Tinder Line Ideas: Make a little game in your profle: Eg: “I can guess your avourite ood” I got a few more "message-firsts" after switching to this style, but it also gave me something to lead in with. So, if you used, for example, "I can guess your favorite food", just send one off messages. Simple, amusing, and fun for you. "Iceberg lettuce"
There she is??
I bet you a drink I can kiss you on the mouth without touching your lips ppropriate for !ctober- re you a haunted house #ause I$d probably cry if I came inside you. re you my appendix %ecause I$m not sure how you work but this feelin$ in my stomach makes me want to take you out& 'ery cute, and I see you have an excellent taste in men as well& So are you a cheesy pickup type of girl, or do you prefer the more genuine approach (anna go out for some pi))a %ecause it was either that or a pickup line and both would have been e*ually cheesy +ork knife emoji I$ve got all these knives and forks but all I need is a little spoon.
I walked up to a cashier and thought she was cute, so I decided eh why not and tried the first pickup line that came to my mind after she finished scanning everything. "So, if I wasn$t buying all this gatorade, would you still check me out" I$m going to have to ask you to leave. /ou$re making the other girls look bad. buddy of mine is really good with women. 0e does this one thing on our uni campus where he$ll go up to a random girl. 0im1 "hey I have a *uestion and need a woman$s advice" 0er1 "sure what$s up" 0im1 "let$s say I see a really cute girl, do I go up and talk to her or is that too direct"
0er1 22.22223 of them say1 "you should totally go talk to her." 0im1 he then introduces himself. I$ve done it two times and got two numbers out of it so it$s clearly a 4553 success rate& Say, "let$s count shoulders&" #ount your own starting from the left to the right with one hand1 "4,6..." #ount theirs, sliding your arm around their shoulders as you finish counting1 7, 8&" Sweat profusely into their shirt.
%ack in college I met a girl at a party. (e hit it off, she tells me she$s 9ussian, and that she speaks the language. I say "%ullshit& Say something in 9ussian&" She asks, "what do you want me to say". I replied, "I want you to say $kiss me :u:%io;ogic<# $." I have no idea what she said next, but I kissed her. "I think you dropped something" "(hat" "/our standards. 0i, I$m =>=@
/ou remind me of my big toe %ecause I can see myself banging you on every piece of furniture in the house
present sleeve "0ey, feel this..." they feel it "Anow what that is" "(hat" "Bhat$s boyfriend material."
rom !aste"in: #$peners and %losers&
$!E)E*+( These are copy,pastea-le and demonstrated to .ork( i you/ve got a good one0 !M me and I/ll thro. it on here( The num-er in parenthesis signifes .hat I rate the cheekyness to -e0 so i you scared go to church and don/t even uckin -other .ith high num-ers:
1( 2(
I/ve got a little spoon position availa-le or hire0 .hat .ould you rate your cuddling a-ilities at on a scale o ','3? #4&
5( 4(
6re you an archeology ma7or? 8on reply0 regardless o ans.er9 ell0 I/ve got a large -one that need e;amining #<(4&
=( <(
%ould you take me in a fght? 8on positive /yes/ reply9 hat makes you so confdent? 8on negative /no reply/9 ell I need someone strong to help me -reed the greatest fghter the .orld has ever seen0 do you still think you/re up or it? #4&
>( (
ell0 tinder says .e/ll make -eautiul children0 -ut I think .e should gra- a drink -eore .orking on the uture models o 6merica #5&
'3( ''(
Listen0 I kno. this profle is ake -ut can I get the name o the model you used so I can look her up or later tonight? #4&
'1( '2(
I .ould s.im naked through the ama@on river .ith steak .rapped around my genitals 7ust to share a candlelit dinner .ith you over skype on dial,up connection #=&
'5( '4(
6re you a Aoala? 8regardless o ans.er9 ell0 you/ve got all the koalifcations #2&
'=( '<(
I/m on a scavenger hunt and I need a dinosaur -one0 the holy grail0 and your phone num-er(((hich one o those can you help me .ith #4&
'>( '(
I/ve had a crush on you or hours no. #4&
13( 1'(
I have 5B -attery remaining( I chose to message you( Cid I choose .isely? #2&
11( 12(
I have @ero t;t game( #)ame&0 .hat/s a good opener? #5&
15( 14(
Co you like to dra.? "ecause I put the d in ra. #'3&
1=( 1<(
Co you like pancakes? 8positive ans.ers only0 i she says no then she/s 7ust stupid9 ell ho. a-out iDop on that ass #&
1>( 1(
$ur frst date should -e at Dome Cepot0 .hat/s your num-er so .e can hammer out the details or us to nail each other #&
se this to pull the num-er( Fetting the num-er is the ultimate key here0 since rom there it already esta-lishes trust0 and you/d have to -e a uckin tard not to land a date ater pulling a num-er:
2'( 21(
I/ve only got one more Guestion or you ater I get your num-er((( 8ater her reply9 hat/s your num-er?
22( 25(
I .rote a poem or you( *oses are red0 violets are -lue0 i suck at poetry0 .hats your num-er
24( 2=(
H$/*E "$*I)F 6+ %A 6)C TDE %$)E*+6TI$) I+ CE6C( se this to re@ your convo -ut you only get to use one o these really0 and i she doesnt respond to it then give the uck up:
2<( 2>(
)o. listen here you -eautiul -road( I taped my phone to my ace 1 days ago and have -een sitting outside my apartment in the middle o the parking lot .here the reception is strongest0 7ust .aiting or you to message me -ack( hy are you playing games .ith my heart?
