1. What kinds kinds of animals animals does Mr. Mr. Shore Shore have? have? a) He is one of of the kindest kindest people people I know. know. b) His farm farm is in Texas. exas. c) He has has pis! pis! sheep sheep!! and a few few horse horses. s. d) He rows rows corn corn and beans beans.. ". The children children can see see the movie movie witho#t witho#t pa$in. pa$in. Who can see see the movie movie free? a) men men and and wom woman an b) mili milita tar$ r$ onl$ onl$ c) women on onl$ d) bo bo$s $s an and d ir irls ls %. Where Where did did he he b#$ b#$ the the penci pencil? l? a) for for 1& 1& ce cents nts b) he need needed ed one one c) last we week d) at th the e sto store re '. M$ chair chair is made of al#min# al#min#m. m. What What is it made of? a) stro stron n plas plasti tic c b) stro tron clo cloth th c) li lih htt me meta tall d) lih lihtt wood ood (. Tom went to the doctor to have his hearin checked. What What did the doctor check? check? Toms e$es Toms ears Toms l#ns Toms feet *. The weather weather report report is received received dail$ dail$.. When do we et et the report? report? ever$ week ever$ ho#r ever$ month ever$ da$ +. Mar$ Mar$s s the cas cashie hierr in o#r o#r offic office. e. She cleans the floor. 第 1 頁,共 17 頁
She answers the telephone. She t$pes all the letters. She handles the mone$. ,. He was was a passe passene nerr on that that b#s. b#s. He cleaned it. He worked on it. He polished it. He rode on it. -. Smokin Smokin in in the the classr classroom oom is prohib prohibited. ited. Smokin is permitted. Smokin is not allowed. Smokin is enco#raed. Smokin is safe. 1&.obs an expert mechanic. ob #sed to be a mechanic. obs a reall$ ood mechanic. obs not a ver$ ood mechanic. ob wants to become a mechanic. 11. When we went on the picnic! we participated in man$ ames. We watched the ames. We pla$ed the ames. We ot tired of them. We took pict#res of them. 1".The trip was ver$ lon. What was lon? the movie the /o#rne$ the lesson the boat 1%.In what season does snow #s#all$ fall? white s#mmer winter entl$
第 2 頁,共 17 頁
1'.How lon a period ma$ I work on this pro/ect? for sixt$ inches for sixt$ pieces for sixt$ min#tes for sixt$ derees 1(.What was the res#lt of the accident? 0ohn fixed it. 0ohn was h#rt. 0ohn bro#ht it. 0ohn was drivin. 1*. The weather is ettin cooler. cooler. What is happenin to the weather? It is ettin h#mid. The temperat#re is oin down. It is clearin #p. It is ettin clo#d$ o#tside. 1+. Sandra made a lon distance call. What kind of call was it? It was to a b#siness office. It was from a p#blic phone. It was to another cit$. It was at a low rate. 1,.The heart is an important oran. What does it do? It diests food. It p#mps blood. It cools the bod$. It protects the spine.
1-. The parents are watchin their children cook the food. The parents are talkin to their children. The parents are cookin the food. The parents are lookin at their children. The parents are feedin the children. "&. The commander sa$s he approves of the plan. He wants to mover the plan. 第 3 頁,共 17 頁
He doesnt aree with the plan. He accepts the plan. He wants to chane it. "1.This cit$ needs a little more ho#sin. It needs more parks. It needs waterwa$s. It needs livin #arters. It needs traffic control. "".Ive ot to have m$ car fixed. M$ car is r#nnin well. Im havin tro#ble with m$ car car.. I /#st bo#ht a new car. Im oin to b#$ a new car. "%.M$ socks have disappeared. The$ are lost. The$ have become old and worn. The$ are on the table. The$ have chaned colors. "'.Mr. 0ames is a commercial pilot. He flies for the airlines. He flies for the 2ir 3orce. He flies for sport. He sells airplanes. "(.0oe and his friend went o#t to eat. The$ ate the food at home. The$ ate too m#ch food. The$ ate at a resta#rant. The$ ate the wron food. "*.This book is a reprint of an old book. This is the oriinal book. This book is completel$ new. This book is the same as the old book. This book has been in m$ famil$ several $ears.
