I Quo in capite nobis ostentantur Winnie ille Pu atque apes nonnullae et incipiunt fabulae
I In Which We Are Introduced To Winniethe-Pooh and Some Bees, And The Stories Begin
Ecce Eduardus Ursus scalis nunc tump0ERE is Ed1ard 2ear, coming do1nstairs do 1nstairs tump-tump occipite gradus pulsante post no1, bump, bump, bump, on the bac3 o' his Christophorum Robinum descendens. Est head, behind Christopher Robin. t is, as 'ar as quod sciat unus et solus modus gradibus he 3no1s, the onl4 1a4 o' coming do1nstairs, descendendi, nonnunquam autem sentit, but sometimes he 'eels that there reall4 is etiam alterum modum exstare, dummodo another 1a4, i' onl4 he could stop bumping pulsationibus desinere et de eo modo 'or a moment and thin3 o' it. meditari possit. Deinde censet alios modos $nd then he 'eels that perhaps there isn"t. non esse. En, nunc ipse in imo est, vobis $n4ho1, here he is at the bottom, and read4 ostentari paratus. Winnie ille Pu. to be introduced to 4ou. Winnie-the-Pooh. omen audiens primum, sicut vos dicturi When 'irst heard his name, said, *ust as 4ou estis, etiam ego dixi! are going to sa4, %2ut thought he 1as a "Credidi eum puerum esse#" bo4(% "Ego quoque," dixit Christophorus Robinus. %)o did ,% said Christopher Robin. "$t non potes eum %Winnie% vocare#" %5hen 4ou can"t call him Winnie(% "&inime vero." % don"t.% "Dixisti autem. . . ." %2ut 4ou said--% "Est Wirrnie Wirrnie ille Pu. um nescis, quid %ille% %0e"s Winnie-ther-Pooh. Winnie-ther-Pooh. Don"t 4ou 3no1 1hat signi'icet(" "ther" means(% ")cilicet nunc scio," cito sub*unxi+ et spero %$h, 4es, no1 do,% said quic3l4+ and hope vos etiam scire, quia nullam nisi hanc 4ou do too, because it is all the explanation explicationem accipietis. 4ou are going to get. &odo Winnie ille Pu apud imos gradus g radus )ometimes Winnie-the-Pooh Winnie-the-Pooh li3es a game o' ludum diligit, some sort 1hen he comes do1nstairs, modo autem ante ignem considens 'abulam and sometimes he li3es to sit quietl4 in 'ront audire amat. Eo vesperi. . . . o' the 'ire and listen to a stor4. 5his evening-"uid de 'abula quadam opinaris(" rogavit %What about a stor4(% said Christopher Robin. Christophorus Robinus. %What about a stor4(% said. "uali de 'abula(" dixi. %Could 4ou ver4 s1eetl4 tell Winnie-the-Pooh "$mabo te, potesne Winnie Winnie ille Puo one(% 'abulam narrare(" % suppose could,% said. %What sort o' "Censeo me posse," dixi. "uales 'abulas stories does he li3e(% diligit(" %$bout himsel'. 2ecause he"s that sort o' "De seipso. am talis ursus est." 2ear.% ")ane, teneo." %h, see.% "onne potes(" %)o could 4ou ver4 s1eetl4(% "Conabor," dixi. %"ll tr4,% said. taque conatus sum. )o tried. lim, iamdudum, 'ere die /eneris /eneris proximo, nce upon a time, a ver4 long time ago no1, Winnie Winnie ille Pu sub nomine )andersi solus about last 6rida4, Winnie-the-Pooh Winnie-the-Pooh lived in a in silva habitabat. 'orest all b4 himsel' under the name o'
8"uid signi'icat %sub nomine%(" Christophorus Robinus rogavit. ")igni'icat nomen eius aureis litteris super porticulam inscriptum 'uisse et eum illo illo sub nomine habitavisse." "Winnie "Winnie ille Pu non habuit pro certo," dixit Christophorus Robinus. "$t nunc habeo," dixit vox grunnica. "5um pergo," dixi.9 Die quodam inter ambulandum media in silva ad rariorem silvae locum pervenit et medio in loco quercus permagna stabat et de sublimi quercu rumor magnus apium consonantium prodibat. Winnie ille Pu ad imam quercum sedens manus mento subposuit et secum reputare coepit. Primum secum dixit! "ste bombus aliquid signi'icat. ullus exstat bombus bombans atque rebombans signi'icatu carens. )i est bombus, est etiam bombans aliquis, et unica causa bombi bombantis, quod equidem sciam est haec! apis esse." Postea iterum per longum cogitavit deinde dixit! "et unicus 'inis apium existentiae, quod equidem sciam, est melli'icium." Deinde exsurrexit et "unicus 'inis mellis con'iciendi," dixit, "est a me sumi." taque ad summam arboris niti coepit. Et nisus est et nisus est et nisus est et nisus est et nitens carmen sic coepit canere! Cur ursus clamat( Cur adeo mel amat( 2urr, burr, burr uid est causae cur( Deinde paulo protinus nisus est . . . et protinus . . . et paulo protinus. nterea aliud carmen composuerat! Cur calleo cantare Dum nequeo volare(
)anders. 8%What does "under the name" mean(% as3ed Christopher Robin. %t means he had the name over the door in gold letters, and lived under it.% %Winnie-the-Pooh %Winnie-the-Pooh 1asn"t quite sure,% said Christopher Robin. %o1 am,% said a gro1l4 voice. %5hen 1ill go on,% said .9 ne da4 1hen he 1as out 1al3ing, he came to an open place in the middle o' the 'orest, and in the middle o' this place 1as a large oa3tree, and, 'rom the top o' the tree, there came a loud bu::ing-noise. Winnie-the-Pooh sat do1n at the 'oot o' the tree, put his head bet1een his pa1s and began to thin3. 6irst o' all he said to himsel'! %5hat bu::ingnoise means something. ;ou don"t get a bu::ing-noise li3e that, *ust bu::ing and bu::ing, 1ithout its meaning something. ' there"s a bu::ing-noise, somebod4"s ma3ing a bu::ing-noise, and the onl4 reason 'or ma3ing a bu::ing-noise that 3no1 o' is because 4ou"re a bee.% 5hen he thought another long time, and said! %$nd the onl4 reason 'or being a bee that 3no1 o' is ma3ing hone4.% hone4.% $nd then he got up, and said! %$nd the onl4 reason 'or ma3ing hone4 is so as can eat it.% )o he began to climb the tree 0e climbed and he climbed and he climbed and as he climbed he sang a little song to himsel'. t 1ent li3e this! sn"t it 'unn4 0o1 a bear li3es hone4( 2u::# 2u::# 2u::# 1onder 1h4 he does( 5hen he climbed a little 'urther. . . and a little 'urther . . . and then *ust a little 'urther. 24 that time he had thought o' another song. t"s a ver4 'unn4 thought that, i' 2ears 1ere 2ees, 5he4"d build their nests at the bottom o' trees. $nd that being so so 8i' the 2ees 1ere 2ears9, We shouldn"t have to climb up all these stairs. 0e 1as getting rather tired b4 this time, so
8"uid signi'icat %sub nomine%(" Christophorus Robinus rogavit. ")igni'icat nomen eius aureis litteris super porticulam inscriptum 'uisse et eum illo illo sub nomine habitavisse." "Winnie "Winnie ille Pu non habuit pro certo," dixit Christophorus Robinus. "$t nunc habeo," dixit vox grunnica. "5um pergo," dixi.9 Die quodam inter ambulandum media in silva ad rariorem silvae locum pervenit et medio in loco quercus permagna stabat et de sublimi quercu rumor magnus apium consonantium prodibat. Winnie ille Pu ad imam quercum sedens manus mento subposuit et secum reputare coepit. Primum secum dixit! "ste bombus aliquid signi'icat. ullus exstat bombus bombans atque rebombans signi'icatu carens. )i est bombus, est etiam bombans aliquis, et unica causa bombi bombantis, quod equidem sciam est haec! apis esse." Postea iterum per longum cogitavit deinde dixit! "et unicus 'inis apium existentiae, quod equidem sciam, est melli'icium." Deinde exsurrexit et "unicus 'inis mellis con'iciendi," dixit, "est a me sumi." taque ad summam arboris niti coepit. Et nisus est et nisus est et nisus est et nisus est et nitens carmen sic coepit canere! Cur ursus clamat( Cur adeo mel amat( 2urr, burr, burr uid est causae cur( Deinde paulo protinus nisus est . . . et protinus . . . et paulo protinus. nterea aliud carmen composuerat! Cur calleo cantare Dum nequeo volare(
)anders. 8%What does "under the name" mean(% as3ed Christopher Robin. %t means he had the name over the door in gold letters, and lived under it.% %Winnie-the-Pooh %Winnie-the-Pooh 1asn"t quite sure,% said Christopher Robin. %o1 am,% said a gro1l4 voice. %5hen 1ill go on,% said .9 ne da4 1hen he 1as out 1al3ing, he came to an open place in the middle o' the 'orest, and in the middle o' this place 1as a large oa3tree, and, 'rom the top o' the tree, there came a loud bu::ing-noise. Winnie-the-Pooh sat do1n at the 'oot o' the tree, put his head bet1een his pa1s and began to thin3. 6irst o' all he said to himsel'! %5hat bu::ingnoise means something. ;ou don"t get a bu::ing-noise li3e that, *ust bu::ing and bu::ing, 1ithout its meaning something. ' there"s a bu::ing-noise, somebod4"s ma3ing a bu::ing-noise, and the onl4 reason 'or ma3ing a bu::ing-noise that 3no1 o' is because 4ou"re a bee.% 5hen he thought another long time, and said! %$nd the onl4 reason 'or being a bee that 3no1 o' is ma3ing hone4.% hone4.% $nd then he got up, and said! %$nd the onl4 reason 'or ma3ing hone4 is so as can eat it.% )o he began to climb the tree 0e climbed and he climbed and he climbed and as he climbed he sang a little song to himsel'. t 1ent li3e this! sn"t it 'unn4 0o1 a bear li3es hone4( 2u::# 2u::# 2u::# 1onder 1h4 he does( 5hen he climbed a little 'urther. . . and a little 'urther . . . and then *ust a little 'urther. 24 that time he had thought o' another song. t"s a ver4 'unn4 thought that, i' 2ears 1ere 2ees, 5he4"d build their nests at the bottom o' trees. $nd that being so so 8i' the 2ees 1ere 2ears9, We shouldn"t have to climb up all these stairs. 0e 1as getting rather tired b4 this time, so
Egeo dulcis mellis )ed mel stat in stellis# am propemodo de'atigatus erat et ea de causa carmen quasi neniam cantitavit. 5unc 'ere in cacumine arboris erat, et si ramuni illum attig. . . . Crac# "$ge, succurrite#" dixit Pu, per decem pedes usque ad ramum in'ra se cadens. "Utinam ne . . ." dixit, per viginti pedes ad proximum ramum praecipitans. "5enes, "5enes, quod in animo habui . . ." explicavit, se revolvens et ad ramum triginta pedibus in'eriorem praeceps desiliens, "in animo habui. . . ." ")cilicet, erat valde . . ." 'assus est, velocius inter sex ramos proximos delabens. "5otum in eo est, existimo . . ." decrevit ultimo ramo valedicens, se ter circum axem vertens et venuste in vepres volans, "ut mel adeo diligam. $ge, succurrite#" E vepribus prorepsit et spinis e naso evulsis denuo cogitare coepit. Principis autem ex omnibus Christophori Robini in mentem ei venit. 8"&ei venit(" rogavit Christophorus Robinus reverenter, quia hoc vix credere ausus est. ")ane, tui venit#" Christophorus Robinus ne uno quidem verbo silentium rupit, sed oculi eius magis magisque ampli'icati sunt et vultus eius mais magisque erubuit.9 Winnie Winnie ille Pu ad amicim suum Christophorum Robinum ivit, qui in altera parte silvae post portam viridem habitabat. ")alve Christophore Robine," dixit. ")alve Winnie ille Pu," dixisti. ")cire velim, an rem 'olliculo-similem habeas(" "6olliculum(" ")ane. Praetergrediens mecum dixi! %scire velim, an Christophorus Robinus 'olliculosimile quid habeat.% &ecum dixi 'ollicula atque talia mente agitans et scire avens."
that is 1h4 he sang a Complaining )ong. 0e 1as nearl4 there no1, and i' he *ust s t o o d o n t h a t branch . . . Crac3 # %h, help#% said Pooh, as he dropped ten 'eet on the branch belo1 him. %' onl4 hadn"t--% he said, as he bounced t1ent4 'eet on to the next branch. %;ou %;ou see, 1hat meant to do,% he explained, as he turned head-over-heels, and crashed on to another branch thirt4 'eet belo1, %1hat meant to do--% %' course, it 1as rather--% he admitted, as he slithered ver4 quic3l4 through the next six branches. %t all comes, suppose,% he decided, as he said good-b4e to the last branch, spun round three times, and 'le1 grace'ull4 into a gorse bush, %it all comes o' li3ing hone4 so much. h, help#% 0e cra1led out o' the gorse-bush, brushed the pric3les 'rom his nose, and began to thin3 again. $nd the 'irst person he thought o' 1as Christopher Robin. 8%Was 8%Was that me(% said Christopher Robin in an a1ed voice, hardl4 daring to believe it. %5hat 1as 4ou.% Christopher Robin said nothing, but his e4es got larger and larger, and his 'ace got pin3er and pin3er.9 )o Winnie-the-Pooh 1ent round to his 'riend Christopher Robin, 1ho lived behind a green door in another part o' the 6orest. 6o rest. %=ood morning, Christopher Robin,% he said. %=ood morning, Winnie-ther-Pooh,% said 4ou. % 1onder i' 4ou"ve got such a thing as a balloon about 4ou(% %$ balloon(% %;es, %;es, *ust said to m4sel' coming along! " 1onder i' Christopher Robin has such a thing as a balloon about him(" *ust said it to m4sel', thin3ing o' balloons, and 1ondering.% %What do 4ou 1ant a balloon 'or(% 4ou said. Winnie-the-Pooh Winnie-the-Pooh loo3ed round to see that nobod4 1as listening, put his pa1 to his mouth, and said in a deep 1hisper! %0one4#%
"uorsum tibi opus est 'olliculo(" dixisti. Winnie ille Pu circumspexit, ne quis audiret ungulun ad os suum retulit, et voce demissa susurravit! "& E ? #" ")ed mel cum 'olliculis non au'ers#" "$u'ero," diait Pu. Casu autem evenit, ut tu pridie in domo Porcelli, amici esses et eo in convivio 'olliculos haberetis. &agnum quidem 'olliculum viridem acceperas et unus ex ?eporis cognatis caeruleum quendam magnum acceperat et reliquerat, quia pusillior erat quam ut convivii particeps esset. /iridem igitur atque caeruleum tecum domum tuleras. "Utrum mavis(" Pum interrogavisti. Pu caput ungulis sublevans diligentissime secum meditatus est. "unc se res sic habet," dixit. "&el cum 'olliculo querenti omnium est primum apes de adventu suo certiores non 'acere. Ergo si 'olliculum viridem habes, 'ortasse cogitare poterunt te partem modo arboris esse nec te animadvertent+ si autem caeruleum habes cogitare poterunt te partem coeli esse, neque te animadvertent. uaeritur! quid est veri similius(" "onne te sub 'olliculo animadvertent(" rogavisti. "6ortasse animadvertent me, 'ortasse autem minime," dixit Winnie ille Pu. "De apibus semper dubitandum est." $c paulisper meditatus sub*unxit! "Conabor nubecula parva et nigra videri. d eos decipiet." "uod cum ita sit, tibi 'olliculus caeruleus est prae'erendus," respondisti et ita res statuta est. $mbo igitur cum 'olliculo caeruleo abistis et tu sclopetum ad omnem eventum adtulisti, sicut tuus est mos. Winnie ille Pu autem ad conceptaculum aquae lutulentae, quam noverat iit ibique sese volvit et revolvit dum totus nigro colore in'ectus 'uit. Deinde, cum 'olliculus ad magnitudinem maximam in'latus esset, et
%2ut 4ou don"t get hone4 1ith balloons#% % do,% said Pooh. Well, it *ust happened that 4ou had been to a part4 the da4 be'ore at the house o' 4our 'riend Piglet, and 4ou had balloons at the part4. ;ou had had a big green balloon+ and one o' Rabbit"s relations had had a big blue one, and had le't it behind, being reall4 too 4oung to go to a part4 at all+ and so 4ou had brought the green one and the blue one home 1ith 4ou. %Which one 1ould 4ou li3e(% 4ou as3ed Pooh. 0e put his head bet1een his pa1s and thought ver4 care'ull4. %t"s li3e this,% he said. %When 4ou go a'ter hone4 1ith a balloon, the great thing is not to let the bees 3no1 4ou"re coming. o1, i' 4ou have a green balloon, the4 might thin3 4ou 1ere onl4 part o' the tree, and not notice 4ou, and i' 4ou have a blue balloon, the4 might thin3 4ou 1ere onl4 part o' the s34, and not notice 4ou, and the question is! Which is most li3el4(% %Wouldn"t the4 notice 4ou underneath the balloon(% 4ou as3ed. %5he4 might or the4 might not,% said Winniethe-Pooh. %;ou never can tell 1ith bees.% 0e thought 'or a moment and said! % shall tr4 to loo3 li3e a small blac3 cloud. 5hat 1ill deceive them.% %5hen 4ou had better have the blue balloon,% 4ou said+ and so it 1as decided. Well, 4ou both 1ent out 1ith the blue balloon, and 4ou too3 4our gun 1ith 4ou, *ust in case, as 4ou al1a4s did, and Winnie-the-Pooh 1ent to a ver4 mudd4 place that he 3ne1 o', and rolled and rolled until he 1as blac3 all over+ and then, 1hen the balloon 1as blo1n up as big as big, and 4ou and Pooh 1ere both holding on to the string, 4ou let go suddenl4, and Pooh 2ear 'loated grace'ull4 up into the s34, and sta4ed there--level 1ith the top o' the tree and about t1ent4 'eet a1a4 'rom it. %0oora4#% 4ou shouted. %sn"t that 'ine(% shouted Winnie-the-Pooh do1n to 4ou. %What do loo3 li3e(%
tu cum Puo 'olliculi 'uniculum tenuisses et %;ou loo3 li3e a 2ear holding on to a repente dimisisses, Pu eleganter balloon,% 4ou said. sublimis abiit et cum cacumine quercus %ot,% said Pooh anxiousl4, %--not li3e a small pari linea sed viginti pedibus intermissis blac3 cloud in a blue s34(% constitit. %ot ver4 much.% "o, triumphe#" clamavisti. %$h, 1ell, perhaps 'rom up here it loo3s "ptime, nonne(" Pu clamavit. "ualem di''erent. $nd, as sa4, 4ou never can tell speciem praebeo(" 1ith bees.% ")peciem ursi 'olliculum tenentis," 5here 1as no 1ind to blo1 him nearer to the respondisti. tree, so there he sta4ed. 0e could see the "onne," Pu timide rogavit, "nonne videor hone4, he could smell the hone4, but he nubecula nigra et parvula in coelo couldn"t quite reach the hone4. caeruleo(" $'ter a little 1hile he called do1n to 4ou. "on admodum." %Christopher Robin#% he said in a loud "Esto, 'orsitan hic in excelso aliter appareat. 1hisper. Et - inquam - de apibus semper dubitandum %0allo#% est." % thin3 the bees suspect something#% /enti a''latus vero, quo ad arborem %What sort o' thing(% admoveretur cessavit, constitit igitur. % don"t 3no1. 2ut something tells me that Poterat mel prospicere, poterat mel odorari, the4"re suspicious#% nequivit autem mel attingere. %Perhaps the4 thin3 that 4ou"re a'ter their Parumper commoratus te superne vocavit! hone4(% "Christophore Robine#" susurravit magna %t ma4 be that. ;ou never can tell 1ith bees.% voce. 5here 1as another little silence, and then h e "0em(" called do1n to 4ou again. "Credo apes suspicionem haberel" %Christopher Robin#% "uid habent(" %;es(% "escio. )ed aliquid mihi dicit! %0ave 4ou an umbrella in 4our house(% suspicionem." % thin3 so.% "6ortasse suspiciunt te mel eorum petere(" % 1ish 4ou 1ould bring it out here, and 1al3 "6ieri potest. De apibus semper dubitandum up and do1n 1ith it, and loo3 up at me ever4 est. no1 and then, and sa4 "5ut-tut, it loo3s li3e "Parumper iterum silentium 'uit, postea rain." thin3, i' 4ou did that, it 1ould help the autem denuo deorsum vocavit! deception 1hich 1e are practising on these "Christophore Robine#" bees.% "uid ergo est(" Well, 4ou laughed to 4oursel', %)ill4 old "0abesne domi umbellam(" 2ear #% but 4ou didn"t sa4 it aloud because "Credo me unam habere." 4ou 1ere so 'ond o' him, and 4ou 1ent home "/elim umbellam ad'eras, teneas et ultro 'or 4our umbrella. citroque commans intentis in coelum oculis %h, there 4ou are#% called do1n Winnie-thedictites %5ut-tut, pluviae impendent.% Pooh, as soon as 4ou got bac3 to the tree. % Credo te hoc modo mihi in deceptione 1as beginning to get anxious. have apium ad*uturum esse." discovered that the bees are no1 de'initel4 ?icet tecum riseris! "/etule, stultule urse#" )uspicious.% nihil aperte dixisti quia eum admodum %)hall put m4 umbrella up(% 4ou said. dilexisti et umbellam petitum domum isti. %;es, but 1ait a moment. We must be
"5e ecce," Winnie ille Pu deorsum clamavit practical. 5he important bee to deceive is simul ac ad arborem redisti. "am trepidavi# the ueen 2ee. Can 4ou see 1hich is the Certe reperi apes nunc suspicionem ueen 2ee 'rom do1n there(% habere#" %o.% "/is me umbellam expandere(" %$ pit4. Well, no1, i' 4ou 1al3 up and do1n "/olo, sed exspecta momentum temporis. 1ith 4our umbrella, sa4ing, E''icaciter agendum est. $pis praesertim "5ut-tut, it loo3s li3e rain," shall do 1hat 'allenda est regina apium. Potesne ab imo can b4 singing a little Cloud )ong, such as a reginam ipsam videre(" cloud might sing. . . . =o#% "on possum." )o, 1hile 4ou 1al3ed up and do1n and "Dolendum est. unc si umbellam tenens 1ondered i' it 1ould rain, Winnie-the-Pooh citro ultroque commees et dicas! %0eu, sang this song! eheu, aliquid imbrem praemonet,% ego 0o1 s1eet to be a Cloud quoque quantum plurimum potero, 6loating in the 2lue# praestabo et carmen quoddam nebulosum Ever4 little cloud canam, sicut nubeculis parvulis canere $l1a4s sings aloud. datum est . . . age, perge#" %0o1 s1eet to be a Cloud Dum ultro citroque commeabas num nubes 6loating in the 2lue#% minaturae essent scire avens Winnie ille Pu t ma3es him ver4 proud carmen istud cantitavit! 5o be a little cloud. uis vult in terra stare 5he bees 1ere still bu::ing as suspiciousl4 as Cum possit volitare( ever. )ome o' them, indeed, le't their nests Parva nubecula and 'le1 all round the cloud as it began the Cantitat carmina. second verse o' this song, and one bee sat uis vult in terra stare do1n on the nose o' the cloud 'or a moment, Cum possit volitare( and then got up again. /ita nubeculae %Christopher--o1#--Robin,% called out the Est 'ons superbiae. cloud. $pes sicut antea magna cum suspicione %;es(% bombilabant. onnullae ex apiario % have *ust been thin3ing, and have come to egressae, reapse, nubeculam alteram a ver4 important decision. 5hese stropham carminis cantantem are the 1rong sort o' bees.% circumvolabant et una ex illis per punctum %$re the4(% temporis in naso nubeculae se posuit %uite the 1rong sort. )o should thin3 the4 deinde autem alis se sustulit. 1ould ma3e the 1rong sort o' "Christophore - heus - Robine," clamavit hone4, shouldn"t 4ou(% nubecula. %Would the4(% "uid est(" %;es. )o thin3 shall come do1n.% "&ecum cogitavi et consilium magni %0o1(% as3ed 4ou. momenti cepi. stud est genus 'alsum Winnie-the-Pooh hadn"t thought about this. ' apium#" he let go o' the string, he 1ould ")erion" dicis tu(" 'all--bump--and he didn"t li3e the idea o' that. ")ane, est genus 'alsum. Credo igitur eas )o he thought 'or a long time, mel 'alsum con'icere, annon(" and then he said! "$in" tu(" %Christopher Robin, 4ou must shoot the ")ane. Censeo igitur mihi descendendum balloon 1ith 4our gun. 0ave 4ou got 4our
esse." "uomodo(" rogavisti. ua de re Winnie ille Pu nondum secum meditatus erat. 6uniculo repente e manibus misso - bump - praecipitaret et imaginem eam in animo abhorrebat. taque diutissime meditatus dixit! "Christophore Robine, 'olliculum ictu sclopeti per'orare debes. $dtulisti sclopetum.(" ")cilicet, adtuli," dixisti. ")ed ita 'olliculum, diruo," dixisti. "$t ni id 'it," dixit Pu, "me 'olliculum dimittere oportet et egomet diruor#" uibus ursi verbis auditis vidisti quomodo res se haberet et sclopetum 'olliculo caute collineans globum e 'istula emisisti. "/ae#" exclamavit Pu. "Procul aberravi(" rogavisti. "&inime aberrasti," dixit Pu, "sed aberrasti a 'olliculo." ctum iterans "me paenitet," dixisti et tunc demum 'olliculum attigisti+ aer lente e''lavit et Winnie ille Pu 'luctuans per auras delapsus est. )ed quia bracchia eius totum per tempus 'uniculum 'olliculi tenuerant, adeo riguerant, ut hebdomade amplius erecta permanserint, et quotienscumque musca quaedam in rostro eius consederat eam 'latu abigere cogebatur. Existimo - sed non habeo pro certo - inde urso nomen Pu inditum esse. "Est hic 'inis 'abulae(" rogavit Christophorus Robinus. "Est 'inis unius. )unt multae." "De Puo et de me(" "De Porcello et de ?epore et de omnibus vobis. onne recordaris(" "Recordor, sed cum recordari conor, mihi excidit." ". . . diem cum Pu ac Porcellus he''alumpum capere conati sunt. . . ." "on ceperunt, ceperuntne(" "&inime vero." "Pu nequivit, quia omnis cerebri expers est.
gun(% %' course have,% 4ou said. %2ut i' do that, it 1ill spoil the balloon,% 4ou said. 2ut i' 4ou don"t% said Pooh, % shall have to let go, and that 1ould spoil me.% When he put it li3e this, 4ou sa1 ho1 it 1as, and 4ou aimed ver4 care'ull4 at the balloon, and 'ired. %1#% said Pooh. %Did miss(% 4ou as3ed. %;ou didn"t exactl4 miss,% said Pooh, %but 4ou missed the balloon.% %"m so sorr4,% 4ou said, and 4ou 'ired again, and this time 4ou hit the balloon and the air came slo1l4 out, and Winnie-the-Pooh 'loated do1n to the ground. 2ut his arms 1ere so sti'' 'rom holding on to the string o' the balloon all that time that the4 sta4ed up straight in the air 'or more than a 1ee3, and 1henever a 'l4 came and settled on his nose he had to blo1 it o''. $nd thin3--but am not sure--that that is 1h4 he 1as al1a4s called Pooh. %s that the end o' the stor4(% as3ed Christopher Robin. %5hat"s the end o' that one. 5here are others.% %$bout Pooh and &e(% %$nd Piglet and Rabbit and all o' 4ou. Don"t 4ou remember(% % do remember, and then 1hen tr4 to remember, 'orget.% %5hat da4 1hen Pooh and Piglet tried to catch the 0e''alump--% %5he4 didn"t catch it, did the4(% %o.% %Pooh couldn"t, because he hasn"t an4 brain. Did catch it(% %Well, that comes into the stor4.% Christopher Robin nodded. % do remember,% he said, %onl4 Pooh doesn"t ver4 1ell, so that"s 1h4 he li3es having it told to him again. 2ecause then it"s a real stor4 and not *ust a remembering.% %5hat"s *ust ho1 'eel,% said. Christopher Robin gave a deep sigh, pic3ed his 2ear up b4 the leg, and 1al3ed o'' to the
Ego autem he''alumpum cepi(" "/ere, istud pars 'abulae est." Christophorus Robinus adnuit! "Egomet reminiscor," dixit. ")ed eae res 'ugiunt Pui memoriam, qua de causa 'abulas bis narratas diligit. 5um tamen 'abula vera est, non solum opus memoriae." "Equidem non secus sentio," dixi. Christophorus Robinus suspirium ab imo duxit, ursum pede apprehendit et Pum post se trahens ad ostium iit. $pud ostium se convertens dixit! "/enisne ut me in balneo videas(" "Possum," dixi. "um eum ictu laesi(" "&inime vero." $dnuit et exiit et interposito deinde brevi tempore audivi Winnie ille Pum 2U&P2U&P-2U&P gradibus post eum ascendere.
II Quo in capite Pu visitatum it et in angustias incurrit
door, trailing Pooh behind him. $t the door he turned and said, %Coming to see me have m4 bath(% % didn"t hurt him 1hen shot him, did (% %ot a bit.% 0e nodded and 1ent out, and in a moment heard Winnie-the-Pooh--bump, bump, bump-going up the stairs behind him.
