AMERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE PLACEMENT TEST Form 5R PART I - LISTENING Directions for questions -!5" #ou $i%% &e'r questions on t&e test t'(e" Se%ect t&e one correct 'ns$er) ') *) c) or + 'n+ m'r, our 'ns$er s&eet" DO NOT .RITE ON T/E TEST 0OO1LET" " '" *%'c, 2" '" ' s%o(e *" $oo% *" ' %',e c" (%'stic c" ' (%'ne +" sm'%% +" ' s,i !" '" ' *o3 4" '" It mi3es fue%" *" ' &'t *" It me'sures fue%" c" ' circ%e c" It c&ec,s fue%" +" ' $'%% +" It +e%iers fue%" 6" '" A(ri% " '" sto((in7 c'rs * " 8une * " *re',in7 stores c" Noem*er c" turnin7 $&ee%s +" Se(tem*er +" +r'inin7 $'ter 9" '" Tues+' !" '" t&e %'m( s&'+e Mon+' *" t&e %o$est ('rt b. c" T&urs+' c" t&e %i7&t bulb +" Fri+' +" t&e cor+ 5. a. 5!4 6" '" to t&e kitchen *" 6!4 *" to to t&e %'un+r c" 9!4 c" to t&e *oo,store +" !!!4 +" to t&e s,'tin7 rin, :" '" co%+ 9" '" in t&e ,itc&en *" ('st *" 't t&e c's& re7ister c" Decem*er c" on t&e counter +" S'tur+' +" in t&e se'tin7 're' ;" '" t&e P'cific Oce'n 5" '" #es) I %i,e t&em" *" t&e C'ri**e'n Se' *" #es) t&e 're frien+s" c" L',e Mic&i7'n c" #es) t&e %oo, t&e d. t&e Gu%f of Mexico samed. d. Yes, t&e $i%% 7o on <" '" some (eo(%e ' tri(" *" most (eo(%e c" t$o (eo(%e :" '" *u some me+icine *" see a +octor d. '%% (eo(%e c" 7et ' (ri i' 'te ro room +" 7ie so some &e &e%(
5R " ;" '" 7o to ' r'ce *" re(ort to t&e comm'n+er c" $'tc& ' ('r'+e " ester+'" +" re'+ ' ne$s('(er <" '" ' %i7&t t&'t *urns" ste'+i% *" ' er *ri7&t %i7&t c" +im %i7&t +" '%i7&t t&'t turns on 'n+ off 2" '" t&e si>e of t&e *o3 *" t&e form of t&e *o3
c" +" !4"
'" *" c"
t&e co%or oft&e *o3 t&e m',e of t&e *o3 in ' s&o((in7 center in 'n 're' of (ri'te &omes in ' %'r7e mote% +" in ' sm'%% '('rtment &ouse
!!" '" #es) it $i%% *e e'r%" *" No) it $on=t *e %'te" c" #es) it c'me +" No) it is ' (ri'te (%'ne !6" '" I &'e seer'% coins" *" I $ei7& 54 (oun+s" c" I &'e e'ten 9 times to+'" +" I &'e c&'n7e+ rooms m'n times" !9" '" #es) I $ou%+ %i,e to correct it" *" #es) I $ou%+ %i,e to +estro it" c" #es) I %i,e t&e si>e of t&e ('(er" +" #es) I *ou7&t t&e ('(er to use &ere"
