Chapter 1
An internship is an opportunity offered by employer for a limited period of time. The project work has been undertaken with an aim to study the organization at New Mangaluru Port Trust, Panambur. This summer internship ! done during "rd semester of M#A program by $annur %ni&ersity for ' month under the e(ternal and internal guidance. The study in&ol&es gathering of information pertaining to operations maintenance and other acti&ities of the organization. This internship helps us to bridge the gap between the academics and work process, along with an opportunity to come up with new ideas. The knowledge and e(perience gained from the internship will be useful for the future. The additional skills ac)uired will be helpful in maintaining touch with employees. 1.2 TOPIC CHOOSEN FOR THE STUDY
The topic chosen for the project is *+rganization study at NMPT, Mangaluru. -or e&ery worker in the organ ization safety and his health is most important aspect and the organization is responsible for pro&iding the re)uired pro&isions to the workers who are working in the hazardous en&ironment. Maintaining proper safety at work place and health of employees is a responsibility of the management both morally and legally for an organization. 1.3 NEED FOR THE STUDY
ork place plays a central role in people/s life, since most workers spend at least eight hours a day in the workplace, therefore, work en&ironment should be safe and healthy. 0et this is not the case for many workers. 1&ery day workers all o&er the world are faced with a multitude of health hazards. 2uring the work hours, dock workers face lot of health problems and most of the time 1
they work dangerous work en&ironment. Management should gi&e importance to the health and safety measures in the organization. 1.4 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY
+&erall study of the organization To study the &arious departments.
• • •
To analyze the product3ser&ices of the organization To focus on pro&isions gi&en by management to workers towards health 4 safety.
This study is for understanding the o&erall functioning in the organization and its &arious departments. The company should undertake measures to maintain satisfaction le&el of employees about the health and safety in the work place. 1. !ETHODO"O#Y ADOPTED
The &alue of any research is in the method adopted, it is the different methods which are used in research studies applying the theoretical subject to the study. Along with the graph and tables both primary and secondary data be used in this study./ . Primary data5
• •
nformation collection was done through )uestionnaire method. Through interaction with the workers and employees.
!econdary data
• • •
6ompany records such as fmancial statement. 6ompany administrati&e report and journals 6ompany websites.
The author 78ohn # Minor and Mary 9reen Minor/ in the book *Personnel and ndustrial :elations and Managerial Approach. n this book he has e(plained that the major feature of safety management is the de&elopment of &arious committees to encourage pre&ention. Another feature is a pro&ision for accident reports whereby companies can identify particular problems and problem areas, in addition to satisfying go&ernment reporting re)uirements. Pre&ention is done by safety training, publicity contests and control of the work en&ironment, safety inspections order and an impro&ed safety en&ironment. The later trends to be found where there is a di&ersified safety program in process and considerable top management in&ol&ement in it. The author 7P. !ubba :ao/ in his book *Personnel and ;uman :esource Management the author has e(plained that e&ery organization must put together and implement a safety policy. !ince large number of workers spend a great part of their time in an industries, their en&ironment is not usually prone to healthy life.
7Mr.P. Tamil&anan/ 6hairman of NMPT says, in safety manual book, in general safety aspects are generally ignored by majority of ndian workers in spite of safety aids, instructions, memories of accidents and dangerous occurrences residing in the minds of indi&idual workers. They o&erlook safety precautions and )uite often come to grief. The situation can only be impro&ed by corrections and repeated reminders by super&isory staff. A safety manual like this ill definitely help in bringing the need for safety and the way to achie&e safety in particular situations as gi&en. The authors 7;erbert 9 ;eneman ''', 2onald P !chwab, 8ohn A, -ossum and
significant here are safety standards created under the ;ealth and safety act.
!ince the target group under learning constitutes a &ery large portion of employees, study is limited to only few employees. n some cases the respondents were not willing to pro&ide certain informatio n inspite of being assured the confidentiality would be maintained. And the work schedule of the employees is busy and timely information carmot be gathered.
Chapter 2 4
INDUSTRY PROFI"E 2.1 INDUSTRY PROFI"E 2.1.1#e'era( )'tr*+,-t)*'
National economic de&elopment of ndia fully depends on a healthy functioning of harbour system. According to the Ministry of !hipping, appro(imately ?@ per cent of ndias )uantity by trade and BC per cent by &alue are made up through marine transport. ndia has got '" major and DCC non=major ports and 6argoes traffic, which is documented in ',C@D million metric tons EMMTF in DC'@, and it is predicted to reach ',B@G MMT by DC'B. The ndian ports and shipping industry, &ery important role is played in supporting growth in the country/s trade and commerce. The si(teenth largest marine country in the world is ndia, ha&ing a shoreline of about B,@'B km. The ndian 9o&ernment plays an significant role in sustaining the ports sector. The -oreign 2irect n&estment E-2F of up to 'CC per cent under the usual route for port and harbour construction and maintenance projects are permitted by ndian ports. t also facilitates a 'C=year ta( holiday to enterprise that de&elops, maintains and operates the ports i.e. inland waterways and inland ports. The pat
The ancient port of the ;arappan culture refers to flourishing trade through sealine in DCCC #6, according to historical references, reflecting the port related de&elopments centuries ago. The coast of ndia, with long history of maritime acti&ities, has been listed along with se&eral ancient ports. The e&idence for the e(istence lies in port related structures in the seashores. At 2waraka,
:upen #andar, Porbandar and !ulthanpur and offshores ha&e been re&ealed the e(istence of j etties by the marine archaeological e(plorations in the last three decades. +n the east coast during the !angam age, in Tamilnadu, had been the ocean commerce for the area. The ancient literature Akananuru of !angam era also suggest us about e(istence of DC to D@ ports in this region. n Ptolemy geographical accounts, the notion was further documented in 9reco :oman, which clearly mentions the e(istence of '@ ports. The -rench came to Masulipatnam, Pondicherry, 6handernagore and !urat to establish their 7 company in 'HHB. The 1a!t ndia 6ompany was established by the #ritish in 'B@B> they fought with -rench for se&en years continuously and ac)uired the control o&er se&eral ports. The pree't
hile the important ports were regarded as the gateways of the country, during post independence came under the union go&ernment, other ports were mo&ed into control of respected states and administered by them. . They e&ol&ed news ideas time to time and introduced se&eral measures to impro&e infrastructure at the port, since the successi&e go&ernments at the centre were fully aware of the facts that ports are not just the places but the growth engines. The measures ha&e helped the go&ernment to project as country/s growth and it helped the policy makers to bring down their demand on the sectors to become an icon. ndia started witnessing the entry of contaminated cargoes into the country in the early '?GC". -or handling containers from ships 6hennai port was the first port in ndia for ha&ing berth. Major ports, which are in the control of union go&ernment, began awardin g contracts to foreign players to manage container terminals in their whar&es. After globalization in early '??C, the country opened up for in&estments. And it has helped the go&ernment to identify the market size 6
for the segment. And it also helped the major ports to bring capacity addition in the container handling segments. Meanwhile, non major ports, which are in the control of maritime boards and pri&ates, ha&e e(pressed their role in increasing capacity in ocean iieight mo&ement. A few of them ha&e also pro&ed their role in handling multi cargo at their berths and challenged the supreme condition of major ports in their region. The 0,t,re
Major as well as non major ports are working towards the same stream for economic de&elopment of the country, the system is in critical condition where there is a need to remo&e or eliminate the procedural failures to enhance the producti&ity in the ports. The need for umbrella bodies is felt by the analysts where the issues and challenges related to the port could be taken with the primary program of benefitting the stakeholders. f the share of water in freight transport increases then it is undeniable fact that sustainable growth happen s, clearing the barriers like colonial rules and regulations and &ariation in tariffs and other charges in the port sector is need. -urther, any setup where there will be a uniform in functioning of all the ports in the country on tariff and other economic aspects, it will contribute to the economy and prosperity of ndia. Till DC'" ndian shipping industries has maintain a negati&e outlook by recei&ing low ratings. 6apacity o&er flow brought by the low le&el of international trade and additions are e(pected to keep rates closed across the chief segments of dry bulk, tankers and container carriers in DC'". 2ue to high capacity adding dry bulk rates will keep on to be impacting in DC'", n %! demand as well as in industrial acti&ity in growing nations including 6hina, contai ner and tanker charge may e(hibit greater steadiness around the current low le&els determined by relati&e stability. 7
As they would be faced with high fuel costs on one hand and subdued re&enue in others, the operating margins of shipping companies globally would carry on to be under pressure in DC'". #unker fuel prices would remain high comparing with crude prices.
