Lot of guys are able to get phone number in club, then go through flakes , and even get them on dates... but then problems start to go up....what to do on date, and not be one of chumps that never get laid on date?? Most Most of guys doesn't supplicate, and that's good, but again dating is chicks court, field where they feel like home... place where just few % of guys can beat them...they dated !"" guys and been to Million of dates. #hen know each their M$& they have to do, actually they (#&)(*L+& those dating game, that they don't even have to think about it anymore - am talking about cute '' in her /"ties0.*s soon as you step into date, you just gave off all your power, and you started to play #1&) game. $k. 2hat do suggest?? 2hy 2hy should you play #1&) game, and lose, let turn tables around, and Let she play's on our court, our 3*M&... game where our )4L&5 apply. 6ust ask yourself....where ppl. 7eel most confident 8 most rela9ed?? to places where they have been million of times. will draw a line here with my sport career... am pro table tennis player-actually player-actually used to be pro0..now pro0..now where felt really confident playing match?? 1ome ofcourse, in my hall, place where have trainings everyday, plcae where won million of times, so one more time was really nothing new.same for chicks,she has been playing those dating game from her !: birthday, almost every weekend...and always - ;"% of times0 she got what she wanted.so where used to feel most uncomfortable?? #o places where haven't been before, players never played before... when was not able to predict my opponent...where things where started to lose control.... $k...lets start bullshit about theory, and lets go to money stuff. will tell you that there is no chick ch ick who is able to handle Mine or 5hark's dates... 2hat we are doing, is we invite them into our world, on our ou r field, place where she has never been before.... date she never had, so she doesn't know how to behave properly.... there is no modus operadus for mine or shark dates in her head, no routine... no ' had this before' *nd will tell you this, they fall into love really soon... 7irst... f you go to coffee shop for day/ ...(&&) choose one where table is between you. (&&)...do around your city....buy a map of city, draw on map coffee shops where lot of sofa's are inside. #hose are places where you will have future *#&5, places where you can sit ne9t to her, <($ her, palmread, high five... whatever you want, even kiss 8 finger her- did0, and table wont cockblock you... (e9t have a plan. 5tructured plan what you will do, what emotion states you want push her through.)&>*)& $ne more thing on coffee shops, in all coffee shops, there is time where lot of people hang out there... so know when they are free, and have replacement for this bar ..if bar is full-sofa you planned to use is busy0, go g o to another one.
*nother thing suggest is change venue from time to time, like you go to one bar, drink coffee, then suggest you go grab something for eat.then go to another bar@play pool@pikado@whatever... $k, listen how it looks like my date.. 2e meet in my neighborhood afternoon-:ABpm0, we go to coffee shop where few sofa's is free always.really cool place. *s we talk, become hungry, so we grab something for eat...near bakery is aCuarium center@shop. 5o we visit it, and buy one really cool fish.... - have huge aCuarium in my house0as we go back to streets...with cool fish in plastic bag...its time constraint now...fish cant L& whole eternity in small plastic bag with !@/liter of water. 5o we must go to my place...and guess what my place is / minutes walking from coffeeshops@aCuarium shop.L$L... name fish by her name-connection0...and she really likes it.5o we go to my house-let me ask you does she feel any pressure doing this??0 is se9 in air?? (o, am cool guy, with lot of things in life... really interesting...but things are going more and more deeper, so as we walk to my house, we hold hands.... #hen. *s we arrive to my place, put music on-5ting or some other intimate light@atmosphere music0 we put fish inside aCuarium, with new friends... 2e sit on sofa, drink some cheap champagne, we watch fish's in aCuarium... kiss.., then suggest we can watch movie..fuck ...etc... easy... 5o bet you want to know how much it cost me this kind of date?? Dheap champagne?? EF Doffee E! 5andwich /E 7ish "E - bought that same 751 more then /" times so far0... give them back ne9t day..... guy in shop already knows procedure when come to inside. J (ow, let me ask you... do you think any chick would resist this?? 7uck no... ts so cute 8 innocent....so charming... $h one thing forget to mention...this changing places, use this tip alot, it creates additional rapport, =3 rapport....as 'you / go through would together' frame