#undo+NC44585W593449595mos oNotEditHhisLine= GndoCommandFile 48D74K977 85n +NCNOE$OELU49CO$PLEHE stopfile#tmp#6WW8 conf& %s cr EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4 PiuHype+OS44K6457#6+W piuHype lset EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4B lset EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4B lset EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4B lset EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4B conf&3 %s3
administrati.e1tate 4 piuUroupNum&er 7 userLa&el alloAed1eJ+estarts
+NC44> u #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#undo#undo+NC44585W593449595mos +esult sa.ed to= #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#undo#undo+NC44585W593449595mo (Bundotrunfile +NC44> l cat #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#undo#undo+NC44585W593449595mo C+E)HE ( parent "$ana%edElement4'EJuipment "$ana%edElement4'EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67" 4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67" identity "4" moHype Plu%InGnit e-ception none nrOf)ttri&utes 4 piuHype +ef "$ana%edElement4'1A$ana%em "$ana%edElement4'1A$ana%ement4'PiuHype+OS44K6457# ent4'PiuHype+OS44K6457#6+W" 6+W" 1EH ( mo "$ana%edElement4'EJuipment4'1 "$ana%edElement4'EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InG u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4" nit4" e-ception none administrati.e1tate Inte%er 4 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
1EH ( mo "$ana%edElement4'EJuipment4'1 "$ana%edElement4'EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InG u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4" nit4" e-ception none piuUroupNum&er Inte%er 7 1EH ( mo "$ana%edElement4'EJuipment4'1 "$ana%edElement4'EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InG u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4" nit4" e-ception none userLa&el 1trin% "" 1EH ( mo "$ana%edElement4'EJuipment4'1 "$ana%edElement4'EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InG u&rac2$1'1lot67'Plu%InGnit4" nit4" e-ception none alloAed1eJ+estarts Inte%er
.16 al coan) c oan) OFFLINE> h al ******************************************************* al!at2c ! @ ******************************************************* Print the list of acti.e alarms
,asic alarm information' showing four fields per alarm: +NC44> al Connectin% to 48D74K9498=DW79 (Cor&a1ecurityOFF' cor&aclass6' Varcor&+84157' Vacsec+84157' Vacoms+84S47 Hryin% file#home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#tempfiles#65574467344776668#ior6668 the alarm in O$1 1imple )larm Client initiali,ed 1tartin% to retrie.e acti.e alarms Nr of acti.e alarms are= W 1pecific Pro&lem Cause $o3+eference $aV Loss of 1i%nal lossofsi%nal 1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp4 $aV Plu%3In Gnit Ueneral Pro&lem processorpro&lemm455 1u&rac2$1'1lot47'Plu%InGnit4 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
$aV +achN&ap$essa%eFailure $aV HG 1ynch +eference Loss of 1i%nal $aV HG 1ynch +eference Loss of 1i%nal $in Loss of 1ynch +eference +edundancy >>> Hotal= W )larms (5 Critical' D $aVor
callesta&lishmenterror lossofsi%nal lossofsi%nal replacea&leunitpro&lem
GtranCellIu&336'+ach4594 1u&rac2$1'1lot9'Plu%InGnit4'Himin%Gnit4'Hu1ync+ef4 1u&rac2$1'1lotD'Plu%InGnit4'Himin%Gnit4'Hu1ync+ef4 1ynchroni,ation4
@ Possible alarm severities: - Critical - Ma-or - minor - warning Showing alarm timestamps: +NC44> alt Fetchin% IO+ fileone Connectin% to 48D74K9498=DW79 (Cor&a1ecurityOFF' cor&aclass6' Varcor&+84157' Vacsec+84157' Vacoms+84S47 Hryin% file#home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#tempfiles#65574467344776668#ior6668 the alarm in O$1 1imple )larm Client initiali,ed 1tartin% to retrie.e acti.e alarms Nr of acti.e alarms are= W ate X Hime (Local 1 1pecific Pro&lem Cause $o3+eference 6557344367 55=5W=D8 m Loss of 1ynch 1ynch +eference +eference +edundancy replacea&leunitpro&lem 1ynchroni,ation4 6557344367 55=5W=D8 $ HG 1ynch +eference Loss of 1i%nal lossofsi%nal 1u&rac2$1'1lotD'Plu%InGnit4'Himin%Gnit4'Hu1ync+ef4 6557344367 55=5W=D8 $ HG 1ynch +eference Loss of 1i%nal lossofsi%nal 1u&rac2$1'1lot9'Plu%InGnit4'Himin%Gnit4'Hu1ync+ef4 6557344367 55=58=55 $ Loss of 1i%nal lossofsi%nal 1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp4 6557344367 55=58=46 $ +achN&ap$essa%eFailure callesta&lishmenterror GtranCellIu&336'+ach4594 6557344367 55=45=95 $ Plu%3In Gnit Ueneral Pro&lem processorpro&lemm455 1u&rac2$1'1lot47'Plu%InGnit4 >>> Hotal= W )larms (5 Critical' D $aVor
Showing all alarm information' in CS4 format: +NC44> alc Connectin% to 48D74K9498=DW79 (Cor&a1ecurityOFF' cor&aclass6' Varcor&+84157' Vacsec+84157' Vacoms+84S47 Hryin% file#home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#tempfiles#65574467344776668#ior6668 the alarm in O$1 1imple )larm Client initiali,ed 1tartin% to retrie.e acti.e alarms Nr of acti.e alarms are= W 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
ateQHimeQ1e.erityQO&VectQPro&lemQCauseQ)dditionalHe-tQ)c21tateQ)larmIdQNotificationId 6557344367Q55=58=55Q$aVorQ$ana%edElement4'EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp4QLoss of 1i%nalQlossofsi%nalQQGnac2noAled%edQWQW 6557344367Q55=45=95Q$aVorQ$ana%edElement4'EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot47'Plu%InGnit4QPlu%3In Gnit Ueneral Pro&lemQprocessorpro&lemm455QQGnac2noAled%edQ45Q46 6557344367Q55=58=46Q$aVorQ$ana%edElement4'+ncFunction4'GtranCellIu&336'+ach4594Q+achN&ap$essa%eFailureQcallesta&lishmenterrorQ) +adio NR Impact n&apCause messa%enotcompati&leAithrecei.erstateQGnac2noAled%edQKQK 6557344367Q55=5W=D8Q$aVorQ$ana%edElement4'EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot9'Plu%InGnit4'Himin%Gnit4'Hu1ync+ef4QHG 1ynch +eference Loss of 1i%nalQlossofsi%nalQQGnac2noAled%edQ6Q6 6557344367Q55=5W=D8Q$aVorQ$ana%edElement4'EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lotD'Plu%InGnit4'Himin%Gnit4'Hu1ync+ef4QHG 1ynch +eference Loss of 1i%nalQlossofsi%nalQQGnac2noAled%edQQ 6557344367Q55=5W=D8Q$inorQ$ana%edElement4'HransportNetAor24'1ynchroni,ation4QLoss of 1ynch +eference +edundancyQreplacea&leunitpro&lemQQGnac2noAled%edQ4Q4 >>> Hotal= W )larms (5 Critical' D $aVor
(iltering alarms using grep: +NC44> al @ %rep 3i timin% $aV $aV
HG 1ynch +eference Loss of 1i%nal HG 1ynch +eference Loss of 1i%nal
lossofsi%nal lossofsi%nal
1u&rac2$1'1lot9'Plu%InGnit4'Himin%Gnit4'Hu1ync+ef4 1u&rac2$1'1lotD'Plu%InGnit4'Himin%Gnit4'Hu1ync+ef4
$UR4> al @ %rep 1ctp $in
+emote IP )ddress Gnreacha&le
$UR4> alc @ %rep 1ctp 655K34635Q46=DD=6Q$inorQ1u&NetAor2O11EHE6+OOH$O'$eConte-t$UR4'$ana%edElement4'HransportNetAor24'1ctp1IUH+46Q+emote IP )ddress Gnreacha&leQuna.aila&leQuserLa&el 1IUH+46 assocId W localIp)ddress4 4565455 localIp)ddress4prefi-Len%th 5 localPort 6K5D remoteIp)ddress4 456546486 remoteIp)ddress4prefi-Len%th 5 remoteIp)ddress6 4565446486 remoteIp)ddress6prefi-Len%th 5 remotePort 6K5D unreacha&leIpInde- 6QGnac2noAled%edQ1u&NetAor2O11EHE6+OOH$O'$eConte-t$UR496Q9D
To fi3 an alarm' follow the 2#2+M OP$s: http:))
.1< .1 < Offlin ffl in" " o)" o) "
Ta"e an MO dump of the node: +NC44> dc%2 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Uettin% $O data from node (7699 $Os Please Aait 5^ `D5^ `455^ 1uccessful stora%e of the $O dump to #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#dc%#+NC44#5K56D447D6#+NC44modump,ip For offline processin%' run= moshell <,ipfile>
1sing an MO dump for investigating a node offline: **=As96W9_`> moshell modumps#+NC44#5K56D449669#+NC44modump,ip Relcome to $o1hell 84n Finn $a%nusson' San Pettersson http=##utran54auaoericssonse#moshell http=##utran54auaoericsson se#moshell Contact= Finn$a%nusson_ericssoncom a.id1mith_ericssoncom un,ip 3oVJ modumps#+NC44#5K56D449669#+NC44modump,ip 3d #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#tempfiles#655K56D3 44999659W#modump Found $O dump= #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#tempfiles#655K56D344999659W#modump#+NC44dc%2lo%%, Parsin% $O$ (cached= #home#ean,ma%n#Var-ml#+NCNOE$OELUD5-mlcache%, one Connected to OFFLINE+NC44modump,ip ($ana%edElement4 Last $O= 769 Loaded 769 $Os Hotal= 7699 $Os Preparin% offline $I0= 5^ `D5^
= h = J
OFFLINE+NC44CU/> h 33333333333333333333333333333333333 CO$$)N1 1GPPO+HE IN OFFLINE3$OE 3333333333333333333333333333333333 mom!tcdr Print description of $O classes' C$#F$ attri&utes' actions' enums and structs lt#ltc!43K Load $O tree (full or partial and &uild pro-y ta&le 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
lu#llu Gnload $Os from $O tree pr#lpr Print $O LNs and pro-y ids for all or part of the $O tree currently loaded in moshell ma#lma )dd $O(s to an $O %roup mr#lmr +emo.e an $O %roup or remo.e $Os from an $O %roup ($Os Aill NOH &e deleted' only the %roup mp Print all defined $O %roups %et#l%et +ead C$#F$ attri&ute(s from $O(s h%et!c#lh%et!c +ead C$#F$ attri&ute(s from $O(s' print hori,ontally one line per $O (instead of one line per attri&ute 2%et#l2%et isplay C$#F$ attri&utes in e-porta&le printout format st#lst Print state of $Os (operational1tate and administrati.e1tate Ahen applica&le prod Print productata of $O(s l2#ll2 ieA all $OMs lin2ed to an $O' and their states (adm1tate and op1tate l2o#ll2o O&solete command' use l2#ll2 instead set!m!c#lset!m!c 1et an attri&ute .alue on one or se.eral $OMs &l!s#l&l!s Loc2 or soft3loc2 $O(s delde& Gnloc2 $O(s acl#lacl Lists a.aila&le $O actions acc#lacc E-ecute an $O action cr Create an $O del#ldel elete $O(s rdel#lrdel elete $O(s to%ether Aith children and $Os s#s3#s 1ort $O list in alpha&etical order instead of pro-y order u!s#u3#u#u andlin% of undo mode (for cr#del#rdel#set#&l#deacc commands Can &e used for %eneration of $O scripts as Aell run +un a command file in moshell format parsemom Parse an -ml $O$ file cu#c.%et#c.put#c.ls4 C &ac2up handlin%= list' ma2e local' ma2e remote' remo.e' setstarta&le in.!hr Complete R#1R in.entory Includes information a&out +PGs' licensin%' S$' de.ices' TPs' I1L' etc stc!p!r isplay state and confi%uration of )tm#Hdm CrossConnections std!ar isplay state and confi%uration of de.ices (+NC and $UR only st.!&!r isplay state' user' and &andAidth usa%e for )H$ ports and channels stt!r isplay state and user of Physical Ports and s50undles sti!&cpr isplay state and confi%uration of IP interfaces diff#ldiff Parameter auditin% or $O dump comparisons str!46ft Print status of the Iu&Lin2s#)&isLin2s and their associated Cells and Channels (+NC#01C only l2i 1hoA repartition of the Iu&Lin2sM )H$ resources (+NC only l%!ae.syuoltdhmircf- Fetchin% and#or processin% of node lo%s (alarm' e.ent' a.aila&ility' system' etc u. Print or chan%e moshell confi%uration settin%s (also called "user .aria&les" p. Print scriptin% .aria&les #l E-ecute a uni- command on the PC#Aor2station l!m!m!s!o#l3#l Open#close moshell lo%files &o!r#&a!sAdp#&r!Ad#&e!53D5#&p &o!r#&a!sAdp#&r!Ad#&e!53 D5#&p $ana%e &oard %roups that can &e used for runnin% COLI commands on multiple &oards hi Print history of moshell commands entered durin% the current session time!t $easure time ta2en &y an moshell command or &y each command in a moshell command file lmid!c#upid Print translation of loadmodule#up%radepac2a%e product num&er or HXE error codes p#A#pA#& Chan%e moshell prompt and#or AindoA title 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
proHo%%le display of pro-y identities in printout of %et command ul Ho%%le display of userla&el in st#lst and p%et#lp%et printout conf!&ld Ho%%le confirmation on .arious $O commands ip6d#d6ip Con.ert an IP address into the format used in the f+O (sJl data&ase or .ice3.ersa h6d#d6h Con.ert an inte%er to he-adecimal or .ice.ersa h6&6h Con.ert a &inary to he-adecimal or .ice.ersa Aait 1pecify a delay in hrs' mins' secs' or rops 1imilar to the uni- "sleep" command (scriptin% return E-it from a command file Aithout e-itin% from moshell (scriptin% print Print a line or .aria&le (scriptin% alias#unalias Print or define command aliases J#&y#e-it#Juit E-it moshell pmom!acd#lmom!c Print description of P$ counters (pmom or lo% attri&utes (lmom' C$) only pm-!hfdn isplay counter .alues' e-tracted from the statistics +OP files pmr!a%f Produce P$ /PI reports' &ased on counter .alues in statistics +OP files and formulas in CPI documentation emom isplay list of e.ents a.aila&le for each 2ind of e.ent3&ased scanner 33333333333333333333333333333333333 333333333333333333333333 33333333333 ELP C)PHE+1 3333333333333333333333333333333333 3333333333333333333333333333 333333 5 +e.ision istory 4 Introduction 6 Installation' and user settin%s Command synta-' re%ular e-pressions 9 Command descriptions D La,y W 1criptin% 8 Gtilities 7 $aintenance K Offline $ode and $ulti $ode Hype= 3 h to .ieA command description' e%= h p%et 3 h to .ieA commands Ahose description match a strin%' e%= h chan%e*prompt 3 h to .ieA a chapter' e%= h OFFLINE+NC44CU/> %et 5 5K56D344=97=54 OFFLINE+NC44modump,ip 84n +NCNOE$OELUD5 stopfile#tmp#658K 5 $ana%edElement4 $ana%edElementId 4 applicationConfi%uration t!5 faultHolerantCore1tates s!6 $ana%edElement4'EJuipment4' $ana%edElement4'EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot45'Plu%I 1u&rac2$1'1lot45'Plu%InGnit4QPassi.e+eady nGnit4QPassi.e+eady $ana%edElement4'EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot44'Plu%InGnit4Q)cti.e lo%icalName mimName +NCNOE$OELU productName productNum&er 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
product+e.ision productHype Node site userLa&el +NC44 Hotal= 4 $Os OFFLINE+NC44CU/> st dis 5K56D344=98=DW OFFLINE+NC44modump,ip 84n +NCNOE$OELUD5 stopfile#tmp#658K Pro-y )dm 1tate Op 1tate $O 89 5 (LOC/E 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6W'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHer 6W'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp4 minal4'Os4DD1piHtp4 8D 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6W'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHer 6W'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp4'c9 minal4'Os4DD1piHtp4'c9Htp4 Htp4 7 4 (GNLOC/E 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6'P EJu ipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6'Plu%InGnit4'1p&e.iceUroup lu%InGnit4'1p&e.iceUroup4 4 79 4 (GNLOC/E 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6'P EJu ipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6'Plu%InGnit4'1p&e.iceUroup lu%InGnit4'1p&e.iceUroup4'1p&e.ice1etCc 4'1p&e.ice1etCc 7D 4 (GNLOC/E 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6'Plu%InG EJuipment 4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6'Plu%InGnit4'1p&e.iceUroup4'1 nit4'1p&e.iceUroup4'1p&e.ice1etCc'Cce.ice6 p&e.ice1etCc'Cce.ice6 7W 4 (GNLOC/E 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6'P EJu ipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6'Plu%InGnit4'1p&e.iceUroup lu%InGnit4'1p&e.iceUroup4'1p&e.ice1etPdr 4'1p&e.ice1etPdr 78 4 (GNLOC/E 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6'Plu%InG EJuipment 4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6'Plu%InGnit4'1p&e.iceUroup4'1 nit4'1p&e.iceUroup4'1p&e.ice1etPdr'Pdre.ice4 p&e.ice1etPdr'Pdre.ice4 77 4 (GNLOC/E 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6'P EJu ipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6'Plu%InGnit4'1p&e.iceUroup lu%InGnit4'1p&e.iceUroup4'1p&e.ice1etc 4'1p&e.ice1etc 7K 4 (GNLOC/E 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6'Plu%InG EJuipment 4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6'Plu%InGnit4'1p&e.iceUroup4'1 nit4'1p&e.iceUroup4'1p&e.ice1etc'ce.iceD p&e.ice1etc'ce.iceD K5 4 (GNLOC/E 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6'Plu%InG EJuipment 4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6'Plu%InGnit4'1p&e.iceUroup4'1 nit4'1p&e.iceUroup4'1p&e.ice1etc'ce.ice9 p&e.ice1etc'ce.ice9 K4 4 (GNLOC/E 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6'Plu%InG EJuipment 4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6'Plu%InGnit4'1p&e.iceUroup4'1 nit4'1p&e.iceUroup4'1p&e.ice1etc' p&e.ice1etc' KW 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6'Plu%InGnit4'1pu4 6'Plu%InGnit4'1pu4 K8 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6'Plu%InGnit4'1pu4'1pmD 6'Plu%InGnit4'1pu4'1pmD 454 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6'Plu%InGnit4'1pu4'1pm9 6'Plu%InGnit4'1pu4'1pm9 45D 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6'Plu%InGnit4'1pu4'1pm 6'Plu%InGnit4'1pu4'1pm 45K 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6'Plu%InGnit4'1pu4'1pm6 6'Plu%InGnit4'1pu4'1pm6 44 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6'Plu%InGnit4'1pu4'1pm4 6'Plu%InGnit4'1pu4'1pm4 698 4 (GNLOC/E 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot47'Plu%InGnit4 47'Plu%InGnit4 697 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot47'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC 47'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC466746+D4$$54 466746+D4$$54 69K 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot47'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC 47'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC464464+D4U54 464464+D4U54 6D5 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot47'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC 47'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC46449+D4H/56 46449+D4H/56 6D4 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot47'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC 47'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC465896+D41\54 465896+D41\54 6D6 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot47'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC 47'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC464998+D4H/5D 464998+D4H/5D 6D 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot47'Plu%InGnit4'UeneralProc 47'Plu%InGnit4'UeneralProcessorGnit4 essorGnit4 6DD 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot47'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC 47'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC46K7D9+45CC59 46K7D9+45CC59 6DW 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot47'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC 47'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC46K7DD+45CC5 46K7DD+45CC5 6D8 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot47'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC 47'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC4644W+D41\54 4644W+D41\54 6D7 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot47'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC 47'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC46885D+D41\54 46885D+D41\54 6DK 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot47'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC 47'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC46K7D5+45CC5 46K7D5+45CC5 6W5 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot47'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC 47'Plu%InGnit4'Pro%ramCTC465878+D4H/56 465878+D4H/56 D64 5 (LOC/E 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Pl u%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp6 4'Os4DD1piHtp6 D66 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerm 8'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp6'c9H inal4'Os4DD1piHtp6'c9Htp4 tp4 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
D6 4 (GNLOC/E 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerm 8'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp4 inal4'Os4DD1piHtp4 D69 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerm 8'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp4'c9H inal4'Os4DD1piHtp4'c9Htp4 tp4 D9W 4 (GNLOC/E 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lotD'Plu%InGnit4'Himin%Gnit4 D'Plu%InGnit4'Himin%Gnit4'Hu1ync+ef4 'Hu1ync+ef4 DDW 4 (GNLOC/E 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot9'Plu%InGnit4'Himin%Gnit4 9'Plu%InGnit4'Himin%Gnit4'Hu1ync+ef4 'Hu1ync+ef4 4757 5 (I1)0LE HransportNetAor24')tmPort HransportNetAor24')tmPort$1383634 $1383634 4KW7 5 (I1)0LE HransportNetAor24')tmPort HransportNetAor24')tmPort$1383434 $1383434 6W7D 5 (I1)0LE HransportNetAor24')tmPort HransportNetAor24')tmPort$136W3434 $136W3434 D4 4 (GNLOC/E 5 (I1)0LE +ncFunction4'+nc$odule7'P +ncFunction4'+nc$odule7'Pac2etata+outerPdr9Utpu6 ac2etata+outerPdr9Utpu6 D49 4 (GNLOC/E 5 (I1)0LE +ncFunction4'+nc$odule7'P +ncFunction4'+nc$odule7'Pac2etata+outerPdr9Utpu4 ac2etata+outerPdr9Utpu4 Hotal= 94 $Os )dded 94 $Os to %roup= st%roup OFFLINE+NC44CU/> &l utrancelliu&34534 5K56D344=98=5 OFFLINE+NC44modump,ip 84n +NCNOE$OELUD5 stopfile#tmp#658K Id $O administrati.e1tate +esult W8DW GtranCellIu&34534 5 >>> 1et Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os set OFFLINE+NC44CU/> cr rncfunction4'iu&lin2Iu&396 5K56D344=98=64 OFFLINE+NC44modump,ip 84n +NCNOE$OELUD5 stopfile#tmp#658K )ttri&ute 4 of 6' r&sId (lon%= 96 )ttri&ute 6 of 6' preferred1u&rac2+ef (mo+ef=1u&rac2= Enter mo LN= su&rac2ms >>>
!Pro-y I 7699 $O name =$ana%edElement4'+ncFunctio =$ana%edElement4'+ncFunction4'Iu&Lin2Iu&396 n4'Iu&Lin2Iu&396
OFFLINE+NC44CU/> %et 7699 5K56D344=98=4 OFFLINE+NC44modump,ip 84n +NCNOE$OELUD5 stopfile#tmp#658K 7699 +ncFunction4'Iu&Lin2Iu&396 Iu&Lin2Id Iu&396 a.aila&ility1tatus 5 (NO1H)HG1 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
&e$ar%inlA 5 &e$ar%inGlA 5 dlA)dm 455 operational1tate 4 (EN)0LE preferred1u&rac2+ef 1u&rac2$1 r&sId 96 reser.ed0y !5 rnc$odule+ef ulA)dm 455 userLa&el Hotal= 4 $Os
3 LO5 LO5 COMM COMMAN ANDS DS The CPP logs are stored in files in the folders )c)logfiles ' )c)systemfiles and )c)pmd. +NC44> ftreef #c#lo%files 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3
4KKKKK5 4KKKK K5 6KKKKK6 9KK894 678KD 6W5D7 456955 4K677K 4K67 7K 6KKKK47 6KKKK 47 4D855 4D855 4598W6 4598996 WW78D
7 K 9 4D 65 K K K 8 8 64 8 K
Sul Sul Sul Sun Sun Sul Sul Sul Sul Sul Oct )pr Sul
655K 655K 655K 655K 655K 655K 655K 655K 655K 655K 6558 655K 655K
46=4=D4 5W==95 46=49=8 4K=95=D9 58=5D=4 5W=9=69 5W=9=66 5W=9=65 57=9K=D7 57=9K=D7 5W=D5=DK 4D=54=58 5W==K
#c#lo%files #a.aila&ility#CELLO))IL)0ILIH]6LOU-ml #c#lo%files#a.aila&ility#CELLO))IL )0ILIH]6LOU-ml #c#lo%files#alarme.ent#)L)+$LO #c#l o%files#alarme.ent#)L)+$LOU-ml U-ml #c#lo%files#alarme.ent#EENHLO U-ml #c#lo%files#alarme.ent#EENHLOU-ml #c#lo%files#hAin.entory#CELLO RINENHO+]LOU-ml&a2 #c#lo%files#hAin.entory#CELLORINENHO+]LOU-ml&a2 #c#lo%files#hAin.entory#CELLO RINENHO+]LOU-ml #c#lo%files#hAin.entory#CELLORINENHO+]LOU-ml #c#lo%files#security#CELLO1ECG+ IH]EENHLOU-ml #c#lo%files#security#CELLO1ECG+IH]EENHLOU-ml #c#lo%files #audittrail#1ELL)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml #c#lo%files#audittrail#1ELL)GIHH +)ILLOU-ml #c#lo%files #audittrail#CO+0))GIHH+)ILLOU-ml #c#lo%files#audittrail#CO+0))GIHH +)ILLOU-ml #c#lo%files#aud ittrail#TK44595WD8CO+0))GIHH+)ILLOU655K5858H57 #c#lo%files#audittrail#TK44595WD8CO+0) )GIHH+)ILLOU655K5858H579KDKpush 9KDKpush #c#lo%files#aud ittrail#TK44595WD81ELL)GIHH+)ILLOU655K5858H57 #c#lo%files#audittrail#TK44595WD81ELL )GIHH+)ILLOU655K5858H579KDKpush 9KDKpush #c#lo%files#systemlo%#55555syslo% #c#lo%files#systemlo%#55555sy slo% #c#lo%files#systemlo%#55554syslo #c#l o%files#systemlo%#55554syslo% % #c#lo%files#systemlo%#55556sy slo% #c#lo%files#systemlo%#55556syslo%
+NC44> ftreef #c#systemfiles 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3
447W87W 6DD8
8 Sul 655K 5D=DW=67 4D Sun 655K 65=9=8
#c#systemfiles#cello#cma#su#trac #c#s ystemfiles#cello#cma#su#trace#Hracelo% e#Hracelo% #c#systemfiles#cello#cma#su#prop#Hrace54prop #c#systemfiles#cello#cma#su#p rop#Hrace54prop 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
+NC44> ftreef #c#pmd 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3
W59KW W9867 7775 99946 96965 9K959 9W867 K6 D59 966W7
47 65 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
1ep 1ep Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct
6558 6558 6558 6558 6558 6558 6558 6558 6558 6558
46=66=69 4K=D4=7 59=59=5W 59=59=57 59=59=5K 59=9=4 59=9=49 59=9=4D 59=9=4W 65=55=9
#c#pmd#4#554W55#5-4Daa69fpmd #c#pmd#4#554W55#5-4Daa69fpm d #c#pmd#6#554W55#5-4Daa6D8pm d #c#pmd#6#554W55#5-4Daa6D8pmd #c#pmd##554W55#5-4Daa68&pmd #c#pmd##554W55#5-4Daa68&pm d #c#pmd#9#554W55#5-4Daa68epmd #c#pmd#9#554W55#5-4Daa68epm d #c#pmd#D#554W55#5-4Daa674pmd #c#pmd#D#554W55#5-4Daa674pm d #c#pmd#W#554W55#5-4Daa6&5pmd #c#pmd#W#554W55#5-4Daa6&5pm d #c#pmd#8#554W55#5-4Daa6&pmd #c#pmd#8#554W55#5-4Daa6&pm d #c#pmd#7#554W55#5-4Daa6&Wpmd #c#pmd#7#554W55#5-4Daa6&Wpm d #c#pmd#K#554W55#5-4Daa6&8pmd #c#pmd#K#554W55#5-4Daa6&8pm d #c#pmd#45#554W55#5-4Daa6&fpmd #c#pmd#45#554W55#5-4Daa6&fp md
7D579 WDDW 49659 4697W9 79WW7 7964W
K D 4 4 4 4
$ay Sun Sul Sul Sul Sul
655K 655K 655K 655K 655K 655K
57=9=96 5K=D5=5D 46=97=5K 4=DD=59 4=DD=55 4=DD=5
#c#pmd#44W#554555#5-6d&Wfaa5 pmd #c#pmd#44W#554555#5-6d&Wfaa5pmd #c#pmd#44K#554K47#5-55555556pmd #c#pmd#44K#554K47#5-55555556 pmd #c#pmd#465#554455#5-9f&Dac&e pmd #c#pmd#465#554455#5-9f&Dac&epmd #c#pmd#46#554555#5-6d&Wf&9d pmd #c#pmd#46#554555#5-6d&Wf&9dpmd #c#pmd#464#555455#5-ff5554&4pmd #c#pmd#464#555455#5-ff5554&4 pmd #c#pmd#466#555555#5-fd&e74Kepmd #c#pmd#466#555555#5-fd&e74Ke pmd
The /lg0 command can be used to fetch and process these logs. OFFLINE> h l% ******************************************************* l%!acdef%hilmnopJrstu.A-y, !3l !3m !3p !3s !3e !3% <&oard%roup> !3n !@ ******************************************************* Fetchin% and processin% of node lo%s )ll options can &e com&ined to%ether' e-cept options "d"'"A"'"-"'"f" Ahich can only &e com&ined Aith the options "r" and "c" Lo% Options= ************ 3 a= )larm lo% ()L)+$LOU-ml istory of alarms raisin% and ceasin% 3 -= )cti.e alarms ()L)+$LOU-ml 1napshot of alarms acti.e on a specific date#time %i.en in 3m#3s option 3 e= E.ent lo% (EENHLOU-ml istory of $O e.ents 3 .= ).aila&ility lo% (CELLO))IL)0ILIH]6LOU-ml istory of node#&oard#pro%ram restarts 3 s= 1ystem lo% (#c#lo%files#systemlo% istory of node#&oard#pro%ram restarts 3 p= Post $ortem umps (#c#pmd istory of &oard#pro%ram crashes P$ files are sa.ed permanently in moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#pmdfiles##pmd 3 u= Gp%rade lo% (Hracelo% and Hracelo%old istory of system up%rades 3 d= oAntime lo% istory of node outa%es 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