Chapter 3
3.1 CO!PANY PROFI"E 3.1.1 #e'era(
The new Mangaluru port is all weather port situated at Panambur, Mangaluru E $amataka state in south ndiaF on the west coast of ndia, 'BC miles !outh of Marmagoa and '?' miles North of 6ochin Port. The Mangaluru;arbor Project was started iGn '?HD and in '?BI May first stage growth was done. +ld Mangaluru port which has his history of . its own is located ? kilo meters south. 2ue to technical problem in e(pansion, the old port was unable to match the growing demand of modernized shippers and the necessity of new port was felt and was established. The New Mangaluru deep sea all weather port concei&ed designed and was e(ecuted by ndian 1ngineers and was confirmed as the ?th major port of the country on May Ith '?BI and was officially inaugurated by the Prime Minister ndira 9andhi. The go&ernment of ndia centrally administered both the project and port till "'!t March '?GC. The port board was set up under the Major Port Trust Act '?H" in April '?GC, and was inaugurate by the minister for shipping and transport, A.P !hanna on "'!t March, '?GC. !ince then NMPT port has been performing as the 'Cth major port trust and *has included along with other Major Port Trust operation in country. -rom ' April '?GC the re)uirements of the major port trust act '?H" were applied to NMPT. To pro&ide the needs of the shippers, the port has been functioning as a means for the economicde&elopment of this region. 2uring the beginning period the port has grown from the le&el of conduct lakhs tones of traffic to "?.IC million tones handled during DC'"=DC'I.
%hat N!PT *00er
• •
Turn round time is )uick There is instant access to three national highways 9
• • • • • • • • • •
There is )uick access to southern, south=westem and konkan railways C 2ocumentation system is easy !ystem is totally computerized The road network inside the port is fully concretized There is no shortage of gangs They are specialized in handling all type of cargo 9eneral cargo berth3 deep draii li)uid 6alling of feeder regularly3 mainline container &essels The harbor mobile cranes with 'C@ T capacity is operated by pri&ate parties The container freight station is near to the port Modern cruise lounge is built The port operations are entirely co&ered under 66TJ.
Deta)( *0 +eparte't e-t)*' C))( E')'eer)' Departe't
All the ci&il maintenance work related to port operations are maintained by this department and e(ecute re&enue and capital works related to infrastructure de&elopment and management of estate. This department is in charge of maintenance of dredging and its capital. The chief engineer is one of the principal office rs of NMPT and also head of the department. All the ci&il acti&ities are coordinated by the chief engineer. ;e is in charge for planned and non planned works and he is also re)uired to &isualize future needs of the port. Tra00)- Departe't
This department handles all cargo handling acti&ities. t takes care of registered cargo handling workers, marketing function and management ser&ice di&ision. %nder this department the
administrati&e wing and dock safety units are working. The main function of the traffic department is as follows5
• •
Jessel mo&ement and planning of the &essels to be berthed. Making plans for cargo loading, unloading operation of the ships, transit operations, receipt and deli&ery +perations, warehouse storage operations and railway operations. 10
!ome commercial functions like generating and furnishing data for cargo related charges like weighing charges, demurrage, wharf age e)uipment related charges as well as
documentation aspects The Traffic manager e(ercises o&erall control the o&er the traffic department.
!ar)'e Departe't
Marine department is responsible for following functions #y pro&iding fire fighting arrangements they ensure safety. Pilots are pro&ided for pilot age &essels They pro&ide tugs and launches to &essels at distress or a&ailing port facility 6onser&ancy of the port !upplying fresh water to the &essels Maintain floating crafts and tuffs in good condition.
A+)')trat)*' Departe't
9eneral administration, conducting board meetings, human resources de&elopment and management, public relations, all personnel matters of ministerial staff and officers, training, coordination, implementation3 promotion of official language ;indi, monitoring court cases in different courts and maintaining harmonious industrial relations are looked after by this department. F)'a'-e Departe't
The main functions of the finance department are general accounting, re&enue collecting> ad&ice to the chief e(ecuti&e regarding financial matters along with establishment costs analysis, budgeting and auditing. The -inance Ad&isors and 6hief +fficers E-A46A+F ha&e o&erall control o&er the finance department and ad&ice the 6hairman and 2eputy 6hairman regarding the port finance. The financial concurrence for the entire proposal is gi&en by -A46A+ and proposals that are to be placed before the board of trustees.
!e-ha')-a( E')'eer)' Departe't
Mechanical engineering department is responsible for operation, procurement, maintenance of the electronically and mechanical e)uipments of the port. The wharf cranes, mobile cranes, weigh brides> fork lift trucks, diesel generators and other e)uipments are regularly maintained and ser&iced to offer round the clock ser&ice to the port users. The central store di&ision procures &arious spares and consumables on timely basis. All &ehicles of the port are ser&iced and repaired periodically to check the a&ailability throughout the working period. !e+)-a( Departe't
All types of medical facilities and treatment are pro&ided to the port employees including cargohandling workers. The ser&ices offered by this department are> Port health care ser&ices, The ser&ices like ambulance &an facilities a&ailable in port trust hospital which is included as round a clock medical ser&ice, -irst aid ser&ices are pro&ided in wharfs and workshop areas. 3.1.2 VISION
To be professional pro&ider of port infrastructure and ser&ices of world class standards.
