1. $at t%me d!es te man &et u'( A. at 5:00 a.m. a.m. B. at 6:00 a.m. C. at 7:00 a.m. ). $at t%me d!es e &et t! #!r*( A. at 7:00 a.m. a.m. B. at 8:00 a.m. C. at 9:00 a.m. +. $at d!es e d! #%t %s ,am% ar!und 6:+/ '.m.( A. They read read books together. together. B. They play games. C. They eat dinner. 0. $at d! te man and %s #%,e d! a,ter te *%ds &! t! ed( A. They wath wath T!. T!. B. They lean the ho"se. C. They listen to m"si. 5. $at %s !ne t%n& te man d!es NOT sa a!ut %s #%,e( A. #he has to take their hildren hildren to shool. shool. B. #he helps the kids with their homework. C. #he goes shopping $or $ood.
).C%r"e te etter !, te "!rre"t ans#er. E2.: /. Our !use __________ ,%3e edr!!ms. a. a3e b. has ". d!es d. d! %. &&&&&&& they ha'e a omp"ter( a. )oes b. )o . *s d. Are +. #"e doesn,t &&&&&&& brothers. a. ha'e any b. ha'e no . has any d. ha'e none -. y parents &&&&&&&& "rly hair a. do b. has . ha'e d. don,t /. A person &&&&&&& to ha'e a pet at home. a. don,t ha'e b. doesn,t ha'e . doesn,t has d. don,t has 5. ow many o"sins &&&&&& yo"r girl$riend &&&&&&&( a. do1 ha'e b. has1 does . does1 ha'e d. ha'e1does +. 4!r ea" senten"e "!!se te est #!rd !r 'rase t! "!m'ete te &a' ,r!m te "!%"es e!#: E2: /. !u *n!# Sara as t#! "%dren a s!n and a ________. 7 5. $r%te te t%me %n #!rds E9:
It’s ,%3e a,ter n%ne
dau&ter 8 &%r C usand D "!us%n %. y sister has had a baby2 so now *3m a1an &&&&&.
A. parent B. "nle C. o"sin ). grandparent grandparent +. y "nle and a"nt li'e in A"stralia2 A"stralia2 so * don3t see my &&&&&&& 'ery 'ery o$ten. A. o"sins B. sisters C. grandhildren grandhildren ). nephews -. *3'e got two brothers2 ark and #imon and a yo"nger &&&&&& alled alled ary. ary. A. nephew B. son C. girl ). sister /. * lo'e my brother2 b"t * don3t like #onia2 #onia2 his &&&&. They3'e been married $or three years. A. wi$e B. sister C. da"ghter ). girl$riend 5. *n 4ngland it3s normal to li'e with yo"r &&&&&&& &&&&&&& when yo" are %82 b"t not when yo" are 50. A. sisters B. parents C. hildren ). brothers brothers
0. $r%te te 3ers %n S%m'e 'resent !r 'resent "!nt%nu!us ,!rm. %. 4'ery onday2 #ally dri'e &&&&&&&&&& her kids to $ootball pratie. +. s"ally2 * work&&&&&&&&& as a seretary at ABT2 ABT2 b"t this s"mmer * st"dy &&&&&&&&&& renh at a lang"age shool in aris. That is why * am in aris. -. #hhhhh Be ;"iet
1. at 5:// a.m. ). at :// a.m. +. Te eat d%nner. 0. Te #at" T;. 5. Se e's te *%ds #%t te%r !me#!r*. =oman: #o2 what3s yo"r "s"al day like( >o" always seem so b"sy. an: =ell2 * "s"ally get "p aro"nd 5:00 a.m. and work on the omp"ter "ntil 6:00 a.m. =oman: =hy do yo" get "p so early( an: =ell2 * ha'e to lea'e home at twenty to se'en 6:/0 a.m. so * an ath a b"s at 7:00 o3lok . *t takes me abo"t twenty min"tes to walk to the b"s stop $rom my ho"se. =oman: And what time do yo" get to work(
an: h2 my b"s takes abo"t an ho"r to get there2 b"t it stops right in $ront o$ my o$$ie. =oman: That3s nie. And what time do yo" get o$$ work( an: h2 aro"nd 5:00 o3lok. Then2 we eat dinner aro"nd 6:-02 and my wi$e and * read and play with the kids "ntil 8:00 or so. =oman: #o2 when do yo" work on yo"r website( >o" said one time that yo" reate it at home( an: =ell2 my wi$e and * o$ten wath T! or talk "ntil %0:00 o3lok. #he then o$ten reads while * work on my site2 and * sometimes stay "p "ntil the early ho"rs o$ the morning2 b"t * try to $inish e'erything by one or two. =oman: And then yo" get "p at 5:00 a.m.( an: =ell2 yeah2 b"t it3s important to li'e a balaned li$e. * en?oy what * do2 b"t yo" ha'e to set aside time $or the $amily and yo"rsel$. =oman: * agree.
an: B"t * think my wi$e has the to"ghest ?ob. #he spends her whole day taking are o$ o"r $amily . . . taking the kids to shool2 working in the garden2 b"ying groeries2 taking the kids to piano lessons . . . @=ow *t3s a $"lltime ?ob2 b"t she en?oys what she does. =oman: =ell2 it so"nds like yo"3re a b"sy2 b"t l"ky man. an: * think so too.