Sample Lesson Plan for FS 4 (Instructional Materials Development)Full description
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TSU OBTL Plan Template
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Here is a free Easy to Use Business Plan Template. Open it in Word and fill in the blanks.
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Agile Project Plan
Format for Creating Contingency plansDescripción completa
Instructional Instruction al Plan (iPlan) Template Name of Teacher Learning Area: Competenc: Le!!on No. " &e 'nder!tandin g! to (e developed Learning )(*ective!
e!ource! Needed lement! of the 0lan Preparations - How will I make the
Motivation/ntroduc tor Activit
learners ready? Thi! part part introduce! introduce! the - How do I prepare the le!!on content.. it i! !erve! learners for the new a! a +arm2up activit to give lesson? the learner! 3e!t for the (Motivation (Motivation /Focusing incoming le!!on and an idea /Establishing /Establishing Mind-set Mind-set a(out +hat it to follo+. )ne /Setting the Mood Mood principle in learning i! that /Quieting /Creating /Creating Interest Interest learning occur! +hen it i! - Building Background conducted in a plea!ura(le Experience and comforta(le !ctivating "rior atmo!phere. #no$ledge/!pperception %evie$ &rill' - How will I connect my new lesson with the past lesson?
Presentation - (How will I present the new lesson? - What materials will I use? - What generalization /concept /conclusion /abstraction should the learners arrive at? (Sho$ing/ &eonstrating/ Engaging/ &oing /Experiencing /Experiencing /Exploring /Exploring /)bserving
!ctivit* Thi! i! an interactive interactive !trateg to elicit learner4! prior learning e5perience. t !erve! a! a !pring(oard for ne+ learning. t illu!trate! the principle that learning !tart! +here the learner! are. Carefull !tructured activitie! !uch a! individual or group re6ective e5erci!e!7 group di!cu!!ion7 !elf2or group a!!e!!ment7 dadic or triadic interaction!7 pu33le!7 !imulation! or role2pla7 c(ernetic! e5erci!e7 galler +al- and the li-e ma (e created. Clear in!truction! !hould (e con!idered in thi! part of the le!!on.
!nal*sis !!ential 9ue!tion! are included to !erve a! a guide for the teacher in clarifing -e under!tanding! a(out the topic at hand. Critical point! are organi3ed to !tructure the di!cu!!ion! allo+ing the learner! to ma5imi3e interaction! and !haring of idea! and opinion! a(out e5pected i!!ue!. Aective 9ue!tion! are included to elicit the feeling! of the learner! a(out the activit or the topic. The la!t 9ue!tion! or point! ta-en !hould lead the learner! to under!tand the ne+ concept! or !-ill! that are to (e pre!ented in the ne5t part of the le!!on.
!bstraction Thi! outline! the -e concept!7 important !-ill! that !hould (e enhanced7 and the proper attitude that !hould (e empha!i3ed. Thi! i! organi3ed a! a lecturette that !ummari3e! the learning empha!i3ed from the activit7 anal!i! and ne+ input! in thi! part of the le!!on.
Practice - What practice eercises/applicatio n activities will I give to the learners?
!pplication Thi! part i! !tructured to en!ure the commitment of the learner! to do !omething to appl their ne+ learning in their o+n environment.
(!ns$ering practice exercise - !ppl*ing learning in other situations/actual situations/real-lie situations - Expressing one0s thoughts+ eelings+ opinions+ belies through art$ork+ songs+ dances+ sports - "eroring usical nubers/dances+ anipulative activities+ etc1'
Assess -ment $efer to
A!!e!!ment Matri5 Level! of A!!e!!ment
Knowledge ( reers to the substantive content o the curriculu+ acts and inoration that
;hat +ill a!!e!!<
=o+ +ill a!!e!!<
=o+ +ill !core<
> #ep# )rder No. ">7 !. 8?18 for the e5ampl e!%
the student ac2uires' 3hat do $e $ant students to kno$4 (relevance and ade2uac*' 5o$ do $e $ant students to express or provide evidence o $hat the* kno$
Process or Skills (reers to skills or cognitive operations that the student perors on acts and inoration or the purpose o constructing eanings or understandings1' Skills as evidenced b* student0s abilit* to process and ake sense o inoration+ and a* be assessed in the ollo$ing criteria6 understanding o content and critical thinking
Understanding(s) (reers to enduring big ideas+ principles and generali,ations inherent to the discipline+ $hich a* be assessed using the acets o understanding or other indicators o understanding $hich a* be specic to the discipline
Products/performances (Transfer of Understanding) (reer to the real-lie application o understanding as evidenced b* student0s perorance o authentic
einforcing the da4! le!!on nriching the da4! le!!on nhancing the da4! le!!on 0reparing for the ne+ le!!on