3.1.3 !ISSION
To become one of the leading li)uid and Multi=cargo Port in ndia by adopting the state of the art technology infrastructure and cargo handling, complying en&ironmental, social, safety and security standards. 3.1.4 UA"ITY PO"ICY
6ommitment in pro&iding safe and cost effecti&e ser&ices related to seaport facilities at NMPT, meeting statutory and regulatory re)uirements. !tri&ing for protection of en&ironment, pro&ide e(cellent ser&ice and enhancement of customer satisfaction through the use of an effecti&e )uality management system and continual impro&ements of all processes. 3.1.5 PRODUCT SERVICE PROFI"E
New Mangaluru Port handles di&ersified cargoes for e(port and import through containers. #usiness initiati&e made by port is responsible for the upward trend in container traffic. The port has pro&ided all infrastructure facilities like container freight stations, pa&ed stack yards, hea&y duty cranes, reach stackers and reefer plug points for smooth mo&ement and facilitation of the containerized cargo. Ip*rt5
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
6rude +il
• • • • • • • • •
ron ore pellets and fines M:P< Products 9ranite stone Manganese ore 6hrome ore Maize 6offee :eefer cargo Molasses
3.1. AREAS OF OPERATION Car* ha'+()' )p*rt a'+ e6p*rt
The cargo handling in NMPT can be roughly di&ided into two groups, dry and bulk li)uids. #ulk li)uids are mainly handled at the P+< jetties which are located at the south west side of the port, and dry bulk is handled at the North east side of the port. The e(act distribution of commodities is not presented in the administrati&e reports and was obtained during the discussion with the NMPT. New Mangaluru Port Trust has handled more cargo in the year of DC'"DC'I financial year. The highlight in cargo handling came when NMPT emerged as the largest
n utilizing the powers listed under section I? of the major port trust Act, '?H", the tariff Authority for major ports hereby appro&es the proposal of New Mangaluru Port Trust for lease of port lands as in the order appended here to. B,'7er)' 0a-)()t)e
#unkering in the port is possible but only for the bunkering of barges. There is no proper idea that the ship will berth at dedicated bunkering jetties in the port. !hips should be mo&ed along the )uay wall during the loading and discharging of the ships. The new P+<3 crude jetty at the 14
location of the present &irtual jetty, berth '" can be designed in such a way that both tankers and bunkering barges can mo&e simultaneously. 3.1.$ INFRASTRUCTURE FACI"ITIES
• •
'H berths 2raught up to 'I meters
• • • • • • •
Total capacityBH.BB million metric tons per annum !torage capacity 6o&ered 5 @@,CCC") meters +pen5 ',HC,CCC") meters
ndia has a coastline on both sides of B@'H.H kilometers, form one of the biggest peninsulas in the world. t is ser&iced by '" major ports, 'GB notify minor and in=between ports. ndian go&ernment has a central structure, and according to its constitution, maritime transport is to be administered by both the central as well as state go&ernment. hile the central go&ernments shipping ministry takes care of the major ports, the minor and intermediate ports administered by the related departments or ministries in the nine coastal states est #engal, +ddissa, AP, Tamil Nadu, $erala, $amataka, 9oa, Maharastra and 9ujarat. !e&eral of these 'GB minor and intermediary ports ha&e been identified by the particular go&ernments to be de&eloped, in a point manner, a good proportion of them in&ol&ing public =pri&ate partnership. State P*rt 8ar9ar P*rt
The busiest port in the state is $arwar port. $arwar, a state owned port, e(ports IC,CCC tonnes of iron ore in financial year. $arwar port is well connected with both railway and road way
networking. The national highway 'B, connecting 6ochin and Mumbai, passes through $arwar and the $onkan :ailway line connecting Mangaluru and Mumbai also pro&ides a stop at $arwar. !a:*r P*rt Che''a) P*rt
6hennai port, which is the third oldest port among the 7'D major ports, is an rising hub port in the 1ast 6oast of ndia. This gateway port for all cargo has co&ered 'DG years of glorious ser&ice to the nation/s maritime trading. t was formerly known as Madras Port. nitially it was built in 'GH', but the storm of 'GHG and 'GBD made them inoperati&e. !o an artificial harbour was built and the operations were initiated in 'GG'. The 6hennai ports shares of ron ore e(port from ndia is 'D percent. t has operated and maintained H, 'C @B,CCC tons of cargoes from April DCC? to March DC'C. n '?G", the port herald the country/s first dedicated container terminal facility. ;a&ing the capabilities of handling fourth generation &essels, the terminal is ranked in the top 'CC container ports in the world. !ri Atulya Misra is the present chairman of the port. T,t)-*r)' P*rt
The Tuticorin port which is situated on the east coast of state of Tamil Nadu was declared as a major port in 8uly, '?BI. After ndependence, the minor port of Tuticorin witnessed a prosperous trade and handled a &ariety of cargo meant for the neighboring countries of !ri
8*(7ata P*rt
The oldest major port in country is $olkata. There is ri&erside port with two dock one is $olkata dock at $olkata with the oil whar&es at #ajbaj and deep water dock at ;aldia dock. The port remains one of the de&eloping, leading and most promising ports in ndia. it has a hinterland which is &ast and it is of almost half of the ndian states and two neighbouring countries, like ;imalayan kingdom/s of Nepal and #hutan. t handles I, HD, ?@CCC tons of cargoes from April DCC? to March DC'C. !ri :.P.!.$ahlon is the chairman of $olkata port C*-h)' P*rt
T o peninsular ndia port 6ochin is the fastest de&eloping maritime gateway. t is an artificial island dug inside the backwaters which is situated on the illingdon sland. t was established in '?DH, it was formed naturally by floods of Periyar, which harmed the Muzuris port, which is one of the great port of &ery old world. 6ochin is the closest to the international east shipping routes amongst all major ports. This geo strategic site gi&es it a distinct benefit o&er other ports. t handled ', BI, D?CCC tons of cargo during April DCC? to DC'C. !ri Paul Antony is the present chairman of 6ochin port. !*r,*a P*rt
t is the oldest port in from centuries with modern infrastructural facility on west coast of ndia and one of the natural harbors in the world. The port was declared as major port on 2ecember '?H". t is the iron e(ports port in ndia with a yearly income of appro(imately DH.BI million tons of iron ore which came into e(istence officially in 'GGG. The port has organized work culture and e(cellent infrastructure de&eloped. t has deep drait channel with 'I.I meters depth gi&es permission for entering of large &essels into the harbor. t has maintained I, GG, IB,CCC tons of cargo from April DCC? to March DC'C. The chairman of Mormugoa port is !ri 8eyakumar.
Ja9ahar(a( Nehr, P*rt
This port is name after the ndian Prime Minister 8awaharlal Nehru. To become an e(pert in international container handling port in ndia, the port was built in the mid of GC" and made to order on DHth may '?G? and is an e(cellent international port has emerged as efficient modern port in this region. The de&elopment project taken is, pro&iding o&er all pilot age to all ocean Jessel of the port. t has maintained H@ percent of ndia/s sea traffic. !ri N N $umar is the present chairman of 8awaharlal Nehru port trust. !,;a) P*rt
Mumbai port was established in DHth 8une, 'GB" as #ombay port trust with '"@ years of prominent ser&ice to the nation. t is the Dmi oldest port in ndia after $olkata and is natural deep water port. Today, Mumbai port is a multipurpose port maintaining all types of cargo, li)uid bulk, dry bulk, break bulk and containers. The port pro&ides all ser&ices in house with its skilled and e(perienced work force. Mumbai port handles about '' percent of the total sea=borne traffic all o&er ndia. t has three together with these wet docks along with H" anchorage points. 2uring apri'DCC? to march DC'C it has handled @, I@, I"CCC tons of cargo. The chairman of the Mumbai port is !ri 0.A.anage. L Para+)p P*rt
Paradip is one of the major ports of ndia working in the eastern and central part of ndia. t is situated D'C miles from south of $olkata and DHC miles north and it is the only major port in +rissa.
V)ha7hapat'a P*rt
t is countrys one of the largest port and is home to eastern na&y command of ndian na&y. t has supplied H, @@, C', CCC tons of cargo from April DCC? to March DC'C. t is one among the busy working ports in ndia and it has similarities with the 2urban ports of Africa, because of the surrounded by a hill in the southern side of the port. This port is a natural ;arbor> it was opened to commercial shipping on Bth of +ctober '?"". t has grown up today into a multi commodity port with &ariegated cargo. 3.1.< S%OT ANA"YSIS
NMPT has a number of strength and weak points in terms of its position in ndian and international port
facility and ser& ice marke ts. Along with that anth er it face a number of B
opportunities and threats. Stre'th
The port of New Mangaluru is ideally positioned to the logistics ser&ice industry and its
customer base for a number of reasons in Arabian !ea basin. The port is suited to fulfill the cargo flow for south ndian cargo that srcinate or are destined for the state of $amataka and partly for $erala. The hinterland consists of population and a &ariety of industries such as the garment producing industry, mineral ore production, thermal power plants, electronic e)uipment and consumer goods like coffee
and refrigerated cargoes. ith a hinterland area of about @C ml inhabitants NMPT has a base to handle a substantial &olume of containers for both the imports and e(ports. The distance by road or rail for neighbouring ports is D@Ckms or more, which supports shippers of goods to choose New
Mangaluru, based on cost of transport from srcin to destiny The port is e)uipped and maintained with deep water berthing up to '@.' m depth and is operated e(cept on three national holidays. And howe&er shipping acti&ities are carried 19
out during these three national holidays also. These pro&ide facilities for all types of
cargoes and also gi&e DI hour ser&ice. There is sufficient backup area a&ailable. This allows pro&isional storage and handling
operations to be e(ecuted or to be established. The NMPT has a healthy financial position both balance sheets and profitability.
The marine infrastructure is designed to allow ships of ma( length o&er all DI@ n. this shows ship o&er dead weight tonnage 'CC,CCC cannot be handled in this port due to
na&igational constraints and the channel depth and width. 6argo handling for certain cargoes like dry bulk cargoes is done manually which results in
high turnaround time for ships. This creates high cost of transport to shippers of goods. To deploy the port/s dock labour e(isting terminal is re)uired only to cargo handling operations. This restricts NMPT to enter into contracts with pri&ate operators that manage NMPT terminal with their own labour force and labour cost compared to that in minor3 pri&ate ndian ports that are at the liberty to employ and manage labour.