II In Which Pooh oes !isiting and ets Into a Tight Place
EDW$RD 2E$R, 3no1n to his 'riends as Eduardus Ursus, amicis suis agnomine Winnie-the-Pooh, or Pooh 'or short, 1as "Winnie ille Pu" - aut breviter "Pu" - notus, 1al3ing through the 'orest one da4, humming die quodam canticum semihiantibus labellis proudl4 to himsel'. 0e had made up a little superbe eliquans silvam perambulabat. hum that ver4 morning, as he 1as doing his 2ene mane ante speculum in graciliscenda )toutness Exercises in 'ront o' the glass! 5racorpus exercitia incumbens susurrulum la-la, tra-la-la, as he stretched up as high as he quendam excogitaverat. 5ra-la-la, tra-la-la, could go, and then 5ra-la-la, tra-la--oh, help#-se quam maxime erigens, tra-la-la, tra-la la, as he tried to reach his toes. $'ter succurrite - la-la-bracchiis de'lexis brea3'ast he had said it over and over to hallucem tangere conans. Post *entaculum himsel' until he had learnt it o'' b4 heart, and susurrum repetiit reiteravitque donec no1 he 1as humming it right through, memoria tenuit et nunc ab initio usque ad properl4. t 1ent li3e this! 'inem sine ullo errore cantitabat! 5ra-la-la, tra-la-la, 5ra-la-la, tra-la-la 5ra-la-la, tra-la-la, 5ra-la-la, tra-la-la Rum-tum-tiddle-um-tum. Rum-tum-tiddle-um-tum 5iddle-iddle, tiddle-iddle, 5iddle-iddle, tiddle-iddle Rum-tum-tum-tiddle-um. Rum-tum-tum-tiddle-um. Well, he 1as humming this hum to himsel', )usurrum istum susurrabat et alacriter per and 1al3ing along gail4, 1ondering 1hat silvam ambulabat scire avens, quid alii ever4bod4 else 1as doing, and 1hat it 'elt
agerent, et quid ipse, si alius quis esset, li3e, being somebod4 else, 1hen suddenl4 he sentiret, cum repente ad locum arenosum came to a sand4 ban3, and in the ban3 1as a pervenit, ubi magnum 'oramen erat. large hole. "0eus#" dixit Pu 8Rum-tum-tiddle-um-tum9. %$ha #% said Pooh. 8Rum-tum-tiddle-um-tum.9 ")i de aliqua re quid sciam, 'oramen istud %' 3no1 an4thing about an4thing, that hole leporern signi'icat," dixit, "et lepus means Rabbit,% he said, %and Rabbit means convictum signi'icat," dixit, "convictus Compan4,% he said, %and Compan4 means autem signi'icat aliquid esculenti, aliquem 6ood and ?istening-to-&e-0umming and me-susurrantem-auscultantem, cetera. such li3e. Rum-tum-tiddle-um." Rum-tum-tum-tiddle-um. taque se inclinans caput in 'oramen )o he bent do1n, put his head into the hole, introduxit et clamavit! and called out! "0eus, ecquis domi est(" %s an4bod4 at home(% 6uit intus rumor quidam sternutamenti 5here 1as a sudden scu''ling noise 'rom similis et deinde denuo silentium. inside the hole, and then silence. "Dixi equidem et dico! ecquis domi est(" %What said 1as, "s an4bod4 at home("% clamavit Pu magna voce. called out Pooh ver4 loudl4. "&inime," respondit vox+ deinde subiunxit! %o#% said a voice+ and then added, %;ou "oli tam magna voce clamare. am in needn"t shout so loud. heard 4ou quite 1ell primo te clarissime audivi." the 'irst time.% "&alum#" dixit Pu. "emo prorsus adest(" %2other#% said Pooh. %sn"t there an4bod4 here "emo#" at all(% Winnie ille Pu caput 'oramine extraxit, %obod4.% aliquamdiu cogitabat et secum cogitabat! Winnie-the-Pooh too3 his head out o' the "$liquis adesse debet quia aliquem %nemo% hole, and thought 'or a little, and he thought to dixisse oportuit. "Caput ergo iterum in himsel', %5here must be somebod4 there, 'oramen inseruit et dixit! because somebod4 must have said "obod4."% "0eus, ?epus, esne tu(" )o he put his head bac3 in the hole, and said! "on sum," dixit ?epus nunc mutata voce. %0allo, Rabbit, isn"t that 4ou(% "onne haec vox ?eporem sonat(" %o,% said Rabbit, in a di''erent sort o' voice "on puto," dixit ?epus. "ollem sonaret." this time. FF dixit Pu. %2ut isn"t that Rabbit"s voice(% Caput e 'oramine extraxit, aliquamdiu % don"t thin3 so,% said Rabbit. %t isn"t meant meditatus est, deinde caput iterum immisit to be.% et dixit! %h#% said Pooh. "uaeso bona venia, dic mihi! ubi est 0e too3 his head out o' the hole, and had ?epus(" another thin3, and then he put it bac3, and "$biit ad amicum suum Ursum Pum said! visendum, quia ille ei ex animo amicus est." %Well, could 4ou ver4 3indl4 tell me 1here ")ed egomet sum ille#" exclamavit Pu Rabbit is(% obstupe'actus. %0e has gone to see his 'riend Pooh 2ear, 1ho "5une ille ursus(" is a great 'riend o' his.% "Ursus Pu." %2ut this is &e#% said 2ear, ver4 much "5ibi persuasum est(" dixit ?epus magis surprised. etiam obstupe'actus. %What sort o' &e(% "Credo hercle esse," dixit Pu. %Pooh 2ear.%
"$ge igitur, veni intro#" %$re 4ou sure(% said Rabbit, still more Pu sese pressit, pressit, pressit et tandem surprised. per 'oramen se intulit. %uite, quite sure,% said Pooh. "ure dixisti," inquit ?epus eum ab omni %h, 1ell, then, come in.% parte conspiciens. "Certe, es. =ratus mihi )o Pooh pushed and pushed and pushed his venis." 1a4 through the hole, and at last he got in. "uid cogitavisti quis essem(" %;ou 1ere quite right,% said Rabbit, loo3ing at "Pro certo non habui. on ignoras, him all over. %t is 4ou. =lad to see 4ou.% quomodo res in silva se habeat. Domus %Who did 4ou thin3 it 1as(% omnibus patere nequit. Circumspicere %Well, 1asn"t sure. ;ou 3no1 ho1 it is in the oportet. uid de buccella quadam 6orest. ne can"t have an4bod4 coming into opinaris(" one"s house. ne has to be care'ul. What Pu hora matutina undecima buccellam about a mouth'ul o' something(% parvulam sempre diligebat et gaudio Pooh al1a4s li3ed a little something at eleven exsultavit cum ?epus patinas et cantharos o"cloc3 in the morning, and he 1as ver4 glad in mensa apponeret. Et cum ?epus to see Rabbit getting out the plates and mugs+ interrogaret! "&avis mel vel lac and 1hen Rabbit said, %0one4 or condensed condensatum cum pane tuo(" tanta mil3 1ith 4our bread(% he 1as so excited that alacritate a''ectus est, ut "Utrumque" he said, %2oth,% and then, so as not to seem diceret, sed deinde, ne avidus videretur, greed4, he added, %2ut don"t bother about addidit! ")ed, amabo te, mitte panem#" the bread, please.% $nd 'or a long time a'ter Postea aliquamdiu nihil dixit . . . donec that he said nothing . . . until at last, humming postremo, voce satis viscosa secum to himsel' in a rather stic34 voice, he got up, murmurans exsurrexit, ungulam ?eporis shoo3 Rabbit lovingl4 b4 the pa1, and said amabiliter ungula iunxit et dixit, sibi that he must be going on. abeundum esse. %&ust 4ou(% said Rabbit politel4 "5empus abire tibi est(" dixit ?epus urbane. %Well,% said Pooh, % could sta4 a little longer ")ane," dixit Pu. "Paulisper manere possum, i' it--i' 4ou----% and he tried ver4 hard to loo3 si tu . . . si quid . . ." et mani'este versus in the direction o' the larder. cellam penariam prospicere conatus est. %$s a matter o' 'act,% said Rabbit, % 1as "Pro'ecto," dixit ?epus, "ego quoque going out m4sel' directl4.% exiturus eram." %h 1ell, then, "ll be going on. =ood-b4e.% "2ene, denique exeo. /ale#" %Well, good-b4e, i' 4ou"re sure 4ou 1on"t have "/ale, si certum habes te nil amplius an4 more.% quaerere." %s there an4 more(% as3ed Pooh quic3l4. "Estne aliquid amplius(" rogavit Pu Rabbit too3 the covers o'' the dishes, and velociter. said, %o, there 1asn"t.% ?epus opercula patinarum sublevavit et % thought not,% said Pooh, nodding to himsel' dixit! "6uit." %Well, good-b4e. must be going on.% "&ente 'ingebam," dixit Pu capite nutans et )o he started to climb out o' the hole. 0e secum murmuravit! "/ale# )ed nunc pulled 1ith his 'ront pa1s, and pushed 1ith propero." his bac3 pa1s, and in a little 1hile his nose Per 'oramen igitur ire 'oras tendebat rursus. 1as out in the open again . . . and then his ears )ese primoribus ungulis traxit, postremis . . . and then his 'ront pa1s . . . and then his propulit et aliquanto post nasus iterum in shoulders . . . and then-aperto erat . . . postea auriculae . . . postea %h, help#% said Pooh. %"d better go bac3.%
ungulae primores . . . postea humeri . . . et postea. . . . ")uccurrite#" dixit Pu. "Potius retrorsus me recipio." "&alum#" dixit Pu. "&ihi procedendum est." "ulla hinc exire potestas," dixit Pu. ", malum et succurrite#" bi tum etiam ?epus ambulatum volebat ire et ostio antico obturato extra posticum procuccurrit, ad Pum venit et eum adspexit. "Eheu# in'ixus es(" rogavit. " - on sum," dixit Pu neglectim. "Paululum interquiesco, meditor et mecum susurro." "$ge, da mihi ungulam#" Ursus Pu ungulam extendit, et ?epus traxit, et traxit, et traxit. . . . "Eheu#" clamavit Pu. "&ihi dolorem in'ers#" ")umma haec est," dixit .epus! "n'ixus es." "d accidit," dixit Pu iracundus, "portas anticas non satis magnas habendo." "d accidit," dixit ?epus severus, "immodice manducando. amdudum cogitabam," dixit ?epus, "modo dicere nolebam," dixit ?epus, "unum nostrum immodice manducare," dixit ?epus, "et unus ille, quod sciam, ipse non 'ui. $ge, age, iam abeo et Christophorum Robinum arcesso." Christophorus Robinus in contraria parte silvae habitabat et cum comite ?epore reverteretur et partem anteriorem Pui conspiceret, ")tulte urse vetule" dixit et tanta suavitas erat sermonis eius ut omnia corda in novam spem sublata essent. "&ente 'ingere coepi," dixit Pu singultim, "quod 'ortasse ?epus ostio antico nunquam posthac uti poterit. 0uius 'acti me vehementer pigebit." "&e quoque," dixit ?epus. "stio antico nunquam posthac uti(" dixit Christophorus Robinus. ")ane ostio antico uti poterit." "2ene#" dixit ?epus. ")i te, Pu, extrahere nequimus, te 'orsitan retrudimus#" ?epus pensitans barbulam malis demissam per'ricuit et meminit Pum retrusum intus
%h, bother#% said Pooh. % shall have to go on.% % can"t do either#% said Pooh. %h, help and bother#% o1, b4 this time Rabbit 1anted to go 'or a 1al3 too, and 'inding the 'ront door 'ull, he 1ent out b4 the bac3 door, and came round to Pooh, and loo3ed at him. %0allo, are 4ou stuc3(% he as3ed. %-no,% said Pooh carelessl4. %ust resting and thin3ing and humming to m4sel'.% %0ere, give us a pa1.% Pooh 2ear stretched out a pa1, and Rabbit pulled and pulled and pulled.... %H1#% cried Pooh. %;ou"re hurting#% %5he 'act is,% said Rabbit, %4ou"re stuc3.% %t all comes,% said Pooh crossl4, %o' not having 'ront doors big enough.% %t all comes,% said Rabbit sternl4, %o' eating too much. thought at the time,% said Rabbit, %onl4 didn"t li3e to sa4 an4thing,% said Rabbit, %that one o' us has eating too much,% said Rabbit, %and 3ne1 it 1asn"t me,% he said. %Well, 1ell, shall go and 'etch Christopher Robin.% Christopher Robin lived at the other end o' the 6orest, and 1hen he came bac3 1ith Rabbit, and sa1 the 'ront hal' o' Pooh, he said, %)ill4 old 2ear,% in such a loving voice that ever4bod4 'elt quite hope'ul again. % 1as *ust beginning to thin3,% said 2ear, sni''ing slightl4, %that Rabbit might never be able to use his 'ront door again. $nd should hate that,% he said. %)o should ,% said Rabbit. %Use his 'ront door again(% said Christopher Robin. %' course he"ll use his 'ront door again. %=ood,% said Rabbit. %' 1e can"t pull 4ou out, Pooh, 1e might push 4ou bac3.% Rabbit scratched his 1his3ers thought'ull4, and pointed out that, 1hen once Pooh 1as pushed bac3, he 1as bac3, and o' course nobod4 1as more glad to see Pooh than he 1as, still there it 1as, some lived in trees and
esse, at quamvis nemo seipso magis some lived underground, and-delectaretur Pum tecto recipere, res ita se %;ou mean "d never get out(% said Pooh. habere, ut essent, qui sursum, essent qui % mean,% said Rabbit, %that having got so 'ar, sub terra colerent. . . . it seems a pit4 to 1aste it.% "&e nunquam in lucem emergere censes(" Christopher Robin nodded. dixit Pu. %5hen there"s onl4 one thing to be done,% he "Censeo," dixit ?epus, "te longius said. %We shall have to 1ait 'or 4ou to get thin progressum esse, quam ut sine damno again.% regredi posses." %0o1 long does getting thin ta3e(% as3ed Christophorus Robinus adnuit. Pooh anxiousl4. "ihil superest agendum," dixit, "nisi %$bout a 1ee3, should thin3.% exspectare te iterum ad maciem reductum %2ut can"t sta4 here 'or a 1ee3#% esse." %;ou can sta4 here all right, sill4 old 2ear. t"s "uamdiu durat macescere(" rogavit Pu getting 4ou out 1hich is so di''icult.% timidus. %We"ll read to 4ou,% said Rabbit cheer'ull4. "Dies 'ortasse septem, nisi quid me 'allit." %$nd hope it 1on"t sno1,% he added. %$nd ")ed non possum in septimum diem hic sa4, old 'ello1, 4ou"re ta3ing up a good deal manere#" o' room in m4 house--do 4ou mind i' use "&anere potes, vetule urse stulte# uod 4our bac3 legs as a to1el-horse( 2ecause, di''icilius est, est te extrahere#" mean, there the4 are--doing nothing--and it "Praelegemus tibi," dixit ?epus adhortandi 1ould be ver4 convenient *ust to hang the causa, "et spero propediem non 'ore, ut to1els on them.% ningat," sub*unxit. "Et quoniam tu, vetule %$ 1ee3#% said Pooh gloomil4. %What about amice, partem non minimam spatii domus meals(% meae occupas! ob*ectasne, si ungulis tuis %"m a'raid no meals,% said Christopher Robin, postremis pro sustentaculis %because o' getting thin quic3er. 2ut 1e 1ill mantelium utar( Existimo enim eas adesse read to 4ou.% et vacare, et mihi peropportune eveniet, si 2ear began to sigh, and then 'ound he couldn"t mantelia in iis siccare possim." because he 1as so tightl4 stuc3+ and a tear ")eptem dies#" dixit Pu tristis. "Et quid, quod rolled do1n his e4e, as he said! ad re'ectiones attinet(" %5hen 1ould 4ou read a )ustaining 2oo3, "/ereor, ne absint," dixit Christophorus such as 1ould help and com'ort a Wedged Robinus. "uippe ita ocius macescis. $t 2ear in =reat 5ightness(% )o 'or a 1ee3 certe tibi praelegemus." Christopher Robin read that sort o' boo3 at Ursus suspirium trahere coepit, sed statim the orth end o' Pooh, and Rabbit hung his animadvertit se non posse, quia reapse 1ashing on the )outh end . . . and in bet1een artissime in'ixus erat. ?acrimas emisit 2ear 'elt himsel' getting slenderer and obortas, cum diceret! slenderer. $nd at the end o' the 1ee3 "/isne ergo mihi librum sustinentem Christopher Robin said, praelegere, ad ursum inter angusta arte %o1#% )o he too3 hold o' Pooh"s 'ront pa1s in'ixum consolandum idoneum(" and Rabbit too3 hold o' Christopher Robin, taque per hebdomadem Christophorus and all Rabbit"s 'riends and relations too3 Robinus librum talem apud extremitatem hold o' Rabbit, and the4 all pulled together.... septentrionalem Pui praelegit, et ?epus $nd 'or a long time Pooh onl4 said %1#% . . . lintea in extremitate meridiana $nd %h#% . . . suspendit . . . et inter eas Pu se ipsum $nd then, all o' a sudden, he said %Pop#% *ust
magis magisque graciliscere sensit. Extremo hebdomadis Christophorus Robinus dixit! "UC#" Ungulas denique primores Pui prehendit, ?epus autem Christophorum, omnes amici et cognati ?eporis ?eporem et cuncti viribus unitis traxerunt. . . . $liquamdiu Pu modo dixit . . . "0eu. . . ." "Et heu. . . ." $c repente, "Popp," dixit, sicut cortex ex lagoenula saliens. Et Christophorus Robinus, ?epus et omnes cognati et a''ines ?eporis perculsi humi prostrati sunt . . . et supra omnes iacuit Winnie ille Pu liberatus# taque amicis gratiarum instar capite adnuens perrexit silvam perambulare, superbe secum susurrans. Christophorus Robinus autem amanter eum contemplans secum murmuravit! "/etule, stulte urse#"
III Quo in capite Pu ac Porcellus venatum prodeunt et paene vusillum captant
as i' a cor3 1ere coming out o' bottle. $nd Christopher Robin and Rabbit and all Rabbit"s 'riends and relations 1ent head-overheels bac31ards . . . and on the top o' them came Winnie-the-Pooh--'ree# )o, 1ith a nod o' than3s to his 'riends, he 1ent on 1ith his 1al3 through the 'orest, humming proudl4 to himsel'. 2ut, Christopher Robin loo3ed a'ter him lovingl4, and said to himsel', %)ill4 old 2ear#%
III In Which Pooh And Piglet o "unting And #earl$ %atch A Woo&le
50E Piglet lived in a ver4 grand house in the Porcellus in domo magni'ica media in 'ago middle o' a beech-tree, and the beech-tree 1as habitabat, 'agus media in silva erat et in the middle o' the 'orest, and the Piglet lived Porcellus media in domo vivebat. $pud in the middle o' the house. ext to his house domum tabula quaedam 'racta erat, ita 1as a piece o' bro3en board 1hich had! inscripta! "5R$)5U) /E". Cum %5RE)P$))ER) W% on it. When Christopher Christophorus Robinus Porcellum rogavit, Robin as3ed the Piglet 1hat it meant, he quid hoc signi'icaret, iste dixit, id nomen said it 1as his grand'ather"s name, and had avi esse et per longum tempus in 'amilia been in the 'amil4 'or a long time. 'uisse. egavit Christophorus Robinus Christopher Robin said 4ou couldn"t be called aliquem "5ransitus /e" vocari posse, sed 5respassers W, and Piglet said 4es, 4ou could, Porcellus in sententia perseveravit, quia because his grand'ather 1as, and it 1as short scilicet avus suus ita vocabatur et erat 'or 5respassers Will, 1hich 1as short 'or "5ransitus /ehi" breviter complexus, quod 5respassers William. $nd his grand'ather had erat "5ransitus /ehilius" breviter complexus. had t1o names in case he lost one-$vo duo nomina 'uerant ne uno amisso 5respassers a'ter an uncle, and William a'ter innominatus eveniret - 5ransitus post 5respassers. patrem et /ehilius post 5ransitum. %"ve got t1o names,% said Christopher Robin "Etiam mihi," dixit neglectim Christophorus carelessl4. Robinus, "duo sunt nomina." %Well, there 4ou are, that proves it,% said
"Ecce tibi, quod demonstrandum erat," dixit Piglet. Porcellus. ne 'ine 1inter"s da4 1hen Piglet 1as Die quodam hiberno sereno, cum Porcellus brushing a1a4 the sno1 in 'ront o' his house, nivem ante domum deverreret, casu he happened to loo3 up, and there 1as suspiciens Winnie ille Pum adspexit. Pu in Winnie-the-Pooh. Pooh 1as 1al3ing round orbe termini circum'luentis reciproco and round in a circle, thin3ing o' something gressu ibat alia mente agitans, et cum else, and 1hen Piglet called to him, he *ust Porcellus eum vocavit, non desiit ambulare. 1ent on 1al3ing. "0eu#" dixit Porcellus. "uid tu istic(" %0allo#% said Piglet, %1hat are 4ou doing(% "/enor," dixit Pu. %0unting,% said Pooh. "/enaris quid(" %0unting 1hat(% "$liqnid vestigiis sector," dixit Winnie ille %5rac3ing something,% said Winnie-the-Pooh Pu m4stice. ver4 m4steriousl4. ")ectaris quid(" dixit Porcellus %5rac3ing 1hat(% said Piglet, coming closer appropinquans. %5hat"s *ust 1hat as3 m4sel'. as3 m4sel', "nterrogo ipse me. pse me interrogo! What(% quid(" %What do 4ou thin3 4ou"ll ans1er(% "uid existimas te tibi responsurum esse(" % shall have to 1ait until catch up 1ith it,% "&e exspectare oportet, donec animal said Winnie-the-Pooh. %o1, loo3 there.% 0e assecutus ero," dixit Winnie ille Pu. "unc pointed to the ground in 'ront o' him. %What age, vide#" Digito terram ante se do 4ou see there(% monstravit. "uid hic vides(" %5rac3s,% said Piglet. %Pa1-mar3s.% 0e gave a "/estigia," dixit Porcellus. "/estigia little squea3 o' excitement. %h, Pooh# Do ungularum," /agitum brevem excitatumque 4ou thin3 it"s a--a--a Woo:le(% emisit. " Pu# Credis ea vusillum %t ma4 be,% said Pooh. %)ometimes it is, and signi'icare(" sometimes it isn"t. ;ou never can tell 1ith ")igni'icare possunt," dixit Pu. "&odo pa1- mar3s.% signi'icant, modo autem minime. De With these 'e1 1ords he 1ent on trac3ing, vestigiis semper dubitandum est." and Piglet, a'ter 1atching him 'or a minute or 0is paucis verbis vestigia persequi t1o, ran a'ter him. Winnie-the-Pooh had come pergebat et Porcellus uno aut duobus to a sudden stop, and 1as bending over the punctis temporis interpositis eum propere trac3s in a pu::led sort o' 1a4. insecutus est. Winnie ille Pu enim repente %What"s the matter(% as3ed Piglet. constiterat et con'uso quoddam modo supra %t"s a ver4 'unn4 thing,% said 2ear, %but there vestigia inclinatus erat. seem to be t1o animals no1. "uid est rei(" rogavit Porcellus. 5his--1hatever-it-1as--has been *oined b4 "/alde miri'icum est," dixit ursus. "unc another--1hatever-it-is--and the t1o o' them animalia duo esse apparent# stud are no1 proceeding in compan4. Would 4ou quodcumque 'uit - alterum quodcumque mind coming 1ith me, Piglet, in case the4 'uit assecutum est et ambo nunc una turn out to be 0ostile $nimals(% procedunt. /eni mecum Porcelle, quia 'ieri Piglet scratched his ear in a nice sort o' 1a4, potest ut animalia hostilia sint#" and said that he had nothing to do until Porcellus auriculum lepide adscalpens dixit 6rida4, and 1ould be delighted to come, in se usque ad diem /eneris vacare et case it reall4 1as a Woo:le. libentissime se esse comitem, si pro'ecto %;ou mean, in case it reall4 is t1o Woo:les,% vusillus esset. said Winnie-the-Pooh, and Piglet said that
"/is dicere, si duo vusilli essent," dixit Pu+ et Porcellus dixit, se utique usque diem /eneris otio 'rui posse. deo ambo in viam se dederunt. Erat illuc nemus parvulum laricum et evidenter vusilli, si vusilli 'uerunt, g4ros circum nemus duxerant. taque nemus orbe circumscribentes Pu et Porcellus eos secuti sunt. Porcellus tempus ducebat Puo quid avus suus 5R$)5U) /E 'ecisset ad rigorem post insectationem levandum, et quomodo avus 5R$)5U) /E supremis suis in annis ex angustia respirationis laboravisset atque alia magni momenti argumenta narrans+ Pu autem scire cupivit quid "avus" esset et si 'orsitan nunc geminos avos sequerentur et si alterutrum domum 'erre posset ac sibi habere et quid Christophorus Robinus dicturus esset. /estigia autem ante eos nunquam intermittebant. Repente Winnie ille Pu constitit et digito aliquid ante se monstravit! "0eu, adspice#" "uid(" dixit Porcellus subsultans. Deinde, ne se time'actum monstraret, bis aut ter exercitii instar subsultavit. "/estigia#" dixit Pu. "$nimal tertium se aliis duobus coniunxit#" "Pu," exclamavit Porcellus, "credis hoc insuper unum vusillum signi'icare(" "&inime," dixit Pu, "quia diversa reliquit vestigia. )unt aut duo vusilli et unus, ut videtur, visillus, aut duo visilli et unus, ut patet, vusillus. Pergamus sequi#" taque pergebant, subtimentes ne animalia ante se animum hostilem haberent. Porcellus vehementer cupivit avum suum "5ransitum /em" non alibi, sed praesentem esse et Pu mente 'ingebat quomodo exsultaret gaudio, si in Christophorum Robinum repente at 'ortuito incideret, sed solum quia Christophorum Robinum tantopere diligebat. Postea autem ex improviso Winnie ille Pu iterum constitit et nasi primoris acumen re'rigerans lambit,
an4ho1 he had nothing to do until 6rida4. )o o'' the4 1ent together. 5here 1as a small spinne4 o' larch trees *ust here, and it seemed as i' the t1o Woo:les, i' that is 1hat the4 1ere, had been going round this spinne4+ so round this spinne4 1ent Pooh and Piglet a'ter them+ Piglet passing the time b4 telling Pooh 1hat his =rand'ather 5respassers W had done to Remove )ti''ness a'ter 5rac3ing, and ho1 his =rand'ather 5respassers W had su''ered in his later 4ears 'rom )hortness o' 2reath, and other matters o' interest, and Pooh 1ondering 1hat a =rand'ather 1as li3e, and i' perhaps this 1as 51o =rand'athers the4 1ere a'ter no1, and, i' so, 1hether he 1ould be allo1ed to ta3e one home and 3eep it, and 1hat Christopher Robin 1ould sa4. $nd still the trac3s 1ent on in 'ront o' them.... )uddenl4 Winnie-the-Pooh stopped, and pointed excitedl4 in 'ront o' him. %?oo3#% %What(% said Piglet, 1ith a *ump. $nd then, to sho1 that he hadn"t been 'rightened, he *umped up and do1n once or t1ice more in an exercising sort o' 1a4. %5he trac3s#% said Pooh. %$ third animal has *oined the other t1o#% %Pooh#% cried Piglet %Do 4ou thin3 it is another Woo:le(% %o,% said Pooh, %because it ma3es di''erent mar3s. t is either 51o Woo:les and one, as it might be, Wi::le, or 51o, as it might be, Wi::les and one, i' so it is, Woo:le. ?et us continue to 'ollo1 them.% )o the4 1ent on, 'eeling *ust a little anxious no1, in case the three animals in 'ront o' them 1ere o' 0ostile ntent. $nd Piglet 1ished ver4 much that his =rand'ather 5. W. 1ere there, instead o' else1here, and Pooh thought ho1 nice it 1ould be i' the4 met Christopher Robin suddenl4 but quite accidentall4, and onl4 because he li3ed Christopher Robin so much. $nd then, all o' a sudden, Winnie-thePooh stopped again, and lic3ed the tip o' his nose in a cooling manner, 'or he 1as 'eeling more hot and anxious than ever in his li'e
quia plus caloris et timoris sensit quam unquam alias. uattuor animalia ante se erant# "/idesne Porcelle( $dspice vestigia eorum# 5res, evidenter vusilli et unus, evidenter visillus. $lius etiam vusillus se iisdem con*unxit#" )ane ita apparebat. $derant vestigia, modo inter se occursantia, modo intermixta, sed distincte huc et illuc quattuor paria ungularum concurrentium. "Puto," dixit Porcellus, etiam nasi primoris acumen lingens, quod ei parum solacii ad'erre videbatur, "puto mihi alicuius negotii in mentem venisse. &ihi alicuius negotii in mentem incidit, cuius heri oblitus eram, et quod cras per'ici nequit. taque existimo mihi revertendum esse et illud statim per'icere." "Post meridiem 'aciemus et ego te comitabor," dixit Pu. "on est negotium pomeridianum," dixit cito Porcellus. "Est negotium peculiare antemeridianum quod non nisi mane per'ici potest, inter horas - quota, quaeso, hora est(" "Circiter meridiem," dixit Winnie ille Pu, solem contemplans. "nter, inquam, duodecimam horam ac meridiem et quinque. taque, reapse, Pu vetule et carissime, habe me excusatum uid est(" Pu oculos in coelum vertit, deinde sibilo iterum audito oculis sursum intentis ramos magnae quaercus scrutatus est et amicum suum quendam conspexit. "Est Christophorus Robinus," dixit. "5um vero omne tibi bene evenit," dixit Porcellus. "Cum eo tutus eris. /ale#" et gaudens periculum e''ugere, citato cursu, quam velocissime poterat domum iit. Christophorus Robinus lente de arbore descendit. "Ursule stultule vetule," dixit, "quid 'ecisti( Primum solus bis circuitum totius luculi 'ecisti, deinde Porcellus te secutus est et
be'ore. 5here 1ere 'our animals in 'ront o' them# %Do 4ou see, Piglet( ?oo3 at their trac3s# 5hree, as it 1ere, Woo:les, and one, as it 1as, Wi::le. $nother Woo:le has *oined them#% $nd so it seemed to be. 5here 1ere the trac3s+ crossing over each other here, getting muddled up 1ith each other there+ but, quite plainl4 ever4 no1 and then, the trac3s o' 'our sets o' pa1s. % thin3,% said Piglet, 1hen he had lic3ed the tip o' his nose too, and 'ound that it brought ver4 little com'ort, % thin3 that have *ust remembered something. have *ust remembered something that 'orgot to do 4esterda4 and sha"n"t be able to do to-morro1. )o suppose reall4 ought to go bac3 and do it no1.% %We"ll do it this a'ternoon, and "ll come 1ith 4ou,% said Pooh. %t isn"t the sort o' thing 4ou can do in the a'ternoon,% said Piglet quic3l4. %t"s a ver4 particular morning thing, that has to be done in the morning, and, i' possible, bet1een the hours o' What 1ould 4ou sa4 the time 1as(% %$bout t1elve,% said Winnie-the-Pooh, loo3ing at the sun. %2et1een, as 1as sa4ing, the hours o' t1elve and t1elve 'ive. )o, reall4, dear old Pooh, i' 4ou"ll excuse me-- What"s that.% Pooh loo3ed up at the s34, and then, as he heard the 1histle again, he loo3ed up into the branches o' a big oa3-tree, and then he sa1 a 'riend o' his. %t"s Christopher Robin,% he said. %$h, then 4ou"ll be all right,% said Piglet. %;ou"ll be quite sa'e 1ith him. =ood-b4e,% and he trotted o'' home as quic3l4 as he could, ver4 glad to be ut o' $ll Danger again. Christopher Robin came slo1l4 do1n his tree. %)ill4 old 2ear,% he said, %1hat 1ere 4ou doing( 6irst 4ou 1ent round the spinne4 t1ice b4 4oursel', and then Piglet ran a'ter 4ou and
coniunctim circuitum 'ecistis, deinde autem quarta vice. . . ." "&ane paulisper," dixit, ungulam elevans Winnie ille Pu. Consedit et quam cogitabundissime potuit, meditatus est. Deinde solea vestigium ingressus est . . . deinde naso bis per'ricato sese erexit. "ta est," dixit Winnie ille Pu. "unc demum intellego," dixit Winnie ille Pu. ")tultus et delusus 'ui," dixit, "et ursus sine ullo cerebro sum." "ptimus ursus mundi es," dixit consolabunde Christophorus Robinus. ")erion" dicis tu(" dixit Pu in spem sublatus et iam vultu renidens. "Utcumque tamen," dixit, "hora 'ere prandii est." taque pransuri domum ierunt.
4ou 1ent round again together, and then 4ou 1ere *ust going round a 'ourth time% %Wait a moment,% said Winnie-the-Pooh, holding up his pa1. 0e sat do1n and thought, in the most thought'ul 1a4 he could thin3. 5hen he 'itted his pa1 into one o' the 5rac3s . . . and then he scratched his nose t1ice, and stood up. %;es,% said Winnie-the-Pooh. % see no1,% said Winnie-the-Pooh. % have been 6oolish and Deluded,% said he, %and am a 2ear o' o 2rain at $ll.% %;ou"re the 2est 2ear in $ll the World,% said Christopher Robin soothingl4. %$m (% said Pooh hope'ull4. $nd then he brightened up suddenl4. %$n4ho1,% he said, %it is nearl4 ?uncheon 5ime.% )o he 1ent home 'or it.
I! Quo in capite Ior caudam amittit et Pu caudam quendam invenit
I! In Which 'e$ore (oses A Tail And Pooh )inds *ne
or, auritulus cinereus ille annosus, sous in silvae angulo quodam carduoso stabat, pedibus late divaricatis, capite de'lexo de rerum natura meditans. &odo tristis secum "Cur(" cogitabat, modo "quemadmodum(" et modo "0audquaquam huiusmodi," modo autem quid pensitaret, omnino ignorabat. taque Puo appropinquante or paulisper a meditatione desistere gavisus est ut maeste "Ut vales(" ei diceret. "Et quomodo res tua agitur(" dixit Winnie ille Pu. or capite abnuit. "on valde quomodo," dixit. "?ongo iam ex tempore evidenter non agitur quomodo." "&alum, malum," dixit Pu. ")ane dolendum est. )ine me te adspicere."
