Moshell Commands Introduction –
Moshell is a command interface to access the Network Nodes. Normally we use Moshell to change parameters, get dumps from the Network Nodes, collect performance counters, lock and unlock cells, get alarms, get instantaneous cell information and another many actions that can be sent to the network elements such as, restart, calibrate the RET Deice, !tart hardware test, etc.
– "sing Moshell, R# Engineers can sae a lot of time and money when analy$ing counters and running scripts from the o%ce.
Logging in to a Node The &rst step to start using moshell is to log in to a node' "sage' .(moshell nodename or node ipddress
Examples: Logging in to a RNC
Logging in to a Node B:
BASIC MO COMMANDS “lt/ltc[1!"# To read the list of M)s in the store in moshell memory.
Most common is to use *lt all+.
Eample' lt
-oading the M) Rbs-ocalell
BASIC MO COMMANDS “get/lget# $eads att%i&'te(s) *%om MO(s)+
"sage' lget MO Atribute Eamples' lget
BASIC MO COMMANDS “st/lst# /rints administratie state and operational state of M)0s
"sage' st MO Eample' st
,-$1.02O,3A4NAIBS5 st AiDe6ice
BASIC MO COMMANDS “set[m"/lset[m"# !et an attribute alue on one or seeral M)1s 2etting the M), the 3ttriute and the 4alue'
"sage' lset MO attribute Value
!etting the alues on one M) 5electricalantennatilt6
O73-$ MO COMMANDS “in6[h%"# Com8lete 39/S9 in6ento%+ Incl'des in*o%mation a&o't $;,s< licensing< 2=M< de6ices<>;s< ISL< etc+ ,sage – in6
O73-$ MO COMMANDS “st%# /rint status of the Iub-inks(3bis-inks and their associated ells and hannels Eample
O73-$ MO COMMANDS “al[at?"# ;%int the list o* acti6e ala%ms+ Ac?no@ledge/,nac?no@ledge an ala%m
O73-$ MO COMMANDS “lg[ae6smi%cd'olh"# #etching and(or processing of node logs 5alarm, eent, aailability, system, etc6 . Most common lga 7 3larm -og 2etting the 3larm -og for a site "sage lgar startdate enddate
,-$1.02O,3A4NAIBS5 lga% 1.11 1.111
O73-$ MO COMMANDS “ca&[sl%adgtm"# Display printouts relating to hw, sw, restarts, leds, cpu load, errors, disk(ram usage. "sage' cab