NMPT has lots of opportunities to increase its output and impro&e its functioning. !ome pri&ate customers show interest in de&eloping berths and jetties and the time for public
partnership deals. The high &olume of cargo creates a base of income to NMPT and will result in sound operating profits. This automatically implies that funds are a&ailable in future for infrastructure de&elopment preferably in cooperation with pri&ate in&estors and operators
of cargo handling. The participating in the special purpose &ehicle established to de&elop the Mangalurus !pecial. 1conomic one creates mrther opportunity to proceed with the acti&ities that benefit from ta( incenti&es. Apart from the in&ol&ement of NMP, the !1 will generate additional cargo flows from the nearby industrial and trading acti&ities. 20
NMPT faces the structure of e&er disturbing handicap of being, a public controlled enterprise. Many regulations limit the management become independent. and professional organization, such as labour laws, ;: routines and the labour conditions of the market. -urther the international &essel size impro&ement will create addition al financial burden of capital dredging and strengthening of )uay structures. The ports competence at present is short of certain skills and to cope up with these in future rationalization of acti&ities and promoting a stimulating the markets. 3.1.1= FUTURE #RO%THS AND PROSPECTS
NMPT has a number of plans to de&e'Cp e&ery aspect to satisfy customers needs.
2e&elopment of port based !15 The port is supposed to join !PJ of Mangalur u !1 a company floated by 9+$ and MP:P<=+N96 and $A2# by leasing re)uired land for port facilities for the projects going on under !1 area. The ministry has appro&ed *in= principle participation in special purpose &ehicle formed for Mangaluru !1 zone at new Mangaluru Port. The port is proposed to in&est ''.@ crores i.e. 'D of the e)uity in !PJ
of M!1<. The draft of the NMPT in !1 is being finalized in consultation with M!1. 6onstruction of a new multipurpose general cargo berth for handling general cargo and
containers 2e&elopment of
• • • • • • • •
2e&elopment of coal handling facilities for capti&e user !PM for P+< Mechanization of iron ore handling estern dock arm 2e&elopment of bunkering facilities 2eepening of the harbour ncreased railwa& siding and facilities +uter harbour de&elopment 21
','H,"D,@D,G'' 'D,II,'D,DG,?B? 34>=>1=>&$>5
','",I?,GC,G'' '',C@,?I,GB,BBD 31>31>&=><3>2<5
B,DG,"H,IB,?'G 'C,'C,C',C?,C@B ",@G,'I,"'@
H,GH,"",@@,D?H 'C,CI,C",C',I'' ",I",C?,D@D
@,DD,HI,I?,'"@ B,?G,??,@H,IG' 34>=>1=>&1>5
I,DB,BC,@G,H@G H,BB,@D,GG,BD" 31>31>&=><3>2<5
The abo&e table shows the balance sheet of New Mangaluru Port Trust for the year DC'I and DC'@. n the year DC'I the total asset and liability was :s "',"',GC,?",D?@ and in the year DC'@ was :s "I,CH,'C,G',H@H. !o the total amount of balance sheet in the year DC'@ has been increased comparing to DC'I.
Chapter 4
Minister of surface transport is the supreme head representing central go&ernment for NMPT. The o&erall responsibility for efficient management and operation of major ports &ests in central go&ernment followed by board of trustees with strength of 'B members. Major ports are autonomous bodies run by the board of tmstees, constituted under the major ports act '?H". The trustees, appointed on these boards by the central go&ernment, representati&es, interests and workers employed in port.
Ministry of shipping (Govt. Of india)
oard of !r"st##s
&y. $hair%an
,d%inistr ation(#'r #tary)
+inan'# ($,O-+$ )
$ivi ('hi#f *ng.)
24 M#'hani'a ('hi#f *ng.)
Marin# ('hi#f *ng.)
!ra' (!ra' Manag#
M#di'a (M#d. O'#r)
Traffic department administrates management ser&ice di&ision of the port.. ts functions include preparing presentation as a part of business de&elopment to highlight the achie&ements of the port to &arious port users, trade, and shippers. #esides, this di&ision prepares re&iew reports on &arious operational parameters and monitor the port operation to reduce time of the &essels called at the port. 2eputy 2irector is the head of M!2 produced by other staffs. CIVI" EN#INEERIN# DEPART!ENT
The department maintains and operates all ci&il maintains work related to port operation and e(ecute re&enue and capital works related to infrastructure de&elopment of estate. The department is also in charge of capital and maintenance dredging. The 6i&il 1ngineer is the head of the department and he is one of the principle officers of NMPT. ;e is possible for all the ci&il engineering acti&ities of NMPT. ;e is also re)uired to &isualize future needs of the port. 6i&il engineer is the engineer in charge for entire plan and non=plan works. The maintenances and e(ecution of all ci&il engineering works come under super&ision of ci&il engineer. Main functions and responsibilities of 6i&il 1ngineering 2epartment are construction and maintenance of whar&es, transit sheds, &arious buildings, roads including residential accommodations in the Port area and the Management of Port estate. 2redging is also carried out by 6i&il 1ngineering 2epartment. The ater supply both for wharf and )uarters of NMPT is
under the 6i&il 1ngineering 2epartment. The planning and de&elopment project in future construction is also with the 6i&il 1ngineering 2epartment.
The personal management and administration co=ordination, which includes management of legal, welfare, labour, public, industrial relation are under control of this department. The onsite training programming through the National nstitution of Port Management ENPMF and ndian nstitute of Port Management E''PMF to officers and employees are arranged by port and managed by administration. The secretary e(ercises the o&erall control o&er the administrati&e department. The Administration 2epartment looks after the general administration, human resources de&elopment and management in New Mangalore Port, conducting board meetings, Public :elation, all personnel matters of Ministerial !taff and officers, training, co=ordination, mplementation3promotion of +fficial
The maintenance and operation of all mechanical e)uipment/s, installation of cargo handling e)uipment/s, staff cars, electrical installation Port, worksho p, and central stores are some of the functions of this department. The chief mechanical engineer is the head of the department. The Mechanical 1ngineering 2epartment is responsible for the procurement, operation, maintenance and disposal of mechanical and electrical e)uipments of the Port. The wharf cranes, mobile cranes, -ork
regularly ser&iced and maintained to offer round the clock ser&ice to the port users. #esides, the central stores di&ision procures &arious spares and consumables from time to time on need basis. Also, the unser&iceable and condemned machinery, machinery parts, &ehicles and other related scrap are disposed off through central stores. All Port &ehicles are ser&iced and repaired periodically to ensure a&ailability throughout. !EDICA" DEPART!ENT
6hief medical officer, who is a professional doctor, heads this department. !er&ice pro&ided by the medical department is5
Port health care ser&ice :ound the clock ser&ice includ ing ambulance &an facilities a&ailable in the port
trust hospital. Pro&iding first aid facilities in wharf, work shop etc...
The Port Trust ;ospital is e(tending medical facilities not only to the Port employees3dock workers and their families but also to the 6!-, :esident Audit +ffice !taff and their families, Pensioner and also 6oast 9uard, :adio ind +bser&at ory, 6ustoms on payment basis and also e(tending emergency treatment for outsiders. !ome of the major3minor surgeries are being carried out in the PT; +peration Theatre. FINANCE DEPART!ENT
The important functions of the financial department are general accounting re&enue collections and establishment cost analysis, budgeting, auditing and achie&e the chief e(ecuti&e regarding financial matters. The electronic data processing unit also function under this department. The financial ad&isor and chief account officer e(ercises o&erall control o&er the finance department and ad&ice the chairperson and deputy chairperso n regarding the port finance. ;e is also the member of tender committee in the respect of tender costing more than rupees li&e 27
!upply of fresh water to the &essels maintains tugs and all floating crafts in a good condition for ser&ice. The deputy conser &ator e(ercises the o&erall control o&er the marine department . ;e is held responsible for crisis management, &essel related charges such as port dues, pilot age etc. The main functions of Marine 2epartment are general conser&ancy and waterfront operations pertaining to Pilotage of ships of this Port and ensure safety and look after fire fighting arrangements, pro&iding tugs and pilots for piloting &essels, maintain tugs and all floating crafts in a good condition for ser&ice. 2eputy 6onser&ator is also responsible for crisis management, JTM! 4 !P!. TRAFFIC DEPARTNIENT
The department administrates all cargo handling operation. The departments take care of the marketing functions. The management ser&ice di&ision, registered cargo handling workers, administrati&e wing, and dock safety units are working under this department. The main function of traffic department is as follows5
The allotment of berths and also collection of berth hire charges 28
Planning for cargo handling, unloading operation of the ships, transit operation. :eceipt
and deli&ery operations, yard3 warehouse storage operation, railway operations. !ome of the commercial functions generation and furnishing data for cargo related charges, like wharf age, e)uipment related charges, weighting charges, demurrage as well
as documentation aspects The traffic manager e(ercises the o&erall control o&er the traffic department.
