Unit 1 What is Management? You want me to explain what management is? Well, I guess I can manage that! Actually, manage managemen mentt as we understand understand it today today is a fairly fairly recent recent idea. idea. Most Most economi economists sts in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, for example, wrote about factors of production such as land, labour and capital, and about supply and demand, as if these were impersonal and objectiv objectivee economic economic forces forces which which left no room for human human action. action. An exceptio exception n was JeanBaptiste Baptiste Say, who invent invented ed the term "entrepre "entrepreneur neur", ", the person who sees opportu nities to use resources in more productive ways. Entrepreneurs are people who are alert to so-far undiscovered profit opportunities. They perceive opportunities to commercialize new technologies and products that will serve the market better than it is currently currently being served served by their their competitors competitors.. They are happy to risk their own or other people's capital. They are f requently requently unconventional, unconventional, innovative innovative people. people. But entrepre entrepreneur neurship ship isn't isn't the same same as manage managemen ment, t, and most most manage managers rs aren't aren't entrepreneurs. So, what's what's management? management? Well, Well, it's essentia essentially lly a matter matter of organizing organizing people. people. Managers, Managers, especially senior managers, have to set objectives for their organization, and then work o ut ut h ow ow t o a ch ch ie ie ve ve t he he m. m. T hi hi s i s t ru ru e o f t he he m an an ag ag er er s o f b us us in in es es s e nt nt er er p ri ri se se s, s, govern government ment depart departmen ments, ts, educati educational onal inst instit itut utio ions ns,, and and spor sports ts team teams, s, alth althou ough gh for for gove governm rnmen entt serv servic ices es,, univ univer ersi sitie tiess and and so on we usua usuall lly y talk talk about about administr administrators ators and administration rather than managers and management. Managers analyze the activities of the organization an d the rela tions among them. They divide the work into into distin distinct ct activities and then into individual jobs. They select people to manage these activities and perform the job. And they often need to make the people responsible for performing individu individual al jobs form effective teams. M an an ag a g er er s h av av e t o b e g oo oo d a t c om om mu mu ni ni ca ca ti ti on o n a nd nd m ot ot iv iv at at io io n. n . T h ey ey n ee ee d t o communi cate the organiz ation’ s objecti ves to the peop people le resp respon onsi sibl blee for atta attain inin ing g them them.. They have to motivate their staff to work well, to be productive, and to contribute something to the organization. They make decision about pay and production. Manag Managers ers also have have to measur measuree the performa performance nce of their their staff, staff, and to ensure ensure that the objectives and performance targets set for the whole organization and for individual employees are reached. reached. Furt Furthe hermo rmore re,, they they have have to train train and develop their staff, so that their performance continues to improve. Some managers obviously perform these tasks better than others. Most achievements and failures in business are the achievements or failures of individual managers.
Management Skills EXERCISE
Divide the following styles of behaviour into pairs of opposites:
a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j.
being group oriented being cautious and careful being decisive and able to take rapid individual decisions being individualistic being assertive, authoritative, ruthless and competitive being happy to take risks being good at listening and sensitive to other people's feelings being intuitive being logical, rational and analytic liking consensus and conciliation
Which five of the above styles do you think are generally preferable for managers? Now look at the following list of qualities. Which are the most important for a manager?
k. being competent and efficient in one's job I. being friendly and sociable m. being a hard worker n. being persuasive o. having good ideas p. being good at communicating q. being good at motivating people r. being good at taking the initiative and leading other people Make a list of that have most important qualities from a. to r. Which of these qualities do you think you have? Which do you lack? Which could you still learn? Which do you have to he born with? Do any of these qualities seem to you to be essentially masculine or feminine? EXERCISE 2 What are the nouns related to the following adjectives?
Management Levels EXERCISE 1: Complete the text using the correct form of these verbs: Achieve employ
allocate establish
balance follow
deal with require
develop set
The top managers of a company (1) have to.......................objectives and then develop particular strategies that will enable the company to (2)..................them. This will involve (3)……….. the company's human, capital and physical resources. Strategies can often be sub-divided into tactics the precise methods in which the resources attached to a strategy are (4) ……….. The founders of a business usually establish a "mission statement" - a declaration about what the business is and what it will be in the future. (5)
………………. from this.
The business's central values and objectives will
But because the business environment is always changing,
companies will occasionally have to modify or change their objectives. management's role to (6)
It is part of top
……………………. today's objectives and needs against those of the
future, and to take responsibility for innovation, without which any organization can only expect a limited life.
Top managers are also expected to set standards, and to (7)…………… human
resources, especially future top managers. They also have to manage a business's social responsibilities and its impact on the environment. They have to (8)…………………….
and maintain good relations with customers, major
suppliers, bankers, government agencies, and so on. The top management, of course, is also on permanent stand-by to (9)…………………….
major crises.
Between them, these tasks (10)........................………..many different skills which are almost never found in one Person, so top management is work for a team.
A team, of course, is not the same as a
committee: it needs a clear leader, in this case the chairman or managing director. EXERCISE 2: Complete the following collocations:
to set……………….. , to allocate…………………. , to………………… responsibility to…………………. Standard , to………………. and………………. good relations to……………………..a crisis The next level is middle management, where managers are in charge of (AmE head up) a department, division, branch, etc. Middle managers develop detailed plans and procedures based on the firm's overall strategy. Finally there is supervisory (AmE first-line) management, and typical job titles are: Supervisor, Team Leader, Section Chief. Supervisory managers are responsible for assigning non-managerial employees to specific jobs and evaluating their performance. They have to implement plans developed higher up the hierarchy.
The Board of Directors Complete the text using these verbs: appointed constituted
attacked reviewed
combined supervised
defined supported
Large British companies generally have a chairman of the board of directors who oversees operations, and a managing director (MD) who is responsible for the day-to-day running of the company. In smaller companies, the roles of chairman and managing director are usually (1) ……………….. Americans tend to use the term president rather than chairman, and chief exec utiv e off icer (CEO) inst ead of managing director. The CEO or MD is (2)………………… by various executive officers or vice-presidents, each with clearly (3) ………………… authority and responsibility (production, marketing, finance, personnel, and so on). Top managers are (4).....................…..(and sometimes dismissed) by a company's board of directors. They are (5).....................................and advised and have their decisions and performance (6) ……………… by the board. The directors of private companies were traditionally major shareholders, but this does not apply to large public companies with wide share ownership. Suc h com pan ies sho uld ha ve boa rd s (7) …………………….. of experienced people of integrity and with a record of performance in a related business and a willingness to work to make the company successful. In reality, however, companies often appoint people with connections that will impress the financial and political milieu. Yet a board that does not demand high performance and remove inadequate executives will probably eventually find itself (8) …………………. and displaced by raiders.