Spanish Translations A sizable segment of our recent work investigates stress and coping issues in applied populations. Some substantial portion of our our target population does not have have good facility with the English language. language. Consequently, Consequently, we have have translated several of our most frequently used measures into Spanish. he measures we translated were all measures we are interested in ourselves! thus the the process has been rather selective. he translations "and back translations# were collaborations of native Spanish speakers from several different countries and cultures, thereby creating as neutral a Spanish as we could manage to create. he translation process and information on the comparability of the translated instruments are reported in this article$ %erczek, &., Carver, C. S., %rice, A. A., ' %ozo()aderman, C. "*+++#. Coping, mood, mood, and aspects of personality in Spanish translation and evidence of convergence with English versions. Journal of Personality Assessment, 74, -(/. 0abstract 0abstract11 2ollowing are the English versions of the measures we translated "for ease in comparison#, followed by the Spanish versions. 2or more information on scoring of English versions, see separate pages on the various measures. (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 3rief C4%E 2ollowing are some ways ways of coping with difficult situations. hink of a difficult situation you had to face during the past year. 5e want to know how you coped with that difficult situation. 6 7 8 didn9t do this at all * 7 8 did this a little bit - 7 8 did this a medium amount : 7 8 did this a lot 6. 8 turned to work work or other activities to take my mind off things. *. 8 concentrated my efforts on doing something something about the situation 89m in. -. 8 said to myself myself ;this isn9t real.;. :. 8 used alcohol or other drugs to make make myself feel better. <. 8 got emotional support from others. . 8 gave up trying to deal with it. /. 8 took action to try to make the situation better. . 8 refused to believe that it has happened. =. 8 said things things to let my unpleasant feelings escape. 6+. 8 used alcohol or other other drugs to help me get through it. 66. 8 tried to see it in a different light, to make it seem more positive. 6*. 8 tried to come up with a strategy about what what to do. 6-. 8 got comfort comfort and understanding understanding from someone. someone. 6:. 8 gave up the attempt to cope.
6<. 8 looked for something good in what is happening. 6. 8 made >okes about it. 6/. 8 did something to think about it less, such as going to movies, watching ?, reading, daydreaming, sleeping, or shopping. 6. 8 accepted the reality of the fact that it has happened. 6=. 8 e@pressed my negative feelings. *+. 8 tried to find comfort in my religion or spiritual beliefs. *6. 8 learned to live with it. **. 8 thought hard about what steps to take. *-. 8 prayed or meditated. *:. 8 made fun of the situation.
3rief C4%E "Spanish# as siguientes son algunas maneras of enfrentarse y adaptarse a situaciones dificiles. %iense en una sitaciBn dificil que sted tuvo que enfrentar en el aDo pasado. Estamos interesados en saber como sted se enfrentB y adaptB a esa situaciBn dificil. 6 7 o hice esto en lo absoluto * 7 Fice esto un poco - 7 Fice esto con cierta frecuencia : 7 Fice esto con mucha frecuencia 6. Go me enfoquH en el traba>o u otras actividades para distraer mi mente. *. Go concentrH mis esfuerzos para hacer algo acerca de la situaciBn en la que estaba. -. Go me di>e a mi mismo"a#, esto no es real. :. Go usH alcohol u otras drogas para sentirme me>or. <. Go recibI apoyo emocional de otras personas. . Go me di por vencido"a# de tratar de lidiar con esto. /. Go tomH acciBn para poder me>orar la situaciBn. . Go rehusH creer que esto hubiera pasado. =. Go di>e cosas para de>ar escapar mis sentimientos desagradables. 6+. Go usH alcohol u otras drogas para que me ayudaran a pasar por esto. 66. Go tratH de verlo con un enfoque distinto para que pareciera mas positivo. 6*. Go tratH de crear una estrategia para saber que hacer. 6-. Go recibI apoyo y comprensiBn de alguien. 6:. Go de>H de hacerle frente a la situaciBn en la que estaba. 6<. Go busquH algo bueno en lo que estaba pasando. 6. Go hice bromas acerca de esto. 6/. Go hice algo para pensar menos en esto, como ir al cine, ver .?., leer, soDar despierto"a#, dormir, o ir de compras. 6. Go aceptH la realidad de que esto haya pasado. 6=. Go e@presH mis pensamientos negativos. *+. Go tratH de encontrar apoyo en mi religiBn o mis creencias espirituales. *6. Go aprendI a vivir con esto. **. Go pensH mucho cuales eran los pasos a tomar. *-. Go recH o meditH. *:. Go hice gracia de la situaciBn.
