This is a sample DLL in Oral COmmunication in COntext
Sample lesson plan.
Sample lesson plan.
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Advanced Animation, de Preston Blair
Pompage au fil du soleil ( nota: il faut la télécharger l'animation afin de la mieux visualiser !)
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OB,ECTIVES A . C on ont en ent S ta ta nd nda rd rd s B. erformance Standards C.
Learning ng Competenci Competencies es ! "#$ecti "#$ectives ves %rite the LC code for each II. CONTENT III. III. LEARN LEARNING ING RESO RESORCE RCES S A. 1eferences -. Teacher2 eacher2s Guide d e pages pages . Learner 2s 3aterials pages 8. Te9t# e9t#oo oo:: pages pages 4. Additional onal 3ateria 3aterials ls from learning learning resource resourcess 'L1/ portal portal B. "ther "ther Lear Learnin ningg 1esou 1esource rcess IV. IV. -ROC -ROCED EDR RES ES A. 1eviewing 1eviewing previou previouss lesson lesson or presenti presenting ng the new lesson lesson B. (sta (sta#l #lis ishi hing ng a pur purpo pose se for for the the less lesson on C. resent resenting ing e9ampl e9amples es ! instan instances ces of the the new new lesson e sson D. Discus Discussin singg new conce concepts pts and and practi practicin cingg new s:ill s:ills =(. Discussing Discussing new new concepts concepts and practic practicing ing new s:ulls s:ulls = = 0. Develo Developin pingg maste mastery ry 'loa 'loads ds to to forma formativ tivee Asse Assessm ssment ent 8/ G. 0inding 0inding practical cal applicati ication on concepts concepts and s:ills ls in daily living >. 3a:ing generali?ati i?ations ons and a#strac a#stractions tions a#out a#out the lesson &. (valuating u ating learni learning ng @. Additional onal activiti activities es for applic application ation or or remediatio remediationn V. RE3AR4S VI. VI. RE5L RE5LEC ECTI TION ON A. B.
*o of learners learners who who earned earned 7 in evaluati evaluation. on. *o. of learners learners who reuire reuire additional tional activities activities for remediatio remediationn who score #elow 7. C. Did the remedi remedial al lesson lesson wor:; wor:; *o. of learners earners who have have caught up with the lesson. D. *o. of learner learnerss who continu continuee to reuire reuire remediati remediation on (. %hich of my teachi teaching ng strategi strategies es wor:ed wor:ed well; well; 0. %hat difficulties fficulties did did & encounter encounter which which my princi principal pal or supervisor can help me solve; G. %hat innovatio innovationn or locali?ed locali?ed materials als did & use!discov use!discover er which & wish to share with other teachers;
School Teacher Teaching ng Dates and Time
BAHILE NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Emelyn T. Aborot Se!tember 1"#1$% 2&1' (1&)&& * 12)&& am+
Grade Level Learning Areas Quarter
Grade 11 TVL Anmaton I
T he he l ea ea rn rn er er d em emo ns nst ra ra te te s a n u nd nde rs rs ta ta nd nd ing of of t he he c on on ce ce pt pt s a nd nd u nd nd er er ly in g p riri nc nc ip le s o f p re re pa pa riri ng ng a nd nd i nt nt er erp re re titin g t ec ec hn hn ica l d ra ra wi wi ng ng s i n an im at at io n. n. The learner independently and accurately prepares and interprets technical drawing
LO') -re!are and Inter!ret Te/nal Dra0n (ID+ &nterpret Technical Drawing 'TL()&CTA*+,-&D,&h,/ 0lowchart interpretation 'Basic Sym#ols used in flow charting/ Curriculum Guide a ge 45 , 6 7
&n this picture picture presented presented can you you identify identify what what is this; this; Afte Afterr the the pict pictur uree is is ide ident ntif ifyy< :in :indl dlyy sit sitee its its purp purpos ose; e; %hy %hy do do we we nee needd to to :no :now w a#o a#out ut flowch o wchar art; t; resen resentt a pict picture ure of diff differe erent nt flow flowcha chart rt tool tools and and sym#o sym#ols ls resen resentt and discu discuss ss the the flowcha flowchart rt tools tools and and sym#ol sym#olss &ndivi &ndividually d ually create create a &n your daily life< how can you apply those measurement we discuss and perform; >ow is it important that we :now how the o#$ects is measure; %hy it is need to :now the measure of o#$ects ! things #efore using; %ritten t ten e9am e9am of -7 items. items.