ALCPT 70 1 - Do you have a large car? a) No No,, it's it's no nott very very ig ig!! ) No, it's it's not not very very co"#o co"#orta rtale le!! c) No, it's it's not not very very color color#ul! #ul! $) No, No, it's it's not not ver very y #ast #ast!! % - &hat $o you #in$ in the sorts section o# a ne(saer? a) oli oliti tica call ne( ne(s s ) #o #oot ota allll ne ne(s (s c) #unnies $) (ant a$ a$s - *y chair is "a$e "a$e o# alu"inu"! &hat &hat is it "a$e o#? a) stro strong ng las lasti tic c ) stro trong clo cloth th c) li ligh ghtt "eta "etall $) ligh lightt (oo$ oo$ + - This is a $angerous intersection! &hy is it $angerous? a) There There is is very very litt little le tra# tra##ic #ic!! ) There are "any "any eol eole e an$ heav heavy y tra##ic! tra##ic! c) nly nly eol eole e use use the the stree streets! ts! $) The sun al(ays al(ays shine shines s there! there! - .irth is the eginning o# li#e! &hat is the en$ o# li#e? a) "arri rriage ) $eath c) illness $) shoc/ - *aria (rote ho"e t(ice last (ee/! a) he has (ri (ritte tten n t(o t(o lette letters! rs! ) he sent sent only only one one lette letterr last last (ee/! (ee/! c) he sent sent #our #our lett letters ers ho"e ho"e last last (ee/ (ee/!! $) he he (il (illl (ri (rite te ho"e ho"e!! 7 - *ary #orgot the na"e o# one o# her #rien$s! a) he (rote (rote $o(n $o(n the the na"e! na"e! 1
) he al(a al(ays ys re"e" re"e"er ere$ e$ the the na"e! na"e! c) he reeate$ reeate$ the na"e na"e alou$ alou$ several several ti"es! ti"es! $) he $i$ not not re"e" re"e"er er the the na"e na"e!! 2 - *rs! 3ac/son sea/s 4nglish! *rs! "ith $oes, too! a) *rs! *rs! "ith "ith $oesn' $oesn'tt sea/ sea/ 4ngli 4nglish! sh! ) *rs! *rs! "ith "ith sea/s sea/s t(o t(o langu language ages! s! c) .o .oth th sea sea/ / 4ng 4nglis lish! h! $) *rs! 3ac/so 3ac/son n un$erstan un$erstan$s $s 4nglish 4nglish ut ut $oesn't $oesn't sea/ sea/ it! 5- The little girl ha$ a role" (hen she she trie$ to tie her shoes! a) 6t (as (as easy easy #or her her to tie tie her her shoes! shoes! ) 6t (as $i# $i##icult #icult #or her her to tie tie her shoe shoes! s! c) he li/e$ li/e$ to tie her shoes shoes!! $) he $isli/ $isli/e$ e$ tyin tying g her her shoes! shoes!