50E ld =re4 Don3e4, Ee4ore, stood b4 himsel' in a thistl4 corner o' the 'orest, his 'ront 'eet 1ell apart, his head on one side, and thought about things. )ometimes he thought sadl4 to himsel', %Wh4(% and sometimes he thought, %Where'ore(% and sometimes he thought, %nasmuch as 1hich(%--and sometimes he didn"t quite 3no1 1hat he 1as thin3ing about. )o 1hen Winnie-the-Pooh came stumping along, Ee4ore 1as ver4 glad to be able to stop thin3ing 'or a little, in order to sa4 %0o1 d o 4ou do(% in a gloom4 manner to him. %$nd ho1 are 4ou(% said Winnie-the-Pooh. Ee4ore shoo3 his head 'rom side to side. %ot ver4 ho1,% he said. % don"t seem to have 'elt at all ho1 'or a long time.% %Dear, dear,% said Pooh, %"m sorr4 about that.
or igitur sortem miseratus iniquam oculos solo 'ixos tenens eo loco stabat et Winnie ille Pu eum semel circumiit. "Dic! quid caudae tuae accidit(" "uid ergo accidit(" "$best#" "5ibi persuasum est(" "Cauda aut adest, aut abest. 5ertium nihil est. Et cauda tua abest." "uid ergo est(" "ihil." ")ine videam," dixit or, lente se ad locum convertens, ubi antea cauda 'uerat, deinde, eam invenire nequiens in contrarium se vertit usque ad pristinam positionem, postea capite demisso intra crura primoria spectavit et postremo suspirium alto pectore et triste ducens! "Probe dixisti," inquit, "abest#" ")cilicet," dixit Pu. "0oc mihi ad multa quadrat," dixit or maestus. "d omnia explicat. 0aud mirum." "$licubi caudam reliquisse debes." "$liquem caudam sustulisse oportet," dixit or. ")ic agit vulgus," sub*unxit, longum post silentium. Pu sensit sibi aliquid auxiliare dicendum esse, sed ignorabat quid. Decrevit igitur, dicendi vice opi'erum quid 'acere. "or mi," dixit sollemniter, "egomet, Winnie ille Pu, caudam tuam reperiam." "=ratias tibi ago Pu," respondit or. "6idelis amicus es," dixit. "onnullis dissimilis," dixit. taque Winnie ille Pu caudam oris quaesitum abiit. Erat dies vernus iucundus in silva, cum exiret. ubeculae tenerae 'eliciter in coelo caeruleo ludebant, modo sese sub solem insinuantes, quasi si eum extinguere vellent, modo repente delabentes, ut aliarum partes venirent. 5rans eas et inter eas sol lucidum 'ulgebat. /etus pinetum prope ornamentum viride et novum sicut acu pictum quod 'agi tam lepide induerant miserum et vetustum apparebat. Per lucum et silvam ursus iter
?et"s have a loo3 at 4ou.% )o Ee4ore stood there, ga:ing sadl4 at the ground, and Winniethe-Pooh 1al3ed all round him once. %Wh4, 1hat"s happened to 4our tail(% he said in surprise. %What has happened to it(% said Ee4ore. %t isn"t there#% %$re 4ou sure(% %Well, either a tail is there or it isn"t there ;ou can"t ma3e a mista3e about it. $nd 4ours isn"t there#% %5hen 1hat is(% %othing.% %?et"s have a loo3,% said Ee4ore, and he turned slo1l4 round to the place 1here his tail had been a little 1hile ago, and then, 'inding that he couldn"t catch it up, he turned round the other 1a4, until he came bac3 to 1here he 1as at 'irst, and then he put his head do1n and loo3ed bet1een his 'ront legs, and at last he said, 1ith a long, sad sigh, % believe 4ou"re right% %' course "m right,% said Pooh %5hat accounts 'or a =ood Deal,% said Ee4ore gloomil4. %t explains Ever4thing. o Wonder.% %;ou must have le't it some1here,% said Winnie-the-Pooh. %)omebod4 must have ta3en it,% said Ee4ore. %0o1 ?i3e 5hem,% he added, a'ter a long silence. Pooh 'elt that he ought to sa4 something help'ul about it, but didn"t quite 3no1 1hat. )o he decided to do something help'ul instead. %Ee4ore,% he said solemnl4, %, Winnie-thePooh, 1ill 'ind 4our tail 'or 4ou.% %5han3 4ou, Pooh,% ans1ered Ee4ore. %;ou"re a real 'riend,% said he. %ot li3e )ome,% he said. )o Winnie-the-Pooh 1ent o'' to 'ind Ee4ore"s tail. t 1as a 'ine spring morning in the 'orest as he started out. ?ittle so't clouds pla4ed happil4 in a blue s34, s3ipping 'rom time to time in 'ront o' the sun as i' the4 had come to put it out, and then sliding a1a4 suddenl4 so that the next might have his turn. 5hrough
'ecit. Descendit clivos erica et vepribus indutos, transivit alveos saxosos rivulorum, scandit ripas arduas et glareosas, et ad extremum 'essus et 'ame con'ectus ad silvam Centum ugerum pervenit. n silva autem Centum ugerum 2ubo habitabat. ")i quis quid de qua re scit," ursus secum meditatus est, "2ubo est, qui aliquid de aliqua re non ignorat," dixit. "isi 'orte Winnie ille Pu non vocor. )ed vocor," dixit. "Denique#" 2ubo "ad castaneas" venusta et vetusta quadam domo habitabat, quae domibus aliorum maior erat, aut saltem urso ita apparebat, quia et pulsatorem ostii et 'uniculum tintinnabuli habebat. n'ra pulsatorem libellus erat cum hac inscriptione 'ixus! CUE) )$ $E) ) R)P)& /). 'ra 'uniculum tintinnabuli libellus autem erat cum hac inscriptione 'ixus! CUE) PU?)$ ) R)P)& /). 0as inscriptiones Christophorus Robinus, qui solus in silva ortographus erat, manu scripserat. am 2uboni, quamvis multis sub aspectibus sapiens esset, aptus ad nomen suum legendum et emendate 22 litteras 'aciendum, minus prospere succedebat verba implicata sicut "&R2??F et FP$)5)5$5U) CU& 2U5;RF scribere. Winnie ille Pu ambas inscriptiones diligenter et accurate primum a dextra ad sinistram et postea, ne quid eum 'ugeret, a sinistra ad dextram perlegit. Deinde, ut omnia pro certo haberet, pulsavit et traxit pulsatorem, traxit et pulsavit 'uniculum tintinnabuli et magna voce! F2ubo# Responsum quaero#F dixit. "Ursus 'atur#" stium apertum est et 2ubo 'oras prospexit. ")alve Pu," dixit. "uomodo omnia(" "5erribilia sunt et tristia," dixit Pu, "quia or, qui amicus meus est, caudam amisit. 6lebiter lamentatur. $mabo te, dic! uid mi igitur suades( uomodo possum caudam
them and bet1een them the sun shone bravel4, and a copse 1hich had 1orn its 'irs all the 4ear round seemed old and do1d4 no1 beside the ne1 green lace 1hich the beeches had put on so prettil4. 5hrough copse and spinne4 marched 2ear+ do1n open slopes o' gorse and heather, over roc34 beds o' streams, up steep ban3s o' sandstone into the heather again+ and so at last, tired and hungr4, to the 0undred $cre Wood. 6or it 1as in the 0undred $cre Wood that 1l lived. %$nd i' an4one 3no1s an4thing about an4thing,% said 2ear to himsel', %it"s 1l 1ho 3no1s something about something,% he said, %or m4 name"s not Winnie-the-Pooh,% he said. %Which it is,% he added. %)o there 4ou are.% 1l lived at 5he Chestnuts, and old-1orld residence o' great charm, 1hich 1as grander than an4bod4 else"s, or seemed so to 2ear, because it had both a 3noc3er and a bell-pull. Underneath the 3noc3er there 1as a notice 1hich said! P?E) R= 6 $ R)ER ) RERD. Underneath the bell-pull there 1as a notice 1hich said! P?EI CJE 6 $ R)R ) 5 RED. 5hese notices had been 1ritten b4 Christopher Robin, 1ho 1as the onl4 one in the 'orest 1ho could spell+ 'or 1l, 1ise though he 1as in man4 1a4s, able to read and 1rite and spell his o1n name W?, 4et someho1 1ent all to pieces over delicate 1ords li3e &E$)?E) and 2U55ERED5$)5. Winnie-the-Pooh read the t1o notices ver4 care'ull4, 'irst 'rom le't to right, and a'ter1ards, in case he had missed some o' it, 'rom right to le't. 5hen, to ma3e quite sure, he 3noc3ed and pulled the 3noc3er, and he pulled and 3noc3ed the bell-rope, and he called out in a ver4 loud voice, %1l# require an ans1er# t"s 2ear spea3ing.% $nd the door opened, and 1l loo3ed out. %0allo, Pooh,% he said. %0o1"s things(% %5errible and )ad,% said Pooh, %because
eius invenire(" Ee4ore, 1ho is a 'riend o' mine, has lost his "2ene," dixit 2ubo, "'ormula consueta rei tail. $nd he"s &oping about it. )o could 4ou exsequendae est, quae sequitur." ver4 3indl4 tell me ho1 to 'ind it 'or him(% "uid est! rei esse quendae(" dixit Pu. "uia %Well,% said 1l, %the customar4 procedure in ursus pusilli ingenii sum verba di''icilia such cases is as 'ollo1s.% 'astidio." %What does Crustimone4 Proseedca3e mean(% "d est, quod 'ieri debet." said Pooh. %6or am a 2ear o' /er4 ")i id est, nec hercle magnopere curo," dixit ?ittle 2rain, and long 1ords 2other me.% Pu humillime. %t means the 5hing to Do.% "Res exsequenda id est! praemium %$s long as it means that, don"t mind,% said promittimus." Pooh humbl4. "Paulisper subsiste," dixit Pu ungulam %5he thing to do is as 'ollo1s. 6irst, ssue a sublevans. "uid 'aciamus( uid dixisti( Re1ard. 5hen--% ?oquendo enim sternuisti." %ust a moment,% said Pooh, holding up his "&inime sternui." pa1. %What do 1e do to this--1hat 4ou "2ubo, sternuisti#" 1ere sa4ing( ;ou snee:ed *ust as 4ou 1ere "0abe me, Pu, excusatum, minime sternui. going to tell me.% equimus inscKs nobis sternuere." % didn"t snee:e.% "ptime audivi! prr - prr#" %;es, 4ou did, 1l.% "Dixi! praemium promittimus." %Excuse me, Pooh, didn"t. ;ou can"t snee:e "terum sternuisti#" 1ithout 3no1ing it.% "Praemium#" dixit magna voce 2ubo. %Well, 4ou can"t 3no1 it 1ithout something "Denuntiationem scribimus ad indicandum having been snee:ed.% nos magnum quid illi, qui caudam oris %What said 1as, "6irst ssue a Re1ard".% invenerit, daturos esse." %;ou"re doing it again,% said Pooh sadl4. "5eneo, teneo," dixit Pu adnuens. "Cum %$ Re1ard#% said 1l ver4 loudl4. %We 1rite ageretur de aliqua re," adiunxit a notice to sa4 that 1e 1ill give a large meditabundus, "ista diei hora aliquid something to an4bod4 1ho 'inds Ee4ore"s manducare soleo - ea matutina hora," et tail.% avide cellularium in angulo cubiculi % see, see,% said Pooh, nodding his head. 2ubonis contemplabatur . . . "aliquantulum %5al3ing about large somethings,% lactis condensati, aut quantulumcumque he 1ent on dreamil4, % generall4 have a small alicuius rei, vel 'orsitan lambitum mellis. . . something about no1--about this time in the ." morning,% and he loo3ed 1ist'ull4 at the "Recte, bene," dixit 2ubo, "scribamus cupboard in the corner o' 1l"s parlour+ %*ust denuntiationem et tota in silva a mouth'ul o' condensed mil3 or 1hatnot, distribuemus." 1ith perhaps a lic3 o' hone4--% "?ambitum mellis," murmuravit secum %Well, then,% said 1l, %1e 1rite out this ursus, "aut - aut nihil, pro temporibus." notice, and 1e put it up all over the )uspirium ab imo duxit et strenue conatus 6orest.% est verba 2ubonis auscultare. %$ lic3 o' hone4,% murmured 2ear to himsel', )ed 2ubo longis longioribusque verbis %or--or not, as the case ma4 be.% utens latius se 'udit, donec quod initio $nd he gave a deep sigh, and tried ver4 hard dixerat renovans explicavit, neminem nisi to listen to 1hat 1l 1as sa4ing. Christophorum Robinum ad 2ut 1l 1ent on and on, using longer and denuntiationem scribendam idoneum esse. longer 1ords, until at last he came bac3 to
Fpse libellos in ostio meo antico scripsit. /idistine eos, Pu(F 2ubone iam per aliquid temporis loquente Pu oculis clausis vicissim aiebat et negabat et ad postremum "sic, sic" dicto nunc "minime vero" dixit, qua de re 2ubo locutus esset omnino nesciens. "Eos non vidisti(" dixit 2ubo, admiratus. "/eni et tandem adspice#" taque 'oras ierunt. Pu pulsatorem et in'ra inscriptionem, 'uniculum tintinnabuli et in'ra inscriptionem contemplatus est, et quo magis 'uniculum tintinnabuli oculo scrutatus est, eo magis sensit se rem similem iam pridem, quondam, alicubi vidisse. "6uniculus pulcher est, annon(" dixit 2ubo. Pu capite nutavit. "0oc mihi memoriam alicuius rei renovat sed cuius nescio," dixit. "Ubi reperisti 'uniculum(" "Caeco casu in silva inveni. Ex arbusto quodam pendebat et in principio credidi aliquem ibi habitare, itaque traxi, sed nihil evenit, deinde iterum magva vi tintinnabulum pulsare conatus sum, ad postremum autem mihi in manu mansit, et quia evidenter nemini utilis erat, domum tuli." "2ubo," dixit Pu sollemniter, "erravisti. 6uniculus bene'icium dabat alicui. $licui necessarius erat." "Cui(" "ori. $mico meo carissimo ori. 5enuit eum." "5enuit(" "Ei vinculis adstrictus erat," dixit Winnie ille Pu maestus. 0is dictis 'uniculum ab uncino re'igens eum ori retulit+ et cum Christophorus Robinus caudam suo loco con'ixisset, or tam laetus in silva caudam receptam agitans circumsiliebat, ut Winnie ille Pu sensu insolito et mirabili a''ectus domum 'estinare deberet, ut aliquid ad sese sustinendum sumeret. Et postquam
1here he started, and he explained that the person to 1rite out this notice 1as Christopher Robin. %t 1as he 1ho 1rote the ones on m4 'ront door 'or me. Did 4ou see them, Pooh(% 6or some time no1 Pooh had been sa4ing %;es% and %o% in turn, 1ith his e4es shut, to all that 1l 1as sa4ing, and having said, %;es, 4es,% last time, he said %o, not at all,% no1, 1ithout reall4 3no1ing 1hat 1l 1as tal3ing about( %Didn"t 4ou see them(% said 1l, a little surprised. %Come and loo3 at them no1.% )o the4 1ent outside. $nd Pooh loo3ed at the 3noc3er and the notice belo1 it, and he loo3ed at the bell-rope and the notice belo1 it, and the more he loo3ed at the bell-rope, the more he 'elt that he had seen something li3e it, some1here else, sometime be'ore. %0andsome bell-rope, isn"t it(% said 1l. Pooh nodded. %t reminds me o' something,% he said, %but can"t thin3 1hat. Where did 4ou get it(% % *ust came across it in the 6orest. t 1as hanging over a bush, and thought at 'irst somebod4 lived there, so rang it, and nothing happened, and then rang it again ver4 loudl4, and it came o'' in m4 hand, and as nobod4 seemed to 1ant it, too3 it home, and% %1l,% said Pooh solemnl4, %4ou made a mista3e. )omebod4 did 1ant it.% %Who(% %Ee4ore. &4 dear 'riend Ee4ore. 0e 1as--he 1as 'ond o' it.% %6ond o' it(% %$ttached to it,% said Winnie-the-Pooh sadl4. )o 1ith these 1ords he unhoo3ed it, and carried it bac3 to Ee4ore+ and 1hen Christopher Robin had nailed it on its right place again, Ee4ore 'ris3ed about the 'orest, 1aving his tail so happil4 that Winnie-thePooh came over all 'unn4, and had to hurr4 home 'or a little snac3 o' something to sustain him. $nd 1iping his mouth hal' an hour a'ter1ards, he sang to himsel' proudl4!
semihora amplius laete manducaverat, os abstergens superbe ita secum cantitavit! Dic! quis invenit caudam(" Ut illum plaudam# "lli," dicis tu( Esto# )ed 'uit Pu.
! Quo in capite Porcellus in heffalumpum incidit
Who 'ound the 5ail( %,% said Pooh, %$t a quarter to t1o 8nl4 it 1as quarter to eleven reall49, 'ound the 5ail#%
! In Which Piglet +eets A "effalump
E da4, 1hen Christopher Robin and Die quodam, cum Christoporus Robinus, Winnie-the-Pooh and Piglet 1ere all tal3ing Winnie ille Pu et Porcellus together, Christopher Robin 'inished the con'abulabantur, Christophorus Robinus mouth'ul he 1as eating and said carelessl4! % buccellam, quam manducabat deglutivit et sa1 a 0e''alump to-da4, Piglet.% neglegenter dixit! "0odie he''alumpum %What 1as it doing(% as3ed Piglet. vidi, o Porcelle." %ust lumping along,% said Christopher Robin. "uid agebat(" rogavit Porcellus. % don"t thin3 it sa1 me.% "0e''alumpabat," dixit Christophorus % sa1 one once,% said Piglet. %$t least, thin3 Robinus. "Eum me vidisse non puto." did,% he said. %nl4 perhaps it 1asn"t.% "lim etiam ego unum vidi," dixit Porcellus. %)o did ,% said Pooh, 1ondering 1hat a ")altem credo unum vidisse," dixit. "6ortasse 0e''alump 1as li3e. autem he''alumpus non erat." %;ou don"t o'ten see them,% said Christopher "Ego quoque," dixit Pu, qua 'acie Robin carelessl4. he''alumpus esset scire cupiens. %ot no1,% said Piglet. "Rari inventu sunt," Christophorus Robinus %ot at this time o' 4ear,% said Pooh. obiter dixit. 5hen the4 all tal3ed about something else, "Rari ad praesens tempus," dixit Porcellus. until it 1as time 'or Pooh and Piglet to go "Rari hoc tempore anni," dixit Pu. home together. $t 'irst as the4 stumped along Deinde omnes alio de argumento inter se the path 1hich edged the 0undred $cre collocuti sunt quoad Pu et Porcellus Wood, the4 didn"t sa4 much to each other+ but coniuncte domum ire debebant. Primum, 1hen the4 came to the stream, and had helped tramitem silvam Centum ugerum each other across the stepping stones, and circumdantem carpentes haud multum 1ere able to 1al3 side b4 side again over the con'abulabantur. )ed postquam ad rivulum heather, the4 began to tal3 in a 'riendl4 1a4 pervenerunt, illum mutuis o''iciis de alio about this and that, and Piglet said, %' 4ou see saxo in alium saltantes transgressi sunt et 1hat mean, Pooh,% and Pooh said, %t"s *ust iterum una per ericam ire poterant, amanter 1hat thin3 m4sel', Piglet,% and Piglet said, ab hoc et ab hac consermonari coeperunt et %2ut, on the other hand, Pooh, 1e must Porcellus dixit! "eque tu is es, qui nescias, remember,% and Pooh said, %uite true, Piglet, nonne Pu(" et Pu dixit! "&ihi crede nihil although had 'orgotten it 'or the moment.% sentio nisi de sententia tua, o Porcelle" et $nd then, *ust as the4 came to the )ix Pine Porcellus dixit! ")ed contra nos recordari 5rees, Pooh loo3ed round to see that nobod4
oportet" et Pu dixit! "Recte me else 1as listening, and said in a ver4 solemn admones Porcelle etiamsi id per punctum voice! %Piglet, have decided something." temporis oblitus essem." Deinde autem, %What have 4ou decided, Pooh(% cum ad )EL P) pervenissent Pu % have decided to catch a 0e''alump.% collum, ne quisquam auscultaret, Pooh nodded his head several times as he said retorquens valde sollemniter dixit! this, and 1aited 'or Piglet to sa4 %0o1(% or "Porcelle mi, decrevi aliquid." %Pooh, 4ou couldn"t#% or something help'ul o' "uid, o Pu, decrevisti(" that sort, but Piglet said nothing. 5he 'act 1as "Decrevi he''alumpum captare." Piglet 1as 1ishing that he had thought about )ub haec dicta Pu saepius nutabat et it 'irst. exspectabat Porcellum rogaturum esse! % shall do it,% said Pooh, a'ter 1aiting a little "uomodo(" aut dicturum! "Pu, non potes#" longer, %b4 means o' a trap. aut sententiam utilem huiusmodi+ sed $nd it must be a Cunning 5rap, so 4ou 1ill Porcellus nihil omnino dixit. Porcellus have to help me, Piglet.% enim desiderabat se primum propositum %Pooh,% said Piglet, 'eeling quite happ4 again excogitavisse. no1, % 1ill.% $nd then he said, "Pro certo, 'aciam," dixit Pu, paulisper %0o1 shall 1e do it(% and Pooh said, %5hat"s commoratus, Finsidiis. nsidias astutas *ust it. 0o1(% $nd then the4 sat do1n debeo tendere et auxilium tuum quoque together to thin3 it out. necesse est, o Porcelle." Pooh"s 'irst idea 1as that the4 should dig a FPu," dixit Porcellus hoc sermone recreatus, /er4 Deep Pit, and then the 0e''alump 1ould "tibi ad*utor accedo ac lubens." Deinde come along and 'all into the Pit, and-sub*unxit! "uo tandem modo(" et Pu dixit! %Wh4(% said Piglet. "d est, quod quaeritur! quomodo(F Deinde %Wh4 1hat(% said Pooh. ambo ad deliberandum consederunt. %Wh4 1ould he 'all in(% Prima sententia Pui erat 'oveam Pooh rubbed his nose 1ith his pa1, and said pro'undissimam 'odere, quam in 'oveam that the 0e''alump might be 1al3ing along, he''alumpus transeundo delapsurus humming a little song, and loo3ing up at the esset. . . . s34, 1ondering i' it 1ould rain, and so he "ua de causa(" dixit Porcellus. 1ouldn"t see the /er4 Deep Pit until he 1as "ua de causa quid(" dixit Pu. hal'-1a4 do1n, 1hen it 1ould be too late. "ua de causa delaberetur(" Piglet said that this 1as a ver4 good 5rap, but Pu nasum ungula per'ricans dixit, supposing it 1ere raining alread4( he''alumpum 'orsitan cantiunculam Pooh rubbed his nose again, and said that he cantitantem ibi ambulaturum esse, coelum hadn"t thought o' that. $nd then he brightened num quid pluvias nuntiaret scrutantem, et up, and said that, i' it 1ere raining alread4, the ea de causa eum 'oveam non 0e''alump 1ould be loo3ing at the s34 conspecturum, usque ad mediam viam 1ondering i' it 1ould clear up, and so he deorsum, cum iam sero esset. 1ouldn"t see the /er4 Deep Pit until he 1as Porcellus dixit, insidias astutas esse, quid hal'-1a4 do1n.... When it 1ould be too late. vero 'ieret aqua iam cadente( Piglet said that, no1 that this point had been Pu nasum iterum 'ricuit et dixit se de eo explained, he thought it 1as a Cunning 5rap. nunquam secum reputavisse. Deinceps Pooh 1as ver4 proud 1hen he heard this, and relaxato in hilaritatem vultu dixit, he 'elt that the 0e''alump 1as as good as he''alumpum imbris iam in e''usione caught alread4, but there 1as *ust one other oculos srcutantes in coelum sublaturum thing 1hich had to be thought about, and it
esse, num disserenasceret scire cupientem, 1as this. Where should the4 dig the /er4 quapropter 'oveam non conspecturum, Deep Pit( usque ad mediam viam deorsum, cum iam Piglet said that the best place 1ould be sero esset. some1here 1here a 0e''alump 1as, *ust Porcellus dixit se nunc, sublata dubitatione, be'ore he 'ell into it, onl4 about a 'oot 'arther insidias astutas existimare. on. uibus verbis elatus Pu he''alumpum iam %2ut then he 1ould see us digging it,% said quasi captum esse censebat, sed unica Pooh. disceptatio relicta erat, videlicet! ubi %ot i' he 1as loo3ing at the s34.% 6oveam Pro'undissimam 'odere deberent( %0e 1ould )uspect,% said Pooh, %i' he Porcellus dixit, optimum locum esse ubi happened to loo3 do1n.% 0e thought 'or a he''alumpus 'uisset, antequam in 'oveam long time and then added sadl4, %t isn"t as cecidisset unius autem pedis spatio eas4 as thought. suppose that"s 1h4 interposito. 0e''alumps hardl4 ever get caught.% "0oc vero loco nos 'odere videbit," dixit Pu. %5hat must be it,% said Piglet. "&inime, si oculos ad coelum tollit." 5he4 sighed and got up+ and 1hen the4 had ")uspicionem haberet," dixit Pu, "si 'orsitan ta3en a 'e1 gorse pric3les out o' themselves oculos demitteret." $liquamdiu cogitabat et the4 sat do1n again+ and all the time Pooh deinde maeste notavit! "pinione asperius 1as sa4ing to himsel', %' onl4 could thin3 est. Credo inde 'ieri, ut he''alumpi o' something#% 6or he 'elt sure that a /er4 nunquam 'ere capiantur." Clever 2rain could catch a 0e''alump i' onl4 ")cilicet res ita se habet," dixit Porcellus. he 3ne1 the right 1a4 to go about it. )uspiria duxerunt et consurrexerunt+ deinde %)uppose,% spinis nonnullis vepris e natibus evulsis ad he said to Piglet, %4ou 1anted to catch me, mutua dicta reddenda consederunt. Per hoc ho1 1ould 4ou do it(% omne tempus Pu secum identidem %Well,% said Piglet, % should do it li3e this. dictitabat! "Utinam modo mihi alicuius rei should ma3e a 5rap, and should put a ar o' in mentem veniat#" )ibi persuasum habebat, 0one4 in the 5rap, and 4ou 1ould smell it, CERE2RU& )$=$CE& he''alumpum and 4ou 1ould go in a'ter it, and--% captare posse, dummodo modum rectum %$nd 1ould go in a'ter it,% said Pooh agendi cognovisset. excitedl4, %onl4 ver4 care'ull4 so as not to "Eum te 'inge," dixit Porcello, "qui me hurt m4sel', and 1ould get to the ar o' capere vellet+ quid tum 'acies(" 0one4, and should lic3 round the edges 'irst ")ane," dixit Porcellus, "egomet hoc modo o' all, pretending that there 1asn"t an4 more, agam! 'oveam 'odam, vas mellarium in 4ou 3no1, and then should 1al3 a1a4 and 'ovea collocem - tu ol'acies, odorem thin3 about it a little, and then should come secuturus intro. . . ." bac3 and start lic3ing in the middle o' the *ar, "ntrabo . . ." Pu trepidans dixit, "sed caute, and then--% ne me laedam, vas mellis attingam, primum %;es, 1ell never mind about that 1here 4ou labrum vasis lambam mente 'ingens vas 1ould be, and there should catch 4ou. o1 hoc tantum continere, scisne( Deinde the 'irst thing to thin3 o' is, What do recedam et mecum cogitem et revertens 0e''alumps li3e( should thin3 acorns, medio in vase mel lambere incipiam, shouldn"t 4ou( We"ll get a lot o'-- sa4, 1a3e postea autem. . . ." up, Pooh#% "ta est, illud nihil tua re'ert. bi esees et ego Pooh, 1ho had gone into a happ4 dream, te caperem. mprimis nobis quaerendum 1o3e up 1ith a start, and said that 0one4
est! quid appetitur a he''alumpis( Puto 1as a much more trapp4 thing than 0a4corns. glandes, nonne( Copiam glandium pro . . . Piglet didn"t thin3 so+ and the4 1ere *ust going agendum expergiscere, inquam, Pu#" to argue about it, 1hen Piglet remembered Pu, qui somno beato 'ruebatur nunc illico that, i' the4 put acorns in the 5rap, he 1ould experrectus est et dixit mel multo have to 'ind the acorns, but i' the4 put hone4, illecebrosius esse glandulis. Porcellus then Pooh 1ould have to give up some o' his dissentiebat+ iam disputaturi erant, cum in o1n hone4, so he said, %$ll right, hone4 mentem revocavit, quod si glandes then,% *ust as Pooh remembered it too, and collocarent ipse glandes praebere deberet 1as going to sa4, %$ll right, cum si mel collocarent Pu mellis eius ha4corns.% %0one4,% said Piglet to himsel' in a aliquantum dare deberet, et ea de causa thought'ul 1a4, as i' it 1ere no1 settled. %"ll dixit! "Esto, sit mel," neque alio tempore Pu dig the pit, 1hile 4ou go and get the hone4.% etiam recordatus est et dicturus erat! "Esto, %/er4 1ell,% said Pooh, and he stumped o''. sint glandes#" $s soon as he got home, he 1ent to the larder+ "&el," dixit secum Porcellus cogitabundus and he stood on a chair, and too3 do1n a ver4 quasi iam omnia decreta 'uissent, "egomet large *ar o' hone4 'rom the top shel'. t had 'oveam 'odiam, interea dum tute mel petis." 0U; 1ritten on it, but, *ust to ma3e sure, ")cilicet," dixit Pu et abiit. he too3 o'' the paper cover and loo3ed at it, Reversus domum ad cellularium iit, sellam and it loo3ed *ust li3e hone4. %2ut 4ou never conscendit et amplum vas mellis summo de can tell,% said Pooh. % remember m4 uncle tabulato sumpsit. "&E?" erat in vase sa4ing once that he had seen cheese *ust this inscriptum, sed ut se ab insidiis muniret colour.% )o he put his tongue in, and too3 a pergamenam detraxit ac inspexit et mel large lic3. %;es,% he said, %it is. o doubt esse videbatur. ")emper autem dubitandum about that. $nd hone4, should sa4, right est," dixit Pu. "$vunculum meum audivi do1n to the bottom o' the *ar. Unless, o' memorantem se olim caseum concolorem course,% he said, %somebod4 put cheese in at vidisse." the bottom *ust 'or a *o3e. Perhaps had better taque linguam introduxit et primoribus go a little 'urther . . . *ust in case . . . in case labris sorbebat haud exiguum. "/ere," dixit, 0e''alumps don"t li3e cheese . . . same as "est. Est procul dubio mel. &el merum, me. . . . $h#% $nd he gave a deep sigh. % 1as dico, usque ad imum vasis 'undum. right. t is hone4, right the 1a4 do1n.% )cilicet, nisi quis ludibrio caseum in 'undo 0aving made certain o' this, he too3 the *ar collocaverit. 6ortasse praestaret procedere . bac3 to Piglet, and Piglet loo3ed up 'rom the . . si 'orte . . . si 'orte he''alumpi caseum bottom o' his /er4 Deep Pit, and said, %=ot non diligant . . . aeque ac ego ipse . . . it(% and Pooh said, heus#" et suspirium ab imo pectore duxit, %;es, but it isn"t quite a 'ull *ar,% and he thre1 "recte credidi. Est mel, usque ad 'undum." it do1n to Piglet, and Piglet said, %o, it isn"t# ua de re certior 'actus vas ad Porcellum s that all 4ou"ve got le't(% and Pooh said, retulit, Porcellus autem ex imo 'oveae %;es.% 2ecause it 1as. )o Piglet put the *ar at pro'undissimae sursum conversis oculis! the bottom o' the Pit, and climbed out, and "0abesne(" dixit, et Pu dixit! "0abeo, sed the4 1ent o'' home together. non est vas omnino plenum," et his verbis %Well, good night, Pooh,% said Piglet, 1hen vas ad Porcellum pro*ecit, et Porcellus the4 had got to Pooh"s house. %$nd dixit! "0audquaquam# 5antumne est(" et Pu 1e meet at six o"cloc3 to-morro1 morning b4 ")ane" inquit. ta enim res se habebat. the Pine 5rees, and see ho1 man4 Porcellus igitur vas in solo 'oveae 0e''alumps 1e"ve got in our 5rap.%
collocavit, in marginem scandit et ambo con*uncte domum ierunt. "/aleas," dixit Porcellus, cum tarde ad domum Pui venerunt. "Et cras mane hora diei sexta apud pinos convenerimus et viderimus quot he''alumporum in 'ovea 'orent." "0ora diei sexta, Porcelle. 0abesne 'uniculum quidem(" "on habeo. uorsum 'uniculo tibi opus est(" "$d he''alumpos domum conducendos." "0eus# . . . opinor eos sibilo advocari posse#" "$lii possunt, alii nequeunt. De he''alumpis semper dubitandum est. Cura ut bene valeas#" "/ale." Porcellus domum, "5ransitum /e" inscriptam properavit dum Pu lectum sternit. onnullas horas post, ultimis noctis tenebris Pu sensu vacui a''ectus experrectus est. am antea aliquoties isto sensu praeditus 'uerat et quod signi'icaret, sciebat! F6$&E)Ferat. taque ad cellularium iit, sellam conscendit, dextram summum ad tabulatum tetendit et invenit nihil# "&irum," cogitavit, "certo scio me hic vas mellis habuisse. /as plenum, plenum mellis a summo, in vase hoc titulo inscripto! %&E?%, ne 'orte essem nescius vas mel continere. )ane mirum videtur#" Deinde ultro citroque commeare coepit, ubi vas esset scire avens et hanc commurmurationem secum murmurans! &axima calamitas# $best pretiosum vas /acat tabulatum, iniquum 'atum# )ine lacte, sine cibo on comedo neque bibo n'ectis rebus abeo on lambo quod non habeo. 5er istud secum cantitans murmuravit cum
%)ix o"cloc3, Piglet. $nd have 4ou got an4 string(% %o. Wh4 do 4ou 1ant string(% %5o lead them home 1ith.% %h# . . . thin3 0e''alumps come i' 4ou 1histle.% %)ome do and some don"t. ;ou never can tell 1ith 0e''alumps. Well, good night#% %=ood night#% $nd o'' Piglet trotted to his house 5RE)P$))ER) W, 1hile Pooh made his preparations 'or bed. )ome hours later, *ust as the night 1as beginning to steal a1a4, Pooh 1o3e up suddenl4 1ith a sin3ing 'eeling. 0e had had that sin3ing 'eeling be'ore, and he 3ne1 1hat it meant. 0e 1as hungr4. )o he 1ent to the larder, and he stood on a chair and reached up to the top shel', and 'ound--nothing. %5hat"s 'unn4,% he thought. % 3no1 had a *ar o' hone4 there. $ 'ull *ar, 'ull o' hone4 right up to the top, and it had 0U; 1ritten on it, so that should 3no1 it 1as hone4. 5hat"s ver4 'unn4.% $nd then he began to 1ander up and do1n, 1ondering 1here it 1as and murmuring a murmur to himsel'. ?i3e this! t"s ver4, ver4 'unn4, "Cos 3no1 had some hone4 ! "Cos it had a label on, )a4ing 0U;, $ goloptious 'ull-up pot too, $nd don"t 3no1 1here it"s got to, o, don"t 3no1 1here it"s gone-Well, it"s 'unn4. 0e had murmured this to himsel' three times in a singing sort o' 1a4, 1hen suddenl4 he remembered. 0e had put it into the Cunning 5rap to catch the 0e''alump. %2other#% said Pooh. %t all comes o' tr4ing to be 3ind to 0e''alumps.% $nd he got bac3 into bed. 2ut he couldn"t sleep. 5he more he tried to sleep, the more he couldn"t. 0e tried Counting )heep, 1hich is sometimes a good 1a4 o' getting to sleep, and, as that 1as no good, he tried counting 0e''alumps. $nd that 1as
repente recordatus est. pse ad he''alumpum captandum vas in 6ovea nsidiosa collocaverat# "&alum#" dixit Pu. "Ecce e''ectus erga he''alumpos benevolentiae." Et iterum cubitum iit. )ed nihil ei cessatum ducit somnum. uo magis dormire tentabat, eo minus poterat. Conatus est ovium gregis numerum recensere, quod nonnunquam optimum remedium insomniae est, et quia id haud bene evenit conatus est he''alumpos numerare. d vero peius erat. uotienscumque enim he''alumpum censuerat, iste recta via vas mellis Pui agressus est et 6UD5U) EL0$U)5. $liquamdiu in maerore ibi versabatur, sed cum quingentesimus octogesimus septimus he''alumpus labra detergens secum dixit! "stud est mel saporis praecipui, nego mihi unquam dulcius 'uisse," Pu sese diutius 'renos imponere nequivit. Corripuit corpus e stratis, extra domum cucurrit et recta ad sex pinos properavit. Phoebus adhuc dormitabat, supra silvam autem Centum ugerum quasi lumen aliquod in coelo indicabat eum mox experge'actum opertorium lecti ab*ecturum esse. ?uce incerta pini solitariae et 'rigidae videbantur, 'ovea pro'unda pro'undior quam erat adparebat, vas autem mellarium Pui imo in 'undo m4sticum aliquid erat, mera 'orma neque aliud. )ed eo appropinquante nares dixerunt id reapse mel esse, ac lingua parata emersit et labra perpolire coepit. "&alum," dixit nasum in caccabum 'igens Pu, "he''alumpus quidem omnia siccavit " Deinde autem aliquamdiu meditatus dixit! "ullo modo+ ipse 'ui. blitus sum." )ane, maximam partem manducaverat. )ed aliquantulum imo in 'undo vasis relictum erat itaque illico rostrum inseruit et lambere coepit. . . . )ub idem tempus Porcellus experrectus erat. )imul, secum dixit! "0eu." Deinde
1orse. 2ecause ever4 0e''alump that he counted 1as ma3ing straight 'or a pot o' Pooh"s hone4, and eating it all. 6or some minutes he la4 there miserabl4, but 1hen the 'ive hundred and eight4-seventh 0e''alump 1as lic3ing its *a1s, and sa4ing to itsel', %/er4 good hone4 this, don"t 3no1 1hen "ve asted better,% Pooh could bear it no longer. 0e *umped out o' bed, he ran out o' the house, and he ran straight to the )ix Pine 5rees. 5he )un 1as still in bed, but there 1as a lightness in the s34 over the 0undred $cre Wood 1hich seemed to sho1 that it 1as 1a3ing up and 1ould soon be 3ic3ing o'' the clothes. n the hal'-light the Pine 5rees loo3ed cold and lonel4, and the /er4 Deep Pit seemed deeper than it 1as, and Pooh"s *ar o' hone4 at the bottom 1as something m4sterious, a shape and no more. 2ut as he got nearer lo it his nose told him that it 1as indeed hone4, and his tongue came out and began to polish up his mouth, read4 'or it. %2other#% said Pooh, as he got his nose inside the *ar. %$ 0e''alump has been eating it#% $nd then he thought a little and said, %h, no, did. 'orgot.% ndeed, he had eaten most o' it. 2ut there 1as a little le't at the ver4 bottom o' the *ar, and he pushed his head right in, and began to lic3.... 24 and b4 Piglet 1o3e up. $s soon as he 1o3e he said to himsel', %h#% 5hen he said bravel4, %;es,% and then, still more bravel4, %uite so.% 2ut he didn"t 'eel ver4 brave, 'or the 1ord 1hich 1as reall4 *iggeting about in his brain 1as %0e''alumps.% What 1as a 0e''alump li3e( Was it 6ierce( Did it come 1hen 4ou 1histled( $nd ho1 did it come( Was it 6ond o' Pigs at all( ' it 1as 6ond o' Pigs, did it ma3e an4 di''erence 1hat sort o' Pig( )upposing it 1as 6ierce 1ith Pigs, 1ould it ma3e an4 di''erence i' the Pig had a grand'ather called 5RE)P$))ER)
'ortiter! ")ic#" postea etiam 'ortius! "ta est," W??$&( inquit. )ese autem manu 'ortem esse, non 0e didn"t 3no1 the ans1er to an4 o' these sentiebat, quia verbum reapse in mente suo questions . . . and he 1as going to see his 'irst subsultans erat! "0e''alumpus." 0e''alump in about an hour 'rom no1# "ualis esset adspectus he''alumpi(" ' course Pooh 1ould be 1ith him, and it 1as "$n 'erox esset(" much more 6riendl4 1ith t1o. 2ut suppose ")ibilo advocaretur( Et quomodo veniret(" 0e''alumps 1ere /er4 6ierce 1ith Pigs and "$maret porcos, necne(" 2ears( "?icet porcos amaret, discerneretne genera(" Wouldn"t it be better to pretend that he had a ")i 'orte casu contra porcos 'erox esset, headache, and couldn"t go up to the )ix Pine discerneretne porcos avum "5R$)5U& 5rees this morning( 2ut then suppose that it /E" vocatum habentes(" 1as a ver4 'ine da4, and there 1as no ullum harum interrogationum responsum 0e''alump in the trap, here he 1ould be, in novit . . . et primum suum he''alumpum in bed all the morning, simpl4 1asting his time hora tandem adspecturus erat# 'or nothing. What should he do( ?icet Pu cum eo iturus esset et omnia $nd then he had a Clever dea. 0e 1ould go iucundiora viderentur comite aliquo - sed up ver4 quietl4 to the )ix Pine 5rees no1, putemus he''alumpos contra porcellos et peep ver4 cautiousl4 into the 5rap, and see i' ursos 'eroces esse# "6ortasse praestiterit there 1as a 0e''alump there. $nd i' there 1as, dolorem sani capitis mentiri et praetendere he 1ould go bac3 to bed, and i' there 1asn"t, se ad sex pinos ire non posse(" ")ed si dies he 1ouldn"t. )o o'' he 1ent. $t 'irst he pulcherrimus esset et nullus he''alumpus in thought that there 1ouldn"t be a 0e''alump in 'ovea ipse iners in lectulo se continens the 5rap, and then he thought that there totum tempus antemeridianum perderet." 1ould, and as he got nearer he 1as sure that "uid 'aceret(" there 1ould, because he could hear it Deinde autem rationem prudentem he''alumping about it li3e an4thing. excogitavit. Decrevit secretissime ad sex %h, dear, oh, dear, oh, dear#% said Piglet to pinos adrepere, cautissime 'undum 'oveae himsel'. $nd he 1anted to run a1a4. 2ut inspicere an he''alumpus intus esset, someho1, having got so near, he 'elt that he speculatum. )i esset, cubitum rediret, sin must *ust see 1hat a 0e''alump 1as li3e. )o aliter autem, minime. he crept to the side o' the 5rap and loo3ed in. taque in viam se dedit. Primum cogitabat $nd all the time Winnie-the-Pooh had been nullum he''alumpum in 'ovea 'ore, deinde tr4ing to get the hone4-*ar o'' his head. 5he autem, unum esse, appropinquans tandem more he shoo3 it, the more tightl4 it stuc3. certior 'actus est unum intus esse, quia %2other#% he said, inside the *ar, and %h, audiebat aliquem he''alumpare ut nil supra. help#% and, mostl4, %1#% $nd he tried "Eheu, eheu, eheu#" Porcellus secum bumping it against things, but as he couldn"t murmuravit. $u'ugere voluit. )ed certe, see 1hat he 1as bumping it against, it didn"t iam tam propinquus, putavit se 'ormam help him+ and he tried to climb out o' the he''alumpi oculis intueri oportere. $d 5rap, but as he could see nothing but *ar, marginem igitur 'oveae repsit et and not much o' that, he couldn"t 'ind his 1a4. introspexit. . . . )o at last he li'ted up his head, *ar and all, and Eo omni tempore Pu caput vase mellario made a loud, roaring noise o' )adness and expedire tentaverat. uo vehementius vas Despair . . .and it 1as at that moment that succussit, eo artius adhaerebat. "&alum," Piglet loo3ed do1n. dixit in vase, et ")uccurrite" et saepissime! %0elp, help#% cried Piglet, %a 0e''alump, a
"/ae." 5entabat vas contra aliquid tundere, 0orrible 0e'alump#% and he scampered o'' as sed contra quid videre nequiens id nihil hard as he could, still cr4ing out, %0elp, help, pro'ecit+ tentabat in marginem scandere, a 0errible 0o''alump# 0o'', 0o'', a 0ellible sed nil nisi vas et vasis dum taxat 0orralump# 0oll, 0oll, a 0o''able pauxillum videns viam invenire nequivit. 0ellerump#% taque postremo caput, vas et omnia $nd he didn"t stop cr4ing and scampering sustulit, rumorem magnum et lugubrem until he got to Christopher Robin"s house. tristitiae et desperationis emisit. . . ibi vero %Whatever"s the matter, Piglet(% said Porcellus deorsum spectavit. Christopher Robin, 1ho 1as *ust getting up. ")uccurrite, succurrite#" Porcellus clamavit. %0e'',% said Piglet, breathing so hard that he "0e''alumpus, horribilis he''alumpus#" et could hardl4 spea3, %a 0e''Ma 0e''--a quam ocissime au'ugit, clamitans! 0e''alump.% ")uccurrite, succurrite, horribilis %Where(% he''alumpus# 0o'', ho'', hellibilis %Up there,% said Piglet, 1aving his pa1. horralumpus# 0oll, holl, ho''abilis %What did it loo3 li3e(% hellerumpus#" Et clamitare ac currere non %?i3e--li3e---- t had the biggest head 4ou desivit usque ad domum Christophori ever sa1, Christopher Robin. $ great Robini. enormous thing, li3e--li3e nothing. $ huge "uid ergo est, Porcelle(" dixit big--1ell, li3e a-- don"t 3no1--li3e Christophorus Robinus lectulo exsurgens. an enormous big nothing. ?i3e a *ar.% "0e''," dixit Porcellus anhelitum ducens ut %Well,% said Christopher Robin, putting on his vix loqui posset, "he'' - he'' - he''alumpus#" shoes, % shall go and loo3 at it. Come on.% "Ubi(" Piglet 1asn"t a'raid i' he had Christopher "llic," exclamavit ungulam agitans Robin 1ith him, so o'' the4 1ent.... Porcellus. % can hear it, can"t 4ou(% said Piglet "ualem praebet speciem(" anxiousl4, as the4 got near. ")icut - sicut - habet maximum caput quod % can hear something,% said Christopher unquam vidisti. $liquid magnum et Robin. immane - sicut - sicut nihil. Permagnum t 1as Pooh bumping his head against a treesane, putares - nescio - permagnum nihil. root he had 'ound. )icut caccabus." %5here#% said Piglet. %sn"t it a1'ul(% $nd he "ptime," dixit Christophorus Robinus held on tight to Christopher Robin"s hand. calceos induens, "ivero et videbo. /eni )uddenl4 Christopher Robin began to laugh . . mecum." . and he laughed . . and he Cum Christophoro comite Porcellus nihil laughed . . . and he laughed. $nd 1hile he 1as timebat igitur viam capessiverunt. . . . still laughing-- Crash 1ent the "am audio aliquid . . . nonne audis(" dixit 0e''alump"s head against the tree-root, )mash Porcellus timidus, cum propinqui 'uerunt. 1ent the *ar, and out came Pooh"s head "$udio aliquid," dixit Christophorus again.... Robinus. 5hen Piglet sa1 1hat a 6oolish Piglet he had Erat Pu, caput adversae radici, quam been, and he 1as so ashamed o' himsel' that invenerat, impingens. he ran straight o'' home and 1ent to bed 1ith "Ecce," dixit Porcellus, "nonne, terribile est(" a headache. 2ut Christopher Robin and Pooh - et dextrae Christophori se arte implicuit. 1ent home to brea3'ast together. Repente, Christophorus Robinus %h, 2ear#% said Christopher Robin. %0o1 latissimum cachinnum extollit . . et risit . . . do love 4ou#%
et risit . . . et risit. Ed dum ridet - bumm caput he''alumpi contra radicem arboris tundit. E vase e''racto Pu iterum caput extraxit. . . 5unc demum Porcellus intellexit se porcellum stultulum 'uisse et adeo eum pudebat stultitiae suae ut recta via domum curreret et ex capite laborans cubitum iret. Christophorus Robinus autem et Pu ad *entaculum sumendum domum ierunt. " urse," dixit Christophorus Robinus, "quam ex animo te diligo#" "Egomet quoque te," dixit Pu.