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"+.0oan has a temporar$ /ob. She is ver$ efficient at her work. She receives a hih salar$ for her work. She does work for several people. She took the /ob for onl$ a limited time.
",.0oe ot on the wron b#s this mornin. ill did too. 0oe rode on two b#ses. ill missed the b#s. 0oe and ill didnt et the riht b#s. ill didnt et on the b#s this mornin. "-. The ins#lation on the wire was damaed. What was damaed? the f#se the coverin the copper the pl# %&.Who is most likel$ to #se a n#t? a doctor a mechanic a painter a salesman %1. The ride was b#mp$. b#mp$. How was the ride? smooth fast ro#h comfortable %".ob slept in the open. Where did he sleep? #pstairs downstairs o#tside inside %%. In his haste! he forot to t#rn off the stove before he left the ho#se. What happened to his ho#se? 第 5 頁,共 17 頁
It ot cold. It was painted. It b#rned down. It was constr#cted. %'. The box was made of l#mber. l#mber. What was it made of? cardboard pasteboard sheetrock wood %(.4id the driver break a traffic law? 5es! he stopped for a red liht. 5es! he was drivin too fast. 5es! he showed his I4 card. 5es! he was parkin his car. %*.2re $o# ettin #sed to the weather? 5es! its rainin hard now. 6o! I dont think it will snow. snow. 6o! it isnt hot toda$. 5es! Im becomin acc#stomed to it.
%+.Mr. Smith will train 7ois for that /ob. He will thank her for doin it. He will take her to it. He will stop her from doin it. He will teach her to do it. %,.8hew $o#r food well. 8hew $o#r food occasionall$. 8hew $o#r food in half. 8hew $o#r food thoro#hl$. 8hew $o#r food in small pieces. %-. I watched the men b#ild a racecar. The$ constr#cted the car. The$ p#t as in the car. The$ rode in the car. 第 6 頁,共 17 頁
The$ drove it to town. '&. The man did his d#t$. d#t$. He did not want to do an$thin. He did whatever he felt like doin. He did not know what to do. He did what he was s#pposed to do. '1. 2fter the doctor p#t some drops in 4avids e$es! 4avids vision became became bl#rred. His siht became ver$ sharp. He co#ldnt see ver$ clearl$. He co#ldnt open his e$es. His e$es bean to h#rt. '". There was an explosion at the refiner$. refiner$. Some workers were promoted. Some workers were hired. Some workers were in/#red. Some workers were retired. '%. Somethin went wron with the enine and we had to make an emerenc$ landin. The enine was workin. The enine wo#ldnt start. The enine failed. The emerenc$ landin wasnt necessar$. ''. I asked the captain for some time off! b#t I was t#rned down. I was whirled aro#nd. M$ re#est was re/ected. I p#t the time down. The captain asked for some time off. '(.Theres a shortae of food. Theres 999999 food. ver$ little delicio#s reas$ ab#ndant
第 7 頁,共 17 頁
'*.0ack sa$s he doesnt mind the warm weather. He doesnt think abo#t the weather. He worries abo#t the warm weather. He doesnt ob/ect to the warm weather. weather. He cant stand the warm weather. '+.4o $o# care abo#t $o#r /ob? 5es! I am careless. 5es! I am conceited. 5es! I am callo#s. 5es! I am concerned. ',. Tools sho#ld be protected aainst moist#re. What sho#ld the$ be protected aainst? dr$ weather dampness oil and rease improper #se '-. She has somethin wron with her respirator$ s$stem. Where is the tro#ble? in her heart in her ribs in her l#ns in her stomach (&. S#e bo#ht some tableware for the occasion. What did she b#$? fr#it and veetables spoons! knives! and forks chairs and tables pots and pans (1.Wh$ did the welder #se oles? to protect his feet to protect his hands to protect his hearin to protect his siht (". The soldier worked in transportation and s#ppl$. What did his /ob involve? loistics personnel administration 第 8 頁,共 17 頁
statistics (%. Someone walked awa$ with o#r new book. What happened happened to the book? It was printed. It was sold. It was stolen. It was sined. ('.The pilot carried o#t his mission. He accomplished his mission. He planned his mission. He contin#ed his mission. He cancelled his mission.
