1 What color is Jim’s car? new yellow fast small 2 Mr. Davis is building a house. What is he building? a place to put his car a place to live a place to wor a place to eep his supplies ! John has lots of new ideas. What has he been doing? shopping hunting thining siing " What should you do when you hear a #uestion? $et it again. %epair it immediately. &nswer it if you can. 'ay it as soon as you can. ( )e sure to use the proper forms. Which forms should be used? the long ones the correct ones the usual ones the revised ones * Why did Mrs. +ope, sit down? -he wanted to leave. -he wanted to rest. -he wanted to wash. -he wanted to wal. Which of these produces the energy to light a lamp? darness time 第 1 頁,共 17 頁
batteries vitamins / +ieutenant 0orris left the papers in his office. e left them where he wors. e left them where he sleeps. e left them where he eats. e left them where he dresses. Mary is the cashier in our office. -he cleans the floor. -he answers the telephone. -he types all the letters. -he handles the money.
13 4he accident was caused by a speeding car. 4he road was very bad. 4he road was very wet. 4he car was going uphill. 4he car was going to fast. 11 4he students went out of the classroom. 4hey left the classroom. 4hey were out of paper. 4hey became e5cited. 4hey looed out the window. 12 Why did Jim buy that ball? in the store on the corner the day before yesterday to use in the game today for 6/.33 plus ta5 1! Mr. +eslie’s 7ob is to regulate the machines. What does Mr. +eslie do? e maes the machines. e controls the machines. e oils the machines. e sells the machines.
第 2 頁,共 17 頁
1" e nows the formula for it. What does he now? how old it is where it is what it is made up of when it will happen 1( 8f a man says that perhaps he will come. What does he mean? e may or may not come. e can9t come. e doesn9t want to come. e definitely will come. 1* Which of these might be made of plastic? a salad a bar of soap a candle a comb 1 4om has fast reactions. What does he have? #uic responses two movements eyeglasses a good automobile 1/ :arl’s studying chemistry at school. What’s he studying? foreign languages political systems important dates basic substances
1 4he doctor looed at David’s eye. What was he checing? his hearing his vision his taste his feeling 23 4he heart is an important organ. What does it do? 8t digests food. 第 3 頁,共 17 頁
8t pumps blood. 8t cools the body. 8t protects the spine. 21 Margaret ased John to eep an eye on the children. What did she as him to do? to watch the children to find the children to help the children to feed the children 22 8 was ased to instruct the man. 8 was ased to test them. 8 was ased to command them. 8 was ased to teach them. 8 was ased to watch them. 2! 4he children will slide on the ice. 4hey will sit. 4hey will fight. 4hey will tal. 4hey will slip. 2" )y this cloc it is e5actly eight;thirty. eight;thirty. 8t isn9t /
第 4 頁,共 17 頁
2 -he has not seen the doctor yet. -he has already seen him. -he has a prescription -he is still waiting -he is already well.
2/ %alph owes the ban a lot of money. %alph is in =====. movies debt class transit 2 -usan came at the time ti me we were leaving. When did -usan come? 7ust as we were leaving before we left 7ust after we left some time after we left !3 Why are those blac shoes comfortable? because they are new because they fit well because they are cheap because they loo nice !1 4he student relies on his dictionary. What does he do? tals about it writes on it depends on it doesn9t use it !2 Did she get her mail today? >es she sent it. >es she wrote it. >es she has it now. >es she didn9t remember. !! 4he irritated man went on his way. way. ow was the man feeling? 第 5 頁,共 17 頁
happy generous pleased angry !" 8f oil is spilled you should clean it up immediately. immediately. When should you clean it up? after finishing the 7ob at once whenever you can an hour later !( 4hey compressed the material. What happened to the material? 8t became longer. 8t became hotter. 8t became smaller. 8t became stronger. !* We told the sergeant that we had already made up our beds. What had we done? washed the sheets and blanets put the sheets and blanets on the bed built out own beds piled the sheets and blanets on the bed
! Many traffic laws have been revised. 4hey were transferred. 4hey were changed. 4hey were protected. 4hey were preserved. !/ Mr. Walton plans to attend the concert. e intends to go to the concert. e does not e5pect to go to the concert. e does not lie concerts. e e5pects to plan a concert ! 4he humidity is high today. 4he wind is high. 4he air is damp. 4he clouds are high. 第 6 頁,共 17 頁
4he atmosphere is dry. "3 &ll the pilots of the first s#uadron accomplished their bombing mission yesterday. yesterday. 4hey checed their machines. 4hey completed their assignment. 4hey failed in their mission. 4hey returned with their bombs. "1 @ne of the important rights guaranteed by the )ill of %ights is the right to assemble peacefully. 4o meet peacefully is an important right. 'eople have no right to assemble peacefully. 'eaceful assembly is rarely guaranteed. 4here are no real important rights. "2 4he man did his duty. e did not want to do anything. e did whatever he felt lie doing. e did not now what to do. e did what he was supposed to do. "! We landed at the airport in 0ew >or. 8t’s huge. 8t9s convenient. 8t9s interesting. 8t9s modern. 8t9s big. "" 4he mechanic found the ruptured oil line. 8t was bending. 8t was loosening. 8t was straining. 8t was leaing. "( >ou have to go over your lessons. >ou must find you new lessons. >ou must study some more. >ou may stop studying. 4he class is over.
