A new car car will cost cost eight eight thousan thousand d dollars dollars or highe higher. r. How much much will will the new new car cost? cost? only $8,000 less than $8,000 $8,000 or more just $8,000
Tom said, said, “ometime “ometimes s ! eat out." out." #here #here does does Tom Tom sometime sometimes s hae hae his meal? meal? at home in a restaurant in %ed in the &itchen
(im (im tal& tal&ed ed to to )ar )ary y thi this s mor morni ning ng.. (im and )ary listened this morning. (im loo&ed *or )ary this morning. )ary didn+t see (im this morning. )ary listened to (im this morning.
-o%ert -o%ert does doesn+t n+t sea sea& & ani anish, sh, and and /ames /ames does doesn+t, n+t, eith either er.. -o%ert and /ames sea& anish. nly -o%ert sea&s anish. either o* them sea&s anish. nly /ames doesn+t sea& anish.
3arl 3arl said, said, “! need need to %uy %uy a air air o* new new shoes, shoes, %ut %ut ! don+t don+t hae hae the the time." time." 3arl %ought a air o* shoes. 3arl has time to do some shoing. He doesn+t hae time to %uy new shoes. He doesn+t hae the money to %uy the shoes.
The The new new stud studen entt is ner nero ous us a%o a%out ut the the tes test. t. The test doesn+t %other him. He is hay a%out the test. He thin&s the test is easy. He is worried a%out the test.
This This hat hat *it *its s me me alr alrig ight ht.. !+ll !+ll ta&e ta&e it. it. !t is the wrong si6e. !t is too tight. !t is the right si6e. !t is %right.
)artin &nows &nows more more than than the the other other men men and and has has %ecome %ecome the the head head o* the the grou. grou. He is a *ollower now. He is a coo& now.
第 1 頁,共 14 頁
He is a *ather now. He is a leader now. 7.
)r. )iller &nows what the oulation o* ew or& is. He &nows where ew or& is. He &nows how to get to ew or&. He &nows how many miles away ew or& is. He &nows how many eole lie in ew or&.
10. ou should select the right answer *or each 9uestion. #hat should you do? study the right answer try out the right answer choose the right answer correct the answer 11. )ost accidents ta&e lace in heay tra**ic. Accidents haen at yellow lights. Accidents occur when there are many cars. Accidents are cut down during the night. Accidents increase when the lights are red. 12. )r. /ames as&ed /ohn, “:o you hae a local %an& account?" #hat did )r. /ames want to &now? i* /ohn had money in a %an&. i* /ohn could count money i* the %an& was oen i* the account was *or )r. /ames 1'. #ill this lane %e delayed? es, it will %e early. o, it won+t %e late. es, it came yesterday. o, it is a riate lane. 1. #here is a erson+s nec&? %etween his *oot and his leg %etween his hand and his arm %etween his legs and his %ac& %etween his shoulders and his head 1. ! had aro;imately ten dollars in my oc&et. How much money did ! hae? e;actly ten dollars a%out ten dollars a lot more than ten dollars much less than ten dollars 第 2 頁,共 14 頁
14. eorge went away when hally arried. He smiled. He le*t. He slet. He cried. 22. )r. mith is ery unctual. He is neer on time. He li&es to unch holes. He is always late. He is always on time.
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2'. The roc& crashed through the window. !t went through an oen window. !t did not go through the window. !t hit and %ro&e the window. !t assed near the window. 2. #e will terminate our course ne;t wee&. #e+ll accelerate our course. #e+ll ostone our course. #e+ll start our course. #e+ll end our course. 2. The needle moed to the le*t %ecause the tan& was emty. The gasoline tan& stayed *ull. The emty tan& was on the le*t. The le*t=hand indicator had no needle. The indicator showed an emty tan&. 24. The ilot should concentrate on his *light. He should read his manual. He should *ly o*ten. He should rest during a *light. He should ay close attention to it. 25. There is no communication %etween them. They sit ne;t to each other. They li&e each other. They do not go to school. They do not tal& to each other.