3 o= $O command lo% (CO+0))GIHH+)ILLOU-ml istory of $O Arite commands (set#action#create#delete 3 J= $O command lo% in "trun" format (CO+0))GIHH+)ILLOU-ml Gseful for reco.erin% confi%uration data Ahich Aas not sa.ed to C &efore node restart 3 l= COLI command lo% (1ELL)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml istory of COLI commands 3 n= $oshell command lo% Ho specify different or all nodes' use the "3n " option If "3m" or "3s" option are not specified' the default is to shoA command history of the last 5 days 3 y= 1ecurityE.ent lo% (CELLO1ECG+IH]EENHLOU-ml istory of OX$ connection setups 3 A= )cti.e OX$ connections (CELLO1ECG+IH]EENHLOU-ml 1napshot of OX$ connections on a specific date#time %i.en in 3m#3s option 3 ,= Ip1ec lo% (CELLOIPH+)NLOU-ml 3 t= HXE lo% (lh all te lo% read to specify a different &oard%roup than "all"' use the "3%" option Hrace and Error Lo% 3 %= 0oard +estart error lo% (lh allp llo% 3l Q lh ru llo% 3l 3n D 3 h= R In.entory lo% (CELLORINENHO+]LOU-ml Hhis file must first &e %enerated Aith the command "hili m2" Format Options= ************** 3 m= mer%e the different lo%s to%ether (e%= l%ae.m Aill mer%e alarm#e.ent#a.aila&ility lo%s 3 i= in.erse chronolo%ical order 3 r= refetch the lo%s from the node Lo%s are only fetched once and 2ept in cache Hhis option is used to refresh the session cache 3 c= print the output in cs. format (semicolon separation 3 f= fetch the lo%s only and store them in a directory on the Aor2station Hime filterin%= *************** 3 Hhe "3s" and "3e" options are used for specifyin% an a&solute timespan= 3s the startin% date and 3e the endin% date Hhe format is yyyymmdd!hhmm' for instance 6558465' or 65584655755 3 Hhe "3m" and "3p" options are used for specifyin% a timespan relati.e to todayMs date= 3m hoA lon% time &ac2Aard and 3p hoA lon% time forAard Hhe format is in days' hours' or minutes' e% 45d (45 days' 6h (6 hours' 5m (5 minutes Note= the sAitch "3s"#"3m" can sometimes &e omitted E% "l%o 49" can &e used instead of "l%o 3m 49"' and "l%o 655758544655" can &e used instead of "l%o 3s 655758544655" Hhis Aor2s only Ahen the options 3e#3p are not used Offline usa%e= ************** Hhe "3l" option alloAs to process the lo%files in offline mode' Ahen not connected to the node Hhe ar%ument of the "3l" option specifies the location Ahere the lo%file(s are locally stored on the Aor2station It can &e= 3 a sin%le lo%file 3 a directory containin% se.eral lo%files 3 a ,ipped archi.e containin% one or more lo%files 0y runnin% the command "l%f" Ahile connected to the node' it is possi&le to doAnload all the lo%files to a local directory for later offline processin% Hhe local directory can &e specified as ar%ument If not specified' a default location is chosen (`#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#l%#nodeaddress#datetime Hhe local directory is then automatically compressed and sa.ed in a ,ipped archi.e Notes= 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
****** 3 Hhe output of the l% command can &e filtered &y pipin% to a uni- command such as "%rep"' "sort"' "less"' etc 3 In "l%a"' the )larm se.erity field is shortened to one character= CCritical' $$aVor' mminor' AAarnin%'*cleared 3 In "l%d"' the doAntime .alues correspond to the folloAin% sta%es= * CPP doAntime is the time elapsed &etAeen the roA "C+IH Node doAn" and the roA "Node operational" in syslo% or the roA "NOE IN Operational" in a.lo% ( roA comes first * )pplication doAntime is the time elapsed &etAeen the roA "C+IH Node doAn" in syslo% and the roA "+NC Node +estart Completed" (+NC ' "Cell * ena&led" (R+01 ' "$URs Gnloc2ed#First $UA Ena&led" ($UR' or "IN Operational CELL" (E+01 in a.lo% * S.m doAntime is the time elapsed &etAeen the roA "C+IH Node doAn" in syslo% and the roA "S$ Load $odule is noA operational" in a.lo% or the roA "Hhe Confi%uration is up and runnin%" in up%radelo% * Hhe node doAntime fi%ures in the summary ta&le at the end of the printout represent the hi%hest .alue &etAeen CPP doAntime and )pplication doAntime Hhe partial doAntime fi%ures are Aei%hted a%ainst percenta%e of a.aila&ility (Ahen applica&le E-amples= ********* >> l%a 3s 655D585D 3e 655D5845 33> shoA alarm lo% entries &etAeen the dates 655D585D and 65585845 >> l%aemc @ %rep 3i atmport 33> shoA all entries from the alarm#e.ent lo%s matchin% the Aord "atmport" (case insensiti.e' display in C1 format (semicolon separated' pipe to %rep >> l%- 3m 49 33> shoA alarms that Aere acti.e 49 days a%o >> l%-c 3s 6557585945 33> shoA alarms that Aere acti.e on the 6557358359 at 4=5 and print output in C1 format >> 3s 655D585D4555 33> shoA all entries from system lo% and a.aila&ility lo% since the 6558585D at 45=55' mer%ed in chronolo%ical order >> l%ar 3m 45d 3p 5m 33> refetch the alarm lo% and shoA all its entries startin% from 45 days a%o and until 5 minutes from then >> l%f 33> fetch all lo%s from the node and put them in the default location `#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#l%#nodeaddress#datetime#nodelo%files,ip >> l%f #home#user#lo%s#rnc45 33> fetch all lo%s from the node and put them in the ,ipped file #home#user#lo%s#rnc45#lo%files,ip >> l%aemic 3m 45h 3l `#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#l%#rnc45#65584466496D 33> parse the last 45 hours of the alarm and e.ent lo%s stored in the folder `#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#l%#rnc45#65584466496D' mer%e them and display them in C1 format and re.erse chronolo%ical order >> l%d 3m 5d 33> shoA all node restarts and system doAntime from the past 5 days >> l%t 3% mp 33> shoA the HXE lo%s of the &oards of the &oard %roup "mp"' sorted in chronolo%ical order >> l%taom 3m 46h 33> shoA the HXE lo%s of all &oards mer%ed Aith the alarm lo% and audit trail' for the past 46 hours >> l%n 3m D 3n 48D7 33> shoA the moshell command lo% for the past D days for all nodes Ahose address matches 48D7
3.1 Ala! an) E@"nt E@"nt -ito!* -ito!* 2larm log B Possible alarm severities: - C G Critical 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
M G Ma-or m G minor w G warning K G cleared
+NC44> l%a 1tartdate655K5K5D644K' Enddate655K5K4W644K9 Uet #c#lo%files#alarme.ent#)L)+$LOU-ml #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#tempfiles#655K5K4D3 64D9698W8#alarmLo%69755-ml O/ Himestamp (GHC 1 Pro&lem Cause $O3reference 655K35K34D 47=55=98 )L $ FachInternal+esourceGna.aila&le la&le una.aila&le GtranCellIu&34536'Fach4454 655K35K34D 47=55=98 )L $ +achInternal+esourceGna.aila&le la&le una.aila&le GtranCellIu&34536'+ach4454 655K35K34D 47=55=98 )L $ PchInternal+esourceGna.ail PchInternal+esourceGna.aila&le a&le una.aila&le GtranCellIu&34536'Pch4454 655K35K34D 4K=5W=54 )L $ HG 1ynch +eference Loss of 1i%nal lossofsi%nal 1u&rac2$1'1lotD'Plu%InGnit4'Himin%Gnit4'Hu1ync+ef4 655K35K34D 4K=58=9 )L * HG 1ynch +eference Loss of 1i%nal lossofsi%nal 1u&rac2$1'1lotD'Plu%InGnit4'Himin%Gnit4'Hu1ync+ef4 655K35K34D 4K=6W=5 )L m PassAord File Fault confi%urationorcustomi,in%error confi%urationorcustomi,i n%error 1ecurity4 +NC44> l%ac 5K5K4D36=4K=9K 48D74K9498 84u +NCNOE$OELS9DCO$PLEHE stopfile#tmp#69755 1tartdate655K5K5D644KD' Enddate655K5K4W644KD ateQHimeQLo%Q1e.erityQO&VectQE.entQCauseQ)dditionalHe-tQ)c21tateQId 655K35K34DQ47=55=98Q)LQ$aVorQ$ana%edElement4'+ncFunction4'GtranCellIu&3453 6'Fach4454QFachInternal+esourceGna.aila&leQuna.aila&leQ) +adio NR Impact internalCause=QGnac2noAled%edQ678 655K35K34DQ47=55=98Q)LQ$aVorQ$ana%edElement4'+ncFunction4'GtranCellIu&3453 6'+ach4454Q+achInternal+esourceGna.aila&leQuna.aila&leQ) +adio NR Impact internalCause=QGnac2noAled%edQ677 655K35K34DQ47=55=98Q)LQ$aVorQ$ana%edElement4'+ncFunction4'GtranCellIu&3453 6'Pch4454QPchInternal+esourceGna.aila&leQuna.aila&leQ) +adio NR Impact internalCause=QGnac2noAled%edQ67K 655K35K34DQ4K=5W=54Q)LQ$aVorQ$ana%edElement4'EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lotD'Plu%InGnit4'Himin%Gnit4'Hu1ync+ef4QHG 1ynch +eference Loss of 1i%nalQlossofsi%nalQQGnac2noAled%edQ54 655K35K34DQ4K=58=9Q)LQClearedQ$ana%edElement4'EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lotD'Plu%InGnit4'Himin%Gnit4'Hu1ync+ef4QHG 1ynch +eference Loss of 1i%nalQlossofsi%nalQQGnac2noAled%edQ54 655K35K34DQ4K=6W=5Q)LQ$inorQ$ana%edElement4'1ystemFunctions4'1ecurity4QPassAord File FaultQconfi%urationorcustomi,in%errorQQGnac2noAled%edQ5
9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
+NC44> l%- 3m 8 5745634D=47=4W 48D74K9498 84d stopfile#tmp#68 1tartdate4KWW4544D465' Enddate6557454W4474K Parsin% alarmLo%one Parsin% sysLo%one Nr of acti.e alarms on 655734534W at 4=47=4K= D ate X Hime (GHC 1 1pecific Pro&lem Cause $o3+eference 655734534D 5D=95=4W $ HG 1ynch +eference Loss of 1i%nal lossofsi%nal 1u&rac2$1'1lot9'Plu%InGnit4'Himin%Gnit4'Hu1ync+e 1u&rac2$1'1lot9'Plu% InGnit4'Himin%Gnit4'Hu1ync+ef4 f4 655734534D 5D=95=4W $ HG 1ynch +eference Loss of 1i%nal lossofsi%nal 1u&rac2$1'1lotD'Plu%InGnit4'Himin%Gnit4'Hu1ync+e 1u&rac2$1'1lotD'Plu% InGnit4'Himin%Gnit4'Hu1ync+ef4 f4 655734534D 5D=95=4W 5D=95=4W m Loss of 1ynch +eference +eference +edundancy +edundancy replacea&leunitpro&lem 1ynchroni,ation4 655734534D 5D=95=65 $ Loss of 1i%nal lossofsi%nal 1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os 1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu% InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp4 4DD1piHtp4 655734534D 5D=99=5W $ Plu%3In Gnit Ueneral Pro&lem processorpro&lemm455 1u&rac2$1'1lot47'Plu%InGnit4 1u&rac2$1'1lot47'Plu %InGnit4 >>> Hotal= D )larms (5 Critical' 9 $aVor
+NC44> l%- 3m W5h 5745634D=4K=5 48D74K9498 84d stopfile#tmp#68 1tartdate4KWW4544D465' Enddate65574564544K Parsin% alarmLo%one Parsin% sysLo%one Nr of acti.e alarms on 6557345364 at 54=4K== 8 ate X Hime (GHC 1 1pecific Pro&lem Cause $o3+eference 6557345365 57=9=47 $ HG 1ynch +eference Loss of 1i%nal lossofsi%nal 1u&rac2$1'1lot9'Plu%InGnit4'Himin%Gnit4'Hu1ync+e 1u&rac2$1'1lot9'Plu% InGnit4'Himin%Gnit4'Hu1ync+ef4 f4 6557345365 57=9=47 $ HG 1ynch +eference Loss of 1i%nal lossofsi%nal 1u&rac2$1'1lotD'Plu%InGnit4'Himin%Gnit4'Hu1ync+e 1u&rac2$1'1lotD'Plu% InGnit4'Himin%Gnit4'Hu1ync+ef4 f4 6557345365 57=9=47 57=9=47 m Loss of 1ynch +eference +eference +edundancy +edundancy replacea&leunitpro&lem 1ynchroni,ation4 6557345365 57=9=65 $ Loss of 1i%nal lossofsi%nal 1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os 1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu% InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp4 4DD1piHtp4 6557345365 57=7=57 $ Plu%3In Gnit Ueneral Pro&lem processorpro&lemm455 1u&rac2$1'1lot47'Plu%InGnit4 1u&rac2$1'1lot47'Plu %InGnit4 6557345365 66=5K=44 $ Loss of 1i%nal lossofsi%nal 1u&rac2$1'1lot6W'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'O 1u&rac2$1'1lot6W'Plu %InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp4 s4DD1piHtp4 6557345365 66=5K=46 $ Loss of 1i%nal lossofsi%nal 1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os 1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu% InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp6 4DD1piHtp6 >>> Hotal= 8 )larms (5 Critical' W $aVor
+NC9K> l%- 3s 655K58495655 Nr of acti.e alarms on 655K358349 at 56=55=55= 4 ate X Hime (GHC 1 1pecific Pro&lem Cause $o3+eference 655K35W347 45=8=55 $ Loss of 1i%nal lossofsi%nal 1u&rac2$1'1lot68'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp4 >>> Hotal= 4 )larms (5 Critical' 4 $aVor 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
+NC44> l%5745634D=48=47 48D74K9498 84d stopfile#tmp#68 Hryin% passAord from ipdata&ase file= #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#ipdata&ase 1tartdate4KWW4544D465' Enddate655745694486D Uet #c#lo%files#alarme.ent#)L)+$LOU-ml #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#tempfiles#65574563 4D48486W77#alarmLo%68-ml O/ Uet #c#lo%files#systemlo%#55555syslo% #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#tempfiles#65574563 4D48486W77#sysLo%68tmp O/ Uet #c#lo%files#systemlo%#55554syslo% #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#tempfiles#65574563 4D48486W77#sysLo%68tmp O/ Parsin% alarmLo%one Parsin% sysLo%one Nr of acti.e alarms on 6557345369 at 4=48=6D= D ate X Hime (GHC 1 1pecific Pro&lem Cause $o3+eference 6557345366 58=9K=56 $ HG 1ynch +eference Loss of 1i%nal lossofsi%nal 1u&rac2$1'1lot9'Plu%InGnit4'Himin%Gnit4'Hu1ync+e 1u&rac2$1'1lot9'Plu% InGnit4'Himin%Gnit4'Hu1ync+ef4 f4 6557345366 58=9K=56 58=9K=56 m Loss of 1ynch +eference +eference +edundancy +edundancy replacea&leunitpro&lem 1ynchroni,ation4 6557345366 58=9K=59 $ Loss of 1i%nal lossofsi%nal 1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os 1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu% InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp4 4DD1piHtp4 6557345366 58=D6=9K $ Plu%3In Gnit Ueneral Pro&lem processorpro&lemm455 1u&rac2$1'1lot47'Plu%InGnit4 1u&rac2$1'1lot47'Plu %InGnit4 6557345366 4=96=4 $ HG 1ynch +eference Loss of 1i%nal lossofsi%nal 1u&rac2$1'1lotD'Plu%InGnit4'Himin%Gnit4'Hu1ync+e 1u&rac2$1'1lotD'Plu% InGnit4'Himin%Gnit4'Hu1ync+ef4 f4 >>> Hotal= D )larms (5 Critical' 9 $aVor
vent log +NC44> l%e Uet #c#lo%files#alarme.ent#EENHLOU-ml #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#tempfiles#tmp67D7D655W5D473 48944K#e.entLo%67D7D-ml O/ Himestamp (GHC $O3reference E.ent 655W35W358 5K=44=W E +ncFunction4 +ncFunctionNode+estartCompleted +ncFunctionNode+estartComp leted 655W35W358 45=5W=69 E 1ynchroni,ation4 Nss1ynchroni,ation1ystemCloc21tatusChan%ed Nss1ynchroni,ation1ystemCl oc21tatusChan%ed 655W35W358 4W=54=4K E +ncFunction4 +ncFunctionNode+estartCompleted +ncFunctionNode+estartComp leted 655835634D 58=9=5D E Licensin%4 Licensin%Fin%erPrint$ismatch Licensin%Fin%erPrint$ismat ch Faulty fin%erprint in the license 2ey file 655835634D 58=9=5W E Licensin%4 Licensin%$ultipleLicenses CTC9545584#55K has multiple ( licenses 65583536K 45=W=54 E 1u&rac2$1'1lot4 1lotNeA PIG detected' matches the defined confi%uration 6558345344 5K=98=5D E 1ecurity4 oAnload of Hrusted Certificates failed File )ccess Failure(GserId= ftp +emoteost= 48D74K9489 Fault= Gser authorisation failed Info= 6558345344 5K=98=5D E 1ecurity4 oAnload of Hrusted Certificates failed File )ccess Failure 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
6558345344 5K=DW=98 E 6558345344 45=55=69 E 655834634 49=DK=D9 E
1ecurity4 1ecurity4 Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+K)$59 Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+K) $59
oAnload of Hrusted Certificates completed oAnload of Local )) ata&ase completed Gp%radePac2a%e Gp%rade e-ecuted
3.0 R"ta!t R"ta!t an) u%'!a)" u%'!a)" -ito!* -ito!* System log !more info in CPP core document% +NC44> l%s Uet #c#lo%files#systemlo%#55555syslo% #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#tempfiles#tmp67D7D655W5D473 48944K#sysLo%67D7Dtmp O/ Himestamp (GHC 1e. escription 655W35W358 57=4=5W INFO Pro%ram restart order recei.ed for CTC465879+D5C5D (V.mppc8D5 655W35W358 57=96=D4 INFO Pro%ram restart order recei.ed for CTC465879+D5C5D (V.mppc8D5 655W35W358 5K=57=44 INFO Node restart order recei.ed +estart ran2 COLRIHHE1H 655W35W358 5K=57=44 C+IH Node doAn 655W35W358 5K=57=4K INFO *** Clse.lo%dproc restart *** 655W35W358 5K=57=W INFO Node startin% 655W35W358 5K=57=D9 INFO )cti.e CI$ ready 655W35W358 5K=5K=5 INFO Confi%uration ersion +ncfinal 655W35W358 5K=5K=W INFO Node operational
2vailability log !more info in /CPP core0 document% +NC44> l%. Uet #c#lo%files#a.aila&ility#CELLO))IL)0ILIH]6LOU-ml #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#tempfiles#tmp67D7D655W5D473 48944K#a.aila&ilityLo%67D7D-ml O/ Himestamp (GHC Hype 1er. +eason Piu Positn 0oard#Pro% )dditionalInfo 655W35W35W 58=5D=97 OH+ PeriodicLo%%in% C+ncfinal GPCTPK546549+9S58 655W35W358 58=5D=97 OH+ PeriodicLo%%in% C+ncfinal GPCTPK546549+9S58 655W35W358 5K=57=44 NOE OGH 1hutdoAnCommand +an2ColdRHest E-t+estart+eJuest 655W35W358 5K=57=44 NOE OGH GnOperational +an2ColdRHest 655W35W358 5K=5K=5W NOE CppCoreNode+estart 655W35W358 5K=5K=9 OH+ CTC46K7D4 +9S56 is noA operational' C)G1ENOE1H)+H' +puId4 (+ncLmCenh 655W35W358 5K=5K=5 NOE IN 1tartin%
,oard and program crashes from pmd files 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
+NC44> l%p #home#ean,ma%n#moshell#,pmlinu#home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#pmdfiles#48D74K9498#pmd#65585K47466669cpmd4554W555-4Daa69fpmd #home#ean,ma%n#moshell#,pmlinu#home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#pmdfiles#48D74K9498#pmd#655K58544DD59cpmd465545555-6d&Wf&9dpmd Himestamp (GHC 0oard +estart 655835K347 46=65=59 P$ 554W UP0$odule Pro%ram restart Proc)nsaal6ncc6proc 0loc2CTC46694K^46+D4LS5 0loc2CTC46694K^46+D4LS56 6 ()al6isNcc46 Err5-555544 (2ernel O1EEGNETPECHEETCEPHION+EUG$P P$65585K47466669cpmd4554W555-4Daa69fpmd 655835K365 4K=D4=4W P$ 554W UP0$odule Pro%ram restart Proc)nsaal6ncc6proc 0loc2CTC46694K^46+D4LS5 0loc2CTC46694K^46+D4LS56 6 ()al6isNcc46 Err5-555544 (2ernel O1EEGNETPECHEETCEPHION+EUG$P P$65585K654KD47cpmd6554W555-4Daa6D8pmd 6558345356 59=54=9 P$ 554W UP0$odule 0oard restart ran2Cold ProcaalDediprihp5496 0loc2CTC465KK8+D4/F5 (GsaalHerm Err5-5855544 (2ernel O1EEGNETPECHEETCEPHION+EUG$P P$6558455659595Wcpmd554W555-4Daa68&pmd 6558345356 59=54=DK P$ 554W UP0$odule 0oard restart ran2ColdAithtest Procoseasf 0loc2$ain Err5-755544 (2ernel O1EEGNETPECHEETCEPHION+EUG$P P$65584556595957cpmd9554W555-4Daa68epmd 6558345356 59=5= P$ 554W UP0$odule 0oard restart ran2Cold ProcCs&oard$ana%erproc 0loc2$ain Err5-755544 (2ernel 655K35356 5D=4=D P$ 5545 UP0Central Pro%ram restart Proclist)al6Cps+c (heapc=4975 0loc2CTC466947^46+D4H/54 ()al6Cps+c46 Err5-5576545D (oseapi O1EE)PEE)PET)G1HE P$655K5565D496cpmd445545555-6d&Wfa89pmd 655K35356 5D=4=D9 P$ 5545 UP0Central 0oard restart ran2Rarm Proclist)al6Cps+c (heapc=4975 0loc2CTC466947^46+D4H/54 ()al6Cps+c46 Err5-5576545D (oseapi O1EE)PEE)PET)G1HE P$655K5565D496Dcpmd4495545555-6d&Wfa8Wpmd 655K35356 58=67=99 P$ 55661P6 **C 1P$ restart ProcedicatedCh$ainPH 0loc2CTC46K7W^+45CC5 (+ncLmc Err5-EK07F5EF P$655K55658679Kcpmd44D5566475-55555556pmd 655K35D35K 57=9=W P$ 5545 UP0Central Pro%ram restart Proctm (heapc=4975 0loc2CTC46W5D9+D41\54 (tar%etmonit Err5-5576545D (oseapi O1EE)PEE)PET)G1HE P$655K5D5K57996cpmd44W5545555-6d&Wfaa5pmd 655K35W35D 5K=D5=54 P$ 554K1P6 **C 1P$ restart ProcedicatedCh$odelPH 0loc2CTC46K7W^+45CC5 (+ncLmc Err5-EK07F5EF P$655K5W5D5KD55Dcpmd44K554K475-55555556pmd 655K358354 46=9D=D5 P$ 5544 UP0Central 0oard restart ran2Rarm ProcOsacore$ana%erproc (osacmmainc=6KW 0loc2CTC46587D+840C45 ( Err5-F5F5F5F (eriapi P$655K585446975Kcpmd4655544555-9f&Dac&epmd Lost contact Aith acti.e C$ Aith supa5-a5555' passi.e not ready for 655K358354 4=D9=58 P$ 5554 1C0 0oard restart ran2Rarm ProcCs&oard$ana%erproc 0loc2CTC486D45+840C57 (0c$p0p Err5-05)5559 (eriapi P$655K58544DD55cpmd4645554555-ff5554&4pmd 0oard mana%er restart Load phase reVected= phase7' lmidCTC464464+W5ES54' cause5-ffff5454' Hhe ELF header of the load module is corrupt 655K358354 4=D9=5K P$ 5555 1C0 0oard restart ran2Rarm ProcCs&oard$ana%erproc 0loc2CTC486D45+840C57 (0c$p0p Err5-05)5559 (eriapi P$655K58544DD5cpmd4665555555-fd&e74Kepmd 0oard mana%er restart Load phase reVected= phase7' lmidCTC464464+W5ES54' cause5-ffff5454' Hhe ELF header of the load module is corrupt 655K358354 4=D6=95 P$ 5545 UP0Central 0oard restart ran2Rarm ProcOsacore$ana%erproc (osacmmainc=6KW 0loc2CTC46587D+840C45 ( Err5-F5F5F5F (eriapi P$655K58544DD59cpmd465545555-6d&Wf&9dpmd Lost contact Aith acti.e C$ Aith supa5-&5555' passi.e not ready for 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
1sually we combine the three logs !system'availability'pmd%: +NC45> l%.spm Uet #c#lo%files#cello#CELLO))IL)0ILIH]6LOU-ml #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#tempfiles#655W58463 4WD498K9#a.aila&ilityLo%K9-ml O/ Uet #c#lo%files#systemlo%#55555syslo% #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#tempfiles#655W584634WD498K9#sysLo%K9tmp O/ Lo%%in% to file= #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#tempfiles#655W584634WD498K9#mer%eLo%K9 Parsin% a.aila&ilityLo%one Parsin% sysLo%one Lo% close= #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#tempfiles#655W584634WD498K9#mer%eLo%K9 Himestamp (GHC Hype $er%ed Lo% Entry ''rog>ill: 2""-=2-"D =2:!:" (M O) nOperational M ""=!"" /F/=G26"6H6I= rogram0ailure 5nc*me7 2""-=2-"D =2:!:" 1%0O rogram /F/=G26"6H6I= on 1 "4=! &ailed 5nc*me7 2""-=2-"D =2:!:= (M 1% Starting M ""=!"" /F/=G26"6H6I= 5nc*me7 2""-=2-"D =2:!:= 1%0O rogram /F/=G26"6H6I= on 1 "4=! started 5nc*me7 ''program restart action 2""-=2-"D =2:!D:6 (M O) Shutdown/ommand M ""=6"" /F/=2GD2HG=)" Manualestart 5iphostHgpbHl7 2""-=2-"D =2:!D:6 (M 1% Starting M ""=6"" /F/=2GD2HG=)" 5iphostHgpbHl7 2""-=2-"D =2:!D:6 1%0O rogram /F/=2GD2HG=)" on 1 "4=6 manual restart ordered 5iphostHgpbHl7 2""-=2-"D =2:!D:6 1%0O rogram /F/=2GD2HG=)" on 1 "4=6 started 5iphostHgpbHl7 655D346366 57=6D=46 INFO *** Clse.lo%dproc restart *** 655D346366 57=6D=4W INFO Node startin% 655D346366 57=6D=4K INFO )cti.e CI$ ready 655D346366 57=6D=65 INFO Confi%uration ersion emptyc. 655D346366 57=68=98 INFO Node restart order recei.ed +estart ran2 R)+$ 655D346366 57=68=98 C+IH Node doAn 655D346366 57=67=4W INFO *** Clse.lo%dproc restart *** 655D346366 57=67=64 INFO Node startin% 655D346366 57=67=6K INFO )cti.e CI$ ready ''program crash 2""-=2-22 ":2:= 1%0O /rash on ""=="" O/ESSOH3S1/H"x0"0"0"0 pmd1d"x!&babcb4pmd, "-=2-22, ":"6:=6 2""-=2-22 ":2:= M. ""== (3H/entral 3oard restart ran>Carm rocOsaHs8smgrHproc 5s8smgr4c:2=7 3loc>/F/=2"G2H=)("= 5E;mes7 Err"x0"0"0"0 5eriHapi7 M.2""==2GH2=""HcHpmdH=="H""==""H"x!&babcb4pmd4 estart ordered b8 s8stem manager, node upgrade error, timeout 655D346366 57=67=4 INFO Confi%uration ersion 1HEPD 655D346366 57=9=W INFO Node restart order recei.ed +estart ran2 R)+$ 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
655D346366 57=9=W 655D346366 57=9=9W 655D346366 57=9=D 655D346366 57=9=D9 655D346366 57=9=DD 655D346366 57=96=58 655D346366 57=96=58 655D346366 57=96=48 655D346366 57=96=6W 655D346366 57=96=68 655D346366 57=96=67 655D346366 5K=56=68 655D346366 5K=56=68 655D346366 45=D5=DW ''board restart 2""-=2-22 =":D:"" 2""-=2-22 =":D:"= 2""-=2-22 =":D:" 655D346366 45=DK=57 655D346366 45=DK=57 655D346366 45=DK=57 655D346366 45=DK=57 655D346366 45=DK=57 655D346366 45=DK=57 655D346366 45=DK=57 2""-=2-22 =":D:" 655W358345 4=55=94 655W358345 4=55=94 ''node restart 2""6-"G-=" =:"":!= 2""6-"G-=" =:"":!= 655W358345 4=55=D5 655W358345 4=54=55 655W358345 4=54=5 655W358345 4=54=5W 655W358345 4=54=5W 2""6-"G-=" =:"=:"6 655W358345 4=54=45 2""6-"G-=" =:"=:=" 655W358345 4=54=4W 655W358345 4=54=D7 2""6-"G-=" =:"=: 655W358345 4=56=55 655W358344 45=9=95
Node doAn *** Clse.lo%dproc restart *** Node startin% )cti.e CI$ ready Confi%uration ersion 1HEP7D Node restart order recei.ed +estart ran2 R)+$ Node doAn *** Clse.lo%dproc restart *** Node startin% )cti.e CI$ ready Confi%uration ersion +)IONEHRO+/95+01IO $P (smn 5' apn 44 initially una.aila&le' do cold restart of &oard 0P (smn 5' apn 8 initially una.aila&le' do cold restart of &oard Node operational
M 5 smn ", apn == 7 restarted b8 command4 estart ran> CM M 5smn ", apn == 7 down M 5 smn ", apn == 7 starting, administrati#e state %*O/JE. Pro%ram CTC46587D+D5C5D started ( Pro%ram CTC464998+D5T59 started (Up&0asic Pro%ram CTC466746+D5N54 started (%p&pJiipatc Pro%ram CTC465878+D5T54 started (1ystem$ana%e Pro%ram CTC46494+D5C5W started (sAinstallat Pro%ram CTC464957+D5C5 started (spasresourc Pro%ram CTC46D8K6+D5C5W started (licencem%r M 5 smn ", apn == 7 operational, administrati#e state %*O/JE.
%ode restart order recei#ed4 estart ran> CM %ode down *** Clse.lo%dproc restart *** Node startin% )cti.e CI$ ready IN 1tartin% Node+estarted Ctest GPCTPK546549+9S58 /on&iguration Aersion test IN Operational %ode operational4 CppCoreNode+estart CTC46K7D6 +9S45 is noA operational' C)G1ENOE1H)+H' +puId (+ncLmCen+nh 1% Operational %/ %ode estart /ompleted PeriodicLo%%in% Ctest GPCTPK546549+9S58 Confi%ersionCreated C1iCTPK546549+9S585W5844459 GPCTPK546549+9S58
1hutdoAnCommand GnOperational
+an2Rarm E-t+estart+eJuest +an2Rarm
9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
655W358344 45=95=4D OH+ 655W358344 45=95=68 INFO 655W358344 45=95=6 INFO
Confi%ersionCreated C+&CTPK546549+9S585W58444595 GPCTPK546549+9S58 1et up%rade super.ision timer to 49955 seconds 1et error escalation to Node +estart
5ode downtime +NCK> l%d 3m 5 1tartdate655K4666485K54' Enddate65455466485K54 Parsin% a.aila&ilityLo%one Parsin% sysLo%one Parsin% up%Lo%one Himestamp (GHC +estart Hype Confi%uration ersion 1A+elease CPP oAntime )ppl oAntime S$ oAntime 654535435D 5K=9=6K $anualRarm PUGCTC4868W69^4P9)0KK5K444W4484W PUGCTC4868W69^4P9)0KK5K 444W4484W R45 69Ds (9mDs 67Ws (9m9Ws W44s (45m44s 654535435D 5K=K=4 PartialOuta%e= 34^ a.aila&ility R45 W8s (Wm8s 654535435D 44=49=98 $anualRarm PUGCTC4868W69^4P9)0KK5K444W4484W PUGCTC4868W69^4P9)0KK5K 444W4484W R45 96s 4Ds (6m4Ds K7s (Wm7s 654535435D 44=4D=D9 PartialOuta%e= 34^ a.aila&ility R45 W8s (4m8s 654535434D 45=49=55 $anualRarm PUGCTC4868W6W4P9)CKK455449 PUGCTC4868W6W4P9)CKK45 5449 R45 6s 45Ds (4m9Ds 95s (Wm9s Node uptime since last restart= D9659 seconds (W days' W hours' D minutes' 69 seconds 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 Period6K days NodeGp%rade Node$anual Node1pontaneous )llNode+estarts PartialOuta%es 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 Num&er Of outa%es 5 5 6 Hotal doAntime 5s D6Ws (7m9Ws 5s D6Ws (7m9Ws 5s oAntime per day 5s 47s 5s 47s 5s oAntime per outa%e 5s 48Ds (6mDDs 5s 48Ds (6mDDs 5s
$UR97> l%d Himestamp (GHC +estart Hype Confi%uration ersion 1A+elease CPP oAntime )ppl oAntime S$ oAntime 655K344369 45=D8=6W $anualRarm +WL157C$DD0C569EH1]1PNP +W5 4s 46Ds (6mDs 655K344369 44=44=6 $anualCold +WL157C$970C569NR$PP&lac2D +W5 W6s (4m6s 7s (4m6s 4K7s (m47s 655K344369 44=64=58 $anualCold +WL157C$970C569NR$PP&lac2D +W5 85s (4m45s 7s (4m6s 47Ds (mDs 655K344369 44=DD=4 $anualRarm +WL157C$DD0C569EH1]1PNP +W5 9Ds (Dm9Ds 655K344369 46=54=66 $anualRarm 1GCTPK54D66^6+7)855K44694655 +W5 9Ws 4W8s (6m98s 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
655K344369 655K344369 655K344369 655K344369 655K344369 655K34436D 655K34436D 655K34436D 655K34436D 655K34436D 655K34436D 655K34436D 655K34436W 655K34436W
46=69=D 46=6K=4W 4D=9W=96 4W=5K=64 48=6W=DD 45=98=56 44=7=99 44=D5=48 44=D9=D8 46=W=99 49=56=D5 4D=95=D7 5W=6K=55 58=69=5
$anualRarm $anualCold Gp%radeNormal $anualRarm Gp%radeNormal $anualRarm $anualRarm $anualRarm $anualRarm $anualRarm $anualRarm Gp%radeNormal $anualRarm $anualRarm
+WL157C$DD0C569EH1]1PNP6 +WL157C$970C569NR$PP&lac2D 1GCTPK54D66^6+7)855K44694D9D +WL157C$DD0C569EH1]1PNP6 1GCTPK54D66^6+7)855K4469486W +WL157C$D40C556NR5 +WL157C$D40C569NR5 +WL157C$D40C569NR5$PCETP +DCNP+D49500C556NR5 +WL157C$D40C556NR5 +DCNP+D4D500C569EHNR9 1GCTPK54D66^6+7)WWE5K446D4D95 +WL157C$DD0C556NR5 +WL157C$DD0C569NR5$PCET
+W5 +W5 +W5 +W5 +W5 +W5 +W5 +W5 CNP+D4950 +W5 +D4 +W5 +W5 +W5
68s 458s (4m98s DWs 666s (m96s D5s 6s 6Ds 69s 948s (WmD8s 6K76s (9Km96s WK5s (44m5s DDs 4s 6Ds
66DWs (8mWs
498s (6m68s
44Ws (4mDWs 45DKs (6hDWm 4KWs (m4Ws 5Ks (DmKs 477s (m7s 459s (4m99s 44s (4mDs 45Ks (4m9Ks W9s (Wm9s 478s (5m8s 8D4s (46m4s D5Ws (7m6Ws 497s (6m67s 4s (6m4s
Node uptime since last restart= 9789D8 seconds (DW days' K hours' 99 minutes' 48 seconds 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 PeriodW4K days NodeGp%rade Node$anual Node1pontaneous )llNode+estarts PartialOuta%es 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 Num&er Of outa%es 9 496 5 47D 5 Hotal doAntime W65WWs (48h49m W5469s (4Wh96m 5s 4664K5s (4dKh 5s oAntime per day 455s (4m95s K8s (4m8s 5s 4K8s (m48s 5s oAntime per outa%e 499s (69ms 96s (8ms 5s WW5s (44m5s 5s
1pgrade history +NC44> l%u Himestamp (GHC escription 655D35736D 5K=5=DW GP 1tart )ction 3 Gp%rade Product num&er= CTPK546549 +e.ision= +4H5D 655D35736D 5K=5=DW GP 1endin% )C E.ent 3 aPro%ressCounter= 5 655D35736D 5K=5=DW GP 1endin% )C E.ent 3 aPro%ressHotal= 5 655D35736D 5K=5=DW GP End )ction 3 Gp%rade' up%rade initiated()ction I= K5DWW67 655D35736D 5K=5=D8 GP 1endin% )C E.ent 3 pro%resseader= ariant of up%rade action initiated 655D35736D 5K=4=55 GP 1endin% )C E.ent 3 aPro%ressHotal= 45 655D35736D 5K=4=55 GP 1endin% )C E.ent 3 pro%resseader= Hhe .erification phase has &een initiated 655D35736D 5K=4=55 GP 1endin% )C E.ent 3 pro%resseader= erifyin% that the used PIGs in the node are supported accordin% to the Gp%rade Control File 655D35736D 5K=4=56 GP 1endin% )C E.ent 3 pro%resseader= erifyin% that the up%rade AindoA defined in the Gp%rade Control File alloAs an up%rade 655D35736D 5K=4=5 GP 1endin% )C E.ent 3 pro%resseader= erifyin% that it is possi&le to create the reJuired num&er of CMs durin% the up%rade phase 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