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 4(& he following items concern how you see life in general. 2or each item indicate whether you agree or disagree. here are no ;correct; or ;incorrect; answers! we only want to know your opinion. < 7 8 agree a lot : 7 8 agree a little - 7 8 neither agree nor disagree * 7 8 J8Sagree 6 7 8 J8Sagree a lot 6. 8n uncertain times, 8 usually e@pect the best. *. 8t9s easy for me to rela@. -. 8f something can go wrong for me, it will. :. 8 am always optimistic about my future. <. 8 en>oy my friends a lot. . 8 hardly e@pect things to go my way. /. 8t9s important to me to keep busy. . 8 rarely count on good things happening to me. =. 4verall, 8 e@pect more good things to happen to me than bad. ote$ items *, <, and / are fillers and are not used in scoring.
4(& "Spanish# as siguientes preguntas se refieren a como sted ve la vida en general. JespuHs de cada pregunta, diganos, si sted estK de acuerdo o en desacuerdo. o hay respuestas correctas o incorrectasLsolo nos interesa su opiniBn. < 7 Estoy de acuerdo completamente : 7 Estoy de acuerdo parcialmente - 7 o estoy ni de acuerdo ni en desacuerdo * 7 Estoy parcialmente en desacuerdo 6 7 Estoy completamente en desacuerdo 6. En tiempos de incertidumbre, generalmente pienso que me va a ocurrir lo me>or. *. Me es facil rela>arme. -. Si algo malo me puede pasar, estoy segura"o# que me pasarK. :. Siempre soy optimista en cuanto al futuro. <. Go disfruto de mis amistades. . &ara vez espero que las cosas salgan a mi manera. /. %ara mi, es importante estar siempre ocupada"o#. . o espero que cosas buenas me sucedan. =. En general, yo pienso que mas cosas buenas que malas me van a suceder. ote$ items *, <, and / are fillers and are not used in scoring.
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( M3A he ne@t items ask for some opinions with respect to your body. 2or each item indicate whether you agree or disagree. here are no ;right; or ;wrong; answersLwe only want to know your opinion. : 7 8 agree a lot - 7 8 agree a little * 7 8 J8Sagree a little 6 7 8 J8Sagree a lot 6. 8t9s important to me to look my best all the time. *. 5hen something goes wrong inside your body, you are never really the same person again. -. 8f a woman doesn9t look good to others, she can9t possibly feel good about herself. :. he idea of having surgery bothers me because it means doing damage to my body. <. 8 feel good about myself only if 8 know 8 look good to other people. . A scar from an operation, even one that doesn9t show, is a constant reminder to yourself that something was wrong with you. /. 8 have to look as good as 8 can to others in order to feel right about myself. . Completely apart from the pain, 89d have trouble giving myself an in>ection because it would mean forcing a needle into an undamaged part of my body.