!5" '" No) &e $on=t *e smo,in7 !" '" * %oo,in7 't it soon" *" * +riin7 i t b. No,&e isn=t ge t t i ng c" * ('in7 for it use+ to smo,in7" +" * re('irin7 it c" #es) &e uses ci7'rettes $&en &e smo,es" +" #es) *ut &e +oesn=t smo,e no$" Directions for questions !:-54" "#ou $i%% no$ &e'r st'tements on t&e test t'(e" Se%ect t&e one correct 'ns$er ') *) c) or + 'n+ m'r, our 'ns$er s&eet" !:" '" Contro% t&e c%'ss" !2" '" I $'nt ou to 7o" *" Le'e t&e c%'ss" *" I +on=t $'nt ou to 7o" c" Stu+ t&e c%'ss" c" I *e%iee ou $i%% 7o" +" Dismiss t&e c%'ss" +" I t&in, ou c'n=t +'nce" !;" '" It %oo,s %i,e it is 64" '" T&e 're re%i'*%e" sno$in7" *" T&e $or, * t&emse%es" *" It is sno$in7 outsi+e" c" T&e 're (o(u%'r" c"It $i%% *e sno$in7" +" T&e 're er %'r7e" +"It ri7&t sno$" 6" '" /e +i+n=t 7et 'n mone" !<" '"I $on=t c'%% ou" *" /e 7ot e3tr' mone" *"I=m sure t&'t I=%% c'%%" c" /e 7ot ?ust enou7& mone" c" I $i%% c'%% tomorro$ ni7&t" +" /e +i+n=t 7et enou7& +" I=%% tr to c'%%" mone"
ALCPT Form 6!" '" /e *" /e c" /e +" /e 66"
/e %ost &is mone" /e %ost &is *'%%" 9!" /e fe%% +o$n" %ie $'%,e+ +o$n t&e ste(s"
/e is ' 7oo+ +rier" Heis ' c'refu% +rier" /e +ries to $or," /e c'n=t +rie to $or,"
c" +"
not $or,in7" sic," out of to$n" moin7 &is f'mi%"
'" *" c " +"
5R is is is is
/e sto(s s%ee(in7 't seen" *" /e is 's%ee( 't seen" c" /e e'ts 't seen" +" /e t',es ' *'t& 't seen"
'"/e %i,es foo+s out of t&e 7'r+en" *" /e %i,es ' %ot of foo+" c" /e %i,es er s$eet foo+s" +" /e %i,es +ifferent ,in+s of foo+s
'"/e 7ets to c%'ss quic,%" *" /e is %'te to c%'ss most of t&e time" c" /e 7ets to c%'ss on time once in ' $&i%e" +" /e 7ets to c%'ss on time most of t&e time" '"8ones t&in,s En7%is& is e's" * " /e t&in,s it is &'r+ to %e'rn" c" /e t&in,s it is ' +e'+ %'n7u'7e" +"/e t&in,s it is +ifferent"
'" *" c" +" '"
/e is ' 7oo+ +rier" I-e is ' 7oo+ s'ri-mor" /e is ' 7oo+ f't&er" %ie is > 7oo+ stu+ent" S&e $'s not intereste+ in
* " It $'s e3citin7" c" S&e $'s im(resse+ $it& it" +" S&e %i,es %on7 moies"
'"It +oesn=t &'e muc& (o$er * "I t $on=t 7o u( t&e &i%%" c" It $on=t 7o *'c,$'r+" +" It $on=t *e7in runnin7"
i t .