655D35736D 5K=4=59 GP 1endin% )C E.ent 3 pro%resseader= erifyin% chec2sum for all load modules that has a chec2sum .alue defined in the Gp%rade Control File 655D35736D 5K=4=D5 GP 1endin% )C E.ent 3 pro%resseader= erifyin% that Plu% In Gnits(PIGson the node are not faulty &efore the up%rade is initiated 655D35736D 5K=4=D5 GP 1endin% )C E.ent 3 pro%resseader= Hhe .erification phase is finished 655D35736D 5K=4=D5 GP Create an up%rade roll&ac2 C 655D35736D 5K=4=D7 GP C M+&CTPK546549+4H5D5D576D5K M+&CTPK546549+4H5D5D576D5K4M 4M has &een created 655D35736D 5K=6=5W GP 1endin% )C E.ent 3 state= Gp%rade e-ecutin% 655D35736D 5K=6=58 GP 1endin% )C E.ent 3 pro%resseader= Hhe up%rade phase is initiated and the system state is set to up%rade mode 655D35736D 5K=6=58 GP Hhe up%rade super.ision timer is set to 49955 seconds and started 655D35736D 5K=6=5K GP Confirmation deadline timer data= 695 minutes 655D35736D 5K=6=44 GP FolloAin% slots shall tolerate errors durin% an up%rade(pointed out &y repertoire namestheHolerateErrors1lotsFor+epertoireNames= !$ana%edElement4'1u&rac2$1'1lot49' $ana%edElement4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4D' $ana%edElement4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4W' $ana%edElement4'1u&rac2E134'1lot46' $ana%edElement4'1u&rac2E134'1lot4' $ana%edElement4'1u&rac2E134'1lot49' $ana%edElement4'1u&rac2E134'1lot4D' $ana%edElement4'1u&rac2E134'1lot4W' $ana%edElement4'1u&rac2E134'1lot48' $ana%edElement4'1u&rac2$1'1lot4K' $ana%edElement4'1u&rac2$1'1lot66' $ana%edElement4'1u&rac2E134'1lotD' $ana%edElement4'1u&rac2E134'1lot7' $ana%edElement4'1u&rac2E134'1lot44' $ana%edElement4'1u&rac2$1'1lot65' $ana%edElement4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6' $ana%edElement4'1u&rac2E134'1lotW' $ana%edElement4'1u&rac2E134'1lotK' $ana%edElement4'1u&rac2E134'1lot47' $ana%edElement4'1u&rac2E134'1lot65' $ana%edElement4'1u&rac2E134'1lot64' $ana%edElement4'1u&rac2E134'1lot66' $ana%edElement4'1u&rac2E134'1lot6' $ana%edElement4'1u&rac2$1'1lot64' $ana%edElement4'1u&rac2E134'1lot8' $ana%edElement4'1u&rac2E134'1lot45' $ana%edElement4'1u&rac2E134'1lot4K' $ana%edElement4'1u&rac2E134'1lot69 the+epertoireNamesForHolerateErrors= !+NC$odule$P' CPP1P0 655D35736D 5K=6=46 GP Hhe up%rade seJuence defined in the Gp%rade Control File(GCFis parsed Gp%rade seJuence to parse= ])HO])la&el Pre.iously e-ecuted step= 655D35736D 5K=6=4 GP 1endin% )C E.ent 3 aPro%ressCounter= 4
3. Coan) Coan) -ito!* -ito!* SE##D21$TDT+2$#' a log of all OS shell commands +NC44> l%l Uet #c#lo%files#audittrail#1ELL)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#tempfiles#tmp67D7D655W5D473 48944K#audittrailLo%67D7D-ml O/ Himestamp (GHC Gser Herminal E.ent Info 655W35D34D 5=46=5D COLI 2alle Coli access %ranted &plnh#554555#telnet48D74K948D=W89 &plnh#554555#telnet48D7 4K948D=W89 shell 655W35D34D 5=46=5D COLI 2alle Coli access %ranted &plnh#554555#telnet48D74K948D=W89 &plnh#554555#telnet48D7 4K948D=W89 p&oot shoA parameters 655W35D34D 5=46=5W COLI 2alle Coli access %ranted &plnh#554555#telnet48D74K948D=W89 &plnh#554555#telnet48D7 4K948D=W89 p%list 655W35D34D 5=46=5W COLI 2alle Coli access %ranted &plnh#554555#telnet48D74K948D=W89 &plnh#554555#telnet48D7 4K948D=W89 ps 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
CO+,2D21$TDT+2$#' stores a log of all set)create)action)delete set)create)action)delete operations on the MOs Standard &ormat +NC9K> l%o Uet #c#lo%files#audittrail#CO+0))GIHH+)ILLOU-ml #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#tempfiles#tmp67D7D655W5D473 48944K#audittrailLo%67D7D-ml O/ Himestamp (GHC escription 655K35W348 46=65=4 $O3) C+E 1A$ana%ement4'Gp%radePac2a% 1A$ana%ement4'Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK5474+KL54 eCTPK5474+KL54 655K35W348 46=65=6K $O3) )CH 1A$ana%ement4'Gp%radePac2a% 1A$ana%ement4'Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK5474+KL54 eCTPK5474+KL54 non0loc2in%Install 655K35W348 46=D9=8 $O3) )CH 1A$ana%ement4'Gp%radePac2a% 1A$ana%ement4'Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK5474+KL54 eCTPK5474+KL54 re&ootNodeGp%rade 655K35W348 4=6W=59 $O3) )CH 1A$ana%ement4'Gp%radePac2a% 1A$ana%ement4'Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK5474+KL54 eCTPK5474+KL54 confirmGp%rade 655K35W347 5K=47=D $O3) )CH 1A$ana%ement4'Confi%uration 1A$ana%ement4'Confi%urationersion4 ersion4 set1tarta&le 1HP9KP8$ 655K35W347 5K=47=DD $O3) )CH $ana%edElement4 manual+estart 5@5@GPUHOOL 655K35W347 5K=5=55 $O3) EL 1A$ana%ement4'Gp%radePac2a% 1A$ana%ement4'Gp%radePac2a%eirtual4ofCTPK5474 eirtual4ofCTPK5474+KL54 +KL54 655K35W347 5K==55 $O3) C+E 1A$ana%ement4'Gp%radePac2a% 1A$ana%ement4'Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK5474+KL54 eCTPK5474+KL54 655K35W347 5K==4D $O3) )CH 1A$ana%ement4'Gp%radePac2a% 1A$ana%ement4'Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK5474+KL54 eCTPK5474+KL54 non0loc2in%Install 655K35W347 45=44=D4 $O3) )CH 1A$ana%ement4'Gp%radePac2a% 1A$ana%ement4'Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK5474+KL54 eCTPK5474+KL54 re&ootNodeGp%rade 655K35W347 45=9D=D6 $O3) )CH 1A$ana%ement4'Gp%radePac2a% 1A$ana%ement4'Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK5474+KL54 eCTPK5474+KL54 confirmGp%rade 655K358354 4D=44=68 $O3) 1EH 1ystemFunctions4'Licensin% 1ystemFunctions4'Licensin%4'+ncCapacityFachchsGse 4'+ncCapacityFachchsGsers rs operatorCapacityLimit noLimit[email protected] 45 655K358354 4D=4D=68 $O3) 1EH 1ystemFunctions4'Licensin% 1ystemFunctions4'Licensin%4'+ncCapacityFachchsGse 4'+ncCapacityFachchsGsers rs operatorCapacityLimit .alue45@noLimit4 655K358359 58=D=58 $O3) )CH 1A$ana%ement4'Confi%uration 1A$ana%ement4'Confi%urationersion4 ersion4 create CU655K58595KD694durin%f CU655K58595KD694durin%fault@ ault@ CU655K58595KD694durin%fault@D@moshelluser@C ta2en durin% fault 655K358359 58=D=46 $O3) )CH 1A$ana%ement4'Confi%uration 1A$ana%ement4'Confi%urationersion4 ersion4 CU655K58595KD694durin%f CU655K58595KD694durin%fault@#d#usr@ ault@#d#usr@ 1HP9KCU655K58595KD694durin%fault,ip@468554@moshelluser@***** 655K358359 58=D9=98 $O3) )CH 1A$ana%ement4'Confi%uration 1A$ana%ement4'Confi%urationersion4 ersion4 delete CU655K58595KD694durin%f CU655K58595KD694durin%fault ault 655K358359 58=DW=5 $O3) )CH 1A$ana%ement4'Confi%uration 1A$ana%ement4'Confi%urationersion4 ersion4 1GCTPK5474+KL545K5W47 1GCTPK5474+KL545K5W4745@#d#usr@ 45@#d#usr@ 1HP9K1GCTPK5474+KL545K5W4745,ip@468554@moshelluser@***** 655K35835K 45=68=W $O3) 1EH 1ystemFunctions4'Licensin% 1ystemFunctions4'Licensin%4' 4'+ncFeatureHransmiti.ersity sity feature1tate 4
/SA &ormat, showing userid 5i& secle#el acti#ated, otherwise ?un>nown@7 +NC9K> l%oc ateQHimeQLo%Q1e.erityQO&VectQE.entQCauseQ)dditionalHe-tQ)c21tateQId 655K35W347Q5K==55Q$O3)QGn2noAnQQC+E 1A$ana%ement4'Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK5474+KL54 655K35W347Q5K==4DQ$O3)QGn2noAnQQ)CH 655K35W347Q5K==4DQ$O3) QGn2noAnQQ)CH 1A$ana%ement4'Gp%radePac2a% 1A$ana%ement4'Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK5474+KL54 eCTPK5474+KL54 non0loc2in%Install 655K35W347Q45=44=D4Q$O3)QGn2noAnQQ)CH 655K35W347Q45=44=D4Q$O3) QGn2noAnQQ)CH 1A$ana%ement4'Gp%radePac2a% 1A$ana%ement4'Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK5474+KL54 eCTPK5474+KL54 re&ootNodeGp%rade 655K35W347Q45=9D=D6Q$O3)QGn2noAnQQ)CH 655K35W347Q45=9D=D6Q$O3) QGn2noAnQQ)CH 1A$ana%ement4'Gp%radePac2a% 1A$ana%ement4'Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK5474+KL54 eCTPK5474+KL54 confirmGp%rade 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
655K358354Q4D=44=68Q$O3) QGn2noAnQQ1EH 1ystemFunctions4'Licensin% 655K358354Q4D=44=68Q$O3)QGn2noAnQQ1EH 1ystemFunctions4'Licensin%4'+ncCapacityFachchsGser 4'+ncCapacityFachchsGsers s operatorCapacityLimit noLimit5@ .alue45 655K358354Q4D=4D=68Q$O3)QGn2noAnQQ1EH 655K358354Q4D=4D=68Q$O3) QGn2noAnQQ1EH 1ystemFunctions4'Licensin% 1ystemFunctions4'Licensin%4'+ncCapacityFachchsGser 4'+ncCapacityFachchsGsers s operatorCapacityLimit .alue45@ noLimit4 655K358359Q58=D=58Q$O3)QGn2noAnQQ)CH 655K358359Q58=D=58Q$O3) QGn2noAnQQ)CH 1A$ana%ement4'Confi%uration 1A$ana%ement4'Confi%urationersion4 ersion4 create CU655K58595KD694durin%f CU655K58595KD694durin%fault@ ault@ CU655K58595KD694durin%fault@D@moshelluser@C ta2en durin% fault 655K358359Q58=D=46Q$O3)QGn2noAnQQ)CH 655K358359Q58=D=46Q$O3) QGn2noAnQQ)CH 1A$ana%ement4'Confi%uration 1A$ana%ement4'Confi%urationersion4 ersion4 CU655K58595KD694durin%fault@#d#usr@1HP9KCU655K58595KD694durin%fault,ip@468554@moshelluser@***** 655K358359Q58=D9=98Q$O3)QGn2noAnQQ)CH 655K358359Q58=D9=98Q$O3) QGn2noAnQQ)CH 1A$ana%ement4'Confi%uration 1A$ana%ement4'Confi%urationersion4 ersion4 delete CU655K58595KD694durin%f CU655K58595KD694durin%fault ault 655K358359Q58=DW=5Q$O3)QGn2noAnQQ)CH 655K358359Q58=DW=5Q$O3) QGn2noAnQQ)CH 1A$ana%ement4'Confi%uration 1A$ana%ement4'Confi%urationersion4 ersion4 1GCTPK5474+KL545K5W4745@#d#usr@1HP9K1GCTPK5474+KL545K5W4745,ip@468554@moshelluser@***** 655K35835KQ45=68=WQ$O3)QGn2noAnQQ1EH 655K35835KQ45=68=WQ$O3) QGn2noAnQQ1EH 1ystemFunctions4'Licensin% 1ystemFunctions4'Licensin%4'+ncFeatureHransmiti.ers 4'+ncFeatureHransmiti.ersity ity feature1tate 4
1n trun'emas &ormat +NC9K> l%J ##655K35W347 5K==55 Gn2noAn C+E)HE ( parent "$ana%edElement4'1A$ana%ement4" identity CTPK5474+KL54 moHype Gp%radePac2a%e e-ception none nrOf)ttri&utes 9 ftp1er.erIp)ddress 1trin% "48D74K9489" 1trin% "#HC$#GP#RION)FP#CTPK5474+KL54#CTPK5474+KL54-ml" user 1trin% "ftp" passAord 1trin% "*****" ##655K35W347 5K==4D Gn2noAn )CHION ( actionName non0loc2in%Install mo "$ana%edElement4'1A$ana%ement4'Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK5474+KL54" e-ception none nrOfParameters 5 returnalue i%nore ##655K35W347 45=44=D4 Gn2noAn )CHION ( actionName re&ootNodeGp%rade mo "$ana%edElement4'1A$ana%ement4'Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK5474+KL54" e-ception none nrOfParameters 5 returnalue i%nore ##655K35W347 45=9D=D6 Gn2noAn )CHION ( actionName confirmGp%rade mo "$ana%edElement4'1A$ana%ement4'Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK5474+KL54" e-ception none nrOfParameters 5 returnalue none ##655K358354 4D=44=68 Gn2noAn 1EH ( mo "$ana%edElement4'1ystemFunc "$ana%edElement4'1ystemFunctions4'Licensin%4'+ncCa tions4'Licensin%4'+ncCapacityFachchsGsers" pacityFachchsGsers" e-ception none operatorCapacityLimit 1truct nrOfElements 6 noLimit Inte%er 5 .alue Inte%er 45 ##655K358354 4D=4D=68 Gn2noAn 1EH ( mo "$ana%edElement4'1ystemFunc "$ana%edElement4'1ystemFunctions4'Licensin%4'+ncCa tions4'Licensin%4'+ncCapacityFachchsGsers" pacityFachchsGsers" e-ception none operatorCapacityLimit 1truct nrOfElements 6 .alue Inte%er 45 noLimit Inte%er 4 ##655K358359 58=D=58 Gn2noAn )CHION ( actionName create mo "$ana%edElement4'1A$ana%ement4'Confi%urationersion4" e-ception none nrOfParameters D 1trin% "CU655K58595KD694durin%fault" 1trin% "CU655K58595KD694durin%fault" Inte%er D 1trin% "moshelluser" 1trin% "C ta2en durin% fault" returnalue none ##655K358359 58=D=46 Gn2noAn )CHION ( actionName mo "$ana%edElement4'1A$ana%ement4'Confi%urationersion4" e-ception none nrOfParameters W 1trin% "CU655K58595KD694durin%fault" 1trin% "#d#usr" 1trin% "1HP9KCU655K58595KD694durin%fault,ip" 1trin% "468554" 1trin% "moshelluser" 1trin% "*****" returnalue i%nore ##655K358359 58=D9=98 Gn2noAn 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
)CHION ( actionName delete mo "$ana%edElement4'1A$ana%ement4'Confi%urationersion4" e-ception none nrOfParameters 4 1trin% "CU655K58595KD694durin%fault" returnalue none ##655K358359 58=DW=5 Gn2noAn )CHION ( actionName mo "$ana%edElement4'1A$ana%ement4'Confi%urationersion4" e-ception none nrOfParameters W 1trin% "1GCTPK5474+KL545K5W4745" 1trin% "#d#usr" 1trin% "1HP9K1GCTPK5474+KL545K5W4745,ip" 1trin% "468554" 1trin% "moshelluser" 1trin% "*****" returnalue i%nore ##655K35835K 45=68=W Gn2noAn 1EH ( mo "$ana%edElement4'1ystemFunctions4'Licensin%4'+ncFeatureHransmiti.ersity" e-ception none feature1tate Inte%er 4
2MOS command log: = Shows all moshell commands e3ecuted on a particular node by all users +NC44> l%n 3m 1tartdate655K44557955' Enddate655K465957955 Himestamp (Local Gser Node PI Command 655K346356 4K=D5=59 $O1 nmsadm 48D74K9498 64KW 1tart1ession' interacti.e' I655K465634K9K9864KW' CR#home#nmsadm' R11unO1 atrcus966' .er84y 655K346356 4K=D5=59 $O1 nmsadm 48D74K9498 64KW pr 655K346356 4K=D5=48 $O1 nmsadm 48D74K9498 64KW f%et 5 userla&el 655K346356 4K=D5=64 $O1 nmsadm 48D74K9498 64KW J 655K34635 57=7=68 $O1 desi%n54 48D74K9498 WDW8 1tart1ession' interacti.e' I655K46535775KWDW8' CR#home#desi%n54' R11unO1 atrcus966' .er84y 655K34635 57=7=5 $O1 desi%n54 48D74K9498 WDW8 .ii 655K34635 57=7=K $O1 desi%n54 48D74K9498 WDW8 %et 5 655K34635 57=K=5D $O1 desi%n54 48D74K9498 WDW8 set 5 userla&el +NC44 655K34635 57=K=46 $O1 desi%n54 48D74K9498 WDW8 J 655K34635 57=95=49 $O1 desi%n54 48D74K9498 44K56 1tart1ession' interacti.e' I655K465357955444K56' CR#home#desi%n54' R11unO1 atrcus966' .er84y 655K34635 57=95=49 $O1 desi%n54 48D74K9498 44K56 l%n 3m
= Shows all moshell commands e3ecuted on any node by all users OFFLINE> l%n 3m 3n 1tartdate655K44557955' Enddate655K465957955 Himestamp (Local Gser Node PI Command 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
655K346356 4K=D5=59 $O1 nmsadm 48D74K9498 64KW 1tart1ession' interacti.e' I655K465634K9K9864KW' CR#home#nmsadm' R11unO1 atrcus966' .er84y 655K346356 4K=D5=59 $O1 nmsadm 48D74K9498 64KW pr 655K346356 4K=D5=48 $O1 nmsadm 48D74K9498 64KW f%et 5 userla&el 655K346356 4K=D5=64 $O1 nmsadm 48D74K9498 64KW J 655K346356 65=69=4W $O1 ean,ma%n 48D74K949K 856K 1tart1ession' interacti.e' I655K46563656945856K' CR#home#ean,ma%n' R1Linu- As8475' .er84, 655K346356 65=69=4W $O1 ean,ma%n 48D74K949K 856K pr 655K346356 65=69=7 $O1 ean,ma%n 48D74K949K 856K cr rnc44'rncfunction4'iu&lin2KK 655K346356 65=69=9 $O1 ean,ma%n 48D74K949K 856K cr mernc44'rncfunction4'iu&lin2 mernc44'rncfunction4'iu&lin2KK KK 655K346356 65=69=9K $O1 ean,ma%n 48D74K949K 856K cr mernc44'rncfunction4'iu&lin2 mernc44'rncfunction4'iu&lin2KKK KKK 655K346356 65=6D=5W $O1 ean,ma%n 48D74K949K 856K %et 9W 655K346356 65=6D=46 $O1 ean,ma%n 48D74K949K 856K lt roo 655K346356 65=6D=49 $O1 ean,ma%n 48D74K949K 856K lt root 655K346356 65=6D=4W $O1 ean,ma%n 48D74K949K 856K pr 655K346356 65=6D=4K $O1 ean,ma%n 48D74K949K 856K cr mernc44'rncfunction4'iu&lin2 mernc44'rncfunction4'iu&lin2KKK KKK 655K346356 65=6D=69 $O1 ean,ma%n 48D74K949K 856K cr mernc44'rncfunction4'iu&lin2 mernc44'rncfunction4'iu&lin2KKK KKK 655K346356 65=6D=6K $O1 ean,ma%n 48D74K949K 856K cr mernc44'rncfunction4'iu&lin2 mernc44'rncfunction4'iu&lin2KKK KKK 655K346356 65=5=DD $O1 ean,ma%n 48D74K949K 856K J 655K346356 65=4=D4 $O1 ean,ma%n 48D74K949K 899W 1tart1ession' interacti.e' I655K4656365497899W' CR#home#ean,ma%n' R1Linu- As8475' .er84, 655K346356 65=4=D $O1 ean,ma%n 48D74K949K 899W pr 655K346356 65=6=4W $O1 ean,ma%n 48D74K949K 899W cr mernc44'transportnetAor24'iu& mernc44'transportnetAor24'iu&lin2KK lin2KK 655K346356 65=6=99 $O1 ean,ma%n 48D74K949K 899W cr mernc44'transportnetAor24'iu& mernc44'transportnetAor24'iu&lin2KKKK lin2KKKK 655K346356 65=6=D8 $O1 ean,ma%n 48D74K949K 899W J 655K34635 57=7=68 $O1 desi%n54 48D74K9498 WDW8 1tart1ession' interacti.e' I655K46535775KWDW8' CR#home#desi%n54' R11unO1 atrcus966' .er84y 655K34635 57=7=5 $O1 desi%n54 48D74K9498 WDW8 .ii 655K34635 57=7=K $O1 desi%n54 48D74K9498 WDW8 %et 5 655K34635 57=K=5D $O1 desi%n54 48D74K9498 WDW8 set 5 userla&el +NC44 655K34635 57=K=46 $O1 desi%n54 48D74K9498 WDW8 J 655K34635 57=95=49 $O1 desi%n54 48D74K9498 44K56 1tart1ession' interacti.e' I655K465357955444K56' CR#home#desi%n54' R11unO1 atrcus966' .er84y 655K34635 57=95=49 $O1 desi%n54 48D74K9498 44K56 l%n 3m
SC1+$TLD45T' a log of all logins)logouts +NC44> l%y Uet #c#lo%files#security#CELLO1ECG+IH]EENHLOU-ml #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#tempfiles#tmp67D7D655W5D473 48944K#securityLo%67D7D-ml O/ Himestamp (GHC Gser Herminal E.ent Info 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
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3.3 +o!at +o!at o%tion o%tion l%a m 4
333> last day
333> last hrs
3m h
3m Dm
333> last D minutes
3m D p
333> startin% from D days a%o and days forAard
l%s s 655756655855 e 655756644955
33> &etAeen these tAo timestamps
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9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
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Piping: example: print all sccp related alarms: +NC44> l%a @ %rep 3i sccp 1tartdate4KWW4544D465' Enddate655K56W49795 655K356358 59=44=67 )L A 1CCP +emote 1u&system Gna.aila&le 6D43655 655K356358 59=44=67 )L A 1CCP +emote 1u&system Gna.aila&le 6D436745 655K356358 59=4=65 )L * 1CCP +emote 1u&system Gna.aila&le 6D43655 655K356358 59=4=65 )L * 1CCP +emote 1u&system Gna.aila&le 6D436745 655K356358 59=64=95 )L A 1CCP +emote 1u&system Gna.aila&le 6D436745
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655K356358 6D43655 655K356358 6D43655 655K356358 6D436745 655K356358 6D436745 655K356358 6D43655
59=64=95 )L
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59=6=D )L
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59=6=D )L
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59=6=68 )L
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3.4 Offlin Offlin" " o)" o)" (etching +OP files for offline processing
0etch to de&ault location +NC44> l%f 1tartdate4KWW4544D465' Enddate655K56W495 %et #c#lo%files#a.aila&ility#CELLO))IL)0ILIH]6LOU-ml #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#l%#48D74K9498#655K56D494W94#lo%files#a.aila&ility#CELLO))IL)0ILIH]6LOU-ml O/ %et #c#lo%files#alarme.ent#)L)+$LOU-ml #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#l%#48D74K9498#655K56D494W94#lo%files#alarme.ent#)L)+$LOU-ml O/ %et #c#lo%files#alarme.ent#EENHLOU-ml #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#l%#48D74K9498#655K56D494W94#lo%files#alarme.ent#EENHLOU-ml O/ %et #c#lo%files#hAin.entory#CELLORINENHO+]LOU-ml #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#l%#48D74K9498#655K56D494W94#lo%files#hAin.entory#CELLORINENHO+]LOU-ml O/ %et #c#lo%files#security#CELLO1ECG+IH]EENHLOU-ml #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#l%#48D74K9498#655K56D494W94#lo%files#security#CELLO1ECG+IH]EENHLOU-ml O/ %et #c#lo%files#audittrail#CELLO)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#l%#48D74K9498#655K56D494W94#lo%files#audittrail#CELLO)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml O/ %et #c#lo%files#audittrail#)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#l%#48D74K9498#655K56D494W94#lo%files#audittrail#)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml O/ %et #c#lo%files#audittrail#1ELL)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#l%#48D74K9498#655K56D494W94#lo%files#audittrail#1ELL)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml O/ 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
%et #c#lo%files#audittrail#CO+0))GIHH+)ILLOU-ml #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#l%#48D74K9498#655K56D494W94#lo%files#audittrail#CO+0))GIHH+)ILLOU-ml O/ %et #c#lo%files#systemlo%#55555syslo% #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#l%#48D74K9498#655K56D494W94#lo%files#systemlo%#55555syslo% O/ %et #c#lo%files#systemlo%#55554syslo% #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#l%#48D74K9498#655K56D494W94#lo%files#systemlo%#55554syslo% O/ %et #c#systemfiles#cello#cma#su#Hracelo%old #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#l%#48D74K9498#655K56D494W94#systemfiles#cello#cma#su#Hracelo%old O/ %et #c#systemfiles#cello#cma#su#Hracelo% #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#l%#48D74K9498#655K56D494W94#systemfiles#cello#cma#su#Hracelo% O/ all empty directories in #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#l%#48D74K9498#655K56D494W94 find #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#l%#48D74 #lo%smoshell#l%#48D74K9498#655K56D494W94 K9498#655K56D494W94 3type d @ L)NUC LC)LLC #home#ean,ma%n#moshell#%aA2linu- M :line!iB4;QEN:for(ViQV>4QV33print line!V;M @ -ar%s rmdir 6>#de.#null lh all te lo% read @tee #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#tempfiles#655K56D3494W954977#teread4D47lo%put #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#tempfiles#655K56D3494W954977#lhCmd4D47 #d#usr#lhCmd4D47 O/ NeA directory= #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#l%#48D74K9498#655K56D494W94 ,ip 3rm #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#l%#48D74K9498#655K56D494W94#+NC44lo%files,ip lo%files systemfiles tereadlo% addin%= lo%files#a.aila&ility#CELLO lo%files#a.aila&ility#CELLO))IL)0ILIH]6LOU-ml ))IL)0ILIH]6LOU-ml (deflated K8^ addin%= lo%files#alarme.ent#)L)+$ lo%files#alarme.ent#)L)+$LOU-ml LOU-ml (deflated KW^ addin%= lo%files#alarme.ent#EENH lo%files#alarme.ent#EENHLOU-ml LOU-ml (deflated KD^ addin%= lo%files#hAin.entory#CELLO lo%files#hAin.entory#CELLORINENHO+]LOU-ml RINENHO+]LOU-ml (deflated K9^ addin%= lo%files#security#CELLO1EC lo%files#security#CELLO1ECG+IH]EENHLOU-ml G+IH]EENHLOU-ml (deflated KW^ addin%= lo%files#audittrail#CELLO lo%files#audittrail#CELLO)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml )GIHH+)ILLOU-ml (deflated K7^ addin%= lo%files#audittrail#)GIH lo%files#audittrail#)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml H+)ILLOU-ml (deflated K8^ addin%= lo%files#audittrail#1ELL lo%files#audittrail#1ELL)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml )GIHH+)ILLOU-ml (deflated K7^ addin%= lo%files#audittrail#CO+0) lo%files#audittrail#CO+0))GIHH+)ILLOU-ml )GIHH+)ILLOU-ml (deflated KW^ addin%= lo%files#systemlo%#55555sys lo%files#systemlo%#55555syslo% lo% (deflated K9^ addin%= lo%files#systemlo%#55554sys lo%files#systemlo%#55554syslo% lo% (deflated K9^ addin%= systemfiles#cello#cma#su#Hr systemfiles#cello#cma#su#Hracelo%old acelo%old (deflated K^ addin%= systemfiles#cello#cma#su#Hr systemfiles#cello#cma#su#Hracelo% acelo% (deflated K9^ addin%= tereadlo% (deflated K6^ NeA directory= #home#ean,ma%n 1uccessful stora%e of the CPP lo%s to #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#l%#48D74K9498#655K56D494W94#+NC44lo%files,ip For offline processin%' run= l%! 3l <,ipfile>
0etch to speci&ic location 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
+NC44> l%f `#lo%files 1uccessful stora%e of the CPP lo%s to #home#ean,ma%n#lo%files#+NC44lo%files,ip For offline processin%' run= l%! 3l <,ipfile>
+un lg while offline OFFLINE> l #home#ean,ma%n#lo%files#+NC44lo%files,ip m D
4 NODE NODE INVENTO INVENTOR R COMMAN COMMANDS DS 4.1 CPP HW a!c-it a!c-it"ctu! "ctu!" " 4.1.1 Su8!ac Su8!ac t!uctu!" t!uctu!" 2 CPP node contains from > to ? Subrac"s. 5ode type 2 G > subrac"' , G 8 subrac"s' ....' ( G ? subrac"s. ach Subrac" can contain 8 slots !e3cept in +,S which has smaller subrac"s%. ach Slot can contain one Plug$n1nit. Some Slots contain no Plug$n1nit !a dummy board is inserted%. Some Slots are used by their neighbourNs Plug$n1nit !e.g. TMC@> boards is 8 Slots wide%.
9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
'tan/ar/ 'u6rac=E 800 < (1 248 :!7 RNC3810 E RIE M&< &MP 82 E 83 'lots
C '
3 4
7 8
9 10 10 1 1 1 2 1 3 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 1 9 20 20 21 21 22 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28
C '
*i1) Perforance 'u6rac=7 2400 < (3 248 :!7 RNC3820 E M&< &MP 84 'lots
3 4
7 8
9 10 10 1 1 1 2 1 3 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 1 9 20 20 2 1 2 2 2 3 24 25 26 26 27 27 28 28
9 T 4 D M C U ' T C
9 T 4 D C M U C T '
4.1.0 4.1.0 2oa!) 2oa!) t*%" t*%" ,oard t ,oard ty ype .P (.eneral Purpose oard) S" (Switch "ontrol oard)
S5 (Switch /tension oard) "5 (/thernet Switch odule oard - 1igh Per#ormance Subrac0 only) TU (Timing Unit oard) /T-%T /T-%T (/ch (/chang angee Termi Terminal nal oar oards ds #or #or %T) %T) /T-IP -IP (/ (/cchang hangee Te Termi rminal nal oa oarrd #or #or IP) SP (Special Purpose oard)
(unctionality "ontrol plane processing* administration o# o# node resources (%!,+R!) %T bac0plane switching* ISL terminatio n (Inter Sub ra rac0 Lin0s)* distribution o# power (-23 4)* distribution o# system cloc0 Provide additional ports #or ISL termination IP bac0plane switching* /SL termination (/thernet Subrac0 Lin0s)
.eneration o# system cloc0 (6722 18) 1andle 1andless S91,P S91,P91* 91* T9* T9* %T* %T* I% I% 1and 1andlles /the therne rnet* IP* T"P* "P* UP UP9* RLP RLP User plane processing in R:" 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
S (edia Stream oard) R%5,T5 (Receiver,Transmitter) RU (Radio Unit) "U ("ontrol ase Unit) 9U (9igital Unit)
User plane processing in .; aseband processing in RS R+ processing in RS % combined .P < TU < S" < /T Used in RS % " ("ontrol ase odule* e'uivalent to "U) combined with aseband 1; Used in RS
4.1. Int"!nal a))!"in' of t-" t-" %!oc"o! %!oc"o! ach processor has a uni6ue address !the lin" handler' #5E% to identify its position in the node. The address consists of the following three fields: - Subrac" Module 5umber !SM5%: the subrac" in which the processor is located. Can ta"e values to as well as 2 to 2. !2P5%: the slot in which the processor is located. Can ta"e values to 8. - 2tmSwitchCore Port 5umber !2P5%: - 3ecution +esource 5umber !+5%: to distinguish between several processors that are located in the same slot.
Lin/ Han)l"! @alu" #LNH,
SMN #S.itc-Mo)ul"Nu&8"! 7Su8!ac/ Poition,
APN #At&.itc-Po!tNu&8"! 7Slot Poition,
ERN #E;"cutionR"ou!c"Nu&8"! 7P!oc"o! Poition,
4 00
SM5 value: The main subrac" always has SM5G. The SM5 value of each e3tension subrac" depends on which pair of slots it connects to in the main subra". $t can be calculated with the formula: SM5G K int!2P5)8% int!2P5)8% F islport where 2P5 is the 2P5 2P5 of the SC,)SA, SC,)SA, and islport is the port number in SC,)SA, !islportG> to @% 3ample: 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
3 4
7 8
9 10 10 1 1 1 2 1 3 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 1 9 2 0 21 21 22 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 7
S "
%I: SUR%"= S:>0
S "
/5T SUR%"= S:>8 ? 0,2 < 1 >1
S "
S "
/5T SUR%"= 16,2 <2 >66 S:>8? 16
S "
S "
S "
S "
/5T SUR%"= 16,2 <1 >65 S:>8? 16
S S 55
5ote: E* of revision CPP8)CPP7 does not support SM5 addresses 2 to 2 2P5 of SC,)SA, SC,)SA, SM5 of e3tension in main subrac" subrac" 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
)> 8)7 @)B ?) ) >)>> >8)>7 >@)>B >?)> >)> 8)8> 88)87 8@)8B 8?)8
SC, SA, reserved for T1, SA, SA, SA, SA, SA, SA, SA, SA, SA, SA, SA,
> to @ to >8 5)2 8B to 8 77 to 8? @> to @@ @ to B8 B to ? ?B to ? 7 to ? > to @ to 8 to ' 2 2B to 2
2P5 value: The 2P5 value is identical to the slot number e3cept for the last s lot on the right which has 2P5G. 3ample in a 8slot subrac": 1 2 3 4
7 8
9 10 11 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 22 23 23 24 25 26 27
1 2 3 4
7 8
9 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 23 24 25 26 27
'lot Nu.6er
+5 value: The +5 value is always for the MP),P processor and > to for the device processors.
