101 FINAL EXAM - REVIEW SHEET FOR YOUR FINAL EXAM Study Units 1 - 5 in your book. Study this entire review sheet. WH- QUESTIONS (p. 21) DIRECTIONS: Ch!" #h" $%%"$# &'!"% % "&$h *+"!#,' ,' #h" #&". QUESTION 1. Who is your your best best friend friend? ? 2. What What are are you you doing doing? ? 3. What What do do you you want want for for dinner dinner? ? 4. When When is your your aoin aoint!e t!ent? nt? 5. Where Where is Sugar Sugar Srink" Srink"es? es? #. Why are are you "aughin "aughing? g? $. %ow was your your tri tri to &a &airo iro? ? '. %ow do ( get to the bookstore? ). Whi*h +avor do you want?
• • • • •
erson thing a*tion
how to do so!ething a "i!ited *hoi*e
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
at 3,15 be*ause the oke was funny aria! /"-0taibi ("" have *ho*o"ate (t was a "ot of fun
• • • • •
ANSWER _____ _____ ____ _____ _
( a! doing !y ho!ework. ( wi"" have asta. ake ake the train train to station /4. ( wi"" *a"" !y father to i*k !e u. at ranada a""
QUESTION 1. Who is your best friend? 2. What are you doing? 3. What do you want for dinner? 4. When is your aoint!ent? 5. Where is Sugar Srink"es? #. Why are you "aughing? $. %ow was your tri to &airo? '. %ow %ow do do ( get get to to the the bookstore? ). Whi*h +avor do you want?
ANSWER aria! /"-0taibi ( a! doing !y ho!ework. ( wi"" have asta. at 3,15 at ranada a"" be*ause the oke was funny (t was a "ot of fun ake ake the train train to station /4. ("" have *ho*o"ate
/RE/OSITIONS OF TIME /LACE (p. 102) DIRECTIONS: Ch!" #h" $%%"$# p%"p!,#,' % "&$h ph%&!". Ch!" IN ON % AT. • • • • •
_____ the nineteenth *entury _____ 2615 _____ this week _____ three o7*"o*k o7*"o*k ( "ive _____ $'21 /bu 8akr Street. _____ &hi"is
• • • • • •
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
9gyt :eddah onday ;ran*e ;ran*e hursday the bookstore bookstore
• • • • •
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____
the 1)$6s 1)35 the se*ond week /
IN *enturies de*ades years weeks
,' the nineteenth *entury ,' the 1)$6s ,' 1)35> in 2615 ,' the se*ond week> ,' this week
*ountries *ities neighborhoods
,' 9gyt> in ;ran*e ,' :edda ,' /
ON days streets
' onday> ' hursday he *afe is on rin*e 8andar Street. AT three o7*"o*k ( "ive $'21 /bu 8akr Street. &hi"is> the *o=ee sho> at the bookstore
hour address se*i@* "o*ation
Anow the !p",'4 and 5"&','4 of a"" se""ing words be"ow. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. #. $. '. ). 16.
student Bstudied senior brainstor! dis*ussB dis*ussion trave"Btrave""ed before wa"kBwa"king between vi""age be*ause
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1#. 1$. 1'. 1). 26.
*ontain dessert eatBate *"othesB *"othing su!!ary notes teCt i!ortant dryBdried a "ot
COLLOCATIONS (N# ,' 36) DIRECTIONS: Ch!" #h" $%%"$# $$,' % "&$h !p&$" ". Ch!" HAVE DO MA7E TA7E COME % O. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
have a rob"e! _____ a break _____ a "ook _____ a !ess _____ reared _____ right ba*k _____ a ho"iday _____ a *han*e _____ a rest _____ away _____ an eCa! _____ "ast _____ overseas _____ !oney _____ @rst
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
nothing a break a "ook "un*h business a *han*e your hair the shoing @shing on foot a !istake "ate on ti!e your best noise
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
a seat deaf notes a bath a taCi a hair*ut *"ose the *ooking the housework by *ar on"ine to an end ear"y a good ti!e your ho!ework
ANSWERS hese are so!e *o!!on *o""o*ations using have> do> !ake> take> *o!e> and go.
