1 to 2 tmes foun! "th bac# logs or no DLL/DLP n an$ learnng area !urng the regular chec#ng of DLL/DLP% DLL/DLP%
DLL/DLP "ere submtte! on tme base! on the agree! regular chec#ng of DLL/DLP
DLL/DLP "ere submtte! one DLL/DLP "ere submtte! t"o DLL/DLP are submtte! three !a$ late base! on the agree! !a$s late base! on the agree! !a$s late base! on the regular chec#ng of DLL/DLP regular chec#ng of DLL/DLP agree! regular chec#ng of DLL/DLP
& tmes foun! "th bac# logs or ' tmes foun! "th bac# logs 5 tmes foun! "th bac# logs no DLL/DLP n an$ learnng or no DLL/DLP n an$ learnng or no DLL/DLP n an$ of the area !urng the regular area !urng the regular learnng area !urng the chec#ng of DLL/DLP chec#ng of DLL/DLP regular chec#ng of DLL/DLP
(tl)e! approprate *Ms an! (tl)aton of approprate *Ms teachng strateges "ere e+!ent an! teachng strateges "ere f ,5 to 100 of the learners learners e+!ent f 60 to ,' of the got ,5 or abo+e of the g+en learners got ,5 or abo+e of format+e or summat+e test as the g+en format+e or reflecte! n the class recor!% summat+e test%
(tl)aton of approprate *Ms an! teachng strateges "ere e+!ent f '5 to 5. of the learners got ,5 or abo+e of the g+en format+e or summat+e test%
ll prepare! *Ms coul! be use! ll prepare! *Ms coul! be for t"o or more $ears use! for one $ear
ll prepare! *Ms coul! be use! ll prepare! *Ms coul! be for s months use! for three months
(tl)e! +are! learnng eperences/ct+tes that caters to 5 M*s as reflecte! n the DLL/DLP
. &et !ta")ar)! for June $la!! )i!$ipli"e7 r*le!7 2015a") i")ivi)*al a") (ro*p March ta!. 59=8
*pil+&t*)e"t '. Mo"itore)7 eval*ate) June mai"tai"e) p*pil!2 2015O*t$ome! a") pro(re!!5'>=8 March 2016
(tl)e! +are! learnng (tl)e! +are! learnng eperences/ct+tes that eperences/ct+tes that caters to ' M*s as reflecte! n caters to & M*s as reflecte! n the DLL/DLP the DLL/DLP
(tl)aton of approprate *Ms an! teachng strateges "ere e+!ent f &5 to '' of the learners got ,5 or abo+e of the g+en format+e or summat+e test%
DLL/DLP are submtte! four !a$s late base! on the agree! regular chec#ng of DLL/DLP (tl)aton of approprate *Ms an! teachng strateges "ere e+!ent f &' an! belo" of the learners got ,5 or abo+e of the g+en format+e or summat+e test% prepare! *Ms coul! be use! for once onl$
(tl)e! +are! learnng eperences/ct+tes that caters to 2 M*s as reflecte! n the DLL/DLP
(tl)e! +are! learnng eperences/ct+tes that caters to 1 M*s as reflecte! n the DLL/DLP
2 of the follo"ng "ere obser+e! 1% Cleanlness an! proper "aste !sposal 2% ren!l$ en+ronment% &% esponsble to n!+!ual an! group tas#% '% Complance to school an! classroom polces% 5% Lea!ershp
1 of the follo"ng "ere obser+e! 1% Cleanlness an! proper "aste !sposal 2% ren!l$ en+ronment% &% esponsble to n!+!ual an! group tas#% '% Complance to school an! classroom polces% 5% Lea!ershp
5 of the follo"ng "ere obser+e! ' of the follo"ng "ere 1% Cleanlness an! proper "aste obser+e! !sposal 1% Cleanlness an! proper 2% ren!l$ en+ronment% "aste !sposal &% esponsble to n!+!ual an! 2% ren!l$ en+ronment% group tas#% &% esponsble to n!+!ual '% Complance to school an! an! group tas#% classroom polces% '% Complance to school an! 5% Lea!ershp classroom polces% 5% Lea!ershp
& of the follo"ng "ere obser+e! 1% Cleanlness an! proper "aste !sposal 2% ren!l$ en+ronment% &% esponsble to n!+!ual an! group tas#% '% Complance to school an! classroom polces% 5% Lea!ershp
Con!ucte! assessment on learners performance thru "rtten an! at least ' authentc authentc assessment e+er$ ratng pero! supporte! b$ the follo"ng
QUALI#6 Con!ucte! assessment on Con!ucte! assessment on Con!ucte! assessment on learners performance thru learners performance thru learners performance thru "rtten an! 2 authentc "rtten an! 1 authentc "rtten onl$ e+er$ ratng assessment e+er$ ratng pero! assessment e+er$ ratng pero! supporte! b$ the supporte! b$ the follo"ng pero! supporte! b$ the follo"ng e+!ences3
% Con!ucte! assessment on learners performance thru "rtten an! & authentc assessment e+er$ ratng pero! supporte! b$ the
R A # I N G
& C O R E
e+!ences3 1% 4able of pecfcaton 2% 4est *tem ban# &% Learners Portfolo '% ubrcs on the !fferent performance tas#% 5% Class ecor!/eclass recor!
