Basic Customizing for Handling Unit 1. a. IMG → Logistics - General → Handling Unit Un it Management → Basics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → HU Requirement Requirement for Storage Locations and Default alues for Deliveries
HU Requirement for Storage Locations and Default Values for Deliveries In t!is ste"# for eac! storage location# you maintain t!e !andling unit requirement and t!e default values for creating a delivery$ %ou %ou can override t!e default default settings at "lant level &it! more s"eci'c default settings at storage location level$ (!en you set t!e HU requirement indicator for a storage location# you can only ma)e stoc) "ostings if you s"ecify t!e !andling unit$ If you do n ot s"ecify t!e !andling unit# t!e system does not create a material document &!en you ma)e t!e "osting *ut creates a delivery document$ Since t!e stoc) in a storage location t!at is su*+ect to a !andling unit requirement is "ac)ed in "rinci"le# you must maintain a "artner storage location for location for transactions suc! as un"ac)ing$ Use a storage location in t!e same "lant as t!e "artner storage location t!at !as t!e same or no &are!ouse num*er$ num*er$ Requirements %ou %ou are only allo&ed allo&ed to c!ange t!e indicator indicator HU requirement for storage storage locations t!at do not contain any stoc) and t!at are not assigned to a decentrali,ed &are!ouse management system$ Activities Maintain data as required$ Further Notes Storage locations t!at are assigned to a decentrali,ed &are!ouse management system can *e agged as !aving an HU requirement in t!e decentrali,ed (are!ouse Management System$
*$ Select t!e ta*le entry for "lant ./// and go to t!e storage location level in t!e dialog structure$ c$ 0!oose t!e entry for your storage location HU11 and over&rite t!e "artner storage location ///. &it! t!e )ey for your storage location 2/.113$
d$ 4ssign sales organi,ation organi,ation .///# distri*ution c!annel ./# s!i""ing "oint .///# division //# vendor .////# and customer .//// to your storage location HU11$ Save your c!anges
5$ Dis"lay t!e num*er range for internal system identi'cation of t!e !andling units$ a3 0!oose S46 Reference IMG → Logistics - General → Handling Unit Management → Basics → 7ec!nical 7ec!nical Basics → De'ne 8um*er Ranges for Handling Units$
Dene Num!er Ranges for Handling Units (!en creating a !andling unit# t!e system assigns a clear num*er internally$ internally$ 7!is num*er is from t!e num*er range interval# &!ic! you can maintain in t!is menu o"tion$
"tandard settings 4n internal assignment is carried out in t!e standard delivery for !andling units# from t!e num*er range interval 9/.9$ Maintenance of furt!er intervals is not necessary# as t!e interval cannot *e set$
#rans$ort %ou %ou trans"ort num*er range o*+ects as follo&s: follo&s: In t!e initial screen# c!oose Interval -; 7rans"ort$ 8ote t!at all intervals for t!e selected num*er range o*+ect are deleted in t!e target system 'rst$ 4fter t!e im"ort# only t!e intervals you e<"ort are "resent$ 7!e num*er statuses are im"orted &it! t!eir values at t!e time of e<"ort$ De"endent ta*les are not trans"orted or converted$
Actions .$ If t!e num*er range is not availa*le for t!e interval 9/.9# you must insert t!e num*er interval 9/.9$ 5$ =nter t!e *oundaries for t!e num*er interval$ S46 recommends t!at you maintain t!e num*er range interval in t!e ma
%. Chec& 'hether unique num!er assignment is activated at client level. a3 0!oose S46 Reference IMG → Logistics - General → Handling Unit Management → =
"et Unique Num!er Assignment for HU (dentication In t!is activity# you esta*lis! t!at assignment of !andling unit identi'cation is unique in t!is client$
)*am$le If you &ant to "rocess or dis"lay a !andling unit# it is only "ossi*le to 'nd and select it if t!is identi'cation occurs only once$ If you allo& multi"le assignment of t!e same !andling unit identi'cation# t!e system cannot determine e
Requirements 8um*er assignment settings must *e made for all $ac&aging material t+$es in t+$es in t!e Im"lementation Guide$
"tandard "ettings 7!e standard system contains contains unique num*er assignment$
Recommendation If you &ant to use !andling units outside out*ound delivery "rocessing# c!ec) t!e a""ro"riate checkbox checkbox..