101 FINAL EXAM - REVIEW SHEET HAVE have a bath have a good ti!e have a hair*ut have a ho"iday have a rob"e! have a rest have "un*h
DO do business do nothing do the *ooking do the housework do the shoing do your best do your hair do your ho!ework
MA7E !ake a !ess !ake a !istake !ake noise !ake !oney
TA7E take take take take take take take
a break a *han*e a "ook a seat a taCi an eCa! notes
COME *o!e *"ose *o!e ear"y *o!e @rst *o!e "ast *o!e "ate *o!e on ti!e *o!e reared *o!e right ba*k *o!e to an end
O go away go deaf go @shing go on foot go by *ar go on"ine go overseas
• • • •
• •
SIM/LE /RESENT - Use si!"e resent to ta"k about &$# or h&,#. ( a"ways %+!h !y teeth in the !orning. DhabitE ( 9 '# a"ways %+!h !y teeth in the ( #&6" the bus to s*hoo". DhabitE !orning. :ohn h&! @ve *"asses this ter!. Dfa*tE ( 9 '# #&6" the bus to s*hoo". D"! :ohn h&8" @ve *"asses this ter!? Dasking ( 9 '# h&8" @ve *"asses this ter!. ;ahd ,! '# a student at FU. about a fa*tE ;ahd ,! a student at ASU. Dfa*tE I! ;ahd a student at ASU? Dasking about a fa*tE SIM/LE /AST - Use si!"e ast to ta"k about so!ething that is @nished. ( "'# to the !a"" yesterday. ( 9,9 '# 4 to the !a"" yesterday. ( !& !y friend at ranada !a"" "ast week. ( 9,9 '# !"" !y friend at ranada ( 8,!,#"9 Gondon "ast su!!er. !a"" "ast week. ( 9,9 '# 8,!,# Gondon "ast su!!er. •
• •
DIRECTIONS: Ch!" #h" $%%"$# #"'!" % "&$h 8"% #"'!" ,' #h" !"'#"'$"! ". ("'4,!hp&4".$5)
1. ( play tennis. D"ayE
1#. ( the Hean yesterday. DseeE
2. Gast year> ( to :aan. Dtrave"E
1$. She a"ways her urse. DforgetE
3. &a"ifornia in the United Aingdo!. DbeF0E
1'. ( a "ay yesterday. Dsee-F0E 1). you dinner "ast night? DhaveE
4. 8irds !i"k. D"ike-F0E 26. %e his *ar. DwashE 5. Gast year> ( to Aorea. Dtrave"-F0E 21. When the train usua""y ? D"eaveE #. Gast year> ( to Sain. Dtrave"E 22. he train at ) /. D"eave-F0E $. he train every !orning at ' /. D"eaveE '. She tennis. D"ay -F0E
23. %e his *ar. Dwash-F0E
101 FINAL EXAM - REVIEW SHEET ). he tennis? D"ayE
24. hey at the bea*h a"" day. DsitE
16. %e never his wa""et. DforgetE
25. hey at the arty the entire ti!e. Dstay-F0E
11. ( in 8ra the 9arth the Sun. D*ir*"eE
2#. We on the hone for thirty !inutes. Dta"kE 2$. &a"ifornia ,! in /!eri*a. DbeE
13. the Sun the 9arth? D*ir*"eE 2'. you footba"" when you were a kid? D"ayE
14. Shauna :aanese for @ve years. DstudyE 15. ( ;ren*h when ( was a *hi"d. DstudyE
2). She at the bookstore after s*hoo". DworkE 36. &ats !i"k. D"ikeE
1. ( p&; tennis.
1#. ( !& the Hean yesterday.
2. Gast year> ( #%&8""9 to :aan.
1$. She a"ways %4"#! her urse.
3. &a"ifornia ,! '# in the United Aingdo!.
1'. ( 9,9'<# !"" a "ay yesterday.
4. 8irds 9 '# ,6" !i"k.
1). D,9 you h&8" dinner "ast night?
5. Gast year> ( 9,9'<# #%&8" to Aorea.
26. She &!h"9 her *ar.
#. Gast year> ( #%&8""9 to Sain.
21. When 9"! the train usua""y "&8"?
$. he train "&8"! every !orning at ' /.
22. he train 9"! '# "&8" at ) /.
'. She 9"! '# p&; tennis.
23. %e 9,9'<# &!h his *ar.
). D"! he p&; tennis?
24. hey ! at the bea*h a"" day.
