1. Be sure to to use the the proper proper forms. forms. Which forms forms should should be used? used? a. the long ones b. the correct ones c. the usual ones d. the revised ones 2. He is going to the grocery grocery store. store. What What will will he buy? a. posts and wires b. milk and bread c. chairs and tables d. nails and lumber 3. ach night! night! " read read fifty pages pages in my my book. book. When do " read my book? book? a. every night b. every other night c. twice a week d. once a week #. $hey are suppo supposed sed to do the the %ob &uickly &uickly.. How are they they supposed supposed to do the the %ob? a. well b. fast c. cheaply d. &uietly '. $he instruc instructor tor said! said! (" will will be absen absentt tomorrow tomorrow.) .) a. He*ll be back tomorrow as usual. b. He doesn*t need to be absent. c. He*ll be in class early in the morning. d. He won*t be in tomorrow. +. $he airman airman walked walked to the back back of of the building. building. a. He walked to the side. b. He walked to the front. c. He walked to the center. d. He walked to the rear. ,. $he doctor doctor told told -im to eat eat more more vegetab vegetables. les. a. -im should et more beef. b. -im should eat more cherries. c. -im should eat more spinach. d. -im should eat more pastry. . We need your signature signature on this contrac contract. t. a. /lease! hold it. b. /lease! leave it at home. c. /lease! take it. d. /lease! sign your name. 第 1 頁,共 14 頁
0. $he doctor told his patients that he*d see them in a moment. a. $he doctor will see his patients in a short time. b. $he doctor will see his patients in the winter. c. $he doctor was in a hurry. d. $he doctor was leaving on a trip. 1.$hat man is a government agent. a. $hat man understands the government. b. $hat man opposes the government. c. $hat man represents the government. d. $hat man pays the government. 11. ary added the numbers. $he a. time b. product c. pressure d. total
was 12.
12.Which of these things is alive? a. a house b. an animal c. the sun d. a book 13. $he train was in motion when we %umped on. What can you say about the train? a. "t was moving. b. "t was in the station. c. "t was late. d. "t had stopped. 1#.How did that bottle get broken? a. "t was empty. b. "t was handled carefully. c. "t fell on the floor. d. "t fit in the case. 1'. erry asked! (Whose pen is this?) What did he want to know? a. the color of the pen b. what the pen cost c. the owner of the pen d. when the pen was lost 1+. 4am arrived at the theater at one but the movie didn*t begin until three. How long did he have to wait? a. 3 o*clock b. for no one c. two hours
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d. because it was late 1,. 5r. 6eslie*s %ob is to regulate the machines. What does 5r. 6eslie do? a. He makes the machines. b. He controls the machines. c. He oils the machines. d. He sells the machines. 1. 7lan doesn*t know how to operate the vending machine. What should he do first? a. pull the knobs b. insert the coins c. read the directions d. make the selections
10. $his matter re&uires immediate action. When should you act? a. in a few minutes b. after a while c. after careful thought d. right away 2." will put the parts together. What will " do? a. unite them b. put paint on them c. name the parts d. separate them into units. 21.Which of these might be made of plastic? a. a salad b. a bar of soap c. a candle d. a comb 22. $he student was looking at the rainbow. What was he looking at? a. a drop of water b. colors in the sky c. a waterproof coat d. a stub from a ticket 23.What is the highest part of a room? a. the wall b. the door c. the ceiling d. the floor 2#. $here are many caution signs along the highway. What do these signs mean? a. to drive dangerously b. to turn around
第 3 頁,共 14 頁
c. to drive carefully d. to stop at once 2'.Why do you need a water pump? a. to turn the water into steam b. to heat the water c. to get the water out of the well d. to measure the water 2+.$he little boy lied. a. He didn*t hide the shoe. b. He cried. c. He got sick. d. He didn*t tell the truth. 2,.im doesn*t like to eat alone in a restaurant. a. He en%oys eating vegetables. b. He en%oys eating with friends. c. He en%oys eating by himself. d. He en%oys eating a snack.
2. 8alph owes the bank a lot of money. 8alph is in . a. movies b. debt c. class d. transit 20. 5r. ones said! (" cannot afford a car.) What does 5r. ones mean? a. He has enough money to buy a car. b. He needs a car. c. He doesn*t have money to buy a car. d. He doesn*t need a car. 3. eorge always asks a clerk to get the item he wants. Who does eorge ask? a. the owner b. a friend c. the store manager d. a store worker 31."f she sat ne9t to me on the bus! where did she sit? a. in front of me b. behind me c. beside me d. across from me
第 4 頁,共 14 頁
32. Helen*s e9amination indicated she had several cavities. Where were the cavities found? a. in her eyes b. in her ears c. in her throat d. in her teeth 33.$his e9ample is comparable to the first one. What kind of e9amples are they? a. $hey are completely different. b. $hey aren*t related. c. $hey are very much alike. d. $hey aren*t similar at all. 3#."t rained almost everyday last month. a. "t rained during the weekend. b. "t rained every day. c. "t rained nearly every day. d. "t rained all week. 3'.$he flight attendant asked us to please move ahead in the plane. a. 4he wanted us to gather in the center. b. 4he wanted us to walk toward the front. c. 4he wanted us to sit on one side. d. 4he wanted us to show our tickets. 3+. We had to skip chapter three because there wasn*t enough time. a. We read it thoroughly. b. We studied it carefully. c. We omitted it entirely. d. We had sufficient time.