Activities 0!ec) t!e c!ec)*o< for unique num*er assignment .
Further Notes It is only "ossi*le to indicate a storage location as HU-managed if you !ave set t!is indicator$ 7!e use of non-assigned !andling units &it!out unique num*er assignment is not su""orted$ In "articular# a lin) from !andling unit to storage unit is not "ossi*le if t!ere is no assurance of unique num*er assignment$ b) The indicator HU ID unique is set.
,. Dis$la+ the num!er range for client-'ide unique handling unit identication. a3 0!oose SAP Reference IM ! "o#istics $ eneral ! Handlin# Unit Mana#e%ent !&'ternal Identi(cation !)u%*er Ran#e Maintenance for HU Identi(cation $
Num!er Range aintenance for HU (dentication In t!is activity# you can maintain num*er ranges for num*er assignment for !andling unit identi'cation via num*er range intervals$ 7!ere are t&o t&o ty"es of num*er assignment: •
Internal num*er assignment
7!e S46 System automatically automatically assigns a sequential num*er from from t!e s"eci'ed num*er range$ =
(!en creating a !andling unit# you use a num*er from t!e e
Requirements 7!e num*er assignment section in t!e "ac)aging "ac)aging material material ty"e of t!e "ac)aging "ac)aging material must *e customi,ed for num*er assignment from an internal or e
"tandard "ettings 4 delivery of an internal and e
Recommendation (!en c!oosing your intervals# ma)e sure t!at t!e num*er ranges &ill not overla"$
Activities 7o 7o de'ne a num*er range# you must insert a ne& num*er range interval: .$ =nter an al"!anumerical )ey &it! a ma
5$ =nter t!e limits for t!e num*er interval$ Individual num*er intervals may not overla"$ In ot!er &ords# eac! num*er may only a""ear once$ >$ If t!e num*er range is to *e used for e
#rans$ortation %ou %ou trans"ort num*er range o*+ects as follo&s: follo&s: In t!e initial screen# c!oose (nterval c!oose (nterval -/ #rans$ort$ #rans$ort$ 8ote t!at all intervals for t!e selected num*er range o*+ect are deleted in t!e target system 'rst$ 4fter t!e im"ort# only t!e intervals you e<"ort are "resent$ 7!e num*er statuses are im"orted &it! t!eir values at t!e time of e<"ort$ De"endent ta*les are not trans"orted or converted$
Further Notes If you also "lan to use !andling units in t!e &are!ouse in connection &it! storage units# ma)e sure t!at t!e maintenance for num*er range intervals for storage units !as t!e same lengt! as t!e intervals maintained !ere$ *3 0!oose Dis"lay intervals$
0. Dis$la+ the num!er range for handling unit identication !+ ""CC. #he num!er range o!ect has the &e+ 2)3""CC. a3 0!oose S46 Reference IMG → Logistics - General → Handling Unit Management → =
""CC 4eneration Acc. to )AN156 In t!is IMG activity# you ma)e t!e settings for generating s!i""ing unit num*ers Seriali,ed S!i""ing 0ontainer 0odes 2SS003$ 7o 7o do t!is# you need an international international location num*er 2IL83 2IL83 &!ic! you receive receive from t!e su*sidiary com"any res"onsi*le for your country# from t!e I48 2international article num*er3# or from t!e U00 in t!e US$ 0reate at least one num*er range o*+ect t!at !asn9t ! asn9t *een "rede'ned *y S46 *efore you determine t!e "arameters for your organi,ational units$ If you !ave your o&n IL8 for eac! organi,ational unit# you can use t!e &!ole num*er range in t!ese units for t!e SS00$