第 7 頁,共 17 頁
"* 4he animal’s growth was surprising. What was surprising about the animal? the way it moved around the way it changed color the way it got bigger the way it found food " John glanced at his wristwatch. What did he do? e shoo the watch with his hand. e e5amined it carefully. e too a #uic loo at it. e set the hands to the correct time. "/ -arah told me that 8 was stupid and la,y. la,y. Why was 8 angry at -arah? because of her remar because of her appearance because of her memory because of her influence " 4he school will eventually add another branch. ¬her branch has been been added. 4he school is not interested in another branch. -ooner or later another branch will be added. ¬her branch will never be be added to the school. (3 >esterday it dri,,led all day. -leet fell during the storm. 8t snowed all day. eavy rains fell all day. 4here was a light rain. (1 erbert’s income is very low. e doesn9t mae much money. e doesn9t have much time. e doesn9t mae much progress. e doesn9t have much education. (2 When you have a homewor assignment you should never put off doing it. >ou should remove it immediately. >ou should not cancel it. >ou should put it away. 第 8 頁,共 17 頁
>ou should do it without delay. (! Mrs. 'owell told her students that they had missed the point. 4hey didn9t understand. 4hey couldn9t hear well. 4hey new what she said. 4hey lost something. (" Don’t worry about the accident. 8t’s all water under the bridge. 4he accident happened under a bridge. 4he accident can be forgotten 4he accident was your fault. Water caused the accident on the bridge.
(( 4he programming instructions on this new A:% will leave most people completely befuddled. 4he programming is =====. baffling manageable user;friendly obsolete (* )eatrice found many unusual shells. -he was waling =====. on the highway in the forest in the desert on the beach ( W< ow are you today Mr. McMahan? M< 8’m very well. 4han you. What do you learn about the man?
e is sic. e feels happy. e is rich. e feels good. (/ W< Do you now Jim )lae? 第 9 頁,共 17 頁
M< >es he’s in my s#uadron. What do you know about Jim Blake?
e is a businessman. e is a teacher. e is a military man. e is a farmer. ( W< Where are you going to get it? M< 8’ll have to go to the drugstore. What does the man probably have to buy?
furniture potatoes medicine a suit *3 W< What does your company do? M< We construct houses. What does his company do?
paints houses builds houses sells houses designs houses *1 W< ow will you get your dog to tae that medicine? M< 8’m going to in7ect it. What’s the man going to do with wi th the medicine?
e9s going to throw it away. e9s going to mae the dog eat it. e9s going to cover the dog with it. e9s going to give the dog a shot.
*2 M< 8 hear you had a new ind of test this morning. W< >es the teacher gave us a composite test. What kind of test did the woman have?
a very long test a very difficult test a test on mathematics a test made up of several parts 第 10 頁,共 17 頁
*! W< Did the ma7or get your message? M< >es >es but 8 had to clarify it. What did the man do to the message?
repeated it over and over made it easier to understand made sure the ma7or could hear it wrote it down several times *" W< 8s that snae harmful? M< 8t certainly is so don’t touch it. if the snae would help her if the snae would hurt her if the snae was edible if the snae was alive *( M< Why isn’t %aymond woring today? W< e has a bad bacache. What probably happened to Raymond?
e ate some badly prepared food. e stayed outside in the rain. e dran too much at dinner. e lifted a very heavy ob7ect. ** M< What did you thin of the boo? W< 4he ending was very abrupt. What did the woman think?