10 - T(o o# the teachers etinguishe$ the #ire! a) Th They ey u utt out out the the #ire #ire!! ) They They sta start rte$ e$ the the #ir #ire! e! c) They They loo loo/e /e$ $ #or #or the the #ire #ire!! $) They They re reor orte te$ $ the #ire #ire!! 11 - 8ose 4llen ro/e her "irror! he coul$n't 999999! a) tal/ tal/ to anyo anyone ne ) rea$ rea$ her her oo oo/ / c) see her ers sel el# # $) tell ti"e i"e 1%- 6:" (aiting #or "y rother rother to arrive! &hat &hat a" 6 (aiting #or? a) "y rot rothe herr to to $ri $rive ve ) "y ro roth ther er to to get get he here re c) "y rothe rotherr to to star startt eati eating ng $) "y rot rother her to sto sto tal/in tal/ing g 1 - The only ainting 6 li/e$ cost #i#ty $ollars! 4ach o# the other aintings (as hal# that rice! &hat (as the rice o# the other aintings? a) ;%!00 ) ;0!00 2
c) ;7!00 $) ;100!00 1+- &hy are you so serious? a) ecause this is very i"ortant ) ecau ecause se the the gras grass s is green green c) eca ecaus use e 6'" 6'" laug laughi hing ng $) eca ecaus use e 6'" 6'" s"o/ s"o/in ing g 1 -
a) so they they (oul$ (oul$ e (ort (orth h "ore "ore ) so they they (ou (oul$ l$ e sec secure ure c) so they they (oul (oul$ $ shi shine ne $) so the they y (oul (oul$ $ ea ean$ n$ %1 - 6 hear that your sister is living in 4nglan$! Do you correson$ (ith her? a) >es, 6 li/e li/e to to visit visit ther there! e! ) >es, the the eole eole are #rien$ly #rien$ly!! c) >es, 6 (rite (rite a lett letter er every every (ee/ (ee/!! $) >es, the the lane lane tic/et tic/et is is eensiv eensive! e! %% - 3enny #ille$ out the alication! &hat $i$ she $o? a) h he e co" co"l let ete$ e$ it! ) he he $es $estr troy oye$ e$ it! c) he los lost it! it! $) he he "ai "aile le$ $ it! it! % -
%7- ur guests guests staye$ staye$ overnight! overnight! a) They They sta staye ye$ $ all all night night!! ) They They neve neverr le#t le#t thei theirr ho"e! ho"e! c) They They stay staye$ e$ until until "i$n "i$nigh ight! t! $) They They (ent (ent ho"e ho"e late late!!
%2 - 3oe (as loo/ing #or a (ay to si"li#y his @o! a)
a) &e lan lan to to arri arrive ve lat late! e! ) &e $on't $on't li/e li/e to to arrive arrive late late!! c) &e never never arri arrive ve late late at nigh night! t! $) &e "ust "ust arriv arrive e late late at at nigh night! t! +- 3ohn as/e$,
7 - The air"en (al/e$ into the o##ice (ith his hat on! a)
ou' ou've ve ers ersua$ ua$e$ e$ "e! ) >ou've ou've "a$e "a$e "e $isli/ $isli/e e you! you! c) >ou've ou've "a$e "a$e "e #orget #orget thin things! gs! $) >ou've ou've $eceiv $eceive$ e$ "e! ++ - The store ut a nu"er o# things on sale! &hat $i$ they $o? a) ut ut the" the" outs outsi$ i$e e ) lo(e lo(ere re$ $ the the r ric ices es c) /et /et ric rices es the the sa" sa"e e $) sto stoe e$ $ sell sellin ing g + - &e turne$ o## the (ater! a) 6t sto sto e$ e$ ru runn nnin ing! g! ) 6t star starte te$ $ to to run run!! c) &e "a$e "a$e itit run run #ast #aster er!! $) &e #org #orgot ot to to sto sto it! it!
+ - *y #ather (or/s #or a lu"er co"any! co"any! &here $oes he (or/? a) in a li lira rary ry ) in a #ore res st c) in a la laor orat ator ory y $) in a ce" ce"e etery tery +7 - Tools Tools shoul$ e rotecte$ against "oisture! &hat shoul$ they e rotecte$ against? $ry (eather a) $a"ness ) oil oil an$ an$ grea grease se c) i"r i"ro oe er use use +2-
c) a$"i a$"ini nist stra rati tion on $) stati tatist stic ics s - ergeant
- 6:" running short o# cash this (ee/! a) 6'" loo/in loo/ing g #or #or a lost lost chec/! chec/! ) 6'" runnin running g to to the the an/! an/! c) 6'" gettin getting g lots lots o# o# "one "oney y! $) 6'" gettin getting g lo( lo( on "on "oney ey!! - >ou >ou "ust tell the attorney nothing ut the truth! a) Tell hi" hi" art art o# the the trut truth! h! ) Tell hi" hi" noth nothing ing at all! all! c) Tell ell hi" hi" all all lie lies! s! $) Tell hi" hi" only only the tru truth! th! 7- *= &hat &hat ti"e is it? &= 6t:s eleven o:cloc/! *= 6 (ish it (ere ti"e to eat! What does the man mean?