The main functions of Traffic 2epartment are planning for the &essels to be #erthed and the &essel mo&ements. Planning for cargo 3 loading 3 unloading, operation of ship, transit operation, receipt and deli&ery operation, yard 3 warehouse storage operation, railway operations for the mo&ement of cargoes. !ome of the commercial functions of Traffic 2epartment are generating and furnishing data for collecting cargo related charges like wharfage, e)uipment related charges, rental charges, weighment charges, demurrage as well as documentation aspects. The department takes care of marketing functions, Management !er&ices, 2ock !afety units are working under the Traffic Manager. VI#I"ANCE DEPART!ENT
6hief &igilance +ffice7heads &igilance department of the port. The &igilance department has taken up important role in system impro&ement which has ranked in )uality impro&ement in ci&il3 ma(imal electrical and mechanical contract works impro&ing. A close monitoring is maintained by the 6hief Jigilance +fficer of the Port Trust on the &arious acti&ities of the Port where corrupt practices are likely to be committed by the employees. All
complaints recei&ed by the Jigilance are promptly and properly in&estigated and action taken as per rule. Port users 3 employees can submit complaints regarding misuse of Port fund or corruption to the 6hief Jigilance +fficer. Jigilance 2epartment is also closely in&ol&ed in system impro&ement to pre&ent corruption in different areas.
Ip*rta'-e *0 ep(*/ee@ hea(th a'+ a0et/
The area under discussion of safety and accident pre&ention is of significant distress to managers for se&eral reasons. -or one thing the information regarding work related accidents are rather o&erwhelming. The National !afety 6ouncil reports, for e(ample, that for a latest year there are o&er 'ICCC deaths and almost D@C million injuries resulting from accidents at work. Many safety e(perts feel that these numbers critically underestimate the actual number of injuries. The %! Public ;ealth !er&ice, for the similar period, gi&es information about almost G@C million injuries and e&en this last figure doesn/t include injuries that didn/t restrict the injured person/s acti&ities for which he e(pected no medical notice. They don/t reflect the human suffering incurred by the injured workers and their families. They don/t reflect the economic costs incur by these working class employers costs for things like time off, insurance and medical payments. Nor do they reflect the legal implication of the problem like the managers who were sue or imprisoned for failing to co&er safe work places. 4.3.2
An important function of human resource management is to choose the employees and to pro&ide them healthy working conditions so that their efficiency and producti&ity can be increased and maintained and also the problems of absenteeism and turno&er can be minimized. According to the joint <+;+ 6ommittee on +rganizational ;ealth *ndustrial health is5 aF The pre&ention and maintenance of physical, mental and social well being of workers in
all occupation. Protection of workers in their employment from risk resulting from factors unfa&orable
to health. cF Pre&ention among workers of ill health caused by the working condition dF Placing and maintenance of the worker in a occupational en&ironment adapted to this physical and psychological en&ironment. 30
I'+,tr)a( hea(th ) re,)re+
'. To maintain and impro&e producti&ity and )uality of work D. To ad&ance employee moti&ation and moral ". To reduce spoilage and cost of operations I. To reduce industrial unrest, indiscipline, accidents and minimize absenteeism and turno&er. @. Promote and maintain the highest le&e l of phy sical, mental and social well being of worker. 4.3.4 T9*
ape-t *0 hea(th
'. ;ealth hazards D. ;ealth risks. ;ealth hazards ;ealth hazards are condition which may cause diseases to the workers. According to :onald #lake these hazards may be classified into chemical, biological, en&ironment and psychological aF 6hemical hazard s5 chemical hazar ds produced from certai n chemicals and gases such as 6arbon mono(ide, carbon dio(ide, nitrogen o(ide, sulphuric o(ide, hydrocarbon, ozone and &arious acids. These chemicals and gases may also affect skin or internal parts of the body through breathing and may cause different diseases. bF #iological hazards5 biological hazards are in the form of bacteria, Jiruses, fungi, insects etc. which cause &arious diseases. #esides, dietary deficiencies, e(cessi&e drinking, allergies etc are also the source of diseases. cF 1n&ironmental hazards5 en&ironmental hazards are in the forms of noise, radiation, &ibration and improper atmospheric conditions. :adiation is caused by the use of (=rays or radioacti&e isotopes. 1(cessi&e radiation causes redness of eyes, genetic disorders, cancer and sterility. 1(cessi&e noise is another source of diseases such as temporary or permanent deafness, ner&ousness etc. e(cessi&e &ibration may cause ner&e injury, inflammation of 31
tissues of joints etc. inappropriate atmosphere conditions are caused by inappropriate light, &entilation, temperature, cleanliness and dusty en&ironment. These may result into a number of diseases such as poor eye sight, headache, heat strokes, heat cramps etc. dF Psychological hazards5 psychological hazards are in the form of stress and an(iety affecting conditions. hile many improper physical conditions e(isting at the work place may produce stress and an(iety, there may be many stress generating psychological factors such as fear of loss of job, denied opportunities for promotion, poor super&ision, poor peer relationship, &arious organizational practices not conducti&e to employees etc. these conditions may cause stress afar from the tolerance limit of the employees and they ha&e different types of physical and emotional maladjustments.
Hea(th r)7
These are the results of physical conditions and presen ce of industrial poisonous and non= poisonous gases and dust in the atmosphere adjoining the workplace. n the process of con&ert raw materials into finished products, some elements enter the human body in such )uantity that causes danger to the health. -or e(ample, in thermometer manufacturing process, workers health is affected badly because of the long and continued inhalation of mercury &apors.
Stat,t*r/ pr*))*' -*'-er')' hea(th
Jarious statutory pro&isions concerning industrial health ha&e been made in chapter ''' sections '' to DC of -actories Act, '?IG. The pro&isions are as follows, '. 6leanliness Esec ''F5 e&ery fact ory sho uld be kept clea n and free from efflu&ia from arising any drain, pri&y or other nuisance. #uilding should be white washed at least once in fi&e years. -loors should be swept and cleaned e&ery week.
D. 2isposal of wastes and effl uents from facto ries Esec 'DF 5 proper arrangements should be made for their disposal and treatment. ". Jentilation and temperature Esec'"F5 pro&ision should be made for the circu lation of fresh air, and temperature should be maintained by building walls and roofs of such materials as would keep it within reasonable limits. ;igh temperature may be controlled by white washing, spraying and insulating the factory premises and by screening outside walls,
roofs and windows. 2ust and fumes Esec'IF5 effecti&e measures should be planned to pre&ent, or at any cost reduce, the inhalation and accumulation of dust and fumes. 1(hausting appliances should
be used near the point of the srcin of dust and fumes. @. sufficient and appropriate lighting, natural or artificial or both should be
made a&ailable in the factory premises. Artificial humidification Esec'@F5 in respect of all factories in which temperature of the air is artificially increased, the state go&ernment make rules regarding standards of humidification. t may also make rules regulating the methods used for artificially increasing the humidity of the air. t may further make rules prescribing methods to be
adopted for securing proper &entilation and cooling of the air in the workrooms. B. +&ercrowding Esec 'HF5 no room should be o&ercrowded. There should be at least @CC cu
ft of space for e&ery worker. 2rinking water Esec 'GF5 a sufficient )uantity of cool dri nking water should be made a&ailable for the employees throughout the year, particularly during the hot summer
months. ?. %rinals and latrines Esec '?F5 ade)uate urinals and latrines should be separately pro&ided for men and women employees. 'C. !pittoons Esec DCF5 in e&ery factory, there shall be pro&ided a sufficient number of spittoons in con&enient places and they shall be maintained in a clean and hygienic condition. ''. -irst aid applia nces5 there should be an ade)u ate numbe r of bo(es containing first aid materials, )ualified personnel to administer first aid, and an ambulance or at least a room where an injured employee may be gi&en first aid. 33
A large number of industrial incidents occur e&ery year resulting in diseases and injuries, fatal and non fatal. The direct conse)uence of accident is loss of man hours , demoralization of workforce, payment of compensation and other e(penses including medical assistance e(penditures. As a legal matter, safety implies a state of relati&e security from accidental injury or death due to measures designed to guard against occurring of accidents.