'" T&e cre$ st'e+ in t&e (%'ne" *" T&e cre$ m'+e re('irs" c" T&e cre$ %eft t&e (%'ne" +" T&e cre$ m'+e some c&'n7e@
'" Go 'n+ see &im" *" C'%% &im on t&e (&one" c" T',e someone to see &im" +" Attr'ct &is 'ttention" '" *" c"
/e *'s %itt%e mone no$" /e &'s too muc& c&'n7e" /e &'s more mone t&'n usu'%" +" /e &'s ' %ot of c's& 't (resent"
'" *" c" stu+" +"
/e $i%% re'+ eer ('7e" /e re'+ '%% t&e ('7es" /e +i+n=t re'+ eer ('7e" /e re'+ not&in7 in t&e *oo,"
'"T&e motor coo%s off too) f'st" *" T&e motor *ecomes too &ot" c" T&e motor runs too s%o$" +" T&e motor uses too muc& oi%" 9; " '" #ou must stu+" *" #ou must &'e t&e stu+ents stu+" c" #ou must stu+ $it& t&e stu+ents" +" #our stu+ents
ALCPT Form 5R 9<" '" #ou +o not nee+ ' &'ircut t&is $ee," *" #ou s&ou%+ 7et ' &'ircut" c" #our &'ir is too s&ort" +" /'ircuts 're *etter t&is $ee," 92"
54" )'" Foo+ m' *e ,e(t in ' refri7er'tor" *" Foo+ m' *e *ou7&t in ' store" c" Foo+ stores *u refri7er'tor +" #ou c'n *u it 't t&e foo+ store"
/e %i,e+ to s$im" /e $ent s$immin7 $it& t&e (eo(%e" c" /e continue+ &e%(in7 t&e s$immers" +" /e continue+ to %oo, 't t&e s$immers" Directions for questions 5-:4" #ou $i%% no$ &e'r +i'%o7s on t&e test t'(e Select the one correct answer a, h, r, or d, ,and mark your answer 5" '" &'e ' s$eet 5:" a .moe for$'r+ *" &'e somet&in7) %i7&t *" retre't c" &'e ' &ot drink fire c. +" &'e ' fu%% me'% +" re%'3 5!" '" none 5;" '" ' senior ?o* *" fie *" 'n e3ce%%ent one c" t$ent-fie c" ' tem(or'r one +" no one ,no$s +" ' ?o* for %ife 56" '" It $'s too ri7i+" 5<" a.
'" *"
risin7 " *" It $'s too 'rtifici'%" c" It $'s too soft" +" It $'s too +irt"
59" '" stu+ t&em *" f'stenin7 t&em" c" %oosenin7 t&em +" remoin7 t&em 55" '" *" %i7&t
c. +'n7erous
*" 7oin7 f'ster c" f%in7 %ee% +" 7oin7 +o$n '" se('r'tin7 t&em
*" o*e t&em c"+iso*e t&em +" re$rite t&em '" *enefici'%" :4" 8o&n is 'n7r $it& &er" * " 8o&n &'s t&e s'me o(inion
's s&e" +" concentr'te+ c" 8o&n &'s ' +ifferent o(inion) +" 8o&n +oesn=t c're to s' = 'nt&in7" T/IS IS T/E END 4f T/E LISTENING PART OF T/E TEST"
ALCPT Form 5R -PART II - READING Directions for questions :-44" C&oose t&e one correct 'ns$er ') *) c) or +) 'n+ m'r, our 'ns$er s&eet" DO NOT WRITE ON TE TEST !OO"#ET. :" T&e c%er, +i+n=t *rin7BBBBBBBBBBB m'i% to+'" ' " t$o *" some c" no +" 'n :!" I 'm Intereste+BBBBBBBBBBB"" meetin7 our frien+" '" of *" for c" in +" * :6" .e cou%+ not stu+ *ec'use $e $ere +istur*e+BBBBBBBBBBBBBBt&e %ou+ noise" '" from *" * c" for +" '*oe :9" /e 'cce(te+ t&e init'tionBBBBBBBBBBBB (%e'sure" '" from *" * c" $it& +" in :5" T&e tem(er'ture $ent *e%o$ t&eBBBBBBBBBBB"" (oint t&is mornin7" '" fro>en * fro>e c" free>in7 +" free>e ::" T&e (%'ne is f%in7BBBBBBBBBBBB t&e 'ir *'se" '" *et$een *" 'mon7 c" oer +" un+er :;" .e mustBBBBBBBBBBBB+rie ' c'r $it&out ' %icense" '" '%$'s *" neer c" usu'%% +" (er&'(s 5
ALCPT Form 5R :<" .i%% Mr" Co%e 7o to t&e *'r*ers&o( to+' " No )/e BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ' " $on= t *" +oesn=t c" $ou%+n=t +" &'sn=t :2" M'n of t&e stu+ents 'reBBBBBBBBBBBB"to see so muc& 'ctiit on t&e f%i7&t %ine" '" sur(rise *" sur(risin7 c" sur(rises +" sur(rise+ ;4" .& +i+ t&ose stu+ents insist onBBBBBBBBBBB"eert&in7 '" *" c" +"
+i+ +one to%+ +oin7
Doctors s' t&'tBBBBBBBBBBBBB ' " $'%, &" $'%,e+ c" $'%,in7
is ' er 7oo+ e3ercise"
+" $'%,s T&e 0ro$ns en?oBBBBBBBBBB" to t&e t&e'ter"
a.t og o b.gone c .g oi ng ;6"
+" 7o T&e s t udenthad………………………t oamee t i ngl as tni ght .
