Grammar Sheet Genki Chapter 14.1
Genki Chapter 14
(I) want (something)
( 私は) X が ほしい I want X X は (あまり) ほしくない desire "or X
I don’t want X I don’t have m!ch
いい漢字のじしょが です。 子供の時ゴジラのおも!が
Ex: Ex: God'ia$ Ex: mone#$
I want a good kanji dictionar#$
%hen I was #o!ng& I wanted a to# I don’t have m!ch desire "or
When you want to speak about what someone said* he or she wants, &'#(います。 When it’s an assumption about someone wanting or not wanting something, use でしょ) 。 Ex: comp!ter$
① *+,-./は0123がほしい
Ex: + -4./は*56の ! がほしくない not want a rock C0$ Lesson 11: "ou can use a #erb stem plus
you can use
you should
,oert sa#s he wants a
.roa# /om does
to describe your hope or aspiration$
%he combination o& #erb plus also con'ugates as an いad'ecti#e$ $い se $が#(い7 instead o& $い to describe obser#ation that somebody wants something$ %his deri#es &rom the #erb $が7 and indicates I think that she wants to& eca!se o" the wa# she is ehaving$ Ex: Ex:
* -4./は89:;い
。 (I !nderstand that) /om wants to st!d# 2ngish$ + <=>,./は2,?,:@A 。 (It seems) 3ar# wants to drink coee$ 5ote6
is used, the particle a&ter the ob'ect o&
desire is Genki Chapter 14.2
"もしBまC/ "もしBない
(simiar to でしょ))
sed when something is a -possibility., when you’re not sure but willing willing to make make a guess$ / #erb: Dく い ad'ecti#es: .Eい // なad'ecti#es: FG
① short "orm& + a7rmative& * negative& present& and + past$ 8 with な-adjectives and "もしBまC/, the H is dropped $ c
0oun 1 です: IJ
① あし$はKがL7"もしBまC/。
It ma# rain tomorrow$
+ -4./MりNO,./のほ)がCがPい"もしBまC/。
9!'!ki is prehaps taer then /anaka$
Ex: Ex: Ex:
QRはSGがMくない"もしBまC/。 /he weather ma# not e good tomorrow *
+ -4./はN子供の時NいじT7
H#$ "もしBまC/。 /om ma# have een a !# when he was a kid$ 8 -4./はUVWXH。
/om is Candian
-4./はUVWX"もしBまC/。 /om might e a Canadian
YZ&があ7 %he past tense short &orm o& a #erb plus Z&があ7 describes that you did something or something happened, in earlier times$ Genki Chapter 14.3
#erb(past, short) e:perience o"$$$
Z&があ7 have the
[,*50\い#$Z&があります"。 ;ave #o! ever een to 2!rope<
$]し./はじ^_ょ):`す/HZ&がありまC/。 /akeshi has never een asent "rom casses (in his i"e)$
Genki Chapter 11.4
はいNい#$Z&があります。 =es& I have$
0oun 2 ` noun 3
` connects two nouns$ 4t suggests that the things re&erred to are proposed as examples, and that an exhausti#e list is not being cited$ 2 ` e:ampe Ex:
> and ?& "or
aょ)&`なb\いaまし$。 I went to @#oto and 5ara ("or e:ampe and ma# have visited other paces as we)$
Grammar Sheet Genki Chapter 12.1
Genki Chapter 1A+*+56
%here are two ways in 7apanese to make a statement$ 8ne is to simply report it, and the other is o9ered as a means o& explanation$ /ですc &ollows the short &orm o& a predicate, and the predicate can be in the +armati#e, * negati#e, + past, or 5 nonpast$ When it 6 &ollows a noun or a なad'ecti#e, な comes in between$ Ex: tonight$)
① あし$dO-があ7/です。
I have an e:am tomorrow (so I canBt go o!t
Ex: it is$)
+ -ef\いa$い/です。
I have to go to the athroom (so te me where
Y/です can be used in ;uestions to in#ite explanations and &urther clari
=: g)し("B&T"B$/です"。 %h# did #o! reak !p with #o!r o#"riend< (=o!Bve got to te me$)
2: "BNh/h/おLi\はいbない/です。 h& him$ ;e never takes a ath$ (/hatBs a good eno!gh reason& isnBt it<)
Genki Chapter 12.2
>erb stems may be &ollowed by the helping #erb す_7 which means ?too much,? or ?to excess$? す_7 con'ugates as a regular ru#erb$ す_7 may &ollow い and なad'ecti#e bases by simply dropping the い and な at the end o& the ad'ecti#es and then adding す_7$ verbs:
>erb stems
- !rop the ade!tives:
Ex: Ex: Ex: Ex:
1 す_ 7
す_(はい]まC/。 は`く す_まし$。 Zのほ/は す_ます。 あのl&は す_ます。
Genki Chapter 12.3
Ex : Ex : Ex :
し/Ckす " #
=o! m!st not eat too m!ch$ I got !p too ear#$ /his ook is too e:pensive$ /hat person is too nice$
ほ)がいいです ?it is better (&or you) to do$$$? is a sentence
