PCP No. ______
Revision Code: 00
Department of Education
Position Title Parent"eti#al Title O$$i#e %nit Re'orts to Position S*'er&ised
Salary Grade
Master Teacher I-I
E$$e#ti&ity Date Pa(e)s
+O, S%MMARY Performs !0-"0# teachin$ %oad& ta'es char$e of curricu%um enrichment( teacher coachin$)mentorin$( profesiona% deve%opment (research( communit* in'a$es( + professiona% deve%opment, and provided at %east 0# assistance to schoo% head in pro$ram imp%ementation. %ALIFICATION STANDARDS A.
CSC Pres#ri.ed *ali$i#ations Education ache%or of E%ementar*)/econdar* Education or ache%or1s de$ree p%us p%us 23 professiona% professiona% uit in Education and 23 units for a Master1s de$ree in Education or its e4uiva%ent +MT-I,( ache%or of E%ementar*)/econdar* Education or ache%or1s de$ree p%us 23 professiona% uit in Education and 5 units for a Master1s de$ree in Education or its e4uiva%ent +MT-II,( Comp%etion of academic re4uirements for a Master1s de$ree in Education or its e4uiva%ent +MT-III -I, E6perience ! *ears of re%evant e6perience +MT-I,( +MT-I,( 2 *ear as MT-I or 5 *ears as Teacher Teacher III +MT-II,( 2 *ear as Master Teacher Teacher II or " *ears as Teacher III +MT-III,( 2 *ear as Master Teacher III or " *ears as Teacher III +MT-I, E%i$ E%i$i ii%i%itit** R7 2030 2030 Trainin$s None re4uires +MT-I,( +MT-I,( 5 hours of re%evant re%evant trainin$ +MT-II,( +MT-II,( 3 hours of re%evant trainin$ +MT-III,( +MT-III,( 28 hours of re%evant trainin$ +MT-I, B. Pre$erred *ali$i#ations Educat Education ion Master Masterss De$ree De$ree 9rad 9raduat uatee E6perience E6perience ! *ears in service service as Teacher eacher III III E%i$ii%it* E%i$ii%it* icensure icensure E6amination E6amination for Teachers eachers Train Trainin$ in$ss Re%eva Re%evant nt traini trainin$s n$s
D%TIES AND RESPONSI,ILITIES Master Teacher I 1. 7ttends professiona% meetin$s( in-service trainin$s and re%ated activities for se%f-$ro;th and advancement. 2. Prepares dai%* %o$s and visua% aids re%ated to the %esson . 3. Conducts remedia% episodes c%asses for s%o; %earners 4.
serves proper decorum 9. Conducts echo seminars for co-teachers. 10. Mentors co-teachers in content and s'i%%s difficu%ties 11. ?e%ps in the proper and accurate dissemination)imp%ementation of schoo% po%icies. 12. 7ssists principa%s in instructiona% monitorin$ of teachers. 13. 9uides co-teachers in the performance of duties and responsii%ities 14. eads in the preparation and enrichment of curricu%um& %eads in the discussion of professiona% ideas( pro%ems( issues and concerns 15. Initiates pro@ects and pro$rams that ;i%% enhance the curricu%um and its de%iver* 16. Ma'es the needed instructiona% materia%s avai%a%e to teachers and students 17. 7ssists schoo% heads in c%ass monitorin$ 18. Conducts in-depth studies or action researches on instructiona% pro%ems 19. Coordinates ;ith the $rade chairman in disseminatin$ information aout schoo% pro%ems( a;ards( promotion 20. Conducts demonstration teachin$( sharin$ effective techni4ues or strate$ies and he%ps identif* potentia% demonstration teachers 21. Monitors the maintenance of discip%ine et;een and amon$ teachers and %earners 22. 7ssists in desi$nin$ capacit* deve%opment pro$rams for teachers 23. /erves
as trainer in schoo%-ased IN/ET
24. Eva%uates teacher-made tests and interpret resu%ts 25. Chec's
re$u%ar%* %esson p%ans of teachers in the assi$ned $rade)su@ect area re$u%ar teachin$ %oad for the $rade)su@ect area 27. /erves as a demonstration teacher Master Teacher II-III 1. Provides technica% assistance to teachers to improve their competencies 2. Ta'es active participation in the p%annin$ and imp%ementation of trainin$ pro$rams in schoo%( district and division %eve%s 3. Initiates improvement in instructiona% pro$rams 26. Carries
eads in the preparation of instructiona% materia%s Introduces innovative teachin$ approaches and strate$ies 6. /erves as demonstration teacher( faci%itator or resource person at the schoo% %eve% 7. Performs re$u%ar c%ass monitorin$ usin$ process oservation too%s 8. 7ssists the schoo% se%ection committee in the eva%uation of credentia%s ;hen hirin$ or promotin$ teachers A. Represents the schoo% in conferences or events as de%e$ated * the schoo% head 10. Conducts post conferences ;ith teachers for feedac' on teachin$-%earnin$ process 11. Participates active%* in schoo% strate$ic p%annin$ process invo%vin$ interna% and e6terna% sta'eho%ders 12. Carries re$u%ar teachin$ %oads for the assi$ned $rade)su@ect 13. Conducts at %east one action research ever* *ear 14. Ta'es char$e of the schoo% readin$ recover* pro$ram( remedia% and)or enrichment pro$ram 15. Teaches)Ta'es over the c%ass if the assi$ned teacher is asent& ;or's e*ond officia% time 16. Enriches the curricu%um of his)her fie%d of specia%i=ation 2B. /erves as >IC of the schoo% in the asence of the schoo% head 18. unctions as head)coordinator of the department in the asence of an ?ead Teacher)Department ?ead 19. Conso%idates and interprets competenc* assessment resu%ts ".