-he thought the ending was good. -he thought the ending was obvious. -he thought the ending was sudden. -he thought the ending was sad. * Do you ever east in a restaurant? 0o8 eat in a restaurant never never.. 0o8 never eat in a restaurant. 0onever 8 eat in a restaurant. 0oin a restaurant 8 eat never. */ 第 11 頁,共 17 頁
8 see the girl. Jae ===== also. see it sees her saw him seen me
* -elect the correct sentence. 8n the garbage disposal don9t put your hand. Don9t put your hand in the garbage disposal. Disposal don9t put your hand in the garbage. Don9t your hand in the garbage disposal put. 3 -he bought a ===== of of stocings. two foot dec pair 1 Manufacturing is usually done =====. on a farm in a factory in the forest in the home 2 :otton is the BprinceipalC product of this state. secondary main unpopular cheap ! aren ased the cler Eow much is this item?E -he wanted to now =====. the price 第 12 頁,共 17 頁
the condition the way out the ind " &dam wasn9t able to go with us. e couldn9t go. e didn9t want to go. e wasn9t ready to go. e wasn9t supposed to go. ( We should ===== the museum on the base. visiting visit visited to visit * &li his money ===== by a thief last night. has stolen stole was stolen had stolen ===== is prohibited within the school school ,one. -ped 4o speeding spe eding -peeding -peeds / 8n Fnglish a word may have several different meaningsG for e5ample the word EprecipitationE. &ny form of water or ice which falls on the earth earth is precipitation. %ain is a common common e5ample of one form. -now sleet and hail are e5amples of the fro,en forms of precipitation. &ccording to this paragraph paragraph =====. rain and snow are the same form of precipitation precipitation may fall in different forms 第 13 頁,共 17 頁
rain falls in many different places precipitation has only one form &nna told her husband husband to watch the children. -he told him ======. ======. that he should watch the children that she would watch the children that she saw him watch the children that they would would both watch the children /3 Mr. )rown said the weather is normal for this time of year. year. 4he weather is =====. as usual very fine dry stormy /1 -leet and snow are weather ha,ards. 4he term Eha,ardsE refers to =====. signs pressures advantages dangers /2 4he mechanic ad7usted the braes. reset removed lubricated cleaned /! 4he driver violated the =====. steep curve car parts fuel line safety rules
第 14 頁,共 17 頁
/". We9ll write him as soon soon as we ===== when we9re going. will now should now now new /(. e may fail the course if he ===== study. study. doesn9t shouldn9t didn9t wouldn9t /*. ===== perfect perfect rice can be difficult difficult for many Made Maes 4o mae 8s maing /. =====the meeting went went well. 'rovided 8n case of 8n spite of @verall //. My head head is bare. bare. large not covered small cold /. 4he instructor was ama,ed ama,ed at the students9 students9 progress. happy relieved surprised suspicious 3. What do we call the degree degree of hotness or coldness coldness measured on a scale? thermometer barometer 第 15 頁,共 17 頁
energy temperature 1. 4he general general is ===== now now but he can see you tomorrow at 333 unavailable free unoccupied present 2. 8 told enry to stic to it. 8 told him to =====. use more glue get another 7ob eep trying put it on a plate
!. 4he things 8 bought added added up to 61.(3. amounted to afforded to arrived to averaged from ".89m ===== in buying a new raincoat. r aincoat. interested interesting being interesting been interested (.&ccording to their records Mr. enley ===== on five times by the end of the year. year. will have been operated is going to operate can operate is being operated *.When did you last hear ===== your mother;in;law? by from concerning until 第 16 頁,共 17 頁
.Mr. .Mr. Wilson is a very dependable dependable young man. When he tells you that he will will do something for you you can always ===== him to do it. cross up count on depend in count to /.8n an era of increasing emphasis on the role of global military air power it became necessary to increase the distances airplanes could travel. 4he propeller;driven airplane with with its slow and limited range became largely obsolete. obsolete. 8t was replaced by planes planes with supersonic speed speed made possible through 7et;propulsion. 4oday with the fighters and bombers have achieved much success in increasing their range capabilities. &ccording to this paragraph greater distances can be flown by bombers through the use of =====. 7et propulsion in;flight refueling supersonic speeds increasing air power . 4he company had to go through a lot of Ered tapeE to get its plans approved. bureaucratic procedures angry protests by worers #uic preliminary meetings une5pected cost increases 133. &n internal combustion engine releases poisonous =====. vents catalysts vibrations fumes