16. %e never %4"#! his wa""et.
25. hey 9,9 '# !#&; at the arty the entire ti!e.
11. ( ,8"9 in 8ra the 9arth $,%$"! the Sun.
2#. We #&6"9 on the hone for thirty !inutes. 2$. &a"ifornia ,! in /!eri*a.
13. D"! the Sun $,%$" the 9arth? 14. Shauna !#+9,"9 :aanese for @ve years.
2'. D,9 you p&; footba"" when you were a kid?
15. ( !#+9,"9 ;ren*h when ( was a *hi"d.
2). She %6"9 at the bookstore after
101 FINAL EXAM - REVIEW SHEET s*hoo". 36. &ats ,6" !i"k. READIN COM/REHENSION -
Iou wi"" have a reading *o!rehension se*tion on the ;ina" 9Ca!. Jead everything in Units 1-5 to know the vo*abu"ary and the sty"e of the uestions. DIRECTIONS: R"&9 &'9 $5p"#" U',# = ,' ;+% 6. Th" &'!"%! # #h" *+"!#,'! &%" ". R"&9,'4 1 - D%. N&h"9 T&h"% p. 2> 1. b 2. * 3. b
R"&9,'4 2 - Sh",6h&h L+'& A-Q&!,5, - p. 2? MATCHIN Su**essfu" - o do we"" 8usinesswo!an - / wo!an who works in business overn!ent - he eo"e who run the *ountry 3LAN7S edu*ated> su**essfu" businesswo!an> govern!ent> resident
Use the si!"e future or the resent *ontinuous to ta"k about future "ans.
DIRECTIONS: Ch&'4" "&$h !"'#"'$" # #h" !,5p" +#+%". SIM/LE FUTURE
/RESENT CONTINUOUS ( a! !eeting &indy at the airort. ( a! "eaving to!orrow. We have a !eeting with the Hean on Sunday. We are staying with !y *ousin in :eddah.
SIM/LE FUTURE I will meet Cindy at the airport. I will leave tomorrow. We will have a meeting with the Dean on Sunday. We will stay with my cousin in Jeddah.
/RESENT CONTINUOUS ( a! !eeting &indy at the airort. ( a! "eaving to!orrow. We have a !eeting with the Hean on Sunday. We are staying with !y *ousin in : eddah.
DIRECTIONS: Ch&'4" "&$h !"'#"'$" # #h" p%"!"'# $'#,'++!. SIM/LE FUTURE ( wi"" trave" to %ong Aong in /ugust. ( wi"" write a book this su!!er. We wi"" have a arty for the students. y un*"e wi"" get !arried in two weeks.
SIM/LE FUTURE ( wi"" trave" to %ong Aong in /ugust. ( wi"" write a book this su!!er. We wi"" have a arty for the students. y un*"e wi"" get !arried in two weeks.
/RESENT CONTINUOUS I am traveling to Hong Kong in August. I am writing a boo this summer. We are having a party !or the students. "y uncle is getting married in two wees.
101 FINAL EXAM - REVIEW SHEET AD@ECTIVES - /de*tives te"" about nouns. D. )$-))E DIRECTIONS: Ch!" #h" "!# &9"$#,8" % "&$h !"'#"'$". "arge fu"" 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. #. $.
busy friend"y
*arefu" beautifu"
ear"y "ate
he "ibrary is busy today :ohn is a _____ driver. he restaurant is _____. aria has a _____ bag. /!a" "ives in a _____ house. hey gave !e a _____ aoint!ent. (t is at ) .!. ( wi"" take the _____ +ight to :eddah.
1. 2. 3. 4.
he "ibrary is +!; today :ohn is a $&%"+ driver. he restaurant is +. aria has a "&+#,+ bag.
5. /!a" "ives in a &%4" house. #. hey gave !e a " aoint!ent. (t is at ) .!. $. ( wi"" take the "&%; +ight to :eddah.