4.0 in@ coan coan) ) $URW> h in. 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
******************************************************* in.!hr ! ! ******************************************************* Complete R#1R in.entory Includes information a&out +PGs' licensin%' S$' de.ices' TPs' I1L' etc Hhis command performs a complete R#1R in.entory .ia the $O interface )ll 1R includin% S$' +PG' and 1R (spm'dsp'fp%a is shoAn Licensin% (features and capacity as Aell as of the I1L lin2s is also shoAn Hhe "h" option is for fetchin% R information only Hhe first time the command is run' it ta2es a &it lon%er &ecause the data has to &e fetched from the node &efore parsin% Hhe folloAin% times the command is run' the e-istin% data is parsed a%ain' unless the "r" sAitch is used ("refresh"' in Ahich case' the data is fetched a%ain and parsed Hhe first ar%ument (%eneral filter alloAs to only shoA the lines matchin% the filter strin% Hhe second ar%ument (state filter alloAs to only shoA the lines Ahere the $O status matches the state filter Printout description= 3 the first ta&le shoAs the $P#0P hardAare info' position' and status Hhe CPG column shoAs the CPG load (read from p%et plu% load and the UE column (Ahen su&rac2 contains C$T0 shoAs the connection status to IP &ac2plane Hhe column "c#p" shoAs the dis2 usa%e on #c or #p (dependin% if it is a central $P or re%ular $P' and the column "#d" shoAs the dis2 usa%e of the #d .olume 3 the second ta&le shoAs the TP#EP hardAare#softAare info and status 3 the third ta&le shoAs the su&rac2s and &ac2planes R info Hhe sAitch1tate field consists of three di%its= the state of the sAitch' the state of plane )' and the state of plane 0 3 the fourth ta&le shoAs the I1L lin2s (only applica&le in nodes containin% se.eral su&rac2s )ll I1L lin2s connectin% the main su&rac2 to each e-tension su&rac2 are shoAn Hhe status of each lin2 is shoA= 4st di%it corresponds to "operational1tate1ync" and the 6nd di%it corresponds "operational1tateHraffic" Hhe ports connected to each I1L are shoAn' includin% the type of &oard (1C0#1T0 and the port state (acti.e#passi.e 3 the fifth and si-th ta&le shoAs the list of features and capacity and their licensin% status 3 the se.enth ta&le shoAs the Va.a loadmodules that are runnin% in the S$ 3 the ei%th ta&le shoAs the confi%uration and status of the +elia&lePro%ramGniters (+PG 3 the ninth ta&le shoAs the Pro%rams runnin% in each processor includin% de.ices Note= state information is alAays a&&re.iated to one di%it' in the same Aay as for other printouts such as stt' st.' str' etc 3 4 unloc2ed ena&led 3 5 unloc2ed disa&led 3 L loc2ed (opstate could &e ena&led or disa&led E-amples= >> in. CTC465DD 33> &oards it is runnin% >> in. = 33> >> in. nss 33> >> in. L@5 33> >> in. roV L@5 33>
only roAs matchin% CTC465DD Aill appear Hhis is con.enient to loo2up the name of an L$ and in see Ahich only +PG information Aill &e printed to see Ahich loadmodules contain the strin% "nss" and in Ahich &oards they are runnin% only roAs Ahere the state of the $O is loc2ed or disa&led Aill appear only roAs matchin% "+OS" and Ahere the state is loc2ed or disa&led Aill appear 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
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44 84455 $10 856 D 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9K 8KW7 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 44 84455 $10 856 W 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9K 8KW7 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 44 84455 $10 856 8 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9K 8KW7 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 44 84455 $10 856 7 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9K 8KW7 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 44 84455 $10 856 K 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9K 8KW7 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 44 84455 $10 856 45 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9K 8KW7 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 44 84455 $10 856 44 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9K 8KW7 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 44 84455 $10 856 46 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9K 8KW7 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 44 84455 $10 856 4 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9K 8KW7 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 44 84455 $10 856 49 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9K 8KW7 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 44 84455 $10 856 4D 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9K 8KW7 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 44 84455 $10 856 4W 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9K 8KW7 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 46 84655 $10 85 4 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9W 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 46 84655 $10 85 6 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9W 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 46 84655 $10 85 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9W 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 46 84655 $10 85 9 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9W 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 46 84655 $10 85 D 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9W 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 46 84655 $10 85 W 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9W 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 46 84655 $10 85 8 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9W 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 46 84655 $10 85 7 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9W 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 46 84655 $10 85 K 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9W 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 46 84655 $10 85 45 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9W 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 46 84655 $10 85 44 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9W 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 46 84655 $10 85 46 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9W 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 46 84655 $10 85 4 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9W 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 46 84655 $10 85 49 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9W 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 46 84655 $10 85 4D 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9W 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 46 84655 $10 85 4W 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9W 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 4 8455 $10 859 4 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9D D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4 8455 $10 859 6 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9D D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4 8455 $10 859 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9D D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4 8455 $10 859 9 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9D D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4 8455 $10 859 D 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9D D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4 8455 $10 859 W 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9D D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4 8455 $10 859 8 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9D D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4 8455 $10 859 7 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9D D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4 8455 $10 859 K 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9D D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4 8455 $10 859 45 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9D D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4 8455 $10 859 44 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9D D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4 8455 $10 859 46 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9D D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4 8455 $10 859 4 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9D D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4 8455 $10 859 49 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9D D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4 8455 $10 859 4D 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9D D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4 8455 $10 859 4W 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9D D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 49 84955 $10 856 4 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 94 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 49 84955 $10 856 6 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 94 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
49 84955 $10 856 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 94 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 49 84955 $10 856 9 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 94 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 49 84955 $10 856 D 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 94 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 49 84955 $10 856 W 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 94 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 49 84955 $10 856 8 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 94 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 49 84955 $10 856 7 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 94 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 49 84955 $10 856 K 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 94 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 49 84955 $10 856 45 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 94 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 49 84955 $10 856 44 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 94 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 49 84955 $10 856 46 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 94 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 49 84955 $10 856 4 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 94 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 49 84955 $10 856 49 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 94 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 49 84955 $10 856 4D 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 94 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 49 84955 $10 856 4W 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 94 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 4D 84D55 $10 85 4 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 98 D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4D 84D55 $10 85 6 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 98 D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4D 84D55 $10 85 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 98 D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4D 84D55 $10 85 9 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 98 D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4D 84D55 $10 85 D 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 98 D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4D 84D55 $10 85 W 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 98 D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4D 84D55 $10 85 8 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 98 D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4D 84D55 $10 85 7 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 98 D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4D 84D55 $10 85 K 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 98 D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4D 84D55 $10 85 45 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 98 D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4D 84D55 $10 85 44 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 98 D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4D 84D55 $10 85 46 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 98 D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4D 84D55 $10 85 4 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 98 D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4D 84D55 $10 85 49 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 98 D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4D 84D55 $10 85 4D 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 98 D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4D 84D55 $10 85 4W 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 98 D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 4W 84W55 $10 859 4 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4W 84W55 $10 859 6 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4W 84W55 $10 859 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4W 84W55 $10 859 9 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4W 84W55 $10 859 D 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4W 84W55 $10 859 W 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4W 84W55 $10 859 8 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4W 84W55 $10 859 7 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4W 84W55 $10 859 K 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4W 84W55 $10 859 45 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4W 84W55 $10 859 44 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4W 84W55 $10 859 46 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4W 84W55 $10 859 4 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4W 84W55 $10 859 49 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4W 84W55 $10 859 4D 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4W 84W55 $10 859 4W 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 9 6WDW 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
48 84855 $10 856 4 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 99 D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 48 84855 $10 856 6 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 99 D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 48 84855 $10 856 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 99 D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 48 84855 $10 856 9 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 99 D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 48 84855 $10 856 D 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 99 D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 48 84855 $10 856 W 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 99 D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 48 84855 $10 856 8 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 99 D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 48 84855 $10 856 7 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 99 D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 48 84855 $10 856 K 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 99 D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 48 84855 $10 856 45 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 99 D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 48 84855 $10 856 44 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 99 D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 48 84855 $10 856 46 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 99 D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 48 84855 $10 856 4 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 99 D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 48 84855 $10 856 49 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 99 D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 48 84855 $10 856 4D 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 99 D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 48 84855 $10 856 4W 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 99 D46 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 47 84755 $10 85 4 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 97 8KW7 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 47 84755 $10 85 6 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 97 8KW7 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 47 84755 $10 85 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 97 8KW7 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 47 84755 $10 85 9 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 97 8KW7 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 47 84755 $10 85 D 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 97 8KW7 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 47 84755 $10 85 W 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 97 8KW7 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 47 84755 $10 85 8 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 97 8KW7 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 47 84755 $10 85 7 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 97 8KW7 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 47 84755 $10 85 K 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 97 8KW7 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 47 84755 $10 85 45 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 97 8KW7 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 47 84755 $10 85 44 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 97 8KW7 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 47 84755 $10 85 46 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 97 8KW7 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 47 84755 $10 85 4 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 97 8KW7 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 47 84755 $10 85 49 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 97 8KW7 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 47 84755 $10 85 4D 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 97 8KW7 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 47 84755 $10 85 4W 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 97 8KW7 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 4K 84K55 $10 859 4 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 96 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4K 84K55 $10 859 6 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 96 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4K 84K55 $10 859 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 96 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4K 84K55 $10 859 9 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 96 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4K 84K55 $10 859 D 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 96 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4K 84K55 $10 859 W 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 96 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4K 84K55 $10 859 8 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 96 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4K 84K55 $10 859 7 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 96 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4K 84K55 $10 859 K 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 96 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4K 84K55 $10 859 45 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 96 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4K 84K55 $10 859 44 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 96 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4K 84K55 $10 859 46 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 96 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4K 84K55 $10 859 4 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 96 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4K 84K55 $10 859 49 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 96 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 4K 84K55 $10 859 4D 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 96 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
4K 84K55 $10 859 4W 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 96 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 65 86555 $10 856 4 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 95 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 65 86555 $10 856 6 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 95 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 65 86555 $10 856 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 95 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 65 86555 $10 856 9 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 95 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 65 86555 $10 856 D 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 95 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 65 86555 $10 856 W 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 95 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 65 86555 $10 856 8 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 95 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 65 86555 $10 856 7 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 95 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 65 86555 $10 856 K 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 95 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 65 86555 $10 856 45 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 95 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 65 86555 $10 856 44 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 95 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 65 86555 $10 856 46 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 95 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 65 86555 $10 856 4 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 95 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 65 86555 $10 856 49 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 95 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 65 86555 $10 856 4D 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 95 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 65 86555 $10 856 4W 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 95 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 64 86455 $10 85 4 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 K 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 64 86455 $10 85 6 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 K 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 64 86455 $10 85 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 K 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 64 86455 $10 85 9 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 K 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 64 86455 $10 85 D 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 K 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 64 86455 $10 85 W 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 K 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 64 86455 $10 85 8 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 K 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 64 86455 $10 85 7 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 K 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 64 86455 $10 85 K 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 K 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 64 86455 $10 85 45 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 K 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 64 86455 $10 85 44 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 K 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 64 86455 $10 85 46 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 K 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 64 86455 $10 85 4 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 K 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 64 86455 $10 85 49 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 K 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 64 86455 $10 85 4D 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 K 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 64 86455 $10 85 4W 444 G$H1$F CTC4688K5#7+9E54 K 5 4WW 4WW D855 D855 D855 5 5 5 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
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More help +NC44> h ose
(or Zh coli[
******************************************************* !@ (type "h ose" for info ******************************************************* 1ends an ose command to the node' .ia telnet or ssh (1ee chap 5D for info a&out secure shell Hhe passAord is not reJuired if it is defined in the ipdata&ase (otherAise' the user Aill &e prompted to enter the passAord Ho find out all a.aila&le ose commands' type "" or "lhsh " It is possi&le to pipe the command to any e-ternal utility E-amples= >> ls 3l #d#loadmodules @ sort 6n (to sort L$s &y si,e >> ps @ %rep CTC (useful to see Ahat processes &elon% to Ahat L$ >> te lo% read @ #home#eric#tools#decoderpl @ #home#eric#tools#floApl >> lhsh 554955 te lo% read @ %rep 3i error (to search for errors in the te lo% 1e.eral commands can &e run on the same line &y separatin% each command Aith a semicolon E-amples= >> .ii Q pAd Q cd #d#loadmodules Q pAd Q llo% >> lhsh 554455 Q .ii Q te e trace4 N0)P* >> lhsh 554955 Q te filter set "(!4<7 O+ !4>K )N LEN <> " N0)P* >> lhsh 554955 Q te filter set "!4<> 7 )N !4 <> B46 )N !4 <> B49 )N !4 <> B44" N0)P* Note that it is safer to do "lhsh " instead of "lhsh Q command" in case the &oard is not reacha&le E%= if you Aant to format #d on &oard 554955= if you do "lhsh 554955 Q formathd #d" and the &oard 554955 is not reacha&le then the command is sent to the u& $P Ahereas Aith the command "lhsh 554955 formathd #d"' if the &oard 554955 is not reacha&le then the command is not sent at all Ho run sJl commands use one of the folloAin% synta- e-amples= >> sJlc Q select * from ta&les >> sJl select * from ta&les >> sJl select * from ta&les Ahere name li2e M^iur^M Q >> sJl select * from csp%mresource54 Ahere pnoMCTC 46 5879MQ >> sJl update csp%mresource54 set poolsi,e65555555 Ahere pnoMCTC 46 5879MQ commitQ Ho run cor&en commands use one of the folloAin% synta- e-amples= >> cor&en Q ts Q statistics >> cor&en ts Q cor&en statistics Ho run loco commands use one of the folloAin% synta- e-amples= >> loco Q ts Q ls >> loco ts Q loco ls Note= the "ts" command (stands for "termset" is for redirectin% the printout to the telnet#ssh session instead of the serial port Ho run %sim commmands use the folloAin% synta-= >> %sim l& 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
>> %sim lss Ho chan%e the COLI passAord' use the folloAin% synta-= >> passAd Q Ho chan%e security le.el (CPPD4' use the folloAin% synta-= >> secmode 3l 6 Q Ho run a%ainst an )TE node' no need for semicolons' e%= >> allip >> r-msp=mor-ot%348'su&ord >> r-&li=mor-otr-34834 (command Aill &e auto3confirmed Limitations= it is not possi&le to release the terminal in order to .ieA "ordered" printouts
6.0 +il" -an)li -an)lin' n' coan) coan) 5avigating through the directories on the node +NC44> cd #d#confi%uration#c. B cd #d#confi%uration#c. B +NC44> pAd B pAd #d#confi%uration#c.# B +NC44> cd ##loadmodules B cd ##loadmodules B +NC44> pAd B pAd #d#loadmodules# B
5avigating through the directories on the wor"station 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
+NC44> l pAd #home#ean,ma%n +NC44> l cd moshelllo%files# NeA directory= #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files +NC44> l pAd #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files
#isting of a directory on the node' one level at a time $UR> ls 3l #c#lo%files B ls 3l #c#lo%files irectory M#c#lo%filesM drA-rA-rA5 D46 drA-rA-rA5 D46 drA-rA-rA5 D46 B
4 San 4K85 55=D7=94 systemlo%# 4 San 4K85 54=K=8 lo%attri&utes# 4 San 4K85 54=K=8 cello#
+ecursive listing of a directory on the node $UR4> h ftree ******************************************************* ftree!f !#! !@ ******************************************************* +ecursi.e listin% of a directory on the nodeMs file system (eJui.alent to Zfind 3ls[ in uni- $UR4> ftree #c#lo%files #c#lo%files# drA-rA-rA3rA3rA3rA3
D46 46K997K
4 San 4K85 54=8=5D 6D $ar 655K 46=5D=DD
#c#lo%files#a.aila&ility# #c#lo%files#a.aila&ility#CELL O))IL)0ILIH]6LOU-ml #c#lo%files#a.aila&ility#CELLO))IL)0ILIH]6LOU-ml
drA-rA-rA3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3
D46 96K9 WD
46 $ar 655K 46=5D=4W 6D $ar 655K 4=6=DK 46 $ar 655K 46=5W=45
#c#lo%files#alarme.ent# #c#lo%files#alarme.ent#)L)+$LO #c#l o%files#alarme.ent#)L)+$LOU-ml U-ml #c#lo%files#alarme.ent#EENHLOU-ml #c#lo%files#alarme.ent#EENH LOU-ml 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
D46 45685 4568 5
4 San 4K85 54=W=DK 6D $ar 655K 49=5D=D9
#c#lo%files#security# #c#lo%files#security#CELLO1ECG+IH]E #c#lo%files #security#CELLO1ECG+IH]EENHLOU-ml ENHLOU-ml
drA-rA-rA3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3
4569 49DWKD KWW6D4 589D 4W489 4W48 9 58974 489465 48946 5
69 4 4W 69 6D 44 69
#c#lo%files#audittrail# #c#lo%files#audittrail#CELLO )GIHH+)ILLOU-ml #c#lo%files#audittrail#CELLO)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml #c#lo%files#audittrail#)GIHH+ #c#l o%files#audittrail#)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml )ILLOU-ml #c#lo%files#aud ittrail#H764489671ELL)GIHH+)ILLOU655K569H57 #c#lo%files#audittrail#H764489671ELL )GIHH+)ILLOU655K569H57984Kpush 984Kpush #c#lo%files #audittrail#1ELL)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml #c#lo%files#audittrail#1ELL)GIHH +)ILLOU-ml #c#lo%files#aud ittrail#H76448967CO+0))GIHH+)ILLOU655K544H66 #c#lo%files#audittrail#H76448967CO+0) )GIHH+)ILLOU655K544H66464Wpush 464Wpush #c#lo%files #audittrail#CO+0))GIHH+)ILLOU-ml #c#lo%files#audittrail#CO+0))GIHH +)ILLOU-ml
D46 6K6754
4 San 4K85 55=98=54 46 $ar 655K 46=5D=5K
$ar 1ep Oct $ar $ar $ar $ar
655K 6558 6557 655K 655K 655K 655K
57=97=9 45=W=98 44=D6=68 57=98=4K 49=5D=DD 66=46=4D 66=44=9K
#c#lo%files#systemlo%# #c#lo%files#systemlo%#55555syslo #c#l o%files#systemlo%#55555syslo% %
Show onl8 the &iles and not the directories: $UR4> ftreef #c#lo%files 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3
46K997K 96K9 WD 45685 4568 5 49DWKD KWW6D4 589D 494KW 494KW 58974 489465 48946 5 6K6754
6D 6D 46 6D 4 4W 69 6D 44 69 46
$ar $ar $ar $ar 1ep Oct $ar $ar $ar $ar $ar
655K 655K 655K 655K 6558 6557 655K 655K 655K 655K 655K
46=5D=DD 4=6=DK 46=5W=45 49=5W=58 45=W=98 44=D6=68 57=98=4K 49=5W=5K 66=46=4D 66=44=9K 46=5D=5K
#c#lo%files#a.aila&ility#CELLO))IL)0ILIH]6LOU-ml #c#lo%files#a.aila&ility#CELL O))IL)0ILIH]6LOU-ml #c#lo%files#alarme.ent#)L)+$LO #c#l o%files#alarme.ent#)L)+$LOU-ml U-ml #c#lo%files#alarme.ent#EENHLOU-ml #c#lo%files#alarme.ent#EENH LOU-ml #c#lo%files #security#CELLO1ECG+IH]EENHLOU-ml #c#lo%files#security#CELLO1ECG+IH]E ENHLOU-ml #c#lo%files#audittrail#CELLO)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml #c#lo%files#audittrail#CELLO )GIHH+)ILLOU-ml #c#lo%files#audittrail#)GIHH+ #c#l o%files#audittrail#)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml )ILLOU-ml #c#lo%files#aud ittrail#H764489671ELL)GIHH+)ILLOU655K569H57 #c#lo%files#audittrail#H764489671ELL )GIHH+)ILLOU655K569H57984Kpush 984Kpush #c#lo%files #audittrail#1ELL)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml #c#lo%files#audittrail#1ELL)GIHH +)ILLOU-ml #c#lo%files#aud ittrail#H76448967CO+0))GIHH+)ILLOU655K544H66 #c#lo%files#audittrail#H76448967CO+0) )GIHH+)ILLOU655K544H66464Wpush 464Wpush #c#lo%files #audittrail#CO+0))GIHH+)ILLOU-ml #c#lo%files#audittrail#CO+0))GIHH +)ILLOU-ml #c#lo%files#systemlo%#55555syslo #c#l o%files#systemlo%#55555syslo% %
Show &iles in order o& &ile siLe: $UR4> ftreef #c#lo%files @ sort 4n 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3
WD 45685 4568 5 4D4W 4D4W 489465 48946 5 6K6754 589D 58974 96K9
46 6D 6D 69 46 69 44 6D
$ar $ar $ar $ar $ar $ar $ar $ar
655K 655K 655K 655K 655K 655K 655K 655K
46=5W=45 49=5W=DD 49=5W=D8 66=44=9K 46=5D=5K 57=98=4K 66=46=4D 4=6=DK
#c#lo%files#alarme.ent#EENHLOU-ml #c#lo%files#alarme.ent#EENH LOU-ml #c#lo%files#security#CELLO1ECG+IH]E #c#lo%files #security#CELLO1ECG+IH]EENHLOU-ml ENHLOU-ml #c#lo%files #audittrail#1ELL)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml #c#lo%files#audittrail#1ELL)GIHH +)ILLOU-ml #c#lo%files #audittrail#CO+0))GIHH+)ILLOU-ml #c#lo%files#audittrail#CO+0))GIHH +)ILLOU-ml #c#lo%files#systemlo%#55555syslo #c#l o%files#systemlo%#55555syslo% % #c#lo%files#aud ittrail#H764489671ELL)GIHH+)ILLOU655K569H57 #c#lo%files#audittrail#H764489671ELL )GIHH+)ILLOU655K569H57984Kpush 984Kpush #c#lo%files#aud ittrail#H76448967CO+0))GIHH+)ILLOU655K544H66 #c#lo%files#audittrail#H76448967CO+0) )GIHH+)ILLOU655K544H66464Wpush 464Wpush #c#lo%files#alarme.ent#)L)+$LO #c#l o%files#alarme.ent#)L)+$LOU-ml U-ml 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3
KWW6D4 46K997K 49DWKD
4W Oct 6557 44=D6=68 6D $ar 655K 46=5D=DD 4 1ep 6558 45=W=98
#c#lo%files#audittrail#)GIHH+ #c#l o%files#audittrail#)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml )ILLOU-ml #c#lo%files#a.aila&ility#CELLO))IL)0ILIH]6LOU-ml #c#lo%files#a.aila&ility#CELL O))IL)0ILIH]6LOU-ml #c#lo%files#audittrail#CELLO)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml #c#lo%files#audittrail#CELLO )GIHH+)ILLOU-ml
Show &iles stored in a &older on a di&&erent board: $UR4> ftree 555955#f 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3
44W 878DW
49 1ep 6558 4=66=44 6 San 6558 46=9D=DD 4 San 4K85 55=6D=9D
555955#f# 555955#f#tuflashinformatio n 555955#f#tuflashinformation 555955#f#tufp%aloadmodule 555955#f#fp%aloadfiles#
+ecursive listing of a directory on the wor"station +NC44> ftree moshell#e-amples# find moshell#e-amples 3ls @ L)NUC LC)LLC #home#ean,ma%n#moshell#%aA2 3. Ahat M:if (Ahat`#f#XXB`#Yd# ne-tQprintf("^345s ^349s ^45s ^3s ^36s ^3Ds ^s?n"'B'BD'(B`#Yd#"3"=B8'B7'BK'B45'B44;M drA-r3-r3drA-r3-r33rA-r3-r33rA-r3-r33rA-r3-r33rA-r3-r3drA-r3-r33rA-r3-r33rA-r3-r33rA-r3-r3drA-r3-r3drA-r3-r33rA-r3-r3-
ean,ma%n ean,ma%n ean,ma%n ean,ma%n ean,ma%n ean,ma%n ean,ma%n ean,ma%n ean,ma%n ean,ma%n ean,ma%n ean,ma%n ean,ma%n
3 3 D846D 6DK586 4WKD W4995 3 4687 9DW7D 756 3 3 86
$ay San Sul San Sul Fe& $ay Oct San $ay $ay $ay Sun
8 49 48 K 48 65 8 4W 49 8 8 8 44
6558 46=5 655 655W 655 44=5W 6558 655 64=D7 6558 6558 6558 655
moshell#e-amples moshell#e-amples#auditfil es moshell#e-amples#auditfiles moshell#e-amples#auditfiles#C+celldatat-t moshell#e-amples#auditfil es#C+celldatat-t moshell#e-amples#auditfiles#C+E-celFormat-ls moshell#e-amples#auditfil es#C+E-celFormat-ls moshell#e-amples#auditfiles#C+utranrelationst-t moshell#e-amples#auditfil es#C+utranrelationst-t moshell#e-amples#auditfiles#E)0FSR3575584doc moshell#e-amples#auditfil es#E)0FSR3575584doc moshell#e-amples#mo&atchfiles moshell#e-amples#mo&atchf iles moshell#e-amples#mo&atchfiles#commandfile moshell#e-amples#mo&atchf iles#commandfile moshell#e-amples#mo&atchfiles#ipdata&ase moshell#e-amples#mo&atchf iles#ipdata&ase moshell#e-amples#mo&atchfiles#sitefile moshell#e-amples#mo&atchf iles#sitefile moshell#e-amples#netchec2 moshell#e-amples#netchec2 moshell#e-amples#netchec2 ons
Copy files' rename files 1ame commands as in uni-= cp' m. For recursi.e copy' use rcp $UR4> cp 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
B cp cp B
copy files
$UR4> m. B m. m. B
rename#mo.e files
$UR4> rcp B rcp rcp !3p Copy files or directory to remote local .olumes B
elete files and directories rm
333> to remo.e a sin%le file
333> to remo.e an empty folder
333> to remo.e the contents of a folder
fclean 3f
333> to remo.e files in a folder
E-ample= >> fclean #c#pmd
33> remo.e all files in the folder #c#pmd
>> fclean 555955#f
33> remo.e all files in the folder #f on &oard 555955
>> fclean #c#tmp 3f cmd
33> remo.e all files in the folder #c#tmp Ahose name match the strin% Zcmd[
$UR4> h fclean OFFLINE> h fclean ******************************************************* fclean!f@ff@a@d@e !#! !3f ******************************************************* 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
1""+334! of o&solete loadmodules O+ recursi.e of a directory on the node $UR4> rm B rm rm !3f rmdir !3f
remo.e files remo.e (empty directories
(ile transfer with ftp)sftp +NC44> u. secureftp secureftp
+NC44> h ft%et ******************************************************* ft%et!c#ftput!c#ftdel ! ! ******************************************************* Hransfer files or directories to#from the node' usin% ftp or sftp
.ownload the whole &older +NC44> ft%et #c#lo%files %et %et %et %et %et %et %et %et %et %et %et
#c#lo%files#a.aila&ility#CELLO))IL)0ILIH]6LOU-ml #lo%files#a.aila&ility#CELLO))IL)0ILIH]6LOU-ml O/ #c#lo%files#alarme.ent#)L)+$LOU-ml #lo%files#alarme.ent#)L)+$LOU-ml O/ #c#lo%files#alarme.ent#EENHLOU-ml #lo%files#alarme.ent#EENHLOU-ml O/ #c#lo%files#hAin.entory#CELLORINENHO+]LOU-ml #lo%files#hAin.entory#CELLORINENHO+]LOU-ml O/ #c#lo%files#security#CELLO1ECG+IH]EENHLOU-ml #lo%files#security#CELLO1ECG+IH]EENHLOU-ml O/ #c#lo%files#audittrail#CELLO)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml #lo%files#audittrail#CELLO)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml O/ #c#lo%files#audittrail#)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml #lo%files#audittrail#)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml O/ #c#lo%files#audittrail#1ELL)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml #lo%files#audittrail#1ELL)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml O/ #c#lo%files#audittrail#CO+0))GIHH+)ILLOU-ml #lo%files#audittrail#CO+0))GIHH+)ILLOU-ml O/ #c#lo%files#systemlo%#55555syslo% #lo%files#systemlo%#55555syslo% O/ #c#lo%files#systemlo%#55554syslo% #lo%files#systemlo%#55554syslo% O/ 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
.ownload onl8 the &iles whose name match a speci&ic string +NC44> ft%et 3f )GIH #c#lo%files %et %et %et %et
#c#lo%files#audittrail#CELLO)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml #lo%files#audittrail#CELLO)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml O/ #c#lo%files#audittrail#)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml #lo%files#audittrail#)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml O/ #c#lo%files#audittrail#1ELL)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml #lo%files#audittrail#1ELL)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml O/ #c#lo%files#audittrail#CO+0))GIHH+)ILLOU-ml #lo%files#audittrail#CO+0))GIHH+)ILLOU-ml O/
/onditional download, existing &iles will not be o#erwritten +NC44> ft%et c 3f )GIH #c#lo%files +NC44>
0etch &iles modi&ied in the past hours: +NC44> ft%et 3m h #c#lo%files 1tartdate6557445944DD96' Enddate6557445D49DD96 %et #c#lo%files#security#CELLO1ECG+IH]EENHLOU-ml #lo%files#security#CELLO1ECG+IH]EENHLOU-ml O/ %et #c#lo%files#audittrail#1ELL)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml #lo%files#audittrail#1ELL)GIHH+)ILLOU-ml O/ +NC44>
.elete &iles in 'c'tmp older than = da8: +NC44> ftdel 3m KKKK 3p KKK7 #c#tmp
.elete &iles in 'p""=2""'pmHdata older than G da8s and whose name matches ?ln>@: +NC44> ftdel 3m KKKK 3p KKK6 3f ln2 #p554655#pmdata
6. Uin' Uin' 8oa!) 8oa!) '!ou% '!ou% M(C 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
$UR4> &p 0oard3Uroup Nr of 0oards aal6ap 9 aal6cpsrc D aal6ncc 7 aal6nccadm 6 all 84 allp 84 &p D5 ch confm%r 6 coremp 6 et 64 %ra W imra licd& 6 mesc mp 64 ms& 4D ms& 4D mtp6mp 44 ommp 6 raa sccpmp 9 sctpmp W sc46 ss8mp 48 stc 6 tu 6 Hotal= 68 %roups $UR4> &p all 0oard 0oardHype 1A)llocation 0oardUroups 555555 1C0 $UR1C0 all allp &p sc555455 1C0 $UR1C0 all allp &p sc555655 UP095 $UR$1UP056 aal6nccadm all allp coremp mp 55555 UP095 $UR$1UP05 aal6nccadm all allp coremp mp 555955 HG0 $URHG0 all allp &p tu 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
555D55 555W55 555855 555755 555K55 554555 554455 554655 55455 554855 554755 554K55 556555 556955 556D55 556W55 556855 545555 545455 545655 54555 545955 545D55 545W55 545855 545755 545K55 544555 544455 544655 54455 544955 544D55 544W55 544855 544755 546455 54655 546D55 546W55 546855 85555 85455 85655 8555
HG0 UP095 UP095 UP095 UP095 UP095 UP095 UP095 UP095 1T0 1T0 1T0 1T0 UP095 UP095 UP095 UP095 1C0 1C0 UP095 UP095 EH3$9 EH3$9 EH3$9 EH3$9 EH3$9 EH3$9 EH3$9 EH3$9 EH3$9 EH3$9 EH3$9 EH3$9 EH3$9 EH3$9 EH3$9 EH3$C94 EH3$C94 EH3$C4 EH3$C4 1T0 1C0 1C0 UP095 UP095
$URHG0 $UR$1UP05W $UR$1UP058 $UR$1UP057 $UR$1UP05K $UR$1UP045 $UR$1UP044 $UR$1UP046 $UR$1UP04 $UR1T0$ain $UR1T0$ain $UR1T0$ain $UR1T0$ain $UR$1UP069 $UR$1UP06D $UR$1UP06W $UR$1UP068 $UR1C0 $UR1C0 $UR)H$IPUP056 $UR)H$IPUP05 $UREH$9 $UREH$9 $UREH$9 $UREH$9 $UREH$9 $UREH$9 $UREH$9 $UREH$9 $UREH$9 $UREH$9 $UREH$9 $UREH$9 $UREH$9 $UREH$9 $UREH$9 $UREH$C94 $UREH$C94 $UREH$C4 $UREH$C4 $ $UR1C0 $UR1C0 $UR$1EUP056 $UR$1EUP05
all allp &p tu aal6ap aal6cpsrc all allp mp ommp aal6ap aal6cpsrc all allp mp ommp all allp mp mtp6mp sccpmp sctpmp ss8mp aal6cpsrc all allp mp mtp6mp sccpmp sctpmp ss8mp aal6ncc all allp confm%r mp sctpmp ss8mp aal6ncc all allp confm%r mp sctpmp ss8mp aal6ap aal6cpsrc all allp mp mtp6mp sccpmp sctpmp ss8mp aal6ap aal6cpsrc all allp mp mtp6mp sccpmp sctpmp ss8mp all allp &p scall allp &p scall allp &p scall allp &p scaal6ncc all allp ch licd& mp ss8mp aal6ncc all allp %ra imra mesc mp raa ss8mp stc all allp ch mp mtp6mp ss8mp all allp ch licd& mp mtp6mp ss8mp stc all allp &p scall allp &p scaal6ncc all allp %ra mp mtp6mp ss8mp aal6ncc all allp %ra mp mtp6mp ss8mp all allp &p et all allp &p et all allp &p et all allp &p et all allp &p et all allp &p et all allp &p et all allp &p et all allp &p et all allp &p et all allp &p et all allp &p et all allp &p et all allp &p et all allp &p et all allp &p et all allp &p et all allp &p et all allp &p et all allp &p scall allp &p scall allp &p scall allp %ra imra mp mtp6mp ss8mp all allp %ra imra mp mtp6mp ss8mp 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
85955 UP095 $UR$1EUP059 all allp %ra mp mtp6mp ss8mp 85D55 UP095 $UR$1EUP05D aal6ncc all allp mesc mp raa ss8mp 85W55 UP095 $UR$1EUP05W aal6ncc all allp mesc mp raa ss8mp 85855 $10 $UR$10Profile4W all allp &p ms& ms& 85755 $10 $UR$10Profile4W all allp &p ms& ms& 85K55 $10 $UR$10Profile4 all allp &p ms& ms& 84555 $10 $UR$10Profile4 all allp &p ms& ms& 84455 $10 $UR$10Profile all allp &p ms& ms& 84655 $10 $UR$10Profile all allp &p ms& ms& 8455 $10 $UR$10Profile all allp &p ms& ms& 84955 $10 $UR$10Profile all allp &p ms& ms& 84D55 $10 $UR$10Profile all allp &p ms& ms& 84W55 $10 $UR$10Profile all allp &p ms& ms& 84855 $10 $UR$10Profile all allp &p ms& ms& 84755 $10 $UR$10Profile all allp &p ms& ms& 84K55 $10 $UR$10Profile all allp &p ms& ms& 86555 $10 $UR$10Profile all allp &p ms& ms& 86455 $10 $UR$10Profile all allp &p ms& ms& 8655 EH3$C94 $UREH$C94 all allp &p et 86D55 EH3$C94 $UREH$C94 all allp &p et 86855 1T0 $ all allp &p sc Hotal= 84 &oards $UR4> &p %ra 0oard 0oardHype 1A)llocation 0oardUroups 556D55 UP095 $UR$1UP06D aal6ncc all allp %ra imra mesc mp raa ss8mp stc 545655 UP095 $UR)H$IPUP056 aal6ncc all allp %ra mp mtp6mp ss8mp 54555 UP095 $UR)H$IPUP05 aal6ncc all allp %ra mp mtp6mp ss8mp 85655 UP095 $UR$1EUP056 all allp %ra imra mp mtp6mp ss8mp 8555 UP095 $UR$1EUP05 all allp %ra imra mp mtp6mp ss8mp 85955 UP095 $UR$1EUP059 all allp %ra mp mtp6mp ss8mp Hotal= W &oards $UR4> &p mesc 0oard 0oardHype 1A)llocation 0oardUroups 556D55 UP095 $UR$1UP06D aal6ncc all allp %ra imra mesc mp raa ss8mp stc 85D55 UP095 $UR$1EUP05D aal6ncc all allp mesc mp raa ss8mp 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
85W55 UP095 $UR$1EUP05W aal6ncc all allp mesc mp raa ss8mp Hotal= &oards $UR4> &p raa 0oard 0oardHype 1A)llocation 0oardUroups 556D55 UP095 $UR$1UP06D aal6ncc all allp %ra imra mesc mp raa ss8mp stc 85D55 UP095 $UR$1EUP05D aal6ncc all allp mesc mp raa ss8mp 85W55 UP095 $UR$1EUP05W aal6ncc all allp mesc mp raa ss8mp Hotal= &oards $UR4> &p licd& 0oard 0oardHype 1A)llocation 0oardUroups 556955 UP095 $UR$1UP069 aal6ncc all allp ch licd& mp ss8mp 556855 UP095 $UR$1UP068 all allp ch licd& mp mtp6mp ss8mp stc Hotal= 6 &oards $UR4> &p confm%r 0oard 0oardHype 1A)llocation 0oardUroups 554555 UP095 $UR$1UP045 aal6ncc all allp confm%r mp sctpmp ss8mp 554455 UP095 $UR$1UP044 aal6ncc all allp confm%r mp sctpmp ss8mp Hotal= 6 &oards $UR4> lh all te lo% read @ %rep E++O+ 5559= !655W35W358 Nsstul+e%uproc 5559= !655W35W358 5559= !655W35W358 needed 5559= !655W35W357 Nsstul+e%uproc
4W=6W=965D6 NsstuControlproc nsstucontrolsm)nyc=448 E++O+=Gne-pected si%nal WK97K recei.ed from 4W=6W=965D6 NsstuControlproc nsstucontrolc=6K5 CEC/=E++O+ 1H)HG1 4W=6W=965D6 NsstuControlproc nsstucontrolc=6K9 E++O+=Gne-pected error occured' further in.esti%ation 45=66=564W NsstuControlproc nsstucontrolsm)nyc=448 E++O+=Gne-pected si%nal WK97K recei.ed from 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
etc 554W= !655W358357 66=97=4DKKW uehGeCt-tC!48D9 #src#GehGeCt-tCcpp=6979 E++O+=Himeout on Procedure E-ecution Himer for procedure = P+OC 45= 1oft 554W= !655W358357 66=97=4DKKW Geh1oftoC!45K #src#tar%et#Cello#+H)ctor#&ad$essa%ecc=4KW E++O+=uehProcedures(45K_AaitCellParams recei.ed une-pected messa%e= uehGeCt-t)synchIndicP^asynchun2noAn1i%Ind data= .oid 554W= !655W358357 66=97=4W595 uehGeCt-tC!48DD #src#GehGeCt-tCcpp=6979 E++O+=Himeout on Procedure E-ecution Himer for procedure = P+OC 45= 1oft 554W= !655W358357 66=97=4W595 Geh1oftoC!445 #src#tar%et#Cello#+H)ctor#&ad$essa%ecc=4KW E++O+=uehProcedures(445_AaitCellParams recei.ed une-pected messa%e= uehGeCt-t)synchIndicP^asynchun2noAn1i%Ind data= .oid 554W= !655W358357 66=97=4WW5 uehGeCt-tC!48DK #src#GehGeCt-tCcpp=6979 E++O+=Himeout on Procedure E-ecution Himer for procedure = P+OC 45= 1oft 554W= !655W358357 66=97=4WW5 Geh1oftoC!458 #src#tar%et#Cello#+H)ctor#&ad$essa%ecc=4KW E++O+=uehProcedures(458_AaitCellParams recei.ed une-pected messa%e= uehGeCt-t)synchIndicP^asynchun2noAn1i%Ind data= .oid 554K= !655W358358 65=6W=W4W sppsuper.iserro spsuper.iserrocc=947 E++O+=Gn2noAn si%nal 5-5 recei.ed from pid 5-45456 554K= !655W358357 66=9W=68D57 sppsuper.iserro spsuper.iserrocc=947 E++O+=Gn2noAn si%nal 5-6555e recei.ed from pid 5-4545 $UR4> lh mesc mescinfofpif 3stat @ %rep Min useM 556D= 556D= 85D= 85D= 85W= 85W=
Num&er Num&er Num&er Num&er Num&er Num&er
of of of of of of
Ct-s Ct-s Ct-s Ct-s Ct-s Ct-s
in use= not in use= in use= not in use= in use= not in use=
5 D855 5 D855 5 D855
$UR4> lh mesc mesccounters 3all B lhsh 556D55 mesccounters 3all 556D= mesccounters= HimeRed $ar 6D 49=56=5D 655K 556D= mesccounters= Command not accessa&le &ecause $esc is in Passi.e state= B lhsh 85D55 mesccounters 3all 85D= mesccounters= HimeRed $ar 6D 49=56=5D 655K 85D= mesccounters output= 85D= mesccounters= $esc specific data for mescId 4= 85D= mesccounters= 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 85D= mesccounters= mescId 4 85D= mesccounters= rpuId 8 85D= mesccounters= Emer%ency reVect counter 5 85D= mesccounters= Emer%ency reJuest counter 5 85D= mesccounters= NrOfChan%edCd.t1peechHoataalue counter 5 85D= mesccounters= NrOfChan%edCd.tataHo1peechalue counter 5 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
%ote: re&er to the command &ile o& the dcg command 5moshell'commonars'scripts'd 5moshell'commonars'scripts'dcgHdatacolle cgHdatacollection4mos7 ction4mos7 &or more examples o& lh commands4
< SW MANA5 MANA5EME EMENT NT COMMAN COMMANDS DS <.1 Confi'u!ati Confi'u!ation on V"!ion Han)lin' Han)lin' The configuration data is "ept in a SQ# database in the +2M memory. $t can be bac"ed up and reloaded to)from a db.dat file on the harddis". This is called a C4 and consists of several files but the main one is the db.dat file.