3,.5ary*s deaf. a. 4he can*t hear. b. 4he can*t walk. c. 4he can*t talk. d. 4he can*t see. 3.8alph*s an e9pert mechanic. a. He*s a careless mechanic. b. He*s an honest mechanic. c. He*s a skilled mechanic. d. He*s a busy mechanic. 30.He is neither sick nor poor. a. He is %ust sick. b. He is only poor. c. He is sick and poor. d. He isn*t sick or poor.
第 5 頁,共 14 頁
#.$he rain interfered with our plans for a picnic. a. "t helped our plans. b. "t made us change our plans. c. "t increased our plans. d. "t didn*t bother our plans. #1. $he entire country watched the rocket take off on $:. a. $hey saw the weather balloon. b. $hey saw the spacecraft. c. $hey saw the official helicopter. d. $hey saw the race car. #2.5arie has a constant headache. a. "t comes and goes. b. 4he has it some of the time. c. "t fluctuates back and forth. d. 4he has it all the time. #3. ;ur teacher has an abundance of energy. a. 4he has a portion of energy. b. 4he has a limit of energy. c. 4he has a minimum of energy. d. 4he has a lot of energy. ##. $om will fry potatoes for lunch. a. He will put them in the oven. b. He will put them in hot water. c. He will put them in a sauce. d. He will put them in hot oil. #'. 6et*s wind up this %ob as soon as possible. a. 6et*s start it. b. 6et*s finish it. c. 6et*s turn it around. d. 6et*s start the fan.
#+.How will a new %ob enable him to buy a car? a. He will need it to get to work. b. He will know how to drive then. c. He will earn enough money. d. He will have many new friends. #,. $he drawing had many vertical lines. Which way did the lines go? a. from left to right b. up and down 第 6 頁,共 14 頁
c. from one corner to the center d. around the drawing #. $he animal*s growth was surprising. What was surprising about the animal? a. the way it moved around b. the way it changed color c. the way it got bigger d. the way it found food #0. 5r. 4amuels asked what stage our pro%ect was in. What did he want to know? a. why we were doing the pro%ect b. when the pro%ect would take place c. who would participate in the pro%ect d. how far the pro%ect had progressed '.$he weather is unusually warm. a. "t will get warm. b. "t isn*t warm at all. c. "t isn*t so warm. d. "t is very warm. '1.5y upper teeth hurt. a. $hey are in the back of my mouth. b. $hey are at the top of my mouth. c. $hey are at the bottom of my mouth. d. $hey are in the front of my mouth. '2./aul*s avoiding
''.7unt >elly walked over to the couch.
第 7 頁,共 14 頁
7unt >elly wants to a. start dinner b. sit down c. wash clothes d. stand up
'+.Why did the police set up a barricade? a. to let the people through b. to speed up traffic c. to block traffic d. to clear the road ',.5 =ou look tired. W Well! it was a long trip. What do you learn about the woman? a. 4he has lost her %ob. b. 4he has traveled &uickly. c. 4he has traveled far. d. 4he has gone the wrong way. '.5 How are you going to urope? W "*m going by ship. 4he*s going by . a. plane b. boat c. train d. foot '0.5 " think "*ll ask Homer to do it. W @on*t ask him. He*s too laAy. What is the woman saying about Homer? a. He is not a good man. b. He doesn*t like flowers. c. He cannot think very well. d. He does not like to work. +. 5 "*m hungry. 5ay " help you with dinner? W ;h! thanks. =ou can put the plates on the table. What did the woman say to do? a. put silverware on the table b. sit down at the table c. put the dishes on the table d. clean off the table +1.5 How*s your brother doing in his new %ob? W " hear he*s been very effective. What did the woman mean? 第 8 頁,共 14 頁
a. Her brother is a strange man. b. Her brother is good at his %ob. c. Her brother has left his %ob. d. Her brother has been made ill by his %ob.