O;:e-t)e *0 a0et/
Adoption of safety is of paramount importance to an organization because of5
To pre&ent loss of human life. To install a sentence of confidence and ownership amongst the stakeholders, including employees and general public. To create awareness and de&elop safety habits. To pro&ide safe working condition. To control financial loss To impro&e producti&ity To impro&e compliance of statutory pro&isions of safety To impro&e market credibility
T/pe *0 a0et/ There are three t/pe *0 a0et/
'. !elf
safety5 !afety is pr imarily the responsibility of th e management. ;owe&er, all
employees are responsible for their safety in their own interest. 1mployees should take care of all safety precautions, procedure, safety clothing/s articles and appliances.
D. 9eneral safety5 1mployees should not unnecessarily fiddle with machines, unless they are trained in it. orkplace should kept clean and free from obstacles, pits, holes, sumps, spilled oil, tools and fi(tures etc. employees should take ad&ice of their super&isor to .
maintain safety at workplace. Machine safety5 1mployees should possess power knowledge and skill in operation and maintenance of the machines. t should take proper safety measures while operating,
fi(ing, cleaning or lubricating the machines. 4.4.3 Sa0et/ ea,re
!afety polic y 5 1&ery manufacturing organization should formulate a safety policy. n
de&eloping safety policy, organizations ha&e the following choices5 aF The organization must deci de the le&el of prote ction, it will offer to its employees. Jarious organizations can be categorized into two groups so far as the le&el of safety measures is concerned. bF The organization must decide whether it will adopt a proacti&e or reacti&e approach in pro&iding safety measures. cF The organization must decide how the safety measures should be administered and the e(tent to which the workers or their representation will be in&ol&ed in the process. D. !afety engineering 5 The adoption of proper engineering procedures to minimize and if possible, eliminate work hazards is fundamental to any safety programs. t in&ol&es5 aF 1rgonomics5 job shou ld be so designed as to facilitate proper integration of man and machine. bF Material handling e)uipments5 hazards and risk free procedure and practices should be de&eloped for material flow.
cF Plant maintenance5 ade)uate, periodic and planned maintenance of plant, machinery and
related ser&ices should be carried out pre&ent accidents. !afety de&ices5 safety de&ices of good cons truction should be pro&ided as per the re)uirements of work of the organization.
". !afety training5 !afety training should be organized by the organization to de&elop safety awareness and habits in the employees. Two types of objecti&es associated with safety training5 aF Among employees and build up fa&ora ble attit udes in them towa rds safet y to de&elop safety to de&elop safety consciousness measures and precautions. bF To ensure safe work performance on the part of each employees by de&eloping skills in the use and operation of safety e)uipments. I. !afety administration5 !afety administration in&ol&es those acti&ities through which safety programs are made more effecti&e. These acti&ities include followings5 aF !afety organization5 safety is the responsibility of both management and workers. Management is responsible for de&eloping ade)uate safety measures and workers responsible for making effecti&e use of those measures. -rom the management side, safety officer should in&ol&e.
workers to use safety measures with ade)uate precautions. Measurement of accidents5 measurement of accidents undertaken to find out whether
safety programs are ade)uate and safe. Accident recor ds5 accid ent reco rds should be properly maintained so that the nature of accidents is known, their causes are analyzed and ade)uate precautions are taken in the
light of the analysis. dF !afety campa igns5 safety campaign in&ol&es infor ming and moti&ating employees to obser&e safety in the organization. !uch acti&ities include putting posters, screening films, safety weeks and safety awards. !afety posters with poignant and penetrating slogans may be put on the walls near the workplace.
@. 9o&ernment support5 To e(tent support to safety related acti&ities the go&ernment of ndia the national safety council was established in '?HH. The principle job of this council is to promote safety consciousness at the plant le&el and conduct safety programs. The national safety day is celebrated e&ery year to signify the foundation day of the council. 4.4.4 Stat,t*r/
pr*))*' -*'-er')' a0et/
The factories act '?IG puts emphasis on the following safety measures5 '. -encing of dagerous machinery Esec D'F5 in e&ery facto ry the dange rous or hazardous parts of any machines shall be safely fenced. D. ork on or near machinery in motion Esec DDF5 for e(amining and lubricate the machines while in motion, specially trained workers wearing tight clothes be sent. !uch a worker should not be allowed to handle belts of machines in motion without proper precautions women and women and young children should be prohibited from handling such
dangerous machines. 1mployment of young persons Esec D"F5 0oung person is not allowed to work on dangerous machines unless he is hilly instructed about the possible dangers and
precautions that has to be followed. I. !triking gear and de&ice5 n e&ery fact ory, suitable striking gear or other efiicient mechanical appliances shall be pro&ided and maintained which is used to mo&e dri&ing belt to and fro, fast and loose pulleys. They are not allowed to rest or ride upon the shafting motion. @. !elf acting motion Esec D@F5 no tra&ersing part of a self acting machine in any factory and no material carried there on shall be allowed to turn on its outward or inwards from any fi(ed structure which is not a part of machine.
H. 6asing of new machinery Esec DHF5 All machinery, dri&en by power and install after '=I= '?I?, must be encased or effecti&ely guarded to eliminate danger to those working in the factory. B. 1mployment of women, children near cotton work Esee DBF5 No women and child shall b employed in any part of a factory for pressing cotton in which it e(tend to a specified height, women and children may be employed on the side of the di&ider where the feed end is situated. G. ;oists and lifts Esec DGF5 n e&ery fac tory hoists and lif ts shal l be mad e up of a good mechanical construction, strong material and ade)uate strength and shall be properly . protected by enclosure fitted with gates. ?.
'B. Precautions regarding to portable electrical light Esec "HAF5 Portable electrical de&ices should not be permitted for use inside any chamber, tank, pits and other pro&ided space in factory. f used it should be with ade)uate safety de&ices. 'G. Precaution against e(plosi&e or inflammable dust, gas Esec "BF5 when in any factory, any manufacturing process produces dust, gases, fumes or &apors which are likely to e(plode in ignition. '?. Precaution in case of fire Esec "GF5 Al l practical measur es shall be taken to pre&ent outrage of fire and its spread, internally as well as e(ternally and to pro&ide and maintain means of escape from danger and e(tinguishing facilities. DC. Power to pro&ide specification of defecti&e parts Esec "?F5 inspection of part of a building machinery or plant in a factory which may be dangerous to human life or safety. D'. !afety of buildi ng and machinery Esec ICF5 inspecting of the build ing part or parts of machinery whether it is dangerous to the workers and taking measures which are re)uired. DD. Maintenance of building and machinery Esec ICF5 till the particular spoilt machinery is not repaired it is not allowed to be used.
Sa0et/ a'+ hea(th p*()-/
The occupational safety and health are basically and essentially management functions. All employees must be willing to accept indi&idual and collecti&e responsibilities in order to achie&e this objecti&e.
6omprehensi&e training inputs regarding safety and personal hygiene will be gi&en at all le&els.
All employees are informed about the risks and limitations of the e)uipment and machinery, pre&enti&e care to be taken and procedure to be followed in an emergency.