COM/ARATIVES SU/ERLATIVES COM/ARATIVES (pp. B>-B?) &o!arative ade*tives *o!are # #h,'4!. U!" -"% y !other is 9"% #h&' !y father. ( a! #&"% #h&' !y sister. Saudi /rabia is h##"% #h&' ;ran*e. •
SU/ERLATIVES (N# ,' 36) Suer"atives *o!are #h%"" % 5%" #h,'4!. U!" -"!# :ana is #h" !5&%#"!# student in *"ass. Jiyadh is #h" ,44"!# *ity in Saudi /rabia. y un*"e is #h" %,$h"!# !an in our fa!i"y. • •
DIRECTIONS: C5p"#" "&$h &'6 " ,#h #h" $5p&%,8" % !+p"%,8" &9"$#,8". AD@ECTIVE o"d young rett; "ong short *"ose ha; ri*h
COM/ARATIVE (% 2 #h,'4!) _____ _____ younger than _____ _____ "onger than _____ _____ *"oser than ha,"% than _____ _____
SU/ERLATIVE (% = % 5%") the o"dest the _____ the rett,"!# _____ _____ the shortest _____ _____ _____ the ri*hest
AD@ECTIVE o"d young rett; "ong short *"ose ha; ri*h •
COM/ARATIVE (% 2 #h,'4!) o"der than younger than rett,"% than "onger than shorter than *"oser than ha,"% than ri*her than
SU/ERLATIVE (% = % 5%") the o"dest the youngest the rett,"!# the "ongest the shortest the *"osest the ha,"!# the ri*hest
So!e *o!arative and suer"ative ade*tives use 5%" and 5!#.
DIRECTIONS: C5p"#" "&$h &'6 " ,#h #h" $5p&%,8" % !+p"%,8" &9"$#,8". AD@ECTIVE beautifu" *o!fortab"e interesting
COM/ARATIVE (% 2 #h,'4!) _____ _____ _____ !ore *o!fortab"e than _____ _____ _____
AD@ECTIVE beautifu" *o!fortab"e interesting •
SU/ERLATIVE (% = % 5%") the !ost beautifu" _____ _____ _____ the !ost interesting
COM/ARATIVE (% 2 #h,'4!) !ore beautifu" than !ore *o!fortab"e than !ore interesting than
SU/ERLATIVE (% = % 5%") the !ost beautifu" the !ost *o!fortab"e the !ost interesting
So!e ade*tives have di=erent for!s of *o!aratives and suer"atives.
DIRECTIONS: C5p"#" "&$h &'6 " ,#h #h" $5p&%,8" % !+p"%,8" &9"$#,8". AD@ECTIVE good bad "itt"e few !u*h !any far
COM/ARATIVE (% 2 #h,'4!) _____ _____ worse than "ess than _____ _____ !ore than _____ _____ further than
AD@ECTIVE good bad "itt"e few !u*h !any far
SU/ERLATIVE (% = % 5%") the best _____ _____ _____ _____ the "east _____ _____ the !ost _____ _____
COM/ARATIVE (% 2 #h,'4!) better than worse than "ess than "ess than !ore than !ore than further than
SU/ERLATIVE (% = % 5%") the best the worst the "east the "east the !ost the !ost the furthest
101 FINAL EXAM - REVIEW SHEET COM/ARATIVE AD@ECTIVES - &o!arative ade*tives *o!are two things. D. )$-))E 0 WJ(9 &0/J/(K9 /H:9&(K9S "% #h&' DIRECTIONS: W%,#" #h" $5p&%,8" &9"$#,8" $%%"$#; ,' "&$h !"'#"'$" ". 1. She is two years _____ _____!e. Do"dE 2. (7! fee"ing _____now. DhayE 3. We need a _____garden. DbigE 4. his *ar is _____but it7s _____ _____.Dgood> eCensiveE 5. Few Iork is !u*h _____ _____8oston. DbigE #. %e is a _____"ayer _____Jona"do. DgoodE $. er!any is a _____*ountry _____Latar. D"argeE ?. 9verything is getting _____ _____. DeCensiveE ). /bha is _____ _____ _____ :ubai". Dbeautifu"E 16. y Hrawing *"ass is _____ _____!y 9ng"ish *"ass. D"ongE