Why can’t the woman see anything?
a) 6t is to too o $ar $ar/! /! ) 6t is is too too rig right ht!! c) he he is is too too shor short! t! $) he is lin$ lin$!! 5 - *= Do you (ant a glass o# (ater? &= >es, >es, ut 6:$ li/e li /e so"e ice in it, lease! Why does the woman probably want ice?
a) he (ants (ants the the (ater (ater to to e #res #resh! h! ) he (ants (ants the the (ater (ater to to e col$ col$!! c) he (ants (ants the (ater to have have ul ules es in it! $) he (an (ants ts the the (ater (ater to e e clear clear!! 0 - &= &here are (e going on our vacation? *= 6 $on:t /no(! /no(! 6t:s u to you! What did he tell her?
a) he "us "ustt "a/e "a/e the the $eci $ecisio sion! n! ) he "ust "ust go go on a vacat vacation ion!! c) he he "ust "ust go go y hers hersel el#! #! $) he "ust "ust sto sto oth otheri ering ng hi"! hi"! 1 - *= &oul$ you ass this in#or"ation on to *r! .roo/s? &= >es, 6:ll e gla$ to! What will she do?
a) give give *r! *r! .roo/s .roo/s the the in#or" in#or"ati ation on ) evaluate evaluate the in#or"a in#or"ation tion #or *r *r! .roo/s .roo/s c) tye tye the in#o in#or"a r"atio tion n #or *r *r! .roo/s .roo/s d) /ee *r! .roo/s #ro" getting the in#or"ation
% - &= &hen (ill you egin, ran/? *= As soon as the "icrohone is rea$y! What is Frank probably going to do?
a) gi giv ve a ta tal/ l/ ) ta/e ta/e a ic ictu ture re c) loo/ loo/ at the the sta stars rs $) "a/e "a/e a tel tele eho hone ne cal calll 10
- &= Can you tell "e (hat (hat the co"ass says? *= No, 6:" still trying to rea$ it! What does the woman want to know?
a) the the te" te"er erat atur ure e ) th the e $ire $irect ctio ion n c) the the $is $ista tanc nce e $) the the air air se see$ e$ + - *= 6:" loo/ing #or an article on reventive "e$icine! &=
a) (ait (aitin ing g #or #or an artic article le ) lanni lanning ng to to (rite (rite an an artic article le c) se sear arch chin ing g #or #or an arti articl cle e $) rea$ rea$in ing g an an arti articl cle e - &here are (e going to ca"? *= There:s a goo$ lace over y those ig trees! tr ees! What will they do?
a) rest rest #or #or an an hou hour r ) ta/e ta/e so"e so"e ict ictur ures es c) slee slee over overni nigh ghtt $) eat eat a ig ig lun lunch ch - &= Attention, shoers, (e have a lue light secial #or you in our ca"era $eart"ent! or the net ten "inutes only, you can receive a #ree hoto alu" (ith the urchase o# any $igital ca"era at regular rice! That:s a lue light secial in our ca"era $eart"ent #or the net ten "inutes only! The announcer sai$ that 999999 10 "inutes! a) $igita $igitall ca"era ca"eras s are on sale sale #or #or ) the ca"e ca"era ra $ear $eart"e t"ent nt close closes s in c) lue lue light lights s are are on secia seciall #or $) the there' re's sas sec ecial ial o##e o##err #or #or 7- Teas has 999999 roa$s than Neva$a! a) the "ost ) the sa"e c) "ore $) li/e 11
2- 999999 $ay is to$ay? a) &hat ) &ho c) That $)
c) ro/en $) rea/ 7- Tonight, 99999 (e go $o(nto(n (ith you? a) "ay ) are c) have $) er"it 7- The letter 99999 yester$ay! yester$ay! a) (a (as s "a "ail ile$ e$ ) "aile$ c) "ails $) (as (as "a "ailin iling g 77- 6 (ill e at the "eeting i# 6 99999 get a(ay! a) ought to to ) (ill c) "ight $) can 72- *any o# our liraries, esecially in s"aller cities, (ere "a$e ossile y An$re( Carnegie! Carnegie! .orn in cotlan$, he ca"e to the Enite$ tates (hen he (as thirteen!