%)o do ,% said Pooh.
!I In Which 'e$ore "as A Birthda$ And gets To Presents
!I Quo in capite Ior #atalem agit iem et duo dona accipit
EE;RE, the old gre4 Don3e4, stood b4 the side o' the stream, and loo3ed at himsel' in the 1ater. or, auritulus ille annosus et cinereus apud %Pathetic,% he said. s" 5hat"s 1hat it is. ripam rivuli stabat et sese in aqua Pathetic.% 0e turned and 1al3ed slo1l4 do1n intuebatur. "Patheticum#" dixit. "&ehercle, the stream 'or t1ent4 4ards, splashed across ita est. Patheticum." it, and 1al3ed slo1l4 bac3 on the other side. )e convertens lente viginti ulnas secundum 5hen he loo3ed at himsel' in the 1ater again. 'lumen descendit, vado transiit, et in %$s thought,% he said. %o better 'rom this ulteriore ripa lente rediit. Deinde se iterum side. 2ut nobod4 minds. obod4 cares. in aqua adspexit. Pathetic, that"s 1hat it is.% "on secus ac 'ore suspicatus eram," dixit. 5here 1as a crac3ling noise in the brac3en "0oc latere ne minime quidem melius. )ed behind him, and out came Pooh. nemo curat. emini curae est. Patheticum, %=ood morning, Ee4ore,% said Pooh. ita est." %=ood morning, Pooh 2ear,% said Ee4ore 5um strepitus in 'ilicibus post eum 'actus gloomil4. %' it is a good morning,% he est et exiit Pu. said. %Which doubt,% said he. "minor tibi bonas horas matutinas," dixit %Wh4, 1hat"s the matter(% Pu. %othing, Pooh 2ear, nothing. We can"t all, ")alve, Urse Pu," dixit maestus or. ")i mane and some o' us don"t. 5hat"s all there is to it.% bonum est," dixit. "uod in dubium voco," %Can"t all 1hat(% said Pooh, rubbing his nose. dixit. %=aiet4. )ong-and-dance. 0ere 1e go round "Cur( uid tibi accidit(" the mulberr4 bush.% "ihil, Pu urse, nihil. on omnes possumus %h#% said Pooh. 0e thought 'or a long time, et nonnulli nostrum nequeunt. Res non and then as3ed, %What mulberr4 bush is that(% aliter se habet." %2on-homm4,% 1ent on Ee4ore gloomil4. "uid nequeunt nonnulli(" dixit nasum %6rench 1ord meaning bonhomm4,% he per'ricans Pu. explained. %"m not complaining, but 5here t "0ilaritas, chorea, carmina, circa morum s.% saltamus#" Pooh sat do1n on a large stone, and tried to
"," dixit Pu. Per multum tempus meditatus est deinde rogavit! "ualis morus est ea(" "2onhomm4," perrexit or maestus. "/ox gallica, quae %bonhomm4% signi'icat. olo queri, sed ecce." Pu magno quodam saxo consedit et conatus est, id responsum quo valeret, intellegere. Ei quasi aenigma apparebat et ipse nunquam aenigmator praeclarus 'uerat, quia ursus pauxilli cerebri erat. taque loco solutionis "crustulum cru" cantavit! Crustulum, crustulum, crustulum cru Cano aenigmata, canis ac tu( Crustulum, crustulum, crustulum crum Cerebrum meum est 'atiga-tum. 6uit prima stropha. Ea stropha con'ecta or non dixit eam non dilexisse, itaque Pu ei amabiliter secundam stropham cantavit! Crustulum, crustulum, crustulum cru /olitant aves, dic volitas tu( Crustulum, crustulum, crustulum crum Cerebrum meum est 'atiga-tum. ec tunc quidem or aliquid dixit, itaque Pu tertiam stropham tranquille secum murmuravit! Crustulum, crustulum, crustulum cru )ibilo bene, dic sibilas tu( Crustulum, crustulum, crustulum crum Cerebrum meum est 'atiga-tum. "ptime," dixit or, "Canta# Umti-tiddl, umt4 tu. 0ic collegimus uces et &aium. Delectamini#" "Delector," dixit Pu. "onnulli possunt," dixit or. "$ccidit aliquid(" "$liquid accidit(" "5ristis appares, or." "5ristis( uid est cur sim tristis( Est dies meus natalis. 6austissimus anni dies." "Dies tuus natalis(" dixit Pu mirabundus. "/idelicet est. onne vides( Ecce munera, quae accepi." Ungulam hinc et illinc agitavit. "/ide libum natalicium# Candelas et saccharum roseum#" Pu primum ad dextram, deinde ad sinistram spectavit.
thin3 this out. t sounded to him li3e a riddle, and he 1as never much good at riddles, being a 2ear o' /er4 ?ittle 2rain. )o he sang Cottleston Pie instead! Cottleslon, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie. $ 'l4 can"t bird, but a bird can 'l4. $s3 me a riddle and repl4! %Cottleston, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie.% 5hat 1as the 'irst verse. When he had 'inished it, Ee4ore didn"t actuall4 sa4 that he didn"t li3e it, so Pooh ver4 3indl4 sang the second verse to him! Cottleston, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie, $ 'ish can"t 1histle and neither can . $s3 me a riddle and repl4! %Cottleston, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie.% Ee4ore still said nothing at all, so Pooh hummed the third verse quietl4 to himsel'! Cottleston, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie, Wh4 does a chic3en, don"t 3no1 1h4. $s3 me a riddle and repl4! %Cottleston, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie.% %5hat"s right,% said Ee4ore. %)ing. Umt4tiddl4, umt4-too. 0ere 1e go gathering uts and &a4. En*o4 4oursel'.% % am,% said Pooh. %)ome can,% said Ee4ore. %Wh4, 1hat"s the matter(% %s an4thing the matter(% %;ou seem so sad, Ee4ore.% %)ad( Wh4 should be sad( t"s m4 birthda4. 5he happiest da4 o' the 4ear.% %;our birthda4(% said Pooh in great surprise. %' course it is. Can"t 4ou see( ?oo3 at all the presents have had.% 0e 1aved a 'oot 'rom side to side. %?oo3 at the birthda4 ca3e. Candles and pin3 sugar.% Pooh loo3ed--'irst to the right and then to the le't. %Presents(% said Pooh. %2irthda4 ca3e(% said Pooh. %Where(% %Can"t 4ou see them(% %o,% said Pooh. %either can ,% said Ee4ore. %o3e,% he explained. %0a ha#%
"Dona(" dixit Pu. "?ibum natalicium(" dixit Pu. "Ubi( "Ea videre nequis(" "equeo," dixit Pu. "Etiam ego nequeo," dixit or. "ocus," explicavit. "0a N ha#" Pu omnibus his rebus commotus caput per'ricuit. "Reapse dies natalis tuus est(" rogavit. "Pro'ecto." " - utinam dies iste saepe et laete revertatur, or#" "5ibi etiam reditus 'requentes et 'elices ominor, Pu." ")ed non est dies natalis meus." "&inime. &eus est." ")ed dixisti! reditus 'requentes et 'elices. . . ." "Dixi! quidni( on semper die natali miser esse debes." "5eneo," dixit Pu. ")atis superque malum est," dixit or paene collabens, "ut egomet omnibus modis miser sim sine muneribus, sine crustulis et candelis, quia nemo respectum mei qui debetur habet, sed si etiam omnes ceten miseri. . . ." 0oc Pu 'erre non potuit. "&ane dum," dixit ori se convertens et quam ocissime domum properavit. Conscius sibi erat, se misero ori illico donum quodlibet 'erre oportere, et de apto dono posterius cogitare posse. $nte 'ores Porcellum invenit, qui ad pulsatorem manu prehendendum subsultabat. ")alve Porcelle," dixit. ")alve Pu," dixit Porcellus. "uid tibi mentis est(" "Pulsatorem manu prehendere volebam," dixit Porcellus. "Praeteribam. . . ." ")ine me id pro te 'acere," dixit Pu urbane. taque pulsatorem apprehendit et ostium pulsavit. "&odo orem vili," coepit, "et or ille acerbus in sorte iniqua est, quia ex hac luce ordinat annos neque quisquam hoc
Pooh scratched his head, being a little pu::led b4 all this. %2ut is it reall4 4our birthda4(% he as3ed. %t is.% %h# Well, &an4 happ4 returns o' the da4, Ee4ore.% %$nd man4 happ4 returns to 4ou, Pooh 2ear.% %2ut it isn"t m4 birthda4.% %o, it"s mine.% %2ut 4ou said "&an4 happ4 returns"--% %Well, 1h4 not( ;ou don"t al1a4s 1ant to be miserable on m4 birthda4, do 4ou(% %h, see,% said Pooh. %t"s bad enough.% said Ee4ore. almost brea3ing do1n %being miserable m4sel', 1hat 1ith no presents and no ca3e and no candles, and no proper notice ta3en o' me at all, but i' ever4bod4 else is going to be miserable too----% 5his 1as too much 'or Pooh. %)ta4 there#% he called to Ee4ore, as he turned and hurried bac3 home as quic3 as he could+ 'or he 'elt that he must get poor Ee4ore a present o' some sort at once, and he could al1a4s thin3 o' a proper one a'ter1ards. utside his house he 'ound Piglet, *umping up and do1n tr4ing to reach the 3noc3er. %0allo, Piglet,% he said. %0allo, Pooh,% said Piglet. %What are 4ou tr4ing to do(% % 1as tr4ing to reach the 3noc3er,% said Piglet. % *ust came round----% %?et me do it 'or 4ou,% said Pooh 3indl4. )o he reached up and 3noc3ed at the door. % have *ust seen Ee4ore is in a /er4 )ad Condition, because it"s his birthda4, and nobod4 has ta3en an4 notice o' it, and he"s ver4 =loom4--4ou 3no1 1hat Ee4ore is--and there he 1as, and---- What a long time 1hoever lives here is ans1ering this door.% $nd he 3noc3ed again. %2ut Pooh,% said Piglet, %it"s 4our o1n house#% %h#% said Pooh. %)o it is,% he said. %Well, let"s go in.% )o in the4 1ent. 5he 'irst thing Pooh did 1as
animadvertit et valde tristis est - probe to go to the cupboard to see i' he had quite a nosti orem - illic stabat et . . . quicumque small *ar o' hone4 le't+ and he had, so he too3 hic habitat, quousque tardat ostium it do1n. aperire#" Et iterum pulsavit. %"m giving this to Ee4ore,% he explained, %as ")ed Pu," dixit Porcellus, "haeccine domus a present. What are 4ou going to tua esti" give(% "," dixit Pu, "sane, ita est," dixit, "$ge, %Couldn"t give it too(% said Piglet. %6rom eamus igitur intro#" ntroierunt. Pu nihil both o' us(% potius 'ecit, quam ut ad armarium iret ad se %o,% said Pooh. %5hat 1ould not be a good certiorem 'aciendum an vasculum mellis plan.% reliquum esset. /asculum aderat, itaque %$ll right, then, "ll give him a balloon. "ve prehendit. got one le't 'rom m4 part4. "ll go and get it "0oc ori dono," explicavit, "ad natalicium no1, shall (% diem colendum. 5u quid das(" %5hat, Piglet, is a ver4 good idea. t is *ust "onne con*unctim id dare possumus(" dixit 1hat Ee4ore 1ants to cheer him up. obod4 Porcellus. "Uterque nostrum(" can be uncheered 1ith a balloon.% "&inime," dixit Pu. "0oc non est bonum )o o'' Piglet trotted+ and in the other direction consilium." 1ent Pooh, 1ith his *ar o' hone4. t 1as a "Esto, ei 'olliculum dabo. &ihi unus ex 1arm da4, and he had a long 1a4 to go. 0e convivio superest. $beo et statim a''eram. hadn"t gone more than hal'-1a4 1hen a sort o' /isne(" 'unn4 'eeling began to creep all over him. t "Ecce, Porcelle, optimum quidem began at the tip o' his nose and tric3led all consilium. d est quod ad orem through him and out at the soles o' his laeti'icandum oportet. 6olliculos habentes 'eet. t 1as *ust as i' somebod4 inside him nunquam lugent." 1ere sa4ing, %o1 then, Pooh, time 'or a taque Porcellus viam capessivit. n little something.% contrarium autem abiit Pu cum vase mellis. %Dear, dear,% said Pooh, % didn"t 3no1 it 1as Dies aestuosos erat iter autem longum, as late as that.% )o he sat do1n and too3 the ondum plus quam dimidium itineris top o'' his *ar o' hone4. %?uc34 brought this con'ecerat, cum sensu mirabili a''ectus est. 1ith me,% he thought. %&an4 a bear going out )ensus ab apice nasi ortus eum omnino on a 1arm da4 li3e this 1ould never have pervasit et per plantas pedum exiit. Erat thought quasi si quis in sinu diceret! "$ge Pu, o' bringing a little something 1ith him.% $nd buccellae hora est#" he began to eat. "Eheu, eheu," dixit Pu, "latuit me tam sero %o1 let me see,% he thought# as he too3 his esse." last lic3 o' the inside o' the *ar, Consedit igitur et operculum vasculi mellis %Where 1as going( $h, 4es, Ee4ore.% 0e got sublevavit. up slo1l4. "portunissime accidit quod hoc mecum $nd then, suddenl4, he remembered. 0e had tuli," cogitavit. ")unt ursi qui die calido eaten Ee4ore"s birthda4 present# sicut hodierno exeuntes nunquam %2other#% said Pooh. %What shall do( must cogitaverint aliquantulum alicuius rei give him something.% secum portare." Et manducare coepit. 6or a little 1hile he couldn"t thin3 o' "/ideamus igitur#" cogitabat imis 'undis an4thing. 5hen he thought! %Well, it"s a ver4 vasculi lambitis. "uonam eram iturus(" nice pot, even i' there"s no hone4 in it, and i' ?ente exsurrexit. 1ashed it clean, and got somebod4 to 1rite "$
Et tunc illico in mentem ei venit! "atalicium oris manducaverat#" "&alum#" exclamavit Pu. "uid 'aciam( portet me ei aliquid 'erre#" Paulisper consilium capere nequivit. Deinde cogitavit! "Est vas lepidum etsi melle carens et si lavavero et si quis %'elicem natalem% inscripserit or in eo res conservare poterit, quod ei commode eveniet." Et quia silvam Centum ugerum perambulare contigit, iter capessivit ad 2ubonem, ibi habitantem, visitandum. ")alve 2ubo," dixit. ")alve Pu," dixit 2ubo. "Utinam natalis dies oris saepe et 'eliciter revertatur#" dixit Pu. "Pro certon"( or diem natalem agit(" "uid ei dono dabis, 2ubo(" "uid ei dono das, Pu(" "Do ei vasculum utile ad res conservandas idoneum et te rogare volebam. . . ." "Estne hoc(" dixit 2ubo, vas e manibus Pui apprehendens. "0oc, et te rogare volebam. . . ." "$liquis mel in eo tenebat," dixit 2ubo. "uidlibet in vase conservari potest," dixit Pu graviter. "Utilissimum est. 5e rogare volebam. . . ." "portet vasi %'austum natalem% inscribere." "d est quod rogaturus eram," dixit Pu. "rthographia mea vacillat. Est bona orthographia sed vacillat et litterae in loca 'alsa cadunt. )cribasne %'austum natalem% pro me(" "Est lepidum," dixit 2ubo, vas ab omni parte inspiciens. "Con*unctene malles mecum vas dare( $ nobis ambobus(" "Plane nego," dixit Pu. "d consilium pessimum est. unc primum vas bene eluam, postea autem scribere poteris." taque vas eluebat et siccabat, dum 2ubo acumen graphidis lambit, scire cupiens, quomodo "natalis" scriberetur. scriberetur. ")cisne litteras Pu(" rogavit aliquantum timidus. "0ic ante 'ores habeo libellos ad pulsationem et tractionem 'uniculi pertinentes, quos Christophorus Robinus
0app4 2irthda4" on it, Ee4ore could 3eep things in it, 1hich might be Use'ul.% )o, as he 1as *ust passing the 0undred $cre $cre Wood, Wood, he 1ent inside to call on 1l, 1ho lived there. %=ood morning, 1l,% he said. %=ood morning, Pooh,% said 1l. %&an4 happ4 returns o' o ' Ee4ore"s birthda4,% said Pooh. %h, is that 1hat it is(% %What are 4ou giving him, 1l(% %What are 4ou giving him, Pooh(% %"m giving him a Use'ul Pot to Jeep 5hings n, and 1anted to as3 4ou % %s this it(% said 1l, ta3ing it out o' Pooh"s pa1. %;es, %;es, and 1anted to as3 4ou--% %)omebod4 has been 3eeping hone4 in it,% said 1l. %;ou %;ou can 3eep an4thing in it,% said Pooh earnestl4. %t"s /er4 Use'ul li3e that. $nd 1anted to as3 4ou----% %;ou %;ou ought to 1rite "$ 0app4 2irthda4" on it.% %5hat 1as 1hat 1anted to as3 4ou,% said Pooh. %2ecause m4 spelling is Wobbl4. Wobbl4. t"s good spelling but it Wobbles, Wobbles, and the letters get in the 1rong places. Would Would 4ou 1rite "$ 0app4 2irthda4" on it 'or me(% %t"s a nice pot,% said 1l, loo3ing at it all round. %Couldn"t give it too( 6rom both o' us(% %o,% said Pooh. %5hat 1ould not be a good plan. o1 "ll *ust 1ash it 'irst, 'irst, and then 4ou can 1rite on it.% Well, We ll, he 1ashed the pot out, and dried it, 1hile 1l lic3ed the end o' his pencil, and 1ondered ho1 to spell %birthda4.% %birthda4.% %Can 4ou read, Pooh(% he as3ed a little anxiousl4. %5here"s a notice about 3noc3ing and ringing outside m4 door, 1hich Christopher Robin 1rote. Could 4ou read it(% %Christopher Robin told me 1hat it said, and then could.% %Well, %Well, "ll tell 4ou 1hat this sa4s, and then
scripsit. Potesne eos legere(" 4ou"ll be able to.% "Christophorus Robinus, quod )o 1l 1rote . . . and this is 1hat he 1rote! signi'icassent, dixerat, ideo potui." 0P; P$P; 250U50D50 50U50D$ "2ene, ego quid ista signi'icet dico, iam 250U50D;. poteris." Pooh loo3ed on admiringl4. ta 2ubo scripsit . . . et ecce inscriptio! %"m *ust sa4ing "$ 0app4 2irthda4",% said "6?C& 6E?C& 5$$?& 5$5$?& 1l carelessl4. $5 $5$5$?&." %t"s a nice long one,% said Pooh, ver4 much Pu mirabundus spectabat. impressed b4 it. "Dico! 'elicem natalem," dixit 2ubo 2ub o obiter. %Well, actuall4, o' course, "m sa4ing "$ /er4 "Est natalis mehercle longus," dixit Pu+ 0app4 2irthda4 1ith love 'rom vehementer commotus. Pooh." aturall4 it ta3es a good deal o' pencil "Revera, videlicet, quod dixi est! %'elicem to sa4 a long thing li3e that.% natalem ominatur Pu, summo cum amore.% %h, see,% said Pooh. )ententiam tam longam scribere pro'ecto While all this 1as happening, Piglet had gone multae graphidis est." bac3 to his o1n house to get Ee4ore"s balloon. "5eneo," "5eneo," dixit Pu. 0e held it ver4 tightl4 against himsel', so that Dum haec omnia geruntur, Porcellus it shouldn"t blo1 a1a4, and he ran as 'ast as 'olliculum oris petitum domum suam he could so as to get to Ee4ore be'ore Pooh reverterat. 6olliculum toto pectore did+ 'or he thought that he 1ould li3e to be the adstringens, ae vento abduceretur, quanta 'irst one to give a present, *ust as i' he had maxima celeritate potuit, ut ante Pum thought o' it 1ithout being told b4 an4bod4. an 4bod4. adveniret, currebat. /olebat olebat enim primus $nd running along, and thin3ing ho1 pleased donum 'are veluti si ipse nullo sibi dicente, Ee4ore 1ould be, he didn"t loo3 1here he 1as tamen de natalicio cogitavisset. Currens et going . . . and suddenl4 he put his 'oot in a oris gaudium mente 'ingens quonam iret rabbit hole, and 'ell do1n 'lat on his 'ace. non observabat . . . repente autem pedem 2$=###(((OOO### cuniculo leporis imposuit et procidit. . . . Piglet la4 there, 1ondering 1hat had 2ang ###(((### happened. $t 'irst he thought that the 1hole Porcellus humi procubuit, quid accidisset 1orld had blo1n up+ and then he thought that scire avens. Primum totum mundum perhaps onl4 the 6orest part o' it had+ and diruptum 'uisse censuit, deinde silvam then he thought that perhaps onl4 he had, and dumtaxat, deinde nil nisi sese. Deinde he 1as no1 alone in the moon or some1here, censuit se in lunam abductum 'uisse, aut and 1ould never see Christopher Robin or alibi, et se Christophorum Robinum, Pum Pooh or Ee4ore again. $nd then he thought, et orem postea visurum desperavit. Deinde %Well, even i' "m in the moon, needn"t be autem cogitavit! "ec in luna quidem 'ace do1n1ards all the time,% so he got go t semper humi procumbentem permanere cautiousl4 up and loo3ed about him. oportet," caute igitur exsurrexit et oculos 0e 1as still in the 6orest# circumtulit. %Well, %Well, that"s 'unn4,% he thought. thoug ht. % 1onder Etiam tunc in silva erat. 1hat that bang 1as. couldn"t have made such "&irum dictu#" cogitavit. ")cire velim, quid a noise *ust 'alling do1n. do1n . $nd 1here"s m4 strepitus 'uerit# Cadendo talem 'ragorem balloon( $nd 1hat"s that small piece o' damp edere nequivi. Et ubi est 'olliculus( Et quid rag doing(% t 1as the balloon# iste parvus pannus humidus sibi vult(" %h, dear#% said Piglet. %h, dear, oh, dearie, 6olliculus erat# dearie, dear# Well, Well, it"s too late no1. can"t go
"Eheu," dixit Porcellus, "o heu, eheu, eheu, o bac3, and haven"t another balloon, and heu# )ed nunc sero est. Reverti non perhaps Ee4ore doesn"t li3e balloons so ver4 possum, alterum 'olliculum non habeo et much.% 'ortasse or 'olliculos non diligit )o he trotted on, rather sadl4 no1, and do1n admodum." he came to the side o' the stream 1here taque, nunc tristior, perrexit et cum ad Ee4ore 1as, and called out to him. ripam, ubi or erat pervenisset, eum %=ood morning, Ee4ore,% shouted Piglet. vocavit. %=ood morning, ?ittle Piglet,% said Ee4ore. "minor tibi bonas horas matutinas, or," %' it is a good morning,% he said. clamavit Porcellus. %Which doubt,% said he. %ot that it "Ego vero tibi, Porcelle P orcelle parvule," dixit or. matters,% he said. ")i mane bonum est," dixit. "uod dubito," %&an4 happ4 returns o' the da4,% said Piglet, dixit. "&e modice tangit," dixit. having no1 got closer. "Utinam dies iste saepe et 'eliciter Ee4ore stopped loo3ing at himsel' in the revertatur," revertatur," dixit Porcellus, appropinquans. stream, and turned to stare at Piglet. or desivit se in rivo intueri et ad Porcellum %ust sa4 that again,% he said. adspectandum revertit. %&an4 hap--% "teradum eadem ista mihi#" dixit. %Wait a moment.% "Utinam. . . ." 2alancing on three legs, he began to bring his "Paulisper exspecta." 'ourth leg ver4 cautiousl4 up to his ear. % did )ese tribus pedibus librans cautissime this 4esterda4,% he explained, as he 'ell do1n quartam ungulam ad auriculam admovere 'or the third time. %t"s quite q uite eas4. t"s so as coepit. "0eri hoc 'eci," explicabat tertio can hear better. ... 5here, that"s done it# cadens. "6acile 'actu est. ta melius o1 then, 1hat 1ere 4ou sa4ing(% 0e pushed audio. . . . Ecce, 'actum est. Dic etiam his ear 'or1ard 1ith his hoo'. clarius! quid dixisti(" et auriculam ungula %&an4 happ4 returns o' the da4,% said Piglet propulit. again. "Utinam iste dies saepe et 'auste, %&eaning me(% revertatur#" %' course, Ee4ore.% "&in" tu istud ais(" %&4 birthda4(% ")cilicet, or." or." %;es.% "atalis meus(" %&e having a real birthda4(% ")cilicet." %;es, %;es, Ee4ore, and "ve brought 4ou a present.% "$d me verum diem natalem habentem Ee4ore too3 do1n his right hoo' 'rom his re'ert(" right ear, turned round, and 1ith great "ta est, or, et donum tibi attuli." di''icult4 put up his le't hoo'. or ungulam dextram ab auricula dextra % must have that in the other ear,% he said. sustulit et, conversus, ungulam sinistram ad %o1 then.% auriculam sinistiam levavit. %$ present,% said Piglet ver4 loudl4. "nmitte istud in alteram auriculam", dixit. %&eaning me again(% "$ge#" %;es.% "Donum," dixit Porcellus magna voce. %&4 birthda4 still(% "terum ad me re'ert(" %' course, Ee4ore.% "terum." %&e going on having a real birthda4(% "$d natalem meum(" %;es, %;es, Ee4ore, and brought 4ou a balloon.% ")cilicet, or." or." %2alloon(% said Ee4ore. %;ou %;ou did sa4
"$d me natalem verum habentem(" balloon( ne o' those big coloured things "ta est or et 'olliculum attuli." 4ou blo1 up( =aiet4, song-and-dance, here "6olliculum(" dixit or. "6olliculum dixisti( 1e are and there 1e are(% Unam rerum coloratarum in'latarum( %;es, but "m a'raid--"m ver4 sorr4, Ee4ore-0ilaritas, chorea, sumus hic sumus illic(FQ but 1hen 1as running along to bring it 4ou, ")ane, sed vereor . . . dolendum est or+ sed 'ell do1n.% currendo et apportando titubavi." %Dear, dear, ho1 unluc34# ;ou ran too 'ast, "0ercle, nollem accidisset hoc tibi# Censeo expect. ;ou didn"t hurt 4oursel', te nimium celeriter cucurrisse. 5e laesisti, ?ittle Piglet(% Porcelle parvule(" %o, but ----oh, Ee4ore, burst the balloon#% "&inime, sed ego . . . ego. . . or, 'olliculum 5here 1as a ver4 long silence. rupi." %&4 balloon(% said Ee4ore at last. ?ongum silentium secutum est. Piglet nodded. "6olliculum meum natalicium(" %&4 birthda4 balloon(% "ta est, or," dixit Porcellus singultim. "Ecce %;es, Ee4ore,% said Piglet sni''ing a little. . . . cum . . . multis 'elicibus reditionibus %0ere it is. With--1ith man4 happ4 returns o' diei." Et ori, panniculum parvulum the da4.% $nd he gave Ee4ore the small piece humidumque porrexit. o' damp rag. "0oc est(" dixit or aliquantulum %s this it(% said Ee4ore, a little surprised. obstupe'actus. Piglet nodded. Porcellus adnuit. %&4 present(% "Donum meum(" Piglet nodded again. Porcellus iterum adnuit. %5he balloon(% "6olliculus(" %;es.% ")ane." %5han3 4ou, Piglet,% said Ee4ore. %;ou don"t "=ratias tibi ago, o Porcelle," dixit or. "Pace mind m4 as3ing,% he 1ent on, %but 1hat tua liceat rogavisse," sub*unxit, "qualis erat colour 1as this balloon 1hen it--1hen it 1as color huius 'olliculi cum . . . dum 'olliculus a balloon(% erat(" %Red.% "Ruber." % *ust 1ondered. ... Red,% he murmured to ")cire cupivi. . . . Ruber," secum himsel'. %&4 'avourite colour. ...0o1 big 1as murmuravit, ". . . color, quo ego maxime it(% delector . . . qualis erat magnitudo eius(" %$bout as big as me.% "Erat magnitudo mea." % *ust 1ondered. ... $bout as big as Piglet,% ")cire cupivi. . . . &agnitudo Porcelli#" he said to himsel' sadl4. %&4 'avourite si:e. secum tristis murmuravit, ". . . magnitudo Well, 1ell.% qua ego maxime delector. ta est, ita." Piglet 'elt ver4 miserable, and didn"t 3no1 Porcellus quid dicere deberet incertus, non 1hat to sa4. 0e 1as still opening his mouth to belle se habebat. am ore hiante aliquid begin something, and then deciding that it dicere coepit, deinde decrevit, hoc potius 1asn"t an4 good sa4ing that, 1hen he heard a non dicere, cum ab ulteriore ripa vocem shout 'rom the other side o' the river, and clamantem audivit, et advenit Pu. there 1as Pooh. "&ultas 'elices reditiones diei," clamavit Pu, %&an4 happ4 returns o' the da4,% called out oblitus hoc iam dixisse. Pooh, 'orgetting that he had said it alread4. "=ratias tibi ago Pu, eas iam habeo," dixit %5han3 4ou, Pooh, "m having them,% said iniquae mentis asellus. Ee4ore gloomil4.