Central MP
Eard dis"
+2M memory
cvm" SQ# tables: odataDr7 cspiuresourceD 77 77 cspgmresourceD 77 77 etc...
C4 bac"up !db.dat file%
5ode restart
9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
<.1.1 CV fil" fil" an) an) fol)"! fol)"! )d)configuration)cv contains all the configuration versions. (or safety reasons it is replicated between the two Core MPs. ach C4 is "ept in a separate folder. +NC44> ls 3l #d B ls 3l #d irectory M#dM drA-rA-rA5 drA-rA-rA5 3r33r33r33 5 3rA3rA3rA3 5 3r33r33r33 5 3r33r33r33 5 3rA3rA3rA3 5 3r33r33r33 5 B
D46 9WDK6 48 446 65 499 6 6
4 44 48 4 4 4 48 44
San 1ep 1ep )u% )u% )u% 1ep 1ep
4K85 6558 6558 6558 6558 6558 6558 6558
59=DW=8 4=98=6D 44=4=47 45=96=9D 44=4=D5 44=56=9D 44=4=47 49=68=7
confi%uration# loadmodules# c.ptr roll&ac2lst&a2 roll&ac2ini roll&ac2lst c.&a2 roll&ac2cnt
+NC4> ftree #d#confi%uration 3r33r33r33 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3
469 7 45
6 6 8 46
6 )u% 655D 59=DK=D9
drA-rA-rA3r33r33r33 3r33r33r33 3r33r33r33 3r33r33r33 3rA3rA3rA3 3r33r33r33 3r33r33r33
D46 469W 48K7D K 79 444686 4W8
4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D
Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun
655D 655D 655D 655D 655D 655D 655D 655D
5W=K=55 5W=7=9K 5W=7=D5 5W=7=D4 5W=7=D4 5W=7=DW 5W=7=DK 5W=K=55
#d#confi%uration#c.#PU)CNDfinal# #d#confi%uration#c.#PU)CND final# #d#confi%uration#c.#PU)CND final#acti.ityLo%%, #d#confi%uration#c.#PU)CNDfinal#acti.ityLo%%, #d#confi%uration#c.#PU)CNDfin al#)+$)$ENH #d#confi%uration#c.#PU)CNDfinal#)+$)$ENH #d#confi%uration#c.#PU)CNDfinal#LLPL$I #d#confi%uration#c.#PU)CND final#LLPL$I #d#confi%uration#c.#PU)CNDfinal#attri&ute #d#confi%uration#c.#PU)CND final#attri&ute #d#confi%uration#c.#PU)CNDfinal#d&dat #d#confi%uration#c.#PU)CND final#d&dat #d#confi%uration#c.#PU)CNDfinal#mdDchec2sums #d#confi%uration#c.#PU)CND final#mdDchec2sums #d#confi%uration#c.#PU)CNDfinal#o2 #d#confi%uration#c.#PU)CND final#o2
drA-rA-rA3r33r33r33 3r33r33r33 3r33r33r33 3r33r33r33 3rA3rA3rA3 3r33r33r33
D46 748 48K8K K 74 44W954 4W8
8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun
655D 655D 655D 655D 655D 655D 655D
6=D=4W 6=D=59 6=D=59 6=D=5D 6=D=5W 6=D=44 6=D=4D
#d#confi%uration#c.#+anapcs pscleaned# #d#confi%uration#c.#+anapcspscleaned# #d#confi%uration#c.#+anapcspscleaned#acti.ityLo%% #d#confi%uration#c.#+anapcs pscleaned#acti.ityLo%%, , #d#confi%uration#c.#+anapcspscleaned#)+$)$ENH #d#confi%uration#c.#+anapcs pscleaned#)+$)$ENH #d#confi%uration#c.#+anapcspscleaned#LLPL$I #d#confi%uration#c.#+anapcs pscleaned#LLPL$I #d#confi%uration#c.#+anapcspscleaned#attri&ute #d#confi%uration#c.#+anapcs pscleaned#attri&ute #d#confi%uration#c.#+anapcsps #d#c onfi%uration#c.#+anapcspscleaned#d&dat cleaned#d&dat #d#confi%uration#c.#+anapcspscleaned#mdDchec2sums #d#confi%uration#c.#+anapcs pscleaned#mdDchec2sums
)u% )u% No. $ar
655D 655D 6559 655D
5D=59=D6 5D=65=D6 6=47=D9 49=46=9
#d#confi%uration# #d#confi%uration#lastcreatedc .ptr #d#confi%uration#lastcreatedc.ptr #d#confi%uration#C$CONFIU #d#confi%uration#cseJuipmentcmd6cf% #d#confi%uration#cseJuipment cmd6cf% #d#confi%uration#defaultrouter #d#confi%uration#defaultroute r
9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
8 Sun 655D 6=D=4W
#d#confi%uration#c.#+anapcspscleaned#o2 #d#confi%uration#c.#+anapcs pscleaned#o2
Core MP startup se6uence Program asic !S
LoaderServer Program 9ataba 9atabase se Progra Program m
2ction !pen #ile ,d,cvptr --@ points to active "4 .o to the directory ,d,con#iguration,cv,Aactive"4@, "hec0 that this directory contains a #ile called Bo0C The Bo0C #ile is an empty #ile that is written at "4 creation* once the database is #inished writing #rom R% to dis0 (into the dbdat #ile) I# the o0 #ile is not present then it means that the "4 was not dumped completely to dbdat (#or instance due to a node restart during "4 creation) so the dbdat must be corrupted (%t the net node restart this "4 will be removed) I# Bo0C #ile is present then continue with net step !pen the #ile mdDchec0sums This #ile contains the chec0sums #or the #iles LLPLI9* %R%/:T* %R%/:T* dbdat and attribute %ll chec0sums listed in this #ile should match the chec0sums o# the actual #iles (can be chec0ed with command mdD* on the node) in order to go on to the net step !pen #ile LLPLI9 ---@ gives the product number and revision o# the loaderserver program that should be loaded %oa/ t)e loa/erser8er -rora O-en file ,RM,MNT G i8es t)e list of -roras to loa/ in eac) MP+P
Load all programs listed in %R%/:T #ile (contains P and P so#tware only) !pen !pen #ile #ile dbdat dbdat --@ --@ show showss list list o# progra programs ms to load load in all all proces processor sorss (inc (includ luding ing device device 1;) Load all remaining programs as listed in database
The ,asicOS opens the file )d)cv.ptr to find out name of the startable C4. +NC4> cat #d#c.ptr B cat #d#c.ptr +ncfinal B
,asicOS now "nows the folder where are stored the C4 files to load +NC45> ls 3l #d#confi%uration#c.#+ncfinal# B ls 3l #d#confi%uration#c.#+ncfinal# irectory M#d#confi%uration#c.#+ncfinal#M -r--r--r-" =66=D 2 Ma8 2""6 2":!!:2 MME%) -r--r--r-" 2 Ma8 2""6 2":!!:2 **4*M1. -r--r--r-" GG 2 Ma8 2""6 2":!!: attribute 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
" " "
"6G6 =6G
2 Ma8 2""6 2":!!:G db4dat 2 Ma8 2""6 2":!!: mdchec>sums 2 Ma8 2""6 2":!!: o>
,asicOS chec"s if the C4 folder contains an /o"0 file. $f this file is missing then it means that the db.dat file was not fully created and the C4 is invalide. +NC44> cat #d#confi%uration#c.#+ncfinal#o2 B cat #d#confi%uration#c.#+ncfinal#o2 o2 B
,asicOS opens the file mdBchec"sums and uses it to chec" that the C4 files are not corrupted. +NC45> cat #d#confi%uration#c.#+ncfinal#mdDchec2sums B cat #d#confi%uration#c.#+ncfinal#mdDchec2sums d&dat 9a7ac&8c4f4K66d5D8D477W&cWaD6&5 attri&ute a4D748KWa48df5a&46caW44&D5aD8 )+$)$ENH d8dWaWef6DW6&We9D9DK9ffcc9dD5 LLPL$I K&d984&74eacda9DD&acd87ceaa7d B +NC45> mdD #d#confi%uration#c.#+ncfinal#)+$)$ENH B mdD #d#confi%uration#c.#+ncfinal#)+$)$ENH File= #d#confi%uration#c.#+ncfinal#)+$)$ENH $D chec2sum= d8dWaWef6DW6&We9D9DK9ffcc9dD5 B
,asicOS opens the file ##P.#M$ to find out the identity of the #oaderServer program. $t then loads that program. +NC4> cat #d#confi%uration#c.#+ncfinal#LLPL$I B cat #d#confi%uration#c.#+ncfinal#LLPL$I CTC46587D+D5T56 4654555 5 45 44 B
The #oadServer program opens the 2+M2M5T file and uses this information to inform all M,),P processors of what programs they need to load. +NC4> cat #d#confi%uration#c.#+ncfinal#)+$)$ENH 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
B cat #d#confi%uration#c.#+ncfinal#)+$)$ENH 5'4'+OS44K6457#6'+W'5'4'CTC4649D4+D5T5W'45'5'5 5'4'+OS44K6457#6'+W'5'6'CTC46656D+D5T54'D5'5'5 5'4'+OS44K6457#6'+W'5''CTC4664WW^6+D5T54'655'5'5 5'4'+OS44K6457#6'+W'5'9'CTC464958+D5T54'55'5'5 5'4'+OS44K6457#6'+W'5'D'CTC46495K+D5T54'55'5'5 5'4'+OS44K6457#6'+W'5'W'CTC4664WD^46+D5T54'55'5'5 5'4'+OS44K6457#6'+W'5'8'CTC464465+D5F54'955'5'5 5'4'+OS44K6457#6'+W'5'7'CTC464464+D5F54'955'5'5 5'45'+OS44K645W#'+6'4'4'CTC464998+D5T5W'45'5'5 5'45'+OS44K645W#'+6'4'6'CTC466746+D5T54'D5'5'5 5'45'+OS44K645W#'+6'4''CTC46587D+D5T56'455'4654555'5 5'45'+OS44K645W#'+6'4'9'CTC464957+D5C5'655'465555'W55555 5'45'+OS44K645W#'+6'4'D'CTC465874+D5C59'655'4D555555'W555555 5'45'+OS44K645W#'+6'4'W'CTC465876+D5T5'655'49555'4D5W555 5'45'+OS44K645W#'+6'4'8'CTC4644D+D5C58'655'5'65555555 5'45'+OS44K645W#'+6'4'7'CTC464D8+D5C59'655'69555'984555 5'45'+OS44K645W#'+6'4'K'CTC46448+D5C59'655'5'5 5'45'+OS44K645W#'+6'4'45'CTC465878+D5T56'655'5'55555
'?itc) Mo/ule Nu6er ('u6rac=!
oar/ Pro/uct Nu6er
0E 8E
o a r / R e 8 i s i o n
% o a / P ) a s e
%oa/ Mo/ule I/entification Nu6er (%MID! an/ Re8ision
%oa/ Class
P o o l ' i H e
ROF1 1 9 2 1 0 6+3E R2 E 1 E 1 E CC1 32 1 447R4;0 3E 1 0 E 0 E 0
CPU t3-e7 ,'CC Port Nu6er
*ea- 'iHe
5ote& "PU type (P,P) will tell the LLP whether a board is LP or not Once the atabase program !CAC>78>% is running and the SQ# database has been loaded from the db.dat file to +2M memory' the ##P will be able to find out the list of device S*' -ava S*' and AP S* to be loaded. +NC4> ls 3l #d#confi%uration#c.#+ncfinal#d&dat 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
B ls 3l #d#confi%uration#c.#+ncfinal#d&dat 3rA3rA3rA3 5 5W8W 6 $ay 655W 65=99=D8 d&dat +NC45> sJl select name from ta&les @ e%rep bp%[email protected] @ @ @ @ @ @ @
Mcsp%mresource54M Mcsfanp%mresourceM MV.mfror4M Msppp%mresource56M Msppspup%mresource56M Mipcpp%mfrota&le54M MphyeJmtp%mfrota&leM
@ @ @ @ @ @ @
Once the database is laoded and the -ava S* is running the MOs can read their data and the M$, will become ready.
<.1.0 <.1.0 CV -an)li -an)lin' n' 2ll C4 handling can be done with the Configuration4ersion MO: +NC45> %et confi%uration.ersion4 4 1A$ana%ement4'Confi%urationersion4 Confi%urationersionId 4 autoCreatedCIsHurnedOn false commandlo%1tatus true currentLoadedConfi%urationersion +ncfinal currentGp%radePac2a%e Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+9S58 e-ecutin%C. +ncfinal lastCreatedC. +ncfinal roll&ac2InitCounteralue D roll&ac2InitHimeralue 5 roll&ac2List s!6 E-ercise6 +)IONEHRO+/95+01IO roll&ac2On false startable/on&igurationAersion ncH&inal ''&rom 'd'c#4ptr storedConfi%urationersions t!6 >>> 1truct!4 has 7 mem&ers= >>> 4name +ncfinal >>> 6identity +ncfinal >>> type other >>> 9up%radePac2a%eId CTPK546549+9S58 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
>>> DoperatorName un2noAn >>> WoperatorComment none >>> 8date Hue $ay 6 65=99=D 655W >>> 7status CELLOCO/ >>> 1truct!6 has 7 mem&ers= >>> 4name FiCTPK546549+9S585W544K5869 >>> 6identity no .alue (c. product id >>> type other >>> 9up%radePac2a%eId CTPK546549+9S58 >>> DoperatorName Cello Pac2et Platform >>> WoperatorComment Final C autocreated at 1ystem Gp%rade >>> 8date Hhu San 4K 58=69=9 655W >>> 7status CELLOCO/ timeFor)utoCreatedC 59=55 userLa&el Hotal= 4 $Os +NC45> acl confi%ura Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params 65D6 Confi%urationersion4 cancel+estore 5 65D6 Confi%urationersion4 chan%e+estoreConfirmationeadline chan%e+estoreConfirmatione adline 4 65D6 Confi%urationersion4 confirm+estore 5 65D6 Confi%urationersion4 create D 65D6 Confi%urationersion4 delete 4 65D6 Confi%urationersion4 forced+estore 6 65D6 Confi%urationersion4 9 65D6 Confi%urationersion4 W 65D6 Confi%urationersion4 remo.eFrom+oll&ac2List 4 65D6 Confi%urationersion4 restore 6 65D6 Confi%urationersion4 setFirst+oll&ac2List 4 65D6 Confi%urationersion4 set1tarta&le 4 65D6 Confi%urationersion4 .erify+estore 4
The moshell /cv0 commands can be used to perform C4 operations +NC45> h 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
******************************************************* ******************************************************* Command synta-= * ! * * c.rm @ * ! ! * c.m2 ! ! * c.set etc
Overview of active C4s as well as full C4 list +NC44> 5K56D34W=59 C Name Gp%rade Pac2a%e +elease 1tarta&le= +NC44O/D CTPK546549+45CS#) PD56W3W (D46K EP48 Loaded= +NC44O/D CTPK546549+45CS#) PD56W3W (D46K EP48 E-ecutin%= +NC44O/D CTPK546549+45CS#) PD56W3W (D46K EP48 Last created= +NC44O/D CTPK546549+45CS#) PD56W3W (D46K EP48 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 Current Gp%radeP2%= Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+45CS^) Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+45CS ^) CTPK546549+45CS#) PD56W3W (D46K EP48 )utoCreatedC= isa&led +oll&ac2 status= +oll&ac2 is on +oll&ac2 init timer= 5 +oll&ac2 init counter= D +oll&ac2 counter= D +oll&ac2 list= s!6 +&CTPK546549+45CS^)5K565K +&CTPK546549+45CS^)5K565K4W44 4W44 +NC44O/9 +NC44> 5K585K357=98 C Name Gp%rade Pac2a%e +elease 1tarta&le= +NC44PW4 CTPK546796+0E#W PW493K (EP453CPPW454W Loaded= +NC44PW4 CTPK546796+0E#W PW493K (EP453CPPW454W E-ecutin%= +NC44PW4 CTPK546796+0E#W PW493K (EP453CPPW454W Last created= +NC44P8 CTPK546KKD+WCF#4 P85438 (854 EP46 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 Current Gp%radeP2%= Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546796+0E^W Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546796+0E^ W CTPK546796+0E#W PW493K (EP453CPPW454W 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
)utoCreatedC= +oll&ac2 status= +oll&ac2 init timer= +oll&ac2 init counter= +oll&ac2 counter= +oll&ac2 list=
isa&led +oll&ac2 is on 6775 6 6 s! +NC44PW +&CTPK54646+45^465K5D6 +&CTPK54646+45^465K5D674659 74659 +NC44O/D
GP name Productata Cs L$s Prate LastC state +elease CompatInde CTPK546549+45CS^) CTPK546549+45CS#) 66W 5K544W 5K5D67 ILE' GPU+)ECO$PLEHE PD56W3W (D46K EP48 +NCPD)GE9GD CTPK54646+45#4K CTPK54646+45#4K D 686 5K5958 5K5W4D ILE' GPU+)ECO$PLEHE PW5636D (EP463W56K +nc$O$)N4 CTPK546796+0E^W CTPK546796+0E#W 9 5 5K5D4 5K5W48 ILE' GPU+)ECO$PLEHE PW493K (EP453CPPW454W +nc$O$)G irtual5ofCTPK546KKD+WCF#4 CTPK546KKD+WCF#4 5 5K5D5W 5K5W48 ILE' ONL]ELEHE)0LE P85438 (854 EP46
C Name Creation ate Pac2a%e#+elease Hype Operator Comment FiCTPK546549+45CS^)5K565K4W6D FiCTPK546549+45CS^)5K565K 4W6D 655K35635K 4W=6D CTPK546549+45CS#) PD56W3W other CPP Final C autocreated at 1G +NC44O/D 655K35635K 4W=5 CTPK546549+45CS#) PD56W3W other ean,ma%n none +&CTPK54646+45^465K5D674659 +&CTPK54646+45^465K5D67 4659 655K35D367 46=59 CTPK546549+45CS#) PD56W3W other CPP +oll& C autocreated at 1G FiCTPK54646+45^4K5K5W45K95 FiCTPK54646+45^4K5K5W4 5K95 655K35W34 5K=95 CTPK54646+45#4K PW5636D other CPP Final C autocreated at 1G +NC44PW 655K35W34D 5K=57 CTPK54646+45#4K PW5636D other ean,ma%n none 1iCTPK546549+45CS^)5K5W4D4W97 1iCTPK546549+45CS^)5K5W4D 4W97 655K35W34D 4W=97 CTPK54646+45#4K PW5636D other CPP Installtmp C autocreated &y 1G FiCTPK54646+45^4K5K5W4D4858 FiCTPK54646+45^4K5K5W4D 4858 655K35W34D 48=58 CTPK54646+45#4K PW5636D other CPP Final C autocreated at 1G +&CTPK546796+0E^W5K5W4D4K6W +&CTPK546796+0E^W5K5W4D 4K6W 655K35W34D 4K=6W CTPK54646+45#4K PW5636D other CPP +oll& C autocreated at 1G 1GCTPK546796+0E^W5K5W4D4KK 1GCTPK546796+0E^W5K5W4D 4KK 655K35W34D 4K=K CTPK546796+0E#W PW493K up%rtol CPP Hemp C autocreated at 1G FiCTPK546796+0E^W5K5W4D4KD5 FiCTPK546796+0E^W5K5W4D 4KD5 655K35W34D 4K=D5 CTPK546796+0E#W PW493K other CPP Final C autocreated at 1G +NC44PW4 655K35W34D 4K=D6 CTPK546796+0E#W PW493K other ean,ma%n none +&CTPK546KKD+WCF^45K5W485W5K +&CTPK546KKD+WCF^45K5W48 5W5K 655K35W348 5W=45 CTPK546796+0E#W PW493K other CPP +oll& C autocreated at 1G 1GCTPK546KKD+WCF^45K5W485W5 1GCTPK546KKD+WCF^45K5W48 5W5 655K35W348 5W=5 CTPK546KKD+WCF#4 P85438 up%rtol CPP Hemp C autocreated at 1G FiCTPK546KKD+WCF^45K5W485W96 FiCTPK546KKD+WCF^45K5W48 5W96 655K35W348 5W=9 CTPK546KKD+WCF#4 P85438 other CPP Final C autocreated at 1G +NC44P8 655K35W348 46=96 CTPK546KKD+WCF#4 P85438 other ean,ma%n none >>> Hotal= 4D CMs' 9 GPMs
(ilter the C4 list +NC44> pD548 5K56D34W=5D C Name Gp%rade Pac2a%e +elease 1tarta&le= +NC44O/D CTPK546549+45CS#) PD56W3W (D46K EP48 Loaded= +NC44O/D CTPK546549+45CS#) PD56W3W (D46K EP48 E-ecutin%= +NC44O/D CTPK546549+45CS#) PD56W3W (D46K EP48 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Last created= +NC44O/D CTPK546549+45CS#) PD56W3W (D46K EP48 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 Current Gp%radeP2%= Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+45CS^) Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+45CS ^) CTPK546549+45CS#) PD56W3W (D46K EP48 )utoCreatedC= isa&led +oll&ac2 status= +oll&ac2 is on +oll&ac2 init timer= 5 +oll&ac2 init counter= D +oll&ac2 counter= D +oll&ac2 list= s!6 +&CTPK546549+45CS^)5K565K +&CTPK546549+45CS^)5K565K4W44 4W44 +NC44O/9 C Name Creation ate Pac2a%e#+elease Hype Operator Comment nontp 6557356349 48=5 CTPK546549+45)]#8 PD5483 other ean,ma%n none >>> Hotal= 4 CMs
Ma"e a C4 +NC44> c.m2 test ean,ma%n this is a test (333> calls the action ZConfi%urationersion=create[ +NC44> acc 4 create Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params 4 Confi%urationersion4 create D Parameter 4 of D' confi%urationersionName (strin%= test Parameter 6 of D' identity (strin%= test Parameter of D' type (enum+ef3Confi%urationersionHype= Enter one of the folloAin% inte%ers= 5=1H)N)+' 4=GPU+)E' 6=$INI$)L' =HE1H' 9=)GHOC+E)HE' D=OHE+' W=GPU+)EHOLE+)HEE++O+' 8=ORNLO)E' 7=+E1HO+E= D Parameter 9 of D' operatorName (strin%= ean,ma%n Parameter D of D' comment (strin%= this is a test >>> +eturn .alue null Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os actioned
The new C4 becomes /3ecuting0 and /#ast created0 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
+NC44> 5K56D34W=5W C Name Gp%rade Pac2a%e +elease 1tarta&le= +NC44O/D CTPK546549+45CS#) PD56W3W (D46K EP48 Loaded= +NC44O/D CTPK546549+45CS#) PD56W3W (D46K EP48 E-ecutin%= test CTPK546549+45CS#) PD56W3W (D46K EP48 Last created= test CTPK546549+45CS#) PD56W3W (D46K EP48 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 Current Gp%radeP2%= Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+45CS^) Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+45CS ^) CTPK546549+45CS#) PD56W3W (D46K EP48 )utoCreatedC= isa&led +oll&ac2 status= +oll&ac2 is on +oll&ac2 init timer= 5 +oll&ac2 init counter= D +oll&ac2 counter= D +oll&ac2 list= s!6 +&CTPK546549+45CS^)5K565K +&CTPK546549+45CS^)5K565K4W44 4W44 +NC44O/9
Set the C4 as startable +NC44> c.set test (333> calls the action ZConfi%urationersion=set1tarta&le[ +NC44> acc 4 setstarta&le Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params 4 Confi%urationersion4 set1tarta&le 4 Parameter 4 of 4' confi%urationersionName (strin%= test >>> +eturn .alue null Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os actioned
The C4 becomes startable +NC44> 5K56D34W=5W C Name Gp%rade Pac2a%e +elease 1tarta&le= test CTPK546549+45CS#) PD56W3W (D46K EP48 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Loaded= +NC44O/D CTPK546549+45CS#) PD56W3W (D46K EP48 E-ecutin%= test CTPK546549+45CS#) PD56W3W (D46K EP48 Last created= test CTPK546549+45CS#) PD56W3W (D46K EP48 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 Current Gp%radeP2%= Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+45CS^) Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+45CS ^) CTPK546549+45CS#) PD56W3W (D46K EP48 )utoCreatedC= isa&led +oll&ac2 status= +oll&ac2 is on +oll&ac2 init timer= 5 +oll&ac2 init counter= D +oll&ac2 counter= D +oll&ac2 list= s!6 +&CTPK546549+45CS^)5K565K +&CTPK546549+45CS^)5K565K4W44 4W44 +NC44O/9
5ote: cvm" and cvset can also be done in one operation with the cvms command +NC45> test4 ean,ma%n this is test4 (333> does c.m2 folloAed &y c.set
+estart the node +NC45> acc 5 manualrestart
The startable C4 becomes /#oaded0 +NC45> 5W585K36=9K C Name Gp%rade Pac2a%e 1tarta&le= test4 CTPK546549+9S58 Loaded= test4 CTPK546549+9S58 E-ecutin%= test4 CTPK546549+9S58 Last created= test4 CTPK546549+9S58 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 Current Gp%radeP2%= Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546549+9S58 CTPK546549+9S58 CommandLo%= Ena&led )utoCreatedC= isa&led +oll&ac2 status= +oll&ac2 is off +oll&ac2 init timer= 5 +oll&ac2 init counter= D 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
+emove C4s' pattern matching can be used to remove several C4s at once. The C4s are also removed from the rollbac" list at the same time. +NC45> c.rm tes elete folloAin% CMs test4 655W35835K 64=9K CTPK546549+9S58 ean,ma%n this is test4 d&test 655W35W36W 57=4 CTPK546549+9S58 un2noAn none test 655W35835K 64=97 CTPK546549+9S58 ean,ma%n this is a test R)+NINU= elete CMs )re you 1ure !y#n y (333> calls action Confi%uration=delete +NC45> eletin% c. 4 of = test4 Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params 878 Confi%urationersion4 delete 4 Parameter 4 of 4' confi%urationersionName (strin%= test4 >>> +eturn .alue null Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os actioned +NC45> eletin% c. 6 of = d&test Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params 878 Confi%urationersion4 delete 4 Parameter 4 of 4' confi%urationersionName (strin%= d&test >>> +eturn .alue null Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os actioned +NC45> eletin% c. of = test Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params 878 Confi%urationersion4 delete 4
9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Parameter 4 of 4' confi%urationersionName (strin%= test >>> +eturn .alue null Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os actioned
+emote C4 bac"up to the wor"station where moshell is running +NC44> c.%et +NCPW4O/ oAnload the folloAin% 4 CMs to #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#c.#+NC44#5K456W546KW +NCPW4O/ 655K35K36D 4K=D6 CTPK546796+0E#W ean,ma%n params ali%ned to recommended .alues )re you 1ure !y#n y oAnloadin% C 4 of 4= +NCPW4O/ facc confi%uration.ersion4 +NCPW4O/ #d#usr +NC44+NCPW4O/,ip 468554 moshelluser BpassAord Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params D74 Confi%urationersion4 W >>> +eturn .alue 6K955W4 Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os actioned Raitin% 65 seconds &efore startin% to poll Confi%urationersion4 ElapsedHime current$ain)cti.ity currentetailed)cti.ity Confi%urationersion4 5s ETPO+HINU0)C/GPC H+)N1FE+INU0)C/GPHO+E$OHE1E+E+ H+)N1FE+INU0)C/GPHO+E$O HE1E+E+ Confi%urationersion4 45s ETPO+HINU0)C/GPC ETPO+ HINU0)C/GPC H+)N1FE+INU0)C/GPHO+E$OHE1E+E+ H+)N1FE+INU0)C/GPHO+E$O HE1E+E+ Confi%urationersion4 65s ILE ILE Raitin% W5 seconds &efore chec2in% result C action result= ETECGHE additionalInfo = C0)C/GPN)$E +NC44+NCPW4O/,ip Uet #d#usr#+NC44+NCPW4O/,ip #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#c.#+NC44#5K456W546KW#+NC44+NCPW4O/,ip O/ ele #d#usr#+NC44+NCPW4O/,ip O/ Success&ul storage o& %/H64=HOJ to 'home'eanLmagn'moshellHlog&iles'logsHmoshell'c#'%/=='"D="26H"=2D6'%/==H%/H64=HOJ4Lip
Transfer a remote C4 bac"up from the wor"station to the node 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
+NC44> c.put #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#c.#+NC44#5K456W546KW#+NC44+NCPW4O/,ip Put #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#c.#+NC44#5K456W546KW#+NC44+NCPW4O/,ip #d#usr#+NC44+NCPW4O/,ip O/ facc confi%uration.ersion4 #d#usr#+NC44+NCPW4O/,ip 468554 moshelluser BpassAord Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params D74 Confi%urationersion4 9 >>> +eturn .alue W59K9 Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os actioned Raitin% 65 seconds &efore startin% to poll Confi%urationersion4 ElapsedHime current$ain)cti.ity Confi%urationersion4 5s I$PO+HINU0)C/GPC Confi%urationersion4 45s ILE Raitin% W5 seconds &efore chec2in% result C action result= ETECGHE additionalInfo = ele #d#usr#+NC44+NCPW4O/,ip O/ )he /A %/H64=HOJ was success&ull8 trans&erred4
currentetailed)cti.ity GNP)C/INU+EH+EIE0)C/GP ILE
The C4 is now stored again on the node and appears with the type /downloaded0. $t means we cannot set this C4 as startable and restart the node on it. To load this type of C4 on the node' we must use the action /restore0 +NC44> +NCPW4O/ C Name Creation ate Gp%radePac2a%e +elease Hype Operator Operat or Comment +NCPW4O/ 655K35K36D 4K=D6 CTPK546796+0E#W PW493K ean,ma %n params ali%ned to recommended .alues downlod ean,ma%n >>> Hotal= 4 CMs' 5 GPMs
+estore a C4 !note: confirm+estore is done automatically by /polc0% +NC44> acc confi% restore 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Call )ction restore on folloAin% $Os 4 1A$ana%ement4'Confi%uratione 1A$ana%ement4'Confi%urationersion4 rsion4 )re you 1ure !y#n y Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params 4 Confi%urationersion4 restore 6 Parameter 4 of 6' c.Name (strin%= +NCPW4O/ Parameter 6 of 6' autoConfi%urationInformation (enum+ef3C)utoConfi%urationInformation= Enter one of the folloAin% inte%ers= 5=OFF' 4=ON' 6=)1CONFIUG+E= 6 polc >>> +eturn .alue 6456D6K Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os actioned +NC44> polc Raitin% 65 seconds &efore startin% to poll Confi%urationersion4 ElapsedHime current$ain)cti.ity Confi%urationersion4 5s +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GPC +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GP C Confi%urationersion4 45s +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GPC +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GP C Confi%urationersion4 65s +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GPC +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GP C Confi%urationersion4 5s +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GPC +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GP C Confi%urationersion4 95s +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GPC +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GP C Confi%urationersion4 D5s +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GPC +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GP C Confi%urationersion4 W5s (54m55s +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GPC +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GP C Confi%urationersion4 85s (54m45s +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GPC +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GP C Confi%urationersion4 75s (54m65s +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GPC +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GP C Confi%urationersion4 K5s (54m5s +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GPC +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GP C Confi%urationersion4 454s (54m94s +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GPC +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GP C Confi%urationersion4 444s (54mD4s +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GPC +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GP C Confi%urationersion4 464s (56m54s +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GPC +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GP C Confi%urationersion4 44s (56m44s +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GPC +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GP C Confi%urationersion4 494s (56m64s +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GPC +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GP C Confi%urationersion4 4D4s (56m4s +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GPC +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GP C Confi%urationersion4 4W4s (56m94s +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GPC +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GP C Confi%urationersion4 484s (56mD4s +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GPC +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GP C Confi%urationersion4 474s (5m54s +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GPC +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GP C Confi%urationersion4 4K4s (5m44s +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GPC +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GP C
Confi%urationersion4 654s (5m64s +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GPC +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GP C Confi%urationersion4 644s (5m4s +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GPC +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GP C Confi%urationersion4 664s (5m94s +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GPC +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GP C Confi%urationersion4 64s (5mD4s +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GPC +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GP C Confi%urationersion4 694s (59m54s +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GPC +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GP C Confi%urationersion4 6D8s (59m48s +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GPC +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GP C Confi%urationersion4 6W7s (59m67s +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GPC +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GP C Confi%urationersion4 687s (59m7s HHPNOCONH)CH Confi%urationersion4 46s (5Dm46s or%om%CO+0)CO$$F)ILG+E Confi%urationersion4 6Ks (5Dm6Ks or%om%CO+0)H+)N1IENH Confi%urationersion4 9Ks (5Dm9Ks or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHETI1H or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHET I1H Confi%urationersion4 W5s (5Wm55s or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHETI1H or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHET I1H Confi%urationersion4 85s (5Wm45s or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHETI1H or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHET I1H Confi%urationersion4 75s (5Wm65s or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHETI1H or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHET I1H Confi%urationersion4 K5s (5Wm5s or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHETI1H or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHET I1H Confi%urationersion4 955s (5Wm95s or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHETI1H or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHET I1H Confi%urationersion4 945s (5WmD5s or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHETI1H or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHET I1H Confi%urationersion4 965s (58m55s or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHETI1H or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHET I1H Confi%urationersion4 95s (58m45s or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHETI1H or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHET I1H Confi%urationersion4 994s (58m64s or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHETI1H or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHET I1H Confi%urationersion4 9D4s (58m4s or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHETI1H or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHET I1H Confi%urationersion4 9W4s (58m94s or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHETI1H or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHET I1H Confi%urationersion4 984s (58mD4s or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHETI1H or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHET I1H Confi%urationersion4 974s (57m54s or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHETI1H or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHET I1H Confi%urationersion4 9K4s (57m44s or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHETI1H or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHET I1H Confi%urationersion4 D54s (57m64s or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHETI1H or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHET I1H Confi%urationersion4 D44s (57m4s or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHETI1H or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHET I1H Confi%urationersion4 D64s (57m94s or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHETI1H or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHET I1H Confi%urationersion4 D4s (57mD4s or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHETI1H or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHET I1H Confi%urationersion4 D94s (5Km54s or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHETI1H or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHET I1H Confi%urationersion4 DD4s (5Km44s or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHETI1H or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHET I1H Confi%urationersion4 DW4s (5Km64s or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHETI1H or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHET I1H Confi%urationersion4 D8s (5Kms ILE Raitin% W5 seconds &efore chec2in% result Confi%urationersion4 W9s (45m9s +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GPC +E1HO+INUORNLO)E0)C/GP C
Hhe node has &een restarted on a different C= from +NCPW4O/4 to +NCPW4O/ +ereadin% $O$ and $I0 Chec2in% $O$ .ersion+NCNOE$OELS9D Gsin% $O$ .ersion= +NCNOE$OELS9DCO$PLEHE Parsin% $O$ (cached= #home#ean,ma%n#Var-ml#+NCNOE$OELS9DCO$PLEHE-mlcache%, one Gsin% paramfile #home#ean,ma%n#moshell#commonVars#pm#P)+)$+NCS45t-t 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Parsin% file #home#ean,ma%n#moshell#commonVars#pm#P)+)$+NCS45t-t one Connected to 48D74K9498 ($ana%edElement4 Last $O= 445DK Loaded 445DK $Os Hotal= 445W5 $Os Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params 64D Confi%urationersion4 confirm+estore 5 >>> +eturn .alue 66496844 Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os actioned Confi%urationersion4 WDKs (45mDKs CONFI+$INU+E1HO+EOFORNLO)E0)C/GPC CONFI+$INU+E1HO+EOFORNL O)E0)C/GPC 1)INUFIN)LC Confi%urationersion4 WWKs (44m5Ks CONFI+$INU+E1HO+EOFORNLO)E0)C/GPC CONFI+$INU+E1HO+EOFORNL O)E0)C/GPC 1)INUFIN)LC Confi%urationersion4 W8Ks (44m4Ks CONFI+$INU+E1HO+EOFORNLO)E0)C/GPC CONFI+$INU+E1HO+EOFORNL O)E0)C/GPC 1)INUFIN)LC Confi%urationersion4 W7Ks (44m6Ks ILE ILE C action result= ETECGHE additionalInfo = Connected to 48D74K9498 ($ana%edElement4 Last $O= 445DK Loaded 445DK $Os Hotal= 445W5 $Os
Print C4 list: the C4 has become loaded and a +( C4 has been made !+ollbac" (inal% +NC44> 5K456W356=6W=47 48D74K9498 84A +NCNOE$OELS9DCO$PLEHE stopfile#tmp#6W8W 5K456W356=6W C Name Gp%rade Pac2a%e +elease 1tarta&le= CTPK546796+0E#W PW493K (EP453CPPW454W 0H/FD"=2!2H3EN6H"D="26H""D Loaded= CTPK546796+0E#W PW493K (EP453CPPW454W %/H64=HOJ E-ecutin%= +FCTPK546796+0E^W5K456W55DK CTPK546796+0E#W PW493K (EP453CPPW454W Last created= +FCTPK546796+0E^W5K456W55DK CTPK546796+0E#W PW493K (EP453CPPW454W 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 Current Gp%radeP2%= Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546796+0E^W CTPK546796+0E#W PW493K (EP453CPPW454W )utoCreatedC= isa&led +oll&ac2 status= +oll&ac2 is on +oll&ac2 init timer= 6775 +oll&ac2 init counter= 6 +oll&ac2 counter= 6 +oll&ac2 list= s!7 ++CTPK546549+45CS^)5K456W55D5 +FCTPK546549+45CS^)5K456W556D ++CTPK546549+45CS^)5K456W5566 +FCTPK546549+45CS^)5K456D6DD ++CTPK546796+0E^W5K456D69W +NCPW4O/4 +&CTPK54646+45^465K5D674659 +NC44O/D