20. Desi$ns
and va%idates trainin$ pro$rams for teachers
21. Chec's( improves and prepares samp%e %esson p%ans for the assi$ned $rade)su@ect area 22. Interprets test resu%ts and uti%i=es them for improvement of instruction 23. ?e%ps identif* potentia% demonstration teachers 24. 9ives demonstration to ne;)strivin$ teachers
Ma/or Final O*t'*ts 0MFOs
2ey Res*lt Areas 02RAs •
Professiona% 9ro;th and
7ction research
Deve%opment 0!3
Instructiona% Competence
05!3 •
Instructiona% /upervision
05!3 •
research re%ated to schoo% or c%assroom concerns) pro%ems durin$ the *ear 043 Participated in seminars( ;or'shops( trainin$s ;ithin a *ear +division( re$iona% or nationa%, 043 /erved as demonstration teacher 01!3 ?and%ed teachin$ %oads ever* *ear 01!3 7chieved at %east # increase from the previous *ear1s students performance at the end of the schoo% *ear 01!3 7ttained 200# of the re4uired %earnin$ competencies for the students in ever* 4uarter 01!3 Increased N7T performance * # from previous *ear1s performance 01!3 >served 200# of the teachers ever* 4uarter 01!3 Conducted at %east ! mentorin$) coachin$ activities ;ith teachers 4uarter%* 0!3 Eva%uated teachers1 performance t;ice a *ear. 01!3
7;ards)reco$nitions for the *ear
Documented demonstration
teachin$ Teachin$ %oad
# increase from the previous *ear1s annua% student performance
200# master* of %earnin$ competencies N7T Performance increased * # from previous *ear1s performance
uarter%* oservation forms for teachers accomp%ished ! documented mentorin$)coachin$ activities per 4uarter c. 7ccomp%ished teacher1s eva%uation report
O./e#ti&es •
O*tstandin( 04 act ion
research re%ated schoo% concerns)pro%ems ;ithin a *ear
7%% " must e satisfied: 2. 7ction research conducted and uti%i=ed division ;ide supported * the fo%%o;in$ evidences . Research proposa% + comp%ete format, !. Research Report +comp%ete f ormat hi$h%i$htin$ findin$s and recommendations, 5. Propos ed %earnin$ int ervent ions and pro$rams ". Proposed ME for resu%ts)outcomes •
seminars);or'shops)trai nin$s for teachers in specific %earnin$ areas ;ithin the schoo% *ear
Per$or6an#e Indi#ators 7ery Satis$a#tory Satis$a#tory 05 0
5 out of the " must e satisfied: •
! out of the " must e satisfied: •
conducted and uti%i=ed division ;ide ;ith re4uired evidences
seminars);or'shops) trainin$s for teachers in specific %earnin$ areas +supported * evidence)assessment reports,
Poor 01
7ction research
conducted ut not uti%i=ed
7c tion
research conducted
conducted and uti%i=ed * the schoo%)district ;ide ;ith re4uired evidences
seminars);or'shops) trainin$s for teachers in specific %earnin$ areas +supported * evidence)assessment reports,
%nsatis$a#tory 0
seminars);or'shops) trainin$s for teachers in specific %earnin$ areas +supported * evidence)assessment reports,
seminars) ;or'shop) trainin$s for teachers in specific %earnin$ areas +supported * evidence)asses sment reports, Did not meet
seminar) ;or'shop) trainin$ for teachers in specific %earnin$ areas +supported * evidence)assess ment reports, Did not meet the
O*tstandin( 04
%oads ever* *ear
/erved as demonstration
teacher for schoo%)division %eve% trainin$s 7chieved # increase
teachin$ %oad for the *ear p%us c%u moderator
Comp%eted the re4uired
Increased in the N7T performance and 9/7 of the schoo% ased on the resu%ts of the previous *ear)s
# increase for
E6ceeded the re4uired
from the previous schoo% *ear1s student peformance +in MP/ or 9/7, and ;ith remediation offered to students The re4uired %earnin$
%earnin$ competencies for students per 4uarter and comp%eted for the schoo% *ear •