1. She is two years 9"% #h&' !e. Do"dE
#. %e is a "##"% "ayer #h&' Jona"do. DgoodE
2. (7! fee"ing h&pp,"% now. DhayE
$. er!any is a &%4"% *ountry #h&' Latar. D"argeE
3. We need a ,44"% garden. DbigE 4. his *ar is "##"% but it7s 5%" "p"'!,8".Dgood> eCensiveE 5. Few Iork is !u*h ,44"% #h&' 8oston. DbigE
?. 9verything is getting 5%" "p"'!,8". DeCensiveE ). /bha is 5%" "&+#,+ #h&' :ubai". Dbeautifu"E 16. y Hrawing *"ass is '4"% #h&' !y 9ng"ish *"ass. D"ongE
SU/ERLATIVE AD@ECTIVES - Suer"ative ade*tives *o!are three or !ore things. DFot in 8ookE 0 WJ(9 SU9JG/(K9 /H:9&(K9S #h" "!# 1. DIRECTIONS: W%,#" #h" !+p"%,8" &9"$#,8" $%%"$#; ,' "&$h !"'#"'$" ". 2. his *ar is _____ _____ but it7s not _____ _____ _____.Dgood> eCensiveE 3. (7! fee"ing _____ _____ ( ever fe"t DhayE
101 FINAL EXAM - REVIEW SHEET 4. We have _____ _____ garden on the street. DbigE 5. y grand!other is _____ _____ in the fa!i"y. Do"dE #. Gondon is _____ _____ *ity in 8ritain. DbigE $. %e is _____ _____ "ayer on the tea!. DgoodE '. /"geria is _____ _____ *ountry in /fri*a. D"argeE ). Sarah bought _____ _____ _____ bag in the sho DeCensiveE 16. he sky is _____ _____ _____ b"ue ( ever saw. Dbeautifu"E 11. y rahi* /rts *"ass is @ve hours "ong (t is !y _____ *"ass. D"ongE
1. his *ar is #h" "!# but it7s not #h" 5!# "p"'!,8".Dgood> eCensiveE
#. %e is #h" "!# "ayer on the tea!. DgoodE $. /"geria is #h" &%4"!# *ountry in /fri*a. D"argeE
2. (7! fee"ing #h" h&pp,"!# ( ever fe"t DhayE 3. We have #h" ,44"!# garden on the street. DbigE 4. y grand!other is #h" 9"!# in the fa!i"y. Do"dE 5. Gondon is #h" ,44"!# *ity in 8ritain. DbigE
'. Sarah bought #h" 5!# "p"'!,8" bag in the sho DeCensiveE ). he sky is #h" 5!# "&+#,+ b"ue ( ever saw. Dbeautifu"E 16. y rahi* /rts *"ass is @ve hours "ong (t is !y '4"!# *"ass. D"ongE
ADVER3S - /dverbs des*ribe verbs. D. )$-))E DIRECTIONS: W%,#" #h" %9! ,' #h" $%%"$# %9"% # 5&6" & !"'#"'$". E&$h !"'#"'$" h&! &' &98"%. 1. boy -far -the -"itt"e -ran 2. we"" -ario -footba"" -"ay 3. "ay -"ease -uiet"y -*ou"d -you? 4. hard -;ahd -work -ob -his -at 5. ran -the -fast -in -everyone -ra*e #. tea*her -soke -he" -us -understand -s"ow"y -the -to -to $. today -driver -the -bad"y -driving -is '. !y -"ate -everyday -works -father
1. he "itt"e boy ran far. 2. ario "ays footba"" we"". 3. &ou"d you "ay uiet"y "ease? 4. ;ahd works hard at his ob.
#he little boy ran !ar.
5. 9veryone in the ra*e ran fast. #. he tea*her soke s"ow"y to he" us to understand. $. he driver is driving bad"y today '. y father works "ate everyday.