Note 8ote t!at t!e intervals can overla" and t!erefore t!e same num*er can *e assigned t&ice$ %ou %ou must ensure for your area t!at t!e intervals do not overla"$
aintain Num!er Range 7!ect for ""CC In t!is activity# you maintain t!e num*er range o*+ects and t!eir associated internal and e
"tandard "ettings 8um*er range o*+ect EL=FSS00E is "rovided &it! interval E/.E and a -digit num*er lengt! in t!e standard system$
Recommendation IL8 *ase num*ers are normally digits long# alt!oug! sequential num*ers &it! digits are "ossi*le &it!in t!e 8um*er of S!i""ing UnitsSeriali,ed S!i""ing 0ontainer 0ode 28SUSS003$ or t!is reason# domain E0H4RE is availa*le for de'ning num*er lengt!$ Base num*er and sequential num*er must occu"y .J digits total 2t!e entire 8SUSS00 is . digits in lengt!# including c!ec) digit and ty"e3$ If t!e IL8 *ase num*er nu m*er !as more or fe&er digits 2or if you "rovide individual constant suK
%ou %ou can activate t!e main memory *u?ering$ *u?ering$ =48.5 standard standard requires e
Activities 0reate t!e num*er range o*+ects and intervals necessary for your organi,ation# "aying s"ecial attention to t!e domain lengt!s and t!e lengt! of t!e IL8 *ase num*er$ *3 =nter t!e o*+ect )ey L=FSS00 in t!e C*+ect 'eld$ 0!oose 8um*er Ranges and t!en Dis"lay intervals$
8. Chec& the assignment of the num!er range o!ect9 the num!er range interval9 and the !ase (2N num!er to $lant 1:::. a3 0!oose S46 Reference IMG → Logistics - General → Handling Unit Management → =
aintain ""CC 4eneration for )ach ;lant < "torage 2ocation In t!is activity# you can set all "arameters for generating 8um*ers of S!i""ing UnitsSeriali,ed S!i""ing 0ontainer 0odes 28SUSS00s3# e
)*am$le 8ormally# your entire organi,ation does not create more t!an .#/// *illion !andling units "er year$ year$ 7!erefore# you only need one IL8 from &!ic! to co"y t!e -digit *ase num*er into an entry 2*y leaving all )ey 'elds *lan): "lant and storage location# for e
Requirements You You must have previously created a number range object and an internal interval. If you want to assign NSU/SSCCs NSU/SSCCs eternally and you want the system to chec! if they lie within the valid range" you must also create an e ternal interval.
Recommendation If you do not &ant to generate s"eci'c 8SUSS00s for individual storage locations 2andor "lants3# leave t!e storage location 2andor "lant3 *lan)# saving you time and e?ort since t!ere is less information to maintain$ %ou %ou may add information to t!e individual storage location"lant entries later on if necessary$ necessary$ If t!e num*er range is not suKcient for one year 2t!e e<"ected time "eriod in t!e standard system in &!ic! no 8SUSS00 is to *e re"eated3# you can maintain additional "arameters in t!e same organi,ational unit$ 7!e num*er range o*+ect may not *e a rolling num*er range o*+ect in suc! a case$ 7!e system selects and entry in t!e 'eld Do not use?.