4.4. Sa0et/ a'aee't 0,'-t)*'
Pre&ention of accident and safety in working conditions can be achie&ed by '. The system of safety emphasis on the indi&idual is stressed to e(amine his acti&ities. D. The indi&idual workers ha&e to interact with the machinery and the man machine interface
is to be gi&en ade)uate importance. Along with this tech nical aspect of understanding of machinery, the psychological and
physiological aspects of human factors are also to be taken care ade)uately. I. -ocusing on the indi&idual by keeping the safe practices simple and sound. @. 6are in operat ion, with proper understanding and training, appro priate gear3 e)uip ment. #etter super&ision and coordination among all. H. Portable fire e(tinguisher in e&ery launch, boat, craft, mobile crane cable.
4.5 E+,-at)*'a( ,a()0)-at)*' *0 9*r7er Part)-,(are lliterate Primary !econdary P%6 9raduates Total
N*.O0rep*'+e't = DH HC 'C I 'CC
Per-e'tae = DH HC 'C I 'CC
Educational Qualifcation 60 50 40 #ri#s 1 30 20 10 0 /it#rat#
n the following graph, DH of workers completed primary education, HC of workers completed secondary education, 'C of them ha&e completed P%6 and I of the respondents are graduates. ;ence majority of workers are less )ualified in the organization. 4. Year *0 e6per)e'-e *0 rep*'+e't
Particulars '@=DC D'="C "'=IC abo&e and IC Total
No.+f :espondents C "H GC I
Percentage C "H GC I
Experience o the respondents 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1520
n the abo&e graph the workers with e(perience of D'="C years are "H, workers with "'=IC 0ears of HOpenence are GCCC and more than IC years are only I. !o the e(perienced workers are. more n the organization
NMPT is modern all weather port situated at panambur , Mangalore E$amatakaF on the west coast of ndia, 'BC nautical miles south of Marmugoa and '??' nautical miles north of cochin port.
O' the ap
The location of the port is
P*rt area
ater spreadD"DC acresE 'D? hectaresF
-ree education in 1nglish 3$annada up to 'Cth standard @C bedded hospital -ree consultancy from specialist doctors :eferral hospital facilities -ree medical treatment in Allopathy3Ayur&eda and ;omeopathy y Multi=purpose
auditorium with a seating capacity of 'DCC :esidential )uarters3 bachelors hostel Nursery school by Mahila !amaj 6anteen facilities 9ymkhana for indoor games3 badminton court with wooden flooring !tadium :ecreation club3 +fficer 6lub3Mahila !amaj3 2ock recreation club 6hildrens park Market comple( 6able TJ facility is pro&ided to the residents of the port at a nominal subscription fee of
:s 'B@3per month 'CC units free electricity per month to class 4J employees residing in the port staff
)uarters :est rooms for women employees.
NMPT has constructed ?I' residential units in the colony &iz. BC@ units for NMPT staff, 'CC units for :6;, and '"H units for 6!- personnel. +ut of BC@ )uarters, DGD NMPT employees, G? :6; employees and GD 6!- personnel were residing in the NMPT )uarters. The o&erall le&el of satisfaction is H?.@' Q@H'R'CC3GCBENo. of employees of portFS. +ut C these )uarters, 'CG units ha&e allotted to the staff of other department like police, resident audit office. NMPT !chool, M1!6+M, coast guard, MM2, southern, apprentice trainees etc., who ha&e been associated with the port. #esides these family )uarters, there is women hostel building with 'C rooms. 9round floor of said hostel has been now allotted to plant )uarantine station and rooms in iirst floor been allotted to the Para=medical staff there is a separate building for #achelor accommodation with D" rooms. n the colony amenities like auditorium, gymkhana, outdoor stadium, recreation club, hospital, market comple(, childrens park, school, cable TJ network etc., were been pro&ided. The reser&ation to !T 3!6 in the, manner of allotment of staff )uarters is follows as per go&ernment instruction and the re)uired percentage of 'C in type A and # @ in 6 and 2 is maintained.
The port is running an 1nglish medium school up to 'Cth standard and a $annada medium high school. 6hildren of the port employees and dockworkers are educated in these schools. The schools are being run through New Mangalore port 1ducation !ociety. The port had incurred e(penditure of :s ',I@,CC,CCC3on the schools during the year DC'"='I. #esides, there is also a $annada medium higher primary school up to se&enth standard run by the staff colony. The port hired buses on contract basis for transportation of children to school and back at subsidized rates. #esides, one "C sated departmental mini bus is also used to transport the schoolchildren. T C encourage education, to port trust is sanctioning stationery allowances to all the children of port
employees ranging :s"CC3to '@CC3=and merit scholarship to the meritorious students ranging from :s HCC3to DCCC3. Apart from this scheme, children education allowance is being paid at ma(imum limit of :s '@,CCC3per child for academic year and ma(imum for two children as pro&ided in :6 settlement.
NMPT has pro&ide canteen facilities to its employees and pro&ided &arious concessions to the co= op canteens including 'CC subsidy for payment of salary of canteen staff. The following two canteens run by the co=op canteen are cantering for the employees in this port trust. '. 6o=op. canteen at wharf D. 6o=op. 6anteen, near A+ building n addition, pri&ate tea tender &en der has arranged to pro&ide tea3coffee and snacks to the employees.
The port trust hospital is e(tending medical facilitie s not only caters to the medical needs of the port trust employees and their family members, cargo handling workers and their families, 6!personnels and their families but also to the other employees of the central go&ernment establishment like central school, coastguard, radio wind obser&atory and customs etc on payment basis. Medical facility is also e(tended to the contractor, labourers of &arious agencies operating within the port area on nominal payment rates. The port also treats road accidents occurring on national highways 'B.
The port trust hospital, a @C bedded hospital +peration with DD beds not only caters to the medical needs of the port trust employees and their dept, dockworker and their family members. The family medical record books containing photography of family members introduced in the port trust hospital to facilities the e(tension of the medical facilities to entitled members. Two first aid centres are pro&ided for emergency treatment, i.e., one at wharf and another at additional berth. All types of medical treatment are pro&ided to the employees of the port trust for inpatient treatment. -or se&eral kinds of illness and where facilities are not a&ailable in the port trust hospital, the cases are referred to pri&ate 3 go&ernment hospital such as $M6 manipal , Athena hospital, unity hospital, Apollo hospital 6hennai, Madras hospital, Mission hospital 6hennai, ockhardt hospital #angalore etc.
RECREATIONAL FACILITY The New Mangalore Port Trust also pro&ided recreational facilities to the employees and dockworkers. :ecreatio n facilities like !ports e&ents are fre)uently organised by the NMPT for the benefit of their staff. NMPT has constructed gymkhana for indoor games and stadium for outdoor games for the employees and library facilities.
NMPT maintains a fully=fledged fire fighting, units with two fire stations one at the main wharf and second at the tanker terminal. The port has tree fire tenders fitted with the water, form, and dry chemical powde r system. n addition, there is one accident relief &an and tire jeep. The port ser&ice in 4.& INDUSTRIA" RE"ATION AND "ABOUR UNION
The following registered trade union are operating at this port trust at present '. D. ". I. @. H. B.
$anara Port orker %nion ENT%6F NMP !taff Association E;M!F NMP 4 2ock orkers %nion EAT%6F NMP 4 9eneral 1mployees Association E#M!F $arnataka 2ock 4 general orkers %nion ENT%6F $anara !te&edoring orking %nion ENT%6F NMPT 6argo ;andling 4 Allied orker %nion E#M!F
Apart from the abo&e trade union the following association are also functioning
'. D. ". I. @. H. B.
NMPT +fficers Association NMPT 9raduate 1ngineers Association NMPT Marine +fficers Association NMPT !63 !T 1mployees elfare Association 2: # : Amebedkar !63!T Association of NMPT NMPT 1(=ser&ice men elfare Association NMPT +ther #ackward 6lass 1mployees elfare Association.