COM/ARATIVE SU/ERLATIVE ADVER3S &o!arative adverbs *o!are # a*tions. Suer"ative adverbs *o!are #h%"" a*tions % 5%". •
With adverbs ending in -"y> use 5%" for the *o!arative> and 5!# for the suer"ative. ADVER3
uiet"y s"ow"y serious"y • • •
SU/ERLATIVE the !ost uiet"y the !ost s"ow"y the !ost serious"y
Short adverbs that do not end in -"y "ook the sa!e as the ade*tive. /dd -"% for the *o!arative and -"!# for the suer"ative. (f the adverb ends in -"> re!ove the -"> then add the ending. ADVER3 hard fast "at"
COM/ARATIVE !ore uiet"y !ore s"ow"y !ore serious"y
COM/ARATIVE harder faster "at"%
SU/ERLATIVE the hardest the fastest the "at"!#
So!e adverbs are irregu"ar. he *o!arative and suer"ative adverbs "ook di=erent. ADVER3 good we"" bad far far
COM/ARATIVE better than better than worse than farther than further than
the the the the the
SU/ERLATIVE best best worst farthest furthest
101 FINAL EXAM - REVIEW SHEET DIRECTIONS: C5p"#" "&$h !"'#"'$" ,#h &' &98"% %"*+"'$;. Y+ 5&; $h!" %5 #h" &98"%! ,' ;+% 6. 1. ( a! on a diet> so ( _____ eat *ake. 2. ( _____ have tea in the !orning. ( need tea to wake u =. y father _____ goes to work at ' a.!.> but _____ he goes at ) a.!. . ( "ive neCt door to !y sister> so ( _____ visit her. . ( _____ take a na when ( *o!e ho!e fro! university. his is art of !y dai"y routine. G. ;ahd _____ visits his brother in Aha!is ishait. %e goes three ti!es a year. >. y !other _____ !akes bak"ava be*ause it takes !any hours. She is very busy ?. ( visit the dentist _____. ( go every siC !onths. B. %a"i!a _____ has *o=ee with her breakfast. She "ikes *o=ee !u*h better than tea. 10.( _____ *a"" !y sister in the evening. We seak a"!ost every night.
1. ( a! on a diet> so ( '"8"%%&%"; eat *ake. 2. ( &&;!+!+&;'%5&; have tea in the !orning. ( need tea to wake u =. y father +!+&; goes to work at ' a.!.> but !5"#,5"! he goes at ) a.!. . ( "ive neCt door to !y sister> so ( #"' visit her. 5. ( '%5&; take a na when ( *o!e ho!e fro! university. his is art of !y dai"y routine.
G. ;ahd !5"#,5"! visits his brother in Aha!is ishait. %e goes three ti!es a year. >. y !other %&%"; !akes bak"ava be*ause it takes !any hours. She is very busy ?. ( visit the dentist %"4+&%;. ( go every siC !onths. B. %a"i!a '"&%; &&;!+!+&; has *o=ee with her breakfast. She "ikes tea !u*h better than *o=ee. 10.( +!+&; *a"" !y sister in the evening. We seak a"!ost every night.
/ARTS OF AN EMAIL (pp. =G-=?)
p. =G $
p. => Hear
"ook forward
8est regards>
1. Foors e!ai" address - Foor!ansooriMyahoo.*o! 2. She is sending this e!ai" to a!naMartinstitute.*o!. 3. Foor wants to *o!e to one *"ass and see if she "ikes it. She a"so wants to know the *"ass ti!ings. p. =? (t
8est regards
A3OUT ESSAYS (N# ,' 36) • • •
/n essay has #h%"" p&%#!. hey are, introdu*tion> body and *on*"usion. he 9; has one aragrah or !ore. (t is best to have two or !ore body aragrahs. When you write an essay> you !ust use #%&'!,#,' %9!. 9Ca!"es are @rst> se*ond> a"so> and @na""y. Iou !ust a"so use !,4'& %9! to he" the reader fo""ow the essay. Signa" words he" the reader understand what you wi"" ta"k about. 9Ca!"es are but> be*ause> however> on the other hand> and si!i"ar"y.
DIRECTIONS: 3" ,! &' "&5p" "!!&; #h h&! & #h" p&%#! &8". F, ,' #h" &'6! ,#h #h" $%%"$# %9!. A FRIEND AND ROLE MODEL
(t is i!ortant to have _____ that you *an "ook u to. / good friend *an be a ro"e !ode". y best friend is !y ro"e !ode". She is a"so !y *ousin %er _____ is Nainab. Nainab taught !e !any things. She taught !e to have _____ !anners and to be kind. She a"so taught !e to work _____. &&;!
