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BAR CODES SAP Fixed Assets
In the master data you have 2 fields you need Include assets in inventory list should be on. The field last inventory date you can upload with a LSMW or other to upload the inventory date. (when these fields are not avaible you have to make them optional in the field status roup
With he report S!"L#!$%&'&'% ) *ar +odes you can print bare codes. ,ou can run an inventory list based on the reports S!"L#!$%&''-%- ) ... by +ost +enter
In confi you have to make a settin T+ /"", "ssin *ar code form
There is a default form 0I""!0&&' but you can create your own form
The minimum information you need on the barcode is +ompany code "sset number
"sset sub number
Steps 1et barcode on your assets.
#un an inventory list based on your reuerements 3o the inventory based on the assets in the report and use the barcode reader 45port the data from the barcode reader /pdate the field last inventory date in the asset with a LSMW based on the barcode reader
physical verification of asset
This question has been Answered. shivaji mohanty Steel shivaji mohanty
Jul !" #$$% &'#( A)
*i +uru
As SAP does not facilitate physical verification of asset we need to maintain location.cost center"quantity data in asset master.,urin+ physical verification we need to ta-e a hard copy of the report on asset.For this report which T we use.
Then after verification any short fall/excess how to handle in sap manually . *ow to do that 0 what is the transaction type used for that
shivaji S1234 561272 orrect Answer by S1234 561272 on Jul !" #$$% $'8$ A)
2 have solution for your requirement.
7o to Tcode 6A92
reate new entries.
,ifine a name for the sort version and enter description for the same.
hoose fields for display in standard SAP asset reports.
For your case enter table name A3:A9 field names );37;" ST61T" and <6ST:.
*ere you can choose various other fields also.
Then use this sort version while runnni+ the SAP standard asset reports.
5y usin+ this sort version you can able to to see the quantity" location and cost center fields available durin+ any any asset balances report. So ta-e a printout of the asset balances report S=A:1=&($%!> ? Asset 5alances by Asset lass alon+ with the above fields and +o for physical verification
3ote' This development you can directly do it in your production system
This will defenetely fix your requirement.
Add Point@s" if problem resolved.
Srinu See the answer in context
((# 9iews 1eply
Avera+e 4ser 1atin+ $ ratin+sB )y 1atin+'
orrect Answer 1e' physical verification of asset S1234 561272 Platinum S1234 561272 Jul !" #$$% $'8$ A) in response to shivaji mohantyB
2 have solution for your requirement.
7o to Tcode 6A92
reate new entries.
,ifine a name for the sort version and enter description for the same.
hoose fields for display in standard SAP asset reports.
For your case enter table name A3:A9 field names );37;" ST61T" and <6ST:.
*ere you can choose various other fields also.
Then use this sort version while runnni+ the SAP standard asset reports.
5y usin+ this sort version you can able to to see the quantity" location and cost center fields available durin+ any any asset balances report. So ta-e a printout of the asset balances report S=A:1=&($%!> ? Asset 5alances by Asset lass alon+ with the above fields and +o for physical verification
3ote' This development you can directly do it in your production system
Then after verification any short fall/excess how to handle in sap manually . *ow to do that 0 what is the transaction type used for that Alert )oderator :i-e $B 1eply 1e' physical verification of asset S1234 561272 Platinum S1234 561272 Jul !" #$$% '( P) in response to shivaji mohantyB
For reducin+ or increasin+ the quantities in asset master" you need to use AS$# and chan+e the quantity manually.
6nce you feel that all the asset master data is tallyin+ with the physical assets" you can chan+e the field status as display for the field quantity for all of your screen layout rules" those created earlier durin+ confi+.
it is not advisable to just adjust the asset master by as$# for any short in quantity after physical verification. better you form a sort variants and quantity option and then compare with physical countin+ asset document. once auditor says then only you can scrapp the asset by the same quantity and valuae also inquantity wise.
for first time if record is not available then at least brin+ physical count in sync with asset re+ister of SAP. this is advisable by expert auditors.
Many orani6ations face a sinificant challene to track the location7 uantity7 condition7 maintenance and depreciation status of their fi5ed assets. *y trackin fi5ed assets usin bar code tas for easy and accurate readin7 companies can periodically take inventory with a mobile barcode reader and then produce a variety of reports. "s a result7 companies reduce e5penses throuh loss prevention and improved euipment maintenance. They reduce new and unnecessary euipment purchases7 and they can more accurately calculate ta5es based on depreciation schedules. In eneral7 0i5ed "ssets need to be created7 edited7 moved7 verified and (ultimately8 retired. S"9 0I:43 "SS4T *"#+/34 T#";S"+TI/;S The pre)confiured +reate 0i5ed "sset transaction in the ;LI;< "3+ to S"9 Solution prompts the user for a +ompany +ode7 "sset number and7 if necessary7 an "sset Sub number. This transaction will first validate to see if the asset e5ists in S"9. If the asset e5ists7 details for the asset will be displayed for users to edit. If the asset does not e5ist7 the interface will create Create / Update Fixed Asset a new asset usin data from a pre)defined asset as reference. "fter the asset is created7 details of the created asset will be displayed for users to edit7 with the input "sset ;umber = Sub number posted as the Inventory ;umber. /ptional inputs to allow users to select the pre)defined reference asset number can also be supported. Inventory Fixed Asset
The pre)confiured Inventory 0i5ed "sset Transaction in the ;LI;< "3+ to S"9 Solution prompts the user for a +ompany +ode7 "sset number and7 if necessary7 an "sset Sub number. This transaction will validate that the asset e5ists in S"97 and if so7 will display asset details for users to view. >pon postin7 this
transaction will update the asset Last Inventory 3ate7 alon with the Inventory note. /ptional updates to other asset details data can also be supported as reuired. The pre)confiured Transfer 0i5ed "sset Transaction in the ;LI;< "3+ to S"9 Solution prompts the user for a +ompany +ode7 "sset number and7 if necessary7 an "sset Sub number. Transfer Fixed Asset – Intra This transaction will validate that the asset e5ists in S"97 and if Company so7 will display additional asset transfer details for users to enter. >pon postin7 this transaction will post an intra)company asset transfer. The pre)confiured Transfer 0i5ed "sset Transaction in the ;LI;< "3+ to S"9 Solution prompts the user for the Source (oriinal8 +ompany +ode7 "sset number and7 if necessary7 an Transfer Fixed Asset – Inter "sset Sub number. This transaction will validate that the asset Company e5ists in S"9 in that company code7 and if so7 will display additional asset transfer details for users to enter. >pon postin7 this transaction will post an inter)company asset transfer. The pre)confiured #etire 0i5ed "sset without #evenue transaction in the ;LI;< "3+ to S"9 Solution prompts the user for a +ompany +ode7 "sset number and7 if necessary an "sset Sub number. This transaction will validate that the asset Retire Fixed Asset without e5ists in S"97 and if so7 will prompt the user for a short Revenue description as the reason for retirement. >pon postin7 this transaction will default the current date as the asset value date for retirement. /ptional updates to any of the asset data can also be supported as reuired.
