A THESIS PROPOSAL SOME FACTORS AFFECTING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILLS (A Case Study at the Second Grade Students of Smp Negeri 3 Satu Atap Bantarkawung)
By JUWANTO 40109014
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of Study English is an international language that used in many countries in the world. It can be used for communication when some countries in meeting business or other activities among government over the world. As a developing country, Indonesia really needs English because Indonesia government is trying to improve all aspects which are usually faced by all countries. One of these aspects is education, which is essential. As we know in Indonesia, English is learnt and taught to junior high school, senior high school even at university. In English there are four skills should be mastered by students when they are learning it. The skills are listening, speaking, reading and writing. However, it is not easy for students to cover all skills. According to the writer experience (when doing PPL/teaching practice), there are many students face the difficulties when they are learning English, especially in speaking. The students speaking skill is very low, they are not able to speak English well. Whereas, speaking is the most important skill and the most used by the people rather than the other skills, according to Jack C. Ricards,
speaking-activities.pdf.), he states: “Learners consequently often evaluate their success in language learning as well as the effectiveness of their English course on the basis how well they feel have improved in their spoken proficiency”. From that statement, the writer can argue that most language learners study in
order to develop proficiency in speaking. From the statement also the writer makes a conclusion that speaking ability should be mastered by the students in Indonesia. But, in reality the students have some difficulties when speak English. According to the fact, the writer can claims that there are some factors that affect students’ skill in mastering speaking. Therefor the writer is interested to find out the factors that affect students speaking skill by doing a research. The writer will choose SMP Negeri 3 Bantarkwung, Brebes, as the place that for taking the research. Based on the writer experience when doing KPPM I, the writer faced many students have low speaking skill in that school. B. Research Question According to the background, the research questions in this study can be formulated into the following questions; 1. What factors are affecting students’ speaking skill in SMP Negeri 3 satu
atap Bantarkawung? 2. What is the dominant factor affecting students’ speaking skill in SMP Negeri 3 satu atap Bantarkawung? C. Definition Of Key Terms D. Objectives of the Study The objectives of research can be stated as follows: 1. To know some factors affecting students’ speaking ability in second year
of SMP N 3 Bantarkawung
2. To know the dominant factor affecting students’ speaking ability in second year of SMP N 3 Bantarkawung E. Significances of the Study The outcomes of study are expected to be able to fulfill the following expectations: 1. Theoretically, describes the English teacher some factors affecting students speaking skill. 2. Practically, after reading this research, the teacher can solve the students’
difficulty in speaking. And for the next researcher, it can be used as the previous study. F. Organization of the Thesis This final project consists of five chapters, where each chapter explains different matter with the topic being discussed. Chapter I is introduction. This chapter delivers background of study, research questions, definition of key term, objectives of the study, significance of study and outlines of the report. Chapter II provides review of the related literature. This chapter consists of theoretical study, previous study and theoretical frame work Chapter III presents the methods of the investigation. It covers design of the research, data source, method of collecting data, method of analyzing data. Chapter IV gives the results of investigation. Chapter V is the last chapter where the conclusion of the research and suggestion provided
CHAPTER II REVIEW TO RELATED LITTERATURE A. Theoretical Study 1. Teaching Learning English 2. Teaching English to junior high school 3. B. Previous Study C. Theoretical Framework
CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH A. Research Design B. Data Resources C. Technique of Collecting Data D. Technique of Analyzing Data
BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDIX A. Research Schedule B. Research Instrument