'" to gone *" $ent c" to 7o +" 7oin7 Mr" 0%'c,=s c'r is ne$) *ut oursBBBBBBBBBBBBB '" is too *" isn=t c" isn=t eit&er +" is ne$ .& +i+ S'm 7o to t&e 'ir(ort '" to *o'r+ t&e s&i( *" to meet &is frien+=s (%'ne c" to 7et ' &'ircut +" to see t&e f'ctor
ALCPTFor m 5R 76.Joei sgoi ngt ot hebarber shop.Why? a.t oge tahai r c ut b.t oha v eadr i nk c .t og e thi ss ui tpr e s s ed d.t odosomeshoppi ng . . 77. I tt akesfif t ee nmi nut est ore cor d, t het ape. a .Ther e c o r di ngwi l ls t ar ti n15mi nut e s . b.Ther ecor di ngi s15mi nut esl ong. c.Thet apespeedi s15f eetpermi nut e. d.Thet aper ec or derc anbeuse di n15mi nut es. 78. Thedr i v erhadt omakeani mmedi at ede ci si on. a.Hehadt omakeadeci si onatonce . b.Hemadeadi ffic ul tdeci si on. c.Hewassl ow i nmaki ngadeci si on. d.Theprobl em r equi r ednodeci si on. 79. Thehe a dq uar t e r sbui l di ngi sne x tt ot hel a bbui l di ng . a.I ti sac r o ssf r o gt hel abbui l di ng . b.I ti sbesi det hel abbui l di ng. c .I ti sne art hel abbui l di ng . d.I ti sabov et hel abbui l di ng. _. 80. Peopl eshoul dn' tgoouti nt her ai nwi t houtar ai ncoat . a.Theymustgoouti nt her ai n. b.The yshoul dgoouti nt her ai n. c . .The yo ug htno tt og oo utwi t ho utar a i nc o at . d.Theyoughtt ogooutwi t houtarai ncoat . 81. Fal li smyf av or i t es eas on. a.I t ' st hese as ont hat. Il i ket hel e as t . b.I t ' st heseasont hatev er ybodyl i kes. c .I t ' st hese as ont hatIdi s l i ke . d.I t ' st hes eas ont hatIl i ket hebe s t . 82. Thes t udent sar epr ovi dedwi t ht heuseofal i brar yont hebase. a.Thes t ude nt sma yut i l i z et he l i br a r y . b.St udent smaynotgot ot hel i br ar y . c .St ude nt sf ur ni s hal i br ar yf o rt hebas e . d.St ude nt sar eal l o we dt ohi r eal i br a r y . 83. Thedrugs t or ei sopposi t et hebar ber shop. a.I ti sne x tdo ort ot hebar be r s ho p. b.I ti sdi ffer entf r om t hebar ber shop. c .I ti sac r o sst hes t r e e tf r o mt hebar be r s ho p. d.I ti sbe hi ndt heba r be r s ho p.