Abundant open stock yard near the berths 1asy entry to the port for e(port consignment eigh bridges ater 6anteen facilities Pri&ate labour deployed at the stockyard for unloading3 loading %ninterrupted power supply :ound the clock operation on arri&ed berthing 'C.@mts draft a&ailable at berth no7s D and" No shortage of labour gangs
Port is a ser&ice industry, which re)uires person alized customer ser&ices in each and e&ery span of its acti&ity. The widely spread global en&ironment is not only prone to economical and technical influence but also
:ound the clock cargo operations :ound the clock deli&ery of -6< containers for factory de=stuffing :efunds within '@ working days for &essel related claims and within DC working days for cargo related claims. -acility for 2irect 2eli&ery of cargoes from the hook point :ound the 6lock receipt of 1(port 6argoes -acility for in=house stuffing of containers
CO!!IT!ENT OF N!PT The NMPT/s 6ommitment and endea&or is to pro&ide best ser&ices to the satisfaction of the customers. Port users are our &alued customers and our partners in the growth of the port.
!hipping 6ompany3!teamer Agents mporters31(porters 6learing 4 -orwarding Agents !te&edores Transporters 6ontainer Agents
I'ter'a( C,t*er
All 1mployees
C,t*er C*,')-at)*'
Through ebsite Ewww.newmangalore=port.comF Through brochures 3 6orporate 62/s
nteracti&e 6ommittees Enteraction with Port %sers through #.2.6., ¬ i.e. #usiness 2e&elopment 6ellF Monthly Ports +perations Meeting 2aily #erthing Meeting etc
Chapter 5
NMPT has a number of strong and weak points in terms of its position in the ndian and international port facility and ser&ice markets. -urthermore, NMPT faces a number of opportunities and threats. Stre'th *0 N!PT
n the Arabian !ea basin the port of New Mangalore is ideally positioned to the logistics ser&ice industry and its customer base for a number of reasons. The port is best suited to cater for !outh ndian cargo flows that srcinate or destined for the !tates of $arnataka and partly for $erala. The hinterland consi sts of substantial population and a &ariety of industries such as the garment producing industry, mineral ore production, thermal power plants, electronic e)uipment and consumer goods like coffee and refrigerated cargoes. ith a hinterland area of o&er about @C min inhabitants NMPT has a sound base to handle a substantial &olum e of containers for both imports and e(ports. 2istance s by road or by rail to major neighbouring ports are at least D@C km, which supports shippers of goods to choose New Mangalore based on srcin=destination cost of transport. The port is e)uipped with well=maintained deep=water berths up to '@.' mcd depth and is operational e(cept on three national holidays. ;owe&er shipping acti&ities Eberthing 3 deberthingF are being carried out e&en on these three national holidays> it operates DI hours per day and can pro&ide facilities for almost all cargo types. #ack up area is in general sufficiently a&ailable. This area allows pro&isional storage and handling operations to be e(ecuted or to be established. The NMPT enjoys a healthy financial position in both balance sheets and profitability
%ea7'ee *0 N!PT ts marine infrastructure is designed to allow ships of ma(imum
6argo handling for certain dry bulk cargoes Eiron ore, coalF are still done manually which results in high Turn Around Time ET:TF for ships. This creates subse)uently high cost of transport to shippers of goods. The manual handling also results in unsafe and en&ironment unfriendly effects such as cargo spills and dust. -or e(isting terminals the NMPT is re)uired, by agreements to deploy the Port/s dock labour only to cargo handling operations Eship=shoreF. This restricts the NMPT to enter into contracts with pri&ate operators that manage a NMPT terminal with their own labour force fully and this may lead to higher labour cost compared to that in minor3pri&ate ndian ports that are at liberty to employ and manage labour. +ther weak points include the en&ironmental hazards from dust and spills and rather administrati&e authority structure E&alid for all Major ndian portsF that restrict the management and the #oard of Trustees in setting up its own Emarket orientedF port tariffs and ser&ice packages for staff. The port connecti&ity seems sufficient at present but the connecti&ity to National ;ighways is in a poor state, hea&ily congested and sometimes not suitable for hea&y truck traffic. The port enjoys a railway connection to a marshalling yard, but there are no direct railway lines to any berth.
Opp*rt,')t)e *0 N!PT NMPT has ample opportunities to increase its throughput and impro&e its functions. !ome pri&ate Ecapti&eF customers show firm interest in de&eloping berths and jetties time is ripe for Public Pri&ate Partnership EPPPF deals. The partnerships will appear in all cargo types that are presently handled. The high &olume of capti&e cargo creates a sound base of income to NMPT and has resulted and will result in sound operating profits. This automatically implies that funds become a&ailable for infrastructure de&elopment preferably in cooperation with pri&ate in&estors and operators of cargo handling.
The participation in the !pecial Purpose Jehicle E!PJF established to de&elop the Mangalore/s !pecial 1conomic one E!1F creates further opportunity to e(ecute acti&ities that benefit from ta( incenti&es. Apart from NMPT/s in&ol&ement, the !1 will generate additional cargo flows from nearby industrial and trading acti&ities.
Threat *0 N!PT NMPT faces through its institutional structure Ea Port Trust under the M+!:T;F the e&er disturbing handicap of being a public controlled enterprise. Many regulations limit the management to act as an independent and professional company, such as the labour laws Eno retrenchmentF, the ;: routines EpromotionF, and the labour conditions Ee(ceeding market le&elsF. -urthermore the international &essel size de&elopments will create additional financial burden of capital dredging and strengthening of )uay infrastructure. The port/s capacity can be impro&ed by shifting cargo handling techni)ue to faster and safer mechanisation. This impro&ement may howe&er still be insufficient to cater for certain growth of cargo flows beyond projected cargo flow &olumes. This may result EagainF in handling capacity shortage for certain cargo types which may result in either o&er=utilisation of berthEsF or additional waiting time for ships. The port/s competence at present is short of certain skills Emarketing, T, ;: managementF to cope with future rationalisation of acti&ities and promote and stimulate the port to the market. The competition may not be &ery strong at present but other major and minor ports also de&elop and will try to take a share of the competiti&e cargo especially when logistics are fa&ourable. 1&er continuing competition from nearby ports 6ochin, Mormugao, 6hennai and non= major ports of $arnataka which may result in a possible deterioration of tariffs.
The railway capacity of the main connecting lines Eto #angaloreF may pro&e insufficient in the medium and long run to handle all cargo to and from the port, not in the least caused by the e(pected modal shift from truck to rail.
CONC"USION Ports are a key component of infrastructure whose performance metrics ha&e impro&ed considerably o&er years. ndian coastline has 'D major ports handling about B@ percent of ndia/s port traffic and 'GI otherEintermediate and minorF ports ser&ing the remaining traffic. Among the major ports, again B@ percent are situated on the west coastline itself, of which New Mangalore Port is one. There has been a steady increase in the total cargo being handled by major ports and there is an impressi&e growth of container traffic. The main form of traffic consist of dry and li)uid bulk, general cargo, containerized cargo and iron ore.
New Mangalore Port is is a deep=sea, all=weather port and is midway between two major ports> Mormugao and 6ochin. The port has been concei&ed, designed, e(ecuted and maintained entirely by the ndian engineering talent and skills. t was initiated as a harbour project in '?HD and has gi&en Mangalore the status/ 9ateway of $arnataka/. The port has a &ast hinterland co&ering almost the whole of $arnataka and part of $erala and Andhra Pradesh. t is ser&ed by railway lines with ade)uate storage space 4 facilities and is well connected on the national network through $onkan :ailway . Also, N;='B passes adjacent to the port making it directly accessible by road as well. !pread o&er a land of more than DCCC acres, the port facilities pro&ided are to face the growing challenges and emerging needs of the present day. The port is well e)uipped to handle bulk, li)uid chemicals, hazardous cargoes, crude, ore and containers etc. The total length of road network with NMPT is about "C km which facilitates the mo&ement of land cargo carriers like trucks and stalkers. n addition to the roads, the stock yards in NMPT also ha&e pa&ements which need remedial solutions.
P.!ubba:ao> *Personnel and ;uman :esource Management published by ;imalaya Publishing ;ouse Pri&ate