M3A "Spanish# as siguientes preguntas son con respecto a su cuerpo. JespuHs de cada pregunta, diganos si sted estK de acuerdo o en desacuerdo. o hay respuestas correctas o incorrectasLlo que interesa es su opinBn. 6 7 Estoy de acuerdo ( completamente * 7 Estoy de acuerdo ( parcialmente - 7 Estoy en desacuerdo ( parcialmente : 7 Estoy en desacuerdo ( completamente 6. %ara mi es importante lucir lo me>or posible en todo momento. *. Cuando algo anda mal dentro de tu cuerpo, tu nunca vuelves a ser la misma persona de antes. -. Si una mu>erNhombre no luce bien frente a otras personas, no es posible que ellaNel se sienta bien consigo misma"o#. :. a idea de tener una operaciBn me molesta porque significa hacerle daDo a mi cuerpo. <. Go me siento biHn conmigo misma"o# solamente si se que me veo biHn frente a otros"as#. . na cicatriz de una operaciBn, aunque sea una que no se ve, es un recuerdo constante de que algo estaba mal conmigo. /. Go tengo que verme lo me>or que pueda frente a ostros"as#, para poderme sentir biBn
conmigo misma"o#. . Completamente fuera del dolor, yo tendrIa problemas de in>ectarme a mi misma"o#, porque significarIa forzar una agu>a en una parte de mi cuerpo que no ha sido daDada. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Emotional Jistress "as used in Carver et al., JPSP , 6==-# ote$ he items below are a set of mood(descriptive ad>ectives that are included in a number of measures of mood states. %revious articles, including the %erczek et al. article that presented the translations of these various measures into Spanish, erroneously conveyed the impression that this is an ;authorized abbreviated version; of the %rofile of Mood States. 8t is not. 2or information concerning the %rofile of Mood States, contact Ed8S, %. 4. 3o@ /*-:, San Jiego, CA =*6/.
2ollowing is a list of feelings. 2or each word, choose the answer that best describes how much you have e@perienced that feeling during the past week including today. he response options are$ 6 7 ot at all * 7 A little - 7 Moderately : 7 Ouite a bit < 7 E@tremely 6. ense *. Felpless -. Angry :. ively <. nable to concentrate . ervous /. 5orn out . nhappy =. Cheerful 6+. &esentful 66. Active 6*. An@ious 6-. E@hausted 6:. 5orthless 6<. Prouchy 6. Energetic 6/. 2orgetful 6. Fopeless
Emotional Jistress "Spanish# Ahora le vamos a dar una lista de emociones. %or cada palabra por favor diganos con que frecuencia sted se ha sentido de esta manera en la pasada semana. 6 7 nunca * 7 un poco - 7 a menudo : 7 muchas veces < 7 muchIsimo 6. ensaNtenso *. 8ncapaz -. Eno>adaNeno>ado :. ?ivaz <. Jificultad al concentrarme . erviosaNnervioso /. PastadaNgastado . riste =. Alegre 6+. &esentidaNresentido 66. ActivaNactivo 6*. AnsiosaNansioso 6-. AgotadaNagotado 6:. 8nQtil 6<. MalhumoradaNmalhumorado 6. Con energIa 6/. 4lvidadizaNolvidadizo *. Sin esperanza (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( CES(J he following is a list of the ways you might have felt or behaved over the past week. ell us how often you have felt this way during the past week. se these response choices$ + 7 &arely or none of the time "less than 6 day# 6 7 Some or a little of the time "6(* days# * 7 4ccasionally or moderate amount of time "-(: days# - 7 Most or all of the time "<(/ days# Juring the past week$ 6. 8 was bothered by things that usually don9t bother me. *. 8 did not feel like eating! my appetite was poor. -. 8 felt that 8 could not shake off the sad feelings even with help from my family or friends. :. 8 felt that 8 was >ust as good as other people. <. 8 had trouble keeping my mind on what 8 was doing. . 8 felt depressed.