9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
5otes: 1imilar commands are also a.aila&le from O1E shell in case $O is una.aila&le= c. ls c. m2 c. set c. rm c. cu etc Hype c. help for info= B c. help Create C= c. m2 !id !type !puid !operator !comment +emo.e C= c. rm 1et as starta&le= c. set List c.=s= c. ls Current usa%e= c. cu 1et roll&ac2 init .alues= c. r&init 3 status = 5nochan%e' 4roll&ac2on' 6roll&ac2off 3 timer = 5nochan%e' 43n minutes 3 counter = 5nochan%e' 43n 1et first in roll&ac2 list= c. r&set +emo.e from roll&ac2 list= c. r&rm 1et roll&ac2 counter= c. r&cnt Chec2 if loaded c. is up%rade= c. up Clean up c. dir= c. clean 3 le.el = 4remo.e all c.s e-cept one used &y c. pointer 3 le.el = 6remo.e all c.s e-cept one used &y c. pointer X roll&ac2 list 3 le.el = remo.e all c.s on passi.e side that does not e-ist on acti.e side 1ynch from acti.e to $P Aith %i.en lnh name= c. synch List up%rade c.= c. upls +emo.e up%rade c.= c. uprm Chec2sum c.= c. csum 3 name= C name to chec2sum files for 3 mode= acti.eacti.e Core $P' passi.epassi.e Core $P Prechec2 c.= c. prec B
ifference between startable)loaded)e3ec startable)loaded)e3ecuting)lastcreated: uting)lastcreated: E-ample= loaded starta&le
C4 C4 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
e-ecutin% C4 last created C4 33> c.m2 C6 loaded starta&le e-ecutin% last created
C4 C4 C6 C6
33> c.set C6 loaded starta&le e-ecutin% last created
C4 C6 C6 C6
33> acc 5 restart loaded starta&le e-ecutin% last created
C6 C6 C6 C6
The information about each C4 !creation date' upgrade pac"age' user who created the C4' etc% is read from the attribute file +NC4> cat #d#confi%uration#c.#+ncfinal#attri&ute B cat #d#confi%uration#c.#+ncfinal#attri&ute Hue $ay 6 65=99=D 655W +ncfinal other CTPK546549+9S58 un2noAn none B
<.1. <.1. CV Roll8 Roll8ac ac $f +ollbac" function is turned on a nd the node has restarted too many times !more than /+ollbac" init counter0% within a specific time period !given by /+ollbac" init timer0%' it will rollbac" to a different C4 !the first C4 in the /+ollbac" list0%. - +5C settings: the node rolls bac" if there 7 node restarts within @ hours there are 7 node restarts restarts within 7 minutes - +,S settings: the node rolls bac" if there 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
M9* settings: the node rolls bac" if there are ? node restarts within 7 minutes
+NC44> 45546349=6W C Name Gp%rade Pac2a%e +elease 1tarta&le= +NCPW4O/4 CTPK546796+0E#W PW493K (EP453CPPW454W Loaded= +NCPW4O/4 CTPK546796+0E#W PW493K (EP453CPPW454W E-ecutin%= +NCPW4O/4 CTPK546796+0E#W PW493K (EP453CPPW454W Last created= +NCPW4O/4 CTPK546796+0E#W PW493K (EP453CPPW454W 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 Current Gp%radeP2%= Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546796+0E^W Gp%radePac2a%eCTPK546796+0E^ W CTPK546796+0E#W PW493K (EP453CPPW454W )utoCreatedC= isa&led ollbac> status: ollbac> is on ollbac> init timer: 2" ollbac> init counter: 2 ollbac> counter: 2 ollbac> list: s=P %/==HOJ OFFLINE> mom confi% roll&ac2 $O Class )ttri&ute Hype Fla%s Confi%urationersion roll&ac2InitCounteralue lon% 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 1pecifies the initial .alue of the roll&ac2 counter Hhis is used Ahen roll&ac2 is sAitched on (roll&ac2On true +an%e= 4 to 45555' efaultD ************************************************************************************************************************************ Confi%urationersion roll&ac2InitHimeralue lon% 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 1pecifies the time used &y the system Ahen roll&ac2 is sAitched on (roll&ac2On true )fter the %i.en time' the node is not in a cyclic restart mode Hhe roll&ac2 counter' roll&ac2InitCounteralue' is then reset to its initial .alue Gnit= 4 min +an%e= 4 to 45555' efault5 ************************************************************************************************************************************ Confi%urationersion roll&ac2List seJuence=strin% readOnly 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 1pecifies a list of confi%uration .ersions to roll&ac2 to (confi%uration .ersion name Hhe first C on the list is used at the ne-t roll&ac2 Hhis entry is then automatically remo.ed from the roll&ac2 list Hhis attri&ute is modified &y the actions' setFirst+oll&ac2List and remo.eFrom+oll&ac2List 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
efault"" ************************************************************************************************************************************ Confi%urationersion roll&ac2On &oolean 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 Hhis fla% indicates if roll&ac2 is ena&led or not If true' the system automatically sets the roll&ac2 counter If cyclic restarts' a roll&ac2 is issued after - restarts (- is defined &y the roll&ac2InitCounteralue efaulttrue ************************************************************************************************************************************
$n a cyclic restart situation it is possible to specify the C4 on which the node should rollbac" by writing the C4 name into the cv.ptr file of the active Core MP. +NC45> chmod WWW #d#c.ptr +NC45> echo +ncfinal > #d#c.ptr
<.0 R"ta!t R"ta!t Coan) Coan) <.0.1 P!intin' all %oi8l" %oi8l" !"ta!t action +NC45> momd restart $O Class )ction Parameters Fan restartFan 4=restartCause=enum+ef3+estartCause 4=restartCause=enum+ef3+e startCause S.m restart 5 $ana%edElement manual+estart =restart+an2=restart+eason=restartInfo=enum+ef3+esta =restart+an2=restart+eason=r estartInfo=enum+ef3+estart+an2=enum+ef3 rt+an2=enum+ef3 +estart+eason=strin% Plu%InGnit manual+estart =restart+an2=restart+eason=restartInfo=enum+ef3+esta =restart+an2=restart+eason=r estartInfo=enum+ef3+estart+an2=enum+ef3 rt+an2=enum+ef3 +estart+eason=strin% Plu%InGnit restart 6=restart+an2=restartCause=enum+ef3+estart+an2=enum+ef 6=restart+an2=restartCause=en um+ef3+estart+an2=enum+ef3+estartCause 3+estartCause Pro%ram restart 5 1pm restart 5 1pu restart 5 +NC45> mom restartran2 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Enum alues +estart+an2 5=+E1H)+HR)+$' 4=+E1H)+H+EF+E1' 6=+E1H)+HCOL' =+E1H)+HCOLRHE1H 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 3 +E1H)+HR)+$= 3 +E1H)+H+EF+E1= 3 +E1H)+HCOL= 3 +E1H)+HCOLRHE1H= **********************************************************************************
<.0.0 P"!fo!in P"!fo!in' ' a no)" !"ta!t !"ta!t *ith MO action !recommended way% +NC44> acc 5 manualrestart 5K5K5K34K=D=59 48D74K9498 84u +NCNOE$OELS9DCO$PLEHE stopfile#tmp#47575 Call )ction manualrestart on folloAin% $Os 5 $ana%edElement4 Rarnin%= this is a Node +estart of +NC +NC44 )re you 1ure !y#n y Please confirm the node type !m%A#rnc#r-i#r&s= rnc Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params 5 $ana%edElement4 manual+estart Parameter 4 of ' restart+an2 (enum+ef3+estart+an2= Enter one of the folloAin% inte%ers= 5=+E1H)+HR)+$' 4=+E1H)+H+EF+E1' 6=+E1H)+HCOL' =+E1H)+HCOLRHE1H= 5 Parameter 6 of ' restart+eason (enum+ef3+estart+eason= Enter one of the folloAin% inte%ers= 5=PL)NNE+ECONFIUG+)HION' 4=GNPL)NNENOEETHE+N)LP+O0LE$1' 6=GNPL)NNENOEGPU+)EP+O0LE$1' =GNPL)NNEO)N$I11GE' 9=GNPL)NNEC]CLIC+ECOE+]' D=GNPL)NNELOC/E+E1OG+CE1' W=GNPL)NNECOLRIHRHE1H' 8=GNPL)NNEC)LLP+OCE11INUEU+))HION' 7=GNPL)NNELORCOE+)UE= 5 Parameter of ' restartInfo (strin%= ean,ma%n >>> +eturn .alue null 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os actioned +NC45> pol Raitin% 65 seconds &efore startin% to poll CO+0)CO$$F)ILG+E $O not ready' CO+0)H+)N1IENH $O not ready' CO+0)H+)N1IENH $O not ready' CO+0)O0SECHNOHETI1H $O not ready' CO+0)O0SECHNOHETI1H $O not ready' CO+0)O0SECHNOHETI1H $O not ready' CO+0)O0SECHNOHETI1H $O not ready' $O is ready
retryin% retryin% retryin% retryin% retryin% retryin% retryin%
in in in in in in in
45 45 45 45 45 45 45
seconds seconds seconds seconds seconds seconds seconds
*ith OS shell command +NC44> restartO&V me B restartO&V me Gsa%e= restartO&V me restart+an2= has to &e Aarm' refresh' cold or coldAtest restart+eason= has to &e one of the &eloA mentioned inte%er or strin% .alues 5 3 reconfi%uration' 4 3 e-ternalpro&lems' 6 3 up%radepro&lems' 3 Oand$pro&lems' 9 3 cyclicreco.ery' D 3 loc2edresources' W 3 performRtest' 8 3 callprocessin%de%radation' 7 3 loAco.era%e' K 3 &oardup%rade B +NC44> restartO&V me Aarm 5
1sing the restartDconfirmation restartDconfirmation feature 2n moshell uservariable allows to add e3tra confirmation before performing a node restart' or disable node restart completely (rom the moshell file description: * 5 no confirmation needed * 4 as2 for node type on $UR#+NC#+TI 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
* 44 as2 for node type on $UR#+NC#+TI#+01 * 6 as2 for node type and node name on $UR#+NC#+TI * 66 as2 for node type and node name on $UR#+NC#+TI#+01 * node restart for&idden on $UR#+NC#+TI * node restart for&idden on $UR#+NC#+TI#+01 restartconfirmation4
restartDconfirmation restartDconfirmation G > or >> +0144> acc 5 manualrestart Call )ction manualrestart on folloAin% $Os 5 $ana%edElement4 Rarnin%= this is a Node +estart of +01 +0144 )re you 1ure !y#n y Please confirm the node type !m%A#rnc#r-i#r&s= rnc Incorrect node type' please chec2 that you are lo%%ed in to the correct node +0144> restartO&V me Aarm 5 )re you sure you Aant to restart the node Please confirm !y#n y Please confirm the node type !m%A#rnc#r-i#r&s= r&s
restartDconfirmation restartDconfirmation G 8 or 88 +0144> acc 5 manualrestart Call )ction manualrestart on folloAin% $Os 5 $ana%edElement4 Rarnin%= this is a Node +estart of +01 +0144 )re you 1ure !y#n y Please confirm the node type !m%A#rnc#r-i#r&s= r&s Please confirm the node name= r&s4 Incorrect node name' please chec2 that you are lo%%ed in to the correct node +0144> restartO&V me Aarm 5 )re you sure you Aant to restart the node Please confirm !y#n y 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Please confirm the node type !m%A#rnc#r-i#r&s= r&s Please confirm the node name= r&s44
restartDconfirmation restartDconfirmation G 7 or 77 +0144> acc 5 manualrestart Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params 5 $ana%edElement4 manual+estart Node +estart not alloAed Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 5 $Os actioned B restartO&V me Aarm 5 Node +estart not alloAed B B lhsh 554455 restartO&V me Aarm 5 Node +estart not alloAed B
<.0. P"!fo!in P"!fo!in' ' a 8oa!) !"ta!t !"ta!t *ith MO action !recommended way% +NC44> acc 554955 manualrestart Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params 97D 1u&rac2$1'1lot49'Plu%InGnit 1u&rac2$1'1lot49'Plu%InGnit4 4 manual+estart Parameter 4 of ' restart+an2 (enum+ef3+estart+an2= Enter one of the folloAin% inte%ers= 5=+E1H)+HR)+$' 4=+E1H)+H+EF+E1' 6=+E1H)+HCOL' =+E1H)+HCOLRHE1H= 5 Parameter 6 of ' restart+eason (enum+ef3+estart+eason= Enter one of the folloAin% inte%ers= 5=PL)NNE+ECONFIUG+)HION' 4=GNPL)NNENOEETHE+N)LP+O0LE$1' 6=GNPL)NNENOEGPU+)EP+O0LE$1' =GNPL)NNEO)N$I11GE' 9=GNPL)NNEC]CLIC+ECOE+]' D=GNPL)NNELOC/E+E1OG+CE1' W=GNPL)NNECOLRIHRHE1H' 8=GNPL)NNEC)LLP+OCE11INUEU+))HION' 7=GNPL)NNELORCOE+)UE= 5 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
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Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os actioned
*ith OS shell command +NC45> lhsh 554955 reload B lhsh 554955 reload
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8 7 K 45 44 46 4 4D
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= TRANSPORT TRANSPORT NETWORB NETWORB COMMANDS COMMANDS =.1 P-*ic P-*ical al la*"! la*"! Some things to chec" for troubleshooting of the 2TM)TM physical terminations stt : state and configuration of the physical terminations • pdiff : current disturbances on the physical terminations !errored seconds counters% • lga : past disturbances on the physical terminations !pdh degradation alarms% •
9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
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=.0 N"to! N"to! S*nc-!oni S*nc-!oniatio ation n Sync references can be connected directly on each T1 board !they are then mapped to the MO TuSync+ef% or the signal from a physical port can be used as sync refererence. The cloc" signal generated by the T1 cloc"s is a >.@@ ME signal !correponds to >) of the STM> bitrate%. !5ote: TuSync+ef with >.B@@ or > ME is not recommended as these signals are usually less reliable than the 8.@ ME or 9PS% TU oar/ .
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33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 1et of synchroni,ation reference status attri&utes Note= Hhe len%th of this seJuence is alAays 7 ************************************************************************************************** +TI> mom ref(acti.ity@state Enum alues +ef1tate 5=F)ILE' 4=EU+)E' 6=LO11OFH+)C/INU' =O/' 9=+EFP)HF)ILE)' D=+EFP)HF)ILE0 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 +ef1tate can ha.e the folloAin% .alues= failed synchroni,ation reference is not capa&le to perform its reJuired tas2s de%raded capa&ility of synchroni,ation reference to perform its reJuired tas2s is de%raded e% &ecause of si%nal le.el de%radation Hhis .alue is only applica&le for traffic carryin% (EH physical path termination synchroni,ation references Note= attri&ute de%radationIsFault controls Ahether synchroni,ation reference de%radation is interpreted as a synchroni,ation reference fault or not lossOfHrac2in% system cloc2 re%ulation al%orithm on HG &oard can not folloA the 72, synchroni,ation reference si%nal either &ecause of the poor Juality of the si%nal or &ecause of a R fault at HG &oard If all synchroni,ation references repeatedly end up to state lossOfHrac2in%' fault is li2ely in HG R o2 synchroni,ation reference is capa&le of performin% its reJuired tas2s refPathFailed) 1ynchroni,ation reference cannot &e distri&uted on plane ) refPathFailed0 1ynchroni,ation reference cannot &e distri&uted on plane 0 3 F)ILE= 3 EU+)E= 3 LO11OFH+)C/INU= 3 O/= 3 +EFP)HF)ILE)= 3 +EFP)HF)ILE0= ********************************************************************************** +ef)cti.ity 4=IN)CHIE' 6=)CHIE 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 +ef)cti.ity can ha.e the folloAin% .alues= inacti.e 1ynchroni,ation reference is currently not used in system cloc2 %eneration acti.e 1ynchroni,ation is used in system cloc2 %eneration 3 IN)CHIE= 3 )CHIE= ********************************************************************************** +TI> ma syncref synch ref )dded 9 $Os to %roup= syncref +TI> %et syncref reser.ed&ysync 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
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Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os actioned +NC45> acc 8K add1ync+ef+esource Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params 8K 1ynchroni,ation4 add1ync+ef+esource 6 Parameter 4 of 6' sync+eference (mo+ef3$ana%edO&Vect= Enter mo LN= EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp4 Parameter 6 of 6' syncPriority (lon%= >>> +eturn .alue null Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os actioned
=. ATM la*"! la*"! Some things to chec" for troubleshooting of the 2TM transport networ" stvb : state and configuration of the 4P)4Cs • stcp : state and configuration of the 4C crossconnections • pdiff : transmitted and received atm cells counters' to see if there is oneway traffic on the 4CNs' which could indicate loss of endtoend • connectivity eteloopbac" test action : manual test of endtoend connectivity on the 4CNs • continuitychec" : automatic chec" of endtoend connectivity on the 2al8Paths • +NC44> st.& clHp PI#CI 0AGsa%e#Hraffes G $ Gser )tmPort$13W3434 D555#D658 4 333333333333333333333333333333333333333 33333333333333333333333333 3333333333333 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6 6 669555#D555 4 333333333333333333333333333333333333333 33333333333333333333333333 3333333333333 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'*clHpIuc39 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'* clHpIuc39 6#9 GP9D55$555 44 $tp&1pItuIu'$tp&1lsIuc36D43655'$tp&1lItuIuc $tp&1pItuIu'$tp&1lsIuc3 6D43655'$tp&1lItuIuc )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'*clHpIup3D5 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'* clHpIup3D5 6#D5 GP9D55$555 44 $tp&1pItuIu'$tp&1lsIup36D436745'$tp&1lItuIup $tp&1pItuIu'$tp&1lsIup3 6D436745'$tp&1lItuIup )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'*clHpIuc3K5 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'* clHpIuc3K5 6#K5 C6P46555()0 44 4 )al6PathccHpIuc3K5 (4' )al6)pIuc 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
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D555#D658 68447#6877 C4PD C4PD GP4555$75 GP4555$75 GP4555$75 C6PWWD8()0 GP4555$75 GP4555$75 GP4555$75 C6PWWD8()0
4 4 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44
333333333333333333333333333333333333333 33333333333333333333333333 3333333333333 33333333333333333333333333 3333333333333 333333333333333333333333333333333333333 7 Iu&Lin2Iu&34'Node1ynchHp4 7 Iu&Lin2Iu&34'Node1ynchHp6 7 Iu&Lin2Iu&34'N&apCommon4 7 Iu&Lin2Iu&34'N&apedicated4 4 )al61p4')al6)pIu&34 4 )al6PathccHpIu&343K (K' )al6)pIu&34 7 Iu&Lin2Iu&34'N&apCommon4 7 Iu&Lin2Iu&34'N&apedicated4 4 )al61p4')al6)pIu&34 4 )al6PathccHpIu&34398 (45' )al6)pIu&34 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
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44 )tmCrossConnection$1383636346DK3$134K3ima4343K )tmCrossConnection$138363 6346DK3$134K3ima4343K )tmPort$13836'plHp.p6'*clHp.c46D95 )tmPort$13836'plHp.p6'* clHp.c46D95 6#46D95 C6P46555 44 )tmCrossConnection$1383636346D953$134K3ima434395 )tmCrossConnection$138363 6346D953$134K3ima434395 )tmPort$13836'plHp.p6'*clHp.c676 )tmPort$13836'plHp.p6'* clHp.c676 6#676 G9 44 )tmCrossConnection+NC83636763+01673436 )tmCrossConnection+NC836 36763+01673436 )tmPort$13836'plHp.p6'*clHp.c679 )tmPort$13836'plHp.p6'* clHp.c679 6#679 C4PD 44 )tmCrossConnection+NC83636793+01673439 )tmCrossConnection+NC836 36793+01673439 )tmPort$13836'plHp.p6'*clHp.c67D )tmPort$13836'plHp.p6'* clHp.c67D 6#67D C4PD 44 )tmCrossConnection+NC836367D3+0167343D )tmCrossConnection+NC836 367D3+0167343D )tmPort$13836'plHp.p6'*clHp.c67W )tmPort$13836'plHp.p6'* clHp.c67W 6#67W 6#6 7W GP4555$75 44 )tmCrossConnection+NC836367W3+0167343W )tmCrossConnection+NC836 367W3+0167343W )tmPort$13836'plHp.p6'*clHp.c678 )tmPort$13836'plHp.p6'* 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Hotal= D76 $Os +NC44> st.& ms3W34 clHp PI#CI 0AGsa%e#Hraffesc G $ Gser )tmPort$13W3434 D555#D658 4 333333333333333333333333333333333333333 33333333333333333333333333 3333333333333 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6 6 669555#D555 4 333333333333333333333333333333333333333 33333333333333333333333333 3333333333333 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'*clHpIuc39 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'* clHpIuc39 6#9 GP9D55$555 44 $tp&1pItuIu'$tp&1lsIuc36D43655'$tp&1lItuIuc $tp&1pItuIu'$tp&1lsIuc3 6D43655'$tp&1lItuIuc )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'*clHpIup3D5 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'* clHpIup3D5 6#D5 GP9D55$555 44 $tp&1pItuIu'$tp&1lsIup36D436745'$tp&1lItuIup $tp&1pItuIu'$tp&1lsIup3 6D436745'$tp&1lItuIup )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'*clHpIuc3K5 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'* clHpIuc3K5 6#K5 C6P46555()0 44 4 )al6PathccHpIuc3K5 (4' )al6)pIuc )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'*clHpIuc3K4 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'* clHpIuc3K4 6#K4 C6P46555()0 44 4 )al6PathccHpIuc3K4 (6' )al6)pIuc )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'*clHpIuc3K6 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'* clHpIuc3K6 6#K6 C6P46555()0 44 7 )al6PathccHpIuc3K6 (' )al6)pIuc )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'*clHpIuc3K )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'* clHpIuc3K 6#K C6P46555()0 44 7 )al6PathccHpIuc3K (9' )al6)pIuc )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'*clHpIuc3K9 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'* clHpIuc3K9 6#K9 C6P46555()0 44 4 )al6PathccHpIuc3K9 (D' )al6)pIuc )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'*clHpIuc3KD )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'* clHpIuc3KD 6#KD C6P46555()0 44 4 )al6PathccHpIuc3KD (W' )al6)pIuc )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'*clHpIuc3KW )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'* clHpIuc3KW 6#KW C6P46555()0 44 7 )al6PathccHpIuc3KW (8' )al6)pIuc )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'*clHpIuc3K8 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'* clHpIuc3K8 6#K8 C6P46555()0 44 7 )al6PathccHpIuc3K8 (7' )al6)pIuc )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'*clHpIuc3K7 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'* clHpIuc3K7 6#K7 C6P46555()0 44 4 )al6PathccHpIuc3K7 (K' )al6)pIuc )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'*clHpIuc3KK )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'* clHpIuc3KK 6#KK C6P46555()0 44 4 )al6PathccHpIuc3KK (45' )al6)pIuc )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'*clHpIuc3455 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'* clHpIuc3455 6#455 C6P46555()0 44 7 )al6PathccHpIuc3455 (44' )al6)pIuc )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'*clHpIuc3454 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'* clHpIuc3454 6#454 C6P46555()0 44 7 )al6PathccHpIuc3454 (46' )al6)pIuc )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'*clHpIuc3456 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'* clHpIuc3456 6#456 C6P46555()0 44 4 )al6PathccHpIuc3456 (4' )al6)pIuc )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'*clHpIuc345 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'* clHpIuc345 6#45 C6P46555()0 44 4 )al6PathccHpIuc345 (49' )al6)pIuc )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'*clHpIup3445 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'* clHpIup3445 6#445 GPWWW55$D555 444 +nc$odule4'Pac2etata+outerPdr4Utpu4 +nc$odule4'Pac2etata+outerP dr4Utpu4 ($13 4K'Pdr4Utpu4'444444454454'46464646 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'*clHpIup3444 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'* clHpIup3444 6#444 GPWWW55$D555 444 +nc$odule4'Pac2etata+outerPdr4Utpu6 +nc$odule4'Pac2etata+outerP dr4Utpu6 ($13 4K'Pdr4Utpu6'666666454454'469469469469 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'*clHpIup3446 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'* clHpIup3446 6#446 GPWWW55$D555 444 +nc$odule4'Pac2etata+outerPdr6Utpu4 +nc$odule4'Pac2etata+outerP dr6Utpu4 ($13 65'Pdr6Utpu4'444444456456'46464646 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'*clHpIup344 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'* clHpIup344 6#44 GPWWW55$D555 444 +nc$odule4'Pac2etata+outerPdr6Utpu6 +nc$odule4'Pac2etata+outerP dr6Utpu6 ($13 65'Pdr6Utpu6'666666456456'469469469469 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'*clHpIup3449 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'* clHpIup3449 6#449 GPWWW55$D555 444 +nc$odule7'Pac2etata+outerPdrUtpu4 +nc$odule7'Pac2etata+outerP drUtpu4 ($13 66'PdrUtpu4'4444444545'46464646 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'*clHpIup344D )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'* clHpIup344D 6#44D GPWWW55$D555 444 +nc$odule7'Pac2etata+outerPdrUtpu6 +nc$odule7'Pac2etata+outerP drUtpu6 ($13 66'PdrUtpu6'6666664545'469469469469 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'*clHpIup344W )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'* clHpIup344W 6#44W GPWWW55$D555 444 +nc$odule7'Pac2etata+outerPdr9Utpu4 +nc$odule7'Pac2etata+outerP dr9Utpu4 ($13 6'Pdr9Utpu4'444444459459'46464646 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'*clHpIup3448 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'* clHpIup3448 6#448 GPWWW55$D555 444 +nc$odule7'Pac2etata+outerPdr9Utpu6 +nc$odule7'Pac2etata+outerP dr9Utpu6 ($13 6'Pdr9Utpu6'666666459459'469469469469 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'*clHpIup3447 )tmPort$13W3434'plHp6'* clHpIup3447 6#447 GPWWW55$D555 444 +nc$odule4'Pac2etata+outerPdrDUtpu4 +nc$odule4'Pac2etata+outerP drDUtpu4 ($13 4K'PdrDUtpu4'44444445D45D'46464646 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
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usa%e1tate 4 ()CHIE userLa&el /1C5Wa 654D HransportNetAor24'Nni1aalHp6 Nni1aalHpId 6 aal)pAcc)p1d al)pAcc)p2 maxSduSiLe 2"!" nniSaalro&ile1d %niSaalro&ile= operational1tate 4 (EN)0LE reser.ed0y $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1ls4'$tp&1lItu6 userLa&el /1C5W& 654W HransportNetAor24'Nni1aalHp4 Nni1aalHpId 4 aal)pAcc)p1d al)pAcc)p= maxSduSiLe 2"!" nniSaalro&ile1d %niSaalro&ile= operational1tate 4 (EN)0LE reser.ed0y $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1ls4'$tp&1lItu4 userLa&el /1C5Wa 6569 HransportNetAor24')alDHpccHp6 )alDHpccHpId 6 alarm+eport 8 ()L)+$)I1+ILOC continuit8/hec> &alse counter$ode 5 (P$$OEOFF &romserMaxSduSiLe 2"!! nomPm0l21i,e 4569 (NO$P$0L/1I\E645 operational1tate 4 (EN)0LE processor1d Subrac>=,SlotD,lug1nnit= reser.ed0y Nni1aalHp6 toserMaxSduSiLe 2"!! userLa&el /1C5W& #cl)p1d tmort2"G=,Apl)p=,Apc)p=,Acl)p= 656D HransportNetAor24')alDHpccHp4 )alDHpccHpId 4 alarm+eport 8 ()L)+$)I1+ILOC continuit8/hec> &alse counter$ode 5 (P$$OEOFF &romserMaxSduSiLe 2"!! 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
nomPm0l21i,e 4569 (NO$P$0L/1I\E645 operational1tate 4 (EN)0LE processor1d Subrac>=,Slot,lug1nnit= reser.ed0y Nni1aalHp4 toserMaxSduSiLe 2"!! userLa&el /1C5Wa #cl)p1d tmort2"6=,Apl)p=,Apc)p=,Acl)p= 6599 HransportNetAor24')tmPort6584'plHp4'pcHp4'clHp4 clHpId 4 atmHrafficescriptorId )tmHrafficescriptorGP48W5$48DK a.aila&ility1tatus 5 (NO1H)HG1 e-ternalci WD operational1tate 4 (EN)0LE reser.ed0y )alDHpccHp6 userLa&el myclHp 65DK HransportNetAor24')tmPort65W4'plHp4'pcHp4'clHp4 clHpId 4 atmHrafficescriptorId )tmHrafficescriptorGP48W5$48DK a.aila&ility1tatus 5 (NO1H)HG1 e-ternalci WD operational1tate 4 (EN)0LE reser.ed0y )alDHpccHp4 userLa&el myclHp Hotal= 4 $Os $UR54> h%et srs userla&el@reser@point $O destPointCode reser.ed0y userLa&el $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs9 4467 !5 +NC65 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs 444 !5 +NC6W $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs6 4447 !5 +NC48 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs4 445 !5 +NC4W $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs5 4459 !5 +NC45 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs6K 4449 !5 +NC57 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs67 445K !5 +NC5D $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs68 4448 !6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1ls49 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&)p44 +NC68 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs6W 444K !6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1ls4W $tp&1pItu4'$tp&)p4 +NC6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs6D 444W !6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1ls47 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&)p4D +NC64 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
$tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs69 444D !6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1ls4D $tp&1pItu4'$tp&)p46 +NC4K $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs6 4457 !6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1ls48 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&)p49 +NC46 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs66 445W !6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1ls4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&)p45 +NC44 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs64 449K6 !6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1lsK $tp&1pItu4'$tp&)pW +NC5W $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs65 445D !6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1ls46 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&)pK +NC59 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs4K 4446 !6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1ls44 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&)p7 +NC5 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs47 4456 !6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1ls45 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&)p8 +NC54 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs48 4499K !5 $1CW $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs4W 44997 !5 $1C $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs4D 44D6K !5 $1CL $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs49 44D84 !5 $1C4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs4 8K98 !5 OLH+H $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs46 7659 !5 ))+UH $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs44 6D86 !5 L1P+H $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs45 6D84 !5 L11UH $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rsK 44D77 !4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1ls7 1HP9 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs7 44D78 !4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1ls8 1HP $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs8 44D74 !4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1lsD 1HP) $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rsW 44D76 !4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1lsW 1HP0 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rsD 44D5D !4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&)pD /1C5D $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs9 447 !6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1ls $tp&1pItu4'$tp&)p9 $UR58 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs 44K !6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1ls9 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&)p $UR5D $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs6 4495 !6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1ls6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&)p6 $UR5W $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs4 44D5 !6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1ls4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&)p4 /1C5W Hotal= 9 $Os
Qere it shows which S*S shall be used &or each route4 1n order to get to %/2", we donRt ha#e a direct S*S but we can go #ia M(C"G or M(C"4 $UR54 > h%et mtp&sr state@lin2set@prio@userla& $O +oute0loc2in%1tate lin21et$uId operational1tate priority usa%e1tate $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs9'$tp&1r6 5 (NOH0LOC/E $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1ls 4 (EN)0LE 6 4 ()CHIE $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs9'$tp&1r4 5 (NOH0LOC/E $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1ls9 4 (EN)0LE 6 4 ()CHIE $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs'$tp&1r6 5 (NOH0LOC/E $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1ls 4 (EN)0LE 6 4 ()CHIE $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs'$tp&1r4 5 (NOH0LOC/E $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1ls9 4 (EN)0LE 6 4 ()CHIE $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs6'$tp&1r6 5 (NOH0LOC/E $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1ls 4 (EN)0LE 6 4 ()CHIE $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs6'$tp&1r4 5 (NOH0LOC/E $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1ls9 4 (EN)0LE 6 4 ()CHIE $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs4'$tp&1r6 5 (NOH0LOC/E $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1ls 4 (EN)0LE 6 4 ()CHIE $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs4'$tp&1r4 5 (NOH0LOC/E $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1ls9 4 (EN)0LE 6 4 ()CHIE $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs5'$tp&1r6 5 (NOH0LOC/E $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1ls 4 (EN)0LE 6 4 ()CHIE $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs5'$tp&1r4 5 (NOH0LOC/E $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1ls9 4 (EN)0LE 6 4 ()CHIE $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs6K'$tp&1r6 5 (NOH0LOC/E $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1ls 4 (EN)0LE 6 4 ()CHIE
9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
$tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs6K'$tp&1r4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs67'$tp&1r6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs67'$tp&1r4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs68'$tp&1r6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs68'$tp&1r4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs6W'$tp&1r6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs6W'$tp&1r4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs6D'$tp&1r6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs6D'$tp&1r4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs69'$tp&1r6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs69'$tp&1r4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs6'$tp&1r6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs6'$tp&1r4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs66'$tp&1r6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs66'$tp&1r4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs64'$tp&1r6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs64'$tp&1r4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs65'$tp&1r6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs65'$tp&1r4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs4K'$tp&1r6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs4K'$tp&1r4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs47'$tp&1r6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs47'$tp&1r4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs48'$tp&1r6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs48'$tp&1r4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs4W'$tp&1r6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs4W'$tp&1r4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs4D'$tp&1r6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs4D'$tp&1r4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs49'$tp&1r6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs49'$tp&1r4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs4'$tp&1r6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs4'$tp&1r4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs46'$tp&1r6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs46'$tp&1r4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs44'$tp&1r6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs44'$tp&1r4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs45'$tp&1r6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs45'$tp&1r4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rsK'$tp&1r4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs7'$tp&1r4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs8'$tp&1r4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rsW'$tp&1r4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rsD'$tp&1r6 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rsD'$tp&1r4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs9'$tp&1r4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs'$tp&1r4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs6'$tp&1r4 $tp&1pItu4'$tp&1rs4'$tp&1r4
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6 6 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
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()CHIE ()CHIE ()CHIE ()CHIE (ILE ()CHIE (ILE ()CHIE (ILE ()CHIE (ILE ()CHIE (ILE ()CHIE (ILE ()CHIE (ILE ()CHIE (ILE ()CHIE (ILE ()CHIE (ILE ()CHIE ()CHIE ()CHIE ()CHIE ()CHIE ()CHIE ()CHIE ()CHIE ()CHIE ()CHIE ()CHIE ()CHIE ()CHIE ()CHIE ()CHIE ()CHIE ()CHIE ()CHIE ()CHIE ()CHIE ()CHIE ()CHIE ()CHIE ()CHIE ()CHIE ()CHIE$UR5D$UR58$UR5D +NC68direct$UR5W +NC6direct$UR5W +NC64direct$UR5W +NC4Kdirect$UR5W +NC46direct$UR5W +NC44direct$UR5W +NC5Wdirect$UR5W +NC59direct$UR5W +NC5direct$UR5W +NC54direct$UR5W $1CWo.er1HP9 $1CWo.er1HP $1Co.er1HP9 $1Co.er1HP $1CLo.er1HP9 $1CLo.er1HP $1C4o.er1HP9 $1C4o.er1HP OLH+o.er1HP9 OLH+o.er1HP ))+UHo.er1HP9 ))+UHo.er1HP L1P+Ho.er1HP9 L1P+Ho.er1HP L11UHo.er1HP9 L11UHo.er1HP 1HP9 1HP 1HP) 1HP0 /$UR58 /$UR5D $UR58 $UR5D $UR5W /1C5W
9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Hotal= W5 $Os
+NC45> l2 $tp&1rsIup36367453 Pro-y )dm 1tate Op 1tate $Os lin2ed to 4864=$tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&1r 4864=$tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&1rsIup36367453 sIup36367453 9K46 5 (I1)0LE +ncFunction4'+anapIup6745 65K HransportNetAor24'1ccp1pIu4'1ccp1crc4'1ccpUlo&alHitl HransportNetAor24'1ccp1pI u4'1ccp1crc4'1ccpUlo&alHitleIup3636745 eIup3636745 645 HransportNetAor24'1ccp1pIu4'1ccp1crc4'1ccpEntity1et HransportNetAor24'1ccp1pI u4'1ccp1crc4'1ccpEntity1etIup3636745 Iup3636745 65W 5 (I1)0LE HransportNetAor24'1ccp1pI HransportNetAor24'1ccp1pIu4'1ccp1crc4'1ccp)p+emoteI u4'1ccp1crc4'1ccp)p+emoteIup3636745 up3636745 4848 5 (I1)0LE HransportNetAor24'$tp&1pI HransportNetAor24'$tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&)pIup363674 tuIu4'$tp&)pIup36367453 53 486W 5 (I1)0LE HransportNetAor24'$tp&1pI HransportNetAor24'$tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&1rsIup36367 tuIu4'$tp&1rsIup36367453'$tp&1r4 453'$tp&1r4 4869 5 (I1)0LE HransportNetAor24'$tp&1pI HransportNetAor24'$tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&1lsIup36367 tuIu4'$tp&1lsIup36367453'$tp&1lItu4 453'$tp&1lItu4 486 5 (I1)0LE HransportNetAor24'$tp&1pI HransportNetAor24'$tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&1lsIup36367 tuIu4'$tp&1lsIup36367453 453 486D 5 (I1)0LE HransportNetAor24'$tp&1pI HransportNetAor24'$tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&1rsIup36367 tuIu4'$tp&1rsIup36367453 453 665D 4 (EN)0LE HransportNetAor24'Nni1aalHpIup36 HransportNetAor24'Nni1aalH pIup36 4659 4 (EN)0LE HransportNetAor24')alDHpccHpIup36 HransportNetAor24')alDHpc cHpIup36 6696 4 (EN)0LE HransportNetAor24')tmPort$13W34'plHp4'pcHp4'clHp HransportNetAor24')tmPort $13W34'plHp4'pcHp4'clHp.cD5 .cD5 Hotal= 46 $Os )dded 46 $Os to %roup= l2%roup +NC45> %et l2%roup
$nvestigate every MO in the stac" from bottom to top' in the following order: >% 4clTp. $s there endtoend continuity +NC45> lacc )tmPort$13W34'plHp4'pcHp4'clHp.cD5 eteloop&ac2 Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params 66D4 )tmPort$13W34'plHp4'pcHp4 )tmPort$13W34'plHp4'pcHp4'clHp.cD5 'clHp.cD5 eteLoop0ac2 5 >>> +eturn .alue false Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os actioned 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
8% 5niSaalTp. o the 5niSaalProfile match on both sides of the lin" o this in both nodes: +NC44> %et Nni1aalHp+)N)P3Iuc36D43655 56D HransportNetAor24'Nni1aalHp+)N)P3Iuc36D43655 Nni1aalHpId +)N)P3Iuc36D43655 aalDHpccHpId )alDHpccHp+)N)P3Iuc36D43655 ma-1du1i,e 68W nni1aalProfileId Nni1aalProfile4 operational1tate 4 (EN)0LE reser.ed0y $tp&1pItuIu'$tp&1lsIuc36D43655'$tp&1lItuIuc36D43655 userLa&el Hotal= 4 $Os +NC44> %et Nni1aalProfile4 6W7K HransportNetAor24'Nni1aalProfile4 Nni1aalProfileId 4 profileata 1truct:6W; >>> 4timerPoll D5 >>> 6ma-CC 9 >>> ma-P 655 >>> 9ma-1tat W8 >>> DinitialCredit 4555 >>> Wtimer/eep)li.e 455 >>> 8timerNo+esponse D55 >>> 7timerIdle 455 >>> KtimerCC 655 >>> 45mps 5 >>> 44con%estionLe.el4On1et 85 >>> 46con%estionLe.el6On1et 75 >>> 4con%estionLe.elOn1et K5 >>> 49con%estionLe.el4)&atement W5 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
>>> 4Dcon%estionLe.el6)&atement 85 >>> 4Wcon%estionLe.el)&atement 75 >>> 48discard$essa%esLe.el4 75 >>> 47discard$essa%esLe.el6 K5 >>> 4Kdiscard$essa%esLe.el 455 >>> 4555 >>> 64ma-N+P 5 >>> 66timerNoCredit 4D55 >>> 6timer+epeat1rec W55555 >>> 69timerH4 D555 >>> 6DtimerH6 5555 >>> 6WtimerH D reser.ed0y !9 >>> reser.ed0y HransportNetAor24'Nni1aalHp))L63Iuc36D43655 >>> reser.ed0y HransportNetAor24'Nni1aalHp+)N)P3Iuc36D43655 >>> reser.ed0y HransportNetAor24'Nni1aalHp))L63Iup36D436745 >>> reser.ed0y HransportNetAor24'Nni1aalHp+)N)P3Iup36D436745 userLa&el Iu Nni1aalProfile Hotal= 4 $Os
7% Mtp7bSl . Chec" the lin"state !deactivated inhibited remote bloc"ed% +NC44> %et mtp&slituiup3 4 HransportNetAor24'$tp&1pItuIu'$tp&1lsIup36D436745'$tp&1lItuIup36D436745 $tp&1lItuId Iup36D436745 auto1tartLin2 false a.aila&ility1tatus 45DW (EPENENC]F)ILE lin>State 2 5.E/)1A)E.7 operational1tate 5 (I1)0LE prio0efore1io false procedural1tate 5 (NOHINIHI)LI\E si%nLin2Code 6 tpId Nni1aalHp+)N)P3Iup36D436745 usa%e1tate 5 (ILE userLa&el Hotal= 4 $Os +NC44> mom mtp&slitu lin2state 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
$O Class )ttri&ute Hype Fla%s $tp&1lItu lin21tate lon% readOnly'nonPersistent'noNotification readOnly'nonPersistent'noN otification 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 Hhe lin2 state of the $tp&1l Hhe lin2 state is a &it map Ahich contains a com&ination of the folloAin% .alues= (in he-adecimal format 5-55 ).aila&le 5-54 Failed 5-56 +emotely &loc2ed 5-59 Locally &loc2ed 5-57 +emotely inhi&ited 5-45 Locally inhi&ited 5-65 eacti.ated ************************************************************************************************** +NC44> acl mtp&slituiup3 Pro-y $O )ction Nr of Params 4 $tp&1pItuIu'$tp&1lsIup3 $tp&1pItuIu'$tp&1lsIup36D436745'$tp&1lItuIup3 6D436745'$tp&1lItuIup36D436745 6D436745 acti.ate 5 4 $tp&1pItuIu'$tp&1lsIup3 $tp&1pItuIu'$tp&1lsIup36D436745'$tp&1lItuIup3 6D436745'$tp&1lItuIup36D436745 6D436745 deacti.ate 5 4 $tp&1pItuIu'$tp&1lsIup3 $tp&1pItuIu'$tp&1lsIup36D436745'$tp&1lItuIup3 6D436745'$tp&1lItuIup36D436745 6D436745 emer%ency)cti.ate 5 4 $tp&1pItuIu'$tp&1lsIup3 $tp&1pItuIu'$tp&1lsIup36D436745'$tp&1lItuIup3 6D436745'$tp&1lItuIup36D436745 6D436745 localInhi&it 5 4 $tp&1pItuIu'$tp&1lsIup3 $tp&1pItuIu'$tp&1lsIup36D436745'$tp&1lItuIup3 6D436745'$tp&1lItuIup36D436745 6D436745 localGninhi&it 5
@% Mtp7bSl . Chec" the signallinglin"code . Must match on both ends. ''Signalling*in>/ode on %/: +NC45> %et slitu code $O )ttri&ute alue $tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&1lsIuc3436553'$tp&1lItu4 $tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&1lsIuc3 436553'$tp&1lItu4 si%nLin2Code K $tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&1lsIup36367453'$tp&1lItu4 $tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&1lsIup3 6367453'$tp&1lItu4 si%nLin2Code Hotal= 6 $Os 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
''Signalling*in>/ode in /ore%etwor>: C+045> %et mtp&slitu code $O )ttri&ute alue $tp&1pItuIu'$tp&1lsIuc3436D43'$tp&1lItu4 $tp&1pItuIu'$tp&1lsIuc3 436D43'$tp&1lItu4 si%nLin2Code 6 $tp&1pItuIup'$tp&1lsIup3636D43'$tp&1lItu4 $tp&1pItuIup'$tp&1lsIup3 636D43'$tp&1lItu4 si%nLin2Code Hotal= 6 $Os +NC45> lh%et $tp&1lsIup36367453' state $O lin21tate operational1tate procedural1tate usa%e1tate $tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&1lsIup36367453'$tp&1lItu4 $tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&1lsIup3 6367453'$tp&1lItu4 4 (F)ILE 5 (I1)0LE 5 (NOHINIHI)LI\E 5 (ILE Hotal= 4 $Os
''1n the trace we see that %/ side is using signlin>codeD and other side is using signlin>code +NC45> lh sccpmp te e trace 1cc1er.erproc B lhsh 555755 te e trace 1cc1er.erproc B +NC45> lhsh 555755 te lo% read @ decoderss8 @ floAss8 HI$E 1N 1L 1I OPC PC 1LC I+ F+O$#HO $E11)UE 64=9W=K8KW 4 K $)INH 6D4 6745 L$1G+E 1LH$ D 1EN $HPL#$HPL6 64=9W=K755 4 K $)INH 6745 6D4 L$1GIN 1LH$ +EC $HPL6#$HPL +NC45> u +NC45> ldel $tp&1lsIup36367453'$tp&1lItu4 eletin% 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
D659 HransportNetAor24'$tp&1pItu HransportNetAor24'$tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&1lsIup36367453 Iu4'$tp&1lsIup36367453'$tp&1lItu4 '$tp&1lItu4 >>> $o deleted Hotal= 4 $Os attempted' 4 $Os deleted +NC45> u3 +NC45> l .i Bundocommandfile chan%e si%nLin2Code from K to +NC45> run Bundocommandfile NoA its o2 O+= +NC45> u. rsetcustomlistmtp&slitu rsetcustomlistmtp&slitu +NC45> lrset $tp&1lsIup36367453'$tp&1lItu4 si%nlin2code +NC45> lhsh 555755 te lo% read @ decoderss8 @ floAss8 HI$E 1N 1L 1I OPC PC 1LC I+ F+O$#HO $E11)UE 64=D6=46K79 4 $)INH 6D4 6745 1EN $HPL#$HPL6 L$1G+E 1LH$ 64=D6=46K79 4 $)INH 6745 6D4 +EC $HPL6#$HPL L$1GIN 1LH$
B% Mtp7bSrs . Chec" the destpointcode value. Should match the pointcode at destination destination node ''Own point code and dest point codes in %/ +NC45> %et mtp&sp code $O )ttri&ute alue $tp&1pItuIu4 si%nallin%PointCode 6D4 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Hotal= 4 $Os +NC45> %et mtp&srs code $O )ttri&ute alue $tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&1rsIuc3436553 $tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&1rsIuc3 436553 destPointCode 655 $tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&1rsIup36367453 $tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&1rsIup3 6367453 destPointCode 6KKK Hotal= 6 $Os
''Own point codes and dest point codes in /ore %etwor> C+045> %et mtp&spitu code $O )ttri&ute alue $tp&1pItuIup si%nallin%PointCode 6745 $tp&1pItuIu si%nallin%PointCode 655 Hotal= 6 $Os C+045> %et mtp&srs code $O )ttri&ute alue $tp&1pItuIup'$tp&1rsIup3636D43 $tp&1pItuIup'$tp&1rsIup3 636D43 destPointCode 6D4 $tp&1pItuIu'$tp&1rsIuc3436D43 $tp&1pItuIu'$tp&1rsIuc3 436D43 destPointCode 6D4 Hotal= 6 $Os
''1n the trace we see that each side are using di&&erent point codes +NC45> lh sccpmp te e trace 1cc1er.erproc B lhsh 555755 te e trace 1cc1er.erproc B +NC45> lh sccpmp te lo% read @ decoderss8 @ floAss8 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
HI$E 1N 1L 1I OPC PC 1LC I+ F+O$#HO $E11)UE 64=D9=D49KW 4 $)INH 6D4 2DDD 1EN $HPL#$HPL6 L$1G+E 1LH$ 64=D9=D49KW 4 $)INH 6D 4 +EC $HPL6#$HPL L$1GIN 1LH$ 2=" 6D4 64=D9=D49KW 4 $HPL= ILLEU)L OPC O+ 0)L] 1O+HE +NC45> lh%et $tp&1rsIup36367453 state $O +oute0loc2in%1tate operational1tate usa%e1tate $tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&1rsIup36367453'$tp&1r4 $tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&1rsIup3 6367453'$tp&1r4 5 (NOH0LOC/E 5 (I1)0LE 5 (ILE Hotal= 4 $Os $O operational1tate $tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&1rsIup36367453 5 (I1)0LE Hotal= 4 $Os +NC45> lh%et $tp&1lsIup36367453'$tp&1lItu4 state $O lin21tate operational1tate procedural1tate usa%e1tate $tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&1lsIup36367453'$tp&1lItu4 $tp&1pItuIu4'$tp&1lsIup3 6367453'$tp&1lItu4 4 (F)ILE 5 (I1)0LE 5 (NOHINIHI)LI\E 5 (ILE Hotal= 4 $Os +NC45> rset $tp&1rsIup36367453 destpointcode 6745 NoA its o2= 66=55=4455 66=55=4455
4 4
6D4 6745
6745 6D4
L$1G+E 1LH$ L$1GIN 1LH$
9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
> OTHER >.1 >.1 Mo8a Mo8atc tcMobatch is a utility located in the moshell folder. $t is used for running moshell sessions on several nodes in parallel. The differences between mobatch and the multimode are: - the multimode offers an interactive sessions to the node while mobatch is noninteractive' ie' all commands must be specified from the start' in a command file or from the command line - the multimode only supports commands that run over the corba interface while mobatch supports all moshell commands The list of nodes can either be specified on the command line: **=As96W9_`> mo&atch rnc6'r&s'm%AD blt allQstQal
or from a sitefile' containing the list of nodes' one node per line: **=As96W9_`> cat sitefiles#stoc2holmt-t rnc6 r&s m%AD **=As96W9_`> mo&atch sitefiles#stoc2holmt-t blt allQstQal
The commands can either be specified on the command line: **=As96W9_`> mo&atch rnc6'r&s'm%AD blt allQstQal
or from a command file containing the commands' one command per line: **=As96W9_`> cat commandfiles#healthchec2t-t lt all st al **=As96W9_`> mo&atch sitefiles#stoc2holmt-t commandfiles#healthchec2t-t
or from set of command files associated to each individual node !in case each node will run different commands% in this case' the name of each command file must contain the name of the node' followed by the e3tension /.mos0 or /.cmdH **=As96W9_`> 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3
ls l commandfiles#stoc2holm# 4 ean,ma%n m2%roup3l3d 4 ean,ma%n m2%roup3l3d 4 ean,ma%n m2%roup3l3d
D7W57 $ar 64 6K699 $ar 64 6K699 $ar 64
655W rnc6mos 655W r&s48mos 655W m%ADmos 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
**=As96W9_`> mo&atch sitefiles#stoc2holmt-t commandfiles#stoc2holm#
3ample: **=As96W9_`> mo&atch rnc44'm%A4'r&s48 Mlt allQstQalM 1itelist rnc44'm%A4'r&s48 Num&er of sites Command lt allQstQal Himeout set to 65 minutes (default .alue $a-imum num&er of parallel processes set to 45 (default .alue Lo%files stored in #home#ean,ma%n#lo%smo&atch#6557344367#rnc44andmore#46396 >>>>> 1H)+HE (pid ** FINI1E (result 1H)HG1 (started' finished' Jueue' runnin%' sites runnin% >>>>> rnc44 (6656 4s 5f 6J 4r= rnc44 >>>>> m%A4 (6659 6s 5f 4J 6r= m%A4 rnc44 >>>>> r&s48 (665W s 5f 5J r= m%A4 r&s48 rnc44 ** m%A4 (O/ s 4f 5J 6r= r&s48 rnc44 ** r&s48 (O/ s 6f 5J 4r= rnc44 ** rnc44 (O/ s f 5J 5r= rnc44 m%A4 r&s48
O/ O/ O/
Lo%files stored in #home#ean,ma%n#lo%smo&atch#6557344367#rnc44andmore#46396 **=As96W9_`> **=As96W9_`> cd #home#ean,ma%n#lo%smo&atch#6557344367#rnc44andmore#46396 irectory= #home#ean,ma%n#lo%smo&atch#6557344367#rnc44andmore#46396 **=As96W9_#home#ean,ma%n#lo%smo&atch#6557344367#rnc44andmore#46396> **=As96W9_#home#ean,ma%n#lo%smo&atch#6557344367#rnc44andmore#46396> ls 3l total 975 drA-r3-r3- 6 ean,ma%n rnd DD 6557344367 46=96 # drA-r3-r3- ean,ma%n rnd 47 6557344367 46=96 # 3rA3r33r33 4 ean,ma%n rnd 65W884 6557344367 46=96 m%A4lo% 3rA3r33r33 4 ean,ma%n rnd 96496 6557344367 46=96 r&s48lo% 3rA3r33r33 4 ean,ma%n rnd 68446 6557344367 46=96 rnc44lo% **=As96W9_#home#ean,ma%n#lo%smo&atch#6557344367#rnc44andmore#46396> %rep Hotal * 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
m%A4lo%=Last $O= WDK Loaded WDK $Os Hotal= WW5 $Os m%A4lo%=Hotal= 654K $Os m%A4lo%=>>> Hotal= 68 )larms (5 Critical' 69 $aVor r&s48lo%=Last $O= 47K9 Loaded 47K9 $Os Hotal= 47KD $Os r&s48lo%=Hotal= 78 $Os r&s48lo%=>>> Hotal= 5 )larms (5 Critical' 5 $aVor rnc44lo%=Last $O= 749 Loaded 749 $Os Hotal= 7499 $Os rnc44lo%=Hotal= 6WKK $Os rnc44lo%=>>> Hotal= W )larms (5 Critical' D $aVor **=As96W9_#home#ean,ma%n#lo%smo&atch#6557344367#rnc44andmore#46396>
*hen one of the moshell sessions started by mobatch ta"es longer than e3pected' it is "illed' in order to avoid hanging sessions. The default timeout is 8 but it can be increased with the /t0 option: **=As96W9_`> mo&atch 3t W5 sitefiles#AholenetAor2t-t Mlt allQstQalM Himeout set to W5 minutes
The number of nodes specified in the sitefile is unlimited but mobatch runs in batches of > simultaneous sessions at a time. To increase the batch sie' use the option /p0: **=As96W9_`> mo&atch 3p 65 sitefiles#AholenetAor2t-t Mlt allQstQalM $a-imum num&er of parallel processes set to 65
,efore increasing the number of parallel sessions' it is important to chec" that the wor"station has enough free +2M memory' to avoid overloading it. ach moshell session ta"es between to > M, of +2M' depending on the number of MOs in the node. ^ top last pid= 68769Q load a.era%es= 554' 554' 554 49=9=D 76 processes= 8K sleepin%' 6 ,om&ie' 4 on cpu CPG states= K89^ idle' 55^ user' 5K^ 2ernel' 48^ ioAait' $emory= 74K6$ real' W4K$ free' 998$ sAap in use' 49U sAap free
55^ sAap
(or more information on mobatch' see user guide and online help by typing mobatch on its own: 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
**=srld86W4_`> mo&atch Gsa%e= mo&atch !options @ @@ !lo%directory Purpose= Ho send moshell commands to se.eral nodes in parallel
)r%uments= 3 Hhe first ar%ument is the sitefile or the sitelist Hhe sitefile is a file containin% the list of sites to connect to Each line in the sitefile contains= * the IP#N1 addresses and#or site names Ahose IP address are defined in the IP data&ase * optionally= the user.aria& user.aria&les#scriptin%.aria&les ia&les to input Aith 3. option 1ee e-ample of sitefile and ipdata&ase in= moshell#e-amples#mo&atch moshell#e-amples#mo&atchfiles# files# If usin% the sitelist' the sites are listed on the command line and separated &y commas 3 Hhe second ar%ument is the commmand or commandfile 1ee e-ample of commands &eloA and commandfile in moshell#e-amples#mo&atchfil moshell#e-amples#mo&atchfiles es If a directory is %i.en' then a different commandfile Aill &e used for each node= the name of each commandfile should &e cmd or mos the should &e the same as %i.en in the sitefile e-ample= node3name is r&sW56 > commandfile should &e r&sW56cmd or r&sW56mos 3 Hhe third ar%ument (lo%directory is optional If no lo%directory is specified' a default one Aill &e used Options= 3 t 3 p 3 . 3 o 3 s E-amples= mo&atch mo&atch mo&atch mo&atch mo&atch mo&atch mo&atch mo&atch mo&atch
1pecify the num&er of minutes &efore timin% out 1et to 5 for no timeout (default65 1pecify the ma-imum num&er of moshell sessions that Aill run in parallel (default45 1pecify moshell user.aria&les Hype "moshell" on its oAn for more info a&out this option Print output of e.ery moshell session &oth to screen and to lo%file 1ilent No output is printed
3p 4D 3t W5 `#sitefiles#.ictoria3sites Mlt all Q %etM 45446745 #cmdfiles#2%etmos 45446745'rnc9'r&s45'm%A4ericssonse 45446745'rnc9'r&s45'm%A4er icssonse #cmdfiles#2%etmos #sitefiles#all3r&st-t #cmdfiles#dohealthChec2mo #cmdfiles#dohealthChec2mos s 3p D 3t 4 #sitefiles#all3r&st-t Mc. cu Q r&sM #sitefiles#all3rnct-t Mlt Yutrancell Q st cellM #sitefiles#all3&sct-t `#&sc3commandfiles# 3. securitymethod6'sacredent securitymethod6'sacredential`#samp&e'sapassAord ial`#samp&e'sapassAordoemas oemas 3p 65 #allm%At-t MhcM 3. ipdata&ase`#utrannetAor2# ipdata&ase`#utrannetAor2#ipdata&ase ipdata&ase `#utrannetAor2#ipdata&ase Mlt all Q %et M
**=srld86W4_`> mo&atch 3o rnc44'cr&44 Mlt os4DDQstM 1itelist rnc44'cr&44 Num&er of sites 6 Command lt os4DDQst Himeout set to 65 minutes (default .alue $a-imum num&er of parallel processes set to 45 (default .alue 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Lo%files stored in #home#ean,ma%n#lo%smo&atch#655K35W354#rnc44andmore#43D >>>>> 1H)+HE (pid ** FINI1E (result 1H)HG1 (started' finished' Jueue' runnin%' sites runnin% >>>>> rnc44 (6KW77 4s 5f 4J 4r= rnc44 >>>>> cr&44 (6KWK5 6s 5f 5J 6r= cr&44 rnc44 rnc44= rnc44= Lo%%in% to file #home#ean,ma%n#lo%smo&atch#655K35W354#rnc44andmore#43D#rnc44lo% cr&44= cr&44= Lo%%in% to file #home#ean,ma%n#lo%smo&atch#655K35W354#rnc44andmore#43D#cr&44lo% rnc44= rnc44= Relcome to $o1hell 84J rnc44= Finn $a%nusson' San Pettersson rnc44= http=##utran54auaoericssonse#moshell http=##utran54auaoericsson se#moshell rnc44= Contact= Finn$a%nusson_ericssoncom rnc44= a.id1mith_ericssoncom rnc44= rnc44= rnc44= Chec2in% ip contactO/ rnc44= rnc44= ELP $ENG = h rnc44= 0)1IC $O CO$$)N1 = m rnc44= OHE+ $O CO$$)N1 = n rnc44= OHE+ CO$$)N1 = o rnc44= P$ CO$$)N1 = p rnc44= GIH = J rnc44= rnc44= +NC44> lt os4DD rnc44= rnc44= 5K5W5434=D=6 48D74K9498 84J stopfile#tmp#6K8D7 cr&44= cr&44= Relcome to $o1hell 84J cr&44= Finn $a%nusson' San Pettersson cr&44= http=##utran54auaoericssonse#moshell http=##utran54auaoericsson se#moshell cr&44= Contact= Finn$a%nusson_ericssoncom cr&44= a.id1mith_ericssoncom cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= Chec2in% ip contactO/ cr&44= cr&44= ELP $ENG = h cr&44= 0)1IC $O CO$$)N1 = m 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44= cr&44=
OHE+ $O CO$$)N1 OHE+ CO$$)N1 P$ CO$$)N1 GIH
= = = =
n o p J
C+044> lt os4DD 5K5W5434=D=6 48D74K949K 84J stopfile#tmp#6K8W6 Chec2in% $O$ .ersionCPP$O$D59)F96 Parsin% $O$ (cached= #home#ean,ma%n#Var-ml#CPP$O$D59)F96-mlcache%, one Fetchin% IO+ fileone Connectin% to 48D74K949K=DW7D (Cor&a1ecurityOFF' cor&aclass6' Varcor&+84157' Vacsec+84157' Vacoms+84S47 **** Relcome to the 1imple $o 0roAser (.ersion 5 Hryin% file#home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#tempfiles#655K5W5434D6K6KWKD#ior6KWKD **** Hest Construction O/ **** Bmo&roAserpid 6K798 Connected to 48D74K949K ($ana%edElement4 Load Pro-ys for $Os of folloAin% type Os4DD1piHtp Please Confirm !y#n= y Last $O=
W Loaded
W $Os Hotal=
8 $Os $O Class= Os4DD1piHtp
C+044> st 5K5W5434=D=8 48D74K949K 84J CPP$O$D59)F96 stopfile#tmp#6K8W6 Pro-y )dm 1tate Op 1tate $O 4 4 (GNLOC/E 4 (EN)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot68'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHer EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot68' Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp6 minal4'Os4DD1piHtp6 6 4 (GNLOC/E 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot68' EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot68'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHer Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp4 minal4'Os4DD1piHtp4 4 (GNLOC/E 4 (EN)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6W'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHer EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6W' Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp6 minal4'Os4DD1piHtp6 9 4 (GNLOC/E 4 (EN)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6W'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHer EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6W' Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp4 minal4'Os4DD1piHtp4 D 4 (GNLOC/E 4 (EN)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lotW'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerm EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lotW'P lu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp6 inal4'Os4DD1piHtp6 W 4 (GNLOC/E 4 (EN)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lotW'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerm EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lotW'P lu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp4 inal4'Os4DD1piHtp4 Hotal= W $Os 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
cr&44= C+044> J cr&44= 0ye cr&44= Output has &een lo%%ed to file #home#ean,ma%n#lo%smo&atch#655K35W354#rnc44andmore#43D#cr&44lo% rnc44= Chec2in% $O$ .ersion+NCNOE$OEL6575 rnc44= Gsin% $O$ .ersion= +NCNOE$OEL6575CO$PLEHE rnc44= Parsin% $O$ (cached= #home#ean,ma%n#Var-ml#+NCNOE$OEL6575CO$PLEHE-mlcache%, one rnc44= Fetchin% IO+ fileone rnc44= Connectin% to 48D74K9498=DW79 (Cor&a1ecurityOFF' cor&aclass6' Varcor&+84157' Vacsec+84157' Vacoms+84S47 rnc44= **** Relcome to the 1imple $o 0roAser (.ersion 5 rnc44= Hryin% file#home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#tempfiles#655K5W5434D6K6KWK#ior6KWK rnc44= **** Hest Construction O/ rnc44= **** rnc44= rnc44= Bmo&roAserpid 6K7WD cr&44= ** cr&44 (O/ 6s 4f 5J 4r= rnc44 rnc44= rnc44= Connected to 48D74K9498 ($ana%edElement4 rnc44= rnc44= Load Pro-ys for $Os of folloAin% type rnc44= rnc44= Os4DD1piHtp rnc44= rnc44= rnc44= Please Confirm !y#n= y rnc44= rnc44= Last $O= 7 Loaded 7 $Os Hotal= K $Os $O Class= Os4DD1piHtp rnc44= rnc44= +NC44> st rnc44= rnc44= 5K5W5434=D=K 48D74K9498 84J +NCNOE$OEL6575CO$PLEHE stopfile#tmp#6K8D7 rnc44= rnc44= Pro-y )dm 1tate Op 1tate $O rnc44= rnc44= 4 5 (LOC/E 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot8'P EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerm lu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp6 inal4'Os4DD1piHtp6 rnc44= 6 4 (GNLOC/E 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot8'P EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot8'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerm lu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp4 inal4'Os4DD1piHtp4 rnc44= 4 (GNLOC/E 4 (EN)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lotW'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerm EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lotW'P lu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp6 inal4'Os4DD1piHtp6 rnc44= 9 4 (GNLOC/E 4 (EN)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lotW'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerm EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lotW'P lu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp4 inal4'Os4DD1piHtp4 rnc44= D 4 (GNLOC/E 4 (EN)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot68'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHer EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot68' Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp6 minal4'Os4DD1piHtp6 rnc44= W 4 (GNLOC/E 4 (EN)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot68'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHer EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot68' Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp4 minal4'Os4DD1piHtp4 rnc44= 8 4 (GNLOC/E 4 (EN)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6W'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHer EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6W' Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp6 minal4'Os4DD1piHtp6 rnc44= 7 5 (LOC/E 5 (I1)0LE EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6W' EJuipment4'1u&rac2$1'1lot6W'Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHer Plu%InGnit4'E-chan%eHerminal4'Os4DD1piHtp4 minal4'Os4DD1piHtp4 rnc44= 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
rnc44= Hotal= 7 $Os rnc44= rnc44= +NC44> J rnc44= 0ye rnc44= Output has &een lo%%ed to file #home#ean,ma%n#lo%smo&atch#655K35W354#rnc44andmore#43D#rnc44lo% rnc44= ** rnc44 (O/ 6s 6f 5J 5r= rnc44 cr&44
O/ O/
Lo%files stored in #home#ean,ma%n#lo%smo&atch#655K35W354#rnc44andmore#43D
>.0 TR/CSR TR/CSR )ata coll"ction coll"ction +NC44> h dc% ******************************************************* dc%!measrif2 ! ******************************************************* Fetch data for H+s#C1+s' accordin% to the ata Collection Uuidelines Hhe dc% command offers a num&er of options' it is possi&le to com&ine se.eral options' e%= "dc%msrJ" Options= 3 m= mandatory data 3 e= su&set of the mandatory data Ahich can &e ta2en in case of emer%ency' &efore doin% &oard#node restart Hhis option Aill usually &e run on its oAn 3 a= ))L6 printouts 3 s= 118 printouts 3 i= IP printouts 3 r= +NC#+01 specific printouts 3 f= fetch cpp lo%s and ropfiles HAo ,ipfiles are produced (one for cpp lo%s and one for ropfiles Ahich can &e used in offline mode in pmr' pm-' l% and the "3l" option +efer to the chapter "Offline mode" for more info 3 2= ta2e $O dump (2%et format ) ,ipfile is produced containin% the $O dump and $O$ of the node' it can &e used in offline mode &y runnin% "moshell <,ipfile>" +efer to the chapter "Offline mode" for more info )r%ument= 3 the directory Ahere the collected data Aill &e stored If no directory is %i.en' the directory `#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#dc%### is used 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Please refer to the command file in moshell#commonVars#scripts#dc%datacollectionmos to .ieA the .arious commands that are run for each option $ore info a&out each command can &e found &y typin% "h "
(or T+)CS+ data collection the main command is /dcgm0 which collects all mandatory data. This can ta"e up to one hour on large nodes. $f it is an emergency and the node must be restarted as soon as possible' a smaller set of data can be collected by using the dcge command' this ta"es less than >B minutes. The logs collected by dcg are stored in the folder called )moshellDlogfiles)logsDmoshell)dcg) ls 3l total 7455 3rA3rA3rA3 4 ean,ma%n rnd DWW6W 655735D35D 45=5 +NC44CU65575D5D456K4D +NC44CU65575D5D456K4Ddurin%fault,ip durin%fault,ip 3rA3rA3rA3 4 ean,ma%n rnd 8W8746 655735D35D 45=D +NC44dc%mlo%%, 3rA3rA3rA3 4 ean,ma%n rnd 645 655735D35D 45=D +NC44license,ip 3rA3rA3rA3 4 ean,ma%n rnd 7656WK 655735D35D 45=D +NC44lo%files,ip 3rA3rA3rA3 4 ean,ma%n rnd DW747 655735D35D 45=6 +NC44+NC44O/,ip 3rA3rA3rA3 4 ean,ma%n rnd DW44846 655735D35D 45= +NC44ropfiles,ip
>. Confi'u!ation "ttin' an) an) "n@i!on"nt "n@i!on"nt @a!ia8l" @a!ia8l" Printed with the commands /uv0 and /pv0. 4ery important to include the /uv0 and /pv0 printouts when reporting problems on moshell UU
>..1 Confi'u! Confi'u!atio ation n "ttin' "ttin' The /uv0 printout shows the current values of the /uservariables0' ie. the moshell s ettings which can be changed by the user. +NC44> u. &lde&setconfirmation credential corbaHclass csnotiflist
4 C=#cy%Ain#home#ean,ma%n#tools#moshell#commonVars#hostp C=#cy%Ain#home#ean,ma%n#tools# moshell#commonVars#hostp46 46 2 a.aila&ilitystatus 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
decoder #.o&s#io.#rnc#&in#decoderpl defaultmom #home#ean,ma%n#tools#moshell#V #home#ean,ma%n#tools#moshell#Var-ml#$UR+6-ml ar-ml#$UR+6-ml delconfirmation 4 editor .i fastlhthreshold D fastca&threshold 45 ftpport 64 ftptimeout W55 httpport 75 inacti.itytimeout 9655 includenonpm 4 ipconnectiontimeout 65 ipHdatabase 'home'eanLmagn'moshellHlog&ile s'site&iles'ipdatabase,'h s'site&iles'ipdatabase,'home'eanLmagn'tools'moshell's ome'eanLmagn'tools'moshell's ite&iles'ipdatabase ipinacti.itytimeout 9D Va.a #usr#&in#Va.a arxmldir 'home'eanLmagn'tools'moshell' arxml 2eepLmList #d#loadmodules#CTC46W5D9+4C54'#d#loadmodules#CTC46W5D9+454'#c#Va.a#hostp46'#c#Va.a#Has2Confi%urationFilet-t'#c#Va.a#OL1ec urity$ana%ementprp'#d#loadmodules#CTC588+D)57'#c#Va.a#1ecurity$ana%ementprp ltconfirmation 4 lo%infoprint 4 moscommandlog " muteFactor 455 nmcredential C=#cy%Ain#home#ean,ma%n#ssucre C=#cy%Ain#home#ean,ma%n#ssucredentials-ml dentials-ml nmfolder C=#cy%Ain#home#ean,ma%n nodelo%in 4 printlmid 4 promptcolor 4 prompthi%hli%ht 4 pmAait 6D pmlo%dir rsetcustomlist )ntSumperCa&le')ntFeederCa&le' )ntSumperCa&le')ntFeederCa&le')al6Pathistri&utionGnit' )al6Pathistri&utionGnit'+epertoire'Pro%ram'HdmtermUr +epertoire'Pro%ram'HdmtermUrp'TpPro%ram'pPro%ram p'TpPro%ram'pPro%ram rtVar saHcredential /:'c8gwin'home'eanLmagn'tools' moshell'commonars'sam4pb moshell'commonars'sam4pbe e saHpassword useHcompleteHmom " secureH&tp " secureport 66 secureHshell " securitymethod 4 setAindoAtitle 4 shoAcolors 4 shoAtimestamp 4 shoAuserla&el 5 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
slsurls https=##4864K4W4=799#eri https=##4864K4W4=799#ericsson#ser.let#sls'https=# csson#ser.let#sls'https=##4947WD85=799#ericsson #4947WD85=799#ericsson#ser.let#sls #ser.let#sls slsusername sls slspassAord ******** mospacecon.ert 4 tar%etmonitortype 4 telnetport 6 transactiontimeout W55 username moshelluser -mlmomlist rncnodemim-ml'+&sNodeersio rncnodemim-ml'+&sNodeersiont-t'+&sNode-ml'mm%Ano nt-t'+&sNode-ml'mm%Anodemomlimited-ml'mm%Ar9no demomlimited-ml'mm%Ar9nodemomopen-ml' demomopen-ml' m%Anodemomro-ml'Cello$O$-ml
The description of each uservariable and default values are shown in the moshell file. See following e3tract from moshell file: .....