+2.5 an " help you? W =es! hold the bag while we*re in the store. What does the woman want the man to do with the bag? a. fill it up b. carry it c. buy it d. put it down +3.5 Why won*t this e&uipment run? W Because there is a short circuit in it. What did the woman mean? a. $he electricity isn*t flowing properly. b. 4ome parts need lubrication. c. $here isn*t enough fuel. d. "t*s been running too long. +#.5 When are you going to mail that package? W ust as soon as " finish wrapping it. What is the woman doing to the package? a. covering it b. filling it c. opening it d. addressing it +'.W Why are you whispering? 5 5y throat is very sore today. What is the man doing? a. He is speaking softly. b. He is screaming. c. He is yelling. d. He is speaking loudly. ++. 5 7rlene*s a real live wire! isn*t she? W 4he certainly is. 7rlene is . a. &uiet b. sensible c. lively 第 9 頁,共 14 頁
d. stubborn +,. He would not work yesterday! but he a. will b. won*t c. always d. never
work today.
+. 5y father to 4an 7ntonio. a. didn*t not fly b. don*t fly c. didn*t never fly d. didn*t fly
+0. ames would like a. for get b. to get c. in getting d. of getting
a new car.
,. $he river has its origin in 5innesota. a. waterfalls b. ports c. end d. beginning ,1. 5anufacturing is usually done a. on a farm b. in a factory c. in the forest d. in the home ,2. 5r. ones wants a car for a. e9ercise b. transportation c. eating d. sleeping
,3. "t was a decision of ma%or importance. a. small b. great c. some d. military ,#. While we watched $:! 5r. Brown a. was reading b. reads c. is reading d. will read
a book.
第 10 頁,共 14 頁
,'. He has been writing a. since b. at c. for d. in
si9 hours.
,+. $he instructor gave an e9planation to the student in order efficiently. a. to help b. for helping c. help d. helping
him learn &uickly and
,,. " asked him . a. some help for b. help some for c. some for help d. for some help ,. 4ally Where were you? "t*s 4aturday! and "*ve been waiting since $hursday. /eter "*m sorry! but " told you "*d get here today. When did the man get here? a. $hursday b. 4aturday c. 4unday d. $uesday ,0. $he modern automobile is the result of hundreds of inventions. $he wheel is probably the oldest invention used in a car. $he internal combustion engine is a more comple9 invention used to power this type of vehicle. By using these and many other creative devices! man has steadily improved the automobile. 7ccording to this paragraph! the development of the modern automobile is the result of . a. the internal combustion engine b. man*s creation of the wheel c. a combination of many inventions d. the work of a small number of inventors . @id you recogniAe me in my costume? a. admire b. laugh at c. know d. envy 1. When you are being introduced to a person! the correct e9pression to use is ( a. oodbye. 4ee you later. b. Have a good day. c. How do you do? d. 4o long. $ake it easy. 2. What did you do besides e9ercise? a. in addition to b. in place of 第 11 頁,共 14 頁
c. with d. before 3. $he driver violated the a. steep curve b. car parts c. fuel line d. safety rules #.
pants need to be cleaned. a. $his b. $hese c. 7ny d. 4uch
'. "n the future! to improve your writing? a. will you trying b. have you try c. will you try d. are you trying +. @o you en%oy a. listened b. listening c. listen d. to listen
to classical music?
,. 7ll the "@ cards are listed in the computer. a. to issue b. issues c. issued d. are issuing . 5ary tried not to look a. short b. pretty c. happy d. angry
! but we knew that she was upset.
0. He felt that he should help his friends. a. He felt that he would help them. b. He felt that he had an obligation to help them. c. He had a special time to help his friends. d. He had a certain way of helping his friends. 0. $here was an accumulation of dishes on the table. What was on the table? a. a few different dishes b. a couple of dishes c. several valuable dishes d. a pile of dishes 01. Walter*s setting up the tent. a. cleaning b. putting c. folding 第 12 頁,共 14 頁
d. messing 02. He repaired the linkage in the helicopter control. a. leak b. connection c. engine d. compass 03. =ou can depend a. in b. at c. by d. on
the automobile for transportation.
0#. 4tudents who are good listeners. a. are interested b. interesting c. be interested d. have interested
0'. ilbert and @ouglas a. study b. are studied c. were studied d. studying
their lessons.
0+. 5s. 4tickler! who is a finicky traveler! is willing to travel to the tropics that she has access to constant airCconditioning. a. beyond b. only c. if d. provided 0,. "n an era of increasing emphasis on the role of global military air power! it became necessary to increase the distances airplanes could travel. $he propellerCdriven airplane with its slow speed and limited range became largely obsolete. "t was replaced b planes with supersonic speeds made possible through %etCpropulsion. $oday with the introduction of inCflight refueling! even planes like fighters and Bombers have achieved much success in increasing their range capabilities. 7ccording to this paragraph! greater distances can be flown by bombers through the use of . a. %et propulsion b. inCflight refueling c. supersonic speeds d. increasing air power 0. $hese children know how to a. say b. talk c. speak d. tell
00. What time will flight , from >ew =ork
第 13 頁,共 14 頁
a. get over b. get in c. get up d. get by 1. $he honor a. Cary b. Carium c. Cee d. Cific
from Belgium declined to attend the award ceremony.