28. The airlane was delayed. #hat haened to the lane? !t arried late. !t arried early. !t crashed. !t had to return. 27. #e were on a tour when the accident haened. #hat were we doing when the accident haened? ma&ing a turn %uilding a tower ta&ing a tri getting o** the %us '0. /oe wants to glance at the materials in the store. #hat does he want to do? %uy something 第 4 頁,共 14 頁
handle the materials test the materials hae a 9uic& loo& at the materials '1. 3arl said, “! would rather hae stea& than chic&en." #hat does 3arl re*er? chic&en stea& %oth tyes o* meat all &inds o* meat '2. #here did you ut my encil this morning? ! got it *rom )iss ell. ! ate it *or %rea&*ast. ! laid it on the %oo&case. ! %ought it at the %oo&store. ''. :uring the e;eriment, the gas was comressed. #hat haened to the gas? !t %ecame lighter. !t %ecame denser. !t %ecame clearer. !t %ecame dar&er. '. @t. Adams was concerned a%out the health o* his men. How did he *eel a%out their health? sad uninterested worried satis*ied '. /ac& told me that his *riend is always in a hurry. /ac&+s *riend is always late. /ac&+s *riend is always rushing. /ac&+s *riend does eerything slowly. /ac&+s *riend always as&s *or more time to *inish. '4. en didn+t want to go to school yesterday. ut ! made him go. en stayed at home yesterday. en went to school yesterday. ! did not see en at school yesterday. ! did not want en to go to school yesterday.
'5. He wouldn+t want to go through that e;erience again. He has a disli&e *or e;eriences li&e that one. He must li&e to do it again. He enjoys e;eriences li&e that one. He would li&e to do it again. 第 5 頁,共 14 頁
'8. /ames is an e**icient wor&er. He suerises other wor&ers. He does unsatis*actory wor&. He does his wor& 9uic&ly and well. He comlains a lot. '7. ou should neer s&i class. ou shouldn+t miss class. ou shouldn+t %e in class today. ou shouldn+t attend class. ou should neer go to class. 0. The drier is rela;ed %ehind the wheel. He is at ease. He is *rightened. He is tense. He is care*ul. 1. The reciitation was good *or the *armer+s cros. The rain heled the cros to grow. The *armers were aid good money *or their cros. The sun heled the cros to rien 9uic&ly. The *armers lanted just the right cros. 2. /ohn said that his car is in good shae. The owner o* the car is good. The car+s design is good. !ts condition is good. !ts rice is good. '. ince the time o* #orld #ar !, incredi%le rogress has %een made in the deeloment and roduction o* this weaon. The rogress is small. The rogress is as e;ected. o rogress has %een made since #orld #ar !. The rogress is almost un%eliea%le. . The students seem a little %ored with the lesson today. They are ery interested in it. They can+t remem%er it at all. They are not interested in it. They are a%le to understand it. . The ilot was ejected *rom the lane. 第 6 頁,共 14 頁
The ilot was entering the lane. The ilot was attached to the lane. The ilot was thrown out o* the lane. The ilot was undecided a%out the lane. 4. The *ood was shied yesterday. #hat haened to the *ood? !t was sent o** !t was wet. !t was eaten. !t was insected. 5. The humidity is high this a*ternoon. #hat is the weather li&e? !t is hot. !t is cloudy. !t is dam. !t is windy. 8. The weather reort says we should e;ect hail. #hat should we e;ect? a light shower many clouds snow *la&es icy articles 7. #ho sits in a coc&it? a coo& a *armer a ilot a dentist 0. The hotel manager said that /im would oerate the eleator today. #hat will /im do? He will use the eleator. He will run the eleator. He will reair the eleator. He will study the eleator. 1. ue got &noc&ed oer %y a %ig wae. #here was she? at home in the city in the mountain at the ocean 2. 3arla &et an eye on the *uel gage. #hat did she do? he watched the *uel gage. he *ound the *uel gage. he *i;ed the *uel gage. he admired the *uel gage. 第 7 頁,共 14 頁
'. Tom will lend you some money. Tom needs to %orrow some money. ou can %orrow money *rom Tom. Tom will send *or some money. Tom le*t his money in the %an&. . ylia oured the co**ee. he *illed the cu with co**ee. he dran& the co**ee *rom a cu. he made the co**ee in a ot. he warmed the co**ee on the stoe.