"&ucus quoddam parvulum attuli," dixit Pu alacriter. "am accepi," dixit or. Pu tunc rivulum vado usque ad orem transierat et Porcellus, modico distans intervallo caput ungulis sublevans secum singultavit. "Est vas utile," dixit Pu. "En, accipe# )criptum legimus! 'elicem natalem amanter ominatur Pu. Ecce tota inscriptio. $d res intro collocandas potest accomodari. 5ibi habe#" or vas adspiciens miri'ice a''ectus est. "o#" dixit, "censeo 'olliculum meum vase aptissime convenire." "&inime or mi," dixit Pu. "6olliculi ma*ores sunt, quam ut vasibus introeant. uod agis cum 'olliculo est, 'olliculum tenere. . . ." "&inime meum," dixit or superbus. "$dspice, o Porcelle#" Et cum Porcellus tristis respexisset, or 'olliculum mordicus apprehendit et caute vase imposuit+ extraxit et humi posuit+ iterum sumpsit et caute reposuit. "ta est," dixit Pu. "ntrat#" "ta est," dixit Porcellus, "exit#" "onne(" dixit or. "ntrat et exit ut nil supra#" "?aetor," dixit Pu 'eliciter, "cogitavisse tibi vas utile ad res intro collocandas dare." "?aetor," dixit Porcellus 'eliciter, "cogitavisse tibi aliquid in vase utili collocandum dare." )ed or non auscultabat. uam 'elicissime 'olliculum extrahebat et reponebat. . . "Ego autem nihil ei dedi(" rogavit tristis Christophorus Robinus. ")cilicet dedisti," dixi. "Dedisti . . . non recordaris( . . ." "Dedi ei thecam colorum ad res depingendas." "Pro'ecto#" "Cur non mane id ei dedi(" "uia admodum sedule laboravisti, ut ei convivium parares. 0abebat crustulum incrustatum, tres candelas, nomen eius
%"ve brought 4ou a little present,% said Pooh excitedl4. %"ve had it,% said Ee4ore. Pooh had no1 splashed across the stream to Ee4ore, and Piglet 1as sitting a little 1a4 o'', his head in his pa1s, snu''ling to himsel'. %t"s a Use'ul Pot,% said Pooh. %0ere it is. $nd it"s got "$ /er4 0app4 2irthda4 1ith love 'rom Pooh" 1ritten on it. 5hat"s 1hat all that 1riting is. $nd it"s 'or putting things in. 5here#% When Ee4ore sa1 the pot, he became quite excited. %Wh4#% he said. % believe m4 2alloon 1ill *ust go into that Pot#% %h, no, Ee4ore,% said Pooh. %2alloons are much too big to go into Pots. What 4ou do 1ith a balloon is, 4ou hold the balloon % %ot mine,% said Ee4ore proudl4. %?oo3, Piglet#% $nd as Piglet loo3ed sorro1'ull4 round, Ee4ore pic3ed the balloon up 1ith his teeth, and placed it care'ull4 in the pot+ pic3ed it out and put it on the ground+ and then pic3ed it up again and put it care'ull4 bac3. %)o it does#% said Pooh. %t goes in#% %)o it does#% said Piglet. %$nd it comes out#% %Doesn"t it(% said Ee4ore. %t goes in and out li3e an4thing.% %"m ver4 glad,% said Pooh happil4, %that thought o' giving 4ou a Use'ul Pot to put things in.% %"m ver4 glad,% said Piglet happil4, %that thought o' giving 4ou something to put in a Use'ul Pot.% 2ut Ee4ore 1asn"t listening. 0e 1as ta3ing the balloon out, and putting it bac3 again, as happ4 as could be.... %$nd didn"t give him an4thing(% as3ed Christopher Robin sadl4. %' course 4ou did,% said. %;ou gave him don"t 4ou remember--a littleMa little % % gave him a box o' paints to paint things 1ith.% %5hat 1as it.% %Wh4 didn"t give it to him in the morning(% %;ou 1ere so bus4 getting his part4 read4 'or
saccharo roseo con'ectum atque. . . ." "$t vero, reminiscor#" dixit Christophorus Robinus.
him. 0e had a ca3e 1ith icing on the top, and three candles, and his name in pin3 sugar( and % %;es, remember,% said Christopher Robin(
!II In Which /anga And Bab$ .oo %ome To The )orest, And Piglet "as A Bath !II Quo in capite %anga et .u ille parvulus in silvam veniunt et Porcellus balneo utitur
2D; seemed to 3no1 1here the4 came 'rom, but there the4 1ere in the 6orest! Janga and 2ab4 Roo. When Pooh as3ed Christopher Robin, emo undenam orti essent scire videbatur, %0o1 did the4 come here(% Christopher sed nunc in silva erant! Canga ac Ru ille Robin said, %n the Usual Wa4, i' 4ou 3no1 parvulus. uaerente Puo quomodo 1hat mean, Pooh,% and Pooh, 1ho didn"t, advenissent Christophorus Robinus! said %h#% 5hen he nodded his head "rdinario modo," respondit, "mi Pu, si tenes t1ice and said, %n the Usual Wa4. $h#% 5hen quod dicam," et Pu, nihil omnino he 1ent to call upon his 'riend intellegens, "," dixit, deinde bis capite Piglet to see 1hat he thought about it. $nd at nutavit et "rdinario modo. )ane," Piglet"s house he 'ound Rabbit. sub*unxit. Deinde ad amicum suum )o the4 all tal3ed about it together. Porcellum visitandum abKt, quid de his %What don"t li3e about it is this,% said rebus cogitaret, scrutatum. Porcelli autem Rabbit. in domo ?eporem invenit. taque terni %0ere are 1e--4ou, Pooh, and 4ou, Piglet, and con'abulati sunt. &e --and suddenl4 % "uod his in rebus mihi parum placet," dixit %$nd Ee4ore,% said Pooh. ?epus, "est hoc! hic sumus, tu Pu, tu o %$nd Ee4ore--and then suddenl4--% Porcelle, egomet . . . ac repente. . . ." %$nd 1l,% said Pooh "Et or," dixit Pu. %$nd 1l--and then all o' a sudden--% "Et or - tunc repente. . . ." %h, and Ee4ore,% said Pooh. % 1as "Et 2ubo," dixit Pu. 'orgetting him.% "Et 2ubo - tunc repente. . . ." %0ere--1e--are,% said Rabbit ver4 slo1l4 and "$dde orem," dixit Pu. "Eius 'ere oblitus care'ull4, all--or--us, and then, suddenl4, 1e eram." 1a3e up one morning, and 1hat do 1e 'ind( "0ic nos omnes sumus," dixit ?epus We 'ind a )trange $nimal among us. $n lentissime et caute, "nos omnes, deinde, animal o' 1hom 1e had never even heard repente mane quodam experge'acti quid be'ore# $n animal 1ho carries her 'amil4 reperimus( $nimal alienigenum est about 1ith her in her poc3et# )uppose nobiscum# $nimal, de quo ne rumor carried m4 'amil4 about 1ith me in m4 quidem venerat# $nimal, quod 'amiliam poc3et, ho1 man4 poc3ets should 1ant(% suam semper marsupio secum portat# %)ixteen,% said Piglet.
Putemus me 'amiliam semper mecum portare, quun multis marsupiis mihi opus sit(" ")edecim," dixit Porcellus. ")eptemdecim, nonne," dixit ?epus. "Et uno pro muccinio - denique duodeviginti. Duodeviginti marsupia una veste# 5empus me de'icit." )ecundum haec longum et meditabundum 'uit silentium . . . deinde Pu, qui aliquamdiu graviter 'rontem corrugaverat, dixit! "Censeo ea quindecim esse" "uae(" dixit ?epus. "uindecim." "uindecim quae(" "6amiliae tuae membra#" "uid re'ert ad eos(" Pu rostrum per'ricans dixit se ?eporem de 'amilia sua loqui cogitavisse. "?ocutus sum(" dixit ?epus obiter. ")ane, dixisti. . . ." ")ed hoc ne curaris mi Pu," dixit Porcellus impatienter. "uaeritur! quid nobis est propter Cangam ageadum(" "5eneo," dixit Pu. "ptimus modus procedendi," dixit ?epus, "est hic! optimus modus est Rum parvulum 'urto subducere et eum abscondere, et postea, cum Canga rogaverit! %Ubi est Ru ille parvulus(% dicemus! %Eheu#% " "Eheu," dixit Pu, se exercens. "Eheu, eheu . . . )cilicet," perrexit, "possumus eheu dicere et Rum 'urto non subducentes." "Pu," dixit ?epus cum bona gratia, "nec quicquam habes cerebri." "6ateor," dixit Pu remissus. "0eu dicimus ad Cangam certiorem 'aciendam, nos ubi Ru sit, scire. Eheu signi'icat! dicemus, ubi Ru sit, si promiseris te silvam relicturam et nunquam reversuram esse. unc, dum cogito, 'avete linguis#" Pu in angulum cubiculi concessit et conatus est, apta voce "eheu" dicere. &odo ei videbatur id, quod ?epus sentiret, optime exponere, modo minime vero. "5otum in
%)eventeen, isn"t it(% said Rabbit. %$nd one more 'or a hand3erchie'--that"s eighteen. Eighteen poc3ets in one suit# haven"t time.% 5here 1as a long and thought'ul silence( . . and then Pooh, 1ho had been 'ro1ning ver4 hard 'or some minutes, said! % ma3e it 'i'teen.% %What(% said Rabbit. %6i'teen.% %6i'teen 1hat(% %;our 'amil4.% %What about them(% Pooh rubbed his nose and said that he thought Rabbit had been tal3ing about his 'amil4. %Did (% said Rabbit carelessl4. %;es, 4ou said--% %ever mind, Pooh,% said Piglet impatientl4. %5he question is, What are 1e to do about Janga(% %h, see,% said Pooh. %5he best 1a4,% said Rabbit, %1ould be this. 5he best 1a4 1ould be to steal 2ab4 Roo and hide him, and then 1hen Janga sa4s, "Where"s 2ab4 Roo(" 1e sa4, "$ha#"% %$ha#% said Pooh, practising. %$ha# $ha# . . . ' course,% he 1ent on, %1e could sa4 "$ha#" even i' 1e hadn"t stolen 2ab4 Roo.% %Pooh,% said Rabbit 3indl4, %4ou haven"t an4 brain.% % 3no1,% said Pooh humbl4. %We sa4 "$ha#" so that Janga 3no1s that 1e 3no1 1here 2ab4 Roo is. "$ha#" means "We"ll tell 4ou 1here 2ab4 Roo is, i' 4ou promise to go a1a4 'rom the 6orest and never come bac3." o1 don"t tal3 1hile thin3.% Pooh 1ent into a corner and tried sa4ing "$ha#" in that sort o' voice. )ometimes it seemed to him that it did mean 1hat Rabbit said, and sometimes it seemed to him that it didn"t. % suppose it"s *ust practice,% he thought. % 1onder i' Janga 1ill have to practise too so as to understand it.% %5here"s *ust one thing,% said Piglet, 'idgeting a bit. % 1as tal3ing to Christopher Robin, and he said that a Janga 1as =enerall4 Regarded
exercitatione esse puto," cogitabat. ")cire as ne o' the 6iercer $nimals am not aveo, an Canga quoque se exercere debeat, 'rightened o' 6ierce $nimals in the ordinar4 si vult nos intellegere." 1a4, but it is 1ell 3no1n that i' ne o' the "Reliquitur aliquid ad resolvendum," dixit 6iercer $nimals is Deprived o' ts ;oung, it Porcellus timidissimo murmure subsultans. becomes as 'ierce as 51o o' the 6iercer "Cum Christophoro Robino locutus sum et $nimals. n 1hich case "$ha#" is perhaps mihi dixit Cangas omnino in numero a 'oolish thing to sa4.% animalium 'erocium haberi. $nimalia %Piglet,% said Rabbit, ta3ing out a pencil, and quamvis 'erocia minime timeo, sed lic3ing the end o' it, %4ou haven"t an4 pluc3.% neminem latet unum animalium 'erocium %t is hard to be brave,% said Piglet, sni''ing progenie orbatum tam 'erox 'ieri, quam slightl4, %1hen 4ou"re onl4 a /er4 )mall duo animalium 'erocium. uo casu 'orsitan $nimal.% stultum sit %eheu% dicere." Rabbit, 1ho had begun to 1rite ver4 busil4, "Porcelle," dixit ?epus graphidem capiens et loo3ed up and said! acumen eius lambens, "hebes in'irmusque %t is because 4ou are a ver4 small animal that es." 4ou 1ill be Use'ul in the adventure be'ore "&anu 'ortem esse di''icile est," dixit us.% Porcellus singultim, "de animalium Piglet 1as so excited at the idea o' being pusillorum grege porco#" Use'ul that he 'orgot to be 'rightened an4 ?epus, qui sedule scribere coeperat more, and 1hen Rabbit 1ent on to sa4 that suspiciens dixit! Jangas 1ere onl4 6ierce during the 1inter "Est, quia animal parvulum es, quod tu months, being at other times o' an nobis in incepto 'uturo utilissimus eris." $''ectionate Disposition, he could hardl4 sit Porcellus se maximi momenti esse animo still, he 1as so eager to begin being use'ul at 'ingens adeo ardebat studio, ut timoris once. oblivisceretur, et cum ?epus pergeret et %What about me(% said Pooh sadl4 % suppose diceret Cangas hiemis modo tempore shan"t be use'ul(% 'eroces, ceteris anni temporibus autem %ever mind, Pooh,% said Piglet com'ortingl4. mansuetas esse, vix sere continuit, %$nother time perhaps % tantopere ereim cupiebat statim prodesse. %Without Pooh,% said Rabbit solemnl4 as he "Et quod ad me pertinet, quid 'aciamus(" sharpened his pencil, %the adventure 1ould be dixit Pu tristis. "5imeo me utilem minime impossible.% 'ore." %h#% said Piglet, and tried not to loo3 "$ccipe in bonam partem Pu," dixit disappointed. 2ut Pooh 1ent into a corner o' Porcellus consolatorie. "6orsitan alio the room and said proudl4 to himsel', tempore." %mpossible 1ithout &e# 5hat sort o' 2ear.% "$bsque Puo 'oret," ?epus graphidem %o1 listen all o' 4ou,% said Rabbit 1hen he acuens sollemniter dixit, "totum inceptum had 'inished 1riting, and Pooh and Piglet sat 'ieri nequeat." listening ver4 eagerl4 1ith their mouths open. "0eus#" dixit Porcellus et conatus est 5his 1as 1hat Rabbit read out! deceptus non videri. Pu autem in angulum P?$ 5 C$P5URE 2$2; R cubiculi iit et superbus secum dixit! ")ine . =eneral Remar3s. Janga runs 'aster than me 'ieri non potest# 5alis ursus sum#" an4 o' Us, even &e. "uin, audite omnes," ducit ?epus, cum <. &ore =eneral Remar3s. Janga never ta3es scripturam 'inivisset, et Pu atque Porcellus her e4e o'' 2ab4 Roo, except 1hen he"s sa'el4 oribus hiantibus intentissime audientiam buttoned up in her poc3et.
'ecerunt. d est quod ?epus legit! C)?U& RU P$R/U? C$PED 7 Rerum notio generalis! Canga omnes nos velocitate praecurrit, etiam me. < Ulterioris rei notio generalis! Canga Rum parvulum nunquam e conspectu suo amittit, nisi in marsupio tute conditum. > gitur! si Rum parvulum capere volumus, vehementer impetum sumere opus est, quia Canga. omnes nos velocitate praecurrit etiam me 8vide 79. @ Consilium! si Ru ex marsupio exsiliret, Porcellus autem introsiliret, Canga di''erentiam haud animadverteret, quia Porcellus animal pusillum est. A )icut Ru. B )ed, ne Canga Porcellum introsilientem videat, antea alio debet vertere oculos. /ide <. $liud consilium! si Pu cum ea assidue con'abularetur, 'orsitan paulisper oculos alio verteret. G Et ego cum Ruo au'ugere potero. 7H /elociter. 77 Et Canga discrimen non, nisi sero, animadvertet. )ane, ?epus haec superbe recitavit, nec quisquam, cum perorasset per punctum temporis locutus est. Deinde Porcellus, qui sine ullo murmure os vicissim aperuerat et clauserat, valuit rauce pro'erre! "Et . . . quid tum inde(" "uid putas(" "Cum Canga vere discrimen animadvertet. . . ." "5um nos omnes %eheu% dicimus." "os tres(" "os." "0eu#" "uid hoc tibi vult, o Porcelle(" "ihil," dixit Porcellus, "tamdiu hoc nos tres dicimus. 5amdiu nos tres hoc dicimus," dixit Porcellus, "incredibile est, quam ego ista non curem#" dixit, "sed nolo solus %eheu% dicere. ?onge abest, ut adeo bene sonaret. Ceterum," dixit, "pro certo habesne
>. 5here'ore. ' 1e are to capture 2ab4 Roo, 1e must get a ?ong )tart, because Janga runs 'aster than an4 o' Us, even &e. 8)ee .9 @. $ 5hought. ' Roo had *umped out o' Janga"s poc3et and Piglet had *umped in, Janga 1ouldn"t 3no1 the di''erence, because Piglet is a /er4 )mall $nimal. A. ?i3e Roo. B. 2ut Janga 1ould have to be loo3ing the other 1a4 'irst, so as not to see Piglet *umping in. . )ee <. . $nother 5hought. 2ut i' Pooh 1as tal3ing to her ver4 excitedl4, she might loo3 the other 1a4 'or a moment. G. $nd then could run a1a4 1ith Roo. 7. uic3l4. . $nd Janga 1ouldn"t discover the di''erence until $'ter1ards Well, Rabbit read this out proudl4, and 'or a little 1hile a'ter he had read it nobod4 said an4thing $nd then Piglet, 1ho had been opening and shutting his mouth 1ithout ma3ing an4 noise,managed to sa4 ver4 hus3il4! %$nd--$'ter1ards(% %0o1 do 4ou mean(% %When Janga does Discover the Di''erence(% %5hen 1e all sa4 "$ha#"% %$ll three o' us(% %;es.% %h#% %Wh4, 1hat"s the trouble, Piglet(% %othing,% said Piglet, %as long as 1e all three sa4 it. $s long as 1e all three sa4 it,% said Piglet, % don"t mind,% he said, %but shouldn"t care to sa4 "$ha#" b4 m4sel'. t 1ouldn"t sound nearl4 so 1ell. 24 the 1a4,% he said, %4ou are quite sure about 1hat 4ou said about the 1inter months(% %5he 1inter months(% %;es, onl4 being 6ierce in the Winter &onths.% %h, 4es, 4es, that"s all right. Well, Pooh ;ou see 1hat 4ou have to do(%
quod de mensibus hibemis dixisti(" "De mensibus hibernis(" "ta est! quod non nisi hibernis mensibus 'eroces sunt." ")ane, sane, verum est. Pu mi, intellegisne quid tibi 'aciendum sit(" "&inime," dixit Ursus Pu. "ondum," dixit. "uid 'aciam vis(" ")ane, cum Canga assidue colloqui debes, ne quid animadvertat." "uo de proposito(" "De quibuslibet propositis#" "Putas mihi 'ragmenta carminum recitanda esse aut aliquid(" "5enes," dixit ?epus. "ptime. /enite dum mecum#" taque omnes Cangam quaesitum abierunt. Canga et Ru tempus pomeridianum tranquille arenoso silvae in loco agebant. Ru ille parvulus se levibus saltibus exercebat arena, in cava murium cadebat et ex eis emergebat, Canga autem trepidans! "praeterea unum saltum, carissime, postea nobis domum est eundum," dictitabat. Eo in puncto temporis quis alius Puo collem ascendit.... ")alve, Canga." ")alve, Pu." "/ide me salientem," vagivit Ru, et in aliud cavum cecidit. ")alve Ru, amicule#" "Domum ituri eramus," dixit Canga. ")alve Pu, Porcelle salve#" ?epus et Porcellus a contraria parte collis propius accedentes ")alve" et "$ve Ru" dixerunt et Ru rogavit eos, ut eum salientem adspicerent, itaque constiterunt et eum contemplati sunt. Canga etiam contemplabatur. . . . "Canga mi," dixit Pu ?epori simul atque ille bis sibi oculo annuivit, "nescio an tibi carmina magnae curae sint. . . ." "/ix," dixit Canga. "," dixit Pu. "Ru carissime, semel nec amplius sali, deinde nobis domum est eundum."
%o,% said Pooh 2ear. %ot 4et,% he said( %What do do(% %Well, 4ou *ust have to tal3 ver4 hard to Janga( so as she doesn"t notice an4thing.% %h# What about(% %$n4thing 4ou li3e.% %;ou mean li3e telling her a little bit o' poetr4 or something(% %5hat"s it,% said Rabbit. %)plendid o1 come along.% )o the4 all 1ent out to loo3 'or Janga. Janga and Roo 1ere spending a quiet a'ternoon in a sand4 part o' the 6orest. 2ab4 Roo 1as practising ver4 small *umps in the sand, and 'alling do1n mouse-holes and climbing out o' them, and Janga 1as 'idgeting about and sa4ing %ust one more *ump, dear, and then 1e must go home.% $nd at that moment 1ho should come stumping up the hill but Pooh. %=ood a'ternoon, Janga.% %=ood a'ternoon, Pooh.% %?oo3 at me *umping,% squea3ed Roo, and 'ell into another mouse-hole. %0allo, Roo, m4 little 'ello1#% %We 1ere *ust going home,% said Janga. %=ood a'ternoon, Rabbit. =ood a'ternoon, Piglet.% Rabbit and Piglet, 1ho had no1 come up 'rom the other side o' the hill, said %=ood a'ternoon,% and %0allo, Roo,% and Roo as3ed them to loo3 at him *umping, so the4 sta4ed and loo3ed. $nd Janga loo3ed too.... %h, Janga,% said Pooh, a'ter Rabbit had 1in3ed at him t1ice, % don"t 3no1 i' 4ou are interested in Poetr4 at all(% %0ardl4 at all,% said Janga. %h#% said Pooh. %Roo, dear, *ust one more *ump and then 1e must go home.% 5here 1as a short silence 1hile Roo 'ell do1n another mouse-hole. %=o on,% said Rabbit in a loud 1hisper behind his pa1.
Per punctum temporis silentium secutum est, dum Ru in aliam 'oveam cecidit. "$ge," susurravit xpus post ungulam magna voce. "uoniam carminum mentio 'acta est," dixit Pu, "egomet rediens poema composui. ta incipit . . . et . . . videamus. . . ." "&irum," exclamavit Canga. "unc, Ru carissime. . . ." "Carmen tibi pro certo placebit," dixit ?epus. "&aximopere placebit," dixit Porcellus. "5ibi attento animo audiendum est," dixit ?epus. "e quid te 'ugiat," dixit Porcellus. "ta est," dixit Canga, etiam tunc Rum observans. "uomodo incipit(" dixit ?epus+ Pu aliquantulum tussiculans sic orsus est! /ersus Ursi perpauli cerebri Dies ille, dies ?unae )emper venit opportune Rogo vos et quaero id! uid est quod et quod est quid( Dies alter, dies &artis Est laboris et est artis $ge Canga, dic si scis! uarum( uorum( uid est quis( )equitur &ercurii dies ualis somnus, qualis quies# $udi ?epus# uaeritur! uisnam( Unde( uidni( Cur( Dies quartus, dies ovis 0eu, aenigmata dat nobis Cogitabo 'orsitan! onne( ecne( Utrum-an( Dies /eneris. . . . "ta est, nonne(" dixit Canga neque exspectavit, quid die /eneris 'ieret. "0unc unum saltum, Ru carissime, postea nobis pro'ecto domum est eundum#" ?epus Puo nutu signum quasi exhortativum dedit. "Cum ageretur de carminibus," dixit cito Pu, "arborem illam unquam animadvertisti(" "Ubi(" dixit Canga. "unc Ru. . . ."
%5al3ing o' Poetr4,% said Pooh, % made up a little piece as 1as coming along. t 1ent li3e this. Er--no1 let me see--% %6anc4#% said Janga. %o1 Roo, dear--% %;ou"ll li3e this piece o' poetr4,% said Rabbit. %;ou"ll love it,% said Piglet. %;ou must listen ver4 care'ull4,% said Rabbit. %)o as not to miss an4 o' it,% said Piglet. %h, 4es,% said Janga, but she still loo3ed at 2ab4 Roo. %0o1 did it go, Pooh(% said Rabbit. Pooh gave a little cough and began. ?E) WR55E 2; $ 2E$R 6 /ER; ?55?E 2R$ n &onda4, 1hen the sun is hot 1onder to m4sel' a lot! %o1 is it true, or is it not,% %5hat 1hat is 1hich and 1hich is 1hat(% n 5uesda4, 1hen it hails and sno1s, 5he 'eeling on me gro1s and gro1s 5hat hardl4 an4bod4 3no1s ' those are these or these are those. n Wednesda4, 1hen the s34 is blue, $nd have nothing else to do, sometimes 1onder i' it"s true 5hat 1ho is 1hat and 1hat is 1ho. n 5hursda4, 1hen it starts to 'ree:e $nd hoar-'rost t1in3les on the trees, 0o1 ver4 readil4 one sees 5hat these are 1hose--but 1hose are these( n 6rida4---%;es, it is, isn"t it(% said Janga, not 1aiting to hear 1hat happened on 6rida4. %ust one more *ump, Roo, dear, and then 1e reall4 must be going.% Rabbit gave Pooh a hurr4ing-up sort o' nudge. %5al3ing o' Poetr4,% said Pooh quic3l4 %have 4ou ever noticed that tree right over there(% %Where(% said Janga. %o1, Roo--% %Right over there,% said Pooh, pointing behind Janga"s bac3. %o,% said Janga. %o1 *ump in, Roo, dear, and 1e"ll go home.% %;ou ought to loo3 at that tree right over there,% said Rabbit. %)hall li't
")ane, illic," dixit Pu, aliquid post tergum Cangae digito monstrans. "&inime," dixit Canga. "ntrosili Ru, carissime, domum ibimus." "$rborem illam spectare debeas," dixit ?epus. "unc te in marsupio colloco Ru." Et Rum ungulis sublevavit. "0inc avem inter ramos prospicio," dixit Pu. "$ut piscis est(" "$vem hinc dispicere debeas," dixit ?epus. "isi piscis sit." "on est piscis, est avis," dixit Porcellus. "ta est," dixit ?epus. "Est sturnus aut turdus(" dixit Pu. "uaeritur," dixit ?epus. "Est turdus aut sturnus(" Postremo tandem Canga cervices retorsit ut ipse videret. Canga respiciente ?epus magna voce "introsili Ru," dixit, Porcellus in marsupium Cangae introsiluit, ?epus autem Rum inter ungulas tenens quam celerrime au'ugit. "Ubinam est ?epus(" dixit Canga respiciens. "Pulchre est tibi, Ru carissime(" Porcellus ex imo Cangae marsupio vagitum Ruosimilem emisit. "?epus abire debuit," dixit Pu. "Censeo ei alicuius rei illico videndae in mentem venisse." "Et Porcellus(" "Censeo Porcellum simul aliquid cogitavisse. Repente." "Denique nobis domum est eundum," dixit Canga. "/ale Pu." Et tribus cum magnis saltibus au'ugit. Pu eam recedentem oculis secutus est. "Utinam ego tales saltus 'acere valeam," cogitavit. ")unt, qui possint, sunt qui nequeant. )ane res ita se habet." nciderunt autem tempora, quibus Porcellus desiderabat Cangam nequisse. )aepe longum iter usque ad domum per silvam percurrens desideraverat se avem esse. unc autem saltitans in imo Cangae marsupio secum cogitavit! ")i est nunquam volatus
4ou in, Roo(% $nd he pic3ed up Roo in his pa1s. % can see a bird in it 'rom here,% said Pooh. %r is it a 'ish(% %;ou ought to see that bird 'rom here,% said Rabbit. %Unless it"s a 'ish.% %t isn"t a 'ish, it"s a bird,% said Piglet. %)o it is,% said Rabbit. %s it a starling or a blac3bird(% said Pooh. %5hat"s the 1hole question,% said Rabbit. %s it a blac3bird or a starling(% $nd then at last Janga did turn her head to loo3. $nd the moment that her head 1as turned, Rabbit said in a loud voice %n 4ou go, Roo#% and in *umped Piglet into Janga"s poc3et, and o'' scampered Rabbit, 1ith Roo in his pa1s, as 'ast as he could. %Wh4, 1here"s Rabbit(% said Janga, turning round again. %$re 4ou all right, Roo, dear(% Piglet made a squea34 Roo-noise 'rom the bottom o' Janga"s poc3et. %Rabbit had to go a1a4,% said Pooh. % thin3 he thought o' something he had to do and see about suddenl4.% %$nd Piglet(% % thin3 Piglet thought o' something at the same time. )uddenl4.% %Well, 1e must be getting home,% said Janga. %=ood-b4e, Pooh.% $nd in three large *umps she 1as gone. Pooh loo3ed a'ter her as she 1ent. % 1ish could *ump li3e that,% he thought. %)ome can and some can"t. 5hat"s ho1 it is.% 2ut there 1ere moments 1hen Piglet 1ished that Janga couldn"t. 'ten, 1hen he had had a long 1al3 home through the 6orest, he had 1ished that he 1ere a bird+ but no1 he thought *er3il4 to himsel' at the bottom o' Janga"s poc3et, this ta3e %' is shall reall4 to 'l4ing never it.% $nd as he 1ent up in the air he said, %oooooo#% and as he came do1n he said, %1#% $nd he 1as sa4ing, %oooooo-o1, ooooooo-o1, ooooooo-o1% all the 1a4 to Janga"s house.