When the ad#ice is in the armati#e, ほ)がいいです generally &ollows the ① past tense short &orm$ When the ad#ice is in the negati#e, the #erb is in the @ present tense short &orm$ Ex:
も#&`.い: じ^aょ):
ほ)がいいですM。 ほ)がいいですM。
=o!Bd etter eat more vegetaes$ It is etter not to skip casses$
Genki Chapter 12.4
"ou can use ので to gi#e the reason &or the situation described in the sentence$ ので acts much in the same way as "b but it sounds slightly more &ormal$ %he reason part o& the sentence ends in a ① short &orm predicate$ When ので &ollows a noun or a @ なad'ecti#e, な comes in between$ Ex:
いkも\ほ/mではなすのでN\ほ/mがじょ)n\なりまし$。 3# Dapanese has improved eca!se I awa#s speak Dapanese$
aょ)は\M)oなのでN_/Z)は`すAです。 ?anks are cosed& eca!se toda# is a 9!nda#$
Genki Chapter 12.$
なく!い]まC/ may be used to say that something is necessary or it must be done$ ?i& you do not$$$? and い]まC/ means ?you cannot go$? なく! means %o &orm a なく!い]まC/ sentence, substitute ない in the negati#e short &orm o& a #erb with なく!$ %&-verbs: &-verbs: 'rre()*ar verbs:
$j い
$j い
→ →
① $j
い]まC/ い]まC
/ す
Ex: ① ].はNiくじ\ morning$ @ まい\N Ex: practice ever# da#$ Genki Chapter 12.+
→ →
なく!い]まC/でし$。 なく!い]ない/です。
い]まC/ い]まC/ I had to get !p at si: this (/he tr!th is&) I m!st
We use でしょ) at the end o& a sentence when we are making a guess or a prediction$ でしょ) &ollows #erbs and ① いad'ecti#es in short &orms, and in the @ armati#e and in the negati#e$ 4t may also &ollow なad'ecti#e bases and nouns$ でしょ) directly &ollows these elements$
あし$はあpが でしょ)。 verb: * でしょ)。
It wi proa# rain tomorrow$ I wi proa# not rain tomorrow$
ほ#"いg)は.E でしょ)。 - \ほ/m&"/Zくm&N ade!tive: g#のほ)がEn"し でしょ)"。
It is proa# cod in ;okkaido$ Dapanese or @orean& %hich wo!d #o! sa# is more di7c!t<
ade!tive: no)n:
`まし$C/Cいは."なが あのl&は
でしょ)。 でしょ)。
.ro"essor =amashita proa# ikes Esh$ /hat person is proa# "rom >!straia$
Grammar Sheet
Genki Chapter 1F
Aotential >erbs
Genki Chapter 13.1
Aotential #erbs are used to say that someone ?can? or ?has the ability to? do something, or that something is possible Constructing potential verbs:
!rop the
'rre()*ar verbs: Potential Verb Conjugation Chart %E&orm:
>7rmati ve 5egativ e
/resent 9hort ong "orm "orm r r
Genki Chapter 13.2
Ex : Ex : Ex : Ex : Ex :
く7 す7
→ →
ZbB7 でa7
9hort "orm >7rmati ve 5egative
/ast ong "orm
When you want to mention not 'ust one, but two or more reasons, you can use し in place o& "b$ し usually &ollows a predicate in the short &orm$ reason しNreason しN sit)ation.
"sくは(がAがa$ N"B&で/Tではなし$ Naの)は&(もいいlでし$。 =esterda# was a great da#--a etter came "rom m# "ami#& and I taked with m# o#"riend on the phone Ex:
0ote that し &ollows the short &orms$ 4n present tense sentences, this means that H appears with なad'ecti#es and nouns, but not with いad'ecti#es$
Genki Chapter 13.3
When we say $$$ t)です, we are guessing what something is like on the basis o& our impressions$ Ex:
ith ade!tives ith ade!tives Ex!eption
/his appe ooks deicio!s
senten!es :
0o orm ...
Genki Chapter 13.4
Ex : Ex : Ex :
!rop the
7ust drop な hange to M. be&ore t)
"ou can use the %E&orm o& a #erb plus the helping #erb A7 to express the idea o& ?doing something tentati#ely? or ?trying something?$
uHがあのACのv,wはおいし&'#(いまし$"bNxy$j ます。 3# "riends sa# that the cake at the shop is good$ I wi have a piece one o" these da#s Ex:
Genki Chapter 13.$
2 statement o& the &orm ?noun 2 なb predicate X? says that the predicate X applies only to 2 and is not more generally #alid$ %he main ideas o& a なb sentence, in other words, are ?limitation? and ?contrast?$ Ex: 3raCilD
Genki Chapter 13.+
Ba#e you e#er been to
4#e been to Fexico, Gbut ne#er been to 3raCil
(いし^)"/ \ ./"い)
"ou can describe the &re;uency o& e#ents o#er a period o& time by using the &ollowing &ramework: "period# "re)en!# \ per "period#
Ex: week
4 shampoo three times a