PURPOSE he rose o" this docment is to establish what in"ormation is re9ired when makin* a health check on M-MGw. his health check docment can "or e:amle be sed when monitorin* an MGw or "or statistic *atherin*' be"ore and a"ter a S; U*rade.
M-MGw health check with MoShell $ll the commands in this chater shold be e:ected when makin* a health check on the MGw. 7n some cases all commands will not be alicable' de to MGw network con"i*ration. he ott "rom t he commands shold be lo**ed a "ile and anal)
M-MGw time = readclock
Print alarms $l
Print boars >cab or cabx
Prints boards per subrack, includes subrack number and board number. $lso %Es "or boards and rodct nmber and re(ision.
M-MGw C" an so#tware heck the crrent ! and so"tware le(el in se in the MGw. = c(c heck the amont o"" ! on the node = c(ls
%larm &ist Prints the acti(e and acknowled*ed alarms with timestams = altk
%larm( E)ent( %)ailabilit* an S*stem lo+ Prints alarm' e(ent' a(ailabilit) and s)stem lo*s "or the last 24 hors = l*ae(srm 24h
List error log > llog –l
oar relate List loaded modules. >lhsh 001000 listloaded
Print all load modules on that board. >lhsh 001000 pglist
Print active processes on board and load module number. >lhsh 001000 sma –all
/race 0 Error lo+s %ook "or errors in the race / Error lo*s "rom all boards. = all err
Stats o# the l+-in nits Prints all l*-in nits stats' disk sace' PU load' restarts and errors. = cab:lrad*
"MGw stats Prints the oerationalState "or the !MGw. = st (m*w Prints the !MGw GP-ro"ile in"o. = *et (m*w ro"ile !eri") that the correct GP-ro"ile is in se. he correct ro"iles to be sed are> M-MGw R3 / R4 Ericsson?@$A11232?2B1 M-MGw R4 Ericsson?@$A11214#?1B1 M-MGw R4 / R# Ericsson?@$A1121&3?1B1 M-MGw R# Ericsson?@$A1121?1B1
5EP16 5EP26 5EP#6 5EP&6
M/P3b rotocol stats Prints the oerationalState "or the MP3b rotocol mana*ed obCects. = st mt3bs
/5M termination Prints the oerationalState "or the M terminations. = st tdmterm
5e)ice ools Prints the stats o" the de(ice ools. = std
%%&2 ath Prints the oerationalState "or the $$%2 aths. = h*et aal2ath( state
Per#ormance Measrement 6PM7
PM conters to check #or 8oe statistics he "ollowin* PM>s shold be checked to *et some basic node statistics. = *et (m*w = h*et tdmterm = *et mt3b 7" Si*tranB7P is sed> = *et m3a = *et sct = *et iacc
Printin+ the istrbance conters Use below command to rint all PM conters related to distrbances. heck there is no conters stein* too o"ten. = *et all "orcedD"ailDnsccDreCDreleDerrDo(er"lowDdownDna(ailDlostDmissin* FD-1 ;ait a while and then *i(e the abo(e command a*ain and comare the "irst and second rint to see i" there are an) conters that are increasin*. 7n case the abo(e *et command rint ot will be too lar*e i.e. too mch in"o' it is ossible to narrow down the command to inclde onl) "ailed' nsccess"l and reCected conters. = *et all "ailDnsccDreC FD-1
o (eri") i" the conter stein* is normal or abnormal' read the $le: P7 docment User Gide "or Per"ormance MeasrementsH. 7n case o" abnormal beha(ior' *i(e the "ollowin* command "or "rther anal)sis. = *et I mo name= 2.1$.3
PM to OSS-RC Prints the acti(e scanners in the M-MGw. = *ets
M-MGw caacit* )s. license heck the crrent le(el o" calls (s. the M-MGw license. Print the licensed ma:imm amont o" channels = *et m*walication ma:8rO"%icMediaStreamhannels Print the crrentl) acti(e channels = *et m*walication BBarameter m8rO"MediaStreamhannels,s)H "or acti(e channels BBarameter m8rO"MediaStreamhannelsReCectedeoaacit) "or caacit) o(erload conter Prints all the enabled "eatres = all "ro?lici?data?list
M-MGw traces to e#alt settin+s he race / Error lo* settin*s shold be in de"alt le(el when there is no need "or "rther troble shootin*. E:tra traces can case e:cess PU load "or the articlar board. Use below MoShell command to restore the de"alt traces. = all te de"alt
BBSet de"alt traces to e(er) board in the node.
M-MGw health check comman #ile Jere is a command "ile "or rintin* all the commands in this health check docment.
he command "ile can be either co)Basted into MoShell or alternati(el) e:ected with the command rn Iath=Khealth?check.t:tH
%tomatic health check #nction here is a MoShell command hcH "or collectin* a health check "or the M-MGw. here is lot o" data inclded in this lo* "ile e.*. alarms' te lo*s' e(ent lo*s' di""erent rotocol and e9iment stats in"o. ;ith the hc command' all the basic in"o is recei(ed "rom the node. he health check can be taken to store the node state "or "rther anal)sis. 8OE>
his command ma) take a lon* time to e:ecte.
MGw health check with GU9
MGw health check with 8M
Check S: le)el
oar stats 7n the Start !iewH choose abinet !iewH there )o can see the oerational state "or all boards and the M$U nit.
5ownloa lo+s #rom MGw @rom the oolsH men choose @ile %istH. o download the lo* "iles ri*ht click on the lo* t)e and choose ownloadH. he "ollowin* lo*sB"iles shold be downloaded> - %icense Le) @ile - Secrit) %o* - $dit rail %o* 5Shell6 - $dit rail %o* 5OR,$6 - $(ailabilit) %o* - $larm %o* - E(ent %o*
&ocke an 5isable MOs @rom the SearchH men (iew the @or isabled MOsH and @or %ocked MOsH. hese will search "or all isabledB%ocked MOs in the node and list them.
General Health check with 8M 7n the Start !iewH chooseHResorce !iewH. @rom here the "ollowin* shold be checked (isall)> - Stats o" the Messa*e rans"er Part 5MP6 links. - Stats o" the !irtal Media Gatewa)s 5!MGws6. - Stats o" the M ermination Gros.
- Stats o" the e(ice Pools. - Stats o" the $al2aths - Stats o" the 7nteracti(e Messa*es
MGw health check with EM.
Check S: le)el Select So"twareH "older' click *rade acka*eH and check acka*e state. he crrent acka*e state shold be AesH.
Check alarm an e)ent Select on"i*ration"older' lick $larmH and E(entH t o check related alarms and e(ent messa*es.
General Health check with EM he "ollowin* shold be checked (isall) - Stats o" the - Stats o" the - Stats o" the - Stats o" the - Stats o" the - Stats o" the - Stats o" the
Messa*e rans"er Part 5MP6 links. !irtal Media Gatewa)s 5!MGws6. M ermination Gros. e(ice Pools. $al2aths 7nteracti(e Messa*es Pl*-7n Units
$$%2 ! EM GP GP, GU7 M-MGw MO MP3b 8M OSS-R M !MGw
$M $datation %a)er )e 2 on"i*ration !ersion Element Mana*er Gatewa) ontrol Protocol General Processin* ,oard Grahical User 7nter"ace Mobile Media Gatewa) Mana*e ObCect Messa*e rans"er Part la)er 3 8ode Mana*er Oerations Sort S)stem' Radio and ore network ime i(ision Mltile:in* !irtal Media Gatewa)