id volare mihi placebit#" )ursum volans "UUU," dixit, deorsum autem "au". 5otum per iter usque ad domum Cangae U - au - U - au - U - au dictitabat. . . . Canga marsupium aperiens primo adspectu quid accidisset, intellexit. Paulisper cogitabat pavere, mox autem sensit se nihil timere! pro certo enim habebat Cristophorum Robinum nunquam ulli Rum laedere permisisse. taque secum dixit! ")i illi me ludibrio habere volunt, etiam ego illos ludibrio habebo." "$ge, veni Ru carissime," dixit Porcellum ex marsupio trahens. ")omni tempus est." "Eheu#" dixit Porcellus quemadmodum port iactationes potuit. )ed non erat "eheu" praeclarum et Canga evidenter quid signi'icaret non intellexit. "mprimis balneum," dixit Canga alacriter. "Eheu#" dixit iterum Porcellus, socios timide oculis vestigans. )ed ceteri aberant. ?epus cum Ruo in domo sua ludebat et se eum sensim plusplusque diligere sensit, et Pu, dum esse voluit similis Cangae, tunc quoque arenoso loco silvae saliendo se exercebat. "$nceps haereo et dubito," dixit Canga voce meditabunda, "an sapiens propositum non sit, balneo hodie 'rigido uti. $masne balnea 'rigida, Ru carissime(" Porcellus, qui nunquam 'uerat amator balnearum, horribiliter animo horruit et quam potuit 'ortissime dixit! "Canga, intellego tempus instare sincera 'ide loquendi." "Rucule ridicule," dixit Canga aquam balnei parans. "on sum Ru," dixit Porcellus magna voce. "Porcellus sum." "ta est, corcule, ita," Canga sedato corde dixit. "Etiam vocem Porcelli imitaris( Rucule subtilissime#" perrexit, saponem 'lavum permagnum ex armario sumens. "uid nunc mihi exhibiturus est(" "onne vides(" exclamavit Porcellus. "um
' course as soon as Janga unbuttoned her poc3et, she sa1 1hat had happened. ust 'or a moment, she thought she 1as 'rightened, and then she 3ne1 she 1asn"t! 'or she 'elt quite sure that Christopher Robin could never let an4 harm happen to Roo. )o she said to hersel', %' the4 are having a *o3e 1ith me, 1ill have a *o3e 1ith them.% %o1 then, Roo, dear,% she said, as she too3 Piglet out o' her poc3et. %2ed-time.% %$ha#% said Piglet, as 1ell as he could a'ter his 5erri'4ing ourne4. 2ut it 1asn"t a ver4 good %$ha#% and Janga didn"t seem to understand 1hat it meant. %2ath 'irst,% said Janga in a cheer'ul voice. %$ha#% said Piglet again, loo3ing round anxiousl4 'or the others. 2ut the others 1eren"t there. Rabbit 1as pla4ing 1ith 2ab4 Roo in his o1n house, and 'eeling more 'ond o' him ever4 minute, and Pooh, 1ho had decided to be a Janga, 1as still at the sand4 place on the top o' the 6orest, practising *umps. % am not at all sure,% said Janga in a thought'ul voice, %that it 1ouldn"t be a good idea to have a cold bath this evening. Would 4ou li3e that, Roo, dear(% Piglet, 1ho had never been reall4 'ond o' baths, shuddered a long indignant shudder, and said in as brave a voice as he could! %Janga, see that the time has come to spea3 plainl4.% %6unn4 little Roo,% said Janga, as she got the bath-1ater read4. % am not Roo,% said Piglet loudl4. % am Piglet#% %;es, dear, 4es,% said Janga soothingl4. %$nd imitating Piglet"s voice too# )o clever o' him,% she 1ent on, as she too3 a large bar o' 4ello1 soap out o' the cupboard. %What 1ill he be doing next% %Can"t 4ou see(% shouted Piglet %0aven"t 4ou got e4es( ?oo3 at me#% % am loo3ing, Roo, dear,% said Janga rather
caligas( $dspice#" severel4. %$nd 4ou 3no1 1hat told 4ou "/ideo te Ru+ carissime," Canga valde 4esterda4 about ma3ing 'aces. ' 4ou go on severe dixit. "Et scis, quod heri tibi de ma3ing 'aces li3e Piglet"s, 4ou 1ill gro1 up to sannis dixi# Porcellum imitans adultus loo3 li3e Piglet--and then thin3 ho1 sorr4 4ou porcellus videberis - et mente 'inge, 1ill be. o1 then, into the bath, and don"t let quantum id te pigebit# $ge, in balneum, me have to spea3 to 4ou about it again.% cave 'acias me idem saepius iterum dicere#" 2e'ore he 3ne1 1here he 1as, Piglet 1as in $ntequam ubi esset sciret, Porcellus in the bath, and Janga 1as scrubbing him balneo erat et Canga eum panno ex lana 'irml4 1ith a large lather4 'lannel. coacta crasso et saponato quasi loreo %1#% cried Piglet. %?et me out# "m Piglet#% vehementer 'ricabat. %Don"t open the mouth, dear, or the soap goes "$i#" clamavit Porcellus ")ine me abire# in,% said Janga. %5here# What did tell 4ou(% Porcellus sum#" %;ou--4ou--4ou did it on purpose,% spluttered "oli os aperire, carissime, aut sapo Piglet, as soon as he could spea3 again . . . intrabit#" dixit Canga. "Ecce# uod erat and then accidentall4 had another mouth'ul o' demonstrandum#" lather4 'lannel. "5u . . . tu . . . consulto id 'ecisti," Porcellus %5hat"s right, dear, don"t sa4 an4thing,% said simul ac loqui potuit ore titubante dixit . . . Janga, and in another minute Piglet 1as out deinde casu iterum pannum quasi loreum et o' the bath, and being rubbed dr4 1ith a saponatum ore recepit. to1el. "ptime carissime, mitte loqui," dixit Canga %o1,% said Janga, %there"s 4our medicine, et post punctum temporis Porcellus lotus and then bed.% linteo tersus est. %W-1-1hat medicine(% said Piglet. "$ge," dixit Canga, "sume remedium, postea %5o ma3e 4ou gro1 big and strong, dear. ;ou autem cubitum ibis." don"t 1ant to gro1 up small and 1ea3 "u . . . qu . . . quale remedium(" dixit li3e Piglet, do 4ou( Well, then#% Porcellus. $t that moment there 1as a 3noc3 at the door. "$d te corroborandum et 'irmandum, %Come in,% said Janga, and in came carissime# um habes voluntatem Christopher Robin. parvulum et debilem sicut Porcellus %Christopher Robin, Christopher Robin#% manendi( $ccede istoc#" cried Piglet. %5ell Janga 1ho am# )he 5um vero ostium pulsatum est. 3eeps sa4ing "m Roo. "m not Roo, am (% "/eni intro," dixit Canga et Christophorus Christopher Robin loo3ed at him ver4 Robinus ingressus est. care'ull4, and shoo3 his head. "Christophore Robine, Christophore %;ou can"t be Roo,% he said, %because "ve *ust Robine#" exclamavit Porcellus. "Dic Cangae seen Roo pla4ing in Rabbit"s house.% qui sim# on desinit dicere me Rum esse# %Well#% said Janga. %6anc4 that# 6anc4 m4 Ego non sum Ru, nonne(" ma3ing a mista3e li3e that.% Christophorus Robinus eum accurate %5here 4ou are#% said Piglet. % told 4ou so. inspexit et abnuit. "m Piglet.% "on potes Ru esse," dixit, "quia modo Rum Christopher Robin shoo3 his head again. ludentem in domo ?eporis vidi." %h, 4ou"re not Piglet,% he said. % 3no1 "0eu#" dixit Canga. "&entibus 'ingite# Piglet 1ell, and he"s quite a di''erent colour.% uantum me opinio 'e'ellit#" Piglet began to sa4 that this 1as because he Christophorus denuo abnuit. had *ust had a bath, and then he thought that "&inime. Porcellus non es," dixit. perhaps he 1ouldn"t sa4 that, and as he
"Porcellum intus et in cute novi et colorem opened his mouth to sa4 something else, diversissimum habet." Janga slipped the medicine spoon in, and Porcellus dicere coepit id ita se habere, then patted him on the bac3 and told him that quia recens a balneo esset, deinde cogitabat it 1as reall4 quite a nice taste 1hen 4ou got hoc 'ortasse non dicere, et cum os, aliud used to it. quid dicturus aperiret, Canga cochlear % 3ne1 it 1asn"t Piglet,% said Janga. % remedii inseruit deinde tergum eius tutudit 1onder 1ho it can be.% et a''irmavit remedium iucunde sapere %Perhaps it"s some relation o' Pooh"s,% said simul ac aliquis assue'actus esset. Christopher Robin. %What about a "on ignoravi eum Porcellum non esse," nephe1 or an uncle or something(% dixit Canga. "$veo scire qui sit." Janga agreed that this 1as probabl4 1hat it "6orsitan unus ex stirpe Pui," dixit 1as, and said that the4 1ould have to call it Christophorus Robinus. "6ilius aut patruus b4 some name. aut aliquis(" % shall call it Pootel,% said Christopher Robin. Canga assensa est, ut res credibiliter ita se %0enr4 Pootel 'or short.% haberet et dixit, eum appellatione signare $nd *ust 1hen it 1as decided, 0enr4 Pootel necesse esse. 1riggled out o' Janga"s arms and *umped to "Eum Putel vocabo," dixit Christophorus the ground. 5o his great *o4 Christopher Robinus. "2reviter! 0enricum Putelum." Robin had le't the door open. )ed simul ac id decretum 'uit, 0enricus ever had 0enr4 Pootel Piglet run so 'ast as Putelus se e complexu Cangae expedit et in he ran then, and he didn"t stop running until he terram saluit. ngenti eius gaudio had got quite close to his house. 2ut 1hen he Christophorus Robinus 'ores apertas 1as a hundred 4ards a1a4 he stopped liquerat. unquam 0enricus Putelus running, and rolled the rest o' the 1a4 home, Porcellus tam velociter ac tunc cucurrerat so as to get his o1n nice com'ortable colour neque prius a cursu destitit, quam ad 'ere again. domum suam pervenit. )ed cum centum )o Janga and Roo sta4ed in the 6orest. $nd ulnas a domo abesset constitit, et reliquum ever4 5uesda4 Roo spent the da4 1ith itineris per humum se volvit, ut colorem his great 'riend Rabbit, and ever4 5uesda4 suum iucundum et assuetum restitueret. Janga spent the da4 1ith her great deo Canga atque Ru in silva manebant. Et 'riend Pooh, teaching him to *ump, and ever4 singulis &artis diebus Ru diem cum amico 5uesda4 Pilet spent the da4 1ith his great suo ex animo ?epore agebat, et singulis 'riend Christopher Robin. )o the4 1ere all &artis diebus Canga diem cum amico ex happ4 again. animo Puo agebat eum saltus docens, et singulis &artis diebus Porcellus diem cum amico suo ex animo Christophoro Robino !III agebat. ta omnes denuo 'elices 'uerunt. In Which %hristopher .obin (eads An '0potition To The #orth Pole
!III Quo in capite %hristophorus .obinus '0potitionem ad Palum Septentrionalem ducit
E 'ine da4 Pooh had stumped up to the top o' the 6orest to see i' his 'riend Christopher Robin 1as interested in 2ears at all. $t brea3'ast that morning 8a simple meal
o' marmalade spread lightl4 over a $pricissimo quodem die Pu sedato gressu hone4comb or t1o9 he had suddenl4 summam in silvam se contulit, quid amicus thought o' a ne1 song. t began li3e this! suus Christophorus Robinus de ursis %)ing 0o# 6or the li'e o' a 2ear.% generaliter sentiret, When he had got as 'ar as this, he scratched speculatum. &ane *entaculum sumens his head, and thought to himsel' 8re'ectio parca nil praeter pauxillum %5hat"s a ver4 good start 'or a song, but 1hat con'ecturae 'avo aut duobus 'avis mellis about the second line(% 0e tried singing %0o,% illitum 'uerat9 novum carmen condiderat, t1o or three times, but it didn"t seem to help. hoc modo! %Perhaps it 1ould be better,% he thought, %i' Ursuli verba cano# sang 0i 'or the li'e o' a 2ear.% )o he sang it . . Cum huc usque pervenit caput per'ricuit et . but it 1asn"t. %/er4 1ell, then,% he said, % secum cogitavit! "est optimum principium shall sing that 'irst line t1ice, and perhaps i' carminis, sed quid quod ad secundum sing it ver4 quic3l4, shall 'ind m4sel' versum pertinet(" Conatus est bis aut ter singing the third and 'ourth lines be'ore have "0o" canere, sed evidenter parum ei pro'uit. time to thin3 o' them, and that 1ill be a "6orsitan satius sit," cogitavit, "si =ood )ong. o1 then!% Ursuli herbas cano# )ing 0o# 'or the li'e o' a 2ear# cantitem . . ." et cantitavit . . . sed non 'uit. )ing 0o# 'or the li'e o' a 2ear# "2ene, praeclare," dixit, "bis primum versum don"t much mind i' it rains or sno1s, cantitabo et 'ortasse velociter cantando me "Cos "ve got a lot o' hone4 on m4 nice ne1 tertium et quartum versum cantantem nose# invenero antequam tempus habuissem eos don"t much care i' it sno1s or tha1s, excogitandi et Carmen 2onum eveniet. "Cos "ve got a lot o' hone4 on m4 nice clean $ge#" pa1s# Ursuli verba cano )ing 0o# 'or a 2ear# Ursuli verba cano )ing 0o# 'or a Pooh# on curo, cadetne nix an ros $nd "ll have a little something in an hour or Dum 'avum masticat meum os t1o# Dum os meum mellis plenum est 0e 1as so pleased 1ith this song that he sang mne coelum amoenum est. it all the 1a4 to the top o' the 6orest, %and i' Carmen adeo ei placebat, ut totum per iter go on singing it much longer,% he thought, %it ad summam silvam hoc cantitaret, "at si 1ill be time 'or the little something, and then diutius cecinero," cogitavit, "tempus erit the last line 1on"t be true.% )o he turned it aliquantulum pabuli sumendi et into a hum instead. paenultimus versus mendax erit"+ quam ob Christopher Robin 1as sitting outside his rem in locum eius susurrum substituit. door, putting on his 2ig 2oots. $s Christophorus Robinus magnas caligas soon as he sa1 the 2ig 2oots, Pooh 3ne1 that induens ante portam sedebat. uam simul an $dventure 1as going to happen, caligas magnas aspexit Pu intellexit and he brushed the hone4 o'' his nose 1ith the nceptum imminentem esse, dorso ungulae bac3 o' his pa1, and spruced mel naso abstersit et quam potentissime se himsel' up as 1ell as he could, so as to loo3 erexit, ut ad omnem eventum pacatus Read4 'or $n4thing. adpareret. %=ood morning, Christopher Robin,% he ")alve Christophore Robine#" exclamavit. called out. ")alve urse Pu. equeo istam caligam %0allo, Pooh 2ear. can"t get this boot on.%
induere." %5hat"s bad,% said Pooh. "&alum," dixit Pu. %Do 4ou thin3 4ou could ver4 3indl4 lean "Existimas te sodes, te contra me applicare against me, "cos 3eep pulling so hard posse( quia tanta vi traho, ut retrorsum that 'all over bac31ards.% cadam." Pooh sat do1n, dug his 'eet into the ground, Pu consedit, ungulas solo in'ixit, et quanta and pushed hard against Christopher maxima vi potuit tergo tergum Christophori Robin"s bac3, and Christopher Robin pushed Robini pressit. Christophorus Robinus hard against his, and pulled and pulled at his autem sese contra tergum eius applicavit, boot until he had got it on. traxit traxitque caligam quoad induit. %$nd that"s that,% said Pooh. %What do 1e do "Expeditum est," dixit Pu. "Proximo quid next(% 'aciamus(" %We are all going on an Expedition,% said "os onmes in expeditionem exibimus," Christopher Robin, as he got up and dixit Christophorus Robinus exsurgens et brushed himsel'. %5han3 4ou, Pooh.% sese detergens. "=ratias tibi ago, Pu." %=oing on an Expotition(% said Pooh eagerl4. "n expotitionem exibimus(" dixit avide Pu. % don"t thin3 "ve ever been on one o' those. "on puto me iam expotitionis participem Where are 1e going to on this Expotition(% 'uisse. uo vadimus ea in expotitione(" %Expedition, sill4 old 2ear. t"s got an "x" in it.% "Expeditionem dixi, ursule stultule# Pedi %h#% said Pooh. % 3no1.% 2ut he didn"t non est poti#" reall4. "Pro'ecto," dixit Pu. "d non ignoro." 8)ed %We"re going to discover the orth Pole.% ignorabat.9 %h#% said Pooh again. %What is the orth "$d Polum )eptentrionalem inveniendum Pole(% he as3ed. eximus." %t"s *ust a thing 4ou discover,% said "Pro'ecto," dixit iterum Pu. "uid est Polus Christopher Robin carelessl4, not being )eptentrionalis(" rogavit. quite sure himsel'. "Est res ad inveniendum apta," dixit obiter %h# see,% said Pooh. %$re bears an4 good at Christophorus Robinus, ipse incertus. discovering it(% "5eneo," dixit Pu. ")unt ursi ad polum %' course the4 are. $nd Rabbit and Janga inveniendum idonei(" and all o' 4ou. t"s an Expedition. ")cilicet, sunt. Et etiam ?epus, Canga et 5hat"s 1hat an Expedition means. $ long line quot estis omnes. Expeditio est. d ipsum o' ever4bod4. ;ou"d better tell the others to est quod appellatur expeditio. rdo longus get read4, 1hile see i' m4 gun"s all right. omnium. ube dum potius omnes se parare $nd 1e must all bring Provisions.% dum ego sclopetum meum examino. Et nos %2ring 1hat(% omnes viatica ad'erre oportet." %5hings to eat.% "$d'erre quae(" %h#% said Pooh happil4. % thought 4ou said "Cibaria." Provisions. "ll go and tell them.% "h," dixit pu laetus. "Credidi te %viatica% $nd he stumped o''. dixisse. $beo et nuntio." Et presso gradu 5he 'irst person he met 1as Rabbit. abiit. %0allo, Rabbit,% he said, %is that 4ou(% Primus autem in quem incidit ?epus 'uit. %?et"s pretend it isn"t,% said Rabbit, %and see "0eus ?epus," dixit, "es tu(" 1hat happens.% "Putemus me non esse," dixit ?epus, "et %"ve got a message 'or 4ou.% videamus, quorsum hoc evadat." %"ll give it to him.% "0abeo aliquid tibi nuntiandum." %We"re all going on an. Expotition 1ith
"Ei dabo." Christopher Robin#% "os omnes cum Christophoro Robino in %What is it 1hen 1e"re on it(% expotitionem exibimus." %$ sort o' boat, thin3,% said Pooh. "ua in re(" %h# that sort.% "n c4mbae genere aliquo, censeo," dixit Pu. %;es. $nd 1e"re going to discover a Pole or "5eneo, in genere huiusmodi.F something. r 1as it a &ole( $n4ho1 ")ic, et polum inventuri sumus, aut aliquid. 1e"re going to discover it.% $ut pilam( Utique, inventuri sumus." %We are, are 1e(% said Rabbit. "/erumne( tan"(" dixit ?epus. %;es. $nd 1e"ve got to bring Pro-things to eat "Et via-tica ad comedendum nos ad'erre 1ith us. n case 1e 1ant to eat them. o1 "m oportet. )i in tali casu manducare going do1n to Piglet"s. 5ell Janga, 1ill 4ou(% desiderabimus. unc ad domum Porcelli 0e le't Rabbit and hurried do1n to Piglet"s abeo. Dic Cangae, sodes#" house. ?eporem linquens ad Porcelli domum 5he Piglet 1as sitting on the ground at the 'estinavit. door o' his house blo1ing happil4 at a Porcellus apud portam domus humi sedebat dandelion, and 1ondering 1hether it 1ould be et semina taraxaci leontodontis laetus this 4ear, next 4ear, some time or never. 0e su''labat, scire avens si qua res anno had *ust discovered that it 1ould be never, and presente, anno subsequente, aliquando aut 1as tr4ing to remember 1hat %it% 1as, and nec unquam eveniret. &odo invenerat rem hoping it 1asn"t an4thing nice, 1hen Pooh nec unquam eventuram esse et recordari came up. conatus est, quid "res" 'uisset, et nihil %h# Piglet,% said Pooh excitedl4, 1e"re going *ucundi 'uisse spem habuit, cum Pu on an Expotition, all o' us, 1ith things to eat. advenit. 5o discover something.% ", Porcelle," dixit Pu animosus, "nos omnes %5o discover 1hat(% said Piglet anxiousl4. in expotitione eximus, nos omnes, cum %h# *ust something.% cibis. $d rem inveniendam." %othing 'ierce(% "nveniendam quid(" dixit Porcellus %Christopher Robin didn"t sa4 an4thing about timidus. 'ierce. 0e *ust said it had an "Rem alicuius generis." "x".% "um 'erocem(" %t isn"t their nec3s mind,% said Piglet "Christophorus Robinus nihil de 'erocia earnestl4. %t"s their teeth. 2ut i' dixit. Dixit rem pilum aut palum esse." Christopher Robin is coming don"t mind "Palus non est malus," dixit Porcellus an4thing.% graviter. "Et Christophoro Robino presente n a little 1hile the4 1ere all read4 at the top nihil nocet." o' the 6orest, and the Expotition started. 6irst $liquanto post omnes summa in silva came Christopher Robin and Rabbit, then parati erant et coepit expeditio. Principes Piglet and Pooh+ ther Janga, 1ith Roo in her 'uerunt Christophorus Robinus et ?epus, poc3et, and 1l+ then Ee4ore+ and, at the end, sequebantur Porcellus atque Pu+ deinde in a long line, all Rabbit"s 'riends-andCanga Rum in marsupio gerens et 2ubo+ relations. deinde or et in agmine novissimo omnes % didn"t as3 them,% explained Rabbit ?eporis amici et cognati. carelessl4. %5he4 *ust came. 5he4 al1a4s "nvocatu meo," explicavit ?epus obiter, do. 5he4 can march at the end, a'ter Ee4ore.% "advenerunt. )emper ita agunt. $gmen %What sa4,% said Ee4ore, %is that it"s claudere possunt, post orem." unsettling. didn"t 1ant to come on this
"Enuntio," dixit or, "his omnibus rebus Expo--1hat Pooh said. onl4 came to oblige. taedio a''ici. on erat desiderium meum 2ut here am+ and i' am the end o' the participem esse expo - o rei illius, quam Pu Expo--1hat 1e"re tal3ing about--then let me nominavit. n bene'icii causa veni. )ed me be the end. 2ut i', ever4 time 1ant to sit ecce - et si cauda expo - rei sum, cauda do1n 'or a little rest, have to brush a1a4 esse volo. )i autem, quandocumque hal' a do:en o' consedere et interquiescere volui dimidium Rabbit"s smaller 'riends-and-relations 'irst, duodecadis amicorum et cognatorum then this isn"t an ExpoM1hatever it is--at all, ?eporis cum cauda mea deverrere debeam, it"s simpl4 a Con'used oise. 5hat"s 1hat hoc non erit expo - utcumque sit - sed sa4.% tumultus con'usus. ta censeo." % see 1hat Ee4ore means,% said 1l. %' 4ou "Recte interpretor sententiam oris," dixit as3 me--% 2ubo. ")i me rogatis. . . ." %"m not as3ing an4bod4,% said Ee4ore. %"m "&inime rogo," dixit or. "mnibus enuntio. *ust telling ever4bod4. We can loo3 'or the Per me, vel polum septentrionalem orth Pole, or 1e can pla4 "0ere 1e go quaeramus, vel in extremitate cavernae gathering uts and &a4" 1ith the end part o' 'ormicarum %0ic collegimus uces et an ants" nest. t"s all the same to me.% &aium% ludamus, licet. &ea nihil re'ert." 5here 1as a shout 'rom the top o' the line. /ox sonavit e primo agmine. %Come on#% called Christopher Robin. "/enite#" clamavit Christophorus Robinus. %Come on#% called 1l. "/enite#" clamaverunt Pu ac Porcellus. %We"re starting,% said Rabbit. % must go.% $nd "/enite#" clamavit 2ubo. he hurried o'' to the 'ront o' the Expotition "ncipit expeditio," dixit ?epus. "&e abire 1ith Christopher Robin. oportet." Et una Christophoro Robino ad %$ll right,% said Ee4ore. %We"re going. nl4 agmen ducendum 'estinavit. Don"t 2lame &e.% "Euge," dixit or. "$bimus. )ed nolite mihi )o o'' the4 all 1ent to discover the Pole. $nd aliquid ob*ectare." as the4 1al3ed, the4 chattered to each other o' mnes igitur ad polum inveniendum this and that, all except Pooh, 1ho 1as abierunt. nter eundum omnes ab hoc et ab ma3ing up a song. hac con'abulaverunt, omnes excepto Puo, %5his is the 'irst verse,% he said to Piglet, qui carmen elaborabat. 1hen he 1as read4 1ith it. "Ecce pars prima," dixit Porcello, cum %6irst verse o' 1hat(% per'ecta esset. %&4 song.% "Pars prima cuius rei(" %What song(% "Carminis mei#" %5his one.% "ualis carminis(" %Which one(% "0uius." %Well, i' 4ou listen, Piglet, 4ou"ll hear it.% "Cuius(" %0o1 do 4ou 3no1 "m not listening(% Pooh ")i aurem praebes, Porcelle, audias." couldn"t ans1er that one, so he began to sing. "Unde scis me aurem non praebere(" 5he4 all 1ent o'' to discover the Pole, Pu respondere nequiens ita incepit cantare! 1l and Piglet and Rabbit and all+ 2ubo et or et Canga et Ru t"s a 5hing 4ou Discover, as "ve been tole $tque Porcellus et egomet Pu 24 1l and Piglet and Rabbit and all. Cuncti rogamus, non ego solus Ee4ore, Christopher Robin and Pooh Ubi sit pilus aut palus aut polus( $nd Rabbit"s relations all 1ent too-0eu pilus ubi( polus qualis( $nd 1here the Pole 1as none o' them 3ne1....
Polus septemtrionalis. )ing 0e4# 'or 1l and Rabbit and all# "5ace," dixit Puo cervices retorquens %0ush#% said Christopher Robin turning round Christophoro Robino, "nunc vero ad locum to Pooh, %1e"re *ust coming to a Dangerous periculosum pervenimus." Place.% "5ace," dixit Pu nunc velociter ad Porcellum %0ush#% said Pooh turning round quic3l4 to se convertens. Piglet. "5ace," dixit Porcellus Cangae. %0ush#% said Piglet to Janga. "5ace," dixit Canga 2uboni+ dum Ru secum %0ush#% said Janga to 1l, 1hile Roo said aliquoties "tace" dixit tranquillissime. %0ush#% several times to himsel', ver4 quietl4. "5ace," dixit 2ubo ori. %0ush#% said 1l to Ee4ore. "5ace," dixit or voce horrenda omnibus %0ush#% said Ee4ore in a terrible voice to all ?eporis cognatis amicisque. Et "tace" omnes Rabbit"s 'riends-and-relations, perpropere dixerunt totum per ordinem, and %0ush#% the4 said hastil4 to each other all usque ad ultimum omnium. Ultimus et do1n the line, until it got to the last one o' all. minimus amicus-et-cognatus adeo $nd the last and smallest 'riend-and-relation cohorruit, quia tota expeditio ei "tace" 1as so upset to 'ind that the 1hole Expotition dixerat ut capite deorsum sese humo 1as sa4ing %0ush#% to him, that he buried conderet+ eo loco per duos dies permansit, himsel' head do1n1ards in a crac3 in the sublato tandem periculo 'estinanter domum ground, and sta4ed there 'or t1o da4s abiit et tranquille cum matertera vitam until the danger 1as over, and then 1ent agebat. omen ei erat $lexander home in a great hurr4, and lived quietl4 1ith )carabeus. his $unt ever-a'ter1ards. 0is name 1as Perventum est ad 'lexibus riparum $lexander 2eetle. praeruptarum et saxosarum implicatum 5he4 had come to a stream 1hich t1isted and rivulum et Christophorus Robinus statim tumbled bet1een high roc34 ban3s, and intellexit locum periculosum esse. Christopher Robin sa1 at once ho1 "/epres huius loci insidiis nati sunt," dangerous it 1as. explicavit. %t"s *ust the place,% he explained, %'or an "uae sunt insidiae in vepribus(" Pu $mbush.% Porcello susurravit. %What sort o' bush(% 1hispered Pooh to "Pu dulcissime rerum," dixit 2ubo modo suo Piglet. %$ gorse-bush(% dicendi superbo, "num nescis quid insidiae %&4 dear Pooh,% said 1l in his superior 1a4, sint(" %don"t 4ou 3no1 1hat an $mbush "2ubo," dixit Porcellus caput retorquens, is(% "Pui susurrus omnino privatim dictus erat, %1l,% said Piglet, loo3ing round at him neque oportuit . . . ." severel4, %Pooh"s 1hisper 1as a per'ectl4 "nsidiae," dixit 2ubo, "est occulta private 1hisper, and there 1as no need----% exspectatio ad aliquem aggrediendum." %$n $mbush,% said 1l, %is a sort o' "/epres etiam interdum ursos occulte )urprise.% aggrediuntur." %)o is a gorse-bush sometimes,% said Pooh. "nsidiae," dixit Porcellus, "sicut in modo %$n $mbush, as 1as about to explain to Puo explicaturus eram, est occulta Pooh,% said Piglet, %is a sort o' )urprise.% exspectatio ad aliquem aggrediendum." %' people *ump out at 4ou suddenl4, that"s an ")i quis in te repente impetum 'acit, $mbush,% said 1l. insidiae sunt," dixit 2ubo. %t"s an $mbush, Pooh, 1hen people *ump at "nsidiae sunt Pu, si quis in te repente 4ou suddenl4,% explained Piglet.
impetum 'acit," explicavit Porcellus. Pooh, 1ho no1 3ne1 1hat an $mbush 1as, Pu quid insidiae essent nunc certior 'actus said that a gorse-bush had sprung at him dixit vepres contra se olim impetum suddenl4 one da4 1hen he 'ell o'' a tree, and 'ecisse, cum de arbore cecidsset et se per he had ta3en six da4s to get all the pric3les sex dies laboravisse ut spinas omnes ex out o' himsel'. corpore extraheret. %We are not tal3ing about gorse-bushes,% said "De vepribus non loquimur," dixit 2ubo 1l a little crossl4. haud ita multum iratus. % am,% said Pooh. "Ego autem loquor," dixit Pu. 5he4 1ere climbing ver4 cautiousl4 up the unc de saxo in saxum procedentes caute stream no1, going 'rom roc3 to roc3, and adverso 'lumine iter pergebant et a'ter the4 had gone a little 1a4 the4 came to a aliquantulum post itineris ad locum place 1here the ban3s pervenerunt, ubi ripae latiores erant, adeo 1idened out at each side, so that on each side ut utraque in parte aquae pratulum planus o' the 1ater there 1as a level strip o' grass on ad considendum et requiescendum aptus 1hich the4 could sit do1n and rest. $s soon esset. )imul ac locum vidit Christophorus as he sa1 this, Christopher Robin called Robinus "sistite gradum" iussit et omnes %0alt#% and the4 all sat do1n and rested. consederunt et requieverunt. % thin3,% said Christopher Robin, %that 1e "Censeo," dixit Christophorus Robinus, ought to eat all our Provisions no1, so that 1e "nobis omnia viatica nunc edenda esse, ne shan"t have so much to carr4.% tanta in humeris 'erre debeamus." %Eat all our 1hat(% said Pooh. "Edere omnia quae(" dixit Pu. %$ll that 1e"ve brought,% said Piglet, getting "mnia adlata," dixit Porcellus et operi to 1or3. accinxit. %5hat"s a good idea,% said Pooh, and he got to "2onum consilium," dixit Pu, et etiam 1or3 too. accinxit operi. %0ave 4ou all got something(% as3ed "mnesne aliquid habetis(" rogavit ore Christopher Robin 1ith his mouth 'ull. pleno Christophorus Robinus. %$ll except me,% said Ee4ore. %$s Usual.% 0e "mnes praeter me," dixit or. "Usitato loo3ed round at them in his melanchol4 1a4. more." Et oculos suo modo melancholice suppose none o' 4ou are sitting on a thistle circumtulit. "Puto neminem vestrum coeco b4 an4 chance(% casu in carduo sedere. . . ." % believe am,% said Pooh. %1#% 0e got up, "Censeo me sedere," dixit Pu. "0eus#" and loo3ed behind him. %;es, 1as. thought )urrexit et retrospexit. "Pro'ecto, ita est. so.% Recte existimavi." %5han3 4ou, Pooh. ' 4ou"ve quite 'inished "=ratias tibi ago, Pu. )i hoc tibi su''icit." $d 1ith it.% 0e moved across to Pooh"s sedem Pui propius accedit et edere coepit. place, and began to eat. "nsidere, sicut scitis, eis nihil con'ert," %t doesn"t do them an4 =ood, 4ou 3no1, sub*unxit, oculis inter masticandum sursum sitting on them,% he 1ent on, as he loo3ed up conversis. "/italitatem tollit. $liquantulum munching. %5a3es all the ?i'e out o' them. considerationis, aliquantulum respectus Remember that another time, all o' 4ou. $ aliorum totam signi'icant distinctionem." little Consideration, a little 5hought 'or Christophorus Robinus pransus statim thers, ma3es all the di''erence.% aliquid ?eporis in auriculam susurravit et $s soon as he had 'inished his lunch ?epus dixit! ")ane, optime," et con*unctim Christopher Robin 1hispered to Rabbit, and adverso 'lumine paululum ambulabant. Rabbit said %;es, 4es, o' course,% and the4
"5ibi dico, ceteris non item," dixit Christophorus Robinus. "ta est," dixit ?epus vultum adducens. "Est - scire cupivi - est solum - ?epus, censeo te ignorare! qualis est adspectus poli septentrionalis(" ")ane," dixit ?epus barbam malis demissam per'ricans. "unc rogitas#" "lim noveram sed aliquo modo oblitus sum," dixit obiter Christophorus Robinus. "Ridiculum est," dixit ?epus, "sed ego quoque aliquo modo oblitus sum, quamvis olim non ignoravissem." "Censeo palum terrae in'ixum esse." "Polum, si nec pila nec pilum sit palum esse oportet. Et palum terrae in'ixum esse oportet, quia non est locus alius ad palum collocandum idoneus." "0oc est quod egomet cogitaveram." "uaeritur autem," dixit ?epus. "Ubi sit in'ixus(F "d est, quod quaerimus," dixit Christophorus Robinus. $d ceteros redierunt. Porcellus recumbens altiore somno dormiebat. Ru 'aciem et ungulas in rivulo lavabat, dum Canga omnibus superbe explicat nunc prima vice ipsum sibi 'aciem lavare, 2ubo autem Cangae 'abellam gratiosam narrabat plenam verborum longorum sicut "Enc4clopaedia" et "Rhododendron," quam Canga non auscultabat. "mnes has ablutiones non magni aestimo," obmurmuravit or. " tempora, o mos ablutionis retroauricularis# uid tibi videtur Pu(" ")ane," dixit Pu, "puto. . . ." )ed nunquam, quid Pu cogitaverit, sciemus, quia Ru repente vagitum dedit, 'luvius strepuit et Canga clamando cuncta pavore complevit. "De ablutionibus hactenus," dixit or. "Ru in aquam lapsus est#" exclamavit ?epus et ipse ac Christophorus Robinus eum a periculo vindicatum accucurrerunt. "/idete me natantem#" vagivit Ru medio ex
1al3ed a little 1a4 up the stream together. % didn"t 1ant the others to hear,% said Christopher Robin. %uite so,% said Rabbit, loo3ing important. %t"s-- 1ondered--t"s onl4--Rabbit, suppose 4ou don"t 3no1, What does the orth Pole loo3 li3e(% %Well,% said Rabbit, stro3ing his 1his3ers. %o1 4ou"re as3ing me.% % did 3no1 once, onl4 "ve sort o' 'orgotten,% said Christopher Robin carelessl4. %t"s a 'unn4 thing,% said Rabbit, %but "ve sort o' 'orgotten too, although did 3no1 once.% % suppose it"s *ust a pole stuc3 in the ground(% %)ure to be a pole,% said Rabbit, %because o' calling it a pole, and i' it"s a pole, 1ell, should thin3 it 1ould be stic3ing in the ground, shouldn"t 4ou, because there"d be no1here else to stic3 it.% %;es, that"s 1hat thought.% %5he onl4 thing,% said Rabbit, %is, 1here is it stic3ing(% %5hat"s 1hat 1e"re loo3ing 'or,% said Christopher Robin. 5he4 1ent bac3 to the others. Piglet 1as l4ing on his bac3, sleeping peace'ull4. Roo 1as 1ashing his 'ace and pa1s in the stream, 1hile Janga explained to ever4bod4 proudl4 that this 1as the 'irst time he had ever 1ashed his 'ace himsel', and 1l 1as telling Janga an nteresting $necdote 'ull o' long 1ords li3e Enc4clopedia and Rhododendron to 1hich Janga 1asn"t listening. % don"t hold 1ith all this 1ashing,% grumbled Ee4ore. %5his modern 2ehind-the-ears nonsense. What do 4ou thin3, Pooh(% %Well, said Pooh, % thin3----% 2ut 1e shall never 3no1 1hat Pooh thought, 'or there came a sudden squea3 'rom Roo, a splash, and a loud cr4 o' alarm 'rom Janga. %)o much 'or 1ashing,% said Ee4ore. %Roo"s 'allen in#% cried Rabbit, and he and Christopher Robin came rushing do1n to the rescue.