he @rst thing ( "earned fro! Nainab is !anners. &hi"dren nor!a""y "earn !anners fro! their arents> but not !e. ( "earned fro! !y best friend Nainab> be*ause we sent a "ot of ti!e together. ( "earned !anners fro! Nainab in an interesting way. When we were young> a"" our arents "oved Nainab be*ause she was very o"ite. Sin*e she was o"ite> a"" the adu"ts were kind to her. his !ade !e ea"ous. ;or this _____> ( wanted to be o"ite> too. ( tried _____ to s!i"e o"ite"y and to say thank you. y arents noti*ed !y _____ !anners and were _____ with !e. his !ade !e hay> too "8"%; 9&;
he se*ond thing ( "earned fro! Nainab was to be kind. %owever> ( was not a"ways kind. ( was an on"y *hi"d for !any years. ;or this reason> ( was soi"ed. y *ousin Nainab is the _____ of @ve *hi"dren. She had to he" the! _____. Nainab a"so shared her toys with her brothers and sisters. When we "ayed outside> Nainab wou"d wat*h her sisters. When ( wat*hed Nainab with her sisters> ( saw that they _____ ea*h other. hey were very *"ose. ( wanted the sa!e thing Gater> when ( had brothers and sisters> ( "earned fro! Nainab to be _____ and kind to the!. h&%9
;ina""y> ( "earned fro! Nainab to work _____. his is the !ost i!ortant "esson ( "earned. Nainab a"ways had to work hard> so she had a "ot of atien*e. Nainabs father a"ways !ade Nainab study and do her ho!ework. (f she did not get good _____> !y un*"e wou"d bring a tea*her to their house. /"so> !y *ousin *ou"d not stay ho!e if she was not si*k. ;or this reason> she be*a!e a good student. She de*ided to be*o!e a _____ rofessor. %er arents were very hay with her. ( "earned that if ( want to do _____ in "ife> ( !ust "earn to work hard "ike !y best friend and *ousin. #"&$h
%" 59"
here are _____ eo"e we *an "earn fro!. (t is i!ortant to be friends with eo"e who *an _____ us so!ething. / good friend is a good _____. She !akes us want to be a _____ erson. ( a! g"ad ( have a best friend who he"s !e to be a better erson
A FRIEND AND ROLE MODEL (t is i!ortant to have %,"'9! that you *an "ook u to. / good friend *an be a ro"e !ode". y best friend is !y ro"e !ode". She is a"so !y *ousin %er '&5" is Nainab. Nainab taught !e !any things. She taught !e to have 49 !anners and to be kind. She a"so taught !e to work h&%9. he @rst thing ( "earned fro! Nainab is !anners. &hi"dren nor!a""y "earn !anners fro! their arents> but not !e. ( "earned fro! !y best friend Nainab> be*ause we sent a "ot of ti!e together. ( "earned !anners fro! Nainab in an interesting way. When we were young> a"" our arents "oved Nainab be*ause she was very o"ite. Sin*e she was o"ite> a"" the adu"ts were kind to her. his !ade !e ea"ous. ;or this %"&!'> ( wanted to be o"ite> too. ( tried &&;! to s!i"e o"ite"y and to say thank you. y arents noti*ed !y "##"% !anners and were h&pp,"% with !e. his !ade !e hay> too he se*ond thing ( "earned fro! Nainab was to be kind. %owever> ( was not a"ways kind. ( was an on"y *hi"d for !any years. ;or this reason> ( was soi"ed. y *ousin Nainab is the 9"!# of @ve *hi"dren. She had to he" the! "8"%; 9&;. Nainab a"so shared her toys with her brothers and sisters. When we "ayed outside> Nainab wou"d wat*h her sisters. When ( wat*hed Nainab with her sisters> ( saw that they 8"9 ea*h other. hey were very *"ose. ( wanted the sa!e thing Gater> when ( had brothers and sisters> ( "earned fro! Nainab to be h"p+ and kind to the!.
101 FINAL EXAM - REVIEW SHEET ;ina""y> ( "earned fro! Nainab to work hard. his is the !ost i!ortant "esson ( "earned. Nainab a"ways had to work hard> so she had a "ot of atien*e. Nainabs father a"ways !ade Nainab study and do her ho!ework. (f she did not get good 4%&9"!> !y un*"e wou"d bring a tea*her to their house. /"so> !y *ousin *ou"d not stay ho!e if she was not si*k. ;or this reason> she be*a!e a good student. She de*ided to be*o!e a $"4" rofessor. %er arents were very hay with her. ( "earned that if ( want to do " in "ife> ( !ust "earn to work hard "ike !y best friend and *ousin. here are 5&'; eo"e we *an "earn fro!. (t is i!ortant to be friends with eo"e who *an #"&$h us so!ething. / good friend is a good %" 59". She !akes us want to be a "##"% erson. ( a! g"ad ( have a best friend who he"s !e to be a better erson