((. The /#r$ decided that the compan$s actions were were deliberate. The compan$ acted 9999999. knowinl$ imp#lsivel$ enero#sl$ impersonall$ (*. elinda cant stand her s#pervisor. s#pervisor. She cant 999999 him. #nderstand tolerate satisf$ infl#ence (+.3: 4id $o# plan to take pict#res on $o#r trip? M: 5es! 5es! b#t m$ camera was not workin. What do you learn from this conversation? The man took pict#re on the trip. The man did not take an$ pict#res. The man did not make an$ plans. The man worked instead of oin on a trip. (,.3: What did the secretar$ tell $o#? M: To come back. 第 9 頁,共 17 頁
What did the man say about the secretary? She told him to leave. She told him to ret#rn. She told him to enter. She told him to h#rr$. (-.3: Is ;evin oin to the movie? M: 6o! he said he wo#ld be b#s$ all da$. da$. Wh$ isnt ;evin oin to the movie? He is sick. He has no time. He doesnt like movie. He is oin awa$. *&.3: Im oin back to the ho#se. M: 5o#d 5o#d better take a flashliht with $o#. Wh$ does she need a flashliht? to see the wa$. to open the door. to start a fire. to take a bath. *1.M: What happened to $o#r bea#tif#l plants? 3: The free
*". 3: 4id $o# move the books? M: 5es! 5es! I tho#ht the$ wo#ld fall. What did the man think the books wo#ld do? drop down. pile #p. roll aro#nd p#sh thro#h
第 10 頁,共 17 頁
*%. 3: 4id $o# remember to p#t water in this? The leaves are beinnin to fall. M: 6o! I didnt. Ill do it now. What needs water? the rass a salad the forest a plant *'. M: 8an I help $o#! maam? 3: I want m$ car checked. What do $o# chare? What does the woman want to know? how lon it will take what tools it will take which parts of the car will be checked how m#ch it will cost *(. M: There is a car with its lihts on in the parkin lot. It is a bl#e Merc#r$ 8o#ar with =eoria license plates. The car 999999. is illeall$ parked was stolen in =eoria is stalled at a liht has its lihts on **. M: What are the$ b#ildin on the hihwa$ o#t b$ the =arretts farm? W: Thats oin to be a new cit$ landfill. landfill. The cit$ will will 9999999 in it. deposit trash. clean water prod#ce electricit$ b#ild a stadi#m *+. 4o $o# 99999 the time? Had have havin has *,. 999999 is to #se it. 2 lan#ae lan#ae the best wa$ to learn learn The best wa$ a lan#ae to learn l earn 第 11 頁,共 17 頁
The best wa$ to learn a lan#ae 2 lan#ae lan#ae to learn the best wa$ *-. 4o $o# ever eat in a resta#rant? 6o! I ate in i n a resta#rant never. 6o! I never eat in a resta#rant. 6o! never I eat in a resta#rant. 6o! in a resta#rant I eat never. +&. 8otton is the principal prod#ct of this state. secondar$ main #npop#lar cheap +1. It is illeal to carr$ a #n. permissible nat#ral essential #nlawf#l +". >ne of the prisoners escaped. was wo#nded ot awa$ was released wo#ldnt work. +%. 7inda can have onl$ li#id foods. Whats the onl$ thin she can have? foods the are fresh foods she can chew foods that are cooked foods she can drink +'. S#e: 5o#d better et to class on time. 0oe: 5o#re riht. I 9999 o now. ma$ m#st wo#ld had +(. ortable electric hand drills are #sed #sed for 99999 holes in materials. borin 第 12 頁,共 17 頁
