Spine is a two-way conducting system, because it consists both the descending (send the motor impulses from the brain, pericardium to the peripheral nervous); and the ascending (send the sensor impulses from sense organs and body receptor into the brain, pericardium) the nervous tracts. tracts. The spine is a very very complex structure that is never never still, and any slightest movement in the body, body, affects the spine, including breathing. ur upright posture puts added stress on the nec! and the small of the bac!, which are the commonest sites of bac!ache. Spinal nerves have motor fibers fiber s and sensory fibers. The motor fibers innervated certain muscles, while the sensory fibers innervated certain areas of s!in. " s!in area innervated by the sensory fibers of a single nerve root is !nown as a dermatome. #ervical $erves %#&' (nerves %#&' (nerves in the nec!) supply movement and feeling to the arms, nec! and upper trun!. Thoracic $erves %T&' (nerves %T&' (nerves in the upper bac!) supply the trun! and abdomen. umbar $erves %& and Sacral $erves %S&' (nerves in the lower bac!) supply the legs, the bladder, bowel and sexual organs. Traditional Tradition al theory of Tririgin Tririgin states states that i or vital energy is the animating force behind life for all the diseases diseases as main root cause. *t is well well said that if one stays stays in touch with the vital energy, energy, ones life will be healthy in all its phases, be it + +/S#01 +$2345 +$234 5 "cupuncture, itself is a powerful medicine, which aids in strengthening and improve body6ss immune as well as osseous system and body6 system and serves to prevent diseases, control pain and increases both the ability and 7ualitative lives of people. *t has helped many people who were not successfully treated through conventional western medicine. There is a dramatically improvement in the condition or remedied in full including, S/*$" any problem55 problem *n spine, vertebrates are interlin!ed with the different organs of the body' #8' $aao. /*$2". 0ead bac! portion #9' 0otness. /*T3*T"4. :arious areas of the 0ead #' 0eat. T04*. Side "nd ind. T0?3S. T0?3S. 3pper ac! f The $ec! #@' 0umidity. /"$#42"S. ?iddle f $ec! and 3pper /art f "rms #A' ryness. "42$". ower /art f $ec!, "rms, and 2lbow 2lbow.. #B' #oldness. S2C 1"$S. ower /art f "rms, Shoulders. T8' "0-0otness. 02"4T. 0and. >rists. ind. "0->ind. *:24. Solar /lexus. TA' 3?->ind. D*$2. Stomach. ?id ac! area TB' "0-0umidity. "0-0umidity. S?" S ?" *$T2ST*$2. /ancreas. uodenum.
TE' 3?-0umidity. "412 *$T2ST*$2. Spleen. ower ?id-ac!. TF' "0-ryness. ST?"#0. "drenal 1lands. T8G' 3?-ryness. 32$3?. Didneys. T88' "0-#oldness. 1" "24. 3reters. T89' 3?-#oldness. "24. Small *ntestines. 3pperHower ac! 8' 0eat. $24:3S. *leo cecal :alve. arge *ntestines. 9' >ind. 42S/*4"T4. "ppendix. "bdomen. 3pper eg. ' 0umidity. #*4#3"T4. Sex rgans. 3terus. ladder. Dnee. =' ryness. *12ST*:2. /rostate 1land. ower ac!. @' #oldness. 2C#42T4. Sciatic $erve. ower egs. "n!les. ind (thoracic section of spine). 0umidity (lumbar section of spine). ryness (sacral section of spine). #oldness (coccyx). 89 vertebrae of thoracic spine connected anatomical with twelve rib pairs. Together with sternum, they protect vitally important internal organs of thoracic and abdominal cavities. Tririgin improves in condition of spinal problems, further repairs it, and strengthening the vertebrates. The $ature of problem may be related to anyI be it of Sciatica. Spasm. "trophy #erebral. "trophy ?uscles. #ervical. #ervical Stiffness. #ervical emyelinationJ lac! of sensitivity throughout the body. ower ac! "che. umbar pain. :ertebral Stiffness. steo diffuse. 3terine myoma. egenerative disease. umbar. Sacral.
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