follo"ng e+!ences3 1% 4able of pecfcaton 2% 4est *tem ban# &% Learners Portfolo '% ubrcs on the !fferent performance tas#% 5% Class ecor!/ eclass recor!
e+!ences3 1% 4able of pecfcaton 2% 4est *tem ban# &% Learners Portfolo '% ubrcs on the !fferent performance tas#% 5% Class ecor!/ eclass recor!
follo"ng e+!ences3 1% 4able of pecfcaton 2% 4est *tem ban# &% Learners Portfolo '% ubrcs on the !fferent performance tas#% 5% Class ecor!/ eclass recor!
1% 4able of pecfcaton 2% 4est *tem ban# &% Learners Portfolo '% Class ecor!/ eclass recor!
#IMELINE&& Learners performances "ere Learners performances "ere Learners performances "ere Learners performances e+aluate! 10 !a$s after e+er$ e+aluate! 15 !a$s after e+er$ e+aluate! 20 !a$s after e+er$ "ere e+aluate! 1month after ratng pero!% ratng pero!% ratng pero!% e+er$ ratng pero!% QUALI#6 Con!ucte! at least ' Con!ucte! & Con!ucte! 2 Con!ucte! 1 Con!ucte! 1 reme!aton/enrchment reme!aton/enrchment reme!aton/enrchment reme!aton/enrchment reme!aton/enrchment program supporte! b$ the program supporte! b$ the program supporte! b$ the program supporte! b$ the program "thout support follo"ng e+!ences follo"ng e+!ences follo"ng e+!ences follo"ng e+!ences !ocuments 1% format+e an! summat+e test 1% format+e an! summat+e 1% format+e an! summat+e 1% format+e an! summat+e anal$ss test anal$ss test anal$ss test anal$ss 2% reme!aton/enrchment plan 2% reme!aton/enrchment 2% reme!aton/enrchment plan 2% reme!aton/enrchment &% *Ms7 ct+t$ sheets plan &% *Ms7 ct+t$ sheets plan '% *C4 a!e! nstructon &% *Ms7 ct+t$ sheets '% *C4 a!e! nstructon &% *Ms7 ct+t$ sheets '% *C4 a!e! nstructon '% *C4 a!e! nstructon E//ICIENC6 *Ms7 act+t$ sheets7 *C4 a!e! *Ms7 act+t$ sheets7 *C4 a!e! *Ms7 act+t$ sheets7 *C4 a!e! *Ms7 act+t$ sheets7 *C4 *Ms7 act+t$ sheets7 *C4 materals can be utl)e! for at materals can be utl)e! for 1 materals can be utl)e! for 1 a!e! materals can be a!e! materals can be least t"o $ears% $ear semester onl$ utl)e! for a month utl)e! for 1 sesson onl$% % % % % #IMELINE&& Con!ucte! the approprate Con!ucte! the approprate Con!ucte! the approprate Con!ucte! the approprate Con!ucte! the approprate nter+entons 2 !a$s after nter+entons & !a$s after nter+entons ' !a$s after nter+entons 5 !a$s after nter+entons 6 !a$s after !etermnng learners nee!ng !etermnng learners nee!ng !etermnng learners nee!ng !etermnng learners !etermnng learners nter+enton% nter+enton nter+enton nee!ng nter+enton nee!ng nter+enton QUALI#6 ll of the follo"ng recor!s "ere oun! once an$ of the oun! t"ce an$ of the oun! thrce an$ of the oun! ' tmes an$ of the mantane! an! up!ate!% follo"ng recor!s not up!ate! follo"ng recor!s not up!ate! follo"ng recor!s not follo"ng recor!s recor!s not !urng regular chec#ng of !urng regular chec#ng of up!ate! !urng regular up!ate! !urng regular 819 orm 18class a!