/. 8 felt that everything 8 did was an effort. . 8 felt hopeful about the future. =. 8 thought my life had been a failure. 6+. 8 felt fearful. 66. My sleep was restless. 6*. 8 was happy. 6-. 8 talked less than usual. 6:. 8 felt lonely. 6<. %eople were unfriendly. 6. 8 en>oyed life. 6/. 8 had crying spells. 6. 8 felt sad. 6=. 8 felt that people dislike me. *+. 8 could not get ;going.;
CES(J "Spanish# as siguientes frases indican distintas maneras de sentirse. %or favor indique la frecuencia con que sted se ha sentido de estas maneras en la semana pasada. as respuestas posibles, son las siguientes$ + 7 raramente o nunca "menos de un dIa# 6 7 alguna o pocas veces "6(* dias# * 7 ocacionalmente o una cantidad moderada "-(: dias# - 7 la mayor parte o todo el tiempo "<(/ dias# durante la semana pasada$ 6. Me molestaron cosas que usualmente no me molestan *. o me sentIa con ganas de comer ( tenIa mal apetito -. Me sentIa que no podia quitarme de encima la tristeza aun con la ayuda de mi familia o amigos :. SentIa que yo era tan buena"o# como cualquier persona <. enIa dificultad en mantener mi mente en lo que estaba haciendo . Me sentIa deprimidaNdeprimido /. SentIa que todo lo que hacia era un esfuerzo . Me sentIa optimista sobre el futuro =. %ensH que mi vida habia sido un fracaso 6+. Me sentIa con miedo 66. Mi sueDo era inquieto 6*. Estaba contentaNcontento 6-. FablH menos de lo usual 6:. Me sentI solaNsolo 6<. a gente no era amistosa 6. JisfrutH de la vida 6/. %asH ratos llorando 6. Me sentI triste 6=. SentIa que no le caIa bien a la gente *+. o tenIa ganas de hacer nada
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 38SN3AS 2or the following items, indicate whether you agree or disagree. %lease respond to each item independently from every other item. 6 7 very true for me * 7 somewhat true for me - 7 somewhat false for me : 7 very false for me 6. A personRs family is the most important thing in life. *. Even if something bad is about to happen to me, 8 rarely e@perience fear or nervousness. -. 8 go out of my way to get things 8 want. :. 5hen 8Rm doing well at something 8 love to keep at it. <. 89m always willing to try something new if 8 think it will be fun. . Fow 8 dress is important to me. /. 5hen 8 get something 8 want, 8 feel e@cited and energized. . Criticism or scolding hurts me quite a bit. =. 5hen 8 want something 8 usually go all(out to get it. 6+. 8 will often do things for no other reason than that they might be fun. 66. 8t9s hard for me to find the time to do things such as get a haircut. 6*. 8f 8 see a chance to get something 8 want 8 move on it right away. 6-. 8 feel pretty worried or upset when 8 think or know somebody is angry at me. 6:. 5hen 8 see an opportunity for something 8 like 8 get e@cited right away. 6<. 8 often act on the spur of the moment. 6. 8f 8 think something unpleasant is going to happen 8 usually get pretty ;worked up.; 6/. 6. 6=. *+. *6. **. *-. *:.
8 often wonder why people act the way they do. 5hen good things happen to me, it affects me strongly. 8 feel worried when 8 think 8 have done poorly at something important. 8 crave e@citement and new sensations. 5hen 8 go after something 8 use a ;no holds barred; approach. 8 have very few fears compared to my friends. 8t would e@cite me to win a contest. 8 worry about making mistakes.