turbine et per cataractas ad proximum %?oo3 at me s1imming#% squea3ed Roo 'rom turbinem vectus est. the middle o' his pool, and 1as hurried "2ene te habes, Ru carissime(" clamavit do1n a 1ater'all into the next pool. Canga sollicite. %$re 4ou all right, Roo dear(% called Janga "2ene," dixit Ru. "/idete me na . . ." et p er anxiousl4. proximas cataractas ad proximum turbinem %;es#% said Roo. %?oo3 at me s1--% and do1n vectus est. he 1ent over the next 1ater'all into another Unusquisque aliquid ad auxiliandum 'ecit. pool. Porcellus, iam omnino experge'actus, leves Ever4bod4 1as doing something to help. saltus dabat "U, inquam" clamando+ 2ubo Piglet, 1ide a1a3e suddenl4, 1as *umping explicabat in casibus improvisis et up and do1n and ma3ing %o, sa4% noises+ temporariis immersionis capite ex aqua 1l 1as explaining that in a case o' )udden exstare magni momenti esse+ Canga and 5emporar4 mmersion the mportant secundum ripam subsultans! "Certe bene te 5hing 1as to 3eep the 0ead $bove Water+ habes, Ru carissime(" dicebat, ad quod Ru Janga 1as *umping along the ban3, sa4ing ex omnibus, in quibus natabat turbinibus, %$re 4ou sure 4ou"re all right, Roo dear(% to "/idete me natantem" respondebat. or 1hich Roo, 'rom 1hatever pool he 1as in at tergum verterat et caudam primum in the moment, 1as ans1ering %?oo3 at me turbinem, ubi Ru inciderat, immerserat et s1imming#% Ee4ore had turned round and nunc a calamitate aversus tranquille secum hung his tail over the 'irst pool into 1hich murmurabat et dixit! "Ecce, quod ex Roo 'ell, and 1ith his bac3 to the accident ablutionibus evenire solet. )ed accipe 1as grumbling quietl4 to himsel', and sa4ing, caudam Rucule parvule et servatus eris"+ %$ll this 1ashing+ but catch on to m4 tail, Christophorus Robinus autem et ?epus little Roo, and 4ou"ll be all right%+ praeter orem properans ad alios ante se and,Christopher Robin and Rabbit clamaverunt. came hurr4ing past Ee4ore, and 1ere calling "2ene est Ru, advenio," clamavit out to the others in 'ront o' them. Christophorus Robinus. %$ll right, Roo, "m coming,% called "Unum e vobis aliquid transversum 'lumen Christopher Robin. porrigere oportet," clamavit ?epus. %=et something across the stream lo1er Pu autem iam aliquid egit. $b Ruo spatium do1n, some o' 4ou 'ello1s,% called Rabbit. duorum turbinum secundum 'lumen distans 2ut Pooh 1as getting something. 51o pools palum longum ungulis tenens stabat, et belo1 Roo he 1as standing 1ith a long pole Canga advenit et alteram extremitatem in his pa1s, and Janga came up and too3 one prehendit et con*unctim palum transversum end o' it, and bet1een them the4 held it across partem in'eriorem turbinis tenuerunt. Et the lo1er part o' the pool+ and Roo, still Ru, etiam tunc superbus "/idete me bubbling proudl4, natantem" clamans contra palum vectus est %?oo3 at me s1imming,% dri'ted up against it, et emersit. and climbed out. "onne me natantem vidistis(" pipivit Ru %Did 4ou see me s1imming(% squea3ed Roo alacriter dum Canga eum vituperat et excitedl4, 1hile Janga scolded him and per'ricat. "Pu me natantem vidisti( uod rubbed him do1n. %Pooh, did 4ou see me 'eci natare vocatur. ?epus, quid 'ecissem, s1imming( 5hat"s called s1imming, 1hat vidisti( atabam. E*a Porcelle# Porcelle 1as doing. Rabbit, did 4ou see 1hat 1as inquam# uid me 'ecisse cogitas( doing( )1imming. 0allo, Piglet# sa4, atabam# Christophore Robine# &e. . . ." Piglet# What do 4ou thin3 1as doing#
)ed Christophorus Robinus non auscultabat. Pum contemplatus est. "Pu," dixit, "ubi invenisti palum(" Pu palum simul ungulis tenebat et oculis. "nveni," dixit, "et utilem esse putavi. Denique collegi." "Pu," dixit sollemniter Christophorus Robinus, "expeditio 'inita est. nvenisti Palum )eptentrionalem#" "," dixit Pu. or caudam in aquam mergens sedebat, dum omnes revertunt. "Dicite Ruo adhibeat celeritatem," dixit "Cauda 'rigescit. olo mentionem 'aciam, sed 'acio. olo lamentari, sed ecce! cauda 'riget." "Ecce me," vagivit Ru. "En, ades#" "&e natantem vidisti(" or caudam ex aqua traxit et ultro citroque *actavit. ")icut exspectabam," dixit. ")ensum omnino perdidit. 5orpet. &ehercle, ita est. 5orpet. 2ene, si nemini curae est, certe iustum est." "Doleo quia doles, vetule or# 5ibi caudam detergo," dixit Christophorus Robinus, muccinium extraxit et caudam con'ricuit. "=ratias tibi ago habeoque, Christophore Robine# Unicus rerum caudalium expertus adpares. unquam cogitant nonnulli - hinc illae lacrimae# on possunt aliquid mentibus 'ingere. Cauda iis non cauda est, sed aliquantulum, quod de spinae termino procidit." "oli curare or," dixit Christophorus Robinus, quam maxime assidue 'ricans. "5ali modo meliuscule tibi est(" "&agis sensum caudae habet, 'ortassis. terum pertinet, si tenes quid dicam." "0eus or," dixit Pu, cum palo suo adveniens. "0eus Pu. =ratum mihi 'ecisti, quod rogavisti, sed post unum diem aut duo iterum ea uti potero." "ua de re(" "Re, de qua loquimur . . . ."
)1imming# Christopher Robin, did 4ou see me--% 2ut Christopher Robin 1asn"t listening. 0e 1as loo3ing at Pooh. %Pooh,% he said, %1here did 4ou 'ind that pole(% Pooh loo3ed at the pole in his hands. % *ust 'ound it,% he said. % thought it ought to be use'ul. *ust pic3ed it up.% %Pooh,% said Christopher Robin solemnl4, %the Expedition is over. ;ou have 'ound the orth Pole#% %h#% said Pooh. Ee4ore 1as sitting 1ith his tail in the 1ater 1hen the4 all got bac3 to him. %5ell Roo to be quic3, somebod4,% he said. %&4 tail"s getting cold. don"t 1ant to mention it, but *ust mention it. don"t 1ant to complain, but there it is. &4 tail"s cold.% %0ere am#% squea3ed Roo. %h, there 4ou are.% %Did 4ou see me s1imming(% Ee4ore too3 his tail out o' the 1ater, and s1ished it 'rom side to side. %$s expected,% he said. %?ost all 'eeling. umbed it. 5hat"s 1hat it"s done. umbed it. Well, as long as nobod4 minds, suppose it"s all right.% %Poor old Ee4ore# "ll dr4 it 'or 4ou,% said Christopher Robin, and he too3 out his hand3erchie' and rubbed it up. %5han3 4ou, Christopher Robin. ;ou"re the onl4 one 1ho seems to understand about tails. 5he4 don"t thin3--that"s 1hat"s the matter 1ith some o' these others. 5he4"ve no imagination. $ tail isn"t a tail to them, it"s *ust a ?ittle 2it Extra at the bac3.% %ever mind, Ee4ore,% said Christopher Robin, rubbing his hardest. %s that better(% %t"s 'eeling more li3e a tail perhaps. t 2elongs again, i' 4ou 3no1 1hat mean.% %0ullo, Ee4ore,% said Pooh, coming up to them 1ith his pole. %0ullo, Pooh. 5han3 4ou 'or as3ing, but
"De nulla re locutus sum," dixit Pu mirabundus. "terum erravi. Putavi te dixisse te caudae meae miseruisse, quia torgida 'uisset et te opitulaturum esse." "&inime," dixit Pu. "Ego non 'ui." Parumper meditatus et auxiliabundus sub*unxit! "6ortasse alias quis 'uit." "2ene est, si eum videas, age pro me gratias." Pu timidus Christophorum Robinum contemplabatur. "Pu Palum )eptentrionalem invenit," dixit Christophorus Robinus. "uid potest mirabilius reperiri(" Pu modeste oculos de*ecit. ")erion" dicis tu(" dixit or. "Erat quod quaesivimus(" ")ane," dixit Pu. "," dixit or. "2ene. Utique non pluvit . . ." dixit. Palum terrae in'ixerunt, et Christophorus Robinus inscriptionem ad palum alligavit! P$?U) / 5R$?) REPER5 PU PU /E5 Deinde omnes domum redierunt. Et censeo, sed ea res parum comperta est, Rum balneo calido usum esse et statim cubitum isse. Pu autem domum reversus rebus suis gestis elatus ad sese resuscitandum aliquantulum cibi sumpsit.
shall be able to use it again in a da4 or t1o.% %Use 1hat(% said Pooh. %What 1e are tal3ing about.% % 1asn"t tal3ing about an4thing,% said Pooh, loo3ing pu::led. %&4 mista3e again. thought 4ou 1ere sa4ing ho1 sorr4 4ou 1ere about m4 tail, being all numb, and could 4ou do an4thing to help(% %o,% said Pooh. %5hat 1asn"t me,% he said. 0e thought 'or a little and then suggested help'ull4! %Perhaps it 1as somebod4 else.% %Well, than3 him 'or me 1hen 4ou see him.% Pooh loo3ed anxiousl4 at Christopher Robin. %Pooh"s 'ound the orth Pole,% said Christopher Robin. %sn"t that lovel4(% Pooh loo3ed modestl4 do1n. %s that it(% said Ee4ore. %;es,% said Christopher Robin. %s that 1hat 1e 1ere loo3ing 'or(% %;es,% said Pooh. %h#% said Ee4ore. %Well, an4ho1--it didn"t rain,% he said. 5he4 stuc3 the pole in the ground, and Christopher Robin tied a message on to it! or50 Po?E DC)ovERED 24 Poo0 Poo0 6ouD 5 5hen the4 all 1ent home again. $nd thin3, but am not quite sure, that Roo had a hot bath and 1ent straight to bed. 2ut Pooh 1ent bac3 to his o1n house, and 'eeling ver4 proud o' 1hat he had done, had a little something to revive himsel'.
I1 In Which Piglet Is 'ntirel$ Surrounded B$ Water
5 rained and it rained and it rained. Piglet told himsel' that never in all his li'e, and he 1as goodness 3no1s ho1 old--three, 1as it,
Quo in capite Porcellus ab omni parte aquis circumdatus est
Pluebat et pluebat et pluebat. Porcellus secum dixit se nunquam dum erat - et Deus scit quantum sit longaevus! trimus aut quadrimus erat# - tantum pluviarum vidisse. Per dies et dies et dies. ")i saltem," cogitabat ex 'enestra spectans, "Pui in domo 'uissem, aut Christophori Robini in domo, aut ?eporis in domo cum pluviae incepissent, per totum hoc tempus colloquium habuissem pro solitudine, nullo cum alio negotio ac coniicere quando pluviae desinerent." Et mente 'ingebat seipsum cum Puo esse, dicentem! "Unquam pluvias tales vidisti, Pu(" et Pum dicentem! "onne $5RL est, Porcelle(" et Porcellum dicentem! ")cire aveo quomodo res apud Christophorum Robinum se habeant," et Pum dicentem! "Puto ?eporem vetulum et pauperculum nunc iam aquis submersum esse." )uavis 'uisset huiusmodi con'abulatio et pro'ecto parum proderat rem memorabilem sicut inundationem habere, si cum nullo dividi poterat. Erat hercle casus memorabilis. 6ossae parvulae et siccae, in quibus Porcellus totiens naso 'oderat in rivulos mutatae erant, rivuli quos vado transierat rivi erant et rivus, cuius inter praeruptas ripas tam 'eliciter luserat alveo egressus ubique tam large patuit, ut Porcellus mirari inciperet, num lectulum eius mox invasurus esset. "$liquantulum perterre'acit," secum dixit, "animal parvulum ab omni parte aquis circumdatum esse. Christophorus Robinus et Pu in arbores ascendendo e''ugere possunt, Canga saliendo, ?epus cuniculos agendo, 2ubo sese alis sustollendo, or magna voce clamando donec integer incolumisque servatus esset, sed ego hic sum, aquis circumdatus et quodcumque sit agere impotens." )ine intermissione pluebat et singulis
or 'our(--never had he seen so much rain. Da4s and da4s and da4s. %' onl4,% he thought, as he loo3ed out o' the 1indo1, % had been in Pooh"s house, or Christopher Robin"s house, or Rabbit"s house 1hen it began to rain, hen should have had Compan4 all this time, instead o' being here all alone, 1ith nothing to do except 1onder 1hen it 1ill stop.% $nd he imagined himsel' ith Pooh, sa4ing, %Did 4ou ever see such rain, Pooh(% and Pooh sa4ing, %sn"t it a1'ul, Piglet(% and Piglet sa4ing, % 1onder ho1 it is over Christopher Robin"s 1a4,% and Pooh sa4ing, % should thin3 poor old Rabbit is about 'looded out b4 this time.% t 1ould have been *oll4 to tal3 li3e this, and reall4, it 1asn"t much good having an4thing exciting li3e 'loods, i' 4ou couldn"t share them 1ith somebod4. 6or it 1as rather exciting. 5he little dr4 ditches in 1hich Piglet had nosed about so o'ten had become streams, the little streams across 1hich he had splashed 1ere rivers, and the river, bet1een 1hose steep ban3s the4 had pla4ed so happil4, had spra1led out o' its o1n bed and 1as ta3ing up so much room ever41here, that Piglet 1as beginning to 1onder 1hether it 1ould be coming into his bed soon. %t"s a little $nxious,% he said to himsel', %to be a /er4 )mall $nimal Entirel4 )urrounded b4 Water. Christopher Robin and Pooh could escape b4 Climbing 5rees, and Janga could escape b4 umping, and Rabbit could escape b4 2urro1ing, and 1l could escape b4 6l4ing, and Ee4ore could escape b4--b4 &a3ing a ?oud oise Until Rescued, and here am , surrounded b4 1ater and can"t do an4thing.% t 1ent on raining, and ever4 da4 the 1ater got a little higher, until no1 it 1as nearl4 up to Piglet"s 1indo1 . . . and still he hadn"t done an4thing. %5here"s Pooh,% he thought to himsel'. %Pooh hasn"t much 2rain, but he never comes to an4 harm. 0e does sill4 things and the4 turn out
diebus aqua magis magisque crescebat right. 5here"s 1l. usque eo, donec paene Porcelli 'enestra 1l hasn"t exactl4 got 2rain, but he Jno1s tenus pervenerat, neque tum quidem ipse 5hings. 0e 1ould 3no1 the Right 5hing aliquid 'ecerat. to Do 1hen )urrounded b4 Water. 5here"s "Ecce Pu," secum cogitavit. "Pu parum Rabbit. 0e hasn"t ?earnt in 2oo3s, but cerebri habet, sed nunquam aliquid ei he can al1a4s 5hin3 o' a Clever Plan. 5here"s incommode accidit. Puerilia tractat et in Janga. )he isn"t Clever, Janga isn"t, but she bonum exeunt. Ecce 2ubo. 2ubo non 1ould be so anxious about Roo that she habet, quod cerebrum vocari possit, sed 1ould do a =ood 5hing to non ignorat res. Certo non ignorat quid Do 1ithout thin3ing about it. $nd then there"s aquis circumdatum 'acere oporteat. Ecce Ee4ore $nd Ee4ore is so miserable ?epus. Est homo nullius libri, sed semper an4ho1 that he 1ouldn"t mind about this. 2ut consilia prudentia capit. Ecce Canga. on 1onder 1hat Christopher Robin 1ould do(% est ingeniosa Canga, Canga non est, sed de 5hen suddenl4 he remembered a stor4 1hich Ruo timens etiam inconsulto recte agat. Christopher Robin had told him about a Ecce etiam or. or iam adeo miser est, ut man on a desert island 1ho had 1ritten hoc 'ieri non curet. )ed scire aveo quid something in a bottle and thro1n it in Christophorus Robinus conetur." the sea+ and Piglet thought that i' he 1rote 5um repente historiae recordatus est, quam something in a bottle and thre1 it in the 1ater, Christophorus Robinus ei narraverat de perhaps somebod4 1ould come and rescue homine quodam in insula deserta, qui him# aliquid scripti in lagoenula undis 0e le't the 1indo1 and began to search his commiserat. Et Porcellus mente 'inxit house, all o' it that 1asn"t under 1ater, and at aliquem, si ipse quid scriberet et in last he 'ound a pencil and a small piece o' dr4 lagoenula in aquarn con*iceret adventurum paper, and a bottle 1ith a cor3 to it. $nd he et se servaturum esse. 1rote on one side o' the paper! $ 'enestra recessit et domum perscrutari 0E?P# coepit - totam partem nondum submersam - P=?5 8&E9 postremo lapidem scriptorium et chartam and on the other side! albam et siccam invenit, atque lagoenulam 5") &E P=?5, 0E?P 0E?P# cum cortice. taque una pagina scripsit! 5hen he put the paper in the bottle, and he )UCCURR5E cor3ed the bottle up as tightl4 as he could, and PRCE??U) 8E=9 he leant out o' his 1indo1 as 'ar as he could et pagina aversa! lean 1ithout 'alling in, and he thre1 the bottle PRCE??U) )U&, E=, as 'ar as he could thro1 --splash#--and in a )UCCURR5E, little 1hile it bobbed up again on the 1ater+ )UCCURR5E and he 1atched it 'loating slo1l4 a1a4 in the Postea chartam in lagoenula collocavit, distance, until his e4es ached 1ith loo3ing, lagoenulam cortice quam artissime and sometimes he thought it 1as the bottle, occlusit, se e 'enestra quam longissime, ne and sometimes he thought it 1as *ust a ripple delaberetur, proclinavit et lagoenulam on the 1ater 1hich he 1as 'ollo1ing, and quam longissime potuit - splass - e*ecit+ then suddenl4 he 3ne1 that he 1ould never lagoenula post punctum temporis in see it again and that he had done all that he summam aquae emersit. Porcellus could do to save himsel'. lagoenulam lente et longe supernatantem %)o no1,% he thought, %somebod4 else 1ill observabat, usque eo quoad dolebat de have to do something, and hope the4
'atigatione oculorum, et modo lagoenulam, 1ill do it soon, because i' the4 don"t shall modo aquam undatim crispam sequi have to s1im, 1hich can"t, so hope the4 do cogitabat, repente autem intellexit se it soon.% $nd then he gave a ver4 long sigh lagoenulam nunquam iterum visurum esse and said, % 1ish Pooh 1ere here. t"s so much et se omnia, quae 'ieri potuerant, ut more 'riendl4 1ith t1o.% servaretur, 'ecisse. When the rain began Pooh 1as asleep. t "unc autem," cogitavit, "alium quem rained, and it rained, and it rained, and he aliquid 'acere oportet, et spero eos mox slept and he slept and he slept. 0e had had a acturos esse, quia nisi quid 'aciant natare tiring da4. ;ou remember ho1 he discovered debeo, quod nequeo, spero igitur eos mox the orth Pole+ 1ell, he 1as so proud o' this acturos esse." )uspirium ex imo duxit et that he as3ed Christopher Robin i' there 1ere dixit! "Utinain Pu adesset# $lter cum altero an4 other Poles such as a 2ear o' ?ittle 2rain *ucundius se habet#" might discover. Pluvia incipiente Pu dormiebat. Pluebat, %5here"s a )outh Pole,% said Christopher pluebat et pluebat et ipse dormiebat, Robin, %and expect there"s an East Pole and a dormiebat et dormiebat. Diem laboriosum West Pole, though people don"t li3e tal3ing habuerat. Recordamini quomodo palum about them.% Pooh 1as ver4 excited 1hen he septentrionalem invenerat - sane, adeo heard this, and suggested that the4 should elatus erat ut Christophorum Robinum have an Expotition to discover the East Pole, interrogaret, si essent alii poli, qui ab urso but Christopher Robin had thought o' parvi cerebri reperiri possent. something else to do 1ith Janga+ so Pooh "Est Polus $ustralis," dixit Christophorus 1ent out to discover the East Pole b4 himsel'. Robinus, "et opinor etiam Polum Whether he discovered it or not, 'orget+ but rientalem et ccidentalem esse, he 1as so tired 1hen he got home that, in the quamquam apud quosdam ambigitur." ver4 middle o' his supper, a'ter he had been Pu his verbis mira alacritate a''ectus suasit eating 'or little more than hal'-an-hour, he 'ell in expositione ad Polum rientalem 'ast asleep in his chair, and slept and slept and inveniendum ire, sed Christophorus slept. Robinus de aliis negotiis cum Canga 5hen suddenl4 he 1as dreaming. 0e 1as at gerendis cogitabat+ itaque Pu solus ad the East Pole, and it 1as a ver4 cold pole 1ith Polum rientalem petendum exiit. Utrum the coldest sort o' sno1 and ice all over it. 0e reperisset, necne, oblitus sum. )ed domum had 'ound a bee-hive to sleep in, but there reversus adeo de'atigatus erat, ut media in 1asn"t room 'or his legs, so he had le't them coena, id est paulo postquam semihora outside. amplius manducaverat, somnus artus eum $nd Wild Woo:les, such as inhabit the East in cathedra abstulisset, et dormiebat, et Pole, came and nibbled all the 'ur o'' his legs dormitebat et dormiebat. to ma3e ests 'or their ;oung. $nd the more 5unc repente somniavit. Erat apud Polum the4 nibbled, the colder his legs got, until rientalem et erat polus valde 'rigidus, suddenl4 he 1o3e up 1ith an 1#--and there genere 'rigidissimo nivis et glaciei he 1as, sitting in his chair 1ith his 'eet in the obtectus. $lvearium ad dormitandum 1ater, and 1ater all round him# idoneum invenerat sed locus cruribus suis 0e splashed to his door and loo3ed out.... deerat itaque 'oris manserunt. Et vusilli %5his is )erious,% said Pooh. % must have an silvatici policolae orientales advenerunt et Escape.% pellem eius rodebant ut ex ea nidos pro )o he too3 his largest pot o' hone4 and progenie texerent. uo magis rodebant, eo escaped 1ith it to a broad branch o' his tree,
'rigidiora crura 'iebant, quoad 1ell above the 1ater, and then he climbed experge'actus esset et - o - in cathedra do1n again and escaped 1ith another pot . . . sedebat pedibus aquis submersis et aqua and 1hen the 1hole Escape 1as 'inished, omnino circumdatus. there 1as Pooh sitting on his branch dangling Per aquam usque ad portam transiit et 'oras his legs, and there, beside him, 1ere ten pots spectavit . . . . o' hone4.... "=raves seriaeque res," dixit Pu. "&ihi 51o da4s later, there 1as Pooh, sitting on his 'ugiendum est." branch, dangling his legs, and there, beside &aximum igitur vas mellis capiens cum eo him, 1ere 'our pots o' hone4.... ad largum arboris ramum, alte ab aqua 5hree da4s later, there 1as Pooh, sitting on au'ugit, postea autem descendit et alio cum his branch, dangling his legs, and there beside vase au'ugit . . . et 'uga tota peracta Pu alto him, 1as one pot o' hone4. in ramo sedebat, pedibus iactantibus et 6our da4s later, there 1as Pooh . . . *uxta eum L vasa mellis erant. . . . $nd it 1as on the morning o' the 'ourth da4 Post biduum erat Pu, in ramo sedens that Piglet"s bottle came 'loating past him, and pedibus iactantibus et *uxta eum erant / 1ith one loud cr4 o' %0one4#% Pooh plunged vasa mellis. into the 1ater, sei:ed the bottle, and struggled Post triduum erat Pu, in ramo sedens bac3 to his tree again. pedibus iactantibus et *uxta eum erat vas %2other#% said Pooh, as he opened it. %$ll that mellis. 1et 'or nothing. What"s that bit o' paper Post quadriduum erat Pu . . . . Et quarta die doing(% mane lagenula Porcelli 'luctibus ad eum 0e too3 it out and loo3ed at it. advecta est et Pu clara voce "&E?" clamans %t"s a &issage,% he said to himsel', %that"s se in aquam praecipitavit, lagoenulam 1hat it is. $nd that letter is a "P," and so is that, manu cepit et ad arborem haud 'acile and so is that, and "P" means "Pooh," so it"s a revertit. ver4 important &issage to me, and can"t read "&alum#" dixit Pu lagenulam recludens. it. must 'ind Christopher Robin or 1l or "nanis humiditas# uid ista chartula sibi Piglet, one o' those Clever Readers 1ho can vult(" Chutam extraxit et adspexit. read things, and the4 1ill tell me 1hat this "Est nuncius," secum dixit, "pro'ecto est. missage means. nl4 can"t s1im. 2other#% Ecce littera %P%, scilicet est, videlicet est et 5hen he had an idea, and thin3 that 'or a %P% signi'icat %Pu% denique est nuncius pro 2ear o' /er4 ?ittle 2rain, it 1as a good idea. me et ego litteras nescio. portet me 0e said to himsel'! Christophorum Robinum %' a bottle can 'loat, then a *ar can 'loat, and invenire, aut 2ubonem, aut Porcellum, i' a *ar 'loats, can sit on the top o' it, i' it"s a unum ?ectorum Prudentium qui scripta ver4 big *ar.% legese possunt, et ii mihi quid nuncius )o he too3 his biggest *ar, and cor3ed it up. signi'icet, legent. )ed natare non valeo. %$ll boats have to have a name,% he said, %so &alum#" shall call mine 5he 6loating 2ear.% $nd 1ith Postea autem consilium cepit et censeo these 1ords he dropped his boat into the 1ater consilium pro urso parvi cerebri bonum and *umped in a'ter it. 'uisse. )ecum dixit! 6or a little 1hile Pooh and 5he 6loating 2ear ")i lagoenula 'luctuat vas etiam 'luctuabit 1ere uncertain as to 1hich o' them 1as meant et si vas 'luctuat ego insuper sedere to be on the top, but a'ter tr4ing one or t1o possum, si vas permagnum est." di''erent positions, the4 settled do1n 1ith taque vas maximum apprehendit et cortice 5he 6loating 2ear underneath and Pooh
clausit. triumphantl4 astride it, paddling vigorousl4 "mnes naves nomina habent," dixit, 1ith his 'eet. "proinde navem meam %Ursum Christopher Robin lived at the ver4 top o' the 'luctuantem% vocabo." 0aec ubi dixit 6orest. t rained, and it rained, and it rained, navem in aquam deduxit et ipse saltu se in but the 1ater couldn"t come up to his house. t aquam dedit. 1as rather *oll4 to loo3 do1n into the valle4s $liquantisper Pu et "Ursus 'luctuans" and see the 1ater all round him, but it rained haesitabant uter insuper esse deberet, sed so hard that he sta4ed indoors most o' the unam ac alteram positionem experti time, and thought about things. Ever4 processerunt in'ra "Ursus 'luctuans" et morning he 1ent out 1ith his umbrella and insidens Pu, triumphans et pedibus put a stic3 in the place 1here the 1ater came vehementer remigans. up to, and ever4 next morning he 1ent out Christophorus Robinus summa in silva and couldn"t see his stic3 an4 more, so he put habitabat. Pluebat, pluebat et pluebat sed another stic3 in the place 1here the 1ater aqua ad domum eius pervenire non valebat. came up to, and then he 1al3ed home again, ucundissimum erat in valles despicere et and each morning he had a shorter 1a4 to aquam circa se videre, sed imber torrentis 1al3 than he had had the morning be'ore. n modo e''undebatur, ut ipse totum 'ere per the morning o' the 'i'th da4 he sa1 the 1ater tempus domi se contineret et de rebus all round him, and he ne1 that 'or the 'irst cogitaret. )ingulis diebus mane cum time in his li'e he 1as on a real island. Which umbella exibat et surculum in terram is ver4 exciting. t 1as on this morning that in'odebat apud marginem aquae et omnibus 1l came 'l4ing over the 1ater to sa4 %0o1 subsequentibus diebus mane exibat et do 4ou do(% to his 'riend Christopher Robin. surculum videre nequibat, itaque alterum % sa4, 1l,% said Christopher Robin, %isn"t quidem surculum inserebat apud marginem this 'un( "m on an island#% aquae et postea domum ibat et singulis %5he atmospheric conditions have been ver4 diebus iter usque ad aquam brevius erat, un'avourable latel4,% said 1l. quam pridie. uinto die mane aquam %5he 1hat(% circumundique vidit et intellexit se primum %t has been raining,% explained 1l. in vita in insula vera esse. uod %;es,% said Christopher Robin. %t has.% propemodo mirabile erat. %5he 'lood-level has reached an Eo mane 2ubo aquam transvolans unprecedented height.% Christophorum Robinum amicum %5he 1ho(% salutatum advenit. %5here"s a lot o' 1ater about,% explained 1l. "nquam, 2ubo," dixit Christophorus %;es,% said Christopher Robin, %there is.% Robinus. "onne *ucundum est( n insula %0o1ever, the prospects are rapidl4 becoming sum#" more 'avourable. $t an4 moment--% "Coeli mores nuper adversi erant," dixit %0ave 4ou seen Pooh(% 2ubo. %o. $t an4 moment--% "ui." % hope he"s all right,% said Christopher Robin. "Pluit," explicavit 2ubo. %"ve been 1ondering about him. "ta est," dixit Christophorus Robinus. expect Piglet"s 1ith him. Do 4ou thin3 "Pluit." the4"re all right, 1l(% "nundatio iam altitudinem inauditam % expect so. ;ou see, at an4 moment--% aequat." %Do go and see, 1l. 2ecause Pooh hasn"t got "uae(" ver4 much brain, and he might do something
"Est abundantia aquae," explicavit 2ubo. "Est," dixit Christophorus Robinus. ")ane est." "ihilominus, melior tempestatum ratio provideri protest. uandocumque. . . ." "/idistine Pum(" "&inime. uandocumque. . . ." "Con'ido eum valere," dixit Christophorus Robinus. "Cura mihi est, quid agat. Credo Porcellum cum eo esse. Putas eos recte valere, 2ubo(" "Puto. uandocumque enim. . . ." " et vide 2ubo# Pu parum habet cerebri et aliquid inconsiderati 'acere potest, et eum valde diligo, 2ubo. 5enes quid dicam, 2ubo(" "ptime," dixit 2ubo. "Eo. )tatim huc revertor." Et alis se sustulit. $liquanto post revertit. "Pu abest," dixit. "$best(" "$derat. n ramo arboris cum vasibus mellis sedebat. )ed nunc illic non est." " Pu," exclamavit Christophorus Robinus. "Ubi es(" "Ecce me," sonavit a tergo vox grunniens. "Pu#" $lter alterum amanter complexus est. "uomodo huc pervenisti(" rogavit Christophorus Robinus simul ac iterum loqui valuit. "n nave mea," dixit Pu superbus. "uncium maximi momenti in lagenula accepi, sed propter oculos made'actos legere nequeo, attuli igitur, in mea nave." 0is superbis verbis nuncium Christophoro Robino porrexit. ")cripsit meus ista Porcellus#" exclamavit nuncio lecto Christophorus Robinus. "ihil quod ad Pum pertinet in nuncio(" rogavit super humeros eius spectans ursus. Christophorus Robinus nuncium clara voce legit. ")unt isti %P"" Porcelli( Credidi eos Puos esse." ")tatim eum servare oportet# Credidi eum
sill4, and do love him so, 1l. Do 4ou see, 1l(% %5hat"s all right,% said 1l. %"ll go. 2ac3 directl4.% $nd he 'le1 o''. n a little 1hile he 1as bac3 again. Pooh isn"t there,% he said. %ot there(% %0e"s been there. 0e"s been sitting on a branch o' his tree outside his house 1ith nine pots o' hone4. 2ut he isn"t there no1.% %h, Pooh#% cried Christopher Robin. %Where are 4ou(% %0ere am,% said a gro1l4 voice behind him. %Pooh#% 5he4 rushed into each other"s arms. %0o1 did 4ou get here, Pooh(% as3ed Christopher Robin, 1hen he 1as read4 to tal3 again. %n m4 boat,% said Pooh proudl4. % had a /er4 mportant &issage sent me in a bottle, and o1ing to having got some 1ater in m4 e4es, couldn"t read it, so brought it to 4ou. n m4 boat.% With these proud 1ords he gave Christopher Robin the missage. %2ut it"s 'rom Piglet#% cried Christopher Robin 1hen he had read it. %sn"t there an4thing about Pooh in it(% as3ed 2ear, loo3ing over his shoulder. Christopher Robin read the message aloud. %h, are those "P"s" piglets( thought the4 1ere poohs.% %We must rescue him at once# thought he 1as 1ith 4ou, Pooh. 1l, could 4ou rescue him on 4our bac3(% % don"t thin3 so,% said 1l, a'ter grave thought. %t is doubt'ul i' the necessar4 dorsal muscles % %5hen 1ould 4ou 'l4 to him at once and sa4 that Rescue is Coming( $nd Pooh and 1ill thin3 o' a Rescue and come as quic3 as ever 1e can. h, don"t tal3, 1l, go on quic3#% $nd, still thin3ing o' something to sa4, 1l 'le1 o''. %o1 then, Pooh,% said Christopher Robin, %1here"s 4our boat(%
tecum 'uisse, mi Pu# 2ubo, potesne eum % ought to sa4,% explained Pooh as the4 humeris attollere(" 1al3ed do1n to the shore o' the island, "&inime," dixit 2ubo graviter secum %that it isn"t *ust an ordinar4 sort o' boat. cogitans. "Dubito num musculi dorsuales )ometimes it"s a 2oat, and sometimes it"s necessarii . . . ." more o' an $ccident. t all depends.% "5um vero potesne protinus ad eum volare %Depends on 1hat(% et eum de auxilio nostro certiorem 'acere( %n 1hether "m on top o' it or underneath it.% Et Pu atque ego de auxilio cogitabimus et %h# Well, 1here is it(% quam ocissime accurremus. 5ace modo, %5here#% said Pooh, pointing proudl4 to 5he 2ubo, 'estina#" Etiam tum de aliqua re 6loating 2ear. dicenda cogitans 2ubo se alis levavit. t 1asn"t 1hat Christopher Robin expected, "Dic age Pu," dixit Christophorus Robinus. and the more he loo3ed at it, the more he "Ubinam est navis tua(" thought 1hat a 2rave and Clever 2ear Pooh "Ut verum 'atear," Pu eum ad ripam insulae 1as, and the more Christopher Robin thought descenderent, explicavit, "aliquantulum this, the more Pooh loo3ed modestl4 do1n his discedit a communi genere navium. &odo nose and tried to pretend he 1asn"t. navis, modo autem potius calamitas est. %2ut it"s too small 'or t1o o' us,% said Prout accidit." Christopher Robin sadl4. "$ccidat quid(" %5hree o' us 1ith Piglet.% "$ccidit, ut insuper, accidit ut in'ra vas %5hat ma3es it smaller still h, Pooh 2ear, essem . . . ." 1hat shall 1e do(% "2ene, sed ubi est(" $nd then this 2ear, Pooh 2ear, Winnie-the"0icce," dixit Pu, "Ursum 'luctuantem" digito Pooh, 6..P. 86riend o' Piglet"s9, indicans. R.C. 8Rabbit"s Companion9, P.D. 8Pole on erat quod Christophorus Robinus Discoverer9, E.C. and 5.6. 8Ee4ore"s exspectaverat, sed quo diutius vas Com'orter and 5ail-'inder9--in 'act, Pooh contemplabatur, eo magis qualis ursus himsel'--said something so clever that 'ortis et prudens Pu esset cogitabat, et quo Christopher Robin could onl4 loo3 at him magis Christophorus Robinus hoc 1ith mouth open and e4es staring, 1ondering cogitabat, eo magis Pu oculos modeste i' this 1as reall4 the 2ear o' /er4 ?ittle 2rain secundum nasum de*ecit haec omnia non 1hom he had 3no1 and loved so long. esse praetendens. %We might go in 4our umbrella,% said Pooh. ")ed navis nos duos non capit#" dixit %(% Christophorus Robinus maestus. %We might go in 4our umbrella,% said Pooh( "Cum Porcello tres sumus." %((% "5ribus etiam minor est. urse mi, quid %We might go in 4our umbrella,% said Pooh. 'aciamus(" %######% 5um autem Ursus, Ursus Pu, Winnie ille 6or suddenl4 Christopher Robin sa1 that the4 Pu, P. $. 8Porcelli amicus9, ). ?. 8)ocius might. 0e opened his umbrella and put it ?eporis9, P. E. 8Poli explorator9, point do1n1ards in the 1ater. t 'loated but C....C.. 8consolator oris, ille qui 1obbled. caudam invenit9 - Pu ipse consilium tam Pooh got in. 0e 1as *ust beginning to sa4 that prudens dedit, ut Christophorus Robinus it 1as all right no1, 1hen he 'ound that it eum ore hiante et intentis oculis intuitus sit 1asn"t, so a'ter a short drin3, 1hich he didn"t et vix crederet illum eundem esse ursum reall4 1ant, he 1aded bac3 to Christopher parvi cerebri, iam diu dilectum et amatum. Robin. 5hen the4 both got in together, and it
"n umbella navigare possumus," dixit Pu. F((F "n umbella navigare possumus." "######" uia Christophorus Robinus illico intellexit id 'ieri posse. Umbellam aperuit et inverso apice in aqua collocavit. 6luctuabat sed vacillabat. Pu primus intravit. am dicturus erat omnia bene se habere, cum animadvertit quod haud bene se haberent itaque post potum brevem et nullo modo desideratum per aquam ad Christophorum Robinum revertit. Deinde navem con*unctim conscenderunt et vacillatio desivit. "avem %Cerebrum Pui% vocabo," dixit Christophorus Robinus et CERE2RU& PU vela ventis dedit et cursum in $'ricum direxit, venuste se convertens. &entibus 'ingere potestis Porcelli gaudium, cum postremo ei navis obviam se dedit# nsequentibus annis libenter cogitabat se per totum tempus terribilis inundationis maximo in discrimine versatum 'uisse, sed unicum periculum nihil nisi ultima semihora captivitatis 'uerat cum 2ubo qui nuper advolaverat in arboris eius ramo residens ei solacium praeberet et historiam longissimam de matertera narraret, olim perperam ovum gaviae enixa et historia pergebat et pergebat sicut haec sententia donec Porcellus, qui sine magna spe e 'enestra attentas aures praebuerat, tranquille et naturaliter obdormivit et lente versus aquam delapsus est, quoad digitis tandem pedum haesit cum autem contigit, ut 2ubo repente magna voce vagitum daret, qui pars historiae erat, videlicet quod matertera dixerat, et Porcellus experge'actus vixdum tempus habuit in tutum resiliendi et dicendi! "&irum, et 'ecit quid( . . ." bene, vobis mentibus 'ingere potestis gaudium cum postremo conspexit bonam navem CERE2RU& PU 8navis magister! Christophorus Robinus+ progubernator! Ursus Pu9 aequor
1obbled no longer. % shall call this boat 5he 2rain o' Pooh,% said Christopher Robin, and 5he 2rain o' Pooh set sail 'orth1ith in a south-1esterl4 direction, revolving grace'ull4. ;ou can imagine Piglet"s *o4 1hen at last the ship came in sight o' him. n a'ter-4ears he li3ed to thin3 that he had been in /er4 =reat Danger during the 5errible 6lood, but the onl4 danger he had reall4 been in 1as the last hal'hour o' his imprisonment, 1hen 1l, 1ho had *ust 'lo1n up, sat on a branch o' his tree to com'ort him, and told him a ver4 long stor4 about an aunt 1ho had once laid a seagull"s egg b4 mista3e, and the stor4 1ent on and on, rather li3e this sentence, until Piglet 1ho 1as listening out o' his 1indo1 1ithout much hope, 1ent to sleep quietl4 and naturall4, slipping slo1l4 out o' the 1indo1 to1ards the 1ater until he 1as onl4 hanging on b4 his toes, at 1hich moment, luc3il4, a sudden loud squa13 'rom 1l, 1hich 1as reall4 part o' the stor4, being 1hat his aunt said, 1o3e the Piglet up and *ust gave him time to *er3 himsel' bac3 into sa'et4 and sa4, %0o1 interesting, and did she(% 1hen--1ell, 4ou can imagine his *o4 1hen at last he sa1 the good ship, 2rain o' Pooh 8Captain, C. Robin+ st &ate, P. 2ear9 coming over the sea to rescue him.. .. $nd as that is reall4 the end o' the stor4, and am ver4 tired a'ter that last sentence, thin3 shall stop there.