+ser9 recor!s% recor!s% chec#ng of recor!s chec#ng of recor!s% 829 orm 28class a!+ser9 819 orm 18class a!+ser9 819 orm 18class a!+ser9 819 orm 18class a!+ser9 819 orm 18class a!+ser9 8&9 orm & 829 orm 28class a!+ser9 829 orm 28class a!+ser9 829 orm 28class a!+ser9 829 orm 28class a!+ser9 8'9 orm 58class a!+ser9 8&9 orm & 8&9 orm & 8&9 orm & 8&9 orm & 859 Class ecor!/e-class recor! 8'9 orm 58class a!+ser9 8'9 orm 58class a!+ser9 8'9 orm 58class a!+ser9 8'9 orm 58class a!+ser9 859 Class ecor!/e-class 859 Class ecor!/e-class 859 Class ecor!/e-class 859 Class ecor!/e-class recor! recor! recor! recor! #IMELINE&& ubmtte! up!ate! recor!s on ubmtte! up!ate! recor!s ubmtte! up!ate! recor!s 2 ubmtte! up!ate! recor!s & ubmtte! up!ate! recor!s or before the set !ate for one !a$ late of the set !ate !a$s late of the set !ate for !a$s late of the set !ate for ' !a$s late of the set !ate submsson/chec#ng for submsson/ chec#ng submsson / chec#ng submsson /chec#ng for submsson / chec#ng QUALI#6 Con!ucte! at least ' teacher Con!ucte! & teacher parent Con!ucte! 2 teacher parent Con!ucte! 1 teacher parent Con!ucte! teacher parent parent conferences an! home conferences an! home conferences an! home conferences an! home conferences an! home +staton to stu!ents nee!ng +staton to stu!ents nee!ng +staton to stu!ents nee!ng +staton to stu!ents nee!ng +staton to stu!ents montorng supporte! "th the montorng supporte! "th the montorng supporte! "th the montorng supporte! "th the nee!ng montorng "thout follo"ng !ocuments% follo"ng !ocuments% follo"ng !ocuments% follo"ng !ocuments% support !ocument% 1% nec!otal recor! of stu!ents% 1% nec!otal recor! of 1% nec!otal recor! of 1% nec!otal recor! of 2% tten!ance !urng conference stu!ents% stu!ents% stu!ents% &% greement 2% tten!ance !urng 2% tten!ance !urng 2% tten!ance !urng '% referral slp !ul$ sgne! b$ the conference conference conference gu!ance offce or chool hea!% &% greement &% greement &% greement '% referral slp !ul$ sgne! b$ '% referral slp !ul$ sgne! b$ '% referral slp !ul$ sgne! b$ the gu!ance offce or chool the gu!ance offce or chool the gu!ance offce or chool hea!% hea!% hea!% Learners performances "ere e+aluate! 1 "ee# after e+er$ ratng pero!%
<. Co")*$te) June reme)iatio"+e"ri$%me"t 2015pro(ram! to improve lear"er!2 performa"$e March 2016 59=8
QUALI#6 Charman/*ntate! of 2 project/e+ent/ act+t$ supporte! "th !ocumpents l#e proposal7 termnal report7 certfcate of recognton7 re:uest7 n+taton7 etc%
an! home +staton con!ucte! an! home +staton 15 !a$s after :uarterl$ con!ucte! 20 !a$s after eamnaton% :uarterl$ eamnaton%
an! home +staton con!ucte! 25 !a$s after :uarterl$ eamnaton%
QUALI#6 t"o of the e+!ences not satsfe!
four of the e+!ences not satsfe!
three of the e+!ences not satsfe!