to bore bored bore +*. 0oan doesnt want 999999. nothin an$thin an$where somewhere ++. Select the correct sentence. Mar$ likes on Thanksivin 4a$ to visit her randmother. >n Thanksivin 4a$ to visit her randmother Mar$ likes. Mar$ likes to visit her randmother on Thanksivin 4a$. 4a$. Mar$ likes her randmother on Thanksivin 4a$ to visit. +,. Toda$ Toda$ one finds that plastics are bein #sed almost ever$where. lastic articles can be prod#ced at rather low cost@ the machines for moldin them are neither lare nor heav$. heav$. 3#rthermore! most of the prod#cts are liht in weiht and can be stored and transported easil$. easil$. 2ccordin to this pararaph! plastics are 99999. pop#lar b#t not practical practical b#t not pop#lar both practical and pop#lar neither practical nor pop#lar +-. He c#t the meat into pieces before servin it. bo#ht cooked cleaned carved ,&. The astrona#ts descended to earth. The$ came 99999. aro#nd apart thro#h down ,1. 2ll ob heard on his radio was static. What did he hear? m#sic news voices 第 13 頁,共 17 頁
noise ,". Monke$s like to show off. o ff. tr$ to et food make a present sleep lon ho#rs attract attention ,%. He isnt #sed to this food. It is 99999. Strane to him 6ot new to him His favorite His native food ,'. I had been listenin to the teacher before the bell 999999. ran rins is rinin will rin ,(. Aobert: 4oes he br#sh his teeth ever$ da$? Sall$: 5es! he alwa$s 9999 his teeth. br#sh br#shin br#shed br#shes ,*. In baseball! the first ball of the season often 99999 b$ the resident. was throwin did throw have thrown is thrown ,+. He walked 9999999 the path. at alon with between
第 14 頁,共 17 頁
,,. The diamond is a bea#tif#l! brilliant em. 2ltho#h 2ltho#h it is commonl$ #sed in enaement rins! its reatest #se is in ind#str$. Toda$! the a#tomotive ind#str$ is the main b#$er #ses for this mineral in an a#tomobile factor$. factor$. 2ccordin to this pararaph! 99999999 2ll diamonds are #sed in enaement enaement rins 1( minerals are #sed in a#tomobile factories ind#strial diamonds are #sed in a#tomobile factories all diamonds are #sed in ind#str$ ,-. 7ee wants to reister his letter. drop the letter in the postbox have the post office record it p#t an airmail stamp on it send it with some cash -&. In 2merica! there was plent$ of room for ever$bod$ for a h#ndred and fift$ $ears. 2merica 2merica co#ld take all those who chose to come. 2ccordin to this pararaph! 999999. 2merica is 1(& $ears old 2merica chose to take ever$one ever$one there was livin space for all who came people stopped comin to comin to 2merica after 1(& $ears -1. The path is so narrow that 999999. Im tired I m#st walk behind $o# Its damain m$ shoes I can see for miles -". 5o# 5o# sho#ldnt have m#ch tro#ble ettin aro#nd here. 3indin $o#r wa$ will be diffic#lt. 5o#r movements here will be restricted. r estricted. 5o# sho#ld be able to find $o#r wa$. 5o# will et lost ver$ easil$. -%. When will $o# wind #p the /ob? start finish motivate /oin -'. Has an$bod$ met the 9999 scholar who is visitin o#r department toda$? 第 15 頁,共 17 頁
had learned learns learned has learned -(. The dead bank #ard 99999 three times in the chest. had been stabbed was stabbin had stabbed is stabbin -*. 99999 a#ls re#est for leave was in poor /#dment. To den$ 4en$ 4enies Sho#ld den$ -+. 4ont 99999 that old shirt@ it will make a ood cleanin ra. wipe discard describe polish -,. The woman was sei
第 17 頁,共 17 頁