Rangkuman Materi Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 I.
PRONOUN Pronoun dalam bahasa Indonesia yaitu kata ganti. Kata ganti terdiri dari SAYA, KAMU, DIA, KAMI, KITA, dan MEEKA. Ya intinya se!erti itu lah, gue "o!as dari #eb.
Aku Kamu Dia (cowo) Dia (cewe) Hewan/ben
1 I You You $e She It
2 Me You $im $er It
3 My Your $ is $er Its
da Kita/kami Mereka
%e They
Us Them
&ur Their
Udah tau "ara masukinnya di kalimat blom gengs' 1. We are going to the (oo. Dipakenya di depan, sebagai subjek. 2. Tia al#ays "alls them. Dipakenya di belakang, sebagai objek. 3. Her shirt is dirtier than mine. kepunyaan . Pokoknya buat nunjukin kepunyaan. Jangan lupa ya bahwa [ Its Its ] dan [ It’s ] itu tidak tidak sama.
TENSES 1) Sim!e Sim!e Presen Presentt
umus) *+ s + - + o /She eats !i((a e-ery day.0 *1 s + "#$"#es + n#t + - + o /She "#es n#t eat !i((a e-ery day.0 *' %#$"#es + s + - + o + ' /%#es she eat !i((a e-ery day'0 Present ntinu#us umus) *+ s + is2am2are + -1ing + o /She is eating !i((a right no#.0 *1 s + is2am2are + n#t + -1ing + o /She is n#t eating !i((a right no#.0 *' Is2am2are + s + -1ing + o + ' /Is she eating !i((a right no#'0 Present Per'e(t umus) *+ s + ha-e2has + -3 + o /She has eaten the #hole !i((a.0 *1 s + ha-e2has + n#t + -3 + o /She has n#t eaten the #hole !i((a.0 *' $a-e2has + s + -3 + o + ' /$as she eaten the #hole !i((a'0 Present Per'e(t ntinu#us umus) *+ s + ha-e2has + been + -1ing + o /She has been eating the #hole !i((a.0 *1 s + ha-e2has + n#t + been + -1ing + o /She has n#t been eating the #hole !i((a.0 *' $a-e2has + s + been + -1ing + o + ' /$as she been eating the #hole !i((a'0 Sim!e Past umus) *+ s + -4 + o /She ate !i((a yesterday.0 *1 s + "i" + n#t + -4 + o /She "i" n#t eat !i((a yesterday.0 *' %i" + s + - + o + ' /%i" she eat !i((a yesterday'0 Past ntinu#us umus) *+ s + #as2#ere + -1ing + o /She #as eating !i((a #hen I arri-ed.0 *1 s + #as2#ere + n#t + -1ing + o /She #as n#t eating !i((a #hen I arri-ed.0 *' %as2#ere + s + -1ing + o + ' /%as she eating !i((a #hen I arri-ed'0 Past Per'e(t umus)
*+ s + had + -3 + o /She had eaten the #hole !i((a.0 *1 s + had + n#t + -3 + o /She had n#t eaten the #hole !i((a.0 *' $ad + s + -3 + o + ' /$ad she eaten the #hole !i((a'0 -) Past Per'e(t ntinu#us umus) *+ s + had + been + -1ing + o /She had been eating the #hole !i((a.0 *1 s + had + n#t + been + -1ing + o /She had n#t been eating the #hole !i((a.0 *' $ad + s + been + -1ing + o + ' /$ad she been eating the #hole !i((a'0 ) Sim!e /uture umus) *+ s + #ill + - + o /She #ill eat !i((a tonight.0 *1 s + #ill + n#t + - + o /She #ill n#t eat !i((a tonight.0 *' Do2does + s + - + o + ' /%ill she eat !i((a tonight'0 10) /uture ntinu#us umus) *+ s + #ill be + -1ing + o /She #ill be eating !i((a tonight.0 *1 s + #ill + n#t + be + -1ing + o /She #ill n#t be eating !i((a tonight.0 *' %ill + s + be + -1ing + o + ' /%ill she be eating !i((a tonight'0 11) /uture Per'e(t umus) *+ s + #ill ha-e + -3 + o /She #ill ha-e eaten the #hole !i((a.0 *1 s + #ill ha-e + n#t + -3 + o /She #ill ha-e n#t eaten the #hole !i((a.0 *' %ill + s + ha-e + -3 + o + ' /%ill she ha-e eaten the #hole !i((a'0 12) /uture Per'e(t ntinu#us umus) *+ s + #ill ha-e + been + -1ing + o /She #ill ha-e been eating the #hole !i((a.0 *1 s + #ill ha-e + n#t + been + -1ing + o /She #ill ha-e n#t been eating the #hole !i((a.0 *' %ill + s + ha-e + been + -1ing + o + ' /%ill she ha-e been eating the #hole !i((a'0
5adi intinya kalo present ya di masa sekarang, -erb nya - yang biasa.