#IMELINE&& ;rgan)e!7 con!ucte! an! ;rgan)e!7 con!ucte! an! ;rgan)e!7 con!ucte! an! submtte! reports one "ee# submtte! reports t"o "ee#s submtte! reports three after the set target !ate after the set target !ate "ee#s after the set target !ate Mermber of a commttee of 2 project/e+ent/ act+t$ supporte! "th !ocumpents l#e proposal7 termnal report7 certfcate of recognton7 re:uest7 n+taton7 etc%
Charman/*ntate! of 1 project/e+ent/ act+t$ supporte! "th !ocumpents l#e proposal7 termnal report7 certfcate of recognton7 re:uest7 n+taton7 etc%
;rgan)e!7 con!ucte! an! submtte! reports one month after the set target !ate
Member of a commttee of 1 Propose! an act+t$/ e+ent/ project/e+ent/ project% act+t$ supporte! "th !ocumpents l#e proposal7 termnal report7 certfcate of recognton7 re:uest7 n+taton7 etc%
E//ICIENC6 ubmtte! project proposal "th Project proposal "as returne! Project proposal "as returne! Proj Project e ct prop propos osal al "as "asProject proposal "as no re+son 8Complete parts/once "th re+son base! fromt"ce "th re+son base! from returne! returne! more than thrcereturne! for major re+son !ocumentaton9 D > >C s ug ugg es est o ns ns7 D>C suggestons7 comments "th re+son base! from8total re+son/ !sappro+e!9 =e:uest Letter to the comments an!an! recommen!aton D >C >C s ug ugg es es tt on on s7 s7 baranga$/ C 9 an! =?rte-up #IMELINE&& *mplemente!/ser+e! project7 *mplemente!/ser+e! project7 *mplemente!/ser+e! project7 *mplemente!/ser+e! project7 e+ent act+t$ "thn the target e+ent act+t$ one "ee# after *mplemente!/ser+e! project7 e+ent act+t$ t"o months e+ent act+t$ three months !ate% the target !ate% e+ent act+t$ one month after after the target !ate% after the target !ate the target !ate%
<9= <. &erve) a! $oa$%+ fa$ilitator+#e$%"i$al
an! home +staton con!ucte! 10 !a$s after :uarterl$ eamnaton%
Con!ucte! the acton ppro+e! research proposal research an! t ermnal report an! n the process of not complete!% mplementaton%
ubmtte! research proposal *!entfe! learnng problems for appro+al% an! n the process of "rtng the proposal
4he cton esearch "as returne! once for mnor correctons
4he cton esearch "as returne! t"ce for mnor correctons
4he cton esearch "as 4he cton esearch "as returne! for re+son of some returne! for complete parts re+son
Complete! the cton esearch a month after the planne! tme frame
D! not complete the cton D! not attempt to complete esearch "thn the ratng the cton esearch "thn pero! the ratng pero!%
#IMELINE&&: Complete! the cton esearch Complete! the cton "thn the tme frame esearch a "ee# after the planne! tme frame QUALI#6 @arnere! an a"ar! at the @arnere! 1 a"ar! at the
@arnere! * a"ar! at the !strct Partcpate! n 2 co-currcular Partcpate! n 1 co-
Offi$ial! i" e@tra a") $o, $*rri$*lar a$tivitie!. 59=8 ;. ro)*$e) p*-li$atio"+ $reative wor for !$%ool rofe!!io"al paper+)ivi!io" Growt% a") p*-li$atio"+Comm*"ity Dev2t paper or $ompo!e a"y literary pie$e! for $o"te!t p*rpo!e!. 59=8 . Atte")e) #rai"i"(!+ 4or!%op!+ &emi"ar! 59=8
regonal le+el competton of an$ !+son le+el competton of currcular act+tes or ser+e! as currcular act+tes or ser+e! techncal offcal n 1 coas techncal offcal offcal n cocurrcular act+tes at the currcular act+tes at the regonal le+el% !+son le+el
March 2016
QUALI#6 Pro!uce! 2 publcatons or creat+e "or# publshe! n a communt$ paper or compose! an$ lterar$ peces for contest purposes%
le+el competton of currcular act+tes act+tes for elem an! school t the !+son le+el le+el for sec% or ser+e! as techncal offcal n 1 cocurrcular act+tes at the !strct or school le+el
Pro!uce! 1 publcaton or Pro!uce! 1 publcaton or creat+e "or# publshe! n a creat+e "or# publshe! n a communt$ paper or D+son Paper compose! an$ pece for contest purposes%
Pro!uce! 1 publcaton or creat+e "or# publshe! n a school paper
currcular act+tes at !strct ct le+el for elementar$ an! !+son le+el for secon!ar$
(npublshe! "or# pro!uce!
March 2016
June 2015March 2016
QUALI#6 tten!e! at least 5 tten!e! at least ' tten!e! at least & tten!e! at least 2 4ranngs/"or#shops/semnars 4ranngs/"or#shops/semnar 4ranngs/"or#shops/semnars 4ranngs/"or#shops/semn con!ucte! b$ the Department of s con!ucte! b$ the or an$ tranng en!orse! b$ ars con!ucte! b$ the >!ucaton or an$ tranng Department of >!ucaton >!ucaton or !epe! authortes Department of >!ucaton en!orse! b$ !epe! authortes an$ tranng en!orse! b$ !epe! authortes
'. Mai"tai"e) > )rop o*t 2015rate5;=8 March
1 !ropout
2 !ropouts
& !ropouts
tten!e! at least 1 4ranng/"or#shop/semnar con!ucte! b$ the Department of >!ucaton