. )ary sent a *ourth o* her money. How much o* it did she send? twenty=*ie a 9uarter a hal* *our 4. /ohnny has %een *alling %ehind in his school wor&. How is he doing? His wor& is getting %etter. He+s %een doing his wor& *aster. He hasn+t %een doing all the wor&. His wor& isn+t as %ad as it was. 5. # :id you *inish your assignment last night? ) o, ! didn+t. ! had a arty last night. B #hy didn+t the student *inish his assignment last night? %ecause he was sleey %ecause he wasn+t %usy %ecause he didn+t hae a arty %ecause he had a arty 8. ) #hat are you doing? # Ta&ing a %rea&. B #hat does the woman say she is doing? he+s driing he+s studying he+s running. he+s rela;ing. 7. ) :o you want me to close the windows?
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# es. !t loo&s li&e a storm is coming. B #hy should he close the windows? to &ee the rain and wind out to &ee the noise out to &ee the house dar& to &ee the lightning out 40. # /ohn loo&s aw*ul. ) He should. !t+s %een a long time since he had a good meal. B #hat did the man say a%out /ohn? He needs a good %ath. He isn+t eating roerly. He hasn+t wor&ed *or a long time. He needs some new clothes. 41. # :octor, can+t you hel us? ) !+m sorry. ! can+t. ! don+t hae my instruments. B #hat does the doctor need? his nurse his tools his license his medicines
42. # :oes %us num%er *orty=*ie go to the train station? ) o, %ut ! can gie you a trans*er. # Alright, ! will ta&e it. B #hat will the woman do? he+ll ride the %us that goes directly to the station. The woman doesn+t want to change %uses. The woman will remain on %us o. . The woman will change to another %us. 4'. # #hat+s that? ) !t+s an e;amle o* modern art. # es, %ut what is it constructed o*? B #hat does she want to &now? what it reresents what it is made o* what it does
第 9 頁,共 14 頁
what it loo&s li&e 4. ) #hat do you want to &now? # The urose o* all this. B #hat did the woman want to &now? he wants to &now the cost. he wants to &now the cause. he wants to &now the answer. he wants to &now the reason. 4. ) )ay ! hel you? # es. !+d li&e to hae an e;lanation *or this letter. B #hat does the woman want? a stam to mail the letter. the reason why the letter was written an address *or the letter something with which to seal the letter 44. ) Aren+t you going to coo& those tomatoes? # o. !t+s too much %other. B #hy isn+t she going to coo& the tomatoes? !t costs too much. Cncoo&ed tomatoes are %etter. There are too many tomatoes. !t+s a lot o* trou%le. 45. A harmacist is a a. doctor %. dentist c. *armer d. druggist
48. That jo% is ha6ardous. a. dangerous %. wonder*ul c. dull d. well=aying
47. The rimary o%jectie was to reach :allas %e*ore dar&. To get to :allas %e*ore dar& was his . a. *irst goal %. only goal c. last goal d. unimortant goal 50. The %alloon %egan to rise when it was *illed with
第 10 頁,共 14 頁
a. water %. sand c. *ood d. gas 51. Are you ready DDDDDDD the history e;amination? a. in %. *or c. *rom d. until 52. At noon the sun is directly a. %y %. under c. oer d. %e*ore
our heads.