20- .ill re#use$ to give u, so he tire$ to oen the $oor 99999! a) e#ore ) also 13
c) into $) again 21- To learn so"ething y yoursel# "eans to 99999! a) stu$y stu$y or or racti ractice ce (ith (ith #rie #rien$s n$s ) leav leave e itit alo alone ne c) learn learn y seci secial al class classes es $) le lear arn n it (i (ith thou outt hel hel 2%- 3ac/ ha$ to insert i nsert a ne( sheet o# aer! aer! a) uy ) re"ove c) echange $) ut in 2- 6'$ li/e to go to the air sho( net (ee/, ut 6 can't "a/e it! a) 6'" going going to the the air air sho( sho(!! ) 6 $on't $on't care care aout aout the the air air sho( sho(! c) 6 (ant (ant to go, go, ut ut 6'" going to e usy usy!! $) The air air sho( sho( too/ too/ lac lace e last last (ee/ (ee/
2+! Feorge 99999 $o etter etter (or/ in school i# he stu$ie$ har$er! har$er! a) (ill ) shall c) (oul$ $) "ust 2! Di$ you hear that 3anelle 3anelle is 99999 99999 "arry? a) aout ) aout #o #or c) aout to to $) ao aout #or #or to to 2! The NC eects eects his "en 99999 99999 the roer uni#or"! a) (ear ) e (ear (earin ing g c) to (ear 14
$) are are (a (aerin ering g 27! A#ter 99999 the sulies, sulies, he loc/e$ loc/e$ u the storage storage roo"! a) (ere (ere coun counte te$ $ ) count c) to count $) counting 22! They call hi" .art! .art! a) ou "ay /ee that shirt! a) >ou hav have e to (ea (earr it! ) >ou $on't $on't have have to retur return n it! c) >ou hav have e to ret retur urn n it! it! $) >ou $on't $on't have have to (ear (ear it! it! 51! 6t haene$ at 10 o'cloc/! a) ca"e ) (ent c) too too/ charg harge e $) to too o/ la lac ce 5%! >ou shoul$ go on sic/ call right a(ay! >ou shoul$ 99999! a) go to the the rig right ht ) go at on once c) (al/ (al/ str stra aight ight $) run a( a(ay 15
5- &hen (ill you (in$ u the @o? a) start ) #inish c) "otivate $) @oin 5+- *r! tein's iano recital (as 99999 one yet! a) th the e "os "ostt al allili$ $ ) "ost "ost all alli$ i$ c) "ore "ore all allii$ $) "ore "ore al allili$ $ than than 5- Those i""igrants 99999 t(o "onths y the #irst o# ctoer! a) shou shoul$ l$ e $eta $etain ine$ e$ ) can $eta etain c) (ill (ill have have ee een n $eta $etain ine$ e$ $) (ill (ill $eta $etain in 5- Peole in co(oy clothes (oul$ roaly loo/ out 99999 lace at a sy"hony concert! a) o# ) on c) to $) y 57- &hen (e hear$ the elosion, out #irst #i rst 99999 (as to hit the #loor! a) noise ) i"ulse c) thing $) @u" 52- &hen you loosen this nut, it (ill 99999! a) e tigh tighte tene ne$ $ ) co"e o# o## c) crac/ $) stay tay tigh tightt 55- The evi$ence resente$ y the la(yer (as not a$"iss99999! a) -ion ) -ile c) -ily 16
$) -ive 100 - *atthe( loves to 99999 aout his eloits on the #ootall #iel$! a) $istort ) utter c) oast $) i"art