Kalo past ya masa lam!au masa lalu udh le#at, -erb nya -4. Is$am$are nya berubah 6adi as$ere karena di masa lam!au. Future ya masa de!an, -erb nya biasa ta!i di kalimat ada kata #ill2shall2going to dll. 7a !erlu !ake *is2am2are. Kalimat simple itu ya yang sim!le #k#k. ontinuous itu berlangsung.
ing ,
kegiatannya sedang
Per!e"t itu yang !ake ha-e2has, !ake had kalo lam!au. 8erb nya !ake -3. Kalo Per!e"t ontinuous berarti di kalimatnya ada hae$has$ha" 4een er45 ing. 5adiii kalo nentuin 6enis kalimat gausah bingung lagi, tinggal inget inget a6a kata kun"inya.
P6SSI7E 6N% 6&TI7E
Tense Sim!le Present Present 9ontinuous Present Per:e"t Present Per:e"t
Tia rites the letter. Tia is riting the letter.
The letter is ritten by Tia. The letter is 4eing ritten by
Tia has ritten the letter.
Tia. The letter has 4een ritten
Tia has 4een riting the letter.
by Tia. The letter has 4een 4eing
9ontinuous Sim!le Past
;a:a reaire" the "ar.
ritten by Tia. The "ar as reaire" by ;a:a.
Past 9ontinuous
;a:a as reairing the "ar.
The "ar as 4eing reaire"
;a:a ha" reaire" the "ar.
by ;a:a. The "ar ha" 4een reaire" by
Past Per:e"t
;a:a ha" 4een reairing the
;a:a. The "ar ha" 4een 4eing
9ontinuous Sim!le ;uture
reaire" by ;a:a. That house i!! 4e "ran by
;uture 9ontinuous
;uture Per:e"t
"ran by
;uture Per:e"t
"ran by
that house.
Past Per:e"t
4eing "ran by
=uat yang masih bingung>
Sub6ek I itu !ake 6m. Sub6ek 8#u$The9$We mereka !ake 6re. Sub6ek He$She$It mereka !ake Is. Sub6ek I$8#u$The9$We mereka !ake %#. Sub6ek He$She$It mereka !ake %#es. Untuk kalimat present, sub6ek I$8#u$The9$We mereka !ake -erb
*g#: a!k: "ra: eat: "rink: et". Untuk kalimat present, sub6ek He$She$It mereka !ake -erb 6uga
o o o o o
ta!i ditambahin s atau 5es *g#es: a!ks: "ras: eats: "rinks: o
et". itu dari /does0 oke gengs diingat ya. Untuk kalimat past, semua su4;ek !ake -erb4 *ent: a!ke": "re: "rank: et". 6angan lu!a !ake Was$Were atau Ha" —buat
kalimat per!e"t. Untuk kalimat !uture, semua su4;ek !ake -erb *g#: a!k: "ra:
eat: "rink: et". 6angan lu!a !ake Wi!!$Sha!!$
Is$6m$6re atau 4een —buat kalimat per!e"t. Kalo untuk kalimat negati-e yang sub6eknya He$She$It, -erb nya gausah ditambahin 1s atau 1es lagi. 9ontoh ? She does not dra#. @ bukan ? She does not dra#s. @ Isnt Arent %asnt %erent $a-ent $asnt
Tu6uan Menberi selamat ke!ada seseorang 7eneri" stru"ture 1 re"ei-er Penerima "ongratulation "ard 1 body
$adnt %ont %ouldnt Mustnt Shant
Unsur) Buote *kuti!an yg sesuai dengan !erisit#a, gambar, eC!ression *"ongratulations 1 sender