5'. /ohn weighs 210 ounds. His *riend weighs 180 ounds. a. They weigh the same. %. /ohn is lighter than his *riend. c. His *riend is heaier. d. /ohn is heaier than his *riend. 5. )r. owman &nows a. why %. what c. which d. who
that word means.
5. A great deal o* sul*ur is *ound in Te;as a. A %argain o* %. Eery little c. A lot o* d. A good grade 54. ote ta&ing is . a. writing only the main oints %. carrying messages *rom one lace to another c. comleting short sentences d. *ormal Fnglish writing 55. )ost o* our woodlands are natural *orests. They are a. not ery dar& %. not lanted %y man c. camgrounds d. cultiated
58. /ac& gae a de*inite answer to the 9uestion. His answer was a. hay %. *irm c. not clear d. long 第 11 頁,共 14 頁
57. !* you+re going out in this dri66le, you+d %etter a. *ill the gas tan& %. oen the windows c. turn o** the lights d. ut on a raincoat
80. Glease gie me a ring when you get %ac& into town. a. gie me a iece o* jewelry %. isit me c. telehone me d. loo& me u 81. !+ m going to stay here. a. ! should stay here %. ! must stay here c. ! can stay here d. !+ll stay here 82. >eorge 3an you tell me how to *ind the la%oratory? Flaine es, . a. just outside ste the store and turn to your le*t %. ste outside the store and just le*t to your turn c. just to your le*t turn and ste outside the store d. just ste outside the store and turn to your le*t 8'. ! go to the moies i* ! had some money. a. had %. would c. hae d. can 8. He was loo&ing through the want ads %ecause he wanted to a. read an editorial %. see what moies were laying c. *ind his *riend+s telehone num%er d. %uy some used *urniture 8. he doesn+t mind doing the dishes. he doesn+t a. o%ject to it %. li&e to c. want to d. ay attention
84. The sun radiates heat and light. a. gies o** %. stores u c. a%sor%s d. contains 85. Tom de*ends himsel* 9uite well %y a. eating a good meal %. listening closely c. *ighting %ac&
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d. ta&ing a rest 88. ou hae my ermission to leae class at 2'0. ou DDDDD leae the class at that time. a. must %. hae go to c. may d. are ordered to 87. ot much a%out the matter since that time. a. to say %. is saying c. has %een said d. hae to say 70. The window a. hits %. has hit c. was hitting d. was hit
%y a roc&.
71. ! don+t &now a. how he is tall %. how tall is he c. how is he tall d. how tall he is
72. !t is o%ious that the lane is in trou%le. a. !t is easy to see that something is wrong. %. !t loo&s li&e the *light is smooth. c. !t doesn+t loo& li&e anything is wrong. d. There may %e trou%le later. 7'. /im &new it was not sa*e to drie his car with ice on the windshield, so on a ery cold morning he remoed the ice %e*ore getting into the car. He then warmed u the engine rior to driing o** to wor& on the %ase. According to this aragrah, . a. it was necessary *or /im to ta&e recautions %e*ore driing his car %. /im &new it wasn+t sa*e to wor& on the %ase when the weather was cold c. he remoed the ice *rom the windshield %y warming u the engine d. he needed to do some wor& on the %ase %e*ore starting his car 7. o% intended to write his girl*riend as soon as he *ound the time. a. retended %. lanned c. decided d. o%jected
7. He is loo&ing *or a ermanent jo%. a. a temorary 第 13 頁,共 14 頁
%. a well=aying c. an e;citing d. a lasting 74. #ill you lease oen the des& a. cage %. &ey c. handle d. drawer
75. They told us to stic& to it. a. sto ma&ing noise %. listen ery care*ully c. stay with the jo% d. hel with the wor& 78. ! was a*raid he a. can+t %. might not c. won+t d. has not
77. This chair is similar a. as %. *rom c. than d. to 100. )eat is usually cut and a. eat %. eating c. eaten d. ate
one iece at a time.
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