More than # increase in the N7T performance and 9/7 ased on the resu%ts of the previous *ear
teachin$ %oad for the *ear p%us e6tra c%ass %oad in case of an asent fe%%o; teacher ! %esson
# increase for consecutive *ears in N7T performance and 9/7 from the previous *ears resu%ts
%esson demonstrations
# increase in student
Comp%eted the re4uired
# increase in N7T performance and 9/7 from the resu%ts of the previous *ear
N7T performance and 9/7 remained the same as that of the previous *ear1s resu%ts
No improvement in student performance +in MP/ of 9/7,
%earnin$ competencies in per 4uart er ;ere comp%eted ut not on time •
demonstration served
improvement in student peformance +in MP/ or 9/7,
%earnin$ competencies in ever* 4uarter and on time
re4uired teachin$ %oads for the *ear
demonstration served
peformance +in MP/ or 9/7,
Poor 01
the re4uired teachin$ %oad for the *ear
competencies for students per 4uarter ;ere comp%eted
%nsatis$a#tory 0
teachin$ %oad for the *ear
demonstrations served
consecutive schoo% *ears student peformance +in MP/ or 9/7,
%earnin$ competencies for the students in ever* 4uarter for the $rade %eve% •
5 %esson demonstrations served
from previous *ear1s students performance * the end of schoo% *ear
Per$or6an#e Indi#ators 7ery Satis$a#tory Satis$a#tory 05 0
>n%* "0# and e%o; of the re4uired competencies in each 4uarter ;ere comp%eted
No improvement in the performance resu%ts
O./e#ti&es •
>served 200# of the
O*tstandin( 04 •
teachers under his)her direct supervision in the schoo% ;ith post conference in ever* 4uarter
Mana$ed performance of teachers fo%%o;in$ the RPM/ c*c%e +p%annin$ and commitments( coachin$ and monitorin$( revie; and eva%uation and deve%opment p%annin$,
his)her direct supervision ;ere oserved ;ith post conference and comp%ete teacher oservation reports he%d ever* 4uarter
mentorin$)coachin$ pro$ram to teachers in the schoo% on 4uarter%* asis
Per$or6an#e Indi#ators 7ery Satis$a#tory Satis$a#tory 05 0
" and aove teacher
Eva%uated a%% teachers under his)her direct supervision ! da*s ahead of tar$et date fo%%o;in$ the RPM/ frame;or' c*c%e ;ith correspondin$ reports)documentations
his)her direct supervision ;ere oserved ;ith comp%ete accomp%ished teacher oservation forms and pos t conference reports( he%d ever* 4uarter
mentorin$ )coachin$ sessions ;ere conducted in ever* 4uarter + ;ith report,
teacher mentorin$
Eva%uated a%% teachers under his)her direct supervision fo%%o;in$ the RPM/ frame;or' c*c%e 2 da* ahead of tar$et date ;ith correspondin$ reports)documentations
his)her direct supervision ;ere ;ith teacher oservation forms and post conference reports( he%d in ever* 4uarter
)coachin$ sessions conducted in ever* 4uarter +;ith report,
%nsatis$a#tory 0
teachers under his)her direct supervision ;ere ut ;ith incomp%ete teacher oservation forms and post conference reports( he%d ever* 4uarter 2- teacher
mentorin$ )coachin$ sessions conducted in ever* 4uarter +;ith report, Eva%uated "0#
)coachin$ sessions conducted in ever* 4uarter +;ith report,
Eva%uated a%% teachers under his)her direct supervision on tar$et date fo%%o;in$ the RPM/ frame;or' c*c%e ;ith correspondin$ reports)documentations
of teachers under his)her direct supervision out side t he tar$et date fo%%o;in$ RPM/ frame;or' c*c%e
Poor 01 •
under his)her direct supervision ;ere ut ;ith incomp%ete ;ith teacher oservation forms and post conference reports( he%d in ever* 4uarter •
mentorin$ )coachin$ sessions conduct ed in ever* 4uarter +;ith report, Eva%uated %ess
than "0# and e%o; of teachers under his)her direct supervision outside the tar$et date fo%%o;in$ the RPM/ frame;or' c*c%e