38SN3AS "Spanish# En las siguientes preguntas, indique si sted estK de acuerdo o en desacuerdo. %or favor responda cada pregunta independientemente una de la otra. 6 7 es muy cierto en mi caso * 7 es un poco cierto en mi caso - 7 es un poco falso en mi caso : 7 es muy falso en mi caso
6. a familia de uno es lo mas importante de la vida *. i siquiera cuando algo malo estK por sucederme, yo siento miedo o nerviosismo -. Go hago lo imposible por conseguir lo que quiero :. Cuando soy buena en algo que estoy haciendo, me gusta seguirlo haciendo <. Siempre estoy dispuesto"a# a tratar algo nuevo si me parece que serIa divertido . a manera en que yo me visto es muy importante para mi /. Cuando consigo algo que quiero, me siento emocionado"a# y con energIa . as criticas o el regaDo me duelen bastante =. Cuando quiero algo, casi siempre hago lo imposible para obtenerlo 6+. Muchas veces hago las cosas simplemente por el hecho que serIan divertidas en hacer 66. Se me hace dificil encontrar el tiempo de hacer cosas, como cortarme el pelo 6*. Si veo la oportunidad de conseguir algo que quiero, la aprovecho inmediatamente 6-. Me preocupo y me siento mal cuando pienso o creo que alguien esta eno>ado"a# conmigo 6:. Cuando veo la oportunidad de algo que me gusta, me emociono inmediatamente 6<. A veces, actuo impulsivamente 6. Si creo que algo desagradable va a suceder, casi siempre me desespero 6/. A menudo pienso en la razBn por la cual la gente actua de la manera que lo hacen 6. Me afecto profundamente cuando me suceden cosas buenas 6=. Me siento intranquilo"a# cuando pienso que no he hecho un buen traba>o *+. Jeseo estimulos y nuevas sensaciones. *6. Cuando estoy en busqueda de algo, para mi no e@isten barreras **. En comparaciBn con mis amistades, tengo pocos miedos *-. Me emocionarIa ganar un concurso *:. Me preocupa cometer errores
Brief COPE he items below are an abbreviated version of the C4%E 8nventory. 5e have used it in research with breast cancer patients, with a community sample recovering from Furricane Andrew, and with other samples as well. he citation for the article reporting the development of the 3rief C4%E, which includes information about factor structure and internal reliability from the hurricane sample is below. he 3rief C4%E has also been translated into several other languages, which have been published separately by other researchers "see below#. 5e created the shorter item set partly because earlier patient samples became impatient at responding to the full instrument "both because of the length and redundancy of the full instrument and because of the overall time burden of the assessment protocol#. 8n choosing which items to retain for this version "which has only * items per scale#, we were guided by strong loadings from previous factor analyses, and by item clarity and meaningfulness to the patients in a previous study. 8n creating the reduced item set, we also ;tuned; some of the scales somewhat "largely because some of the original scales had dual focuses# and omitted scales that had not appeared to be important among breast cancer patients. 8n this way the positive reinterpretation and growth scale became positive reframing "no growth#! focus on and venting of emotions became venting "focusing was too tied to the e@periencing of the emotion, and we decided it was venting
we were really interested in#! mental disengagement became self(distraction "with a slight e@pansion of mentioned means of self(distraction#. 5e also added one scale that was not part of the original inventory((a *(item measure of self(blame((because this response has been important in some earlier work. Gou are welcome to use all scales of the 3rief C4%E, or to choose selected scales for use. 2eel free as well to adapt the language for whatever time scale you are interested in. Citation$ Carver, C. S. "6==/#. Gou want to measure coping but your protocol9s too long$ Consider the 3rief C4%E. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, :, =*( 6++. 0abstract1 2ollowing is the 3&8E2 C4%E as we are now administering it, with the instructional orientation for a presurgery interview "the first time the C4%E is given in this particular study#. %lease feel free to adapt the instructions as needed for your application. Scales are computed as follows "with no reversals of coding#$ Self(distraction, items 6 and 6= Active coping, items * and / Jenial, items - and Substance use, items : and 66 se of emotional support, items < and 6< se of instrumental support, items 6+ and *3ehavioral disengagement, items and 6 ?enting, items = and *6 %ositive reframing, items 6* and 6/ %lanning, items 6: and *< Fumor, items 6 and * Acceptance, items *+ and *: &eligion, items ** and */ Self(blame, items 6- and *
8 have had many questions about combining scales into ;problem focused; and ;emotion focused; aggregates, or into an ;overall; coping inde@. 8 have never done that in my own use of the scales. here is no such thing as an ;overall; score on this measure, and 8 recommend no particular way of generating a dominant coping style for a give person. %lease do 4 write to me asking for instructions to for ;adaptive; and ;maladaptive; composites, because 8 do not have any such instructions. 8 generally look at each scale separately to see what its relation is to other variables. An alternative is to create second(order factors from among the scales "see the 6== article# and using the factors as predictors. 8f you decide to do that, 8 recommend that you use your own data to determine the composition of the higher(order factors. Jifferent samples e@hibit different patterns of relations.