Further Notes 7!e system searc!es for 8SUSS00 8SUSS00 generation "arameters in t!e t!e follo&ing )ey )ey order: .$ 6lant and
storage location: t!e most detailed of t!e "ossi*le structures
5$ (are!ouse (are!ouse num*er: maintain t!e "arameters for t!is organi,ational unit in t!e ne$ 6lant: t!e same "arameters for all storage locations of one "lant$ Leave t!e Storage location 'eld *lan)$ @$ 0lient: t!e same "arameters for all "lants$ Leave t!e 6lant 'eld *lan) as &ell$ 8ote t!at t!e intervals can overla" and t!erefore t!e same num*er assignment is "ossi*le t&ice$ %ou %ou must ensure for your area t!at t!e intervals do not overla"$ *3 7!ere are t&o entries for "lant .///$
=. Call u$ the Handling Unit onitor and dis$la+ the detail data for a handling unit containing material #->%-??. a3 0!oose Logistics→ 0entral unctions unctions → Handling Unit Management→ Handling Unit Monitor$
Handling Unit onitor Use %ou %ou can use an evaluation re"ort re"ort to issue a list of !andling !andling units$ By entering selection criteria# you can limit t!e list of !andling units and t!en dis"lay t!e list using t!e ABA; 2ist @ie'er A2@$ A2@$ In t!e list itself# you can "rocess t!e selected !andling units or ma)e "osting c!anges as required$
(ntegration De"ending on t!e a""lication# you can 'nd t!e !andling ! andling unit overvie& from t!e S46 menu as follo&s: •
rom t!e S46 menu# select Logistics 0entral unctions Handling Unit Management Handling Unit Monitor$ Monitor$ In t!e S46 menu# men u# select Logistics Materials Management Material Master Ct!er Stoc) Cvervie&$ Cvervie&$ Dis"lay a material and select =nvironment Handling unit rom t!e S46 menu# select Logistics 6roduction 6roduction Handling Unit Management Re"etitive Manufacturing Bac)us! HU Management Handling Unit Monitor$
Features %ou %ou can limit t!e searc! searc! for !andling units *y using t!e follo&ing follo&ing selection criteria: criteria:
HU general data 0ontents
4ssignment to o*+ects
reely-de'ned 'elds
If you enter a material or *atc!# for e
contents# you must select t!e Search only in the ne't hi#her$level HU +quic, searcho"tion in t!e Contents section$ Ho&ever# if you c!oose t!is o"tion# you cannot ma)e any "osting c!anges &it!in t!e 4B46 list vie&er$ vie&er$ 7!e follo&ing functions functions are "ossi*le in in t!e list t!at a""ears:
Dis"laying !andling units =diting !andling units
Deleting !andling units
Ma)ing "osting c!anges for t!e stoc) category for all materials in a !andling unit 2from *loc)ed to unlimited-use# for e
Dis"laying a !andling units !istory
Dis"laying c!ange documents for a !andling unit
Ma)ing status c!anges 2*loc)un*loc) a !andling unit3
2ist dis$la+ 7!e follo&ing o"tions o"tions are availa*le availa*le for dis"laying t!e t!e selected !andling units: .$ Handling Handling units units &it! &it! cumulat cumulated ed materia materiall items items In t!e dual-level 4B46 List ie&er# t!e 2!ig!est-level3 !andling unit a""ears in t!e !eader line and t!e material items are cumulated according to material in t!e material lines$ 5$ Handling Handling unit !ierarc!y !ierarc!y &it! &it! totals and au3 0umulated quantity of material to *e "ac)ed 2@3$ 7!is setting results in t!e follo&ing: o
4s soon as a !andling unit &!ose quantity of material to *e "ac)ed 2@3 is di?erent from t!at of t!e "revious !andling units a""ears in t!e HU ..
list# t!e 'rst su*total is calculated 2O3$ 7!is 'rst su*total indicates t!e amount of grou"ed HUs u" to t!is "oint$ 4s soon as a !andling unit &!ose load carrier 2>3 is di?erent from t!at of t!e "revious !andling units a""ears in t!e HU list# t!e second su*total is calculated 2OO3$ 7!is second su*total indicates t!e num*er of HUs t!at &ere grou"ed u" to t!is "oint$ 4s soon as a !andling unit &!ose material 253 is di?erent from t!at of t!e "revious !andling units a""ears in t!e HU list# t!e t!ird su*total is calculated 2OOO3$ 7!is t!ird su*total indicates t!e amount of grou"ed HUs u" to t!is "oint$ 4t t!e end of t!e list# t!e total amount 2@3 of HUs is ta)en as t!e fourt! su*total 2OOOO3$ or e
>$ Single Single-le -level vel list list of !andli !andling ng units units 7!e single-level 4B46 List List ie&er dis"lay dis"lay is suita*le for dis"laying dis"laying !andling units t!at contain only one material$ 7!e material and quantity are dis"layed for eac! !andling unit$ or !andling units containing more t!an one material# t!e &ord MIN a""ears$ %ou cannot ma)e any "osting c!anges in t!is dis"lay format$ *3 0!oose &'ecute$ c3 Select t!e !andling unit and c!oose Display Selected HUs $