ALCPT Form 5R <9" T&e (i%ot of 'n 'ircr'ft must concentr'te on &is f%in7" '" /e must +o '%% &is f%in7 't once" *" /e s&ou%+ *e t',en off f%in7 eer e'r" c" /e must 7ie '%% of &is 'ttention to f%in7" d. /e must re%'3 &is 'ttention to f%in7" <5" 8oe +oesn=t %i,e to 7o to t&e moies" '" 8oe +is%i,es t&e moies" *" 8oe (refers 7oin7 to t&e moies * &imse%f" c" 8oe $'nts com('n $&en &e 7oes to t&e moies" +" 8oe +oesn=t %i,e to 7o to %on7 moies" <:" T&e *us +rier s'i+ $e $ere comin7 to Tent& Street" '" T&ere is no *us sto( 't Tent& Street" *" /e s'i+ $e cou%+ 7et on 't Tent& Street" c" T&e *us &'+ ?ust ('sse+ Tent& Street" +" Tent& Street is t&e ne3t street" <;" T&e 7ot ' 7oo+ +e'% $&en t&e *ou7&t t&e &ouse" '" T&e &ouse is quite %'r7e" *" T&ere is ' %ot of %'n+ 'roun+ t&e &ouse" c" T&e (urc&'se (rice $'s f'ir% &i7&" +" T&e *ou7&t t&e &ouse 't ' f'or'*%e (rice" <<" Don=t t',e c&'nces - use s'fet *e%ts" '" .it& s'fet *e%ts) 'cci+ents 're %ess serious" *" .it& s'fet *e%ts) 'cci+ents 're more %i,e% to &'((en" c" Don=t use s'fet *e%ts" +" S'fet *e%ts 're not require+" <2" T&e instructor $rote ' (ro*%em on t&e c&'%,*o'r+ 'n+ 's,e+ ' stu+ent to $or, it out" '" T&e instructor 's,e+ t&e stu+ent to (resent ' (ro*%em" *" T&e stu+ent $'s 's,e+ to so%e t&e (ro*%em" c" T&e stu+ent 's,e+ t&e instructor to t',e t&e (ro*%em out" +" T&e instructor $'nte+ t&e (ro*%em to rem'in unso%e+" 24" T&ere 're four m'in $'s to tr'e% in t&e Unite+ St'tes" ' f'st *" c&e'( c" (rinci('% d. +ifferent 2" /e m'+e ' resume of t&e meetin7" '" st'rt * (icture c" c'use +" summ'r < .
ALCPT Form 5R 2!" /is *e&'ior %'st $ee, $'s e3ce%%ent" '" con+uct .......................................... * " %e'e c" tr'e% +" %uc, 26" .e +on=t 7et use+ to ne$ roo+s er quic,%" '" fin+ m'n *" for7et e" *ecome 'ccustome+ to +" use &'. (ary $'s t&ri%%e+ +urin7 t&e f%i7&t" '" c'%m * s%ee( c" s'+ +" e3cite+ 25" E%ectricit is con+ucte+ t&rou7& $ires" '" c'rrie+ *" *ou7&t c" teste+ +" $ire+ 2:" /e spoker'(i+%) *ut t&e stu+ents cou%+ un+erst'n+ hi m wel l . '" c%e'r% .$ ow c" f'st +" interestin7% 2;" /e usu'%% 7ets u( *efore noon" '" %e'es &is *e+ *" &'s %unc& c" %e'es t&e t'*%e +" 7oes to $or, 2<" #ou s&ou%+ isit our +octor re7u%'r%" '" for s&ots *" 't once c" 't fi3e+ inter'%s of time +" $&en ou 're sic, 22" C&oose t&e correct sentence '" Does in t&e f'mi% eerone ,no$ &o$ to +rie *" Does eerone ,no$ in t&e f'mi% &'$ to +rie c" Does eerone ,no$ &o$ is t&e f'mi% to +rie +" Does eerone in t&e f'mi% ,no$ &o$ to +rie
ALCPT Form 5R 'r 44" C&oose t&e correct sentence '" "Do ou ,no$ $&en $e $i%% 7o to t&e ne3t *'se * " Do ou ,no$ $&en $i%% $e to t&e ne3t *'se 7o c" Do ou ,no$ $&en $i%% $e 7o to t&e ne3t *'se +" Do ou ,no$ $&e $i%% 7o $e to t&e ne3t *'se TIS IS TE END O) TE .TEST. *+