Retire Fixed Asset with Revenue
Bloc Fixed Asset
The pre)confiured #etire 0i5ed "sset with #evenue transaction in the ;LI;< "3+ to S"9 Solution prompts the user for a +ompany +ode7 "sset number and7 if necessary an "sset Sub number. This transaction will validate that the asset e5ists in S"97 and if so7 will prompt the user for the #evenue value7 and a short description as the reason for retirement. >pon postin7 this transaction will default the current date as the asset value date for retirement. /ptional updates to any of the asset data can also be supported as reuired. The pre)confiured *lock 0i5ed "sset transaction in the ;LI;< "3+ to S"9 Solution prompts the user for a +ompany +ode7 "sset number and7 if necessary7 an "sset Sub number. This transaction will validate that the asset e5ists in S"9. >pon postin7 this transaction will set the asset status to block (or Lock8.3ote' " block status on the asset keeps the asset values from chanin for end)of)period depreciation calculations. "sset transfers and retirement postins are still possible. This is typically used when an asset is to be sold7 or to prevent future
postins to an asset under construction once the pro?ect is complete.
!elete Fixed Asset
The pre)confiured 3elete 0i5ed "sset transaction in the ;LI;< "3+ to S"9 Solution prompts the user for a +ompany +ode7 "sset number and7 if necessary7 an "sset Sub number. This transaction will validate that the asset e5ists in S"9. >pon postin7 this transaction will delete the 0i5ed "sset from the system.3ote' 3eletin assets is sometimes necessary to remove old assets (leacy assets from previous systems8 after an "sset Transfer transaction. 0i5ed "ssets can only be deleted when n o postins have been made.
S"9 0I:43 "SS4T *"#+/34 #49/#TS
!ownload Fixed Asset Inventory "ist
The pre)confiured 3ownload 0i5ed "sset Inventory List transaction in the ;LI;< "3+ to S"9 Solution prompts the user for a +ompany +ode and fiscal year. This transaction will retrieve the list of 0i5ed "ssets in S"9 with the settin for @include asset in inventory listA set to T#>4. The ;LI;< "3+ to S"9 Solution for 0i5ed "ssets then retrieves a list of 0i5ed "ssets that fit the entered criteria. The list will be displayed for the users to view7 alon with an option to email7 or to output locally to a delimited format file. "dditional optional filter parameters are available to further limit this list.
#issin$ Fixed Asset Inventory "ist
The pre)confiured Missin 0i5ed "sset Inventory List Transaction in the ;LI;< "3+ to S"9 Solution prompts the user for a +ompany +ode and a fiscal year. This transaction will retrieve the list of 0i5ed "ssets in S"9 which have not been inventoried. This list will be displayed for users to view7 alon with an option to email7 or to output locally to a delimited format file.
Inventoried Fixed Asset Inventory "ist
The pre)confiured Inventoried 0i5ed "sset Inventory List Transaction in the ;LI;< "3+ to S"9 Solution prompts the user for a +ompany +ode and a fiscal year. This transaction will retrieve the list of 0i5ed "ssets in S"9 which h ave been inventoried as of the current date. This list will be displayed for users to view7 alon with an option to email7 or to output locally to a delimited format file.
Bloced Fixed Asset Inventory "ist
The pre)confiured *locked 0i5ed "sset Inventory List transaction in the ;LI;< "3+ to S"9 Solution prompts the user for a +ompany +ode and fiscal year. This transaction will retrieve the list of 0i5ed "ssets in S"9 with "cuisition Lock fla set to T#>4. The list will be displayed for the users to view7 alon with an option to email7 or to output locally to a delimited format file. "dditional optional filter parameters are
available to further limit this list. The pre)confiured #etired 0i5ed "sset Inventory List transaction in the ;LI;< "3+ to S"9 Solution prompts the user for a +ompany +ode and a fiscal year. This transaction will Retired Fixed Asset Inventory retrieve the list of 0i5ed "ssets in S"9 with Last #etirement "ist 3ate within the input fiscal year. The list will be displayed for the users to view7 alon with an option to email7 or to output locally to a delimited format file. "dditional optional filter parameters are available to further limit this list.