Look0 I imagine right no.0 you/re eeling a -it like 6lice( Tum-ling do.n the ra--it hole( I can tell -y your replies( Hou have the look o a .oman .ho accepts .hat she sees -ecause she/s e;pecting to .ake up( Hou/re thinking0 Ja 8so and so0 fll this out yoursel9? this is too good to -e true( This cannot -e real(J "ut rest assured0 I am real0 I/m every.here( *ight no.0 you/re in a prison0 a prison o your mind( nortunately0 I cannot e;plain to you .ho I am0 you have to see it or yoursel( This is your chance0 no turning -ack( Hou don/t have to give me your num-er0 this saga ends0 you .ake up in the morning and -elieve .hatever you .ant to -elieve( Hou give me your num-er0 and
you stay in onderland0 and I/ll sho. you ho. deep the ra--it hole goes(((remem-er0 all I am oKering is the truth a-out me0 nothing more
%an I get you to fll out a
THE ULTIMATE TINDER CHEAT SHEET UPDATE: I$m *uite aware some of this info is old and overused, if you have something new:creative:funny that you$d like to add to any of the below categories please post it and I$ll add it +you$ll be credited of course. I$m extremely surprised this thread has gotten as big as it has, it would be a shame not to build on it and make it better. HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE /ou should use these types of things as a template. >ot copy.
In this sentence, there are at least three HthreadsE. Bhese are parts of sentences you can talk about. In this case the threads were1 4.
I love
so romantic So you can talk about1 4. Bhings you love 6. Garis 7. 0ow you find Garis:other places romantic 9ead the full article here1http1::www.reddit.com:comments:ovaar:sinceDseductionreviewDwentDdownDiD thoughtDid: PHOTOS J ll men should watch this video before they take their tinder photos1 http1::www.youtube.com:watchvKLe7oCntDk J (ear nice clothes +see a stylist if you need help with colors and shades J Met an nice:expensive haircut. J Bhen take some clear photos, photo shop and filter them if you want. ?very girl youEre swiping for is doing the same thing. J /ou can take a photo rock climbing to show youEre adventurous if you want +I never have. ABOUT ME (BIO) In my opinion your bout
0ere are some openers that have worked well for me in the past. Bhe last opener is something I made up today and itEs got the best results. I really encourage you to come up with your own opener as well. Nsing an over-used opener shows a lack of originality and she wonEt be impressed. 4.
/our parents will not like me. I will fall short of almost all of your expectations. I will ruin your credit score. %ut if you let me have sex with you I$ll make you the happiest woman in the world for an entire night. !r 4O minutes. ctually probably more like O.
I donEt normally give out compliments to girls I just meet but you have great taste in men. TRANSITION If possible make an observational comment on her photos or bio. If you canEt think of anything worthwhile to say. sk her a *uestions about her. Geople love to talk about themselves but they also donEt want to be barraged with *uestions. sk one or two *uestions now and save the rest for later. REMEMBER: Pay close attet!o to "o# s"e $es%o&s a& $e'e$ ac to co*e$sat!oal t"$ea&!+, Bhe aim is to turn this into a free-flowing natural conversation between potential lovers. /ou could even transition into the *uestion with a ridiculous statement like this1 FBhere is something you should probably know about me before you get too attached. I have a vested interest in global domination and IEm a major distributor of methamphetamine. %ut thatEs not important letEs talk about you@ -UESTIONS: (hat are you most passionate about If someone wrote a biography on you what would the title be If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why (hat cli*ue did you hang out with at school If you could meet anyone alive or dead, who would it be ;ater on in the conversation when youEve started to reach a deep emotional connection, you might ask these *uestions. DEEP -UESTIONS: If everyone looked the same what would make you stand out If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be
Bo keep things fun and exciting why not play a game, crack a joke or try a riddle. 0ere are some examples below. T"e T$.t" Ga/e Aeep asking *uestions back and forth and the other must answer truthfully. Bhis is your chance to get things sexual. eel free to use these *uestions. (hat is the cra)iest place youEve ever had sex (hatEs your favorite place to be touched (hatEs your favorite sexual position 0ave you ever slept with a co-worker (hen was the last time you had sex 0 -UESTION GAME or this game you tell her youEre going to give her O *uestions and all she has to do is give an incorrect answer for each. or example you might ask, H(hat colour is the skyE and if she says, HGinkE she wins the round !k letEs start 4.
(hat country do we live in@ P0?9 >S(?9Q
(hat app are we using P0?9 >S(?9Q
(hat day is it P0?9 >S(?9Q
(ait, how many *uestions was that +
If sheEs smart and catches the 8th Luestion say1 F!h, youEve played this before, havenEt you@ (hen she says >o, she forgot to lie and failed. 1UC23 MARR43 2ILL GAME /ou name three celebrities and she must decide who she will uck,
FRo you know what the other 3 do@ +Bhey say no F!hso youEre one of the ones who@ BANTER LIST (hen she says something funny1 /ou are the 7rd funniest person IEve spoken to today. (hen she compliments you1 Is that what you say to all the guys Is that one of your pickup lines (hen you have something in common1 (e have too much in common. (eEd fight all day long. nd IEd win. (hen sheEs angry1 /ou$re so cute when your angry (hen the topic of your relationship is brought up1 (e would be bad together, all fights and makeup sex. %ackhanded compliment1 !ut of all the Pfirst nameQ Plast nameQ$s I know, I think you$re my favorite. (hen sheEs misbehaving1