4 .&Vor& (secure unsecure nodes 6 Vacor& unsecure Vacor& secure Aith 1)$ credential (uses sacredential and sapassAord 9 Vacor& secure Aith 1L1 lo%in and doAload of nmcredential (uses slsurls' slsusername' slspassAord and puts the N$ credential in nmcredential D Vacor& secure Aith N$ credential (uses file located in nmcredential cor&aclass4 CO+0) 1ECG+IH] $EHO= 4 uses host credential (only Aor2s Aith cor&aclass4 6 uses stand3alone credential (reJuires Va.a 44 or hi%her securitymethod4 P)H HO O1H C+EENHI)L Hhis file is reJuired to handle Cor&a 1ecurity method 4 Can &e %enerated &y P/1 or found on node (in #c#Va.a#hostp46 or found in +anos (in #etc#opt#ericsson#nmscifsecurity#certificates#hostp46 Hhis file has an unlimited lifetime credentialBcommonVardir#hostp46 P)H HO 1H)N3)LONE C+EENHI)L and stand3alone passAord Hhis file is reJuired Ahen cor&aclass or cor&aclass4securitymethod6 Can &e doAnloaded from 1L1 or Aith E$)1 Hhis file has a limited lifetime' set &y 1L1 sacredentialBcommonVardir#samp&e sapassAord"oemas" P)H HO NEHRO+/3$OE C+EENHI)L Hhe path nmfolder indicates the folder Ahere the N$ credential Aill &e doAnloaded Ahen cor&aclass9 Hhe path nmcredential indicates the path to the N$ credential file that Aill &e used Ahen cor&aclassD nmfolderBO$E nmcredentialBO$E#ssucredentials-ml G+Ls and lo%in details for 1L1 (one or more G+Ls can &e %i.en 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
If the user.aria&le slsurls is empty' moshell Aill try to find it out &y http doAnload of the file #confi%uration#slsaddresscf% slsurlshttps=##48D74K94K5=799#sls#ser.let#sls'https=##48D74K94K4=799#sls#ser.let#sls slsusernamesls slspassAordsls efault -ml3$O$ file (in case not stored on node' e% $UR $UR +6 $O$ can &e doAnloaded from http=##internalericssoncom#pa%e#hu&corenetAor2#unit#pduipconnecti.itycontrol#nodem%A#m%Asupplyandsupport#plmhtml Clic2 on "release &inders" Hhe latest $O$ is included in the latest release &inder $UR + $O$ can &e doAnloaded from http=##m%Almfericssonse#proVects#r#system#$UA+$O$# $UR +9 $O$ can &e doAnloaded from http=##m%Almfericssonse#proVects#r9#sm#$O$#inde-94html $UR +D $O$ can &e doAnloaded from http=##.o&slmfericssonse#Acs#mm%A#rD#m%ArDoamapplmom#-mlstora%e# NOHE= this settin% is superceeded &y the settin% in `#moshellrc file Please set this .aria&le in `#moshellrc instead )lternati.ely' transfer the $O$ to the node' into the directory #c#pu&lichtml#cello#oe#-ml and rename it to Cello$O$-ml Hhis Aay' the correct $O$ Aill &e used for each node' rather than the default $O$ defaultmom"BVar-mldir#$UR+6-ml" Prompt hi%hli%htin% and colorin% (4&old#color' 5normal Pro&lem Ahen usin% prompt hi%hli%ht= if the command is lon%er than the AindoA' it o.erArites the &e%innin% of the line Prompt hi%hli%htin% and color can &e to%%led online usin% the "&" command Note= promptcolor only Aor2s Ahen prompthi%hli%ht is turned on prompthi%hli%ht4 promptcolor4 1et RindoA Hitle at startup (5no' 4yes setAindoAtitle4 1hoA colors Can &e to%%led online Aith the "col" command shoAcolors4 1hoA userla&el Ho shoA the userla&el in st#p%et printouts 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Can &e to%%led online Aith the "ul" command shoAuserla&el5 Helnet#ssh#ftp#sftp username usernamemoshelluser O1E3shell#ftp security (4 to use ssh#sftp' 5 to use telnet#ftp secureshell5 secureftp5 Himeouts for IP connections (http#telnet#ftp#ssh#sftp' in seconds * ipconnectiontimeout = isconnects if the connection couldnMt &e esta&lished Aithin that time * ipinacti.itytimeout = isconnects if no output is recei.ed from the Aithin that time * ftptimeout = $a-imum time alloAed for ftp#http transfers ipconnectiontimeout65 ipinacti.itytimeout9D ftptimeoutW55 Inacti.ity timeout (in seconds= $oshell e-its if no user input Aithin this time inacti.itytimeout457555 ttp port= 75 for Cello' --75 for CppEmu Ahere -- is the offset (usually 95 Helnet port= 6 for Cello' --6 for CppEmu Ahere -- is the offset (usually 95 Ftp port= 64 for Cello' --64 for CppEmu Ahere -- is the offset (usually 95 1ecure port= used for ssh#sftp a different .alue can &e used in case of +1U port forAardin%s httpport75 telnetport6 ftpport64 secureport66 .....
9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
1servariables can be changed in the following way: a% (rom /uv0 command !the change change will only apply for the current current session% +NC44> u. secureshell secureshell
+NC44> u. secureshell4 secureshell4
b% 1sing the /v0 option when starting moshell !the change will only apply for the current session% ** NONE ** ean,ma%n_srld869=> moshell 3. secureshell4'secureftp4 rnc45
c% ,y editing the ).moshellrc file !the change is permanent but only applies to the user owning this file%. ** NONE ** ean,ma%n_srld869=> cat `#moshellrc secureshell4 secureftp4
d% ,y editing the moshell)-ar3ml)moshellrc file !the change change is permanent and applies to all users of this moshell installation%. ** NONE ** ean,ma%n_srld869=> cat moshell#Var-ml#moshellrc secureshell4 secureftp4
e% ,y editing the ipdatabase file !whose path is set in the uservariable ipDdatabase' see chapter below%.
5ote: it is also possible change a uservariable inside the moshell file but it is not recommended since the change will be undone at the ne3t moshell upgrade.
>..0 U"!@a!ia8l" fo! conn"ctin' conn"ctin' to to "cu!" no)" To connect to a node that has corba security activated' there are two "ind of credentials that can be used: >% a standalone credential !sam.pbe file% which is manually downloaded from S#S. nter the S#S address in the webbrowser and download the file' store it on the wor"station or PC. 5ote that this connection method usually does not wor" with security level 7. Then run: 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
moshell 3. cor&aclass'sacredential cor&aclass' sacredential#path#to#sa #path#to#samp&e'sapass mp&e'sapassAordpAfor AordpAforfile file
E) a networ" mode credential !ssucredentials.3ml% which is automatically downloaded by moshell from S#S: moshell 3. cor&aclass9'slsusername = 2t the first MO command' moshell will prompt for input of S#S password. The S#S password can also be input with the uservariable slsDpassword but that is not secure since it appears in full te3t on the command line or in the ).moshellrc file. $f the node has telnet)ftp turned off then you must also add the uservariables secureDshellG> secureDshellG> and secureDftpG> to force moshell to connect with ssh)sftp instead of telnet)ftp. $f the node has security level 7 activated' then the node password does not wor"' a userspecific login must be used. This can be done with the uservariable username. The node password for this user will then be prompted. $t is also possible to enter the node password with the password variable but that is not secure since it then appears in full te3t. 3ample of connecting moshell to a security level 8 node:
moshell 3. cor&aclass'sacredential#path#to#samp&e'sapassAordpAforsamp&e'secureshell4'secureftp4 3ample of connecting moshell to a security level 7 node:
moshell 3. cor&aclass9'slsusername'username'secureshell4'secureftp4 !can also add slspassAord'passAord but that is not secure% 2lso refer to http:))utran> http:))utran> and and to the moshell user guide.
>.. En@i!on En@i!on"nt "nt @a!ia8l @a!ia8l" " The /pv0 printout shows all environment variables and scripting variables. nvironment variables are set by moshell a t startup and cannot be changed by the user. They "eep some important parameters of the current moshell session !ipaddress of the node' process $ of the session' path to the folder containing logs and temporary logs' etc% +NC44> p. 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
B%aA2 L)NUC LC)LLC #home#ean,ma%n#moshell#%aA2 Buname 1unO1 Blo%dir #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell Btempdir #home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#tempfiles#6558455355D695W59W B%aA2pid W585 Bnodename +NC44 Bipaddress 48D74K9498 Bmoshelldir #home#ean,ma%n#moshell Bmom.ersion +NCNOE$OELUD67CO$PLEHE Bmomdocnum&er 4DDD93)T45D5#4 Bmo&roAserpid W465 Bmomdocre.ision )E9 Bcellomom.ersion D464K3W Bmoshell.ersion 85r
Scripting variables loo" e3actly the same as environment variables but can be set by the user for scripting purposes. More information on scripting in chapter
>.3 I%)ata I%)ata8a 8a" " The ipdatabase is a file where you can store for each node of the networ": - nodename !arbitrary% - ipaddress or dns name - password !optional% - any uservariables or scripting variables that should be set before connecting to the node !optional% The format of the ipdatabase file is li"e this: nodeName ip)ddress#N1name passAord
user.aria&les#scriptin%.aria&les user.aria&les#scriptin%.aria&l es
3ample: ** NONE rnc45 rnc64 rnc6W rnc9W r&s65W
** ean,ma%n_srld869=> cat #home#ean,ma%n#moshellsitefiles#ipdata&ase 48D74K977 tch77 secureshell4 4544W64WK rnc64 sacredential#rnc64samp& sacredential#rnc64samp&e'sapassAordrnc64'cor&a e'sapassAordrnc64'cor&aclass class 4544W4WK rnc6W 4544W44WK rnc9W r&s48ericssonse r&s48 usernamer&s65W
The path to the ipdatabase is stored in the uservariable ipDdatabase: 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
+NC44> u. ipdata&ase ipdata&ase
#home#ean,ma%n#moshellsitefil #home#ean,ma%n#moshellsitefiles#ipdata&ase es#ipdata&ase
Several ipdatabase files can be referred in this uservariable: ** NONE ** ean,ma%n_srld869=> cat `#moshellrc ipdata&ase#home#ean,ma%n#moshellsitefiles#ipdata&asetelia'#home#ean,ma%n#moshellsitefiles#ipdata&asetele6
*hen starting moshell' it loo"s in the list of ipdatabase files to find a matching entry for that entry. $f an entry is found' it uses this to "now the ipaddress' the node password' and set any associated uservariables and)or scripting variables. ** NONE ** ean,ma%n_srld8699=> moshell r&s65W Relcome to $o1hell 85J Finn $a%nusson' San Pettersson http=##utran54epaericssonse#moshell http=##utran54epaericssons e#moshell Contact= Finn$a%nusson_ericssoncom a.id1mith_ericssoncom Chec2in% ip contactO/ ELP $ENG $O CO$$)N1 OHE+ CO$$)N1 P$ CO$$)N1 GIH
= = = = =
h m n p J
+0165W> .ii 585K4W359=94=6 rbs=G4 sw4ericsson4se 85J stopfile#tmp#48WW4 )r8ing password &rom ipdatabase &ile: 'home'eanLmagn'moshellHsite&iles'ipdatabase444 B .ii 33333 II 1E+E+ INFO 33333 re%istered clients= client F)GLH LO)1H)+H NOPORE+ 0OOHHE1H $I11INU+E1OG+CE 0O)+LOC/E 0O)+0G1] 1GHORN 3333333333 33333 3333333333 33333333 33333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333 333 333333333333 3333333333 33333333 5-55545D4 NO NO NO NO NO NO ]E1 NO LE U+EEN
1tate CL1LEION 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
+0165W> u. username username r&s65W
>.4 O&M conn"cti conn"cti@it* @it* %!o8l" %!o8l" >.4.1 Ca" 1: o-"ll -an' -an' at T!*in' fil"7.... fil"7.... Symptom: +NC45> lt all Chec2in% $O$ .ersion+NCNOE$OELU49 Gsin% $O$ .ersion= +NCNOE$OELU49CO$PLEHE Parsin% $O$ (cached= #home#ean,ma%n#moshell#Var-ml#+NCNOE$OELU49CO$PLEHE-mlcache one Fetchin% IO+ fileone **** Relcome to the 1imple $o 0roAser (.ersion 5 Hryin% file#home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#tempfiles#655W44535K9666W5D5#iorW5D5
Possible causes: >% W4M ran out of memory +NC45> lhsh 554655 Vheapinfo B lhsh 554655 Vheapinfo Sa.a eap Information Hotal si,e= 659755555 Hotal used= 65985549 Hotal used hi%h Aater3mar2= 65985DK B
9 )r8 to restart the IAM 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
+NC44> lhsh 554655 sma 3all B lhsh 554655 sma 3all Hue ec 44 65=4K=D 6558 +oot Pid 3333333333 5-5554569f 5-5554549c 5-5556546c 5-55545464 5-5556544 5-555455e6 5-555655dd 5-555655f4 5-555455ed 5-555455e& 5-555655eW 5-555455ec 5-555455ee
Load $odule 3333333333333333333333 CTC46K7W4+45)5 CTC46K7W5+45)]54 CTC46499+D4EL56 CTC465879+D4LT59 CTC46587+D4LT56 CTC466D5W+D4LT56 CTC466D5W+D4LT56 CTC46685D+D4LT56 CTC469W9+D4LT56 CTC469W9+D4LT56 CTC469W9+D4LT56 CTC469W9+D4LT56 CTC469W9+D4LT56
Load $odule +PG 333333333333333333333333333 CTC46K7W4+45)5 9K (+ncLmCenOm CTC46K7W5+45)]54 97 CTC46685D+D4LT56 98 CTC469W9+D4LT56 9W (o&Vectsuppor 9W CTC46499+D4EL56 9D CTC466D5W+D4LT56 8 /F/=2"G!H=*F"! 6 CTC46587+D4LT56 D (
(+ncLmCenOm (+ncLmFro (pms (V.m ( (iputil (iputil (-pm (o&Vectsuppor (o&Vectsuppor (o&Vectsuppor (o&Vectsuppor (o&Vectsuppor
1tate 33333 )cti.
$ode 33333 )A1
Container I +eplNoOf+ecs +ec1i,e 1nap1eJ Peer1mn)pn 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 3333333 3333333 3333333333 3 3 3 3 3 ( 5' 4
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]es 3 3 3
55 3 3 3
69 3 3 3
5 3 3 3
5' 5' 5' ", 5'
( ( ( 5 (
4 4 (pms 4 (iputil =7 5#m7 4
B +NC44> lhsh 554655 pro%list 4 6
run run run
CTC465878+D41\54 CTC466D5W+D41\54 CTC469W9+D41\54
(1ystem$ana%e (iputil (o&Vectsuppor 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
9 D W 8 7 K =" 44 46 4 49
run run run run run run run run run run run
CTC46685D+D41\54 CTC46449+D41\54 CTC4644W+D41\54 CTC46885D+D41\54 CTC465896+D41\54 CTC46587+D41\54 /F/=2"G!H=ST"= CTC464464+D4U54 CTC46499+D4EL56 CTC46K7W5+45C54 CTC46K7W4+45CC54
(-pm (soc2 (ethernet (d&a%ent (spasconnect ( 5#m7 (nsssycimp&p (pms (+ncLmFro (+ncLmCenOm
+NC44> lhsh 554655 pro%list 5K5K4434W=4K=5K 48D74K9498 84u +NCNOE$OELS9DCO$PLEHE stopfile#tmp#4D947 4 run CTC465878+W45 (1ys$an 6 run CTC466D5W+W456 (IpGtil run CTC469W9+W45W (O&Vect1uppor 9 run CTC46685D+W456 (Tpm D run CTC46449+W456 (soc2 W run CTC4644W+W456 (ethernet 8 run CTC46885D+W456 (d&a%ent 7 run CTC465896+W456 (1pasConn K run CTC486448W+W45 (Pm)%ent 45 run CTC46587+W456 (ttp 44 run CTC465879+W456 (S.m 46 run CTC464464+W4E15 (Nss1yci0p 4 run CTC46499+W456 (Pms 49 run CTC48694W4+0E54 (+ncLmFro 4D run CTC48694W6+0E57 (+ncLmCenOm +NC44> lhsh 554655 pro%2ill V.m B echo /illin% pro%ram CTC465879+D41\54 /illin% pro%ram CTC465879+D41\54 B lhsh 554655 p%2ill 45 B
9 Or restart the IAM board +NC45> lhsh 554655 reload B lhsh 554655 reload 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
%ote: the memor8 settings can be &ound in: +NC45> %et V.m admoptions $O )ttri&ute alue S.m4 admOptions s! Tms6555552 httproot#c#pu&lichtml seericssonsecurityPropertyFileLocation#c#Va.a#1ecurity$ana%ementprp Hotal= 4 $Os +NC45> sJl select id'V.moption from V.mfror4 B sJlc select id'V.moption from V.mfror4Q Note a.e you allocated enou%h of heap memory to the loadmodule=CTC46DW57 to &e a&le to run 1LC in the Aay you Aant Note CH+LC is not supported Component sJlc (595559#O1E Copyri%ht (C 4KK93655D &y Polyhedra Ltd 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 @ id @ V.moption @ 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 @ 5 @ M3Tms6555552 3httproot#c#pu&lichtml 3seericssonsecurityProp 3seericssonsecurityPropertyFileLocation#c#Va.a#1e ertyFileLocation#c#Va.a#1ecurity$ana%ementprp curity$ana%ementprp M @ 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 uery one= 4 record selected 1L> e-itQ B
8% Too many open corba sessions Ma3imum number of connections on the CM)PM service : 7. Ma3imum number of subscriptions to CM notifications: 8B. Ma3imum number of subscriptions to (M notifications: 8B. very line with /Select 2ccepted0 shows a corba session to the node.
9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
/ U 6 +NC44> lhsh 554655 dsoc2 client list B lhsh 554655 dsoc2 client list lsd psd Hype pendin% 1tate 46 5 HCP 1elect )ccepted 44 67 HCP 1elect )ccepted 45 6D HCP 1elect )ccepted K 4K HCP 1elect )ccepted 7 4W HCP 1elect )ccepted D 69 HCP 1elect )ccepted 8 6 HCP 1elect )ccepted 4W 7 HCP 1elect )ccepted W 47 HCP 1elect Listen 9 49 HCP )ccept Listen K HCP 3 Listen 6 8 HCP 3 Listen 4 W GP 3 Other 5 D GP 3 0ind B
Va.amainthread3WWW Port
1oc2etOAner3pid Va.amainthread3WW6KD
oseAe&s3WW4W5 prn%d3WW676 osedhcpr344WK9
/G: 1HP9K> lhsh 554655 rsoc2 3fln 5K5K4434W=DD=4 48D74K949 84u +NCNOE$OELL498CO$PLEHE stopfile#tmp#487W B lhsh 554655 rsoc2 3fln C+H 1tac2 Hype 1tate OAner +eJuest OAner +estore Commands )/ "x&= e&sH&ileHown setsoc>opt56,,"x"7 setsoc>opt56,=,"x=7 accept5,=!G42=!42"=422:!=27 5 6 GP 5-8D&a oseresol.e oseresol.e soc2et(6'6'5 &ind(5555=5 reade.ent(4 D G )/ "x&= e&sH&ileHown setsoc>opt56,,"x"7 setsoc>opt56,=,"x=7 Daccept5,=!G42=!42"=422:!=7 4 48 GP 5-8D&a osedhcpr osedhcpr soc2et(6'6'48 setsoc2opt(WDDD'6'5-4 setsoc2opt(WDDD'D46'5-4 setsoc2opt(5'65'5-4 &ind(5555=W7 reade.ent(4 6 46 HCP 5-7f4 prn%d soc2et(6'4'5 setsoc2opt(WDDD'95K7'5-955 setsoc2opt(WDDD'9'5-4 setsoc2opt(WDDD'D46'5-4 &ind(468554=DDDD listen(D accepte.ent(5 errore.ent(5 fcntl(5-9'9 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
4 HCP 5-7f69 oseAe&s oseAe&s accepte.ent(34 9 4 GP 5-8D&a osedhcpr osedhcpr setsoc2opt(5'65'5-4 &ind(5555=W8 reade.ent(4 D 6 HCP 5-7f49 5- 7f49 efsfileoAn efs fileoAn 1er.er1oc2et W HCP 5-7f4 efsfileoAn Waccept(D'4986494DW4D7=99855 8 9 HCP 5-7f49 efsfileoAn B
soc2et(6'4'5 setsoc2opt(WDDD'9'5-4 &ind(5555=75 listen(6 soc2et(6'6'48 setsoc2opt(WDDD'6'5-4 setsoc2opt(WDDD'D46'5-4 soc2et(6'4'5 setsoc2opt(WDDD'9'5-4 &ind(5555=DW79 listen(65 setsoc2opt(WDDD'7'5-5 setsoc2opt(W'4'5-4 soc2et(6'4'5 setsoc2opt(WDDD'9'5-4 &ind(468554=D5D5 listen(
9 reduce the number o& client sessions that are currentl8 connected to the node4
>.4.0 Ca" 0: COR2A. COR2A.NOT NOTEFIST EFIST Symptom: +NC45> lt all Chec2in% $O$ .ersion+NCNOE$OELU49 Gsin% $O$ .ersion= +NCNOE$OELU49CO$PLEHE Parsin% $O$ (cached= #home#ean,ma%n#moshell#Var-ml#+NCNOE$OELU49CO$PLEHE-mlcache one Fetchin% IO+ fileone **** Relcome to the 1imple $o 0roAser (.ersion 5 Hryin% file#home#ean,ma%n#moshelllo%files#lo%smoshell#tempfiles#655W4453455464W984#iorW984 or%om%CO+0)O0SECHNOHETI1H= 1er.er3side E-ception= null at sunreflectNati.eConstructor)c sunreflectNati.eConstructor)ccessorImplneAInstance5(N cessorImplneAInstance5(Nati.e ati.e $ethod at sunreflectNati.eConstructor)c sunreflectNati.eConstructor)ccessorImplneAInstance(Na cessorImplneAInstance(Nati.eConstructor)ccessorImpl ti.eConstructor)ccessorImplVa.a=K Va.a=K at sunreflectele%atin%Construct sunreflectele%atin%Constructor)ccessorImplneAInstanc or)ccessorImplneAInstance(ele%atin%Constructor)cce e(ele%atin%Constructor)ccessorImplVa.a=68 ssorImplVa.a=68 at Va.alan%reflectConstructorn Va.alan%reflectConstructorneAInstance(ConstructorVa eAInstance(ConstructorVa.a=689 .a=689 at or%Vacor&or&1ystemE-ception or%Vacor&or&1ystemE-ceptionelperread(1ystemE-ceptio elperread(1ystemE-ceptionelperVa.a=4KK nelperVa.a=4KK at or%Vacor&or& or%Vacor&or& t+eply(+eply+ecei.erVa.a=4 =4 at or%Vacor&or&ele%atein.o2e or%Vacor&or&ele%atein.o2einternal(ele%ateVa.a=44 internal(ele%ateVa.a=4465 65 at or%Vacor&or&ele%atein.o2e( or%Vacor&or&ele%atein.o2e(ele%ateVa.a=KD7 ele%ateVa.a=KD7 at or%om%CO+0)porta&leO&VectIm or%om%CO+0)porta&leO&VectImplin.o2e(O&VectImplVa. plin.o2e(O&VectImplVa.a=8W a=8W at or%om%CosNamin%Namin%Conteor%om%CosNamin%Namin%Conte-t1tu&resol.e(Namin%Cont t1tu&resol.e(Namin%Conte-t1tu&Va.a=D9W e-t1tu&Va.a=D9W at e(Gn2noAn 1ource at seericssoncelloconfi%testcli seericssoncelloconfi%testclient1imple$o0roAser(Gn2noAn >(Gn2noAn 1ource at seericssoncelloconfi%testcli seericssoncelloconfi%testclient1imple$o0roAsermain( ent1imple$o0roAsermain(Gn2noAn Gn2noAn 1ource $O not ready' retryin% in 45 seconds
9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Possible causes: >% W4M restart ongoing or failed *ait a while' it could be that the Wvm is not finished starting up' it can ta"e up to 8 minutes on large +5Cs != >8 MOs% Chec" the T& log of the W4M to see if some files could not be loaded by the W4M . $t could be -ava S* files or configuration)security files !host.p>8' SecurityManagement.prp% Example: +NC54> lhsh 554655 te lo% read
2""G-"!-=" ":!":2"4!"!P se4ericsson4cello4support4debug:main ssert:" EO:Maina#a4lang4%o/lass.e&0oundError: org4omg4/O34O3 +NC56> lhsh 554655 te lo% read
2""G-"-2! =:":!4G2P se4ericsson4cello4oms:main Oms:" EO:0ailed to start /ello O3, tr8ing again444 org4omg4/O341%1)1*1TE: /ould not &ind propert8 &ile 'c'securit8'Securit8Management4prp )he &iles needed b8 the IAM can be #iewed with: +NC44> h%et V.m admclass $O admClasspath S.m4 !46 Load$oduleCTC467K48+D4LT5 Load$oduleCTC465KW5+D4EL4 Load$oduleCTC467K+D5)54 Load$oduleCTC46K8K8+6E54 Load$oduleCTC465KDK+D4EL9D Load$oduleCTC48659D6+4C54 Load$oduleCTC48659D+4C54 Load$oduleCTC486586K+4F54 Load$oduleCTC4865976+D4EL47 Load$oduleCTC486568+D4EL4 Load$oduleCTC46W4+D5)54 Load$oduleCTC46K7W7+45)H54 Hotal= 4 $Os +NC44> sJl select id'V.mclasspath from V.mfror4 B sJlc select id'V.mclasspath from V.mfror4Q Note a.e you allocated enou%h of heap memory to the loadmodule CTC46DW57 to &e a&le to run 1LC in the Aay you Aant 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
Note CH+LC is not supported Component sJlc (5W55548#O1E93poAerpc Copyri%ht (C 4KK936558 &y Polyhedra Ltd 333333 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 @ id @ V.mclasspath @ 333333 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 @ 5 @ M#c#Va.a#CTC467K48+D4LT5Var=#c#Va.a#CTC465KW5+D4EL4Var=#c#Va.a#CTC467K+D5)54Var=#c#Va.a#CTC46K8K8+6E54Var=#c#Va.a# CTC465KDK+D4EL9DVar=#c#Va.a#CTC48659D6+4C54Var=#c#Va.a#CTC48659D+4C54Var=#c#Va.a#CTC486586K+4F54Var=#c#Va.a#CTC4865976+ D4EL47Var=#c#Va.a#CTC486568+D4EL4Var=#c#Va.a#security#CTC46W4+D5)54Var=#c#Va.a#CTC46K7W7+45)H54VarM @ 333333 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 uery one= 4 record selected 1L> e-itQ B +NC44> sJl select id'V.moption from V.mfror4 585K57357=DK=97 48D74K9498 85p +NCNOE$OELUD67CO$PLEHE stopfile#tmp#6D558 B sJlc select id'V.moption from V.mfror4Q Note a.e you allocated enou%h of heap memory to the loadmodule CTC46DW57 to &e a&le to run 1LC in the Aay you Aant Note CH+LC is not supported Component sJlc (5W55548#O1E93poAerpc Copyri%ht (C 4KK936558 &y Polyhedra Ltd 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 @ id @ V.moption @ 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 @ 5 @ M3Tms6555552 3httproot#c#pu&lichtml 3seericssonsecurityProp 3seericssonsecurityPropertyFileLocation#c#Va.a#1e ertyFileLocation#c#Va.a#1ecurity$ana%ementprp curity$ana%ementprp 3seericssoncelloCsNotificationueue1i,eW555 M @ 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
uery one= 4 record selected 1L> e-itQ B +NC44> ftree #c#Va.a 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3 3rA3rA3rA3
794 794 49659K 6555 868 794 99W77K 6987D 698 7D 4W48857 4W488 57 999W 4KD4 798D8 486W9 W667D W657 4KK9K7 8D49 86K4KK 86K4 KK 4K4DK8 68DW5 6997D9 WD6 9D88W 97744 6K6958W 4W48W77 7968 49668
D46 4KKK
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 67 4 4 4
San San San San San San San San San San San San San San San San San San San San San San San San $ar Fe& Fe& Fe&
4K85 4K85 4K85 4K85 4K85 4K85 4K85 4K85 4K85 4K85 4K85 4K85 4K85 4K85 4K85 4K85 4K85 4K85 4K85 4K85 4K85 4K85 4K85 4K85 6558 6558 6558 6558
5=94=6 5=94=6 5=94=9 5=94=9 5=94=9 5=94=6 5=94=7 5=94=94 5=94=96 5=94=96 5=94=9 5=94=9 5=94=9 5=94=99 5=94=99 5=94=99 5=94=9D 5=94=D6 5=94=D6 5=94=D 5=94=D 5=94=D9 5=94=D9 5=94=D9 57=K=69 46=69=46 46=9W=D4 46=9W=D
#c#Va.a# #c#Va.a#1ecurity$ana%ementprp #c#Va.a#CTC467K48+D4E5DVar (.ls #c#Va.a#CTC465KW5+D4E54Var (omsVar #c#Va.a#CTC467K+D5)54Var ()sms #c#Va.a#CTC46K8K8+6056Var (csu #c#Va.a#hostp46 #c#Va.a#CTC465KDK+D4E5Var (cmaVar #c#Va.a#CTC48659D6+4)56Var (Vacor& #c#Va.a#CTC48659D+4)56Var (Vacor&sec #c#Va.a#CTC486586K+454Var (prn%c)pi #c#Va.a#CTC4865976+D4H5Var ( #c#Va.a#CTC468D76+D4T54Var (FrameAor2)ue #c#Va.a#CTC469786^9+D4E54Var #c#Va.a#CTC469786^9+D4E54Va r (cmacollect #c#Va.a#CTC4669K4^7+D4E54Var #c#Va.a#CTC4669K4^7+D4E54Va r (cmacon. #c#Va.a#CTC46KD+D4H56Var (cmaetcon. (cmae tcon. #c#Va.a#CTC486568+D4H54Var (cmaser. #c#Va.a#CTC4864D5+D4S5DVar (licrpla&el (licr pla&el #c#Va.a#CTC46K7W7+KL59Var (+ncLm$ao #c#Va.a#CTC46K78W^46+4054Var (+ncLm$ao)ue #c#Va.a#CTC46K78W^4+4)54Var (+ncLm$ao)ue #c#Va.a#CTC46K78W^49+4)54Var (+ncLm$ao)ue #c#Va.a#CTC46K788^46+4054Var (+ncLm$oCon. #c#Va.a#CTC46K788^4+4054Var (+ncLm$oCon. #c#Va.a#CTC46K788^49+4)54Var (+ncLm$oCon. #c#Va.a#CTC48659D6+4054Var (Vacor& #c#Va.a#CTC48659D+4054Var (Vacor&sec #c#Va.a#CTC467K48+D4UH5Var (.ls #c#Va.a#CTC465KW5+D4EL5DVar (omsVar
4 San 4K85 5=94=D9 #c#Va.a#install# 6W $ar 6558 57==98 8 $ar 6558 46=47=97
#c#Va.a#security# #c#Va.a#security#CTC46W4+D 5)54Var #c#Va.a#security#CTC46W4+D5)54Var
$f the faulty loadmodule is not found' download )c)-ava from another node !with same S* level%' or from the upgrade pac"age ftp server' and transfer it to the faulty node. 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4
5ote: $f there is no classpath entry in the database !eg when configuring a node from scratch%' then all loadmodules located in )c)-ava are loaded. $f the W4M classpath needs to be changed' it is strongly recommended to do this via the /set0 command or /pgu0 instead of directly into the -vmfroDr> table as this can cause future upgrades to fail. See e3ample in the paragraphs below !/activating corba security0% . $f the node is using Corba security' ma"e sure that there is a valid )c)-ava)host.p>8 file and that the cloc" is correct on the node +NC4> ntpconfi% info B ntpconfi% info .B.8. .B.8.>.> >.>.> .>
Server Server : : >.. >..>.7 >.7
+esult = No secondary found .B.8.>.> .B.8.>.>.8 .8
5TP synchronie synchronied d
NHP no NHP cloc2 stepped B +NC4> readcloc2
8?>8 8?>8? ? >:8>:7 >:8>:7
655W346344 55=D=4 655W34635W 54=4W=66
655W34635W 54=4W=667483>655W34635W 54=4W=6674W
B readcloc2 ate= 655W346349 GHC Hime= 45=44=69 Hhursday B 48D74K966> ls 3l #c#Va.a#hostp46 B ls 3l #c#Va.a#hostp46 -rw-rw-rw" 2!G6 B
2 ug 2""6 =:2:!D 'c'a#a'host4p=2
8% 5o communication path available to to the nodeNs corba port Chec" the T& log to ma"e sure that the W4M has successfully started on the node. #oo" for the line /OMS $nitialised0. +NC45> lhsh 554655 te lo% read 2""6-=2-=! "D:==:24GD2P se4ericsson4cello4oms:main Oms:" 1%0O:OMS initialiLed4 9inn Manusson 2##012#4 re8 P,$4