transcurrentem ad eum servandum . . . . $c quia haec est vera clausula 'abulae et ego ultimam post sententiam de'atigatus sum, puto me hic 'inem 'acere.
1 Quo in capite %hristophorus .obinus convivium in honorem Pui dat et 2!alete2 dicimus
Die quodam, cum sol &aii mensis 'ragrantiam secum portans supra silvam revertisset, cum omnes silvae rivuli alacriter tintinnirent, cum lacus de vita visa et de magnis rebus gestis somniantes *acerent, cum in calore et quiete silvae cuculus vocem diligenter exerceret, an vocem amaret auscultando, et turtures secum lamentarentur, pigro ac commodo modo, quod culpa alterius, sed magni momenti minime 'uisset - die tali Christophorus Robinus modo suo peculiari sibilavit et 2ubo e emore Centum ugerum evolavit, ad, quid iuberet, explorandum. "2ubo," dixit Christophorus Robinus, "amicos in convivium vocabo." "/erumne( tan( dixit 2ubo. "Et est convivium speciale, ad res gestas Pui celebrandas, quas gessit, cum 'aceret quod 'ecit, cum Porcellum ex inundatione servavisset." "$in", eum ad 'inem datur convivium(" dixit 2ubo. "ta est, visne igitur quam ocissime Puo et ceteris omnibus nuntiare, quia cras erit(" "dne est verum(" dixit quam auxiliabundissime 2ubo. " et dic omnibus, amabo te, 2ubo#" 2ubo conatus est de aliqua re sapientissima ad dicendum idonea cogitare, sed nequivit itaque ad eventum ceteris nuntiandum evolavit. Primus autem certior 'actus 'uit Pu.
In Which %hristopher .obin ives A Pooh Part$, And We Sa$ ood-B$e
E da4 1hen the sun had come bac3 over the 6orest, bringing 1ith it the scent o' ma4, and all the streams o' the 6orest 1ere tin3ling happil4 to 'ind themselves their o1n prett4 shape again, and the little pools la4 dreaming o' the li'e the4 had seen and the big things the4 had done, and in the 1armth and quiet o' the 6orest the cuc3oo 1as tr4ing over his voice care'ull4 and listening to see i' he li3ed it, and 1ood-pigeons 1ere complaining gentl4 to themselves in their la:4 com'ortable 1a4 that it 1as the other 'ello1"s 'ault, but it didn"t matter ver4 much+ on such a da4 as this Christopher Robin 1histled in a special 1a4 he had, and 1l came 'l4ing out o' the 0undred $cre Wood to see 1hat 1as 1anted. %1l,% said Christopher Robin, % am going to give a part4.% %;ou are, are 4ou(% said 1l. %$nd it"s to be a special sort o' part4, because it"s because o' 1hat Pooh did 1hen he did 1hat he did to save Piglet 'rom the 'lood.% %h, that"s 1hat it"s 'or, is it(% said 1l. %;es, so 1ill 4ou tell Pooh as quic3l4 as 4ou can, and all the others, because it 1ill be tomorro1(% %h, it 1ill, 1ill it(% said 1l, still being as help'ul as possible. %)o 1ill 4ou go and tell them, 1l(% 1l tried to thin3 o' something ver4 1ise to sa4, but couldn"t, so he 'le1 o'' to tell the others. $nd the 'irst person he told 1as Pooh. %Pooh,% he said, %Christopher Robin is giving a part4.% %h#% said Pooh $nd then seeing that 1l expected him to sa4 something else, he said, %Will there be those little ca3e things 1ith pin3 sugar icing(% 1l 'elt that it 1as rather beneath him to tal3 about little ca3e things 1ith pin3 sugar icing, so he told Pooh exactl4 1hat Christopher Robin had said, and 'le1 o'' to Ee4ore.
"Pu," dixit 2ubo. "Christophorus Robinus convivium parat." "," dixit Pu. Et videns 2ubonem alia sua verba exspectantem sub*unxit! "Eruntne lepidae crustulae cum incrustatione rosea sacchari(" 2ubo dialogum de crustulis parvulis cum incrustatione rosea sacchari se dedecere ratus, verbis Christophori Robini accurate redditis orem petitum evolavit. "Convivium in honorem meum," cogitabat Pu et coepit mirari, si omnia cetera animalia scirent convivium peculiare in honorem suum daci, et si Christophorus Robinus eis omnia de "Urso 'luctuante" et de "Cerebro Pui" narravisset et de omnibus navibus mirabilibus a se inventis et navigatis, et cogitare coepit, quam terribile esset si omnes harum rerum obliti 'uissent neque quisquam, qua de causa convivium celebraretur, sciret+ et quo diutius ita cogitabat, eo magis convivium in mente eius con'undebatur, sicut somnium, cum nihil bene evenit. )omnium autem ipsum in capite eius canere coepit donec carmen huiusmodi 'actum est! Carmen Pui timidi o vivat Pu Es tu( Est Pu# Umbellae gubernator Et Porci liberator# ndica tu! Cur clamat Pu( Dum patuit 'ugae unda on timuit maris pro'unda ?agoenulae nuntio lecto )uccurit amico dilecto# n aquis( ptimus ursus mundi $equoris heros pro'undi# s( Dic istud bis# Pu 'uit parvulus ursus# Dic dum hoc rursus# ?ibenter, sis!
%Part4 'or &e(% thought Pooh to himsel'. %0o1 grand#% $nd he began to 1onder i' all the other animals 1ould 3no1 that it 1as a special Pooh Part4, and i' Christopher Robin had told them about 5he 6loating 2ear and the 2rain o' Pooh, and all the 1onder'ul ships he had invented and sailed on, and he began to thin3 ho1 a1'ul it 1ould be i' ever4bod4 had 'orgotten about it, and nobod4 quite 3ne1 1hat the part4 1as 'or+ and the more he thought li3e this, the more the part4 got muddled in his mind, li3e a dream 1hen nothing goes right. $nd the dream began to sing itsel' over in his head until it became a sort o' song. t 1as an $LU) P0 )=. > Cheers 'or Pooh 86or Who(9 6or Pooh-8Wh4 1hat did he do(9 thought 4ou 3ne1+ 0e saved his 'riend 'rom a 1etting# > Cheers 'or 2ear# 86or 1here(9 6or 2ear-0e couldn"t s1im, 2ut he rescued him# 80e rescued 1ho(9 h, listen, do# am tal3ing o' Pooh( 8' 1ho(9 ' Pooh# 8"m sorr4 3eep 'orgetting9. Well. Pooh 1as a 2ear o' Enormous 2rain-8ust sa4 it again#9 ' enormous brain-8' enormous 1hat(9 Well, he ate a lot, $nd don"t 3no1 i' he could s1im or not, 2ut he managed to 'loat n a sort o' boat 8n a sort o' 1hat(9 Well, a sort o' pot-)o no1 let"s give him three heart4 cheers 8)o no1 let"s give him three heart4 1hitches(9 $nd hope he"ll be 1ith us 'or 4ears and 4ears,
Pu qui bonus et rectus est n c4mba ad Porcellum vectus est )ed nunc vehementer &el quaerit Pu-ursi venter. Dum haec intus eo geruntur, 2ubo cum ore loquebatur. "or," dixit 2ubo, "Christophorus Robinus convivium parat." "d est magni momenti et ponderis," dixit or. "Censeo eos mihi micas reliquuas et pedibus calcatas epularum missuros. Cari et amabiles sunt. &inime, omitte mentionem 'acere." "Ecce invitatio pro te." "nvitatio qualis generis(" "nvitatio#" ")ic, iam audivi. Cuius e manibus elapsa est(" "on est res esculenta, est invitatio ad convivium. Cras#" or lente caput quassans! "Porcellum vis invitare," dixit. "Parvulum illum cum auriculis trepidantibus. Porcellum videlicet dicis. Ei nuntiabo." "&inime, minime," dixit 2ubo, iam impatienter. "5u es." ")erion" dicis tu(" ")cilicet, hoc pro certo habeo. Christophorus Robinus dixit! %Universos omnes# Dic omnibus#QF "mnibus praeter orem(" "mnibus," dixit 2ubo humiliter. "," dixit or. "Error, procul dubio, promitto tamen. $t si imber erit, nemo mi ob*iciat." )ed non pluebat. Christophorus Robinus longam mensam ligneam construxerat et omnes mensam circumsedebant. Christophorus Robinus in summo sedebat, Pu imus et intra eos hic erant 2ubo, or et Porcellus, illic autem ?epus, Canga et Ru. Et omnes ?eporis cognati et amici per herbam 'usi erant, si quis eos appellare vellet, aut aliquid manibus demitteret, aut horas quaereret, exspectantes. Erat autem prixnum convivium in vita Rui et ipse trepidabat. Ut primum consederunt
$nd gro1 in health and 1isdom and riches# > Cheers 'or Pooh# 86or 1ho(9 6or Pooh-> Cheers 'or 2ear 86or 1here(9 6or 2ear-> Cheers 'or the 1onder'ul Winnie-the-Pooh# 8ust tell me, somebod4--W0$5 DD 0E D(9 While this 1as going on inside him, 1l 1as tal3ing to Ee4ore. %Ee4ore,% said 1l, %Christopher Robin is giving a part4.% %/er4 interesting,% said Ee4ore. % suppose the4 1ill be sending me do1n the odd bits 1hich got trodden on. Jind and 5hought'ul. ot at all, don"t mention it.% %5here is an nvitation 'or 4ou.% %What"s that li3e(% %$n nvitation#% %;es, heard 4ou. Who dropped it(% %5his isn"t an4thing to eat, it"s as3ing 4ou to the part4. 5o-morro1.% Ee4ore shoo3 his head slo1l4. %;ou mean Piglet. 5he little 'ello1 1ith the exited ears. 5hat"s Piglet. "ll tell him.% %o, no#% said 1l, getting quite 'uss4. %t"s 4ou#% %$re 4ou sure(% %' course "m sure. Christopher Robin said "$ll o' them# 5ell all o' them."% %$ll o' them, except Ee4ore(% %$ll o' them,% said 1l sul3il4. %$h#% said Ee4ore. %$ mista3e, no doubt, but still, shall come. nl4 don"t blame me i' it rains.% 2ut it didn"t rain. Christopher Robin had made a long table out o' some long pieces o' 1ood, and the4 all sat round it. Christopher Robin sat at one end, and Pooh sat at the other, and bet1een them on one side 1ere 1l and Ee4ore and Piglet, and bet1een them on the other side 1ere Rabbit, and Roo and Janga. $nd all Rabbit"s 'riends and relations spread themselves about on the grass, and 1aited
loqui coepit. ")alve Pu," vagivit. ")alve Ru," dixit Pu. Ru paulisper in sella subsultabat, deinde denuo incepit! ")alve Porcelle," vagivit. Porcellus distentior, quam ut aliquid dicere posset, ungula innuit. ")alve or," dixit Ru. or maestus adnuit. "mbres impendent. $ut omnia me 'allunt," dixit. Ru coelum scrutatus est, si impenderent, sed non impendebant, itaque dixit! ")alve 2ubo," et 2ubo lepide dixit! ")alve amicule" et perrexit de calamitate, quae non multum ab'uerat, quin amico suo, quem Christophorus Robinus omnino ignorabat, accidisset, loqui et Canga dixit Ruo! "Primum bibe, corcule, deinde loquere." taque Ru, qui lac bibetat dicere conatus est, se utrumque simul posse . . . et aliquamdiu tergum eius tundere et eum abstergere oportuit. Cum omnes bellule su''arcinati 'uerunt, Christophorus Robinus mensam cochleare pulsavit et omnes praeter Rum, qui singultu vehementer correptus esse cessavit et cognatus ?eporis videri conabatur a colloquio desiverunt et intra silentium se tenuerunt. "0oc convivium," dixit Christophorus Robinus, "est convivium quia aliquis aliquid 'ecit, et nobis omnibus notum est qui 'uerit et est convivium eius, eius actionis causa et habeo donum pro eo et ecce donum." Deinde aliquamdiu quaerens palpabat et susurravit! "Ubi est(" Dum quaerit or vehementer tussiculavit et in sermonem ingressus est! "$mici et convivae," dixit, "gaudere me tum dicam si mihi hoc verbo licebit uti - aut potius 'orsitan - me adhuc gavisum esse dicam, vos in convivio meo conspicere. uod 'eci, nihil 'uit. Unusquisque vestrum - praeter ?eporem, 2ubonem et Cangam idem 'ecisset. Dictis meis, videlicet,
hope'ull4 in case an4bod4 spo3e to them, or dropped an4thing, or as3ed them the time. t 1as the 'irst part4 to 1hich Roo had ever been, and he 1as ver4 excited. $s soon as ever the4 had sat do1n he began to tal3. %0allo, Pooh#% he squea3ed. %0allo, Roo#% said Pooh. Roo *umped up and do1n in his seat 'or a little 1hile and then began again. %0allo, Piglet#% he squea3ed. Piglet 1aved a pa1 at him, being too bus4 to sa4 an4thing. %0allo, Ee4ore#% said Roo. Ee4ore nodded gloomil4 at him. %t 1ill rain soon, 4ou see i' it doesn"t,% he said. Roo loo3ed to see i' it didn"t, and it didn"t, so he said %0allo, 1l#%--and 1l said %0allo, m4 little 'ello1,% in a 3indl4 1a4, and 1ent on telling Christopher Robin about an accident 1hich had nearl4 happened to a 'riend o' his 1hom Christopher Robin didn"t 3no1, and Janga said to Roo, %Drin3 up 4our mil3 'irst, dear, and tal3 a'ter1ards.% )o Roo, 1ho 1as drin3ing his mil3, tried to sa4 that he could do both at once . . . and had to be patted on the bac3 and dried 'or quite a long time a'ter1ards. When the4 had all nearl4 eaten enough, Christopher Robin banged on the table 1ith his spoon, and ever4bod4 stopped tal3ing and 1as ver4 silent, except Roo 1ho 1as *ust 'inishing a loud attac3 o' hiccups and tr4ing to loo3 as i' it 1as one o' Rabbit"s relations. %5his part4,% said Christopher Robin, %is a part4 because o' 1hat someone did, and 1e all 3no1 1ho it 1as, and it"s his part4, because o' 1hat he did, and "ve got a present 'or him and here it is.% 5hen he 'elt about a little and 1hispered, %Where is it(% While he 1as loo3ing, Ee4ore coughed in an impressive 1a4 and began to spea3. %6riends,% he said, %including oddments, it is a great pleasure, or perhaps had better sa4 it has been a pleasure so 'ar, to see 4ou at m4 part4. What did 1as nothing. $n4 o' 4ou-
transeo Porcellum et Rum, quia nimiopere except Rabbit and 1l and Janga--1ould parvuli sunt. Unusquisque vestrum idem have done the same. h, and Pooh. &4 'ecisset. )ed coeco casu egomet 'ui. remar3s do not, o' course, appl4 to Piglet and )upervacuum est notare, sed certe non egi, Roo, because the4 are too small. $n4 o' 4ou ut munus, quod nunc Christophorus 1ould have done the same. 2ut it *ust Robinus quaerit, accipiam" - et ungulam happened to be &e. t 1as not, need hardl4 primorem ad os admovens magna voce sa4, 1ith an idea o' getting 1hat susurravit! ")ub mensa Christopher Robin is loo3ing 'or no1%--and conare#" - "Pro'ecto non ea de causa egi, sed he put his 'ront leg to his mouth and said in a quia mihi persuasum est, nos omnes loud 1hisper, %5r4 under the table%--%that quantum est situm in nobis, omnibus et did 1hat didMbut because 'eel that 1e opem et salutem 'erre debere. )entio, nos should all do 1hat 1e can to help. 'eel that omnes. . . ." 1e should "0u-up," dixit 'ortuito Ru. all----% "Ru carissime," dixit, eum increpans, Canga. %0--hup#% said Roo accidentall4. "Egon" 'ui(" dixit Ru aliquantum %Roo, dear#% said Janga reproach'ull4. obstupe'actus. %Was it me(% as3ed Roo, a little surprised. "uid narrat or(" susurravit Porcellus ad %What"s Ee4ore tal3ing about(% Piglet Pum. 1hispered to Pooh. "escio," dixit Pu luguberrimus. % don"t 3no1,% said Pooh rather dole'ull4. "Credidi convivium in honorem tuum % thought this 1as 4our part4.% datum 'uisse." % thought it 1as once. 2ut suppose it isn"t.% "lim ego quoque credidi. )ed nunc non %"d sooner it 1as 4ours than Ee4ore"s,% said censeo." Piglet. "uam mallem tuum, neque oris esse %)o 1ould ,% said Pooh. convivium#" dixit Porcellus. %0--hup#% said Roo again. "Etiam ego," dixit Pu. %$)----W$)--)$;=,% said Ee4ore loudl4 "0u-up," dixit denuo Ru. and sternl4, %as 1as sa4ing 1hen "uod modo proposui," dixit or magna 1as interrupted b4 various ?oud )ounds, voce et severe, "sicut modo proposui, cum 'eel that--% variis clamoribus dissonis interruptus %0ere it is#% cried Christopher Robin 'uissem, sentio. . . ." excitedl4. %Pass it do1n to sill4 old "Ecce," clamavit Christophorus Robinus Pooh. t"s 'or Pooh.% alacriter. "5radite ad vetulum Ursulum %6or Pooh(% said Ee4ore. stultulum. Est pro Puo#" %' course it is. 5he best bear in all the "Pro Puo(" dixit or. 1orld.% ")cilicet est. Est optimus ursus mundi." % might have 3no1n,% said Ee4ore. %$'ter all, ")cire debuissem," dixit or. ")i verum one can"t complain. have m4 'riends. quaerimus, non possum lamentari. )unt )omebod4 spo3e to me onl4 4esterda4. $nd mihi amici. $liquis heri me allocutus est. 1as it last 1ee3 or the 1ee3 be'ore that Et 'uit proxima hebdomade, aut paenultima Rabbit bumped into me and said "2other#" 5he quod ?epus in me incidens %malum#% )ocial Round. $l1a4s something going on.% dixit. . . . Circulus socialis. )emper aliquid obod4 1as listening, 'or the4 1ere all agitur." sa4ing, %pen it, Pooh,% %What is it, emo auscultabat, quia omnes dicebant! Pooh(% % 3no1 1hat it is,% %o, 4ou don"t,% "$peri, Pu#" "uid est, Pu(" ")cio, quid sit." and other help'ul remar3s o' this
"escis -" et dicta huiusmodi opi'era. /idelicet Pu, quam ocissime citra desectionem 'uniculi potuit - quia nunquam sciri potest quando aliquantulum 'uniculi utile esse possit - aperuit. Postremo apertum 'uit. Pu cum quid esset, vidit, parum ab'uit quin collaberetur gaudio. Erat theca graphidum singularis. ntus erant graphides cum signo 2 82ono9, 2.2. 8bono bene'icoque9 0.2. 8heroico bonoque9. ntus erant cuspidamentum plumbarium, cummi indianum ad verba errata eradenda, regula ad lineas ducendas ad verba supra ambulantia idonea, cum distantiis unciarum insuper inscriptis, si quis 'orte quantum unciarum aliquid esset scire cuperet et graphides caeruleae, graphides rubrae et graphides virides ad res peculiares in coloribus caeruleis, rubris et viridibus dicendas. mnia haec lepida in sinibus singularibus erant, qui cum sonitu "clic" claudebantur. Et omnia Pui 'uere. "." dixit Pu. " Pu." dixerunt omnes praeter orem. "=ratias ago," grunnivit Pu. )ed or secum dixit! "egotium scriptionale. =raphides et quodcumque. Res nimis admiratae, si quaeritis a me quid sentiam. ugae. neptiae." Postea, cum omnes Christophoro Robino "/ale" et "=ratias ago" dixissent, Pu et Porcellus per vesperum aureum con*unctim meditabundi domum ierunt et per multum tempus silebant. "&ane, simul atque experge'actus es, Pu," dixit postremo Porcellus, "quid est primum, quod tecum dicis(" "uid mihi in ientaculum paratur( 5u autem quid dicis o Porcelle(" "Dico! scire aveo, quid magni momenti hodie accidat," dixit Porcellus. Pu meditabundus adnuit. "Est idem," dixit. "uid tandem accidit(" rogavit Christophorus Robinus.
sort. $nd o' course Pooh 1as opening it as quic3l4 as ever he could, but 1ithout cutting the string, because 4ou never 3no1 1hen a bit o' string might be Use'ul. $t last it 1as undone. When Pooh sa1 1hat it 1as, he nearl4 'ell do1n, he 1as so pleased. t 1as a )pecial Pencil Case. 5here 1ere pencils in it mar3ed %2% 'or 2ear, and pencils mar3ed %02 % 'or 0elping 2ear, and pencils mar3ed %22% 'or 2rave 2ear. 5here 1as a 3ni'e 'or sharpening the pencils, and indiarubber 'or rubbing out an4thing 1hich 4ou had spelt 1rong, and a ruler 'or ruling lines 'or the 1ords to 1al3 on, and inches mar3ed on the ruler in case 4ou 1anted to 3no1 ho1 man4 inches an4thing 1as, and 2lue Pencils and Red Pencils and =reen Pencils 'or sa4ing special things in blue and red and green. $nd all these lovel4 things 1ere in little poc3ets o' their o1n in a )pecial Case 1hich shut 1ith a clic3 1hen 4ou clic3ed it. $nd the4 1ere all 'or Pooh. %h#% said Pooh. %h, Pooh#% said ever4bod4 else except Ee4ore. %5han3-4ou,% gro1led Pooh. 2ut Ee4ore 1as sa4ing to himsel', %5his 1riting business. Pencils and 1hat-not. ver-rated, i' 4ou as3 me. )ill4 stu''. othing in it.% ?ater on, 1hen the4 had all said %=ood-b4e% and %5han3-4ou% to Christopher Robin, Pooh and Piglet 1al3ed home thought'ull4 together in the golden evening, and 'or a long time the4 1ere silent. %When 4ou 1a3e up in the morning, Pooh,% said Piglet at last, %1hat"s the 'irst thing 4ou sa4 to 4oursel'(% %What"s 'or brea3'ast(% said Pooh. %What do 4ou sa4, Piglet(% % sa4, 1onder 1hat"s going to happen exciting to-da4(% said Piglet. Pooh nodded thought'ull4. %t"s the same thing,% he said. %$nd 1hat did happen(% as3ed Christopher
"uando(" "Postridie, mane." "escio." "Potesne cogitare et Puo ac mihi aliquando narrare(" ")i id tibi cordi est." "Puo est," dixit Christophorus Robinus. )uspirium ex imo duxit, ungulam ursi apprehendit et ostio, Winnie ille Pum post se trahens, exiit. $pud ostium respexit et dixit! "/enisne ad me balneo utentem videndum(" "Possum," dixi. "5heca graphidum Pui melior erat, quam mea(" "Eadem erat," dixi. $dnuit et exiit . . . et post punctum temporis audivi Winnie ille Pum tumptump-tump gradum post eum revocare.
Robin. %When(% %ext morning.% % don"t 3no1.% %Could 4ou thin3, and tell me and Pooh some time(% %' 4ou 1anted it ver4 much.% %Pooh does,% said Christopher Robin. 0e gave a deep sigh, pic3ed his bear up b4 the leg and 1al3ed o'' to the door, trailing Winnie-the-Pooh behind him. $t the door he turned and said, %Coming to see me have m4 bath(% % might,% said. %Was Pooh"s pencil case an4 better than mine(% %t 1as *ust the same,% said. 0e nodded and 1ent out . . . and in a moment heard Winnie-the-Pooh--bump, bump, bump--going up the stairs behind him.
Appendi0 ?ectores nonnulli assidue rogitant! "ualis erat clausula carminis, quam Canga auscultare noluerat(" Eis, antequam /$?E diceret, Winnie ille Pu ultimas strophas amice cantat! Diem /eneris dum ago Et per silvam vacans vago, &editor percontor me! Est-ne( t-ne( 0abet-ne( )abbato, oh animalia# 8uibus( uonam( uorsum( ualia(9 )ciscitor ex aliquo! uali modo et cum quo( Die Domini in ludo 0anc canticulam concludo,