Philippine Normal University National Center for Teacher Education Taft Taft Avenue, Manila M anila
LESSON PLAN S ! "#nstructional Materials $evelopment%
Prepared &y' (roup ) "###*+ &SE (eneral Science% Caldaira, -achel E. $e Leon, Christian $ave A. Eslava, (a/riel $anielle Lui0 (. Lupi1, 2enalyn &. -olda, Eri3a (race $. Sa1uid, -einah Lyn P • • • • • •
Professor' Prof. $aryl -oy Monte/on LESSON T#TLE T4E $#(EST#5E S6STEM LEA-N#N( OUTCOMES At the end end of the lesson, the the learners should /e /e a/le to' to' • • • •
descri/e the coordinated functions of the or1ans of the di1estive system trace the path of food as it is /ein1 di1ested e7plain ho8 en0ymes help in di1estin1 food e7plain ho8 di1ested food is a/sor/ed throu1h the villi and is carried throu1h the /loodstream to the liver and ho8 dissolved 8astes and solid 8astes are eliminated throu1h the e7cretory system LEA-N#N( CONTENT A. Parts of the the $i1estive $i1estive System +. The The $i1e $i1est stiv ive e Tra Tract ct ). The $i1e $i1esti stive ve Acce Accesso ssory ry or1an or1ans s &. The $i1est $i1estive ive Proce Process ss +. Mecha Mechani nical cal $i1e $i1esti stion on of of food food $i1estion in the mouth $i1estion in the stomach $i1estion in the small intestine $i1estion in the lar1e intestine ). Chemic Chemical al $i1e $i1esti stion on of ood ood • • • •
-ole of En0ymes in the $i1estion process P-EL#MENA-#ES
• •
-outine Activities
• • •
Cut*out pu00le model of the di1estive system $emonstration in di1estion set*up (sugar solution, parchment paper, saliva, bile, starch solution, test tubes, starch paste, oil, iodine solution, Benedict’s solution, test tube rack, alcohol lamp) A (utsy 1ame set (digestive system game board, a piece of die, tokens or playing pieces)
Start the class 8ith an Openin1 prayer Maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of the class. As3 the students on ho8 does the di1estive system /rea3do8n food to nourish the /ody9
Let the students play the 1utsy 1ame in order to help them understand that the di1estive system is made*up of or1ans that 8or3 to1ether to /rea3 do8n food and nourish the /ody.
i1ure +' The (utsy 1ame /oard
-elevance of the Lesson
The main relevance of the lesson that must /e im/i/ed 8ithin the students after the discussion of the concepts of the di1estive system is to appreciate the nature of the di1estive system on ho8 it performs in order to provide proper nourishment for the /ody.
LESSON $E5ELOPMENT $evelopmental Activities
A. #ntroduction +. Essential ;uestion ). Motivation'
/. demonstration activity a/out the role of en0ymes in the di1estive process >. (enerali0ation' the students must 1ave a conclusion a/out the main function of the parts of the di1estive system and ho8 does it contri/ute to the nourishment of the /ody /ased rom the !. Application and #nte1ration C. Assessment and Evaluation
As3 the follo8in1 ;uestions to chec3 the students understandin1 a/out the lesson' +. 2here are most of the food nutrients a/sor/ed9 ). $escri/e the inside of the small intestine. >. 4o8 do the villi increase a/sorption9 !. 2hat is the function of the di1estive system9
5ALUES the students must /e a/le to inculcate the essence of the di1estion in their everyday life li3e on ho8 the different or1ans of the di1estive system 8o3 to1ether in order to provide the /ody nourishment, this can applied in terms of 1roup cooperation and team8or3
Assessment and Evaluation
$i1estion is the process 8here/y comple7 food su/stances are converted or reduced to smaller and more solu/le molecules so that they could /e a/sor/ed into the /ody cells of an or1anism. $i1estion human /ein1s occur in t8o ma@or phases, the mechanical and chemical phases.
#. (iven the follo8in1 /lan3 dia1ram of the di1estive system' +. Trace the path8ay if food in the di1estive tract /y dra8in1 an arro8. La/el the correct se;uence of the passa1e of food from the "+% mouth to the ")% esopha1us to the ">% stomach to the "!% small intestine and to the "% lar1e intestine ). Color all the or1ans that /elon1 to di1estive tract as 1reen and all the accessory or1ans usin1 oran1e >. La/el all the or1ans of the di1estive system
##. 2hat are the different en0ymes that functions in the di1estive process9 List their specific functions and the di1estive or1ans 8here they are located. -EE-ENCES •
Capco, C.M., 6an1, (.C. ")B++% Science and Technolo1y' &iolo1y > rd edition, Phoeni7 Pu/lishin1 4ouse #nc., ue0on City Philippines $epartment of Education ")B+>% (rade D Science Learners Module. #nstructional materials $evelopment Cooperation, Pasi1 city, Philippines Evan1elista, E.5., ")B+>% 2or3te7t in (eneral Foolo1y' ro1 and 4uman &odies Compared. C G E Pu/lishin1 #nc., ue0on City, Philippines Santos (.N. ")B+!% Science Lin3s D. -e7 /oo3store Pu/lishin1, Manila